Tincture from dead bees on vodka: therapeutic effect, recipes and rules for use. Bee death: what is useful and what diseases it is effective for, how to treat it

Dead bees (also known as "bee dead", "bee pomor" or "bee pestilence") are dead bees. The death of bees in small numbers throughout the year is a natural phenomenon. Since the 19th century, apitherapists (specialists in the treatment of bee products) have considered dead bees to be a powerful remedy. Podmor bee is used in the treatment of mastitis and felons, with joint pain and adenoma. Usually, three types of subpestilence are distinguished: winter, spring-summer, and bees that gave up poison during apitoxin therapy. But not any subpestilence is suitable for medicinal purposes, but only fairly fresh, dry, without mold and signs of decomposition. Podmor bee preparations have a blood-purifying, anti-inflammatory property, and have a detrimental effect on bacteria. The maximum number of dead bees in the apiary occurs during the spring revision of bee colonies, it is at this time that it is most convenient to prepare it for future use. Bees dying for various reasons fall to the bottom of the hive. Recently, apitherapy has become increasingly popular. It is believed that the main property of dead bees is the strengthening of human immunity. A decoction of dead bees is used for prostate adenoma.

Podmore - a valuable medicine, a farewell gift of bees

Apitherapists use dead bees for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Podmore are the bodies of dead bees. The most valuable medicine in nature is the death, collected in late spring, summer and autumn. Its composition is still little studied. But even what we know causes surprise and admiration for the wisdom of nature and makes us bow before an amazing creature - a honey bee. Even after death, she gives us health! Honey, pollen, propolis, royal and drone jelly, and wax were found in the body of the bee. It contains many amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and valuable minerals, as well as poison and hormone-like substances. The chitinous cover contains a lot of heparin, and the content of healing substances surpasses even fish fat. Thanks to this divine chemical composition, the dead bee has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects. It protects us from the formation of blood clots and vascular sclerosis, from tumors and poisoning. It also improves immunity, improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and sugar. Thanks to it, the metabolism is activated, the work of all organs improves and the aging process slows down.

Podmore tincture for internal use

Oral tincture cleanses blood vessels, improves blood composition, and is used in the complex treatment of almost all diseases as a tonic and anti-aging agent. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried and ground subpestilence, pour it with 0.5 liters of vodka in a dark glass container, close it with a tight lid and keep it for at least 21 days in a dark place. Shake daily for the first week, then 2-3 times a week. You can additionally wrap the dark bottle with foil. Put it in the kitchen so that it is always in front of your eyes, and shake it often. Then the tincture should be filtered and stored in a dark place, tightly closed with a good cork. To avoid harm, you need to start taking it with small doses, for example, with 2-3 drops, and observe your condition for 2-3 days. Then gradually bring the dose to normal and undergo a course of treatment. Take as many drops as you are old, dividing this amount into 3 doses. For example, if you are 75 years old, take 25 drops 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals in a small amount of water (possible with 1 tsp of honey). The course of treatment is 1-3 months. If you are over 50, repeat every six months. If for some reason it is not possible to take the tincture before meals, drink between meals or immediately after, but the course will be longer.

Podmore tincture for external use

Tincture for external use.
For diseases of the veins, joints, hernias of the spine, a more concentrated tincture is used. 0.5 l of vodka is taken for 1 glass of subpestilence and insisted in the same way as in the first recipe. Use tincture for rubbing, compresses, applications.

The subpestilence filtered after preparation of the tincture is not thrown away, and is also used for applications, compresses. Before the procedure, the sore spot should be thoroughly washed with warm water and dark laundry soap without any additives. They form an invisible film on the surface of the skin that clogs the pores and glands. And rinse each time with cool water. Then dry the skin, but do not rub, but blot with a towel. It is better to warm it up with a hot wet towel or hot salt in a bag, cereals, stones, a heating pad or a bottle of hot water.

Podmore water decoction

Water decoction.
Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. crushed subpestilence and simmer over low heat or a water bath for 1 hour. Leave until cool and strain. Store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Use for baths, lotions, compresses, applications. Take orally 1 tsp. gradually bring to 1 tbsp. l.) 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Raspar from the dead

Raspar. In a glass or enameled bowl, slightly cover 0.5 cups of ground subpestilence with boiling water. Let stand covered for 15-20 minutes. Wrap the raspar in gauze and apply on the diseased joint, spine, hernia or on the chest with mastopathy, mastitis. Then wrap with parchment paper, secure with a bandage, towel. After 1-1.5 hours, remove the steam and wipe the skin with a warm, damp towel. Don't get cold!

