How many days to smear with brilliant green. Natural substitutes for greens. How the infection is transmitted

Chickenpox is a once-in-a-lifetime disease. Children are mostly affected, but after 5 years the risk of infection decreases. Despite the low risk, every parent worries about the child. Having found the first signs, he wonders: “How to use brilliant green ( official name drug) to treat rashes?”

More about the disease

The causative agent of the disease -. Getting into environment, dies within 5-10 minutes, since hot air, the sun's rays have a detrimental effect on it. Symptoms of the disease are similar to many colds and skin rashes.

The first signs of chickenpox include:

  • general loss of strength;
  • difficult breathing, in some cases, the appearance of swelling of the larynx;
  • a strong feeling of itching;
  • possible presence bad smell from the patient.

AT childhood up to 12 years, the disease is tolerated without complications, in an older adult, deaths are possible.

For this reason, the patient's condition must be carefully monitored. If small ones are detected, it is necessary to isolate the patient by limiting communication.

The appearance of a new rash occurs within a week. If the size of the blisters is up to 3 mm and covered with a brown film, this indicates that the disease is at its peak. The crust comes off, therefore, the person recovers.

Rash and greenery

Brilliant green - disinfectant with a bright dark green tint, which contains alcohol and aniline pigment. It is widely used for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, cuts, and for certain types of dermatological problems.

The main properties of the drug for the disease:

  • localizes inflammatory processes;
  • disinfects. Helps to tighten the wound without leaving visible;
  • has a protective effect against penetration pathogenic microflora in blisters;
  • dries, reduces itching;
  • reduces the formation of new rashes with chickenpox.

Unlike iodine, brilliant green does not harm a person in the form of burns or manifestations. allergic reaction on the epidermis.

Brilliant green is not the main treatment for the disease, as antiseptic properties unable to destroy viruses.

Chickenpox spreads well by airborne droplets, which is equal to 5 days after the appearance of the last rash. Thanks to the caustic and persistent color of brilliant green, it will not be difficult to distinguish old bubbles from new ones.

It is important to remember that the latest acne indicates that the patient is safe for society.

Instructions for using the product

With timely treatment of a rash that appears on the skin, traces of the chickenpox virus disappear in 7 days. In cases weak immunity or the manifestation of complications, treatment takes much longer.

It is impossible to say with complete certainty how many days to smear chickenpox. AT this case will directly depend on the course of the disease, as well as the absence or presence of complications. Generally 10-12 days is enough. During this time period, blisters form 2-3 times, depending on the characteristics of the organism.

A 1% solution of alcohol greenery is used. Consider the dosage of the disinfectant:

It is worth covering the blisters until a dried crust appears. If it is available, the use of brilliant green is meaningless.

It is forbidden to apply brilliant green on the following areas of the body:

  • eye area;
  • mucous membranes oral cavity;
  • sexual organs.

Otherwise, severe irritation may occur.

For small children, you can use brilliant green in the form of a felt-tip pen. Then there will be no problems with processing.

Bubble Processing: Highlights

You can get a good result from the use of brilliant green if you follow the following rules:

  1. Put on hands rubber gloves. This is required in order not to get dirty and not to dry the skin of the hands.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in green alcohol solution and treat a pimple. Not all skin, but only the resulting red spot.
  3. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage. Otherwise, you can cause drying and the possibility of scars after the disease (especially applies to the face). It is important to remember that children's skin is the most delicate.
  4. It is worth stopping processing immediately after the appearance of new ones, provided that the old ones are covered with a brown crust.
  5. For disinfection of the mucous membrane, furatsilin is used or boric acid.

In order to prevent severe dryness epidermis, brilliant green can be diluted with 3-4 drops of boiled, and preferably distilled water.

zinc paste or, potassium permanganate solution, mummy. It is forbidden to use all drying and antiseptic agents at the same time.

For more efficient processing, without harm to humans, several rules must be observed:

  • you can not comb the blisters;
  • it is forbidden to touch the inflamed areas with your hands, in order to prevent the introduction of a third-party infection;
  • and other medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment with disinfectants is mandatory, which is also the appearance of complications. If it worsens, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment.

