Characteristics of the first positive blood group of women and men. Characteristics of the first blood group

pregnancy calculators

Here you can calculate the blood type of the child by the blood types of the parents, find out how the blood type is transmitted from parents to children, see the table of blood types of children and parents.

Specify the blood types of the parents

The division of people into 4 blood groups, which is widespread throughout the world, is based on the AB0 system. A and B are erythrocyte antigens (agglutinogens). If a person does not have them, then his blood belongs to the first group (0). If there is only A - to the second, only B - to the third, and if both A and B - to the fourth (see). An accurate determination of blood belonging to a particular group is possible only in laboratory conditions using special sera.

According to the Rh factor, the entire population of the globe is divided into its owners (Rh-positive) and those who do not have this factor (Rh-negative). The absence of Rh does not affect health in any way. However, a woman has a child with her, especially during repeated pregnancies, if this factor is absent in her blood, but it is in the baby's blood.

Blood type inheritance in theory

The inheritance of blood groups and the Rh factor occurs according to the well-studied laws of genetics. To understand this process a little, you will need to recall the school curriculum in biology and consider specific examples.

From parents to a child, genes are transmitted that carry information about the presence or absence of agglutinogens (A, B or 0), as well as the presence or absence of the Rh factor. Simplified, the genotypes of people of different blood groups are written as follows:

  • The first blood type is 00. This person received one 0 (“zero”) from his mother, the other from his father. Accordingly, a person with the first group can pass only 0 to his offspring.
  • The second blood type is AA or A0. A child from such a parent can be given A or 0.
  • The third blood type is BB or B0. Either B or 0 is inherited.
  • The fourth blood group is AB. Either A or B is inherited.

As for the Rh factor, it is inherited as a dominant trait. This means that if it is transmitted to a person from at least one of the parents, then it will definitely manifest itself.

If both parents are Rh negative, then all children in their family will also not have it. If one parent has an Rh factor and the other does not, the child may or may not have Rh. If both parents are Rh-positive, then in at least 75% of cases the child will also be positive. However, the appearance in such a family of a baby with a negative Rh is not nonsense. This is quite likely if the parents are heterozygous - i.e. have genes responsible for both the presence of the Rh factor, and for its absence. In practice, this can be assumed simply - to ask blood relatives. It is likely that among them there will be an Rh-negative person.

Specific examples of inheritance:

The simplest option, but also quite rare: both parents have the first negative blood type. A child in 100% of cases will inherit their group.

Another example: mom's blood type is the first positive, dad's is the fourth negative. A child can get 0 from mom, and A or B from dad. So, the possible options will be A0 (group II), B0 (group III). Those. the blood type of the baby in such a family will never coincide with the parent. The Rh factor can be either positive or negative.

In a family where one of the parents has a second negative blood group, and the second has a third positive blood type, it is possible to have a baby with any of the four blood groups and any Rh value. For example, a child can receive A or 0 from the mother, and B or 0 from the father. Accordingly, the following combinations are possible: AB (IV), A0 (II), B0 (III), 00 (I).

Table of probabilities of having a child with a certain blood type with the corresponding data on the blood types of the parents:

first second third fourth
first I - 100% I - 25%
II - 75%
I - 25%
III - 75%
II - 50%
III - 50%
second I - 25%
II - 75%
I - 6%
II - 94%
I - 6%
II - 19%
III - 19%
IV - 56%
II - 50%
III - 37%
IV - 13%
third I - 25%
III - 75%
I - 6%
II - 19%
III - 19%
IV - 56%
I - 6%
III - 94%
II - 37%
III - 50%
IV - 13%
fourth II - 50%
III - 50%
II - 50%
III - 37%
IV - 13%
II - 37%
III - 50%
IV - 13%
II - 25%
III - 25%
IV - 50%

It is worth remembering that a blood type calculated using charts, tables or calculators cannot be considered final. You can accurately find out the blood type of your baby only by the results of laboratory tests.

Questions for the article

Scientists have found that character traits are transmitted through the vessels


Change text size: A A


If we are asked in Russia: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and accounting for blood types is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and they take it very seriously.

HR managers use "ketsu-eki-gata" when hiring employees, marketers - to predict the demand for prospective products, most people - to choose friends and life partners. Devices that conduct an express analysis of the blood group “by blood stain” are often found at train stations, department stores, and restaurants. In Japan, and more recently in the US, there are even organizations called the AB0 Society to help individuals and business leaders make good decisions based on the characteristics of blood.

It is possible that such services may also appear in Russia, - says a psychotherapist, senior researcher at the Research Center for Human Health Alexander Sherman. - It's no secret that today in many commercial structures in the personnel department there are freelance astrologers and palmists who tell the bosses what kind of person to hire and for what position, where he could reveal all his talents. Therefore, in addition to a personal astrological (natal) card and a palm print, you may soon have to hand over a drop of blood to the employer.

