Lecithin liquid instructions for use. What is lecithin? Supplements - good or bad

Phospholipids contained in the preparation rejuvenate nerve cells, normalize nervous system, brain, help minerals, nutrients and vitamins get into the cells. Provides correct work cardiovascular, food, reproductive systems of the body.

Pharmaceutical companies flooded the market with ineffective biological supplements. According to numerous reviews of those who are losing weight, Lecithin cannot be attributed to such, with correct application it will be indispensable for the body.

Lecithin is necessary for a person throughout life. At different time intervals, it prevents or eliminates the characteristic problems for this particular age. The positive characteristics of the tool are very extensive:

  • . Regulates fat metabolism at the cellular level. Fats are excreted from the body without having time to be stored in reserve. All this happens thanks to the regeneration of the liver and a balanced amount of bile secreted. It should be noted that the biological additive does not cancel for and , but is great helper on the way to perfection.
  • . Taking the drug promotes the production of insulin. And with prolonged use, the sugar content slowly normalizes, which is facilitated by phospholipids that strengthen the cells of the pancreatic membrane.
  • . The drug is simply not replaceable for hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, biliary dyskinesia, and cirrhosis will go to the stage of stable remission.
  • . With the exception of the first trimester, the use of Lecithin after the recommendation of a doctor will help to avoid problems with the child's nervous system.
  • For the normal functioning of the nervous system. The brain is a third, and nerve tissue is 17% composed of lecithin. It serves as the building blocks of neurons. It is worth taking this supplement for: improving memory, attention, thinking, susceptibility to new knowledge, removing signs rapid fatigue, nervous tension, stress. A systematic reception will help get rid of irritability, depression and normalize the emotional background.
  • For children from the first days of life. If the child is on artificial feeding and the mixture used does not contain lecithin, consult your doctor before starting its use. This is necessary for the nervous system of the baby.
  • It is recommended to use the supplement in stressful situations for a child - upon admission to Kindergarten, school, before passing important exams. She will also help various types mental and physical activity, vitamins and minerals will reach their destination in a timely manner, and immunity will get stronger.
  • For reproductive function men. Thanks to the phospholipids in Lecithin, spermatozoa are regenerated, and their mobility also increases.
  • For the elderly population. It is simply necessary to take the drug in old age, it will improve work of cardio-vascular system, will protect against blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. Brain diseases that occur at retirement age will slow down their development or recede altogether.


All drugs have limitations in use, Lecithin is no exception. But it is worth noting that they are minimal.

Side effects are possible only with an overdose, manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, stool disorder. However negative reactions disappear when you stop taking the drug or reduce the dosage.


It is desirable to drink Lecithin during the evening meal, at this time the absorption of fats by the body is maximum.

  1. The daily dose of the drug for a child is prescribed from 1 to 4 grams, it all depends on the disease.
  2. The rate of Lecithin per day for an adult is 4-5 grams, on the recommendation of a doctor, it can be increased.

The drug is started with ¼ of the daily dose, which is gradually increased, bringing it up to the prescribed by the doctor over the course of a week. If this rule is not followed, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Taking Lecithin in capsules, tablets, powder, granules and gel is the decision of the buyer.

Symptoms of Lecithin Deficiency

Lecithin deficiency in the body is not so easy to recognize. But there are common signs among which:

  • Weak immunity;
  • Nausea, bloating, indigestion after a fatty meal;
  • Hot temper, anger;
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, but sleep is not deep;
  • memory impairment;
  • Multiple headaches;
  • Arrhythmia, the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • Not being able to focus on the essentials;
  • Hypertension, disruption of the cardiovascular system.

There are many negative manifestations of Lecithin deficiency and they can occur both individually and all together. If you find several symptoms, it is advisable to consult a specialist for advice, to review your diet. The use of the supplement will relieve unpleasant symptoms.

What products contain

Lecithin deficiency can be replenished by introducing Lecithin-rich foods into the diet or using an additive.

