Self-ligating braces. Metal ligature braces Non-ligature metal braces

Non-ligature bracket systems differ from classical designs in the absence of rigid fixation of the archwire to the brackets. Self-ligating systems differ in the method of fastening, materials and prices.
The choice of the optimal design is very important, because the treatment lasts from 8 months to 2.5 years. You can consult with an experienced specialist and install a non-ligature bracket system in Good Dentistry at the Ozerki metro station.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-ligature braces

Self-ligating constructions have the following advantages in comparison with classical systems:
  • Locks look less flashy than ligatures;
  • Convenience and ease of care. Ligatures are more often torn during operation (eating, brushing teeth, etc.);
  • Installation and maintenance of the structure is faster;
  • The frequency of activations is reduced to 1 in 5-8 weeks. Ligatures require monthly visits;
  • Reduction of treatment time by 20-25% due to low friction of staples and arc;
  • Their use is permissible in some periodontal diseases;
  • Reduction of discomfort and pain due to the even distribution of the pressure of the arch on the dentition. This item is not applicable for severe, advanced cases of deformation.
  • High price;
  • Locks can break if carelessly used.

The structure of non-ligature bracket systems

Non-ligature structures consist of:
  • Braces. They differ from classic brackets in the presence of a lock that holds the orthodontic arch;
  • The orthodontic arch has the shape of a regular arch. It is made of metal with "shape memory". The arc is attached to the braces movably, and gradually shifts after the bite. It is the most visible part of the design. It can be painted white, but this increases the frictional force between the scuba groove and the arch surface, which slows down the healing process. The paint wears off over time.

The mechanism of action of non-ligature braces

After attaching the arch to the brackets, it forcibly assumes a position corresponding to the curvature of the dentition. In the process of treatment, the arch tends to take its previous shape and puts pressure on the teeth. This causes their displacement within the alveoli.

Important! Teeth have natural mobility due to ligaments located in the alveolus and holding the tooth root. In the process of treatment, the ligaments are deformed, torn, and the free space is filled with newly formed connective tissue.
Non-ligature staples have rigid fixation points with an arc - it is practically motionless. In the process of changing the bite, the pressure of the arch on the dentition gradually weakens.
Self-ligating braces are movably attached to the archwire thanks to special locks. This allows the wire to move freely during tooth migration.

Types of non-ligature braces

  • Self-ligating systems can be attached to the outside of the teeth (vestibular structures) and to the inside (lingual). The second option is absolutely invisible to others and treats tooth enamel more carefully, less often causes caries. Its main disadvantage is the high price.
  • There is a wide choice of materials for self-ligating braces:
  • Metal braces are effective and very durable. They are not damaged by mechanical stress, exposure to temperatures, do not stain, are easy to maintain and have an affordable cost, which makes them popular. Of the minuses, low aesthetics can be distinguished. Although they are not bulky, they catch the eye due to the metallic sheen. May damage enamel
  • Ceramic braces are aesthetic. They cost more than metal ones. Such staples are matched to the color of the patient's enamel and look invisible. Ceramic braces are wear-resistant, have smooth rounded shapes and cause a minimum of discomfort;
  • Sapphire staples are made from artificial sapphire, which becomes transparent when wet. They are resistant to external damage, do not attract attention and do not shade the yellowness of the teeth. The stone takes care of the enamel, rarely causes caries. Disadvantages - price;
  • Plastic braces are often used in pediatric orthodontics due to their wide color palette. Staples of your favorite color make the operation more enjoyable for the child. Such designs do not damage the enamel and have a democratic cost. Disadvantages - low wear resistance, staining with food dyes;
  • Combined braces combine the qualities of different materials. Ceramic braces reinforced with a metal lock are widely used. Such a system has a good appearance, high strength and low friction, which speeds up recovery.

