The kitten sharpens its claws. How to wean a cat to tear a sofa - possible means and methods. Coatings to which the cat is indifferent

From the moment you decided to get a cat, you had to go a long way - this is accustoming a pet to a tray, fighting for the rights of the owner of the house, grinding in characters ... It would seem that it's time to enjoy life, sitting in the evenings with a soft rumbling ball on your knees, but no – there is a new problem! Do not despair - a cat can be weaned from tearing up furniture, even if for this you will have to spend a lot of effort and patience. Many owners consider such behavior to be destructive, punishing it in every possible way, but for the pets themselves, it is quite natural, associated with mental and physiological needs. Today we will figure out together how to wean a cat to tear up furniture, consider the best ways and give a lot of useful tips.

The cat was originally a wild carnivorous animal, which is ideally suited for hunting. Not for nothing that a cat the size of a tiger would be (hypothetically) five times more dangerous than him. Yes, and her body structure is appropriate - a mustache that serves as a locator to assess the distance to obstacles, a tail that provides maneuverability, and claws that must be in perfect condition, because they perform many functions. Therefore, do not be surprised if your pet starts tearing up furniture or wallpaper.

In general, all the reasons why a cat is engaged in this unpleasant business for the owner can be reduced to a small list:

  • manicure(during sharpening, the animal removes the stratum corneum from its claws. Instead, new sharp claws appear);
  • relieving nervous tension(angry or frightened cats usually relieve stress this way);
  • warm-up(the pet “warms up” the muscles, like an athlete);
  • territory marking(on the furniture there is a smell of sweat allocated by the sweat glands located on the paws);
  • skills training(Clawing is a very ancient hunting skill that is practically not used by modern cats; nevertheless, it is embedded in the genes).

Note! If a cat rips off the chair in which you like to spend your free evenings, then it speaks of its sympathy and trust.

Weaning a cat to tear up furniture

There are many ways that can help you stop your pet from scratching furniture. Let's start with the most popular.

1. Loud sounds, voice command

With each attempt of the cat to sharpen its claws on interior items, say loudly and sharply “No!”, “No!”, “Shhh!”. Continue like this until the pet retreats from its goals.

Note! Do not swear at the cat when she has already sharpened her claws. Do this before or during the first few seconds of turning, so that this activity is associated with punishment. The cat must understand why you are scolding him.

Another effective way to wean from a "bad" habit is regular baby rattles. You can buy a rattle or make it yourself - for example, put a few coins in a metal jar (found in the kitchen), clog it and always keep it near you. Noticing that the cat wants to mischief again, take the jar and rattle it strongly. The animal will quickly run into the next room, because it does not like such strong sounds. Rattle each time to consolidate the learned material!

Air balloons- another good "sound" method of education, albeit not the most convenient for the owner. Inflate and tie a few balloons, fix them at the crime scene. The trap should be designed so that one of the balls burst during the next point of the claws. A loud sound will scare away the animal and the next time it will be afraid to approach the ill-fated chair.

Cats, as you know, do not like water procedures, so why not take advantage of this? Fill a spray bottle with water and spray your pet every time he intends to sharpen his claws in a prohibited area. But do not forget that such a "shower" is effective only before the incident or within five minutes after it, otherwise the animal simply does not understand what it is being punished for. Unpleasant sensations, as in the previous case, should be associated with a “crime”.

  • Protective cases. They are pulled over furniture not only to protect against pets, but also to cover torn fabric. According to manufacturers, elastic covers are not very suitable for cat activities due to mobility and low stability. It is quite easy to clean and wash stretch covers, and their cost is noticeably lower than a new chair.
  • "Soft Claws". If you don't want to mess around with covers, rattles, duct tape, and more, you can pay attention to the claws of the animal. For example, special silicone tips can be put on the claws of the front paws, which repeat the shape of the claw and are attached to the glue, but do not restrict reflex movements. That is, the claws will be quietly retracted and released. Tellingly, such caps come off together with the stratum corneum after 2 months, but if desired, they can be glued again.
  • Removal of claws. A radical method that only heartless owners resort to. Onychectomy is a surgical operation in which the claws are amputated along with the phalanges of the fingers. As a result, the pet becomes disabled - the coordination of his movements is disturbed, the cat loses balance all the time, cannot stay on the hills, his spine hurts, his posture is disturbed. If such an animal gets into the street, it will be completely defenseless there.
  • What Not to Do

    People for the most part do not know that their prohibitions and threats do not work on cats. The animal will always do what it wants, regardless of your opinion. Therefore, when weaning Vaska from a bad habit, remember some important points.

