Aesthetic ligature braces. What is the difference between ligature braces and non-ligature braces. What is an aesthetic non-ligature bracket system

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Attractive smile and healthy teeth are an important part of the image of each successful person. So, if the dentition is uneven, then a person is unlikely to be able to make a favorable impression on business partners. However, of much greater importance medical problems caused by misaligned teeth.

To restore the aesthetically correct position of the teeth, in most cases, special orthodontic corrective devices are currently used -. Bracket systems are of several types and are divided into ligature and non-ligature.

Braces without ligatures modern devices allowing for effective correction of malocclusion. Some dentists even call them “the new word in orthodontics”. What are ligatures? Are these braces worthy of such laudatory definitions? We will try to give a detailed answer to these questions within the framework of this article.

Problems solved by ligatureless braces

Non-ligature braces are metal or ceramic brackets placed on the outer or inner surface teeth. These plates are attached to each other with very thin wires. Any violations of the correct position of the teeth and problems can be solved thanks to the use of these systems.

At the same time, unlike plates, braces are much more aesthetic. It does not matter what the age of the patient is - using braces of this type, he can count on a favorable result. At the same time, it will be quite comfortable.

Why do misaligned teeth need to be corrected?

It very often happens that appearance the dental row is not particularly important for a person. “Just think, a little crooked teeth: you turn away during a conversation - and nothing is noticeable to anyone” - some people who suffer from crooked teeth are guided by this train of thought. Such a position may "have a place to be", but for the time being - until health problems begin, and then it may be too late to correct something.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of the issues related to ensuring the natural position of both individual dental units and the correct operation of the dentoalveolar system as a whole. After all, if you do not decide on this important step, the following health problems may occur:

  • Problems in the functioning of the digestive system due to a deterioration in the quality of chewing food
  • Early loss of teeth due to uneven loading. While some teeth withstand the double load, others simply “rest”
  • Inflammation of the mandibular joints
  • High risk of developing caries due to food getting stuck between the teeth
  • Teeth may grow lower or higher than where they should be

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Non-ligature braces: principle of operation

To correct all of the above ailments, orthodontists recommend using the installation of braces. Among all types of such corrective devices, it is especially worth highlighting models without the use of ligatures.

Before listing all the advantages of ligatureless braces, it is worth remembering how simple corrective systems work. The principle of their action is based on the ability of human teeth, regardless of age, to change their location. The displacement of the teeth in the necessary and correct direction is carried out through a targeted impact on them. Braces gently press on the dentition, and the teeth begin to move about 1 mm in a month.

Structural features of conventional braces

The arch is the main structural element of conventional braces, and it depends on it how quickly a person’s teeth will take the necessary and correct form. Arcs are attached to the teeth thanks to braces, which are special plates.

In classic models of braces, fixation of the arc made of metal or elastic ligatures. This is a disadvantage of the design - after all, the teeth need to overcome both the resistance of the jaw muscles and the friction force of the ligatures, which accelerates the appearance of fatigue during chewing.

The specifics of the design of non-ligature braces

These braces are self-adjusting, and the principle of their action is determined by human physiology. The operation of such a design is based on the principle of holding the arc clamps with locks. These fasteners are almost invisible. As a result, braces easily slide along the entire row of teeth. There is little pressure on the teeth themselves, because they are spared the need to fight the friction force of the ligatures.

The arc in them is fixed by fixing, and the extra blocking is not used. Due to the smooth sliding closer to the physiology, bite correction is carried out painlessly and much faster. For comparison, self-adjusting structures are worn for about a year and a half, while simple braces must be worn for at least 2.5 years.

Advantages of non-ligature braces

The use of traditional, with the use of ligatures, structures has already become somewhat old-fashioned, since, in comparison with non-ligature braces, they are inferior to the latter in a number of parameters.

We list the main advantages of non-ligature bite correction systems in comparison with conventional braces:

  • Short acclimatization time
  • Attractive appearance
  • Minimal risk of damage to the oral mucosa
  • The desired result in treatment is achieved faster
  • No extraction of permanent teeth required
  • Installation and removal of these systems is much easier
  • For each of the teeth, the doctor can plan his alignment program
  • Maximum wearing comfort
  • Fast adaptation of teeth with a minimum of discomfort
  • No need to visit the doctor often (no more than once every three months)
  • The installation of these braces is possible even for people with periodontal diseases.

Read also: Change of face after treatment with braces. 8 photos BEFORE and AFTER

It should be noted that due to the absence of rigid fixation, the patient should not be afraid possible violation tissue circulation, which means that the surface layer of the teeth - the periodontium, will not be destroyed.

