Why is the work of the sebaceous glands disrupted. Skin diseases. Symptoms of mixed seborrhea are called

Seborrhea, dandruff, blepharitis, barley, ostiofolliculitis, folliculitis, acne, sycosis, furuncle, furunculosis, carbuncle, what do these skin disorders have in common? What unites them is that they all arise due to a violation secretory function sebaceous glands located in different areas skin. As soon as the sebaceous gland, for some reason, begins to release an excess amount of sebum onto the surface of the skin, it becomes an excellent food for various microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, mites), which are almost always present on the surface of the skin. Microorganisms entering into sebaceous glands, at " good nutrition” begin to multiply actively there. For the body, these are foreign bodies, like a splinter that has fallen under the skin, and it begins to get rid of uninvited guests, isolating them and subsequently getting rid of the rejection of the stratum corneum or through inflammation (abscess) in more severe cases with the subsequent removal from the body, through pus, of the products of their vital activity.

Increased sebum secretion can lead, for example, to hair loss on the head and even to persistent male pattern baldness. excretory ducts At the same time, the sebaceous glands of the scalp are dilated, the hair becomes greasy, shiny, and falls out easily.

Skin disorders of this type are more susceptible to people with choleric and sanguine temperament.

The main reasons for the increase in activity sebaceous glands

1. Violation fat metabolism in the body due to functional disorders or diseases: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines.
2. Endocrine disorders ( diabetes, obesity).
3. Dysfunction of the gonads. The intense secretion of sex hormones during puberty (especially the male sex hormone testosterone, which is present to some extent in both sexes) stimulates an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin (acne usually appears during puberty).
4. Premenstrual hormonal changes.
5. Usage hormonal contraceptives or their cancellation, acceptance of other hormonal drugs(glucocorticoids).
6. Hereditary predisposition.

Contributing factors

1. Internal "slagging" of the body, caused by malnutrition and other causes, such as contaminated food and water.
2. Severe stress can disrupt hormonal balance, lead to increased manipulation of wounds and injury to the skin.
3. External factors: skin damage (scratches, abrasions, abrasions, etc.), contamination with dust particles, coal, etc.
4. Abuse of alcohol-containing cosmetic products.
5. Overheating, excessive sun exposure, alcoholism.
6. Visiting countries with a hot climate and with high level bacterial contamination.

For the normal secretory function of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to provide:

1. Prevention of abuse of hot, fatty, fried, spicy, salty, sour and fermented foods. Dairy products should be avoided white bread, sweets, potatoes, meat, fish, mushrooms. Avoid spices. At acute conditions a diet is needed that helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins with the use of salads, sprouted grains and vegetable juices. Give preference to softer foods like rice, oatmeal, apple dessert. Almost all types skin rashes aloe juice helps. Useful herbs with a bitter taste that help cleanse the liver: gentian, barberry, honeysuckle, Baikal skullcap, rhubarb, golden seal, echinocea. You can drink tea from herbs that purify the blood: burdock (root), dandelion (root), clover. In chronic diseases, emollient and tonic herbs are required: marshmallow, licorice, etc.
2. Elimination of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, if any: hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis, constipation.
3. Normal operation sex glands during puberty.
4. Elimination endocrine disorders if any: diabetes mellitus, obesity.
5. Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun or heat, excessive hot baths or saunas.
6. Avoidance severe stress, anger, irritability. To not allow prolonged depressions, repressed emotions.
7. Holding regular cleanings skin, blood, liver, large intestine (with chronic constipation).
8. Washing the skin with soap, such as dectar, at least two or three times a week.

Oily skin can be annoying, and sometimes you may feel like there's nothing you can do about it. In people with oily skin The sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. And while oily skin is associated with genetic factors, the action of hormones and other factors, there are several ways to care for oily skin. To reduce the production of sebum, consult a dermatologist, the doctor will advise medications, it is also important to clean such skin regularly, and you can also try some natural remedies to reduce the production of sebum.



