Dental treatment icon. Icon in dentistry: application technique for the treatment of caries. Indications and contraindications of the method

At an early stage, development can be suspended to prevent further damage to the tooth. To do this, therapeutic dentistry offers many techniques. However, not all of them give a guaranteed result:

  • fluoridation - its implementation is impossible at the stages of progressive caries;
  • - even if the dentist carefully treats the cavity formed on the surface of the tooth, it will not be possible to avoid a minimal loss of volume of healthy tissues.
  • infiltration - Aikon caries treatment provides a revolutionary solution to eliminate the harmful effects of the disease without negative consequences for the integrity of the dentition.

Malicious is the destruction of enamel. This is the reason for the appearance of pores on the surface of the tooth. It is through microscopic cavities that the diffusion of acids secreted by bacteria occurs. If Icon is not treated on time, the minerals are destroyed and the disease progresses.

ICON - methodology detail

Today, you can treat Icon caries in just one visit to the doctor. At the same time, the therapy process will be painless and with maximum preservation of the tooth affected by bacteria. Preparation and anesthesia recede into the background when it comes to the latest developments in the field of dentistry. The revolutionary infiltrate has confirmed its beneficial effect by clinical studies of scientists. There is an alternative caries treatment Ikon, designed for different clinical cases:

  • The treatment takes place in a sparing mode on the tissues adjacent to the adjacent tooth, thanks to the unique nozzles, access to the surface of the treated tooth is open.
  • Allows the dentist to treat smooth tooth surfaces. The technique showed itself at the initial manifestation of caries after removal and orthodontic therapy.
Icon in the patient's mouth.

The treatment of caries by the Icon method is based on the observance of certain stages in the activities of a dentist. These include:

  1. Etching - using a specialized gel, the doctor cleans the enamel;
  2. Drying - the surface of the affected area is treated with a profile alcohol composition;
  3. Infiltration - microcavities are sealed with Icon polymer.

The indisputable advantage of Icon is the ability to stop the development of carious bacteria at an early stage of their location on the tooth surface. The absence of a drill gives a chance to leave healthy tissues intact. The aesthetic effect is also at its best - after the caries treatment, Aikon enamel takes on its original appearance.

Do not forget that caries is formed with improper oral hygiene. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the principles of careful care of the teeth and mucous membranes. However, if tooth decay does form, Icon treatment will allow you to get rid of it painlessly and in one visit to the doctor. Keep your smile attractive and your teeth healthy!

Benefits of Icon treatment

Summing up, we can outline the benefits of treatment with the Aikon system that has gained its popularity:

  • suspension of the process of destructive destruction of enamel by caries for a long time;
  • careful preservation of healthy tissues, as treatment is carried out without preparation and removal of safe layers of enamel;
  • the life of the tooth, on the surface of which caries begins to develop, increases significantly;
  • the absence of pain impulses and sensations, since the treatment with the Icon system does not cause discomfort. No need to use anesthetics;
  • Aikon is treated without preparation in one visit to the dental clinic.

There are no contraindications to the use of the innovative method. In Meliora Dent dentistry, the price for Icon treatment is not high, so everyone can afford the procedure. The effectiveness of the technology is confirmed by the success of clinical trials conducted by the scientific community.

In the treatment of caries at the white spot stage, remineralizing therapy traditionally plays a leading role. However, the drugs used do not always achieve the desired result. For caries infiltration, ICON allows you to stop the process at an early stage and achieve a good aesthetic result.

The indication for ICON treatment is caries in the stain stage. During this period, whitish, rough, devoid of shine areas can be seen on the surface of the teeth. Such spots are often referred to as "coated". It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to notice them on your own at home. In this regard, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly in order to detect carious processes in a timely manner and enjoy the benefits of caries treatment without a drill.

Caries treatment with Icon system

Private clinics have long known what is this program and how to get rid of caries without pain. With caries, the surface of the tooth enamel becomes porous. This allows the gels to be used as a treatment. Treatment technology is that the damaged tissue is simply etched away.

caries treatment by using Ikon has many advantages:

  • Healthy tissues are not damaged;
  • The spread of the infection stops;
  • You can carry out the procedure even during pregnancy, as it is safe for health;
  • The procedure is painless, so anesthesia is not required;
  • The need to drill teeth is delayed;
  • Treatment is carried out in one visit to the doctor.

