Pain in the left foot from above. What to do if the leg hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot from above

Pain that occurs on top of the foot causes stiffness and tension when moving. The swelling that accompanies the pain prevents the use of habitual shoes. Doctors - a traumatologist, surgeon, orthopedist or rheumatologist - on the basis of examinations will help to understand the reason. Consider the causes of the disease.

The cause of pain in the top of the foot and swelling is a busy day spent in constant walking. As a result, by the evening the muscles of the legs are overworked, and the bones are pressed in and therefore hurt. Insufficient physical activity entails weakening of the ligaments and muscle tissues, which leads to dislocations of the joints and feet.

Improper nutrition affects the condition of bones. An imbalance in food intake, the use of a diet that involves eating only one of the necessary elements, leads to brittleness and destruction of bones. The risk of fracture increases.

In women, the cause is the body's natural tendency to hormonal changes, pressure on the legs during pregnancy, the withdrawal of calcium after the birth of the child and as a result of feeding, as well as illness after menopause.

Causes of leg pain:

  • arthrosis of the ankle;
  • flat feet;
  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • injuries in the form of bruises or fractures;
  • diabetic foot;
  • horse foot;
  • valgus curvature;
  • spur on the heel;
  • inflammatory processes of a purulent nature;
  • marching foot.

Excess weight provokes both foot pain in the ascent and the occurrence of a number of other serious diseases. The reason is the excess load on the foot.

Arthrosis of the ankle

Causes of pain in the instep of the foot may be in the disease dystrophic type destroying the cartilaginous tissues of the toes. The disease is manifested by a crunch and the instep of the foot hurts. With the progress of the disease, the formations on the bone tissue increase, the pain intensifies, the leg constantly swells. Fingers are subject to spontaneous dislocations.

flat feet

The disease is both congenital and acquired. Often occurs during childhood and adolescence due to weak muscles and loads. The imprint of the foot changes shape. Characterized by fatigue and pain when walking. The foot hurts in the area of ​​instep and sole even with slight palpation.

If the disease is not treated, the pain spreads to the knees, back, spine. On the skin, at the junction of bones, calluses form.


Occurs as a result of violations in the metabolic process. Due to the accumulation of uric acid, growths appear, the foot is deformed. The foot is swollen. A strong pain syndrome manifests itself when trying to start moving. Men over middle age are prone to the disease.


It is characterized by destructive processes in the globules of the foot. There is swelling on top of the foot, affecting mobility, manifestations of pain. When arthritis of the infectious and allergic-infectious type occurs, the body temperature rises.

Fractures and bruises

Injuries occur from hitting something hard or from lifting and carrying heavy objects. Bruises are characterized by severe instant pain and the appearance of hematomas. A fracture causes swelling, extensive hematomas. motor function can be saved. The pain from strong and sharp is transformed into a dull and aching, progressing when walking.

diabetic foot

The disease manifests itself in insufficient treatment type 1 diabetes. Due to impaired blood supply and inflammatory processes in the vessels, lameness and appears.

horse foot

It has the character of a congenital or acquired anomaly and is characterized by a bending of the sole in the ankle of a persistent nature. The patient is able to walk, relying on only one part of the foot: heel, toe or side of the sole.

Reasons for the anomaly:

  • failures in the development of the embryo;
  • narrowing of the ankle joint;
  • damage in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve;
  • poliomyelitis disease;
  • polyneuritis;
  • spastic hemiparesis.

Appear rough skin folds on top of the foot, soreness in the place of constant support. All components of the foot undergo changes.

Valgus curvature

The incidence of this disease in women is higher than in men. The reasons are uncomfortable shoes with a narrow toe and high heels. The fingers are under constant pressure. The loams gradually bend and form a valgus angle. There is frequent swelling in the legs.

Spur on the heel

Formed for reasons:

  • stay in a standing position, work on your feet;
  • frequent carrying of weights;
  • the problem of excess weight;
  • flatfoot problems.

Often occurs in people with congenital weakness in the connective muscles of the legs.

Pain occurs in the morning, at the beginning of the movement after long period rest.

Inflammatory processes of a purulent nature

A common type of disease of this type is panaritium. Inflammation begins due to the penetration of purulent bacteria into the site of tendon lintels, through cuts, splinters or abrasions. Panatsir is divided into:

  • subungual;
  • tendinous;
  • bone;
  • articular;
  • subcutaneous.

Characterized acute pain in the area of ​​the instep. The damaged area swells, the temperature rises in this area of ​​​​the skin.

marching foot

Manifested by pain on top of the foot and occurs due to unusual loads on the legs. Often occurs as a result of carrying weights, walking on stairs.

Often appears with soldiers at the beginning of the service, after marches, from where it got its name.

Diagnostic measures

Establishing a diagnosis is not difficult. The symptoms are pronounced visual inspection doctor, listening to complaints and feeling the place of occurrence discomfort, enough. To confirm the diagnosis and choose a method of treatment, examinations are carried out:

  • x-ray procedure;
  • general analysis of blood and urine.

Procedures carried out with the help of devices allow you to see the state of bone tissue. General analysis blood and urine is necessary to establish the state of the body, and identify pathological processes and organisms in the patient's body.

Treatment of pain and swelling on top of the foot

Pain and swelling on top of the foot are treated taking into account the cause of discomfort in this area, the severity of the underlying disease, and the characteristics of the patient's body.

On early stages use conservative approaches in therapy. With fasciitis, flat feet and the problem of the marching foot, the wearing of orthopedic shoes or insoles is prescribed to help the correct distribution of loads. For arthrosis and arthritis, drugs are prescribed, including anesthetics, corticosteroids, chondroprotectors and antibiotics. In case of fractures and valgus deformity of the foot, fixation of the damaged areas is necessary.

These diseases are treated with massage and courses of physiotherapy. Surgical intervention is used in cases of futility of conservative methods or in advanced stages.

The recommendation for the treatment and prevention of these diseases is the rejection of bad habits. Diet, with the rejection of fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods, has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. It is important to use comfortable, non-constricting shoes.

A bump on the top of the foot on the rise is a symptom various diseases. Such education may be:

  • at the base of the first toe;
  • on the rise.

The location depends on the cause of the disease. In some cases, a bump that occurs on the instep of the foot is not associated with another disease and is an independent pathology. But its appearance is accompanied by pain and discomfort, difficulties in choosing comfortable shoes.

