Does alcohol really warm you up or is it just a myth? Is it possible to warm up with alcohol. Alcohol and colds Does alcohol keep you warm or not?

In short: Alcohol dilates the superficial vessels of the body and increases heat transfer. Therefore, you can drink for warming only when a person is already in a warm room. Alcohol intake is also justified if it is necessary to cope with a state of shock (including from hypothermia) - but even then the victim must be immediately taken away from the cold.

Does alcohol prevent hypothermia?

It is widely believed that it is good to knock over a glass of frost "for warming up." Does it really help to overcome hypothermia, isn't it dangerous?

Everything is simple here - alcohol expands the superficial vessels of the body and increases their blood supply. The heat transfer thus increases. Therefore, drinking alcohol in the cold for a short time will lead to a feeling of warmth, but heat loss will increase. With a long stay in the cold, this method is unacceptable. Drinking alcohol is acceptable when a person is already in a warm room and assumes to be in it for at least three to four hours. In this case, a glass will help to quickly get rid of the feeling of cold.

There is one more circumstance. Alcohol can be used as an anti-shock agent. Shock, from a medical point of view, is a condition in which centralization of blood circulation takes place - the vessels of the brain, heart, skeletal muscles and lungs are dilated. All other vessels are spasmodic, and many organs lack blood supply. From a certain moment, the shock redistribution of vascular tone acquires an independent pathological significance, regardless of the cause that caused the shock.

Among others, there is also a cold shock. Therefore, alcohol can be used in military field and extreme medicine when providing first aid to those who are frozen on the spot. It is assumed that after this the victim will soon be taken to a warm room for further medical care. And this is precisely the fight against the shock caused by hypothermia, and not with hypothermia itself.

Drinking outdoors is good or bad

Drinking outdoors - pros and cons?

In the fresh air, alcohol is easier to tolerate, since the efficiency and metabolic rate are higher. The downside of drinking alcohol outdoors is the greater risk of injury, freezing, getting lost, and the like.

Does vodka with pepper help with a cold

Does alcohol protect against colds?

In 1998-1999, Spanish scientists B. Taccoushe, S. Requeira-Mendez and their colleagues obtained data that those who regularly drink wine in moderate doses are slightly less likely to catch a cold, compared to teetotalers. This was most noticeable in people who drink red wine. Other alcoholic drinks (beer, vodka) had no effect on the risk of getting sick. More than 4 thousand teachers and other employees of Spanish universities took part in the study. During this time, 1353 cases of colds were detected.

Japanese scientists Eriko Ouchi, Kaiyun Niyu and others came to the conclusion that it is not how much a person drinks, but how regularly that plays a role. For example, people who regularly drank alcohol in moderation (no more than a glass of vodka a day) usually got sick once a year. While teetotalers were more likely to get sick two or more times a year. To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed data from medical examinations and dietary questionnaires from 2008-2011. We found out the details of nutrition and the incidence of diseases in almost 900 men (there were too few women, so they did not draw conclusions from them).

Fortunately, you can improve metabolism not only with the help of fresh air. Read the article about what timely tricks will help you avoid a severe hangover and reduce the harm to the body from alcohol.

The article was last updated: 12/18/2018

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There is an opinion that alcohol is a good way to keep warm - it is enough to drink a glass of strong liquor in the cold, and hypothermia does not threaten a person.

We hasten to debunk this myth: alcohol intake is not able to restore normal body heat exchange, moreover, it can be dangerous for human health.

We will understand the mechanism of the effect of alcohol on our body. Alcohol enhances blood circulation by expanding the surface vessels and increasing their blood supply, while increasing the heat transfer of the body. That is, one or two glasses in the cold can create a feeling of warmth for a short time, but at the same time, the heat loss of the body will be greater than if you did not drink anything at all. If a person is in the cold for a long time, this method of heating is unacceptable.

You can take alcohol as a warming agent only in a warm room after at least three to four hours after you come from the street. The main thing is not to get involved in alcoholic beverages, so that after daily use of alcohol as a “warming medicine”, as a result, withdrawal from binge and complex treatment of addiction is not required.

In what cases is it permissible to drink alcohol in frosty weather?