    1. You can not resort to any physical punishment (the pet will hold a grudge and will definitely take revenge on you).
    2. Shame the cat only during the "crime" (belated notations will not enlighten him).
    3. You can not throw away the old scratching post, the smell of which is familiar to the animal (it will learn a new one with great difficulty).
    4. Finally, you can’t yell at a cat (use intonation, but not the volume of your voice).

    Owners of cats who exercise every day are lucky in this regard, because any tree is a big scratching post, for the operation of which no one will swear.

    Video - Wean a cat to sharpen its claws on furniture

    How to buy a cat?

    If you are interested in whether there are “well-mannered” breeds of cats in the world, then you are forced to disappoint - alas, there are none. But there are some practical tips that will help you when buying a pet:

    • buy a three or four month old kitten(the character is already indicated, and the owners probably taught him how to use a scratching post);
    • give preference to breeds that are focused on communication with humans(for example, the British Shorthair) to make it easier to achieve mutual understanding;
    • in terms of accuracy, a purebred cat can surpass even the most thoroughbred "competitors". But here it is better to acquire an already adult pet, so as not to buy, so to speak, a pig in a poke.
    5 /5 (7 )

    Any person who has got a fluffy clawed pet always wonders - how to wean a cat to tear up furniture? Most often, the owners perceive this behavior as sabotage, the harmfulness of the animal and rarely delve into the real reasons why the cat is tearing up furniture:

    • For cats to sharpen their claws- a natural need, as it helps to keep the claws in good condition, otherwise they quickly grow and dig into the fingertips, leaving wounds. Getting rid of the old claw, the animal makes room for a new sharp one. Scratching nails is a necessary hygienic procedure. Outdoor cats have many natural turning spots, unlike pets, who are forced to choose from what is in the apartment.
    • This is how they mark territory., releasing the smell of sweat with the sweat glands of the paws, thereby informing other animals that this territory belongs to them.

    When the cat tearing up your favorite and frequently used sofa, she wants to tell you that she trusts, sympathizes and loves.

    • This is a kind of exercise, since in the process of turning the claws, the tendons and muscles of the shoulders and paws are tensed, the muscles of the neck and back are stretched, and they are kept in good shape.
    • In the process of turning their claws, pets train the skill of releasing them, which is embedded in the genes.
    • This method allows you to relieve stress or reduce the fear of the animal. An animal living next to a person experiences many different feelings: jealousy of other animals, fear that the territory will be invaded by another animal, conflict relations with other animals, moving to a new home, illness, etc.
    • The reason may also be untimely upbringing by the owner. The kitten will never guess what can be touched in the apartment and what cannot.
    • An animal's lack of toys and attention from the owner can also lead to criminal behavior.

    wean the cat You can tear your claws on furniture at any age. But we must remember that the older the pet, the more stable his habits and the more time it will take to re-educate him.

    It is enough to watch an adult cat a little, and you will understand the specific reasons. If you have consciously made the decision to have a mustachioed pet, then you must understand in detail the inevitable question - what to do so that the cat does not tear furniture?

    The ideal option would be to make repairs using durable and sustainable finishing materials, protect furniture with durable covers made of anti-vandal fabric, sheathe the corners of the walls with plastic panels, paint the walls with paint or cover with decorative plaster.

    Correcting behavior

    Show patience and understanding behavior

    If the animal feels your love, then it will try to reciprocate and please you. The main thing in this situation is to regularly praise the pet and support. Over time, this will solve the problem of furniture damage and redirect the animal to other objects on which to sharpen its claws.

    We purchase at least one claw point

    When choosing it, you need to consider the following:

    • It should be at least as long as the height of the animal standing on its hind legs. It should not be very heavy and high, which can lead to its fall on the animal.
    • If your pet likes to sharpen its claws on the carpet on the floor, then you should purchase a recumbent version of the scratching post (made of cardboard, hemp, carpet).
    • It is not recommended to buy soft options, as it should resemble tree bark. Post-shaped scratching posts are the most preferred by cats.
    • The more she spends time near the scratching post, the less often she will be near furniture.

