What are the benefits of alcohol. The terrible truth about the benefits of alcohol. Is there any benefit

This idea was the result of research showing that people who drink alcohol moderately have better health and live longer than those who drink a lot, too little, or not at all.

New research calls this fact into question. Moderate drinkers have been found to be healthier than relatively heavy drinkers or non-drinkers, but they are also wealthier. So if you take into account wealth, the positive impact of alcohol on health is greatly exaggerated.

Health, Wealth and Alcohol Use

So, studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption has a positive effect on the health of people from 55 to 65 years old. However, scientists did not take into account that one of the main factors influencing both health and alcohol consumption was wealth. Therefore, new studies were carried out to find out what has more influence on the health of people who drink alcohol in moderation: directly alcohol or wealth, which allows them to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Massey University researchers used data from 2,908 older New Zealanders (average age 65) from the government's Retirement Health, Work and Life Survey. This is New Zealand's most comprehensive study of aging as it spanned ten years and included typical members of the population aged 50 and over.

Adult respondents over the age of 50 were divided into groups depending on the level of alcohol consumption, ranging from non-drinkers to those who drink alcoholic beverages more than three times a day. The scientists also specifically separated “sickness quitters” (people who stopped drinking due to poor health) from “lifelong teetotalers” (people who never drank alcohol).

At the first stage, a comparative analysis of these groups was carried out, which confirmed the conclusions of previous studies: moderate drinkers of both sexes were much healthier than heavy drinkers or non-drinkers at all. The analysis was based on the assessment participants gave to their health status and degree of physical activity.

However, moderate drinkers of both sexes were found to be wealthier than heavy drinkers or non-drinkers. And when the scientists added the wealth factor into the equation, it turned out that for men, moderate drinking was not associated with better health. In women, moderate alcohol consumption was still associated with health benefits, but given that only a small number of women consumed moderate amounts of alcohol (4%), this effect is highly questionable.

Research scientists provide little evidence to support the claim that moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial to health. Instead, they assume that older people's health and the amount of alcohol they drink simply reflects their financial well-being and social status.

Perhaps the association between alcohol use and wealth in older people reflects more who drinks than how much they drink.

Rechecking the impact of moderate drinking

Thousands of studies over many decades have shown that alcohol consumption causes over 200 diseases and is responsible for 6% of deaths worldwide. Scientists are still looking for a possible mechanism that would allow alcohol to have health benefits.

Researchers are also incredibly concerned about the unfoundedness of previous claims about the benefits of moderate drinking. A review of the studies supporting the relationship between alcohol and health reveals that scientists grouped many “sickly quitters” with those who never regularly drank alcohol. The scores of these former alcoholics suggested that the health of non-drinkers was much worse than that of moderate drinkers.

Many studies also failed to account for differences between moderate drinkers and other groups in factors that affect health. Moderate drinkers tend to be wealthier, more educated, more physically active, and eat a healthier diet. After accounting for these differences, as they did in the latest study, the researchers found little evidence that moderate drinking is healthier than lifelong abstinence or occasional drinking.

Senior Caution

The number of older people is increasing and drinking can have serious consequences for them, so any claim of benefit from alcohol needs to be carefully considered.

Older people, compared with other age groups, are at greater risk of poor health from drinking alcohol. Older people are less efficient at metabolizing alcohol and are more likely to suffer from diseases that drinking can only exacerbate. In addition, as people age, they begin to use more medications with which alcohol can interact.

However, recent research shows that newly retired Baby Boomers drink more alcohol and do so more frequently than previous generations of older adults. And many older people at the same time believe that it is beneficial to health, and some actively drink "for medical purposes."

If it becomes clear that alcohol does not benefit the health of older people, then how much can they even drink? Scientists have not yet found the answer to this question.

We all want to be productive, successful, and healthy. Of course, health is very important in order to fully enjoy life, and with its lack, nothing is sweet to us. But it turns out that in order to maintain health, in addition to the usual medical procedures and drugs, you can use very non-standard methods. One of them is regular drinking, certainly in reasonable amounts, and in our article we will tell you if there are any benefits from alcohol. It should be immediately noted that in our article we are talking about the benefits of alcohol for an adult and healthy person. For a child, alcohol is harmful in any quantity, there are also a lot of contraindications for the use of alcoholic beverages by adults - these are diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, people with pathologies in the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of alcohol

It is often said that small doses of alcohol are even beneficial for our health. This opinion is supported by a lot of scientific evidence.
Drinking several glasses of alcohol a week can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes and gallstones. With alcohol, you can lower the amount of cholesterol, dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation. Therefore, in people who periodically consume small doses of alcoholic beverages, reduced risk occurrence of cardiovascular and other diseases.