    Preparations with retinoids. If you are oily, prone to acne skin, then you should probably see a dermatologist and discuss retinoid treatment. This type of medication is used to treat acne and excess sebum. Preparations with retinoids are both in the form of tablets (isotretinoin) and in the form of creams or gels (tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene). Oral retinoids are often more effective than creams or gels. However, it is likely that the doctor will prescribe creams or gels, as they have fewer side effects compared to pills.

    Androgen inhibitors. Excess sebum production can be caused by excess androgenic hormones. If the skin is oily because of this, then the doctor will prescribe androgen inhibitor drugs, such as spironolactone or cyproterone. These medications help reduce the amount of sebum produced by the body. Preparations can be both oral and topical.

    Contraceptive drugs with estrogen. If you are a girl and suffer from excessive sebum production, then you can try taking hormonal contraceptives. In some cases, they help make the skin less oily, however, in other girls, they only exacerbate the problems. Ask your doctor if this option will work for you.

    • Contraceptive drugs reduce the amount of androgens in the body, and this, in turn, reduces the production of sebum.
  1. Light therapy and laser therapy. Light therapy and laser therapy are often used to reduce sebum production. Photodynamic therapy and diode laser therapy can reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Many dermatologists recommend light or laser therapy along with other treatments. But remember that some medications can make your skin sensitive to light, so laser therapy may not be right for you.

    • Light and laser therapy can be good options for those who cannot use medicines for example, this applies to pregnant women. These treatments are non-invasive and fairly safe.
    • For best results often multiple treatments are required, and they can be quite expensive.
  2. Do not use rough materials for washing. A lot of people think that rubbing the skin will get rid of fat better, but in fact, this can aggravate the skin condition. Do not use sponges or washcloths. Scrubbing the skin with such materials damages the skin and makes it more oily. Do not use such rough products, and if you want, use only soft materials.

    Adjust skin care measures as needed. The production of sebum depends on the season. Hormone levels also fluctuate every week or every month. All this can affect the production of sebum. If you notice that your skin has become more oily than usual, then start washing with an oily skin cleanser more often.

    • You can use toners or make clay skin masks if your skin has become more oily. Apply toners or masks only to oily areas of the face or body. These products are very drying to the skin.
    • For example, in summer the sebaceous glands can produce more secretion than in winter. And that means you need different means for washing in winter and summer.

    Folk remedies

    1. Make a mask out egg white. Periodically arrange a "spa day" for yourself and make a mask from egg whites This will help reduce sebum production. Egg whites are a natural remedy that absorbs sebum. To make a mask, mix egg white with honey. Add some flour to make the mask into a paste-like consistency. Apply the mask to the face or parts of the body where excess sebum is produced.

    2. Make masks out of baking soda. masks from baking soda help reduce sebum. Mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 3:1. Then apply the resulting paste on your face with light massage movements and leave it on the skin for about five minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and dry your face.

Skin is the most big organ in the human body, which is the main reflection of the state of the body. It has pores that provide protection, hydration and respiratory functions and also remove toxins. However, the disrupted work of the sebaceous glands provokes not just cosmetic problems, but serious malfunctions in the body.

General information

The sebaceous glands are located throughout human body. largest cluster they reach the face, back, chest, groin and armpits. The glands are always concentrated where there is hairline, and are absent in places with rough skin, such as on the palms and feet. This is due to their important functions: protection against damage when stretching the skin and penetration into the epidermis pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, these glands moisturize hair follicles which are surrounded by pores.

These processes are achieved with the help of secreted sebum. Its composition is determined primarily by hormones and intestinal microflora. The amount and consistency of sebum will depend on these systems. With increased production of this substance, it accumulates in the pores. This leads to the multiplication of bacteria that provoke acne, due to which the sebum is oxidized and prevents the stratum corneum from peeling off the epidermis. And this process exacerbates the problem even more. Thus appear different kinds skin inflammation.

Causes of skin diseases: internal

The work of the sebaceous glands of the face largely depends on the internal settings of the body. In such cases, solving the problem surface methods will only mask the symptoms.

There are several forms of acne: infantile, juvenile and post-pubertal. In the first two situations, unstable sebum production is due to the specifics of age and cannot be treated, only masked.