At proper nutrition for a healthy person, there is no need for dietary supplements. Foods rich in Lecithin: fatty meat, fish, nuts, caviar,.

In the presence of liver disease and associated therapeutic diet the body needs additional Lecithin. And dietary supplements will help to fill it. It should also be borne in mind that in our time, not all products contain the necessary substances due to the dishonesty of manufacturers.

Everyone decides for himself that it is easier for him to take dietary supplements or adjust his diet. One thing must be remembered that without Lecithin about healthy body you can forget.

Your feedback on the article:

Latin name: Lecithin
ATX code: A05BA50
Active substance: Difficult
phospholipid, vitamin-like substance choline
Manufacturer: UVIX-PHARM;
Pharmaceutical industry (Russia); Koral-Med (Russia);
Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG" (Germany);
Nittany Pharmaceuticals/Vitaline; NSP (USA).
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe

Lecithin is the building block of all cell membranes. It is part of the myelin layer of nerve fibers. Affects the speed of transmission of impulses. Concentrated in the shell of the brain, liver, heart. Is a structural component spinal cord. Participates in all energy processes. Accompanies the reactions of synthesis and movement of lipids. Transforms bad cholesterol into the correct one. Bioavailable cholesterol is responsible for hormone production. With the depletion of lecithin reserves in the body, all vital functions. First of all, the nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer. The work of the liver is disrupted. The hormonal background goes astray.

Lecithin is present in everyday food. However, foods rich in lecithin are high in heavy cholesterol. Therefore, to replenish lecithin reserves, it is recommended to take a dietary supplement (BAA). It does not contain harmful fats, it converts the cholesterol entering the body into a readily soluble form. Lecithin as a drug is synthesized from vegetable oils, including soy or sunflower concentrate. Studies have shown which phospholipid is absorbed better. There is evidence that vegetable lecithin is more digestible than animal lecithin. Soy lecithin is used in cosmetics as a nourishing, moisturizing agent. AT Food Industry lecithin is used as an emulsifier. For products containing soy supplement often causes allergies.

Indications for use

First of all, the drug is prescribed as a protective and supportive complex for liver diseases. But since the substance is an integral part of the majority physiological processes, the drug has an extensive list of indications.

It is advisable to take dietary supplements for:

  • Organic liver damage due to hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, toxic effect alcohol, drugs, poisonous substances
  • Increased nervous excitability, insomnia, depression, fatigue, decreased concentration, memory impairment, impaired brain activity
  • Stressful situations and experiencing the effects of stress
  • Cardiac disorders: arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary disease, cardiomyopathy, heart failure
  • Vascular diseases, VVD, elevated level cholesterol, atherosclerosis
  • Diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys
  • Chronic skin diseases associated with lipid disorders such as psoriasis
  • Periodontitis
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Weakened immunity in children and adults
  • Alcoholism and addiction to nicotine.

If indicated, lecithin can be used as a dietary supplement or included in a complex diet. medical therapy in combination with drugs.

The composition of the drug

The presence of components included in dietary supplements depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. As the main active substance lecithin (soy or sunflower) acts. In addition, gelatin, flavoring additives, vegetable oils, vitamins are used.

One capsule of Our Lecithin is 98% composed of a complex of phospholipids derived from sunflower seeds. The composition includes: phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, essential polyunsaturated acids(linoleic, linolenic, oleic), provitamin A. The capsule is covered with a shell of gelatin.

Lecithin Ka is a soy concentrate with the addition of vitamin C, which increases the absorption of phospholipids. Sugar, orange flavor and calcium compounds are used as excipients in Lecithin Ka.

Doppelhertz capsules are covered with a gelatinous film. Contains 1200 mg of phospholipid concentrate. As excipients are included sunflower oil and humectant glycerol (E422).

BAA from NSP - soy lecithin containing 520 mg active component. One capsule of NSP Lecithin contains up to 97% of a concentrated, highly purified active ingredient.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic properties of the drug are based on the participation of the phospholipid complex in all vital biological processes occurring in the body.

