Closure of diastema with composite material. Diastema treatment - gaps between the front teeth Diastema 5 mm in an adult what to do

Someone considers diastema as a feature of their personality, but for someone it is a problem of their whole life. The gap between the teeth is not only a cosmetic defect, but also carries some functional problems. Is it worth it to eliminate the diastema and how can it be done? Read about it in our article.

What is a diastema and how is it different from a trema?

Diastema is called a dental anomaly, it is a gap between the front incisors with a width of 1 to 6 mm, and in some cases reaching 10 mm. Most often occurs in the upper jaw. The incisors, inclined towards each other with cutting edges, form a diastema in the form of a triangle; in the opposite variant, the diastema will be expanding towards the edge of the tooth. The defect not only violates the aesthetics, but also the pronunciation of speech (lisping, spitting).

Gap between front upper incisors

Trema is also the gap between the teeth, but not between the front ones, but between all the rest in the oral cavity. A gap less than 1 mm is not considered a pathology, more than 1 mm indicates its presence.

Between central and lateral incisors

The presence of a diastema or trema leads to trauma to the soft tissues of the gums, the formation of gum pockets. In adults, the risk of developing pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis increases, so the doctor will advise you to start orthodontic correction.

Types of diastema

Diastema is true and false.

With a false diastema, orthodontic intervention is not required. It is typical during the development of milk teeth. The problem disappears on its own when the permanent teeth erupt.

In children, after changing milk teeth at regular intervals, they will disappear by themselves. If this does not happen, the diastema develops into a true one.

True diastema is present in the full number of permanent teeth and requires intervention.


The main causes of diastema:

  • Late change of milk teeth to permanent ones.
  • Too dense bony septum between the central incisors.
  • Absence and defects of lateral incisors.
  • Bad habits that deform the jaw (thumb sucking, pacifiers).
  • Misalignment of anterior teeth.
  • Displaced dentition, due to the congenital absence of some teeth.
  • hereditary factor.


The doctor confirms the presence of a diastema during an internal examination of the patient.

To clarify the causes and type of diastema, additional procedures may be required: orthopantomography, radiography, bite determination, jaw impressions, production and further study.

It is important to take into account the condition of the bridles, the inclination of the incisors, the nature of the bite anomalies, the size of the interdental gap. The problem should be solved collectively, with the involvement of such specialists as an orthopedist, surgeon, orthodontist and dentist-therapist.

Treatment Methods

After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will select an individual treatment depending on the degree of neglect of the anomaly in the location of the teeth. There are several treatments for diastema.


It will help restore the aesthetics of a smile, a method that does not require orthodontic intervention, it is also called a cosmetic restoration method. The gap is closed with artificial overlays: crowns or composite veneers made of photopolymer (components). The photopolymer has a lot of advantages over cements: you can sculpt teeth from it, or you can use it as fillings. Componeers are thin overlays on the teeth that will help correct the color of the enamel, the unevenness of the dentition and, of course, close the gaps between them.

Treatment with composite veneers - before and after photos


The method of closing the interdental gap with the help of artificial crowns and ceramic veneers. A thin ceramic plate is glued to the front surface of the tooth, the inner surface remains the same. The disadvantage of this method is the complex process of correction, high abrasion of antagonist teeth, and difficult tissue control over the prosthesis.

Restoration of teeth with ceramic veneers - before and after photos


In case of anomalies in the shape of the frenulum and its attachment, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lips or tongue is performed, followed by orthodontic correction.


The treatment consists in eliminating the gap by shifting the incisors using plates or bracket systems. The result will have to wait from 6 months to 3 years. Removable plates are recommended for children under 12 years of age, their teeth can be easily corrected. From the age of 13, more rigid braces (ceramic or metal) are needed.

Treatment with braces - before and after photos

For patients who are embarrassed to wear braces and thereby refuse orthodontic treatment, aligners have been released. An aligner is a clear mouthguard used to correct overbite and misalignment of teeth. Unlike braces, aligners are removable, but you still need to wear them all the time, except for breaks for food and hygiene.