To alleviate the patient's condition, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Make sure your child drinks regularly to prevent dehydration. Sweet drinks are prohibited. It is better to prepare herbal decoction, dried fruit compote or plain black tea.
  2. Bed rest for 5-7 days.
  3. With an increase in body temperature (more than 38 degrees), give an antipyretic. It is forbidden to shoot down a small one, since the body must produce antibodies against the virus. Acetylsalicylic acid cannot be used due to negative impact on the liver.
  4. Observe . Especially if chicken pox manifests itself on mucous membranes mouth. For elimination pain food should be mashed. Kissels and dairy ingredients (milk, liquid cereals) provide a protective film. It is allowed to use sour fruit, meat, vegetables. Over time, the range expands, based on the state of health of the patient.
  5. Change clothes 2-3 times a day bed sheets- once in 3 days.
  6. Ventilate the room regularly, as an increase in air temperature increases sweating, increasing skin itching.

It is possible for a patient with chickenpox to walk on the street, but preferably not in crowded places to avoid mass infection.

Many parents are interested. There are several opinions. Some stick to what should be excluded water procedures quite, while others consider it absurd.

You can, given the basic rules:

  1. If the body temperature is high, it is worth excluding stay in the water. It is enough just to wipe the patient with warm herbal decoction calendula, celandine, chamomile. Herbs will help to anesthetize, relieve irritation and soothe the skin. If there are no herbs on hand, then a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used.
  2. The water temperature is warm. It is advisable to take a shower rather than lie in a full bath.
  3. Forbidden - gel, soap, foam and other cosmetic products.
  4. To prevent strong irritation, washcloths should not be used. You can take a soft cloth.
  5. It is required to wash the body no more than 2 times a day, removing sweat and dirt.
  6. Take a towel with a soft pile. You can not rub the skin, just get wet.

Chicken pox - . Subject to all the rules, tips and recommendations, the disease will pass easily. Before taking any remedy, even external, you need to consult a specialist.

One of the most common infectious diseases that is more common in childhood is chickenpox (aka chicken pox). The concept that chickenpox is a disease, in fact, not a terrible one, does not save any mother from worrying about the child. Therefore, sooner or later, but almost every parent has to decide the question: how, in addition to brilliant green, can rashes be treated with chickenpox?

With chickenpox, the main thing is timely and properly selected treatment. The right approach to treatment will avoid complications and the child go faster for the amendment.

Chickenpox: basic rules of treatment

Treatment of the disease is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Peace and strict bed rest. In the case of chickenpox, in order to prevent complications, the patient needs to create the maximum comfortable conditions for rest and relaxation. In the first few days of illness, experts do not recommend the patient to get out of bed. Strict bed rest ends gradually, after the cessation of the appearance of new foci of rash.
  2. Abundant and frequent drinking. Helps the body to get rid of the disease faster plentiful drink. Warm decoctions of herbs, compote and tea, ordinary (not carbonated) water are used. Juice and carbonated drinks are not recommended because sores form in the mouth during illness, and these liquids can irritate them.
  3. Rash treatment. For many, the chickenpox disease is immediately associated with brilliant green and the terrifying appearance of the patient. It should be noted that modern medical workers In no civilized country in the world, brilliant green is used to treat chickenpox.
  4. bathing mode. Taking a bath with chickenpox is prohibited. It is useful in this situation cold and hot shower, or dousing with water to which a decoction of herbs is added (chamomile, oak bark, calendula). Procedures help relieve itching for a while. When bathing, it is forbidden to use soap and a washcloth. The body is not wiped, but dried with gentle blotting movements. After bathing, it is necessary to re-treat all rashes.

It is necessary to smear rashes with chickenpox in order to avoid scratching acne in the first place and prevent infection from entering the wound.

If the treatment is over, and the chickenpox on the child's skin left scars, what to smear? The choice of drugs is quite extensive. Helps to normalize the metabolism in the skin and restore it after the disease means Bepanten. Apply the remedy 1-2 times a day. The drug normalizes metabolism in skin cells, helps to strengthen collagen fibers.

Medical products help prevent the formation of scars and scars: Dermatix, Contractubex, Medgel. Ointments should be applied immediately after the crust falls off, following strictly the instructions of the doctor.

