Potassium alum in medicine. The use of alum (galuna) in folk medicine. Where is alum used?

The use of alum for health and beauty.

You must have heard of alum at some point, but never knew what it was. About this and will be discussed further, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

What are alums?

Alum looks like a snow-white crystalline powder. It is mined at enterprises during the processing of bauxite or clay. Alum, as you noticed, is completely non-medical in origin. But despite this, they were able to gain a huge distribution in the medical field.

In pharmacies you can buy burnt alum. They are obtained after heating to 160 degrees, and after less than 45% of the original volume remains.

Alum must be stored in a well sealed container. If you do not take this into account, then they will fade and fall apart. Also, when wet, they can dissolve very easily.

Alum: benefits and harms

Many dermatologists claim that alum is absolutely safe, as they do not have local irritating and allergenic effects. They can even be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those with asthma.

Whatever they have positive qualities alum, in some cases individual intolerance is possible. Contraindication to use may be hypersensitivity of the skin.

Alum is a versatile and useful tool. It is, as you understand, safe and effective. It can even be easily included in the list of important cosmetic preparations.

Burnt alum has the following positive qualities:

  • Antibacterial
  • moisture absorbent
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial

As a rule, it is used for such purposes:

  • During heavy sweating.
  • To normalize functionality sebaceous glands.
  • As an antiseptic, so that wounds on the skin heal faster.
  • During the fight against a variety of bacteria and mushrooms.

Burnt alum - instructions for use

Alum is for external use only. The powder is available in special plastic bottles of 50 g.

  • Alum is used as a powder. During hyperhidrosis, they are applied to the place where heavy sweating, that is, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, groin and feet.
  • Sores and wounds must be treated with a solution obtained from alum. In order to prepare such a remedy, do the following: take 1/2 tsp. alum, dissolve in hot water (200 ml).
  • Treat the wounds with a slightly cooled solution several times a day. When you treat the places of wounds and ulcers, cover them with sterile gauze or bandage.

Alum for stomatitis in adults and children: a recipe for use

Alum is inexpensive and available method which helps to cure stomatitis. The alums themselves are endowed with all necessary qualities that stop the disease and its causes.

The drug has a complex effect on the affected area, anesthetizes and disinfects it, and also relieves swelling and inflammatory processes soothes itching and pain. After using alum, a film is formed, which eliminates the risk of penetration of foreign components from environment into the wound. Thanks to this method the healing process is accelerated and bleeding from the damaged area stops.

To cure stomatitis, you can prepare such a remedy and rinse your mouth with it:

  • Take boiled water(250 ml), 5 g alum.
  • Mix the ingredients until the alum is completely dissolved.
  • Store the resulting product for about 2 days in a cool place.
  • Before you use the drug, shake it well.
  • Rinse your mouth, the interval between rinses should be 3 hours.

For children, you can prepare a weaker solution of their alum. Adult children should rinse their mouths on their own, but for babies, treat your mouth with cotton swab dipped in the agent. At the same time, try to remove the crusts. This will help speed up the healing process.

How to gargle with alum for sore throat?

White alum powder is ideal remedy, which helps to cure angina in children and adults. True, you need to be extremely careful while preparing the product so that you do not get a very tart solution.

For one rinse, take quite a bit of alum (about the tip of a knife). Add powder to warm water and mix everything well. Before you give your child a drug, try it. The tool should turn out a little sour and tart, similar to an unripe persimmon.

Also in Soviet years sore throat was treated with this remedy for both adults and children. Of course, at present, doctors treat angina with completely different methods. And before using alum, they advise to first seek the advice of a professional pediatrician, so as not to harm the child.

Alum use in gynecology for cervical erosion

Burnt alum is actively used in gynecology. Made from white powder water solution with which douche and wash. Lotions and tampons are also made from alum.

During cervical erosion, douche with a special solution. The course of treatment is approximately 14 days, making a break of 10 days between procedures.

Burnt alum is still widely used in inflammatory diseases, discharge, itching, unpleasant discharge and odor associated with mycosis different nature. Many women use alum to tighten their vagina after childbirth or surgery. If you also decide to use this method, first consult a doctor to avoid allergies.

Douching alum: how to prepare

Burnt alum plus blue vitriolexcellent tool for douching.

To prepare the remedy, stock up:

  • Pure copper sulfate - 2 tbsp
  • Burnt alum - 2 tbsp
  • Filtered water - 2 l

Cooking process:

  • Pour some water into a bowl. Grind blue vitriol, add alum and water to it.
  • Boil the composition and boil it over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Cool down the product. Store in a cool place.