We are all brothers and sisters

But how can blood type affect character? Many scientists believe that this is due to the evolutionary process, during which, based on changing climatic conditions and lifestyle, the blood transformed its qualities.

Blood type is older than race and more fundamental than ethnicity, Dr. Sherman says. - It is not the result of "trial and error" of genetic development, which is a sequence of accidents. Each of the blood groups was an evolutionary-logical response to a series of different changes that have occurred with the planet and "homo sapiens" over the millennia. Thus, the early racial changes began in a world that was almost entirely inhabited by the holders of group 0 (I). However, this division into races, associated with the adaptation of man to hitherto unusual nutrition, environment, climate, was also part of the driving force of evolution, which ultimately led to the appearance of other blood types.

Some anthropologists generally believe that dividing humanity into races is too simple. Like, blood type is a much more important indicator of individuality than race. Indeed, an African and an Indo-European with group A (II) can exchange organs or blood, have the same habits, digestive functions and immune structures. But in an African with group A (II) and in an African with group B (III), for example, such coincidences are very rare.

Ancestors left each of us a special legacy, the outlines of which are "imprinted" in the blood group, - says Alexander Nikolayevich. - And it is constantly present in the nucleus of every cell in the body. And people with the same blood type have a lot more in common than we ever imagined. Perhaps many of us are actually brothers and sisters. By blood.


What is the AB0 system

In 1891, the Australian scientist Karl Landsteiner conducted a study of erythrocytes - red blood cells. And he discovered a curious pattern: in some people, they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune response and the formation of antibodies. The scientist designated the antigens found by the letters A and B. Some have only A antigens, others have only B. And the third have neither A nor B. Thus, Karl Landsteiner's research divided all of humanity into three parts, in accordance with the properties of blood : Group I (aka 0) - no A or B antigens; II group - there is A; III - with antigen B.

In 1902, the researcher Decastello described the fourth group (antigens A and B are found on erythrocytes). The discovery of two scientists was called the AB0 system. It is based on blood transfusion.

People with the first blood group 0 (I) are universal donors, since their blood, taking into account the AB0 system, can be transfused to people with any blood type. The owners of the fourth blood type AB (IV) - like Jesus Christ - belong to the category of universal recipients - they can be transfused with blood of any group.

However, now doctors are striving to transfuse an identical blood type to a person. This rule is deviated only in extreme cases.

skeptical opinion

Can "type 0" be president?

Candidate of Psychological Sciences Alexey PRONIN:

All attempts to classify people look somewhat ominous. If you say: "Type A is such and such" or "Type B is such and such", then sooner or later you will inevitably hear a statement like: "Type AB is better than all others" or "Only type 0 can be president." Thus, caste division can prevail. By the way, it is highly developed in Japan. For example, this can be seen in job advertisements, when a company announces a search for a person for a vacant position of a manager ONLY with blood type B. And if we elect the president of the country like this, will it lead to anything good?

What else can you find out about yourself?

(The compilers are the Japanese scientist Poshitake Nomi and the American naturopathic doctor Peter D "Adamo)

Blood type

0 (I) "Hunter"; 40 to 50% of all people have it


The oldest and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant.

Qualities of character

These people have a strong character. They are determined and confident. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

MEN are very skillful in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

WOMEN are greedy for sex, but very jealous.


Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

Blood type

A (II) "Farmer"; 30 - 40% have it


Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food from agriculture and, accordingly, change the way of life. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Qualities of character

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN are also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.


Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Blood type

In (III) "Nomad"; 10 - 20% have it


Appeared as a result of the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It represents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

Qualities of character

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN are true don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.


Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

Blood type

AB (IV) "The Riddle"; only 5% of people have it


It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of mixing Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

Qualities of character

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual attraction, but they are very demanding in their choice of men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.


You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.


The likelihood of dementia and early aging depends on your blood type

The study showed that blood types play an important role in the development of the human nervous system. So, they can also influence the development of cognitive impairment [test yourself].


How I lost weight by blood type

What would it be to eat so as not to get fat? This question torments millions of women. The KP correspondent also asked them and decided to try a blood type diet. Under the new nutrition system, the body was rebuilt in 2 months ().

Blood is a liquid that has a number of individual, evolutionarily determined characteristics. Some of them, designated as blood groups and Rh factor, are taken into account in blood transfusions and other types of transplantation of donor material.

Also, people with different blood groups are attributed certain features of character and health.

Blood groups and their features

Human blood groups - a classification that takes into account the characteristics of erythrocytes - red blood cells. Information about them, as well as about Rh, made it possible to start transfusing blood from person to person with a minimum of risks: before the discovery, blood transfusion attempts ended in the death of recipients - people who receive donor material.