Treatment using the Icon system used in pediatric dentistry. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour. Preparation for treatment is not required. Contraindications are enamel erosion and an allergic reaction to the composition of the gel. Choosing this system is for those who do not forget about hygiene, otherwise the efficiency will be insufficient.

Main indications for using the Icon system

  • Caries treatment with Icon system possible in cases where the pathological process is in the initial stage, which characterizes the lesion as white spot stage. In this case, there are no pain sensations, therefore, the presence of areas of modified enamel forces the patients to consult a dentist. Often, a pathological process at this stage is detected during routine examinations or when contacting specialists for professional oral hygiene.
  • Orthodontic treatment is often complicated by the development of caries. After the completion of the operation of the braces, in most cases it becomes necessary to contact the dentist for restorative measures, since the tooth enamel is damaged. The treatment of caries with the Icon system is the most demanded in this case.
  • In children due to the thinner layer of tooth enamel, the carious process develops faster. In order to prevent the disease, they should visit a specialist more often for a follow-up examination. If in adults reliable prophylaxis can be ensured by visiting a doctor twice a year, then in children an examination should be carried out 3-4 times a year. The painless nature of caries treatment with Icon is a significant advantage for use in children.

Features of the procedure

The use of the Icon system is based on filling the pores that appear in the enamel when it is damaged by caries. The application of the technique contributes to the stabilization of hard tissues.

Treatment without drilling Icon can be applied only at the stage of the white spot, when there is no carious cavity. Otherwise, it will be necessary to use traditional methods of treatment and eliminate tissues affected by caries with a drill.

Advantages of the technique

The advantages of using the technique Icon are the following factors:

    It is possible to stop the development of the carious process in the early stages, to prevent further tooth decay;

    Treatment is limited to only the affected areas, keeping healthy tissues intact;

    The shape of the tooth and its aesthetics are preserved in full;

    No pain during treatment;

    The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

Ikon caries treatment in Moscow: the essence of the method

There are micropores on the surface of the enamel layer of the teeth. They are a kind of entry gate for acids produced by microorganisms. It is the acids that destroy the hard tissues of the tooth. The infiltration method is based on closing the pores of the enamel layer, which prevents the penetration of acids and bacteria into the hard tissues of the tooth. The procedure takes just a few minutes. It does not require the use of anesthesia and a drill. The treatment takes place without drilling and associated discomfort.

The results of drug treatmentICON

    Relief of the carious process

    Elimination of aesthetic defects associated with the appearance of foci of demineralization

    Full preservation of healthy tooth tissues

  • Preservation of the anatomical shape of the tooth

Icon material feature

Icon material is an innovative product that can be used to carry out micro-invasive treatment of carious lesions in the initial stages. When the pathological process spreads to the dentin or the root of the tooth, its use is impossible.

The difference from traditional filling materials is the impossibility of using the Icon material.

    in the presence of a deep lesion of the enamel with the formation of a cavity in it;

    in cases where the defect is due to fluorosis, erosion, hypoplasia or traumatic injury.

Alternative techniques, enamel remineralization and fluoridation, which are also used in the initial stages of caries, require the course use of appropriate varnishes. Material Application Ikon stabilizes the situation in one visit to the dentist.

Non-contact caries treatment - forget about the drill

One sound of a drill machine causes fear in many. This is especially true for dental treatment. in children. Despite high-quality anesthesia, vibrations and loud noise from the operation of the device cause some discomfort. Also, a drill can damage healthy tissues, but it is very effective for treating caries. However, new techniques and methods of treatment have now appeared.

enjoys great popularity non-contact caries treatment with the Icon system on Arbatskaya. About, what is this and how it works, the dentist at the appointment can tell in detail.

Today, caries can be treated even in small children painlessly and at any stage.

However, non-contact treatment can not be used at every stage. The sooner the patient turns, the greater the chance that you will not have to use a drill. That is why regular check-ups are so important. Most often, non-contact treatment methods are used in the initial stages, when the tooth has not yet begun to collapse.

