Why curved arc on braces. Orthodontic arch replacement. Carrying out the replacement of the white arch in the case of treatment with ceramic braces

Snow-white teeth look very attractive, but you should immediately learn for yourself - so unnatural whiteness is not an indicator of good health, and yellowness of teeth is not an indicator of illness.

But many are wondering - why did the teeth turn yellow and is it possible to whiten long-yellowed teeth, as is the case in the dental office and at home? All this is quite real - the main thing at the very beginning is to understand the cause of the appearance of yellowness and proceed from this.

But there are tools that will help you effectively whiten your teeth, regardless of the causes of yellowness. They can be purchased on the iHerb website at affordable and affordable prices.

  • . A feature of the paste is a unique concentrated formula of 23 natural extracts. One tube lasts three times longer than regular toothpaste. The product has a pleasant mint taste and a safe composition. The paste does not contain fluoride, gluten, parabens, artificial colors, sweeteners and ingredients of animal origin. Despite the fact that there are no bleaching agents in the composition, the paste effectively helps to get rid of the yellowness of the teeth, thanks to a special combination of herbal ingredients.
  • This toothpaste is natural and free of fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, gluten and parabens. Therefore, it is suitable for both adults and children from 2 years old. The paste has a refreshing mint flavor and gently whitens teeth. The main feature of this product is the natural component xylitol (25%), which restores the natural acid-base balance in the oral cavity, protecting teeth from caries. Teeth become visibly whiter and stronger!

  • The action of this paste is aimed at the effective removal of plaque and calculus with simultaneous gentle whitening. The composition of the product does not include fluorine and lauryl sulfate, as well as artificial dyes. A feature of this brand is the rejection of harsh chemicals in the composition of products, so both children and adults can safely use it.

Speaking about such a phenomenon as yellow teeth, the reasons for their appearance, it is enough to highlight that there are a lot of the latter - in particular, tooth enamel is subject to frequent changes in tone, especially after an intensive course of whitening with a laser or chemical compositions. But, speaking about why the teeth turned yellow, the reasons for such a reaction of the body, among the latter it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Heredity- if one of the parents had a natural yellow tint of teeth, then the child will have yellowish teeth from the first days of life.
  2. Cigarette abuse Smoking is the main cause of yellowing of tooth enamel. This also applies to those who smoke simple cigarettes and indulge in hookah - at first the enamel turns slightly yellow, which darkens quite intensively over time. Why teeth are yellow from cigarettes and hookah - neither cigarette filters nor water in a hookah cleans the air drawn in when smoking from nicotine, smog and tar, which stain the enamel.
  3. Excessive consumption of tea and coffee- if the teeth turn yellow sharply and the person abuses these drinks, respectively, the reason should be sought in this relationship.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Taking potent medications can also lead the patient to a natural question - why did the tooth enamel turn yellow. In this case, taking antibiotics related to the tetracycline series can provoke yellowness of the enamel.

Dyes present in food and drinks - most of them are present in wine and carbonated drinks, juices and beets, carrots. Excessive consumption of them in the daily diet leads to darkening and yellowing.

Sweets - their consumption, especially by a child, leads not only to the development of caries and damage to the enamel, but also to its darkening.

Changes that occur in the body and provoked by age-related changes. It is with age that human teeth darken and acquire a yellowish color due to the formation of secondary dentin on the teeth. If a tooth becomes very yellow at the age of 70, this is quite normal.

Braces on the teeth, which complicate the process of cleaning the teeth with a paste and the entire oral hygiene - this applies to those cases when they are not removed 24 hours a day, and yellow spots will appear at the place of their junction.

Other reasons - why teeth turned yellow sharply

It could be:

  1. Insufficient hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth, which ultimately leads not only to the fact that the front tooth turned yellow, but also changed its shade and all the others. Gradually, plaque can harden and transform into tartar - it will have to be removed by the dentist.
  2. Consumption of water with a high content of iron - it is this chemical element that greatly changes the color and tone of the enamel. A similar situation is typical for the most part for residents of rural areas, where water is taken from a well and is not passed through a filter.
  3. The presence of common diseases in the patient. In this regard, when diagnosing diseases such as jaundice or fluorosis, kidney problems and Anderson's disease, the patient will face the fact that the teeth have turned yellow sharply, the causes of which should be sought in the diagnosis.

