Thyroid diseases in dogs and their treatment. How does thyroid disease manifest in dogs? thyroid disease in dogs symptoms

Hyperthyroidism in pets is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by an increased production of its hormones. In this pathological condition, a high concentration of thyroxine and triiodothyronine is observed. This violation leads to a significant increase in metabolic processes, which negatively affects the work of all organs and systems in the animal's body.

Hyperthyroidism in dogs is rare. Studies show that most often only one individual in 150-500 healthy individuals is sick, depending on the breed and the presence of other adverse factors. Large and medium dogs are more prone to hyperthyroidism. Smaller breeds have a low risk of developing this disease. Gender affiliation to the appearance of hyperthyroidism among dogs is not observed.

Hyperthyroidism also occurs in cats. It affects animals as young as 8 years old. Most of all it is diagnosed in individuals 12-13 years old. The disease equally affects both sexes. Also, the breed of the cat does not influence its course.

Reasons for the development of the disease

It develops if during the gestation of the fetus the body of the animal was severely depleted. This led to a metabolic disorder in the mother's body, which provoked a high level of thyroid hormones in a newborn puppy or kitten.

After the birth of an animal, intensive growth of all tissues is observed, which requires a lot of nutrients and biologically active substances. The greater the exhaustion of the mother, the greater the need of the newborn. Therefore, by the age of 4 months, they have a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which leads to. This is the opposite of hyperthyroidism.

Also, the congenital form of the disease develops in the presence of autoimmune processes in the body of the animal. As a result, his immune system begins to produce antibodies that destroy the thyroid gland and negatively affect the work and condition of all organs and systems.

Acquired hyperthyroidism may occur due to such reasons:

  • the introduction into the body of a dog or cat of an excess amount of thyroid hormones;
  • the appearance of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland, which is hormone-dependent. It is called thyroid carcinoma. Such a tumor is very rare;
  • the presence of diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • the development of chronic inflammatory processes that gradually destroy the tissues of the thyroid gland. As a result, the remaining cells produce large quantities of thyroid hormones;
  • excess iodine in the body of the animal.

The main reason that leads to the development of hyperthyroidism in animals is benign hyperplasia or. It is accompanied by a significant increase in the body, which looks like a bunch of grapes. In 70% of cases, two lobes of the thyroid gland are affected.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Signs of the appearance of hyperthyroidism in animals are:

  • there is a significant change in behavior. The animal becomes more restless, periods of excitement alternate with lethargy. A cat or dog may show previously uncharacteristic aggression;
  • a sharp decrease in weight, which is accompanied by excessive absorption of food;
  • the number of heartbeats increases;
  • there is a violation of the digestive process;

  • body temperature rises;
  • there is a tremor of the limbs;
  • the animal drinks a lot of liquid;
  • a cat or dog loses its hairline, claws thicken;
  • there is bulging eyes (squeezing the eyeball forward). This is a sign of the development of Graves' disease;
  • there is an increase in the thyroid gland, which is felt on palpation of the neck;
  • frequent urination;
  • sometimes there is an increase in blood pressure, which can cause sudden loss of vision in the animal.

Diagnosis of the disease

Hyperthyroidism in cats and dogs presents in the same way as chronic renal failure, liver disease, or neoplasia. These pathological conditions should be excluded during the diagnosis of the animal's condition. Examination of a cat or dog should include:

  • general analysis and biochemistry of blood;
  • determination of the level of thyroid hormones (T4 total);
  • urine test.

In some cases, a chest x-ray, ECG, coprogram is shown.

When receiving a result from a general blood test, a change in the number of red blood cells, hematocrit does not occur. A fifth of the animals observed macrocytosis. A significant concentration of thyroid hormones promotes the release of a significant amount of erythropoietin, which, in turn, increases macroerythrocytes. You can also identify a condition that is characterized as a stress leukogram.

Analyzing the biochemical analysis of blood, the high activity of liver enzymes, alkaline phosphatase is striking. However, these changes are characterized as minor. If deviations from the norm are significant, comorbidities must be taken into account. In the study of electrolytes in most cases, no negative changes are observed. Also, hyperthyroidism is often accompanied by an increase in the concentration of urea, creatinine.

In most cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough just to determine the level of thyroxine in the blood of an animal. An increase in the concentration of this hormone indicates the presence of a disease. If, after the analysis, indicators are found that are at the upper limit of the norm, it is necessary to repeat the study after 2-6 weeks. This result may indicate the presence of comorbidities.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of hyperthyroidism in animals should be aimed at reducing the level of thyroid hormones.

This can be done in several ways:

  • radiotherapy with radioactive iodine. It is the most effective treatment. Difficulties in carrying out this procedure are associated with the limited technical support of veterinary clinics;
  • surgery. It leads to a positive result, and allows you to completely get rid of the disturbing symptoms. When performing surgery, a certain experience is required from the surgeon, which is not always possible to obtain. Due to incorrect, hypocalcemia is observed in case of accidental damage to the parathyroid glands. Also, the list of postoperative complications includes the development of Horner's syndrome, paralysis of the larynx;
  • drug therapy. It is the most common method of treatment, which is carried out for a long time. In most cases, drugs based on thiourea are used, which inhibit the production of thyroid hormones. Veterinarians use the following drugs - Carbimazole, Metimazole, Thiamazole and others. Also, drugs from the group of beta-blockers are often used to eliminate cardiac symptoms.

In the treatment of hyperthyroidism in animals, the prognosis is favorable (in the absence of serious concomitant diseases). It is also very important that the owner fully adheres to the recommendations of the veterinarian. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment will be zero. The prognosis for hyperthyroidism is unfavorable with the development of malignant processes in a dog or cat. Also, recovery and improvement in the condition of the animal does not occur with the general serious condition of the pet.


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Our smaller brothers suffer from various hormonal disorders in the body no less than people. One of the most common diseases is the pathology of the thyroid gland. This organ is vital because, together with the pituitary gland, it forms and maintains hormonal balance in the animal's body.

