What does the protein in the urine of a child say. What does the appearance of protein in the urine of a child warn about. What tests to take

Protein in the urine of a child is not often found. Normally, it is not present at all, or it is present in an extremely small amount. Indicators up to 0.036 g / l of urine should not bother parents. However, its content above this indicator is a signal for re-taking the analysis and a deeper examination.

The appearance of protein in the urine of a child can mean the development of various diseases or the body's reaction to certain factors. A persistent excess of its concentration indicates the presence of a pathology associated with impaired filtration, permeability of the renal vessels, tissue damage, and hormonal imbalance.

Types of proteinuria

Proteinuria refers to an increase in protein in the urine. Depending on the amount of protein found, they speak of weak, moderate and high proteinuria.

With a mild degree of proteinuria, the protein content is not more than 1,000 mg / l, with a moderate degree it increases to 4,000 mg / l, with a high (pronounced) - a level above 4,000 mg / l.

There are several types of proteinuria:

  • Physiological (functional). Not a sign of kidney disease. The occurrence is associated with the influence of specific factors, for example, physical activity or the use of protein products. Elimination of the influencing factor leads to the normalization of the protein level.
  • Orthostatic. It is found only in a daily sample. No traces are found in the morning urine collection. It appears mainly in adolescents and with a long stay on their feet. Occurs spontaneously, is not associated with pathology. However, it is recommended to periodically take tests in order to diagnose the development of a possible disease in time.
  • Pathological. It is associated with various diseases and is of three types. Prerenal appears against the background of diseases not related to the kidneys. Postrenal is associated with the ingress of protein into the urine from the urinary tract or genital organs. There are no abnormalities in the kidneys. Renal indicates a violation of the functioning of the kidneys.


Increased protein in the urine of a child appears due to various reasons, both pathological and physiological. Its content in urine can be both temporary and persistent.

Causes of functional temporary proteinuria:

  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to the sun for a long time;
  • eating a meal high in protein;
  • high;
  • stress and severe mental stress;
  • transient state of infants;
  • insufficiently carefully carried out hygiene before passing the analysis;
  • processing errors.
  • Stable, repeated detection of protein in urine means the likely development of the disease:

    • inflammatory processes;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • kidney injury;
    • renal tuberculosis;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • cardiovascular disorders;
    • obesity;
    • long-term use of drugs, for example,.


    Possible deviations in the functioning of the kidneys are indicated, first of all, by the appearance of edema on the face, arms and legs. In addition, attention is drawn to the pallor of the skin, painful urination, complaints of pain in the abdomen or back, fever.

    The child gets tired quickly, constantly wants to sleep, refuses to eat. Baby vomits. Urine from light yellow, straw becomes dark, its volume decreases. With a slight excess of protein, all these symptoms are not detected.


    To determine why the level of protein in urine is elevated, the following tests are taken:

    • General analysis. The results evaluate not only the protein content, but also the color, smell, density, and other indicators of urine. For delivery, the first portion of urine is taken.
    • Daily research. Urine is collected within 24 hours in a special container. The daily diuresis is estimated, a sample is taken from the full portion and sent for laboratory testing. The content of proteins, glucose, is analyzed.
    • Zimnitsky test. Urine is collected according to a certain scheme during the day, starting at 9 am every 3 hours.
    • Nechiporenko method. It is aimed primarily at detecting signs of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Shows the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, proteins, bacteria, cylinders. When collecting, it is important to release the first portion of urine into the toilet.
    • Express test. Recently, to quickly obtain the results of a urine test, special diagnostic strips with reagents applied to them are used. A chemical preparation allows you to evaluate leukocyte formulas, the level of a certain indicator, for example, glucose, protein, a combination of several indicators that are symptoms of a certain disease. For example, when the reagent shows a reaction to and glucose.

    Before taking any urine test, it is important to follow certain rules. The day before the test, it is advisable to limit physical activity, not expose the child to stress, limit his intake of foods high in protein. Do not bathe him in a hot water bath. Before you pee in a container for testing, the baby should be washed well.

    For the sample, the first morning portion of urine is taken (for a daily sample, the scheme is slightly different).

    The sample is collected in special containers, urinals are used for infants, from which urine is poured into a container. It is important to use only sterile products, so pouring urine from pots, squeezing urine from diapers is unacceptable.

