Menstruation when taking jess and jess plus. Menstruation when taking Jess: how do they go and what to do if there is a delay How to delay menstruation with Jess

When taking COCs, many women worry about how taking birth control pills will affect their menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge itself.

In this article, we will consider the cycle and nature of menstruation when taking and

Both drugs are monophasic (the ratio of hormones in each tablet is the same) microdose birth control pills, consisting of a combination of two hormones:

  • Ethinylestradiol (20 μg) - an analogue of endogenous estradiol
  • (3 mcg) - has an antiandrogenic effect

The only difference between them is that the Jess plus blister contains additional tablets that contain only calcium levomefolate (a biologically active formula of folic acid). This is a medicinal substance designed to eliminate folate deficiency in the female body.

Regarding the effect on the menstrual cycle and the characteristics of the discharge, we will consider both drugs at the same time, because. in this case, the difference between them is insignificant.

When does menstruation start after cancellation?

When, i.e. on what day (on which tablet) do menstruation begin when taking Jess (Jess plus)? Ideally, of course, when taking COCs, the menstrual cycle is stable, like clockwork.

One Jess blister (Jess plus) contains 24 active tablets and 4 inactive ones (in Jess plus these are vitamin tablets). Taking pills should start from the 1st day of the cycle (the first day of menstruation). After drinking all 28 tablets (both active and inactive), you start a new pack. The beginning of menstruation coincides with the end of the previous pack.

However, if you have just started taking OK, then the first 1-3 cycles (months) the body will get used to, the menstrual cycle may fail, as well as the characteristics of the secretions themselves. If at this time you have a small daub or a change in the nature of menstruation (decrease or increase in the abundance of secretions), then this is basically normal.

But (even at an early stage of taking) if there are strong deviations from the norm or too unpleasant side effects, for example, menstruation does not end for a long time, they are too plentiful (breakthrough bleeding) or they do not exist at all, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Absence of menstruation

If after taking Jess or Jess plus during a break from active pills, withdrawal bleeding does not occur (menstruation does not come), then the first thing to do is to exclude pregnancy. If the result is negative, and the delay in menstruation occurred on the 1-2 cycle of taking the pills, then this is one of the possible phenomena of the restructuring of the body. Let him get used to it, the cycle will return to normal soon.

What is the delay in menstruation? Here is what the obstetrician-gynecologist says:

“In the first months of taking the cycle can be unstable, because. the body needs to readjust. 1-3 days deviation from the schedule is quite normal. The main thing is not to stop drinking the pills, strictly following the intake schedule (if there are no other strong side effects), everything will even out over time. It is also advisable to exclude pregnancy and undergo an examination by a doctor. If this situation is repeated constantly or there are other problems of a menstrual nature, then a specialist consultation is necessary. Perhaps these OKs do not suit you.

If you have been using OK for quite a long time, but after canceling Jess or Jess plus there is no menstruation, then this means that the body needs to rest, because. the ovaries went dormant. Usually the natural cycle is restored in 1-6 months after drug withdrawal. In some women, the delay in menstruation after cancellation is up to 45 days. If you have ruled out pregnancy, then in the first 2-3 months you do not need to panic. If the menstrual cycle is not restored after more than three months, then just in case you should visit a gynecologist to be examined for anemorrhea.

Usually, problems with the restoration of the cycle are associated with the thyroid gland and the initially thin endometrium.

If, after the abolition of Jess (Jess plus), the periods are very meager, this may mean that the body has not yet recovered.

ATTENTION! The absence of menstruation with pulling pains in the lower abdomen is an urgent reason to contact a gynecologist in order to be examined for the presence of gynecological diseases.

Scanty periods when taking jess plus

Jess (Jess plus) makes periods more scarce, because. the active substance of the drug inhibits the work of the ovaries, which affects the production of hormones. The endometrium in the middle of the cycle does not thicken and does not become porous. Therefore, when the moment of rejection of the tissues of the uterine mucosa comes, they turn out to be much less than in those women who do not take OK.

Months don't end

You started drinking Jess or Jess plus, and your periods do not end, it will not be superfluous to contact a trusted specialist.

The drug Jess (Jess plus) is able to provoke heavy periods in some women, for example, with endomentriosis.

Intensive discharge is allowed in the first three months of taking the drug, then they should decrease. If this does not happen, then you may be taking a fake, or the drug is not suitable for you.

If, at the end of the cycle, menstruation does not stop for a long time, it may be menstrual-like discharge. They are normal if you take Jess or Jess Plus for 1-3 months and can go up to 14 days. But at the same time, the discharge itself should not be plentiful. If they are plentiful, then this is not normal - urgently go to a specialist.

Period started early

If Jess or Jess plus is taken less than three cycles, then the onset of menstruation ahead of time (on an active tablet) does not threaten anything. It is imperative to drink the blister to the end, because. it is impossible to stop taking OK in the middle of the pack (unless, of course, there are indications for urgent withdrawal of the drug), this can only increase bleeding, because. there will be a hormonal imbalance.