In addition, when wearing such systems, the likelihood of injury to the gums, cheeks, and mucous membrane of the lips is significantly reduced. If the patient opts for non-ligature braces, he will not have to visit the orthodontist in order to adjust the tension of the ligatures. And that's a plus too.

The main types of non-ligature braces

All braces of this type can be divided into three categories - metal, ceramic and combined. In addition, such braces can be of the internal (lingual) type or external (vestibular) type.

metal braces

Simplicity and a high degree of reliability are the main factors of popularity. However, despite the reliability, in terms of aesthetic qualities, these systems lose to ceramic ones. Metal braces are made of titanium, steel, possible coverage their gold plating. The price of installing these braces is very affordable, with the exception of products whose surface is covered with gold. Due to the too obvious visibility, many patients are not always comfortable wearing such braces - when talking, the interlocutor's gaze from time to time automatically stops at the installed corrective systems, which once again focuses on the treatment being carried out. You can avoid such problems with braces by installing ceramic, almost transparent devices. Note that the products of the following brands are most widely used: Damon 3MX, Damon Q, Smart Clip, In-ovation R.

If for the patient the aesthetic factor is in the first place, then the choice in favor will be fully justified for them. These modern systems many people who think about wearing braces are chosen by people, because they are almost invisible to others. Choose these designs by color under tooth enamel very simple - there are many samples of medical ceramics, focusing and comparing the color of which the orthodontist, together with the patient, chooses the most optimal color scheme option. A high degree of wearing comfort, strength, no possibility of oxidation and damage to the oral mucosa make ceramic non-ligature braces an excellent choice. However, you have to pay for everything good, and ceramic systems are no exception in this sense - their cost is much higher than metal counterparts. The most famous brands of these devices are models: Clarity SL, In-Ovation C, Damon 3, Damon Clear.

Combined braces

The name of such corrective systems fully corresponds to the features of their design. These braces are combined. One, the best in aesthetic terms, is used in the most prominent place - in the upper part of the dentition, the second, more visible - in the lower part. As you may have guessed, ceramics are installed on the visible part of the teeth, and metal elements on the hidden part. Such an approach, providing excellent external data, makes the price of combined non-ligature devices acceptable for most consumers.

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The most common option for correcting malocclusion of teeth is ligature braces. it classic way, which has gained great popularity and has many positive feedback. There are many varieties of orthodontic products, so it can be difficult for people to make a decision. It is necessary to trust the doctor, because he knows better which braces will be optimal in a particular case.

The ligature system of braces is used to correct bite and treat uneven teeth. This design consists of the following components:

  1. The braces themselves are plates with locks installed on each tooth and fixed with a special dental adhesive. Depending on the situation, they can be fixed in different ways. In each case, the doctor selects exactly those sizes and shapes that are really needed.
  2. Arc - a wire drawn through the grooves in the plates. This design has shape memory, so the teeth straighten as needed. To make the patient feel comfortable, it can be made from various elastic materials, and as progress is made, tightened or replaced with others.
  3. The final element is ligatures for braces. This is a miniature fastening element in the form of elastic rings or wire. It is needed in order to fasten the bracket and arches. There are no ligatures in them - there the arc snaps into the locks on the braces themselves.

Ligatures can be colored, silver, white or completely transparent. Note that white and yellow colors most often emphasize the yellowish tint of the teeth. But purple and blue are universal and can hide minor enamel imperfections.

Varieties of models

Ligatures can be placed on almost all designs of braces, which themselves can be different. By type of location, they are divided into two groups: vestibular and lingual.

Vestibular. All arcs and plates are located on the front side of the dentition. Such braces are visible to others, but unlike the second variety, they have a low price.

Lingual. Designed specifically for those patients for whom the aesthetic component is very important. Such systems are located inner region dentition and are completely invisible to other people.

Braces can be made from various materials. The most commonly used systems are:

Metal. The cheapest variety. They effectively restore bite in short time. The only negative is that they are very noticeable when worn.

Ceramic. The color can match the natural shade of the enamel, due to which they become almost invisible on the teeth. But sometimes patients notice that they darken from coloring drinks or foods.

Sapphire. The most attractive and expensive. Such models are absolutely transparent, so they are not visible during a conversation. It is worth noting that this design is quite fragile and requires very careful handling.

Plastic. They are installed quite rarely, since the products are not particularly durable, and treatment with their use lasts a long time.

Combined. They allow you to increase the quality of treatment and save a little. For example, on side area you can install metal, and ceramics on the front.

