Game exercises as a means of developing coherent speech in elementary school. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Exercises for the development of verbal-logical thinking and speech of younger students

Hello dear parents! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch.

Do you like the way your children speak? Agree that the speech of students in elementary school does not always sound beautiful. Often this is “porridge in the mouth”, words are pronounced through teeth, endings are swallowed in a hurry and, as a result, teachers in the classroom cannot understand what the child said. Repeated questions lead children to a dead end, they begin to doubt whether they answered correctly, fall silent and close, although they know everything very well. And: "Sit down, two!"

Is it possible to teach oratory and put a child's word so that it is:

  1. clear;
  2. right;
  3. and beautiful too?

Can! To do this, teachers have in stock exercises for the development of speech of younger students, which are applicable not only in oral classes at school, but are also great for training at home.

Lesson plan:

What is the basis of speech exercises?

The necessary conditions for a well-constructed children's speech are:

  1. good phonetic hearing;
  2. grammar literacy;
  3. rich vocabulary.

In the teacher's set for training clear pronunciation, there may be:

  • entertaining games with words;
  • articulation charging;
  • breathing exercises;
  • Tongue Twisters.

All these techniques are in a hurry to help poorly speaking students.

So, constant breathing exercises will teach you to pronounce words with the right intonation, clear pauses, the necessary volume on exhalation, making full use of the air reserve, distributing the breath into long phrases without a crumpled interruption of speech.

Articulation exercises allow you to train your lips and tongue so that you can easily pronounce complex sounds.

A well-developed phonetic ear helps to hear and pronounce words correctly with the sound with which they came to our Russian language.

Grammar literacy is aimed at the correct declension of words, especially their endings, so that the child’s speech does not hurt the ear.

Vocabulary helps you pick up the right word at the right time, rather than floating around chaotically thinking about how to say it.

And now everything is in order.

Breathing and articulatory gymnastics to help speech

Breathing and articulation training can be done when there is a free minute. With them, probably, it is worth starting the whole complex of entertaining exercises.

Working with breath

We teach the child to blow.

When breathing exercises, you need to remember that deep breaths are taken through the nose, and the air is exhaled smoothly through rounded lips.

Making faces

In articulation, which helps to speak faster and more clearly, we become well, real monkeys, for which we consistently

  • open wide - close your mouth,
  • stretch lips with a tube,
  • we tease with the tongue, sticking it out as far as possible, trying to reach the chin.

Breathing was restored, the muscles of the mouth were warmed up, let's move on to the play on words.

Develop phonetic awareness

Learn to distinguish between sounds and words with the following exercises

catch the sound

At the time when you pronounce the word where the given sound is hidden, the child should clap his hands, catching it by ear. You can make this task more difficult by setting boundaries. For example, clap only when the sound is not just in the word, but is at the beginning / end / middle.

Draw sounds

With the help of symbols (any lines or circles), we draw as many elements as we hear sounds in the spoken word.

Inventing words

Prepare for the task words in which you need to change one or more letters to get a new word. For example, dot-daughter, dream-juice.

The main condition for such classes is that everything is done orally, without written prompts, so that the child learns to hear.

Learning grammar

Very often our children distort the endings. Such exercises help to determine the end of the word as their essential part.

Only half

Take your favorite story and read it together. You pronounce the beginning of the word, and the child reads only his soul mate. For example: a man caught a goldfish.

We make offers

This can be done according to given models, written on a sheet in the form of a diagram. For example, for the scheme “Who? What is he doing? What? For whom?" you can compose "Mom cooks dinner for the family." You can also offer to dilute the composed sentence with other parts of speech. For example, in our case it could be like this: "Mom cooks a very tasty dinner for the whole family."

Looking for loss

We are looking for the correct endings of words and put the confused words in their places. You start saying a word, the child continues. You offer in a confused word order, the child makes up a correctly constructed sentence from them. Take texts from textbooks into service: repeat the topic and practice your speech.

We replenish vocabulary

The presence of a large number of words familiar to the child is one of the conditions for well-structured speech.

name the word

It is very similar to the well-known game "Cities", which can also be taken as a basis. Do you love competition? But weakly, who will name more words for a certain letter, for example, for “I”?

Or those that end with the specified letter, or those that have a given letter in the middle? Then get to work!


In such an entertaining exercise, children look for objects according to given signs. For example, what can be red?

And what happens hot? If you want to complicate the task, ask questions that involve first identifying signs, and then choosing the right one. For example, name the same as snow (paper as white as snow, featherbed as soft as snow). Synonyms and antonyms and all kinds of explanations of words will take root here.

guessing game

Puzzles, crossword puzzles and riddles live here. Moreover, the child can not only guess, but also ask. By the way, if your family loves the gallows game, then you can take it as a basis: both exciting and useful.

Russian folklore in the development of speech

Proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters will not only fill up your student's speech with beautiful words, but also teach him to use them at the right time in the right place.

Play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire at home by preparing question templates in advance.

For example:

  • When are chickens counted? (when they hatch, in the fall, when they grow up, in the spring).
  • What can't you hide in a bag? (gift, cat, awl, hole).
  • Where do not look to a gift horse? (in the eyes, in the teeth, up to the tail, under the hooves).
  • Which friend is better than the new two? (serious, old, handsome, smart).
  • Repetition is the mother of what? (mind, memory, learning, man).

By the way, it is by repetition that the child will lay all the knowledge on the subcortex and will apply it in his eloquence.

By the way, as scientists have calculated, there are almost 500,000 words in the Russian language, of which about 2,500 are most used. up to 50,000 words!

So we and our children have something to strive for!

Would you like to know three secret exercises that will help you, parents, improve your diction in just a week? What for? So that the child has someone to look up to)

With wishes to speak competently and beautifully, and in anticipation of your comments, I say goodbye.

I will be glad to meet again.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 6 of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region"

Primary school teacher

Grushevskaya Elena Viktorovna

Card file of exercises

The development of speech of younger students through a system of exercises

Work on the ability to highlight the features of a sentence, to determine the boundaries of sentences in oral speech by intonation begins in grade 1, during the period of literacy. Each teacher in the arsenal has special exercises and tasks that help first-graders quickly and deeply learn the concepts of "text", "sentence", develop the ability to build an independent written statement. I offer the guys the following tasks.

Exercises for the development of phonemic processes.

Exercise number 1 "Name the words":

Name the words that start with a sound a (t, o, r etc.);

Name the words that end with a sound P (and oh s etc.);

Name the words that have a sound in the middle l (n, uh, g etc.).

Exercise number 2 "Claps":

Now I will call you words, and you, as soon as you hear a word that begins with a sound With (c, o, g etc.), immediately clap your hands: dacha, cat, hat, fox, road, beetle, window, hair etc. Task options: “catch” the sound at which the word ends or which we hear in the middle of the word.

Now I will call you words, and you, as soon as you hear a word that has a sound to, clap your hands 1 time, and if the sound G- 2 times: cow, kissel, mountain, mink, guitar, boots, bitches, hand, caught up etc.

Exercise number 3 "Playing with the word":

Think of a word that begins (ends) with the same sound as in the word "frog", "flag", "table";

What is the first (last) sound in the word "beam", "strength", "sofa";

Name all the sounds in order in the word "sky", "cloud", "roof";

What sound in the word "fish" ("chair", "carpet") is the second, fourth, first, third?