    Scratching posts are sold in different shapes and sizes. Some of them need to be laid on the floor, some should be installed vertically, there are also play complexes with a house.

    If the cat is trying to sharpen on the carpet, then you should buy a floor scratching post (average cost - 400 rubles) or better a scratching post-bed

    If attempts are always directed at something vertical, then you should choose a hanging scratcher or in the form of a column (average price - 700 rubles).

    A scratching post in the form of a column can be a good simulator for a pet, as it helps to warm up and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders.

    The ideal option would be to accustom a cat to a scratching post in the form of a house or play space. Thus, they will not only solve the main problem of turning, but also take their free time or sleep.

    This will be extremely convenient, since cats most often tend to sharpen their claws after sleeping. The only drawback of such scratchers is their high cost (from 2000 rubles and more).

    We place the scratching posts in the right places

    It is recommended to install the structure next to furniture that the cat has already ruined or where you think the animal might want to do it. The more such places, the more scratching posts should be in your house.

    In order for her to start associating the scratching post with you, put your things on her for a while.

    Teaching a pet to a scratching post

    It is necessary to make sure that an adult cat or kitten sharpens its claws only on a scratching post. Push your pet towards it to make it react to it. For greater effect, it is recommended to grate or sprinkle with mint.

    Uses of Valerian, most likely, will not lead to the desired result, since she will forget about the direct purpose of the scratching post, she will rub against it, meow, but not sharpen her claws.

    When the pet sharpens its claws on the structure, it is necessary to praise and give a treat, forming a conditioned reflex.

    You can put the cat's paws on the structure and make several scratching movements. But be prepared for the fact that not every Murka likes being forced to do something. She might get angry and run away.

    Change the position of the claw point, if necessary

    If the above did not work, then it is worth changing the place of the structure. The main principle is to make it attractive to the pet.

    It is advisable to choose the coverage that will be more suitable for the fidget. But this can only be determined if you purchase all possible options. But it will be worth it if the pet stops touching your furniture and gets carried away with his own.

    If your pet nervous next to the scratching post, then, most likely, it seems to him large and intimidating. Try laying it on the floor or tilting it on its side.

    You can show by example how to sharpen claws

    Attach a dangling toy to the structure. This will further draw attention to the design. While playing, the pet can guess that you can sharpen its claws on the structure.

    When you come home in the evening, do not stroke the cat until you reach the scratching post (it is recommended to place another structure in the hallway). Approach the structure, scratch it and say hello to the cat. If she comes up and starts to sharpen her claws, then remove your hands from the structure and stroke the animal. Don't forget to praise the fidget.

    Stopping unwanted behavior

    Scare off loud noises

    Such a remedy can be effective in relation to cats that are very shy in nature. At the moment when the pet approaches the crime scene, you can loudly and sharply shout “No!”, “No!”, “Shoo!”, make a sharp noise with something (a container with coins or stones), clap your hands. A shy furry friend will jump to the side. After that, it is advisable to take the pet in your arms, removing a slight fright, and put it next to the scratching post.

    sharpen claws- instinctive behavior, so there is no point in scolding her. It is also not advisable to scold her next to the scratching post or when she sharpens her claws about her. It should cause only positive emotions in the animal.

    The inflated and attached balloons next to the cat will perfectly scare away the furniture, which it will definitely touch during turning. From the bursting balloon, the animal will experience discomfort. This will scare away the pet and make you think next time whether to approach.

    We scare away liquids

    Everyone knows that most cats are not lovers of water and everything connected with it. Find or purchase a spray bottle, fill it with water and place it near the place where the furniture was damaged. Every time your pet walks past furniture or prepares to sharpen its claws, splash water on it. It is advisable to spray before the procedure, so that she has formed unpleasant sensations associated with this place and the planned actions. If you splash her after the deed, she will most likely not understand the reasons for attacking her. This product is harmless to cats.

    Try to spray so that water does not get into the ears of the animal. Otherwise, water that gets into the ear can cause inflammation of the ear organs - otitis media.

    You can add mandarin, orange or lemon oil to the spray bottle. Their smell is the most unloved for furry friends. Spray furniture with it and use it every time the pet tries to tear furniture. The advantage of this tool will be not only the animal scared away from the furniture, but also the apartment filled with a fragrant smell.