Caries in the stain stage can be treated with ozone, laser, ultrasound, as well as the Icon system, which allows you to avoid pain.

Dental treatment without a drill

At the moment, there are several ways to cure caries. without drilling teeth:

  • With a laser. Laser technologies can reduce the trauma of procedures, but at the same time do not reduce efficiency. The laser beam is directed only to the affected tissues, which is especially convenient in the treatment of basal caries.
  • With the help of ozone. Ozone actively prevents the spread of caries, but is only suitable for the treatment of unfilled teeth.
  • Icon system. Infiltration Method icon for caries treatment suitable for both adults and children. During treatment on this methodology healthy tissues are preserved.
  • With the help of ultrasound. Ultrasound without pain allows you to remove plaque and carious spots. However, the procedure has a number of contraindications.
  • gels. Special gels that remove carious tissue and allow holes in the teeth to grow with the help of hormones are still being studied and improved.

All these techniques are united by the fact that they are quite effective only at the initial stages of caries. If the carious cavities are deep, there is inflammation of the pulp and various complications, you will have to resort to a drill and other methods of treatment.

Modern methods of caries treatment without a drill in the EVITA clinic

Patient comfort and safety is our top priority. We use only effective methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven laboratory and clinically. ICON technology has become a real breakthrough in therapeutic dentistry. The procedure can be performed for both adults and children. We invite you to use a new technique to cure the initial caries without pain and stress. You can make an appointment with a specialist by phone or through the website.

dental clinicEVITA: painless caries treatment systemICON

Results before and after treatment:

The cost of non-contact treatment of dental caries with the Icon system

Treatment of caries without the use of a drill can be more expensive than the standard one, but at the same time, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the tissue and postpone filling the tooth. On average, the cost of treating one tooth is 6 thousand rubles. Many clinics offer a free initial consultation with a dentist. Diagnostics, if required, is taken into account separately. For treatment, one visit to the doctor is enough.

Price on the treatment without drill by using Icon in Moscow depends on the clinic, on the number of teeth that need to be treated.

Evita clinic offers affordable prices. You can find out more about them by phone or at the first visit to the doctor. Registration is also carried out by phone.

Service prices:

Treatment of caries with the Icon system in the stain stage

Before, how to do procedure, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and clarify the diagnosis. System for ikon dental treatment effective only at certain stages of the disease. At the stain stage, such treatment helps well and allows you to postpone the need to drill the tooth for a long time.

The whole procedure is carried out in several steps:

  • Installation of a rubber dam (a special latex scarf that does not allow saliva to drain onto the tooth);
  • Applying the gel on the enamel for a while;
  • Washing the tooth from the gel and drying;
  • The use of an infiltrate that will not allow the carious process to spread further through the tissues of the tooth;
  • Tooth enamel polishing.

Children can also be treated in this way, but not younger than 3 years. The main reason is not the danger of the gel, but the fact that young children cannot sit in the dental chair for a long time. The convenience is that it is not necessary to make an anesthetic injection into the gum.

Treatment of superficial caries in children with the ICON method

The main advantages of this treatment method for children are:

  • healthy tooth tissues are preserved, as the treatment takes place without drilling;
  • the process is completely painless, anesthesia is not required;
  • only one visit to the dentist is required;
  • no contraindications, except for children under 3 years of age, because at this age children are unable to sit still for 15 minutes, which can lead to injury
  • treatment of all teeth takes no more than 40 minutes (and this is all in one visit);
  • the ability to stop the development of caries in the early stages, especially when there is a predisposition - childhood and adolescence; superficial caries resulting from poor-quality brushing of teeth; superficial caries that occurred while wearing braces;
  • excellent aesthetic result - the surface of the tooth looks like healthy enamel.

After exposure to ICON, damaged enamel turns from porous and brittle into dense, hard and resistant to microorganisms and acids. What is important - the transparency of the enamel and the color of the tooth are restored, ICON preparations act only on the affected area, without affecting healthy tissues.

It only remains to add that the effective treatment of caries by the ICON method has been confirmed by international laboratory clinical studies and many years of experience of the best Evita dentistry specialists, as well as positive feedback from our patients.