Exercise number 4 "New word":

I will now give you a word, and you will try to change the second sound so that you get a new word: smoke, juice, drank, chalk.

I will now give you a word, and you will try to change the first sound so that you get a new word: dot, bow, varnish, day, pedal, layout.

I will now give you a word, and you will try to change the last sound so that you get a new word: cheese, sleep, poppy, stop.

Exercise number 5 "Mugs":

Now we will write down a few words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds in a word, so many circles: grass, paper, roll, star, tablet.

Exercise number 6 "Longer - shorter":

We will compare words. I will say two words, and you will decide which one is longer. Just remember to compare words, not the things they stand for: table - table, antennae - mustache, dog - dog, tail - tail, snake - snake.

Development Exercises

lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Exercise number 1 "Second half": when reading, only the second half of the word is pronounced. The mental dividing line runs approximately in the middle of the word. This allows you to emphasize the end of the word as an essential part that needs the same exact perception as the beginning: whatnie , thenonly , trAva , solohm , krovat , caststeering wheel , Creechal .

Exercise number 2 "Guess"

I'll look out ... the sun .... Delighted ... young ... blue ..., zape ... and gathered ... into the forest. The old sparrow ... says ... that it's early bird ... zape ..., there will still be frost ....

Exercise number 3 "Make a proposal":

Make up sentences using the following phrases: funny puppy, ripe berry, forest lake.

The words in the sentence are mixed up, you need to put them in their places: smoke, goes, pipes, from; stand, vase, flowers, c.

Exercise number 4 "Missing words":

Now I will read you a story, but some words are lost in it. Try to find them.

Silence reigns in the dense _____. Black _____ covered the sun. The birds are silent. Here comes _____.

Exercise number 5 "Find the mistake":

Listen to the sentences and say if everything is correct in them:

In winter, apple trees bloom in the garden. In response, I nod my hand at him. I soon succeeded in my car. The boy broke the ball with glass.

Exercise number 6 "Action":

I will name the words, and you will say what this item can do: blizzard - sweeps, thunder, wind, snow, rain, sun. It is important that you choose as many action words as possible. “What else does the sun do? It doesn't just shine, does it?

Exercise number 7 "Sign":

If the object is made of iron, what is it: iron, paper, wood, snow, fluff, glass.

Exercise number 8 "Words-friends":

How else can you say about a sad person? Valuable - what is it? Hard?

Which word is missing: sad, mournful, dull, deep; weak, brittle, long, fragile.

Exercise number 9 "Words-enemies":

Say the opposite: cold, dull, spacious, raise, low, spring.

Exercise number 10 "One and many":

I will name one item, and you change the word so that it becomes many: lake, name, friend, person, table.

I will speak a word denoting many things, and you - one: leaves, well done, claws.

Exercise number 11 "Reduce":

Say the name of the small object: ball - ball, hand, flag, hat, sun, chair.

Exercise number 12 "Explain the word": letter, nail, brave, umbrella, diamond.

EXERCISE: determine by ear and show (you can use a signal card) how many sentences are in the text.

Purpose: to teach to determine the boundaries of sentences in oral speech by intonation and pauses, to determine the number of sentences in the text.

(The text is read by the teacher.)


The guys cleared the rink. The kids ride in pairs. Happy voices are ringing. Good in winter!

Repeat the sentence I read with feeling. What feeling did I convey?

How many words are in the given sentence?

What is a one word sentence?

How did you determine how many offers there are? (By pauses, by intonation).

How do we find the end of a sentence in spoken language? (By intonation, by voice).

Are these sentences connected in meaning and what do they say?

How else can you title the text?

Purpose: to develop the ability to highlight the signs of a coherent written text, its heading, to give a first idea of ​​​​editing the text.


The fox walked through the forest. Suddenly she smelled meat. The fox ran towards the smell. And the trap of the fox by the paw! (According to P. Afanasiev).

Who is being talked about here?

What two pictures can be drawn to the text?

What happened to the fox first? Where did you find out about this offer? Read.

What happened next? Read.

How did it all end? Read.

Does the title match the content of the text?

Does it fit the content of each sentence?

What happened to the fox?

What sentence contains the main idea of ​​the story?

Choose from these sentences suitable for the title: "A case in the forest", "I've enjoyed it!". Justify your choice. What title can you suggest?

In a story (coherent text), all sentences must be united by a common meaning and can be titled. The title should be suitable for all content and cover all sentences. Read the sentences and name the one that fits the meaning of the content of the story:

“The forest was dense. The fox was hungry."

Will this sentence help you better understand the overall meaning of the story?

Where should it be inserted?

Why is the sentence “The forest was dense” redundant and should not be included in the story?

Read the supplemented text. What did you notice? (The word "fox" is repeated several times.)

What words can replace this word to avoid repetition? (she, redhead, poor thing)

Have we got a coherent text, a story? Prove it. (All sentences are connected by a common meaning, some case is reported, everything is told in order: what happened first, then, how it all ended). The edited text is read by students and written down (copying techniques, dictation, copying with assignments and other types of text work can be used.)

Creating text-mystery in a circle

This type of multifunctional text exercises can be used during the presentation of a new vocabulary word and at other stages of the lesson. Each student is presented with the text of a riddle that he must guess, or a word is encrypted that he needs to determine. The specifics of this exercise are as follows:

    The first student reads the words written on the board, for example: bear, fox, hare, and one of the words stands out according to an independently found feature.

    The same student justifies his choice: “You can highlight the word fox, because it has three syllables. It is feminine. It has voiced and voiceless consonants, and words bear and hare - masculine, disyllabic, and all consonants in them are voiced"

    The second student, having read the riddle, guesses it, but does not write down the answer, but folds the text - the riddle of the first student - on the reverse side. Below he writes his riddle about the same animal. For example:

With a fluffy tail, but not a squirrel.

Fiery, but not flame.

Likes to steal eggs, but not chicken.

And so in a circle. The last student must write down his riddle and

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe, twirls its tail, keeps its eyes on the crow.

And he speaks so sweetly, breathing a little ...

Who is this heroine? (Fox)

    Checking is carried out collectively, or the written versions of the texts change between groups. The task of the participants is to guess riddles and determine the encrypted word. An important role in this type of exercise is played by the first student, who must correctly determine the principle of highlighting the encrypted word.

Creation two texts from the same source material.

The teacher offers a learning material that represents a combination of two incomplete texts:

Birds build nests. Nests are made of grass, roots, moss. Inside they are lined with soft fluff. In spring, the female frog lays many eggs. They are called caviar. Each egg turns into a tadpole.

Teacher(s): Read the entry. Having established its feature, formulate a task for the exercise.

Children(D).\ The entry is a combination of two texts: the first is about birds, the second is about frogs. Both texts need to be restored.

DW: Read each of the passages and prove that they are different texts.

D.: (reading passages): These are different texts, as they have different themes: the first one talks about the nests of birds, the second birth of a frog

W: What parts of the texts are given?

D.: The first text has a beginning, the second has a beginning and a middle.

Further, the teacher proposes to distribute these texts with new sentences that can be placed in any part of the original text. Students express their suggestions, and the teacher writes on the blackboard. Then the students, by choice, write down and supplement one and the texts. Here's what happened after the job was done:

Caring parents.

Birds build nests. Nests are made of grass, roots, moss. Inside they are lined with soft fluff. This is a very difficult job! Soon the chicks are born. The female and male teach them to fly and bring them food. They will not abandon their chicks. What caring parents!