For one douching you will need to take 1 tbsp. l funds. Dilute it in 1 liter of slightly heated water.

Burnt alum for thrush: a recipe for use

Alum has an excellent anti-inflammatory quality, therefore, it helps to cure thrush, relieve inflammation and redness in intimate area. Alum also has astringent properties that effectively eliminate fungus. This happens in this way: the crystals block the reproduction of bacteria and destroy them with their own antiseptic qualities.

There is great amount methods of using burnt alum during the treatment of thrush, but the following is considered the simplest and most effective. To prepare it, stock up:

  • Burnt alum - 2 tsp
  • Water - 1 l

Cooking process:

  • Take alum. Dissolve them in water.
  • Boil the resulting composition, then cool and you can use it during douching or washing.

You should also remember that after douching with this remedy, you need to wash yourself with a special tincture made from oak bark.

Burnt alum for hemorrhoids: application

Many probably know how to cure hemorrhoids with alum, since this method has been used since ancient times. Exists big number recipes, and they are all quite simple.

Alum lotion:

To prepare you need to stock up:

  • Crushed burnt alum - 1 tsp
  • Water - 250 ml

Cooking process:

  • Dissolve alum in water.
  • Boil the composition and cool.
  • Soak a piece of cloth or gauze in the product, and treat the affected area.

If the wounds bleed, you can increase the effect of the remedy. Add to it egg white. Do the procedure itself before going to bed, very carefully. In the morning you will be able to notice the first positive results.

Burnt alum for ingrown toenail

To use alum for an ingrown toenail, you need to follow these guidelines:

  • To get started, buy an ordinary drug in a pharmacy. sea ​​salt. You can replace it with chamomile infusion (it is better that it be strong).
  • Thereafter chamomile infusion(sea salt) pour boiling water.
  • Dip your feet in the bath, hold in it until the water becomes cold.
  • Then apply alum to the inflamed areas. Apply with special care, thoroughly treat the tissues near the ingrown nail plate and the place where pus has formed.
  • Apply a bandage to the treated area. Pull it tight.

Alum for dermatitis

Alum, as you already understood, is widely used in medical purposes. With them you can cure not only neurodermatitis, inflammatory eczema, but also dermatitis. For cooking remedy, which will help cure dermatitis, stock up on these components:

  • Black tea - 30 g
  • Burnt alum - 30 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix these ingredients well.
  • Fill them with water (500 ml) and boil the resulting composition for about 30 minutes over low heat.
  • Treat with the resulting remedy those places where dermatitis is present.

Treatment of nail fungus with alum

If you find a fungus on your nails, you can use following method. Take a flannel rag, set it on fire, then put it out and treat the place of suppuration with a smoking piece of material.

Try to bring the fabric closer so that you can feel a strong warmth. Keep it like this for 10 minutes. Make sure that the material is constantly smoking, therefore, periodically set fire to it.

After about 7 days of using this method, you can start using alum (2 times a day). Prepare something like this:

  • Take alum
  • Dilute them in boiled water
  • Rinse the resulting nail plate
  • After about 15 minutes, sprinkle dry alum on the nail

Potassium alum: treatment of tuberculosis

Alum is a very common ingredient. For a long time they were used by our grandmothers in folk medicine, including tuberculosis. You can also prepare one of the tools if you stock up on the following components:

  • Warm water - 2 tbsp
  • Honey - 1/2 tbsp
  • Burnt alum - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

  • Take warm water.
  • Add honey to it. Stir the composition well so that the honey dissolves.
  • Put the mixture on a small fire, add burnt alum.
  • After the foam rises, remove the dishes from the heat.
  • Let it cool and you can apply.

The treatment course should be 31 days. Drink the composition about 10 minutes before meals 4 times a day. After a month's course, take a break and repeat it again.

Burnt alum in cosmetology: anti-wrinkle face mask

It's a pity, but time spares no one. If you want to stay young longer, cook next mask. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Burnt alum - 1 g
  • Boric acid - 5 g
  • Cream - 2 tsp

Cooking process:

  • Whip up the protein. Add alum to it, boric acid and cream.
  • Mix the resulting composition well and apply on the skin of the face.
  • Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with warm water, and then wash your face with still cool water.