The weakening of the crystal lattice of tooth enamel, due to the loss of mineral compounds, contributes to the development of destructive processes in it.

The use of remineralizing therapy methods at the initial stages of the formation of the disease helps to prevent formation in 70-80% of patients. An innovative method in early development is the use of Icon materials.

Application of Icon technology in dentistry

The development of the carious process occurs in several stages.

The disease is the formation of superficial caries, which is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the crystal lattice of tooth enamel and the formation of destruction sites in it. In this case, there are no changes in the dentin.

The launch of pathological processes is evidenced by the periodic occurrence in patients of a feeling of soreness as a result of exposure to chemical and thermal stimuli.

When probing the surface of the causative tooth, the dentist reveals a rough area - a shallow enamel defect that does not go beyond its limits.

It is impossible to independently identify the development of a carious process. The thinning of the enamel and the formation of depigmented areas on it are also characterized by other dental pathologies -, hard tissues of the tooth and. Only a dentist can differentiate these diseases.

Caries treatment with the ICON method

At the initial stage of the development of the carious process () for therapeutic purposes, non-invasive therapeutic measures are carried out:

  1. Remineralizing therapy- creating conditions in the oral cavity to strengthen the crystal lattice of tooth enamel. The therapeutic effect is achieved through the subsequent application and solutions.
  2. Impregnation treatments- impregnation of damaged areas of tooth enamel with a solution of silver nitrate or Icon materials in order to create aseptic conditions in them. After the treatment procedure, demineralized enamel zones are protected from putrefactive decay for a long time.

An absolutely innovative way to treat caries is the microinvasive technique Infiltration Concept, Icon for short. The literal translation of the name of this method - "the concept of infiltration" - reflects the principle of therapeutic effect on the affected areas of tooth enamel. During the procedure, the dentist applies a polymer composition (infiltrant) to the demineralization foci, which fills the pore system in the pathological focus, thereby sealing the carious cavity, preventing the reproduction of microorganisms in it.

The effectiveness of the treatment of caries by the method of infiltration () has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. At the same time, the treatment technique complies with modern healthcare standards - during its implementation, the impact of the dentist on healthy tooth tissues is minimized.

The composition of the dental system

On the pharmaceutical market, Icon polymer materials are available in two versions:

  1. Icon Kariesinfiltrant – approximate(Ikon Caries infiltrant - proximal surfaces) - a set of materials necessary for the treatment of the initial stage of caries on the proximal (contact with neighboring teeth) surfaces.
  2. Icon Kariesinfiltrant – vestibular(Ikon Caries Infiltrant - smooth surfaces) - a set of materials intended for the treatment of caries in the stain stage on the vestibular (facing towards the cheeks and lips) surfaces.

Each Icon set contains the materials necessary for a step-by-step treatment procedure:

  1. Icon-Etch- a special gel designed for chemical etching of tooth tissues. It consists of hydrochloric and pyrogenic silicic acids, surface-active compounds. The etching gel is used to remove the pseudo-intact enamel layer in order to facilitate the penetration of the infiltrant into the pore system of the pathological focus.
  2. Icon Dry- 99% ethanol. It is used for thorough drying of the treated surface.
  3. Icon Infiltrant- low viscosity solution, which includes a resin matrix based on methacrylate, polymerization initiators and additives. The infiltrant impregnates the affected tooth tissues due to the capillary effect and solidifies under the action of light rays of a certain length.

The Icon Kariesinfiltrant – approximal kit includes:

  • 0.3 ml Etch liquid (1 syringe);
  • 0.45 ml Dry liquid (1 syringe);
  • 0.45 ml Infiltrant liquid (1 syringe);
  • accessories - 4 separating wedges for separating teeth, 6 proximal tips, 1 Luer Lock tip.

The Icon Kariesinfiltrant – vestibular set includes:

  • 1 syringe Icon-Etch - 0.45 ml of gel;
  • 1 Icon-Dry syringe - 0.45 ml of liquid;
  • 1 syringe Icon-Infiltrant - 0.45 ml of liquid;
  • accessories - 6 vestibular tips, 1 Luer Lock tip.