The human blood types were discovered by Karl Landsteiner, a famous scientist from Austria, who received for his research

Nobel Prize. The discovery was made in 1900, and 40 years later, in 1940, mankind learned that the blood has the Rh factor, and this characteristic was also discovered by Landsteiner together with three students.

His research gave people the opportunity to understand what blood is and use this information to save lives.

The proteins in red blood cells that define a group are called antigens.

The absence or a certain combination of antigens allows you to find out a person's blood type. There are only two of these protein compounds, they are given letter names: A and B. They trigger the production of special antibodies - agglutinins.

When determining blood types in the laboratory, a reaction is triggered, and its results allow laboratory technicians to determine the characteristics of the blood.

  • I group. Antigens are absent, agglutination does not start with any of the coliclones.
  • II group. Antigen A is present in the blood, the reaction with anti-A zoliclone is positive, there is no reaction with other zoliclones.
  • III group. Antigen B is present in the blood, the reaction with anti-B zoliclone is positive, there is no reaction with other zoliclones.
  • IV group. Both antigens are present in the blood, the reaction with both types of coliclones is positive.

Tsoliklony - a solution that includes monoclonal antibodies placed on the outside of red blood cells.

How many groups does a person have?

There are six human blood groups that are of key importance in blood transfusions. But various researchers have expanded this list to 33, depending on the characteristics of protein compounds and their combinations.

In the future, the list of blood types will expand even more.

In 2012, researchers discovered two additional human blood types that also count for transfusions: junior and langerais. Most often, the fifth and sixth groups are found among gypsies and Japanese.

In the practice of blood transfusions, the approach that divides blood into four types is still relevant, and rare types of blood are not taken into account in all cases, except for those situations where transfusion of unsuitable material is fraught with serious complications (serious condition of the recipient, certain diseases).

How is each blood group spelled?

The AB0 system is widespread in the world, in which blood groups are indicated by letters and numbers, depending on the presence and characteristics of antigens:

  • Type I - 0, since there are no antigens;
  • II type - A;
  • III type - B;
  • IV type - AB.

What other classifications are there?

Research in the field of hematology is gradually expanding the list of classifications that are taken into account in blood transfusions and can reduce the likelihood of developing both rapidly occurring and delayed complications.

The following additional identification systems exist:

KellThe factors included in this classification follow Rhesus and the AB0 system in terms of immunogenicity. This means that it is impossible not to take into account the characteristics of these antigens during transfusions: this will end badly for the recipient. The classification is taken into account not only in blood transfusions, but also in monitoring the course of pregnancy in cases where the risk of an immune conflict is increased. There are two specific proteins in this system, and they are designated by letters: "k" and "K".
DaffyAccording to the severity of the immune response, it follows the Kell system, but these protein compounds do not lead to the development of hemolytic disease during pregnancy. With blood transfusions, the development of complications is possible.
KiddContains two protein antigens, which form three possible varieties. They do not lead to serious immune reactions if uncontrolled, but still can lead to some complications. Have a small number of people.
MNSsIt has four factors that give a total of nine genotypes. Belongs to the most difficult categories. Antibodies are inactive, but in some cases lead to the occurrence of hemolytic disease and complications during transfusions.
LutheranThis type of antibody is rare, inactive: the immune reactions that are associated with it have not been identified.
LewisIncludes two types of antigens that form three phenotypes and rarely lead to complications.
Vel-negativeIt is rare, can lead to severe complications, especially in the presence of severe diseases. The protein compound was discovered in 2013, but medicine has faced incompatibility because of it earlier.

Clinics that do not specialize in hematology do not have the ability to thoroughly determine the characteristics of the blood. And usually this is not necessary: ​​the classical AB0 system and Rhesus are sufficient for transfusions.

What is the Rh factor?

Rh factor is the name for a number of erythrocyte antigen proteins that influence the occurrence of various immune responses. This indicator is taken into account during transfusion (transfusion) activities so as not to endanger the life and health of the recipient (the person who is being transfused).

There are 50 types of antigen proteins related to Rhesus, but six of them are of key importance. Central protein - D.

Briefly about protein D:

  • It causes Rh conflict during pregnancy;
  • Its absence or presence is defined as “negative” (Rh-) or “positive” (Rh+) group membership;
  • Present in 85% of people on the planet.

When transfusing, rhesus are always taken into account: if positive blood is transfused to a person without an antigen protein, this will lead to serious consequences and may be fatal.

