Soy lecithin - a harmful additive or an irreplaceable source of benefit? Soy lecithin E322 and E476 - use in the food industry, in chocolate and effects on the body


Soy lecithin plays a serious role in the development of the body and the human body. A sufficient amount of it helps to ensure the full performance of the body's protective functions and the ability to recover. With a lack of a substance, the aging process is accelerated, a person becomes more prone to disease. However, you need to know that this component may have contraindications.

We will tell you more about the benefits and harms of the well-known emulsifier - soy lecithin - in our article!

Product selection and use

Lecithin - flavoring and biological additive, produced at low temperatures from refined soybean oil. This substance is found in all tissues of the human body, animals, birds, fish, plants.

However, it is the most important for humans., since in the liver it is 50%, in the spinal cord - 30, in the nervous system - 17%. The largest amount of lecithin is in our heart.

Soy lecithin is a food additive E476. It is obtained from processed vegetable oils. It is a fatty substance, devoid of color, taste and smell.

The additive is used to impart certain properties to food products.. It is added to chocolate, ketchups and other sauces, ready-made liquid soups.

Lecithin is one of the components of confectionery fat, thanks to it its density, plasticity, delamination increases. It allows you to fill low fat oiliness.

An additive is used to accelerate the dissolution of milk powder and increase the shelf life of dairy products. Ice cream and cold desserts under the influence of this component turn into a homogeneous mass.

This component is found in food, but our body may still lack it. To cope with this, nutritional supplements that can be bought at the pharmacy help.

Composition and calories

Emulsifier soy lecithin is part of many vitamins and dietary supplements - for example, Essentiale forte, which is a liver hepatoprotector.

To choose the right supplement, consider the presence or absence of allergy to soy.

If it is not available, it is better to use a component based on soy lecithin, which contains more nutrients than an emulsifier in sunflower oil.

Please note that dietary supplements do not contain GMOs. An oily supplement is considered better than a granular one.

Powdered lecithin is more convenient- You can add it to food or dissolve in drinks.

The calorie content of lecithin is 913 kcal / 100 grams. 100 g of product contains 6 g of protein, 97 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates.

The supplement contains soy extract, choline, vitamins E, PP, group B, polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, phosphatides.

Beneficial features

Substances in the composition of lecithin are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Being lipotropic, they promote fat burning.

Choline and inositol help protect blood vessels, gallbladder and liver from bad cholesterol, harmful plaques.

in kind the supplement oxidizes and dissolves excess fat in the body. It prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, having a choleretic effect.

Soy lecithin is used in cosmetology- it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin, preventing it from aging.

Medicine also actively uses this substance., releasing it in the form of tablets, solutions, capsules, granules, gels. It can be especially useful for older people, premature babies and those who are subjected to high physical and mental stress.

Such drugs are indicated for gastroduodenitis, colitis, they are prescribed for diabetics, as they can improve insulin production. Preparations with this substance are useful after a stroke, with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver.

Antioxidant lecithin improves memory, removes toxins from the body. It can also have a beneficial effect on skin diseases.

Lecithin is useful in gynecological diseases, diseases of the mammary glands. It increases sexual activity. It is especially indicated by the fact that he lives or works in conditions with an increased radioactive background, since he removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.

This component helps those who are allergic to adipose protein to make their diet complete, balanced.

Features of the effect on the body

  • Adult men and women. For adults, all of the listed useful properties are relevant.

    For men, this component helps to improve potency, for women - to resist gynecological diseases, support the body during menopause.

  • Pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of lecithin can sometimes be advisable, but it should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise serious complications are possible.
  • Children. Lecithin is especially useful for children, in particular, premature ones. Its deficiency can provoke headaches, irritability and tearfulness, speech problems, impaired attention, aggressiveness, poor immunity.
  • Elderly people. Old age may be one of the main indications for additional drug intake. It supports the body, slows down the aging process, improves memory, preventing senile dementia.


Along with a deficiency of lecithin, its excess is also dangerous, which can depress the endocrine system. In case of hypersensitivity to the product, an allergic reaction is possible. In rare cases, nausea, dyspepsia, increased salivation may occur.

Research shows that this substance does much less harm to the body than other medicines if you take it on the recommendation of a doctor and follow the instructions.

Caution when taking the drug is necessary for those who suffer from gallstone disease, as it enhances bile secretion, which provokes the movement of gallstones.

The same goes for pregnant and lactating women.

The norm of a substance for a healthy person is 5-7 grams.

The medicine can be added to food or drink but it shouldn't be too hot.

