The experience of people who have experienced phenazepam withdrawal syndrome. Phenazepam in narcology. Psychological dependence on phenazepam

I would like to say a few words about the dependence on benzo-tranquilizers. This is a very evil thing, because there is no cure for it. Let's take heroin as an example (it would seem that it could be worse?): there is a treatment that includes lyrics (pregabalin), and methadone, and buprenorphine, and a course of removing withdrawal symptoms with diazepam and tramadol, and other methods.

But there is no cure for benzo addiction!

Stupid doctors will offer you a "treatment": neuroleptics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and something else ... But this will not at all take away the fierce benzodiazepine withdrawal and will not alleviate your suffering. Sometimes you can see how dependent people stagger around narcologists and psychiatrists, trying to find out what is being treated - but there is no treatment! They write out all sorts of nonsense that does not help. Here's a nice classic example:

* My son was prescribed phenazepam 100 tabs for 5 years in a row. per month at 1 mg. (in addition to rispolept consta), now he has strong addiction From him. (the doctor, having learned about it immediately, immediately stopped prescribing it). He recommended drinking afobazole and stresam, they made it even worse. Now he prescribed chlorprothixene for the night, 1 tab. (50 mg.), From this, the strongest restlessness and just rabies. I do not know what to do. My son has been without phenazepam for 25 days. How long can this addiction last??? How can you help your son?

Common symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal include depression, insomnia, tremors, chills and fever, flu-like symptoms, anxiety, excessive sweating. AT severe cases may appear the following symptoms: hypersensitivity to light, hallucinations or epileptic seizures.

Or, for example, here is the withdrawal syndrome with words dependent person:

* I tried to cancel abruptly - I can’t sleep, terrible headaches, anger, irritability, some kind of depression, a feeling of fear, it’s scary to go out, goosebumps run through my head and all over my body, my memory has deteriorated. Medicines don't help.

The only more or less humane option for removing benzodiazepine addiction is to very slowly get off the "ladder": once every few days, slightly reducing the dosage of the drug. Sometimes it makes sense to change the tranquilizer. For example, I once got off clonozepam addiction with zopiclone.

And God forbid you go to a psychiatric hospital for the treatment of benzo addiction. You will be stuffed in the face, tied with ropes to the bed, will be stabbed loading doses neuroleptics: chlorpromazine and other rubbish from which the state of health will become even worse - and so, tied up, you will writhe on the bed from unbearable withdrawal. This is how they did it to me...

So it's better if you fall into the trap of benzo addiction - treat yourself at home, gradually reducing the dose of the tranquilizer every day with a ladder.

Every VVDshnik who takes psychotropic drugs, despite his condition, wants only one thing - to reduce their dose or refuse to take them altogether. Have you tried this too, more than once?

Cancellation of phenazepam with long-term use.

I will tell you the continuation of the story about the VVDshnik, who once abruptly stopped taking phenazepam. For 8 years, he constantly took 1 tablet at a dose of 0.005 grams per day, regardless of general condition. Here I am talking about a patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia who took the drug at a therapeutic dose, albeit for a very long period. And not about those completely healthy people, who take 20-50 tablets of phenazepam at a time, along with alcohol, to turn off the feeling of fear and as a result of a feeling of "high". Phenazepam is not a drug, but it removes fear. Man becomes "knee-deep sea".

The desire to reduce the dose or stop taking a psychotropic medication is present in almost all patients with VSD and panic disorder.

The reasons for this are as follows:

1. If I take psychotropic drugs, then I am a drug addict.

2. Fear that there will be dependence on drugs and there will be a withdrawal syndrome. This is especially feared while taking benzodiazepine tranquilizers (phenazepam, etc.).

3. A pronounced and varied side effect on the body of neuroleptics and antidepressants.

4. They are afraid to take any medication - what if something happens!

To begin the process of dose reduction or withdrawal psychotropic drugs Several general conditions must be observed:

1. Cancellation of psychotropic drugs is possible and indicated only with full compensation of the state of panic disorder and the disappearance of 99% of the symptoms for at least one month.