Alcohol can be used as an anti-shock agent. From a medical point of view, shock is a special condition during which centralization of blood circulation occurs - the vessels of the heart, brain, lungs, and skeletal muscles expand. All other vessels of the body are spasmodic, so in many organs there is a lack of blood supply. At some point, the shock redistribution of vascular tone acquires an independent pathological significance, independent of the cause that caused the condition. One of the most common types of shock is cold shock. That is why in extreme, as well as military field medicine, alcohol is often used in first aid to a frozen person. It is assumed that immediately after this, the victim will be taken to a warm room, where further medical care will be provided. It is important to understand that alcohol in this case helps to overcome the shock caused by hypothermia, and not hypothermia itself.

In addition, the action of vodka is very similar to the action of aspirin. Just like aspirin, alcohol enhances heat transfer, so with a cold it can lower the temperature by 0.5-1 degree. Pepper enhances the effect of alcohol - the substances contained in pepper (allein, allyl mustard acid, allylcin), when oxidized, give metabolites similar to those given by alcohol. By adding the products of a chemical reaction, the initial reaction slows down, and the effect of ethanol on the body is prolonged.

Should you drink alcohol outdoors?

In the fresh air, alcohol is much easier to tolerate, because the speed and efficiency of metabolism is higher. However, if you drink on the street, then the risk of injury, getting lost, freezing, etc. increases. AlcoSpas experts recommend not drinking alcohol in cold weather and always limiting yourself to minimal doses of alcohol. If the occasional alcohol intake has turned into an addiction, you can undergo a comprehensive treatment for alcoholism in our medical center and return to a full, healthy life.

There is an opinion that during cold weather, in order to warm up, you need to drink a glass or two of strong alcohol. Alcohol "for warming up" is becoming almost the main tradition and a panacea for all ills. But is it safe to drink alcohol in extreme cold, in the cold?

How alcohol affects the body and what it actually warms

Alcohol, especially strong alcohol, is really capable of dilating blood vessels on the surface of the body, which leads to a feeling of warmth. And the stronger the alcohol, the warming sensations arise faster and are felt stronger. But if you conduct a scientific experiment, it turns out that such warming, firstly, is limited to a very short period, and secondly, it leads to significant heat losses by the body and, as a result, to even greater hypothermia. Moreover, hypothermia also applies to internal organs, which can have more serious consequences than frostbite of the skin.

Conclusion: alcohol, especially strong alcohol, is able to warm in the cold or extreme cold for a fairly short time. With a long stay in the cold, this method is unacceptable. But a glass of something stronger will help to quickly get rid of the feeling of cold if a person has already entered a warm room.

Why can't you keep yourself warm with alcohol in the cold?

Firstly, only quite strong alcohol warms noticeably - for example, vodka, whiskey, gin, pure alcohol. And if you drink dry wine or beer in the cold, then these drinks will not help you warm up and can even provoke a sore throat or a severe cold.

Secondly, the safe dose of alcohol in the human body is relatively small. That is, if you need to hold out in extreme cold for quite a long time, then, warming yourself with strong alcohol, you simply poison the body. And the consequences of such poisoning can be fatal.

Statistics record a large number of deaths from hypothermia in a drunken state. Alcohol only in small quantities causes euphoria and uplifting. And after a certain glass of alcohol, it has the opposite effect - it puts a person to sleep, makes him poorly mobile and vulnerable. The worst thing is to lose consciousness or fall asleep in the cold while intoxicated. If in summer such an immoderate libation will lead to a maximum of severe poisoning, then in winter an overdose of alcoholic beverages often means a quick death.

Frost and alcohol are incompatible! Drinking alcohol to keep warm in the cold is life-threatening! Here is a typical situation. He drank for heating, went out into the cold, fell asleep in a snowdrift. Woke up, frostbitten legs, or something else. It's good that he survived, but he could freeze to death. There are many such cases! What is the matter here?

Why does frostbite come on so quickly? Why alcohol does not warm a person, but on the contrary, contributes to faster cooling. Scientists have found that drinking alcohol to keep warm in the cold is based on an erroneous perception of people. The drunk is not able to correctly and adequately assess the temperature of his own body.