Possible effects of lecithin:

  • The drug strengthens the nervous system. Reduces stress. Lecithin is a structural component of the insulating sheaths of nerve fibers and membranes nerve cells. With age, the reserves of the substance are depleted, which leads to the destruction of the channels of nervous regulation. Phospholipids are consumed when restoring the structure of cells and the insulating sheath of fibers. Chemical reaction component of the lecithin complex of phosphatidylcholine with vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) forms acetylcholine, a substance responsible for the transmission nerve impulses. As a result of taking the drug, broken connections are restored, brain activity is activated, memory and reaction begin to work better.
  • Lecithin is involved in the restoration of hepatocytes (liver cells). Correctly organizes fat metabolism. Restores the broken lipid shell of membranes. Promotes elimination excess fat from the liver, its further transformation into an easily digestible form. Restoration of liver function activates the processes of utilization of harmful substances.
  • Lecithin acts as a bile emulsifier. Provides its normal current, reduces viscosity. Prevents the formation of deposits on the walls of the bile ducts. Prevents cholelithiasis.
  • Dietary supplement facilitates the absorption of those entering the blood fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. Phospholipids emulsify blood, turning it into a homogeneous substance in which nutrients are better dissolved.
  • Choline and inositol, which are part of lecithin, convert cholesterol into useful form. Phospholipids affect the ability of lipid molecules to stick together. Under their influence, cholesterol forms a complex of 4 molecules, which easily moves through the capillary system without sticking to the walls of blood vessels and without forming plaques. Taking the drug is preventive measure against atherosclerosis.
  • Increases the endurance of the heart muscle. Participates in the process of formation of energy and L-caratinine, an amino acid responsible for the flexibility, elasticity and performance of muscles.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Prevents the occurrence oncological diseases. Choline and inositol, which is part of lecithin, dissolve cholesterol, which, in turn, is responsible for the production of sex hormones. In the presence of lecithin, estradiol is transformed into a less oncogenic form of estriol.
  • Lecithin indirectly participates in the process of oxygen saturation of the blood. It is consumed in the formation of surfactant, enveloping the pulmonary alveoli and preventing them from falling off. Normal level lecithin ensures the productive work of the lungs.
  • Phospholipids are involved in the synthesis of insulin, prevent the development diabetes.
  • Lecithin during pregnancy is consumed as a building material for the formation of the nervous system and brain of the fetus. The norm of the level of lecithin in the body of the expectant mother helps to reduce the severity pain in the muscles and joints that experience the greatest load during gestation. Phospholipids activate regeneration processes, so taking the drug allows a woman to save healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails.
  • Symptoms of psoriasis and neurodermatitis are manifested against the background of lipid metabolism disorders. By restoring the ability of the liver to break down and absorb fats, the drug reduces the severity of symptoms.
  • Phosphorus contained in the lecithin complex supports healthy state periodontium (a collection of tissues surrounding and holding a tooth).
  • Acetylcholine, formed by the interaction of phosphatidylcholine and pantothenic acid, acts on the same receptors as nicotine, acting as natural substitute. Taking the drug helps to overcome dependence on tobacco smoking.

The average price per pack is 80 rubles.

Lecithin-based preparations can be taken both in the presence of diseases and as a preventive measure.

Release forms

Our lecithin is produced in capsules packed in a plastic jar of 30, 90, 150 pcs.

Powder form of Lecithin Nash is packaged in plastic jars of 120 g.

The approximate cost is 1750 rubles.

Soy Lecithin Ka is available in the form of orange flavored lozenges. Tablets are packaged in cardboard box 18 pieces.

Lecithin in granules Granules is packaged in plastic jars of 227 g.

Highly Purified Soy Lecithin NSP is sold in bulk packs containing 170 capsules.

For children, fruit gels containing artificial colors and flavors are produced. This lecithin formula is not recommended for use in children, frequent companion which is allergy. Instead of flavored gels, it is better to choose a powdered preparation. It is correct to add it to non-hot food. Lecithin capsules also dissolve well in food and are suitable for children.

