Frequent gas in newborns. How to help a child if he is tormented by gas in the stomach. Heating pad from gaziki

Prevention and "treatment" of increased gas formation in infants can be carried out in three ways: drug therapy, changing the principles of infant care and reviewing the diet of a nursing mother. They can be used in combination. You can choose what helps the baby the most. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that not a single method works. Then it is worth choosing the tactics of waiting: after all, gaziki and colic are age-related phenomena.

Colic vs Gasic: What's the Difference?

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of infants include colic, bloating, and spasms. Increased gas formation in the intestines is called flatulence. In newborns, it is associated with the anatomical features of the digestive organs, their physiological immaturity, unformed metabolism, insufficient production and activity of enzymes, intestinal dysbiosis, and immaturity of the nervous system. As a rule, by 3 months, babies stop bothering gassies. However, one must somehow survive this period of anxiety and discomfort. How to help a newborn with gases?

Colic is a sharp spasmodic pain. Gaziki - bloating in a baby. Of course, these phenomena are interconnected. Flatulence provokes tension in the walls of the intestine, which leads to pain. If increased gas formation is eliminated in time, then an acute attack of colic can be avoided or at least reduced.

breastfeeding mom diet

Products that cause gas formation in infants must be excluded from the diet from the first days of breastfeeding. These include:

  • gas-producing vegetables and fruits (onions, garlic, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, radishes, legumes, melons, raisins, grapes, pears, apples);
  • carbonated drinks (this includes carbonated water);
  • whole cow's milk (at the same time, fermented milk products are not excluded from the diet);
  • nuts (especially peanuts);
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • black bread;
  • muffin;
  • sweets with refined carbohydrates (sugar provokes strong fermentation in the intestines).

It is necessary to introduce new foods into the diet gradually, without mixing them. You can keep a diary of a nursing mother. This will help monitor the reactions of the baby after feeding. You should also take into account the individual characteristics of the child's body. Children may react differently to different foods.

What else can affect the formation of gases

Excessive gas formation and intestinal colic can provoke, at first glance, a number of minor factors. Mistakes can be in care, feeding, psychological mood of parents and relatives.

  • Improper attachment to the breast. The baby should tightly grip the nipple and most of the areola. If this does not happen, when sucking, the baby swallows a lot of air.
  • Large volume of milk or formula. If the baby sucks quickly, this can also lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. It is also important not to overfeed the baby. A large amount of food requires more enzymes, and there are still few of them in the baby's body.
  • Bottle and nipple inappropriate shape. Choose the correct angle of the bottle when formula-feeding so that air does not get into the nipple. Anti-colic bottles with special valves have proven themselves well, as well as nipples of the correct shape, imitating a female breast.
  • Overheating and wrong mode of life. The child may scream because he is hot, uncomfortable, thirsty. It is also important to create the most favorable conditions for the baby: temperature, fresh, humid air in the room, walks, water procedures, air baths. The accumulation of gases can be triggered by the lack of mobility of the crumbs: it is necessary to spread it on the stomach, wear it in different positions.

It is impossible not to mention another important factor - my mother's mood and the general psychological atmosphere in the family. The newborn sensitively reacts to the slightest changes in the mental state of the mother. Her anxiety, panic, fears are transmitted to him. Therefore, it is so important for a woman not to forget about herself and her personal needs, to remember other social statuses, except for the status of a mother.

Universal ways, time-tested

Gaziki in newborns accumulate in the intestines immediately after feeding or even during meals. Bloating, increased gas formation lead to stretching of the intestinal walls, which provokes pain. How can you help a child?

Any bouts of piercing crying of a newborn should alert parents. They may indicate acute pain, the causes of which can only be diagnosed by a doctor. But if the baby is healthy, he does not have a temperature, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, problems with appetite, weight gain, and crying occurs suddenly, at a certain time and passes quickly, most likely these are the symptoms of intestinal colic. The best healer in this situation is time.

First aid drugs: 4 types of drugs

The pharmaceutical industry offers many options and analogues of drugs with various spectrums of action for gas and colic in infants.