Why you can't drink in the cold

In humans, under the influence of alcohol, the skin vessels expand rapidly, and more blood flows to the surface of the body. It seems to a person that he has warmed up, but a pleasant feeling of general warmth is a deception. After all, only the skin heats up, but it quickly gives off the heat it receives. Numerous measurements have shown that the very same body temperature goes down.

Under the influence of alcohol, the body loses its normal sensitivity to cold, as a result, the skin ceases to appropriately respond to the action of cold by constricting blood vessels. The stronger the frost, the more dangerous the intake of alcohol becomes. Drunk people are easily exposed to colds.

After all, despite the rapid cooling of the body, a person does not feel it, so frostbite and even freezing can so easily occur. You should not go on a long journey in the cold and cold, because the understanding of the danger is lost and the danger of cooling increases.

People who live in the North know this well. Experienced Siberians will never allow themselves to drink before a long journey. In Rus', if people had to go home after a party, they were always accompanied by a completely sober person. Summary: drank in the cold - stay at home!

The content of the article:

Surely many of our readers came up with the idea that with the help of alcohol you can keep warm in severe frost. In practice, immediately after drinking a glass of strong drink, heat really spreads through the body. However, after a while it becomes even colder. Today we will talk about the benefits or harms of alcohol in the cold.

First of all, you should remember that alcohol is very insidious. It is able to warm, but this positive effect on the body does not last long. If you drink alcohol in the cold, then you are more likely to get harm, not benefit. Moreover, it is in the cold season that the danger of alcohol increases significantly.

Why you shouldn't drink alcohol when it's cold

Ethanol has vasodilating properties, but in winter this can play a bad joke on you. When you drink alcohol, the blood vessels dilate, but the blood flow is disturbed. Blood actively rushes to the skin, but the internal organs at this time lack blood supply. The warmth that you feel after drinking a glass is literally felt by the skin. In turn, all the internal organs begin to freeze, as the blood flow has changed.

In addition, the warming effect of ethanol is extremely short-lived. As soon as alcohol ceases to affect the body, the feeling of warmth leaves you. As a result, you begin to feel even more cold than it was before drinking a glass. A small dose of ethanol leads to a short-term warming, after which the person begins to freeze literally to the very bones.

This is quite understandable, because at first the vascular system works normally, and then it begins to react to alcohol, harm and benefits in the cold, which we will consider in more detail today. You have probably already understood for yourself that alcohol is not able to warm you in the cold and even more - it leads to a violation of heat transfer processes.

Another fairly serious negative factor in alcohol consumption is its effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It will probably not be difficult for you to remember how you start to freeze if you are waiting for someone for a long time. Frost begins to gradually spread throughout the body and as a result, your limbs become stiff. Then the cold actively spreads throughout the body. This happens if you are sober and you have the opportunity to reasonably assess the degree of your freezing and prevent further hypothermia, which can result in frostbite.

If you drank a sufficient amount of alcohol in the cold, the benefits and harms of which are now being considered by us, then the system for assessing your condition has been knocked down. You can no longer tell exactly how cold or still warm you are. This will lead to the fact that you yourself will not notice how much hypothermia. Even in a state of mild intoxication, the risks of frostbite are extremely high.

In addition to the already described negative properties of alcohol, it is worth remembering the violation of coordination of movements. This is dangerous not only in winter, but also in the warm season. It is in a state of intoxication that people most often get injuries of varying severity, which is called from scratch.

Due to a blunted instinct of self-preservation, a drunk person may decide to go around an open plumbing manhole along a slippery path. In this state, you are simply not able to accurately determine the degree of danger to your health of this or that act. Under the influence of alcohol, even the organs of vision can bring a person down.

If you didn’t just drink a glass or two, but “loaded” with alcoholic beverages to the fullest, then the risks of injury are simply enormous. In this state, it is very easy to fall, but it can be extremely difficult to get up. If it's cold outside, you'll just freeze. According to statistics, more than 80 percent of cases of frostbite in the cold season, including fatal cases, are drunk.

How to drink alcohol in winter?