Although there are a lot of varieties of systems, the ligatures for braces themselves are selected depending on the purpose of the treatment and its complexity. When choosing a color, they rely on the material. For sapphire products, choose transparent, and for metal - silver.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that in modern orthodontics there are non-ligature constructions (self-ligating), specialists do not refuse standard methods. This is because ligature products have their obvious advantages:

  • In some cases serious defects it is simply impossible to fix with any other systems.
  • Ligature constructions give very good results in short periods, because the additional details allow you to increase the impact on the row of teeth.
  • These products are different affordable price which is important for most patients.
  • A variety of colors will appeal to children and teenagers. This gives them the opportunity to show their individuality and choose a shade to their liking.
  • Thanks to the installation of elastic ligatures, it becomes easier to wear braces.
  • When wearing metal ligatures, the treatment period is significantly reduced.
  • Even if the fasteners are stained, the dentist can replace them with new ones.

But, like every device, ligature braces still have their drawbacks. These include:

  • AT rare cases friction occurs between the plates and the arc. This may increase the treatment time.
  • Rubber parts often stretch, which means they need to be changed regularly.
  • The presence of ligatures makes dental hygiene more difficult.
  • Iron fasteners can speed up treatment, but can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Due to the fact that there are many elements in the system, the design brings severe discomfort during habituation.

Ligature varieties are in the assortment of almost all companies that manufacture braces. Every doctor has his own list the best products and can suggest the most suitable option. Well proven: Alexander, Sprint, Tiger, Maset, Pilot, Victory.

Many patients are interested in the difference between ligature and non-ligature braces. In fact, the difference is quite significant, but the principle of operation remains the same. The following may be noted:

  • When installing ligature braces, you need to visit a doctor every month. In the case of non-ligature - once every 2-3 months.
  • While wearing ligature structures, when moving teeth, strong friction appears, in the situation with the second variety it is minimal.
  • Ligatures are not installed with periodontitis or periodontal disease, self-ligating products allow this.
  • The price for models with ligatures is 20-35 thousand rubles, and for designs without them - 35-45 thousand rubles.

Regardless of whether ligatures are present or not, the function of the model does not change, since the most main part systems is an arc that is used in all cases. Due to the fact that this detail is able to remember the shape, the teeth gradually fall into place.

It is very important to come to dentistry in a timely manner, because the wire must be regularly tightened or replaced with a new one. How often you need to reinstall depends on the type of part. For example, metal ligatures are so strong that they can not be changed for the entire duration of treatment. But rubber components will need to be replaced at every doctor's appointment.

You always need to be prepared for the fact that the treatment will take for a long time. It is very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, otherwise wearing the product will not give any results. The correction process can be divided into stages:

  • First you need to check with qualified specialist and take an x-ray. The doctor will determine the complexity of the treatment and draw up a plan. Then comes the design choice. The patient chooses only the desired material and shade of the attachment details.
  • It is necessary to completely cure the teeth, get rid of caries, perform professional cleaning. Treatment can last several years, while access to the teeth will be limited.
  • The most important thing is to install each bracket in its proper place. In the laboratory, parts of the design are marked according to which tooth a particular part will be placed on. The correction effect depends on the accuracy.
  • After the installation is carried out, the patient is given recommendations and the date of the next visit to the doctor is set. It is categorically impossible to skip visits to the dentist, this can cancel out all the results of treatment or significantly extend its period.
  • After the treatment is completed and the braces are removed, for some time the patient will wear retainers - plates that hold the new position of the teeth. They are needed to consolidate the effect so that the teeth do not return to their previous appearance.

After the installation of braces, the patient's life changes significantly, but this is only a temporary phenomenon. At first, the details of the system may rub the lips and cheeks, a change in diction is possible. In order to facilitate this process, you need to follow simple recommendations. You can also use special wax for bracket systems.

Addiction will take from 3 to 14 days. The most difficult time for the patient is the first few days after the installation of braces, when very unpleasant sensations and pain can occur. In order to reduce discomfort, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • If after the procedure the teeth began to hurt, a saline solution will help relieve discomfort. To prepare it, you need to dilute 1 tsp. salt in a glass warm water. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.
  • When pain become very strong, you should take a tablet of analgin, Spazmalgon or Tempalgin after a meal.
  • If any part rubs the cheek, it is better to use protective wax. The mouth must be rinsed medical rinse purchased at a pharmacy.
  • With severe inflammation of the damaged area, the Givalex rinse aids well.

Caring for your lingual braces

Caring for ligature braces is not easy due to a large number hard-to-clean surfaces. In the case of non-ligature models, it will be much easier, but in any case, a whole arsenal of special tools and a lot of patience are needed.

To brush your teeth, you will need a special Toothbrush, in which the bristles at the edges will be longer than in the center. It is possible to use multi-beam products. In addition to the brush, you need dental floss, irrigators and brushes.

Flossing should be used not only to clean the space between the teeth, but also to remove food debris under the arches. The brushes are used in the same way.