More often this problem occurs in women due to underdeveloped muscular system. The bump also develops in the child due to the muscles and ligaments that have not fully formed. It may disappear or form again, but this does not mean that everything will be resolved on its own - the disease can progress. Therefore, it is important to apply for medical care to the doctor.

Why does a formation occur on the top of the foot?

The appearance of a bump on the top of the foot is associated with existing general and local risk factors that have a long-term effect on the body.

For women, the main reason is constant wear tight, with a narrow toe shoes with heels up to 15 cm high. The load is unevenly distributed: the pressure of the entire body weight falls on the fingers. This leads to deformation of the foot, causes the development of curvature and growths. With a long-term high load, the metatarsal bones diverge, horizontal flat feet develop, and seals occur.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Often the formation of foot deformity occurs simultaneously for several reasons. Its development is facilitated by:

  1. Eating disorder.
  2. Hypovitaminosis and lack of collagen.
  3. Change in basal exchange.

With prolonged exposure to such disorders develop:

  1. Gout - failure in purine metabolism: uric acid is deposited in the joints with the formation of nodules (tophi) mainly near the first toe.
  2. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density due to a lack of calcium: the bones become brittle, their fragility increases. Even a slight bruise can cause a fracture.
  3. Arthrosis - degenerative-dystrophic phenomena in the joint, leading to the destruction of cartilage and joint deformity.

TO etiological factors, contributing to the fact that the limb through certain time can be deformed with the development of thickening on the foot, also include:

  1. Transverse flat foot. Thanks to the normally raised arch of the foot, the weight of the body is distributed evenly, balance is maintained, and the support function is performed. If the arch falls, the bones come together, the joints are compressed, and at the same time, the tendons and ligaments are stretched. With heavy physical exertion, the foot is deformed, growths and curvature are formed.
  2. Heredity: a bump on the rise in one of the parents increases the risk of its development in the child in the future.
  3. Injuries - bruises, dislocations, sprains varying degrees gravity, incorrect choice shoes. People are suffering professional activity which is associated with large loads on the feet, a high probability of developing injuries (athletes, ballerinas).
  4. Arthritis is an inflammation accompanied by deformation and destruction of joint tissues (bone and cartilage). The form changes, its function is reduced or completely lost. Neoplasms on the arch of the foot are associated with the development of not only arthritis, but also bursitis (with the involvement of the articular bag). They are called osteophytes.
  5. Periostitis - inflammatory process that affects the periosteum, with a transition to the surrounding tissues.

More often, due to developing changes in the shape of the foot, women have to suffer due to large and prolonged losses of calcium in menstrual period and during pregnancy and wearing fashion shoes. This causes brittleness and brittleness of the bones. In men, changes occur after past injuries(dislocations, fractures, bruises).

Characteristic features

The development of a bone on the top of the foot is clinically manifested by one or more general symptoms. There are:

  • pain of a different nature;
  • hyperemia and edema;
  • tension during prolonged stay on the legs;
  • numbness of the toes;
  • restriction in movements;
  • gait uncertainty.

The listed manifestations accompany pronounced curvature of the foot in the form of:

  • outward deviation of the thumb;
  • other protruding bones (bumps) or calluses;
  • abscess - inflammation of soft tissues with the formation of purulent contents.

All changes require the elimination of the defect, in many cases - surgically. Without timely treatment, the pathological process progresses and causes the development of complications.

Types of formations

Localization, structure and clinical manifestations of neoplasms on the instep of the foot are different and depend on the causes that caused them. Several types of pathological changes in the upper part of the foot are described:

  1. Hygroma - a cyst on the tendon, can grow in the middle of the fold of the foot.
  2. Exostosis is a single and multiple benign growth on the surface of the bone. Can develop and grow from cartilage tissue, which ossifies over time. Often appears on the ankle. It is inherited.
  3. Lipoma is a wen.
  4. Fibroma is a neoplasm of connective tissue.
  5. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the wall of a venous vessel.
  6. Keratoderma (diffuse silt focal) is a violation of the keratinization of the skin, mainly the growth of the epidermis occurs on the sole.
  7. Phlegmon is an acute purulent-inflammatory phenomenon in soft tissues.
  8. A wart is a disease caused by the human papillomavirus.
  9. A callus is a keratinized area of ​​the skin that is the result of prolonged friction or pressure of shoes on the foot.
  10. Keller's disease is a growth on the flexion of the foot that occurs due to progressive dystrophic processes in bone tissue. Complicated by aseptic necrosis.


Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins, followed by the formation of a blood clot. It is characterized by compaction and hyperemia along the venous vessels with the development of dark blue nodules. When pressed, pain occurs, followed by swelling, a local increase in temperature.

Thrombophlebitis is a common pathology, refers to complications varicose disease. After a stroke or major surgery, when the patient long time does not get out of bed, the pathology develops over several days. Bump on the rise - characteristic symptom with thrombophlebitis. In addition to a tumor that develops due to inflammation of the vein, other clinical signs appear:

  • hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin;
  • pain symptom when pressed;
  • pigmentation associated with impaired blood circulation at the site of the affected vein.

Such symptoms are characteristic of inflammation and the development of a blood clot in the superficial veins.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis develops acutely and requires urgent hospitalization. Pathology is treated using therapeutic methods, but in some cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

The indications for surgery are:

  • ascending inflammation that spreads along the veins;
  • high probability of developing pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism);
  • experienced severe seizures acute thrombophlebitis in history;
  • separation of a thrombus with the probability of its getting to the place of reunion of superficial veins with deep ones.

The operation is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • severe vascular or cardiac pathology;
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • infectious inflammation of the skin (erysipelas, eczema);
  • varicose veins in the later stages.

Hygroma is a benign formation filled with transparent contents of a jelly-like consistency (mucus or fibrin). It is a cyst associated with a tendon or joint capsule. It is limited by its own strong connective tissue sheath. It has the appearance of a dense bump rising in the middle of the ankle, ranging in size from 3 mm to 7 cm. It is formed under the influence various factors including heredity. Common causes are constant physical activity (in athletes), traumatic injury joints.

When a cyst appears, there are complaints of an unaesthetic appearance and discomfort in the leg. If the hygroma reaches a huge size, it compresses small blood vessels, nerve endings.

Due to progressive tissue compression, tendon inflammation and joint capsule occurs:

  • pain in the bump and around it with pressure, walking;
  • stiffness of movements (it interferes with climbing stairs and bending the foot when walking calmly);
  • hyperthermia (temperature rise to 40 ° C) with developing purulent inflammation.

