Birch buds - official instructions for use. Birch buds instructions for use, analogues, contraindications, composition and prices in pharmacies. Description and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Approximately by the age of 30–40, every third inhabitant of the planet has at least once encountered kidney disease. Despite the rapid development of pharmacy, most people tend to homeopathic remedies. Therefore, every person suffering from this problem must be aware of the procedure for taking Orthosifom staminate bud tea (leaves), instructions, reviews and tricks for brewing it.

Description of the medicinal plant

Orthosiphon stamens belongs to plants from the family Lamiaceae. The evergreen bush reaches a meter in height. Natural conditions growing in tropical climates, mainly in forests on the island of Java, Sumatra and some regions of Indonesia.

It does not occur in the natural environment in Europe. The plant is cultivated for medicinal purposes exclusively on the Black Sea coast.

Orthosiphon also has vernacular name- cat's whisker or simply kidney tea. Flowering falls in July and August.

For medicinal purposes, only the leaves of the plant are taken. AT artificial conditions cultivation, flowers do not produce seeds. Widely used in medical purposes, as it has minimal contraindications. Restores the work of the kidneys, and also relieves edema.

Orthosiphon - medicinal properties

Medicinal properties are contained in the leaves and the upper part of the shoot. Orthosiphon staminate is rich in vitamins, organic acids, trace elements and essential oils. And also dry herbal collection is used as sources:

  • tannins;
  • orthosiphonin glycoside;
  • potassium salts;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • sitosterol;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids.

The main scope of Orthosiphon are kidney diseases. herbal collection perfectly helps with edema, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. It also removes spasms from internal organs. It has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, helping to produce gastric juice.

Uses kidney tea and traditional medicine. Therefore, it is sold in most pharmacies. The drug is dispensed in bulk in packs or sachets.

Indications for Orthosiphon's use

Kidney tea Orthosiphon doctors prescribe in complex treatment urolithiasis. Having a good diuretic effect, it is used to relieve swelling and other symptoms:

  • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra;
  • azotemia - an increase in nitrogen in the blood fluid;
  • pyelonephritis - an inflammatory disease of the kidneys;
  • cystitis - inflammation Bladder;
  • albuminuria - an increase in the structure of protein in the urine and its excretion from the body.

It is worth noting that medicinal plant also widely used for problems with the heart and blood vessels, dermatitis, eczema, gout, gastritis and arthritis.

pharmachologic effect

At correct application Orthosiphon in the body alkalization of urine is carried out. From the human body, along with it, urea, chlorides and uric acid. This helps to remove excess fluid and relieve swelling of the body.

Patients suffering cholelithiasis, note an improvement in the general condition, which is due to a decrease in mucus and the number of bile leukocytes. With a calming effect on internal organs, Orthosiphon increases the amount of secretion secreted.

Contraindications for use

Collection - refers to homeopathic remedies. The use of Orthosiphon staminate kidney tea is contraindicated in exceptional cases:

  • acute forms of hypotension, gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • renal or heart failure against the background of diagnosed dropsy;
  • children under the age of 12;
  • persons who have allergic reactions to Orthosiphon leaves.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the use of Orthosiphon and the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

Orthosiphon - use during pregnancy and lactation

Kidney tea during pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but also very useful. But only on the recommendation of a doctor with a period of use of no more than 2-3 weeks. Orthosiphon helps to cope with leg swelling, which often occurs after the second trimester. Tea eliminates bags under the eyes and improves general state. It is prescribed to combat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

It is important to choose the kidney collection very carefully. Today, many teas contain Orthosiphon Staminus. But in their composition they have a number of herbs prohibited for pregnant women. Therefore, their packaging may contain contraindications - pregnancy and lactation.

The subtleties of the use of herbal medicines

Orthosiphon staminate bud tea leaves have a clear instruction and good feedback. Often the mixture is sold already in bags. For improvement medicinal properties tea is brewed in different ways.

Orthosiphon for edema

Due to disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, the bladder in the body accumulates excess fluid, which provokes swelling. It is necessary to take the collection for three weeks, 100 ml of pre-infused tea, before meals.

Collection for cystitis

Per a short time Orthosiphon eliminates unpleasant pain, removes inflammatory process and makes it easier to urinate. Patients brew tea every day, a teaspoon of the dry mixture in a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 30-40 minutes, after which it is filtered. The patient drinks tea warm half an hour before eating.

