The impact of proper nutrition on human health. The effect of spicy food on the body

Nutrition is the process of assimilation by the body of the nutrients necessary to maintain life, health and performance.

With food, the body receives the proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for life, as well as biologically active substances. substances - vitamins and mineral salts. For the processing of food, the digestive system plays an important role in our body, in which food is broken down into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and those, in turn, into simpler substances.

Proper cooking is essential. Food should be deliciously cooked, beautifully decorated, then it stimulates the appetite to a sufficient extent, contributes to the maximum production of food juices. So the secretion of saliva contributes to the formation food bolus, and the enzymes contained in it - the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition ensures development and growth, maximum performance, good health, longevity and health.

one-sided unbalanced diet is often the cause of health problems. According to available data, 40% of all diseases are caused to some extent by malnutrition. Irregularity in eating is the most common nutritional deficiency in school-age children. The masses of people remain ignorant that the deterioration of health depends on ordinary errors in nutrition.

The condition of the hair skin, the activity of our organs and systems largely depend on proper nutrition, on the intake of such food that would contain all the necessary substances and in certain quantities.

Human life, its development and growth, mental and physical activity are associated with a constant metabolism, during which a huge amount of energy is expended. We get this energy and building material for cells and tissues with food. That is why food is the main source of life for any organism.

In the spring, when the lack of vitamins in the body begins to be felt, it is necessary to take them additionally. It can be an extract or infusion of wild rose, brewer's yeast multivitamins.

A healthy diet is a diet in which metabolism is not disturbed.

The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the fact that the future generation of our country should be healthy, harmoniously developed and smart. And a huge role in the development of children is played by good nutrition - in the family, at school.

Data on the health status of children cannot but cause alarm. The number of students with visual impairments, diseases of the digestive system, and neuropsychiatric disorders is growing; more than half of schoolchildren are children with poor health. The reasons for this are not only the study load, the wrong daily routine, poor medical control, but also poor nutrition.

I. What is proper nutrition?

Good health and proper nutrition are dependent on each other. Since ancient times, people have paid attention to this. In ancient China, according to historians, scientists tried to find the golden formula for eternal youth, paying attention to the correct ratio herbal ingredients food. Now people all over the world are trying to organize their meals so that they are quick, convenient and tasty, the quality of the food they eat often suffers from this. Very often in the morning, many children simply do not want to eat. At best, they will swallow a sandwich. At school, few of them manage to eat in a relaxed atmosphere.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, only 30% of Russian schoolchildren remain relatively healthy. At the same time, ten years ago, healthy schoolchildren were 50%. It is during school years that the number of children with chronic diseases increases by 20%, and the frequency of chronic pathology increases by 1.6 times.

Every year the number of children with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is growing, gastritis, colitis, and peptic ulcer disease are detected in almost every fourth teenager.

Healthy nutrition is one of the fundamental elements of a healthy lifestyle and, consequently, the preservation and promotion of health. This is an essential and permanent factor that ensures adequate processes of growth and development of the body. Rational healthy nutrition ensures the harmonious physical and neuropsychic development of children, increases resistance to infectious diseases and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. It should be remembered that nutrition is one of critical factors that can have a negative impact on the developing organism of children and adolescents if it is not properly organized.

Food is one of the most important environmental factors that affects the state of health, performance, mental and physical development as well as human lifespan.

The expression > is understood differently in different countries by people with different cultural traditions. Generally speaking, a healthy diet should be an integral part of daily life and contribute to a strong physiological, mental and social health person. In general terms, healthy eating refers to the combined effect of the food we eat, our state of health, and the efforts we make to improve the health of ourselves and those around us. Quality nutrition is ensured through the consumption of safe foods as part of a balanced diet, which ensures that our body's nutritional needs are fully met.

All nutritionists agree that the menu of any person, and especially a child, should be varied. It should, if possible, include all the foods that a person needs so that he receives all the important nutrients, vitamins, minerals. It is especially important to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs.

The physiological characteristics of school-age children are characterized by the intensity of growth, the intensity of metabolic processes, sexual development, an increase in energy costs and the formation of a type of higher nervous activity. This period is characterized by an increase in mental and physical stress due to the combination of school and sports. To implement these costs, it is necessary to organize proper rational nutrition of schoolchildren.

Fashion subjugates not only hairstyle, cosmetics or clothes. More and more it invades food. "Of all the factors that influence a person and on which his well-being depends, the diet is undoubtedly one of the most important," said a prominent scientist of the last century. Otho Wel in his book Nutrition and Human Development. This statement of a famous biologist carries a lot of meaning.

We must not forget that nature is very wise. In the process of evolution, the human body has developed a certain energy balance necessary to ensure its normal functioning. And the latter is possible only with proper nutrition.

Care must be taken to ensure that daily food contains as many components as possible, which protect the body from various functional changes.

It's not enough just to get nice taste sensations and satisfy the feeling of hunger. We must give the tissues and cells of our body everything they need to function properly.

For example, an abundance of sweet, spicy, spicy and fatty foods contributes to the appearance on the skin acne negatively affects many organs.

The most effective means of strengthening our health and, consequently, improving our appearance, are stored in the pantry of nature, and the key to success is their regular and correct use. Deficiency of vitamins in the diet adversely affects the human body and its appearance. So, with a lack of vitamin A, dryness and flaking of the skin appear, the hair becomes dull and brittle, the nails become soft.

Hunger is one of the first feelings that human nature endows immediately after birth. Instinctively, a newborn child is drawn to food, realizing that it is the only source of life. Only food supplies the child with the substances that allow him to grow and develop. So why do we eat?

II. Key Features of Nutrients

Eating right is very important for human health. The daily diet should contain both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, and mineral salts, and, of course, vitamins. A certain amount of each of them is vital for the human body.

Proteins are part of all living cells, they are necessary for the formation of new cells, for the growth and restoration of tissues of the whole organism. Animal proteins are most found in milk, meat, fish and eggs.

Vegetable proteins are saturated with vegetables, cereals, bread. Special meaning for nutrition, they have proteins that are part of fruits, cabbage and potatoes.

Every day, a person needs to consume 100-120 g of proteins (for people engaged in physical labor, you need 150-160 g). Of this amount, 60% should be animal proteins.

Proteins are the structural elements from which bodies are built, which is why they used to be called > bodies. It is with proteins, as the nutritionist A. A. Pokrovsky wrote, that the implementation of the main manifestations of life is connected: metabolism, the ability to grow, reproduce, participate in the process of assimilation of fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, and even the highest form of the movement of matter - thinking. Proteins make up one fifth (1/5) of the human body, but unlike fats and carbohydrates, they do not accumulate in reserve and are not formed from other substances, and therefore are an indispensable part of food.

According to their origin, proteins are divided into two groups - animal and vegetable. Soy is the champion in the content of vegetable protein. Animal proteins are more valuable than vegetable proteins. Therefore, at every meal, you need to combine vegetable proteins (bread, cereals, peas, soybeans) with animal proteins (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish, eggs). Most of the daily value of complete proteins should be eaten at breakfast and lunch. The need of a growing body for protein is much higher, so children should consume more protein than adults. Anemia, growth retardation, weak resistance to diseases, especially infectious ones, are the result of protein deficiency. b. Fats

Fats are the most energy-rich nutrients. They carry twice as much energy as proteins and carbohydrates. With their help, the body receives the substances necessary for life: vitamins, soluble in fats, especially A, D, E, essential fatty acids, lecithin. Fats provide absorption from the intestines of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. They improve the taste of food and make you feel full.

Excess consumption of fats rich in saturated fatty acids contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and obesity. An excess of fat in food impairs the absorption of proteins, calcium, magnesium, and increases the need for vitamins. daily requirement in fats is 80-100g, of which 1/3 part should be provided with vegetable fats.

Fats are a source of energy for the body, they support the work of internal organs, and a person’s ability to work depends on their amount.

There are, like proteins, fats of vegetable and animal origin.

The most useful fats of dairy products (butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, milk), because they contain the most vitamins and are easily absorbed by the body. Vegetable fats are very highly nutritious. The average norm of fats necessary for a person is 80-110 g per day, half of them should come from fats of animal origin (preferably dairy).

in. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates during the day a person consumes much more than other nutrients. At the same time, their reserves in the body are relatively small. One of the functions of carbohydrates is to supply the body with energy. They are found in various quantities in products of plant origin: sugar, bakery and pasta, in legumes and potatoes. Carbohydrates are also found in food of animal origin - in milk and dairy products.

Excess consumption of carbohydrates is a common cause of metabolic disorders. To avoid obesity, first of all limit the consumption of sugar, sweets, sweets and bakery products. It is best to eat dark bread.

In total, the body needs: about 60 g of protein, 107 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates per day. This means that ideally, proteins should make up 12% of the daily diet, fats - 30-35%, and carbohydrates - 50-60%.

By modern ideas, healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and life activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases.

It begins to suffer from a lack of biologically valuable products in the diet - vegetables and fruits, milk, meat and fish. The excessive consumption of carbohydrates, products saturated with chemical preservatives, improper storage and culinary processing of products negatively affects the nature of nutrition. The unfavorable ecological situation contributes to the contamination of food products with toxic elements.

Carbohydrates are another source of energy.

They are found in foods mainly in the form of fiber, sugar and starch. Starch and sugar are more valuable, they are present in large quantities in plant products: vegetables, fruits and berries, cereals, flour, bread. Fiber is needed for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is found in rye bread and vegetables.

d. Minerals.

Mineral salts are also vital for the human body. Calcium - for bones and normal functioning of muscles and heart, phosphorus - for bones, tissues and activity nervous system, magnesium - for the cardiovascular system, iron - for the blood.

Various vegetables, fruits and other products are rich in mineral salts.

A large amount of calcium is found - in vegetables, cereals and dairy products, phosphorus - in meat, fish, cheese, milk, cabbage - those, eggs and bread, magnesium - in cereals, rye bread and bran, iron - in fresh herbs , meat and bread.

On average, the human body requires: calcium - 0.8-1 g, phosphorus - 1.5-1.7 g, magnesium - 0.3-0.5 g, iron - 1.4-1.6 g.

e. Vitamins

The word > was invented by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk in 1912. He discovered that the substance (>) contained in the shell of rice grains is vital for people. By combining the Latin word vita (>) with >, I got the word >. But much earlier, in 1880. Russian scientist N. I. Lunin experimentally established that food products contain unknown nutritional factors necessary for the life of both humans and animals. He found that white mice fed whole milk grew well and were healthy, but died when they were fed only a mixture of the main parts of milk: casein protein, fat, milk sugar, water and salts.

Currently, more than 20 vitamins have been studied, the deficiency or absence of which leads to significant disturbances in the body and the development of certain pathological conditions. The most famous of them are vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP and K.

Vitamin > preserves healthy skin, bones, teeth and gums. Treats acne, boils, ulcers. Contained in fish oil, liver, carrots, green and yellow vegetables, eggs, dairy products.

Group vitamins > normalize the functioning of nerves, muscles, prevent skin diseases are involved in hematopoiesis. Sources: dry yeast, bran, milk, liver, kidneys, eggs.

