Sleep rate: how many hours you should sleep. This is how much sleep an adult needs per night

Sleep is a vital necessity for humans. You can do without it for a very short time, after 5 days without sleep, irreversible processes are launched in the body, which as a result can lead to death.

So how much sleep does an adult need per day to always be in good shape?

Sleep or a third of life

Babies sleep up to 20 hours a day. With age, the need for sleep gradually decreases and reaches an average of 7 to 8 hours every 24 hours. But this amount is about a third of the day! This means that people spend about a third of their entire lives in a dream.

Sleep is a great cure for many health problems.

And it's not a waste of time:

  • in a dream, the body rests, strength is restored, stress is relieved;
  • the brain "processes" all the information of the past day, it is in a dream that the material being studied is memorized;
  • in this state, the processes of healing the body from viral and catarrhal diseases take place, immunity is strengthened;
  • human adaptation to the change of day and night.

Important fact! Night rest gives not only relaxation and health.

Sleep preserves beauty and youth for those who follow the observance of sleep and wakefulness

Knowing about the benefits of sleep and how much a child and an adult need to sleep per day, it becomes clear that people need to try to do everything to make this time as efficient and comfortable as possible.

What destroys healthy sleep

In the beginning, information about what negatively affects sleep:

  • Violation of the natural rhythm of sleep, due to nature. Such violations include, for example, night duty, when a person is forced to work at night and rest during the day.
  • Sleep disturbance.

Lack of sleep is manifested by lethargy, irritability, increased anxiety, decreased attention and concentration, increased incidence of diseases (colds, acute respiratory infections, etc.) and even weight gain.

Insomnia can be a problem, as fatigue and depression the next day are guaranteed

If you sleep more than necessary, there is also a feeling of lethargy, weakness, your head may hurt, it becomes difficult to concentrate.

  • Violation of the temperature regime also negatively affects the quality of night rest.
  • An uncomfortable mattress or pillow cuts off circulation, which can make sleep less rewarding.
  • Bright light, extraneous sounds will not allow a person to sleep, as a result of which all signs of lack of sleep will appear.
  • A large meal shortly before bedtime will force the stomach to work at night, which will prevent the body from having a good rest.

How much sleep should a person

How much a person needs to sleep per day depends on a number of indicators: age (child, adult or elderly), gender, degree of fatigue, and so on. As mentioned above, adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per day. But different age groups require different times.

In children, especially small ones, the duration of sleep reaches 12 hours.

According to the results of the research, scientists came to the conclusion that the norms of sleep for each age are as follows:

  • newborns up to 4 months sleep an average of 17 hours or more;
  • infants aged 4 months to 1 year sleep approximately 12 to 15 hours of sleep;
  • in children of the second year of life, sleep is from 11 to 14 hours;
  • from 2 to 5 years - at least 10 - 11 hours;
  • in children under 13 years of age, sleep should take from 9 to 11 hours;
  • in adolescents under 17 years old - from 8 to 10 hours;
  • adults need 8 - 9 hours of night rest;
  • older people (over 65 years old) indulge in sleep for 7-8 hours.

Note! In the elderly, the natural rhythm of sleep changes, periods of sleep and naps become shorter, but more often, the duration of night rest decreases, and there is a need to take a nap in the daytime.

At any age, daytime sleep is not a problem if there is a need for rest.

The information in this section about how long a person sleeps can help you create a healthy sleep schedule. It is often difficult for an adult to make a schedule of his actions for a day so that he can allocate as much time for proper rest as he needs to sleep at his age. However, this should be striven for.

When you need to go to bed: time intervals in which the body rests more

There is no doubt that the time of going to bed, falling asleep are very important for a good night's rest. Only adherence to the regime can bring the most tangible results.

You need to go to bed before 24 hours, even better - at 22 hours

At this time, the number of leukocytes in the human body increases, body temperature decreases. The body gives the command - it's time to go to sleep. This is expressed in drowsiness: brain activity decreases, a person begins to yawn, the sensitivity of sensory systems decreases, a burning sensation of the eyes appears, and the eyelids stick together.

You need to learn to go to bed at 22:00

If you ignore these signals of the body, then in the morning it is unlikely that you will be able to feel good - the body will not be able to fully experience all the positive effects of sleep. The morning will be late, and the state is broken.

It is believed that the most useful sleep in the period from 22 hours to 2 am. Regardless of the circumstances, during these hours a person needs to be in bed and sleep, because the processes taking place at this time in the body cannot be started at another time. As a result, both the physical and mental state of a person will suffer.

Basic rules for healthy sleep

For the correct approach to the organization of the sleep regimen, only information about how much an adult needs to sleep per day is not enough.

Other factors also play a role.

  • Daily regime. Healthy sound sleep implies a fairly strict adherence to the daily regimen - go to bed and get up at the appointed time, which means that the amount of time allotted for sleep will be constant. This rule also applies to weekends - on Saturdays and Sundays, you also need to follow the daily routine.
  • No need to stay in bed after waking up. You should set yourself up for the fact that immediately after awakening comes the rise. Long lying can result in repeated falling asleep, and, as you know, extra sleep will not bring any benefit.

Do not lie in bed for a long time, continued sleep may be superfluous
  • Ritual before bed. About an hour before bedtime, you should indulge in some quiet business. It is best to do certain activities every night before bed that will eventually become associated with sleep, for example, you can take a short walk or read a book at night. Any situations that cause excitement should be avoided.
  • Avoid daytime naps if you are having trouble falling asleep.
  • Remove the computer and TV from the bedroom. The time spent here should only be spent sleeping and having sex.
  • Don't eat before bed. The break between dinner and night rest should be at least 2 hours, even better if it is 4 hours. If the hunger is very strong, then you can eat something light, for example, an apple or drink kefir.