Orthosiphon tea for cholelithiasis

Brew half a tablespoon of the mixture in 150-200 grams of boiling water. Leave to brew for 20-30 minutes. The collection is filtered and diluted 1:1 with cold water. It is necessary to take slightly warm 2 times a day for 50 grams.

kidney tea for weight loss

Many people use medication diuretics for weight loss. But they have many side effects. Orthosiphon staminate tea promotes excretion excess fluid from the body. And absolutely no harm to him. For such purposes, the filtered bag is poured with boiling water, insisted and poured into a thermos. It is necessary to take Orthosiphon throughout the day 20-30 minutes before meals. Such an infusion is stored for a day.

Reviews of the kidney collection

People with diseased kidneys get quick relief through the use of a decoction of Orthosiphon staminate. Many experts recommend tea as a good diuretic for various diseases. It is necessary to study the instructions, reviews and recommendations of a doctor when taking Orthosiphon staminate kidney tea (leaves). Do not increase the dosage of Orthosiphon Staminate Kidney Tea during the day.

During the application of the collection, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Among other kidney teas, it is absolutely harmless during pregnancy. But only in pure form free from other herbs. Very rarely reported adverse reactions, which indicates its easy portability.

Renon Duo for kidney treatment

Kidneys are vital important organs our body, which perform the most important filtration function. If there is a violation on the part of these organs, then the whole organism will suffer, this is an increase blood pressure, and poisoning, there may even be problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Therefore, in order to avoid such serious problems it is necessary to treat kidney diseases in time. Renon duo is a new generation product, which includes herbal ingredients. The drug practically does not cause any side effects and quickly restores the functional abilities of organs.

First, let's look at five main signs that may indicate the presence of problems with the kidneys:

  • lumbar pain that may radiate to the pubis or thigh;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • swelling of the hands, feet, face, bags under the eyes;
  • hyperthermia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by pain.

general description

Renon duo is a development of Russian scientists, which was created according to latest discoveries in medicine. One capsule contains many beneficial trace elements and vitamins that contribute to kidney health.

Price medicinal product Fairly affordable and good quality. On average, the cost varies within 1000 rubles. You can buy the drug at a pharmacy without a prescription.

The benefits of the drug

Renon duo has the following properties:

  • elimination kidney failure;
  • reduction of soft tissue edema;
  • restores weakened kidney functions;
  • ridding the kidneys of pathogens;
  • effective fight against viruses and infections;
  • no aggressive effects on the stomach, intestines and liver;
  • the possibility of using in the treatment of children and the elderly;
  • the effect is noticeable after the first application;
  • the presence of natural antibacterial components;
  • the capsule acts on the basis of the biorhythm of the human body;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • recommended by the Ministry of Health;
  • one package is enough to complete the entire treatment course;
  • soft and delicate removal of toxins and toxins;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improvement of microflora;
  • analgesic effect;
  • deliverance of urolithiasis.

The indisputable advantages of the drug are the following points:

  • safe and completely natural composition;
  • fast and long action;
  • impact directly on the problem focus;
  • a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole;
  • ease of use;
  • not addictive;
  • after application of means there are no allergic reactions.

What is included in the preparation?

The composition of Renon Duo is absolutely natural and safe. Active ingredients the drug gently and gently affects the body. Let's take a closer look at the active ingredients:

  • bloodroot. This component not only heals, but also cleanses the kidneys. In addition, cinquefoil strengthens the internal defensive forces body and strengthens the immune system;
  • cowberry. The berry has a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system. In the event of violations by genitourinary system lingonberries relieve unpleasant symptoms well;
  • calamus fights back pain, and also helps to remove sand and stones in the kidneys;
  • Chamomile is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to the main action, chamomile normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • Horsetail has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Horsetail acts directly on the cause kidney problems destroying viruses and bacteria;
  • larch. it active substance not only stops inflammation, but also prevents it from spreading further. At painful urination larch facilitates discomfort, and also in the presence of stagnation of urine eliminates it.


The nice thing is that the capsules have different colors, it feels like you have been taken care of and taken into account the small details. Each color corresponds to a certain time of taking the drug.

It is important to take into account that in certain time capsules are taken in completely different ways, namely:

  • the first capsule is dissolved in plain water and the resulting solution is drunk. During sleep, bacteria and viruses can accumulate in the kidneys. Morning intake of the drug allows you to get rid of the pathogens that have accumulated overnight;
  • the second capsule is swallowed and washed down with water. AT daytime days, stagnation of urine can be observed. Daily intake of the capsule contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, eliminates headache and eliminates general weakness;
  • the third capsule is washed down with a solution from the first capsule. Urolithiasis disease develops in evening time, taking the capsule at this time contributes to the destruction of kidney stones and their further removal, and also eliminates stagnation of urine.