Treatment with non-ligature braces

The treatment process consists of the following steps:
1. Consultation with an orthodontist and diagnostic procedures (X-ray methods of research, CT, casts of the upper and lower jaws, etc.);
2. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, replacement and installation of fillings;
3. Installation of the bracket system takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the bite deformation and the qualifications of the orthodontist. Passes painlessly;
4. Observation by a doctor;
5. Removing the system;
6. Wearing removable retainers.

Differences, pros and cons of self-ligating and ligature braces, care features

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Self-ligating braces are one of the modern types of teeth correction. They have some advantages over traditional, ligature. In some cases, self-ligating braces are used when a complex pathology is detected, as the only method of treating the dentition without first removing the incisors.

Such systems are among the most common methods used in orthodontics. At the same time, self-ligating devices have a higher cost, in contrast to the ligature (classic) types of braces.

Advantages of self-ligating braces according to orthodontists:

  • Such systems adapt the teeth in a natural way, without damaging them with excessive pressure, that is, the dentition is corrected in a natural way.
  • The system allows you to leave healthy teeth intact. The device adapts them and makes it possible to save them without prior surgical intervention.
  • The use of such a device reduces the number of visits to the doctor by two to three times.
  • They are quite comfortable for patients.

As fasteners in classic braces, special elastic rubber rings are used. In newer models, the fasteners are replaced by metal micro-locks.

Types of ligature braces

Metal structures are classics, their effectiveness has been proven for decades. Of course, the appearance of these braces leaves much to be desired. However, due to its affordable price and high efficiency, this model is still very popular. For those who are embarrassed about their smile, ceramic systems are offered. They are almost invisible, but their cost is much higher.

Ligature braces are superior to non-ligature braces in terms of cost and practicality. However, in terms of convenience, they are significantly inferior to other, more modern systems:

  • In the first days after the installation of such a device, the patient feels great discomfort in the jaw area. It is difficult for him to talk, eat and yawn.
  • The fittings are massive. Due to this, their daily cleaning is difficult and the appearance of the oral cavity worsens.
  • Due to the rapid wear of ligatures, constant replacement is required, therefore, frequent visits to the dentist are necessary.

Ceramic ligature braces

Need braces to match tooth enamel? Ceramic option will be the best solution. Such models differ from metal ones in well-thought-out aesthetics and low visibility. Their disadvantage is the cost, which is not accessible to everyone, unfortunately.

Non-ligature constructions

Just like ligatures, they consist of an arc and fixing elements. The arc is fixed on metal micro-locks. The micro-lock cover is built into the bracket, so it is almost invisible. Systems are adjusted less often - about once every two to three months.

According to marketers, the treatment process is reduced by 20-30%. However, the study showed that this is just a marketing ploy. The duration of treatment does not depend on the type of braces.

Another myth is that self-ligating braces do not cause discomfort. This is explained by the fact that there is less pressure on the teeth compared to other types of systems. Elastic fastening ligaments do not allow high friction force. As a result, the jaws do not suffer from excessive pressure. However, if the specialist is experienced and correctly installed the bracket system, then the patient will not feel discomfort with the usual device.

How do non-ligature braces work?

Curved teeth can be treated with both ligature and non-ligature braces. In the first option, the doctor uses special rubber devices and a metal base to secure the teeth. In this way, a reverse force is created from the jaw muscles, which allows the teeth to be aligned in the correct vertical position.

The difference between self-ligating braces and traditional ones is that they do not create additional pressure on the teeth, but simply fix the dentition. An alignment effect is created, as a result of which the teeth move much easier.

Advantages of non-ligature braces:

  • Aesthetic look. Mounts that are on the arc look more attractive compared to traditional metal fixtures.
  • The curvature of the dentition is eliminated more easily due to the absence of friction force.
  • Getting used to the adaptation in a short time.
  • Teeth that interfere with correction are not removed, as was the case with ligature braces.
  • Non-ligating braces do not cause mechanical damage to the mucous membranes and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The patient practically does not feel discomfort.
  • There are no painful sensations and complications with prolonged wear.
  • Removed and reinstalled in a short period of time.
  • Patients who have been diagnosed with periodontitis should use only ligatureless braces in case of correction of the dentition.
  • You can visit a personal specialist less often. To adjust the position of the braces, it is enough to contact the orthodontist once every 60 days.