    Clue! Be sure to shake the spray bottle well before use as oil and water tend to separate.

    In the pet store you can buy a device with a motion sensor with a built-in gas cartridge. It must be installed near the place of regular damage, pointing directly at it. As soon as the animal approaches it, the device will work and spray with a repellent. An ideal tool that teaches a cat not to tear furniture, in the absence of owners. Minus - an expensive pleasure.

    Also in pet stores, you can separately purchase a product in the form of a spray, which helps to ensure that the cat does not tear furniture. True, many owners note that they are ineffective.

    Alternative option! You can put the dried zest of any citrus in cotton bags and spread it out next to the place of spoilage. Various strong-smelling spices (ground chili pepper, suneli hops, coriander), which can also be placed in bags in criminal places, are also well repelled.


    Often it is enough just to divert the attention of the animal from the favorite furniture. You can throw a toy, give a treat, stroke. All this is usually liked by pets, respectively, it will easily distract attention.

    You can also divert attention with a board that will imitate your favorite walls if you stick the same wallpaper on it and put it in the same place, covering the real one. It is highly likely that the animal will sharpen its claws on it. After a while, this board can gradually begin to be rearranged to where it will not be an eyesore. The animal will move with her. The main thing is not to rush into this matter.

    Restricting your pet's access to things

    We hide the affected areas of furniture

    Some elements of the interior of the apartment, such as leather furniture, are very attractive to cats, so it is recommended to stick double-sided tape, masking tape sticky side up or special sticky strips to it (sticky surfaces are unpleasant for cats).

    Cover furniture with plastic sheeting or rugs. This texture is unpleasant for cats.

    You can use protective covers that are easy to wash and clean.

    Anti-vandal sofa cover

    We close the doors where the favorite furniture for the pet is located

    It's not hard to keep the door closed and keep pets out of valuable furniture. If a cat sneaks in there, make a sharp, loud sound so that she gets scared and runs away.

    Limiting the ability to sharpen claws

    We cut the claws

    Since cats need to sharpen their claws, we should help them. To get started, go to the veterinarian to explain how to do it right, otherwise you can hurt the pet and damage the blood vessel.

    The pet may resist, but it is worth continuing until the pet gets used to it. Better to teach from an early age. Praise the fidget every time so that he feels your care.

    Trimming nails is useful for those cats that do not go outside.

    Clipping of nails is necessary with the help of special nail clippers (claw cutters for dogs are not allowed).

    We put nozzles on the claws

    Thanks to these attachments, the cat cannot scratch anything at all, as they close the sharp part of the claw. They can be glued on their own with special glue, without the help of a veterinarian. Such nozzles do not constrain reflex movements, allow you to calmly release and retract the claws. They stay on for about 3-6 weeks, after which it is worth repeating the gluing procedure.

    But this method is characterized by high cost and troublesome maintenance, since after removing the nozzles, you need to file the overgrown claws in order to put on new nozzles.

    For adult cats, this method is very painful, because, having got used to a certain way of life, it is difficult for them to realize that now they cannot do something. At first, the owners have to follow the pet around the apartment in order to prevent injuries to the animal, which, as always, decided to jump onto the wall or somewhere else.

    We remove the claws if we find advantages in this

    Since this is a surgical intervention, it is worth considering all the pros and cons, as well as taking into account the risks:

    • During this procedure, not only the claws are removed, but also the phalanges of the fingers. A number of cats tolerate this operation without complications, but there are those who have chronic pain and arthritis after the operation.
    • Without claws, a cat becomes more vulnerable. The coordination of movements is disturbed. She won't be able to protect herself like she used to. She can no longer climb trees. And if he tries to jump on a tree, he will easily fall off it and may get hurt.
    • It is very important to study the documents when buying an animal. Sometimes they indicate that it is impossible to remove the claws.
    • Before the procedure, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

    Think about it, if you want to doom your pet to such torment, then maybe you should not start it at all.

    cat sharpening its claws is a funny expression. A funny picture pops up before my eyes: the cat pulls out its claws and begins to sharpen them like a knife on flint. Only, the owners are often not at all laughing when they come face to face with this problem.

    Owners of glorious cats and cats, red and all other colors, know perfectly well what the bad habits of their pets are. One of these habits is the cat's love for turning its claws on furniture, walls, carpets.

