Composite veneers service life. Restoration of teeth with composite veneers. Porcelain veneers - pros and cons, price

Healthy teeth and a whiter smile important factors for every person. In dentistry, to correct deficiencies and to achieve high aesthetic performance, special pads are used, which are fixed to the surface of the teeth using a special adhesive. What is better to choose - ceramic or composite veneers? In each case, the designs are selected individually, taking into account the condition of the dentition, the indications and the budget of the patient himself.

What are veneers in dentistry

These are micro-prostheses (direct composite and indirect ceramic), which are used in dentistry to correct minor defects in the dentition, to improve the aesthetic characteristics of a smile. These products are thin - no more than half a millimeter, due to this they are imperceptibly to others.

Lumineers are also used for restoration in dentistry - Hollywood laminates. Their installation does not require pre-turning. But they are very costly. Therefore, more often, dentist patients prefer to install composite or ceramic plates.

What types of veneers are

Composite veneers and ceramic allow you to achieve amazing aesthetic effect, hide the defects of the teeth. Dental veneers differ in material, method of installation, duration of operation, aesthetic indicators. The service life of the plate directly depends on what material is used for its manufacture. A composite structure, when properly installed and subject to all the rules for caring for it, can last about 4 years, after which it must be replaced.

Ceramic onlays, with proper fixation and compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist, can last much longer - more than 15 years, veneers will perform their functions. Depending on the material used, the fixation of products is carried out in two ways - direct or indirect. If the direct method is used, the onlays are bonded to the front of the tooth in one visit without the need to prepare the enamel layer.

Ceramic devices are made in several stages - preparation, impression taking, construction, fixation.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other dental device, plates have indications and contraindications. Overlay installation is shown in the following cases:

  • pronounced yellow a tooth that cannot be whitened (more often this condition develops with the abuse of coloring foods or drinks, as well as in heavy smokers);
  • if, after depulpation, the color of the tooth has become dark;
    with fluorosis lesions;
  • in the presence of pronounced defects with an extensive area of ​​enamel damage;
  • with uneven and incorrect arrangement of teeth in the smile line;
  • in the presence of abnormal development of teeth;
  • if whitening procedures to get rid of an unpleasant shade are ineffective;
  • if there are old fillings that differ in color from the original color of the enamel.

The main contraindications for installation are:

  • the presence of malocclusion;
  • if there are no adjacent molars;
  • in the presence of bad habits- nail biting, cracking nuts, opening bottles (such contraindications are relative, after you manage to get rid of negative habits, you can install plates);
  • if the patient suffers from bruxism;
  • when doing too active image life, extreme sports;
  • if the inside of the tooth is very badly damaged;
  • at pathological abrasion enamel.

Composite veneers

Composite devices are created in one visit to the dentist, do not require significant grinding of the enamel layer. Such plates are used only for the frontal group of teeth, since they are not able to withstand high chewing loads.

To achieve the effect of naturalness, the specialist grinds the anterior tooth surface a few millimeters before the procedure so that the adhesion to the device is maximum. The structure of the composite is similar to the structure filling material.

Main positive aspects composite overlays are:

  • the ability to restore teeth in one visit to the doctor;
  • lack of time costs;
  • affordable cost, unlike ceramic products;
  • the need to treat only the area on the incisors that is damaged, and not the entire tooth.

The disadvantages of such devices are:

  • after a while, the products become rough and dull, easily exposed to coloring pigments from food or drink;
  • they are fragile, have increased fragility compared to ceramic plates;
  • short service life.

The process of manufacturing composite veneers is not long, you can put them in one visit to a specialist.

Ceramic veneers

For patients, porcelain veneers are more acceptable because they are strong and durable. In time, they are made longer than composite ones. First, the doctor makes an impression, after which it is sent to a dental laboratory, where the direct manufacture of the product is carried out in special ovens. Restoration with the help of ceramic devices is carried out in several stages: enamel turning, making an impression, making, fixing.

The duration of their operation is at least 15 years with proper installation and compliance with all medical recommendations. The structure of such products is almost identical to natural enamel, they are not stained with drinks and food.

Differences between composite and ceramic veneers

Which veneers are better - ceramic or composite? It is unambiguously impossible to state, since in each case the products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Devices from different materials may differ in different indicators. How are composite veneers different from porcelain veneers?