It may seem at first glance that the reception scheme is very complicated, but in fact everything is very simple, in a couple of days you will be able to follow all these instructions automatically. It is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations and not self-medicate.

Indications for use

AT winter time, as well as the autumn-spring period often appear infectious diseases. Past illnesses, hypothermia, weakened immunity - all this negatively affects the functioning of the urinary system.

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Are there contraindications?

It is safe to say that Renon Duo has no contraindications and does not cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, the remedy has a positive effect on the entire body. Needless to say, if the cleansing abilities of Renon Duo can even get rid of chronic pathologies.

In the article we are talking about birch buds, their beneficial properties and contraindications in folk medicine. You will learn about the rules for the procurement of raw materials, learn how to use the product for outdoor and internal use. Suggested recipes will help improve your health.

People have long used the gifts of mother nature in the fight against various diseases. In improving well-being, grass, trees, plants, juices are used plant origin.

Adherents of traditional medicine know firsthand about the healing properties of birch. Most often, birch buds are used, which are part of infusions, ointments, decoctions for the treatment of diseases and the elimination of pathologies in the body. Let's find out what unique properties possesses the product, and what are its beneficial features.

Chemical composition

Diverse chemical composition provides a curative effect.

Birch buds contain:

  • Saponins are elements that remove bile acids from the body;
  • Flavonoids - pigments have powerful antioxidant properties;
  • Carotene - a component cleanses the body of free radicals, strengthens the nervous system;
  • Phytoncides - improve the protective functions of the body;
  • Tannins - have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Vitamin C - removes heavy metals from the body;
  • Fatty acid - organic compounds affect the functioning of brain cells;
  • Essential oil - a biologically active component contributes to the healing of the whole organism.

Healing properties of birch buds

Medicines made on the basis of natural raw materials normalize metabolism, improve the condition of a person suffering from chronic kidney disease. Birch buds treat:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • Benign and malignant tumors.

Indications for use

Birch buds used in the treatment of:

In addition to all of the above, the product is used to strengthen protective functions body, and as a cleanser of toxins and toxins. Natural raw materials promote weight loss, but as an additional tool.

Side effect of treatment

Before using birch buds, if available chronic diseases, consult a doctor.

  1. Treatment with natural raw materials will cause harm in case of individual intolerance. An allergic reaction is possible.
  2. Women should refuse treatment with traditional medicine in the position and during the period of feeding.
  3. Course of the disease urinary tract aggravated under the influence of active substances in the composition of drugs.

The benefits of birch buds for men, women and children

For Women's Health

The natural component helps to restore the body after childbirth. Herbal preparations are useful for disorders menstrual cycle and in the pre-climatic period. Active ingredients purify the blood and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

For men

The tool is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system, relieve inflammation and pain with prostatitis. Infusions and decoctions prevent baldness, which affects men of a certain age.

For kids

Decoctions based on birch buds are used as anthelmintic. Such a medicine is bitter in taste, so doctors prescribe it in rare cases. Medicinal raw materials help with coughing and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Rules for the preparation and storage of birch buds

If you are interested in improving the body, it makes sense to independently prepare raw materials, the naturalness of which will not be in doubt.

For those who do not want to spend time harvesting, there is good news. Birch buds are sold in a pharmacy all year round, but a product prepared by oneself will be more effective.

collection time

Early spring is considered a favorable period for harvesting, when the buds are already swollen, and young leaves have not yet appeared. Collect raw materials in sunny, dry weather.

Birch buds are cut from the young shoots of the tree. Birch used in medicinal purposes, should not grow near highways, landfills and industrial plants. The tree absorbs harmful substances and nullifies the benefits of using one or another medicine made at home. A birch grove is considered an ideal place to collect the product.

Having collected required amount birch product, dry at room temperature, and then chop. This processing method will useful elements available in raw materials.


Store birch buds in glass containers or bags made of natural fabric or paper.

The longer the product is stored, the less healing components remain in it. Store raw materials for no longer than one year.

Birch buds in folk medicine

Birch buds help to cope with diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin, as well as pain in the back and legs. A strong antiseptic is used in cosmetology, dentistry, dermatology.