If the menstruation started earlier than the term is not the first time (and you have been taking OK for a long time), then you need to consult a doctor, perhaps these OKs are not suitable for you. It is also necessary to do an ultrasound for the presence of cysts on the ovaries and other malfunctions in the work of the female body.

Repeated bleeding at the end of the package may indicate a lack of a progestogen component and requires the selection of a drug with a different progestogen.
Watch for discharge, if the bleeding is heavy and requires more than 1 pad in 1-2 hours, call an ambulance.

Breakthrough bleeding

If, while taking Jess or Jess plus, you have breakthrough bleeding (abundant incessant vaginal bleeding of a bright scarlet or light red color), then you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Bleeding of unclear origin when taking Jess (Jess plus) suggests that these OK are not suitable for you, because. contain the wrong dose of hormones for your body. You need to contact a specialist immediately.

Breakthrough bleeding can occur due to:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug
  • Low dose hormones
  • Gynecological pathologies of the ovaries, endometriosis, the presence of neoplasms
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse
  • Abrupt withdrawal of the drug in the middle of the course
  • Missing pills
  • Taking antibiotics
  • Overuse of antidepressants
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • St. John's wort
  • The presence of sexual diseases and infections

Allocations when taking Jess (Jess plus)

When taking OK, there may be intermenstrual spotting (brown or bloody spotting). Brown periods are due to the fact that the drug increases blood viscosity. As a result, it coagulates and oxidizes faster while inside the uterus or in the vagina.

There may also be spotting bleeding after menstruation (daub in the first phase or in the middle of the cycle). If it smears brown in the first 1-3 cycles of taking the drug, then there is nothing potentially dangerous in this. Brown discharge is a reaction of the reproductive system, or rather its adaptation to taking hormonal pills. Do not stop taking Jess (Jess plus) if you notice such discharge. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug, on the contrary, will contribute to the onset of heavy bleeding.

However, if the spotting continues for more than three cycles from the start of taking the drug, then you should consult a doctor.
How to delay your period

With the help of Jess and Jess plus, you can delay your period without taking a break from taking active pills. However, we highly discourage the abuse of such methods.

One of the convenient and easy-to-use contraceptives are jess tablets. Despite the recent appearance among drugs of this purpose, they have already gained popularity. All this thanks to quality control, and not just contraceptive capabilities. Of course, that when taking jess should change. But how to understand whether these are natural changes or a signal of danger to the reproductive system?

Read in this article

More about the drug

Jess is a single-phase drug with a low dosage of hormones. The main ones are drospirenone and ethinylestradiol. The contraceptive effect that they provide is in three circumstances:

  • Influence on the ovaries with the possibility of suppressing ovulation;
  • Thickening of the mucus produced by the reproductive system, which prevents the penetration of the sperm to the egg;
  • Intervention in the development of the endometrium. This prevents the fertilized egg, if it is nevertheless formed, from implanting in the uterine mucosa.

The last and first methods of contraceptive action of the drug connects jess and menstruation. They occur with the separation of the functional layer of the endometrium from the basal. And since the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity develops differently than outside the presence of the drug in the body, it is natural that menstruation will also take place in a different way. A similar effect is provided by the impact on the ovaries, they play an important role in the preparation of critical days. But what options and surprises are possible, what periods are normal when taking jess? When answering, you need to keep in mind women's health, age and previous characteristics of the process.

Features of taking jess

Tablets from one package are divided into active and inactive (4 pieces), there are 28 in total. Reception starts from the 1st critical day, no breaks are provided before the blister ends. The last in it should be inactive jess tablets, the beginning of menstruation coincides with the end of their use. In these pills, the volume of active hormones is underestimated, so menstruation is provided almost as in the natural course of events, that is, due to a drop in the level of these substances.

How jess changes menstruation

Jess is able to make the first menstruation different from what was observed before he started taking it. Without outside influence, menstruation occurs with an increase in FSH and LH, which stimulate the ovaries and the development of the germ cell, as well as estrogens and progesterone, which ensure the growth of the mucous surface inside the uterus. This is how the changes in the process look like, which are due to the use of a contraceptive:

  • Jess makes menstruation possible for the vast majority of women. Its active substance throughout the cycle inhibits the work of the ovaries, which interferes with the production. The endometrium in the middle of the menstrual period also does not thicken and does not become porous, as it happens outside of taking birth control. That is, when the moment of rejection of the tissues of the uterine mucosa comes, they are noticeably less than always;
  • Another feature that jess gives to critical days is. The drug has the ability to increase blood viscosity. As a result, it coagulates faster, oxidizes, while inside the uterus or in the vagina. Brown discharge is more often observed after a night's sleep and a long stay in a lying position, when they have less opportunity to go outside;
  • A circumstance that may alarm a woman taking jess is discharge after menstruation. This does not indicate anything dangerous when observed in the first 2-3 cycles from the start of using the drug. This is a reaction of the adaptation of the reproductive system, which does not require the cessation of the use of jess. On the contrary, a sharp withdrawal of the remedy can provoke a daub to turn into a full-fledged bleeding.