The composite differs from ceramics in such characteristics:

  • duration of wearing service;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • installation and manufacturing time;
  • the need for enamel preparation;
  • aesthetic indicators;
  • possibility of installation on the front or chewing group units;
  • the difference between ceramics is that it adheres more tightly to its own tissues.

The difference between ceramic veneers, composite products and in cost. The former are much more expensive, so not every patient can afford such a procedure.

Features of the manufacture and installation of plates

The installation of composite and ceramic veneers also has its own differences. Composite products are made directly in the mouth, in one visit to the doctor. Ceramic veneers are made in dental laboratory. You will have to wait about two weeks. Composite structures are applied to the enamel surface in layers, after which it is polished.

Ceramics are made by mold in a special furnace. After that, it is turned, polished, adjusted to the color and shape of a natural tooth. Such products can only be installed after preliminary preparation in order to achieve a perfect fit, adhesion.

Service life of different types of veneers

Porcelain veneers with proper fixation and care will last about 15-20 years. Composite products usually need to be replaced after 4 years. Important to find qualified specialist who will competently deal with the restoration process.

It is also very important to follow all care recommendations: clean twice a day (preferably after each meal), use floss to clean the interdental space. You may need to purchase an irrigator for a complete procedure for cleaning the surface of the device.

Various problems with teeth worries many, so few can boast of perfect and completely healthy teeth. In addition, with age, they wear out, they are amazed various infections that cause cavities and further tooth decay.

If a back teeth not visible, then the front ones are always in sight and almost everyone can see the slightest damage. For these purposes, special microprostheses were developed - composite veneers. These products allow you to hide even small defects, make the tooth even, give it a natural look and hide all defects. But still, before resorting to the installation of these tools, it is worth carefully studying their main features.

Attention! Usually, veneers are installed only at the request of the patient; for this, it is not entirely necessary to have indications. As a rule, these funds are used to improve the shape and color of the teeth, and also if the patient dreams of having a Hollywood smile.

But still, there are some indications in which veneers are installed:
  • ugly and uneven shape of teeth;
  • the presence of a pronounced yellow tint of the anterior incisors;
  • change in shade after depulpation;
  • the presence of an erosive process of enamel, for example, after a tooth has been chipped off due to any reason;
  • wide spaces between teeth with an ugly shape, as well as turned crowded incisors;
  • can be used when other recovery methods have not provided the desired results.

Composite veneers are a method aesthetic correction smiles of the patient, which is used for cracks and chips on the teeth, discoloration, curvature of the teeth, large interdental spaces.


Important! Before resorting to the installation of composite veneers, you should pay attention to contraindications, sometimes the doctor may suggest alternative ways restoration of teeth.

Do not use veneers in the presence of the following indications:
  1. If the patient has a reverse or direct malocclusion;
  2. If a person is actively involved in wrestling, boxing and other sports, calling the process tooth decay;
  3. Do not install if oral cavity no chewing teeth;
  4. The presence of certain bad habits in which teeth are used for other purposes, for example, opening beer bottle caps with teeth, cracking nuts, seeds, biting nails and others;
  5. Structure inner surface on the part of the tongue, it has an increased degree of destruction or a seal is installed there, which is large;
  6. In the past, treatment was performed using resorcinol-formalin.

Also, some people may have very thin enamel. Before installing veneers, the enamel layer is removed, and the installation of these elements is performed on the surface of soft dentin, which has reduced strength.

Porcelain veneers can also be placed on severely damaged teeth, and composite veneers can be placed on other incisors, but they must be matched in the same shade.

Types of veneers

Usually, all veneers are divided into types depending on the material from which they are made. In total, there are three types of these products:

  • ceramic microprostheses. Plates of this type are made from zirconium dioxide, porcelain, which has a medical purpose. This type of veneers is widely used among many patients, because it has increased strength, and its color does not change even after a long period of use. Ceramic plates have a small thickness, its size is only 0.3-0.5 mm. By outward signs ceramic products do not differ at all from the structure of natural teeth;
  • composite veneers. This type of record is in low demand. The thing is that these microprostheses have long been outdated and they are rarely used anymore, this is due to their lack of long term service, as well as low strength. In addition, compared to ceramic, they do not look quite aesthetically pleasing;
  • porcelain veneers. These products are part of the Hollywood laminates group. The size of the plate thickness of this type is only 0.2 mm. These products are durable and long lasting. In addition, their installation does not require additional turning of the teeth.