Cons of non-ligature braces

Such devices have a lot of advantages. They have practically no contraindications. The only negative is the high cost compared to traditional fixtures. However, the high cost of the design is due to the complexity of creating such a mechanism. Not every orthodontist will be able to install such a bracket system. This is not taught in institutes, so he will have to take additional courses.

Non-ligature metal systems

Non-ligature bracket systems made of metal are one of the most common types of devices in domestic dentistry. The disadvantage of the system is only in the aesthetics of the design. But due to the high efficiency and increased durability, many patients do not attach much importance to their appearance.

  • Model Damon 3MX. It was considered for many years one of the most advanced models of bracket systems. The design has no sharp protrusions, which ensures quick addiction and does not feel discomfort during the treatment.
  • Damon Q is another braces model from the same manufacturer. The system is adjusted to the characteristics of the jaw of each patient. An experienced doctor will be able to correctly predict the treatment, and using this model, a positive result will be achieved in a short period.
  • smart clip. Officially patented non-ligature system. Thanks to the design feature, it is possible to adjust the strength of the arc and, if necessary, change it in the right direction to achieve the maximum therapeutic result.
  • Inovation K is a small-sized bracket system that allows you to install an individual arch into the design to fit the size of the oral cavity of a particular patient. As fasteners, the developers used latches, which additionally affect the arc and shorten the treatment period.

Non-ligature ceramic systems

Such systems are developed on a ceramic basis: small crystals or granules. The size of the crystals directly affects the strength of the system - the smaller they are, the stronger. However, there is a slight drawback here: small granules have lower transparency. Despite the fact that these braces are slightly stronger than metal braces, they look much more aesthetically pleasing. To increase strength, metal components are added to the material for making ceramic models.

Some famous ceramic models:

Lingual non-ligature braces

Non-ligature braces are installed on the back of the dentition. One of the most popular systems of this type are Incognito designs. Such braces are made exclusively to order, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The disadvantage of this model is the high cost.

Which is better, ligature or non-ligature braces?

Some dentists believe that ligatureless braces are much better, since the design was created using technology that appeared not so long ago. The bracket system has really changed. It is now much easier for specialists to work with such models. But, from the point of view of biomechanics, arcs in two designs from different generations work out exactly the same. It is difficult to evaluate the separation efficiency of one bracket system from another. It all depends on the pathology that the patient suffers from. Based on it, the choice is made.

A specialist should choose a model of bracket systems. He will recommend a suitable device depending on the individual characteristics of the client. To do this, the specialist studies the clinical picture of the patient's dentition. Based on the results and analyzes, the orthodontist offers several options for devices to choose from. Now the client chooses from the existing assortment, arguing his choice with financial capabilities and personal wishes.

Tamara Vladimirovna

I have been contacting Vladimir Igorevich Strigin since 2016 regarding the installation of bridges. The doctor works highly professionally, with minimal adjustments. Often one fitting is enough and new bridges are felt in the oral cavity almost like natural teeth, no discomfort, no inconvenience! I am very satisfied with the quality of Vladimir Igorevich's work!

According to the doctor's recommendations, you will need to purchase a special dental solution, a large brush, a small brush and dental floss at the pharmacy. Hygiene procedure of the oral cavity will have to be carried out after each meal. First of all, you need to use a large brush, which will remove large food debris from the tooth surface. Then you can move on to a small brush. With the help of such a hygienic tool, you can remove germs in hard-to-reach places. The final step is the use of dental floss. Only after such manipulations can oral hygiene be completed. One procedure takes an average of 10-15 minutes after each meal. On average, it will take 30-40 minutes to clean the braces and oral cavity from bacteria per day.