    The analysis must be submitted to the laboratory no later than two hours from the moment of collection. Do not store urine at high or very low temperatures.

    Norms in the table

    Normally, children should not have protein in the urine, but doctors allow its presence to certain limits. The table of the norm of protein in the urine of a child shows indicators depending on his age:

    Protein and white blood cells

    With an increase in the concentration of protein in urine, an increase in leukocytes is often found. This combination in the analysis indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. There is no need to talk about the influence of physiological factors.

    An increased content of leukocytes makes the urine cloudy, dark, formations resembling flakes appear in it.

    The rate of leukocyte concentration depends on age and gender:

    In girls, the content of leukocytes is usually higher than in boys.

    Protein and leukocytes found in urine at an increased concentration are an indication for additional examination. In particular, it is necessary to clarify the content of cells and ketone bodies.


    Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the exact cause of proteinuria. This sometimes requires a second urine test, an ultrasound of the kidneys, or, in rare cases, an x-ray.

    Inflammatory diseases are the basis for antibiotic therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Detection of salts in the urine indicates the development of urolithiasis. Drugs may be prescribed, in severe cases, surgery is possible.

    Medications are prescribed for diabetes. With an increase - drugs aimed at its reduction. In the treatment of severe pathologies, hormonal agents are used.

    With mild proteinuria, it is enough to make changes in, reducing the intake of protein foods. Compliance with the diet is indicated for all patients with an increased concentration of protein in the urine. Salty and spicy dishes are excluded from the menu.

    Often in therapy, traditional medicine is used: rosehip decoctions, bearberry infusions, lingonberry fruit drinks.

    As you know, normal protein in the urine of children should not be. The appearance of proteins in the urine (proteinuria) leads to a violation of the filtration function of the kidneys. Proteinuria is not a separate disease, but just a pathological symptom of a huge number of ailments associated with dysfunction of the urinary organs, their inflammation or degeneration.

    It is believed that the allowable rate of protein in the urine of a child should not exceed 33 mg / l. It is this proteinuria that is not dangerous for the normal functioning of the baby's body, a condition that does not need medical correction. However, even if traces of proteins appear in children's urine, parents should not ignore such changes, but immediately contact specialists and conduct a more detailed examination of their child.

    Why does a pathological condition occur?

    Protein in the urine is a very alarming symptom that may indicate the development of complex pathological processes in the baby's body that disrupt the normal functioning of the organs of the urinary system, in particular, the kidneys:

    • infectious pathologies of the urogenital area, namely cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and the like;
    • viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, otitis media, sinusitis;
    • allergic reactions of the body;
    • injuries, including burns;
    • irregular drinking regime;
    • general hypothermia;
    • stressful situations, strong excitement.

    In addition, proteinuria is a constant companion of a huge number of pathogenetically complex diseases that threaten the normal functioning of the child's body. Among these ailments, it is worth highlighting:

    • diabetes;
    • leukemia;
    • osteopathy;
    • congenital anomalies in the development of the urinary tract;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • systemic pathological diseases of the connective tissue: lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.

    In addition, the protein in the urine is determined in small patients who suffer from hyperthermic syndrome or eat a lot of meat foods. From all of the above, it becomes clear that there are a huge number of causes of proteinuria: from the most harmless conditions to life-threatening pathological processes. That is why you should not disregard the appearance of protein in the urine, but immediately consult a doctor for more detailed advice and medical help.

    The main types and manifestations of proteinuria

    The deviation of protein in children's urine from the norm upwards can be of three types:

    • prerenal or adrenal, the occurrence of which is associated with diseases of non-urinary organs;
    • renal, which develops against the background of renal pathology;
    • postrenal or proteinuria, resulting from damage to the urinary tract or inflammation of the genital organs.

    As a rule, proteinuria has no clinical manifestations, so the child may look completely healthy. He plays, has fun and never ceases to please his parents with new achievements. Despite this, an increased amount of protein is determined in his urine. In some cases, the following symptoms may indicate proteinuria:

    • poor appetite, nausea;
    • apathetic mood, fatigue and lethargy;
    • drowsiness;
    • the appearance of puffiness in the lower eyelid;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • increased urge to urinate;

    • feeling of thirst;
    • subfebrile condition with an increase in body temperature up to 37.4 0 С;
    • change in the characteristics of urine, in particular, its color and turbidity, as well as the formation of a foamy film on its surface.