    “The cat sharpens its claws on the sofa, the cat sharpens its claws on the wallpaper, the cat sharpens its claws on the furniture, the cat sharpens its claws on me”, - pet owners complain and it becomes a pet nightmare! The cat sharpens its claws where it is not supposed to.

    Of course, no one wants to live among hanging wallpaper and tattered sofas. It is impossible to wean a cat from turning its claws, since this is inherent in it by nature at the level of instinct. The inability to sharpen the claws leads to their ingrowth into the paw pads. Some do regular nail clipping. But the most correct thing is to buy a scratching post and accustom a cat to it.

    How to choose a scratching post?

    When choosing a scratching post, you should pay attention to its height. The height should be slightly above the level to which your pet reaches with the claws of its front paws.

    scratching post must be stable, because cats do not sharpen their claws on a shaky surface.

    Based on the habits of the cat, choose a vertical or horizontal model.

    The scratching post should be installed in a quiet place. It is best to install it near the place where the cat is used to sharpening its claws.

    But what to do if the cat does not sharpen its claws on the scratching post and does not show any desire for this at all, what to do? Most importantly, don't let go keep your hands up and believe in success! You will definitely succeed, and the following tips will help you with this! So, how to train a cat or a catto sharpen claws in a certain place? Stock up on patience and start training your fluffy purr.

    How to train a cat to a scratching post?

    The scratching post was chosen, the cat is standing, beautiful and ready to use, but how to train a cat to sharpen its claws exactly here, where you think it is necessary and right?

    If you stock up on patience and perseverance, then you can also accustom an adult cat to a scratching post.

    In order to teach a cat to use a scratching post, it is brought to it, but not by force. The cat is shown how to use it, sometimes the scratching post is sprayed with a special solution - catnip, because. This smell is liked by these animals.

    How to train a cat to a new scratching post? Several ropes are tied to a new scratching post, because the more disheveled it is, the more the cat likes it.

    Of great importance is the material from which the scratching post is made. The following coatings are pleasant for a cat: cardboard, sisal, tree bark.

    To prevent the cat from sharpening its claws in other places than the scratching post, they are covered with foil if possible, since cats really do not like the sound of tearing foil. Also, if you notice that cat sharpening its claws in the wrong place, spray it with a pulverizer, while loudly shouting “No”, then take the pet to the scratching post.
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    Cats are affectionate and graceful animals that create coziness and a sense of peace in the apartment. After a hard day at work with pets, it's nice to play or just listen to their rumbling. But, despite all these advantages, cats are able to deliver a lot of trouble to humans. Their habit of sharpening their claws on the sofa is capable of infuriating even the most loving owner. To keep upholstered furniture intact, you need to understand why the animal behaves this way and gradually wean the cat from tearing the sofa.

    Why do cats tear up furniture?

    In the wild, this behavior is completely normal. Lions, lynxes, cougars and cheetahs sharpen their claws on trees and stumps, thereby marking their territory. In addition, such a procedure in animals is aimed at maintaining hygiene.

    Pets serve slightly different purposes. They scratch furniture not to mark the boundaries of the territory and not for entertainment, but in order to give themselves a “manicure”. Attentive owners often notice the top layer of the claw on the floor or sofa, and then animals try to get rid of it. Thanks to this method, the claws retain their sharpness and health.

    If the cat is upset, scared or angry at something, then in this way he can relieve stress or attract the attention of the owner.

    When a cat lives in a small apartment, it is also a great workout for all muscles. Therefore, if a cat tore up a leather sofa, you should not think that she did it on purpose. Some individuals release their negative energy in this way.

    Domestic cats always have a hunting instinct. And on the couch, they hone not only their claws, but also their skills. Thanks to this training, the animal learns to alternately release its claws and improves its skills.

    Effective methods to wean a cat from ruining furniture

    To prevent the cat from tearing the sofa, you can use several recommendations. Among them there are humane ways and not so:

    • purchase of a special scratching post;
    • silicone tips for claws;
    • sprays;
    • nail clipping.

    The easiest and most harmless way is to buy a special device - scratching posts. They come in different types: horizontal and vertical, large and small, expensive and cheap. Among such a variety, you can always find the right thing for a particular pet. But not enough, just buy a scratching post, the most important step is to teach the cat how to use it.