Vitamin > heals wounds and burns, lowers cholesterol levels, protects against many viruses and bacteria, reduces exposure to allergens. Mainly found in citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables and herbs, cauliflower and tomatoes.

Vitamin > helps calcium and phosphorus to strengthen bones and teeth. Its main sources are: sardines, herring, salmon, cheese, cottage cheese, tuna, sunlight.

Vitamin > slows down cell aging, increases endurance, protects the lungs from pollution, reduces fatigue, heals burns. Found in sprouted wheat, soy, broccoli, vegetable oil and eggs.

Vitamin > helps proper blood clotting. Sources: egg yolk, dairy products, soybean oil and fish oil. Vitamin > strengthens the walls of capillaries and gums, increases resistance to infections. Found in apricots, blackberries, cherries, rose hips and buckwheat.

III. Problems with malnutrition

The future generation of our country should be healthy, harmoniously developed and smart. And a huge role in the development of children is played by good nutrition - in the family, at school.

However, data on the state of health of children cannot but cause alarm. The number of students with visual impairments, diseases of the digestive system, and neuropsychiatric disorders is growing; more than half of schoolchildren are children with poor health.

The reasons for this are not only the study load, the wrong daily routine, poor medical control, but also poor nutrition.

A one-sided, unbalanced diet is often the cause of health disorders. According to available data, 40% of all diseases are caused to some extent by malnutrition.

Irregularity in eating is the most common nutritional deficiency in school-age children. Students spend most of their time at school, so they need to eat well.

The necessary substances discussed above are oxidized and converted into calories (the amount of heat required to heat 1 liter of water by 1 degree). For example, when oxidizing 1 g of protein, 4.1 calories are released, and 1 g of fat is 9.3 calories.

It is the amount of nutrients and the calories released from them that affect the preparation of the menu. To make it clear what this means and how it affects the preparation of the menu, I will give a few examples.

A serving of milk soup with rice weighing 500 g contains: proteins - 13.7 g, fats - 16.6 g, carbohydrates - 45.9 g. The calorie content of this dish is 399. Curd mass weighing 100 g contains 13.1 g protein, 12.5 g fat, 14.7 g carbohydrates. Energy value - 187 calories.

Speaking about rational nutrition, one cannot help but dwell on issues related to malnutrition and excesses in nutrition. modern man.

It is known that overeating is now so widespread that it has become a major medical problem. Overeating leads to obesity with all the ensuing very negative consequences (overloading the heart and lungs, interference in their work). Currently, a reliable and direct relationship has been established between obesity and such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, myocardial infarction and even cancer. It creates a fertile ground for their emergence and development.

Overeating has quite understandable, moreover, historically > reasons! Throughout the history of human society, most ordinary people, peasants and workers, were forced to work hard physically and, due to the lack of high-quality food, to be content with a moderate diet, often with a reduced calorie content. From century to century, the dream of rich and fatty food passed among the people. Such food was an indicator of well-being and happiness. To some extent, the situation has changed. As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, the share of hard labor has decreased many times over - this has been taken over by mechanisms and machines. It became possible to fully satisfy the demand for the most complete, from the point of view of former ideals, food. People began to eat such products as meat, fats, sweets and, above all, sugar - in enough. And they, obeying the old tradition, by inertia sought to satisfy their eternal passion to eat their fill, in reserve, they found themselves in a detrimental situation: food was constantly supplied in excess, and the energy received was not spent enough (due to the reduced physical load of the body), as a result of which people began to gain weight . So, excesses of high-calorie foods (primarily meat and fat) and lack of physical activity currently determine the problem of overeating. It is necessary to develop such a regulator - conscious self-restraint, which will be based on knowledge about the usefulness of products, scientific data. That is why it is vitally important for each of us to understand and restructure our lifestyle and nutrition according to the demands of today. Proper nutrition is, first of all, knowing what is good for the body and what is not, then putting this knowledge into practice, that is, acquiring right habits becoming second nature.

> products

Avoid using refined sugar - it does not supply the body with anything other than >. Its excess is the dominant factor in the development of dental disease and loss of appetite for natural foods.

Avoid white flour - it does not contain the most valuable components of the grain.

Avoid using products with various chemical additives such as preservatives, flavor and color stabilizers, sweeteners, etc.

Avoid animal and poultry meats that have been supplemented with hormones that stimulate their growth and weight.

Avoid using hydrogenated fats and oils, which are acidic as a result (such as margarine)

If possible, avoid vegetables and fruits grown with chemical fertilizers, and especially those treated with pesticides.

Avoid spicy spices and stimulants (mustard, tomato sauce, tea, coffee, tobacco, spirits).

Obesity problem

Not all chubby babies grow into overweight babies, and not all well-fed children grow up to be obese adults. However, with age, fullness increases in both men and women, and there is a good chance that obesity, which appeared in early childhood, will accompany you to the grave.

Overweight and obesity cause a lot of problems in a child. In addition to threatening to increase with age, childhood obesity is a major cause of childhood hypertension, is associated with type II diabetes, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, increases pressure on weight-bearing joints, lowers self-esteem, and affects peer relationships. According to some experts, the most serious consequences of obesity are social and psychological problems.

Cause of childhood obesity

Like obesity in adults, obesity in children is caused by a whole set of reasons, but the most important of them is the mismatch between the energy produced (calories obtained from food) and wasted (calories burned during basal metabolism and physical activity) by the body. childhood obesity most often develops as a result of a complex interaction of dietary, psychological, hereditary and physiological factors.

Obesity is most susceptible to children whose parents are also overweight. This phenomenon can be explained by heredity or parental modeling. eating behavior, which indirectly affects the energy balance of the child. Half of the parents of students primary school never played sports and avoid physical activity.

Many regular products may provoke sensitivity in predisposed people. Wheat and products containing wheat flour are the most common intolerances. Citrus - owl and cow's milk are also responsible for food sensitivities in a large number of people.

There are many factors that may be involved in the development of intolerance. Intolerance to many foods develops at an early age. Very often, new foods are introduced into a child's diet when the child's digestive tract and immune system are still relatively immature, leaving the child unable to handle these foods properly, and this leads to development.

IV. Practical part

I compiled and offered a questionnaire to classmates on the topic: >.

Students of the 2nd grade of school No. 3 answered as follows:

1. Do you have breakfast?

Always: 18 people Sometimes: 5 pers.

2. Do you have lunch at the school cafeteria?

Yes: 19 people No: 4 people

3. Do you often eat dry food?

Yes: 3 people No: 20 people

4. What are your favorite foods?

Fruits and vegetables: 13 pers.

Meat: 6 people

Pasta, bread: 3 pers.

Confectionery (sweets, cakes, buns) 1 pers.

5. Do you eat soup?

6. How many times a day do you eat?

2 times: 4 pers.

3 times: 11 people

4 times: 8 pers.

Conclusion: From the results of the survey, it follows that of the 23 schoolchildren surveyed, the majority eat right, have breakfast regularly, dine in the school canteen, prefer fruits and vegetables, and have soups in their diet.

Don't rush into food, eat slowly

More fresh and raw foods

Customize your menu according to the time of year

Do not oversalt dishes and do not drink them during meals

Don't Eat Yesterday

Predisposed to fullness or people suffering from it must observe following rules:

* Eat 4-5 times a day, eating plenty of low-calorie foods (vegetables, unsweetened fruits, lean meats, milk and dairy products, eggs, fish). Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly;

* avoid appetizing foods, hot spices, salty and spicy food, flour and confectionery, jams and alcoholic beverages;

* use vegetable fats for cooking.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, juice.

Lunch: borscht, meatballs, mashed potatoes, pickles, prunes compote.

Afternoon snack: fruits

Dinner: carrot salad with dried apricots, chop, buckwheat, jelly.

Breakfast: eggs with canned fish, tea

Lunch: cabbage salad with prunes, pea soup, pilaf, berry juice.

Snack: cheesecake, yogurt

Dinner: fried schnitzel, croutons, juice

Breakfast: macaroni with sausages and cheese, coffee with milk

Lunch: salad >, kharcho soup, chicken with rice, strawberry compote

Afternoon snack: apple roll, juice

Dinner: beef goulash, pizza, apple jelly

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, tea

Lunch: slave fish soup, battered fish, bun, fruit drink

Afternoon snack: cake, juice

Dinner: salad >, fish pie, fruit, dried fruit compote

Breakfast: pancakes with sour cream, cocoa

Lunch: soup >, meatballs with rice, meat pie, compote

Afternoon snack: fruits

Dinner: Siberian dumplings with meat, tea

Breakfast: dumplings with cottage cheese, yogurt

Lunch: vegetable salad, chicken soup with homemade noodles, zrazy, french fries, compote

Lunch: fruit salad

Dinner: pasties, ice cream, juice

Breakfast: sausages with cheese, milkshake

Lunch: jellied fish, beetroot, cutlet, buckwheat, stuffed pancakes, tea

Afternoon snack: cherry pie, juice

Dinner: cabbage rolls with meat, compote

When preparing food, throw a little love into it, a little bit of kindness, a drop of joy, a piece of tenderness. These vitamins will give an extraordinary taste to any food and bring health.


In the course of our work, I found answers to my questions. And I believe that proper nutrition is not only a guarantee of health, but also successful study and work. During the period of growth and development, the student's body undergoes numerous changes, rational nutrition becomes more important than ever before. For a balanced diet, you need to choose different foods from the main four groups, especially foods rich in calcium (milk, yogurt, cheese) and iron (meat, fish, eggs). The four main food groups are dairy, high-protein foods, vegetables and fruits, and breads and cereals.

But very often, even in our school canteen, I observe that the guys do not want to eat fish, liver, milk porridge. How to be? But you can experiment with porridge. What if you add nuts, seeds, dried fruits, or maybe a handful of fresh berries to the porridge? And if you don’t just add, but draw a funny face, laying out eyes from raisins, a nose from a nut, and a mouth from a drop of bright jam?

Materials of special literature and Internet sources related to the nutrition of schoolchildren were also studied.

A social survey was conducted among students of grade 2, the data were obtained and analyzed.

I want to suggest some nutritious dishes and decorate them so that they are appetizing. Restoring order in the diet is within the power of any person, and anyone who wants to can overcome the bad habit of eating improperly.

Proper nutrition helps good health and hence health. Proper nutrition as a way of life is a varied, fresh food in moderation, eaten with pleasure.

Consider the question of how this or that food affects a person. First of all, we will talk about the energy value of food products: usually it means the optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a given work activity.

Food is an indicator of the quality of life

Previously, most scientists believed that there was no difference in qualitative composition nutrition for persons engaged in heavy physical labor and mental workers. AT last years these figures have been largely revised.

The main controversy is the need for protein during strenuous work. So, there are still three opposing points of view on this issue.

  • According to the first, when physical work, greater physical exertion increases the need for protein.
  • The second proves the absence of such an increase.
  • According to the third point of view, it even goes down.

Since meat, fish, dairy and egg products are the richest in protein, the first point of view has adherents mainly among “meat-eaters”. In turn, relatively poor in protein herbal products, and, accordingly, the third hypothesis, are most common among vegetarians and representatives of natural nutrition. An intermediate position is occupied by supporters of a balanced diet.