    Extremely rare signs of the appearance of protein in the urine are bone pain, as well as pain in the abdomen associated with inflammation of the kidneys. A characteristic manifestation of a violation of the filtration function in children of the first years of life is swelling of the tissues, when traces of clothing, a diaper, socks, and the like remain on the child's body.

    Modern approaches to diagnostics

    It is determined by the colorimetric method of examining the liquid in the laboratory or using special test strips that can be used everywhere, even at home. Naturally, a more reliable technique is a laboratory technique that allows not only to determine the presence of proteinuria, but also to assess its degree.

    Depending on the quantitative indicators of protein in the urine, one can judge the causes of proteinuria:

    • traces or proteinuria up to 0.033 g / l - a relative physiological norm, which excludes the presence of pathology from the kidneys;
    • the amount of protein from 0.033 to 0.099 g / l - an indicator of the work of the kidneys with stress, which is associated with increased physical activity, hypothermia, diets with a high content of protein foods;
    • protein is determined in an amount from 0.01 to 0.2 g / l - an indicator characteristic of the recovery period after viral infections;
    • proteinuria from 0.2 to 0.3 g / l - suspicion of kidney pathology;
    • protein from 0.3 to 1 g / l - serious problems with the kidneys, which needs immediate specialist advice.

    It is important to remember that an increase in protein in daily urine up to 0.2 g and in a one-time analysis up to 0.03-0.06 g / l is the absolute norm for children in the first 28 days of life. In children under the age of one year, the allowable amount of protein is 0.036 g / l.

    How to eliminate the pathological condition?

    If a protein was determined in the urine test, it is recommended to transfer the child to a diet with restriction of salt and meat. You should also temporarily protect the baby from physical activity, and then repeat the study. When re-diagnosed in abnormal amounts, namely more than 0.05 g / l, it is an indication for a detailed and comprehensive examination of a small patient with the determination of the true cause of the development of the pathological condition and subsequent treatment.

    Proteinuria is an indication for the following groups of drugs:

    • cytostatics;
    • antibacterial drugs;
    • hormonal agents from a number of corticosteroids;
    • antispasmodic drugs;
    • antiplatelet agents;
    • diuretic drugs.

    The expediency of prescribing cytostatics is explained by their ability to suppress the activity of the immune system and the production of antibodies, which by their nature are proteins.

    Antibacterial agents are indicated for children who have been diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the urinary system. The drugs of choice in this case are antibiotics from a number of macrolides, which have a wide spectrum of action and a relatively mild effect on the child's body.

    Hormonal drugs, in particular, prednisone, are prescribed to young patients in order to reduce the formation of globulins and stimulate the breakdown of protein complexes in the body. Hormones are prescribed to children in short courses, as they can cause a huge number of side effects.

    Among diuretic drugs, doctors prefer to prescribe herbal remedies for children, which have practically no contraindications and do not cause complications. In any case, it should be understood that the successful treatment of a child is possible only with constant medical supervision.

    The results of a child's tests that do not fit into the norm often cause concern for parents. However, deviations of indicators in one direction or another do not always indicate serious disorders in the body. Today we will consider what the presence of protein in the urine means - what are the norms, what they depend on and what parents should do if this indicator increases.

    A general urine test allows you to assess the state of health of the child

    Can there be protein in a urine test in a healthy child?

    Normally, a healthy child should not have protein in the urine. However, in the presence of a very small amount of proteins in the analysis, pediatricians are in no hurry to sound the alarm, explaining this phenomenon by physiological reasons. If the results of a urine test contain the phrase “traces of protein” or its amount does not exceed 50 mg / l, there is nothing to worry about.

    The norm of protein in the analysis in children of different ages: table

    Let's figure out what the level of protein in the urine of a healthy child can be. Our table contains three values:

    1. The range of normal fluctuation of protein in the urine, indicated in the classical way, is milligrams per liter (mg/L).
    2. Average values ​​of protein in the daily volume of urine in children (mg/l), in parentheses - its fluctuations within the normal range.
    3. The norm of protein in the daily volume of urine in the ratio - milligram per body surface area (BSA). This value is calculated by the formula and depends on the weight and height of the person.