A little alcohol before meals improves digestion. With alcohol, you can relieve stress and relax after a day at work. In addition, over a glass of cocktail, chatting with friends becomes much more enjoyable.

Also, alcohol is able to fight radiation. 100 grams of vodka significantly increases the body's resistance to radioactive radiation.

Alcohol myths

However, There are many myths about the benefits of alcohol which are often far from reality.

They say that alcohol helps keep you warm. There is some truth in this statement. However, only the first 50 g of alcohol help to overcome the cooling. They normalize blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. But all the following doses have the opposite effect, as heat transfer increases, and the person freezes even more, without even feeling it.

What with the help of alcohol awakens the appetite, is also only partly true. Only strong drinks (primarily vodka) have a similar effect, and in small quantities. This process takes 15-20 minutes. But this method should not be abused, since alcohol harms the gastric mucosa.

It is also believed that with the help of alcohol, working capacity is increased and the thinking process is activated. However, Australian scientists have proven that the speed of thinking really increases, but the reactions are often erroneous. Besides, concentration of attention and the quality of inferences is significantly are declining.

Many people think that alcohol can lower blood pressure. Of course, it dilates blood vessels, but at the same time significantly speeds up the heartbeat resulting in the pressure just keeps going up. Therefore, it should not be considered a cure for hypertension.

Which alcoholic drink to choose

Most healthy alcoholic product is natural red wine. It is a good antioxidant and increases the amount of alpha-lipoproteins with beneficial cholesterol. Some types of beer have similar properties. However, other types of alcohol can also be beneficial.

safe dose of alcohol

When determining the dosage of alcohol, be guided by your feelings. If the feeling of pleasure from drinking the drink is replaced by negative emotions, it is better to stop. A safe dose of alcohol is up to 25-35 grams of pure alcohol for a person who weighs 70 kilograms. If you drink more than 35 grams of pure alcohol, it turns into poison and harms almost all systems and organs.
It should also be noted that the permissible safe dose of alcohol without harm to health can be taken no more than 1 time in four days. Recall that we are talking about pure alcohol, and not about alcoholic beverages.

Of course, the benefits of alcohol is an issue that is rarely discussed in official medicine. Most often, it is his harm that is emphasized. This is due to the fact that the promotion of alcohol consumption can lead to a sharp increase in its use, which threatens with serious consequences. However, reasonable people understand that everything should be in moderation. Drinking alcohol is no exception. To protect yourself from illnesses, you can drink a little alcohol every day, but it is important not to overdo it so that instead of doing good, you do not harm the body.

Danish scientists conducted a study on Alzheimer's patients associated with alcohol consumption and concluded that drinking wine in moderation (1 glass per day per 1 person) in the company of friends reduces the risk of dying from senile dementia, in particular from Alzheimer's disease, by 77%.

The study involved 321 patients. All patients were diagnosed with early Alzheimer's disease. For 12 months, they were observed and recorded the amount of alcohol they consumed. One in ten did not drink alcohol at all, one in twenty consumed alcohol in excess of the norm - more than 3 drinks per day. Approximately 17% consumed 2-3 doses of alcohol - the equivalent of one large glass of wine.

The results of a study of the effect of alcohol on the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease:

Those who consumed a lot of alcohol or did not drink at all had the same chance of dying from Alzheimer's disease.

Those who consumed one glass of alcohol a day had a 77% lower risk of dying from Alzheimer's disease.

One of the possible reasons for this result of the study is also called socialization and communication with friends, since patients consumed alcohol and at the same time communicated with friends. That is, the reduction in the risk of dying from Alzheimer's disease may have been more influenced by communication with friends, rather than alcohol consumption.

This study is particularly interesting because it has always been believed that alcohol destroys brain cells. But recent research shows that alcohol in moderation can have a protective effect on the brain.

However, for final conclusions on this matter, additional studies are needed, which will be carried out in the future.

Alcohol is poison. It is useless to argue with this - it is a scientific fact. Of course, the poison is not as strong as arsenic. However, anyone who has seen a heavily intoxicated person will agree that all the symptoms of poisoning are present.