Podmor oil extract

Oil extract.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. powdered subpestilence with 1 cup hot olive or other vegetable oil. Shake vigorously for 15-20 minutes. Store in jars, dark glass bottles in the refrigerator. Before use, shake the mixture, pour the right amount and warm it slightly.

Ointment from the dead

Ointment. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. carefully ground powder from the dead, mix with 1 cup of melted, still hot internal fat - pork, goose, chicken, bear or badger. Simmer with the lid closed in an enameled or glass bowl in a water bath for 1-2 hours, store in the refrigerator. Any other bee products can be added to all means with a subpestilence. From this, the therapeutic effect will only increase. Inside, such medicines are often taken with honey water, dissolving pollen in it, alcohol tincture of propolis. Honey, propolis, wax are added to the means for rubbing, applications, compresses, lotions - whatever you like and helps. In general, with proper and long-term use, dead bees are already a very effective remedy for almost all diseases. Verified by life experience. There are no special contraindications to its use, except for allergies to bee products. But during treatment, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean, unboiled water a day, so that your sores can dissolve in something. With the help of water, all excess is excreted from the body through the skin, kidneys, intestines. Help the body to heal with feasible physical exercises, natural food. There is evidence that tinctures and a decoction of dead bees kill streptococci, staphylococci, and pale spirochete. Healers treat deadly eczema, psoriasis, lupus, epilepsy and even cancer.

Folk recipes have long been used to treat many diseases. Tinctures, poultices, decoctions were sometimes much more effective than drugs, pills or injections. At the beginning of the last century, the attitude towards alternative medicine became sharply negative. Grandmother's advice, grandfather's concoctions began to be harshly criticized, and people who were treated with similar methods were ridiculed. Nevertheless, it was nature that helped in difficult cases, and people, especially in extreme situations, sought help from healers, healers, herbalists. Of course, there have always been enough charlatans pulling money for a non-existent placebo, but it is pointless to refute the healing effect of some natural medicines. A decoction of dead bees, the recipe of which has been known since ancient times, helps to cure a number of diseases. In addition, this tool is simply unique in nature. The healing drink includes chitin, heparin, melanin, bee venom, bee fat. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of treatment with a decoction of subpestilence. It is an excellent helper for blood pressure, endocrine diseases, and metabolic disorders. All components of the healing drink are designed to improve the functioning of the human body. Preparing a decoction at home is quite simple, you just need to follow certain rules.

The very word speaks for itself. Podmore are dead bees. Moreover, the death of little hard workers should be natural, they should not get sick or be poisoned by chemicals. In nature, insects carry their dead brothers away, so collecting the corpses of small apiary workers is quite problematic. Beekeepers, especially in winter, carefully monitor the hives, warming, strengthening and cleaning them. Thus, the death, or scree, is collected. It is important that the insects do not get sick, otherwise the effectiveness of the talus will drop sharply, and treatment with such decoctions will be ineffective.

How can insect corpses cure so many diseases? In the body of a small workaholic there are useful fibers, fat, royal jelly, bee venom. By the way, they were treated back in the Middle Ages. Bee stings help fight radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Propolis, wax are also found inside the dead insect, this is a kind of storehouse of useful substances. The cover of the bee consists of chitin, heparin. The latter is also in the human body, its place of residence is the connective tissues responsible for blood clotting. Modern pharmacology uses extracts of chitin from crayfish shells, this substance treats heart diseases. The process itself is very expensive, and the dead bees make it possible to use these compounds already in finished form.

Trace elements, vitamins, useful substances in the bee's body contribute to tissue regeneration. Those who had skin problems probably bought special creams in pharmacies, which include propolis, royal jelly. It is these enzymes that help skin cells recover. Melanin, one of the components of the bee's chitinous clothes, is also found in the human body; it is responsible for eye color and skin pigmentation. Melanin deficiency leads to cancer. Insect melanin is an enterosorbent of natural origin, helps to treat diseases, stomach ulcers, esophagus, removes toxins, poisons from the body.

The only disadvantage of natural balm is a person's allergy to some components. Unfortunately, poor ecology, polluted environment do not contribute to the long life of bees, they can also develop diseases. The dead bodies of sick individuals are not allowed to be used to treat people.