    Child's ageProtein level, mg/lThe amount of protein in the daily volume of urine, mg / lThe amount of protein in the daily volume of urine, mg / m²
    Premature babies, 5 days - 1 month88 – 850 29 (15 – 60) 182 (88 – 377)
    Term babies, 5 days - 1 month95 – 455 32 (15 – 70) 145 (68 – 310)
    2 months - 1 year70 – 315 38 (17 – 88) 110 (48 -245)
    24 years45 – 218 49 (20 -120) 90 (37 – 225)
    4 – 10 years50 – 225 71 (25 – 195) 85 (30 – 234)
    10 – 16 years old45 – 390 83 (30 – 238) 63 (20 -180)

    Causes of an increase in protein in a urine test

    An increase in protein in the urine is called proteinuria by physicians. However, this condition is characterized by an increase in the level of only two types of protein: albumin and globulin. Proteinuria is not often the result of kidney disease.

    According to statistics, only 11% of patients with elevated protein in the urine are diagnosed with kidney disease.

    As a rule, an overestimated indicator for the rest of the subjects indicates:

    • Violations of blood circulation through the vessels (hemodynamics) due to hypothermia, stress, trauma, etc. This condition is usually temporary, and soon urine indicators return to normal.
    • Dehydration of the body. This is possible after a long illness, high fever, diarrhea, vomiting.
    • Temporary heart failure. For example, myocardial weakness during physical exertion that exceeds the allowable endurance limit of the body.
    • Any significant physical activity.
    • Acute phase of the infectious process.

    If the protein in the urine of a child is a consequence of a serious kidney disease, often (but not necessarily) other deviations from the normal values ​​\u200b\u200bare found in the results of the analysis. Urologists note that along with the protein, cylinders, erythrocytes, and leukocytes can be detected.

    Types of proteinuria

    Proteinuria is classified according to the degree of involvement of the kidneys in the pathological process and the causes of origin. Consider the physiological types of this condition that do not require treatment. Proteinuria happens:

    • voltage - it is also called working;
    • emotional - occurs in children with excessive overexcitation;
    • transitory - that is, temporary;
    • alimentary - occurs due to the use of protein with food;
    • centrogenic - found after a concussion, convulsions (we recommend reading:);
    • febrile - with an increase in body temperature, an infectious disease;
    • congestive - with an overload of the heart muscle;
    • orthostatic - happens in children from 7 years old in an upright position of the body.

    Kidney diseases:

    • Glomerular proteinuria. This type is observed in violations of the glomerular filter, occurs in connection with kidney diseases caused by vascular and metabolic problems. Glomerular proteinuria is divided into selective (minimal damage to the glomerular filter) and non-selective (global, often irreversible damage to the glomerular region).
    • Tubular proteinuria (tubular). This type is noted when the tubules are unable to convert the protein coming from the body. Also, this type of pathology may be associated with the release of protein from the tubules themselves.
    • Mixed proteinuria. Means a combination of glomerular and tubular.

    Extrarenal pathologies:

    • Prerenal proteinuria - a violation is noted in the area to the kidneys. May occur with multiple myeloma, myopathy, monocytic leukemia.
    • Postrenal proteinuria - problems are fixed in the area after the kidneys. It can be the pelvis, ureters, opening of the urethra. Possible with diseases such as urolithiasis, kidney tuberculosis, tumors, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, etc.

    Characteristic symptoms

    By itself, proteinuria is not a disease, but only a symptom that may indicate a pathology. In this regard, the characteristic symptoms of this condition do not exist.

    The doctor learns about the presence of proteinuria from laboratory studies of a daily urine test.

    If we talk about additional symptoms that may occur against the background of proteinuria, we can assume the nature of the disease. In addition to general manifestations (edema, increased pressure), laboratory tests can tell the doctor a lot.

    If, along with this indicator, the child also has other symptoms, we can talk about the following pathologies:

    • with edema, hyperesthesia, blood in the urine, it is likely that the child has glomerulonephritis;
    • violation of urination, abdominal pain, leukocytes are found in the urine - pyelonephritis is possible (see also:);
    • high pressure may indicate renal dysplasia, the presence of a tumor, vascular abnormalities;
    • blood and leukocytes in the urine - nephritis, nephropathy, hypoplastic dysplasia.