But the positive effect of alcohol on the human body, the benefits of its use is also a scientific fact. Moreover, this fact was not proved by some enthusiastic scientists, lovers of skipping a cone or two of the purest, like a tear of a virgin, medical alcohol in their free time from experiments. This is official data from the World Health Organization. How can alcohol be harmful, while at the same time having a beneficial effect on the human body?

It's simple - alcohol, like everything else in the world, can bring both harm and benefit to the human body. The boundary separating one from the other, in strict accordance with the philosophy of dialectical materialism, lies in the quality of the consumed product.

The amount of alcohol that benefits the human body

The World Health Organization operates with the following data on the effect of alcohol on the human body:

  • benefit - 1 dose per day;
  • no harm, no benefit - 2 doses;
  • 3 doses or more - definite harm*.

This respected organization calls the dose:

  • - a bottle
  • vodka or another 40% drink - 50 gr.

The calculation is for a man of average weight. For women, the dose should be divided by two. Depending on the person's weight, the dose of alcohol that benefits the body should also be adjusted.

*With one exception - when you feel like you're getting a cold, 3 doses (preferably a 40% drink) will help stop it. But no more (preferably less - 2 doses) and not every day.

The mechanism of the beneficial effect of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol affects a person in a variety of ways, bringing harm to the body along with benefits. But one effect of alcohol is indisputable - vasodilation. It is thanks to this that alcohol consumption has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, as well as on the human body as a whole.

However, the positive effect of alcohol on the human body (benefit for the cardiovascular system) goes (for other body systems). That's why on the evening of a hard day's work, you should take only one dose. And then not every day: for a change, you need to give the body a break.

Plus, the daily intake of alcohol builds it into the general exchange of a person, and from here it is not far from alcoholism. So three or four days a week is just right.

Now around the world there is an active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which calls for the abandonment of strong drinks. And this is the right decision, because drinking alcoholic beverages is not recommended: they are harmful to health and lead to irreversible consequences. But is alcohol so harmful to the body, as its opponents say about it? Why is alcohol necessary in small doses for the human body and what positive effects does it have? How does the athlete's body react to alcohol, what kind of alcohol can be consumed? This will be discussed in more detail below.

About the beneficial properties of alcohol has been said since the time of the great lecturer Avicenna. In the 18th century, scientists officially proved with their experiments why the body needs alcohol:

Every day it is recommended to consume no more than 25 ml of pure alcohol. If you refuse this amount, then there will be no negative consequences. 25 ml is the optimal rate, which is well tolerated by the body. Positive effects are observed in people who take a reasonable amount of strong drinks daily. They experience less stress they have a healthier cardiovascular system, the risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced, the negative effects of hypertension and angina pectoris are smoothed out. Alcohol is considered to prevent type 2 diabetes.

In people who consume 25 milliliters of alcohol every day, there is a decrease in swelling, restoration of the nervous system. Reasonable alcohol consumption has a good effect on brain performance, a person has a surge of creative power, lymphoma is prevented, immunity is strengthened, and the number of infectious diseases is reduced. If a person has refused the reasonable use of strong drinks, then he will not have any negative effects.

Many people point out other positive aspects as well.. For example, people who suffer from anemia or anemia say that after drinking a glass of red wine every day before bed, they observed a decrease in dizziness and migraines. Their blood pressure increased, which had previously been very low. The benefits of strong drinks for women who took half a glass per day were noticed. For many, the menstrual cycle improved, and the skin became cleaner and silkier. This is due to the content of antioxidants and vitamins in wine.

In order for the body to have a positive effect from the use of intoxicating drinks, it is important not only to know when and how much to drink, but also to understand that each drink has a different effect on the body. Knowing these properties, you can calculate the positive effects of strong drinks on the body.

The influence of various drinks


At all times, wine was considered a noble alcoholic drink, which in ancient Greece was equal to the blood of the gods. Previously, this drink was considered a panacea for the human body. Those people who took wine daily suffered less from cardiovascular diseases, they remained young and beautiful longer. Wine was given to wounded soldiers so that they undergo pain shock and accelerate blood clotting.

The benefits of wine for the human body are very large. The drink helps protect the heart and blood vessels from wear, the risk of plaque deposition is reduced, there is a rush of blood to the brain, thus, its work is accelerated. This effect is observed due to fructose, antioxidants and vitamins of groups B and K, which are contained in the drink.