Thyroid hormones affect all body functions, so the slightest malfunction in the functioning of this organ negatively affects the dog's well-being and health.

Causes of the disease

There can be quite a few reasons why a dog's thyroid gland begins to produce too much or not enough hormones. Most often these are the following problems and conditions:

  1. Congenital pathologies.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Exposure, especially to radioactive iodine.
  4. Hormonal changes during fetal development.
  5. Taking certain medications.
  6. Malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the thyroid gland itself.
  7. Traumatic effect on the body.
  8. Disturbances in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland.
  9. Tumors of the gland - benign or malignant nature.

It is rather difficult to identify the cause of failures in the functions of the organ, therefore the disease is most often detected already in the process of active development.

Which breeds are more susceptible

A representative of any breed can get sick, but Dobermans, Golden Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels are more susceptible to thyroid pathologies.

Since the process develops quite slowly and inconspicuously, and its signs at first can be easily confused with other conditions, it depends on the care of the owner how quickly the disease can be diagnosed and its treatment can begin.

In the potential risk group are animals in the genus of which such pathologies have already been noted, inactive and prone to obesity, suffering from diabetes, other types of metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.

Main symptoms

In the initial stages, the disease is difficult to determine. Then you can notice the following signs in the dog:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Brittleness, dullness and hair loss.
  3. Lethargy, apathy.
  4. Obesity and obesity.
  5. Paleness of mucous membranes.
  6. Puffy eyes in Basedow's disease.
  7. Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  8. The formation of tumors in the organ.
  9. Digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.
  10. Decrease in body weight with preserved excellent or increased appetite.
  11. Trembling of limbs, weakness and unsteadiness of gait.
  12. Rapid heartbeat and breathing.
  13. Increased aggressiveness.
  14. Strong thirst.
  15. Frequent urination.

If a dog shows these signs, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. Sometimes a tumor becomes the cause of thyroid disease.

If it is malignant, only surgery to remove the neoplasm can prolong the life of the animal and save him from suffering, especially if it is malignant.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it will be necessary to undergo not only hardware studies, but also tests. The dog will take blood for the level of thyroid hormones, and also examine the organ using ultrasound.

In rare cases, a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging may be required. These types of tests are needed to look for thyroid or pituitary tumors if they are suspected.

Method of treatment and prognosis

Treatment depends on whether the disease is caused by a lack or excess of thyroid-stimulating hormones. In case of hypothyroidism, that is, reduced production of hormones, their synthetic analogues are prescribed to the animal.

With hyperthyroidism, several methods of influencing the organ are possible: drug suppression of the hyperfunction of the gland, surgical intervention, or radioiodine therapy, which is extremely rarely used in relation to dogs.

In difficult cases, as well as in the presence of tumors, they resort to the removal of the affected organ.

Myxedema, or mucous edema, is treated with iodine preparations. This substance can be introduced into the body through the skin, by application and rubbing.

What to do at home

It is impossible to prescribe treatment for your pet on your own, since the drugs and their dosage are selected individually by the veterinarian. At home, owners can provide their pet with proper nutrition, good care, and strict adherence to doctor's orders.

Possible Complications

Like any hormonal disorder, a problem with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland leads to a breakdown in the functioning of the whole organism. Graves' disease leads to pronounced bulging of the eyes, which will certainly affect the quality of vision.

Also, disturbances in the functions of the organ cause problems with sexual function and the birth of offspring, deterioration in digestion, memory, reaction and mobility, changes in metabolism, weight loss or painful fullness.

Prevention measures (diet)

It is impossible to completely protect your pet from the development of thyroid diseases, as they can be caused by numerous reasons. However, you can reduce the risk of disease by following all the rules of feeding, using quality products, a balanced composition of food, not feeding the dog from your table, especially with unnatural types of food for him.

A healthy dog ​​should move a lot, be well-fed, but not obese, his mind should be busy solving various problems. For the general health of the animal, it is very useful to deal with it on your own or with an instructor, to participate in exhibitions and shows.

Like humans, a dog should not lead a completely relaxed lifestyle and overeat, as well as constantly be in a state of stress so as not to provoke hormonal disorders.

The thyroid gland is a very vulnerable organ. Goiter is especially often diagnosed in women, which is associated with the characteristics of their body and dependence on hormonal fluctuations. What is this problem and how to deal with it is worth considering in more detail.

Symptoms and signs

The appearance of goiter is associated with a violation of the thyroid gland. By itself, it is only a sign of a certain disease. It is necessary to pay attention to the change in the condition in order to determine the presence of a problem in advance, that is, before the symptoms of thyroid goiter in women become apparent.

In the later stages, it is noticeable visually, as there is an increase in the neck in the larynx. Thickening can be both uniform and unilateral, depending on the type of pathology.

Other signs of thyroid goiter in women are as follows:

  • memory impairment;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • weight problems;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • difficulty breathing, suffocation;
  • exophthalmos;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • voice change, hoarseness;
  • hand tremor;
  • tachycardia.

Against the background of such deviations, problems may arise with the conception of a child and its bearing, up to the development of infertility.

Types of goiter

There are several types of goiter, depending on the nature of the changes occurring in the tissues of the thyroid gland:

  1. Diffuse goiter. There is a uniform increase in the organ due to tissue hyperplasia due to a lack of iodine in the body or autoimmune processes.
  2. nodal. Seals (knots) form in the tissue structure. Signs of nodular goiter appear in the form of protrusions in the neck, which can be single or multiple (multinodular type of disease).
  3. Cystic. Neoplasms have the form of a capsule filled with a colloidal viscous liquid.
  4. Mixed. A combination of several types of pathology, for example, diffuse nodular or cystic nodular.

Mostly such formations are benign, however, oncology is diagnosed in 3-5% of cases. Basically, this happens with the development of nodular goiter.

Reasons for development

Signs of goiter in women, the symptoms of its development largely depend on the causes of the pathology.