Please note that products containing soy lecithin are not suitable for everyone.

Confectionery products are prohibited for diabetics, bread is recommended to be excluded for those who are losing weight, and dressings with soy lecithin, should not be included in the menu with high acidity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Soy lecithin can be bought in the form of powder, capsules, gel. What will be better in your case, the doctor should advise. The daily rate is indicated in the instructions.

On the pages of our site you will also find out - a natural food additive that is actively used in molecular cuisine!

How to use in cooking

For many years, lecithin has been used to thicken sauces., in the manufacture of mayonnaise. The confectionery industry is unthinkable without it.

When added to chocolate, it binds sugar, cocoa powder and cocoa butter. Used to make all kinds of salad dressings, to give the right texture to baked goods.

In molecular cuisine, a substance is used to make foam.

You can cook it yourself. You need to take 100 ml of the base (juice, alcohol or any other drink) and 1.2 grams of soy lecithin.

The first thing to do is to dissolve the lecithin in the liquid, stir with a whisk or blender. The temperature can be room temperature or higher, like hot tap water. After mixing, you need to let the solution brew for several hours.

Shake it with a blender to form foam. This may take several minutes. Then allow the foam to stabilize for two minutes. Pick it up with a spoon. Depending on what liquid you use, the foam can keep its shape from half an hour to several hours, but the sooner it is applied, the better.

Consider a vegetarian butter recipe devoid of vegetable fats., which includes this substance in liquid form.

The ingredients will be as follows: a quarter cup and a tablespoon of unsweetened, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, half a glass plus two tbsp. l. melted coconut oil, room temperature, tablespoon, quarter tsp. salt, 1/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum, a teaspoon of soy lecithin in liquid form.

How to prepare butter:

  • Whisk soy milk, salt and vinegar in a small bowl. Leave the mass to infuse for 10-15 minutes. It should thicken and get a consistency similar to yogurt.
  • Melt the coconut oil in the microwave or let it cool to room temperature.
  • In contact with

    Lecithin E-322- a substance of plant origin with strong surface-active properties, due to which it is often used as a food additive-emulsifier. Its name comes from the Greek word lekithos - egg yolk, which is a rich source of lecithin.

    Impact of lecithin E-322 on the body

    Lecithin E-322 is an approved alternative to E-476 (polyglycerin or animal lecithin)

    Lecithin- a substance necessary for the body. Lecithin consists of 50% of the liver, 1/3 of the brain insulating and protective tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Lecithin necessary for the body as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. It plays a key role in ensuring the full functioning of the brain and nervous system.

    Lecithin it is the primary vehicle for delivering nutrients, vitamins, and drugs to cells. With a deficiency of lecithin, the effectiveness of the effects of drugs decreases.

    Lecithin is a powerful antioxidant, prevents the formation of highly toxic free radicals in the body.

    Lecithin can cause allergic reactions

    Lecithin ( E-322). General information

    Lecithin is a surface active agent. It works well at the interface of various substances. In the presence of two immiscible liquid phases, lecithin lowers surface tension and acts as an emulsifier. When interaction between the solid and liquid phase is necessary, lecithin acts as a wetting and dispersing agent. When used between solid phases, the substance works as a lubricating agent and release agent (non-sticking to moulds).

    The use of lecithin E-322 in the food industry

    Lecithin finds application in various areas of the food and non-food industry. In the food industry, the emulsifying properties of lecithin are used in the production of margarines, soluble vegetable and dairy products, and ready-to-eat glazes. The lubricating and releasing properties of lecithin are used in products such as frying fats and aerosol coatings. Lecithin also used to change the viscosity of various types of chocolate products and icings. In the production of bakery products, the use of lecithin leads to improved dough processing, better volume, and an increase in shelf life. In the production of crackers, cookies, cakes and pies, the use of lecithin improves shortening properties and acts as a release agent from molds.

    Lecithin it can also be used in the food industry as an antioxidant (a substance that prevents oxidation). As an antioxidant lecithin It is used as a substance that prevents the aging of chocolate.

    In non-food applications lecithin used in grease paints and their solvents, vinyl coatings and cosmetics. Other uses are paper processing, ink, fertilizer, explosives, pesticides.


    The richest natural source of lecithin is high-fat foods such as eggs and liver meat, but other foods such as peanuts, steak, and some fruits and vegetables are also sources. In industry lecithin extracted from by-products of soy flour and oil production.