How a frog is born.

In the spring, when the bright sun peeps out, the female frog lays many eggs. They are called caviar. Each egg turns into a tadpole. After a few days, the tadpole grows legs and tail. After four months, the tadpole turns into a frog.

Compilation of two texts based on the identified word.

The source material is recorded with omissions of the same word, which is replaced by a symbol. As an additional entry, a scheme is proposed.

For example:

lives on a rug protects its belly in the form of a wheel

"Tail" does not allow me to crawl away from me far, I draw

Not only a complex device, but also a useful animal

helps to work on the computer and maintain the ecosystem.

W: Read the entry. Look carefully at the diagram for it. Formulate a task for the exercise.

D: It is necessary to determine who or what the text is talking about. Based on this, make two texts.

W.: Right. What did you get?

D.: The word mouse is missing in the text -

1) a computer device used to enter information and move the cursor;

2) small rodent.

Students find out and analyze the semantic errors of the text, supplement it with new sentences, by choosing to record texts, formulate additional tasks themselves.

Exercises for the development of communicative qualities of younger students. (Grade 1)


    Consider natural fruits with children: apple, pear, peach, plum, grape, apricot, orange, tangerine, lemon. Specify how all this can be called in one word ("fruit"). Tell that lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit are citrus fruits. Help remember information.

    Pay attention to the characteristic features of fruits: taste, color, shape, smell.

    Ask the child if he knows where the fruits grow (in the garden, on the tree).

    Find out if the child knows what fruit can be made.

    Exercise "Name the color, shape" to agree nouns with adjectives.

Plum (what?) - blue, oval.

Lemon (what?) - ...

Apricot (what?) - etc.

    Exercise "Count" to agree numerals with nouns.

1 lemon, 2 lemons, 3..., 4..., 5 lemons.

1 drain, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 apricot, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 pear, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5... etc.

    Exercise "Call me affectionately" on the formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.

Plum - cream, apricot - apricot, etc.

    One-to-many exercise on the use of nouns in the genitive plural.

One orange - many oranges.

One pear - many pears, etc.

    An exercise in the formation of the plural of a noun in the nominative case.

Plum - plums.

Apple - apples.

Pear - pears, etc.

    Exercise "Finish the sentence" on the use of case forms of a noun.

Mom bought fruit, washed it, put it on a plate. We enjoyed eating them. We ate apples. There was not a single ... (apple) left on the plate. We ate everything ... (apples). We ate pears. Not a single one was left on the plate ... (pears). We ate everything ... (pears). We ate plums. Not a single one was left on the plate ... (plums). We ate everything ... (plums). We ate cherries. Not a single one was left on the plate ... (cherries). We ate everything ... (cherries).

    Exercise "Name the jam"(learn to form relative adjectives).

Jam was made from apples, it will be called ...

The jam was made from pears, it will be called ...

The jam was made from peaches, it will be called ...

The jam was made from cherries, it will be called ...

Jam was made from plums, it will be called ... etc.

    Exercise "What will be the fruits?"(learn to form verbal adjectives).

If fruits are boiled, they will be boiled.

If you freeze fruits, they will become ...

If you bake apples, then they will turn out ...

If you dry the pears, then they will become ...

Work out the exercise using the example of all fruits.

    Exercise "What grows where?" for the formation of single-root words.

Apples grow on an apple tree.

Pears grow on...

Plums grow on...etc.

    The development of coherent oral speech.

A) Making sentences from words.

apples, lie, apple tree, under.

pear, grow, garden, c.

B) Compilation of complex sentences (exercise "Finish the sentence")

Mom picked apples in the garden to...

Mom washed the pears to...

Mom bought plums from the store to...

C) Compilation of complex sentences according to the model.

The plum is blue and the apple is green.

Lemon is sour, and pear is ... etc.

    The development of fine motor skills.

Finger exercises.

We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits. Here.

Let's chop apples

We will cut the pear.

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

(bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people.

(hold the left palm with a "ladle", with the index finger of the right hand "interfere" compote)

    Development of logical thinking(Learning to solve riddles).

In a yellow skin, it is sour,

It's called -...

In golden skin

Sweet and fragrant.


It looks a little like beads,

Each leaf is like a palm.

Was green, but he ripened -

Became amber, blue, white.


    The development of auditory memory.

Learn a poem (any).

Ripe, red, sweet apple

Crispy apple with smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I will share an apple with my friend.

Our autumn garden is beautiful.

It has plums and grapes.

On branches like toys

Both apples and pears.

And the night is chilly

And the yellow leaf rustles at your feet.

We will pick the fruits in the morning

And we will call all the neighbors.

And wave the sun

"Thank you, autumn!" - let's say.

Accepting first-grade students every time I understand that not all children are able to express thoughts aloud, ask questions, talk about what they see, evaluate it, compose, fantasize on a certain topic. We need such teaching methods that would outwardly distract the child from the task - "develop your speech" - and at the same time would serve this goal. And such an effective technique is creative speech game.

It contributes to the creation of an emotional mood among schoolchildren, causes a positive attitude towards the activities performed, improves overall performance, makes it possible to repeat the same material many times without monotony and boredom, and achieve its lasting assimilation. The game is a familiar activity for children of primary school age. They are actively involved in an interesting game, they try to achieve the best results, rejoice in victory, and are upset because of defeats. Children live for play. The teacher needs to widely use this interest, put it at the service of the educational process, develop the creative potential of each student in the game. Use in the classroom speech games It attracts and pleases younger students very much, it helps to some extent to remove a number of difficulties associated with memorizing the material, to study and consolidate the material at the level of emotional awareness, which undoubtedly contributes to the development of cognitive interest in the subject. This work encourages creative thought, gives rise to fantasy and inspiration.

It is also important that creative speech games contribute to the enrichment of students' vocabulary, bring up the qualities of a creative person: initiative, perseverance, purposefulness, the ability to find a solution in an unusual situation.


samples creative speech games

1. Letter games

Didactic goal: in a playful way to consolidate knowledge of letters, help students master reading, expand vocabulary, teach concentration, perseverance, develop observation, logical thinking, creative imagination, speech.

"Letters around me"

The teacher asks the students to look around the classroom and name all the objects that surround them, but only in alphabetical order.

For example: A - alphabet, B - bow, C - hanger, D - curtains, etc.


Consider the artist's painting (read the name of the painting and the name of the author). The teacher asks to find in the picture all the objects with a certain letter.

"Portraits of Letters"

During the study of letters, the teacher asks about who or what this or that letter looks like.

For example: A - the roof of the house, B - a butterfly with folded wings, etc.

The student draws portraits of letters, invents words for a given letter.


The teacher determines the theme of the game, for example: “Birds with the letter c”.

The first student calls the word: bullfinch.

The second student must repeat this word and add his own: bullfinch, nightingale.

For example: bullfinch - nightingale - waxwing - magpie - titmouse - owl - owl - swift - falcon - shrike.

"Replace the letter"

The teacher suggests replacing one letter in words, forming new words. Som (house), bough (juice), frame (mother), flour (fly), card (desk), table (chair), crust (slide), etc.

"Hide the words in the letter"

The teacher suggests hiding some words in the letter “O” (according to the rebus principle):

Hide names in the letter "A":

In "a" la - Valya
In "a" rya - Varya
In "a" nya - Vanya.