If we talk about professional teeth whitening, for this the dentist can use gels and overhead whitening caps, as well as a laser and other techniques. But if such a very expensive pleasure is too expensive, but the question is yellow teeth, what should be done especially acutely, then you should turn to folk remedies.

Speaking of how to whiten yellowed teeth at home, the following inexpensive, but very affordable cleansing products are in service.

  1. Baking soda- many dentists consider this tool to be a very effective and at the same time safe way to make teeth whiter. You can brush your teeth with just one soda or add it to the whitening paste, enhancing its effect.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. If we talk about how to clean yellow teeth at home, it is this tool that is considered the most popular in the home arsenal. The higher the percentage of peroxide concentration and the more it is kept on the teeth, the whiter the teeth will be. The only disadvantage of this procedure is that if the peroxide gets through the crack on the dental nerve, the patient will feel some burning and discomfort, but after a couple of weeks you can see an excellent result.

How to whiten yellowed teeth?

Here strawberries and wild strawberries can come to the rescue - tasty and beautiful. It is enough to knead the berry to the state of gruel and use it as toothpaste. It is these berries that contain whitening components, but due to the fact that they contain natural sugar and acids, after such cleaning you will have to go through your teeth with toothpaste containing fluorine.

Wood ash - it is she who contains potassium hydroxide, which acts as a natural whitener of tooth enamel. But due to the fact that this component not only whitens, but also destroys tooth enamel, it is not recommended to use it for a long time.

Take care of oral hygiene and health and always be in a great mood!

A Hollywood smile is the dream of everyone who is attentive to their appearance. Today, from the screens of cinemas, the pages of magazines and advertising posters, cheerful white-toothed people look at us. With the light hand of marketers, snow-white enamel has become an indicator of health, well-being and well-being. But in reality, not everyone can boast of white teeth. The yellow color of a smile is a problem common to both adults and children. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and what measures should be taken - let's figure it out.

yellow teeth naturally

Sometimes the yellowness of the teeth is natural. To understand the essence of this phenomenon, you need to delve into the structure of the tooth. The top layer - enamel - is actually not white, as we used to think, but transparent. Dentin is the tissue under the enamel that is responsible for the color of the tooth. It can naturally have different shades - white, gray, yellow and even blue. If your teeth have a uniform yellow tint since childhood, you can not worry about their health. It's just that you are the owner of yellow dentine. This is not a signal of any disease and does not require special measures. Moreover, yellowness is a hereditary factor. Therefore, it is likely that your children will get such a smile.

This is interesting: as a rule, the fangs of a person are much yellower than the rest of the teeth. This is due to the fact that they are the strongest and most saturated with dentin.

External factors causing yellowing of the enamel

If the yellowness of the teeth is uneven and appears over time, there can be no question of congenitality. The reasons must be sought in your habits and state of health.

  • Smoking and other bad habits. Yellow teeth are the scourge of every smoker. The peculiarity of resin plaque is that it quickly eats into the enamel, hardens and is difficult to remove, gradually changing color from yellow to dark brown.
There is an opinion among fans of hookahs that this method of smoking does not affect the condition of the enamel. However, this is a misconception: a hookah, unlike cigarettes, does not have a filter, so yellowing occurs even faster. Source: flickr (RyAwesome).
  • Red wine can also provoke darkening of the enamel, seeping into the dentin through microdamages in the enamel.
  • Abuse of bleaching procedures.

In pursuit of snow-white smiles, we can sometimes actively use various whitening methods, including acid ones. Paradoxical as it may seem, the result of such manipulations can be the opposite: acids destroy the enamel, damage the tooth and only aggravate its yellowness.

  • Wearing braces

Sometimes braces are simply necessary to align the bite. But they complicate the process of hygiene. In addition, in the case of using low-quality material, prolonged contact of braces with enamel can provoke the appearance of yellow spots.

  • Taking antibiotics

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group can strongly and permanently stain the enamel yellow, especially in case of long-term use.

  • Food habits

Excessive consumption of sugar and foods containing dyes also adversely affect the appearance of the teeth.

  • diets

Sitting down on the next diet, remember: a deficiency of minerals and trace elements in the diet can adversely affect the color of the enamel. Do not sacrifice a beautiful smile in favor of a thin waist.

  • Age changes

Alas, the aging process also affects our enamel. Gradually, it becomes thinner, the process of formation of secondary dentin begins. All this causes a noticeable yellowing of the teeth in the elderly.