Transparent cap

Video: types of braces and how they affect lifestyle


Key preventive measures include:

  • Regular visits to the dentist.
  • Timely treatment of jaw anomalies.
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

Children require constant supervision of a dentist. This is necessary in order to stop the development of defects as early as possible, the correction of which requires so much time and effort.

If you have not yet decided whether to leave or eliminate a diastema, consult a dentist for advice. Ask the specialist to apply a temporary composite material to the gap to evaluate the new image and make your choice with confidence. Still, 40% of patients decide to leave the diastema, and the remaining 60% agree to its elimination.

Diastema is considered one of the most controversial dental anomalies. This term is commonly understood as gaps of various widths separating the upper incisors. Some believe that this feature adds spice to the image, while others seek to correct it. Diastema is not a sentence. Timely identification of the problem and proper treatment allow you to give the teeth as close to the ideal shape as possible.

Features of a dental anomaly

Approximately every sixth inhabitant of the planet has a diastema. In some it is more pronounced, in others it is weaker. The width of the interdental space can vary between 1-6 mm. Also, not always a gap is formed on the upper jaw. It can be in the lower dentition.

One of the initial symptoms of diastema development is dyslalia - problems with pronunciation. Violation of diction usually manifests itself in the form of lisping and whistling, which even a speech therapist cannot correct. If you have problems with diction, you should immediately seek advice from an orthodontist. With age, the interdental gap may increase. Then it will take a lot of time and effort to fix the problem.

Many people who have a diastema often perceive it as a highlight. They are in no hurry to contact the center of aesthetic dentistry and get rid of the gap, if its width is only 1-2 mm. Orthodontists are more determined. Doctors recommend removing the gap not only because of aesthetic issues. Such a defect increases several times the likelihood of developing periodontitis and other dental diseases.

The main causes of occurrence

It is not uncommon for an interdental gap to pass from one generation to another. Indeed, if one of the parents has a similar defect, the probability of its occurrence in a child is quite high. However, the appearance of a diastema is not always due to heredity. In addition to genetic predisposition, aesthetic dentistry identifies a number of other reasons for the appearance of a characteristic gap:

  1. Low growing bridle. This is the most common cause of an interdental gap. If the frenulum is located close to the edge of the gum, over time it begins to interfere with the correct formation of the bite.
  2. Bad habits. Diastema often occurs in people who love seeds. A similar defect can also form in children due to prolonged sucking on a pacifier.
  3. Too early or too late replacement of milk incisors by molars.
  4. Swallowing dysfunction. Nature has laid down such a condition in which, during swallowing, the tongue rests against the upper palate. In 5-7% of people, it works differently. Due to the special structure of the jaw, the tongue begins to rest against the front teeth, where a gap forms over time.

Some causes of diastema development cannot be prevented, but can only be corrected in time. Therefore, the state of the oral cavity should be treated with special attention from an early age.

What are diastemas?

Depending on the degree of bite formation, the following types of interdental gaps are distinguished:

  • False diastema. This is the most common form of pathology, which mainly occurs in children. A gap between the teeth is not an anomaly. It closes on its own after the end of the bite formation process.
  • True diastema. The development of the defect is observed at the age of 13-15 years, when the milk teeth are replaced by the molars. Only a dentist can fix it.

In order to get a positive result from the treatment, it is necessary to correctly classify the defect.

Diagnostic methods

Aesthetic dentistry deals with the problem of correcting the width of the interdental space. It has long gained popularity in European countries, and today it is becoming more and more in demand with us. We can say that this area of ​​dentistry performs plastic surgery on the teeth. The competence of doctors in this area includes solving the following problems: bite correction, diastema closure, restoration and whitening of enamel. In the work of specialists, only the latest achievements of science, based on modern developments of scientists, are used.