Jess and PMS

Already the first menstruation after jess is characterized by a decrease in negative manifestations:

  • The skin becomes less oily. The hormones in the composition of the drug have the ability to suppress androgens in the body of a woman, which lead to greasiness of the epidermis and the appearance of acne. this drug is prescribed for this purpose;
  • The pain syndrome is reduced. The components of jess reduce the contractile function of the walls of the uterus. Due to this, abdominal pain also subsides, as well;
  • Puffiness is eliminated. Menstruation while taking jess does not cause as many problems as before, due to the corticoid suppression property that the steroid drospirenone has. It is the first ones that retain the liquid.

The absolute effect of reducing severe manifestations of PMS may not occur from the very first period of application of Jess. For a month or 2-3, the body will adapt to a new mode of operation for it. The more actively the ovaries functioned, the longer the addiction will last. It is important that there are no unbearable sensations that did not appear before.

The timing of the arrival of menstruation

The length of the cycle for all women is different, but the drug brings it to the general indicator. To understand when menstruation begins when taking jess, you need to know that the standard package is designed for daily pill intake for 28 days. The first 24 pieces contain the same amount of hormones. The last 4 have a reduced volume of substances, they are drunk at the end. This is the withdrawal syndrome that provokes taking jess when menstruation begins depends on the least amount of hormones in the blood. The usual period is 3-4 days of taking inactive tablets.

Some women who take jess do not have their periods at all. This is considered as the norm, especially if the menstruation was not plentiful before. The drug has a depressing effect on the work of the ovaries, which can cause a complete absence of discharge on the expected days. There are other explanations for the absence of menstruation at a certain time:

  • When a woman constantly keeps in her head “drinking jess - no menstruation”, perhaps it’s not the hormonal factor that is more to blame, but stress. Excitement and fear, no worse than any illness and drugs, can delay critical days;
  • Another reason that menstruation stopped with jess is alcohol. It reduces the concentration of hormones if you drink in a significant amount, and the girl is thin. Even in the absence of conception at the end of the cycle, there may not be a sharp decrease in the level of substances, which means that a mandatory condition for menstruation.

If the monthly period for 1 cycle has disappeared from Jess, you can safely start taking the next package of contraceptive. Their absence even after using the second blister requires a trip to the doctor for clarification of the situation.

Is pregnancy possible with Jess?

Another reason that cannot be ruled out when using Jess is a missed period due to pregnancy. And although the drug is considered reliable in terms of protection against it, there are factors that can interfere with its contraceptive effect:

  • Confusion with pill numbers;
  • Taking pills at different hours, late. A woman may forget to drink it altogether;
  • Vomiting or diarrhea that interferes with the absorption of hormones;
  • Concurrent use of other drugs that reduce the contraceptive effect. Such experts call antibiotics-penicillins, anticonvulsants.

If there is no menstruation when taking Jess Plus, one of the listed reasons, including pregnancy, may be the culprit. But in this case, the body will be more ready for it, since this improved version of contraceptive contains folates necessary for the development of the fetus.

Possible problems with menstruation while taking jess

Problems with the cycle and discharge caused by protection with this drug can be divided into several groups:

  • Obliged to normalize the cycle of jess, menstruation is also capable of provoking in some categories of women, for example, with endometriosis. Intensive discharge on critical days is permissible in the first 3 months of its use. Later they should decrease, and if not, then the drug needs to be changed or checked for authenticity;
  • At the end of the cycle, jes does not end menstruation for a long time. This may be menstrual flow, which is normal if the drug is used for 1 to 3 months. They can go up to 2 weeks. In this case, there should not be many allocations. Anything that goes beyond the boundaries mentioned is pathology. With this immediately to the doctor;
  • When taking jess, menstruation began earlier. Perhaps this is breakthrough bleeding, which is considered as a side effect and requires a replacement of the drug. This happens with an independent choice of a remedy, when it is not suitable, since it does not contain enough hormones for a particular organism. Menstruation on an active jess pill does not threaten anything if the drug is taken for less than 3 cycles. In this case, it is not canceled, they continue to drink as usual. If at a later stage of taking jess, menstruation came earlier, you need to do an ultrasound, as they can be caused by the presence of cysts on the ovaries, other malfunctions in their work.
  • No periods after jess. If they are protected long enough, it is possible that the ovaries will also “wake up” after the drug is discontinued. It will take time to restore their functions, the length of it depends on the specific organism. Someone will have a delay in menstruation after jess for several weeks, the other will be able to get pregnant in the next cycle. Most often, they note in themselves that after the abolition of jess there are no periods, women with a problematic, initially thin endometrium. In any case, there is a sense and a need to be examined.

How else to use jess

An important opportunity for some that the use of jess gives,. This is easy to do without risking health and contraceptive effect, if you change the dosage regimen a little. It is necessary, having finished the active tablets from one package to the end, throw out 4 “pacifiers” and start the next blister. Thus, the level of hormones in the body will stop at constant values. And menstruation with a special intake of jess will come only after the end of the use of active tablets. In order not to arrange a hormonal turmoil for the reproductive system, it is worth drinking them to the end, and then being taken for "pacifiers".