    The use of soy and nutritional supplements from it remains a hot topic to this day. In this article, we will look at the use of soy additives in chocolate. How justified is this application, what harm and benefit does it bring. Emulsifier properties E476 ( soy lecithin), what consequences for the body it can bring.

    Features of chocolate with soy additives

    What is soy chocolate?

    Soy is a leguminous plant. It is rich in protein content.

    Real, high-quality chocolate contains a natural thickener - cocoa bean butter. It is expensive, so manufacturers are looking for cheap substitutes and additives to reduce the cost of the product.

    With the addition of soy lecithin, chocolate acquires the desired elasticity and density. This is necessary so that at the final stage of production, chocolate can completely fill the desired shape of the tile. If there is a filling, it should evenly flow around it from all sides. Lecithin also increases the shelf life of chocolate products.

    If it is made from natural soy, chocolate will have valuable properties.

    The benefits of chocolate with natural soy lecithin

    • Helps lower blood pressure.
    • Rich in vitamin E, calcium, amino acids, fiber.
    • Contains fewer calories.
    • Eliminates fatigue, supports immunity.
    • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
    • Prevents early aging of the body.

    In addition to this benefit, such chocolate has other positive qualities.

    • Retains moisture on the skin, making it supple and elastic
    • Helps the liver to regenerate cells
    • Blocks the formation of gallstones
    • Improves the functioning of the central nervous system, brain
    • Due to the low calorie content, the ability to remove fats, it is recommended during weight loss

    Differences of the product with the addition of soy from natural dark chocolate

    It is easy to notice the difference in appearance, taste.

    1. The surface of the soy product has a matte finish. Natural is shiny and smooth.
    2. The product with the use of soy has a greasy aftertaste, which is noticeable when consumed.
    3. Dark chocolate is brittle, soy chocolate is viscous

    To understand the harmfulness or usefulness of a soy supplement, you need to know its properties.

    This dietary supplement is labeled E476. It belongs to the group of stabilizers.

    You can find out the presence of this additive by reading the composition of the product on the package.

    What is additive E476?

    It is produced artificially from castor bean seed oil and fatty alcohol glycerin. It is also called polyglycerin. In appearance, it is an oily, viscous liquid of a dark yellow color. In many countries, including Russia, Ukraine, soy additive E476 is officially recognized as harmless and its use in food production is allowed. Various studies have proven that this supplement does not form harmful products in the human body and is not an allergen.

    What harm to the body can be from this application?

    Sanitary regulations permit the use of E476. Harmful consequences of it can still manifest themselves. It:

    • Metabolic disease
    • Children, the elderly, as well as those with diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach are recommended to consume chocolate with lecithin with caution, in small quantities. According to some reports, excessive consumption of such products leads to their increase.
    • If soy with the use of GMOs was used in its production, then the hormonal background of the body may be at risk.

    Artificial additive E 476 does not have useful properties. This must be remembered.

    The benefits of soy lecithin

    The benefits will be noticeable if it is made from natural soy.

    • Natural lecithin is essential for the human body. It supports immunity, is useful for the cerebral cortex, helps regeneration processes, and children - for proper, rapid growth and development.
    • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
    • Prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels.
    • It has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.
    • Breaks down fats.
    • Stimulates the separation of bile by diluting it.
    • Stimulates the work of the brain, because almost a third of it consists of it.
    • Synthesizes myelin, the substance of which the sheath of nerve cells is made, thereby protecting us from stress.
    • Gradually blocks brain receptors from nicotine addiction

    4 bottom line facts about soy in chocolate

    1. Chocolate containing soy lecithin can be consumed without harm to the body
    2. This is possible with moderate, reasonable consumption, in which case it will benefit
    3. If abused, allergic reactions are possible
    4. It is advisable to use chocolate with the addition of natural soy additives.
    Lecithin, food additive E 322, food manufacturers add to chocolate and chocolate-coated products, margarines and spreads, bakery and confectionery products.

    Lecithin is an essential component of the human body. Its deficiency leads to a number of serious diseases.

    Emulsifier lecithin E 322- a food additive that is responsible for creating homogeneous emulsions. Vegetable lecithins, soy or sunflower, are used for food production.

    Lecithin - an oven in which fat burns

    The name of the substance comes from the Greek word "lekithos", which means "egg yolk". It is there, and also in sunflower seeds and soybeans, that lecithin should be looked for.

    Lecithins are a group of complex lipids that perform important functions in the human body.