Predisposing factors are:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy;
  • iodine deficiency, unbalanced diet (endemic goiter);
  • bad habits;
  • radiation impact, ecological situation;
  • autoimmune reactions;
  • other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • heredity.

The consequences are the development of the disease, which is the cause of the appearance of the goiter itself.

There are three situations:

It is important to find out the exact cause of failures in the body and direct efforts to eliminate it.

Consequences and risks

Since the pathology is predominantly benign in nature, it does not carry significant risks for the patient's life. However, the problem cannot be ignored, as the growth of altered tissues will continue. Such a phenomenon is fraught not only with aesthetic problems, which is important for women, but can also be harmful to health.

An increase in goiter occurs in several stages, which in medicine are divided into degrees from 0 to 5. The last stages are characterized by a significant increase in the thyroid gland.

At this time, the body exerts significant pressure on neighboring tissues: blood vessels, nerve endings, esophagus and trachea, vocal cords. As a result, discomfort arises, the voice changes, it becomes difficult to swallow, asthma attacks become more frequent.

In addition, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the body and restore the balance of hormones. In rare cases, it is possible for a benign neoplasm to degenerate into cancer.

Features of diagnostics

In order to determine the type of pathology and the degree of its development, as well as to find out the probable causes that provoked its appearance, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. It is possible to identify the symptoms of goiter in women in the absence of a visual manifestation by palpation of the thyroid gland area, as well as using laboratory tests (see What thyroid hormones should I take to check her well-being?). Changes in the level of thyroid hormones indicate disorders in the endocrine system.

A more detailed picture can be obtained using hardware research:

  • ultrasound. Ultrasound reflects the structure of the organ, reveals neoplasms and hyperplastic areas. Additionally, a Doppler scan is performed to view the blood supply to the tissues, as well as a puncture biopsy under ultrasound control in order to determine the nature of the tumor.
  • CT/MRI. Tomography methods are used in cases where ultrasound diagnostics does not give a complete picture of the changes or with a non-standard location of the gland.
  • Scintigraphy. Radioactive iodine is used, which penetrates the thyroid gland and is located in a certain way in its tissues, which is noticeable with x-rays using a special apparatus.

Treatment Methods

The program for the treatment of thyroid goiter in women is determined after passing all the necessary examinations. Most cases are limited to conservative methods, since there are no significant risks to the patient's life.

In a different situation, surgery is indispensable, but this procedure is quite safe and is carried out with the help of modern tools, which allows minimizing the negative consequences of the intervention.

Conservative therapy

The essence of conservative therapy is to normalize the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, as well as suppress the factors that stimulate its increase. A specific treatment program is set on an individual basis, instructions for taking medications with calculated dosages are issued by the attending physician.

To correct the hormonal background, iodine preparations and synthetic hormones are prescribed for hypothyroidism. If there is a hyperfunction of the gland, radioactive iodine is prescribed and means are used to suppress its work. You can improve the condition of the thyroid gland with your own hands.

To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Healthy food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • exercise;
  • observe the rest regime;
  • be less nervous.

A special place is occupied by a diet. The diet should contain foods rich in iodine: fish and seafood, eggs, tomatoes, grapes, etc.

The duration of therapy takes at least six months. In the future, in order to maintain the health of the endocrine system, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and from time to time be examined according to laboratory parameters.

Surgical intervention

The possibility of surgical intervention is not excluded. Traces of the operation, provided that modern technologies are used, are practically not noticeable, and the price of services is relatively low. The procedure is widely used in medical practice.

Indications for its implementation may be the following circumstances:

  • detection of a malignant neoplasm in the structure of thyroid tissues;
  • the presence of large nodes or cysts;
  • intensive increase in neoplasms for a short period of time;
  • discomfort and pressure on adjacent tissues;
  • aesthetic aspects of the problem.

The operation is performed through a small incision in the neck or by opening the tracheal area if the organ is difficult to access.

There are several options for further manipulations:

  • removal of the node - the altered part of the organ is cut out;
  • partial resection - removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland while maintaining the second half and isthmus;
  • thyroidectomy - complete removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which is necessary when malignant processes in tissues are detected.

With cystic goiter, a simpler solution to the problem is possible - by means of a puncture, a colloid is pumped out of the cyst, without large-scale invasive manipulations.

In the future, in any case, it is necessary to establish food and rest. Antibiotics and supporting hormonal drugs are also temporarily prescribed. With the complete removal of the thyroid gland, hormone replacement therapy is a lifelong measure.

Preventive actions

Women who have had thyroid disease, especially if surgery is necessary, need to monitor their health in the future. A set of preventive measures will normalize the work of the endocrine system, as well as avoid problems with the thyroid gland in the future.

Goiter prevention:

  • balanced diet;
  • taking vitamin supplements with iodine in the event of its deficiency;
  • avoidance of stress and heavy loads;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoidance of exposure to toxic substances and radiation;
  • prevention of neck injuries;
  • control of tests, especially during pregnancy;
  • timely admission to the hospital if suspicious symptoms appear.

You can learn more about thyroid goiter and the features of its treatment by watching the video in this article. Follow the signals of your body so as not to miss the beginning of the development of pathology and eliminate it in time!

In diseases of the thyroid gland, pain in the cervical region and suffocation may occur. The functional activity of the thyroid gland depends on the presence of iodine in the body. With a shortage of this component, you can feel it for yourself. With pathological changes in the thyroid gland, you can feel how something is suffocating, while tightening your neck.

Why there is a feeling of pressure in the throat

With pathological processes, the size of the thyroid gland begins to increase, pressure appears in the throat, you feel constant discomfort. Often this can be:

  1. inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis);
  2. excessive production of hormones (hyperthyroidism);
  3. thyroid cancer.

With thyroiditis, there are a whole host of symptoms. It all depends on the form of the disease. Thyroiditis happens:

  • acute purulent;
  • acute nonpurulent;
  • subacute;
  • chronic fibrous;
  • chronic autoimmune.