Menstruation when taking the drug jess is much easier than without it, if the remedy is chosen taking into account all the available nuances. You should not take contraceptives as vitamins, although they should not be drunk uncontrollably. But contraceptives require the same attentive attitude as before, with regular consultations with a gynecologist. Especially if there are inexplicable difficulties with the cycle.

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    Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! Additionally, take hemostatic - tranexam, etamzilat, vikasol, ascorutin - any of this. Take a break (inactive tablets) and then start a new pack. Allocations should stop, this happens when the reception is disturbed. In general, if you are already missing the last active pills, you can simply wait for your menstruation and start taking a new package without drinking the missed ones. Or if you missed it for 19-20 days, immediately drink inactive ones, so there is less stress for the body. All the best!

    The question of how to delay menstruation, at least once puzzled every girl. The reasons can be different - a long-awaited date, an important event or a vacation at a resort that nothing should spoil. Well, there are many methods. All, of course, can lead to consequences, but if the situation really requires it, then you can resort to one of them.


    Girls who take oral contraceptives (OCs) know how easy they make things. Menstruation begins at the same time, with an accuracy of almost hours, its duration is always the same, the amount of discharge is moderate, and there are no unpleasant sensations.

    And if the question arises of how to delay menstruation, then the girl simply opens a new pack, and does not take the required break at which they begin. Hormones continue to flow, which means that ovulation continues to be blocked, and the viscosity of the uterine fluid remains at the same level. It will be possible to stop when the onset of critical days does not cause inconvenience.

    The girl has never taken birth control, and her period is about to begin? Well, if she is not afraid of disruptions in the cycle, then you can go to the pharmacy for oral contraceptives and start drinking them on the same day. After an hour and a half, the drug is completely absorbed and begins to act. Whether or not it will work properly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. However, in the vast majority of cases, the method works.

    What pills to choose?

    It is important to make a reservation that oral contraceptives are prescribed by a doctor based on tests and anamnesis. There are also contraindications. These include thrombophlebitis, circulatory disorders, coronary heart disease, cancer, hypertension, migraine, acute liver disease, etc.

    However, you can get acquainted with the list of existing tablets. The list is impressive:

    • Microdosed OK. Suitable for young girls and those who have not previously taken such drugs. Names: "Jess", "Klayra", "Lindinet", "Zoeli", "Dimia", "Novinet", "Mersilon", "Logest" and "Minisiston".
    • Low dose OK. More efficient. Suitable for young women, including those who have given birth. Names: "Yarina", "Zhanin", "Femoden", "Silhouette", "Silest", "Marvelon", "Chloe", "Regulon", "Belara".
    • High doses OK. They are usually prescribed for the treatment of hormonal diseases. Names: "Ovidon", "Triziston", "Trikvilar", "Non-Ovlon", "Tri-Regol".

    By the way, properly selected pills entail a number of positive consequences. The condition of the skin and hair improves, pain during menstruation disappears, the cycle normalizes, some even lose weight.


    It should be noted that the hormonal background is a very delicate mechanism that must be handled carefully and carefully. If you overdo it with contraceptives, you will get the effect of an overdose and hormonal failure.

    Some girls, thinking only about how to delay their periods, start drinking several pills a day, so to speak, to be sure. It is strictly forbidden to do so. One tablet already contains a sufficient amount of hormones. Otherwise, there may be consequences:

    • Vaginal bleeding.
    • Violation of the heart rhythm.
    • Dizziness or migraine.
    • Imbalance of the mechanism of sleep and wakefulness.
    • Visual impairment.
    • Change in blood sugar levels.
    • Stomach problems.

    In addition to the above, excessive and uncontrolled use of contraceptives can lead to infertility. This applies to girls who often practice postponing with the help of OK, who already have problems with the hormonal background and women's health.

    Therefore, every girl, puzzled by the question of how to delay menstruation with the help of "Jess" or any other drug, must strictly observe the dosage.

    Reception "Duphaston"

    This drug is an analogue of natural progesterone. And many girls, knowing about the powerful hormonal effect of the drug, are wondering how to delay menstruation with Duphaston.

    First you need to talk about the effect of the drug. This medication affects the lining of the uterus and promotes increased production of progesterone, an endogenous steroid.

    If you are interested in how to delay the arrival of menstruation, first of all you need to know the following: Duphaston must be taken in the middle of the cycle. It will not be possible to correct the situation 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, which contraceptives are capable of. However, this method is considered safe, since the components of the drug affect blood viscosity and do not provoke the occurrence of stagnation in the pelvic organs.


    It is believed that you can take these pills to delay your period. "Vikasol" is an antihemorrhagic agent that normalizes the process of blood clotting. Usually it is taken in order to make the discharge during menstruation not so plentiful. This is facilitated by the regular use of the drug.

    With it, you can also delay your period for a few days. How exactly? You need to start taking it a week before the expected onset of menstruation. Drink one tablet twice a day and inject "Vikasol" intramuscularly at 0.03 g once a day.

    This is a serious drug. Therefore, if there are problems with blood clotting, it is forbidden to take it. Otherwise, there may be consequences, among which is an increase in the risk of thrombosis.