"Subtraction of letters"

The teacher suggests subtracting 1 letter from the word “victory”. Get new words. To make it interesting, you can read the fairy tale by S. Pogorelovsky “What happened to the letter P?”.

Options for playing:

Kolya - Olya - la - I

Raspberry, ravine, dispute, beehive, fly, care.

With one of the words you can compose a fairy tale.

“Magic House”

The teacher attaches a house (cut out of thick paper) to the board and writes letters in the empty windows. Pupils must guess what words live in this house.

For example:

k, t, o, l, i (cat, who, current, Tolya, Kolya).

oh, s, ah, k (wasp, scythe, juice).

l, k, y, f, a (puddle, beetle, onion, already, varnish).

"The Tale of Letters"

After the students got acquainted with the letters, made friends with them, fell in love with them, recognized their “character”, you can invite them to compose a fairy tale about the letters.

It can begin like this: “In a certain kingdom, in the ABC state, there lived - there were 33 beauties - letters ...”.

2. Word games

Didactic goal: to enrich the vocabulary of students, to teach them to feel the beauty and sonority of their native word, to develop creative imagination, logical thinking, communicative qualities, speech.

"Collect a Word"

The teacher offers a task: from each line write out only those letters that do not repeat. Collect new words from the remaining letters.

v o r n v o r e g (snow)
press (frost)
u f k u t d b d o l u (football)
r i s b m o k r i m s z (boxing).

"Add a letter"

To the proposed consonants, choose vowels and make words.

M z n (score)
P with d (tableware)
R b t (Work).


1. Rearrange the syllables so that words are obtained. Eliminate the extra word from each line.

2. Break words into syllables. Make new words from syllables.

"Make Words"

  • The teacher calls the students and writes on the board a word, from the letters of which you need to make as many new words as possible. For example: an axe.
  • You can make such words: murmur, mouth, port, sweat ...

    Words for the game: mosquito, man, polka.

  • Using all the suggested letters, make up as many words as possible:
  • T, y, w, a, k.

  • To the proposed consonants, pick up vowels and make words (nouns in the singular).
  • From each line, write out only those letters that do not repeat. From the remaining letters, make two words.
  • W o r n v o r e g (snow)
    And a f m m zhan ne y (hoarfrost).

    “Snow sonic ball”

    Just as snowflakes form a snowball, you can “blind” a lump of sounds and call it snow-sound. First, we agree with the children on what sounds of vowels or consonants we will “sculpt” our lump.

    For example, we sculpt a lump of vowel sounds denoting the softness of consonants.

    I - e.
    I - e - e.
    I - e - e - yu.
    I - e - e - yu - and.

    We “sculpt” a lump of solid consonant sounds.

    T - r.
    T - r - n.
    T - r - n - d, etc.

    "Syllable chains"

    The teacher pronounces the first syllable: ma. The next player repeats this syllable and adds his own, starting with the same sound: (MA - MO - MI - MU ...).

    The one who repeats the longest syllable chain wins.

    Chains can also be invented with reverse syllables: ok - from - op - osch ...

    “Only funny words”

    The teacher determines the topic. Children take turns saying certain words.

    "Funny words": clown, joy, laughter, circus.

    “Green word”: leaf, watermelon, cucumber, apple…

    “Tender words”: mommy, sister, kitten ...


    The teacher divides the class into 2 teams. The players of each team take out word cards from their box. They make pairs of rhyming words, compose quatrains.

    1 box: chamomile, cone, ball, dog, pine, shelf, squirrel, kettle, barn, lies, new, smart.

    Box 2: insect, baby, kalach, runs, spring, needle, plate, boss, sunbathe, bully, intelligent, noisy.

    “Keep a couple”

    The teacher names the words, the students come up with their own, which will correlate with each other:

    "Words are balls"

    You need a ball to play. The teacher tosses the ball to the student and at the same time says a word, such as "bitter". The student must return the ball and say the word with the opposite meaning (“sweet”).

    Task options: name words - antonyms, synonyms, names of cities, flowers, animals, etc.

    "The word is a fairy tale"

    The teacher writes a word on the board with which you will need to compose a fairy tale. The word is written vertically and “deciphered”.

    C - princess
    B - spring
    E - spruce
    T - heat
    O - necklace
    K is beautiful.

    3. Games with offers

    Didactic goal: to teach how to build a logically complete sentence. To develop associative and figurative thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, the desire to compose, fantasize, dream, form the skill of speaking.

    “General offer”

    The teacher invites everyone to compose an interesting beautiful sentence together. The condition is that the teacher pronounces the first word, the children add one word at a time so that a logically complete sentence is obtained. If one of the students felt that the proposal had taken place, ended, he says: “Stop!”.

    For example: “In a beautiful forest…”
    “At the school party…”
    “Frosty winter…”


    The teacher writes a word on the board and asks the students to come up with a telegram in which each word corresponds to a certain letter.

    For example, Bag.

    Telegram from the zoo: “A bear ran away today! Guard! Administration.

    “Recognize me”

    The teacher gives subject pictures to several students. They must indicate the characteristics of the object and give its description: color, shape, material, what it eats, where it lives, etc. without naming the object itself. The rest of the students guess what was said, correct, supplement what was said.

    For example: “This is an inanimate object. It is made of metal, it is enameled. You can see him in the kitchen. It has a handle, a lid, a spout. They boil water in it." (Kettle).

    "What is good and what is bad"

    The teacher divides the class into 2 teams. Show the children an object (drawing). One group is looking for the merits of this item (which is good), and the other is looking for disadvantages (this is bad).

    For example: Cup.

    The first group: the glass is beautiful, it has an original drawing on it. He is transparent. The color of the liquid is clearly visible through the walls. (This is good).

    The second group: the glass is fragile. It's easy to break it. It has no handle, hot tea is difficult to hold. (This is bad).

    "Continue the proverb"

    The teacher reads the beginning of the proverb, the students select the continuation.

    For example:

    Live forever...
    Not in your sleigh...
    Away well…

    “Auction of Folk Wisdom”

    The teacher organizes a game - an auction. The exhibited goods (drawings, postcards, photographs, etc.) can be bought only for the knowledge of proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, folk signs.

    “Box of fairy tales”

    The envelope (box) contains drawings, riddles or cards with the names of fairy-tale characters. Children guess a fairy tale, retell their favorite episode.

    Tales inside out

    In a well-known fairy tale, children are invited to change places of the main characters, that is, to make the good ones evil, and the evil ones good, the brave ones cowardly, the cowardly ones brave.

    For example: The wolf in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” is kind, caring, and the Goat is evil. In “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” it is not the old man who asks the fish for gifts, but the fish who asks the old man.

    “Salad from fairy tales”

    Children are invited to take two words: the names of heroes from different fairy tales and try to make them the heroes of one fairy tale.

    For example:

    Carlson and Malvina.
    Dunno and Cheburashka.
    Puss in Boots and the Gray Wolf.

    "If suddenly…"

    The teacher offers the students some kind of extraordinary situation from which they must find a way out, express their point of view.

    Situation examples:

    If they suddenly disappear on Earth.

    - all buttons.

    - all textbooks, etc.

    What will happen then?

    If I had (a): living water, flower - seven-color, boots - runners ...?.