2. If you still have anxiety and other symptoms of VVD, then there can be no talk of any cancellation.

3. Cancellation must be carried out necessarily with a decrease in the daily dose by a quarter every 10 days. More rapid cancellation can lead to an exacerbation of the VSD. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers should be discontinued gradually over short period than neuroleptics and antidepressants, under the guise of weaker sedative drugs.

Abrupt withdrawal of phenazepam.

The beginning of the story about a person with VVD who abruptly stopped taking phenazepam, in the article "Cancellation of phenazepam".
During the constant use of phenazepam, his condition stabilized, and he decided to stop taking them for the reasons outlined above. Phenazepam tends to accumulate in the body, and, after cancellation, continues to act for several more days. Such a sharp cancellation of the tranquilizer for 4-6 days reduced the concentration of phenazepam in the blood below the required level, and the condition began to deteriorate sharply - symptoms of VVD appeared. On the 11th day, phenazepam withdrawal syndrome appeared. The acute phase of phenazepam withdrawal at such a low dose lasts about two weeks. Completely this syndrome disappears in a month. And now, a month of torment has passed, but the symptoms of VVD did not leave - they either intensified, then decreased, but did not disappear completely.

The last story ended on the seventh month after the abolition of phenazepam. During all this time, the person did not take any medications (even validol and Corvalol were banned). Sometimes I used an infusion of a teaspoon of ground Valerian roots at night. Covering withdrawal with weaker anti-anxiety drugs can be argued here. But a person put his life on the scales - either pan or disappear.

Since then, about 4 years have passed. What happened next?

The patient, a 47-year-old man, learned to deal with panic attacks. He completely resigned himself to the fear of death, did not panic when incomprehensible symptoms appeared. During all this time, there was not a single panic attack. All this period he did not go to work - there was no physical strength. Little by little I did household chores.
If the previous 7 months there was a hope that the symptoms of VVD would slowly subside and go away (they sometimes intensified, then weakened), then after 8 months it became clear that this would not happen. Some kind of malfunction of the nervous or hormonal systems organism, does not give the opportunity to restore health. A strong general weakness, which did not allow any physical activity. It was hard for him to leave the house. The overabundance of adrenaline and the tension of the autonomic nervous system did not want to return to normal.

When changing the position of the body, even after a simple turn to the other side, in the supine position, the pulse sharply increased to 150 beats per minute (orthostatic tachycardia). This condition was constantly accompanied by extrasystoles. The ache in the bones and muscles continued and was very straining. Then problems with the intestines began - repeated daily liquid stool, especially in the morning, constant rumbling in the abdomen, which continued even in sleep. in feces undigested residues food, due to increased intestinal motility.

It was concluded that the phenazepam withdrawal syndrome had long passed - it was observed during the first month of withdrawal. All the symptoms observed further, despite the patient's humility with the fear of death, are the return of the VSD - the rebound syndrome (recoil syndrome) or the rebound syndrome. Although mental condition the patient was quite normal and adequate, physically he looked very weak.

Phenazepam or gidazepam.

The patient refused to take antidepressants and neuroleptics because of their strong side effects. Adaptol, afobazole and similar weak drugs did not give desired effect.

He started taking gidazepam tablets of 0.02 g. 3 times a day. And, oh miracle! If before the abolition of phenazepam, gidazepam had no effect at all, now he removed everything in 3 days unpleasant symptoms VSD. It turns out that during the time of abstinence from taking phenazepam, benzodiazepine receptors in the patient's body restored their sensitivity.
It was a very nice and unexpected bonus! A step was taken to move away from a stronger tranquilizer, to a weaker one - gidazepam. After 5 days, the dose was reduced to 2 tablets per day. Attempts to further reduce the dose of gidazepam led to an exacerbation VVD symptoms which were compensated by a return to the previous dose.