    Taking hemostatic drugs

    In addition to "Vikasol", there are three more. Namely:

    • "Dicinon".
    • "Tranexam".
    • "Etamzilat".

    They are prescribed for heavy periods. These drugs reduce bleeding and help prevent blood clots. Depending on the characteristics of the girl's body, menstruation can be delayed for a period of several days to 2 weeks. You need to start drinking the drug a few days before it starts, 0.5 g each.

    You just need to know that then menstruation will begin, as usual, after 15-20 cycles it will not happen. The most powerful of the drugs is Traneksam. If a decision is made to start drinking it, then one must be very careful when measuring the dosage.


    This is the name of the hormones that have the biological activity of progesterone. They suppress menstruation and ovulation, and also have an atrophic effect on the uterine myometrium.

    The drug is prescribed by a doctor. The effect described above is capable of producing "Orgametril", "Pregnil" and "Primolyut-Nor".

    You need to take the medication two weeks before the start of the critical days. Then the artificial delay will be achieved with a probability of up to 99%. If the reason why the girl wants to delay the onset of menstruation arose later, then you need to start drinking medicines at least 5 days in advance. Otherwise, their reception will be ineffective.


    Well, the above was about how to delay menstruation with the help of contraceptives and other drugs. But besides them, there are still a lot of people. One of the most popular ways is based on the use of lemons.

    The method is strictly prohibited for girls who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The bottom line is this: 5 days before the expected period of menstruation, you need to eat 4-5 lemons without sugar per day. It will be possible to delay the onset of menstruation for 3-5 days.

    However, this approach has consequences. These are skin problems, allergies, as well as cystitis and inflammation of the ovaries. An excess of citric acid will not pass without a trace.


    A decoction made from this plant helps constrict blood vessels. During menstruation, they drink it to reduce blood loss. And a few days before their onset, they are used for preliminary vasoconstriction and delaying menstruation.

    But you shouldn't get carried away with this drink. Nettle contains more vitamin C, and the consequences can also be unpleasant.

    The recipe is simple. Dried nettles in the amount of five tablespoons should be poured into a saucepan and poured with warm water (0.5 l). Put on fire, bring to a boil, hold for another 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Then decant into a separate container and drink the entire volume at once. This should be done the day before the expected start of menstruation.

    Parsley decoction

    This plant is often used in folk medicine. Parsley is a real storehouse of nutrients. It includes vitamins K, C, PP, folic acid, bioflavonoids and essential oils, as well as various micro and macro elements.

    In addition, parsley has properties that help not only delay the onset of critical days, but also prolong the cycle. That is, they will last less with regular and moderate use of the drug.

    If you need to delay your period once, chop a bunch of parsley and pour a glass of boiling water over the mass, let it brew for 2-3 hours. You need to drink in two approaches - in the morning and in the evening. Repeat for the next three days. You need to start 4 days before the expected start of critical days. It will be possible to delay them for a few days.

    Vitamin K

    Interested in how to delay menstruation without harm? Then you need vitamin K. Either in its pure form or in the composition of products. And it is best to make a choice in favor of a decoction of water pepper. It contains a very high content of this vitamin.

    It will take 5 tablespoons of the dried plant and half a liter of boiling water. The herbal composition must be filled with water and sent to the fire to boil. After 5 minutes, the container with the broth can be removed from the stove and left to infuse for three hours. After the time has passed, you need to filter the infusion through cheesecloth.

    The resulting decoction is used three times a day for 2 tbsp. l. You need to start four days before the expected start of menstruation. So it will be possible to push them back for 3-4 days.

    Herbal preparations

    Their action also needs to be mentioned, since we are talking about how to delay menstruation for several days with folk remedies. You will need:

    • Mint.
    • Raspberry leaves.
    • Shepherd's purse grass.

    In the morning, all the listed components must be mixed in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Then drink in three doses in one day, using an equal amount of decoction (about 120 ml each). You need to do this 4 days before your period.

    There is another recipe that involves the use of such components:

    • Yarrow herb.
    • Hemorrhagic root.
    • Nettle herb.
    • Potentilla goose.

    Mix in equal amounts, then take three tablespoons of the resulting collection, brew with boiling water (0.5 l) and insist for 10 minutes. Take one glass three times a day. Drink every day, but you need to start 5 days before your period.

    Consequences of artificial delay

    Well, a lot has been said above about what to do to delay your period. Now we need to talk about the consequences and complications. And they are far from harmless.

    • Discomfort during cycle recovery.
    • Increase in the duration of menstruation (from a week or more).
    • Anemia.
    • Neurotic process in the uterus.

    If the girl, puzzled by the question of how to delay menstruation, decided to resort to taking any serious medications, then the following side effects are possible:

    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Strong dizziness.
    • Bloating.
    • Painful tenderness of the chest.
    • Puffiness.

    One way or another, the suppression of menstruation will not pass without consequences. Therefore, any method should be resorted to only in extreme, emergency cases.

    Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

    Hormonal contraceptives affect a woman's body, making changes to the menstrual cycle. How do periods go when taking Jess? What secretions are considered normal, and which ones indicate a negative reaction of the body to contraception? What to do when there is no menstruation and should I see a doctor in such a situation? The answers to these questions are given below.