Burnt alum: face mask for age spots

FROM age spots now there are many people, especially women. There are a lot of tools that help eliminate them. We want to offer you to make the following mask:

  • Take protein. Whip it up add lemon juice and alum (1 tsp).
  • Mix all ingredients well.
  • Apply the resulting mask on the skin for about 20 minutes.

Use it within 20 days. The interval between procedures should be 4 days.

Burnt alum: face mask for acne

If you want to narrow the pores and clean them, as well as reduce inflammation on the skin, you can apply the following mask.

  • Whisk the protein with alum (1 tsp) and peach oil(1 tsp).
  • Knead well the composition, spread it over the skin and hold for about 25 minutes.
  • Wash off the composition with a solution also prepared from alum.

The process of preparing a solution from alum:

  • Boil water. Cool her down.
  • Add alum (5 g) to water (1 tbsp) and mix well.

Also here is a recipe made from alum will help you. You need to stock up:

  • Tooth powder - 3 g
  • Streptocide - 3 g
  • Alum - 3 g
  • Buram - 3 g
  • Starch - 3 g

Cooking process:

  • Connect all components.
  • Dilute them with water or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply the mask to your skin. Leave for 15 minutes.

Burnt alum to narrow the pores on the face: mask recipe

When expanding the pores, as a rule, cosmetologists recommend using a mask made from almond oil and alum. To prepare it, stock up:

  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Alum - 5 g
  • Almond oil (you can replace it with apricot oil) - 5 ml

Cooking process:

  • Beat the protein to make foam.
  • Combine all ingredients, mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the resulting composition to pre-cleansed skin.
  • Leave the mask on your face for 30 minutes.

Burnt alum as an antiperspirant for armpit sweating: recipe

If you are used to using ordinary deodorant against sweating, then you are a little mistaken. Deodorant clogs sweat glands but does not cure main reason. Therefore, it does not bring the desired result. For a good effect, it is better to use burnt alum. You will not be able to apply white powder to the skin, as it will constantly crumble. Accordingly, it is better to do something like this:

  • Take burnt alum (2 tsp). Dissolve them in water (500 ml).
  • Add a couple of drops essential oil(choose at your discretion).
  • Pour the product into a special bottle that will have a sprayer.

Use the remedy 2 times a day. A little later, start using only 1 time per day.

Burnt alum for sweaty feet: recipe

If your feet sweat a lot, you can fight the problem with ordinary burnt alum. Practice shows that on the third day of use, sweating is significantly reduced, and all, without exception, small wounds, abrasions and cracks on the skin of the legs are overgrown.

You need to take into account that due to frequent use alum can greatly dry out the skin. As a result, there is a risk of irritation. If you are "lucky", then treat the skin after using alum with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Before applying alum to your feet, scrub them well with a pumice stone or scraper. Then folds that constantly sweat, treat with alum. For a stronger effect, put alum in your socks and in the shoes you wear all the time.

Burnt alum: hair mask

If you notice that your hair has begun to fall out, then be sure to prepare the next mask. To prepare it, follow these steps:

  • Take a bow (3 pcs.)
  • Squeeze the juice out of it
  • Filter the juice and add alum to it
  • Mix everything well and apply to your hair before you are going to wash it.
  • Then comb your hair and wrap it with a towel
  • Stay in a towel until the morning
  • As soon as you wake up in the morning, wash your hair with warm water.

Shaving alum: how to use

After shaving, wash off the foam from the skin. You don't need to wipe right away. Proceed as follows:

  • Add cold water to alum.
  • Very gently run the soaked alum over the area where you shaved.
  • Immediately do not wash off the remnants of the mineral. Wait a few minutes.
  • After some time has passed, wash with cool water.
  • Treat your skin with your favorite aftershave gel or lotion.

Alum powder: application

Before you decide to use alum powder, be sure to do a test: treat a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with the product. If within 24 hours a rash and irritation do not appear on the skin, then you can use the remedy.

  • Treat with powder armpits, palms, legs. If necessary, you can apply the product to the entire body.
  • Apply powder locally. Use a special sponge or cotton pad for this.
  • Before applying the powder, clean the skin thoroughly, dry it.
  • When side effect better give up.

Video: Burnt alum: health and beauty applications

One of the most effective and at the same time safe means to reduce sweating are considered potassium alum from sweat. They represent natural product of volcanic origin and occur naturally in the form of crystals white color. Alum is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, and thanks to natural composition They can be used by both adults and children.