Three months later, for one month, instead of gidazepam, the patient took 6 tablets of glycised per day. Glycised is even weaker than gidazepam and does not apply to benzodiazepine tranquilizers. The general condition was kept at a constant level. It was, though not a big one, but a victory - a complete departure from benzodiazepine tranquilizers. A month later, the patient left 2 tablets of glycised at night and one tablet of gidazepam in the morning.
In this rhythm, taking sedative drugs continued for another six months. Then, one tablet of Glycised was gradually canceled and another one a month later.

To date, the patient takes daily 1 tablet of gidazepam 0.02 grams per day, regardless of the general condition. All prejudices and fears about the constant use of a benzodiazepine tranquilizer are absent. General well-being and physical state fine. He leads healthy lifestyle life. With a temporary deterioration in the condition, due to weather conditions or any other effects, for 1-2 days the patient takes an additional tablet of gidazepam or a couple of tablets of glycised.

Thanks to the Lord God and willpower, the man left phenazepam. In the future, if possible, has a desire to try to switch completely to permanent reception glycised instead of gidazepam.

Read on this page:

Phenazepam is one of the pharmacy drugs that, when used recreationally (non-medical), produces a psychoactive effect, and when used regularly, leads to persistent physical and psychological dependence on it. Like all pharmacy drugs, phenazepam is popular with drug addicts because of its low cost and availability.


Phenazepam is a Soviet-made tranquilizer. At the very beginning of its history, the drug was used for anesthesia in surgical interventions. Today it is prescribed as an antiepileptic, anticonvulsant, used to treat depression, anxiety states. You probably already guessed that these possibilities of phenazepam became the reason for its use for the removal of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

When a drug addict uses an overdose of a drug, it produces a pleasant effect: euphoria, relaxation, and the state becomes sleepy. Although it is impossible to predict everything exactly here, if the dosage of phenazepam is too high, then the behavior of the addict may, on the contrary, become aggressive.

With alcohol withdrawal syndrome average daily dose the drug is up to 5 mg. It is divided into 2 doses, that is, one tablet a day in the morning and evening. Depending on the accompanying withdrawal symptoms, the dosage may vary, so only a doctor should prescribe it. The maximum daily dose for medical applications phenazepam can be 10 mg.

Even in medicinal purposes Phenazepam is prescribed with caution, the course is usually two weeks, extremely rarely two months. This is done so that the patient does not become addicted to it. Naturally, drug addicts neglect all these conventions and acquire a strong craving for the use of the drug.

Drug dependence on phenazepam

Addiction to phenazepam is a real drug addiction, despite the fact that the drug is a pharmacy medicine. The formed dependence on it leads to the fact that a person constantly wants to use the drug. This desire is not controlled by him, he follows it contrary to common sense, despite the destruction of his health.

Drug addiction, including that associated with the use of phenazepam, is a disease that has a number of features that distinguish it from other human diseases.

  • Drug addiction is complex. It includes two addictions: psychological and physical.
  • Drugs destroy all spheres of a person's life. Drug addiction destroys the physical sphere of life, that is, health, emotional sphere, relationships with others, social sphere, family and career, as well as the spiritual sphere, completely depriving the drug addict of moral principles, lofty goals.
  • Constant drug intoxication endangers more than one organ, but disrupts the work of all systems and organs of the body, leading to their irreversible pathologies.

Signs of phenazepam use

The action of phenazepam is somewhat similar to alcohol intoxication, but also has specific symptoms. A person has a violation of coordination of movement, he staggers, talks a lot, but is very illegible. Human skin under the influence of phenazepam turns pale, even the corners of the lips turn blue, the pupils dilate. appears on the tongue white coating, there is dryness of the mucous membranes. The addict loses a lot of weight with constant use, because the appetite decreases. After the decrease in the effect of intoxication from phenazepam, which can last all day, the addict wants to sleep, feels weakness in the limbs.

Psychological dependence on phenazepam

As it is not surprising, but the disease of drug addiction can develop in almost everyone. The reason for this is that most people have internal psychological prerequisites for the development of addiction. Usually a person looks for consolation from life's failures in drugs or an opportunity to solve them. For example, an indecisive or very shy teen may start using drugs that help them communicate more freely. As for dependence on phenazepam, many people suffer from depression, anxiety, in this case they fall into the risk group, they may be attracted to this pharmacy drug.