    What does an increased protein in the analysis mean?

    Protein in the analysis only says that the body is losing proteins. In this case, a urine test for protein can show a false positive result.

    According to statistics, this phenomenon occurs quite often. In this regard, it is recommended to repeat the study. Proteinuria is considered stable when it persists in two or more study results. In this case, you should pass a daily urine test.

    Proteinuria is functional when the daily amount of protein excreted in the urine is not more than 2 g. If there is a lot of protein in the analysis, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to determine a possible pathology.

    Features of proteinuria in infants

    In a newborn, protein in the urine is almost always elevated. This is due to the peculiarities of the hemodynamics of the infant and the increased permeability of the epithelium of the renal tubules. According to pediatricians, proteinuria in infants is physiological only in the first 7 days after birth. If these indicators persist in a monthly baby, then the process is pathological.

    What does a temporary increase in protein indicate?

    Why can protein in the urine rise sporadically? As a rule, a temporary increase is a physiological phenomenon and does not belong to the category of dangerous ones. It is extremely rare that it indicates serious violations. At the same time, a child who periodically has an increase in the protein content in the urine should be regularly examined by a pediatrician, as well as re-analyzed every 3-5 months.

    A temporary increase in protein is physiological in nature and does not threaten the baby.

    Diseases in which there is protein in the urine

    We have already mentioned that proteinuria is not a disease, but a symptom. With glomerular proteinuria, possible diagnoses are: glomerulonephritis (acute or chronic), diabetic glomerulosclerosis, nephrosclerosis, venous thrombosis, hypertension, ameloidosis. With tubular - and chronic), tubular necrosis, inflammation of the tubules and tissues of the medulla of the kidneys (interstitial nephritis), rejection of the renal implant, tubolopathy.

    Treatment of proteinuria

    Since proteinuria is not a disease, there is no treatment for this condition. If, during additional examinations, the doctor discovered a pathology, therapy is prescribed depending on its etiology. General recommendations are reduced to the restoration of kidney function. If it is revealed that proteinuria is of a physiological nature, it is not required to be treated.


    To correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must be guided by the results of the patient's examinations. Only on the basis of a urine test, therapy is not prescribed. However, we can list the main diseases that can cause protenuria, and provide a list of drugs for each of them.

    Methylprednisolone is used to treat glomerulonephritis
    Name of the diseaseType of drugsNames of medicines
    GlomerulonephritisCorticosteroidsCytostaticsAntiplatelet agentsMethylprednisolone, Cyclophosphamide, Dipyridamole
    PyelonephritisAntibiotics or nitrofuransNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsMedicines that prevent blood clottingAugmentin, Ofloxacin, Nimesulide or Paracetamol, Dipyridamole, Heparin
    NephrosclerosisAnticoagulants (prescribed only in the early stages)Antiplatelet agentsBlood pressure medicationsHeparin, Hirudin, Xanthinol nicotinate, Captopril, Diroton
    renal dysplasiaTreatment is not carried out. In asymptomatic cases, specialist supervision is indicated. With pain, the development of chronic renal failure - organ transplantation.Hemodialysis


    The renal diet involves the use of a significant amount of fluid. It is best to drink water, fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, tea, mineral water, compotes. In season, gourds should be added to the child's menu - watermelons, melons (see also:). A baby up to a year old can be supplemented with water.

    If hyperesthesia is noted, the menu should be completely excluded or the amount of salt should be greatly reduced. The same applies to semi-finished products (sausages, sausages, dumplings), pickled vegetables, etc. It is also desirable to remove legumes and all kinds of spices from the diet.

    So, we study the protein in the urine of a child. From the first days of life, a newborn is prescribed a set of mandatory tests, which includes determining the level of protein in the urine. In the future, the criterion is determined during annual inspections. The study allows you to identify pathology in the kidneys at an early stage and choose a treatment regimen in time.

    The biomaterial is a single portion of morning urine. It should be noted that with an increase in protein, a second test is prescribed, the biomaterial for which is daily urine.

    Normally, proteins (proteins) are found in absolutely all cells of a living organism. They perform a building function and are necessary for the normal growth of the child. The immune system, which provides protection against infectious diseases, includes antimicrobial peptides, antibodies, and the complement system of protein compounds.