Little secrets of the scree

To prepare a decoction of bee subpestilence, you need to work hard. The life expectancy of a small insect is small, in summer it lives 2 months, and in winter - 7 - 9 months. Beekeepers collect dead bees throughout the year. There are several ways to collect, they are very painstaking and time-consuming. The highest quality is the summer collection of dead bees. It is during this period that their bodies contain a high concentration of all useful trace elements. In addition, the insects themselves are young, strong, healthy, you just need to carefully monitor them. Nectar nutrition, fresh air have a positive effect on the quality of honey, royal jelly, propolis.

Knowing some secrets, you can safely talk with beekeepers without fear of a trick on their part, because honest people are not always found, and human health can depend on omissions.

Decoction recipes

There are many recipes for a decoction of dead bees, in addition, there is tincture, steam, balm. Naturally, the tincture cannot be given to a child, the steam is also not suitable for everyone, the balm is applied to the surface of the skin, and the decoction is suitable for most. The use of such a dosage form alleviates the symptoms of many ailments, but does not cure the disease completely. Each disease is unique in its own way, respectively, the recipes for decoctions will also be different.

The use of a decoction for varicose veins, mastitis, abscesses of the skin:

  • Pour 1.5 tablespoons of the substance with 0.7 liters of purified hot water, bring to a boil over very low heat, boil for 2 hours;
  • cool, strain through several layers of gauze;
  • the resulting cake is used for a compress on sore spots;
  • drink a decoction of subpestilence every day for several teaspoons.

Combined treatment in a couple of months will give a positive result, but traditional therapy should not be forgotten. The same proportions of the drink are suitable for eliminating obesity, kidney disease, prostate adenoma.

Statistics show that most men suffer from severe pain in the back, lower back. It is quite problematic to drive the representatives of the stronger sex for compulsory treatment, it remains to treat them on their own. A decoction of dead bee will help get rid of pain:

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of the substance with 3 cups of boiling water.
  2. Insist 20 minutes.
  3. Make baths, lotions every day, gradually increasing the duration of compresses up to 20 minutes.

This recipe is almost perfect, you don’t need to drink “some kind of muck”, and in the meantime, bee venom will do its job.

Diabetes has become a real scourge of our time. Wrong lifestyle plus heredity tie a person to insulin injections. Bees and in this case try to help:

  1. Pour 0.5 cups of boiling water plus 0.5 cups of vodka into a glass of submora.
  2. Boil for 1.5 hours.
  3. Take 10 - 14 drops every day.

High blood pressure forces you to take a handful of pills every day. The decoction helps to stabilize the pressure, to nullify. You should make a tincture of dead wood. The course of treatment will be 2 months, 15-17 drops are taken before meals every day. For people who cannot tolerate even a faint aroma of alcohol, the following recipe can be advised: boil 250 g of the drug with 2 liters of water for about 45 minutes. You need to drink the medicine for 2 weeks at 50 mg., Then you need to take a break for a while, repeat the treatment.

Means for weight loss: 15 - 17 drops of tincture from the dead to drink some time before eating, optimally 15 minutes. Note that snacks do not count. You should eat 3 times a day, respectively, so many times the tincture is drunk. After a month of taking, you need to take 2 months of rest, then repeat the treatment. The tincture will remove toxins, toxins, increase muscle tone.

Terrible oncology can recede if you connect the power of nature to medicines. 2 - 3 tablespoons of tincture, if desired, dilute with honey, drink 10 - 12 minutes before meals. A month of treatment should be replaced by a 2-month break, after which the reception should be resumed. The use of tincture, decoction will not harm, on the contrary, it will only help a weakened body fight the disease.

Prevention and contraindications

Preventive measures have saved us from future ailments more than once, but for some reason everyone believes that treating a disease in advance is a sign of weakness, an excessive passion for one's health. Such statements can be refuted by the fact that a huge amount of money is laid out on pharmacies and hospitals when the disease destroys the body with might and main. Prevention helps maintain health, prevent development, and in some cases even slow down the disease. A decoction of podmore is just an excellent strengthening agent. 30 drops before meals for a month will improve immunity before the autumn-winter invasion of SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections. Using a tincture of scree - 25 drops after a meal - will raise the tone. Dry skin of the face will turn into a delicate silk if wiped with a weak tincture in the evening, moreover, this will prevent the occurrence of inflammation, subcutaneous bumps.