When a psychoactive drug is used by a person who is potentially prone to addiction, his psyche begins to find many advantages in a state of intoxication, a solution to his problems. So many people, not wanting to change, including solving health problems, go the easier way, as it seems to them - they go into the world of narcotic dreams. When a psychological dependence on a drug is formed, the person begins to use it more and more often. Without PAS, life is no longer sweet for a drug addict, he lacks something. Gradually increase dosages, because tolerance to drugs increases. To achieve the level of euphoria that was observed during the period of the first doses, the former dosages are no longer enough. Gradually, drug use becomes regular.

How does physical dependence on drugs occur?

Regular use of phenazepam, like any other drug, makes dramatic changes in the biochemical processes of the body. The drug is included in the metabolism, it replaces its individual components, which in normal case produced by the body itself. As a result, it turns out that the organs stop producing these substances, because they do so, and in huge quantities. When this happened, we can say that the person acquired physical addiction from drugs. After about a month of non-medical use of phenazepam, the euphoria disappears, the use continues already in order to remove distressing symptoms breaking.


Withdrawal syndrome is one of the most unpleasant and frightening manifestations of drug addiction. Withdrawal becomes an insurmountable obstacle for drug addicts to stop using. It's not called withdrawal syndrome for nothing. As soon as the drug ceases to enter the human body after its long and regular use, the addict has psychological and physical problems. painful symptoms, there is a manifestation of withdrawal syndrome. When drug addiction withdrawal is called drug withdrawal.

How long does withdrawal from phenazepam last?

If a person who has become addicted to phenazepam reduces the dose, then he develops a tranquilizer withdrawal syndrome. Appears anxious mood, irritability, insomnia, general weakness. The patient's hearing becomes painfully aggravated, his head constantly hurts, there is no appetite, pruritus. Withdrawal from phenazepam is similar to the flu state: chills, sore throat, discomfort in the limbs from weakness to pain in the muscles.

The drug is excreted from the body within a week, and all this time the patient will be tormented by withdrawal symptoms. In cases of longer and more severe intoxications with phenazepam, symptoms can be observed for up to one month.

Removal of breakage in the hospital

Withdrawal drug withdrawal from phenazepam is a process of detoxification of the body. After all, it is the presence of toxic slags in the tissues and biofluids of the body that leads the addict to a state of withdrawal. The drug and its derivatives do not allow the body to adjust to its normal mode of operation.

Removal of withdrawal from phenazepam in drug addicts is carried out only in a specialized clinic. Medical detoxification is the only effective and safe method for the patient. In a specialized clinic, it is possible to exclude the patient's access to drugs, here the drug addict is under the constant supervision of specialists, this makes it possible to dynamically adjust the treatment process. Accommodation in the clinic gives more wide opportunities for hardware detoxification. When acute conditions doctors can always use resuscitation measures, intensive care.

Features of the treatment of dependence on phenazepam

Treatment of dependence on phenazepam has its own characteristics. The drug is withdrawn gradually so that the patient does not experience anaphylactic shock. Addiction treatment is carried out only in the clinic, because during the recovery period, resuscitation measures are often needed that cannot be done at home.

Sometimes, for the duration of treatment, the drug is replaced by another, that is, it is used replacement therapy, but only a narcologist should select these drugs. In the case of treatment of dependence on phenazepam, it is better not to self-medicate, it is extremely dangerous.

Phenazepam addiction treatment

Addiction to phenazepam is a complex disease that requires phased treatment, and withdrawal is only the first step towards a cure. The full course of addiction treatment includes detoxification, rehabilitation and socialization of the addict. All these steps are important and necessary in order to get rid of addiction completely. Detoxification allows you to eliminate physical dependence on a pharmacy drug, and rehabilitation relieves a person of psychological dependence. The process of socialization allows the former drug addict to return to ordinary life without the risk of relapse.