Please note: braces can only be installed on completely healthy teeth. If treatment of periodontitis or other diseases of the teeth and gums is required, these problems are first eliminated, and only then the system is installed.

Sincerely, Levin D.V., Chief Physician

LLC Center for Private Dentistry "Doctor Levin" CPS "Doctor Levin" LLC. License LO-77-01-004442; TIN: 1117746533145; PSRN: 7704785911

All rights reserved. Without the consent of the author, reprinting and use of websites for content is prohibited. Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 1274

In the modern world, braces on the teeth are no longer a rarity. More and more children and adults are turning to this tool for correcting their appearance. Becoming some kind of fashion attributes, "brackets" began to evolve and improve.

First, multi-colored braces appeared - the joy of children and adolescents. Then it became customary to disguise them - and aesthetic ligature systems arose. The latter include plastic transparent, ceramic and sapphire.

And finally, a recent invention of orthodontists, concerning more functionality than appearance - non-ligature braces.

Self-ligating braces or, as they are also called, self-ligating braces are an improved version of devices for aligning the dentition and correcting the bite.

As their name already suggests, the latest designs do not use ligatures - metal wires or rubber rings that securely connect the alignment archwire to the teeth. Thanks to this, the braces do not have protruding parts and look more elegant than usual.

Operating principle

In non-ligature systems, the arc is fastened with the help of special locks with lids-latches. As a rule, they are locked and opened with a special device in the doctor's office. If in traditional braces the arc is tightly pressed to the teeth, then here it moves freely in the grooves of the bracket.

Of course, the force of impact on the teeth is much less here, but it is also more delicate. Correction of orthodontic anomalies proceeds more naturally and gently. The teeth move in a given direction without additional load in the form of overcoming a large friction force between the grooves and the corrective arc.

Self-ligating braces do not require additional devices to solve problems associated with treatment. For example, the necessary expansion of the dentition and the return of the teeth growing from the side (distalization) into it occur by themselves.

It would seem, how can a freely moving archwire correct dental defects so easily and quickly? The secret is simple and it lies in the fact that the non-ligature bracket system stimulates the work of the periodontal muscles, using their strength.

It turns out the effect of synergy - the result of the joint activity of the orthodontic device and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.


The self-ligating bracket system is a young innovation in orthodontics, but it has already managed to establish itself and acquire an army of supporters. There are objective reasons for this:

  1. Comfort and safety. Compared to classical devices that mercilessly injure the mucous membrane, non-ligature "brackets" have a smoother surface and even edges.

    Due to this, as well as less pressure on the teeth, they do not cause pain to the wearer at all. Even people with sensitive teeth or periodontal disease can safely install self-ligating systems.

  2. Hygiene. With a self-ligating novelty, it is much easier to care for your teeth and gums. With it, there is no problem of hard-to-reach places created by protrusions and additional elements of ligature devices.

    The oral cavity is cleaned thoroughly and effectively here. Due to this, there is no accumulation of microbes, no plaque is formed, and the teeth are less susceptible to the development of caries.

  3. The speed of achieving results. It's a paradox, but despite the powerful force with which ligature braces move the teeth, the bite is corrected much more slowly than with an improved analogue.

    This is due to the fact that when moving the teeth, the archwire has to deal with the force of friction. With a non-ligature system, the correction of orthodontic defects is easy, effortless and faster.

  4. Rare visits to the doctor's office. Advanced braces save valuable time by eliminating the need for frequent visits to the orthodontist. For this, once every 7 weeks is enough.

    In addition, the appointment itself takes less time (15 minutes). Convenient clip-on fasteners make it easy to replace the arc. And nothing more is required here!

  5. Aesthetic appearance. Self-ligating braces look much neater due to the absence of ligatures that are prone to staining when eating. Also, they do not have protruding parts that spoil the view.