Podmore extract, prepared in vegetable oil, is recommended to be rubbed into aching joints, rubbed with it on the back, tense muscles. Bee venom will gradually do its job, relieve mild inflammation, thereby resisting rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

Unfortunately, even this medicine has contraindications. It is forbidden to use the decoction for people who are allergic to pollen, honey, propolis. It is not recommended to use balms, extracts for people with trophic ulcers, streptoderma. Children should not be given decoctions: up to 3 years the body is not able to process some components, an allergic reaction may develop. Pregnancy, breastfeeding is also not the best time to treat deadness.

Podmore decoction is not a panacea for all ailments, it only supports, improves, helps to withstand many viruses and infections. Thanks to hardworking bees, the body heals, wounds are healed, and the intestinal microflora is restored. It is foolish not to take advantage of the gifts of nature.

Everyone knows that the waste products of bees are real medicines. Even after natural death, the bees continue to provide benefits. Of particular value is the dead bee, the use of which is useful for various diseases.

Even in ancient Greece, carbuncles, gum disease, toothache, and eye diseases were successfully treated with this remedy. Podmor bee helped to alleviate the condition of the child during teething, was used in cosmetology to improve hair.

What happens submor

Podmor can be summer and winter, which is reflected in its value. Summer Podmor - these are strong, healthy insects that mostly die by accident, and they contain concentrated poison in large quantities. Therefore, such a product is much more useful and better.

The advantage of winter deadness is that it is larger in quantity, so it is easier to collect. The collection is carried out in the spring, after the hive is taken out of the winter shelter. Under poor storage conditions, dead time can spoil mold and fungus, such a tool is not suitable for use. Winter death is of less value, since the overwintered bee is weakened and has little poison. But all the same, funds based on the death will be quite effective.

If the insects died from infectious or other diseases, as well as in the case when the hive was treated with chemicals for prevention before wintering, it is undesirable to use the dead bee obtained under such conditions. Using it in this case can even cause harm.


The composition of this healing agent contains products produced by bees throughout their lives. The dead body of a bee consists of wax, bee venom, honey, propolis, bee milk.

Benefits and high value of deadness are provided by a special substance - chitin, which covers the body of the bee.


After collecting the deadwood, it is sieved through a mesh that has large cells in order to get rid of various debris. Then the raw material is dried in the oven. Store in linen bags in a dry, ventilated area.

Beneficial features

The main value of this beekeeping product is the chitosan complex, consisting of glucosamine, melanin, heparin, bee venom, acetic acid. Thanks to these components, the body is cleansed, restored, metabolic processes are regulated, immunity is stimulated.

Dead bee in folk medicine is widely used due to its antioxidant properties, the ability to remove toxins, metal salts, cholesterol and fats from the body, slow down the aging process, and prevent the development of cancer. In addition, this remedy has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, immunomodulatory effects.

The active substance of the dead bee is chitosan, it is useful for the thyroid gland, promotes the rapid healing of mucous membranes and skin, and has hemostatic and analgesic properties.

Heparin improves the condition of blood vessels, relieves inflammation, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Bee venom in the composition of subpestilence reduces blood clotting, increases hemoglobin, improves sleep, appetite and overall body tone.
Podmore prevents the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes, helps to reduce the load on the liver. This remedy is successfully used in the treatment of mastitis, diseases of the joints, is effective in prostate adenoma, sexual problems.

What treats dead bees

The application of this beekeeping product is very diverse. It is used to treat joints, gastrointestinal tract, liver, prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Dead bee strengthens the immune system, is a good prevention of ulcers, normalizes stool and blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Application features

Before taking bee death, it is necessary to prepare the body. For this purpose, cleansing enemas are used. If there is no desire to do this, you can drink teas that help to remove toxins. About a week before the start of treatment, it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried meat, sugar, milk and products from yeast dough from the diet.

Methods of preparation and use

In folk medicine, tinctures, decoctions, ointments are used, the main component of which is dead bees. We will consider the recipes for their preparation in more detail.
The most commonly used alcohol tincture. Preparing the medicine is easy. You need vodka and dead bees. The tincture is prepared as follows: crushed bodies (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of vodka and infused for two weeks. Then the product must be filtered - and can be used.

How to take the tincture of dead bees and in what quantities - depends on the nature and severity of the disease. Treatment can last for several weeks or several months.

To maintain immunity and cleanse the body, take a tincture diluted in water. The number of drops corresponds to the age of the person. Reception is divided into two times - in the morning and in the evening. Twice a year, for one month, such prophylaxis is carried out with a tincture, the main active ingredient of which is dead bees.

