Blood-thinning drugs of the latest generation. Blood thinners: no aspirin, new generation, list. Blood thinners without aspirin

Today, no one disputes the merits of aspirin, however, in pharmacological laboratories and in observations of therapeutic practice over the past years, some contraindications have been identified for continuous use and for some patients with other somatic diseases.

Therefore, the pharmacological industry began to develop and produce drugs for blood thinning without aspirin simultaneously with aspirin-containing drugs, with the inclusion of components that spare the inner lining of the stomach. At the same time, even taking other pills that do not include aspirin, it is recommended that you regularly donate blood for analysis in order to constantly check the level of platelets.

When are non-aspirin medications required?

In some diseases, conditions, the blood becomes more viscous and viscous than required by physiological norms. This can be hazardous to human health and life. If the therapist knows the reason why there are changes in blood tests, then together with the patient they will more easily solve the problem. Modern therapists prefer to prescribe drugs without aspirin to avoid the burning effect of aspirin on the internal cavities of the digestive tract.

Reasons for thickening:

  • increased number of red blood cells;
  • elevated hemoglobin levels;
  • an increase in hematocrit, which refers to the percentage ratio between red blood cells and blood plasma.

These are the most important indicators indicating thickening of the blood. Their normative indicators depend on age, as such there are no uniform norms in laboratory results, there are lower and upper limits of indicators, which therapists are guided by when adjusting the dosages prescribed for each particular patient.

Factors that can regulate blood viscosity at the same time as taking medications:

  • drink a normal amount of liquid;
  • monitor the normal functioning of the intestines;
  • avoid dehydration for people with diabetes;
  • during intense physical exertion, increase the amount of fluid you drink;
  • Healthy food.

Then, together with the therapist, it is easy to determine what needs to be done, and to choose, and not only, those that regulate blood viscosity and maintain normal coagulation rates.

A wide range of pharmacological agents

The pharmacological industry today offers drugs without aspirin for blood thinning of various actions, the purpose of which is to normalize the composition of the blood. First of all, they are divided into two groups: anticoagulants and antiaggregants.

Medicines to normalize the condition work to normalize blood clotting - these are anticoagulants. Their task is to reduce the production of fibrin. Antiplatelet agents are intended to normalize the process of platelet production.

However, in reality this is not the case. Too much to eat to get the help you need. Aspirin-free blood thinners include concentrated medicinal ingredients isolated from plants.

Today, a lot of these drugs are produced in different versions of the content of various ingredients:

  • Heparin;
  • Warfarin;
  • Curantyl;
  • Phenylin;
  • Dabigatran;
  • Aspecard.

These are the most popular means that can thin the blood without irritating the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Drugs are produced in different countries, at different pharmaceutical companies, and often their composition is the same, but the name is different, just because each company patents for itself the ability to produce such a medicine. But pharmacies only get patented, licensed drugs containing high-quality raw materials that have passed the necessary tests and certification in accordance with international and Russian standards.

A special group of preparations containing trace elements

Preparations containing selenium, zinc, lecithin - actively work to normalize the composition of the blood, if it is not enough of these elements. Replenishing the blood with elements, the medicine has an important effect: they improve the digestibility of water, and the result is a normal level of blood viscosity.

Means containing healthy vessels are important, through which blood of different viscosities flows. Vessels must withstand changes in viscosity, be sufficiently elastic and durable. The hygroscopicity of the vessel walls normalizes the processes of blood movement through the veins, regulates the outflow of moisture from the vessels. One of these drugs is Aescusan, Cardiomagnyl, multivitamins are also active helpers.

Cardiomagnyl itself stands somewhat apart from the main groups of asyrin-containing drugs. It is most often used in cardiology, but it can thin the blood because it contains acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. This combination gives the effect of aspirin on the level of viscosity, and a decrease in its irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. The two components interact perfectly in one drug, maintaining mutual effectiveness.

The doctor prescribes Cardiomagnyl for certain diseases:

  • angina;
  • embolism;
  • chronic migraine;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombosis;
  • constantly rising blood pressure;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • high cholesterol;
  • genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease.

Such a list of diseases shows that aspirin-containing drugs are often given for prophylactic purposes. And for older people, to thin the blood after 50 years, aspirin and its derivatives are recommended to be taken once a week, or in cycles as prescribed by a doctor, also in order to prevent thrombosis and blood thickening.

Doctor's assistants

In principle, absolutely all drugs, even a simple aspirin, should be prescribed only after a blood test by the attending physician. It takes into account the general state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and pathologies.

Therefore, it is imperative to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician and take medication strictly as directed.

The negative effect of aspirin on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract has led to the development of drugs with a minimum amount of aspirin in pharmacological laboratories.

This is the already named Cardiomagnyl and similar in action to ThromboASS. For patients, these drugs have become traditional both for blood thinning and for improving cardiac function.