In the video, watch the patient's story about the benefits of non-ligature systems.


Unfortunately, even non-ligature braces are not without drawbacks. These include the following points:

  1. High price. The cost of self-ligating systems today varies from 35 to 80 thousand rubles for the entire jaw. The exact price depends on the material of the braces and the prices of the chosen clinic. For comparison, traditional braces cost between 20 and 40 thousand rubles.
  2. Few orthodontists with the necessary qualifications. Due to the recent introduction of improved braces, not all clinics are able to offer services for their installation and monitoring of this kind of treatment.
  3. Structural volume. All non-ligature devices are 1 mm thicker than their "relatives" for the sake of space for free movement of the arc. As a result, self-ligating braces are almost twice as large as classic braces. This immediately catches the eye.

Materials for manufacturing

To create "brackets" without ligatures, materials are used that do not react with saliva.

Depending on the raw materials involved in the production, the following types of braces are distinguished:

  1. metal. They are the most popular due to their relatively cheap cost. They are good because they are extremely durable and effective even in the most difficult cases. In addition, due to the rapid onset of the result, the period of wearing with them is shorter than with other braces.
  2. Ceramic. These self-ligating braces are beautiful in their invisibility. Their color almost completely coincides with the tone of tooth enamel. The main disadvantage of such structures is fragility. You have to be very careful with them. You may even have to limit yourself to solid foods.
  3. Sapphire. They are made from transparent crystals of artificial medical sapphire. They are difficult to see against the background of enamel. Arcs of sapphire designs have light colors. Despite the high cost, this type of braces is in great demand among women.
  4. Composite. As a rule, they are made of artificial heterogeneous two- or more-component material. Thus, they absorb the best qualities from each of its components. For example, the aesthetics of ceramics and the strength of metal.

The locks of non-ligature braces can be ceramic, and the arc can be metal. Despite the cunning of this design, it does not have sufficient efficiency and is able to cope with only minor defects. Their prices are democratic.

The most famous manufacturers

The first proposals for the introduction of self-adjusting braces appeared in the 1970s. But only in recent years, the idea of ​​a new generation of corrective structures was picked up and began to be implemented.

Here are the most famous products from the best manufacturers who have achieved some success in this area:

Non-ligature braces Damon Q

They are created by the American manufacturer of orthodontic equipment Ormco. They are characterized by the absence of ligatures, the fastening of the arc to the grooves directly and the strong connection of the locks with each other.

Among their advantages are:

  • the presence of an engraved vertical line on each lock (allows for their precise installation);
  • super strength stainless steel material;
  • easy replacement of wires thanks to the convenient Spin Tek lock;
  • miniature design;
  • safety of rounded edges;
  • the ability to choose a variety of programs to correct the bite;
  • quick alignment of teeth.

Braces from Damon Q will cost 73,700 rubles for 1 jaw.

Metal Damon 3MX

Another product of the 45-year-old Ormco corporation. It is designed to correct malocclusion. Like all Damon-systems of this company, it works on the principle of passive self-ligation, which consists in the absence of force pressure of the cap on the arc.

Damon 3MX differs from its counterparts in the rounded shape of the locks and ease of use.

The advantages of such braces are minimal friction, which ensures a natural correction process, delicacy of treatment due to the smooth contours of the design, a rare need to change the archwire, the presence of vertical grooves for installing hooks and shorter wearing periods due to high efficiency.

The cost of the Damon 3MX kit is 71,500 rubles per jaw.

Damon Clear

The most aesthetic model of the Damon product line. It is made of transparent ceramics - polycrystalline aluminum oxide, almost invisible on the teeth.

This is what makes it the most expensive (82500 per jaw) among other modifications. Damon Clear is ideal for the smile area covering the top 6 teeth.

These braces are also self-ligating systems. From here follow all the main benefits of Damon Clear.

For the uniqueness of the Damon system, see the video.