  • Relaxing procedures will help you fall asleep easier and have a better rest.
  • Moderate exercise while awake will also help you fall asleep and sleep more quickly.
  • In the evening it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages or coffee, smoke cigarettes. These not the most useful habits have a bad effect on both sleep and the health of the human body as a whole.

How to get ready for bed

Having determined how much an adult needs to sleep per day, you should decide how to do it correctly.

The organization of the process of falling asleep must be taken seriously, it is important to start preparing in advance.

  • It is necessary not to eat at night, dinner is best planned 4 hours before bedtime, in exceptional cases - 2 hours before bedtime. If after dinner a feeling of hunger reappeared, then you should not eat, you are only allowed to drink a cup of herbal tea with honey or a glass of kefir.
  • In addition to the usual hygiene procedures, a contrast shower is recommended at night, which will help reduce the stress accumulated during the day.

A contrast shower is the best start to the day
  • Before going to bed, it is not recommended to watch TV, especially films and programs that cause excitement, and you also do not need to sit at the computer. About an hour before bedtime, you should give up these entertainments.
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to ventilate the bedroom, which will help you fall asleep easily and sleep well, fresh air is generally good for health.
  • For healthy sound sleep, it is important that the room is dark and quiet enough, if these conditions are difficult, then you can use earplugs and special night glasses.
  • A relaxing massage that you can do yourself will help you fall asleep and make your sleep more restful and sound.
  • Sleeping is best and healthiest without clothes, so you should make it a habit to sleep naked.
  • You should go to bed in a calm state, for this you need to complete all the tasks scheduled for the day, let go of all problems, at least until the morning.

Eating before bed

It has already been said above how many hours before going to bed an adult should have dinner, but it is equally important to properly distribute the diet throughout the day and prepare the right foods for the evening meal.

First, you should forget about the strict restrictions on food intake after 18 hours - Going to bed hungry is bad for your health and good sleep.. So, in matters of nutrition, it is worth adhering to the “golden mean” - do not overeat and do not starve.

Great option for a light dinner: fish and seafood with vegetables

Secondly, for dinner it is best to eat light foods that do not cause heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. Protein foods are good, especially if they contain casein, which is absorbed longer than other proteins. For the last meal of the day, fish, chicken meat, eggs, cottage cheese, seafood, vegetable salad, etc. are suitable.

It is worth giving up in the evening on the following products: flour and sweets, pork, nuts, potatoes, any cereals and pasta.

There is an opinion that it is most useful to sleep with your head to the north. Is it so?

There is no unequivocal scientific opinion on this matter, but such a statement is supported by one of the Chinese Feng Shui teachings, which is very popular all over the world. The benefit is explained by the fact that the electromagnetic field of each person is like a compass, in which the head is north, and the legs are south.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the head should be directed towards the north, and the legs - south.

Therefore, if the electromagnetic field of the body coincides with the same field of the planet, then the person is filled with strength and energy, he is happy, his sleep is strong and healthy, and the awakening is easy.

How to learn to get up early

Much can be said about the benefits of getting up early. The most important thing is the opportunity to do more things, because in the early morning the human body has a high efficiency.

First it is necessary to decide how many hours it is better to sleep per day for a particular person(adults most likely know their norm) and when to get up in the morning. From this data will depend on the time at which you need to go to bed in order to have time to sleep.

Classic problem: hard to sleep in the evening - hard to wake up in the morning

So, the sleep schedule is made, now it's time to think about what goals can get out of bed in the early morning. Businessmen can do this by knowing how much can be done for business in the morning hours. People who pay increased attention to their health can spend their free time on sports. Everyone must determine why he needs to get up early.

Rise Ritual

The following points can be highlighted:

  • To make it easier to get out of bed, you need to create conditions in the house under which the rise will be comfortable. For this, the temperature regime in the room is important: it will be difficult to wake up in a stuffy room, and in a cold room it will be difficult to force yourself to leave a warm bed.
  • For those who cannot get out of bed on their own in the early hours, many devices have been invented, the simplest of which is an alarm clock. But it must be at such a distance that it was necessary to reach it.

Modern technologies have gone much further - among the latest innovations, a bed that throws off its owner if he does not get up on time is surprising, and a computer program that starts formatting the hard drive if you do not enter a rather long password.

A modern alarm clock will make the owner hit the target, otherwise he will continue to call
  • Some people may be more comfortable with the idea of ​​waking up with the help of family or friends. To do this, it is worth agreeing with them in advance on a phone call at the right time, unless, of course, they themselves are not sleeping at such an early hour.
  • Immediately after getting up, you can, for example, take a shower, and then drink hot coffee. If certain activities become a daily ritual, getting up early will be easier.
  • The rise time should not change.
  • You can come up with an individual system of rewards and penalties for successful and unsuccessful lifts in the morning. For example, for a week of rises without delay, you can treat yourself to a trip to a cafe, and punish yourself with an extra 5 km on a treadmill for problems.

New habit formation takes about 2 weeks

After this time, efforts to implement the advice will not be required.

Sleep is a third of the life of every person, the quality of life, health and mood, the amount of energy and the ability to concentrate on what is important depend on its quality. Therefore, it is so important to know how much an adult needs to sleep per day in order to stay alert all day.

5 rules for healthy sleep and harmony in the house. Watch an interesting video:

Healthy sleep is a means of beauty. 10 rules for falling asleep. Check out this helpful video:

Healthy sleep rules. Watch the medical video consultation:

When born, the child spends most of the day in a dream, but over time the picture changes. The kid is growing up and it seems as if he is already just sorry to spend so much time sleeping.