If Icon materials come into contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, a chemical burn may occur. To prevent this complication, the dentist installs a rubber dam in the patient's mouth before the treatment procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of caries treatment

The superiority of the Icon method in comparison with other methods of treating superficial caries is due to the following:

  • no need and preparation of the causative tooth;
  • minimal impact on healthy tooth tissues;
  • safety and ease of implementation of the treatment procedure;
  • preservation of the anatomical shape of the tooth;
  • the speed of performing medical manipulations (20-25 minutes);
  • lack of visual difference between the area treated with Icon materials and the surface of other teeth;
  • the possibility of using materials in patients of various age groups, including children with milk teeth and pregnant women.

Before and after treatment

In vitro studies (experimentally) confirmed the admissibility of treatment with Icon materials, even areas of depigmentation of non-carious origin (or trauma to the crown of the tooth). In the near future, the developers of this treatment technique expect to receive the results of clinical studies confirming such possibilities.

Disadvantages of Icon technology:

  • the technique can be used only in cases where the pathological site is within the enamel;
  • high cost of the procedure;
  • increased requirements for the qualification of a dentist, the need for preliminary training in this technology.

Since the technique is innovative, the treatment of superficial caries using Icon materials is not carried out in all dental clinics.

Instructions for using the Ikon system

To carry out the procedure using the Icon system, special equipment is required (cofferdam, air gun, saliva ejector, photopolymer lamp), so it is impossible to perform it yourself at home.

The algorithm for performing a treatment procedure on the vestibular surfaces is as follows:

  1. The dentist carefully cleans the surface of the tooth from plaque and isolates the working field from saliva with the help of a conventional or liquid rubber dam.
  2. To remove the pseudo-intact layer, Icon-Etch solution is applied to the depigmented area. Exposure - 2 minutes.
  3. After washing off the etching gel, the tooth surface is dried with Icon-Dry. If the stain does not become less noticeable after applying ethanol, the dentist re-etches it. Etching gel on the vestibular surfaces during one procedure can be applied 3 times.
  4. After thorough drying of the working surface, the dentist applies Icon-Infiltrant twice to the stain and illuminates the material with a photopolymer lamp.
  5. The final stage of the procedure is polishing the treated tooth surface with soft discs.

Immediately after the procedure, the infiltrated area may slightly differ in color from neighboring teeth. Within a week, the discoloration gradually disappears.

The algorithm of medical manipulations on approximal surfaces is as follows:

  1. To confirm the presence of indications for the procedure, the dentist takes an x-ray of the causative tooth.
  2. Before using Icon materials, the doctor isolates the work surface by placing a rubber dam. To facilitate access to the pathological area, the dentist separates adjacent teeth using separating wedges.
  3. To remove the intact layer, the depigmented spot is etched with Icon-Etch and then dried with Icon-Dry.
  4. After that, the dentist applies Icon-Infiltrant to the damaged area of ​​the tooth, after a few minutes removes excess material with a floss and photopolymerizes it.

The final stage of the procedure is polishing the treated surface with strips.


The Icon method should not be used in the following cases:

  • the patient's hypersensitivity to any of the components that make up the Icon materials;
  • a significant depth of carious damage to the tooth - more than one third (D2 and D3).

To prevent the development of complications in the patient, the dentist, before starting the procedure, takes a thorough history and prescribes an X-ray examination of the causative tooth.

Cost of the procedure

The need to use imported equipment and equipment during medical procedures, the high cost of Icon sets do not contribute to the widespread introduction of this method in dental offices.

The procedure for the treatment of superficial caries using Ikon technology is offered only in some private clinics.

The cost of processing one tooth varies between 3500-6000 rubles.

Caries is one of the most common diseases in dentistry. It affects both children's and adult teeth. The most common treatment for such an ailment is through a drill. But modern developments allow treatment without it. One such method is the Icon caries treatment. This technique has many advantages.

What is Icon treatment?

Since Soviet times, well-known methods of remineralization and today are gradually being replaced by new technologies that are much more reliable and allow for a more gentle treatment.

Infiltration of affected tissues using Icon technology acts as a more modern, alternative method. When using it, preparation is not performed. With the timely application of this method of treatment, when the disease only hit the tooth, its complete cure is guaranteed in 99% of cases. In this case, one visit to the doctor is enough.