An irrigator is a device that delivers a thin stream of water or solution. It is very handy for cleaning hard to reach places.

Nutrition while wearing plates

Metal braces are considered the most reliable and durable. Sapphire and plastic varieties can wear off and move away from the surface of the teeth. Whatever design is chosen - non-ligature ceramic braces or plastic system - care must be taken. To prevent damage to the model, you will have to give up some food:

  • A complete ban applies to hard fruits and vegetables. No need to eat pears, apples, carrots. Popcorn, nuts, chips, and tough meats can also cause harm.
  • It is necessary to refrain from chewing gum, toffee, halva, various sweets and food of a viscous consistency.
  • Sudden temperature changes negatively affect the arcs of the structure; accordingly, it is necessary to abandon very cold and hot food- burning coffee and tea, ice juices, hot soups and ice cream.
  • It will be very difficult for the owners, since such products are easy to dye. So that the details do not change their shade, you do not need to drink red wine and coffee, eat beets and berries. You also need to quit smoking.

Carefulness will prevent peeling or detachment of individual parts. But if such a situation nevertheless occurred, you can glue the element back. It is bad if the part that has fallen off has to be replaced with a new one. It will take certain time and extend the recovery period.

Beautiful teeth can be called the hallmark of any successful person. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a good impression on a client or sexual partner with crooked or damaged teeth. But most importantly, the medical problems that arise as a result of malocclusion. As state-of-the-art methods occlusion correction using non-ligature braces. We will try to understand why dentists call these designs “a new word in orthodontics” in our article.

Braces are brackets made of ceramic or metal, which are installed on the internal or outer surface teeth. Between themselves, these plates are fastened with special ultra-thin wires. They allow you to solve many orthodontic problems associated with a violation of the position of the teeth in the oral cavity. Braces are not only much more aesthetically pleasing than previously used plates. These devices are as comfortable as possible for the patient and can improve the bite for people of any age.

If a person cares little about the appearance of his teeth, does he need to correct malocclusion? The answer is unequivocal: yes! It is simply necessary to do this in order to maintain health, since malocclusion has the following consequences:

  • deterioration in chewing food leads to problems in work digestive system and the emergence of chronic ailments;
  • uneven load on the teeth (some teeth “walk”, while others take on a double load), leads to destruction and early loss of teeth;
  • food gets into large gaps between the teeth, which injures the teeth and contributes to the development of caries;
  • malocclusion weakens mandibular joints and leads to their inflammation;
  • with a small jaw, the teeth cannot fully erupt and grow above or below the place allotted to them.

The principle of operation of non-ligature braces

Talking about the advantages of non-ligature designs, you need to remember the principle by which ordinary braces work. Their use is possible because the teeth of a person of any age can change their position. Thanks to a specially calculated and targeted effect, the teeth move in the right direction. Braces create pressure on the dentition, due to which the teeth move about 1 mm per month.

Construction of conventional braces

The basis of the design of conventional braces is an arc that forces the teeth to take desired shape. The arc is attached to each tooth with the help of special plates (braces). In conventional braces, the arc is fixed with special ligatures (elastic or metal). For achievement desired effect, the teeth have to overcome not only the resistance jaw muscles, and the friction force created by the ligature.

Construction of non-ligature braces

Non-ligature braces are self-adjusting structures. The principle of their action is physiological, as it is based on holding the arc with locks of inconspicuous clamps. This unique design allows the brackets to slide freely along the dentition. In this case, minimal pressure is exerted on the teeth, since they do not need to overcome the friction force from the ligatures. In such devices, the archwire is attached to the teeth with a fixation, without using unnecessary locking. Such free sliding is more physiological and allows you to correct the position of the teeth in a shorter time, without pain and discomfort. If traditional braces have to be worn for at least 2-3 years, then the period of wearing self-ligating varieties is reduced to one and a half years.

Benefits of a non-ligature bracket system

Bite correction with ligatureless braces has a number of advantages over the use of their traditional designs. Without a rigid fixation, such bracket systems do not disturb the blood circulation of the tissues and do not destroy the periodontium. Subject to oral hygiene, patients with these types of braces are minimally susceptible to caries. When using such modern ways bite correction, patients are maximally protected from various injuries mucous membranes of the lips, cheeks and gums. With such braces, patients are much less likely to go to the orthodontist for correction and examination.

What are the advantages of a non-ligature bracket system in comparison with the traditional one? Consider the main advantages of such treatment:

  • external aesthetics;
  • safety of use due to the absence of reaction with saliva and the risk of damage to the mucosa;
  • fast addiction;
  • reduction of bite correction time and more quick reach effect;
  • no need to remove permanent teeth;
  • quick installation and removal of the bracket system;
  • calculation of an individual alignment program for each individual tooth;
  • minimal pain and fast adaptation patients due to gentle pressure on the teeth;
  • high degree of comfort and ease of oral care due to the miniature design and self-adjusting systems;
  • fewer visits to the dentist (usually 1 time in 2-3 months);
  • the possibility of installing this system for people with periodontal diseases.