    Lecithin: composition

    The composition of lecithin molecules includes:

    • glycerol
    • fatty acids - stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic
    • phosphoric acid
    • choline is a vitamin-like substance, raw material for the synthesis of transmitters of nerve impulses - neurotransmitters.
    Lecithin: functions

    The main task of the substance is the construction of cell membranes in the body. Biological membranes are responsible for metabolism, transport of metabolic products, and cell integrity.

    Lecithins are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, for the formation of the energy reserve of the body.

    Lecithin: useful properties

    One of the main properties of lecithin is the fight against bad cholesterol, which makes the substance effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It promotes proper absorption of fats.

    Lecithin is a necessary tool for maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system. It helps to increase mental activity, improves memory, helps with depression.

    Lecithin is one of the means to maintain liver health.

    Lecithin helps with some skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis.

    Lecithin in products

    Soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin is most often used for food production.

    soy lecithin Made from refined soybean oil with minimal heat treatment.

    sunflower lecithin produced by extraction of sunflower oil.

    E 322 is a natural herbal food supplement, a natural emulsifier.

    Lecithin: harm

    Is lecithin in food harmful? This is a question asked by many health food advocates who are wary of food supplements E.

    To date, there are no studies confirming the negative impact of E 322 on human health. In addition, lecithin is an essential component of the human body. The substance is used not only in the food industry, but also in the medical industry. Lecithin is available in capsules and granules as a dietary supplement for the prevention of atherosclerosis, improving the functioning of the liver and nervous system.

    soy lecithin can be produced from genetically modified raw materials - this is the main danger of eating products containing lecithin, according to some consumers. There is also no official information about the dangers of using GM products, but their quantity is currently strictly regulated. There are numerous discussions on this subject, which you can join on our portal:

    Brief information about food additive E322 (lecithins)

    Purpose: emulsifier, antioxidant, dietary supplement

    Origin of supplement: natural (derived from vegetable oils - mainly from soy)

    Allowed in Russia (Customs Union), Ukraine, EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand

    Lecithin is considered a completely safe and even beneficial dietary supplement.

    Scientific research on E322 and lecithins in general is still ongoing.

    Names of food additive E322 found in the Russian Federation:

    • Lecithin
    • soy lecithin
    • sunflower lecithin
    • Lecithins
    • Phosphatides
    • Phosphate concentrate
    • E-322

    International synonyms for lecithin:

    • Lecithins
    • Lecithin
    • Soybean lecithin
    • sunflower lecithin

    General characteristics of the emulsifier E322 (lecithins)

    The E322 emulsifier is a natural food additive, which in modern conditions is obtained mainly from vegetable raw materials (soybean, sunflower, rapeseed and other vegetable oils). At the same time, lecithins can be extracted with equal success from animal fats, but this is more expensive, therefore, vegetable lecithins are usually used for the food industry.

    And today, almost all industrial lecithin (e322 emulsifier) ​​is a by-product of refining vegetable fats (mainly soybean oil, less often sunflower oil).

    Composition of lecithin

    The chemical composition of lecithins is not constant and depends on the chemical composition of each specific fat.

    At the same time, we can say with confidence that any lecithin in different proportions contains phospholipids, triglycerides, base fat, free fatty acids, vitamins, esters, carbohydrates, sterols and biological pigments. Phospholipids in the composition of lecithins predominate, so quite often they are considered synonyms.

    Genetically Modified Lecithin

    It is believed that lecithin goes through so many stages of purification and chemical processing that in the end the difference between ordinary lecithin and lecithin derived from GMOs is so small that it is almost impossible to detect even in laboratory conditions.

    In this regard, in Europe, since 2000, there has been an IP (Identity preservation) system that allows you to trace the origin and quality characteristics of the raw materials used for the production of lecithin.

    Now, if the manufacturer cannot prove that “clean” raw materials (non-GMOs) were used in the production, then something like “Contains GMOs” must be written on the packaging.

    Naturally, not everyone follows this rule. However, such violations are illegal.

    What foods contain lecithin?

    • nuts and seeds with a high oil content (peanuts, soybeans, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, etc.), as well as their derivatives - any vegetable oils (soybean oil, sunflower, rapeseed, palm, olive, linseed, etc.)
    • fatty fruits like avocado or durian
    • egg yolk By the way, the word "lecithin" comes from the Greek lekithos, which means "yolk" in translation.
    • milk fat (milk, cream, butter)
    • liver and animal fats , including lard in one form or another
    • oily fish

    Food products in which the emulsifier lecithin (E322) is added artificially

    • confectionery (chocolate, cookies, muffins, cakes, sweets, etc.)
    • margarines and spreads
    • bread and bakery products
    • baby food mixes, etc.