Diseases that cause discomfort

Acute purulent thyroiditis develops with an acute or chronic infectious disease. It can be a sore throat, pneumonia, etc. Pain begins in the neck in front, which radiates a little to the back of the head and jaw. Lymph nodes increase and pain increases during swallowing and head movements. Body temperature starts to rise.

Subacute thyroiditis can appear after viral diseases, such as parotitis, SARS, coxsackie. Most often, carriers of this type of thyroiditis are women over 30 years old. Pain also appears in the neck and ears, migraine, body temperature rises and the patient's activity decreases, sweating and weight loss are observed. When the disease lasts for a long time, drowsiness, swelling on the face, dry skin, and a state of inhibition appear.

Chronic fibrous thyroiditis mainly affects people who have Graves' disease or endemic goiter. The patient increases and thickens the thyroid gland, there is a violation of its functions.

With autoimmune chronic thyroiditis, there are no symptoms in the first few years. Most often, this disease occurs in women over 40 years of age. With an enlarged thyroid gland, neck compression begins, and the necessary hormones in the blood decrease.

With hyperthyroidism, all processes in the body are accelerated due to a glut of hormones in the blood. From this there is a frequent change in mood, overexcitability, hands tremble, sleep is disturbed.

Heart failure occurs due to a large difference in upper and lower pressure. The eyes begin to double, the eyelids swell. Eyes may water, pain is felt. The person may lose their sight.

The digestive process is disturbed, appetite can either increase or decrease. Muscles begin to tire quickly. Men can experience infertility, and women can experience menstrual irregularities. The patient begins shortness of breath, due to a decrease in lung capacity, metabolism accelerates.

No matter how much the patient eats, the weight will fall sharply. There is constant thirst and, as a result, polyuria (frequent urination). During such a disease, the skin, nails, hair quickly wear out, the person begins to turn gray early.

The symptoms of such a disease may not be determined in elderly people, since most of them are present as a pattern.

Oncological diseases of the thyroid gland

Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor that affects the most important organ of the human endocrine system. This pathology is often found in girls. The tumor can appear at any age. Most often, this disease occurs in people who suffer from a lack of iodine. It may show up in a few years.

The tumor can be caused by radiation exposure. The reason may be radioactive rain, which began after the testing of nuclear weapons. With frequent X-ray exposure, tumors can occur in the head and neck area.

In old age, people experience failures in the genes, as a result of which a tumor appears. The reason may be harmful work in metal-related workshops, or poor heredity. But the easiest way to get thyroid cancer is through tobacco and alcohol.

Tumors after chronic diseases are characteristic. It can be:

  • breast tumors;
  • diseases of the rectum and colon cancer;
  • multinodular goiter;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • endocrine neoplasia.

When the patient develops a tumor, a nodule on one side of the neck may increase. At first, this nodule does not have any pain. Over time, it begins to grow and thicken, the lymph node increases.

In the later stages of thyroid cancer, pains begin in the neck area, which are partially transmitted to the ear, pressure is felt in the thyroid gland, a feeling of suffocation and a lump in the throat, the voice becomes hoarse, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, veins swell. Such signs indicate that the tumor began to compress all the organs surrounding it.

Cancer is of several types:

  • papillary;
  • medullary;
  • follicular;
  • anaplastic.

During papillary cancer, tumors begin to break through from many protrusions that resemble papillae. They respond well to treatment and are considered benign.

Medullary carcinoma is quite rare. It can grow into the muscle and trachea. Basically, the disease is transmitted by genes. Therapy with iodine does not help in the treatment of the tumor. Only surgery will help her get rid of it. The operative method removes not only the thyroid gland, but also the lymph nodes.

Follicular cancer is more common in older women. Cancer cells spread to the lungs and bones around the diseased thyroid gland. The tumor can be cured with iodine treatments.

Anaplastic cancer is considered to be the rarest form of the disease. Cancer cells spread very quickly throughout the body. This type of tumor is practically incurable.

Any of these thyroid diseases can cause suffocation. To make sure the cause, you need to go to a doctor's consultation. He will examine the throat, prescribe all the necessary diagnostics, medicines to cure the disease or send him for an operation. Do not self-medicate or delay it. This will aggravate your condition, and the treatment will be even longer and more difficult.

Symptoms and Treatment of an Enlarged Thyroid

One of the most common diseases on earth is dysfunction of the endocrine system. Both an enlarged and a reduced thyroid gland lead to a malfunction of the whole organism. First of all, the hormonal background of a person is disturbed. A reduced thyroid gland is less common than an enlarged one, but, as a rule, such a violation most often occurs in the body of women. A certain percentage of patients have congenital pathology in the endocrine system.

The thyroid gland plays an important role in the functioning of the whole organism. It is located in the human neck in front of the trachea. In shape, it resembles a butterfly and is closed by the thyroid cartilage. Her diseases are usually caused by hypothyroidism - a decrease in the thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism - an increase in the gland. Violation of the work of this system entails the loss of iodine in the body and disruption of the production of such vital hormones as iodothyronines, tetraiodothyronine -T4, triiodothyronine T3. These are iodine-containing hormones that play a crucial role in the normal functioning of the body, its metabolism and cell growth.

In their totality, entering into synthesis, they stimulate the production of a peptide hormone that regulates and protects bone tissue in the body from wear and tear, and also promotes the production of osteoblasts. Thus, any dysfunction in the endocrine system entails a malfunction of the whole organism. Treatment of hypoplasia - a decrease in the volume of the thyroid gland requires complex therapy under strict medical supervision. Sometimes people take drugs for life that normalize the hormonal background and contribute to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

A person suffering from hypoplasia or hyperplasia, without fail, becomes registered with an endocrinologist. Under the supervision of a doctor, he undergoes a complete diagnosis of the body and proceeds to treatment. Therapy is chosen depending on the degree and complexity of the disease. The treatment is not quick and easy, but with the conscientious implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, many people have been cured of thyroid diseases. It is worth remembering that prevention is better than long-term treatment. The use of seaweed, algae, seafood in your diet will help replenish and nourish the body with iodine, which is so necessary for the gland.