Distinguishing Antigoneans in Humans

Antigens are present not only in erythrocytes, but also in other cellular elements of the blood:

  • platelets. They are similar to epitopes (part of an antigen molecule) of erythrocytes, but the severity of their reactions is reduced in studies, so they are not used in laboratories to determine the characteristics of the material.
  • plasma proteins. More than ten varieties have been found.
  • nuclear cells especially for lymphocytes. The discovery of the antigens of these cells made it possible to increase the safety of tissue and organ transplantation, and to make a number of discoveries in genetics (the field of hereditary diseases).

The amount and characteristics of a set of specific proteins is individual, but some rare blood types are more common in certain countries of the world. For example, there are more Kell-positive people in England (8.66%).

How are human blood types determined?

Methods for determining human blood groups in the laboratory:

  • Standard. Used in most clinics. Capillary blood is separated, mixed with four types of special sera, and after 5 minutes, look at the results of the reaction. If the reaction proceeded non-specifically, additional studies may be required.
  • cross reaction. It is used to clarify the result with the standard method, if the reaction proceeded non-specifically. Donor erythrocytes with certain characteristics are mixed with the patient's material, the result is also ready after 5 minutes.
  • Zolicloning. This method is distinguished by increased accuracy: instead of classical sera based on natural blood, tsoliklons are used (a saline solution of monoclonal antibodies to antigens, which is located on the surface of human erythrocytes).
  • Express method. Suitable for those cases when there is no possibility to apply other methods, and it is urgent to find out the characteristics of the blood. Special sets with cards are used, the wells of which contain dry antibodies. Blood is applied to them, and its characteristics become known after 3 minutes.

To determine Rhesus, blood from a vein and two types of sera are used. Serum is added to the material, and then it is placed in a laboratory variety of a water bath for ten minutes.

Blood Type Compatibility

compatibility rules. This information will make it possible to understand how many blood groups are suitable for other blood groups in a transfusion.

RecipientDonor material
I, Rh-I, Rh+II, Rh-II, Rh+III, Rh-III, Rh+IV, Rh-IV, Rh+
I, Rh-+
I, Rh++ +
II, Rh-+ +
II, Rh++ + + +
III, Rh-+ +
III, Rh++ + + +
IV, Rh-+ + + +
IV, Rh++ + + + + + + +

But later, new and new factors were discovered that were important to take into account. Now in medical institutions, patients are transfused with blood, which is pre-tested for compatibility and fully complies with their basic characteristics.

In some cases, the material of universal donors is used, but this usually happens when there is no access to suitable material, and it is necessary to act as quickly as possible.

A hematologist is a medical specialist involved in a field that is related to the circulatory system.

He knows everything about human blood groups and deals with the treatment of diseases in which hematopoietic structures do not function correctly.

Complications when transfusing inappropriate donor material

If the patient is transfused with unsuitable blood, acute hemolysis develops (destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the environment), in which there are pronounced disturbances in the coagulation processes, acute deviations in the functioning of the kidneys and circulatory shock.

If the patient develops hemolysis, he needs urgent fluid therapy.

The severity of complications depends on the amount of material transfused and the health status of the recipient.

What determines the inheritance of human blood groups?

Mechanisms of inheritance of human blood groups:

  • I gr. If both parents have this group, the child is 100% born with it. It is also obtained by combining I and II, I and III, II and II, III and III.
  • II gr. It is obtained by combining I and II, I and IV, II and II, II and III, II and IV, III and IV, IV and IV.
  • III gr. Combinations I and III, I and IV, III and IV with a 50% chance lead to the birth of a child with the third variety. The highest probability (75%) is obtained with a combination of III and III groups. Combinations II and III, II and IV, IV and IV - 25% probability.
  • IV gr. Combinations II and III, II and IV, III and IV - 25% possibility. If both parents have the fourth group, the child will receive it with a probability of 50%.

If one parent had the fourth kind of blood, the child would not be born with the first. And a child with a fourth cannot be born if one of the parents is a carrier of the first.

  • I- leadership inclinations, organizational skills, vigor. These people are strong-willed and strong, strive to achieve maximum heights, but are prone to excessive aggression and selfishness.
  • II- Patience, calmness and balance are inherent in people with this type of blood. These individuals feel the world subtly, love comfort, but are prone to self-loathing, and their judgments are not always flexible.
  • III- Love for creativity, desire for knowledge. These people are distinguished by a philosophical outlook on life. They cannot stand routine, monotony, everyday life, they are prone to depression.
  • IV- softness, balance, pleasant character. These people are friendly, communicative, tactful, but it is difficult for them to make decisions.

How to eat people with different groups?

Conventional medicine does not support the selection of diets for blood types, but ideas about which food is suitable for which group may be of interest.

  • I - meat eaters. They are instructed to give preference to meat, dairy products and refuse bakery products.
  • II - vegetarians. A complete rejection of meat is impractical: the creators of the theory report that people in this group are advised to exclude fatty meat cooked with a lot of spices from their diet. Useful seafood and plant foods.
  • III - mixed food. Any food is suitable for them: both meat and vegetable products. A well-chosen diet will reduce the risk of diseases in old age.
  • IV - moderately mixed food. Both meat and vegetable products are good for them, but it is recommended not to overeat and avoid junk food.