Infusion on water


  • Birch buds - 2 teaspoons;
  • Boiling water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Pour the crushed raw materials with boiling water. Cool and strain.

How to use: Infusion is taken orally to strengthen the immune system. Effective in treatment colds. water infusion indicated for treatment chronic tonsillitis. Suitable for gargling. At skin diseases accompanied by itching, infusion baths are useful.


To prepare a decoction with birch buds, you will need the same ingredients. Cooking differs only in that the broth is infused for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cold mixture, strain.

  • With a decoction on the water, compresses are made to treat burns, wounds on the body, and ulcers.
  • They are treated for stomatitis, inflammation in oral cavity.
  • Decoction rinse hair to prevent baldness.

Rules for taking decoction and infusion:

  1. Consume warm.
  2. Drink a decoction of 50 ml three times a day until the condition improves.
  3. Infusion drink 100 ml up to 6 times a day.
  4. Drugs are taken in courses.
  5. Depending on the disease, the course and dosage of the infusion or decoction is prescribed.
  6. For the treatment of children, infusions of weak concentration are used.
  7. Do not store the infusion or decoction for longer than 2 days.

Vodka tincture


  • Dry birch buds - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vodka or alcohol 70% - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Fill raw materials with vodka. Leave to brew for 7 days.

How to use: Before taking the tincture, dilute the agent in a small amount water. Take a teaspoon before meals.

Result: Eliminates Giardia (worms), helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers, kidney stones.

Ointment for joint pain


  • Birch buds - 200 g;
  • Butter - 400 g;
  • Camphor - 3 g.

How to cook: In an enamel bowl, mix the kidneys with the oil. Cover with a lid. Put for a day in a warm place if the kidneys are fresh. It is best to send a heat-resistant container with kidneys to the oven to maintain the same temperature. During this time, the raw material will evaporate. If the kidneys are dry, leave them for 2 days. Strain, add camphor. Stir. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator.

How to use: Lubricate sore spots, fix with a bandage and leave overnight.

Natural raw materials for weight loss

Raw materials normalize metabolic processes in the body, which means it helps to reduce weight. In order to get rid of extra pounds, drink tea with birch buds and make wraps with the same raw materials. Tea has a diuretic and diaphoretic property that removes toxins from the body, swelling disappears. Wraps improve the condition of the skin in problem areas.

Tea for weight loss is made according to the principle of decoction. The kidneys are poured with boiling water, infused for 4 hours. Strain. Add a teaspoon of honey to tea and drink 3-4 times a day.

Drinking little to lose weight herbal tea and make wraps. The main thing is to change the usual diet, add to it healthy foods and exercise regularly.

What to remember

  1. Birch buds are part of medicinal ointments, decoctions, infusions.
  2. Harvest raw materials yourself, it contains more useful components than a product sold in a pharmacy.
  3. The maximum shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.
  4. The chemical composition of birch buds decides various problems with health.
  5. Do not ignore the above contraindications.


Country of origin


Product group

Herbal, natural preparations (herbs)

Diuretic agent of plant origin.

Release form

  • pack 50g Whole kidneys 50 g each in cardboard packs with an inner bag. Instructions for use, folded inside the text, are enclosed in a pack or the text of the instruction is applied in full on the pack. Whole kidneys 50 g in a cardboard box with an inner paper bag. Instruction text for medical use completely applied to the pack. pack 50g

Description of the dosage form

  • birch buds Buds are elongated-conical, pointed or obtuse, often sticky. Scales are tiled, tightly pressed along the edges, slightly ciliated (lower scales are shorter than upper ones and sometimes with slightly lagging tips); the length of the kidneys is 3-7 mm, in diameter - 1.5-3 mm. The color of the kidneys is brown, sometimes greenish at the base. The smell is balsamic, pleasant. The taste of the water extract is slightly astringent, resinous. Kidneys are elongated-conical, pointed or blunt, often sticky. The color of the buds is brown, sometimes greenish at the base. The smell is balsamic, pleasant. The taste of the water extract is slightly astringent, resinous. whole kidneys

pharmachologic effect

Birch buds contain essential oil, the main components of which are betulin, betulinic acid, caryophyllene; resins, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, macro- and microelements and other biologically active substances. It has a diuretic and some anti-inflammatory effect.

Special conditions

The drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including control vehicles, work with moving mechanisms).