Mode of application

The price of the NSP product is 1730 rubles.

Daily rate active substance contained in the encapsulated preparation is 1-2 g per day. Properly divide the dose into 2-3 doses. Capsules are consumed 1 hour before meals.

Granules and powder take 2 teaspoons. The norm is designed for 1-2 doses per day. Granules or powder are dissolved in non-hot drinks or seasoned with food.

Lecithin Ka tablets dissolve until completely dissolved. The norm of admission is 5-6 times a day.

The duration of the course ranges from one month to several years, depending on the purpose of admission and the severity of the disease.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tablets cost: 125, 320 and 520 rubles. Powder 350 rub.

Instructions for use do not provide for the appointment of lecithin in the first trimester of pregnancy. The question of the advisability of using the drug at a later date is decided by the doctor. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug acts as contraindications.

Precautionary measures

For achievement therapeutic effect the daily intake rate, which the instructions say, can be increased after consulting a doctor. However, high doses of the drug are often accompanied by allergies.

For patients suffering from cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, it is better to take dietary supplements under medical supervision, since lecithin has choleretic action. Before establishing a response to the drug, the daily intake may be reduced.

Side effects

Rarely digestive disorders: dyspepsia, nausea.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at room temperature(not higher than 25 ° C), avoiding direct sunlight.



Richard Bittner AG, Austria.

Medium price for drops - 350 rubles, tablets (12 pcs.) - 200 rubles.

A drug plant origin Available in the form of drops and tablets.


  • natural origin
  • Soft action.


  • Due to the large number of ingredients, it is impossible to establish the exact mechanism of action
  • Bad taste.


Sanofi, France; Hey. Nattermann & Sayi GmbH, Germany.

Price for a package with 30 capsules starts from 630 rubles. A box with 5 ampoules costs 970 rubles.


  • High bioavailability (absorbed more than 90%)
  • The solution is suitable for use as part of a hair strengthening mask.


  • The solution contains alcohol
  • High price.

The human body is a complex system, for the normal functioning of which a number of various substances are needed. It should be noted that if the body lacks any one component, then this leads to the development of diseases, disruption internal organs and the course of biological processes. One of critical components, which is energy resource organism, lecithin acts. Without it, a person could not live, for this reason it is simply necessary to describe this substance, as well as to figure out what exactly this component is for and where to get it.

Composition and useful properties of lecithin

Need to start description chemical composition this wonderful substance short excursion into history. It all started back in 1845, when the French chemist Theodore Gobley isolated this component from egg yolk. This is how lecithin (egg yolk) is translated. In other words, the described product is a combination of triglycerides with phospholipids, as well as a number of other substances, the content of which in lecithin is negligible.

Today's lecithin, which is also referred to as commercial, is obtained by refining and hydrating soybean oil, which significantly reduces the cost of the emulsifier. At the same time, the described component includes all the substances necessary for the body, which must be characterized:

  • choline - is a substance whose content in lecithin is maximum, exceeding 20 percent of general composition. It acts as the most important regulator nervous activity, taking part in the transmission of a nerve signal by synapses;
  • stearic acid - is one of the most important substances involved in the regulation of the energy potential of the body;
  • palmitic acid is a component that provides normal exchange fats;
  • arachidonic acid is a saturated fatty acid belonging to the class of omega-6 acids and is involved in the normalization of the activity of internal organs, including the adrenal glands, liver, etc.

Why does a person need lecithin?

Though clinical research it has not been clearly established that synthetic lecithin has therapeutic effect as a medicine, but this does not prevent its use as a dietary supplement for treatment various diseases. Thus, it should be noted that the described substance is widely used not only for treatment, but also for prevention, for example, during pregnancy, which makes it possible to provide the body developing in the womb with the necessary components.