Post-pubertal acne occurs by the age of 25-30 and serves as evidence of improper functioning of body systems. It can be caused by heredity, which allows you to cancel this factor by eliminating the causes that provoke it. They can cause malfunctions in the sebaceous glands and in the condition of normal heredity:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. This reason observed more pronounced in women. Increased testosterone levels stimulate increased sebum production. This process provokes progesterone. In women with polycystic and ovarian dysfunction, there are prerequisites for malfunctioning hormones.
  2. chronic diseases. Problems with gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, diseases of the gallstone and adrenal glands activate the sebaceous glands. Improper work of the pores on the face and head is often justified by infectious inflammatory processes in the body.

With internal problems, only a doctor will help get rid of the disease by prescribing the appropriate treatment. interrelated bodies and systems.

Superficial causes of skin dysfunction

Skin problems caused external factors are easier to treat. However prolonged exposure on the skin of such annoying factors provokes skin diseases, such as oily and dry seborrhea, eczema and demodicosis.

Among superficial reasons failures in the production of skin secretions emit:

  • Cosmetics. Choosing products that are not suitable for the skin, or using products with a poor composition provokes allergic reaction and the action of the Demodex mite. The content of alcohol, comedogenic oils and glycerin in care products, as well as some other dangerous ingredients, can excessively dehydrate, irritate or create an airtight film on the skin. It is important to understand that cosmetics with silicones, proteins, keratin in the composition, applied to the scalp, do not her to breathe. This provokes not only increased sloughing of skin flakes, called dandruff, but can also cause hair loss.

  • Violation of the rules of care. The work of the sebaceous glands of the head and face will not decrease with aggressive cleansing. Such procedures destroy the acid-lipid protective layer of the skin secretion, which provokes it to stand out more. At this point, the penetration of any bacteria into the pores can cause inflammatory processes. Untimely cleansing of the skin also provokes the growth of bacteria and clogging of pores, so such procedures must be used with strict frequency.
  • Not proper nutrition. To regulate the functioning of body systems, a certain amount of vitamins is necessary. Their deficiency leads to a change in the condition of the skin. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets stimulates the synthesis of androgens, which also causes diseases associated with the development of skin pathologies.
  • Action environment. Frequent exposure to the sun, in a dry room or in the cold leads to drying out of the skin, which increases the production of sebum along with the destruction of the lipid-acid membrane.

Before asking how to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to identify the above factors and eradicate them. After that, resorting to methods of treatment, you can use a set of procedures as a preventive measure.

Treatment of sebaceous glands on the face with medicines

This method of therapy is prescribed after diagnosis and identification of the causes of malfunctions in the sebaceous glands by doctors. A dermatologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist are sent for research. During treatment, drugs are prescribed for local application, antibiotics and adjust the nutrition plan. If the violations are associated with the hormonal background, then the treatment includes taking pills to normalize them.

Local therapy consists of preparations with retinoic acid. This includes the gel "Differin" and "Adapalen" applied once a day and the duration of the course is up to 3-4 weeks. Antimicrobials prescribed in the presence of inflammatory elements on the face. Dermatologists advise using Baziron AC, Proderm, Eclaran and Desquam. In the course of their application, the effect of desquamation of skin flakes is observed. In addition, they are used in therapy and combined preparations, such as "Zinerite", "Klenzit C", "Isotrexin". These methods regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and are prescribed for mild stages of acne.

If necessary, doctors use antibiotic treatment. Among the most effective drugs, resistant to acne, there are groups of tetracyclines and macrolides. The first include "Erythromycin" and "Josamycin", the second - "Doxycilin", "Metacycline", "Oxytetracycline".

Courses of such drugs last 10 days. In no case should you interrupt the course of antibiotics and combine them with alcohol. When prescribing medications, the doctor should have information about the patient's concomitant diseases. Diabetes, venous thrombosis and arrhythmias require compliance additional nuances during treatment.

In severe cases of acne, the only drug of retinoic acid, Roaccutane, is prescribed. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands throughout the body, enhances exfoliation, but has a lot of side effects, so it is radical remedy normalization of pore activity.

Hormonal agents are selected individually and are not used for self-medication.