Almost any supporter of proper nutrition will say that beer is a useless and harmful product. But this statement is wrong if we talk about reasonable doses of the drink.

Some people get addicted to beer during feasts drink several liters at a time. The allowable dose of beer per day is 350 ml. This amount of drink is not recommended to eat with snacks, chips or salted fish, because they contain empty and harmful fats that have a toxic effect on humans. Snacks should be replaced with dried fruits or unsalted raw nuts. Doctors recommend drinking a small amount of beer with honey and dried fruits several times a week. This combination will help to forget about heart ischemia, kidney disease and hormonal disorders.

Cognac and vodka

It is permissible to use cognac or vodka based on vegetable, fruit or herbal tinctures in the fight against infectious diseases. To fight diseases it is necessary drink one shot before bed. Then you need to cover yourself with several blankets. Many people experience noticeable relief the next morning. This treatment should not be used in children under 14 years of age. Adults can be treated like this for no more than a week, so that there is no harm to the liver.

Impact on the athlete's body

Many argue that athletes involved in physical activity should not consume hard liquor. Is it true? What reaction does alcohol have on the body of an athlete? What are the effective consequences and what drinks can be consumed?

Athletes can drink half a glass red wine several times in 7 days. Their heart worked actively and received long-term stress, so to reduce stress, you need to get antioxidants, which are contained in sufficient quantities in wine.

Alcohol has benefits for athletes if taken in reasonable amounts. The daily dose for such people is reduced by 2 times. Thus, no more than 10 ml of purified alcohol can be consumed per day. Alcohol has on the human body not only harmful but also a beneficial effect. The main thing is to monitor the quality of alcohol. It is also necessary to take into account the daily dose, which should not be more than 25 ml of pure alcohol per day - this is half a glass of cognac or vodka, or a glass of red wine.

Almost all doctors argue that alcoholic beverages can cause irreparable harm to the human body. But among the people there is an opinion that harm or benefit depends on some circumstances. For example, a glass of red wine at dinner becomes the key to longevity and good mood. In medicine, the harm from alcohol has been proven by many studies. But there is still debate about the extent of the damage to health from alcohol. To date, the discussion continues on the topic: Is there a safe dose of alcohol for humans?

  1. Many doctors call alcohol a drug.
  2. The human body can become addicted, both psychologically and physically.
  3. Irregular and inconsistent intake of strong drinks can lead to addiction.

The path from drunkenness to alcoholism, which doctors rank as a serious illness, is not long. This disease requires medical treatment. This path begins with a glass of vodka or a bottle of beer on holidays. Each person has individual metabolic characteristics that affect the development of an addiction in a person, which subsequently leads to alcoholism. Doctors who are supporters of anti-alcohol propaganda, use a powerful factor: ethyl alcohol, which is contained in strong drinks, has a negative effect on the internal organs of a person. Such a substance for the cellular composition of the body is foreign.

If you regularly use an intoxicating drink, then it begins to corrode a person from the inside. Alcohol has a negative effect on the body as a whole. Eg;

  • destruction of brain cells occurs;
  • there is a decrease in the ability to respond adequately and quickly;
  • brain activity is suppressed.

An intoxicating drink has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. As a rule, a drunk person can behave inappropriately and irresponsibly. A decrease in the will of a person is noticed. Damaged internal organs e.g. kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Sexual function and reproductive function suffer from excessive consumption of intoxicating drinks.

If you drink an excessive amount of beer, then the production of the female hormone predominates in the male body. As a result, this leads to sexual dysfunction and other bad changes. Excessive alcohol consumption by women leads to problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Everyone knows that alcoholic beverages have a negative impact on a person's appearance. Alcohol is bad for the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Before drinking an alcoholic drink, you need to weigh the pros and cons and think about whether the body needs damage from taking alcohol for the sake of having fun? Women should remember that for them the danger lies in the disruption of the reproductive system. An intoxicating drink has a devastating effect on healthy eggs in the female body.

Among women who are of puberty, the risk of having a handicapped baby or with congenital pathologies increases. The following anomalies may be observed in the crumbs: mental retardation, damage to internal organs and developmental delay. If you take alcohol in an amount of more than 55 g at a time (the dose is calculated for an adult), then this can be fatal.

Myths about alcohol

There are various myths about the dangers of alcohol. The harm from alcoholic beverages has been proven by many doctors. Everyone knows that alcohol has a negative impact on the health of men and women. Many people know that poison can become medicine if consumed in small quantities. Many poisons are used for medicinal purposes as an antidote or medicine. This method is not new in medicine.