Causes of the disease

Hypoplasia can occur in a number of cases:

  1. Congenital small thyroid gland.
  2. The organ undergoing surgery, in this case, the thyroid gland is partially or completely removed.
  3. Serious hormonal disorders.
  4. Organ injury.
  5. Congenital absence of an organ.
  6. Autoimmune thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland.

These are the main reasons leading to dysfunction of the gland. Most often, violations occur in women against the background of the menstrual cycle and monthly hormonal changes. This disease is dangerous and in its extreme manifestation can lead an adult to myxedema, and a child to cretinism. In children, a reduced thyroid gland occurs due to a lack of iodine in the mother's body during pregnancy. If a woman herself suffers from hypothyroidism, then in the state of pregnancy she must additionally supply the body with iodine and receive it in the form of medicines.

Signs of hypothyroidism

The main symptoms of gland hypoplasia are its reduction. It is impossible to detect changes in the organ by palpation or simply by visual inspection. But there are a number of signs characteristic of hypothyroidism.

  1. Lethargy and drowsiness.
  2. Nervous diseases. Irritability, sudden change in mood.
  3. Swelling of the face, tongue and limbs.
  4. Reduced blood pressure.
  5. Appeared wheezing and hoarseness in the voice.
  6. Decreased temperature.
  7. Constipation.
  8. Delay in the work of metabolism.
  9. Inhibition of mental development processes.
  10. Seals, palpable on the thyroid gland.
  11. Low hemoglobin level.

The symptoms of this disease are quite similar to many other possible human diseases. In women, this type of disease proceeds very slowly, and it is difficult to detect it in a timely manner, it is only necessary to undergo regular examinations. Of course, it is impossible to determine whether there are violations by one of the signs. To do this, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, take a blood test and do an ultrasound. All this is done in the direction of the endocrinologist, who will prescribe treatment in the future.

Diagnostic Measures

To make an accurate diagnosis, you must undergo the following examination:

  1. Blood analysis. It will show the amount of which hormones need to be adjusted in the body. The main indicator is the indicator of how reduced the level of thyroxine - T4 and triiodothyronine - T3 in the body. For a small child, this analysis is necessary to detect whether or not there are antibodies. They are produced by the immune system in response to inflammation.
  2. ultrasound. Thanks to this type of examination, you can clearly have an idea about the size of the organ, how much the changes have occurred.

More detailed tests for specific types of hormones are done at the discretion of the doctor based on the first data. According to them, treatment is prescribed that can normalize the production of necessary hormones in the body, neutralize inflammation and its consequences in the endocrine system. In adults, when a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made, atrophy of the organ is implied, provided that in the past it was of normal volume. Most often, atrophy occurs in the elderly.

There is a type of hypothyroidism:

  • autoimmune;
  • clinical, subcompensated, and decompensated;
  • gestational;
  • primary, secondary, tertiary and peripheral;
  • chronic hypothyroidism.

Therapeutic measures

The main form of treatment for thyroid dysfunction is hormone therapy with thyroid drugs.

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It can range from a few months to lifelong use. Such medicines carry a heavy load on the heart, and if the disease has not been treated for a long time, then the body has moved into a certain rhythm of work. The hormonal drug is prescribed initially in small doses to avoid overloading the cardiovascular system.

The most common drugs in the treatment of thyroid hypoplasia are:

  1. L-thyroxine, preparation of the T4 hormone.
  2. Triiodothyronine, a preparation of the T3 hormone.
  3. Thyroidin (this type of drug is made on the basis of the dried thyroid gland of an animal).
  4. Thyreocomb.
  5. Tireot.

This class of medicines is applicable for already serious violations of the thyroid gland, in which it is no longer possible to do without hormonal drugs. But there are a number of homeopathic remedies that successfully support the body and correct its hormonal background. These therapeutic agents are applicable for minor disorders in the endocrine system, and in particular, with thyroid dysfunction that has arisen during pregnancy and with subclinical hypothyroidism.

Folk methods of dealing with the disease

Unconditional in the treatment is diet and the use of iodine-containing foods. It is recommended for acute forms of the disease to take a decoction of seaweed, walnut partitions, horsetail, plantain and pine buds. Of course, self-medication is contraindicated and resorting to the use of folk remedies is only under the control of an endocrinologist. Often, specialists also connect herbal therapy to medications. The following fees are recommended.

Many dog ​​breeders have come across such a disease of their pet as hypothyroidism in dogs. This pathology has a hormonal nature, affects mainly overweight animals and certain breeds. The disease is quite common, and leads to damage to the thyroid gland. In the article, we will consider the features of this disease, find out what are the causes and symptoms of the disease, how hypothyroidism should be treated, and what preventive measures will help prevent the disease.


As mentioned above, hypothyroidism in dogs is associated with impaired thyroid function. As a result of this violation, iron begins to produce less hormones: this is reflected in the metabolic processes in the animal's body. In essence, hypothyroidism is an insufficient production of certain hormones by the thyroid gland. Most often, the disease is acquired, much less often - congenital.

There are two types of canine hypothyroidism most commonly encountered by veterinarians today, primary and secondary, with the former more common than the latter.

  • Primary hypothyroidism has a second name - "Hashimoto's disease", and is caused by external factors: iodine deficiency, infections, tumors of the thyroid gland, etc. Primary hypothyroidism is treated quite well with timely visit to the clinic. This type of hypothyroidism occurs in 95% of all cases of diseases.
  • Secondary hypothyroidism is more dangerous, and leads to much more serious consequences than primary. The disease develops in this case at a young age, negatively affects the growth and development of the dog. Sometimes secondary hypothyroidism even leads to dwarfism in dogs, even initially large breeds. Usually, secondary hypothyroidism develops due to problems and pathologies of a congenital nature, as well as due to a tendency to form tumors. In some cases, secondary hypothyroidism can be the result of a dog's poor diet or steroid treatment.