Food and a scientific view of the problem of its effect on the body

It should be noted that the first hypothesis was the earliest and was based on the opinion of the well-known chemist J. Liebig in the 19th century. He argued that during physical work, muscle tissue breaks down, therefore, of course, animal rather than vegetable protein is needed to restore it. This was supported by the data of many researchers who noted an increase in the excretion of nitrogen in the urine and sweat, as well as a decrease in the content of hemoglobin and albumin in the blood during heavy physical exertion. Their results were considered textbook and included in many monographs and textbooks on nutrition. However, further studies have shown that this hypothesis is not confirmed by determining the dynamics of protein balance.

It has been established that with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet during intensive physical work, the body does not utilize food protein as an energy source, but uses it to form biologically active substances, for example, hormonal peptides.

It is no coincidence that back in 1965, in the report of the WHO expert commission, it was noted that historically there was a harmful disproportion between modern data on the physiology of labor activity and the practical organization of the nutrition of athletes and people of hard physical labor. Later, in 1974, the same WHO commission reaffirmed that there is no reason to increase the amount of protein in food during exercise. In contrast, total energy costs rise in line with the severity of the work. The lower limit of the safe range of protein requirements for an adult is defined as 0.75 g/kg per day. With a body weight of 70 kilograms, this will be only 52.5 grams per day.

On the other hand, there are many indirect indications of the relationship between well-being, physical activity and the amount of protein in the diet. For example, you can live on a semi-starvation diet for about six months, but at the same time, weight, physical and mental performance drop sharply. At the same time, additional overnutrition, especially the introduction of protein, increases activity, “pumps” muscles, and even improves the ability to think creatively. It would seem that you need to eat more meat, fish - and health is in order. But all this is not so simple.

The impact of food on human health

An analysis of the literature and our own data allows us to confidently note the general pattern of protein synthesis in the muscles of people who have adapted to physical activity. In this case, the intensity of protein synthesis is quite high at rest, decreases during physical exertion, and is sharply activated during the recovery period. A different pattern is found in mental workers, business people working in conditions of hypokinesia. Their intensity of protein synthesis at rest decreases. In response to physical activity, this process decreases even more intensively, and the period of supercompensation increases sluggishly and slowly. Thus, a high intensity of protein synthesis corresponds to high performance. Therefore, to maintain optimal performance, you need the optimal protein content in food.

On this issue, disputes between supporters of plant-based (vegetarian) and balanced nutrition do not subside. As you know, the German physiologist Voigt was one of the first to try to substantiate the “necessary” norm of protein in nutrition in 1889. In experiments on just two individuals, he found that the daily protein intake at rest is 120 grams and with increased muscular work - 150. Voigt's standards have now been revised downward in all countries. Nevertheless, some physiologists still refer to them. However, back in 1904, R. Chittenden found that when the protein content in the daily diet was 50-60 grams, people had greater efficiency than when using 100 grams of protein.

No less interesting are the facts collected by the Danish scientist M. Hindhede in 1904-1906, set forth in the book “The Reform of Our Nutrition”. Analyzing the results of the work of many researchers, he came to the conclusion that Voigt's protein norms are at least 4 times exaggerated! Indeed, in studies on volunteers, especially people who are accustomed to consuming plant foods, protein balance was achieved at 26-36 grams of protein per day. It may be that this results in dystrophic changes in the body and reduce performance?

Japanese experiences

Japanese researchers, in particular Mak-Kumagawa and his collaborators, conducted experiments on themselves with Japanese, predominantly vegetarian, food. It was found that the protein balance was maintained at 50-54 grams of daily protein in the diet of the average Japanese, who has excellent health and performance. This explains the good health of the majority of residents of Southeast Asian countries, who eat almost no meat, fish and are distinguished by high endurance and business acumen.

R. Chittenden in 1904-1907 conducted eight-month experiments on eleven trained soldiers, whose daily diet contained only 55 grams of protein. Despite significant physical exertion, they almost did not lose weight in six months. At the same time, their backbone strength more than doubled in some trials! All soldiers noted an improvement in well-being and sleep. The same was observed in seven first-class athletes who received 62 grams of protein per day.

Meat eaters or vegetarians: who eats healthier?

It is now recognized that it is possible to live with a protein level of about 0.6 g/kg per day. This figure is close to those that are in the diet of supporters of natural and young vegetarian (milk-vegetarian) nutrition. The latter provide a lot of evidence of increased performance with such diets. For example, they cite a significant increase in stamina when using plant foods, especially when vegetarians and "meat eaters" compete together. Back in June 1908, a competition of fourteen meat-eaters and eight vegetarians took place in walking a distance of 112.5 kilometers. The vegetarian who reached the goal in 14 hours and 11 minutes won, and then the other seven vegetarians. Only an hour later their only enemy came. The rest dropped out. Another competition took place in 1902. Fourteen meat-eaters and eighteen vegetarians took part in the walk between Dresden and Berlin. Ten vegetarians and only three meat-eaters came to the finish line, and the winner was ahead of them by 7 hours. In 1908, in Germany, in a 100-kilometer walking competition, the first three places were taken by vegetarians, with seven people in the top ten. Considering that there are relatively few vegetarians, such facts undoubtedly testify to their greater endurance.

Plant foods and their benefits

Finally, there is some evidence for plant based diets obtained by doctors when prescribing therapeutic regimens of plant foods for the treatment of a variety of diseases: gout, obesity, diabetes, skin diseases, heart and blood vessels, neurosis, migraine, epilepsy, allergic diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines, infectious and many others. In particular, this is also evidenced by the opinion of the well-known nutritionist in Russia M. I. Pevzner: “A huge number of observations indicate that raw food gives quick saturation with little calorie content. General well-being, the ability to mentally and physically work when eating raw food can be even better than when eating boiled food. A person is constantly full, energy for work does not disappear, and he often feels even better than when eating boiled food.

Well, how in practice to organize food that gives energy for work? I think one modern example from my life will help answer.

At the end of 1993, I participated in the international cultural and scientific mission of Russian scientists to Greece, Israel, and Egypt. During the mission, receptions and banquets were organized on the ship "Taras Shevchenko" for government members and leading businessmen of these countries. The organizer of these events was my patient, a major businessman, one of the richest people in Russia and at the same time a philanthropist like Savva Morozov.

Imagine my astonishment when on the banquet tables I saw that instead of traditional dishes you can choose almost any diet. Indeed, one table was bursting with ocean fish, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, squid, etc. The other table was purely vegetarian, with an abundance of salads, snacks, a variety of tropical vegetables and fruits. The third table was carbohydrate - for lovers of sweet cooking (buns, cakes, buns, etc.). And the wonderful combinations of juice cocktails shocked even sophisticated foreigners - within half an hour all the supplies were completely eaten ... I think the reader will understand that such an abundance is not at all necessary, but what needs to be done is to try to introduce as many fresh plants in the form of salads, vegetable soups, vinaigrettes, desserts, etc. Then the energy of food will undoubtedly increase your health and performance.

Chigvintseva Elizaveta

The paper shows the importance of nutrition for human health. The data of a survey of schoolchildren were analyzed and the composition of some products popular with children was studied.



Branch of the secondary school No. 2 of the village of Spirovo Vydropuzhskaya secondary school



The impact of nutrition on human health

Completed by: 6th grade student

Branch of the MOU secondary school No. 2 of the village of Spirovo

Vydropuzhskaya secondary school

Chigvintseva Elizaveta Alexandrovna

Leader: Bolshakova

Lyubov Anatolyevna

geography and biology teacher

With. Vydropuzhsk - 2011

1. Introduction

2. General characteristics of the influence of nutrition on the human body

3. Importance of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition

4. Rules for rational nutrition of schoolchildren

5. My research:

  1. Questionnaire


7. List of used literature

8. Applications


"Let food be your medicine"


Human health is largely determined by its nutritional status and can only be achieved and maintained if the physical needs for energy and nutrients are fully met. Of all the factors affecting the human body, the most important is nutrition, which ensures physical and mental performance, health, life expectancy, since nutrients in the process of metabolism turn into structural elements of the cells of our body, ensuring its vital activity.

Eating disorders lead to negative consequences - diseases of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal systems, oncology and metabolic disorders.


  1. study the impact of nutrition on human health


  1. study the literature on this topic, find out what diseases can be associated with malnutrition,
  2. conduct a sociological survey among schoolchildren,
  3. to analyze the data of the statistical report on morbidity for 2009 - 2011 MUSIC Spirovskaya CRH;
  4. develop recommendations for organizing proper nutrition and familiarize classmates


If you do not eat right, then the internal balance of a person is disturbed and the digestive system fails, as a result of this failure, a person develops various diseases.

Research methodology: having studied the literature on this topic, I compiled questions for a survey among students of the school in the village of Vydropuzhsk:

  1. Do you have breakfast? What do you eat for breakfast?
  2. What time do you have dinner?
  3. How often do you eat meat? Vegetables? Fruit?
  4. How many times a week do you eat chips, crackers PBP?
  5. Are you familiar with the rules of rational nutrition?

These questions made it possible to determine whether the basic rules of proper nutrition are observed by schoolchildren. Then I studied the composition of some popular foods among schoolchildren. To identify these products, I talked with the salesperson of the Zhemchuzhina store, where students from our school often go. In order to determine the level of incidence in the Spirovskiy district of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, I analyzed the statistical data for the MUSIC Spirovskaya Central District Hospital for 2009-2011.

General characteristics of the influence of nutrition on the human body

The physical health of a person depends on 50% of his lifestyle (nature of nutrition, bad habits, conditions of professional activity, etc.), 20% on the state of the environment, 20% on heredity and only 10% on medical support. It follows that human health is largely determined by its nutritional status and can be achieved and maintained only if the physical needs for energy and nutrients are fully met.

It has been established that the main violations in the nutritional status of the population of Russia are reduced to the following:

Deficiency of complete (animal) proteins;

Excess consumption of animal fats;

Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids;

Severe deficiency of dietary fiber;

Deficiency of most vitamins;

Mineral deficiency (calcium, iron);

Deficiency of trace elements (iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc).

The food of modern man does not at all correspond to the biological requirements of his body. The vices of modern nutrition are the consumption of more than necessary meat, fats, sugar, salt, irritating spices, alcoholic beverages and others. The high-temperature processing of products deprives them of vitamins and other biologically valuable substances, and overeating has become a disaster: as a result, many people are overweight. More than 40% of the total population is obese.

According to the concept of a balanced diet, representatives of official science suggest that a person choose food that would supply the body with all the substances necessary for a normal existence, although this is simply impossible at present.

Products were considered mainly in terms of their calorie content. There were demands to reduce the amount of food consumed, and later studies showed that the value of products in their biological activity, which serves as the source of all vital important processes body, not calories. Biologically active substances in this biosynthesis are the chemical regulators of physiological processes, enzymes, hormones, mediators, and nerve impulses.

Note that food can be boiled, stewed, baked, but it is better not to fry, since the use of fats in cooking leads not only to an increase in calories, but also increases their carcinogenicity. Vegetable oils should not be hydrogenated.

Particular attention should be paid to the amount of food, which, according to accepted recommendations, is excessive. For a single meal, 300-500 grams are enough, which are freely placed in the stomach, and the amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates contained in food should be reduced by at least two times. The average calorie content should also be reduced to 1600-1800 kilocalories.