We have found out what benefits or harms of alcohol in the cold can be obtained. However, if you still want to take alcohol in the cold season, then you should follow simple rules:
  1. Drink alcohol to the best of your ability and do not overdo it. Recall that the daily maximum allowable dose of pure ethanol is 30 milliliters for men and 20 milliliters for women.
  2. If you do decide to drink in the winter, then do it indoors and try not to go outside after drinking alcohol.
  3. In those situations where you will need to go home in the cold, and you have already taken alcohol, then find a person who will accompany you. I wish he was sober.
  4. When you go out into the cold drunk, you should dress warmly, although it may seem that you are not cold.

Alcoholic drinks are popular in all countries of the world, which has led to the emergence of a large number of myths about them. In many ways, these false statements are a kind of psychological protective barrier. Agree that not every person is easy to accept the fact that alcohol, in fact, is a poison for the body. In order to somehow calm himself down, a person comes up with various explanations, endowing alcohol with miraculous effects. Among the most popular myths are the following:
  • Red wine can increase life expectancy.
  • Beer is an excellent thirst quencher.
  • Vodka with pepper can cure various diseases.
  • Alcohol has a high energy value.
  • With the help of ethanol, you can quickly warm up in the cold.
We just carefully considered the last of these myths, and now you know what benefits or harms of alcohol in the cold can be obtained. Moreover, this myth has found its reflection even in literature. For example, Vasily Terkin, the hero of the famous work of Alexander Tvardovsky, warms himself thanks to vodka.

Use of alcohol for colds

Among the people, the use of vodka with pepper during colds is an extremely popular remedy. There is an opinion that as soon as you feel the first signs of a cold, you should immediately use this recipe. Let's not dissemble and say that there is still some truth in this myth.

Ethanol is able to increase heat transfer and in this matter it can be compared with aspirin. As a result, the body temperature drops. In turn, some substances that are contained in pepper can enhance the vasodilating effect of alcohol on the body. It is also necessary to say about the softening effect of pepper on the mucous membrane, and alcohol, among other things, can act as an anesthetic.

At the same time, all the positive effects of pepper can be obtained separately from alcohol, because this seasoning can be added to the broth or decoction. You must remember. That during the disease the body is weakened, and vodka in this situation can harm. Let's start with the fact that alcohol can cause dehydration, but during illness, the body already loses a large amount of fluid.

If alcohol is taken in large quantities, then the body's ability to resist the disease is sharply reduced. If you have problems with the stomach or intestinal tract, alcohol is definitely contraindicated for you. Also remember that pepper can burn the throat, which will significantly extend the treatment time.

However, there is one case when medicine fully shares the opinion of the masses on the issue of using alcohol for colds. We are now talking about external application, not internal. Thanks to a vodka compress, you can get rid of diseases such as sore throat and otitis media. Thanks to the compress, the vessels at the site of its application expand.

To prepare a therapeutic compress, you need gauze, a piece of cloth or a bandage, cotton wool, vodka and oilcloth. Vodka must be heated to 37 degrees and moisten gauze in it, which should then be squeezed out and applied to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. On top of the gauze should be covered with oilcloth or a plastic bag and fixed with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is about 4 hours.

Positive and negative properties of cognac

Regarding cognac, or rather its positive properties, a huge number of rumors have accumulated. However, you must understand that the benefits of moderate brandy consumption can only be obtained if the drink is of high quality. It is quite obvious that the cost of such cognac will be quite high.

For the production of this high quality drink, white grapes are used. The wort obtained during the fermentation process is distilled through a distiller. After that, cognac is poured into oak barrels, in which it matures and gains new flavors. Thanks to distillation, various harmful impurities are removed from cognac.

Doctors say that high-quality cognac can help you get rid of colds. However, it must be consumed in a small dose, no more than 35 milliliters. If you see that you are completely unstuck, then before going to bed you can drink a glass of cognac. You can also add this drink to a decoction of herbs. However, brandy should be taken only at bedtime in the above dosage and in a warm room.

Some artists believe that with the help of cognac it is possible to improve the performance of the vocal cords, which will allow them to work out the entire concert without any problems. However, in this case, the dosage of cognac is even less in comparison with the treatment of a cold. To support the vocal cords, it is enough to use one tablespoon of the drink.

For more information on whether alcohol keeps you warm in the cold, see here:

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