  • It should be described in which case doctors recommend taking lecithin as a dietary supplement. First of all, it is recommended to take drugs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and colitis. Lecithin is also useful in diabetes mellitus, since this substance contributes to a better production of insulin by beta cells.
  • An important role is played by a complex of phospholipids for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Helps the product to recover as quickly as possible after strokes and disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Lecithin is also important for the liver, allowing you to cope with a number of ailments, including fatty hepatic degeneration. It is important to understand that the described substance is synthesized by the liver, being its main enzyme.
  • An indication for the use of lecithin is poor memory, as well as developmental disorders, which is especially important for children with learning difficulties. Allows this synthetic enzyme to strengthen immune system by increasing the barrier properties of the body. It is especially important for the prevention of taking this food supplement to the elderly, since with age, the production of lecithin by the body itself significantly decreases.
  • Doctors advise prophylactically taking lecithin to cleanse the body, freeing it from cholesterol, salts and toxins. In this case, the drug is useful for losing weight, because after the restoration of work digestive tract and cleansing it from harmful deposits, overweight go away on their own. The product is also necessary for people engaged in active physical and intellectual work, as it helps to restore strength.
  • A specific nutritional supplement is also important for those who have skin and hair problems. Lecithin contains all the necessary vitamins for active growth hair and restoration water balance skin. The indication in a particular situation will be poorly growing, brittle hair, as well as dry aging skin that requires careful care.

Health Benefits of Soy Lecithin

Since the indications for the use of a pharmacological agent have already been described, now it is necessary to describe what effect lecithin has on the body and what are the properties of the enzyme synthesized by the liver. First, it should be noted that this indispensable substance, without which it is impossible for almost any biological process in the body.

  • Lecithin contributes to the development and full functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. The described complex of lipids and amino acids is also responsible for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. active action It has a component on all humoral processes in the body, normalizing the composition of blood and other biologically important fluids.
  • The main task of the produced substance is homeostasis cell structures, since it is a structural component of the cyto-membrane of all cell types. To assess the magnitude of the importance of the component, it should be noted that about half of the liver, a third of the brain and up to a fifth of all nerve fibers consist of lecithin.
  • Another important aspect that characterizes the benefits of the described substance for the body is that without lecithin, the formation of new cells is impossible. In this case, the component is involved in the transport of substances synthesized at the cellular level. A lot of the enzyme is present in semen, as it stimulates the reproductive function.
  • It is lecithin, or rather its high content in the blood of a woman, that allows you to create the most suitable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. It is for this reason that I often prescribe this component additionally for girls planning pregnancy. The substance is involved in the formation of all organs and their functions, contributing to the full development of the fetus.

Symptoms of a lack of lecithin in the body

With such a phenomenon as a lack of lecithin in the body, which is important for the elderly, as well as for those who have a number of diseases that lead to a decrease in the production of a substance by the liver, a variety of changes can occur.

First of all, thin out nerve fibers, which may be accompanied by headaches, weakness, dizziness, high or low blood pressure. In addition, a person with a lack of lecithin is prone to stress, is irritable, and has poor control over himself. With an acute shortage of a substance, there may be secondary features pathologies, such as disruption of work digestive system, urinary, respiratory, etc.

What products contain the substance?

Lecithin is present in both animal and vegetable products, however, it should be understood that the volumes of a particular substance in meat and vegetables are completely different. For this reason, with a shortage of lecithin, it will be completely insufficient to eat a serving of any product that contains this component. It is important to note that lecithin is most abundant where there is a lot of fat.

As far as animal food is concerned, the largest number enzyme can be found in egg yolk, liver, meat, oily fish, butter, cheese, cream, etc.. If speak about herbal products nutrition, the largest amount of phospholipids lies in soy, vegetable oils, nuts, cereals and vegetables.

Lecithin as a dietary supplement

Today in pharmacies sold a large number of diverse food additives including synthetic lecithin. Against this background, a quite relevant question arises, what kind of lecithin is better to take and what are their differences. The main differences between all drugs lie in their composition, as well as in the form of release. Today you can find drugs in granules, powder, but most often they are sold in capsule form. Also, lecithin can be obtained from different raw materials, the most common are sunflower and soy products. Thus, it is necessary to consider the most popular biological additives with lecithin content:

  • "Coral" contains substances such as choline, inositol and lecithin;
  • Solgar consists of lecithin, choline, phosphorus and inositol;
  • "Lecithin Doppelgerz" contains nicotinamide, folic acid, lecithin and vitamins of groups B and E;
  • "Our Lecithin"- a common brand that produces lecithin in seven varieties, which allows you to choose the most suitable complex with vitamins, herbs and enzymes for yourself.