Taking casts of the jaws is another way to detect a diastema, determine its type and stage of development. This diagnostic method also allows you to assess the position of the teeth and frenulum in the oral cavity, the inclination of the incisors. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects the most effective way to eliminate the pathology: therapeutic, orthodontic, orthopedic or surgical. Each treatment option is described in more detail below.

Aesthetic art restoration

Diastema is a complex dental defect that is easier to eliminate in adolescence. One of the most popular methods of correction is therapeutic. In a short time, with its help, a smile can return the missing attractiveness. Restoration is performed only on molars, and in its technology resembles a standard filling.

At the initial stage, the doctor conducts an examination of the oral cavity. In case of detection of carious teeth, they are treated. Then the dentist proceeds directly to the correction of the defect. He builds up tissue on the front incisors, forming an artificial septum between them. After the next layer, the surface of the teeth must be polished and dried under a special lamp. The restoration procedure is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. With its help, you can remove the diastema in just one session.

Installation of veneers or crowns

Any aesthetic dentistry center today offers correction of the interdental gap with the help of veneers or crowns. How are these systems different?

Veneers are the thinnest plates made of ceramics. To mask the diastema, they are glued to a special glue on the front of the tooth. Before starting the installation, the surface of the incisors is carefully polished, fluoridated and treated with a gel. The color of the materials is selected individually.

Ceramic plates have a number of advantages. They do not cause allergic reactions, are characterized by high strength, do not stain from food. Among the main disadvantages, only the relatively high cost can be distinguished. In addition, veneers are not installed on children's milk teeth.

If the financial issue is acute, and the elimination of the diastema is simply necessary, you can resort to the help of crowns. This is an inexpensive option for masking interdental gaps. The crown is made of metal-ceramic. Outwardly, it resembles a cap. The crown covers the entire tooth from the outside and inside. Before installing it, the dentist carefully grinds the incisors so that the “cap” fits snugly against the bone tissue.

The use of braces

Orthodontic treatment of the teeth is another way to correct an anomaly such as a diastema. Braces are recommended for children whose milk incisors have recently changed to permanent ones. The metal structure is attached to the outer and inner side of the jaw. The duration of treatment can vary from 6 months to 2 years.

It is much more difficult for adults to get rid of a gap with the help of a bracket system. Their jaw is already fully formed, so it is difficult to correct. The duration of treatment can be up to 3 years. After removing the metal structure, there is a risk of reverse divergence of the teeth.

Surgical intervention

A low growing frenulum is one of the common reasons why a diastema appears. Treatment in this case involves an operation. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a laser. Recovery is very fast, and additional manipulations are not required. The result of the intervention does not appear immediately, but over time, the gap disappears.

Prevention measures

Diastema is a rather unpleasant defect in the oral cavity that can be prevented. To prevent the appearance of an interdental gap, you need to regularly go to the dentist, get rid of addictions. This is especially true for young children, since at a young age it is much easier to correct such violations.

Beautiful teeth are the key to a dazzling and beautiful smile. But sometimes it can be broken by a diastema or a gap between the front teeth, its size is from 1 to 10 millimeters.

More often, such an anomaly occurs between the front teeth on the upper jaw, less often on the lower. Such a condition violates not only an attractive appearance, it affects the clarity and pronunciation of speech.

A similar condition occurs between the incisors, then it is called false. During the defect is able to close on its own.

Types of defect

In total, there are three types of diastema, depending on the position of the teeth in relation to each other:

  1. With the first option crowns of incisors located in the center are deviated to the side. The position of the roots in this scenario remains normal.
  2. With the second option the central incisors are completely displaced to the sides. This condition is hereditary and often occurs in children and their parents or close relatives.
  3. With the third option the central incisors, along with the roots, are displaced inwards. It is very rare to find such a state.


Often diastema is inherited, the main reason is too low attachment of the frenulum of the lower lip. It is this the anomaly becomes a prerequisite for the formation of a gap between the front teeth.