Veneers are thin shells that are placed on the front surface of the teeth in the smile area. They are necessary for aesthetic correction defects in the dentition - in particular the color and shape of the front teeth.

Manufacturing features

Depending on the type of veneers, the methods and features of their manufacture have some distinctive features. In order to choose the right products, you should carefully consider the options for manufacturing ceramic and composite veneers.

Ceramic veneers

The manufacturing technology of ceramic veneers provides for several options:

  1. During the first method, the ceramic material is applied in layers, which are then fired. Using this method, non-pressed type ceramics are produced;
  2. In the second method, pressed-type ceramics are produced. During manufacture, the molding is formed under the influence of high temperature. Unlike non-pressed records, these products have an increased service life.

Veneers are tightly bonded to the tooth surface and have optical, mechanical and biological properties the same as human tooth enamel. This is what made ceramic veneers popular in the restoration of teeth.

Features of installing ceramic veneers:

  • first, the tooth is grinded, this is required for the further installation of veneers;
  • then a special mixture with a fast-acting structure is applied to the surface of the teeth. An impression is made from this mixture, with the help of which the future micro-prosthesis is created on the computer;
  • after that, turning and manufacturing of plates is performed;
  • the inner surface of the veneers is processed with a special tool that is designed to apply a surface with a rough structure. This is required for better adhesion of the plate to the teeth;
  • during the production of veneers, temporary micro-prostheses are installed on the surface of the teeth;
  • when attaching permanent laminates, temporary ones are removed. Installation of permanent veneers is performed on a cement mixture

Features of the manufacture of composite veneers

Composite veneers are made using two technologies:

  1. During the first method, composite microprostheses are performed on site in the dentist's office. Usually these products are called direct or therapeutic. During the procedure, the doctor removes the top layer of enamel. Next, a layer-by-layer light-polymer material is applied to the surface. Gradually, the surface of the teeth is restored, and all damage and defects are corrected;
  2. During the second method, the plates are produced in laboratory conditions. Before manufacturing begins, the enamel is removed from the surface of the teeth and an impression is taken. Based on the cast, a composite veneer is made.

Composite veneers are made directly in the patient's mouth from composite materials by applying them layer by layer. Composite veneer technology is similar to artistic restoration teeth.

Description of composite veneers

Composite veneers in recent times began to be in low demand, the reviews of many patients reveal many negative qualities.
Many dentists recommend using composite plates that are made in the laboratory because they are much better and stronger than products that are made right in the dentist's office.

Important! In 90% of cases, exactly those veneers are used that are applied by the dentist right in the office. Usually superimposed layer composite material on the front of the teeth looks like a large filling, the cost of which is much more than the usual restoration of teeth.

During the installation of the veneer in the office, the doctor grinds the incisors and applies a layer of material. Then the technician, using special laboratory equipment, gives it the necessary color and transparency.

The direct method of making a veneer in the oral cavity: the doctor evaluates the condition of the teeth - the color of the composite material is selected - the teeth are turned - a veneer is formed from composite materials - the veneer is turned and polished.


Compared to ceramic veneers, composite materials have a number of negative qualities:

  • compared to ceramic products, these plates have low aesthetic qualities. Sometimes, after installation, there is a clear difference in the color of the veneer from the natural color of the tooth enamel;
  • teeth with composite plates quickly lose. Over time, composite veneers become dull, yellowish, and the shade may become darker. But ceramic and porcelain plates never change color, their shade is fully preserved throughout the entire period of use;
  • composite microprostheses have low strength. After installing them, it is not recommended to crack nuts, eat hard foods, vegetables, fruits. But products that are made of pressed ceramics or zirconium are characterized by increased strength, they do not collapse even under impact;
  • when performing layer-by-layer overlaying of light-polymer overlaying of material under artificial lighting in a dental office, it does not allow achieving the required shade, because high humidity tooth reduces the quality of the base. In addition, there is a large number of colors of the composite material for the veneer, so many may experience serious problems with the choice of the desired shade. But in any case, no matter what color is chosen for the veneer, it will still differ from ceramic or porcelain plates.

When neglecting their teeth, patients injure them. bad habits can lead to yellowing of the veneers, as well as breakage. In this regard, you will have to make a new veneer or crown on the tooth.