The disease has a rather extensive list of symptoms - we will talk about them a little further. Obese dogs are especially susceptible to disease. Therefore, the excess weight of the animal is a provoking factor in this case. In addition, dog hair loss and skin problems can also indicate the likelihood of hypothyroidism.

The disease is diagnosed simply - just visit a veterinary clinic: for an accurate diagnosis, you need to take a blood test. During the study, the specialist will check the level of hormones in the dog's blood, and compare this indicator with the "norm".

It should be noted that today hypothyroidism in dogs in the vast majority of cases is incurable, but with the regular administration of special drugs, dogs live well with the disease for many years, feeling quite well at the same time.


Veterinarians divide the whole process of hypothyroidism in dogs into two stages: early and late. These stages differ from each other in symptoms, as well as the level of damage to the animal's body.

  • The early stage leads to a decrease in the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland, and at this time the first weak signs of the disease appear. If you start treating the dog at this stage, then the prognosis will be favorable, and the dangerous consequences of the disease will be stopped. Sometimes, even with strong immunity, the animal's body can recover completely on its own, however, this happens, unfortunately, rarely.
  • If adequate measures are not taken at an early stage, hypothyroidism will move to a late stage, when the level of tyrosine in the blood is greatly reduced. At this stage, all dangerous and serious symptoms are already clearly manifested, causing the animal a lot of suffering, and the owner - experiences and anxiety.

Since the disease develops rather slowly, the symptoms do not appear immediately and are pronounced. The condition of the dog worsens gradually - therefore, unfortunately, pet owners often turn to the veterinarian when the disease has already progressed, and the symptoms have become apparent. At first, the dog becomes simply lethargic and apathetic, and more dangerous symptoms appear much later. In this case, veterinarians advise not to make allowances for the age of the dog: with good health, animals remain active and cheerful throughout their lives.


Find out what causes hypothyroidism in dogs:

At-risk groups

Although hypothyroidism occurs in dogs of all ages, however, most often veterinarians have to deal with the treatment of animals 4-10 years old.

Approximately 70% of all cases of hypothyroidism occur in large breed dogs. Miniature dogs get sick much less often. As for the breeds that are more prone to hypothyroidism than others, the following can be noted:

  • retrievers;
  • schnauzers;
  • dobermans;
  • spaniels;
  • Irish Setters;
  • taxes;
  • Airedale Terriers.

Sensitive to hypothyroidism and German Shepherds, which are already the most frequent patients of veterinary clinics due to their complex genetics. Note that in breeds such as beagles and greyhounds, hypothyroidism is also detected quite often.

If a female has had an operation to remove her ovaries, she is much more likely to develop hypothyroidism after that.

With regard to gender, hypothyroidism is recorded with the same frequency in both females and males. There is, however, some evidence that "ladies" fall ill with hypothyroidism more often than "men".


Since a decrease in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland directly affects the metabolic processes in the dog's body, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are very diverse, affecting almost all aspects of the animal's life. Without exception, all body systems, internal and external organs suffer. For this reason, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are very vague and do not differ in certainty. The diagnosis is made only after a thorough blood test, since it is not possible to accurately establish hypothyroidism by external symptoms. However, there are some symptoms that in 60-70% of cases speak of hypothyroidism. Consider further hypothyroidism in dogs, their symptoms and treatment of this disease.

  • The dog falls into apathy, becomes lethargic, lack of initiative. If earlier your pet was worn like a wound up, played, now he lies more and more, he does not show interest in active games. The dog gets tired quickly, can hardly withstand long walks. A dog with hypothyroidism becomes exercise intolerant. And if earlier she cheerfully rushed for a wand in the park, now she only sits apathetically on the sidelines.
  • The animal's hair begins to fall out. The coat becomes dry, brittle, and loses its luster. The dog often thins the back of the nose, as well as the inguinal region, areas in the armpits, and the neck under the collar. If hypothyroidism is complicated by infections, then the dog may experience itching in addition to skin problems. The facial expression takes on a "sad" expression, as in spondylosis. It is the last symptom that dog owners pay attention to in the first place.
  • A sad muzzle is obtained due to the drooping of the eyelids and corners of the mouth down. In addition, the front of the head also swells strongly in the animal. Often, as a result of this disease, the function of the secretory glands, as well as the lacrimal glands, is disrupted. Therefore, the dog's eyes become constantly wet, and drool flows from the mouth.
  • The pigmentation of the skin becomes noticeable. Dandruff forms under the hair on the skin, some areas may turn pink, scab, go bald. If the process is running, then an unpleasant odor associated with the rapid growth of bacteria can come from the dog's skin. The animal may also develop skin diseases such as seborrhea and dermatitis.
  • Hypothyroidism leads to the fact that the animal begins to look extremely untidy. The dog's coat hangs in clumps, is difficult to comb, has bald spots, becomes greasy, oily when the skin is dry at the same time. The tail acquires a "rat" shape, thins out.
  • The animal develops a negative reaction to cold, intolerance to low temperatures. The animal tends to constantly hide in a warmer place - under the radiator, on the rug, closer to the heating devices.
  • There may also be a slowing of the heart rate. The functioning of the cardiovascular system of the dog is disturbed. The animal has a decrease in hemoglobin, bleeding may open.
  • The behavior of the animal also changes. The dog becomes shy, shies away from passers-by on the street, reacts inadequately to loud sounds even from the TV. Some animals may, on the contrary, show aggressiveness unusual for them - this is a kind of defensive reaction. Mood swings are also possible from extreme fearfulness to excessive aggression.
  • Has hypothyroidism in dogs symptoms and ophthalmic nature. Under the influence of the disease, the animal may develop dry eyes, various infections of the organs of vision, conjunctivitis may occur. The look of the animal becomes "floating", loses its former sharpness.
  • If hypothyroidism has developed in a female, she has problems with pregnancy, gestation, childbirth, and feeding. Often, with advanced hypothyroidism, a dog gives birth to premature or dead puppies. In a male, as a result of the disease, libido is greatly reduced.
  • The digestive system is also malfunctioning. The dog may suffer from diarrhea, constipation, indigestion. Sometimes the animal may vomit after eating.
  • Note that congenital hypothyroidism causes swelling of the dog's skin, and also leads to the appearance of goiter. The cause of congenital hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency in the mother, as well as defects in the intrauterine development of the puppy. Very often, such individuals are born already dead or poorly adapted to life.
  • The signs of the disease can also be attributed to the weaving gait of paralysis, muscle atrophy, sagging of the upper eyelid, decreased growth, hormonal pathologies, decreased sense of smell, and kidney failure. Often the dog significantly gains weight, up to obesity.