Where can you find your blood type?

Information about the blood can often be found in the medical record, just go to the therapist and ask him to look. If it is not there, in state clinics you can take a test, the referral for which will be given by a therapist.

Since time immemorial, blood has attracted the attention of the observant person. Life was identified with her. However, its corresponding application, based on the discovery of blood groups and the development of methods for its conservation, became possible only a few decades ago. Blood is a mobile internal environment of the body and is characterized by a relative constancy of composition, while performing the most important diverse functions that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Blood type is a trait that is inherited. It is an individual set of specific substances for each person, called group antigens. It does not change throughout a person's life. Depending on the combination of antigens, the blood is divided into four groups. Blood type does not depend on race, gender, age.

In the 19th century, when examining blood on erythrocytes, substances of a protein nature were found, in different people they were different and designated as A and B. These substances (antigens) are variants of one gene and are responsible for blood groups. After these studies, people were divided into blood groups:

O (I) - the first blood group
A (II) - the second blood group
B (III) - the third blood group
AB (IV) - fourth blood group
Blood groups are inherited in a plural manner. Variants of manifestation of one of the genes are equal and do not depend on each other. A pairwise combination of genes (A and B) determines one of the four blood groups. In some cases, it is possible to determine paternity by blood type.

With what blood type can a child have parents?

Rh - factor refers to one of the indicators of the blood group and refers to the innate properties of human blood. It is inherited and does not change throughout life.

The Rhesus factor refers to proteins and is found in the erythrocytes of humans and rhesus monkeys (hence the name). The Rhesus factor was discovered in the first half of the twentieth century by K. Landsteiner (Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of the blood type) and A. Wiener.

Their discovery helped distinguish Rh-positive (~ 87% of people) and Rh-negative (~ 13% of people) by the presence or absence of the Rh factor.

When transfusing Rh-negative people with Rh-positive blood, immune complications are possible, up to the development of anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome.

In Rh-negative women, the first pregnancy proceeds without complications (without the development of Rh-conflict), with repeated pregnancies, the amount of antibodies reaches a critical level, they penetrate the placental barrier into the blood of the fetus and contribute to the development of Rh-conflict, manifested by hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Determination of Rh - antibodies in the blood, as a rule, is carried out at the 9th week of pregnancy. To prevent severe complications, anti-Rhesus gamma globulin is administered.

What can you find out about yourself?


If we are asked in Russia: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and recording blood types is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and is taken very seriously.

0 (I) "Hunter"; 40 to 50% of all people have it


The oldest and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant.

Qualities of character

These people have a strong character. They are determined and confident. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

Men are very skilled in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

Women are greedy for sex, but very jealous.

Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

A (II) "Farmer"; 30 - 40% have it


Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food from agriculture and, accordingly, change the way of life. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Qualities of character

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

Men are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

Women are also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.

Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

In (III) "Nomad"; 10 - 20% have it


Appeared as a result of the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It represents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

Qualities of character

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

Men are true don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

Women are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.

Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

AB (IV) "The Riddle"; only 5% of people have it


It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of mixing Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

Qualities of character

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

Men attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

Women also have sexual attraction, but they are very demanding in choosing men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.

You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.

What is the AB0 system

In 1891, the Australian scientist Karl Landsteiner conducted a study of erythrocytes - red blood cells. And he discovered a curious pattern: in some people, they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune response and the formation of antibodies. The scientist designated the antigens found by the letters A and B. Some have only A antigens, others have only B. And the third have neither A nor B. Thus, Karl Landsteiner's research divided all of humanity into three parts, in accordance with the properties of blood : Group I (aka 0) - no A or B antigens; II group - there is A; III - with antigen B.

In 1902, the researcher Decastello described the fourth group (antigens A and B are found on erythrocytes). The discovery of two scientists was called the AB0 system. It is based on blood transfusion.

Red blood cell compatibility

First blood group - 0 (I)

Group I - does not contain agglutinogens (antigens), but contains agglutinins (antibodies) α and β. It is denoted 0 (I). Since this group does not contain foreign particles (antigens), it can be transfused to all people (see article). A person with this blood type is a universal donor.

Second blood type A β (II)

Third blood type Вα (III)

In the blood group

under agglutination

Blood type(phenotype) is inherited according to the laws of genetics and is determined by a set of genes (genotype) obtained with the maternal and paternal chromosomes. A person can only have those blood antigens that his parents have. The inheritance of blood groups according to the ABO system is determined by three genes - A, B and O. Each chromosome can have only one gene, so the child receives only two genes from the parents (one from the mother, the other from the father), which cause the appearance of two antigens of the ABO system. On fig. 2 is presented.

blood antigens

The scheme of inheritance of blood groups according to the ABO system

Blood type I (0) - hunter

If you are interested in the relationship between blood groups and body characteristics, we recommend that you read the article.