Main routes of entry toxic substances into the body: through the lungs (air pollution) and the digestive tract (pollution drinking water, soil, food). Food can be a carrier of potentially dangerous toxic substances of a chemical and biological nature. According to scientists, over 70% of all pollutants enter the human body with food, especially in case of violations of technological processing or storage conditions. These include toxic elements: mycotoxins, pesticides, benzapyrene, antibiotics, nitrates, etc. Toxic elements include 8 elements (mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, copper, tin and iron). Of these, the first three are the most dangerous: mercury, lead, cadmium. In recent years, the levels of environmental pollution with these salts have sharply increased. heavy metals, and increased their content in food products.

Importance of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition

Rational human nutrition consists of food of animal and vegetable origin. The physiological norm for the consumption of fruits, vegetables and potatoes, which ensures the normal development of the human body, is determined by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences. According to his calculations, the average annual consumption rate per adult is about 100 kg of fruits, 126 kg of vegetables, and 140 kg of potatoes. Therefore, the average daily intake of an adult should include: 250 g of fruits, 350 g of vegetables and about 400 g of potatoes.

Some vegetables contain aromatic substances that increase appetite, promote the absorption of food (dill, tarragon, cumin, basil, marjoram, savory, parsley, celery, onion, garlic, etc.); phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogens (onion, garlic, pepper, radish, horseradish).

B vitamins (Qj,. B 2 , B 6 , PP, etc.) contribute to the metabolism in the body, slowing down the development of sclerotic phenomena in the blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin B 1 develops a disease known as beriberi, which is characterized by a sharp disorder of the nervous and cardiac activity. Vitamin B 2 part of a number of enzymes involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. With its deficiency, growth retardation or weight loss, weakness, weakening of vision and the formation of cataracts, skin and nervous disorders are observed. Vitamin PP takes an active part in metabolism. With a lack of it, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system are disturbed. Sources of B vitamins 1 , B 2 and PP are apples, pears, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, onions, potatoes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects against scurvy, nervous system disorders and general prostration. The main sources of this vitamin are rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, strawberries, apples, peppers, kohlrabi, white cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut), horseradish, spinach, lettuce, onion leaves, dill and parsley, potatoes. A vitamin found in cabbage juice has been discovered. It contributes to the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The daily human need for vitamin A is 3-5 mg. To satisfy it, it is enough to eat 65 g of carrots (one root vegetable) or drink half a glass of carrot juice, or a tablespoon of sea buckthorn juice. The daily requirement of vitamin C is 50 mg. This amount is contained in 2 - 3 red tomatoes, in 110 g of fresh white cabbage, 25 g of sweet pepper, 50 g of horseradish, in one rosehip.

The lack of vitamins is especially acute in winter and spring, in the absence of greens and some fresh vegetables and fruits. In order to prevent vitamin deficiencies during this period, fresh apples, onion leaves and parsley of greenhouse distillation, fruit and vegetable juices, salads prepared from fresh and sauerkraut, carrots, radishes, etc.

Rules for rational nutrition of schoolchildren

The main rule of rational nutrition for schoolchildren: the energy value of the food consumed should not exceed the energy expenditure of the body.

The daily diet of schoolchildren should include nutrients (nutrients) in a balanced way.

This is provided optimal ratio proteins, fats, carbohydrates and essential components such as amino acids, vitamins, supplemented sometimes with pure components.

The assimilation of nutrients largely depends on the diet of schoolchildren.

In connection with the increased energy metabolism in the body of a younger student, the need for nutrients increases - this necessitates an increase in products such as meat, fish and cereals, and a gradual decrease in milk consumption. Culinary processing of products for junior schoolchildren approaching cooking for adults.

But keep in mind that spicy, fried, sweet for a child is still too harmful. Snacks, seasonings, sauces should not be too spicy, vegetables for salads are cut into small pieces, dressed vegetable oil or sour cream. Meat and fish meals, vegetables are only slightly fried, and better - stewed and served on the table 3-4 times a week.

It is important to observe drinking regimen. The daily need of schoolchildren for water is 1.5 liters.

A prerequisite for the rational nutrition of schoolchildren is a variety of diet due to how different products and how to prepare them.

The right combination of lunch dishes is essential. If the first dish is vegetable, then the side dish of the second course can be from cereals or pasta.

In the spring-summer period and early autumn, you should cook more dishes from fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries.

Biorhythmic features should also be taken into account. So, for “lark” children (with high efficiency in the first half of the day), breakfast and lunch can contain up to 2/3 and even 3/4 of the total caloric content of the daily diet, while for “owls” a light breakfast, not too high-calorie lunch is useful and a hearty dinner. Improving appetite and assimilation of food contributes to the beautiful design of dishes and table setting. The food temperature should not be too high or too low.

My research:

  1. Questionnaire:

I conducted a sociological survey among schoolchildren, aged 10 to 15, I interviewed 31 people. During the interview, the following questions were asked:

  1. How many times a day do you eat - 4 people eat 2 times (13%), 17 people eat 3 times (55%), 10 people eat 5 times (32%). According to the requirements of proper nutrition, a person should eat 4-5 times a day, the survey shows that only 32% of respondents eat properly.
  2. Do you have breakfast - they have breakfast every morning: tea with sandwiches 22 people (71%), more hearty breakfast 5 people (16%), 4 people do not have breakfast (13%). According to nutritional standards, in order to provide the body with nutrients for the first half of the day, a full breakfast is needed, and the survey shows that only 16% of students fulfill these requirements.
  3. What time do you have dinner - at 18:00 12 people (39%), at 19:00 9 people (29%), at 21:00 10 people (32%). Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, 32% of schoolchildren either have dinner very late or go to bed too late without observing the daily routine of schoolchildren.
  4. How often do you eat meat, vegetables and fruits: 16 people (52%) eat meat and vegetables every day, rarely eat meat - 10 (32%) people; rarely eat vegetables - 5 people (16%). Since the body of a teenager grows and develops, he must receive daily nutrients of both plant and animal origin; for this, meat, vegetables and fruits must be included in the diet of proper nutrition every day. It follows from the results of the survey that only 52% of schoolchildren comply with this norm.
  5. How many times a week do you eat chips, crackers and PBP - 3 times a week 10 people (32%), 1 time 6 people (19%), every day 8 people (26%), do not eat at all 7 people (22%) . All of these foods contain hazardous or unhealthy substances, and 26% of students eat them daily.
  6. Are you familiar with the rules of rational nutrition? 86% of students in our school know the rules of rational nutrition, but, as can be seen from the results of the survey, they do not follow them. Application No. 1
  1. The study of the composition of mayonnaise, chips, crackers and carbonated drink "Pepsi-Cola".

I studied the composition of the most popular products consumed by schoolchildren by interviewing the seller of the Zhemchuzhina store Finogenova M.V. It turned out that teenagers among drinks prefer the non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Pepsi-Cola, chips and crackers are also a favorite delicacy.

Compound Chips "Moscow Potato":

Potatoes, vegetable oil, Sour cream with onions identical to natural flavoring (salt, vegetables and vegetable extracts are natural, natural identical aromatic substances, taste and aroma enhancer - monosodium glutamate, sugar).

In the composition of chips, in addition to aromatic additives, the flavor and aroma enhancer is a concern Monosodium glutamate or monosodium glutamate (lat. monosodium glutamate, monosodium salt of glutamic acid) is a food additive designed to enhance taste sensations by increasing the sensitivity of the taste buds of the tongue. Registered under the code E-621 . Monosodium glutamate is a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. In China it is known as "flavor seasoning" in Japan as "wonderful powder" ("fe-jing"). The taste of glutamate is called "umami", which is one of the main taste sensations known to man. Monosodium glutamate (E-621) is obtained both from natural resources and through chemical reactions.
Monosodium glutamate looks like salt or sugar. But his taste is different, in the West they say about him "savogu" - a broth-like or meaty taste. In addition, this substance is able to enhance the taste of products made from meat, poultry, seafood, mushrooms, and some vegetables.
Widely used in Japanese, Korean and especially Chinese cuisine.
Monosodium glutamate is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 18487-80 “Canned lunch dishes for special. consumer. Specifications", GOST 50847-96" Concentrates food first and second courses fast food. Specifications”, GOST 7457 “Canned fish. Pates. Specifications". Registered as food additive E-621. Vitamin E enhances the negative effects of monosodium glutamate. With frequent use, a gradual loss of taste sensations is possible due to the gradual atrophy of taste buds.

  1. AT recent times cases of allergy to monosodium glutamate in foods have become more frequent.
  2. Monosodium glutamate adversely affects the retina of the eye and can contribute to visual impairment.
  3. There is evidence that monosodium glutamate is addictive in children!

The composition of non-alcoholic highly carbonated, flavored drink"Pepsi - Cola" - water, sugar, gas for saturation of drinks (carbon dioxide), dye (E150a), acidity regulator (E338), caffeine (not more than 110 mg/l), natural Pepsi flavor

In the composition of Pepsi, I found two substances that cause concern when eaten: acidity regulator E338 and caffeine.

E338 - Ortho-phosphoric acid ( Phosphoric acid

The acidity regulator is obtained from phosphate rock.
Considered safe when eaten in small amounts; excessive consumption can lead to tooth decay and loss of calcium in the bones.

Caffeine is active component majority"energy drinks"(there it contains 250-350 mg/l).

In a drink "Pepsi"about 110 mg/l caffeine.

Caffeine, like other CNS stimulants, is contraindicated in case of increased excitability, insomnia, severehypertension and atherosclerosis, with organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, in old age, withglaucoma.

A study by American scientists showed that when consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine per day, the likelihood of miscarriage increases by 27%, and a woman's ability to conceive decreases.

But my biggest concern is the composition of crackers."Three crusts" bacon flavored.

Rye croutons with bacon flavor- composition: bread made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour (peeled rye flour, pressed baker's yeast); vegetable oil, complex flavor additive "Bacon" (natural and identical to natural aromatic substances, salt, maltodextrin, dextrose dried vegetables, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621, E627, E631), natural paprika fat-soluble dye (E160C), acidity regulator (citric acid ), an additive that prevents caking and clumping (E551)).

The crackers contain the previously mentioned monosodium glutamate (E621) and disodium guanylate E 627 - this is a food additive from the group of preservatives Disodium guanylate is produced from dried sea ​​fish or dried marine plants. similar substance used for the manufacture of expensive sausages, meat different types, croutons, chips, ready-made vermicelli and soups on hastily. This substance can be dangerous for newborn babies, as well as for people who have asthma and gout. In this regard, in no case should you buy baby food, which includes disodium guanylate. This additive belongs to drugs from the second risk group. That is, when using products with this food supplement, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, diarrhea and other unpleasant, but not dangerous phenomena are possible.

Also included in sodium inosinate- sodium salt inosinic acid, food supplement E631 used in chips, fast food,seasonings. Flavor enhancer, to be used only withmonosodium glutamatedue to the relatively high cost.

In Russia, only disubstituted sodium inosinate is allowed. Not recommended for children.