Hygroma develops as a result of an inflammatory lesion:

  • synovial sheath of muscle tendons (tenosynovitis);
  • mucous membrane of the periarticular sac (bursitis).

Because of frequent injuries and violation of the integrity of these membranes, the epithelium, consisting of secretory cells, is replaced by fibrous tissue. A scar is formed: it fills the defect that has arisen, but does not withstand high pressure, heavy loads and extends beyond the capsule. Gradually, the formation of hygroma occurs - additional cavity. In the structure of its walls, 2 types of pathological cells are distinguished:

  • spindle-shaped - form a hygroma capsule;
  • spherical - secrete fluid that fills the cyst.

If even a small area of ​​its tissue remains during the removal of the neoplasm, the hygroma recurs. This explains the lack of effect from conservative therapy and traditional medicine, which cannot completely cure the cyst.

Hygroma is single, but there are cases of several closely spaced cysts. They are characterized by:

  • elastic structure, although some neoplasms are dense and hard;
  • small area;
  • immobility - firmly attached to the tendon;
  • slight displacement of the skin over an uninfected cyst;
  • pain on pressure;
  • constant severe pain when close to the nerve.

The development of a tendon cyst is a long process, but sometimes its growth occurs rapidly. If an anastomosis has formed that connects the hygroma with the joint cavity, its size may decrease, and during heavy physical exertion it may increase.

Regardless of the complex therapeutic treatment, complete resorption of the cyst does not occur, and its breakthrough in a natural way is also impossible.

Foot valgus is a common orthopedic disease. It begins with disorders in the first metatarsophalangeal joint: the first finger deviates outward, and metatarsal- to the inside. As a result, the angle between the metatarsal bones changes, and all elements of the foot are displaced. The protruding joint becomes a bump protruding from the side near the first finger. The leg is also subject to valgus small child under the influence of unfavorable factors.

In the absence of timely treatment, flat-valgus deformity gradually begins to form. It changes the appearance of the foot, causes dysfunction of all its structures: ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones. The lump interferes with wearing normal shoes and hurts.

Taylor deformity

Tailor in English means tailor. Foot pathology under this name was described hundreds of years ago. Tailors and apprentices during work occupied a forced position: for a long time they sat on the floor with their legs crossed. There was a deformation of the little finger as a result constant pressure on his bones. The tailor's foot is a change in the shape of the foot, in which the fifth metatarsal bone deviates outward, and the little toe curves inward from the midline. A varus deformity (mirror reflection of the valgus) is formed in the form of a bump at the base of the fifth finger.

Diagnostic methods

To effectively treat the pathology that leads to the formation of a bump, get rid of any protrusion that makes the top of the foot uneven, you need to early stages accurately identify the disease.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are needed:

  • foot x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of the modified joint - additional method diagnostics, used to examine the child;
  • laboratory tests to exclude gout, rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis of other etiologies.

How to treat bumps on the foot?

After clarifying the diagnosis, the underlying disease that caused the formation of the bump is treated. Therapy consists in eliminating the possible cause of its development, is carried out in a complex using:

  • medicines;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

IN advanced cases growths are removed:

  • operational method;
  • cryodestruction;
  • shock wave action;
  • laser.

If medical therapy fails and if pronounced change foot shapes apply surgical intervention. The operation prevents recurrence. At the initial stage of the disease it is necessary:

  • providing rest;
  • purchase of comfortable shoes;
  • the use of orthoses (foot supports) - insoles, heel pads, silicone interdigital inserts, night bandages;
  • conducting physiotherapy.

In terms of effectiveness, the second place after operations is occupied by physiotherapeutic methods. The most successful and effective in the initial stages of the disease:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;

Therapeutic methods cannot achieve the disappearance of the deformity. They act symptomatically: relieve inflammation, pain, swelling. Drug therapy may not be used in all cases. For example, hygroma is not treated with medication.

Arthritis or arthrosis also require complex treatment. Apply:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - non-hormonal (NSAIDs), in severe cases- hormonal (GCS);
  • painkillers to relieve pain;
  • chondroprotectors that restore the structure of cartilage.

Gout is treated with:

  • diets - the consumption of meat and fish, spinach, legumes is limited, it is necessary complete failure from alcohol;
  • Allopurinol - to stabilize the level of uric acid;
  • NSAIDs - to relieve inflammation;
  • massage with other physiotherapy procedures (dry heat, phonophoresis with corticosteroids, ultraphoresis, mud therapy) - to reduce small tophi (accumulation of urate in the joint of the first finger).

Flat feet at the initial stages of development can be corrected by physiotherapy exercises, wearing specially selected orthopedic shoes.

Injuries require immediate medical attention to avoid complications.

Hygroma is treated with:

  • blockades;
  • punctures;
  • crushing;
  • sclerotherapy, when, after removing the contents of the cyst, a special composition is introduced for disinfection, accelerating the healing process.

Indications for radical treatment are:

  • lack of effect from conservative methods of treatment;
  • high degrees of existing pathology;
  • sharp progression of pathology;
  • poorly corrected violation of all functions of the foot;
  • rough aesthetic flaws(the desire of the patient to remove the deformity and wear elegant shoes).

The use of traditional medicine methods will not get rid of an already formed bump, which has a bone or other structure, is damage to the joint or the result of its deformation. The use of ointments, tinctures, lotions will not lead to the disappearance of the bone growth. They act symptomatically: they relieve pain for a while, without reducing the size of the bump.

It is not worth choosing a treatment on your own. Before you start using traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the best method for influencing the altered joint with a specific diagnosis.

Self-medication can cause a deterioration in the condition: it will cause an exacerbation of the disease or its complication.

It is useful and safe to use relaxing foot baths with herbs (chamomile) or saline solution and soda. They reduce muscle tension and pain.

Natural remedies should be used with caution. At home, prepare decoctions, compresses, tinctures. Effective Recipes:

  1. Tincture on onion peel: it is poured with table vinegar in equal proportions, insisted for 2 weeks. Tincture is used in the form of compresses on the changed part of the foot.
  2. Compresses with gruel from grated raw potatoes anesthetize, relieve swelling.
  3. Iodine nets on the bone are effective on initial stages.
  4. Iodine with Aspirin: 5 tablets of Aspirin are dissolved in 10 ml of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine, insisted for a day. The resulting solution is lubricated with a sore spot before going to bed, put on warm socks. Course treatment - 3 weeks.
  5. Bay leaf relieves inflammation well: 5 crushed large leaves are placed in a bottle of ammonia (100 ml), infused for 7 days. Before using the tincture, the feet soar in a soda bath (for 3 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of soda). The bones are lubricated with the resulting solution, put on socks. The course of treatment is 2 months.