Recipes for preparing a medicine may differ, depending on the purpose for which it is intended. For example, to purify the blood, eucalyptus leaves are added to the tincture. The remedy is prepared in the following proportions: 1 part is eucalyptus, 10 parts is a dead bee. The tincture is effective in healing wounds.

To normalize blood pressure, prevent diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, tincture is taken 20 drops after meals every day for one to two months.

How to prepare a decoction

To do this, take two tablespoons of raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for half an hour over low heat. The remedy is insisted for about two hours, then filtered. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening for a month. The course must be repeated two or three times with a break of 14 days.

The product will keep in the refrigerator for two weeks. The decoction is good for the liver, is a good tonic, used in the treatment of frigidity, impotence, prostate adenoma.

In diseases of the thyroid gland, the decoction is taken for 21 days, then a ten-day break is taken, after which the course must be repeated. In addition, during the treatment period, it is useful to use compresses from dead bees on the thyroid gland. They are applied for half an hour, the course of treatment is 10 days.

Roasted dead bees

A medicine prepared in this way is useful in myopia. You need to take a teaspoon of crushed subpestilence and fry in vegetable oil in a pan for about 5 minutes.

Use the remedy for a teaspoon twice a day before meals (for thirty minutes), washed down with milk. The treatment lasts a month, after a two-month break, the course is repeated if necessary.

Dry bee podmor

The raw material is dried in the oven until it becomes crumbly. Taking the medicine starts with a fifth of a teaspoon and gradually increases the dose to a teaspoon. Use the remedy twice a day, half an hour before meals. The medicine effectively cleanses the intestines, helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

For treatment, a tincture prepared as follows is used. Podmor put in a glass jar and pour alcohol (70%). The amount of alcohol is necessary so that it covers the dead by 2-3 centimeters. The product is infused in a dark, cool place for two weeks. The medicine is filtered and taken in a tablespoon twice a day before meals for a month.

Outdoor use

With mastitis and panaritiums, compresses are effective, the basis of which is dead bees. Their use helps to quickly reduce inflammation. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 100 g of raw materials, pour a glass of hot water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then the mass is squeezed through gauze and in this form is applied to the affected area. The compress should be covered with plastic wrap and secured with an elastic bandage.

Healing ointment

Varicose veins, joint pain, thrombophlebitis are treated with an ointment from bee deadness. For its preparation, dry, powdered dead wood (1 tablespoon) is taken and mixed with petroleum jelly (100 g). You can use olive oil instead of Vaseline. Before use, the ointment is warmed up and rubbed into the sore spot. Store the product in the refrigerator in a glass container.

Bee death in cosmetology

For the preparation of various cosmetics, dead bees are widely used, the benefits of which are appreciated by many women. Creams, ointments and masks based on this product slow down the aging process of the skin, smooth fine wrinkles, and are effective in restoring the natural beauty of the face and body.

The fight against excess weight

Bee death in folk medicine is also used to reduce weight. It is useful to use tincture of dead bees. To prepare it, add crushed dead wood (two tablespoons) to boiling water (1 liter). The remedy is boiled for about an hour, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth. Before meals, take 1 tbsp. l. such a tool, it helps to reduce the feeling of hunger and rapid satiety.


Despite the enormous benefits of such a remedy, like any medicine, it has contraindications. You can not use it for people with heart failure, serious diseases of the liver and gallbladder, acute mental disorders, after a heart attack, with individual intolerance to bee products. Bee death on vodka is contraindicated for pregnant women. Do not use funds based on dead bees for the treatment of children under 1.5 years of age.

Before taking bee deadness, a sensitivity test is carried out. To do this, a dry bee is rubbed on the inside of the elbow. If after five minutes there is no negative reaction, the medicine can be used.

The economic value of striped apiary workers is beyond doubt: the profitability of beekeeping can reach 100%. The amazing creations of nature are useful throughout their short working life, and even after death they can be used, and literally. And the tincture of dead bees on vodka is a clear proof of this.

This is a unique combination of healing properties and composition of a medicinal product, where the “active” component is the naturally dead inhabitants of the hives - bees and drones. In our article, we will find out how to insist on the medicinal composition and the rules for taking it, and also consider recipes for effective home remedies.

Application area

The death of bees was used for medicinal purposes even by the peoples of ancient Greece and the Slavic tribes, passing from generation to generation the recipe for miracle drugs, prompted by experience and practice. And although subpestilence is not on the usual list of medicines, traditional medicine has recognized that with its help you can really get rid of many ailments.