    In addition, all enzymes are proteins, and they are necessary for the acceleration and normal course of various biochemical reactions. The energy function of proteins is also important, for example, when 1 molecule is split, 4 kcal of energy is released.

    Although the protein is indispensable in many cells of the human body, its detection in the urine of your child indicates a pathological process. The filtration mechanism in the kidneys is designed in such a way that it is not able to pass large molecules, so high molecular weight proteins are retained by the glomerular filter. At the same time, low molecular weight peptides passing through the filter undergo a process of reabsorption in the proximal kidney. And only a small amount of them enters the final urine filtrate.

    When is a urine test ordered?

    A pediatrician, gastroenterologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist or urologist can write out a direction for a child for this study. The study is prescribed for:

    • scheduled annual inspection;
    • suspicion of disruption of the urinary system;
    • kidney treatment in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen method;
    • taking drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys.

    Signs of increased protein in the urine of a child:

    • unnatural color of urine and pungent odor;
    • frequent or too rare urge to urinate;
    • increase / decrease in daily diuresis;
    • complaints of pain in the abdomen or in the lumbar region;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • puffiness.

    If the parents noticed in the child 1 or more of the above signs, then it is urgent to consult a doctor for the purpose of an examination. With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, any disease is characterized by a more favorable outcome than with a delay in visiting a doctor.

    The rate of protein in the urine of a child

    Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analysis. Self-interpretation poses a threat to the life and health of the child, since incorrect diagnosis leads to a delay in the selection of adequate methods of therapy and significantly worsens the prognosis of the outcome.

    The isolated use of a single laboratory criterion to make a definitive diagnosis is unacceptable. Despite the high accuracy and specificity of the considered research method, it does not allow determining the concentration of the oncomarker Bence-Jones protein. In addition, using this analysis, it is impossible to differentiate different types of proteinuria - a state of increased protein in the biomaterial, as well as to establish its exact causes.

    Protein in the urine of a child is normally similar to adult standard values ​​and should not exceed 0.15 g / l (for a single serving) and 0.3 g (for daily urine).

    Parents often ask the question - can there be protein in the urine of a healthy child? Yes, doctors agree that traces of protein are a variant of the physiological norm. Therefore, if a small amount that does not exceed the permissible values ​​is detected, the patient is not prescribed additional examination methods.

    Causes of protein in the urine of a child

    Important: in a newborn baby, slight proteinuria is considered the norm and is noted in more than 90% of cases.

    It occurs against the background of insufficient viability of the filtration apparatus of the kidneys, which is formed in the first week of a baby's life. When conducting a second study after 2 weeks, the criterion under consideration should be within the physiological norm.

    It should be noted that chronic proteinuria occurs in about 17% of the population. However, this condition does not indicate the presence of the disease. Temporary proteinuria may occur as a secondary concomitant symptom with:

    • acute infectious disease;
    • physical or emotional stress;
    • dehydration;
    • extensive damage to muscle tissue;
    • urinary tract infections (urethritis, cystitis, etc.);
    • vulvitis, vaginitis, bartholinitis, balanoposthitis, etc.
    • high body temperature;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • inflammation of the endocardium of the heart;
    • oncology.

    In this case, the protein in the urine of the child rises to 2 g in the daily urine and returns to normal values ​​​​with repeated analyzes after a few days.

    However, if all of the above reasons are excluded, then the double detection of a protein in a urine test in a small patient indicates kidney pathology.

    Types of proteinuria

    Depending on the localization, several types of proteinuria are distinguished:

    • prerenal - extensive tissue degradation. As a result, a large amount of protein is released, which cannot be reabsorbed by the renal tubules and is excreted from the child's body along with urine;
    • renal (glomerular) - damage to the renal tubules themselves, which leads to an uncontrolled flow of protein molecules into the urine;
    • postrenal - pathologies of the organs of the urinary system (genitals, urethra, ureter).

    The reasons for the development of pathologies can be different: from congenital genetic mutations to acquired pathologies against the background of the use of medications or aggressive methods of treatment.