Treatment of sebaceous glands on the face with folk methods

Treat facial pores with home remedies - less effective occupation, which can only be used for external sources of the problem. This technique is suitable for the prevention of relapse. Homemade lotions are used pharmaceutical herbs, masks and essential and base oils that enrich cosmetics.

Steaming the face with decoctions is practiced to cleanse the pores and, as a result, narrow them, which reduces the production of skin secretions. For the procedure, decoctions of chamomile or sage are selected. The procedure is as follows: the broth is brought to a boil, poured into a container, and, covered with a towel, hold the face over it for 5 to 7 minutes. This procedure is not suitable for owners of dry skin and with a close location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.

A common solution to the question is how to reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. are clay masks. This product has a drying, anti-inflammatory effect, and also acts as a source of nutrients beneficial for the skin. Masks of white, green, blue and black clay are used.

The product is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream and applied for 15-20 minutes to areas of enlarged pores. During the procedure, the clay should not be allowed to dry: for this, the applied mask is irrigated with a spray bottle with water. It is recommended to apply 1-2 times a week.

An egg white mask dries the skin and relieves inflammation, narrows pores. For the procedure, the product is whipped until foam is formed and applied to the face in several layers. When the previous layer dries, apply the next. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off and a moisturizer is applied.

Cosmetic procedures for the skin

The solution to the question of how to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands can be hardware cosmetology. A specialist in the course of identifying the cause of the disease, hereditary predisposition, history and other factors may prescribe additional procedures. Cosmetology offers many highly effective skin treatments:

  • Biostimulation with a laser. This procedure can not only get rid of problems with rashes. It has a complex effect on the skin regeneration and protection systems, and also removes toxins and restores a healthy complexion. The procedure is carried out in 10 sessions, during which light therapy, microcurrent stimulation and ultrasonic massage are combined. As a result, the skin looks more elastic, toned and hydrated.
  • Microdermabrasion. How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the face? This method can be used independently at home. Microdermabrasion is based on gentle point scrubbing with exfoliating particles, as a result of which the stratum corneum accumulated around the pores is removed and expands them. This method allows you to narrow the mouths of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing their activity.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. During this technique, the shock wave of the ultrasonic blade gently removes impurities from the pores and removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Iontophoresis. Microcurrent stimulation increases delivery nutrients into the dermis, due to which regeneration is enhanced and the fat content of the skin ducts is reduced. The delivery of vitamins along with the blood helps to heal and refresh the face as a whole.
  • Chemical peeling. As a result of the procedure, the acidity of the skin decreases to the level set by the cosmetologist, which causes a controlled burn of the skin. Recovery skin enhances the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. The integument is moisturized, the pores are narrowed, which reduces the production of sebum.

Thus one can choose more or less radical way getting rid of the problem. It is important to choose a qualified beautician, since such procedures can aggravate the process if not performed correctly.

Nutrition for skin normalization

To make the skin of the face healthy and enhance any treatment, it is necessary to switch to a proper diet. This means that it is worth excluding from the diet all foods that stimulate disorders in the sebaceous glands. These include:

This food can be replaced useful analogues. It is worth adding to the diet products that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands:

It will also be beneficial for the skin to eat red fish and drink herbal teas.

Causes of diseases of the scalp

How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the head? This is a question that is undeservedly overlooked. In fact, deviations in the production of sebum in this area are early stages not as noticeable as on the face, but subsequently can lead to thinning, loss, dryness and brittle hair. This problem can lead to seborrhea, eczema and subcutaneous mites.

Insufficient production of skin secretion or its excess can be due to both internal and external causes. Flaws in care are insignificant against the background of seborrhea. In the course of such a disease, sebum does not perform its direct functions, but accumulates on the surface of the scalp, which leads to stagnation of the secret. As a result of this process, the natural lubrication loses its protection against fungi, which leads to severe exfoliation of the stratum corneum, which is called dandruff.

There is another reason for this disease, stress. How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the face in this case?

Scalp treatment

To drug treatment sebaceous glands on the head are resorted to when the source of the disease is seborrhea, eczema, nervous disorders, demodicosis and other internal causes.