Complications after the disease in children are extremely rare, more often in debilitated children. More often it bacterial infections that occur when combing the rash. Therefore, rashes must be treated with an antiseptic.

many decades traditional means for the treatment of a rash with chickenpox is brilliant green. However, at present, experts note the inappropriate use of this drug. Scientists have proven that brilliant green has a weak antibacterial effect, slightly dries out the wounds that have arisen, and the drug does not have a direct effect on the virus itself.

The use of brilliant green in chickenpox brings more harm than the expected help. Zelenka calls severe burning which children do not tolerate well. The cauterizing effect of the agent contributes to the spread of the virus to nearby tissues. Zelenka is poorly washed off the skin and causes dryness of the skin.

Bright green pigment makes it difficult to assess the condition of the rash. The application of the product only helps to color the elements of the rash, and as a result, to determine in the future the presence of new characteristic rashes or their absence during the recovery period for parents or a specialist. It is possible to alleviate the condition of a sick child, remove it completely or reduce itching as much as possible with the use of new modern drugs.

Modern and effective ways to treat chickenpox

What means can be used to cauterize chickenpox in children? First of all, experts recommend antiseptics that have the ability to prevent the occurrence of purulent dermatitis and the addition secondary infection.

Zinc ointment. With chickenpox in children, the drug is used very often, since it is considered indispensable and highly effective. The product is non-toxic and safe, therefore it is prescribed for both infants and children of the older age group. The drug has the following effect:

  • relieves itching;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • has a cleansing effect;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • dries up the resulting rashes.

Fukortsin. The remedy is prescribed for rashes in children older than 6 months. The drug is able to prevent the attachment of a secondary infection, has a unique drying effect of already opened bubbles, eliminates the resulting inflammatory process, has antimicrobial activity. From the age of three, Fucorcin ointment is used to treat chickenpox.

Acyclovir. With chickenpox, the use of acyclovir helps to achieve an antiviral effect. The ointment relieves the inflammatory process, soothes the itching of the skin, reduces the activity of the virus, and prevents its free reproduction. As a result, a significant reduction acute period chickenpox. It is used depending on the severity of the disease.

Fenistil. This drug has an effective and sparing effect, in the case of chickenpox it is prescribed to a child from one month. The tool reduces the sensation of itching after a few minutes after application. In the skin, the drug is absorbed fairly quickly and has an effect for 4-6 hours. In infants, when used, there are practically no allergic reactions.

Furacilin. Apply a solution of this drug for rinsing with rashes in the oral cavity or for washing in case of a rash on the child's genitals 2-3 times a day. Furacilin solution is prepared from tablets at home, which is used no more than 3 times a day. Preparation of the solution: grind 2 tablets of furacilin into powder, pour the resulting powder into 200 milliliters (glass) warm water(approximately 40 degrees) and stir thoroughly until the solid particles are completely dissolved. The solution is safe to use at any age.

Infagel. With chickenpox in children, experts recommend lubricating rashes with Infagel at the stage of red spots (before they turn into bubbles). This drug has a pronounced antiviral effect, promotes the activation of one's own immunity. The remedy relieves the symptoms of the disease, helps to eliminate itching and relieve swelling, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in children over 3 years old.

manganese solution. The solution used for treatment is usually 5%. Preparing it at home is simple: buy a bottle of potassium permanganate with a volume of 3 grams at the pharmacy, combine all the manganese with boiled or distilled water - 75 milliliters and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is filtered and it is ready for use. The remedy renders antibacterial action, eliminates itching even with a complex form of the disease, promotes the formation of crusts. The use of a manganese solution has no restrictions on the age of the child.

Is it possible to use iodine in the treatment of chickenpox
Smearing pimples or sores with chickenpox in children with iodine solution is strictly prohibited. Treatment with this remedy contributes to the aggravation of the disease and contributes to the occurrence of severe itching in babies.

The use of drugs to eliminate itching
Discomfort in the disease primarily appears as a result of itching and an allergic reaction. To reduce these manifestations will help special medical preparations: Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin. The appointment of these drugs is carried out only by a specialist.

Antipyretic drugs
First necessary condition in the treatment of chickenpox is a decrease in temperature (above 38 degrees). For this purpose, antipyretics are used that do not contain aspirin. Doctors recommend Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen for children. The dose is determined by the doctor and it depends on the age of the child.