    There are currently no restrictions on the amount of artificially added lecithin in food products.

    What is lecithin (E322) used for?

    In the food industry Lecithins are used for various purposes:

    • for creating and stabilizing homogeneous emulsions from fats, water and other liquids
    • due to antioxidant properties, lecithins are able to increase the shelf life of food products (bread, sweet pastries, chocolate and other confectionery products)
    • the addition of E322 allows fats to remain in a liquid state longer (prevents rapid crystallization of fats)
    • when baking flour products, lecithin prevents pastries from sticking to forms
    • when deep-frying, E322 emulsifier significantly reduces oil splashing

    In some cases, the E322 emulsifier can be replaced by the food additive E476, which is often called animal lecithin, although this is not the case.

    As for the use of lecithins in the non-food industry, here it is in demand in the production of cosmetics, paints, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, inks, explosives, etc. In addition, lecithins (food additive E322) are used in the production of animal feed - for better granulation and enrichment with nutrients.

    Separately, manufacturers of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) should be singled out, which are quite actively promoting pills with lecithin to the masses. The benefits and harms of lecithin in capsules, granules, tablets, powders and ampoules should definitely be discussed in more detail. Which we will do a little lower in the text.

    The benefits and harms of lecithin. The influence of the E322 emulsifier on the human body

    Lecithin is allowed in many countries of the world, including the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, EU countries.

    At the same time, as mentioned above, there are some restrictions on the use of soy lecithin in food, or rather its genetically modified version (after all, there is the most common soy in the world, which genetic engineering has not yet reached).

    At the same time, the restrictions apply not only to the labeling of products containing GM soybean lecithin. Many retail chains fundamentally do not allow GMOs on their shelves. Why? The question remains open. But there are two options: either the store owners are guided solely by the preferences and concerns of customers, or they know a little more than the general public knows (which, of course, is unlikely).

    In any case, let's figure out why lecithin is so remarkable, and how harmful or beneficial it is to our body ...

    The role of lecithin in the human body

    Lecithin is a complex substance that, when it enters the human body, breaks down into its constituent parts and is carried with the blood throughout the body.

    Metabolism and cell integrity. By and large, lecithin affects everything at once, because the membranes of most cells in the human body are built from its components. In turn, the role of cell membranes is difficult to overestimate. After all, they are responsible not only for the integrity and regeneration of cell walls, but also for the transport of nutrients into the cell, as well as for the removal of metabolic products (waste) outside of it. Therefore, without lecithin, we can’t do it.

    Breath. Lecithins are the building material for the surfactant (which is approximately 90% fat), which ensures normal gas exchange in the lungs - in the alveolar apparatus. With the help of a surfactant, oxygen from the lungs enters the blood very quickly, and carbon dioxide is removed from the blood. Violation of this process leads to hypoxia of the whole organism.

    Nervous system. Lecithins are able to improve nerve conduction, thereby increasing human brain activity - they reduce fatigue, give vigor and clarity of thought, have a beneficial effect on memory, eliminate depression ...

    In terms of impact on the human nervous system, the benefits of lecithins are also manifested in the fact that they provide an uninterrupted exchange of nerve impulses between the brain and all cells of our body - organs, connective tissues, skin receptors, etc. Thanks to this function of fats (and lecithins are nothing but concentrated fats), we are able to adequately respond to almost any environmental changes, switching from one dominant to another in a timely manner.

    Dominant- this is a stable focus of increased excitability of the nerve centers, in which excitations coming to the center serve to increase excitation in the focus, while in the rest of the nervous system, inhibition phenomena are widely observed.

    Untimely switching from one dominant to another is one of the most important causes of many chronic human diseases.

    Liver, gallbladder and detoxification. About 50% of the total volume of the liver consists of phospholipids. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the liver and the regeneration of its cells, a sufficient amount of lecithins must regularly enter the body.

    At the same time, as we remember, lecithins are primarily fats, which in turn have an excellent choleretic effect, which is very important for preventing cholelithiasis.

    In addition, lecithins are powerful antioxidants that can neutralize highly toxic free radicals that are formed in the human body under the influence of the environment and enter our gastrointestinal tract with food.

    Cholesterol. In its pure form, lecithin helps to reduce the proportion of low-density (“bad”) cholesterol and increase the proportion of high-density (“good”) cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of getting atherosclerosis. At the same time, in all animal products (condemned by many nutritionists for their high cholesterol content), lecithin and cholesterol are good neighbors. A striking example of such good neighborliness is chicken eggs.