Types of non-ligature braces

There are three types of modern non-ligature braces: metal and combined. Also, such devices are produced in two types: vestibular (external) and lingual (internal).

Metal braces

Metal braces are valued by specialists for their reliability and simplicity. Metal structures are the most durable, but inferior in aesthetics to ceramic products. However, many patients wear metal braces with pleasure, decorating them with bright colored ligatures. Such correction devices are made of steel, titanium or even gold. And although the price of such braces is usually affordable (excluding gold items), some patients find metal structures inconvenient for themselves. Dental constructions from Damon 3MX, Damon Q, Smart Clip, In-ovation R are made of metal.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are especially suitable for those patients for whom aesthetics is extremely important. They are also called "invisible". This type of construction is one of the most modern, and it is they that are preferred by many specialists and patients. Similar products can be matched in color to any shade of tooth enamel. Such braces do not oxidize in the mouth, and wearing them does not cause any particular inconvenience to patients. The strength of these devices is given by the addition to the crystals of a polycrystalline or single-crystal metal. Bracket systems Clarity SL, Damon 3, Damon Clear are produced from ceramics.

Non-ligature braces from various manufacturers

At the present stage of development of dentistry, the choice of self-ligating braces is quite large. Almost every major manufacturing company has its own design of non-removable bite correction devices. Consider the features of several of the most popular types of non-ligature braces.

  • are very aesthetic, as they are made of a material that is not visible against the background of the teeth. This design is leading and has several modifications.
  • (3MX, Q) are highly comfortable for patients, as they have miniature size, smoothed edges and original cap. Patients quickly become accustomed to long-term wear such devices. These designs are used for complex forms of bite pathologies.
  • have unique fixtures that, thanks to snapping, allow you to perfectly select the strength of the arc. They have an excellent healing effect.
  • In Ovation system has the most convenient locking mechanism and several modified options (lingual, ceramic, metal). Allows you to effectively control any movement of the teeth.
  • are considered the best types of lingual constructions. They are made for each patient individually according to a computer image of a cast of his teeth and are invisible, as they are placed with inside teeth. This model is very compact and does not affect the patient's diction in any way. The model is hypoallergenic, as it contains an additive of gold in its alloy.

How many wear braces

Only an orthodontist knows about that. At the time of diagnosis, the doctor informs the patient about the expected period of wearing the proposed design. The duration of wearing correction devices is affected by the type of deformity and individual characteristics patient (age, tooth mobility, oral health). In the process of correction, the timing of wearing braces can often be revised.

Using the latest non-ligature braces, you do not have to be afraid of inconvenience, pain or unaesthetic appearance of your teeth. Even 20 years ago, such a model for treating malocclusion was considered fantastic, and patients were forced to wear terrible bulky plates that did not allow a person to eat and speak normally. Thanks to the use of ultra-modern self-ligating braces, you can comfortably and painlessly correct an overbite of any degree of complexity. According to experts, non-ligature bracket systems have a great future.

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Ligature braces are the newest and most effective method of treating malocclusion. With the help of the bracket system, you can align the incorrect position of the teeth, dentition, jaws, as well as normalize the impaired functions of the oral cavity organs. They will become the most the best assistant in acquiring perfect teeth and a beautiful smile.

To date, there are many types of bracket systems. They differ in location, type of material, mode of action and type of fixation. This orthopedic construction consists of locks, a metal power arc that is attached to the braces and additional elements (elastic bands, ligatures, rings, springs).

What is it - ligatures?

According to the method of fixing the arc to the braces, the systems are ligature and non-ligature (self-ligating). They have different impact on the dental system each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. A ligature is a thin medical wire that performs the function of fixation. Instead of wire, it is possible to use small rubber rings (rubber bands). But at the first stages of treatment, a more rigid fixation with wires is carried out, in the future, multi-colored rubber bands can be used.

They are a classic treatment. During installation of the structure on the teeth, orthodontic arch attached to the locks with ligatures. At each visit to the orthodontist, old ligatures are removed, new ones are corrected and fixed. With the help of this type of fixation of the arc, it is possible to correct bite pathologies of varying complexity.

By location, they are vestibular and lingual. Vestibular are attached with outside tooth, and lingual on the inside invisible to others.