In-Ovation R

An exceptional product from GAC Dentsply, one of the leaders in the orthodontic equipment industry.

This product also belongs to self-ligating constructions, but also has a number of its own unique features. Chief among them are solid bases and stainless steel locks.

Another unusual thing is the laser numbering of teeth on a grid of bases, which helps doctors select braces.

Also pleasantly surprising is the coating of the base with a double layer of abrasive for better fixing. Due to this, the alignment of the teeth occurs evenly.

In-Ovation R braces have an anatomically shaped base for a snug fit to the teeth, which completely eliminates the possibility of them coming unstuck in the future.

Prices for braces of this modification range from 40 to 50 thousand rubles per jaw.

In-Ovation L

invisible rackets related to lingual, that is, installed on the inner surface of the teeth. For a perfect repetition of the forms of tooth enamel, the bases of the structures are made only to order.

InOvation L work great in the most difficult cases of malocclusion. The material of these braces is an alloy of cobalt and nickel.

Cost of In-Ovation L from 68000 rubles.

In-Ovation C

Bracket system made of ceramics, having a special shape of the substrate, providing anatomical placement, as well as convenience during fixation and removal.

In its action, it is similar to the R subtype. Its main advantage is its inconspicuous appearance. Additional features of the C model include a recessed keyway and latch plated with rhodium for added aesthetics.

Prices for these braces start from 63,500 rubles.

Smart Clip

Innovative metal braces from 3M Unitek. They were made popular by the absence of a ligature, the reliability of the retainers, which exclude the presence of air spaces under them, a comfortable lock that does not cause pain, and an even distribution of pressure on all teeth.

These designs are only vestibular, that is, they are designed specifically for the front of the teeth. The principle of their work is not pushing, but pulling.

The price of a self-ligating “smart” device from Unitek is 52,800 rubles, which is somewhat more expensive than other metal structures.

Clarity SL

Another product of the American company 3M Unitek. On the market, they are positioned as a relatively budget option (from 70,300 rubles) of ceramic braces, operating on the principle of passive self-ligation.

The translucent Clarity SLs have metal grooves for easy glide of the leveling bar.

This type of braces has a number of advantages:

  • invisibility against the background of teeth;
  • physiological alignment of the teeth due to the minimum friction force;
  • reduction of treatment time;
  • occasional visits to the orthodontist.

Treatment time

The duration of the treatment period with any braces depends on the complexity of the problem, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body. The terms of treatment assumed by the orthodontist can be repeatedly reviewed in the process.

But it is worth noting that the period of wearing a non-ligature bracket is on average 25% less than the period of therapy with a classic device.

The self-ligating system corrects the bite in a year and a half. The traditional bracket system does the same in 2-3 years. Due to the pressure of the non-ligature construction, the teeth move at a rate of 1 mm per month.

As for regular visits to the doctor, when using self-ligating systems, their number is also reduced to 1 time in 2 months. At the same time, the time spent in the doctor's chair is also reduced by 40%. Indeed, with non-ligature devices, only a simple replacement of the arc is required. This process cannot be compared with a long painstaking change of small ligatures.

After the removal of non-ligature braces, a mandatory retention period follows - the stage at which the result achieved by active treatment is fixed. During it, patients are prescribed to wear special non-removable devices.

Retainers are steel wires attached to the back of the teeth. To stabilize the ideal position of the teeth, they must be in the oral cavity for up to 5 years or more.

B braces are non-removable devices that are attached to the dentition in order to straighten the teeth and correct the bite. Among the rather large variety of braces, according to the method of fixing the metal arc passing through each bracket, they are divided into ligature and non-ligature. Installation and removal of both ligature and non-ligature braces are painless processes, just be patient.

Ligature braces: what is it

L igature braces are braces with ligatures- wires or elastic bands that attach each bracket-lock to a metal arc. These are all familiar classic braces, it is with their help that you can correct the most complex cases of maxillofacial anomalies. They are used in orthodontic treatment very often.