    When a person decides to have a pet, it is better to purchase a scratching post before the cat gets to the furniture. In addition, it is much easier for a kitten to explain what the owner wants from him than for an adult. To do this, you need several times a day, and also with each attempt to spoil the sofa, bring the pet to the scratcher and put its paws on its surface. After a few days, the animal will understand what's what, and stop terrorizing things.

    If this does not happen, then the cat can be driven from the scene of the crime by slightly raising his voice or using a spray bottle with plain water. And when she herself uses the purchased scratcher, then you must certainly praise her and encourage her with something tasty.

    Silicone claw tips

    Silicone claw covers are a new way to protect your sofa. The method is quite expensive and not very convenient, it is better to carry it out with an experienced master. He puts nozzles on each claw with glue and neutralizes them. Such cases will have to be changed once a month, and after each procedure - to do a manicure and file the claws.

    This method is not suitable for pets with allergies, as the glue used can cause an unwanted reaction. In addition, in order to wean a cat from tearing a sofa in this way, you need to have iron nerves, because not everyone can listen to the endless clatter that caps make when they come into contact with the floor.

    Manufacturers claim that the procedure is completely safe and claim that anti-scratches do not cause any inconvenience to the cat. In fact, this is not entirely true, because it is the claws that make the animal dexterous. With silicone covers on them, a cat is at risk of falling even when playing on the floor, not to mention that she can easily get injured when jumping from a height.

    The animal often experiences discomfort, and even pain, as it cannot retract its claws. With splayed fingers, a cat is not able to scratch and wash normally. She may also try to chew off the irritating elements with her teeth and, in the worst case, swallow them.

    In order not to have to deliver so many inconveniences to your pet, you should be engaged in his upbringing from an early age.

    Special sprays, sold in pet stores, can help wean your cat from sharpening his claws on the sofa. They have a pungent odor that cats cannot stand. At least, the manufacturers say so, but in practice, this does not stop some individuals at all.

    Resourceful pet owners use an analogue of such sprays. To do this, add a few drops of orange oil to a spray bottle with water and spray the mixture onto the furniture. Cats can't stand the strong smell of citrus, so this should help protect the sofa. In no case should you splash such water into a cat, you can get into her eyes and cause serious damage to health. You can process the sofa with undiluted oil, in inconspicuous places. It will scare away even the most annoying pets.

    Some breeders choose as a solution to the problem - complete removal of claws. This is a cruel and unreasonable option that leads to injury and even death of the pet. No conscientious and sane veterinarian would suggest such a procedure if there is no medical indication for it.

    The “soft paws” operation turns the animal into a disabled person, because by removing the claws, the veterinarian also removes part of the finger. The cat will easily lose balance and fall off any surface, which will most likely lead to injury. If such a pet is on the street, runs away or gets lost, it will die very soon. Since with impaired posture and coordination of movement, he will not be able to run away from dogs or evil people. He will also not be able to defend himself from other cats without his claws.

    The operating process also has its drawbacks, for example, general anesthesia, which animals endure with difficulty. The operation itself is complex and unpredictable, during which bleeding may begin. If the procedure is performed by an incompetent doctor, then there is a possibility that ingrown claws will appear. The roots will grow inside the foot, causing severe pain to the pet.

    One of the advantages of such an operation is that the cat will really no longer tear furniture.

    How to trim your cat's nails

    Some owners do not even think about whether it is necessary to trim their pet's claws, because wild cats do not carry out such a procedure. In nature, animals grind them naturally on the hard bark of trees, while pets lead a sedentary lifestyle and practically never go outside. This is fraught with the fact that the claws grow strongly, do not wear down and can be rounded so that they stick into the paw pads.

    Often, responsible breeders do not want to deal with this issue, as they are afraid of harming the pet. Those who decide to protect the sofa in this way will need:

    • claw cutter;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • paper towel;
    • powder (talc);
    • tonic.