    Kidney disease is the main cause of protein in the urine

    Specific conditions such as:

    • lipoid nephrosis - degradation of the kidneys, more often against the background of another general pathology (tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis C);
    • membranous glomerulonephritis - accumulation of cells of the immune system, leading to thickening of the walls of blood capillaries. The combination of these factors leads to splitting of the basement membrane of the glomerular apparatus;
    • multiple mesangial sclerosis - affects in most cases adolescent patients and is characterized by an increase in the permeability of the filtration barriers in the kidneys. A disease with an unfavorable prognosis due to a long asymptomatic period, which leads to its late detection;
    • IgA nephritis is an overgrowth of mesangial tissue accompanied by excessive accumulation of immune complexes. The debut falls on an early young age. Characterized by a relatively favorable prognosis, chronic renal failure is formed in no more than 30% of patients within 15 years;
    • pyelonephritis is an infectious disease of the kidneys of bacterial etiology. Characteristic signs: degradation of the renal pelvis, cups and parenchymal tissue of the kidneys;
    • Fanconi syndrome is a genetic pathology that leads to the impossibility of implementing the processes of reabsorption of glucose and amino acids in the proximal kidney.

    How to collect urine for analysis?

    Properly collected biomaterial allows you to get the most reliable results of the analysis. And if the procedure for collecting urine for an adult is not difficult, then collection from a newborn can be difficult.

    Currently, pharmacies sell special urinals for children. They are absolutely sterile and hypoallergenic. The bag is attached to the external genitalia. At the same time, the baby must be in an upright position at the time of collection. After urination, the required amount of biomaterial is poured into a sterile jar.

    It is strictly prohibited:

    • use urine from a squeezed diaper for research, since the ingress of foreign microorganisms and tissue fibers is not excluded;
    • make your own urinals from plastic bags. Firstly, it is not hygienic, and secondly, the risk of contamination of the biomaterial with feces is not excluded;
    • pour the contents of the pot for analysis, as the material may be contaminated with bacteria from its bottom;
    • give the child any laxatives or diuretics;
    • freeze biomaterial. It is necessary to store the collected urine at a temperature of +2..+8 °С and try to deliver it to the laboratory department as quickly as possible.

    Summing up

    It needs to be emphasized:

    • increased protein in the urine of a child may be the result of kidney disease. Therefore, in the event of a deviation from the norm based on the results of two analyzes with a frequency of 1-2 weeks, the patient is assigned an extensive laboratory and instrumental examination;

    • Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" in 2017.

    The kidneys are a filtering organ that cleanses the blood of toxins and other unnecessary microparticles. All of them are excreted through special membranes. In this case, larger particles (amino acids, nutrients or glucose molecules) are absorbed back into the blood, remaining in the body of a child or adult. The causes of protein in the urine of a child can be associated with various pathologies or diseases of the kidneys, but not always.

    The size of protein molecules does not allow them to penetrate through the filtering membranes of the kidneys. Therefore, normally, in a healthy child, protein in the urine is not detected or its amount is insignificant. And the presence of protein is an indicator of functional disorders. How serious are these pathologies?

    A deviation from the norm is allowed in the range of 0.033-0.036 g / l.

    Important! With the classical method of research, such a concentration is not detected. And the parents are unaware of the presence of traces of protein in the urine of a child.

    Protein is the structural unit of body cells. And a violation of the process of its absorption back into the blood can lead to serious consequences for a growing organism. Not to mention the fact that high concentrations of protein structures in the urine are a sign of pathological changes in the functioning of the kidneys. And without timely treatment, the prognosis for the child will worsen every day.


    When assessing the rate of protein in the urine of a child, one should take into account, first of all, his age. So, in newborn babies, the maximum indicator is observed, due to the immaturity of the filtering organ.

    In the future, in the absence of symptoms of pathologies, the child's condition returns to normal on its own.

    Table of norms of protein in the urine of a child:

    If protein is found in the urine of a child, Komarovsky does not advise panicking. In the absence of symptoms of any disease, deviations from the norm may indicate errors made when collecting a portion of urine. Re-examination allows you to confirm or refute the initial suspicions.

    Reasons for deviations

    A temporary increase in protein in the urine of a child can be observed:

    • after playing sports;
    • with hypothermia;
    • with dehydration;
    • with excessive consumption of protein foods;
    • after fever, febrile conditions;
    • after emotional overexcitation, stressful situations in the family or school.

    These are all causes of functional proteinuria. And with due attention (correction of nutrition and lifestyle), the indicator returns to normal.