Antiviral drugs
As a rule, the body copes with the disease on its own. But in case of complex forms of the disease in children, experts recommend the use of antiviral drug Acyclovir. accept given medication, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Diet for chickenpox

Of particular importance in the treatment of chickenpox diet. Like any infection, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, which prevents speedy recovery. Therefore, doctors recommend special nutrition.

In the first few days of illness, in order not to irritate the oral mucosa, it is necessary to exclude salty foods, sweets, smoked and fried foods. Recommended food is slightly warm, liquid, not spicy or salty. In child nutrition without fail there should be vitamins, decoctions of dried fruits, herbal infusions.

How long and how often do you need to smear rashes

When the first rashes appear and are staged by a specialist accurate diagnosis it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment of pimples antiseptic. In more than 90% of cases of chickenpox, rashes on the skin last for about 7 days. To prevent complications, it is necessary to avoid scratching the rash. Processing is carried out 2 times a day, and lasts until the last crust falls off.

Smear more once a day, experts do not recommend, because an overdose of the drug may occur. Important: many of the drugs have the property of overdrying the skin, and this causes scarring of the wounds, so an overdose is contraindicated.

If a child under one year old is sick with chickenpox, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. The possibility of hospitalization is not excluded, since in infants the disease is severe with high temperature. Children under the age of 10 - 12 years of age tolerate the disease easily, without complications. Older age group children and adolescents carry severe chickenpox.

When treating chickenpox in children, parents should remember: before using any medical device you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess the condition of the child, and depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient, it is correct to choose the drugs necessary for treatment, their dosage.

Video: chickenpox in children - symptoms and treatment

Chickenpox is an infectious disease that most often affects children. It is accompanied by an intense rash, fever and itching. What is the right way to smear chickenpox so that it disappears faster? To do this, the pharmacy sells a lot of products, each of which has its own characteristics of use.

chickenpox symptoms

  • After the end of the incubation period, the patient may feel weakness, fatigue, slight malaise.
  • First formed on the body small spots of red color. After a few hours, they are converted into papules and vesicles. The resulting formations are filled with fluid.
  • After a few days, the rashes dry up and become covered with dense crusts, which disappear only after 1-3 weeks.
  • The patient often observes an increase in body temperature, which coincides with the appearance of new rashes.

Why Rash Treatment is Necessary

How to lubricate chickenpox in adults or children? Does it need to be done at all? Smearing the rash is necessary to avoid secondary infection. Due to severe itching, the patient combs pimples, which is the reason for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.

And how to smear chickenpox in children, if the rash has almost disappeared? In this case, help special means that will prevent scarring. They very often appear after chickenpox in children, if it was accompanied by intense itching.

Do you need green

How to treat chickenpox in children? On the this moment there are no effective means that could completely destroy the pathogenic virus. Chickenpox crusts are smeared with brilliant green, which has antimicrobial action. In this case, the treatment of the rash should not be carried out too often, so as not to overdry the skin.

Zelenka is common only in countries former USSR. All over the world, doctors agree that during chicken pox there is no need to lubricate the rashes, since they disappear on their own.

Chickenpox rashes are smeared with brilliant green to reveal the presence or absence of new blisters.. This allows you to monitor the course of the disease. Also in this way, you can determine when the child's activity of the virus has decreased, which signals the safety of the baby for others. When 5 days have passed since the last vial of fluid appeared, the patient becomes non-infectious for people without immunity.

What are the alternatives

How to smear acne from chickenpox instead of brilliant green? In addition to this tool, there are many other alternative drugs. Chickenpox in children, in addition to brilliant green, can be treated with antiseptics or antiviral compounds. They will speed up healing, prevent infection and help the skin recover faster.

Colorless products

How can you smear chickenpox if you want to leave the skin without bright marks? In this case, the treatment is reduced to the use of the following means:

  • Viferon. How to smear crusts on the face or on other parts of the body to speed up healing? A great healing effect this ointment has, which also has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.
  • Tsindol. If you smear chickenpox with this suspension, you can significantly speed up recovery. It contains zinc oxide in its composition, therefore it has a pronounced drying effect.
  • Fenistil. This antihistamine gel is applied to rashes to keep them from itching. Fenistil very quickly relieves swelling, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Zovirax. This cream can be used for the treatment of chickenpox only on the recommendation of the attending physician. Contains acyclovir, which has a pronounced antiviral effect.