    There are blood vessels inside each claw that cannot be damaged, so only a small part of it is cut off. In order not to hurt the cat, you need to follow some recommendations:

    1. Before starting a haircut, the nails should be wiped with a tonic and carefully examined. If they are light in color, then it will be easy to notice the pink area. You need to cut off 2 mm from it.
    2. You can not cut with tools intended for people, as they are not adapted for this type of claws, and you can easily injure your pet.
    3. Special scissors must be held perpendicular to the finger, this will help to avoid delamination of the claw in the future.
    4. The cat should be seated on his knees, with his back to you and slightly press on the joint so that the claw comes out.
    5. If the claws are dark in color, then most likely it will not be possible to consider the living area. In this case, you will have to cut "by eye", but very carefully and a very small part.
    6. After the procedure, all claws must be filed evenly with a file, treated with hydrogen peroxide and treat the pet with a treat.

    With the advent of a four-legged pet in the house, not only the usual order of the course of life and the family way of life changes, but also its own adjustment is made to the home interior. The design updated with cat's claws is not to everyone's taste: mutilated armrests, peeled walls - the picture is unpleasant. What to do with petty pranksters, how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture, this will be discussed in our article.

    Why does furniture suffer?

    The cat has a natural need to sharpen its claws.

    Everything is simple here. In nature, cats need to sharpen their sharp claws. Without a simple hygiene procedure, the claws grow quickly and literally dig into the fingertips, leaving deep bleeding wounds.

    Yard animals or those who like to walk on the street use trees as a sharpener, natural grinding occurs when walking on asphalt or while conquering the next peak.

    Domestic cats have to be content with improvised means. Upholstered furniture, wallpaper, blackout curtains, carpeting usually fall under the scope. After such attacks, little remains safe and sound.

    What to do?

    To begin with, the root cause of this behavior is determined, because a cat does not always tear up furniture for the sake of sharpening sharp daggers:

    • the pet may not like something;
    • stress due to moving to a new place of residence or a sharp change in the usual way of life (the appearance of a child, another family member, etc.);
    • the animal marks the territory in this way, especially if the furniture is new. After all, it is known that on the paw pads of cats there are special glands that secrete a special secret. Leaving it on the upholstery, the cat thereby confirms that this thing is his and no one else's;
    • lack of attention and games with a pet;
    • the cat thus protests.

    Finding the cause, eradicating it, you can get rid of the problem. For example, my friends had such a story. Their cat was not particularly mischievous, but one day they stopped letting her into the room, as she often knocked something off the table and did it exclusively at night. And then one day, in the absence of the owners, the animal nevertheless made its way into the bedroom and tore all the wallpaper over the table. Allowing the pet to be in the room at his request, and not by special permission, the issue was resolved by itself.

    If a decision has already been made to get a cat, then you will have to think in advance about the protection of interior items, since it is problematic to wean the animal from addiction. In any case, I never succeeded.

    • Even before the repair, if one is planned, they choose durable and stable finishing materials, since now it’s not a problem to find such ones (we’ll talk about this a little later).
    • All furniture is protected by durable covers sewn from scratch-resistant (anti-vandal) fabric. Even if the animal spoils the protective coating, then over time you can sew a new blanket, and the furniture will again become like new.

    Allegedly, there is a special anti-claw fabric (smooth and dense upholstery materials), on which there are no traces of cat claws, but I have not yet seen this. But as I understood, looking for information about the miracle upholstery, that this is another myth of promoters trying to promote their product.

    • The corners of the walls, which are most often attacked by pets, are sewn up with thick oilcloth or plastic panels. Replacing them is much easier than completely re-pasting the wallpaper throughout the room.
    • Instead of wallpaper, it is better to use painting or decorative plaster - it has been noticed that cats are not at all interested in such a texture.
    • Additionally, a special sharpener for claws is installed, and best of all, several in different places of the apartment and where the animal is most often caught committing a crime. The truth is to accustom to use it - that is another task. For most owners, the training process ended in a complete fiasco.

    As a rule, the reason for failure is the wrong choice of accessory - not all materials from which sharpeners are made are liked by a particular animal. Therefore, it is better to purchase several scratching posts of different shapes at once, made from different and preferably natural materials and having a different texture. It is important that the sharpener is stable and does not fall at the first touch of the soft paws.

    One thing is sure to be to your liking. You can then get rid of unnecessary sharpeners by giving them to friends or selling them through an ad site.

    Another good way to temporarily stop the encroachment on furniture is. Personally, after such a procedure, my pet stops spoiling the upholstery for at least 2 weeks and forgets that there is wallpaper in the house.

    How to wean?

    Trimming the nails will help get rid of the problem for a while.

    In fact, a lot of ways have been invented for this, for example, using .