If the disease is caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, doctors prescribe Festal and Pancreatin. When the disease is associated with stress, sedatives are recommended, such as Novopassit or Sedavit.

For external treatment local preparations prescribe a shampoo that normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Means with ketoconazole and erythromycin are used, for example, Nizoral, Sebiprox, Sulsena, Sebazol. They not only level the acidity of the skin, but also serve as antiseptics that prevent the return of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Such shampoos are used 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. During this period, it is forbidden to use other cosmetics.

Prevention of the normal functioning of the skin on the head and face

In order for the skin treatment to be successful, and upon its completion there are no relapses, you should pay attention to the rules for regular care of the scalp and face.

How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, a specialist can recommend. Here are some tips for facial care and choosing cosmetics:

  • Cleansing. For this procedure, soft foams are purchased without alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate. Wash only as needed. It is worth buying means for cleansing with acids. Scrubbing should not be performed more than 1-2 times a week, while synthetic abrasives in cosmetics should be preferred.
  • Toning. A mandatory step in care, which is the main way to normalize the sebaceous glands. It is used after washing, scrubs, masks and as a preparatory event before applying the cream. It is worth giving preference to products with vitamin A and E.
  • Hydration. As care products, it is recommended to use cosmetics that prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin, and not pull it from the deep layers of the dermis. Avoid products that contain glycerin and comedogenic oils.

How to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the head, a list of recommendations for regular care will tell you:

  • Wash your hair only when dirty. You should not adhere to the rules of cleansing 1 time in 3 days, 1 time per week and other things.
  • Use water when washing room temperature. Hot liquid enhances the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Choose products that match your hair type.
  • Use nourishing products for hair roots.
  • Thoroughly rinse off sprays, mousses, styling creams.

Solving the problem of how to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands requires patience and time. Many options for getting rid of the problem allows you to choose best way her decisions. Proper nutrition, regular care and following daily rules will help to avoid this violation, which will allow the skin to perfectly fulfill its main function- add beauty and charm to its owner.

The good news is that the problem can be solved. Bad - difficult and long. By at least I have so.

Some people are “lucky” (and of course I am one of them) and they naturally get skin with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. And this may not manifest itself in high fat content although it may also be present. This can manifest itself in the production of a thick sebaceous secretion by the gland, which cannot leave the pore and clogs it. With its mass, the secret begins to push the mouth of the pore apart - we get enlarged pores, oxidizes - appears dark dot, then it becomes inflamed - a pimple appears. In general - beauty!

Agree, when you run your hand over your face and instead of smooth skin you feel small bumps and bumps, there is little pleasant (

Regular cleansing-masks gave me a temporary effect, literally on the second or third day after mechanical cleaning everything returns to the starting point. Money down the drain ... Well, for my thin, couperose skin, constant squeezing and trauma are Right way to vascular network on the face.

I decided to fight in every possible way.

Ideally, one should somehow force the glands not to produce so much sebaceous secretion. This is a job for an endocrinologist, if you adjust the hormonal balance, then all the problems will go away on their own. But this is in theory, but in practice it is all very long, difficult and there is no guaranteed result. It often happens that the hormones are normal according to the tests, but you can’t tell this by the face ...

You can also add about the diet: remove everything harmful and tasty, leave healthy and natural, but common truths I will not repeat, everyone already knows them.

The skin needs help. I will write my main algorithm:

First of all, we clean up.
Carefully, regularly and not by aggressive means. Ideally, the wash basin should be free of silicones, harsh surfactants, alcohol and tyds. After washing, there should not be a feeling of tightening of the skin.

The second thing is to exfoliate the stratum corneum, which can lead to clogged pores and acne, especially if the skin is prone to hyperkeratosis.

I am not a supporter of abrasive peels that injure the skin, I can rarely indulge. Now there is a mass (roll), which, thanks to chemical factors, gently exfoliate upper layer without scratching the skin. Koreans/Japanese have a particularly wide choice. Choose for every taste.

- just a lifesaver. It removes wrinkles, evens out the relief, and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed.