Tincture from dead bees, of course, is not a panacea. But it can cure many diseases.

The persistent therapeutic effect is due to the richness of the biological potential provided by active minerals, vegetable proteins and other unique substances - it is this set of natural substances that the body of the honey bee contains.

Indications for the use of bee scree and preparations made on its basis:

  • pathological conditions of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus;
  • joint pain, chronic and acute diseases of the joints against the background of injuries, lack of vitamins, disorders in the work of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, adenoma (hyperplasia) of the prostate;
  • pancreatitis of various origins;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • myopia, inflammation of the eyes of various localization;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
  • hypertension, disorders of the heart muscle, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • giardiasis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • functional sexual disorders in men and women;
  • mastopathy of the mammary gland, uterine myoma (fibromyoma), various problems of the female genital area.

In addition, scientifically substantiated facts are known about the ability of dead people to slow down the aging process.

VIDEO: What is the value of dead bees

The benefits of valuable substances of talus for the body

In the spring-summer season, bees feed on the nectar of honey plants, from which they then produce honey, which in turn acts as food during wintering, thus a wonderful metamorphosis occurs when the workers themselves turn into a product of their labor. Therefore, the contents of the scree are wax, propolis, pollen and royal jelly, that is, a real storehouse of amino acids, minerals, heparinoids, and enzymes.

The spectrum of action becomes much wider if various vegetable extractants, honey and derivatives, mineral and vitamin supplements are added to the deadwood. The use of bee fat, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the normalization of blood sugar levels, helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Not only the death itself is useful, but also bee fat and the remains of pollen and nectar

Scree is saturated with chitosan and melanin, and the health benefits of these biologically active components simply cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the action of chitosan, a polysaccharide that absorbs harmful compounds, burns heal faster, it also helps to reduce pain and stop bleeding.

Melanin, which has the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation, provides skin protection, which is especially important in summer, when the sun is especially aggressive during the daytime. In addition, due to melanin, which is a natural entersorbent, the intestinal microflora is restored faster.

In case of intoxication of the body, the tincture from dead bees on vodka acts as an antidote, removing toxic compounds, preventing them from entering the systemic circulation. Needless to say, the combination of both components in dead bees can work wonders?

Features of the collection of medicinal scree in summer and winter

Dead inhabitants of hives accumulate in nests during wintering, as well as during the spring-summer season, although at this time it is problematic to collect them for the purpose of treatment, since cleaner bees clean the hives of corpses in a timely manner.

On the other hand, in summer, young bees are full of energy and collect fresh pollen and nectar, the body of insects is more dense, and the poison is highly concentrated. To facilitate the task of collecting scree under the waste tray, a small cardboard is placed so that the dead relatives carried out by the bees fall directly onto this sheet.

A favorable period for collecting therapeutic deadwood is spring, when bee houses are being cleaned in the apiary. High-quality scree - these are individual dead individuals, foreign inclusions, mold lesions and fungus are not allowed here. It has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell. If the substrate is spoiled, then it is no longer possible to use such a product for medicinal purposes.

As for winter, experienced beekeepers recommend cleaning the hives in the first half of wintering with a special hook, which is convenient to reach the bottom of the nests through the lower entrances. After that, the bees are dried in an oven, maintaining a temperature regime of 45-50 ° C to prevent the formation of mold.

Then they are poured into linen bags, which are hung in a well-ventilated room, thereby ensuring the safety of the useful properties of the product. Thus, it is possible to accumulate fresh deadness by spring, in which there will definitely be no pathogens and fungus.

Cooking technology

There are many variations on the use of a podmor. Alcohol tinctures are the most common form of preparations. Ethanol makes it possible to reveal the healing properties of scree. Vodka often becomes an alternative to alcohol. There are also ointments, water infusions, liniments, powders, products obtained by heat treatment in the form of various decoctions.

Regardless of the method of administration - internal or external, the therapeutic effect remains the same. The main condition for the positive impact of these funds on the body is the use of correctly collected, fresh and properly processed high-quality raw materials for their creation. Requirements for alcohol - good quality, high degree of purification.

All preparations can be prepared independently, since the recipes are extremely simple.

In order for the tincture from the death of bees on vodka to be as useful as possible, the scree must be ground with a coffee grinder until a powdery homogeneous mass is formed. After that, the powder is poured from a glass sealed container (it is preferable to use vessels made of dark medical glass) and pour 1 glass of vodka.