Note! that not all symptoms appear in the early stages - many of them are noticeable only when hypothyroidism has already developed quite strongly. But the development of the disease is rather slow, so attentive dog owners have every chance to have time to cure their pet in the early stages, preventing the dangerous consequences of the disease.


If the animal has developed primary hypothyroidism, then the prognosis in this case is most often favorable. If the disease has moved to the second or third stage, then everything is already more complicated here, and with late detection, neglected hypothyroidism rarely leads to a good outcome. The fact is that a neglected disease leads to severe damage to the thyroid gland, inflammation of this organ and nearby tissues, and brain disorders occur.

If the animal has congenital hypothyroidism, then this diagnosis is the most unfavorable. As a result of a congenital disease, a dog often has problems with the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of which are irreversible.

If treated in a timely manner, dogs with hypothyroidism are able to live a long life. As a rule, with adequate therapy, most symptoms disappear, many - forever. After the start of the course of medical procedures, activity, mobility, and cheerfulness soon return to the dog. Appetite is also restored, and then within a month you can observe a significant improvement in skin condition. However, the skin is completely restored in a few months. If a dog has been overweight due to hypothyroidism, then as the treatment progresses, the fat sides gradually disappear.

But if you do not start treating the dog on time, start the disease, the animal may develop a coma, which is an extremely serious condition. Fatal outcome in the case of coma occurs quite often.

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism

To accurately diagnose hypothyroidism, modern veterinary clinics can offer several types of tests. The choice of the necessary research depends on the financial capabilities of the owner of the animal, the availability of the necessary equipment and reagents in the clinic. Recall once again that in this case only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, therefore, in any case, one cannot do without passing the analysis.

Most often, the blood of an animal is checked for the presence of a hormone such as thyroxine. This hormone is produced only in the thyroid gland, so a significant decrease in its level in the blood can directly indicate a malfunction in this important organ. However, in addition to hypothyroidism, other diseases can “contribute” to a decrease in the content of thyroxine in the blood, so sometimes additional studies are required.

Let us once again note the difficulty that the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in dogs presents. Due to the vagueness and uncertainty of the symptoms, many of which may well be attributed to other diseases, only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis in this case. First of all, the doctor should familiarize himself with the animal's medical card, find out if there are hereditary diseases, to which diseases the dog has a predisposition.

Note that when diagnosing a disease, it is important to take into account the current state of health of the dog, including the following factors:

  • presence / absence of pregnancy;
  • whether there are liver diseases, including chronic ones;
  • whether there are pathologies of the pancreas;
  • infectious diseases.


There is no cure for hypothyroidism in dogs. But with the regular introduction of special preparations containing the necessary hormones, the dog can lead its normal life: active and active. All therapy for this disease is aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in the dog's blood. Be sure to regularly donate blood for analysis in the course of treatment in order to control hormones.

Synthetic thyroxine, the so-called levothyroxine, acts as an administered hormone. Today, the industry can offer many options for drugs with this component - their difference will be only in the name, manufacturer and price.

The dose of drugs should strictly correspond to the age, weight, severity of the disease and other important characteristics. It is important to take into account the individual reaction of the animal to a particular drug. As a rule, the standard dose of the drug is administered for the first time, and a day later, a blood test is taken from the dog, a study is carried out, it is checked whether the thyroxine content in the blood has increased and how much. After that, the dose is adjusted if necessary.

If inflammation of the thyroid tissue is detected at an early stage, it is very important to completely get rid of this inflammation in order to prevent further development of the disease. If hypothyroidism is already progressing, synthetic thyroxine is injected into the dog's body, and the drug should be administered daily.

In different dogs, certain organs react differently to the disease, so sometimes supportive treatment of the liver, kidneys, heart, and other vital body systems is required.

Note that with the timely start of treatment and subject to all the doctor's recommendations, the prognosis for this disease is favorable in most cases. Every year, scientists and veterinarians discover new aspects and facets of canine hypothyroidism, which allow developing more advanced approaches to the treatment of this disease. Today, in the treatment of hypothyroidism, veterinarians try to remove the primary cause of this disease and at the same time stop the symptoms.

Why Treatment Doesn't Help

Most often, in the treatment of this disease, the cause of failure is the incorrect diagnosis made to the animal initially. Especially often, some skin diseases with similar manifestations can be mistaken for symptoms of hypothyroidism. Keep in mind that if an animal's skin condition worsens 2-3 months after a course of hormone therapy, this indicates that the animal has a skin disease that is not associated with a thyroid condition. In addition, sometimes the following errors lead to unsuccessful treatment:

  1. incorrect dosage of drugs;
  2. frequency of drug administration inadequate to the disease;
  3. incorrect selection of the drug;
  4. poor absorption capacity of the intestine;
  5. individual immunity of thyroid tissues.

So, we examined the features of the disease in dogs with hypothyroidism. As you can see, this disease leads to rather dangerous consequences, so the animal needs treatment. In any case, consult a veterinarian if you notice alarming symptoms in your pet - with the timely start of treatment, the dog can live for many years without suffering and pain.

Hormones play an important role in the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, diseases caused by disorders in the hormonal system often lead to serious health problems in a pet. One such disease is hypothyroidism in dogs.

This disease is quite common in shaggy friends of a person. However, its diagnosis is rather problematic. Even experienced professionals sometimes make mistakes in determining whether a dog is truly hypothyroid. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a barking pet to either not be treated for this hormonal pathology at all, or to be treated when, in fact, the animal does not suffer from it. This article will provide comprehensive information about what kind of ailment it is, what causes it, what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism and how to treat it.