Alum has long been known for its disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Due to the tanning agent present in the composition, the product has become indispensable in the fight against increased sweating.

The effect that natural alum has on human skin is fundamentally different from the work of conventional antiperspirants created by chemical synthesis of substances. it natural medicine does not clog the sweat ducts and does not affect the sweat glands, but simply disinfects the surface of the skin and adsorbs the released moisture. AT acidic environment microorganisms are killed, leaving products of their vital activity on the surface of the skin, which are the source of a disgusting odor.

The destructive effect of alum extends not only to harmful bacteria that inhabit the human skin, but also on fungi, which are usually very difficult to get rid of.

The product perfectly absorbs sweat and fat secreted by the body. In addition, the tanning properties of the drug reduce the increased work of the sebaceous glands, so much less sweat is released.

The nature of alum is chemically neutral, which allows the combination of this product with other bactericidal substances. By combining alum with talc, boric and salicylic acid, you can achieve an even greater effect in .

Advantages of alum over chemicals

Natural remedies for sweat are becoming popular and loved again, which is understandable. Potassium alum has many advantages over drugs created by chemical compound substances.

  • With the help of alum, you can disinfect cuts and wounds, stop bleeding.
  • Helps reduce sebum production and shrink pores.
  • Burnt alum does not cause allergic reactions, they can be used without risk to health for pregnant women and children.
  • The convenience and ease of use of alum powder is undeniable.
  • Relatively low cost and availability of medicine. In a pharmacy, a jar of alum can be purchased for 80 rubles, while modern antiperspirants are much more expensive.

With these properties, burnt alum is ideal for the role of a remedy for sweating.

Instructions for use of alum for armpits

Usually in the armpits, the most intense sweat is observed. This is due to the fact that it is on these parts of the body that it is concentrated. burnt alum will help.

After taking a morning shower, you should carefully wipe the armpits with a soft towel. If necessary, remove excess vegetation from the surface of the skin and then powder dry, clean armpits with alum powder.

Thus, the absence of wet stains and a disgusting smell will be ensured for the whole day.

How alum helps with sweaty feet

Increased foot sweating unpleasant disease that can ruin the life of not only the patient, but also the people around him. Burnt potassium alum will help to cope with this ailment.

In order to get rid of sweating of the feet, it is necessary to sprinkle the soles, fingers and interdigital spaces with burnt alum powder every day. This treatment will ensure dry skin and the absence of a bad smell for the whole day, and also protect against the spread fungus.

Washing with a solution of alum is effective against severe sweating of the feet. You need 1/2 tsp. alum dissolve in 1 tbsp. very hot water and clean problem areas.

Thus, burnt alum is indispensable tool against sweating, and the result of their application is reliable and durable.

Alum from sweat on the face

It is no secret that in many cases, burnt alum is included in the composition of face masks and creams. Everyone knows their tonic and tightening effect. Using the drug at home, you need to keep the jar with the product under a tight lid. Otherwise, the powder will lose its healing properties and fade quickly.

Alum is indispensable for the treatment and prevention of severe facial sweating. Here are a few recipes, the active ingredient in which are alum.

Mattifying lotion

To get a lotion, you need to combine 1/4 cup of water and any liquid containing alcohol, for example, cologne. Add 1 tsp. alum and a few grams of glycerin. Wipe the face with the resulting product once a day.

Mask for oily skin

For the mask you will need 5 tsp. white clay, 15 ml propolis extract, 1 tsp. alum. All ingredients are mixed, and the resulting paste is applied for 20 minutes. As a result, the face acquires a matte shade, the pores narrow, sweating disappears.

Those who have had to use burnt alum, feet or faces leave only positive feedback.

I don't like it when people panic...
Among people who prefer life without chemistry, the topic of the harm of fixers / alum when stained with natural dyes is popular.
I prefer to understand the details of what alum is, whether they are harmful or not.
Let's make a research plan. so that everything is detailed, specific, understandable, and not just "grandmothers on the bench potryndeli":
1) what is potassium alum, chemical formula
2) the effect of aluminum salts (potassium alum) on humans (in pure form, in food and drink)
3) the concentration of potassium alum in materials dyed with natural dyes
4) the effect of materials dyed with natural dyes with potassium alum on humans.

The peculiarity of the transfer of information from person to person is such that during retelling, and not exact quoting, most often part of the information is lost and distorted. In order to correctly retell information - you need to learn this, sometimes it is given by nature. Numbers, names of places, cities, proper names, etc. are best remembered, while the context of the message can change dramatically. But more about that another time. This is me to the fact that I usually do not believe the information "Baba Manya said", I try to look for the original source, which I advise you.