Lecithin preparation - instructions for use

A specific dietary supplement is taken in different volumes, depending on the manufacturer and form of release. For preventive purposes, adults are prescribed one tablespoon or 1-2 capsules of the drug three times a day. The substance is washed down with water or mixed with food, but before taking the product, you must read the instructions. It is also important to follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed this substance, you should not independently acquire and drink lecithin unnecessarily, as you may encounter negative consequences, which is described in more detail below.

Harm from the use of capsules and tablets with lecithin

Lecithin is one of the safest food supplements that has great benefit for a person, however, to talk about what a particular pharmacological agent completely harmless would be reckless. According to some studies, it has been found that this product was the cause of premature birth, led to allergic reactions, disruption of the digestive system, hypothyroidism.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects, as a rule, occur only if the conditions for taking the remedy have been violated. As for contraindications, the main one is individual intolerance, ailments that affect endocrine system, as well as various chronic diseases. During the period of bearing a child, before taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor and do not take the drug without a prescription.

The canons of beauty and the rhythm of modern life push us in search of simple solutions in maintaining ideal weight and healing of the whole organism. These problems are brilliantly solved biologically active additives to food, which have firmly entered the life of modern man.

In today's article I will talk about one of the most indispensable for human body substance - lecithin, beneficial features who will impress you with their healing power. I assure you that after reading about its benefits, oh beneficial effect on many body systems, and on health in general, you will definitely think about where you can buy this supplement.

The benefits and harms of lecithin

Usually the drug is used for weight loss, but this is only one of its well-known properties, with the help of which alcohol and fats are broken down. But the main advantage of this drug, unfamiliar to us, is the support of the nervous system: and this is not surprising, because the peripheral nervous system contains 17% lecithin, the brain - 30%. The lack of this substance causes us fatigue, exhaustion, irritability.

Lecithin is a substance with high content phospholipids. It is difficult to overestimate its importance for wildlife. it component cell membranes and stabilizer of homeostasis of cells of living organisms, " vehicle» for delivery of vitamins to cells, nutrients and medicines. This universal beneficial substance is found in all membranes of our body, being their nutrient.

With a normal diet, a person receives about 5 grams of lecithin per day, which corresponds to its content in two egg yolks. This volume is quite enough for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

What is the risk of deficiency?

Insufficient intake of lecithin provokes a significant deterioration in human health. In an adult, a deficiency of a substance in the body provokes a complication chronic diseases. Lecithin deficiency in children can cause mental retardation, violation of memory, speech, coordination of movements.

Great value for correct formation a child in the prenatal period has the amount of lecithin that enters the mother's body. Its deficiency during pregnancy provokes the development of various physical handicaps at the fetus. From the first days of pregnancy, lecithin is involved in the development of the nervous system and brain of the fetus.

Where is it contained?

You can take dietary supplements at any age, but it will be especially useful for people who have large physical exercise and are under stress. A busy schedule of classes for students or schoolchildren is also a reason for its use. And even if you are an ardent opponent of the use of various additives, then you should look at products that contain lecithin.

Studies by biochemists have shown that its highest content is observed in

  • in nuts and seeds
  • in bird eggs
  • fish roe
  • white and cauliflower
  • in beans and peas
  • meat products.

It must be taken into account that difficult to digest from animal products. It is better to choose plant sources.But useful material even from vegetable sources are not always well absorbed by the body.That is why in such cases it is necessary to resort to dosage forms of lecithin.

The pharmaceutical industry produces it in capsules, tablets, granules, gels, and as a liquid. Everything can be found in pharmacies.