This is a newer system for fixing the arc to the locks. By design, they are slightly different, in the middle they have a locking mechanism similar to a latch, where the arc enters and is fixed. At the same time, there are no ligatures and the design on the teeth is less voluminous, less noticeable to others.

Ligature and self-ligating braces are made from various materials. They can be metal, ceramic, sapphire and plastic. Metal ones are a classic reliable option, sapphire ones are the most aesthetic and no less durable metal ones. Ceramic braces are the best option in the price-quality category. Plastic systems are the cheapest and most fragile.

Advantages of self-ligating braces:

  • easy, simple, fast installation and correction of the system;
  • less noticeable on the teeth and more aesthetic;
  • do not injure the mucous membrane;
  • do not interfere during a conversation;
  • the process of habituation is fast;
  • you need to visit the doctor less often (once every 6 weeks);
  • can be used for gum diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • the displacement of the teeth into the correct position occurs faster than with the help of ligature systems;
  • do not cause discomfort.

Advantages of ligature systems:

  • can be used for any malocclusion;
  • reliable fixation;
  • effective fix wrong position teeth;
  • affordable price;
  • the ability to use colored rubber bands will help make the treatment process more interesting for teenagers.

Disadvantages of self-ligating braces:

  • are indicated only for mild bite pathologies;
  • possible uncontrolled displacement of teeth;
  • high price.

Disadvantages of ligature systems:

  • the presence of ligatures makes the system more visible on the teeth;
  • bulky design;
  • damage to the mucous membrane is possible, to prevent this, medical wax should be used;
  • the necessary period of time for getting used to and adapting to braces;
  • longer treatment period.


Ligature and self-ligating braces are made from various materials. They can be metal, ceramic, sapphire and plastic. Each type has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

Metal ones are a classic reliable treatment option. They are inexpensive and are used for any malocclusion. As time goes by, they get better and better. To date, there are metal braces of various sizes: from standard to miniature.

Feedback (Katya, 22 years old): "I treated the malocclusion with metal self-ligating braces. With their help, I got the canine from the gums and put it in place. I liked that I had to visit the doctor infrequently, once every 1.5 months. Teeth after treatments have become even."

Sapphire braces are considered the most aesthetic and no less durable than metal braces. They are made from artificially grown sapphire, so they have high cost. On the teeth, they look transparent and almost invisible.

Ceramic braces are the best option in the price-quality category and are average in terms of quality. They are slightly less aesthetic than sapphire, but still look very good on the teeth. But ceramics is less durable material and can chip off under significant chewing loads.

Plastic systems are the cheapest and most fragile. Plastic is unstable to chewing pressure and can break. Therefore, when installing such braces, you need to follow a diet. Do not eat hard and coloring foods. Have White color and are hardly noticeable on the teeth, but over time they can become saturated with pigments and change in color (most often turn yellow).


In the world of dentistry, there are many manufacturers of materials and bracket systems. But the most popular are:

3M is an American company that has been making braces for over 60 years. It is one of the most advanced and innovative, constantly improving its products. It produces ligature and non-ligature systems from various materials.

American Orthodontics is one of the highest quality and well-known companies that has been manufacturing braces for over 40 years. Offers almost all types of braces.

Ormco is one of the best and most innovative companies that has been manufacturing products for over 50 years. Today it produces a lot of bracket systems: ligature, non-ligature, titanium, steel and sapphire.

Self-ligating braces have a more flexible fastening of the archwire to the brackets, so it acts more gently on the patient's teeth. They are easier to care for, they have a simpler design and food is not clogged as much.

The most popular non-ligature braces are:

Metal: Damon Q (Ormco), SmartClip (3M), Innovation R (GAC), Empower (American Orthodontics), Victory Series Active SL (3M). This type of staples is the most durable and reliable, if necessary, the locks can be re-glued, and they also have a low cost. One of the most successful systems is SmartClip (3M), it contains unique technology which protects the enamel from damage. For this, a special glue is used, which tightly and securely glues the braces. Installation of the system is quick and convenient. Easily removed after treatment.

Review (Irina Anatolyevna, practicing dentist): "It is worth choosing an orthodontic design individually. It all depends on the bite of the patient, as well as his wishes and financial capabilities. During treatment ligature systems excellent treatment results with Inspire Ice braces. A good self-ligating system is Damon Q."

Ceramic: Damon Clear (Ormco), Clarity SL (3M), Innovation C (GAC). Ceramic braces are very aesthetic, not conspicuous, they look beautiful on the teeth. In addition, they have a smooth surface, so the process of getting used to is comfortable. One of the best systems is Clarity SL (3M), its special technology protects the enamel and effectively corrects the bite.

Ligature bracket systems

These are traditional braces that can be used to correct even the most difficult positions of the teeth. When installing the system, the archwire is fixed with a ligature. After several months of treatment, instead of a ligature, rubber bands are installed, which are changed every month.