  • Injuries

If not all teeth turn yellow, but only one or several, remember if they were injured in any way. Sometimes such yellowness is the result of damage to the pulpal region during an accident, a fall, a blow, and even a careless action by a dentist.

  • Insufficient hygiene

Of course, getting snow-white enamel only with a toothbrush will not work. But it is possible to aggravate her condition by neglecting regular brushing of teeth. Leftover food residues begin to destroy the tooth, cause the development of pathogenic bacteria and can lead to serious dental problems.

  • Serious illnesses

Sometimes yellow teeth signal the presence of dangerous diseases. Incorrect work of the adrenal glands and kidneys, fluorosis, jaundice, blood diseases and Addison's disease can provoke yellowing of the enamel.

This is important: before you start whitening your teeth, visit a doctor and make sure that the root of the problem is not dangerous diseases that you ignore.

  • Water condition

If the water in the tap is not filtered enough and is oversaturated with minerals, including iron, its regular use can also cause yellowing of the teeth. In such a situation, a local water filter can solve the problem.

This is interesting: a common myth is based on the influence of iron on the whiteness of teeth that the enamel turns yellow from apples. This is not true. The iron in apples is not enough for this effect. So their regular use, on the contrary, strengthens the condition of the teeth.

Yellow teeth in children

The problem of yellowing of enamel in childhood is not as common as in adults, but it also occurs.

Often the root of the problem of yellowing teeth in childhood lies in the inability of the child to properly brush his teeth. Therefore, this aspect of education must be given special attention. Source: flickr (Blake Gumprecht).

The main reasons for this phenomenon in children:

  1. Heredity. A "yellow" smile can be obtained along with parental genes. In this case, alas, bleaching is unlikely to give a result. But there is nothing special to worry about here - in this case, yellowness does not mean a disease.
  2. Poor oral hygiene.
  3. Maternal drug use during pregnancy. Certain groups of drugs can not only provoke a darkening of the enamel in a woman, but also affect the color of future teeth in the fetus. The good news is that, as a rule, only milk teeth are affected in this case. Indigenous will be white.
  4. congenital diseases. In rare cases, the cause of the yellow color of the enamel lies in diseases - congenital imperfect dentinogenesis or amelogenesis. The percentage of such cases is low, but even it is a sufficient reason to show the child to the doctor before starting treatment for yellowness of the teeth.

Homeopathy for White Enamel

The whiteness of teeth today is not a gift of nature, but a phenomenon that requires effort. If you didn’t get yellow teeth by nature, you can prevent this smile color. But you need to give up bad habits, be vigilant about your health, monitor oral hygiene and nutrition, and take timely action if the problem makes itself felt.

For the sake of a snow-white smile, it is not necessary to immediately go for a dental cleaning, or start home whitening with dubious means. may also help solve the problem.

The most popular homeopathic remedies for yellowing of the enamel:

  1. (Silicea). Homeopathic dilutions of Silicea have a beneficial effect on the entire body. But the teeth are especially grateful to him. The tool strengthens the enamel, contributes to its whiteness, and also improves oral hygiene by neutralizing acids in food residues.
  2. (Symphytum). Homeopathic dilutions of comfrey promote tissue repair. Including enamels. If the reason for the yellowness of the teeth is damage to the upper layer, symphytum will solve this problem.
  3. There are also homeopathic toothpastes that include a set of components responsible for oral health and a whiter smile. One of the most popular is Belka K. In addition to the two components already listed above, it contains six more active homeopathic components.
  4. From other homeopathic remedies, you can also highlight the granules "Plantago Plus" (Plantago Plus). In addition to the healing effect, they also prevent yellowing of the enamel and the formation of plaque.

Orthodontic arch - the main element of the system, which combines braces (plates or locks), which plays a key role in correcting malocclusion.

What is the procedure for replacing this product, and when might it be necessary?

Everyone who is going to install a bracket system should know the answers to these questions.

Timing of treatment and frequency of revisions

Wearing braces is a painstaking and lengthy process. With minor bite defects, the treatment period can last from 1 month to a year. If the change in the position of the dentition is too pronounced, then its correction can be delayed for 1.5-2 years.

During all this time, the patient, on average, will need to replace the orthodontic arch three times (at the beginning, middle and end of treatment).

But the number of visits to a specialist for this purpose may be more frequent. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's physiology and the medical approach in the treatment of a particular case.