  1. Probiotics. A newborn often has various dysbiotic disorders - a qualitative and quantitative lack of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal flora. To normalize it, the doctor may prescribe probiotics - a group of lactic acid bacteria. It is not recommended to use these drugs on your own, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Only after the results of stool analysis can we talk about identifying the cause of dysbiosis and the need for probiotic therapy.
  2. Enzymes. These drugs will help replenish those active substances that are lacking in the process of digestion. Most often, newborns have problems digesting breast milk carbohydrate - lactose. With lactase deficiency (it can be congenital and transient, that is, temporary), an enzyme called lactase is prescribed. The danger of using enzymes can only be in their frequent and regular intake. The pancreas of the baby must “learn” to independently produce the necessary active substances.
  3. Antispasmodic and carminative preparations. The main active ingredient is simethicone. It consists of a polymer of dimethylsiloxane and silicon dioxide. Despite such a frightening name, simethicone is not dangerous, is not absorbed in the intestines, and is not addictive, so it is prescribed from the first days of life. Simethicone leads to the rupture of gas bubbles in the intestines, as well as their excretion. It relieves pain well and quickly if its cause is flatulence. If the cause is weak peristalsis due to the immaturity of the central nervous system, then the doctor may prescribe prokinetics - drugs that stimulate intestinal motility.
  4. Phytopreparations. They include herbs: fennel, chamomile, dill seeds, anise, coriander, cumin and others. Dosage form - granules, oils, drops. You can make your own infusions and decoctions of dry herbs. In this case, it is necessary to observe the conditions of brewing and the exact dosage. Herbal drugs stimulate the digestive tract, promote the production of enzymes, relieve spasms, and improve intestinal motility. Plant materials are safe for newborns, decoctions can be used for a long time for prevention purposes. The only contraindication may be individual hypersensitivity to the components.

Medical treatment can be called conditional. Infantile, or still infantile colic is not treated. In acute attacks of pain, you can use a number of drugs that will reduce pain, eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines.

Mechanical ambulance

In acute attacks, you can use mechanical means of helping the baby - or a gas tube.

How to give an enema

  1. Buy the smallest enema with a soft tip at the pharmacy. Up to 1 month, it is recommended to use an enema with a volume of 30 ml, from 1 to 3 months - 40 ml.
  2. Boil the enema. Enough 15-20 minutes.
  3. Use boiled water at room temperature. The water should not be cold, because this will lead to spasms of the intestines. It also should not be too warm, this will provoke the rapid absorption of toxins accumulated in the intestines.
  4. Squeeze the air out of the enema. Fill it with pre-prepared and cooled water.
  5. Smear the tip of the enema with vaseline oil.
  6. Lay the child on his back or left side. In this case, you need to press his legs to his stomach in order to maximize access to the anus and lubricate it with vaseline oil.
  7. Spread the buttocks and slowly inject the contents of the enema. The tip can be inserted to a depth of 2–3 cm.
  8. Keep your buttocks tight. This must be done within 5 minutes so that the liquid does not spill out.
  9. Wait for the stool to appear. It is necessary to prepare a place in advance, cover it with a diaper, so as not to lift or disturb the baby during defecation.

What is important to know? When setting an enema, the baby should be calm, in a relaxed state. The procedure should be carried out with spastic constipation, which is accompanied by pain and bloating. Frequent use of an enema can lead to inhibition of the natural reflex to defecate.

How to put a gas tube in a newborn

What is important to know? After setting the gas outlet tube, make sure that it helps - this is immediately noticeable by the behavior of the baby. It makes no sense to put it if the child continues to scream and behave restlessly. You can not abuse this method, because it can lead to inhibition of the natural gas reflex, injure the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum.

What to do with gas in an infant? If the symptoms are severe, the baby screams, kicks his legs, you can use medications. Carminative and antispasmodic drugs will quickly relieve pain. If the symptoms are mild, the child has mild discomfort, you can use more "soft", preventive methods - massage, gymnastics, laying on the tummy, mother's diet, proper feeding, herbal decoctions.


Quite often, babies are faced with such a problem as increased gas formation. Today, there are three proven methods for preventing and eliminating this problem: medication therapy, changing the principles of infant care, and reviewing the diet of a nursing mother. In addition, you can use several methods at the same time.

You should also be prepared for the fact that none of the methods will give a positive result. You should not be afraid of this - this means that in this case gas formation and colic are only an age-related phenomenon.

Causes of gas in infants

The occurrence of increased gas formation or flatulence is a consequence of insufficient production of gastric juice, as well as the general immaturity of the baby's digestive organs.

This, in turn, leads to the fact that breast milk that has already entered the stomach will not be completely digested until the next meal. Undigested milk undergoes a fermentation process, which contributes to the appearance of gases that stretch the intestinal walls and provoke pain.