There are opinions about the involvement of sodium inosinate inchinese restaurant syndrome. Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (English Chinese restaurant syndrome ), also known asmonosodium glutamate syndromeis a set of symptoms that includes headache, redness of the face, sweating, feeling of heaviness in the mouth. There is a point of view that the cause of the syndrome ismonosodium glutamate, however, a number of scientific studies refute this.

In some cases, more serious symptoms occur: sore throat, chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath.

Most people mild syndrome Chinese restaurant passes without serious harm to the body.

The E160c supplement contains the pigments carotene (provitamin A, yellow pigment), capsanthin and capsorubin, and can be either fat-soluble or water-dispersible. Also, the E160c dye contains some fatty acids - oleic, linolenic, stearic, palmitic and myristic. The E160c additive is mainly used to color food products or restore color lost during heat treatment. The taste of paprika extract (additive E160c) is practically not pronounced, so a person, as a rule, does not notice it. Only in some products (for example, in processed cheese, chips) can it manifest itself more clearly.

Paprika oil resins can be classified as additives safe for human health, since there is not a single fact of the negative effect of the E160c dye on the human body. In addition, as already mentioned, the E160c additive is extracted from plants and thus is a natural dye.

The composition of most modern products also includes flavors identical to natural.In Russia In accordance with GOST R 52464-2005 Identical to natural flavoring is a food flavoring, the flavoring part of which contains one or more flavoring substances identical to natural, may contain flavoring preparations and natural flavoring substances. In other words, these are chemical compounds similar in composition to natural compounds in raw materials of plant or animal origin, but obtained by chemical synthesis methods, or isolated from raw materials using chemical methods. Flavors identical to natural may contain natural ingredients.

According to many hygienists, ecologists, and public figures, the use of fragrances is too intense and can harm human health, especially children's. Thus, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Human and Animal Physiology of the Institute of Natural and Human Sciences of the Siberian Federal University Irina Shoshina, in her work published on the website of the AiF publishing house, draws the attention of readers to the fact that food manufacturers often do not indicate which Flavors identical to natural are included in the composition of the product, despite the fact that these flavors often contain toxic substances.

Thus, all these substances individually do little harm to the body, but we eat such a huge amount of substances that, in fact, chemical compounds are artificially created by man, and a drop, as you know, wears away a stone.

  1. Statistical data on morbidity for 2009 - 2011 MUSIC Spirovskaya CRH.

And at the end of my research, I decided to analyze the data on the incidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the Spirovsky district. I received these data at the registry of the MUSIC Spirovskaya Central District Hospital.

Table No. 1

The results showed that the frequency of visits to the dentist remains approximately at the same level, quite high 55-50% of the population of the district. But the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases over the past three years has increased from 9 to 31%. Probably many factors influence the development of gastrointestinal diseases, but I think that nutrition is one of the main factors that cause these diseases. Application number 2.


In conclusion, I would like to note that our life depends on proper nutrition. If you want to be healthy, joyful, self-confident, organize your diet correctly. Proper nutrition is the key to health, strength and beauty of a person. However, many of us are prone to bad habits and frivolous attitude to nutrition, misunderstanding the great importance of this factor of human existence. Some believe that rational nutrition is determined only by the amount of food, others simply rely on their appetite, while forgetting that food is not only a source of energy, but also the most important building material for the formation of complex body structures.

It has long been proven that nutrition affects the following functions of the human body: Health. Appearance and beauty: hair; leather; nails; face colour. Vital energy. Well-being. Mood.

Good health and high immunity are the result of the well-coordinated work of the whole organism, when the food consumed is completely absorbed, being a set of useful elements, metabolic processes in the body's digestive system take place in a timely manner.

Proper nutrition prevents the body from aging prematurely.

General principles of proper nutrition.

1. Follow the diet. Under the diet refers to the multiplicity of meals during the day, the observance of certain intervals between its individual meals and the distribution of the daily ration for individual meals.

In the development of many diseases, including gastrointestinal, not the last role is given to violations of the diet.

It is especially harmful to eat a lot at night. A full stomach presses on the diaphragm, making it difficult for the heart to function normally.

Based on experimental studies and long-term observations of doctors, four meals a day: the first breakfast - 25-30%; second breakfast - 10-15%; lunch - 40-45%; dinner - 25-10%.

2. Products should be fresh, but cooked food should not be stored for a long time. From this, useful properties disappear, and those that are harmful to the body appear.

3. Nutrition should be balanced and varied, the more biologically active substances enter the body, the healthier it will be.

4. Make the menu so that it always contains raw vegetables and fruits. With their help, metabolic processes are accelerated, in the composition raw vegetables and fruits include more trace elements and vitamins.

5. Watch your diet, try to eat only natural products, avoid convenience foods and fast food. By making the right diet, you will get rid of chronic diseases heal your body.

6. Limit yourself in food. Overeating harms our body no less than low-quality products. Overeating causes fatigue, reduces performance. In addition, a healthy body does not need excess weight.

7. The diet must take into account the time of year. In summer, you need to eat plant foods, in winter - food rich in fats and proteins.

8. While eating, you need to experience pleasure, thoughts should be positive. Haste in eating, talking and reading is unacceptable.

The implementation of these simple rules will help create the habit of eating right, make your body healthy.

Survey results

How many times a day do you eat?

Do you have breakfast?

What time do you have dinner?

How often do you eat meat, vegetables and fruits?

How many times a week do you eat chips, crackers and PBP?

Application No. 2

Statistical data on incidence for 2009 - 2011.

Frequency of visits to the dentist:

The incidence of gastrointestinal diseases:

The effect of food on the human body

From practice, we know that by eating one substance, we will not feel any effect, by eating another, we can die instantly. This indicates the different effects of quantum fields contained in food on our body. Proceeding from this, the healers of antiquity distinguished four degrees of the power of influence.

If a person, having taken food (substance), does not detect any traces of its influence (that is, it does not warm up, does not cool, does not dry, does not moisturize, etc.), this product (substance) is called balanced . When food has a slight cooling, warming and other similar effect, then they say that the strength of its effect is in I degree . If the product acts either by its warmth, cold, dryness, moisture and other similar properties, but does not have a harmful effect on the body, then it is said that the strength of its effect reaches II degree . With a strong effect of the product, up to the onset of death of a person, they talk about III degree . If the use of a product or substance leads to death, then the strength of this product or substance is determined by IV degree .

Based on this classification, products with a balanced effect are used by humans as food; Grade I and II products correct to counter bad seasons and minor ailments; products and substances of III and IV degrees are used only as therapeutic agents in case of severe disorders requiring strong opposite corrections.

As we age, our digestion gradually weakens. Yes, in adulthood we sadly remember that in our youth we ate everything and felt great. And now, almost something we ate or overate for a holiday, we immediately feel problems in the stomach, heaviness in the whole body, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Ayurveda, the ancient science of human health, believes that poor digestion- this is the main source of illness, and the good is praised as a guarantee of health. The sages of Ayurveda liked to repeat that a person who is able to fully assimilate food will also benefit from poison, while with poor digestion, you can die from the best food.

In this regard, it's time to talk about lectins - a variety of proteins with adhesive properties. Literally all foodstuffs are saturated with them in one way or another. So Peter D'Adamo, author of The 4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health, argues that dietary lectins can glue blood cells together. The consequence of this is irritation of the intestinal tract, cirrhosis of the liver, difficulty in passing blood through the kidneys and other diseases. Moreover, certain food lectins have a greater effect on one or another blood group. It is quite possible to assume the existence of this phenomenon. But the main attention should be paid not to blood, but to digestion. If a person's digestion cannot qualitatively break down food into components and qualitatively process them in the liver, then whole molecules enter the bloodstream and cause gluing (agglutination) of blood cells to each other.

The sages of Ayurveda talk about this phenomenon approximately: poor digestion is the basis of poor health and a breeding ground for diseases. According to Ayurvedic concepts, there is a "digestive fire" (agni) in the human body. If this “fire” burns brightly (as in youth), then the food is digested well, without toxic waste (in Ayurvedic - ama). The cells of the body receive everything they need, and the body as a whole is healthy. If the "fire" is weakened, then the food is not completely digested, there is a lot of toxic waste (ama) and the person is already predisposed to any disease.

In order to adjust the extinct "digestive fire" and further maintain it, there were many recipes. Some of them are based on the properties of certain plants and substances to “ignite” digestion in our body. Thousand-year practice has shown that black and red peppers, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, mustard, horseradish, ginger, as well as salt and ghee do it best. According to the strength of the warming effect, they are equated to products of II and III degrees. Therefore, taking a small amount of the above foods before, during or after meals stimulates the appetite, enhances digestion. By restoring digestion, a person restores normal health. That is why earlier spices in Europe were worth their weight in gold. These products are best consumed in the cold season, the elderly and those whose digestion is not active.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov, in a modern way, recommends using old, diseased, damaged cells in order to increase the proportion of young and healthy. Latest Research, based on the reflection and absorption of light by human skin, revealed the following: at the age of up to one year, the percentage of old cells does not exceed 1, at the age of ten it ranges from 7-10%, at 50 years old it increases to 40-50%.

In other words, at the age of 50, a person lives only at 50–60% of his capabilities, that is, exactly as much as young cells remain in his body. Hence the natural desire to increase the percentage of young cells and reduce old ones.

But how to do that? Cell proteins are broken down by enzymes - pepsins - which are formed in the stomach. Having been absorbed into the blood along with gastric juice, pepsin-like substances dissolve old, sick, cancer cells and disease-causing cells without affecting healthy, strong cells.

In order to increase the amount of pepsins secreted in the stomach, Bolotov recommends (like the ancient Greeks) 30 minutes after eating, which has already been partially digested, put about 1 g of table salt on the tip of the tongue, then spit out the resulting saliva.

As a result, gastric juice containing all necessary elements to destroy old cells. But this is only one mechanism, and a secondary one. Salt through taste stimulates the "fire of digestion" - the activity of all enzymes in our body, and they, in turn, actively decompose the old and unnecessary. Instead of salt, you can use "warming" products, ginger is especially effective.

Ayurvedic doctors recommend using a special ginger mixture to improve the digestive abilities of the body. In a small enamel or ceramic bowl, rub four tablespoons of ginger powder with clarified ghee (100–150 g). Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, cover and put in a cold place.

Take this mixture according to the schedule below every day before breakfast from the following foods: herbal tea warm, lightly stewed vegetables (necessarily warm) and some hot porridge.

1st day - 0.5 tsp; 2nd - 1; 3rd - 1.5;

4th -2; 5th - 2.5; 6th - 2.5 tsp.

Then begin to reduce the intake every day by 0.5 teaspoon, so that on the tenth day you take, as at the beginning, 0.5 teaspoon. Having sustained the above scheme, you will bring the "digestive fire" back to normal. At the same time, during the specified time (and even after), do not use products with strong cooling properties: ice water, ice cream, chilled milk, fresh frozen berries, fruits, etc.

These recommendations are especially suitable for the elderly; young and middle-aged people whose indigestion is caused by other causes, and by no means a natural "extinction of the digestive fire", this mixture is not recommended. For them, a completely different method is suitable. But before proceeding to describe it, you need to know your own constitution and follow the recommendations only with its consideration.