    “What would happen if…”

    The teacher invites students to dream up, make some assumptions on this beginning:

    What would happen if:

    Can dolphins talk?
    Has the sun turned blue?
    Did the boys have no pockets?
    Are all the buttons gone?
    Did people stop talking?
    Did you have any pens and pencils?
    Did the diary speak?
    Have all the textbooks gone?
    - holidays lasted 9 months a year?
    - the soccer ball learned to speak?
    Are boxing gloves made of chocolate?

    “If only, if only…”

    The teacher offers to complete the sentence he started. Explains that in order for the sentence to be complete, one must imagine oneself as the person (what) is being discussed.

    Sentence construction scheme: “If I were (a) someone (something), then I would ..., because (to) ...

    For example:

    - If I were a fruit, then a green and tasteless lemon so that no one would eat me.

    - If I were a car, then a Zaporozhets painted black, because I would look like a Mercedes.


    - If I were a Street, then I ...

    - If I were a Wizard, then ...

    Other topics:

    - I would like to know…

    I am happy when...

    - I get sad when...

    - If I could teach everyone in the world one thing, it would be...

    - I think my name means


    1. Betenkova N. M., Fonin D. S. Games and entertaining exercises in Russian language lessons. M.: Wako, 2005..
    2. Sinitsyna E.I., Clever words. M.: List, 1997.
    3. Sukhin I. G. Entertaining materials. M.: Wako, 2005..
    4. Yurova E. V. 250 exercises for the development of oral speech. M.: Astrel, 2001.

    Games for the development of speech for younger students.

    1. Game "Interview". First, introduce the children to the new words.

    Interview - a conversation intended to be broadcast on radio, television or in a newspaper.
    A reporter is someone who asks questions.
    The respondent is the one who answers the questions. We need to teach children to speak boldly into the microphone. To do this, ask the children to take turns saying something into the microphone, at least count to 10 forward and backward. Then the roles are distributed among the children. Possible topics are discussed. The tape recorder is set up. Reporters start asking questions. Then the conversation is collectively listened to and discussed.

    Possible topics: discussion of going to the theater and watching a play; discussion of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, an interesting book, the most interesting event of the week.

    Game options: 1) the teacher interviews the children, 2) the children interview the teacher, 3) the parents interview the child, 4) the child interviews the parents.

    2. The game "Pictures-riddles".

    One leader is selected from a group of children, the rest sit on chairs, they must guess. The teacher has a large box containing small pictures depicting various objects (you can use pictures from the children's loto).

    The driver approaches the teacher and takes one of the pictures. Without showing it to the other children, he describes the object drawn on it. Children offer their versions.

    The next driver is the one who first guessed the correct answer.

    3. Game "Define a toy".

    Each child brings a toy. One leader is selected from the group. For 3-5 minutes he goes out the door. In his absence, the teacher and the children come up with some kind of story in which the main character is one of the brought toys.

    All toys, including the selected game character, are placed on tables or chairs. Leading child is welcome. The guys from the group take turns telling him an invented story, not naming the main character, but replacing his name with the pronoun "he" or "she". The story is told within 3-5 minutes. The driver must show the toy, which is the main character of the story told.

    If the guess is correct, another driver is chosen and the game is repeated. If the answer is wrong, the guys supplement the story told in such a way as to help the driver with new details, without naming the intended toy.

    4. The game "Compose a sentence."

    The teacher offers the group 2 cards from the children's loto, which depict objects. The group sits in a semicircle, and in turn, each child comes up with a sentence that contains the names of two conceived objects. Then two other objects are shown, and again in a circle the children come up with new sentences.


    1. Stimulate in children the desire to compose non-standard, original sentences.
    2. If the children can easily come up with sentences for two given words, next time give them three words to make up sentences.

    Note: Parents can also use this game for individual lessons with their child, competing to come up with the most sentences. Naturally, the child must win.

    5. Game "Opposite".

    The facilitator shows a group of children one picture. The task is to name a word denoting the opposite object. For example, the host shows the item "cup". Children can name the following items: "board" (the cup is convex, and the board is straight), "sun" (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature), "water" (water is the filler, and the cup is the shape) etc.

    Each child in turn offers his answer and be sure to explain why he chose such a subject.

    6. Game "Bridge".

    The facilitator shows one card on which the subject is drawn, then another. The task of the game is to come up with a word that is between two conceived objects and serves as a "transitional bridge" between them. Each participant answers in turn. The answer must be justified.

    For example, two words are given: "goose" and "tree". The following words can be "crossing bridges": "fly" (the goose flew up to the tree), "cut" (the goose was cut out of the tree), "hide" (the goose hid behind the tree), etc.

    Note: the game is also suitable for individual lessons with a child.

    7. "What does the expression mean?" or "Proverbs".

    It is impossible to know the secrets of the language, its richness and expressiveness without understanding the meanings of stable phrases: phraseological units, proverbs, sayings.

    The sources of phraseological units are different. Some arose as a result of human observation of social and natural phenomena, others are associated with real historical events, others came from mythology, fairy tales, and literary works.

    The peculiarity of these expressions is that in our speech they are used in a constant, as if forever frozen form. As a rule, they have an invariable word order; a new component cannot be introduced into them.

    Phraseologisms are used in a figurative sense. However, children often perceive such expressions in their own way, replacing words with synonyms. The meaning of expressions does not change with such replacements, but its so-called internal form is lost.
    For example: The child said: Adults say:

    go for a fix go for a fix
    where the eyes see where the eyes look
    the soul has gone to the soles the soul has gone to the heels
    free bird free bird
    discover Africa discover America
    count in your head count in your mind
    eye fell on a book eye fell on something
    with a fresh mind with a fresh mind
    nerves are brawling nerves are naughty
    in the heel is not good in soles is not good Comprehension of phraseological units in the literal sense leads to funny incidents. For example, the boy was very excited when he heard that his cat was sleeping without hind legs. He woke up the cat, counted his paws, and, reassured, returned. The mother, who declared that she had a lot of worries in her mouth, was advised to spit them out quickly. Three-year-old Irochka does not want to put on a new suit, she cries because she heard one of the adults remark: "She will drown in it." Completion of the task "What does the expression mean?" will help the child to use phraseological units correctly in his own speech. Proverbs:

    1. "The work of the master is afraid."
    2. "Every master in his own way."
    3. "Jack of all trades".
    4. "The tailor will spoil - the iron will make amends."
    5. "The potato is ripe - get down to business."
    6. "Without labor, there is no fruit in the garden."
    7. "What is the care, such is the fruit."
    8. "More action - less words."
    9. "Every person is known by the work."
    10. "There is grief - grieve, there is work - work."
    11. "To live without discipline is not good."
    12. "Earned bread is sweet."
    13. "He who has skill, he acts cleverly."
    14. "Without a beginning there is no end."
    15. "Without order, there is no sense."
    16. "You can't buy gingerbread without work."
    17. "The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing."
    18. "In order not to make a mistake, do not rush."
    19. "Without labor there is no good."
    20. "Work is the best medicine."
    21. "Patience and work will grind everything."
    22. "If you read books, you will know everything."
    23. "A house without a book, that without windows."
    24. "Bread nourishes the body, but the book nourishes the mind."
    25. "Where there is learning, there is skill."
    26. "Learning and work live together."
    27. "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness."
    28. "Respect the teacher as a parent."

    8. Game "Steps. (Who will get to ...)"

    With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and develop speech in general.

    Players get close, agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the theme of the steps. For example "Polite words". Each child can take a step only by naming some polite word. We give a minute to think and "Start!"