    Much more dangerous is the situation with a persistent increase in the concentration of protein structures.

    If, according to the results of studies, the presence of protein in the urine is confirmed, we can talk about the following pathologies:

    • pyelonephritis (bacterial inflammation of the kidneys);
    • kidney tuberculosis;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • mechanical damage to the kidneys (trauma);
    • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system and other organs;
    • diabetes;
    • diseases of the blood and blood vessels;
    • epilepsy;
    • oncological pathologies;
    • allergic reactions;
    • long-term use of certain medications.

    Types of proteinuria

    Proteinuria is an indicator that means an excess of protein in the urine of a child.

    The main types of proteinuria:

    1. Functional (including physiological). A temporary condition in which protein in the urine rises due to exposure to certain environmental factors. Functional proteinuria is not associated with pathological disorders in the body and does not indicate kidney disease. When the provoking factor is eliminated, the protein index normalizes on its own.
    2. Orthostatic. The increase in protein occurs spontaneously due to prolonged stay on the legs. Most often occurs in children during adolescence. In the morning portion of urine, after sleep, no traces of protein are found, and the norm of daily protein in the urine of a child is slightly exceeded. The kidneys in this condition work without deviations, the patient's condition does not cause concern. But the indicator must be monitored so as not to miss the possible development of pathologies.
    3. Pathological. Depending on the protein source, proteinuria can be prerenal, renal (renal), and postrenal. In the first case, prerenal proteinuria occurs against the background of secondary pathological diseases (kidneys are healthy). Renal proteinuria occurs when tubular and glomerular filtration is impaired. In the postrenal form, we are talking about false proteinuria, in which protein enters the urine not through filtering membranes, but directly from the genitals or urinary tract.

    The physiological form of proteinuria is a condition that persists for no more than 7 days. However, there are a number of diseases, including the cardiovascular system, masquerading as this type of pathology. Therefore, a child with such a diagnosis in history should be regularly examined.


    Important! Proteinuria is not a disease, but a clinical sign of ongoing changes.

    If there is an increased protein in the urine of a child, then its concentration in the blood is reduced.

    From here, the following symptoms are possible:

    • weakness;
    • fatigue (in infants, there are problems with sucking the breast or bottle);
    • increased drowsiness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • darkening of the color of urine;
    • nausea and vomiting.

    If the appearance of the protein is associated with pathological processes in the kidneys and other organs, there will be additional signs of the underlying disease.

    Blood and urine are biological fluids of the body, reacting with their composition to all changes occurring in it. Diagnosis allows you to identify the disease in time and start treatment. This is especially true for latent pathologies that are asymptomatic at the initial stage.

    At home

    At home, special test strips are used to conduct a urine test.

    The reagent strip is immersed in a container with urine to the specified level for a few seconds. After a few minutes, the results are evaluated by comparing the color of the strip with the color indicator on the package.

    Note! Reading of results should be made not later than in 2 minutes. A later color change in the reactive zone may be false.

    In the laboratory

    The laboratory diagnostic method is more informative and accurate compared to home express strips. And if the results of home testing alerted you, it makes sense to take a second analysis in the laboratory.

    If the protein is increased in the child during the repeated analysis of the urine, it is worth contacting a specialist.

    The concentration of protein in the urine is indicated in Latin - PRO and is indicated in g / l. You can independently decipher the result, guided by the following table.


    Before taking any action, it is necessary to identify why the child has increased protein in the urine. And to normalize the condition of the baby, it will be enough to eliminate the underlying disease that provoked the change in indicators.

    With minor deviations from the norm against the background of the absence of clinical signs of other diseases, the treatment of protein in the urine of a child begins with the correction of nutrition. The most effective way is considered a low-protein diet.

    But, given the vital importance of such foods in the diet of a growing organism, the duration of this diet should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

    But if the reasons for the increase in protein in the urine are pathological, you will have to resort to heavy artillery.


    The list of drugs needed to normalize the child's condition will depend on the underlying disease. In each case, one of these drugs or a combination of them can be prescribed:

    • antibiotics;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • diuretics;
    • drugs that control blood sugar levels;
    • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
    • steroid drugs.

    The dosage and treatment regimen are selected individually, taking into account the age of the child and his condition.

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