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of neoplasms on the foot. But it is impossible to radically get rid of it completely with the help of such methods. Such therapy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in the initial stages of the pathology. Apply folk ways it is necessary as part of a complex treatment prescribed by a doctor, as an addition to the main one.


Even after successful treatment, a lump on the foot of a person may reappear. This is due to many factors. In order to prevent re-curvature of the bones of the foot, it is recommended to adhere to several mandatory rules:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials with low heels (4–6 cm). In places where the bumps come into contact with the shoes, use a soft liner.
  2. During heavy physical exertion at work, take breaks to rest your legs.
  3. Use orthopedic shoes, which reduces the load on the foot, since the leg is securely fastened with rigid fixing inserts.
  4. With a sedentary lifestyle, do gymnastics: regularly do a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  5. In case of traumatic injury, be sure to consult a doctor.
  6. To improve blood circulation, walk more barefoot on sand, small pebbles, and use special massage mats in winter.
  7. Courses to take multivitamins and calcium.
  8. Eat right: include vegetables, fruits, fish in the diet (it contains substances that are useful for the joints).
  9. Start treatment of diseases of bones, joints, blood vessels in the early stages.

To prevent deformities, it is important to maintain foot hygiene. If discomfort, pain or lump formation occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Only a specialist will help cure the pathology in a short time and explain how to prevent the development of complications.

Pain in the foot when walking can be different reasons. If discomfort in the feet passed after a while, then there is no reason for excitement. But regular pain in the feet can be a definite sign of the disease. The exact conclusion of the disease can only be made by a specialist - a neurologist or an orthopedist.

Pain on the outside side

If you have noted pain on the outside of the foot, you should focus on this special interest. If such pain there are no visible reasons for this, then it will be necessary to contact specialists to identify the causes of these pains. The classification of pain in the feet can be divided according to various criteria.

Where does the pain come from?

  1. You wear uncomfortable shoes.
  2. You have lesions of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus.
  3. Arthritis and arthrosis are present.
  4. Any other injuries and pathologies in the foot.

Uncomfortable shoes

Such prerequisites for pain in the legs do not need medical care from experts. But you must not forget that over time, when wearing such shoes, even if it seems to you that the foot has already got used to it and the shoes have stretched, the foot continues to deform further.

With a period, the pain returns again, however, they will already bear a sign of significant damage to the articular-ligamentous apparatus. The disease will affect even the entire spine of a person.

Injuries that provoke pain on the outside of the foot can be divided into the following varieties:

  1. Stretching. There is a sprain in the ankle area. The most common type of foot pain. Often the ankle “goes” inside the shoe and is subjected to sprain and displacement of the ligaments.
  2. Fatigue fracture. Appears under the influence of frequently repeated microtraumas. Pain from fractures that involve the heel and navicular bone placed on outside feet. Such a fracture provokes pain throughout the foot. At the initial stages, pain in the foot is not pronounced, has a pulling appearance, the violation may not be recognized on the pictures. Often such a violation is diagnosed in professional athletes.
  3. The most rare disorder is cuboid bone syndrome. It happens direct and indirect. The bone is compressed between other bones, which can cause a dislocation of the calcaneal plexus. Similar disorders are more common in dancers and cyclists.

Disorders in the tendon-ligamentous apparatus

Types of violations:

  1. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation in the fasciae of the foot. Appears due to heavy loads on the legs. Pain occurs in the morning.
  2. Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the calcaneal tendon. Excessive pain sensations are located in the area of ​​​​the outer heel. There is a violation of the mobility of the foot.
  3. Ligamentitis is an inflamed process in the ligaments that accompanies excessive, sharp pain.

The therapy is conservative in nature, includes massage, physiotherapy exercises, wearing special shoes. In addition, special creams, gels can be prescribed.

Arthritis and arthrosis

The therapy is conservative. It includes procedures in the area of ​​the foot, taking a course of NSAIDs and hormones, with an infectious course - taking antibiotics. Exacerbation of gout is removed by eliminating uric acid residues from the human body. In certain cases, surgery is indicated.

Foot pain under toes

Pain in the foot under the toes can be provoked big amount various reasons, which may include various injuries, violations, wrong shoes, diseases, viruses.

Injuries due to external influence

A frequent reason for this is the incorrect position of the foot, which leads to violations of the impact of vector forces. If you wear high heels, shoes with excessive laces, your shoes are too hard, then this can cause hematomas in the pressure zone, because of this, the pads of the toes can often hurt.

Sprains, fractures

They usually appear suddenly. Provoke various tensions in the muscles of the foot.

They appear, for example, when hitting an object. In this case, they can hurt when walking the foot in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first and second fingers.

Injuries that are provoked by pressure or caused by a sharp turn of the foot

May cause stress damage to bones and joints. Blunt injuries, which can occur, for example, due to stepping on the foot of another person, they lead to ligament and muscle disorders.

Wrong shoes

Often, improperly fitting shoes can be a factor that provokes violations in the foot. Wearing heels can often respond with pain in the foot under the toes.

Direct Injuries

Such injuries can cause bruising, bruising, skin ruptures, and even bone fractures.

Pain in the side of the foot from the inside

First, it should be noted that the foot can also hurt after injury, sprains, bruises, dislocations. What other causes of pain in the foot from the side with inside:

  1. Flat feet. The most common reason for pain on the side from the inside. Such a disease can be congenital, but this is extremely rare. Often the disease is acquired. The causes of its occurrence are the influence of weights, the wrong shoes, sedentary image life and diseases of the spine. Flat feet occur at any age.
  2. Heel spur. Pain, usually with this disorder, appears in the heel during movement, gives pain during inner part feet. With this disease, bone deformation occurs, an outgrowth occurs on the heel, which will put pressure on the skin, causing its inflammatory process.
  3. Arthritis. Caused pain in any area of ​​the foot can trigger arthritis. This disease entails inflammation of the joints of the feet, they begin to gradually destroy, there is a violation motor activity. If arthritis is left untreated, then the damaged joint will cease to function and it will become overgrown with bone tissue.
  4. Osteoporosis. With this disease, the entire foot can hurt, including its inner part. The damage occurs to the bone tissue. A disease appears when in the tissues of the legs there is a deterioration in blood circulation and pathology of the nutrition of the bones, they acquire increased fragility, are easily injured and broken.
  5. Obliterating endarteritis. Pain in this disease appears due to pathologies in the blood circulation. Spasm occurs first, thickening occurs over time vascular wall, and they simply grow together, preventing normal blood circulation. As a result, the tissues of the feet are completely left without nutrition and begin to necrosis. Following gangrene appears, which entails the amputation of the leg.