    Other topics: "Everything is round", "everything is hot", "everything is wet". "Tender words for mom." "Words of Comfort", etc.

    Option: Children stand in pairs opposite each other and take steps towards. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be made only by saying the right word.
    9. Attention! Wanted!

    We develop coherent speech, attention and observation) At least 5 people play this game. Otherwise it's not interesting. The host says: I'm looking for a girlfriend (friend). She has blue eyes, long dark hair, loves cats and hates milk.
    The one who first guesses which of the children in question becomes the leader.
    In a game with young children, it is allowed to describe clothes.

    10. Game "Two circles".

    Children are built in two circles - external (large) and internal (3-4 people).
    Children from a large circle stand, and from a small one they go along with the leading adult and say: "We go in a circle and take with us ... sweets."

    The big circle players should quickly name something sweet, like sugar. The child who first named the object stands in the inner circle. The game continues ("... we take with us soft, liquid, sour, hard", etc.). The last child left in the large circle must complete some task as a punishment for sluggishness.

    11. Coming up with a story.

    An adult reads sentences, children insert the subject, predicate, explanatory words, etc. The stories of Suteev, Bianchi can be taken as a basis.

    For example:

    "She sat on the threshold and meowed plaintively ... (who?). The cat sat in front of a cup of milk and greedily ... (what did she do?). The cat caught in the garden ... (whom?). The cat's wool ... (what?), claws...(what?) The cat was lying with the kittens... (where?) The kittens were playing with a ball... (how?).

    12. Distribution of offers.

    The adult says: “The gardener is watering ... (what? where? when? why?). Children go ... (where? why?), etc. We must pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

    13. Complete the offer.

    Ask the child to complete the sentences: "Children water the flowers in the flower beds, because ...". "Not a single leaf was left on the trees, because..." "In winter, the bear sleeps because..." etc.

    14. "I was in the circus..."

    To play, you will need cards with letters and syllables. You can play both together and with a group. The participants in the game are given cards with letters, or all the cards are stacked on the table and the players take them in turn.

    The first player takes a card with a letter or a syllable and says: "I was in the circus and saw..." He must name something that starts with the letter on his card. You can name more than just nouns. For example, the letter "K" can be used to name a clown, a tumbling gymnast, and a red curtain.

    If you use cards with syllables, then it is not necessary that this syllable be at the beginning of the word.
    Options: "I was at the sea ...", "I was in the forest ...", "I was in the theater ...", etc.

    15. Prepositions.

    Take a disposable cardboard plate, draw it into sectors. In each sector, write prepositions - "on", "in", "under", "above", "with", etc.

    You can play like roulette - throwing a ball on a plate. And you can make an arrow in the center of the plate and rotate it. The meaning remains the same - on which pretext the ball or arrow falls, with that pretext you need to make a proposal.

    16. Homemade alphabet.

    Take a thick album or office folder. On each sheet, draw the letters of the alphabet. Although you will need more sheets for each letter later. Cut out pictures from old magazines, pictures from different boxes are also suitable - in general, any pictures, stickers. Together with your child, stick pictures on the page with the letter on which the word begins. Under each picture, make a caption in block letters.

    Later, when the child has mastered the letters, complicate the task - cut out words from magazines. With a certain letter, with a certain syllable.

    17. Chain.

    Game with words for any number of participants. Choose a few consonants and write them down on a piece of paper. Think of words that would include all these letters. Letters can be interchanged, other consonants can be added to them. For example, let's take the letters "s", "l", "m". We make words with them: plane, oil, salami, thought.

    Whoever comes up with the most words wins.
    18. Add a letter.

    At least two players. Think of singular nouns. The first player names any letter from the Russian alphabet. The next in turn must add his letter at the beginning or at the end, having in mind any word with such a combination of letters. Players continue to lengthen the letter combination in this way in turn. The one who names the whole word wins.

    Another option is for older kids. The one who names the whole word or the one who cannot add a letter, meaning some word, loses. The player can "bluff", i.e. add a letter for which he does not know the words. In this case, two options are possible: the player following him can either ask the previous player to say the word, and if the previous one cannot do this, he loses, or the next player himself continues to bluff further until one of the following players finally asks for the word.

    This option is difficult, often the player cannot add a letter to a letter combination from a well-known word.

    19. Travel.

    Family game. One says: "Our ship is going to ... for example, to India. What will we take with us?" Someone asks: "What letter?". "On the letter" K "! ". The first one starts and says: "We take a cat!" Another: "Cacti!". "Pots!" If a lot of words have already been said for this letter, you can continue like this: "The first deck is already occupied. Let's fill in the next one, with the letter "P". Another option is "Travel".

    Prepare sets of cards with letters. One identical for each. We draw a steam locomotive with wagons. On each trailer we write a large letter of the alphabet. (You can draw other transport).
    We set a task. For example, today we are going to the sea. We take our places. Who will go with us? What will we take with us? One says: "A giraffe will go with us" and puts a card with the letter "Ж" on the trailer with the corresponding letter.

    The next one says: "And I'll take the TV with me" and puts a card with the letter "T" on the trailer with the letter "T".

    20. Who is friends with what letters.

    The game is not only for memorizing letters and developing speech, but also very informative. Each player must have a picture of an animal. Can be different. For example, mom has an elephant, dad has a crocodile, and a child has a hedgehog. Mom says: "My elephant is friends with the letter "X" because he has a trunk." Dad says: "And my crocodile is friends with the letter" R "because he lives in the river." The child says: “My hedgehog is friends with the letter “I”, because he has needles.21. Let's invent (from 3 years old).

    We develop abstract thinking, speech.

    To play, you will need a set of objects of various shapes (sticks, a ball, a ring, boxes, a cylinder) and cards with the image of various objects of a certain shape - a mirror, a pencil, an egg, an apple.

    IMPORTANT! the images in the pictures should be similar to the items.

    For example:

    pencil, fishing rod, needle, knife - similar in shape to a stick;
    vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

    The game is played something like this - children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. An adult sits opposite, he has cards with pictures. The adult shows the cards one at a time and asks: "Who has an object similar to such a pencil?" The child who has the stick replies: "I have!" and receives a card with a picture of a pencil.

    The opposite option: Children have cards with pictures, and an adult has different objects.

    Children from 5 years old can play this game on their own and without pictures, inventing what this or that object might look like.

    22. Continue the row.

    In order to build sentences in accordance with the norms of the native language, the child does not need to invent suffixes and prefixes, learn grammar rules - he learns them in the process of communication.
    This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to change words by analogy, that is, to detect certain grammatical patterns. Changing words according to the model, by analogy, the child discovers both language rules and exceptions to them.

    For example: a fox, a bear, but a hedgehog; sugar bowl, bread box, but salt shaker, butter dish.

    Another outstanding German scientist Wilhelm von Humboldt, the founder of linguistics, wrote: “When mastering a language, each child vaguely relies on analogies, which is more noticeable in creatively developed children. It is only important to find the spirit of these analogies, and this is a critical point in any language learning real mastery of the language and real enjoyment of it begins.

    The ability to use analogies will serve as a support for your child when learning foreign languages.