An adult, in view of the complexities of modern life, prefers work and various affairs, rather than just relaxing and sleeping. Indeed, quite often we simply do not have enough hours in the day to solve all the problems.

In old age, sleep takes much more time, but due to health, getting enough sleep and practicing full healthy sleep is becoming increasingly difficult.

That's why, In order for the body of an adult to be in good shape and completely healthy, it is important to observe a regular full-fledged sleep regimen., and for this it is worth figuring out how much an adult needs to sleep per day, what kind of sleep should be, how and when it is better to sleep.

Take note of the "eight hour rule"

According to doctors, on average, every adult needs to sleep about 7-8 hours in order to get enough sleep. Most of us know the three-eight rule:

  • 8 hours for work;
  • 8 hours for rest;
  • 8 hours sleep.

On average, the human body is tuned to eight hours of sleep, but there are exceptions. Some need much more time, and some need a shorter period of the day to get enough sleep.

If we conduct a simple analysis of how much time an adult needs to sleep per day, the results will be as follows: on average, everyone spends about a third of their life sleeping. Doesn't this period deserve proper organization? After all, it is healthy sleep that gives a good rest to our body and mind.

How to organize healthy sleep

Scientists have provided the results of an interesting study that shows the relationship between proper sleep and human health:

  • It turns out that it is very important not only to know how much sleep an adult needs, but also to follow a certain regimen with the same amount of sleep time per day.
  • A person lives longer if he sleeps the same time every day than if he has an irregular day and time for sleep.
  • It has also long been established that lack of sleep negatively affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Compliance with the schedule. For sleep to be beneficial, you need to get up and go to bed at the same time of day. If this regime is violated, biorhythms change. It is worth remembering that on a day off it is better not to change the usual mode.
  • Sleep duration. Determined that The optimal sleep time is 7-8 hours a day. But scientists have also proven that it is better to sleep without a break for 6 hours than in fits and starts, but in total 8.
  • Do not stay in bed after the person has woken up. In this case, there is a high probability of falling asleep again, and this will be a waste of time. Also, gradually a person should get used to the fact that after waking up, a new day begins.
  • Need to try don't get excited before bed. Such situations should be avoided already an hour before it.
  • People who have trouble falling asleep, it is recommended to carry out relaxing treatments. If you do active things before going to bed, then you can toss and turn in bed for a long time, as the body and brain cannot quickly calm down.
  • Don't sleep during the daytime, it can cause trouble falling asleep at night.
  • The room where a person sleeps should be comfortable. Best relaxing environment. There is no place for a TV or computer in the bedroom.
  • After an active day there is always a beautiful dream.
  • Don't eat before bed. Between the last meal and sleep should be a break of at least 2 hours.
  • Also do not smoke, drink alcohol or coffee before going to bed. All these bad habits have a very detrimental effect not only on overall health, but also on sleep.

What happens if you sleep wrong: symptoms of lack of sleep

The fact that you are not getting enough sleep is indicated by your constant fatigue, lethargy, irritability, decreased performance, etc.

Before talking about the importance of healthy sleep, it is worth understanding how to determine if there is a deficiency of this condition in the body. After all, the lack of healthy sleep affects the general condition of the body and contributes to the development of many diseases.

If you do not get enough sleep, you will experience the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, constant fatigue and apathy.
  • Capriciousness and irritability which is most pronounced in children.
  • Decreased motivation.
  • Decreased performance and creativity.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections, caries, fungal infection.
  • Overweight problems.
  • Poor motor skills which increases the chance of injury.
  • Appearances problems with the cardiovascular system and the risk of developing diabetes .
  • Other health problems due to the weakening of the body.

Many do not even realize that it is these symptoms that indicate the lack of a normal amount of sleep. After all, a person needs to sleep as much per day as the body requires for proper rest, both for an adult and a baby.

How much sleep a person needs per day at different ages

As already noted, a person needs to sleep about eight hours in order to fully sleep. This figure shows how much an adult needs to sleep per day, but how much is needed for a good rest for people at a different age? The answer to this question was found by scientists who studied the human condition before, during and after sleep. Real sleep norms for each age category voiced by American scientists after lengthy research. They look like this:

  • newborn need to sleep every day per day at least 14-17 hours.
  • After four months to one year the baby will need to organize a healthy sleep on 12-15 hours.
  • From a year to two baby must be asleep about 11-14 hours.
  • Up to five years baby needs to sleep 10-11 hours.
  • Schoolboy under 13 years old must spend in a dream 9-11 hours.
  • Teenagers up to 17 years should sleep from 8 to 10 hours.
  • Adults and older people already have enough to sleep 8-9 hours.
  • After 65 years man will be enough 7-8 hours.

Experts also noticed that school-age children can sleep an hour less than the specified time, and this does not harm their health in any way.

Knowing how much you need to sleep per day, not only for an adult, you can build the right schedule for healthy sleep.

Another interesting fact that slightly corrects how much sleep any person, not just an adult, needs. Per day, turns out, sleep is allowed and less than indicated in the study, if the sleep cycle is observed.

Sleep during the night is in cycles, each of which is 90 minutes. During this time, a person goes through several phases:

  1. Phase initial falling asleep;
  2. Superficial sleep;
  3. next period deep sleep;
  4. Then slow sleep;
  5. Last phase REM sleep.

To make the rest complete, you should not interrupt the correctness of the cycle. In this way, sleep duration can be a multiple of 1.5 hours.

Full sleep, which will allow the body to rest and recover, can last 4.5 or 6 hours, 7.5 or 9 hours. This is the answer to the question of many, why a person, having slept for 4.5 hours, gets enough sleep, and another, with 7 hours of sleep, can get completely overwhelmed and tired, for example, if he was awakened by an alarm clock.