Veneer technology

In order to produce and install veneers with high quality, it is recommended to perform all necessary recommendations and rules:

  1. On the first preparatory stage complete examination of the oral cavity. At this stage, old fillings are identified, which must be removed. New fillings are installed in place of old fillings, their surface will create a high adhesion to the veneer;
  2. Next, the doctor, together with the patient, selects the desired color for the future veneer. The selection takes into account the wishes of the patient, as well as the natural shade of the teeth;
  3. Then the top layer of enamel is removed, thin layer with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 cm. Also at this stage, old fillings are removed and new ones are installed;
  4. After that, using a special material, the doctor makes an impression of the teeth on which the veneers will be installed. The impression is sent to the laboratory;
  5. Immediately after the impression is taken, a temporary micro-prosthesis is installed on the surface of the turned teeth. It is needed in order to provide increased protection to the teeth from the effects of various negative factors;
  6. Technicians in the laboratory, on the basis of the cast, cast the model from plaster material. Then, with the help of special computer programs veneers are being made. The pressing method produces plates from a porcelain base, zirconium plates are machined;
  7. At the final stage, a permanent veneer is installed, the temporary plate is removed. Installation is done using special pastes that have special colors. It is important to choose the right shade of paste, the color of a healthy tooth depends on it.

Important! After the installation of veneers, it is necessary to properly care for the teeth and constantly monitor them. Do not use them for other purposes, for example, for opening bottle caps, cracking nut shells, biting nails.

In addition, it is necessary to perform regular cleaning and rinsing of the oral cavity using special solutions with an antiseptic effect. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, you can keep composite veneers in good condition for a long time.

Many people are dissatisfied with their teeth: they do not like the shape of their teeth, their color, location. If the location of the teeth can still be corrected with the help of braces, then it was almost impossible to change the color and shape of the teeth without serious dental intervention. Various whitening systems should not be considered, as they only lighten the teeth and cannot make them snow white. Moreover, this effect is temporary.

Yes, it was before. Today, thanks to the advent of technology for the restoration of teeth with veneers, dentists can eliminate without serious dental treatment deficiencies such as: poor placement, defects in shape and surface, uneven or too dark color teeth . Moreover, if necessary, the doctor veneers can reduce interdental spaces. And the most fast way– use of composite veneers.

Types of dental veneers

Dental veneers are called miniature prostheses that are made of ceramic or composite materials. Ceramic microprostheses are the most expensive. Composite veneers cost the least.

Some people claim that composite veneers are not used in Europe and the USA . It's not quite right. In the West, composite microprostheses are also widely used, since there are a lot of people there who cannot afford ceramic counterparts. However, composite veneers are made there in a slightly different way than in Russia. But more on that below.

Ceramic veneers

People often call them Hollywood because of their beauty and high cost. Dentists call them indirect. The fact is that they are not made in the patient's mouth during a dental appointment, but in a special laboratory.

There are 2 types of porcelain veneers:

  • Porcelain.
  • Zirconia.

Porcelain veneers

This material is widely used in dentistry.. This is explained by its external similarity with natural enamel. In addition, porcelain is quite durable and does not stain with time in a different color. The use of this material makes it possible to obtain onlays for teeth with excellent aesthetics.

Porcelain microprostheses are made in 2 ways:

Zirconia veneers

Zirconium microprostheses have a two-layer structure. Their inner part is very durable zirconium frame, external - porcelain mass. Inner part The micro-prosthesis is made using a special milling machine that works without human intervention. As a result, at the exit from the installation, the dental technician receives a micro-prosthesis frame with ideally observed initial parameters.

The production of such a veneer is as follows:

It should be noted that zirconium products are much stronger than porcelain analogues.

What are composite veneers?

Micro prostheses made of this material are linings made of composite material to change the appearance of the crowns of the front row teeth. Such a product covers only the visible part and the cutting edge of the tooth.

The thickness of composite veneers is low: only 0.6 mm. Due to the minimum thickness, the dentist can use these products to change their color and shape without significant processing of the teeth.

Composite veneers are called so because of the fact that that are made of a reflective filling material - a composite. As you know, the composite is inexpensive. This determines the great popularity of composite veneers among the population.

A few years ago, when the technology for the production of such microprostheses was just being tested, the low cost affected the quality of products not only better side. Today, thanks to the use of new composites and production technologies, composite veneers in terms of their performance have come close to ceramic products.