    Recently, pet stores sell a large number of aerosols with an unpleasant or repellent odor. If you treat the surface with the product, then there is a chance that the animal will temporarily give up its attempts to sharpen its claws here.

    The only disadvantage of this method is that the smell quickly disappears and the treatment will have to be carried out constantly (sometimes you have to use more than one can to completely eradicate a bad habit).

    What aerosol can you buy:

    • Smart spray;
    • Synergy Labs Fooey;
    • Bio Wax;
    • Api San;
    • Mr. fresh;
    • Antigadin.

    Furniture and walls are sprayed until the animal finds a new object for undermining, ideally it should be a special “claw grinder”. To speed up the accustoming process, the sharpener is treated with special attracting aromas, such as catnip or dried valerian root.

    It is believed that cats do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits. Laying out the peel of a lemon next to the interior items that pets have chosen, you can temporarily discourage the latter from attacks. Instead of the peel, you can use aromatic oils of grapefruit, tangerine, orange, lemon, or even your usual favorite toilet water.

    Another good, as it seemed to me, method is gluing double-sided tape in favorite places. Having stuck at least once, the cat is unlikely to dare to repeat its atrocities.

    Instead of tape, you can use packaging film, such as bursting bubbles. The claws sink into them, cling, causing discomfort to the animal, so the cat will no longer engage in sabotage. Well-established in such cases, and the usual foil for baking.

    You can also go for another trick. Purchase a wooden plank and paste over it with exactly the same wallpaper as the walls. After that, install it in the usual place for sharpening claws and invite the animal to use the novelty. For the right actions, they are praised and encouraged every time with a yummy (a piece of your favorite food). Most of the time this method works.

    educational process

    Every animal needs to be trained. It is easiest to develop the necessary line of behavior for a pet in infancy - it is almost impossible to teach something, and even more so to retrain an adult cat.

    In the process of training, the baby must be made clear that his actions are unacceptable. Naturally, it is impossible to use physical violence in the process of education!

    • Firstly, nothing can be achieved by such actions anyway - the cat will continue to play pranks with redoubled frenzy in the absence of the owner.
    • Secondly, the animal will hold a grudge and will take revenge at every opportunity, and their revenge can be terrible.
    • Thirdly, why keep a frightened animal in the house, which exists in constant fear of being beaten?

    To eradicate a malicious habit, there are many other harmless methods. It is important to apply them only at the time of the crime, so that the animal develops a stable conditioned reflex: I did something and I felt unpleasant after that. Usually use:

    • spraying with water from a spray bottle;
    • any loud sound: shouting, clapping, threatening hissing. For greater persuasiveness, you can swipe at the pet, but in no case beat!

    All these methods have been tested by me in practice. I will say right away that the result was zero. With me, my cat didn’t fight or spoil anything, but as soon as I stepped outside the threshold, an attack on my favorite places immediately began. The only way out in this situation is to close the "ill-fated" rooms during the absence of the owners.

    If nothing helps?

    It is clear that a person wants one thing, but the animal still does it in its own way.

    Well, if the pet has chosen a certain place (and it usually happens one, maximum two) for sharpening its claws and no tricks help to rid the pet of a bad habit, then you have to put up with it. And so that the furniture or corner is not completely mutilated, they are protected in any convenient way - this has already been written above.

    In extreme cases, you can use special ones that are glued to the tip of each claw. True, this method is very controversial and many owners consider it unsafe for the health of the pet.

    A vandal and completely unacceptable method is the complete removal of claws from an animal using the “soft paws” operation (onychectomy). All the horrors and consequences of a rash and sadistic decision were discussed in.

    Coatings to which the cat is indifferent

    It is quite logical that if during the repair you choose a finish for which the animal does not feel cravings, then the cat will not tear it. It serves as:

    • fiberglass wallpaper - they are both light and durable, easy to clean, and if necessary, they can be repainted;
    • decorative plaster is also considered anti-vandal;
    • plastic panels, MDF panels are resistant to damage, besides, a damaged panel, if such an incident has happened, is quite easy to replace;
    • any tile, porcelain stoneware, artificial stone will definitely not interest a pet.
    • linoleum - it is smooth and slippery, the cat simply cannot cling to it with a claw;
    • pvc tiles;
    • high strength laminate;
    • ceramic tile.


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