Also, the replacement of the wire may be required due to its mechanical damage.


In orthodontics, there are two main reasons why a strength element in a bracket system can be replaced:

  • treatment correction(change in stiffness);
  • deformation or complete failure element.

Patients are less likely to visit specialists for the second reason. This is due to the fact that medicine does not stand still, and materials for the manufacture of structural elements of braces have become more durable, and the system itself is more reliable.

During the correction of the treatment, the doctor makes an individual change in the load on each tooth separately. These manipulations allow you to control the smallest changes in the direction of the position of the dentition and track the progress of the entire therapy.

Planned manipulations

At the beginning of treatment, weak and thin products with a round section are used. Due to their elasticity and plasticity, they seem to prepare the teeth for the upcoming therapy.

During the period of use of power elements, the patient may not feel visible discomfort. Nickel-titanium products are used for these purposes.

Then the models are replaced by elements with a wider section that increase the load. They allow you to move not only the supragingival part of the teeth, but also the roots. With these products, the active part of the bite treatment begins.

At the end of the course square-section products are used. Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve the final alignment of the bite and the correct position of the teeth.

The replacement of power products during therapy is not used only in some types of systems and with small bite defects.

Procedure steps

During treatment, the patient regularly visits the orthodontist's office. During the examination, the doctor can make a small adjustment of the load, or completely replace the orthodontic arch. The decision is made on the basis of an assessment of the dynamics.

Replacing the archwire is a quick and painless process. In the course of work, the doctor uses various tools:

  • tongs for removing and installing wire;
  • distal nippers, shortening the product;
  • forceps, contouring bends and loops.

If the specialist considers it necessary to carry out a replacement, then the elastic bands are removed from the bracket system or the locks are opened. Then the spent wire is removed and replaced with a new one.

The procedure will not take the patient much time, but has one of the key values ​​in the process of bite correction.

Due to changes in the load on the dentition, the first days after the procedure, the patient may experience pain and discomfort in the oral cavity.

Rules for successful correction

Unfortunately, there are cases when the treatment with braces did not bring any results, or was delayed for a long time.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow two simple rules:

  1. Trust the doctor. All procedures for replacing and adjusting the wire tension should only be carried out by a specialist. Self-intervention in the treatment process is fraught with serious consequences.
  2. You can not delay the visit to the orthodontist. The doctor always indicates the exact timing of the visit to his office. Violation of the schedule can lead to an aggravation of the situation with malocclusion.

If during treatment with a bracket system, a breakdown occurs, you should immediately visit a specialist.

The deformation of this element is fraught with the return of the teeth to their original position if the visit to the orthodontist is postponed too long.

The video shows the process of replacing the arc on the braces.


For many people, replacing an orthodontic archwire means another “step towards the meeting” to the smile of their dreams.

Therefore, it is often possible to see admiring reviews of patients after this procedure.

It is important to remember that you can only trust the beauty of your teeth to specialists in this field. Then the smile will please not only you, but also those around you.

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Let's start with the fact that braces are a non-removable structure, consisting of numerous parts. Each of the elements of the braces system performs a specific function, due to which wearing braces allows you to achieve the main goal - to make your smile perfect.

The bracket system consists of the following elements:

  • bracket plates: they are attached to the surface of the teeth with a special fluorine-containing cement, have a groove and wings (these parts of the plates ensure their connection with the rest of the bracket system);
  • rings: they are worn on distant teeth (6,7 and 8 molars);
  • archwire for braces: it is the most active element of the structure, it is inserted into the grooves of the bracket plates and tied to their wings with special fixators - ligatures;
  • ligatures: they can look like elastic rings or small pieces of wire.

The arc is a long piece of orthodontic wire with a different cross section. For its manufacture, special alloys are used that have flexibility, elasticity and the so-called shape memory - the ability to return to its original state, no matter what shape the wire is given in the future. It is the "shape memory" of the archwire that makes braces such an effective method of correcting an overbite.

In the manufacture of the bracket system, the orthodontic arch on special equipment is given the shape of the correct dentition. During the installation of braces, it is inserted into the grooves of the plates and fixed with ligatures (or snapped with locks in non-ligature systems).

Further, in the course of orthodontic treatment, the arc will tend to return to its original shape, moving along with it the plates of the braces and the teeth attached to them. Due to this, the elimination of orthodontic anomalies and alignment of the dentition takes place.