Alum has long been used as a mordant in the dyeing of woolen and cotton yarn and fabrics. Due to the fact that salts of trivalent metals cause protein denaturation, alum is used as tanning agent in the leather industry during alumination and in photographic industry(for photographic emulsions on a gelatin basis) and in medicine as an astringent, cauterizing and hemostatic means ("alum pencil"), as well as a deodorant-antiperspirant (a crystal of 60 grams lasts a year) and an aftershave.

Potassium alum (E522) - K Al (SO 4) 2 12H 2 O.
it is used in water purification, for tanning leather, in the manufacture of fire-resistant fabrics, and also as a leavening agent in baking bakery products .

In a cursory search for information on the use of alum in water purification and baking bread, I did not find it, but I did not search much.

So, we found the answer to the first point of the plan, potassium alum is metal salts. So it will be easier to look for the effect of this chemical substance on a person.

The search for an answer to the question about the benefits and harms of potassium alum led me to such a branch of science (science?) as environmental chemistry. To be honest, the existence of this science is predictable)

Amazing Salts

General concept

The world of chemicals is interesting and diverse. A special list in it is double salts - alums, which are part of the group of inorganic compounds. The main way to obtain them is by mixing hot equimolar aqueous solutions of sulfates of the metals used, which, when cooled, crystallize and turn into alum. Therefore, depending on the metals present, they are: alumina, iron-potassium, chromium-potassium, iron-ammonium, aluminum-potassium and others.

The properties of these salts have been known since ancient times. As at present, they were used in dyeing products made of cotton and woolen fabrics and yarn, and due to the property of salts to cause protein denaturation, alum was used as a tanning agent.

Potassium alum refers to free-flowing chemical reagents in the form of a white crystalline powder, sometimes transparent with sweet astringent taste without a pronounced odor. Substance at contact with air is not exposed to weathering, it is well dissolved in hot water, it is bad - in cold. At a temperature of 92 ° C, alum melts, and above 120 ° C it turns into White powder- burnt alum, which is practically insoluble in water. It occurs naturally in mineral salts.

Pharmacological properties

The modern pharmacological industry based on double salts using laboratory equipment and instruments, as well as high-quality laboratory glassware, has developed a medicines with wound healing and hemostatic effect, which is based on a combination of drying and astringent action chemical reagent. Disinfectant property based on immobilization harmful microorganisms, and aluminum, which is part of them, provides an antimicrobial effect. Astringent properties contribute to the formation of a protective film at the site of contact with mucous membranes and skin thus protecting nerve endings from the harmful effects of irritating agents, while relieving pain, itching, burning and other discomfort. The drying effect of the substance contributes to the compaction of the walls small vessels and capillaries, while reducing edema and hyperemia.

The main areas of application of potassium alum in medicine are dermatology and dentistry. They relieve inflammatory processes in dermatitis, eczema, mycosis, neurodermatitis, diaper rash, as well as stomatitis and other diseases. And due to the destructive effect, the method of cauterization is used to remove condylomas, as well as to stop bleeding with minor cuts, for example, while shaving.

Application in cosmetology

This chemical reagent is part of many cosmetic products for skin and hair care. With its help, oily seborrhea is treated, and also restores problematic skin- struggles with fat content, lethargy, porosity.

An irreplaceable effect in cosmetology is the fight against hyperhidrosis ( excessive sweating), which is the cause of the occurrence and development of fungal diseases. He is integral component antiperspirants, as it reduces the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands while providing a deodorizing effect. However, it should be remembered that overuse antiperspirants can disrupt the function of these glands, since some aluminum compounds, such as aluminum hydrochloride, are not completely eliminated when they enter the body, but accumulate through the blood into internal organs. As for the action of alum, unlike aluminum compounds, they do not disrupt the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as they are not able to penetrate into their cells. Their action is based on adsorbing properties, but not on blocking and clogging pores. By dehydrating the bacterial environment, the source of fungi is eliminated, and therefore, bad smell. Potassium alum is anti-allergenic and can be used not only by pregnant women, but also by asthmatics.

In addition, alum-based products cope with thrush, relieve allergic itching and swelling from insect bites, eliminate unpleasant odors (fish, garlic, bleach).