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Caloric content of foodstuffs Table 1

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One can only be surprised how modern teaching about nutrition and nutrition” narrowed our view of it! The ancient sages looked much more broadly at food and what it brings to our body. They were not interested in proteins and carbohydrates, as well as the number of calories when it was burned, but, above all, information and energy that affect the body. It was these qualities of food that were taken into account when it was spoken of as medicine.

The discovery by physicists of quantum fields - the energy underlying physical substance, made it possible to understand ancient teaching about the energy effect of food on the human body.

To better understand this difficult, but vital important issue, let me remind you how any substance is formed in general, and therefore food. I'll start from the end to get to the beginning. There is some food substance. It is made up of molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms consist of elementary particles - electrons, protons, etc. Elementary particles consist of quanta - this is something between energy and a particle. Quanta are the basis of energy fields, elementary particles are formed from them. The human body in its fundamental principle has a quantum-field template, which gives a prototype to the physical body. Quantum fields of this or that structure give a basis to this or that organ, function, structure of substance. Don't be surprised by the special structure, shape and color of the liver. It is based on a special quantum field, which must perform the appropriate functions. At the heart of the heart is another quantum field and, accordingly, other functions. The same is true of any other organ and tissue of the human body.

The introduction of any food into the human body is the introduction of certain quantum fields that can nourish, strengthen the quantum fields of related organs, even out weakened functions, etc. With the help of nutrition containing certain quantum fields, one can successfully treat, strengthen weakened functions and organs, even rejuvenate the body.

Any food product has its own quantum fields, which, when absorbed by a person, have a multifaceted effect on his body. Let's see what this effect is.

The taste of food

The taste of food speaks of the special properties of the energy inherent in it. The tongue, as an organ of taste, will help in its recognition. The energy contained in the product can have a beneficial effect on our vital activity, especially when there is not enough energy of this type in the body, and vice versa, inhibit vital activity when it is overabundant.

Classical Ayurveda distinguishes six basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, burning and astringent. These tastes act in different ways on the three vital principles that underlie the work of the human body.

"Slime" governs the construction and strength of the physical body (the material mass of the organism and its hormonal system).

"Bile" provides heating, digestion, immunity, vision and mental abilities.

"Wind" supports all circulatory and rhythmic processes in the body, the mixing of contents in cells, blood flow, peristalsis, the onset of menstruation, the speed of a person's thinking.

Sweet the taste is the most healing, strengthens, increases the strength of the body, promotes digestion, has a small calorific value. Sweet promotes healing of wounds, clarifies the senses, promotes longevity. Sweet-tasting foods are good for children, the elderly, and the debilitated. In other words, it stimulates the "Slime" life principle.

Excessive consumption of foods that have a sweet taste is harmful, as it leads to obesity, the formation of wen and diseases of the excretory system.

Sour the taste has a refreshing effect, stimulates appetite, promotes crushing and digestion of food, fluid retention in the body, makes the intestines passable.

Excessive consumption of acidic foods causes weakness, dizziness, swelling, and fever.

Salty taste has cleansing properties - removes hardened feces and accumulated gases, cleanses clogged blood vessels, supports appetite, causes the release of saliva and gastric juices; cold foods gives warming properties to the body. In other words, it stimulates the vital principle of "Bile" and "Wind".

Excessive consumption of salty foods leads to hair loss, premature graying, wrinkles, diseases generated by overexcitation of the vital principle "Bile".

Bitter taste improves digestion and appetite, warms the body and stimulates the release of fluid from it, opens blood vessels, has thinning, dissolving properties; increases circulatory processes in the body, helps to cleanse the body cavities, especially the lungs; helps with poisoning, fainting, feverish conditions, clarifies the mind.

Excessive consumption of bitter foods depletes the body, giving rise to diseases associated with overexcitation of the "Wind" vital principle.

Burning taste stimulates the body's calorific abilities more than others, increases appetite, is useful for sore throats, heals wounds and severe skin abscesses.

Excessive consumption of products with a burning taste adversely affects sexual function, leads to wrinkles, fainting, back and lower back pain.

Astringent taste dries up pus, blood, bile, heals wounds, improves skin color, greatly cools.

Excessive consumption of astringent products dehydrates and cools the body, giving rise to diseases characteristic of the overexcited "Wind" life principle.

These six tastes are perceived by the body in the oral cavity and immediately act on the quantum fields of the body. If the weakened are nourished, then we like this food and we feel the need for it. Conversely, if it causes even more imbalance, then no matter how good it is, we do not want it.

After food will pass digestive tract, its taste changes, except for sour. So, foods that have a sweet and salty taste become sweet; bitter, astringent and burning - bitter. Thus, out of six primary tastes, three secondary tastes are formed in the body. This suggests that the remaining quantum fields of food are assimilated as they pass through the stomach and intestines.

Products forming secondary sweet taste, contribute to strengthening, increasing body weight. An excess of sweets produces mucus, obesity and a decrease in the calorific value of the body. On an intellectual level, this is expressed in indifference, apathy.

Products forming secondary sour taste, help to increase the calorific, intellectual and digestive abilities of the body. An excess of sour taste worsens the composition of the blood, leads to ulcers, skin irritation, heartburn. The person becomes easily irritable and quick-tempered.

Products forming secondary bitter taste, help cleanse the body, stimulate vital processes and lead to weight loss. Excess bitter taste can deplete the strength of the body, dehydrate the body. On a mental level, this leads to frequent appearance unreasonable fear, vain unrest.

Let's add two more tastes to the classical Ayurvedic scheme: tart - similar to astringent, thickens juices and cools; tasteless - Moisturizes, softens and relaxes.

What can be achieved with this information?

1. Increase in bodily "warmth". To do this, in one meal it is best to use products containing: burning - sour taste or sour - salty. The first combination of tastes, in addition to increasing the "warmth" of the body, will contribute to weight loss; the second, on the contrary, is weight gain (mainly due to water).

2. Increasing the "lightness" of the body. To lose weight, become more mobile, use the following tastes: bitter - burning, sour - burning. With the first option, mucus will be removed from the body, with the second option, an increase in the calorific value of the body will occur (immunity, digestion, and intellectual “sharpness” will improve).

3. Increased "dryness" in the body. You can remove mucus, sputum using products with the following tastes: a) bitter - astringent; b) burning - astringent; c) burning - bitter. Moreover, in option a), along with “dryness”, “cold” qualities will increase, which is good for summer. In the last two, on the contrary, “warmth” will be added, which is good for the cold season, or for those who are constantly freezing.

4. If you intend to "cool" the body, use foods with sweet or bitter - astringent tastes. In the first case, you can get better, in the second - lose weight.

5. If you want to get better (become “heavier” and “oilier”), use foods with salty - sweet tastes, or sweet - sour. In the first case, you can gain mainly adipose tissue, in the second case, you can build muscle.

If you feel fine, try to eat foods that contain all six tastes every day, without giving preference to any of them. Then the food will harmoniously stimulate your energy.

Cooking in some cases can change the taste of the product. For example, the initial taste of onion is pungent, and after stewing or boiling it acquires a sweet taste.

Sweet, sour and salty tastes have mainly anabolic effect on the body (contribute to weight gain). Bitter, astringent and burning - catabolic (contribute to weight loss).

Food, in which a bitter and burning taste predominates, raises the energy of the body up. It is good to use for persons with reduced blood pressure suffering from poor blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. It is also good to use such food as an emetic to cleanse the body of mucus.

Foods with sweet and salty tastes direct the energy of the body down. Therefore, such food (eg seaweed) is a good natural laxative.

If food with a sour taste promotes intestinal patency, then an astringent taste, on the contrary, causes spasms of the esophagus and makes the intestines difficult to pass.

Shape and consistency

With the discovery of quantum reality by physicists behind every material object, the meaning of form and consistency became clear. Simply put, behind every material object there is a subtle force that, at the level of quanta, gives them that appearance and other external features that they have. Changing the characteristics of this level leads to a change in the visible properties of objects. Naturally, this also applies to food.

So, if some human organ lacks its subtle properties, then by borrowing those from a plant or animal, you can restore them.

The ancient sages proposed the following classification.

Correspondence of plant parts to human organs

The root is the pole of growth, the stomach of the plant.

The trunk is the spinal cord.

Branches are nerves.

Leaves are light.

Flowers - localization of excess strength (organs of reproduction).

Chlorophyll is blood.

Juice is energy that circulates through the nerves and turns into brain impulses, semen and other tissues.

Seeds - especially during the germination period, correspond to spiritual energy (Shen in Chinese or Kundalini in Indian philosophy).

Plant parts and curable diseases

Roots are diseases of the bones.

The trunk is flesh.

Branches - vessels and veins.

The bark is the skin.

Leaves cure diseases hollow organs» (stomach, gallbladder, small and large intestines, bladder and seeds).

Flowers are the sense organs.

The fruits are “dense organs” (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys).

Distribution of positive and negative energy

The top of the plant is positively charged, while the roots are negatively charged. The part of the plant near the earth itself has balancing properties (the place where positive and negative charges dock). The fruit is positively charged, while the tubers are negatively charged. In the fruit itself, the petiole side is negatively charged, while the flower side is positively charged.

The animal analogy is even simpler: the heart corresponds to the heart, the liver to the liver, and so on.

If to speak about the consistency of products , then:

1) lightness, sharpness, rigidity, dryness, mobility, scattering and clear will contribute to giving the body lightness, mobility, weight reduction;

2) lightness, oiliness, moisture, fluidity, permeability, having a pungent odor and spicy help to increase calorific, digestive and intellectual abilities;

3) heaviness, oiliness, density, stickiness, mobility, slowness and turbidity strengthen the body, stimulate the hormonal system.

Naturally, oversaturation of the organism with products of the first group dehydrates the body; the second will spoil the blood; the third - will increase the amount of mucus in excess of the norm. Everything should be in moderation.

Information contained in products influenced by climate and place of growth

Any plant perceives all the information of the place where it has grown. In beautiful places with excellent climate and lighting, plants grow with harmonious qualities that perfectly nourish a person. If the climate is unbalanced, with frequent winds, bad weather, then the internal qualities of plants are also unbalanced, and food prepared from them makes a person unbalanced. Plants grown in shady places, next to stagnant water, acquire the qualities of a certain inertia, excessive rest. Food from such plants inclines a person to rest and laziness.

If the climate is too hot, then the plant struggles with this development in itself of the opposite - cold, watery - properties.

If the plant must endure unfavorable (cold) conditions, then it fights against this by developing in itself the opposite - warm, oily - properties.

A person who consumes products from the region in which he lives acts very wisely: with the help of the properties of products, it is possible to overcome adverse external conditions. So, summer heat he contrasts the cooling, watery properties of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, berries, fruits, gourds. And vice versa, in winter, using cereals, nuts, seeds, root crops, dried fruits (when dried, fruits acquire warm properties) in a raw and slightly thermally processed form, he contrasts these properties with cold and dryness.

All this was noticed by folk wisdom and firmly entered our everyday life. In the summer, we are happy to eat okroshka (sour taste keeps water in the body), fresh salads, and drink soft drinks.

In winter, we do the opposite, preferring warm teas and decoctions of herbs, dried fruit compotes, we use rich borscht, soups, stewed vegetables, and warm cereals.