Also, increased gas formation in a newborn may occur for the following reasons:

  • Unbalanced diet of the nursing mother of the child. In particular, increased gas formation in a child causes the use of the following products by his mother:
    • Cow's milk (you can use kefir, it does not have a similar effect);
    • Carbonated water (including mineral);
    • Certain vegetables and fruits (legumes, cabbage, apples, grapes, etc.);
    • Bakery products;
    • Sweet dishes containing refined sugar in their composition;
  • Incorrect position of the child during breastfeeding. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, he will swallow air along with milk. It is important that he completely captures the nipple with his lips. The woman herself should also take the most comfortable position and arrange the child so that his head is higher than the body;
  • Overfeeding. It should be understood that the intestines and stomach of the newborn work intermittently, and therefore it is necessary to feed the child very carefully. Large volumes of breast milk can only be processed by a well-functioning intestine, with a sufficient amount of food enzymes. This cannot be said about the intestines of a newborn;
  • The lack of activity of the child. Of course, a newborn baby lies most of the time, and this is normal. Here the responsibility for his activity rests with the mother. She needs to walk with the child more often, provide him with massage and water procedures, and also lay him out on his stomach.

Symptoms of gas in infants

Experienced and trained parents are able to determine by the cry of the child what worries the child: gaziki, hunger or fear. However, such parents do not always admit that a sharp cry and crying of a child can provoke not only gas and colic, but also, for example, an infectious disease, meningitis, volvulus and other serious diseases.

Therefore, we recommend that at the first worries of the child, seek the advice of a pediatrician and fix all the symptoms that can confirm or refute the causal relationship between the crying of the child and the presence of increased gas formation.

Gas symptoms include:

  • Attacks of crying occurring at the same time;
  • Hard stomach;
  • The child presses his hands to the body;
  • arching;
  • Pulling up the legs;
  • The child often pushes and blushes;
  • The baby is relieved after a bowel movement and / or gas discharge.

At the same time, in the intervals between these attacks, the child behaves quite normally. He is calm, has a normal temperature, appetite and even weight gain.

If, in your case, the child has additional symptoms, namely fever, rashes on the body, prolonged vomiting containing mucus impurities, weakness or diarrhea with foam, consult a doctor quickly, as these symptoms may indicate the presence of much more serious illness.

Colic vs Gasic: What's the Difference?

It should be understood that colic and gaziki are different problems, although they belong to the same complex, called functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Increased gas formation in the intestines is also known as flatulence. Its appearance is provoked by the physiological immaturity of the child's digestive organs and its nervous system, intestinal dysbiosis, unformed metabolism, insufficient amount of enzymes produced, as well as their activity.

In most cases, increased gas formation in infants goes away by 3 months.

Colic, on the other hand, is pain that has a spastic character. They are the result of flatulence. Occur due to the tension of the walls of the intestine. With the timely elimination of gas, colic may not occur at all.

How to prevent gas in newborns

First you need to establish the reason for the formation of gases, and try to eliminate all factors that can provoke flatulence (if these factors are not the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the baby's body).

  • Introduce foods into the diet should be gradual, adhering to a certain sequence. Products that can provoke increased gas formation should either be excluded or reduced to a minimum;
  • Before eating - lay the newborn on his stomach and do gymnastics, consisting of light physical exercises;
  • After each meal, the baby should be held upright for a while. This will help to remove excess air that could get in during feeding;
  • Breastfeeding should be done very carefully. The main rule is not to overfeed. Even mother's milk in excess can be harmful;
  • Also, you should not overheat the child by wrapping him in several diapers at once;
  • Adhere to the established daily routine;
  • If the child loves water procedures, give him warm baths regularly.

Gas in a newborn: how to help

There are 10 different ways to help a child with flatulence. Each one has already been tested. over time and proven to be effective. Of course, some of them will suit your child more, and some less. You just have to choose the best one.

Method 1. Massage

Take the baby in your arms and press the stomach to your body. After that, lay him on his back, warm up his palms and give the child a light relaxing massage. To distract the child from the sensations, gently talk to him throughout the procedure.

Method 2. Gymnastic exercise "Bicycle"

Lay the baby on its back, then alternately bend and unbend its legs, lifting each of them to the stomach. These movements will provoke a rapid discharge of gases.

Method 3. Carrying on the hands

There are two ways to carry a baby in your arms. The first is to carry the child upright, tucking his legs in and hugging him to you. The second is horizontal, placing the child with his stomach on a bent arm.

Method 4. Laying out on the stomach

This method is very important in terms of the prevention of flatulence. In addition, it contributes to the normal physical development of the child. The baby should be regularly laid on his stomach from the first days of his life.