There are extensive discussions among specialists on the topic of the harm and benefits of alcohol. This topic has become the subject of extensive medical research, because the drinking of alcoholic beverages is included in the life of Russians at the household level. In medicine, there are examples in which the effect of alcohol on the human body has a positive effect.

If it is taken in small doses, then the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease, it will happen, it will stimulate blood circulation in the body - this is effective in combating the formation of blood clots. Physicians recently conducted research and revealed the following statistics: patients who had a myocardial infarction died less often if they consumed a small amount of alcoholic beverages daily. A heart attack is more common in teetotalers.

  1. Tea or coffee advertisements say that these drinks contain antioxidants that help a person stay young longer.
  2. But wine and beer also contain antioxidants. Everyone knows an example from the history of the Great Patriotic War, when soldiers took 100 g before the battle and defended their homeland.
  3. A glass of vodka, needed by soldiers for courage, helped to concentrate attention and added courage in battle. Many musicians note that they drink a glass of Cahors to practice their voice.

Vodka with pepper or wine is a traditional remedy for SARS and colds. If the patient feels that his condition worsens in case of a cold, then it is necessary to drink a small amount of strong alcoholic beverage. This will help boost immunity and relieve cold symptoms such as fever, sore throat and runny nose. It is difficult to judge the justification for such an impact of an intoxicating drink on the human body. It should be noted that the respondents who talk about the benefits of alcohol used it in moderation. If you know your measure of the dose of alcohol, then you can avoid the negative consequences that often lead to domestic tragedies.

Doctors' opinions

Does alcohol benefit or harm - this issue is often discussed by doctors who observe the changes that occur in the body after taking an intoxicating drink. The dangers of drinking alcohol are scientifically proven. In life, there are many examples of the negative consequences of immoderate alcohol intake. The benefits of alcohol by many scientists questioned, but still every day people continue to take alcohol.

Qualified doctors say that alcohol leads to internal imbalance, and emotional dependence also occurs. It refers to bad habits. A person cannot identify the problem on their own. This is the negative effects of alcohol on the human body.

Alcohol-based medicines

In pharmacies, you can find many drugs that are made on the basis of alcohol. But they are taken in drops and bring great benefits to the body.

  1. Alcohol tinctures are recommended by doctors for heart patients. For example, Corvalol and Valocordin.
  2. A tincture of motherwort or valerian will calm restless and agitated patients.
  3. If the patient has an upset stomach, doctors often recommend drinking vodka with salt or pepper. To get rid of syndromes, a glass is enough.
  4. Garlic tincture will have a beneficial effect in the cold season. Thanks to it, immunity increases.
  5. In Russia, the traditional way to fight the flu is vodka with pepper. If you drink it in a small amount, for example, 35 g, then you can relieve a headache if there are no pills at hand.
  6. Hot drinks come to the rescue with stress or toothache.

The benefits of vodka for colds

Vodka in the fight against inflammation: alcohol has a dilating effect on blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow to diseased organs. It helps to get rid of migraines. Vodka has a disinfecting ability that will prove useful in the treatment of stomach or sore throats.

The intensity of the cough is reduced by warming the pharynx when taking alcohol. A strong drink has a good effect on local immunity. Everyone knows that vodka has an analgesic effect.

It must be remembered that there are undoubtedly benefits for signs of a cold from strong drinks. But alcohol treatment is not a substitute for professional medical care.

The impact of cognac

This drink is highly appreciated by lovers of alcoholic products. If you drink 35 g of cognac, it will help expand blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. If the drink is consumed in moderate doses, it helps in getting rid of angina and migraine attacks. The tannins contained in the drink help in the absorption of ascorbic acid by the body.

With poor appetite, you need to use cognac, it will also help relieve stomach cramps. This drink is especially effective during the cold season. If you drink tea with cognac, it has a supporting effect on the immune system. Warm cognac has a therapeutic effect on sore throats. It is used for rinsing in a warm form. If you drink honey cognac with lemon, it will help in lowering hyperthermia.

If the cognac is slightly warmed up and used Together with honey, you can cure bronchitis. With a toothache, you need to wet a cotton swab and put it on a sore spot. And another tampon moistened with cognac should be placed near the ear from the side of the diseased tooth. To improve memory, it is recommended to drink no more than 20 grams of cognac daily.

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