Only a specialist is engaged in the treatment of pain in the feet on the side, since pain may indicate the presence of one of the diseases listed above. First, a person makes an appointment with a therapist. If the doctor sees fit, he will refer you to a specialist, such as an orthopedist.

Pain in the top of the foot with inflammation

Pain that appears on top of the foot provokes stiffness and tension when moving. The swelling that accompanies the pain prevents you from wearing ordinary shoes. Specialists - orthopedist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, surgeon - are able to understand the causes of such a disease.

Causes of pain on top of the foot

  1. Arthrosis. The causes of pain in the foot can be a disease of a dystrophic variety, which destroys the cartilage and tissues of the toes. The disease is accompanied by a crunch and pain in the instep of the foot. With the progression of the disease, the formations on the bones grow, pain increases, the leg begins to swell constantly. Fingers spontaneously go to the side.
  2. Flat feet. Flat feet can be congenital, but this is very rare. Often this disease is acquired. You can tell if you have flat feet by looking at your footprints. If it is completely imprinted, you have flat feet. Expressed special pain when walking. If the disease is not treated, then the pain extends to the knee joints, back and spinal column. Calluses form on the skin.
  3. Gout. Appears due to pathologies in metabolism. Due to the accumulation of uric acid, growths appear, the foot begins to deform. The leg swells, an intense pain syndrome appears, it becomes more difficult to walk.
  4. Arthritis - destruction in the swamps of the foot. There is swelling from above, which affects mobility. With the appearance of arthritis of an infectious nature, an increase in body temperature occurs.
  5. Injuries, fractures, bruises. With any physical impact, depending on the strength, swelling of the tissues of the leg occurs.
  6. Diabetic foot. The disease occurs with improper treatment of diabetes mellitus. Due to pathologies of blood supply and inflammation in the vessels, swelling occurs on the top of the foot.
  7. Heel spurs. They often occur in people who are predisposed to the appearance of spurs. Often these people have congenital weakness in the muscles of the feet.
  8. Horse foot. May be congenital or acquired. It is characterized by the bend of the foot. The patient is able to move only, relying on one part of the foot.
  9. Purulent inflammation. A common type of disease of this type is panacirium. The inflammatory process is due to the penetration of purulent microorganisms into the place of tendon lintels through splinters, cuts, scratches.
  10. Valgus curvature. Women suffer from this disease more often than men. The reasons are considered uncomfortable shoes with a narrowed toe and high heels. The fingers are under constant pressure. Over time, the arching of the suglobs occurs. The legs may often swell.

Pain and swelling on top of the foot are cured based on the causes of discomfort in this area. At the initial stages, conservative methods of treatment are used. In addition to the usual methods of conservative treatment, physiotherapy exercises, massage, courses of physiotherapy procedures are also used. Operations are carried out if the above methods are useless in the cure.

Pain in the top of the foot when walking without signs of inflammation

The most common causes when pain appears in the foot from above, and the foot itself has swelling, are:

  • The most common cause is banal muscle strain. As a rule, before this a person walked a lot, especially if he was wearing heels.
  • Injuries, bruises. The resulting injury may be accompanied by swelling in the impact zone. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray of the foot.
  • Flat feet.
  • Inflammatory process in the joints and their dystrophic changes - arthritis, arthrosis. Not only the foot suffers, but also the knee joints and lower legs. Diseases can often take on an autoimmune appearance when both the soft tissues and the surrounding joints are affected.
  • Various deformities of the lower legs.

In case of foot pain from above, in addition to removing the causes of the disease, one should carry out symptomatic treatment. Be sure to visit a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis. You can use a variety of baths, compresses, massages on your own.


Often, doctors can hear a lot of complaints from patients about pain in the foot when moving. Such a symptom can be of a very different nature: aching, cutting, sharp, baking, etc. The reasons for the formation of pain in the foot can be very diverse. The disease should be judged by the localization of unpleasant sensations.

Diseases that can cause discomfort in the foot:

It is important to realize that the legs receive significant stress daily. For this reason, a person needs to try to facilitate their work. For this purpose, it is required to guarantee rest and relaxation for the legs after a hard day's work, try to reduce the load on the legs in the form of excess weight.

Foot pain in a child

The formation of children's feet goes on in infancy, despite the fact that children learn to walk only after a year. The bones of the foot develop very actively, and this part is the most rapidly developing part of the entire children's skeleton. The first sign of violations are pain in the foot. For this reason, with any complaints from a child, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor for later, but to contact a pediatric vertebrologist for advice.

Why do children get foot pain?

  • Simple injuries, bruises, sprains, fractures.
  • Various pathologies of the feet. This may include flat feet. In such patients, as a rule, there is a shift in the center of gravity. This is due to excess weight, pathologies in posture, weakness of the muscles of the back and legs.
  • Long-lasting chronic diseases of an infectious nature with placement in the nasopharynx, oral cavity. This may cause immune disorders, and they, in turn, lead to arthrosis, arthritis and other pathologies with the legs.
  • Congenital and acquired disorders in the heart and blood vessels. They lead to pathologies in the blood supply to the peripheral parts of the body. This can lead to permanent hypoxia and the formation of cold extremities.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamin groups and microelements in the child's diet. This can lead to leg cramps and pain. In addition, pain spasms of a similar nature can occur with intense stress on the child's developing organism.
  • Severe course of infectious diseases. Can lead to the formation of a septic process and the development of arthritis. Typically, these events are associated with low level immune forces, predisposition of the child to allergies.
  • Pain in the foot can characterize the condition acute poisoning especially in viral diseases.
  • Stressful situations in a child, excessive emotionality, physical fatigue - frequent companions development of foot pain.

Treatment of childhood foot diseases should first be entrusted to a pediatrician. If special indications are identified, the child may be referred to pediatrician orthopedist, neurologist, traumatologist. These doctors prescribe certain treatment regimens, which may include conservative methods, physiotherapy exercises and massage.

During pregnancy

Pain in the feet during pregnancy can occur for various reasons. However, it is important to understand in which situations this is a fairly harmless phenomenon, and in which situations we are talking about a serious violation. In any case, should not be ignored similar symptoms and it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible.