How did Icon technology come about?

Icon, short for Infiltration Concept, which means "infiltration concept". This technology was developed by the German company DMG, then it began to be widely used in European countries, and today it is already gaining popularity in Russia.

Such treatment is minimally invasive and very popular in modern medicine, as it involves minimal interference with the natural functioning of the human body.

This technique works on the basis of the introduction of a polymer composition into the area affected by caries. The main objective of this treatment technology is to seal the affected cavity and stop the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, Icon helps to restore the previous density of the tissue of the dental organ and makes it much more resistant to acids later on. Infiltration is an innovative method in dentistry.

Such a procedure is shown when it is a white or dark spot on the enamel. That is, when there is no carious cavity on the surface yet.

It is especially convenient to apply this technique when caries affects places that are difficult to reach. It is difficult to clean the gaps between the teeth with a drill, and with the help of Ikon, you can easily carry out treatment, since the device has very thin applicators.

Icon is often used to treat dark spots after removal. So, caries is stopped at its early stage, protecting the beauty of the patient's smile. At the same time, tooth enamel does not crack, its color and transparency are preserved.


Icon infiltration has the following features:

  1. Its use gives a positive result at an early stage and until it has gone into a deep stage. , such a method is unable to cure, with such a disease it is advisable to perform a sealing in the classical way.
  2. Icon strengthens the tissues of the tooth and contributes to their future resistance to acid attack. With this method of treatment, the layer of the tooth affected by caries is also removed by burning out, but it is much smaller than when using a drill. Also, the new technology resists cracks in the enamel, which remains hard after the procedure.
  3. Aikon cannot always stop caries. In some cases, it may return. In this case, the restoration of the dental organ and its treatment by the classical method are used. But such cases are very rare. At the same time, it is important to understand that the patient has nothing to lose, since, without using Icon, he would still have to use a drill.

Application of technology

For many patients, the great news is that anesthesia is not used in Icon technology treatment, since it is not necessary. This is especially noteworthy for patients who are allergic to pain medications.

This method of treating caries is based on the porous structure of the affected enamel, which resembles scale on the surface of the tooth. It is treated with a special composition, and then a sealant is applied, which quickly impregnates the dental tissue, and when polymerized, it forms a reliable structure.

Such processing contributes to the acquisition of tooth strength and resistance to external influences. Lost color and transparency are also restored, which significantly enhances the aesthetic appearance.

On a note: This procedure is very popular when used after removing braces, as well as among patients who have not followed oral hygiene well enough.

During treatment, it is important to follow the following steps:

  1. The tooth must be isolated from neighboring ones.
  2. To open the pores on the affected surface, it is covered with a special gel.
  3. The cavity is dried.
  4. The affected area is filled with an infiltrant. Often this is done in two stages with a three-minute break.
  5. Achieve hardening of the surface with a special lamp.
  6. The surface of the tooth is polished.

Treatment is fairly fast. Takes no more than 40 minutes.

Should I use Icon?

Thanks to new developments in dentistry, types of treatment are being improved more and more rapidly, and sooner or later the drill will be replaced by an alternative method of caries treatment.

The Icon methodology has been used in Russia for only six years. For this reason, Russian specialists do not yet have much experience in its application. At the same time, the cost of the procedure exceeds the price of the classical method of caries treatment. And only some categories of people who carefully monitor their teeth can use it.

In addition, numerous surveys of dentists have shown that most patients seek treatment for medium and deep caries, and the initial stage is rarely treated.

But still, a patient who has been diagnosed with initial caries should see a dentist who knows the Icon method. And if the doctor recommends using it, you should not refuse. Indeed, with this method, healthy tooth tissues are preserved, and the effect on it is more gentle, in comparison with the classical treatment. At the same time, the patient will always have time to drill the tooth if necessary.

Icon's popularity is gradually growing. It is gradually being introduced not only in expensive, but also in middle-class clinics. Therefore, it is worth trying out the effect of new developments on yourself.

Pros and cons

Like any other type of treatment, Icon has both pros and cons. Let's consider both of them.