    Changes in the body under the influence of OK

    The main task of the drug is the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.

    Contraceptive pills in this area have the following effect:

    1. Impact on the ovaries with subsequent suppression of ovulation.
    2. Influence on the sex mucus for the obstructed movement of male cells.
    3. Changing the development of the endometrium to prevent the fixation of the fetal egg.

    If the thickening of the vaginal fluid does not affect menstruation, then the rest of the influence affects the critical days. Changes in the work of the ovaries provoke completely different periods. The same applies to the process of rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. Therefore, not only the cycle, but also bleeding can be unusual.

    When to wait for the first menstruation with the start of taking Jess

    It is necessary to drink Jess from the first day of menstruation, one tablet at a time. come at the end of the package, that is, after the end of the pacifiers. There are four such pills in a blister, the rest are active.

    If the woman adhered to the schedule and started taking the placebo pills on time, then her period should begin a few days after taking the inactive pills. The maximum allowable deviation is from two to four days.

    On the background of oral contraceptives, menstruation is called withdrawal bleeding.

    Rejection of the endometrium begins only against the background of a decrease in the level of acting hormones. For this, pacifiers in a blister are provided.

    How do menstruation go with Jess

    In most cases, Jess causes meager monthly discharge at the end of the cycle. A reduced amount of blood is provoked by the following factors:

    1. Ovaries. Under the influence of a contraceptive, the female reproductive organs no longer produce hormones in the same amount. The active components of the drug inhibit ovarian function, causing an altered discharge pattern.
    2. The mucosa of the uterus. Before contraceptives, the endometrium thickens and acquires a porous structure approximately in the middle of the cycle. Under the action of Jess, before the process of rejection, the mucosa is not fully formed, therefore, menstruation becomes not plentiful.

    And also the color of menstruation often changes when taking Jess Plus. They turn brown due to increased blood viscosity, faster clotting and oxidation of menses.

    If the period came early

    Most often, women confuse intermenstrual spotting with menstruation. They are not dangerous in the first 2-3 months of therapy and can last 2 weeks. They disappear after the body adapts to the changed hormonal background and can smoothly turn into menstruation.

    A large amount of discharge indicates breakthrough bleeding. It may occur due to the following factors:

    1. Individual intolerance to the drug.
    2. Too low a dose of hormones.
    3. Gynecological pathologies of the ovaries, endometriosis, the presence of neoplasms.
    4. Smoking and alcohol abuse.
    5. Abrupt course cancellation.
    6. Missing pill.
    7. Taking antibiotics.
    8. Overuse of antidepressants.
    9. Problematic absorption of the components of the drug (vomiting,);
    10. Treatment with folk medicine based on St. John's wort.
    11. The presence of genital infections.

    Women need to remember that menstruation during active pills during the first three cycles after the first pill does not threaten health. Cancellation of the drug is not needed, so you should continue to drink the pills as usual.

    After the period of adaptation to Jess is completed, any spotting or menstruation ahead of time should be discussed with the gynecologist. The specialist will prescribe an examination or advise replacing OK.

    If selections do not end

    Often on forums on the Internet you can find complaints from women: "... I drink Jess plus and ...". This is another acceptable deviation when taking a contraceptive.

    In a standard situation, monthly bleeding lasts from two to five days. After this time, discharge with blood often begins. They have nothing to do with menstruation, being a sign of an adaptive period.

    Prolonged menstruation after several cycles of administration is considered a violation and requires serious diagnosis. Replacing the oral contraceptive will help solve the problem. If the doctor found abnormalities in the work of the genital organs, then the use of contraceptives is stopped and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    If there was a delay

    It is possible that a woman can become pregnant. Cases of conception during the course are rare, but they cannot be discounted. The woman could have violated the instructions by skipping the pill. Another huge role is played by factors that reduce the effectiveness of contraception:

    1. Irregular reception times.
    2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea).
    3. Taking other medications.

    In case of a delay, it is necessary to do a home test or donate blood for analysis at the antenatal clinic.

    Jess well prepares the body for pregnancy. Its content includes components in the form of folate, which are necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

    The medical field does not exclude one-time delays if this was observed even before therapy. They can be caused by stress or adverse external influences.

    In order not to aggravate the situation, girls should:

    • start new packaging on schedule;
    • eliminate missed pills;
    • time to take a placebo.

    If in the second cycle after taking the last white tablet, menstruation does not appear, you need to contact a specialist. A woman needs to tell the doctor when she started taking the pills, and how the body reacted before that.

    Why is there no menstruation

    When taking Jess, a delay in menstruation can be caused by:

    • hormonal disorder;
    • premenopause;
    • long-term use of OK;
    • problems in the work of the endocrine system;
    • malfunction of the ovaries.

    Prolonged absence of menstruation should not be ignored at any age. And only a medical examination can accurately determine the cause and help find the appropriate solution.

    Often the delay is caused by factors unrelated to Jess:

    1. Physical stress.
    2. Stress and emotional overwork.
    3. Colds.
    4. Climate change.
    5. Rigid diets.
    6. Lack of vitamins.
    7. Bad habits.