The benefits of lecithin

Lecithin is used in the treatment of many neurological diseases, including various neuroses, migraines and insomnia. The substance is also used in psychiatric practice, as well as in the treatment of eye diseases.

Due to the balanced content of the substance, brain functions such as:

  • concentration of attention,
  • action planning,
  • learning ability,
  • short and long term memory,
  • recognition and recognition
  • physical activity.

In addition, the substance improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning and restores liver cells, promotes the absorption of vitamins A, D, K, E, is a very powerful antioxidant, preventing the accumulation of toxins in cells and strengthening the immune system.

Lecithin is also indicated for the treatment of blood vessels, psoriasis, stroke, diabetes, joints and spine. It promotes gradual absorption cholesterol plaques, and therefore is often used as prophylactic against atherosclerosis.


For all positive characteristics lecithin is not a panacea for all diseases, and it should not be taken without a prescription. It must be taken into account that, nevertheless, a certain amount of a substance at balanced diet absorbed from food. The dosage form should only be supplemented by its quantitative content in the body.

  • Exceeding the dose of the drug can cause diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, vomiting.
  • Occasionally, there are also cases of individual intolerance to lecithin and allergic reactions to this substance.
  • Patients should take the drug with caution cholelithiasis, since the drug significantly increases the secretion of bile, which can cause the movement of sand and stones, clog the bile ducts.

The drug has no more contraindications, but excessive caution still does not hurt.

The use of lecithin

The appointment of lecithin for the treatment of a particular disease should be carried out only by the attending physician. He determines the required dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug.

If you have a desire to undergo a course of treatment with lecithin for the prevention of diseases, then it is best to stop at liquid form drug and also !on obligatory consultation with the doctor!

The initial dosage is only a quarter of a teaspoon. Gradually increase the dose to 1 teaspoon. Reception three times a day with meals.

Hope, Dear friends information will be useful to you. Be healthy! And now I suggest you listen to a lecture by a certified nutritionist.

Lecithin accelerates the consumption of calories, that is, it causes the body to burn fat reserves. Is that exactly what you want? Then find out how to choose lecithin and how to use it to quickly restore harmony.

Lecithin is a complex of phospholipids and fatty acids, which serves as a structural component of cell membranes, takes part in all metabolic reactions of living organisms. It stabilizes the functions of the brain, liver, kidneys, improves immunity, lowers cholesterol, stimulates hematopoiesis, improves reproductive health, normalizes lipid metabolism. Lecithin-containing preparations are actively used as effective and safe means for weight loss.

Mechanism of action for weight loss

The main component of the fat-like substance Lecithin is phosphatidylcholine: its share in the lecithin "cocktail" is about 20%. The composition of the phospholipid-acid complex also includes glycerin, choline, inositol, B vitamins, as well as organic acids: stearic, phosphoric, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic.

The effect of lecithin for weight loss is explained by its ability to activate the process of thermogenesis, and, therefore, increase energy consumption. Organism getting from food usual amount calories, due to the action of the phospholipid complex spends more of them, so it is forced to use fat reserves as "fuel". Lecithin also enhances and prolongs the action of vitamins A, D, E, C, which contribute to weight loss.

Phosphatidylcholine and other components of the phospholipid complex accelerate the breakdown of fats - acting as an emulsifier, they break fats into tiny particles that are quickly digested. In addition, phospholipids increase resistance to stress, which is known to often cause overeating. They help speed up metabolic processes, proper absorption of nutrients, in which the body does not store fat reserves, but completely breaks it down.

Supplements with lecithin can be bought without a prescription, they are available in tablets, granules, powders. In the production of dietary supplements, as a rule, environmentally friendly raw materials are used. In most cases, the source of phospholipids is soy or sunflower.

If we compare these two types of raw materials, then soybeans are cheaper than sunflower seeds. But the phospholipid preparations that are made from it can cause allergies due to the content of residues in them. soy protein. In addition, Lecithin San (food additive E322) can be obtained from genetically modified soybeans. Sunflower Lecithin, although it has a high cost, is obtained from sunflower seeds grown by domestic producers, the GMO varieties of which do not exist.