  1. Minor tooth decay can be cured without dissecting it.
  2. Short duration of treatment, approximately 20-25 minutes.
  3. Anesthesia and a drill are not used. The procedure is absolutely painless.
  4. Healthy tissues of the dental organ are not loaded, as is the case with classical treatment.
  5. The area treated by this method is completely invisible against the background of other organs of the oral cavity.


  • such treatment gives a result only with superficial tissue damage, it does not cure deep caries, with it it is necessary to prepare the tooth and fill it;
  • the cost is much higher than the classical treatment. Such a procedure will cost about 3.5-4 thousand rubles. And in economy-class dentistry, perhaps a little cheaper;
  • only a highly qualified and advanced specialist in the field of new technologies can carry out such treatment with high quality;
  • To date, there is no consensus among experts regarding such treatment. There are both his supporters and opponents;
  • a thin layer of the tooth with this technique still evaporates, although it is much less than when using a drill. At the same time, it is not always possible to stop caries, and the patient must subsequently resort to drilling.


There are two main contraindications to using the Icon technique:

  1. Late caries with damage to the deep layers of enamel, this type of disease requires drilling of the affected tissues and filling the cavity.
  2. Childhood. For such treatment, special concentrated acids are used that can harm the child's body. At the same time, a sufficient duration of the procedure requires patience and perseverance, which is usually lacking in children.

Stages of Icon treatment

The Ikon procedure has several stages. Let's consider it step by step:

  1. To begin with, the tooth must be well cleaned of calculus and plaque, as well as polished.
  2. The surface of the tooth to be infiltrated must be absolutely dry. Therefore, the affected dental organ is isolated from the oral cavity by means of a special latex plate (cofferdam).
  3. Next, the teeth need to move away from each other. For this, special wedges are used. Wedging is not particularly pleasant, but quite tolerable.
  4. The tooth is then prepared for infiltration. A special gel is applied to it, which is left for a couple of minutes so that the tooth is etched, and the porous part of the initial caries becomes available to the specialist.
  5. Next, the gel is removed, and the tooth surface is dried again.
  6. Then, a tip is put on the Icon-Dry, with which one special polymer is first applied to the tooth (for half a minute), then, after drying, another infiltration is applied (for 3 minutes).
  7. At the last stage, a supercomposite material is applied, which is then polymerized for 40 seconds using a special lamp.

The dentist may invite the patient for a follow-up appointment after the procedure, after a few days. So, he can control the condition of the treated organ.

The compositions used in the treatment of Icon have a high penetrating power. For this reason, the tissues of the tooth are impregnated very quickly. At the same time, even microcapillaries are sealed from the penetration of harmful bacteria. So, caries stops.

This technology is also good because there are no changes in the anatomical structure of the tooth. The drill is not used, which means that healthy tissues are not affected.

The patient receives only positive emotions during such treatment.

According to experts, this type of treatment is very simple. Three different preparations are successively applied to the tooth. And the results are excellent in most cases.

Treatment of hard-to-reach places

The most frequent cases of education. Cleaning interdental spaces, especially where the teeth fit snugly together, is very complicated or impossible at all. This is how caries is formed. And to notice it in such places is not always possible. Often this can only be done with an x-ray.

It is better not to drill hard-to-reach places, damaging healthy tissues, but to apply special preparations to the affected area using the thinnest applicator.

Using Icon, you can easily soak dental tissue with it. In this case, drilling the tooth will not be necessary, or such a procedure will be significantly delayed. The stain, which speaks of the initial caries, is first dried, and then impregnated with a preparation that is a kind of resin. The procedure takes about twenty minutes, while the patient does not feel pain.

According to statistics, in 80% of cases when this method of treatment is used, dental filling can be excluded within a few years.

To describe the details of the operation of this technology, you can give the following example. If you take a piece of white sugar and touch it with a dark felt-tip pen, it will gradually soak and color. The same with teeth. The area affected by caries, like sugar, absorbs a monobond that has no color (it plays the role of a felt-tip pen). Once in the dental tissues, it hardens, preventing the development of caries. And infiltration contributes to the disappearance of the stain or the acquisition of a natural look, completely merging with the rest of the tooth.


Icon caries treatment, like all the latest treatments, has a high price due to the use of expensive materials and equipment.