Healthy sleep rules

Many have noticed that even if you sleep as much as an adult needs per day, the body can still be broken and the person feels tired. But this state is due to the wrong organization of night time.

There are a lot of factors that affect the quality of time spent in sleep.: the quality of bed linen, the freshness of the air in the room, getting ready for bed and much more.

It is also worth noting that a lot depends directly on the time of day at which a person goes to bed.

When to go to bed

It is best to go to bed at least 3 hours before midnight

Scientists in the course of ongoing research were able to answer not only the question of how much sleep an adult needs per day, but also set a specific time when sleep is most beneficial.

First, we should talk about the distribution of sleep during the day. It is best to go to bed well before midnight. At least three hours. The rest of the time should fall on the next day. This statement is due to the influence of the position of the sun. It is at its lowest point at 12 noon. Precisely because of this the best sleep the period from 21:00 to 3:00 or 4:00 is considered. It is established that every hour before midnight is equal to two hours after it.

It has also been proven that rest from Tuesday to Wednesday is considered the most useful sleep. In terms of duration, it may not be the longest, but in terms of effectiveness it is the most beneficial. According to scientists, it is at this moment that the human body is fully reanimated after the weekend, during which disturbances appear caused by the influence of fatty foods and alcohol. Also, it is from Tuesday to Wednesday that the biological rhythm is updated, which gets lost on the weekend.

Everyone sleeps on weekends, and for a longer time, but in terms of quality sleep is the worst. The pressure at this time does not disappear, stress hormones continue their vigorous activity, so the body does not rest at all.

In a word, sleep time is a very important parameter that directly affects the quality of life.

How to get ready for sleep

It has already become clear that the quality of sleep is affected by how much a person sleeps per day and the time at which it is best to sleep. But that's not all. In order not to suffer from insomnia and fall asleep quickly, you should properly prepare to such a period.

The main rules include:

  • First of all, it should keep track of evening meals. Dinner should be taken more than 2 hours before bedtime. But you won't fall asleep even if you're hungry. It is allowed to drink a glass of kefir or weak herbal tea.
  • Ready for bed should start half an hour before.
  • In addition to hygiene procedures, before going to bed, you need to regularly go to cold and hot shower.
  • Worth ten minutes ventilate the room.
  • The room where a person goes to bed should be as quiet and dark as possible. If it is not possible to provide such an environment in a natural way, you can always use privets and an eye patch.
  • Don't watch right before bed action films or play computer games.
  • No need to go to bed with problems in your head, they must be released before the morning.
  • For complete relaxation, you can do shoulder massage or simple exercises.
  • In the bedroom, you should not do anything other than sleep and sex. Thanks to this, the room will be associated only with relaxation.

If you organize the preparation for sleep as correctly as possible, then in the morning a person will always get up cheerful, cheerful, regardless of how much he slept that day. An adult person needs to get used to such a regimen himself, and, if possible, try to accustom all family members to sleep in this way.

Proper sleeping position

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.

Also It is important to choose the right sleeping position, which will allow you to relax as much as possible, regardless of how much time an adult will be given time to sleep that day.

  • Experts say that you need to spend the night lying on your back, on a fairly hard bed, and preferably without a pillow. Of course, in this position, the face will not come into contact with the pillow, early wrinkles will not appear, and this position is also considered the prevention of sclerosis and other diseases. But if there is no habit of sleeping in this way, then it will be quite difficult to fall asleep.

It is easiest to fall asleep on your stomach, but this is the most harmful option. , since the face is pressed against the pillow, there is pressure on the internal organs, the normal blood circulation changes, especially in the cervical region.

  • Also, an organic position is considered to be located on the side, which allows you to relieve pain in the digestive organs, calm down and relax. People who have problems with high blood pressure should only sleep on their right side.

As it became clear the most acceptable posture is the position on the back. But if you can’t fall asleep like that, then you should lie down in a comfortable and familiar position. And only gradually should you move to the correct posture.

Which way to sleep with your head

There is an opinion that the location of a person relative to parts of the world is of great importance during sleep. According to many teachings, the best option is to sleep with your head to the north . To many, such a statement will seem stupid, but yogis think differently.

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, each human body has its own electromagnetic field and is a kind of compass, where the crown is north and the feet are south.

In order to wake up with ease and feel comfortable and happy during the whole day, during sleep you should coordinate your position with the general electromagnetic field of the entire Earth.

How to get up early

To wake up easily in the morning, follow some rules

Many are concerned about the question of why they get up every morning with such difficulty. Indeed, often, even knowing how much an adult needs to sleep per day, and observing all the norms, a person wakes up with great difficulty. Many dream of learning get up early in the morning without unnecessary problems and an alarm clock. Here are some simple tips to help you solve this problem:

  • First of all, more in the evening it is worth setting the goal of getting up early . It is very difficult to rise if it is not there or it is insignificant. Often people set a goal for themselves - a morning run. It is useful for strengthening the body and keeping the body in good physical condition.
  • Need more in the evening, take care of the most convenient conditions for waking up : temperature regime, favorite coffee, comfortable clothes, cooked breakfast.
  • try go to bed early , a spend the day as actively and interestingly as possible .
  • Alarm clock with a secret. If you put an alarm clock near the bed, then when you wake up it is very easy to turn it off and continue to sleep. If you place it away from the bed, then after turning it off, you won’t want to go back to bed anymore.
  • Ask friends to call in the morning or to wake up loved ones .
  • Don't eat dinner right before bed, because with a full stomach, the night will be restless, and you will not be able to sleep. And getting up in the morning will be much more difficult.
  • Take some time during the day to daytime sleep (no more than 40 minutes) to fight the urge to sleep after waking up early.
  • Don't watch movies or play games before bed.
  • To get up easily in the morning, you should observe the regime and do not deviate from it on weekends .