The fact that feet can hurt during pregnancy is a phenomenon known even for men. There is nothing surprising in this, since a pregnant woman, especially on later dates pregnancy, it can be very difficult to carry your baby. This happens for the reason that during pregnancy, the center of gravity of a woman shifts to the other side, which forms an additional load on the lower limbs. Similar discomfort and pain will be pleasant to few people.

Why does a pregnant woman have leg pain?

  • Increased body weight.
  • The center of gravity has shifted.
  • Accumulation excess water in the body, which can lead to swelling and throbbing pain.
  • Constantly appearing pain in the lower extremities during pregnancy, their swollen appearance is often associated with varicose veins veins.
  • Seizures. May appear due to high concentration progesterone in the bloodstream.
  • Flat feet.

How to relieve pain in the legs of a pregnant woman

Often a pregnant woman is able to provide herself with great help with this difficulty. To this end, it is necessary to adhere to specific principles:

  • You should drink the right amount of water. There will be much more edema if the body is dehydrated.
  • Salt intake should be monitored as it promotes salt retention in the body.
  • A balanced diet is important.
  • You should monitor your own weight and prevent it from increasing above the normal value.
  • Try to rest when you feel tired in your legs.

Which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing yourself constant pain in the feet, you must first consult a general practitioner. He will conduct an examination, make a conclusion and, if necessary, send you to a specialist doctor.

As a rule, several doctors can deal with such problems:


If pain occurs in the feet, treatment is prescribed exclusively by the attending specialist based on the examinations. During therapy, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wear special insoles (orthopedic), which are selected for each person individually;
  • Limit the load on the sore foot;
  • Wear orthopedic shoes;
  • Women are advised not to wear shoes with heels during treatment.

Conservative method of treatment

Given the causes of the disease, the patient is prescribed a reception of specific categories medicinal products. They belong to:

  1. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Warming ointments and various rubbing.
  4. Chondroprotectors.

In case of injuries of bones and ligaments, the patient is prescribed dressings from elastic bandages, taping and applying splints or plaster on a sore leg. Eliminate discomfort and pain massotherapy. This procedure helps to normalize local blood circulation, improves lymph flow and metabolic processes.


In the treatment of such diseases as tendovaginitis and flat feet, gymnastics is considered an important component. WITH therapeutic purpose The following exercises are recommended:

  • Rotating movements of the feet. This type of exercise is recommended for execution in a sitting or lying position. Rotations are carried out simultaneously. The exercise is performed 10 times on each side.
  • Lifting objects with toes. For this purpose, it is recommended to grab pencils or fabrics with fingers from the floor.
  • Take a small ball and roll it around with your feet. Tennis balls can work well for this purpose. When performing this exercise, the legs must be bare.

Alternative treatment

Traditional medicine techniques can be used as an effective addition to conservative methods of therapy. For therapeutic purposes, the following methods are used:

  1. Taking foot baths. It is possible to eliminate discomfort and pain with the help of warm baths with the addition of essential oils(juniper, tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus). For the purpose of cooking therapeutic bath you should pour water into the basin and add 5 drops of natural oil of your choice to it. The water must be warm.
  2. Application contrast shower for legs. This procedure helps to normalize blood circulation in the legs and hardens the body as a whole.
  3. Cold therapy. Applying ice packs helps eliminate local inflammation and swelling. In this procedure, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to provoke hypothermia of the body. The ice holding time is 2-3 minutes.

The use of alternative treatment methods is allowed only if these methods are confirmed with a specialist.

Interesting video:

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Our feet perform essential functions. And if discomfort arises in them, then this can interfere with normal movement. And because of what can arise from above? Let's figure it out!

Causes of pain

So you are on top. With what it can be connected? Possible reasons some. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. . The arch of the foot supports the foot while walking. It should be slightly elevated in order to evenly distribute weight, maintain balance and perform the function of a support. But in some cases, the arch of the foot may drop. This leads to the fact that the bones come together, the joints are compressed, the tendons and ligaments are stretched. And all these changes lead to pain (especially during movement and stress), which may well be localized in any part of the foot, including the top.
  2. And . Both of these diseases are characterized by damage to the joints, in which their deformation and destruction occur. Any joints can be subjected to such changes, including the upper part of the foot. The difference between these two diseases is that arthrosis is most likely age problem. That is, with age, the body is no longer able to regenerate all tissues. And arthritis, according to doctors, is an autoimmune condition in which the cells of the body, for some reason, begin to attack the joints. Pain can occur both during movement and at rest (even at night).
  3. If the upper part of the foot hurts, then the doctor can make such a diagnosis as "marching foot". This interesting phrase describes a condition in which some deformities occur in the foot, leading to a change in the bone structure and pain. Most often this happens after loads associated with frequent climbing stairs, marching, lifting weights and other similar physical activity. Due to these loads on the joints and ligaments of the foot, it turns out to be too strong pressure. On this pathology soldiers complain most often (especially in the first days and months of service).
  4. - This is a single benign formation in the periarticular region. It is an accumulation of fluid and mucus with other pathological impurities. Outwardly, it looks like a rather dense one, towering above the foot. It can occur due to heavy loads or uncomfortable shoes. At first, the hygroma does not make itself felt, but then, as it increases, it begins to grow and hurt (especially after exertion). If the tumor grows strongly, then the synovial bag will suffer, pain in the joint will occur.
  5. - This is also a neoplasm localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendon joints. It is a collection nerve cells and liquids. The manifestations of this disease and its causes are almost the same as in the case of hygroma.
  6. . If something heavy fell on the foot, or you just hit it, then it is logical that the pain sensations are associated precisely with the injury. The pain immediately after the impact may be strong and sharp, then it will become aching and dull, and will increase with movement.
  7. is the deposition of uric acid in the joints. There is paroxysmal, sharp and sometimes very severe pain (especially at night and), mobility worsens. The cause of this disease may be incorrect or violations in the work of some organs.
  8. - this is inflammation of the periosteum with the subsequent possible spread of the process to other tissues. The foot may swell and hurt.

How to be?

What to do if the top of the foot hurts? First of all, you need to see a doctor. Which one exactly? It depends on the specific disease. First go to the therapist, and he will write a referral to a specific specialist. It can be a rheumatologist, surgeon, orthopedist, traumatologist. To find out the exact cause of the pain, diagnostic procedures: x-ray, ultrasonography and maybe a blood test.

Below we describe several treatment options for a particular problem, but these are just examples. Any drugs and procedures can only be prescribed by a doctor!