It is recommended to do this before feeding to eliminate the possibility of regurgitation. However, if bouts of colic have already begun, laying out should be abandoned for a while, as it will only cause additional discomfort.

Method 5. Vertical position after feeding

After the child has eaten, he should be kept upright for about 10 minutes. If the baby swallowed air along with food, in a standing position, he will definitely burp all the excess air.

Method 6. Fitball

Experts advise putting the child on a large ball with his stomach and, holding it, carry out springy movements. As in the case of laying out on the stomach, exercises with a fitball should be carried out only in the absence of colic and gas.

Method 7. Dill water

This remedy is a tincture of dill seeds. It is very popular not only because of its effectiveness, but also because of its low cost. The tool is able to relieve spasms, prevent increased gas formation and remove gases from the intestines.

This tool can either be bought at a pharmacy, or prepared by yourself (by mixing a teaspoon of dill seeds and half a glass of boiling water).

An alternative to dill tea can be fennel tea, chamomile decoction, as well as drugs such as espumizan, babynos, sub simplex and babycalm.

Method 8. Warm diaper

If the child has an attack, it is recommended to iron the diaper with an iron, and then attach it to the baby's stomach. An alternative to a heated diaper can be a heating pad or a hand. You can also put the baby on your stomach. The heat will have an effect on the abdominal muscles and help to quickly relieve pain.

Method 9. Gas tube

This device has the form of a small silicone tube, rounded at one end and expanded at the other. Its use is advisable in case of difficulties with defecation or removal of gases.

Applies as follows:

  • First you should put the child on his back or on his left side;
  • The rounded end of the tube must be lubricated with petroleum jelly;
  • You need to insert the tube no deeper than 2-3 centimeters, gently scrolling;
  • The device should be held until all the gases have come out. In addition to gases, feces may come out, therefore it is recommended to lay a diaper under the ass.

Method 10. Enema

Constipation is a fairly common occurrence with flatulence in infants. In this case, an enema with warm water will help you. Its size should be the smallest. Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to boil the pear and completely squeeze out the air.

The algorithm of actions, in this case, is similar to the above. Water should be introduced very carefully and slowly, after which the buttocks should be squeezed briefly to prevent premature release of fluid.

You can also get rid of increased gas formation with the help of medicines. However, any medicine should be given to the child only after the approval of the pediatrician.

So, doctors in this case can prescribe the following medications:

  • Probiotics. They are prescribed in case of a lack of useful lacto- or bifidobacteria in the child's body, as well as in case of violations of the intestinal microflora. The list of probiotic preparations includes Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Probifor, Acipol, Bifiform, etc.;
  • Enzyme preparations. Their task is to eliminate the deficiency of active substances that contribute to the digestion of breast milk. In particular, the enzyme lactase, which, in most cases, is not enough for newborns. Enzyme-containing preparations include Maxilact, Lactraz, Lactase baby, Tilactase, etc.;
  • Carminative drugs. They are designed to divide intestinal gases into many small components, thereby reducing pressure on the walls of the digestive tract. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in pain and an independent exit of gases. The base drug in this category is Simethicone;
  • Phytopreparations. They include extracts or essential oils of dill, anise, fennel, chamomile, etc. Eliminate spasms, pain and flatulence. Products in this category are completely natural. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the baby may be hypersensitive to their ingredients. The most popular herbal remedies are Babinos, Baby Calm and Plantex.

You should not try to heal a child with a mass of medicines, wanting to alleviate his condition at any cost in the near future. One of the solutions to the problem is proper child care and simple waiting.

Already by the 3rd month, the baby will form an intestine populated with the beneficial microflora necessary for normal operation. If it came to the use of medications, any of them should be given to the child only after consulting a doctor.

Any mother in the first months of a child's life met with such a common phenomenon as gases or flatulence. Gases do not pose any danger to the newborn and do not harm his health. However, this problem causes a lot of inconvenience to parents who spend more than one sleepless night calming the baby in every possible way.

Causes of gas in a newborn.
Gas is a natural by-product of digestion. Excessive gas formation in a newborn leads to their accumulation in the intestines, disrupting the functioning of the digestive system, as a result of which the child has sharp pains in the abdomen. Determining that a newborn has gases is quite simple: if the child becomes restless, wrinkles his forehead, writhes, kicks his legs, and his tummy swells and all this is accompanied by a piercing cry, then the baby is tormented by gases. Symptoms of gas in a newborn are frequent belching, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, pain or colic in the abdomen.