There are, of course, the most radical options for solving the issue of early rise. Modern programmers have come up with a radical way. You can install a special program that will start formatting at a specified time. You can stop the process, which will destroy all important information, only when you enter certain data. And you just don't want to sleep.

Sleeping without clothes - a minimum of shame, a maximum of benefit

Sleeping without clothes is actually very beneficial.

The modern textile industry produces thousands of different pajamas and nightgowns. Someone loves extravagant robes, others like traditional models. But few people know that the most beneficial is sleeping without clothes. Why? There are many reasons for this.

  • Improving the quality of life

Often, before going to bed, a person is in a state of stress - hard work, difficult relationships, etc. Sleep does not come immediately, insomnia takes away precious night hours, and in the morning - a feeling of weakness and fatigue, reduced concentration. And you just need to take off absolutely all your clothes and cover yourself with a light blanket. Sleeping without clothes makes it much easier to fall asleep, the head is freed from thoughts, and awakening will be pleasant and easy.

  • Normalization of hormone production

Natural body temperature is reached in full nudity. This has a positive effect on the hormonal background. The level of cortisol, the “stress hormone”, instantly decreases. The production of melatonin and somatropin returns to normal, which entails rejuvenation of the body. And if a person sleeps with a sexual partner, then when the bodies come into contact, oxytocin will be released - the “hormone of passion”, which makes sexual life more harmonious and vibrant.

  • Improved blood supply

The presence of clothing makes it difficult for the full circulation of blood through the vessels which eventually leads to abdominal pain and insomnia. Getting rid of pajamas completely can improve the blood supply to the internal organs, which will positively affect the well-being of any person.

Strong tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes at night not only have a bad effect on the body, but also disrupt sleep.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands

In full exposure maximum air access to the skin . Thereby cell regeneration is much faster . Yes, and the efficiency of the sebaceous glands increases many times, but the secretion of sebum is directly related to skin renewal. Ultimately, all this has a positive effect on the overall metabolism in the body.

  • Genital Protection

In the process of sleep, the genitals of a woman secrete a large amount of moisture, which can at least cause discomfort when it gets on underwear, and at the maximum provoke infection into the body. The absence of clothing allows the air full access to the intimate area, which in its turn reduces the amount of moisture released and relieves discomfort .

Babies need to sleep longer than adults

Don't force yourself to take off your clothes before bed. It is better to do this gradually, in several stages, and cast aside all doubts and embarrassment, because human health is the most important factor in a happy life!

In conclusion, I would like to note that following such simple recommendations that relate to how much an adult needs to sleep per day, you can not only get enough sleep at night and get up easily, but also improve your health.

Have a nice sleep.

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Hi guys. Today I would like to talk with you about such a topic as "how much sleep an adult needs to sleep per day." After all, you will agree that the topic is quite interesting and urgent. Especially for those who care about their health or go in for sports.

Despite the fact that a person spends about a third of his life in a dream, sleep is an integral part of human life. Do you want to tell me how it all ended when the well-known Napoleon Bonaparte decided to completely remove sleep from the daily routine of his armies? He really believed that you can do without sleep, you just have to get used to it, hold out for the period when you really want to sleep, and then everything will pass. And before ordering his soldiers not to sleep, he decided to test his conjectures on himself. For four days he held on, drank coffee and walked like a plague, but still, in the end, he gave up and instantly fell asleep, lying in bed for almost a day. Waking up, the French commander recognized the need for sleep.

What can happen if you don't sleep?

Napoleon lasted only 4 days, when the destructive consequences for the body had not yet come into force. There are records in the world at which (not to lie) the guy lasted 11 days without sleep. After a week of abstinence, he began to hallucinate (and sound too), severe malaise and weakness, problems with the functioning of internal organs and many other problems, both small and large.

As you understand, the guy had to undergo rehabilitation under the supervision of doctors in order to return to normal life. This again indicates the need for sleep.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Although there is an example in history confirming that sleep time can be reduced significantly. You probably know that this famous person did not get enough sleep, devoting only 4 hours a day to his bed. The rest of the time was spent awake. There are a lot of questions related to this phenomenon, but still a person, at least a little, but slept. Which once again confirms that no one can do without sleep.

Sleep for athletes

Rest, that is, sleep, is one of the three main and most important components that are responsible for the health and successful sports activity of an athlete. The other two are training and. If at least one of the components falls out, the other two will simply be useless. The principle of the pyramid is obtained - remove one of the sides, and the other two will collapse.

When playing sports, getting enough sleep is a rather important task for an athlete, because it is during sleep that muscles grow, and not during training, as inexperienced beginners suggest.

You can say that you do not need a mass at all. What about strength? After all, the bigger the muscle, the stronger it is. Yes, you can not have impressive body dimensions, and at the same time be a strong person. Bruce Lee is an example. But without recovery, which occurs only in a dream, the increase in strength will not be carried out, as well as other physical qualities: flexibility, speed, and so on.

Do not neglect rest, citing the fact that sleep is not so important. Important, trust me! So the ma'am from the well-known social network suggests itself, where children at a quiet hour in the camp do not sleep, but indulge, and at the bottom of this picture is the inscription: "Sleep, fools!".

How much sleep per day?

There are several factors that you need to build on when drawing up your schedule, in which sleep should occupy its niche.

This is your busyness and habit. And, if something can be done with the third point, then the first two will have to be adjusted.

Habits can be changed, it just takes time. But if you have a certain body type and go in for sports, then what time should you sleep: ectomorph - 8 - 8.5 hours a day, mesomorph - 7.5 - 8 hours, endomorph - 7 - 7.5 hours.