How to treat mucous

What is the best way to smear chickenpox if a rash appears in the mouth or on the genitals? In this case, the following means will help alleviate the condition of the child:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For mucosal treatment, a weak solution should be prepared. The resulting medicine from manganese is used for regular treatment of mucous membranes. Potassium permanganate will help accelerate healing, eliminate itching and inflammation. The tool is completely safe and is used even for the treatment of children. A solution of potassium permanganate can be prepared by yourself or bought ready-made at a pharmacy.
  • Infusions from medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, sage).
  • Miramistin solution. The drug is used to treat the oral cavity. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, therefore, after its use, secondary infection of the resulting ulcers on the mucosa is excluded.
  • Oily solution of Chlorophyllipt. It has a strong antiseptic effect, so it will quickly get rid of the formed pathogenic microflora and accelerate the healing of sores.

What is forbidden to use

How to smear a rash with chickenpox so that there are no scars on the body? In this case, doctors categorically prohibit the use of such drugs:

  • Is it possible to smear chickenpox with iodine or similar drugs? This cannot be done. After skin treatment, iodine increases everything discomfort why rashes itch more.
  • Is it permissible to smear chickenpox with alcohol? It is also strictly forbidden to use it. Alcohol provokes burns, which leads to the appearance of scars in place of fallen crusts.

How to prevent scarring

Avoiding chickenpox scars is very simple. To do this, at the stage of crust formation and its falling off, the skin is lubricated with the following ointments:

  • Bepanten. The ointment contains lanolin, which allows you to speed up the recovery process. skin. Bepanthen can be used at any age as it is completely safe.
  • Mederma. The gel allows you to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, eliminates itching, inflammation, prevents scarring.
  • Medgel. An effective remedy used to prevent the appearance of scars on damaged areas of the skin.

Treatment of skin rashes chicken pox should be carried out continuously from the moment the first pimple appears. Treatment is carried out until the last crust falls off. It does not need to allow outside interference in this process. If you peel off the crust on the rash, the skin is injured, which lengthens the recovery period. It can also lead to infection of the wound.

Usually new rashes appear during the first week of the course of the disease. Doctors recommend treating them twice or thrice a day. You don’t need to do this more often, because you can dry out the skin and start the scarring process.

Treatment of the rash during chickenpox is considered main part therapy. You need to approach it with all responsibility and, most importantly, choose the right tool.

Most parents have to learn about all the charms of chickenpox when their kids are still very young. Statistics indicate that the main audience of this disease is children 3–6 years old. This is good, because in adulthood, chickenpox is much more difficult to tolerate and can have a number of complications.

With chickenpox, the main discomfort that accompanies the disease is severe itching and burning, so the child has a desire to comb the bubbles. As a rule, when infected with this infectious disease pediatricians prescribe antihistamines, as well as agents for external use.

In this article, we will talk about how and how to smear chickenpox so that it does not itch, except for brilliant green, how this disease is treated and diagnosed, as well as about many of its other features.

Why do you need to smear chickenpox?

Rashes on the skin of a child who has contracted chickenpox are the first sign of an onset of the disease. AT initial stage it appears on the face, in the form of single red bumps, they look like ordinary pimples, then it rashes on the trunk, limbs, on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

Only the plantar surfaces of the feet and palms remain intact. Over time, the tubercles turn into bubbles, and the bubbles, drying out, become covered with crusts. All this time, the child is plagued by severe itching: he continually scratches the skin, opening the bubbles and tearing off the crusts that form in their place.

If scratching is not prevented in advance, skin recovery will be delayed, and ugly scars will remain at the site of the rash. That is why the treatment of a disease such as chickenpox should be aimed primarily at relieving itching and caring for the skin of a sick child.

How to smear chickenpox?

The most popular "treatment" this disease- greenery. With this remedy, parents smear each “pimple” of chickenpox until the crusts fall off, naively believing that brilliant green helps to cope with the disease. In fact, "brilliant green" has only an antibacterial effect, counteracting the spread and destruction of germs. That is, it is absolutely not necessary to paint the child with greenery - there are more effective means to protect against infection.