    Tasks for the exercise "continue the row" parents and educators can easily come up with themselves. Here are some examples of tasks:

    People - people, children - ...
    Son - daughter, grandson - ..., nephew - ...
    A team of horses - equestrian, a team of dogs - ..., a team of deer - ...
    Tundra - deer, jungle - ..., desert - ...
    Sleepers - wooden, rails - ...
    The passenger entered the car, the passenger goes to ..., the passenger leaves ..., the passenger stands next to ...
    Boat - boat, boat - ..., ship - ..., steamer - ...
    A pilot is an airplane, a helicopter pilot is ..., an astronaut is ...
    Sugar - in a sugar bowl, butter - in ..., bread - in ..., salt - in ...
    Spoon - spoons - many spoons, fork - ... - many ..., knife - ... -
    a lot of …

    23. Snowball.

    Players take turns adding words to the suggested beginning of a phrase.

    Game options: 1. "We're going on the road"

    Host: "I'm going on a trip and put in a suitcase ...".
    Child: "I'm going on a trip and I'm putting soap in my suitcase."
    Other situations are played out in the same way, for example:

    2. "Cooking breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner"

    Presenter: "We are preparing breakfast, let's make a menu."
    Child: "I usually have a sandwich for breakfast."
    Next player: "I don't have a sandwich for breakfast, I prefer...". Next" "I do not like, neither a sandwich nor ... I prefer ...", etc.

    3. "Set the table"

    Leading: "Let's set the table for dinner. I'll put a bread box on the table."
    Child: "Let's set the table for dinner. I'll put a bread box, a napkin holder on the table."
    The next player repeats the phrase and adds what else he considers necessary, etc.

    4. "Going for a walk"

    Host: "We're going to the forest. I'll put on rubber boots."
    Child: "We are going to the forest. I will put on rubber boots, I will take a basket."
    The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

    5. "Waiting for guests"

    Host: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. We can arrange attractions."
    Child: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. You can arrange attractions, show tricks."
    The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.
    24. History with continuation.

    Have the children complete the story. The first player says the first sentence, the second repeats what the first said and adds his sentence, etc.
    25. What are the words.

    Read to the child a poem by M. Plyatskovsky "What are the words."

    There is a sweet word - candy.
    There is a quick word - rocket.
    There is a sour word - lemon.
    There is a word with a window - wagon.
    There is a prickly word - a hedgehog.
    There is a word wet - rain.
    There is a stubborn word - goal.
    There is a word green - spruce.
    There is a book word - page.
    There is a forest word - a titmouse.
    There is a fluffy word - snow.
    There is a funny word - laughter. Then you name a word (for example, house, thunderstorm, joy) and ask what it could be. Each player comes up with their own definition.

    26. "Similar words" - synonyms.

    The selection of synonyms helps to learn the different meanings of the same word, teaches you to choose the most accurate words, to avoid repeating the same words.

    The adult explains that the same thing can be said in different words. Such words are called close in meaning.

    Adult: "I'll start, and you continue. Winnie the Pooh is funny (funny, funny, funny, comical ...).
    Donkey Eeyore is sad (sad, joyless, distressed...)".
    Adult: The hare is cowardly. How else can you say? (Fearful, timid, shy ..)
    Adult: "The hare is running away from the fox. How else can you say?" (Escapes, blinks, flees, flies at full speed, blows his legs).

    27. Polysemantic words.

    Adult: "Sometimes we call different objects with the same word. For example, onion is a vegetable plant, onion is a weapon.

    What is the meaning of the word needle? (Sewing needles, conifer needles, hedgehog needles).
    Discuss what meanings the words can have: pen, spout, tongue; strokes, runs, flies, rushes; ruddy, expensive, strong, fresh. Read and discuss the poems with your child.

    B. Zakhoder
    (from the songs of Winnie the Pooh) I'm going forward
    And it's snowing
    Although we are completely
    Not on the road at all!
    But only here
    Say from-
    Say from-
    Why are your feet so cold?

    The pin has a head.
    (V. Lunin)

    The pin has a head, but without hair, alas!
    The teapot has a spout, but no head.
    The needle has an eye, but it does not hear,
    The shoes have a tongue, but the shoes are silent all the same.
    There are holes in the road, but no chin and cheeks,
    There is a mountain foot, but something is not visible feet.
    The mountain ash has hands, but the poor thing has no hands,
    With a white eye, the potato, not seeing, looks around.
    The key is silver in the thicket, to which there is no lock,
    Across the field, having no legs, the river runs lazily.
    The comb has teeth, but it cannot eat,
    After the month, the month passes, and not the moon after the moon.
    The stream has sleeves, although the stream is not dressed,
    The folder is worn under the arm, but not under the cat.

    (A. Usachev)

    Cranes have noses
    Ships have noses
    The teapot has a spout, only a very small one.
    An unusual beast - Nosuha,
    Nosuha has nose to ear.
    A huge rhinoceros
    He wears a horn instead of a nose.
    The goblin's nose is a knot,
    And the pig has a piglet.
    But the pig and the sailor
    Wipe your nose! Who is carrying what.
    (M. Yasnov)

    Semyon carries a briefcase in his hand,
    Pavlusha - deuce in the diary.
    Serezha boarded the ship -
    He is on naval duty.
    Andryusha walks in strong men -
    He carries a backpack on his shoulders.
    Peter beat the bully Misha -
    Michael is losing.
    Stepan does not close his mouth:
    He's been talking nonsense all day! Watch.
    (V. Orlov)

    They say: the clock is standing,
    They say the clock is running fast
    They say the clock is ticking
    But they are a little behind.
    Mishka and I watched together
    And the clock is in place.

    28. On the contrary (antonyms).

    Many words have opposite meanings.
    An adult begins a phrase, and a child finishes it, for example:

    sweet sugar, and pepper ...,
    the road is wide, and the path ...,
    plasticine is soft, and the stone ...,
    tea is hot and ice cream...,
    jelly is thick, and fruit drink ...,
    a sheet of emery is rough, and a sheet of paper ...
    The hare runs fast and the tortoise crawls...
    It is light during the day, but at night ... Another option:

    Porridge is boiled thick and ... (liquid). Animals are brave and ... (cowardly). Carrots can be eaten raw and ... (boiled). Apples can be small and ... (large). Read to your child D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game". Here's the farewell game...
    us a book
    It's time to close;
    We all hope
    What with her
    You became
    A little smarter

    you learned a lot
    funny words
    And more
    All sorts of things
    And if you
    memorized them,
    Not in vain
    Your day is wasted!

    And you and me
    The turn has come
    play the game
    "Vice versa".
    I will say a word
    And you answer:...
    I will say the word CEILING,
    And you answer:...
    I will say the word LOST,
    And you will say: ...!
    I will tell you a word
    You will answer:
    I will say, -
    Well answer:

    29. Game of rhymes - tell me the word.

    Realizing the rhythm and rhyme of a given line, children begin to understand poetic speech better.

    The adult offers: "I will read you a poem, but I will not specifically say some words, but you try to tell me them." An adult reads a poem and does not finish one word in a line. The child suggests a rhyme. In case of difficulty, the words in the line are finished by an adult. The poem should be read until the child learns to independently pronounce the words correctly.

    A very scary story.
    (Daniil Kharms) Eating a bun with butter,
    The brothers walked down the alley.
    Suddenly on them from a nook
    The big dog barked loudly. Said the younger: - Here's the attack,
    He wants to attack us..
    So that we do not get into trouble,
    We will throw the bun into the dog's ... mouth.