  • birch buds birch buds 50g

Birch buds indications for use

"Birch buds" is an extremely popular remedy. The high interest in this phytoform can be easily explained by its harmlessness, availability ( average price one standard is 130 rubles), ease of use and excellent efficiency.


Physiotherapy group - diuretic plant origin with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and restorative properties.

The benefits of birch buds (Betulae gemma) are due to their biochemical composition. Among other substances, the phytopreparation contains essential oils, resins, fatty acid, alkaloids, carotene, vitamin C, vitamin PP, some minerals.

Release form

Betulae gemma are sticky, cilia-covered, brownish with a green base buds of an elongated conical shape. Them average length 3-7 mm, width from 1.5 to 3 mm. They have a pleasant, slightly astringent odor and a resinous taste.

Packing is carried out in consumer-friendly cardboard packs with an inner bag of 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75 and 100 g.

Healing properties of birch buds

The benefits of birch raw materials have been proven with urological problems, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, with pathologies respiratory system(bronchitis and tracheitis). Edema of renal and cardiac origin.

Official medicine willingly uses such drugs for diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Essential oils in the composition of the product help in the treatment of giardiasis.


Herbal remedies from birch remove "bad" cholesterol from the body, which is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. The ability of vitamin PP to break down fats can be used to prevent obesity. AT preventive purposes for hair, rinsing the strands with a healing infusion is very useful.

The average price is from 120 to 150 rubles.

Mode of application

For a decoction, take about 10 g of herbal medicine, pour a glass of hot boiled water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Consume half an hour before meals in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons three times a day. Store the broth in a cool place for no more than 2 days, shake before use.

Children, depending on age, are prescribed a decoction in the amount of 1 teaspoon to a quarter cup two to three times a day before meals.

Side effects

With prolonged use, it is possible irritant effect insist on kidney tissue. Allergic reactions on the skin (itching, swelling, rash) are possible.


At any stage of pregnancy, the use of birch buds is absolute contraindication, since resinous substances can cause irritation of the renal parenchyma, further complicating the work of the organ.

In practice, during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only in some cases. It is a strong diuretic that promotes quick recovery weakened work of the heart and kidneys of a pregnant woman and significantly reduces swelling in the legs and face. It is possible to use diuretics during pregnancy only after a thorough examination and consultation of a specialist.

Any pharmaceutical forms containing birch raw materials are prohibited from using:

  • At severe violations kidney function (chronic failure)
  • During an exacerbation of glomerulonephritis
  • During the lactation period
  • For children under 12 years of age
  • With hypersensitivity.

Kidneys in folk medicine

The healing effect of birch buds traditional medicine most often uses:

  • In diseases of the respiratory system (disinfectant and mucolytic effect)
  • As an effective diuretic drug for edema of cardiac origin
  • In the form of compresses for inflammation of the joints, neurotic pain
  • In the form of baths, lotions for bruises, wounds on the skin, in the form of infusions and decoctions for eczema.

Healthy Recipes

Proven high efficiency the use of a herbal remedy for giardiasis. An infusion for the treatment of pinworms, ascaris and giardia is prepared from 10 grams of raw materials and 100 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol. Leave the ingredients in a dark place for two weeks, then take 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day.

The use of the drug contributes to the removal from the body of not only Giardia, but also Trichomonas. Preparations from birch raw materials on alcohol are successfully used for giardiasis for both children and adults. For a lasting effect in the treatment of giardiasis, it is recommended to take the infusion for 2-3 weeks.

Of course, it is impossible to get rid of helminths on your own, and in particular, it is impossible to treat giardiasis, a visit to the doctor is a must!

Also, cauterization of herpes with a ten percent tincture of birch buds (necessarily at 90-degree alcohol) quickly relieves an unpleasant rash on the lips.

Birch buds, medicinal properties which are perfectly manifested in ointments, facilitate the course of eczema, reduce pain in diseases of the joints. Oil tincture is successfully used in dermatology and in the treatment of hemorrhoids (microclysters).

Birch in hair treatment

The drug is successfully used in hair care for prevention
baldness, strengthening hair, getting rid of profuse dandruff. In folk medicine, the remedy is actively used to increase the density and enhance hair growth. It is easy to prepare masks and infusions for rinsing the strands and rubbing them into the hair roots. Compresses are used for weakened, falling hair. In order for the hair to become lush, thick and shiny, the treatment must be long and regular.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep the drug should be out of the reach of children. Necessary conditions storage are protected from exposure to sunlight and lack of moisture. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.