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn baby is the main cause of gas in an infant. To prevent excessive gas formation in a newborn mother, dairy products, acid-forming and gas-forming products should be excluded from her diet, as the consumption of these products can cause anxiety for the child. Cabbage, legumes, grapes, a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, coffee, strong tea are best excluded from the mother's diet during breastfeeding. In addition, the cause of bloating can be a large amount of milk at one feeding. Therefore, with excessive gas formation, you can try to reduce the volume of milk, while increasing the frequency of feeding.

Another reason for the formation of gases in a newborn is the swallowing of air. It occurs during breastfeeding, mainly with improper breastfeeding technique. However, the baby can swallow air even with artificial feeding if the feeding bottle is not properly selected.

It is normal for a baby to cry, but during prolonged crying, the baby may also swallow air, which leads to gas formation.

How to eliminate gases in the baby?
The digestive system in newborns is not yet fully formed, so it cannot yet produce the enzymes necessary for proper digestion and remove excess gases on its own. That is why the mother should help the child with the solution of this problem.

There are several ways to help cope with gas in a newborn. All these methods were used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. The most common is warming the tummy. Heat helps to relax the muscles of the intestines of the child, reduce and weaken spasms, as a result of which the patency of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. You can warm the tummy of a newborn by applying a warm diaper, previously heated with an iron. Only the diaper should be warm, not hot! For the same purpose, you can press the child with your tummy to your body, make a warm bath. You can also put the baby on the tummy, in this position, warming also occurs. Only do it better some time after feeding the baby.

Massaging the tummy of a newborn is a very effective way to eliminate the accumulation of gases in a newborn. Such a massage should be done by gently stroking the newborn's tummy in a clockwise direction. The air with this effect moves to the exit, and the spasms subside. Herbal decoctions of fennel, mint, chamomile, as well as the famous dill water are good helpers in the fight against excessive gas formation. In addition, they are absolutely safe for the health of the baby. For the same purpose, you can use various teas that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

If the above methods do not help, you can use a special gas outlet tube for a newborn, which should be purchased in advance. Using this tube is quite simple. To do this, turn the child on his left side, while bending his legs at the knees and hip joints (you can put him on his back and raise his legs up), then lubricate the rounded end of the gas outlet tube with petroleum jelly and, spreading the baby’s buttocks to the sides with your hand, gently insert it 1-2 cm into the anus. The remaining end of the tube should be lowered into some kind of dish, as stools can also come out along with the gases. This tube is left in the intestine for no more than 25 minutes. This procedure can be done with simultaneous massage of the newborn's tummy. After removing the tube, wash the anus of the newborn with warm water and be sure to lubricate it with baby cream or oil. But the vent tube is not recommended to be used too often, so as not to injure the rectum.

If you have already experienced all the methods and means, but you still couldn’t cope with the problem of bloating in a newborn, you can try pharmaceutical products to reduce the volume of gas formation in a baby (for example, plantex, smecta, espumizan, etc.). As a rule, all these drugs are absolutely safe for the health of the child; they contain simethicone in their composition, which, without being absorbed into the blood at all, reduces the formation of gases and facilitates their removal. It is worth knowing that all these drugs do not solve the problem of gas formation, but only facilitate the process of gas release.

In order to prevent gas formation after feeding, you should hold the baby in an upright position, holding the baby with one hand, and at the same time press on the stomach with the other. Relief will come immediately after spitting up air.

As a rule, in the fourth month of life, the processes of digestion are normalized. However, if bloating bothers the child too often, you should consult a doctor for advice, as this may be a symptom of developing dysbacteriosis.

A crying newborn is a common occurrence. It is with the help of a cry that a child makes it clear to others about his discomfort, which can be caused by various reasons. Almost every family is faced with the fact that a healthy, well-fed baby cries for no reason. Day and night, parents endlessly feed, change diapers and cradle the baby in an attempt to calm him down, but do not get a positive result. What is the reason? There is still a reason for tears and restless behavior in a child - this is flatulence.

Flatulence is bloating as a result of the accumulation of gases in the lumen of the intestine and the difficulty of their discharge. Increased gas formation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • colic;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • tense, hard tummy.

Of course, all these processes cause pain in the baby, and he tries to ask for help from his parents so far the only way available to him - crying.

To reassure young parents, we immediately note that all families in which replenishment has appeared face this problem. The reason that gases are poorly discharged in a baby is quite commonplace - flatulence occurs as a result of a complex process of adaptation to extrauterine life. How to recognize signs of flatulence? As mentioned earlier, it is crying that is the first signal to mom and dad that something is bothering the baby. Therefore, parents need to learn to identify different types of crying. With gas, the cry of the infant is sharper and is accompanied by pulling up the legs in an attempt to relieve the pain. External signs of determining flatulence will also help parents: a swollen tummy, hard on palpation.