In our addiction center "First Step" you can pick up full course treatment of this addiction and get rid of the disease once and for all. Get expert advice now, find out how and where you can cure loved one. Our free hotline listed on the website page, it works around the clock.

"Phenazepam" refers to the benzodiazepine series of anxiolytics. The tranquilizer has an anticonvulsant, sedative effect. Reduces tone skeletal muscles, regulates motor activity. Applied in complex therapy, enhancing the effect of psychotropic hypnotics by inhibiting the central nervous system (CNS). With prolonged use, it is addictive and forms withdrawal symptoms after cancellation.

Prescribing the drug

The main substance in the composition of the anxiolytic agent iszepine. Under the influence of a substance in the central and peripheral nervous system the transmission of impulses slows down, the processes of excitation are inhibited. "Phenazepam" has a complex effect on the human body:

  1. Sleeping effect (by inhibiting the reticular nuclei of neurons in the brain stem, the central part of the spinal cord). The mechanism of falling asleep is normalized due to the low perception of external stimuli.
  2. Anti-anxiety, acting on the subcortical system, stop the processes of excitation.
  3. Eliminates the symptoms of psychosis, panic attacks disappear, phobias are dulled.
  4. Anticonvulsant action (relieves muscle spasms in epilepsy).

"Phenazepam" refers to weak tranquilizers, used to treat:

  1. Psychopathic and neurotic disorders, clinical picture which is accompanied by anxiety, fear, emotional lability.
  2. Neuroses of different etiology.
  3. "Phenazepam" is prescribed for alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which is manifested by delirium tremens, confusion, behavioral disorder (deliry).
  4. Obsessions, schizophrenia, as a result of taking psychotropic drugs.
  5. Removal of involuntary muscle contractions during the period epileptic seizure or false epilepsy.
  6. Muscle rigidity, paroxysms, hyperkinesis.
  7. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  8. Strengthening anesthesia before surgery.

The drug is prescribed by a psychiatrist or neurologist, taking into account the type of disorder with an individual dosage for each case ( maximum amount 10 mg). In order not to cause addiction and withdrawal after completion of therapy, the duration of the course should not exceed 14 days, in especially severe cases, the reception is extended up to 1 month.

The drug is widely used in toxicology. The treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in stationary conditions after the complete withdrawal from the body of alcohol. Drinking "Phenazepam" with a hangover, when there are ethanol residues in the blood, is dangerous. A tranquilizer enhances the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system, a "heavy" dream sets in. In this state, respiratory arrest is possible. Vomiting, lying on the back and lack of self-control lead to suffocation with vomit and cardiac arrest.

Causes of withdrawal syndrome

The main task of Phenazepam is to enhance the action of a natural blocker nerve impulses gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA). biologically active organic compound formed from glutamic acid with the participation of the enzyme glutamate decaboxylase. With prolonged use of a tranquilizer, the metabolism weakens and it takes certain time. Recovery period can be characterized as a withdrawal syndrome "Phenazepam".
The agent can accumulate in the body. If the patient stops drinking the drug, the concentration of bromdis sufficient for 3-4 days, the pathology that caused the appointment of an anxiolytic agent will not make itself felt. Then there will be signs of remission, to which the symptoms of stopping treatment will be added. The duration of the withdrawal syndrome is from 14 to 30 days, depending on the duration and dosage of the drug. Unlike psychotropic drugs, withdrawal from benzodiazepine drugs has a light form and passes relatively quickly.

Characteristic symptoms

With prolonged use of Phenazepam, the withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • anxiety, panic attacks;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache and joint pain;
  • photophobia and misophonia;
  • increased sweating, weakness;
  • irritability;
  • aggression;
  • disorientation;
  • depression.

The main manifestation is tachycardia, extrasystoles, tremor of the lower and upper limbs. Signs are pronounced in the first five days, then gradually disappear.