Let's look at how it is better to lubricate rashes with chickenpox in children at home, in addition to brilliant green:

  1. Furacilin solution. If chickenpox has affected the oral mucosa or the child's genitals, you can rinse your mouth or treat the rash with a solution of furacilin. For the same purposes, in addition to furacilin, boric acid and hydrogen peroxide can be used.
  2. Salicylic alcohol- according to many pediatricians, this inexpensive remedy, which does not leave marks on the skin of the child, is even better for treating rashes than traditional brilliant green;
  3. Calamine is a lotion that has complex action. It destroys microbes and bacteria, relieves itching and cools, due to which the baby's condition noticeably improves.
  4. With a solution of rivanol, pockmarks are wiped twice a day.. It has a characteristic yellow, hence the name. The skin after application becomes yellow, but it is easily washed off with soap. But rivanol is not sold in all pharmacies, and it is not always easy to find it.
  5. Oil tea tree . A very effective and safe product that does not burn the skin and does not cause allergies.
  6. Acyclovir. Known antiherpetic agent is available in the form of an ointment and can be used to treat rashes with chicken pox. Unlike all other drugs, "Acyclovir" has antiviral action and can fight not only with the consequences, but also with the cause of the pathology. Prevents the spread of infection, reducing the duration of the disease. Recommended for use in children over two years of age.
  7. If rashes appear on mucous membranes, under no circumstances lubricate them with brilliant green or other similar means it is forbidden! You can wash them with a solution of furacilin or an infusion of herbs, such as string or chamomile.

In any case, no matter what remedy for chickenpox you choose, you must first consult with your doctor - about the advisability of using a particular drug, as well as about the dosage. This is especially important if we are talking about children.


Many identify the action of iodine, but doctors categorically do not advise smearing pimples with iodine, because not only will it not bring any benefit, but it can also cause severe itching and burning of the affected areas, which will aggravate the situation.

How many days do you need to smear chickenpox?

Abuse medical preparations not worth it. If you smear the rash too often, the skin may dry out, which is very undesirable with chickenpox.

One or two procedures per day will be enough. Already seven days after the appearance of the first pimple, the baby becomes non-infectious, but it is better to continue to treat the remaining rashes.

General rules of treatment

When the first rashes appear when infected with chickenpox, it is necessary to smear the pimples with an antiseptic. Having treated at least once a rash on the body, antibacterial agent will immediately have a drying effect, eliminating itching and burning of the skin. For example, brilliant green and fucorcin are clearly visible on the body, so adults can easily notice the appearance of new rashes and immediately process them.

  1. Providing the child with bed rest for at least seven days;
  2. Lubricate daily existing skin rashes with brilliant green, potassium permanganate or other remedy, capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory effect, as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. To prevent dehydration, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids;
  4. Follow a diet that includes dairy products, pureed vegetables and fruits;
  5. Regularly change the child's clothes and bed linen, while clothing should be worn with long sleeves to limit the possibility of excessive scratching of the rashes;
  6. Provide cooler air in the room as fever air contributes to an increase in skin itching;
  7. If the child's body temperature has risen, then antipyretic drugs should be used (for example, Nurofen for children). Aspirin should not be given to a child, as its use in chickenpox can cause pernicious influence on the liver.

As you know, chickenpox is most common in children. What is different adult chickenpox, than it is possible to smear besides Zelenka? These are perhaps the most important questions of interest to people who are faced with the disease.

Chickenpox is one of those diseases that are best tolerated in childhood or not get it at all, protecting your body with a vaccine. If children carry the chickenpox virus quite easily, since they rarely have a severe form of the disease, then in an adult the risk of getting chickenpox with complications is very high. All this often leads to the appearance of ugly scars and scars on the body. Moreover, the rashes that occur with chickenpox often cause complications. If acne is not treated, then the infection will spread through the skin more and more actively. For this reason, if you do not take any measures during the appearance of a rash on the body, you can get purulent acne that develop into ulcers. Their danger lies not only in the fact that large scars will remain on the body, but also in the fact that purulent infection can penetrate the blood, causing its infection.

If an adult develops chickenpox and the blisters that accompany it, you don’t need to think that everything will go away by itself, you need to know how to smear the rash with chickenpox. Of course, for some, the virus disappears without special treatment but hope for it and ignore medicines not worth it, since in patients in adulthood the risk of complications is very high.

Tip: To avoid problems and transfer chickenpox normally, you must first treat the wounds in a timely manner. This will not only eliminate the severe itching that interferes with a normal life, but also prevent the infection from spreading further.