The most popular metal ligatures are American Orthodontics systems. They produce braces in a small size and comfortable shape. They also have a good value.

Review (Tatiana, 36 years old): "I was given sapphire ligature braces. At first I wanted self-ligating ones, but the orthodontist said that in my case I need such ones. After coloring the arc white, they are not visible on the teeth at all. I got used to them for about a week, but I've been wearing it for 7 months already, I'll take it off in a year."

Some of the best ceramic systems are manufactured by 3M - Clarity and Clarity Advanced. Braces are small, strong and transparent. Clarity has become a classic, while Clarity Advanced is more advanced (smaller size). Like other systems, 3M braces have technology to protect against caries during treatment.

Ormco make one of the best Inspire Ice sapphire ligature brackets. They have many advantages: high strength, high aesthetics, do not change color, comfortable and easy to care for. The downside is the rather high, but justified cost.


Installation of a ligature bracket system takes about 2 hours, self-ligating - 1.5 hours. To do this, the doctor prepares the oral cavity and teeth. He treats all diseases and conducts professional hygienic cleaning. During installation, the doctor prepares the necessary surface of the tooth: cleans, dries and applies a special glue. Next, brackets are placed on the teeth in a certain position. In order for the glue to harden, it is illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp.

After fixing the braces, a power arc is installed. To do this, it is placed in a special groove of the lock and fixed with a ligature around the perimeter of the bracket. This manipulation is performed on each tooth. When installing a self-ligating system, brackets are fixed in the same way. But the installation of the arc is different, it is simply placed in a special part of the lock, where it is fixed. After installation, the doctor gives advice and recommendations about treatment.

Braces Care

Treatment with braces requires careful dental care and an expensive bracket system. To do this, the hygienist must select necessary funds hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth regularly.

To protect the orthodontic structure from damage and changes, it is recommended to follow a diet. It is better to exclude from the diet solid, coarse food and foods that can stain the system (when treated with plastic or ceramic braces).

The most common, old and classic options are ligature metal or ceramic braces. Their price is the most affordable for patients, and reviews indicate the effectiveness of the bite correction system.

With all the variety of modern orthodontic products, it is quite difficult to make a choice. Here it is important to listen carefully to the doctor and follow his recommendations, as he knows better which one is suitable in each case.

Design features

Ligature bracket system - what is it? This type is a classic treatment for overbite and uneven teeth. This product consists of ordinary elements, and ligatures act as a distinctive detail - fastening the arc to the plates on the tooth.

The whole system consists of the following parts:

  • Directly braces, that is, plates with locks, placed on each individual tooth and fixed with dental glue. They have a special design and attachment point depending on the row problems. Their shape, size and placement are thought out specifically according to the drawn up treatment plan and marked in a special way so as not to be confused during the installation process.
  • The arch is a wire stretched through the grooves in each of the plates, and due to its natural tendency to straighten, the teeth are pulled into place. To facilitate the patient's sensations, they can be made of elastic materials, and as the treatment progresses, each time they are tightened or changed to another.
  • Ligatures - a fastener in the form of a miniature wire or elastic rings. They are designed to connect the two previous elements of the system - the arc and the plates. It is the ligatures that represent the whole difference in the structure of the structure, although the principle of treatment itself does not change.

For various aesthetic effects, such elements can be multi-colored, white, silver or completely transparent. How to choose them correctly depends on the design and material from which it will be made.

Interestingly, both white ligatures and yellow tend to emphasize the yellowness of the teeth. But blue and purple are considered universal, able to decorate the dentition, as well as hide minor operating defects - stuck pieces of food, an unpleasant shade of enamel and staining of the system from food.


Ligatures can be installed on almost all braces, which in themselves are quite different. For example, according to their location, they are divided into:

  1. Vestibular - the usual classic version, in which all the plates and arches are placed on the front of the dentition. They are noticeable to others, but much cheaper than everyone else.
  2. - created for those patients who care about how a smile looks and want to hide any elements. They are placed on the inner surface of the teeth, thereby completely hiding from prying eyes.

If we talk about a fairly wide variety of braces, then the materials used to create the structure are more often mentioned here:

  • - the simplest and cheapest, but very noticeable when worn. Due to their strength, they are difficult to break, and the bite is quickly corrected.
  • - in their shade can match the color natural enamel, due to which they are almost invisible on the teeth. True, some patients notice that such material is sometimes stained from colored food products or drinks.
  • - are considered the most expensive and beautiful. Due to their transparency, they are not visible during a conversation, and any food is not able to color the material and change its properties. Such a system is very expensive and not available to everyone. In addition, the fragility of this design is also distinguished with careless handling.
  • - used quite rarely, since they are very fragile, and treatment with their help takes much longer. But the price and invisibility are the most acceptable for patients.
  • Combined - provide an opportunity to improve the result of treatment, partially save on materials and at the same time make the design almost invisible to others. By placing ceramics on the front part of the dentition, and metal on the side, you can achieve a good compromise in price and quality.