Long-term use tranquilizer conditioned medical indications, for example, when chronic form vegetative dystonia brain with frequent manifestation of sympathoadrenal crisis (panic attack). The therapy has the following side effects:

  • decrease mental capacity, memory;
  • the occurrence of erectile dysfunction;
  • formation of physical dependence.

These negative impacts cause drug withdrawal. The patient cannot cope with withdrawal on his own, so the help of a doctor is necessary.

Treatment of withdrawal syndrome "Phenazepam" provides for a gradual reduction in dosage, it is compiled individually for each case. Replacement therapy is used. In order to remove addiction, it is recommended to drink sedatives: tincture on the root of valerian, motherwort. "Anaprilin" will help to cope with tachycardia. specific drug treatment after giving up the tranquilizer is not required. The symptoms will gradually pass, it is necessary to prepare mentally, a psychotherapist will help with this.


Hello Igor Yuryevich, I really need your advice. Woman, 29 years old, at the age of 16, I fell down the stairs from the 2nd floor in the country house, hit my head hard and injured my neck, on the night after the fall I experienced a terrible panic attack(then I didn’t know what it was), before that I was always a cheerful person, I studied well, after the fall, horror began, I fell into depression, I could hardly move, I couldn’t study and remember normally, but I wasn’t treated with medicines, I pulled myself out , a little more than a year I was very depressed, then my mood began to improve a little, but strangeness appeared along with this, I began to be afraid of space and the universe, when I looked at the sky I was seized with fear. Then it went away. I became a normal person. Ten years ago it happened relapse, diagnosis panic disorder, neurosis, a lot of accumulated stresses served as a catalyst, it was hell for four months, I was treated in a day hospital of the psycho-neurological department, antidepressants did not really help, and here are ten shots of Relanium, they did a miracle, I became a man, plus I had operation. after that, I flew happy and cheerful. In 2009, stress accumulated again, headaches began, I began to shake, insomnia. A course of phenazepam at 0.5 mg -2 weeks, everything went away, I didn’t feel the need to drink it further, a few months later, I found out that in position, the mood during and after childbirth was excellent. A year ago, after the death of my father-in-law in 2012, and again heaps of stress and sleepless nights with a child, I I felt an increase in anxiety, suspiciousness and fear for my health, plus I had a psycho-traumatic situation for more than a year, I injured my leg in the village, severe itching began, I didn’t see what I scratched, I read on the Internet, I was afraid that they hadn’t been vaccinated against tetanus and rabies, wound up in general, strongly myself with rage that incubation period for more than a year if the lower limb was injured, and I myself was aware of this, then I turned to a psychotherapist treatment with phenazepam, adaptol plus apo-fluoxetine (Canada), acupuncture, after three months I slowly canceled adaptol, fluoxetine according to the scheme, it helped, and began to cancel phenazepam , but as soon as I canceled phenazepam, there was no depression, but I was shaking, and I had the idea that if I quit this moment phenazepam, then I’ll go completely crazy. because even subconsciously, I was able to play Russian roulette, in general, I drank it for more than a year, I didn’t increase the dose mainly by 1 mg, it happened that with severe anxiety 1.5 and I remember exactly 2 days I drank 2 mg, but never raised this dosage higher. For a year I drank naturally intermittently, then I quit then I started, I don’t drink for a month then again for a couple of months. until July, until I got a neck injury, a complication after removal tonsils, in the form osteomyelitis of the neck, I thought I would never be able to walk again, that is, I had a kind of injury and infection superimposed, for half a year I was physically exhausted from pain, the diagnosis was naturally not made right away, in July I stopped taking phenazepam, I felt that plus to my physical torment, began withdrawal syndrome, in August, in neurology, they began to prick me again, it began to let go a little, but I practically could not walk, so I lowered it again, it got worse, the end of August, September, October I drank 0.5-1 mg each, in November I stopped not drinking exactly 11 days, there was horror at night, I couldn’t stand it, I drank it at night, drank 1.5 mg from fear, lowering it to 1 mg, and I realized that I was so poisoned by it, referring to my good physical health, my neck was cured, and that I was sick of his mere sight, and there were already terrible side effects from taking it. The memory became terrible, complete confusion in the head, porridge. I dropped it abruptly by 1 mg, plus I had membrane plasmapheresis, but they warned that whatever one may say, there will still be a withdrawal syndrome. In general, today is two weeks, after plasmapheresis and abrupt withdrawal, I take heptral from drugs, prescribed for the liver, and glycine, I don’t cover the cancellation with anything else, but I’m just awful, I sleep every other day, nightmares, terrible asthenia, I feel mentally exhausted, two days of headaches, flies, sand in the eyes, shaking all over with fear, almost appetite no, the headache is wild, as if something is wrong with the vessels in the head or if there is no pain, the state of some strange emptiness, as if there are no brains. I went, my anxiety increased, I wanted paxil, but somehow after one pill I had a state of hallucinations, although I never suffered from this, they have now prescribed cipralex, but I doubt whether to start it or return to apo-fluoxetine, another moment in the summer, they gave me three injections of relanium, I felt much better. I don’t want to drink phenazepam anymore, but I’m thinking about taking a course of relanium, please tell me how best to act in this difficult situation, to endure without hiding Hell, without doing relanium (It’s problematic to get it, neurologists are not now prescribed), plus a benzodiazepine whatever one may say, or still start drinking cipralex, I also heard about trittiko with dependence on phenazepam and teraligen, but I’m also afraid to drink teraligen, because there was a reaction to the neuroleptic due to temperature increase, the fact is that it is difficult for me to choose an antidepressant, there was only the only blood pressure that helped, and then in combination with adaptol and phenazepam, this is apo-fluoxetine. I need help to alleviate my condition a little or should I endure this withdrawal. I heard that the withdrawal syndrome from phenazepam should be easier for 2-3 weeks later, is it true? I constantly inspire myself that I will endure and everything will be fine, but I'm tired, I want to somehow facilitate this cancellation