Treatment of the skin allows you to quickly get rid of the rash and reduces the risk of purulent acne.

What is the treatment for chickenpox?

This disease is considered highly contagious and instantly affects the body. healthy person unless he is immune to the virus. At first, a person does not feel sick, but after incubation period over, a rash and high fever appear.

The complexity of the course of the disease depends on how intensely the rash appears. In its most severe forms, chickenpox can cause serious complications, including purulent infection, damage to internal organs, and scars on the body. To minimize the risks of complications, you need to know how to properly treat (how to smear) chickenpox. To understand which means are best used for these purposes, you need to consult a doctor, as some forms of the disease require the use of serious antiviral drugs.

In total, chickenpox is divided into 3 types, namely, light, medium and severe form. Each situation has its own methods of treatment, but the main thing is always the timely treatment of a rash on the body. However, there are also cases of chickenpox in which the disease does not affect the skin, but only internal organs. In such a situation, treatment takes place in a hospital under the close supervision of specialists.

Important: During the period of active rash, the patient is recommended bed rest. This will help you gain strength and intensify your work. immune system.

Thus, the fight against the disease will be more qualitative. In order to prevent the virus from spreading even further, it is necessary to follow all the doctor's instructions regarding what to take, how to smear the rashes with chickenpox. During chickenpox, they use means to reduce the temperature, drugs to increase the functioning of the immune system, as well as ointments and gels to get rid of the rash.

Separately, it should be noted funds from traditional medicine. They are also widely used for chickenpox and can replace many well-known drugs, as they have a high level of antibacterial protection and are able to relieve even severe itching. Decoctions of medicinal herbs help well during hygiene procedures. Many people think that swimming during chickenpox is strictly prohibited, however, completely abandon similar procedures it is impossible, since the dirt on the body will contribute to the spread of infection. The main rule is not to scratch or rub acne, and it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth in the bathroom.

Why do so many avoid greens?

Ordinary brilliant green is a traditional remedy for fighting a rash with chicken pox. This drug is not only safe, but also effective.

Nevertheless, many people are thinking about how to smear chickenpox other than brilliant green, which would be more effective and, most importantly, less easily soiled. The main problem with this drug is that it stains clothes and bedding very strongly. Given that the affected areas of the skin are treated with brilliant green every 2-3 hours, there will be a lot of spots, and it is very difficult to remove them.

Moreover, many do not like the fact that in order to achieve maximum effectiveness, this drug must be used often. In turn, many drugs from the category of modern enough to apply to the skin 1-2 times a day.

Interesting: It should be noted that it is traditionally accepted to treat chickenpox with brilliant green only in Russia. In other countries, experts consider similar actions wrong.

They do not allow the use of brilliant green on large areas of the skin due to the fact that the alcohol antiseptic, which is Brilliant Green, can greatly dry the skin. But in reality, the use of greenery gives nice results, if you know the measure and apply the medicine only to the affected areas of the skin.

Is it possible to do without rash treatment?

Some believe that chickenpox can go away on its own, that is, without any treatment. This option is not excluded, but only on condition that the disease passes in mild form. At severe course a disease that is most common in adult patients, you should not ignore the treatment of the rash, as it can quickly develop into purulent acne.

If the patient categorically refuses to use brilliant green or medicinal ointments, it is necessary to at least carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. The patient needs to change bed linen and take a shower often. You also need to keep your immune system healthy high level. To do this, eat a lot of foods with high content vitamin C.

How can you smear acne from chickenpox, except for brilliant green?

As for how to smear chickenpox except for brilliant green, it is often recommended that the usual one be used as an analogue. ethanol. But its use is no different from Brilliant Green, only there are no stains on clothes. And basically, alcohol also dries the skin a lot, so you should not use it on large areas of the skin.

Also in the question of how chickenpox can be treated besides brilliant green, a similar effect can be achieved with a solution of potassium permanganate. It can be made strong enough to treat only rashes, or it can be prepared in a weak solution for wiping large areas of skin. Moreover, potassium permanganate can be added directly to water during hygiene procedures. Potassium permanganate makes the liquid more useful and allows you to effectively flush bacteria from the body.