What are arcs?

We figured out the purpose of the arch for braces, now let's talk about their types. First of all, the arcs differ depending on which jaw the structure is installed on - the upper or lower, respectively, they are for the upper and lower dentition. The material for the manufacture of this structural element can be:

  • high quality stainless steel (marked with the abbreviation SS) - is used most often, does not cause allergic reactions, does not oxidize in conditions of constant humidity, has a low cost and optimal rigidity;
  • titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA marking will be indicated on the wire) - these are moderately rigid elements with elasticity that is optimal for the middle of treatment;
  • titanium nickel alloy (marking Ni-Ti) - even more elastic than the options described above, exert moderate pressure on the dentition;
  • alloy titanium copper nickel (denoted Cu-Ni-Ti) - the elasticity of the material allows it to be used in the early stages of treatment, when it is necessary to exert minimal pressure on the dentition.

At different stages of treatment, arcs with different sections are used. There are 3 options: round, square and rectangular section. At the initial stages of orthodontic treatment, a round arch is installed for the patient, later it is changed to square and rectangular.

In addition, the arc can be monolithic, representing one solid piece of wire, or woven from several pieces of a smaller diameter.

Which of the types of arches for braces to use is decided by the orthodontist in each case separately. It depends on the degree of curvature of the teeth, the type of abnormal bite of the patient, his individual characteristics, the treatment budget.


The orthodontic archwire is attached in the bracket groove and exerts pressure or traction on the teeth, forcing them into the correct position in the gum. All this happens very slowly (sometimes the treatment can take 1.5-2 years), but almost painlessly.

Orthodontic arches are distinguished by many features.

  1. Classification by material used:
  2. Arcs of steel - a classic variety, they are made either from solid wire or from the interlacing of several thin wires. They are most often used at the initial stage of bite correction;
  3. Arcs made of an alloy of molybdenum and titanium are much more elastic; they are used by dentists in the first months of dental bite correction. These arcs have a small traction, which has a positive effect on the movement of teeth;
  4. Arches made of an alloy of titanium and nickel are highly elastic and are easily mounted in a bracket system. Dentists prefer to use them at the first stage of therapy. There are thermally dependent elements that change their properties under the influence of temperatures. Temperature-dependent arcs help to significantly reduce the treatment period and the number of visits to the dentist;
  5. Arcs made of an alloy of copper, titanium and nickel are hypoallergenic and are used in the middle period of wearing braces. Their rigidity is average and allows you to reduce visits to the dental office to change the arches;
  6. Differentiation by section shape:
  7. With a round section - used at the initial stage of bite correction
  8. Arcs of a square section are well fixed in the bracket grooves, rigid, used in the middle of medical therapy;
  9. Arcs of rectangular section are rigid, perfectly fixed and fit tightly to the teeth. They are used at the end of treatment to consolidate the achieved result.
  10. Classification of orthodontic archwires according to their purpose:
  11. Designed for the upper jaw;
  12. For the lower jaw.

The choice of arches at a particular stage of bite correction in a patient lies entirely on the shoulders of the attending physician: only he, observing the condition of the patient's teeth, can determine when it is time to change the arch to a more rigid one.

In different periods of treatment, arcs from different materials are used, which have a number of certain properties:

  • High quality steel - low cost and good performance. In most cases, this is the choice.
  • An alloy of titanium and molybdenum is used at the stage of the main treatment. The alloy does not cause allergies, has moderate hardness and good elasticity.
  • An alloy of titanium and nickel is characterized by high elasticity. It exerts pressure on the dentition of medium intensity, therefore it is used at the beginning of treatment.
  • An alloy of titanium, copper and nickel differs from the above in that this alloy has a minimal effect on the dentition.

The shape of the cross section of the arc is round, square and rectangular. According to the place of attachment, arcs for the upper and lower jaws are distinguished.

Replacing the arc for braces in Moscow is carried out, on average, 3 times for the entire time of wearing. However, there are exceptions. So, unplanned situations happen when the arc breaks for one reason or another.

The professionalism of the orthodontists of our clinic, modern equipment, the use of advanced innovative technologies along with affordable prices are the components of success in the treatment of malocclusion.