The product must be allowed to brew in a dark, cool place for at least two weeks. It is recommended to shake the bottle periodically. The finished product is filtered: it is best to use ordinary gauze, after which it is stored in the refrigerator, using in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Alcohol infusion

Ingredients for alcohol infusion: crushed talus mixture 15 g, medical alcohol - 200 ml. The components are mixed in a dark glass sealed container, infused for 21 days, periodically shaking the container. The resulting composition will need to be filtered using multilayer gauze. Store in refrigerator and take out when needed.

water infusion

Powder 30 g is poured with 0.5 l of boiling water, the container with the resulting contents is simmered on the stove for two hours, maintaining a low fire. Then the composition is cooled, filtered and poured into a convenient vessel for storage. The time of using such a product for medicinal purposes is limited to only two weeks.

VIDEO: Recipes for making tincture of dead bees on vodka, alcohol and ointment

Piggy bank of folk recipes for potions from bee scree

There are many options for preparing drugs that help with various ailments. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • For diseases of the skin - eczema, fungus, dermatitis

To prepare the ointment, you will need dried ground dead bees 1 tbsp. and olive or linseed oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The product is used in a heated form: the composition is rubbed into problem areas.

  • For the treatment of diabetes

You will need to make an alcohol extract of 5% using a dead bee. Take daily after meals, observing the dosage of 13-15 drops.

  • Sexual disorders, inflammation of the prostate gland

It helps to take a classic alcohol infusion after a meal. A single dose is 18-20 drops, the course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

  • Treatment of protozoal invasion - giardiasis of the liver

Tincture of alcohol from scree, 25-30 drops, is taken three times a day for a month.

  • To cleanse the body of toxins

The main condition is to calculate the correct ratio: the number of years of the patient must correspond to the number of drops of alcohol tincture of talus. To maintain the therapeutic effect, the procedure is recommended to be repeated every six months.

  • To increase vitality

Two salt spoons of fresh crushed scree are mixed in a jar and 200 g of vodka are added, after which it is infused for 14 days. The recommended frequency of administration is twice a day, a single dosage is 20 drops, the duration of treatment is at least two months.

Admission rules

When planning to use Podmor tincture, it is necessary to consult a specialist, in addition, it would be useful to inquire about contraindications in order to avoid undesirable consequences of use.

Medicinal compositions based on bee scree containing ethanol are prohibited for young children, under the age of three years, women during pregnancy and lactation. Patients suffering from impaired liver function should use any of these agents with extreme caution. A predisposition to allergies to bee products is a reason to refuse to take dead bees in favor of drugs that exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Possible side effects when using these agents include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • muscle spasms;
  • dermatitis, skin irritations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sleep problems.

You should be aware that these drugs have a blood-thinning effect, and can also provoke the movement of stones in the urinary system. Therefore, the selection of therapy is carried out exclusively by physicians, taking into account the available diagnoses and the state of the patient's body.

Before taking the tincture, it is recommended to conduct a course of conventional enemas to renew the intestinal microflora, remove fecal stones, toxins, and toxins. During the period of application of the compositions, a diet should be followed, reducing the consumption of fried and fatty foods, dairy products, sweets, pastries and bakery products.

VIDEO: Recipe for dead bees: an elixir of youth and a cure for cancer

It has long been known that the doctor heals, and nature heals. To strengthen the body, cure many ailments, increase efficiency will help elixirs from dead bees, the recipes for which have been passed down for many generations. By applying the treatment with dead bees, it is possible to avoid not only long-term use of drugs, but also surgical intervention.

Adhering to the recipes for the preparation of medicines, we will describe in detail how to use dead bees for medicinal purposes.

Alcohol tinctures

Tinctures are prepared on the basis of raw materials crushed in a blender: 1 tbsp. l. product for 250 ml of vodka or other liquid containing 40 percent alcohol. The container for the elixir must be made of dark opaque glass. Tightly closing the cork, you need to remove it to infuse away from the sun for 14 days. It is advisable to shake the bottle every day. They take medicine from bee deadness, diluting it with water or tea.

  • For heart pain, dilute 15-20 drops of the elixir with water and take 1-2 months 1 time per day after meals. This is enough to feel the improvement. When using a dead bee, the treatment is faster.
  • If you are concerned about hypertension, they take bee deadness, the treatment of which should take place strictly according to the scheme: age = number of drops divided into two doses. For example, at the age of 40, take 20 drops after breakfast in the morning, 20 drops after dinner. A month of treatment, after - a break of six months. Repeat the course, and you will not remember your pressure.
  • With fibroids, take a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the recipe before meals:
  1. 1 st. pour raw materials with vodka ½ l;
  2. insist three weeks;
  3. strain, squeeze.