Doctors say that in order to slow down the spread of the virus throughout the body, it is necessary to dry acne, therefore, to treat the skin with chickenpox, they try to prescribe drugs with a similar effect. Zelenka is one of the leaders in its class, but not everyone likes to use it because of the appearance of stains on clothes. That is why many people think about how to smear chickenpox other than brilliant green. Good analogue is a suspension of Tsindol, which is not only safe, but also quite effective. It is often prescribed to those who do not want to use brilliant green to treat chickenpox. Zindol contains glycerin and zinc oxide, therefore medicinal suspension qualitatively dries and disinfects wounds, preventing the infection from actively spreading over the surface of the skin. You can use the product up to 6 times a day.

Another effective substitute in the question of how to smear chickenpox in addition to brilliant green in adults, is a solution of Rivanol. It is characterized by yellow, therefore, just like brilliant green, it can leave marks on clothes. Moreover, a yellow spot will remain at the place where Rivanol was used, but it can be easily washed off. ordinary soap. This remedy has proven itself in the fight against such a manifestation of chicken pox as a rash. Rivanol heals wounds well and does not dry out the skin.

As for what you can smear with chickenpox other than brilliant green, Calamine is a worthy analogue of the Brilliant Green solution. This remedy is used to treat many skin ailments, including rashes with chicken pox. Calamine can be purchased as an ointment or solution for rubbing the skin. The action of the drug in any form is excellent, so everyone chooses what suits him best.

With chickenpox, not only disinfection and drying of the skin, but also the elimination of itching plays an important role. Therefore, one has to think not only about how to treat chickenpox in adults except for brilliant green, but also what drugs to use to reduce itching. In order for acne with chickenpox to stop itching, it is necessary to use products with antihistamine action. Here, La Cree and Delaxin creams showed themselves well.

To reduce itching in children and adults, antihistamines are used in tablets and ointments. Fenistil has proven itself well, but it must be used carefully. It is not allowed to apply the gel to large areas of the skin, as this can cause an overdose of the drug. Moreover, if antihistamine is used inside, then similar gels or ointments cannot be used.

Terms of use of remedies for rashes

Apply medications to get rid of rashes and itching, you can until there is not a single crust left on the body. But this applies only to the most safe means, such as brilliant green and Tsindol. If a more serious drug is used to get rid of rashes, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and instructions of the doctor.

As a rule, a rash during chickenpox lasts about 10 days, but in especially difficult cases, new acne may appear for up to 3 weeks. At the same time, the activity of the appearance of the rash will periodically decrease, since chickenpox is characterized by a wave-like course. In any case, it is desirable to treat the rash until the acne is completely healed. This will reduce the risk of scars and scars.

As for how to replace brilliant green with chickenpox in adults, if the disease proceeds with complications and acne with pus appears on the body, then it is necessary to use special creams that will help to quickly smooth the skin. Contractubex performed well, which can be used immediately after the crust falls off. You can replace strong medicines with cocoa butter, sea buckthorn or tea tree oil, which are more gentle on the skin.

Zelenka analogues from traditional medicine

Opponents pharmaceutical preparations who are thinking about how to smear chickenpox other than brilliant green, medicinal plants can be advised. But in addition to decoctions, in the fight against a rash from chickenpox, what can be found in every kitchen is often used.

For example, a good remedy soda is used to disinfect the skin and eliminate itching. It is added to the water when bathing. But in this way it can be dangerous to carry out treatment, since soda dries the skin very much. In order not to overdo it with the procedures, you need to carry them out no more than 1 time per day. Instead of a bath, you can make a solution that will be used to wipe the affected areas.

Also, if the question arose of how to smear chickenpox in addition to brilliant green in adults, you can wipe the wounds with tincture of calendula and a decoction of medicinal plants. Chamomile and string are good for itching. They can be brewed for rubbing or added to water for hygiene procedures.

During chickenpox, one who follows a diet and adheres to proper nutrition. An important condition- inclusion in daily menu dishes with a high content of vitamin C, which will not only strengthen the immune system, but also reduce the risk of scars and scars on the skin. Experts recommend eating more citrus fruits, blackcurrants and parsley, which are often used to prepare medicinal decoction. Chamomile, calendula and basil can be added to parsley. From this set comes excellent tool to maintain immunity, which will be very useful for chicken pox and not only.

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