"Birch extract dry"

Vilar Pharmaceutical Center, Russia
Price from 400 rubles (kg).

Fine-grained free-flowing powder. Herbal preparation with diuretic action. Color is green-brown.


  • Easily soluble in water
  • A wide range of applications in cosmetology - added to creams, shampoos


  • Do not use for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age.

Krasnodrekartstva or ZAO Zdorovye, Russia
Price from 55 to 80 rubles.

Birch leaves are used as a disinfectant and expectorant for bronchitis and tracheitis, as a diuretic for the treatment of edema of cardiac origin.


  • Choice of convenient form: filter bags or powder
  • Can be used topically (for toothache, wounds and cuts)


  • Individual intolerance to the components
  • When used in cosmetic purposes, the drug can dry out the skin.

Birch buds are a herbal medicine that has a diuretic, antimicrobial effect, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. I will consider its composition, release form, as well as other important points.

The drug is supplied to the pharmaceutical market in the form of herbal raw materials, which are placed in cardboard packs, usually they contain 30 grams of dry birch buds, which are packed in small paper bags for convenient use.

Phytopreparation can be purchased at the over-the-counter pharmacy department. This plant material contains quite a lot useful substances due to which the drug has a medicinal effect on the body.

I will list these components: resinous compounds, saponins, tannins, there are flavonoids, some mineral elements. In addition, valuable essential oil is included in the composition of the kidneys, its main components are the so-called sesquiterpene compounds, among them there are betulin, caryophyllene, betulenol, and there is also betulenic acid.

The raw material is conically elongated kidneys, they are pointed or somewhat blunt, usually they are slightly glutinous. Their scales are tiled, tightly pressed along the edges, slightly ciliated, their length can vary from three to seven millimeters.

The color of the kidneys is brownish, at the base with greenish tint. The raw material has a balsamic-spicy smell. The taste of the prepared decoction or infusion is resinous, with an astringent taste.

It is recommended to store raw materials in a dry place, protected from light, and out of the reach of children. The shelf life of raw materials is two years, after which it is not recommended to use it. In finished form, the drug should be put in the refrigerator and used as soon as possible.

What is the help that birch buds provide? Action

Infusion and decoction prepared from birch buds have a diuretic effect on the body, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect, which is ensured by the medicinal components that make up the raw material.

Who will benefit from birch buds? Indications for use

This raw material is used in the presence of edema of both cardiac and renal origin.

Who should not use birch buds? Contraindications for use

The drug "Birch buds" instructions for use prohibits the use in the following cases, I will list them:

Phytopreparation is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to some of its components;
Do not use them in renal failure in chronic form;
You can not prescribe infusion and decoction with acute glomerulonephritis;
Pregnancy is also considered a contraindication;
Do not use herbal medicine during lactation.

In addition to the listed conditions, the herbal medicine is contraindicated for use in pediatric practice, in particular, the herbal medicine is not used until the age of twelve.

What is the use and dosage of the drug "birch buds"?

You can prepare a medicinal decoction from birch buds, for this you need a tablespoon of this raw material, it is recommended to place it in an enameled container, and then you need to pour a glass of boiling water into it.

After that, the container is closed with a lid and placed on water bath for about 15 minutes, while making sure that the broth does not boil violently. Then it is removed from the stove and cooled to room temperature, after which the drug must be filtered using a fine strainer or gauze folded in two layers.

Further, it is recommended to squeeze out the remaining raw materials, and the remaining volume of infusion must be brought to 200 milliliters using boiled water. Apply a ready-made broth before eating inside, one or two tablespoons, the frequency of use is three times during the day.

Before direct use, it is recommended to shake the decoction, and only then can it be used in the presence of edema. It is recommended to consult with a specialist first.

It is recommended to put the finished broth in the refrigerator, it should be used no later than five days from the date of its preparation, since it medicinal qualities are lost, and best case it becomes unsuitable for use, and at worst, it can lead to poisoning.

Birch buds - drug overdose

When using a decoction or infusion in large doses, may increase side effects in particular, the patient may show some manifestations allergic nature.

Can birch buds harm? Side effects

Concerning side effects, then they can be expressed as allergic reactions, especially these phenomena are characteristic of persons with an increased allergenic background, in particular, itching may join skin, their swelling, as well as appear small rash.

In addition, with prolonged use medicinal decoction or an infusion made from birch buds, some inflammatory diseases kidneys.

How to replace birch buds? Analogues

Birch buds, Birch dry extract.


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