These figures are due to the fact that the first type needs an increased time to restore muscle tissue due to its anatomical features. The second is enough 8 hours because of his "universality" of the body. And the third, on the contrary, needs to sleep less in order to both restore muscles and increase wakefulness to reduce subcutaneous fat.

By the way, if you think that only the body rests at night, then this is not entirely true - the nervous system also seems to reboot. And other body systems too.

But if you still sleep an average of about 8 hours a night, then nothing bad will happen. It's not for nothing that sleep takes about that long in the army, and they don't pay attention to what kind of physique you have.

But a certain minimum is also worth keeping. Do not reduce the time of night rest below 6 hours. Sleep is superficial and deep. So, during this time, the body manages to more or less enter into different phases of sleep, which is necessary for you and me. If this is not the case, the person simply will not get enough sleep.

Have you noticed how, waking up in the middle of the night, you feel cheerful, and when you lie down again, and waking up in the morning - tired and not getting enough sleep? This is an example of the fact that at night you have not yet entered deep sleep, and in the morning this phase was interrupted ahead of time.

By the way, there were experiments about this. Students were awakened after a certain time, preventing them from falling into a deep sleep. The result - the students were sleepy and irritable. And this is subject to one day of research. And what would happen next?

So, I hope the article “how much sleep an adult needs per day” helped you decide on the time of your own sleep and confirmed the importance of this action. Write what you think about this. Subscribe to blog updates and share the article with friends. Sleep well and don't be afraid of Freddy Krueger.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Are you sleeping right? How well do you rest during sleep? What happens in the body when we sleep? These questions are natural, because a person spends about 24 years of his life in a dream! Agree, you need to get the most out of this - well, you can’t spend 24 years of your life somehow. Scientists conduct numerous studies of sleep, doctors use healing sleep in their work, even traditional healers claim that sleep is health. But speculation is speculation, and in the study of the topic, one can and should rely only on scientific facts.

Oversleeping or undersleeping - which is better?

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep? Almost everyone knows that a night's sleep should last at least 8 hours - so doctors tell us. Indeed, many of us will agree that only after 8 hours of sleep do they feel rested. And it's even better to sleep 9-10 hours ... But the psychiatrist, Professor Daniel Kripke, specifically conducted research on the duration of sleep and made an interesting conclusion:

People who sleep between 6.5 and 7.5 hours per night live longer. They are more productive and happier. And too much sleep can even be harmful to your health. And you may feel worse after sleeping 8.5 hours than if you slept 5.

Try to experiment on yourself and sleep not 8 hours, but only 7.5 - just listen carefully to your inner state, to your well-being. Kripke claims that the body feels more energetic with this sleep pattern, the person is ready to literally “move mountains”, and the mood will be excellent.
Are you more likely to be satisfied with 4 hours of sleep a night and consider yourself a hero? Wrong! Lack of sleep is just as bad as oversleeping. Moreover, it is not known for certain what will affect health more negatively. It's like choosing the size of underwear - each person needs an individual approach. Therefore, you should gently and unobtrusively experiment with your own body - if you sleep 8 or more hours every night, then boldly reduce this time by half an hour. Do you feel that 7.5 hours is enough for rest? Try another half an hour to reduce the duration of rest. Important:less than 6 hours of sleep at night is harmful. Therefore, when setting up experiments, do not overdo it - you need to find a "golden mean". An interesting fact is that a person who has slept for 4 hours will be quite adequate and even attentive enough that he can be compared with a person who has slept for 7.5 hours. And even the tests/exercises carried out by these two people will give the same results. What's the catch? The fact is that even with a complete rash, from time to time the human brain loses focus on the task. And this is where the difference between the two people mentioned at the beginning manifests itself - with a full amount of sleep, the brain returns attention, but if there is lack of sleep “on the face”, then there will be no refocusing. In order not to put pressure on you, the readers, with scientific terms, but to convey the idea, it can be formulated as follows:

The brain of a sleep deprived person works normally, but from time to time something similar to a power failure in an electrical device happens to it.

The quote is from Clifford Saper, a professor at Harvard who studies sleep with a team of other scientists. Just look at the table below:
As soon as a person loses focus, the processes of its activation automatically begin in the brain - they are indicated in the figure in yellow. If a person has not slept enough, then such activity is very weak, or even absent. But the so-called “center of fear” (amygdala - they are highlighted in red on the table) begins its work and the brain works in a specific mode - as if a person is in danger from all sides. Physiologically, this is manifested by sweating of the palms, rapid breathing, rumbling and colic in the abdomen, and tension of individual muscle groups. Important:The danger of lack of sleep lies in the fact that a person, losing attention and focus, is unaware of it. He believes that he adequately responds to the circumstances, his performance does not suffer. That is why doctors recommend not driving a vehicle in case of lack of sleep.

Research on the effects of sleep on humans

Conducting research on the effect of sleep on a person has led to several stunning conclusions:

  1. Sleep disturbance, namely its insufficiency, leads to memory impairment. An experiment was conducted with bees - after they were forced to change their usual route of flying around the territory, a violation of rest (the bees do not sleep in our understanding of the word) led to a loss in space - not a single representative of these insects could repeat the flight path studied for the day before.
  2. Lack of sleep leads to an increase. This is also confirmed by research, scientists associate such a manifestation of lack of sleep with that experienced by an overworked / unrested body.
  3. Normal, full sleep greatly enhances creativity. For example, unexpected solutions to global problems are dreamed of in a dream, an understanding / vision of some theories comes to a person - and you don’t have to look far for an example: Mendeleev dreamed of a table of chemical elements!
  4. Sleep disturbance can be triggered by increased background lighting in the evening. On this occasion, quite serious studies were carried out by the medical center at the University of Chicago. It was found that this fact provokes a later bedtime, reduces the duration of the sleep phase that precedes awakening.