  1. or arthrosis require complex treatment. If we are talking specifically about arthritis, then you need to try to find out the cause of the disease (infection, problems with immunity) and eliminate it. Both diseases require the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (non-hormonal, and in severe cases hormonal). Pain syndrome relieved with painkillers. In addition, to nourish the cartilaginous and articular tissues and their nutrition, they are prescribed containing substances similar to those that make up the tissues.
  2. , basically, consists in . For example, you will need to limit the consumption of meat and fish, as well as broccoli, spinach, legumes. But you can eat cereals, milk, eggs, fruits and many vegetables. Alcohol is not allowed!
  3. can be corrected by wearing special and physiotherapy exercises. But you need to start treatment at an early stage.
  4. Foot injuries require immediate medical attention, because fractures or cracks are possible, which are fraught with quite serious consequences.
  5. Ganglion and hygroma are removed by puncturing and removing the contents of the tumor, into which a certain composition will then be introduced to disinfect and accelerate the healing process. In addition, most likely, the limb will need to be fixed in one position (for about a week). In some cases, some procedures are indicated, for example, ultraviolet irradiation.
  6. Treatment of periostitis involves the removal of inflammation. Antiallergic drugs and calcium-based vitamins to strengthen tissues are also sometimes indicated.
  7. The marching foot requires fixation of the foot for a while. Warming or paraffin baths and massages may also be prescribed.


What to do to avoid pain in the upper part of the foot? Follow some guidelines:

  • Evenly and competently distribute the load on the leg, do not overstrain the feet.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit properly.
  • Lead the right lifestyle: eat rationally and balanced, give up bad habits, try to move more.

It remains only to add that the health of your legs depends only on you. If you are more responsible and attentive, you can avoid many problems or solve them in time.

Pain in the upper part of the foot and swelling of the leg can be caused by various causes, including infectious ones.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the most common causes, due to which a slight swelling appears on top of the foot and it is very painful to walk, these are autoimmune diseases, including systemic diseases connective tissue.

These diseases are based on inadequate activation of the immune system, as a result of which it begins to perceive the body's own tissues as foreign and destroys them.

The most common autoimmune disease is rheumatoid arthritis, in which joint damage comes to the fore. Although this disease is more characteristic of the involvement of the small joints of the hands in the pathological process, in some cases there is a lesion of almost the entire musculoskeletal system, including upper divisions feet.

swells up Bottom part legs, there is pain and a feeling of stiffness, which is most pronounced in the morning.

Other diseases that cause a slight swelling on top of the foot and make it very painful to walk include rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout, and sarcoidosis.

Foot and ankle injuries

Changes hormonal balance and metabolic processes in the body can lead to a wide range most various consequences. Among metabolic and endocrine disorders, certain diseases can lead to complaints that it is very painful to walk and swollen legs:

If the foot hurts only during walking or other exercise, but does not give other reasons for concern, then this may be a manifestation of a lack of calcium in the body (the so-called osteopathy) and related pathologies in the form of rickets, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and senile osteoporosis .

By the way, pain in the foot with light pressure on the bone is in these cases a characteristic sign of the described pathology.

At rest, pain in the feet is especially severe in osteoporosis, which is caused by both injuries and inflammatory processes spreading from the ankle to the foot in the joints, bones and soft tissues. They can even lead to a complete loss of the supporting function of the legs.

Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative change cartilage tissue or disease of their "wear". It is a problem for many people who have reached middle age, when the ability of cartilage to repair itself is greatly reduced.

Over the years, the smooth, slippery surface at the ends of the bone (cartilage) wears out and loses its quality, usually resulting in swelling and pain in the toes or other joints.

Pain in the foot can also be a symptom of soft tissue damage, such as an ingrown toenail, which is accompanied by inflammation and redness of the affected areas.

Most often this happens on thumbs legs. If you do not pay attention to this problem in time, then the place of ingrowth can fester and swell up badly.

Bursitis can also be very painful for the foot. This disease is caused by bruises or chronic microtraumas that lead to inflammation. synovial bag and accumulation of exudate in it.

In addition to painful sensations, bursitis is usually accompanied by the appearance of a clear limited formations hot to the touch.

It is treated by applying a plaster splint and taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Foot pain and swelling from above develops as a result of various reasons:


In the body, the disease develops due to a failure in purine metabolism. Tophi (crystallization of uric acid) is formed in the tissues and cells of the joints. Gouty inflammation is characterized by changes in the area of ​​​​the fingers or swelling of the instep of the foot.

The foot swells and turns red, the slightest movement brings unbearable pain. Pathology wears chronic, exacerbation occurs with poor nutrition. For identification it is necessary to hand over the analysis of urine and a blood. If you do not seek help from a specialist, over time, deformation of the joints occurs.


A chronic disease characterized by premature wear of cartilage tissue. The initial symptoms of osteoarthritis are It's a dull pain and crunch in the foot.

Over time, the cartilage is destroyed and osteophytes grow, as a result, the patient begins to complain about pain. Please note that the disease leads to immobility of the joint and deformity of the fingers.



Pain in the foot when walking or at rest is distinguished by the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • capturing the entire foot;
  • local type.

The nature of the manifestation of pain and its localization may indicate the underlying factor, however, this does not mean that you can independently make attempts to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Self-medication can lead to the development serious complications.


In this case, it is difficult to isolate the overall clinical picture, since the nature of the symptoms will depend on the underlying disease.

Pain in the sole of the foot may indicate the development of osteoporosis or arthritis, which is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • pain can disturb a person even at rest, with pressure on the heel, pain may increase;
  • in the morning, there may be stiffness in the joints, numbness of the toes;
  • fatigue , even with short physical activity;
  • pain in the fingers of the lower extremities may increase after prolonged exercise or prolonged inactivity;
  • general malaise;
  • disruption of the sleep cycle;
  • deterioration in performance.

If the edema is examined visually, it is easy to detect that the affected area is swollen. The area subjected to swelling increases significantly in size.

Color changes often skin becomes blue. Edema does not exclude painful sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toes.

Swelling causes heaviness and discomfort, accompanied by pain.

If the swelling is located on top of the feet, it also spreads to the ankles. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, their progression, you should consult a doctor who will identify the cause of the disease and help eliminate the ailment.

If the leg in the rise hurts, the patient notes the following symptoms:

  1. Edema;
  2. Swelling at the site of injury;
  3. The skin takes on a bluish tint;
  4. Possible pain in the fingers;
  5. After a while, the swelling spreads to the ankle;
  6. high local temperature.