Potassium alum for industrial purposes

In addition to the textile and leather industries, this chemical raw material widely used in the pulp and paper industry as a coagulant. Thanks to their antiseptic properties they are used as waste and drinking water, and in food - additive E522 as a baking powder, stabilizer and acidity regulator and is considered a harmless raw material.

Chemical substances and laboratory equipment in Moscow

To equip your laboratory or diagnostic center names of high quality, it is enough to contact the store of chemical reagents Moscow retail "PrimeChemicalsGroup". Here is the most wide range products from examination gloves, mortar and pestle, sand scales to the latest electronic laboratory scales. All products have a certification mark and are manufactured in accordance with GOST standards.

It is profitable to buy hydroquinone, as well as potassium alum, from us at an affordable price.

Alum is a healing mineral natural origin. In cosmetology and the medical industry, they are produced in powder form. As medicinal product you can find alum at the pharmacy. The dissolution of the crystalline powder of alum occurs in water, especially hot, but it cannot be dissolved in alcohol either.

The use of alum in cosmetology

Alum possess pernicious influence on the pathogenic bacteria, which can cause skin, nail, and hair problems. Due to these properties, they have found application in cosmetology. Alum is used to combat the shortcomings of lethargic, oily and porous skin, as well as in order to cure oily seborrhea, hyperhidrosis.

Alum crystals are used as the basis for the production of natural salt deodorants. In addition, alum itself can be used as a deodorant: for this, this crystal should be lightly sprinkled with water, and then held over it. armpits. They perfectly reduce the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands without clogging the pores of the skin, destroy bacteria that cause unpleasant odors and eliminate excess moisture.

Alum does not cause allergies, as a result of which they can be used even by people with sensitive skin. Alum can be used even by small children and pregnant women.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can use lotions with alum. To cook them, you need 1 tsp. alum powder mixed with 1 tbsp. hot water. Let the prepared solution brew for some time, then apply as needed: moisten a soft, clean cloth folded several times in the solution and apply to the hemorrhoid.

Patients with varicose veins veins are advised to take baths with alum and soda. In warm water (about 40 degrees Celsius), pour 70 g of alum and 200 g baking soda, then stir and take a foot bath. Its duration should be no more than 15 minutes.

Alum is used medicinally for pelvic pain and female diseases reproductive system, prostatitis in men, for the treatment of wounds and burns, pulmonary tuberculosis, fractures and bruises, jaundice.

Burnt alum

Burnt alum is a white powder used as a powder. To obtain it, potassium alum sulphate is subjected to a thermal effect. In the process of preparation, alum loses about half of its original mass due to the evaporation of water of crystallization. The result is a chemically stable, inert product, which is characterized by the possession of astringent properties. On the surface of the skin, it has a drying effect.

AT scientific medicine burnt alum is used in combination with drugs that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, fungicidal effects. Rendering direct impact burnt alum on the vessels helps to ensure that the walls of the vessels become more dense, thereby shutting excretory ducts sweat glands and inhibiting the active process of sweating. Physicians often prescribe burnt alum as disinfectant for the prevention of mycoses.

Burnt alum is also used to treat diaper rash and bedsores in children and adults, inflamed skin areas with eczema, lichen, trophic ulcers, dermatitis. Due to the bactericidal action of aluminum, burnt alum is used to treat fresh cuts, wounds and abrasions.

They have hemostatic properties. In the presence of diseases oral cavity(stomatitis, gingivitis) 1% aqueous solution of alum is used for rinsing. Burnt alum is a wonderful remedy that helps in the treatment oily seborrhea. They are included in creams and masks designed for oily, porous, inflamed skin, which are prepared at home.

aluminum alum

Aluminum alum has found application in medicine and cosmetology. They are used to control bleeding heavy sweating and also disinfect abrasions and cuts. The extensive use of aluminum alum is due to their high anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and absorbent properties. In addition, alum is an excellent antiseptic.

Doctors use aluminum alum to treat inflammation of the skin in diseases of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, conjunctivitis, stomatitis and gingivitis. With the help of them, soreness is eliminated, itching and burning are relieved due to astringent and drying properties.

Aluminum alum has found application in cosmetology as a foot remedy, an antiperspirant drug, a remedy suitable for porous, oily skin. Based on them, lotions, tonics, gels are made, designed to narrow pores and fight against acne. This natural material is often included in the composition medicated shampoos for the treatment of seborrhea, cosmetic powder and anti-aging creams.

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