Moderate formation of gases with their subsequent discharge is a natural part of the digestive process. What is the cause of excessive gas formation?

An alarming symptom that should alert parents is vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea. Flatulence in a baby is rarely accompanied by vomiting, so if the child is sick, you should contact your pediatrician.

Feeding a nursing mother

Due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of newborns who are breastfed, the responsibility for the "quality" of their diet falls entirely on the mother. Our grandmothers and mothers, receiving clear recommendations from the staff of the maternity hospital, adhered to a strict diet, ate unleavened cereals for the benefit of their children. Modern mothers rarely limit themselves, believing that one piece of chocolate and a cup of weak coffee will not harm the baby, and fruits and raw vegetables will only benefit the child, because they are an invaluable source of vitamins. It is precisely this non-compliance with the diet that often leads to flatulence in a child. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid products that "carbonate" milk, such as:

  • peanut;
  • beans;
  • milk;
  • raw vegetables and fruits (children are especially sensitive to cabbage).

Following a diet will help you eliminate your baby's tummy pain. Over time, you can introduce these products in small amounts, observing the reaction of the child.

Gas in breastfed babies

Parents of artificially fed children are faced with the elementary immaturity of the baby's digestive tract, its unwillingness to accept mixtures. In order to solve this problem, the choice of baby food must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility: you will have to experiment with the types and brands of mixtures in order to determine which cereals and juices are suitable for your baby.

Swallowing air while feeding

The cause of flatulence may be the swallowing of air during feeding with improper grip on the nipple or nipple. Mom should control the process of breastfeeding, prevent overeating. If for any reason the feeding time was missed, and the hungry child begins to eat, choking and choking, you need to make sure that he burps excess food and air in time. To do this, it is necessary to interrupt feeding several times in order to raise the baby to an upright position. The child should be pressed to himself, tilted forward a little, stroked on the back - all this will help the baby spit up excess food.

"Wrong" nipple

The right choice of bottle and nipple will also help you save your baby from colic and gas. The nipple with the smallest hole is considered the most suitable for newborns. Of course, a child may be disappointed with the speed of food coming from such a bottle and start acting up. It is extremely important to "not go along with" the newborn by buying a nipple with a large hole and, accordingly, a higher milk flow rate.

Gas with a smell in the baby

Of particular concern to parents are gases with an unpleasant odor in newborns. It is believed that this manifestation of flatulence is uncharacteristic for children and requires immediate medical attention. This is an erroneous opinion, since the cause of bad breath at an early age is the excessive activity of the microflora in the intestines of the child, while the mechanisms for suppressing the growth of bacteria are still ineffective. Food components are processed in the upper sections of the small intestine, while fermentation and putrefaction are activated in the lower sections of the digestive system. Over time, the microflora is restored.

Flatulence treatment

All attempts by mom and dad to eliminate the causes of flatulence may not bring the desired result. What to do if the child is tormented by colic and gases? How to help the baby?

  • Lay the baby on his tummy, in this position it will be easier for him to get rid of gases.
  • Do the Bicycle exercise with your child: put the baby on the back and move his legs as if he were riding a bicycle.
  • Try massage: massage the baby's stomach with stroking movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Take the baby in your arms facing you so that the baby is looking over your shoulder, and press lightly.

If simple remedies do not help, you can resort to the help of drugs. First, you should try natural homeopathic remedies. These include Dill water. Drug manufacturers, picking up this idea, vying to offer mothers to combat flatulence teas with fennel, which, in fact, is a pharmacy dill. As a rule, specialized drugs for reducing gas in children contain the active ingredient simethicone. It is absolutely harmless to newborns, because it does not contain alcohol and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Espumizan is considered an effective remedy for gases. It does not affect the chemical environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Espumizan quickly and effectively eliminates pain in newborns, normalizes the removal of excess gases.

Also in pharmacies there is a large selection of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora of the baby. However, before opting for such drugs, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

In a small child, from the moment of birth to the age of three months, the process of forming the digestive system, normalizing the production of liver enzymes and gastric juice is completed. For this reason, the food entering the stomach is not able to be completely digested. This leads to fermentation, which causes a newborn: what to do in such a situation, we will consider later in the article.