    So even with high cholesterol, you should think carefully before completely eliminating high-quality animal fats from your diet. Especially considering the fact that only about 20% of the total amount of cholesterol in our body enters the body with food.

    Lecithin as a source of energy. With a lack of carbohydrates in the body, lecithins can easily take over the energy supply of our body. After all, fats contain twice as many calories as carbohydrates, and can keep our body active even during periods of prolonged fasting.

    In addition, as part of the energy supply of the body, I would like to draw your attention to another aspect of the energy function of lecithins: lecithins contain and, if necessary, “give away” phosphorus, which goes to the formation of ATP molecules.

    ATP- the most significant universal source of energy for all biochemical processes occurring in all human systems.

    In other words, without fats (and, accordingly, without lecithin as part of fats), a person simply cannot live, because he will not have the strength to do this, even if there is plenty of oxygen and carbohydrates in the body.

    The effect of lecithin on the skin. Human skin with moderate consumption of fats (lecithins) feels great.

    With a lack of fat, problems begin: from banal dryness to psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

    It is quite difficult to get an excess of lecithin in the body, although if you eat a lot of fats, they will leave in one form or another, including through the skin, simultaneously moisturizing and unnecessarily “salting” it.

    This concludes the conversation about the beneficial properties of lecithin, although we can talk for quite some time, because fats have many functions, and we will move on to discussing the potential harm of lecithin ...

    The harm of lecithin

    As it has already become clear, the benefits of lecithin are very high. But the harm is only hypothetical. And it concerns mainly medicines based on soy lecithin.

    The potential harm of soy lecithin is expressed by:

    • in the likelihood of allergic reactions
    • in the unexplored long-term effects of the use of soy lecithin from genetically modified raw materials

    As for the restrictions on taking lecithin pills, some doctors and the manufacturers of these pills themselves do not recommend using them only for those who have an individual hypersensitivity to the components of a particular dietary supplement with lecithin.

    And popular rumor additionally "forbids" the use of lecithin:

    • pregnant women (because lecithin allegedly can provoke premature birth, but this has not been proven)
    • people with disorders of the endocrine system

    In fact, sometimes (in exceptional cases) there are still small side effects from the consumption of pharmacological lecithins: nausea, dyspepsia, increased salivation, dizziness.

    Long-term practice shows that the real harm of lecithin is extremely rare, and the tangible benefits are often. Therefore, from describing the benefits and harms of lecithin, it makes sense to move on to the appointment of lecithin dietary supplements ...

    Purpose of dietary supplements with lecithin

    By and large, we have already described the entire spectrum of action of dietary supplements with lecithin, as well as the possible consequences of their use.

    However, to avoid missing anything, here are some of the most common human conditions that lecithin supplements can help with:

    • joint problems (arthritis, arthrosis)
    • diabetes mellitus (the need for carbohydrates and insulin resistance decrease - see the reason above - subsection "Lecithin as an energy source")
    • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis)
    • chronic depression
    • prolonged psycho-emotional stress
    • insomnia
    • damage and dysfunction of the nervous system
    • sclerotic vascular lesions
    • any liver disease
    • hypoxia (of any organ and organism as a whole)
    • toxicosis
    • kidney diseases (cell membranes are restored)
    • beriberi (facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins)
    • hormonal disorders
    • etc.

    It is not uncommon to find doctors who prescribe lecithin supplements along with medications. From a medical point of view, this is advisable, because lecithin increases the absorption of drugs.

    In addition, lecithins are widely used in cosmetics - moisturizers, gels, etc.


    So let's sum it up...

    Lecithin is a widespread multicomponent substance, without which no person can live. It is a fact.

    The benefits and harms of lecithins are generally obvious and unequal, the benefits greatly outweigh. This is also a fact.

    But is it worth taking soy lecithin in pills (albeit often and to a certain extent effective), and is it necessary to eat foods with an artificially added emulsifier E322? After all, lecithin is an integral part of any fat. And instead of man-made preparations and nutritional supplements, wouldn't it be better to regularly eat quality vegetable oils and animal fats? And only in exceptional cases, turn your attention to dietary supplements with lecithin?

    The question, unfortunately, remains open, and as usual, everyone will have to decide for themselves. Most importantly, if you suddenly decide to use lecithins in their pure form, be sure to consult with a qualified specialist regarding the choice of the manufacturer of these products, because each dietary supplement and pharmacological preparation is always a multicomponent pill, from which you can expect anything, including unforeseen joys and complications.

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