Well, my favorite exfoliator is this. You can also use AHA (glycolic, lactic, mandelic acids and tydy at a concentration of 5-10%) and BHA (the most popular - salicylic acid at a concentration of 1-2%).

IMPORTANT: using retinol and acids, be sure to smear with creams so as not to earn age spots. Although it is not recommended to use it in the active sun in the summer, we choose the lesser of two evils.

The third thing is to moisturize. When the skin is sufficiently hydrated, it needs to produce less sebum for a protective layer. Best of all, it moisturizes my skin and. Here you have to choose your best option. In no case should the skin be dried, especially with alcohol. It will only get worse. Good hydration is everything.

And the fourth - carefully choose care, remove silicones, paraffins, waxes, many oils. This is the hardest part. Need to pick up proper care, which will not provoke an increase in the viscosity of sebum, but at the same time it will also take care of the skin. And when it is also important to get the anti-aging effect, in general, the quest turns out ...

I found a way out for myself - I temporarily put aside all the creams and replaced them with serums. In winter, this option, alas, will not work, because in the cold, a protective skin cream is necessary.

For a while, I left only creams with zinc (zinc regulates the production of sebum) and pharmacy acid creams for problem skin.

According to this algorithm, I have been taking care of my skin for a long time and there is a positive effect, not as fast as we would like, but there is. I did not succeed in getting rid of the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, doctors and cosmetologists did not help me. But somehow I can control the situation with the help of care products. Now I use creams with a composition that is not ideal (in terms of amazingness) and I’m not afraid of the effect the next day))

Later I will write in more detail all my care and tell you separately about especially successful ones. cosmetics in the fight against comedones. Although I have already written about many things more than once.

Every girl strives to ensure that her face looks beautiful, and her skin is uniform, matte, clean. But not everyone can achieve this. Oily facial skin is becoming an increasingly common problem. modern girls. And it's not only unpleasant oily sheen. Oily skin is enlarged pores, a tendency to form comedones, acne, inflammation. Because of all this, it is necessary to use a large number decorative cosmetics which masks imperfections. Under a thick layer of cosmetics, the skin fades, even more sebaceous fat is released, more and more new problems appear. To interrupt this vicious circle need to be done step by step. First, let's figure out why the skin of the face becomes oily.

Causes of oily skin

  1. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands may be due to hormonal adjustment organism. That is why most often the skin becomes oily in adolescence - at the time of puberty. In addition, the sebaceous glands can be activated due to pregnancy, during menopause, before menstrual bleeding.
  2. Sometimes the skin becomes oily due to malnutrition. A large number of fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods lead to malfunctions in the intestines, which will certainly affect the skin.
  3. Cosmetics, oddly enough, can also be the cause of increased oiliness of the face. Poor-quality products that completely clog pores do not allow sebum to come out, which increases their production. In addition, makeup should be removed every evening, using special means deeply cleansing the skin.
  4. If the increased secretion of sebaceous fat has appeared recently, this may be due to the intake of certain drugs. Certain groups medicines have such side effect- the appearance of oily skin.
  5. Sometimes the skin can become oily only on hot days of the year. This is a completely natural manifestation of the body - the epidermis protects itself from overdrying. In this case, you just need to take better care of your face.
  6. Chronic infectious diseases, heredity, elevated level testosterone in the body, disorders in the liver and pancreas, prolonged stress and nervous experiences - all this can provoke the active work of the sebaceous glands.

To find out true reason this cosmetic problem, you need to analyze the quality of your life, your diet, the time when excessive oily skin appears. Try to understand what caused this condition. You may need to see a doctor for this. In the meantime, let's talk about how to care for oily skin in order to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Many of us try to take care of our facial skin, but we often make mistakes, due to which the condition of the epidermis becomes even more deplorable.