With all the variety of bracket systems, the ligatures themselves are selected depending on the type and complexity of the treatment. The color is more oriented towards the material. For example, for sapphire, only transparent ones are chosen, and for metal products, silver ones.

Pros and cons

Despite the appearance in dentistry of various non-ligature bite correction systems, doctors do not refuse classic options. And all because ligature braces have their obvious advantages:

  • Some malocclusion and teeth alignment cannot be corrected with any other system, this case they are indispensable structures.
  • Such elements lead to good results treatment in a fairly short time, as additional fasteners increase the impact on the dentition.
  • When choosing ceramic or sapphire options, you can easily change the color of the rubber bands, stopping at transparent or snow-white shades.
  • The affordability of braces remains one of the main criteria for most of the population.
  • Color variety is very popular with children and adolescents, as it makes it possible to emphasize their individuality and decorate the dentition with their help.
  • The installation of rubber elastic ligatures facilitates the process of wearing structures.
  • With metal fasteners, the healing speed is significantly increased, which reduces total time corrections.
  • Even if the ligatures are stained from food, the doctor often changes them to new ones, completely updating the appearance.

True, such systems also have disadvantages:

  • sometimes there is additional friction between the arc and the plates, which can delay the treatment process;
  • due to the stretching of the rubber elements, they often have to be replaced;
  • the presence of ligatures complicates the care of teeth and braces;
  • using iron wire fasteners, you can count on the acceleration of the correction, but at the same time there will be pain in a patient;
  • rubber ligatures can be stained from food products, but, as we already mentioned, they are often changed, so this is not a critical factor;
  • due to the many elements, the design turns out to be cumbersome and causes additional discomfort, especially during the period of addiction.

The principle of operation of ligature braces

It is worth noting that regardless of the presence of ligatures, their types or total absence, the main function of the product does not change. The most important element in this regard is the spring arc, which is installed in all cases. It is due to her desire to straighten the dentition that becomes in place.

The importance of regular visits to the dentist during the treatment process is that you need to periodically tighten the arch itself or install another one. How often do ligatures change? They should also be reinstalled, but this will already depend on their variety. For example, metal ones are so strong that they can be carried throughout the entire period of treatment. But the doctor changes the rubber elements at each visit.

In any case, you need to prepare for a long period of correction and not violate the recommendations of the dentist, otherwise it will lead to nothing. There are such stages of bite treatment with the help of ligature systems:

  1. First, an examination and additional x-ray diagnostics are required. At this point, the doctor determines the complexity of the defect and draws up a treatment plan. Also on this stage design is chosen. The patient can only determine the material from which it will be made and the shade of the fasteners themselves.
  2. Next, you definitely need to go through a series of therapeutic measures in the form of eliminating caries or inflammation, and, since the treatment process will drag on for several years, and caring for your teeth will be difficult.
  3. Most milestone– installation of each bracket in its place. To do this, in the laboratory they are marked according to which tooth needs to be fixed. The whole result of treatment will depend on the accuracy and accuracy of the work of the doctor.
  4. After installation give general recommendations care of the system and appoint the frequency of visits dental office to control the correction process and periodically tighten the arch or replace ligatures. You shouldn't miss these tricks!
  5. To consolidate the result after removing the braces, the patient is prescribed special plates -. Their function is to hold the new position of the dental units in place so that they return to their previous state immediately after the completion of the treatment.

Popular manufacturing companies

Almost all companies that produce orthodontic structures, have ligature variants in their assortment. Each dentist prefers to work with some proven products and will offer you a limited number of them. The most common and in the best way The following are considered proven:

  • Sprint;
  • maset;
  • Victory;
  • marquis;
  • pilot;
  • tiger;
  • Alexander.

The whole principle of the structure of the structures of these companies and their work is similar, and the quality of the elements and materials is of a high level.

Video: changing ligatures on braces. What color to choose?


The total cost of bracket systems consists of several points:

  • doctor's professionalism;
  • choice of material;
  • fastening methods;
  • location of structures;
  • complexity of the defect.

So, in order to determine how much ligature braces cost, you need to find out, at a minimum, whether they will be vestibular or lingual, as well as ceramic, metal or even sapphire.

The average price range fluctuates around 3500 rubles for one plate with a ligature. But it should be understood that a lingual or sapphire system will be two to three times more expensive than a metal one.

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