There are two main indications for replacement:

  1. planned procedure. The doctor initially indicates the number of visits to replace the wire. Subsequently, the figure may be adjusted due to individual characteristics.
  2. The arc broke or flew out. There are many reasons - improper selection of food, impact, poor-quality work, insufficient screed.

While wearing the system, do not eat hard and viscous food (chewing gum, chewing candy, marmalade, nuts, etc.). Such food contributes to the detachment of the bracket and there is a risk of deformation or breakage of structural elements.

Timing of treatment and frequency of revisions

The timing of wearing any system in the mouth varies depending on the complexity of the defect.

Below are the averages:

  • Mild form - six months;
  • The average form is up to one and a half years;
  • High degree of curvature - up to 2.5 years.

The timing is influenced by the individual characteristics of the jaw - someone's teeth align faster than the above indicators, someone has to wear systems longer.

Bracket system consists of:

  • Braces. Small iron locks located in the middle of the tooth rarely need to be reconstructed. Exceptions are the consequences of blows to the jaw or poorly selected hard food.
  • Ligature. Simply put, elastic bands for fixing the power element in the grooves of the locks.
  • Arcs. An alloy of metal, which is a wire, which is the connecting link of the system, distributing uniform pressure on the dentition.

In order for the treatment to proceed more efficiently, the power elements are changed, depending on the treatment plan - about 5 times during the entire period of treatment.

The time difference is also determined by the doctor during the correction process, so be sure that the wire can be replaced 5 times with an interval of a month, or 3 times with an interval of 3-4 months.

The arc provides the necessary uniform pressure and traction, while forcing the elements of the jaw row to move in the right direction.

During movement, the action of the traction element weakens, so it is impossible to do without replacement.

Prices for archwires for braces in Moscow

If therapy does not give the desired result, they resort to a surgical method of treatment. At the same time, various intervention options are used, depending on the degree of neglect of the process. In the most extreme cases, they resort to tooth extraction.

Untimely treatment of periodontitis can also lead to the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues of the maxillofacial zone, up to the destruction of bone tissue. That is why it is so important to seek dental care on time.

Our clinic strives for the most sparing treatment and is aimed at preserving teeth that were previously subject to extraction. This is facilitated by the high professionalism of specialists, equipment of high-quality modern equipment.

So how much do white braces cost in Moscow? The cost of plastic braces in Moscow will be approximately 40,000 rubles for both jaws, although today almost no one works with them. As for ceramic structures, their price for white ceramic braces starts from 45,000 rubles per jaw, without taking into account the cost of the treatment itself.

Sapphire braces with a white arc cost at least 10,000 rubles more - see all prices here. The white arches themselves, if you are going to order them separately, will cost you about 2,000 rubles for both jaws - a little more expensive than ordinary metal ones, so their presence will not greatly affect the cost of the structure. In addition, they can always be purchased in addition or, conversely, replaced with metal ones.

Procedure steps

To carry out the replacement, the doctor will need the following tools:

  • Forceps that remove and install arcs;
  • Nippers that regulate the length of power elements;
  • Forceps for contouring bends and loops.

The procedure itself looks like this:

  1. The orthodontist examines the oral cavity, checks the reliability of the fixation of each lock.
  2. Next, the doctor proceeds to replace. The patient opens his mouth wide (for convenience, a retractor can be used) and the doctor, having opened the locks or removed the ligatures, removes the arc from the grooves.
  3. Aseptic processing is carried out, and then another model is installed, which is fixed in the same sequence as the previous power element. The replacement process is quick and painless.

Pain symptoms may begin after a few hours or the next day, as the teeth tighten even more than the previous time. After about a week, the patient adapts and no longer remembers that the strength element was replaced.

Orthodontics is a relatively young area of ​​dentistry. But today it has reached a high level.

If a few years ago braces were bulky and scary in appearance, and the treatment of pathologies of the dentoalveolar row stretched for years, now everything is completely different.

Bracket systems have become more aesthetic, and the correction is faster. And all this, thanks to the development of innovative methods and materials, the improvement of design details.

But, as before, it is often necessary to change their main element - the arc.

Timing of treatment and frequency of revisions

The process of correcting the closing of the jaws and correcting the position in the rows of individual dental elements, depending on the severity of the defect, takes from a year to 2-2.5 years.

This period is always individual and depends on many factors, such as:

  • quality of the jawbone;
  • patient's age;
  • speed of movement of teeth;
  • the relationship of the individual to the treatment itself.