    Everything ended up great.
    The brothers immediately became .. clear
    What's on every walk
    You must take with you ... a roll. Mouse cones
    (A. Kondratiev)

    Once upon a time there were two serious cones on a pine tree.
    Lived under a pine tree two cheerful mice.
    And the mice screamed:
    - Hey, get down bumps!
    You know about us only by hearsay.

    The cones answered:
    - Stupid mice
    Why is it bad for us to hang
    Here on our tower. Better we invite you:
    Get in, let's hang out.

    But what kind of game of rhymes does the poet Vadim Levin offer. It's called: "Add two lines."

    The host comes up with the first two lines of the poem, and the rest of the participants in the game finish it, for example:

    Hippo at the zoo
    I swallowed a hedgehog and here are the endings:

    He has a stomach ache.
    The poor hippopotamus is crying. - He raised a terrible cry -
    I'm not used to spicy food. - He drinks castor oil all day
    And roars ... like a hippopotamus. - Behemoth laughs with might and main:
    Hedgehog inside tickles him! Suggest your ending.
    Try adding these couplets:

    Akim ran along the river
    Akim was completely dry. Author's ending:
    He ran across
    Wet to the skin.
    (Oleg Grigoriev) There is a dog at the post
    And wipes the sweat off his forehead. Author's ending:
    And on the pole the neighbor's cat
    He wipes sweat from his forehead.
    (Renata Mucha)

    Defects in the pronunciation of certain words make the child's speech imperfect, sometimes incomprehensible to adults, especially unfamiliar ones. Exercises for the development of speech in younger students are aimed at ensuring that children quickly master sounds that are difficult to pronounce. Regularly applying exercises to develop the speech of younger students, most children, after a short time, freely master speech and pronounce all the words correctly.

    Most often, adults do not even think about the fact that the inability to pronounce letters and phrases is very painful for children. In the family circle, the baby does not feel discomfort, because there he is known from birth and understood perfectly, but the school is another matter. He has recently come to study. There are so many strangers around, and it can be so difficult to find a common language with peers, and even with a teacher, precisely because of the imperfection of speech.

    Not understanding from the first time, the teacher asks again the second and third times, thereby forcing the child to withdraw into himself even more. It is also painful for a junior high school student that many of his friends pronounce all the sounds quite well, but no matter how hard he tries, he cannot do it.

    Another negative side, which often leads to incorrect pronunciation of sounds, is academic failure. Closing in itself, the student may be embarrassed to ask questions, answer aloud, or even read. When studying grammar, problems can also arise, because the correctness of written speech mainly depends on the correctness of oral speech. Most of the younger students perceive the text by ear, and expressing their opinion in the lines, they write as they speak.

    Based on the facts described, teachers and parents should pay maximum attention to the speech of elementary school students, working on its clean and correctness.

    Reasons for poor pronunciation:

    - Violation in the construction of the articulatory apparatus. The reason is the incorrect arrangement of the teeth or a deviation in their development. You can prevent defects by visiting the dentist regularly. Noticing adverse changes, the specialist will help prevent the violation.

    - Defects in pronunciation can be caused by hearing loss. Hearing correctly, the child tries to repeat the words correctly, at the same time, if the level of hearing decreases, even slightly, the process of normal speech perception also decreases. It is very important to monitor the development of a child's hearing from childhood, avoiding loud TV, radio and even too loud children's toys. If you notice a hearing loss, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

    - The reason for the untimely development of speech may be a chronic runny nose or the child's habit of constantly breathing through the mouth. That is why parents should teach the baby to nasal breathing and not run a runny nose. It is worth remembering that the child's voice apparatus is not yet strong, so it is also not recommended to shout or speak too loudly.

    The mistake of many parents is also forcing speech development. At each age, the articulatory apparatus is ready to withstand certain loads, but complex tasks in excess of the norm can only lead to a deterioration in the development of speech.

    What can not be done at an early age, so as not to provoke a lag in the development of speech:

    - memorize complex forms and words that are incomprehensible for a certain age of the child;

    - to force to learn sounds, for the perception of which the baby's articulation apparatus is not yet ready;

    The development of a child's speech is more facilitated by the correct pronunciation of words by adults. That is why, when communicating with a preschooler or a younger student, parents should pronounce words and sounds clearly and clearly. In turn, on the contrary, if a child hears defective speech from adults, as well as other relatives and comrades, this can negatively affect his speech development.

    How to develop speech in elementary school? The most useful exercises for the development of speech in younger students.

    An exercise rhyme for the correct pronunciation of sounds

    The exercise can be carried out as soon as the children have learned the alphabet, or even before that, with the help of adults. Let the elementary school students read this rhyme in a chain, or the teacher reads the words, and the children pronounce the sounds. The exercise helps to improve the child's speech, teaches how to correctly pronounce sounds that are difficult to perceive.

    A summer breeze is blowing - “f-f-f-f-f-f”;

    Our bell is cold - "ding-ding-ding";

    A bumblebee flew into a flower - “z-z-z-z-z-z”;

    He sat down to smell the lilac - "ah-ah-ah-ah";

    And in the grass near the bush ran a prickly hedgehog - "ph-ph-ph-ph";

    He frightened off the grasshopper - "tr-r-r, ts-s-s";

    Nearby, a bird softly sang "til-l, til-l";

    From the branch of the tree looked "til-l, til-l";

    And a beetle buzzed on a branch - “W-w-w, w-w-w”;

    With a bird, the beetle is a pleasant friend "oooo".

    Exercise "Singular and plural"

    The teacher tells the class or individual student the word in the singular, and the child or children must pronounce it in the plural.

    Book - books; glass - glass; cup - cups; hand - hands; spoon - spoons; friend - friends; ear - ears; puddle - puddles; pencil - pencils.

    Exercise "Multiple - singular"

    And now you can play with the children in reverse. The teacher names the objects in the plural, and the children try to find a single pair for them.

    Clouds - a cloud; pillows - pillow; wings - wing; dachas - dacha; flowers - a flower; well done - well done; dandelions - dandelion.

    The game "Think of a word by the last letter"

    A very interesting cognitive game that develops not only the child's speech, but also his logic, vocabulary, attentiveness and ingenuity.

    The teacher or one of the students says the first word, for example "Summer". The next participant must come up with a word for the last letter of the previous one, that is, for “O” (Deer). Since there are no words starting with a soft sign, the student will have to name the subject with the letter “H” and so on.

    The game “Who knows more words starting with “A” (BVG or another letter)

    A good game that develops the speech and vocabulary of the child. Children are asked to take turns saying words starting with any letter. In order to improve pronunciation, the teacher can choose the most difficult letters for the game, for example, "p", "s", "sh", "h" and others.

    Game "Finish the phrase"

    Orally, children can be asked to complete sentences or guess the end of a phrase.

    - There was a plate with ca ... (porridge) on the table.

    - Children drew on paper with ... (paints).

    - In the forest, under a bush, he carried an apple on his prickly back ...

    Exercise "Name the letters in order"

    You can simply offer the child words in which he will alternately name each sound.

    It is worth remembering that the best activities for the development of speech are daily interesting activities and games that parents can play with their children at home.

    Reading books with a child, answering questions about the plot of fairy tales, asking about what is shown in the pictures, speech develops naturally on its own, that is, in a natural way.

    There are times when a child really needs the help of specialists to eliminate speech defects. In this case, you should contact a speech therapist who knows how to help the child and teach him to pronounce the words correctly.

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