But there are other causes of occurrence, among which the first place is the early loss of the front row of milk teeth. Permanent incisors may grow abnormally or be small (microdentia), which leads to the development of an anomaly.

Due to the anomaly of the incisors, which grow on the sides and, as a result, are smaller than the normal size, lead to the formation of a gap. The resulting space is occupied by the central teeth.

Also, the factors provoking the violation:

  1. Bad habits, when a person constantly bites his nails, pencils, seeds or crackers, also lead to the development of diastema, in particular, lateral deviation of crowns.
  2. Cause reversal of teeth on the sides serve as additional teeth or low fastening of the frenulum of the lower lip. This is also facilitated by excessive compaction of the bones in the region of the palatal suture, the abnormal position of the incisors on the sides and canines.
  3. Turning inward extra teeth are the cause.

Knowing the causes of a hole between the front teeth, diastema can be successfully dealt with, especially since there are many methods for this.

Remedies: a full range of measures

In order to say goodbye to diastema forever, there are many methods that are used depending on the indications and the clinical situation.

If an excessive gap has appeared between the front teeth and it causes discomfort, then this can be corrected using the following methods:

The photo shows how the diastema disappeared after wearing braces

The choice of a doctor when eliminating a violation depends on the reason for which it appeared. What matters is the severity and desire of the person to whom treatment is offered. Not every person will agree to wear not very attractive braces or undergo surgery for several years.

Features of eliminating a defect in babies

If dystema or trema occurs in a child, treatment should be started as early as possible. First, the doctor needs to establish the true cause of the appearance and nature (false or true).

Additionally, an x-ray is taken, with a true diastema, the seam will be traced between the roots or form a groove. When filling the seam with connective or bone tissue, a plastic surgery is performed. Surgery is painful, and the wound heals for a long time.

If the reason lies in the milk teeth, their excessive size, they are simply removed and then they do not interfere with the normal growth of the central incisors.

Trema requires special attention, as a type of diastema.

Trema is also a crack, but not the same

Another type of gap between teeth is called trema. Similar defects are located between the front and side teeth in the region of the upper and lower jaws. Trema is not too wide a gap and is located between any teeth.

The cause of the violation may be excessive development of the jaw bones or anomalies in the size of the dentition, which is manifested by excessively small sizes. A similar state develops. It is during this period that the jaws are in a state of active growth and development.

The normal distance for trema is 0.7 mm, if the distance exceeds a millimeter, then we can talk about the pathology of the dentition.

A large defect between the teeth is more of a cosmetic problem. Such a violation can lead to impaired speech, the soft tissues of the gums are constantly injured, and gum pockets are formed.

In an adult, this condition is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of pathology affecting the dentition.

Very often it develops, the gums suffer from and. In this regard, defects are not so harmless and can bring not only discomfort, but also cause pathology of the dentition. Treatment and consultation with a dentist is required immediately.

In order to prevent

There are several rules for preventing the development of disorders in the dentition. First of all, it is necessary to completely eradicate bad habits and actively fight them in your child. Constant oral care will avoid many diseases, in particular, or those that will contribute to the development of the gap.

Regular visits to the dentist will allow you to establish an early diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. In a child under one year old, the gap between the teeth is an extremely rare occurrence; in adolescence, everything can very well manifest itself. This is especially likely if the pathology is missed at an early stage of development.

The beauty of teeth and a smile in general depends on how you treat it. Diastema or tremas can destroy this beauty if they were not given due attention at an early stage of development.

A great responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, who must regularly take the child to see the dentist. Sometimes the choice can be between further progression of the hole between the teeth and wearing braces.

So maybe it's better to be patient a little, and then have healthy teeth all your life? Everyone must find the answer to this question for themselves.