In addition, sleep duration may affect food preferences. An experiment was conducted with children aged 6-7 years: with regular lack of sleep, children began to consume more meat, carbohydrates and fats, almost forgetting about fruits and vegetables. All this happened against the background of the absence of any diet - scientists noted classic overeating in a group of children tested. It has long been known that the lack of proper sleep negatively affects the neurotransmitters in the brain - they are corny depleted. The result of such an impact can be stress, because it is the neuroregulators that are responsible for a good mood. It turns out the chain: lack of sleep-irritability-stress. And the consequence of a stressful state can be a dangerous and complex condition that should be subjected to professional treatment.

How to regulate sleep

We recommend reading:

Oversleeping is harmful, not getting enough sleep is also dangerous. What to do and how to determine how much sleep you need specifically? Firstly, if a person feels constant fatigue and always wants to sleep, then this means only one thing - it is necessary to adjust the time of daily sleep. And this does not mean that it is necessary to set aside a day, banally get enough sleep, turning off the phone and the doorbell - this will only have a short-term effect. Need to increase nighttime sleep:

  • try to go to bed as early as possible;
  • before going to bed do not watch TV and do not engage in too active work;
  • it is advisable to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed (without beer and strong coffee!), you can read a book - is this advice too banal? But it is very effective - it has been tested, as they say, for years.

Secondly, accustom your body to rest during the daytime. Some people absolutely need to sleep in the daytime for at least one and a half hours - they will feel great in the evening, not feel tired. But it would be wiser to gradually accustom yourself to rest during the day for a maximum of 30 minutes - do not be surprised, such a quick sleep is quite enough to restore the normal functioning of the whole organism. Thirdly, you need to adjust your sleep schedule. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time - if this is problematic, then use the alarm clock. And even if it’s very hard to get up at 7 in the morning, don’t stay in bed - a couple of minutes of active wakefulness (going to the toilet, hygiene procedures, making coffee and a sandwich) is enough to wake up. If you do not know how much time you need to sleep, then pay attention to the data below:


babies At least 16 hours a day. Most babies need up to 18 hours of sleep per night.
preschool age Children should sleep at least 11 hours a day. It is better if the child gets an average of 12 hours of sleep.
School age (up to 15 years old) Students should sleep at least 10 hours a day. Given the activity of children and the available concomitant factors, the duration of sleep can be increased up to 12 hours.
Adolescence Sleep takes at least 9 hours a day, but not more than 10 hours.
adults Sleep should take at least 7 hours a day, ideally you need to sleep 8 hours in a row.
Old men Daily sleep should last 7-8 hours. But given the frequent awakenings and intermittent sleep (an age feature), it is imperative to rest during the day - at least 1 hour.
Pregnant women at any time The duration of sleep is 8 hours, during the day you should definitely rest for at least 1 hour, but not more than 2.
Sick Sleep duration - 8 hours, additional hours of sleep are needed.

Of course, the table cannot be taken as indisputable data - these are just recommendations. But you can “push off” from them when drawing up an individual schedule of sleep and wakefulness. In some cases, the body requires more sleep than indicated in the table. This may indicate health problems, or simply be a necessity in a particular case. For example, pregnancy, emotional outbursts (exams, competitions, and so on), too much physical activity - this is all considered the norm, but automatically prolongs sleep time. Note: if suddenly, for no apparent reason, sleep disturbances, fatigue and irritability appear, then you need to see a doctor. Most likely, these signs will indicate health problems. Sleep is unconditional health. Therefore, do not ignore the emerging problems with falling asleep, intermittent sleep, feeling tired after waking up. And drinking sedative and hypnotic drugs also does not make sense - they should be selected by a specialist, and these medicines will not solve the problem. Even with small but persistent sleep disorders, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination - the cause of this condition can lie in any organ / system. Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

The problem of insomnia is familiar to almost everyone. Wrong lifestyle and daily stresses lead to sleep disturbance and subsequent malfunction of the body.

Many began to forget that an adult needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Only someone who has experienced a similar problem can feel the state of a person with insomnia. It is a consequence of systemic disorders and a complex set of interrelated failures in the well-established functioning of the body.

Similar violations are observed in every person. Their severity is individual in nature and only in some cases is manifested in serious changes in the functioning of the body.


Scientists say that the key to a productive day is healthy sleep. Regular lack of sleep can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, which are not always possible to get rid of without medical intervention.

In infancy, night sleep does not differ in its duration from that of an adult. Its average duration is 8-9 hours. But at the same time, the child receives additional rest in the daytime, which in total provides about 15 - 18 hours. The older the child becomes, the less time is devoted to daytime rest. On average, a one-year-old child's sleep should be half the time of the day.

How much a person should sleep in preschool age also directly depends on the stage of his development. 1.5-2 hours a day is exactly the extra time that the child needs to fill up during the daytime. The average sleep duration for a preschooler is 13-14 hours.

School age has its own characteristics due to the restructuring of the regime. At first, the child needs daytime sleep, with age, this need disappears. The duration is 8-9 hours. And the best time for rest starts from 9-10 pm.

For an adult, the optimal duration of sleep is 7-8 hours.