Determination of blood groups

There are 4 blood types: OI, AII, BIII, ABIV. The group features of human blood are a constant feature, are inherited, occur in the prenatal period and do not change during life or under the influence of diseases.

It was found that the agglutination reaction occurs when antigens of one blood group (they are called agglutinogens) that are in red blood cells - red blood cells with antibodies of another group (they are called agglutinins) that are in plasma - the liquid part of the blood. The division of blood according to the AB0 system into four groups is based on the fact that the blood may or may not contain antigens (agglutinogens) A and B, as well as antibodies (agglutinins) α (alpha or anti-A) and β (beta or anti-B) .

First blood group - 0 (I)

Group I - does not contain agglutinogens (antigens), but contains agglutinins (antibodies) α and β. It is denoted 0 (I). Since this group does not contain foreign particles (antigens), it can be transfused to all people. A person with this blood type is a universal donor.

It is believed that this is the oldest blood type or group of "hunters", which arose between 60,000 and 40,000 years BC, in the era of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, who only knew how to gather food and hunt. People with the first blood group have the inherent qualities of a leader.

Second blood type A β (II)

Group II contains agglutinogen (antigen) A and agglutinin β (antibodies to agglutinogen B). Therefore, it can be transfused only to those groups that do not contain antigen B - these are groups I and II.

This group appeared later than the first, between 25,000 and 15,000 BC, when man began to master agriculture. There are especially many people with the second blood group in Europe. It is believed that people with this blood type are also prone to leadership, but are more flexible in communicating with others than people with the first blood type.

Third blood type Вα (III)

Group III contains agglutinogen (antigen) B and agglutinin α (antibodies to agglutinogen A). Therefore, it can be transfused only to those groups that do not contain antigen A - these are groups I and III.

The third group appeared around 15,000 BC, when man began to settle in the more northerly cold regions. For the first time this blood type appeared in the Mongoloid race. Over time, the carriers of the group began to move to the European continent. And today there are a lot of people with such blood in Asia and Eastern Europe. People with this blood type are usually patient and very diligent.

Fourth blood type AB0 (IV)

IV blood group contains agglutinogens (antigens) A and B, but contains agglutinins (antibodies). Therefore, it can only be transfused to those who have the same fourth blood group. But, since there are no antibodies in the blood of such people that can stick together with antibodies introduced from the outside, they can be transfused with blood of any group. People with the fourth blood group are universal recipients.

The fourth group is the newest of the four human blood groups. It appeared less than 1000 years ago as a result of a mixture of Indo-Europeans, carriers of group I and Mongoloids, carriers of group III. She is rare.

In the blood group There are no OI agglutinogens, both agglutinins are present, the serological formula of this group is OI; blood group AN contains agglutinogen A and agglutinin beta, serological formula - AII blood group VS contains agglutinogen B and agglutinin alpha, serological formula - VIII; blood group ABIV contains agglutinogens A and B, no agglutinins, serological formula - ABIV.

under agglutination we mean the agglutination of red blood cells and their destruction. "Agglutination (Late Latin word aglutinatio - gluing) - gluing and precipitation of corpuscular particles - bacteria, erythrocytes, platelets, tissue cells, corpuscular chemically active particles with antigens or antibodies adsorbed on them, suspended in an electrolyte environment"

Blood type

blood antigens appear on the 2-3rd month of intrauterine life and are well defined by the birth of a child. Natural antibodies are detected from the 3rd month after birth and reach the maximum titer by 5-10 years.

The scheme of inheritance of blood groups according to the ABO system

It may seem strange that blood type can determine how well the body absorbs certain foods, however, medicine confirms the fact that there are diseases that are most common in people of a certain blood type.

The method of nutrition by blood types was developed by the American doctor Peter D "Adamo. According to his theory, the digestibility of food, the efficiency of its use by the body is directly related to the genetic characteristics of a person, to his blood group. For the normal functioning of the immune and digestive systems, a person needs to eat foods that correspond to his blood group.In other words, those products that his ancestors ate in ancient times.The exclusion from the diet of substances incompatible with blood reduces the slagging of the body, improves the functioning of internal organs.

Types of activities depending on blood types

The results of the study of blood groups thus act among other evidence of "blood relationship" and once again confirm the thesis of a single origin of the human race.