- a visible interdental gap separating the central incisors of the upper (less often - lower) dentition. The diastema is not only an aesthetic defect, but also contributes to speech impairment, the emergence of communicative and psychological difficulties. Clarification of the causes and accompanying diastema anomalies is carried out using a dental examination, intraoral radiography, orthopantomography, and the study of diagnostic models of the jaws. Diastema treatment can be carried out by therapeutic (aesthetic restoration), orthopedic (crowns, veneers), surgical (plasty of the frenulum of the upper lip or tongue), orthodontic (vestibular plates, braces) methods.

General information

Diastema is an abnormal position of the central incisors, characterized by the presence of a free space between them. The interdental gap with diastema can reach a value of 1 to 10 mm (average 2-6 mm). Diastema is one of the most common dentoalveolar deformities, occurring in approximately 8-20% of the population. In most cases, the interdental gap is located between the upper incisors, but it can also occur in the lower dentition. Diastema is often combined with other anomalies in the position, size and shape of the teeth and therefore requires an integrated approach to solving the problem from the side of therapeutic and surgical dentistry, orthodontics and orthopedics.

Causes of diastema

An analysis of clinical observations shows that heredity is the most common cause of diastema formation: in families with a genetic predisposition, about 50% of relatives have this defect in the dentition.

A significant role in the appearance of the diastema is given to anomalies of the frenulum, such as a short frenulum of the tongue, low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip, a massive frenulum of the upper lip, etc. In addition, the diastema can occur in the presence of supernumerary impacted teeth, microdentia, partial or multiple adentia, late eruption permanent teeth, tumors of the jaws (odontoma), cleft of the alveolar process.

Various bad habits (prolonged nipple sucking, biting pens, pencils and other objects, onychophagia, the habit of chewing seeds, etc.) can cause not only diastema, but also the rotation of the central incisors along the vertical axis.

Diastema classification

First of all, they distinguish between false and true diastema. False diastema is characteristic of the period of change of temporary occlusion to permanent. This is a normal, natural condition for childhood. Usually, by the end of the change of teeth, the diastema closes on its own. A true diastema is observed in permanent occlusion and does not disappear without special dental care.

Given the location of the interdental space relative to the midsagittal plane, the diastema can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. With a symmetrical type of diastema, both central incisors are displaced laterally by the same distance; with asymmetric - one incisor is located normally, and the other is significantly displaced in the lateral position.

According to another classification, there are three types of diastema:

  1. with a lateral inclination of the crowns of the central incisors; while the roots of the teeth are located correctly;
  2. with lateral body displacement of the central incisors;
  3. with a medial deviation of the crowns and a lateral deviation of the roots of the central incisors.

With all types of diastema, the normal position of the incisor crowns (without rotation along the axis), the rotation of the incisor crowns along the axis in the vestibular or oral direction can occur.

Diastema Symptoms

All forms of diastema are a defect in the dentition, expressed to one degree or another. However, some diastema owners tend to consider it not an aesthetic flaw, but rather a kind of “highlight” in appearance and do not see the need for dental care.

However, the interdental gap between central incisors is rarely relatively narrow and parallel. Much more often, due to the deviation of the central incisors, it has a triangular shape with the top facing the gum or the cutting edge of the teeth. In addition, the diastema is often accompanied by a powerful frenulum of the upper lip, the fibers of which are attached to the crest of the alveolar process and woven into the incisive papilla, as well as dental anomalies (trema, microdentia, adentia, rotation of the incisors along the axis), malocclusion (distal, mesial, open, deep, cross). Therefore, many people with diastema experience psychological and physical discomfort, are ashamed of their appearance and smile. The presence of a diastema favors the development of periodontitis in the area of ​​the anterior teeth.

Diastema may be accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation (mechanical dyslalia) - whistling, lisping, which in turn creates difficulties in speech communication, limits the choice of professional activity and requires the help of not only a dentist, but also a speech therapist.