So, if the food is whole, minimally thermally processed, properly consumed and combined, everything will go well. And vice versa, if a person, for example, living in Voronezh, observes a raw food regime in winter - he intensively consumes citrus fruits from Egypt, eats fresh salads, greenhouse vegetables, stocked up on apples - this contributes to hypothermia of the body, disrupts the mechanism of struggle with products with adverse climatic conditions . And it is no wonder that chilliness appears in the body, poor digestion, lethargy of peristalsis, swelling and discharge are noted. liquid mucus from the nose.

The effect of food on the human body

From practice, we know that by eating one substance, we will not feel any effect, by eating another, we can die instantly. This indicates the different effects of quantum fields contained in food on our body. Proceeding from this, the healers of antiquity distinguished four degrees of the power of influence.

If a person, having taken food (substance), does not detect any traces of its influence (that is, it does not warm up, does not cool, does not dry, does not moisturize, etc.), this product (substance) is called balanced . When food has a slight cooling, warming and other similar effect, then they say that the strength of its effect is in I degree . If the product acts either by its warmth, cold, dryness, moisture and other similar properties, but does not have a harmful effect on the body, then it is said that the strength of its effect reaches II degree . With a strong effect of the product, up to the onset of death of a person, they talk about III degree . If the use of a product or substance leads to death, then the strength of this product or substance is determined by IV degree .

Based on this classification, products with a balanced effect are used by humans as food; Grade I and II products correct to counter bad seasons and minor ailments; products and substances of III and IV degrees are used only as therapeutic agents in case of severe disorders requiring strong opposite corrections.

Recommendations based on the strength of the effects of food on the human body

As we age, our digestion gradually weakens. So, in adulthood, we sadly recall that in our youth we ate everything and felt great. And now, almost something we ate or overate for a holiday, we immediately feel problems in the stomach, heaviness in the whole body, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The ancient science of human health, Ayurveda, believes that poor digestion is the main source of illness, and good digestion is praised as a guarantee of health. The sages of Ayurveda liked to repeat that a person who is able to fully assimilate food will also benefit from poison, while with poor digestion, you can die from the best food.

In this regard, it's time to talk about lectins - a variety of proteins with adhesive properties. Literally all foodstuffs are saturated with them in one way or another. So Peter D'Adamo, author of The 4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health, argues that dietary lectins can glue blood cells together. The consequence of this is irritation of the intestinal tract, cirrhosis of the liver, difficulty in passing blood through the kidneys and other diseases. Moreover, certain food lectins have a greater effect on one or another blood group. It is quite possible to assume the existence of this phenomenon. But the main attention should be paid not to blood, but to digestion. If a person's digestion cannot qualitatively break down food into components and qualitatively process them in the liver, then whole molecules enter the bloodstream and cause gluing (agglutination) of blood cells to each other.

The sages of Ayurveda talk about this phenomenon approximately: poor digestion is the basis of poor health and a breeding ground for diseases. According to Ayurvedic concepts, there is a "digestive fire" (agni) in the human body. If this “fire” burns brightly (as in youth), then the food is digested well, without toxic waste (in Ayurvedic - ama). The cells of the body receive everything they need, and the body as a whole is healthy. If the "fire" is weakened, then the food is not completely digested, there is a lot of toxic waste (ama) and the person is already predisposed to any disease.

In order to adjust the extinct "digestive fire" and further maintain it, there were many recipes. Some of them are based on the properties of certain plants and substances to “ignite” digestion in our body. Thousand-year practice has shown that black and red peppers, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, mustard, horseradish, ginger, as well as salt and ghee do it best. According to the strength of the warming effect, they are equated to products of II and III degrees. Therefore, taking a small amount of the above foods before, during or after meals stimulates the appetite, enhances digestion. By restoring digestion, a person restores normal health. That is why earlier spices in Europe were worth their weight in gold. These products are best consumed in the cold season, the elderly and those whose digestion is not active.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov, in a modern way, recommends using old, diseased, damaged cells in order to increase the proportion of young and healthy. The latest studies based on the reflection and absorption of light by human skin have revealed the following: at the age of one year, the percentage of old cells does not exceed 1, at the age of ten it fluctuates between 7-10%, at 50 years old it increases to 40-50%.

In other words, at the age of 50, a person lives only at 50–60% of his capabilities, that is, exactly as much as young cells remain in his body. Hence the natural desire to increase the percentage of young cells and reduce old ones.

But how to do that? Cell proteins are broken down by enzymes - pepsins - which are formed in the stomach. Having been absorbed into the blood along with gastric juice, pepsin-like substances dissolve old, diseased, cancer cells and cells of pathogens, without affecting healthy, strong cells.

In order to increase the amount of pepsins secreted in the stomach, Bolotov recommends (like the ancient Greeks) 30 minutes after eating, which has already been partially digested, put about 1 g of table salt on the tip of the tongue, then spit out the resulting saliva.

As a result, gastric juice reflexively begins to secrete abundantly from salt, containing all the necessary elements for the destruction of old cells. But this is only one mechanism, and a secondary one. Salt through taste stimulates the "fire of digestion" - the activity of all enzymes in our body, and they, in turn, actively decompose the old and unnecessary. Instead of salt, you can use "warming" products, ginger is especially effective.

Ayurvedic doctors recommend using a special ginger mixture to improve the digestive abilities of the body. In a small enamel or ceramic bowl, rub four tablespoons of ginger powder with clarified ghee (100–150 g). Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, cover and put in a cold place.

Take this mixture according to the schedule below every day before breakfast with the following foods: warm herbal tea, lightly stewed vegetables (always warm) and some kind of hot porridge.

1st day - 0.5 tsp; 2nd - 1; 3rd - 1.5;

4th -2; 5th - 2.5; 6th - 2.5 tsp.

Then begin to reduce the intake every day by 0.5 teaspoon, so that on the tenth day you take, as at the beginning, 0.5 teaspoon. Having sustained the above scheme, you will bring the "digestive fire" back to normal. At the same time, during the specified time (and even after), do not use products with strong cooling properties: ice water, ice cream, chilled milk, freshly frozen berries, fruits, etc.

These recommendations are especially suitable for the elderly; young and middle-aged people whose indigestion is caused by other causes, and by no means a natural "extinction of the digestive fire", this mixture is not recommended. For them, a completely different method is suitable. But before proceeding to describe it, you need to know your own constitution and follow the recommendations only with its consideration.

Personalization of your own food

After we have learned a great deal about digestion and nutrition, all this must be applied to ourselves. It seems that digestion and the body are about the same for everyone. But in reality there is a huge difference between us. One person has a large body and holds water well. The question is, does he need food that carries excess water? No. You need products to keep it dry. In another person, the body holds water very poorly. So, he needs products that saturate with moisture.

The following comparison: one organism perfectly produces internal heat - it is hot even in winter; the other is bad, and in the summer a person freezes in the shade. Therefore, the first needs cooling products, and the second needs warming ones. Modern nutritional science is well versed in the physiology of digestion, but these concepts are a completely new area for it. To operate them, you need absolutely new level knowledge, but modern dietology does not have it. But this knowledge is perfectly developed by the ancient sages in Ayurveda. I will use it by adding modern knowledge. The result is a complete science of the nutrition of a particular person.

General information about the individual constitution

The doctrine of the individual constitution of Ayurvedic people and the entire ancient world in general is based on three vital principles (in Hindu - “doshas”): “Plicuss”, “Bile” and “Winds” (in Hindu - Kapha, Pitta, Vata). This was discussed above. I also introduced you to the concept of a quantum field, which is responsible for shaping a living organism, its calorific value and all the circulatory processes that take place in it. Proceeding from this, the vital principle (dosha) “Plicus” is responsible for maintaining the shape of our body (i.e. bones, muscles, tendons, endocrine system, from the functioning of which these properties are maintained in the desired form). "Bile" - for all the calorific abilities of our body (thermoregulation, digestion, sharpness of the intellect, immune defense, metabolic activity in general). The life principle of “Wind” is for the speed of a wide variety of processes in the body and their circulation (circulation of internal fluids: blood, lymph, etc., the rate of tissue renewal, the removal of toxins, the movement of food through the digestive canal, the speed of thinking, the timing of the onset of menstruation , duration of pregnancy, etc.).

Our body is a combination of maternal and paternal life principles, which is obtained at conception. Moreover, the "Wind" in the body does not have any material elements and creates dryness and cold. The vital principle "Bile" in the body is represented by liquid, caustic elements (bile, gastric juices), it produces heat in the body. “Slime” is all material formations, this vital principle creates cold, mucus, moisture in the body.

Now it is clear that if the vital principles of the “Wind” prevail in the human body, then such a person is thin, constantly cold, has poor digestion, and is shy. If “Bile”, then this is the owner of an average build, good digestion, grayish or bald, never freezes and has a fairly sharp mind. If the vital principle of “Plime” prevails, then the person has a powerful skeleton, is inclined to be overweight, suffers from slow digestion, does not like wet weather, and is quite apathetic.

From malnutrition, way of life and thinking, life principles are excessively “excited” and cause their own specific disorders.

So, if the "Wind" is normal - the body is light, there is a lot of energy, the intestines work easily and regularly, thinking is fast, everything physiological processes, having their own rhythm, come in a timely manner (sleep, monthly cycle, pregnancy, orgasm).

If the above life principle is in excess, then the person is constantly cold, overexcited, thinking is chaotic, chaotic, no memory, constipation alternates with diarrhea, all rhythmic processes are disturbed (insomnia, lack of a regular menstrual cycle, prematurity during pregnancy, perverted duration of sexual intercourse towards shortening and etc.).

If "Bile" is normal - the body is warm, digestion and assimilation of food is normal, mood is upbeat, the mind quickly grasps the essence of problems, all physiological functions: immunity, metabolism, acuity during orgasm are normal. The skin is healthy and beautiful.

An excess of the vital principle "Bile" manifests itself in heartburn, in ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, excessive sweating with an unpleasant odor, rash on the body, dryness in the nostrils, reduced immune protection. A person becomes easily irritable, always dissatisfied and sarcastically jokes about others.

If "Plicus" is normal - the body is unusually resistant to diseases, sexual activity lasts a long time, and everything comes on time; the joints are flexible, the fat layer is optimal; memory remains good.

Overexcitation of this dosha leads to "mucus" of the whole organism, a decrease in calorific abilities, which in turn predisposes to colds and infections. tumor diseases. The body gains excessive weight and swells with fluid. Digestion becomes sluggish. On sexual function, this is reflected in early coldness, prolonged and "dim" sexual intercourse. A person loses interest in life, memory weakens.

Knowing the characteristics of your body and the properties of food products, you can consciously, by the qualities of products, strengthen or reduce your life principles, achieve the best balance between them and be on the “crest” of health.

The mechanism of action of food on doshas is as follows: at the cellular level, water is formed from food (giving a living environment), carbon dioxide(regulates the pH of the environment, and through it - the activity of all enzymes in the body) and protein substances.

Different products will have their own specific influence on the three specified parameters.

On the fluid reduction inside the cells of the body, food with bitter, burning and astringent taste (fresh fruits, vegetables with high content potassium - a sodium antagonist), light and hard in texture (dried fruits), cold and dry in properties (crackers) and also used in small quantities. All this leads to a thickening of the colloids of the body. If a person has a pronounced constitutional type of "Wind" (Vata), that is, is prone to fluid loss and will eat the above food, then he will "earn" weight loss, chilliness, constipation, poor mobility.