You've been doing the opposite all the time. SSRI antidepressants (of which you mentioned, although with panic disorder and it's not the best perfect option, but at least something), which must be taken for a long time (the longer the better) - until the symptoms of neurosis completely disappear, and then as a maintenance treatment, which ideally help and absolutely exclude addiction, you took occasionally; and tranquilizers (, phenazepam), which do not cure anything, cause addiction and only relieve momentary fear - you took almost constantly. Further - instead of canceling the tranquilizer very gradually and very slowly after many years of use, you abruptly abandoned it, and even intensified the withdrawal syndrome with plasmapheresis, carried out according to completely incomprehensible indications. As a result, they faced the same, only an order of magnitude enhanced withdrawal syndrome with tranquilizer addiction. The neck injury was most likely only provoking, not causative factor, i.e. the fall and worries about the POSSIBILITY of injury triggered the first panic attack. All the multiple "" that you describe represent one long-term, completely untreated neurosis, which constantly gives high level anxiety with its "peak" states - sympatho-adrenal vegetative crises, or, what is the same - panic attacks. Sorry, perhaps you are not up to the “debriefing” right now, but the specific recommendation in your case is very simple: contact a competent person who will CORRECTLY select a serotonin-selective antidepressant for you and CORRECTLY cancel the tranquilizer (which you are most likely to take now, alas, forced to restart). All the best!


Thank you very much for your answer! I wanted to clarify with you about the return to phenazepam, because until I get to good specialist do I need to resume taking it, after I endured more than three weeks, panic attacks decreased, tremors in my legs disappeared, sleep improved, but a state of emptiness and some kind of exhaustion remained in my head. Of course, I will drink an antidepressant, strictly under under the supervision of a doctor, but is it worth returning phenazepam or can it be replaced with another tranquilizer, such as atarax? ​​Thank you very much!

Psychotherapist's consultation on "Phenazepam addiction, abrupt withdrawal" is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist-psychoanalyst, candidate medical sciences, associate professor, member of the expert council and presenter of the regular columns of the magazine "Our Psychology", member public organization Russian Society of Psychiatrists.

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