P When installing this bracket design, you will need to see your orthodontist about once a month. During these visits, he will change the wire and twist the ligatures, if they are metal, or change the elastic bands. Rubber bands can be multi-colored, transparent or white.

D The duration of treatment is about 1.5 years.

FROM It is worth remembering that ligature braces are time-tested designs; many orthodontists prefer working with such devices. Benefits include more than reasonable pricing.

Non-ligature braces: what is it

B non-ligature braces, or self-ligating, is one of the modern achievements in orthodontics. The bracket-lock is equipped with a closing groove-clip, in which there is a metal arc, ligatures are no longer needed. This facilitates the entire process of orthodontic treatment. The time interval between regular visits to the attending physician increases, the appointment itself lasts less in time, because it is enough for a specialist to examine the oral cavity and replace only the main arch. The pressure with which the teeth move has become less, thus the period of getting used to ligatureless braces has become shorter and less uncomfortable for the patient. In fairness, I would like to note that the severity of uncomfortable sensations during getting used to braces largely depends on the patient's pain threshold and his psychological readiness for orthodontic treatment.

D The duration of treatment as a whole decreased (compared to ligature braces).

B non-ligature braces are designed in such a way that they injure the oral cavity less. And it's easier to take care of them.

Types of ligature and non-ligature braces

P about the type of material: metal, sapphire and ceramic.

P about the type of attachment: lingual (attached to the inside of the teeth) and vestibular (attached to the outside of the teeth).

Caring for ligature and non-ligature braces

P Maintaining proper oral hygiene and braces is one of the main factors for successful tooth alignment. Otherwise, you risk getting even teeth, then treating caries and gum disease.

L Igature braces require a little more effort when brushing your teeth. But if you have ligatureless braces, brushing your teeth several times a day is still necessary. Special brushes that the orthodontist will advise you will help with this.

One of the main questions that almost every orthodontist's patient faces is: "What type of construction to choose for treatment - non-ligature braces or classic ones with ligatures?" There is no unambiguous answer to it - it all depends on the specific case, personal preferences of the doctor and the wishes of the patient. A significant role here is played by aesthetic requirements and financial possibilities.

When using non-ligature braces (they are also called self-ligating), the arc moves freely in the groove, where it is held by a special retainer. In the case of using ligatures, the arc is fixed rigidly, thereby providing a greater force on the dentition. The self-ligating system exerts gentler pressure on the teeth, their movement occurs more naturally, and additional devices for fixing the archwire in the bracket groove are not required. The secret of versatility lies in the special stimulation of the periodontal muscles, which "help" the teeth move in the right direction.

The main advantages of this type of devices include:

  • faster installation process - there is no need to select and install a separate ligature for each bracket;
  • less discomfort for the patient - the self-ligating system does not use bulky fasteners, such as hooks for installing elastic bands;
  • hygiene - non-ligature designs are easier to clean than classic ones, and less food residue accumulates in them;
  • aesthetics - the device is less noticeable, besides, the ligatures often change their color if there are coloring substances in the food;
  • saving time - after installing the device, there is no need for frequent visits to the orthodontist to tighten and replace ligatures, in addition, the process of changing and activating the arches takes much less time.

For some dental diseases, classic ligature braces are contraindicated - then it is recommended to install only non-ligature systems. According to a study by Nigel Harradine, an orthodontist in Bristol (UK), it took an average of 4 months less to treat dental anomalies with Damon PSL braces (PSL - from the English "passive self-ligation", which means "passive self-ligation") time compared to similar treatment with traditional systems using ligatures.

The range of orthodontic products manufactured by Ormco includes several types of Damon ligatureless braces.

Damon Q - all-metal, diamond-shaped, they guarantee an increased level of comfort for the patient and can be used in difficult clinical cases due to the additional grooves.

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