    In such situations, the endometrium will begin to be rejected in the usual way only after the root cause has been eliminated and the lifestyle improved.

    Menstruation after canceling Jess

    Each body reacts differently to stopping the use of birth control pills. When canceling Jess, the following situations are possible:

    • cycle unchanged;
    • copious discharge;
    • scanty menstruation;
    • delays.

    It also has an impact on how the termination of contraception went. There are two options for canceling a course:

    When the package is over

    If the cancellation of Jess occurred on the last tablet, then the risk of side effects of cancellation is practically eliminated. It also increases the chance of a quick recovery of the body and the normal functioning of the ovaries in the next cycle.


    When a woman abruptly stops taking pills, it is imperative to monitor her health status. Doctors do not recommend abruptly stopping the drug due to an unforeseen reaction from the reproductive system.

    In the first case, the percentage of rapid onset of menstruation increases. And if a woman abruptly quit, then delays are noted more often.

    When will the menstruation go after the cancellation of Jess Plus

    Should come in a couple of months. The hormonal background under ideal conditions should recover quickly. You should not worry if there is no menstruation after canceling Jess during the first cycle.

    A slight deviation is allowed against the background of the woman's age (over 35 years) and long-term use of tablets. In these cases, the recovery of the body may take from six months to twelve months.

    When to visit a gynecologist

    It is imperative to consult a doctor if menstruation does not start at the beginning of the next cycle after the first delay. In most situations, there is a long recovery, but pathology cannot be ruled out.

    You need to understand that old problems with menstruation most often return after Jess. If before taking the pills the cycle did not differ in regularity, then after the cancellation the situation may repeat. In this case, gynecologists allow a delay of 30 to 60 days.

    Planned delay of menstruation with Jess

    Sometimes women are interested in how to delay menstruation with the help of Jess. You can do this, but you should not abuse the method. To cause a delay, it is necessary to take pink pills continuously. You will have to refuse to take inactive tablets.

    But you need to prepare for the fact that in the middle of the cycle, scant discharge with blood of a smearing nature may appear. The contraceptive effect of such a scheme does not depend in any way.

    It is advisable to resort to this method only if a woman uses Jess for two months or more.

    Oral contraceptives with a low dosage of hormones are considered as safe as possible. A woman can only drink pills correctly and respond in a timely manner to changes in the cycle. The absence of menstruation and bleeding are not dangerous during the adaptation of the body. Any deviations outside this period should be discussed with the doctor.

    Menstruation, its regularity, duration, abundance - these are the things that a woman keeps in control all the time. Any failure in the usual cycle is perceived with anxiety. The absence of menstruation when taking "Jess" can be caused both by the influence of the drug, and by many other reasons. Understanding the action of contraceptives and the work of your own body is the key to maintaining women's health

    The drug "Jess"

    "Jess" is a contraceptive of the latest generation, which provides multi-stage protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, when taking "Jess" cosmetic problems are solved. Acne, increased secretion of sebum can start from an excess of androgen - the male sex hormone.

    "Jess" is the only contraceptive in the therapeutic properties of which an anti-androgenic effect is officially enshrined. The drug not only eliminates acne, but also inhibits hair growth in places unusual for a woman - on the face, chest. This allows you to assign "Jess" to get rid of cosmetic problems for girls who do not live sexually (allowed from the age of 14) and do not set the task of protection.

    Pills are a safe contraceptive, reduce the pain of menstruation, ease the period of PMS. When taking "Jess", menstruation passes without strong, pulling uterine contractions and bleeding.

    For girls who are afraid that "hormones get fat" gynecologists (in the absence of contraindications) recommend this drug with all responsibility. Jess is a microdosed contraceptive that promotes slight weight loss. It does not "burn fat", but removes excess fluid.

    If you drink Jess and get pregnant while continuing to take the contraceptive, don't be alarmed. The drug is harmless to the development of the fetus. Just visit a gynecologist and tell about your condition.

    When taking "Jess" no menstruation

    The beginning of the reception of "Jess" suggests the absence of menstruation, this is considered normal. However, with any delay in menstruation, girls tend to panic. The first thing to do with a delay is to check for pregnancy with a test. If it is negative, you are healthy, and there are no periods, then most likely this is from the fact that you are drinking Jess.

    The first month of taking the pills rebuilds the established work of the hormonal system. No matter how long your normal cycle is, under the influence of "Jess" it will be rebuilt to a 28-day cycle. A delay in menstruation longer than this time should be a reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

    The action of "Jess" is to suppress the reproductive cycle of a woman.

    This means that the drug:

    • inhibits the work of the ovaries, preventing the maturation of the egg;
    • prevents the formation of the endometrium (internal epithelium of the uterus);
    • changes the composition of the cervical fluid;
    • changes the general hormonal background.

    Suppression of ovulation hormones means that the egg will not mature. The body, accordingly, does not receive a command to prepare a place for it in the uterus. The epithelium does not change, whereas, in preparation for fertilization, the inner layer in the uterus increases up to 10 times. With an oppressed process, the endometrium is present, but in a much smaller amount. There is nothing to be rejected - menstruation does not begin, or they are scarce.