Diagnostics of the diastema

The presence of a diastema in a patient is detected during a visual examination of the oral cavity. However, to clarify the causes and type of diastema, a number of additional diagnostic procedures are required: determining the bite, targeted radiography, orthopantomography, taking casts, making and studying diagnostic models of the jaws. When analyzing data, the position, shape, inclination of incisors and roots are taken into account; condition of the bridles; the size of the interdental gap and the symmetry of the diastema; the nature of the bite, the presence of impacted teeth, etc.

The problem of choosing the optimal method for diastema elimination should be solved collegially, with the involvement of various specialists: dentists, surgeons, orthodontists,).

If the cause-causing factors of the diastema are anomalies in the shape and attachment of the frenulums, surgical treatment is performed - plastic frenulum of the lips or tongue. In some cases, the removal of impacted and dystopic teeth, interradicular compactosteotomy, followed by orthodontic correction is required. The orthodontic method of eliminating the diastema consists in moving the position of the incisors using removable devices (vestibular plates) or fixed equipment (braces).

Forecast and prevention of diastema

The variety of clinical forms of diastema dictates the need to draw up an individual treatment plan in each case, a clear justification of the criteria for choosing the best methods and the sequence of treatment stages. This approach allows to achieve optimal aesthetic results in the treatment of diastema, eliminate the shortcomings of sound pronunciation and psychological complexes.

The basic rules for the prevention of diastema are reduced to the exclusion of bad oral habits, the elimination of concomitant maxillofacial anomalies, and regular monitoring by the dentist.

Diastema is an abnormal arrangement of the central incisors, characterized by the presence of a gap between them. Its width varies on average from 1 to 6 mm, but can reach 1 cm. As a rule, the phenomenon is more common in relation to the upper teeth, but it can also be formed on the lower jaw. Diastema not only causes psychological discomfort and entails difficulties in communication, but also contributes to the development of speech defects, therefore, it should be subjected to medical correction.

Causes of diastema

Diastema of the teeth can be caused by the following group of reasons:

  • low location of the frenulum of the upper lip;
  • short frenulum of the tongue;
  • premature loss of one of the front teeth;
  • violation of the terms of eruption of permanent teeth;
  • defects in the size and shape of the lateral incisors;
  • incorrect position of the front teeth;
  • dense bony septum between the incisors;
  • supernumerary teeth;
  • microdentia;
  • adentia (both partial and multiple);
  • cleft of the alveolar process;
  • jaw tumors;
  • dental diseases.

In addition, a diastema can form in the presence of bad habits - prolonged nipple sucking, onychophagia, biting of pens and other objects, etc.

Diastema classification

The diastema is divided into two large groups:

  • false - an anomaly observed in children during the period of change of milk teeth to permanent ones - until the end of the process;
  • true - observed after the permanent teeth have fully grown, and the gap between the teeth has not closed.

Another classification suggests three types of defect:

  1. lateral deviation of the crown. In this case, the teeth are crooked, but the roots are in the correct position. The reason for this is often bad habits;
  2. corpus lateral displacement. Occurs in connection with short frenulums, the presence of supernumerary teeth;
  3. medial inclination of crowns. There is also a lateral deviation of the root system, which can be provoked by supernumerary teeth.

Diastema Symptoms

The interdental gap can be quite narrow and parallel, however, due to the deviation of the incisors, it often acquires a triangular shape, in which the apex faces the gum. Diastema may be accompanied by other anomalies:

  • short bridle;
  • microdentia;
  • adentia;
  • malocclusion;
  • rotation of the incisors along the axis;
  • mechanical dyslalia - speech disorders.

Diagnostics of the diastema

The diastema is established by the doctor during a visual examination. To determine the tactics of treatment, the dentist finds out the cause of the defect, this is done using several methods:

  • definition of bite;
  • x-ray, orthopantomography to assess the state of the root system, bone tissue;
  • taking impressions and making models of the jaw for quantification and taking the necessary measurements.