Basic principles

Some rules must be followed:

  • Regime compliance. Regardless of the circumstances, it is necessary to fall asleep and wake up at a set time.
  • Determination of individual sleep duration. You need to stick to your biological clock.
  • Calculate the perfect time. The most universal are the time periods from 10 to 11. But this is only a recommendation. It is best to focus on your own biorhythms.
  • With severe fatigue, you can take advantage of daytime sleep. For a permanent habit, it will not work, but in rare cases, it is quite effective.
  • For 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, you need to forget about eating.
  • The second half of the day should be dispensed with drinks that excite the nervous system.
  • Smoking. If there is no opportunity to quit, it is necessary to reduce the time interval between smoking and sleep.
  • Alcohol is not good sleep companion. If the use still took place, then at least 4 hours are needed to remove toxins from the body.
  • Regular physical activity contributes not only to the development of the body, but also to the removal of mental stress.
  • Prolonged mental activity has a negative effect on sleep. Especially if the type of work for you is unfamiliar or related to computer technology.
  • The room must be completely dark. Blackout curtains will help create the necessary level of blackout for complete relaxation.
  • Bedding should be made from natural materials. The mattress and pillow are of medium firmness.
  • Before going to bed, you need to get rid of all negative emotions.

Is daytime sleep necessary?

There are many questions about daytime sleep. How much should a person sleep during the day? Does it do harm? If the body requires relaxation in the daytime, then you should not refuse it.

For a growing child's body, daytime sleep is beneficial. And for an adult, it can be a real problem. With such tension, a day's rest is necessary to restore strength and energy.

What can sleep deprivation lead to?

Regular lack of sleep can cause not only increased irritability, lethargy, absent-mindedness and drowsiness, but also serious diseases. The consequences can lead to cancer, diabetes, obesity and coronary heart disease.

Modern research states that sleep that lasts less than 6 hours can cause early death. This is due to the peculiarities of the nervous system. Lack of rest leads to constant stress, which in turn increases blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

People whose work is associated with the night period are more prone to the formation of malignant tumors. The reason may be artificial lighting, which does not release the necessary elements in the human body that suppress tumor cells.

Even a slight lack of sleep can cause not only obesity, but also a complete malfunction of the endocrine system. Such violations will lead not only to a change in the integral functioning of the body, but will also have a decisive influence on premature aging.

How much sleep an adult needs, and how to learn to wake up early

After a hard week, very often you do not want to get out of bed. But a person forgets that he needs to constantly calculate the duration of his sleep. How much sleep an adult needs depends on the internal biorhythm. Prolonged sleep has a completely opposite effect on the human body. Instead of restoring strength, a person experiences overwork. Excessive rest leads to a failure of the internal biorhythm. As a result, an increased level of laziness and unwillingness to take up work. Such rest can lead to depression.

Not only mental stress can be the result of prolonged sleep. The consequences can be manifested in increased pressure, swelling and constant migraine.

Food before bed

In the evening, the refrigerator becomes a real magnet. Eating too much food can completely ruin your sleep. Such a habit will not only lead to constant insomnia, but will also cause significant weight gain. It is best to avoid evening snacks. But if hunger still takes its toll, then you can reinforce your body with a small amount of nuts. An excellent snack will be a peeled half of an apple. For complete confidence in the correctness of your choice in the refrigerator, you must keep low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.

In the evening, it is also best to eat low-fat foods or foods that contain a small amount of calories. Bean groats and chicken breast will serve as an excellent evening snack.

How to sleep

In order for sleep to be healthy and full, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • It is necessary to carefully consider the selection of the bed. The mattress you choose should not be too soft. In addition, the bed should take into account the characteristics of your spine and fully comply with its structure.
  • Do not pay attention to voluminous pillows. She should only slightly raise her head. It is best to opt for those models that adapt to the shape of the head.
  • For those who like to sleep on their back, it is necessary to put a small roller under their feet. And the softness of the bed should have more softness, compared to other options. When sleeping on the right side, it is necessary to straighten the lower leg, and leave the upper leg bent. Between the legs it is best to squeeze something soft. While sleeping on the left side, the recommendations are similar. But it should be remembered that sleeping on the left side is not entirely beneficial for the body. Sleeping on your stomach is the best position.
  • Limit eating before bed. If you can’t avoid snacking, then try to avoid sleeping on your stomach or left side.
  • Maintain a comfortable room temperature.
  • It is important to pay attention to the polarity of your location. The position of the person to the east provides the best quality of sleep. This feature is based on the magnetic polarity of the planet.
  • Follow the set duration and stick to the regimen.

How to learn to wake up early

Compliance with just a few rules can turn a gloomy morning into the most pleasant awakening.

It is necessary to pay attention to purposeful awakening. This is not about a goal for one day, but about motivating you to wake up pleasantly every day.

To achieve this goal, you will have to make a lot of efforts. Get ready to give up bad habits. But the result achieved will be more pleasant than the lost trifles.

Before going to bed, you must follow the evening ritual. Such innovations include the exclusion of electronic devices from their evening time. It is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance in the morning. Take time to reflect on the past day. Remember all the positive things.

Make time for self-development. Take care of the quality of your sleep. Follow the tips above for a truly healthy holiday.

Pay attention to awakening. Do not set your alarm clock to excessively aggressive music or a melody that causes irritation.

Try to find something interesting to do in the morning. Remember the good times in your life.

How many hours does an adult need to sleep to get enough sleep

Adults pay a lot of attention to their own health. And sleep is no exception. We can say that an adult needs an average of 8 hours of sleep to rest. But if during this period of time the body has not been able to restore strength, then the internal rhythm has other boundaries of temporary rest. To get enough sleep, listen to your own feelings, find a golden mean and stick to its indicators.

Time intervals in which the body rests more

It is important not to limit yourself to thoughts about how many hours you need to sleep, but to remember the most favorable time intervals. It is believed that the time from 22:00 to 2:00 am is the most favorable for rest. It is during this period of time that the systems that cannot be launched in another period of time work in the body. It is from 22 to 23 hours that you need to organize your sleep, since this time interval is the most favorable for relaxing the body. The best time to wake up is between 5 and 7 am.

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