    The stress of taking the drug serves as an excuse for the absence of menstruation only after the first month of taking. In the future, the cycle becomes stable, although the discharge is much less than before the start of protection.

    Violation of the reception scheme

    It is necessary to drink contraceptive pills strictly according to the scheme, daily, preferably at the same time.

    Menstruation while taking "Jess" may stop due to irregular intake of pills or skipping them.

    Interruptions in the intake of the contraceptive reduce the effectiveness of protection. In this case, pregnancy is possible.

    Disorders in the digestive system, such as vomiting, diarrhea, are equated to a pass. If one of these troubles happened less than 4 hours after taking the pill, then this should be considered a pass, since the main part of the drug is excreted from the body. When you do not have a period with the systematic use of "Jess", you may have forgotten about the party that took place.


    Alcohol in large quantities reduces the contraceptive effect of contraceptives. The maximum safe dose of strong drinks when taking Jess is 50 ml, wine, champagne 200 ml, beer 400 ml.

    If you had to drink more than the allowed volume, then you should use mechanical methods of protection for a week (against the background of taking Jess).

    Scheduled missed period with "Jess"

    The properties of the drug allow a woman to independently "cancel" menstruation once every two months. This can be done if, after taking 24 pink tablets, start a new blister. The white “rest” tablets from the first plate should be discarded. Avoiding dummy pills will keep your hormone levels constant for 48 days. During this period, menstruation will not come.

    After you finish taking the pink pills of the second blister, be sure to drink according to the scheme and white, empty. So you remove the extra load from the hormonal system, the second cycle will be completed without changes. It is harmful to practice such "holidays" often.

    Delayed period not related to "Jess"

    There are situations when a girl drinks "Jess" for more than one month, having a regular cycle. And suddenly the period does not come. The first step, as always with a delay, is a pregnancy test. If your analysis shows a negative result, then this is the most unpleasant thing that can happen to a woman of reproductive age - the absence of menstruation for no apparent reason.

    The options are:

    • Physical overload of the body;
    • Nervous exhaustion;
    • Diseases of the female genital area;
    • Common colds or infectious diseases;
    • Taking certain medications;
    • Moving with a change of time zone;
    • weight changes;
    • Climax.

    Any of these reasons can serve as a trigger for a malfunction in the reproductive organs.

    Physical and nervous exhaustion

    When a girl is young, full of strength and desires, it is easy to cross the border of self-healing of the body. Wear and tear, chronic lack of sleep, intense sports or excessive entertainment lead to physical exhaustion. The body can compensate for the lack of rest by “curtailing” some non-vital “programs”. For example, childbearing programs.

    Nervous exhaustion is also perceived as a threat to life and health. A wise nature prevents the birth of life in a "sick" organism by delaying or stopping menstruation. Stress, professional burnout can cause infertility even with a regular cycle.


    Delayed menstruation due to malaise is the most common cycle disorder. With a general disease, they drink "Jess" according to the scheme, without interruption, in parallel with the prescribed therapy. Menstruation is restored on its own, as soon as the girl recovers.

    Painful symptoms in the lower abdomen against the background of "missing" periods, there is a signal for an urgent visit to the gynecological clinic. This is how it might start:

    • polycystic;
    • inflammation of the appendages or ovaries;
    • myoma;
    • oncological formations;
    • pathological growth of the epithelium.

    If these diseases are not treated in time, then everything can end in irreversible infertility.

    Long heavy menstruation brings no less problems to a woman. The monthly blood loss can become so significant that it causes anemia. For any problems (or suspected problems) in the female genital area, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.


    If the menstruation did not start on time, then the medications taken may be the culprit. For example, in girls who go to the "rocking chair" and take anabolic steroids, the absence of menstruation or an extremely irregular cycle is a common problem.

    The same happens with taking antidepressants against the background of chronic fatigue and nervous overload.

    Some antibiotics prescribed for infectious diseases can hypothetically have the effect of disrupting the monthly cycle. However, it is impossible to say exactly what exactly became the cause - the prescribed treatment or the disease itself.

    Weight fluctuations

    The normal functioning of the reproductive system directly depends on the state of adipose tissue in a woman's body. For example, underweight girls are delayed in sexual and physical development. Their menses begin late, are scanty, and are extremely irregular.

    A similar effect is observed with a sharp weight loss even for adult women. In this case, the absence of menstruation is a protective reaction of the body to a lack of nutrition.

    A significant supply of fat does not add health to a woman either. Obesity leads to an excess of estrogen. This condition is fraught with the onset of heavy bleeding outside the monthly cycle.


    A simple move, for example on vacation, a distance with a change in time zones, causes the monthly cycle to fail. Your period may be delayed by up to two weeks.


    Entering the menopause is accompanied by the extinction of menstruation. For each woman, this can manifest itself in different ways, and each manifestation will be the norm if the lady is at a respectable age. In young women (up to 40 years old), the onset of menopause is usually a pathology and requires medical correction.

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