The parameters necessary for evaluation are: determination of the asymmetry or symmetry of the defect, condition, slope, shape of the roots, gap size, stage of incisor development, etc.

Diastema treatment

Diastema, the treatment of which should be carried out in order to avoid complications, is corrected in several ways. Their choice is determined by many parameters - age, condition of the roots and incisors, the presence of concomitant pathologies, etc.

The specificity of treatment in children requires careful diagnosis, since the diastema may be false and not require serious interventions. Sometimes, to prevent a defect, a surgical intervention may be indicated - frenuloplasty.

If the closure of the diastema in children is indicated, it is recommended to start treatment at an early age. Indications are determined by the doctor using several methods. For example, the X-ray method makes it possible to establish the following signs of a developing diastema: the roots of the central incisors form a clearly defined groove, a seam between the front teeth is visible in the picture. If it is filled with connective and bone tissue of the frenulum, then an intervention in the form of a corticotomy is indicated. It is necessary to violate the density of the palatine suture, excise the connective tissue, and move the frenulum.

This method is quite painful, since it involves a rehabilitation period after the intervention, which is not always acceptable for young children. There is also a method of non-surgical treatment: the doctor installs a special device made of rubber on the tooth, which allows you to level the gap. After the retainer is placed from the inside, which prevents the teeth from returning to their previous position, its wearing is shown for a longer time.

If the diastema was caused by the appearance of supernumerary teeth, this is an indication for their removal, and only after that the dentist takes the necessary measures to eliminate the defect.

Orthodontic treatment is quite lengthy and involves wearing a special plate (vestibular) or installing a bracket system. The first option is optimal for patients under 12 years of age, after that it may be ineffective, so ceramic or metal braces are more often used.

Retainers must be worn after braces are removed to prevent teeth from returning to their normal position. They are a small arch attached to the lingual surface of the teeth.

Orthopedic treatment involves closing the interdental gap with the help of veneers, crowns (solid and metal-ceramic). Veneers are glued to the outer surface of the teeth and eliminate the gap, the inner side remains the same. This method does not require grinding of teeth, and fixation of structures is carried out using special dental adhesives. Veneers are selected by color, they are not subject to staining and have a fairly long service life, but they have one drawback - a rather high cost.

The installation of crowns involves closing the gap from all sides, but requires grinding the teeth, so this method is rarely used in diastema correction in children.

In addition, a diastema, which can take a long time to correct, may also require the use of surgical methods, and not only in relation to the frenulum:

  • removal of dystopic, impacted teeth;
  • carrying out interradicular compactosteotomy - an operation that is aimed at reducing the resistance of the compact substance of the bone tissue before the upcoming movement of the anterior incisors.

Compact osteotomy reduces the time of wearing brackets and promotes faster movement of incisors and closing of the interdental gap.

Be that as it may, the correction of the defect is required not only for aesthetic appeal, but also to prevent other complications, as well as to normalize speech functions in the presence of defects.

Forecast and prevention of diastema

If measures are not taken in relation to the diastema, the risk of developing periodontitis in the area of ​​the anterior teeth increases. Timely access to the dentist at an early age can increase the chances of correcting the defect, however, in adulthood and old age, the prognosis is relatively favorable with full compliance with medical prescriptions - it is necessary to wear removable structures in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, when installing non-removable ones - do not neglect wearing retainers after they are withdrawals, etc. Only in this case it is possible to correct the diastema.

The risk of recurrence is directly related to the cause that caused the defect, as well as violation of the regimen.

Preventive measures for diastema are ineffective if it is caused by a genetic factor, so the only recommendation in this case is the timely correction of the features and causes that provoke the anomaly.

  • exclusion of bad habits (thumb sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier and baby bottles, pencil biting, etc.);
  • elimination of maxillofacial anomalies - timely correction of the length of the frenulum, etc.;
  • preventive visits to the dentist.

To eliminate the diastema today is not difficult due to the available dental technologies, but it is better to prevent it if possible.

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