On the fluid increase will be influenced by sweet, sour and salty foods (cereals, dairy, cheeses, pickles, that is, products containing sodium), heavy, soft in texture (sour cream, cottage cheese), cool and watery in properties (milk), consumed in large quantities. All this will contribute to water retention by the body, filling liquid media with starch and protein (ie, mucus).

If a person with a pronounced constitutional type of "Plizz" (Kapha), prone to water retention and weight gain, consumes the above products, then he will quickly gain weight, lose calorific value and good digestion.

On the heat increase inside the body, and indirectly on the increase in metabolism, food with a burning, salty and sour taste (spices, pickles, fermentation), light and fatty in texture (fried pork), hot and dry, and also oily in property (fried in sunflower oil potatoes), consumed without any measure. The result is an excessive production of bile (an indirect indication of an increase in the breakdown of red blood cells), which “burns through” the blood, lymph, etc.

If a person with a pronounced "Bile" (Pitta) constitution gives preference to such food, then its calorific properties will become excited, and this will be expressed in dryness in the nostrils, heartburn, skin rashes, early graying or baldness.

Adjustment of doshas (life principles) through nutrition

Let's deal with the regulation of the doshas, ​​and they, in turn, will put in order the physiological functions controlled by them.

Diet and food recommended when the life principle "Wind" is aroused or when this life principle prevails in our body

Cereals: rice, wheat, sprouted wheat, flax beans.

Dairy products: all.

Sweeteners: molasses, honey, cane sugar, natural syrups.

Vegetable oils: all.

Fruits: all sweet fruits, melons, watermelons.

Vegetables: beets, carrots, asparagus, new potatoes, cucumbers, stewed onions, dandelion, lettuce - subject to weak heat treatment(stewing, boiling).

Nuts: all kinds.

Spices: onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, cumin, salt, cloves, mustard seeds.

Food of animal origin: poultry, fish, crayfish, horse meat, lamb, eggs, seafood.

Soups: dry flour soup, nettle soup, garlic soup, meat broth.

Herbs: licorice, nutmeg, ferula, juniper, elecampane high, sophora, elderberry, raspberry, pine, rosehip flowers, mallow.

Such nutrition is used when you are losing weight catastrophically, the skin is flaky, the feces are dry, and menstruation has stopped.

Diet and food that increase the life principle "Wind"

General remarks: light diet or fasting, dry foods, cold food. Dominant tastes: bitter, burning and astringent.

Sweeteners: Avoid.

Dairy products: avoid.

Vegetable oils: avoid.

Fruits: dried fruits, apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries, olives.

Vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, parsley, celery - eat raw.

Nuts: avoid.

Spices: pepper.

Animal products: beef, pork, rabbit.

Soups: pea.

Herbs and others: skullcap, barberry, Bunge pepper, gentian, sage, buttercup, oak bark, acorns, brewer's yeast, mummy, musk. The last three especially stimulate the "Wind".

Diet and food recommended when the life principle "Bile" is aroused or when this life principle predominates in your body

General remarks: cool, preferably liquid food and drinks. The taste is sweet, bitter and astringent.

Cereals: wheat, wheat germ, oats, barley, white rice.

Dairy products: milk, butter.

Sweeteners: Anything except honey and molasses.

Vegetable oils: olive and sunflower.

Fruits: sweet fruits, soaked dried fruits and compote from them, melons, watermelons.

Vegetables: pumpkin, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, beans, parsley - root and greens.

Spices: coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel, black pepper (in a small amount), garlic, dill.

Animal food: chicken, turkey, egg white.

Herbs, etc.: skullcap, sage, large-leaved gentian, snakehead, thermopsis, rosehip flowers and fruits, wormwood; apple juice, mint tea, cold water, chilled boiling water and, especially, brewer's yeast.

Diet and food that increase the life principle "Bile"

General remarks: hot, dry food with predominantly sour, salty and burning tastes.

Cereals: corn, millet, rye, dark rice.

Dairy products: fermented milk products, cheese, butter, buttermilk, sour cream.

Sweeteners: honey, molasses.

Vegetable oils: almond, sesame, corn.

Fruits: grapefruit, sour oranges, quince, sea buckthorn, lemons, cornelian cherry and others with a sour taste.

Vegetables: hot peppers, radishes, tomatoes, beets, fresh onions.

Spices: ginger, cumin, cloves, salt, celery and mustard seeds, black pepper, hot pepper.

Nuts: cashews, peanuts.

Animal food: beef, egg yolk, lamb, fish, seafood.

Soups: nettle soup, radish soup.

Herbs, etc.: dandelion, mallow, pomegranate seeds, calamus, ferula, prutnyak, coffee.

Diet and food recommended when the life principle "Plime" is aroused or when this life principle prevails in your body

General remarks: warm, light food and drinks. The taste is bitter, burning and astringent. Try not to eat.

Cereals: barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye, oats.

Dairy products: low-fat milk, butter, whey.

Sweeteners: honey.

Vegetable oils: avoid.

Fruits: apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries, grapes, persimmons, quince, sea buckthorn.

Vegetables: radishes, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, eggplant, lettuce, pumpkin, celery, spinach, parsley, beans, peas.

Spices: everything except salt.

Animal food: chickens, lamb, eggs, sausage.

Herbs, etc.: licorice, wormwood, pine, elecampane, pomegranate seeds, alum, ammonia.

Diet and food that increase the life principle of "Slime"

General remarks: Large, oily foods, cold foods and drinks. The predominant taste of food is sweet, salty and sour.

Cereals: rice, wheat, oats, flax (seeds).

Dairy products: milk, cheese, dairy products, buttermilk, cream, sour cream, butter.

Sweeteners: Anything except honey.

Vegetable oils: all.

Fruits: sweet fruits, watermelons, melons.

Vegetables: Tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, radishes, turnips, and all other broadleaf vegetables.

Nuts: everything.

Spices: salt.

Animal food: beef, pork, poultry, sausage, fish, crayfish, bone marrow and fat.

Soups: pea, nettle; meat broth.

It should be remembered that overstimulation of this vital principle leads to the appearance of mucus in the body, especially in the upper part of the body - the lungs and nasopharynx.

How to brew tea

It is believed that tea has a positive effect on a person, although many naturopaths are against it.

Tea increases concentration, has a revitalizing and calming effect, especially on the gastric mucosa. Scientists attribute this to the effect of caffeine in tea. In addition, tea contains vitamin B and fluorine, which is necessary to prevent caries. Many people react to coffee with heartburn or a feeling of fullness, these teas side effects No, and tea has no calories either.

Water for brewing tea should be boiling, and if the water is rich in calcium, then it should be allowed to boil well for about three minutes and only then brew tea.

In the first two minutes of brewing, tea gives off the largest amount of caffeine and has a pronounced stimulating effect. This tea is good to drink in the morning.

If you brew it longer, let alone let it brew, then tannins begin to be released, which bind caffeine. Now the tea will have a calming effect, and you can drink it in the evening, to calm and relax.

Be aware that the tannic acids in tea interfere with the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, use it as a separate meal. This is especially true for those who suffer from anemia.

Tea has the ability to take on foreign odors, so it is not recommended to store it near strong-smelling products.

Intellectual human development and nutrition

Depending on the level of mental development, each person adheres to some recommendations in nutrition or does not pay attention to them at all. This section is dedicated to people who want to improve mentally and spiritually. After all, food, by its influence, can elevate a person or turn his life into suffering.

Ultimately, all our nutrition is aimed at maintaining the most favorable living conditions in the cell. When we were able to balance our nutrition in such a way that the cells do not become dehydrated, do not become mucilaginous, and nothing “burns out” inside, an ideal metabolism is carried out, then as a result, a fine-material substance is obtained from properly digested food, which Ayurvedicists call “ojas”. The more ojas is produced inside the cells, the more signals of bliss and happiness are sent to the brain. As a result, a person feels lightness in the body, cheerfulness, a special kind of euphoria.

The development of ojas is facilitated, firstly, by proper digestion, which consists in the correct consistent consumption of food products related to species and their combination. The food itself should be fresh, cooking on fire should be minimal, and the food should be consumed immediately.

Ayurvedicists call such food “clean” (sattvic) and generally recommend combining all tastes in a balanced state, eating a moderate portion at a time, drinking spring (protium) water, food should be light, easily digestible and soothing.

Sattvic (species) nutrition includes the following range of products: clarified ghee; fruits and vegetables according to the season, as well as juices from them; whole grains and legumes, especially rice and wheat; nuts and seeds of your region; honey, protium water; and it is also recommended to eat cow's milk, but as a separate meal or combined with flour products or cereals (in terms of proper digestion, this is an unsuccessful recommendation).

Since ancient times, Ayurvedicists have recommended the above food to anyone who wanted to have good health, long life, a clear head and physical strength.

All other food, which contains little ojas, prevents normal course life, they divided into rajas and tamas.

The very word "rajas" even by a combination of sounds indicates internal excitement, uncontrolled activity and aggression. The consumption of products that contain these properties, even more "heats up", which leads a person to violence and other manifestations of hidden or overt aggressiveness. People who have latent tendencies towards aggression, psychological clamps of anger, etc., love food that indirectly activates them.

Rajas products include: meat, fish, eggs, salt, pepper, mustard, everything sour or hot, tea, coffee, cocoa, refined sugar, spices.

The word "tamas" characterizes a lazy, passive and weak-willed person. He is in apathy, and he likes it. He is too lazy to cook normal food, and he is content with previously prepared food, stale food, etc. Such foods make him even more relaxed, lazy. So he degrades more and more, switching to eating leftovers.

Tamas products include: beef, pork, onions, garlic, tobacco, rancid, heated food, all intoxicating foods and medicines.

And in conclusion, a few more Ayurvedic rules.

The following contributes to the maximum obtaining of ojas:

Eating fresh food according to the season and grown in the area where you live;

Eating most of the daily diet at lunch, when the "digestive fire" is most intense. Eat dinner before sunset and a little so that the food is digested before bedtime. Breakfast should be light;

The regularity of eating every day at the same time, but after feeling hungry. No snacking between meals;

Refusal to eat at night. This disrupts the circulation of energy within the body. In accordance with biorhythms, the energy is in the stomach in the morning, at noon - in small intestine, and in the evening it goes to the kidneys and then to completely different organs that are absolutely not related to digestion. Eating at night disrupts this rhythm, part of the energy must be transferred back to digestive organs, but this is not enough - you go to bed with undigested food, which contributes to the formation of ama (mucus) in the body;

Negative emotions harm digestion. Therefore, eat alone or with people to whom you are sincerely disposed;

Before and after eating, thank the Lord, offer food to Him first, and then eat yourself.

Many people have such strong eating habits, and they are literally "ossified" in them, that they do not want to hear anything about changing their diet, getting rid of harmful foods. They prefer to get sick and die, but not to change their point of view on a vicious diet. These people need to first reconsider their life priorities and positions. Then cleanse the field form of life according to the method I proposed in the book “Complete Cleansing of the Body”, and then try to change the diet.

Be smart, don't indulge your destructive taste habits.

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