  1. Girls with oily skin often rub their face with tonics and lotions on alcohol based. This is fundamentally wrong. Alcohol dries out the skin, causing the pores to produce even more oil to get rid of that dryness. It is necessary to wipe the face with alcohol-containing compounds no more than a couple of times a week.
  2. For owners fatty type skin should not be exfoliated frequently. The constant removal of the keratinized layer of the skin leads to an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. You can't wash your face hot water, this also leads to the active production of sebum. You need to wash with cool water - it will not only cleanse the skin, but also narrow the pores.
  4. You should also not steam your face - this will open the already enlarged pores.
  5. Use skin care products that suit your skin type. Oily cream clogs pores, causing them to clog, which invariably leads to oily skin and acne.
  6. If the cause of increased fat content is hormonal, you should talk to your doctor about taking oral contraceptives. Their reception normalizes hormonal background, some of them are prescribed even for men.
  7. Try to eat right - less fat and starchy foods, more fresh fruits and vegetables. This will benefit not only your skin, but also your figure. Drink decoctions to improve metabolism medicinal herbs.
  8. Improve appearance skin can be done with special matting wipes that can be used anywhere. In summer, do not forget to moisturize your skin with micellar water. This will save your face from an unpleasant oily sheen.

In addition, you need to monitor your face, regularly remove makeup in the evenings, use only high-quality cosmetics. By improving the quality of life and changing the principles of skin care, you can achieve good results.

Rubbing oily skin

Oily skin implies the presence of a thin layer of fat on the surface of the dermis, which casts an unpleasant sheen. To get rid of it, you need to wipe the skin special formulations capable of suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

One of the best means for oily skin Apple vinegar. Dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and wipe the skin with this composition several times a day. The effect of matte skin will be noticeable after a week of regular use. Ready solution store closed in the refrigerator.

Herbal rubbing and washing very well help. Make a decoction of one or more herbs and wipe your face with it daily - in the morning and in the evening after removing makeup. Calendula will help get rid of acne and inflammation, the series will heal and dry open wounds, oak bark will suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, nettle will tidy up the pores, plantain will cope with acne due to its antiseptic properties.

Another effective method take off excessive fat content and narrow the pores - this is rubbing the skin with ice. In the morning, ice rubbing will invigorate the skin and relieve morning puffiness. And in the evening, ice will soothe the skin after removing makeup. Instead of plain water for freezing ice cubes, you can use herbal decoctions, cucumber water, fruit and berry juices. In addition, you only need to prepare the product once - then the finished ice cubes will always be at hand.

There are many recipes that will help you make your skin matte and velvety.

  1. Clay. Clay masks will help get rid of oiliness. Best of all, masks made of white, blue and black clay will cope with the problem. For greater effect, they can be bred not on water, but on a decoction of herbs.
  2. Kefir, lemon and oatmeal. These components are widely used in the fight against the activity of the sebaceous glands. If you combine them in one mask, it will turn out incredible effective remedy which will cope with even the most oily skin. Mix a tablespoon of warm yogurt with the juice of half a lemon. Add a handful of ground oatmeal to the mass to make a gruel. Apply to cleansed skin and leave on for 30 minutes. Oatmeal absorbs sebum, lemon dries and whitens the skin, kefir softens the effect of lemon and nourishes the skin with vitamins. The matte effect is noticeable after the first application.
  3. starch and cucumber juice. Mix cucumber juice with starch and apply the mass on your face. wash away cool water in 20 minutes.
  4. Egg white. Protein is another effective remedy for oily skin. It can be used as an independent tool and as part of multicomponent masks. Whisk the protein with kefir and lemon juice and apply on face, leave for 15 minutes. If your face feels a little tight after rinsing, apply to your skin. thin layer light cream.
  5. Banana. This fruit contains a lot of starch, which means it will help make your face velvety and matte. Just mash the pulp of a banana with a fork or blender, apply the pulp on your face. Hold for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  6. Radish and cucumber. Radish inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, and cucumber nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face. Mix the crushed pulp of vegetables with a grater and apply it on your face. Vegetable juice can be stored in the refrigerator and wiped on the face daily.

Natural masks are not only effective and absolutely harmless. They are also easy to prepare, which makes them accessible to everyone.

Oily facial skin is not a reason to be smeared huge amount powder and create the effect of a “plastered” face. A few rules for caring for this type of skin, changing eating habits, folk recipes masks and wipes will help you eliminate this cosmetic defect. enjoy natural remedies fight oily skin and be perfect!

Video: what to do if you have oily problem skin

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