Drink 3 times a day for 2 months.

Take a month break and to consolidate the healing process, it is desirable to repeat.

  • For the treatment of diabetes, 55% infusion is used. To lower your sugar levels, take just 15 drops of the tincture a day with tea or water after meals.
  • A positive result is given by the treatment of prostate adenoma with dead bees. The recipe is as follows: half fill a half-liter bottle, add 70% alcohol two fingers higher than the level of the substance. For 14 days, the liquid will infuse and can be taken up to 3 times a day, diluting 10 drops in a tablespoon of water.

Water decoctions

Water decoctions with subpestilence accelerate the treatment of the thyroid gland, liver, and remove Giardia from the body. They are used to improve immunity and in multiple sclerosis.

Elixir recipe: in ½ liter of water, pour 2 tbsp. l. product, let it boil for half an hour on low heat and set aside. Let it infuse for a couple of hours. Store strained broth for 2 weeks and only in the refrigerator.

Treat for 21 days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat again. Since the medicine should not be stored for more than 14 days, it will be necessary to boil fresh several times. In this case, it is better to combine the internal reception of decoction and compresses with bee deadness. Treatment of the thyroid gland with a complex method will improve the condition faster.

There are positive reviews about the use of medicine from dead bees after a stroke and for the prevention of this disease, as well as for constriction of cerebral vessels.

The recipe for a decoction for mastopathy. Steam 200 g of dry bees in boiling water for 30 minutes. Squeeze and apply to the inflamed area. Cover the lotion with cellophane film, wrap and hold until dry.

This method of treatment is also used for varicose veins.

For a hernia of the spine, an infusion is used: 100 g of bees are steamed for 20 minutes. A cloth is placed on the back, a steamed subpestilence is laid out on top, covered with cellophane and insulated. Leave until dry.

Ointment preparation

In the treatment of varicose veins, ointment is used. Mix a tablespoon of powdered substance with 100 g of petroleum jelly and put it in a clay or glass dish for storage.

Slightly warming up the product, rub it with light movements in a sore spot. This method is used for thrombophlebitis and arthrosis. Joints become mobile, inflammation is relieved, pain disappears.

With myopia, podmor fried in unrefined sunflower oil will help.

The medicine is washed down with milk, using a teaspoon cooled down 2 times a day before meals.

A month of treatment, two - a break, and again a repetition of the course.

This method is also good for the treatment of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye.

Kill bacteria and viruses, normalize the microflora of the mucosa, promote rapid healing of wounds - these properties of medicines with dead bees make the treatment of stomach ulcers painless.

To cleanse the intestines, dried in the oven to a powdery state, dead wood is taken. Dry powder is washed down with water, and the dose of the drug is increased gradually, starting with a fifth of a teaspoon, adjusted to 1 tsp. Drink in the morning and before dinner in the evening. This will cleanse the body of cholesterol.

Pancreatitis is cured in this way.

The medicine from dead bees is a panacea for many ailments, and cancer is no exception.

Thanks to the active substance chitosan, the use of medicines from subpestilence in the treatment of cancer and metastases is becoming more and more widespread. It is able to regulate the pH of the body, which allows lymphocytes to destroy malignant cells, and the ability to envelop blood vessels from the inside does not allow cancer cells to move to other organs.

In addition, the components of chitosan, when released into the blood, support the patient's body, suppressing intoxication. As a result, appetite resumes, weight loss of the patient stops.

Using infusions, decoctions and alcohol elixirs, you can significantly improve the condition.

For treatment, a tincture of dead wood is used together with 20% propolis tincture. But the treatment of death with oncology should take place as an auxiliary.

Dead bees, the treatment of which stops the growth of thyroid cysts, is indispensable in the general therapeutic complex.

When taking medication, listen to your body and, if necessary, change the course of treatment or dosage of the drug.


Dead bees have almost no contraindications, but as a beekeeping product it can cause individual intolerance. In order not to cause harm, it is worth determining if there is an allergy to drugs from this substance. To do this, rub a dry bee in the place of the elbow bend and wait 5 minutes. If the skin does not react with redness, then there is no individual intolerance, and you can improve your health with medicines based on deadness.

Also, pregnant women and young children should not use alcohol infusions.

There is to use medicines from dead bees and adhere to a healthy lifestyle, good health will last for a long time!

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