Indications for the use of composite veneers

Micro prostheses can be installed at the request of the patient. However, dentists distinguish the following list of indications for which they recommend to patients the procedure for installing these products:


Correction of the dentition using composite veneers is prohibited in the following cases:

Benefits of composite veneers

This type of microprosthesis attractive to patients for the following reasons:

  • Acceptable cost.
  • High installation speed.
  • In the production and installation of composite veneers, complex technologies and expensive materials are not used.
  • There is no need to prepare the teeth for the installation of such products for a long time.

Composite veneers are installed on the same day that the patient asked for help from the dentist.

Disadvantages of such micro prostheses

Composite veneers allow for a quick restoration of teeth, but at the same time they have some disadvantages in comparison. with ceramic microprostheses:

Despite these shortcomings, composite microprostheses are still sufficient effective solution some dental problems.

Manufacturing and installation

Composite veneers are installed in 2 ways:

  • Straight. Micro prostheses are formed directly in the patient's mouth during an appointment with the dentist.
  • Indirect. This method of installation requires the manufacture of composite veneers in the laboratory and the preliminary preparation of the teeth.

direct method

The use of this method involves the formation of an overlay directly on the patient's tooth. The creation of a micro-prosthesis and its fixation takes place in one step.

The dentist grinds down the minimum layer of the tooth surface. After that, the composite is layer-by-layer applied to the treated surface. As a rule, to achieve the best aesthetic effect apply at least 7 layers. After that, as the composite hardens, the doctor grinds and polishes it.

In some cases, the dentist does not grind the teeth. This usually occurs when composite veneers are used to correct interdental spaces.

indirect method

At indirect method composite veneers manufactured and installed in several stages:

Service life of composite veneers

As a rule, the service life of such products depends on what materials were used in their manufacture. If the patient competently cares for the oral cavity, then the pads serve an average of 5 years. Unfortunately, not all people manage to withstand such a period. Most often, linings last only 2 years.

The patients themselves are to blame for the shortening of the service life of the products:

  • They hurt your teeth.
  • They do not give up bad habits and continue to gnaw seeds and crack nuts with their teeth.
  • Not taking good care of the oral cavity.
  • Eat too hot and too cold foods one after another. Temperature fluctuations cause a change in the structure of the composite, due to which the linings break.

Caring for composite veneers

After installing the overlays, the dentist must tell the patient about the rules for caring for the products. They consist of the following items:

How much do composite veneers cost?

As mentioned above, composite overlays are considered the most inexpensive. One piece will cost an average of 3,000 rubles. However, some clinics ask for 15,000 for their manufacture and installation. The price range is explained by the status of the medical institution.

Composite veneers for teeth price, photos, reviews. Improve appearance of the dentition is possible for a small price if composite veneers are used. This sparing method is not preceded by a strong grinding of the teeth, but it allows you to correct their noticeable defects: chips and cracks in the enamel, discoloration, wide interdental space, slight curvature.


The nuances of composite veneering

There is a wide variety of materials for this type of veneers:

All materials have approximately the same shelf life.

They can be used in the following cases:

  • The need to correct the color of the enamel, which cannot be done by bleaching;
  • Anomalies in the shape and location of the teeth (minor);
  • Dark spots on surfaces due to high content fluorine;
  • Abnormal abrasion of teeth, excessively thin enamel;
  • Significant erosion of the top layer of enamel.

The use of composite veneers is not advisable if the doctor has determined that this may interfere with:

  • Incorrect direct or reverse bite;
  • Grinding of teeth in a dream, as well as the habit of biting nails, biting off threads with teeth;
  • Significant tooth decay by caries;
  • Treatment with resorcinol-formalin, which involves the use of drugs incompatible with the composites.


Pros and cons of composite veneers

Main advantage this method restoration before others, making it popular, low cost.

You can add the following benefits:

Among the shortcomings inherent in this type of restoration, experts distinguish:

  • Pretty quick loss original form. Composite veneers quickly fade, change color under the influence of food dyes and from time to time;
  • The surface of the material is not polished effectively enough;
  • Strength, in comparison with ceramics and other materials, leaves much to be desired. Composite veneers wear out faster, they more likely to occur cracks, chips.

The cost of composite veneers depending on the manufacturer

Composite veneers are installed in two ways: direct and indirect. For the first, ready-made veneers are required, which are glued on the very first visit to the dentist. Indirect composite veneering involves the taking of impressions and the subsequent production of plates from the appropriate material.