In addition to physiological causes, there are other factors that affect the occurrence of gas in a newborn, including:

  1. Violation of the mode of the newborn. Frequent attachment to the breast and overfeeding lead to the fact that food does not have time to be absorbed, fermentation begins in the stomach.
  2. Non-compliance with the appropriate diet by a nursing mother - the use of foods that cause excessive gas formation.
  3. Incorrect position of the child when feeding. The baby's head should be elevated, the nipple of the breast should be tightly clasped by the lips.
  4. Air entering the nipple of the bottle during artificial feeding. Care must be taken to ensure that the nipple is completely filled with liquid.
  5. Tight swaddling or a small diaper size that squeezes the tummy.
  6. Prolonged crying or crying of an infant.

Statistics note that problems with gas formation are more common in premature babies, smoking women during pregnancy, with a tense emotional atmosphere in the family.

Signs that your baby has gas

Symptoms of gas formation in a child appear 30 minutes after feeding. You can determine them by the behavior of the baby:

  • the baby cries, pulling the legs to the tummy, behaves restlessly;
  • with severe pain, the cry of the child becomes loud and sharp;
  • frequent belching;
  • regular undigested masses with a sour smell;
  • the stomach increases in volume, becomes hard;
  • the appearance of red spots on the face;
  • violation of the process of defecation and the contents of the stool;
  • the child calms down after passing gases or defecation.

How to tell gas from colic

To understand what to do with colic and gas in newborns, you first need to distinguish one from the other. Both phenomena are related to violations of the functional work of the digestive organs of the baby. Increased formation of gases in the intestines (flatulence) appears due to the immaturity of the child's gastrointestinal tract, enzyme deficiency and their weak activity.

Colic is a consequence of gas formation, expressed by spasms and pain when the intestinal walls are tense.

Important: With the timely removal of gas, the likelihood of colic is minimized.

Effective ways to help your child

To save the baby from torment and relieve symptoms, mothers use the following methods:

  1. After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for some time until burping appears and air that has entered the esophagus exits.
  2. Light massage. With gentle movements, stroke the tummy with the palms of your hands in a clockwise direction, without making any effort. Bend the legs and pull them to the baby's stomach. Such actions will help the muscles of the intestine to relax, the gas will move freely.
  3. . You can do this in the crib, on the changing table, or on your lap. So the procedure prevents the formation of gas, it is recommended to carry it out before feeding.
  4. Gas tube. The tip is lubricated with baby oil and carefully inserted into the anus of the newborn, laid on his back with his knees pressed to his chest. This method does not cause addiction, but you should not abuse it.
  5. Warm heating pad. It is better to use a salt heating pad, but a regular one will do. Heated to a temperature comfortable for the body, the heating pad is placed on the tummy. The pain gradually disappears, the accumulated air bubbles move through the relaxed intestines and exit freely.
  6. Dill water. A decoction is prepared from the seeds of dill, chamomile or fennel. Preparations based on them are sold in pharmacies.
  7. Gymnastics. A special set of exercises is performed daily, is an effective preventive measure to combat gas formation.
  8. water procedures. Bathing in warm water with a decoction of a string will calm the baby, active movements will help the intestines to get rid of gases.
  9. . Use it in extreme cases, if the situation is complicated by constipation. If the baby has not defecated for two days, it is necessary to clean the intestines with a douche.

For the procedure, boiled water heated to a temperature of 40 ° C is used, the smallest enema with a rubber tip is filled with it, lubricated with oil and injected into the anus. Then the baby's ass is squeezed for a few seconds so that the water has time to soften the feces. This method is used with caution, as it can harm the child's intestinal tract.

Gymnastics for babies begin to do from the second week of life. Carry out before feeding for 30 minutes daily. The whole set of exercises takes 5-10 minutes. Charging is recommended to be done in the first half of the day, in a ventilated room, the temperature in which is maintained at 21C.

Exercises lying on the back. Start with stroking the tummy, gradually moving to the shoulders, arms and legs. At the same time, the legs bent at the knees are pulled to the stomach, held for several seconds and returned to their original position. Repeat 10 times.

Laying the baby on the tummy is considered a must-have exercise for infants. This is an effective way to save your baby from gas and colic, learn to raise and hold the head. They begin to perform the exercise first for a few seconds, then the time is gradually increased to 4-5 minutes.

Rocking. Lay the child in the fetal position - bend your legs at the knees, press them to your stomach, put your hands on your chest. In this position, the baby is swayed from side to side for 10-15 seconds. Take a break for 10 seconds and repeat 3 more times.