In order to cure one tooth in this way, it will take from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles, depending on the amount of work and the clinic.

The cost also depends on the qualifications of the doctor who will carry out the procedure. If you are ready to spend a large amount, and at the same time not experience pain and discomfort, as happens when using boron, it is recommended to use the Aikon method.

Icon - technology for getting rid of caries without drilling

Icon (Ikon) - is an innovative product that is used for the micro-invasive treatment of caries on the vestibular and promaximal surfaces.

Icon - infiltration concept – the world's first caries infiltrate that fills pores and stabilizes hard tissues. Has no analogues.

The effectiveness of caries treatment with the icon method has been proven by numerous studies.

Indications and contraindications of the method

Indications are non-penetrating microinvasive treatment of caries in its early stages with lesions on the proximal surfaces of the teeth, as well as the destruction of the protective enamel on the vestibular surfaces.

Contraindications are the defeat of teeth by caries at a depth of D2 and D3, as well as defects in tooth enamel. Among other things, the procedure is contraindicated when there is a cervical region with thin enamel or generally open dentin (exposing the roots).

Caries infiltration has been used by the doctors of our clinic quite recently. Treatment using this technology does not involve the use of a drill, because the procedure is painless and occurs quickly enough - in 15-20 minutes.

When is the treatment of caries by infiltration method used?icon of several or one tooth, a special latex plate is used, which makes it possible to isolate the rest of the oral cavity from the microinvasive zone.

This technique was developed by German doctors from DMG, a leading manufacturer of dental equipment. After development, the method was successfully tested in European clinics.

The principle of operation of the new treatment technology

White spots are formed as a result of air penetration into the area of ​​demineralization of tooth enamel. It changes the light reflection in hard dental tissues.

Methodology icon treats caries by filling with a special material that is able to return the reflection of light in dental tissues to natural.

Even in its initial stages, caries, by destroying tooth enamel, allows harmful acids to penetrate deeper and deeper into the tissues. As a result, the dentin and roots are affected. The described technique makes it possible to seal the damaged areas of tooth enamel, stopping the carious process and tissue destruction.

"Pros" of the technique

This method has many advantages:

  • A drill is not used, therefore drilling does not occur, and healthy areas of dental tissue are not affected.
  • The process of caries stops, as well as the destruction of the tooth in situations where it was noticed on time at the dentist's appointment.
  • The surface of the teeth that have undergone the procedure will not differ in any way from the ideal surface of healthy teeth.
  • Significant extension of the life of a natural tooth.
  • Technologyicon defeats caries absolutely painlessly, without anesthesia and preparation of tooth tissues.
  • Treatment of caries lesions within one visit to the doctor.
  • The positive results of such treatment are confirmed by X-ray studies of the respective areas.

Treatment in the hardest to reach places

Note that caries most often forms in the interdental areas. In the gaps between the teeth of the same row, where the teeth are most dense, cleaning is complicated or even impossible. This is where the first signs of caries appear. Moreover, in such places, even a dentist will not be able to notice the development of the disease. This requires an x-ray.

At such points, an excellent alternative to traditional drilling of healthy tissues is the application of a special preparation to damaged areas with an ultra-thin applicator.

A drugicon, the treatment of caries with which has only positive reviews, allows you to fill and impregnate the tooth tissue. As a result, their drilling is postponed for a very long time, or even canceled altogether. A well-dried white spot, indicating caries, is well dried, and then impregnated with this drug, which is a kind of resin. As mentioned above, the procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes and is generally painless. As a result, there is not even the slightest change in the color of the tooth. Statistics show that in 80% of cases, in the treatment of caries by such methods, it makes it possible to exclude the installation of fillings on the teeth for several years to come.

In order to understand this technology, we can give a simple example. If you touch a piece of white sugar with a felt-tip pen, its surface will begin to soak and color accordingly. If we transfer the example to the teeth, then sugar is a section of tooth enamel affected by caries. In this case, a monobond without color enters with a felt-tip pen. It is absorbed into the treated surface of the teeth and hardens there. As a result, the development of caries in the future is prevented. After infiltration, caries spots disappear or take on a natural appearance, not differing from the rest of the tooth surface.

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