How to use

Lecithin is available as a standalone drug, and is also included in vitamin complexes or nutritional supplements: powders, tablets, capsules, liquids.

The daily requirement of an adult for lecithin is 5-7 g. complete diet about 4 g enters the body per day, more a small amount of produced by the liver. Therefore, the additional daily portion of lecithin necessary to fully satisfy the body is small.

Using liquid preparation the initial dose is ¼ teaspoon 2-3 times a day, then it is increased to 1 teaspoon. Lecithin capsules are taken 1 pc., 2-3 times a day with meals, powder - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The dosage for these vitamin-mineral complexes is indicated in the instructions for their use.

You can take these supplements different ways: just eat with water or juice, add to salads, cereals, yogurts. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor, as a rule, dietary supplements with phospholipids are taken for a long time, from 1-2 months to a year. The visible effect is observed only after 2-3 weeks, but it persists achieved result some years.

Attention! Relying only on taking lecithin preparations, it will not be possible to adjust the weight downwards. In order to use all the released energy, you need a low-calorie diet and at least minimal physical activity.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions for use of lecithin indicate that it should be used with caution when urolithiasis, since phospholipids activate the process of bile secretion, and this can provoke the movement of stones and blockage of the bile ducts. It is undesirable to take lecithin-containing dietary supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If when using for weight loss soy lecithin arose allergic reaction, then the reception should be stopped or replaced similar means made from sunflower seeds.

Side effects of dietary supplements with phospholipids are rare. If the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded, diarrhea, dizziness, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting.

Preparations with lecithin

dietary supplements and vitamin complexes with lecithin today offer many pharmaceutical companies and firms specializing in the production of food supplements. These are Russian manufacturers Yuviks-Pharm, VitaProm, Pharmindustriya, Coral-Med, as well as foreign ones:

  • Queiser Pharma (Ukraine);
  • Pharmatics (Canada);
  • Queisser Pharma (Germany);
  • "Solgar Vitamin", " SOLGAR«, Nittany Pharmaceuticals, Now Foods, NSP (USA).

According to experts, good result when losing weight give drugs:

  1. Our Lecithin. The dietary supplement in powders and capsules is produced by Yuvix-Pharm. Thanks to a unique patented technology, sunflower phospholipid concentrate, on the basis of which it is made, contains 98.6% of an environmentally friendly product. A package of the drug (150 capsules) costs 484 rubles.
  2. Doppelgerz Active. The product of Queisser Pharma Ukraine, produced in capsules, contains phospholipids, 5 types of B vitamins, nicotinamide (vitamin PP and tocopherol (vitamin E). The cost of a package (30 capsules) is about 250 rubles.
  3. lipotropic factor. Phospholipid-amino acid complex from Solgar. Contains high concentrations substances that stimulate fat burning and prevent their accumulation: choline (vitamin B4), methionine (α-amino acid), inositol (vitamin B8). Packing price bioactive supplement(50 tablets) 700-750 rubles.
  4. PC-Lecithin, Lecithin Granules, Lecithin-choline. These dietary supplements are a product of the international corporation VitaLine. They are almost entirely made up of natural extracts soybeans contain high concentrations of phosphatidylcholine , vegetable glycerin, choline, inositol, polyunsaturated carboxylic acids. 90 gelatin capsules of such dietary supplements cost from 1.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Lecithin Granules. This non-GMO soy product is manufactured by Now Foods. The dietary supplement contains phosphatidylcholine, carboxylic acids, nositol, as well as trace elements potassium and phosphorus extracted from soybean oil. The cost of 900 g of a granular drug is about 1700 rubles, a package of 450 g is half as much.
  6. Lecithin San. Dietary supplement based on soybean oil extract. Available in capsules containing 0.52 g of phospholipid-amino acid complex. The manufacturer is NSP, the cost of a package (170 capsules) is about 1400 rubles.

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