Methods of traditional therapy

Medications prescribed by pediatricians to treat the problem:

  1. Probiotics - Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, Dufalac. Used for violations of the bacterial balance of the intestinal microflora.
  2. Enzymes - Maxilakt, Tylactase, Lactase Baby, Hilak Forte. Applied with a deficiency of enzyme elements involved in the process of digestion of breast milk.
  3. Carminatives - "Simethicone". "Sub Simplex", "Bobotik", "Espumizan Baby". They split large gas bubbles into small ones, help to remove them from the body, reduce pain and spasms.
  4. Natural preparations based on medicinal herbs - "Plantex", "Bebinos", "Dill Water".

Self-medication can harm the child, all medications are prescribed after consultation with the attending physician. Means should be taken in accordance with the dosage and storage conditions indicated in the instructions. Bottles of drugs for the treatment of children are equipped with a dispenser to accurately determine the required volume.

Gas in breastfed babies

The main prerequisites for the appearance of gaziki in infants are maternal nutritional disorders. To save a newborn from painful suffering, pediatricians advise:

  • follow a diet for lactating women;
  • do not overfeed the baby with breast milk;
  • observe the mode of feeding, sleep;
  • do not overheat the child by dressing him in warm clothes or wrapping him in blankets;
  • perform simple physical exercises, gymnastics;
  • arrange water procedures, accustom to swimming;
  • do a tummy massage
  • walk outdoors more often.

When overfeeding a baby, an excessive amount of food will increase the load on the digestive organs, lead to the accumulation of food masses, their fermentation.

Insufficient activity causes the feces to stick together, leading to constipation and the formation of gases. Bathing, gymnastics, walks stimulate the intestines, increase its peristalsis.

Special diet for mother with breastfeeding

Gaziki in newborns during breastfeeding may appear due to malnutrition of the mother. To eliminate this problem, a nursing mother needs to revise her menu, exclude foods that cause increased gas formation from the diet.

These include:

  • carbonated water, kvass, sweet drinks;
  • cabbage in any form;
  • radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • peas, beans, chickpeas, beans, lentils;
  • grapes, apples, pears, plums;
  • pastries, muffins, biscuits, fresh bread;
  • eggs.

The cause of the formation of gases in many cases is not individual products, but their combination. An example is the simultaneous use of fresh bread and kefir or curdled milk, cereals and whole milk.

A woman who is breastfeeding a child must follow the following rules in organizing her diet:

  • exclude fried foods from your diet, replace this cooking method with boiling, baking, stewing;
  • do not drink food while eating;
  • in the evening, eat no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • limit the consumption of raw vegetables;
  • do not abuse spices and seasonings;
  • exclude alcoholic and low-alcohol carbonated drinks, beer;
  • chew food slowly, without swallowing excess air;
  • limit foods with excess sugar content, which causes fermentation in the stomach;
  • give up strong coffee and tea;
  • introduce new foods into the diet gradually, starting with small portions, observing the baby's response.

How to avoid gas in children on IV

With artificial feeding, the cause of the appearance of gas can be an irregularly shaped nipple or a formula for feeding.

The hole must be of the appropriate size for a comfortable flow of the mixture. Such that the child does not experience difficulties when sucking it out of the bottle or does not choke.

The mixture can also provoke gas formation, since even the highest quality composition cannot replace natural mother's milk. Many parents have to try several brands and manufacturers of baby food before finding the right one.

The following points can complicate the situation:

  • violation of the storage conditions of dry food;
  • non-compliance with the instructions for preparing the mixture;
  • the interval between meals;
  • temperature of the finished feed mixture.

Depending on the age, the appropriate concentration is prepared according to the attached recipe. Half-eaten ready-made formula should not be stored and used at the next feeding.

Is it always necessary to see a doctor

The appearance of gaziki in the first three months of a newborn's life is a frequent occurrence, which normalizes by six months. If the situation does not change, the child continues to be tormented by increased gas formation, parents should contact a pediatrician.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary in such cases:

  • temperature rise above 38 C, fever;
  • green stool;
  • feces with blood particles, flakes or mucus;
  • frequent vomiting, profuse regurgitation with a fountain;
  • refusal to eat;
  • anxiety when touching the tummy;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • pale skin;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • sunken eyes, darker circles under them.

Discomfort in the intestines can be a signal of the development of a serious deviation in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, volvulus, and nervous disorders. Timely examination will allow to exclude the disease or start treatment on time without possible complications.

Gaziki in a child accumulate during the period of adaptation of his digestive organs to the intake and digestion of food. After three months, this process stabilizes, it will stop bothering the baby, who will be able to cope with bloating on his own.

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