Different groups appeared in humans as a result of mutations. Mutations are spontaneous changes in hereditary material that decisively affect the ability of a living being to survive. Man as a whole is the result of innumerable mutations. The fact that man still exists indicates that at all times he was able to adapt to the environment and give offspring. The formation of blood groups also occurred in the form of mutations and natural selection.

The emergence of racial differences is associated with the successes in the field of production achieved during the period of the Middle and New Stone Age (Mesolithic and Neolithic); these successes made possible the wide territorial settlement of people in various climatic zones. A variety of climatic conditions thus affected various groups of people, changing them directly or indirectly and influencing the work capacity of a person. Social labor gained more and more weight in comparison with natural conditions, and each race was formed in a limited area, under the specific influence of natural and social conditions. Thus, the interweaving of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the development of the material culture of that time recognized the emergence of racial differences in people under conditions when the environment dominated man.

Since the Stone Age period, thanks to further advances in the field of production, people have to a certain extent freed themselves from the direct influence of the environment. They mingled and roamed together. Therefore, modern conditions of life often no longer have any connection with the various racial constitutions of human groups. In addition, the adaptation to environmental conditions discussed above was indirect in many respects. Direct consequences of adaptation to the environment led to further modifications, which were both morphologically and physiologically related to the first. The cause of the emergence of racial characteristics should therefore only indirectly be sought in the external environment or in human activity in the process of production.

Blood type I (0) - hunter

The evolution of the digestive systems and immune defense of the body lasted several tens of thousands of years. About 40,000 years ago, at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, the Neanderthals gave way to the fossil types of modern man. The most common of these was Cro-Magnon (from the name of the Cro-Magnon grotto in the Dordogne, Southern France), which was distinguished by pronounced Caucasoid features. In fact, in the era of the Upper Paleolithic, all three modern large races arose: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. According to the theory of the Pole Ludwik Hirstsfeld, fossil people of all three races had the same blood type - 0 (I), and all other blood types were isolated by mutation from the "first blood" of our primitive ancestors. The Cro-Magnons perfected the collective methods of hunting mammoths and cave bears known to their Neanderthal predecessors. Over time, man has become the smartest and most dangerous predator in nature. The main source of energy for Cro-Magnon hunters was meat, that is, animal protein. The digestive tract of the Cro-Magnon was best adapted to digesting huge amounts of meat - which is why modern Type 0 humans have somewhat higher gastric acidity than people with other blood types. Cro-Magnons had a strong and resistant immune system that allowed them to cope with almost any infection without difficulty. If the average life expectancy of Neanderthals averaged twenty-one years, the Cro-Magnons lived much longer. In the harsh conditions of primitive life, only the strongest and most mobile individuals could survive and survived. Each of the blood types encoded at the gene level the most important information about the way of life of our ancestors, including muscle activity and, for example, the type of food. That is why modern carriers of blood type 0 (I) (currently up to 40% of the world's population belong to the 0-type) prefer to engage in aggressive and extreme sports!

Blood type II (A) - agrarian (tiller)

By the end of the Ice Age, the Paleolithic era was replaced by the Mesolithic. The so-called "Middle Stone Age" lasted from the 14th-12th to the 6th-5th millennium BC. Population growth and the inevitable extermination of large animals led to the fact that hunting could no longer feed people. Another crisis in the history of human civilization contributed to the development of agriculture and the transition to a stable settled way of life. The global change in lifestyle and, as a result, the type of nutrition entailed the further evolution of the digestive and immune systems. Once again, the fittest survived. In conditions of crowding and living in an agrarian community, only one whose immune apparatus was able to cope with infections characteristic of a communal lifestyle could survive. Along with the further restructuring of the digestive tract, when the main source of energy was not animal, but vegetable protein, all this led to the emergence of the "agrarian-vegetarian" blood group A (II). The great migration of Indo-European peoples to Europe has led to the fact that people of the A-type predominate in Western Europe at present. Unlike aggressive "hunters" the owners of blood group A (II) are more adapted to survival in densely populated regions. Over time, the A gene became, if not a sign of a typical urban dweller, then a guarantee of survival during epidemics of plague and cholera, which at one time mowed down half of Europe (according to the latest research by European immunologists, after medieval pandemics, mainly A-type people survived). The ability and need to coexist with their own kind, less aggressiveness, greater contact, that is, everything that we call the socio-psychological stability of the individual, is inherent in the owners of the A (II) blood type, again at the gene level. That is why the vast majority of A-type people prefer to engage in intellectual sports, and choosing one of the styles of martial arts, they will give preference not to karate, but, say, aikido.