There is a wide variety of grades of composites:

ComponeerTM Set upper. These are ready-made overlays made of a nanohybrid homogeneous and durable material. Their thickness is up to 0.3 mm, the surface is qualitatively connected to the enamel. Set cost of 6 pieces is from 17,000 rubles;
Filtek Ultimate. Composite material is characterized by versatility, when used in the manufacture of veneers, gloss, good polishing ability. Many shades allow you to choose the one that matches the color of your own teeth. Price from 3000 rubles for 4 grams;
Estilite Sigma Quick. Has 20 shades. Elastic, but durable, retains shine, polishes well, polymerizes quickly. Price 2 ml is from 3000 rubles;
Charisma. Universal light-curing composite, has several shades close to the colors and texture of enamel, contains particles of microglass, which makes it particularly resistant to abrasion. The price of 4 grams is from 1500 rubles;
Gradia Direct. This microphilic hybrid formulation allows the use of single-layer and multi-layer dental restoration techniques. Numerous shades make it possible to natural recovery. The cost starts from 3500 rubles per 4 grams;
Spectrum. The radiopaque composite with an ultra-fine particle size makes good contact with the surface of the teeth, providing the restoration with sufficient strength. Price per 4 grams is 1500 rubles;
VersaCOMP. The composition is similar to Spectrum, but of higher quality. It costs 3000 rubles for 5 ml;
Valux Plus. Microfilament composite, effective in the restoration of both frontal and chewing surfaces teeth. Price per 4 grams starts from 1500 rubles.

When choosing composite veneers to restore the beauty of teeth, it should be borne in mind that the cost of treatment also includes the manufacture of plates in the laboratory, if not ready-made ones are used, as well as the work of a dentist.

Photos before and after

One of the services aesthetic dentistry clinic "Dentabravo" - installation of composite veneers. This is a gentle, effective and relatively inexpensive way to give the dentition a beautiful look.

What are composite veneers?

Composite (therapeutic) veneers are called restorations that are placed on the front surfaces of the teeth to correct aesthetic flaws in the smile zone. For their manufacture, a composite is used - a filling light-curing material. Unlike composite, most often they are made in a direct way, that is, directly in the patient's mouth.

When are composite veneers used?

Composite veneers are used to hide individual defects of the front teeth: small irregularities in the dentition, enamel chips, microcracks, wide interdental spaces. They also allow you to correct the unattractive color of teeth that are not amenable.

What are the contraindications for installing composite veneers?

The list of contraindications is the same for the installation of both ceramic and composite veneers. They should not be used with mobility and pathological abrasion of teeth, as well as with serious defects enamel. If the patient has: malocclusion, bruxism or gum disease and teeth in the acute stage, then you first need to fix the problem, after which it will be possible to put therapeutic veneers.

What are the benefits of composite veneers?

The main advantage of composite veneers is the cost, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of ceramic counterparts. Another advantage of therapeutic veneers is the speed of the procedures - composite overlays are placed in one visit. dental office, since they do not require taking impressions and making them in the laboratory.

What are the disadvantages of composite veneers?

The main disadvantage of composite veneers is their lower color fastness compared to ceramic veneers. Therefore, they need to be polished periodically. Their other minus is fragility, which significantly increases the risk of chipping.

What is the procedure for installing composite veneers?

Although in some cases composite dental veneers are made in laboratories, more often they are made in a direct way - directly in the oral cavity. The dentist evaluates the condition of the patient's teeth, then selects the color of the composite material. Next, the front surface of the teeth to be veneered is ground, after which the composite is applied in layers on it. At the end of the procedure, direct composite veneers are ground and polished.

In addition to careful daily hygiene with a toothbrush, floss (and preferably an irrigator), therapeutic veneers need periodic polishing, which means that you will have to visit a hygienist from time to time. Do not expose veneers to excessive mechanical stress - gnaw or bite with force solid food. Once every six months, you need to see the attending physician, who will assess the condition of the restoration.

What are the quality criteria for composite veneers?

Qualitatively made composite veneers should match the natural color, shape of the teeth as much as possible and reliably hide the existing defects in the dentition. Made in compliance with all the necessary requirements, therapeutic veneers will last about five years, after which it is advisable to renew them.

How much does it cost to install composite veneers?

The installation of composite veneers does not require the use of complex technologies and expensive materials, so their cost is affordable for a fairly wide range of patients. You can find out the approximate prices for this service at the Dentabravo clinic in the table below. To book an appointment with our esthetic dentist, please fill out our easy online form.

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