Thyroid and hypothyroidism - how are they related?

In the body of a dog, the thyroid gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. With their help, the process of metabolism takes place, and the function of the main metabolism is carried out. Under the main exchange, experts understand the chemical reactions taking place in the body of a pet, the main purpose of which is to generate enough energy to maintain the vital activity of a barking pet. Thyroids stimulate protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of cells, thereby increasing the level of oxygen consumption by tissues. In addition, thyroid hormones affect the heart rate and optimize the excitability of nerve endings.

Hypothyroidism in dogs is recognized by doctors as an endocrine pathology, which is provoked by a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland. Dysfunction in the utilization of hormones and insufficiency of protein synthesis lead to the fact that the implementation of the basic metabolism is significantly slowed down.


According to statistics, in 90% of cases, pathology develops against the background of destructive processes occurring in the thyroid gland in a dog. Often the etiology of these painful changes remains unclear. Most experts agree that the blame should be placed on autoimmune diseases, which lead to the fact that the body of the animal begins to harm itself. Thyroid tissue atrophy, caused by cancer or a dog's overweight problem, can also lead to hypothyroidism.

The disease equally develops in dogs of almost all breeds, ages and regardless of gender. However, according to doctors, individuals of large and giant sizes, older dogs and breeds such as the Irish Setter, dachshunds, Airedale Terriers and Doberman Pinschers are particularly vulnerable. Having dealt with the causes of hypothyroidism, let's move on to the question of what signs characterize this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

It is important to understand that thyroid hormones are involved in almost all metabolic processes in the animal's body. In this regard, hypothyroidism is expressed in many different symptoms. First of all, they include:

  • lethargy, apathy and fatigue. Usually an active pet becomes inert, sleeps a lot, he no longer likes long walks in the fresh air;
  • the dog's mental abilities decrease, it does not respond to commands, it sharply increases in weight;
  • in females, there is a violation of the cyclicity of estrus, after childbirth there is a high probability of early death of puppies, and in males, the testicles atrophy, and the level of attraction is significantly reduced.

As the disease progresses, other signs appear, such as palpitations, shortness of breath, small ulcers on the cornea of ​​​​the eye, indigestion - diarrhea and constipation. The pet's skin becomes dry, dandruff appears abundantly, hyperpigmentation and hair loss are possible. With hypothyroidism, veterinarians also note the appearance of problems associated with blood clotting, and this is fraught with internal bleeding and the formation of blood clots.

The course of the pathology is slow, bright symptoms may begin to appear only after 8-10 months. This complicates the timely diagnosis of the disease. Obesity and a change in the amount of thyroidin are traditionally considered the surest signs of hypothyroidism, but this statement is not entirely true. Firstly, we can talk about obesity only if the dog's weight growth has exceeded 12-15% of the original weight. Secondly, a decrease or increase in thyroidin is also characteristic of diseases of the liver and kidneys, and this is also a side effect of taking certain medications. All these points must be taken into account when diagnosing a pet. Then the risk that the diagnosis will be made incorrectly is minimal.

Diagnostic methods

Owners should be well aware that diagnostic procedures for detecting hypothyroidism should be carried out exclusively in a complex manner. Otherwise, a treatment may be tried on the animal that does not suit him at all. This will aggravate the symptoms and waste precious time.

Diagnosis of endocrine pathology includes the following types of studies:

  1. Biochemical and general clinical analysis of the pet's blood (with the obligatory determination of the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood).
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. ECG (electrocardiography).
  4. Echocardiography.
  5. Ultrasound and biopsy of the thyroid gland for the presence of neoplasms in it.
  6. Check for the presence of thyroxine (T4) in the bloodstream, which is synthesized in the thyroid gland.

It is important to understand that thyroxine in the blood comes in two forms: free and bound. They differ in that the bound form is attached to the protein in the blood and this makes it impossible for it to enter the cells. The free form is not attached to anything, and therefore enters the cells, performing its function. Usually, its amount in the blood is very small, but it is the volume fraction of the “free” hormone that makes the diagnosis as accurate as possible.

Treatment of the disease

If a preliminary examination of the dog confirmed the presence of hypothyroidism, then the doctor begins to conduct therapy. It lies in the fact that the pet is injected with a synthetic analogue of thyroxine - levothyroxine. The symptoms and treatment of hypothyroidism are inextricably linked. Since the amount and frequency of use of the drug depends on the severity of the signs of the disease.

Treatment occurs according to the following scheme: for the first time, the veterinarian administers a standard dose of levothyroxine to the dog, after 24 hours blood is taken again for analysis of the hormone level, depending on its amount, the dosage is finally adjusted. In addition, the doctor determines the system of the body that reacted most severely to the pathology. Appropriate medications are prescribed for its recovery and support. If the therapeutic intervention was started on time, and the disease was not started, then the cure occurs quickly enough.

In no case should the owner try to treat his beloved pet himself. The slightest mistake in the allowable amount of dose or intensity of use of Levothyroxine can lead to serious consequences for the health of the dog. Unfortunately, the pet's thyroid gland has to be stimulated with synthetic thyroxine for the rest of its life. Puppies with congenital pathology require large initial and subsequent doses.

An overdose of Levothyroxine can be expressed in such symptoms as increased aggressiveness of the dog, heavy breathing, diarrhea, constant thirst and a "brutal" appetite. In addition, various skin diseases can develop. At the first sign, you need to urgently contact a specialist so that he adjusts the dose of the drug. In addition, he may prescribe a course of vitamins, in particular B12, and taking iron supplements.

Finally, I would like to say that hypothyroidism is not such a complex disease as hyperthyroidism, its therapy is much easier, and the prognosis for a positive outcome of treatment is extremely high. However, the owner should be attentive to the well-being of the pet and, at the first signs of endocrine pathology, seek help from a veterinary clinic.

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