Blood type III (B) - barbarian (nomad)

It is believed that the ancestral home of the B gene is located in the foothills of the Western Himalayas in what is now India and Pakistan. The migration of agricultural and pastoral tribes from East Africa and the expansion of the warlike Mongoloid nomads to the north and northeast of Europe led to the widespread distribution and penetration of the B gene into many, primarily Eastern European, populations. The domestication of the horse and the invention of the wagon made the nomads especially mobile, and the colossal population even for those times allowed them to dominate the endless steppes of Eurasia from Mongolia and the Urals to present-day East Germany for many millennia. The method of production cultivated for centuries, mainly cattle breeding, predetermined a special evolution not only of the digestive system (unlike 0- and A-types, milk and dairy products are considered no less important for B-type people than meat products), but also psychology. Severe climatic conditions left a special imprint on the Asian character. Patience, purposefulness and imperturbability up to the present day are considered in the East almost the main virtues. Apparently, this can explain the outstanding success of Asians in some sports of medium intensity, which require the development of special endurance, such as badminton or table tennis.

Blood type IV (AB) - mixed (modern)

The AB (IV) blood group arose as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans - owners of the A gene and barbarian nomads - carriers of the B gene. To date, only 6% of Europeans are registered with the AB blood group, which is considered the youngest in the ABO system. A geochemical analysis of bone remains from various burials on the territory of modern Europe convincingly proves that as early as the 8th-9th centuries AD, there was no mass mixing of groups A and B, and the first any serious contacts between representatives of the above groups took place during the period of mass migration from the East to the Central Europe and dates back to the X-XI centuries. The unique blood type AB (IV) lies in the fact that its carriers have inherited the immunological resistance of both groups. The AV type is extremely resistant to various kinds of autoimmune and allergic diseases, however, some hematologists and immunologists believe that mixed marriage increases the predisposition of AV-type people to a number of oncological diseases (if parents are A-B types, then the likelihood of having a child with blood type AB is approximately 25%). The mixed type of blood is also characterized by a mixed type of nutrition, with the "barbaric" component requiring meat, and the "agrarian" roots and low acidity - vegetarian dishes! The reaction to stress of the AB type is similar to that demonstrated by the owners of blood group A, therefore their sports preferences, in principle, coincide, that is, they usually achieve the greatest success in intellectual and meditative sports, as well as in swimming, mountain tourism and cycling.

Determination of blood groups

Currently, there are two methods for determining the blood group.
Simple - determination of blood antigens by standard isohemagglutinating sera and anti-A and anti-B tsoliklones. Tsoliklons, unlike standard sera, are not human cell products, therefore contamination of preparations with hepatitis viruses and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is excluded. The second method is a cross one, consisting in the determination of agglutinogens by one of the indicated methods with the additional determination of agglutinins using standard erythrocytes.

Determination of blood groups by standard isohemagglutinating sera

Standard isohemagglutinating sera are used to determine blood groups. Serum contains agglutinins, which are antibodies of all 4 blood groups, and their activity is determined by the titer.

The technique for obtaining sera and determining the titer is as follows. Donated blood is used for their procurement. After settling the blood, draining and defibrillating the plasma, it is necessary to determine the titer (dilution), i.e., the activity of isohemagglutinating sera. For this purpose, a number of centrifuge tubes are taken in which the serum is diluted. First, 1 ml of physiological saline solution is added to clean test tubes. 1 ml of the test serum is added to the 1st test tube with physiological saline, the liquids are mixed, the ratio of liquids in the 1st test tube is 1:1. Next, 1 ml of the mixture from the 1st tube is transferred to the 2nd, all this is mixed, a ratio of 1:2 is obtained. Then 1 ml of liquid from the 2nd tube is transferred to the 3rd tube, mixed, a ratio of 1:4 is obtained. Thus, the serum dilution is continued to 1:256.

The next step is to determine the titer of the diluted serum. From each test tube, 2 large drops are applied to the plane. Knownly other-group erythrocytes are added to each drop (in a ratio of 1 to 10), mixed, waiting for 3-5 minutes. Next, determine the last drop where agglutination occurred. This is the highest dilution and is the titer of hemagglutinating serum. The title should not be lower than 1:32. Storage of standard sera is allowed for 3 months at a temperature of +4° to +6°C with periodic control after 3 weeks.

Method for determining blood groups

On a plate or any white plate with a wetted surface, it is necessary to put the numerical designation of the serum group and its serological formula in the following order from left to right: I II, III. This will be required to determine the blood type being studied.

Standard sera of the ABO system of each group of two different series are applied to a special tablet or plate under the appropriate designations to make two rows of two large drops (0.1 ml). The test blood is applied one small drop (0.01 ml) next to each drop of serum and the blood is mixed with serum (the ratio of serum and blood is 1 to 10). The reaction in each drop can be positive (presence of erythrocyte agglutination) and negative (no agglutination). The result is evaluated depending on the reaction with standard sera I, II, III. Evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes. Various combinations of positive and negative results make it possible to judge the group affiliation of the studied blood by two series of standard sera.

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