Over time, the symptoms begin to progress, so be sure to make an appointment with a therapist.

Diagnosis of sciatica

Why the feet hurt, only a qualified person can say medical specialist after the examination. First of all, a thorough objective examination of the patient is carried out, with the clarification of complaints and the collection of an anamnesis of the disease and life. To make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, the following diagnostic methods can be prescribed:

  • radiography of the affected limb;
  • ultrasound examination of the joint;
  • scintigraphy;
  • arthroscopy;
  • myelography;
  • contrast discography;
  • electrospondylography.

The exact diagnostic program is prescribed by the doctor based on the collected anamnesis and the current clinical picture.

Since pain at the top of the foot can be a symptom of many various problems To make a diagnosis, a doctor examines a person's medical history and also conducts medical tests.

Diagnosis may include a physical examination of the foot, x-rays, MRIs, or other scans. Tests for diabetes, gout, and other conditions may also be required.

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the pain.


Basic therapy will depend entirely on the diagnosis and etiology of the underlying factor. Conservative treatment not always advisable, in some cases surgery may be required.

Medical treatment may include the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • anticoagulants - with hematomas;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • vitamins and microelements.

Except drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of manual therapy, physiotherapy exercises.

In some cases, dietary adjustments may be necessary, as excess weight also negatively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, then serious complications can be avoided. Otherwise, the development of concomitant diseases, which ultimately lead to disability, is possible.

A rheumatologist is engaged in determining the cause of pain in the upper part of the foot and treating this condition, and if there is a clear connection with an injury, then an orthopedic traumatologist.

After a comprehensive examination, the most optimal treatment regimen is prescribed, which should be strictly adhered to in order to stop the progression of the disease and avoid serious complications.

Depending on the cause of pain on top of the foot, the therapeutic tactics may undergo some changes:

  • In autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus and others) is indicated long-term use corticosteroids and cytostatics.
  • With psoriatic arthritis, constant monitoring by a dermatologist is indicated.
  • If the pain on top of the foot is caused infectious causes then antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

As a means of first aid, if the next appointment with a doctor is possible only after a few days, it is permissible to use anti-inflammatory ointments, apply an ice pack (necessarily wrapped in a towel) to the leg, and in case severe pain- short-term use of painkillers.

It is important to keep the foot calm, because additional load will only aggravate the condition.

If pretty dense bump, which begins to grow and hurt, then most likely you have foot hygroma. This is a benign formation, which is the accumulation of fluid and mucus in the subcutaneous region.

As a rule, its development is caused by uncomfortable shoes or heavy loads on the legs. At first, this neoplasm does not bother the patient, but later, with pressure or during movement, it can be felt. Blunt pain in the foot.

Treatment of this disease depends on the extent of tumor growth. When magnified, it shows surgical excision hygromas.

If it is small, then the patient is pierced with a seal and the contents are pumped out, and sclerosing drugs are injected into the resulting cavity and a compressive bandage is applied.

There is no universal method for the treatment of fasciitis. As a rule, to alleviate the condition, apply symptomatic remedies in the form of painkillers, such as Advil or Ibuprofen.

To relieve swelling, doctors advise applying ice or cold compresses to the soles, limiting the load on the legs, avoiding hard surfaces, and doing exercises to stretch the lower leg several times a day.

And special attention should be paid to this in the morning, just waking up.

In severe cases of the development of this disease, surgical intervention is used, which involves the separation of the ligament of the fascia from the heel bone, which will prevent it from subsequently pulling on the bone, causing pain in the foot when walking.

This intervention is done using microsurgical instruments through two small incisions on the leg.

As a rule, the main goal in the treatment of osteoarthritis is to slow down the development of the disease and reduce pain. It is very important that the treatment contributes to the preservation of the mobility of the affected joints.

For this, foot massages are used, special exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, foot baths. As medical preparations take anti-inflammatory drugs that can reduce foot pain.

In the case of deforming arthrosis, a surgical method of treatment is used, in which bone growths are removed or a damaged joint is prosthetized.

If the patient has time to seek medical help even during the period of chilling sensations in the legs in the morning, then treatment rheumatoid arthritis will be the most efficient.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They act specifically on the inflammatory process, painful in the foot, and from the first days of admission they give a good healing effect. The most effective of them is the drug "Diclofenac forte".

Another important component medical complex- This hormonal preparations(for example, "Prednisolone"), which have a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

But it should be noted that the drugs in each case should be selected only by a doctor.

In addition, the patient will have to reconsider his diet and take time exercise specially designed for such patients.

The primary goal of treatment is to reduce pain. But often, in order to restore the work of the affected joint, surgical intervention is used. This is the so-called method of endoprosthetics, which allows you to save the patient from constant pain and lameness.

To effectively alleviate the condition of a patient with sciatica, restoration of normal metabolic processes in the intervertebral space, releasing pinched nerve roots and eliminating spasms.

For this, methods of manual therapy, acupressure and acupuncture are used. Good results gives electrical stimulation to the muscles.

In addition, the patient is invited to wear special fixing belts.

But more and more doctors are resorting to surgical methods of treating the disease.

Prevention of flat feet

It is possible to completely eliminate the risk of developing this disease if applied in practice the following recommendations:

  • wear only comfortable, correct, from the point of view of orthopedics, shoes;
  • treat everything in a timely manner infectious diseases and others pathological processes;
  • Healthy food;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • perform moderate physical activity.

In addition, one should remember the importance of a systematic preventive medical examination.

To prevent the development of this defect, it is necessary to childhood be sure to pay attention to the presence of scoliosis and treat it.

It is important to monitor your weight, choose the right shoes - the sole should be soft and the heel should be small, regularly massage the foot and perform a special set of exercises. Helps prevent the development of flat feet and reduce pain in the foot, if it already exists, wearing orthopedic insoles.

If you monitor your weight and periodically give rest to your legs, especially when working while standing, then the acquired flat feet will bypass you.

As you can see, the list of pathological changes that cause pain in the foot or above is quite large, the symptoms are serious, and the consequences can lead to disability.

But in order to avoid these frightening moments, it is enough to follow the elementary rules of life. Remember, the legs are under load all the time, do not increase it! That is:

  • watch your weight;
  • don't wear uncomfortable shoes high heel and flat soles!);
  • treat leg injuries in time;
  • avoid heavy loads on the lower limbs;
  • do regular foot massage;
  • Get into the habit of exercising your legs.

All these preventive actions will help you stay “on your feet” for a long time, literally and figuratively. Be healthy!

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