Therefore, the number of visits to the orthodontist to correct the course of bite correction and evaluate its effectiveness is considered for each case separately. This process basically involves replacing the arch (although other, less significant manipulations can be carried out).

The wire on the braces during orthodontic treatment changes throughout its entire length. Usually, replacement is carried out three times over the entire period.: after several months of wearing the design, in the middle of the process and at the end.

With complex defects of the dentoalveolar apparatus, when the duration of bite correction stretches for years, the number of replacements increases accordingly.

Each new element differs from the previous one in greater rigidity. A gradual increase in the rigidity of these products is necessary to gradually increase the pressure on the dental units.

But exactly how many times during the entire period of treatment the replacement will have to be repeated, not a single doctor can say. This is always due to an individual approach to correction, the complexity of the bite and many force majeure circumstances.


The rearrangement of the power arc on the braces occurs only in two situations:

  1. To correct the course of treatment.
  2. When an element fails.

In the first case, this is necessary to increase pressure on the teeth. To do this, the wire is not twisted, but replaced with a new one.

In the second case, the main reason for replacement is the breakdown of the arc(this happens with injury or improper care).

As practice shows, for this reason, patients turn to the orthodontist in isolated cases, since the quality of modern wires and braces is very different from the samples of the past, and rarely break. The materials from which they are made today reduce this possibility to almost zero.

Important! When adjusting the treatment, the arches from both jaws always change, when replacing an unusable one - only one (it is set identical in rigidity to the previous one).

Planned manipulations

Correcting the bite with braces involves creating a certain force on the teeth, under which they will begin to move and take the correct position. The force necessary for alignment can be created using arcs.

Changing these elements throughout the correction, the doctor each time puts a harder wire than the previous one. Strengthening the rigidity allows you to increase the pressure acting on the teeth, thus, it is possible to move in a certain direction.

At the first stage of treatment, a weak arc is always placed. Its impact is minimal, and it only prepares the dental elements for movement. With each subsequent replacement, the effect only intensifies, which allows you to correct the bite.

Such an increase in pressure is carried out until the desired result is obtained, and only then the wire is completely removed along with the entire structure.

Procedure steps

The rearrangement of the strength element takes place during a scheduled visit to the orthodontist after evaluating the result of treatment. If there is a change in the position of the dental units (compared to the last visit), the doctor decides to place a new wire with stronger pressure.

Based on the type of construction, locks are opened for replacement, or ligatures are removed. Then the arc is removed from the grooves, and a new one is installed in its place.

When working, the orthodontist uses special forceps to remove and then install the element, distal nippers, which shorten the arc, and contour forceps.

The procedure is quick and painless for the patient. But still, some discomfort and slight soreness may be experienced during the first few days due to increased pressure on the teeth.

The substitutions differ in position. There is a vestibular (external) type substitution, when the process is performed from the outside of the tooth surface. And there is also a lingual type, when all actions are carried out from the inside (lingual) side.

Important! Any attempt to independently extract or tension the arc may affect the course of correction of the defect of the dentoalveolar apparatus. Therefore, any manipulations should be carried out by a specialist.

In most medical institutions, the replacement procedure is paid separately (the price usually includes the work of a doctor and the cost of the element itself).

In a situation where a person has to go to another clinic to replace the arc due to its breakdown, specialists there are not always ready to take on such a “one-time” procedure.

If the rearrangement was not refused, then a contract for aftercare is necessarily concluded with the patient. It provides for payment not only for the change process itself, but also for the development of a new defect correction plan and removal.

The video shows the operation to change the arches during orthodontic treatment with braces.

In orthodontics, there are several important rules that help the patient achieve the desired result in the treatment of braces:

  1. Trust a specialist. All procedures for changing the wire, gluing the plates, correcting the device itself should be performed only in the clinic. Independent intervention in the process of correcting a defect always leads to a disastrous result.
  2. Observe the terms of visits to the doctor and follow all his recommendations. Skipping visits leads to improper movement of the teeth, due to which the timing of bite correction can be stretched and not give the desired result.

If during treatment, for any reason, a power element breaks down, a person needs to immediately come to the clinic, since a broken wire cannot hold the dental elements in position for a long time.

When the visit is postponed for any reason, the teeth begin to return to their original place.

The well-being of the patient also plays an important role in the outcome of treatment. If any discomfort occurs while wearing braces, doctors advise seeking professional help.

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