Cardiomagnyl belongs to the group of antiaggregants. This drug is used by doctors as a prophylactic for the formation of blood clots. The doctor immediately prescribes his appointment for a year ahead, according to the scheme, with a change in dosage and interruptions in admission. However, this medication has undesirable side effects, so it should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Thrombo ASS- a more versatile drug with good blood-thinning ability, with a minimum number of side effects, with components used instead of aspirin. However, it should only be taken after consulting a doctor. This medicine has a positive effect on the coagulation function, which normalizes the overall health of the patient.

With the help of drugs without aspirin with a blood-thinning effect, you can completely recover from the disease in a short time, without relapses, with a positive prognosis for the future.

Human blood is a liquid connective tissue and ensures the vital activity of the body. The health of almost all organs and systems depends on its condition. Increased blood viscosity can lead to heart attacks, strokes, thromboembolism and other serious diseases and conditions.

A few words about the composition of blood

The composition of the blood includes plasma and formed elements - erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes. Plasma is water with proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, fats, glucose and other substances dissolved in it. Formed elements form a suspension in the plasma.

Even in the blood there is a soluble protein fibrinogen, which, if necessary, produces fibrin - the fibers that form a blood clot. The level of blood viscosity is determined by the hematocrit number. It expresses the ratio of the liquid and solid parts of the blood - plasma and blood cells.

Why does blood thicken?

There can be several reasons for the increase in blood viscosity:

There are many reasons for thickening of the blood - lack of fluid, blood diseases, enzyme deficiency, liver and stomach diseases, impaired spleen function.

The structure of the blood can change under the influence of alcohol, smoking, drinking coffee and products made with a lot of chemicals.

The result is a violation of the transport function of the blood and its inability to fully carry out gas exchange - to carry oxygen to the organs and take carbon dioxide from them.

Why is it necessary to thin the blood?

Thick blood carries a great danger to the most important organs - the brain and heart. In addition, it can cause impotence, causes senile dementia, and contributes to the rapid development of atherosclerosis. Vessels suffer from it.

Viscous blood cannot pass into the capillaries, hence the congestion leading to varicose veins, the formation of blood clots.

Vessels need more effort to push it through. And this creates an additional burden on them. The blood pressure rises. Blood thinners are used to restore normal fluidity.

Types of blood thinners

In general, the group of medicines includes two types of drugs:

  1. Anticoagulants- drugs that prevent thrombosis. Their action is aimed at reducing the formation of fibrin, a thrombogenic material.
  2. Antiplatelet agents- These are medicines containing substances that prevent blood elements - platelets and erythrocytes from sticking together.

Anticoagulants, in turn, are divided into straight And indirect. Direct-acting drugs are aimed at inhibiting the formation of thrombin through complex biochemical processes. Indirect anticoagulants inhibit the action of vitamin K, which is actively involved in the clotting process.

Anticoagulants are far from safe drugs, so only a doctor should prescribe them and determine the dosage.

Thrombosis drugs

Anticoagulants are prescribed after surgery, with ischemic stroke, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other severe pathologies.

List of drugs Indications Contraindications
direct action
  • pulmonary embolism (TELA);
  • clogging of deep veins with blood clots;
  • thrombosis of coronary vessels;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • kidney disease and renal vein thrombosis.
  • reduced platelet count;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
  • prevention of postoperative thrombosis and embolism;
  • decompensated chronic heart failure in a severe stage;
  • the presence of blood clots in deep veins.
  • bleeding;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in a recent history;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • aneurysms;
  • reduced platelet count.
  • unstable angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • chronic ischemia of the heart;
  • surgical interventions.
  • severe degree of hypertension;
  • increased risk of bleeding due to impaired hemostasis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • age up to 18 years.
Use during pregnancy is determined by the ratio of benefit to the mother and risk to the fetus.
Indirect action
  • blockage of peripheral vessels;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • pathologies with increased blood clotting;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • venous inflammatory thrombosis after surgery and childbirth.
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • bacterial endocarditis in a subacute state;
  • decreased kidney and liver function.
  • venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;
  • electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation;
  • repeated myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis of cerebral and coronary arteries.
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypertension in a severe stage;
  • active bleeding.

A large number of contraindications reduces the possibility of using anticoagulants. Modern developments of scientists are aimed at creating safer universal drugs that can be used in the treatment of children and during pregnancy.

Drugs - antiplatelet agents

Antiplatelet agents thin the blood by affecting the ability of platelets to stick together and fix them on the walls of blood vessels. Their action on erythrocytes is to restore their ability to deform and freely penetrate into the capillaries. The spectrum of indications for the use of antiplatelet agents is wide. Among them, in particular, placental insufficiency, hypertension, ischemic organ damage, vascular thrombosis.

List of medicines

The list includes medicines that are well known to everyone, intended both for course use and for permanent use:

These are the most popular drugs. The list goes on, there are about a dozen more medicines, including combined ones.

Combining anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents is prohibited. Treatment is carried out under constant monitoring of blood clotting.

Contraindications for use

All antiplatelet agents have similar contraindications:

Do not prescribe antiplatelet agents during pregnancy and lactation.

Medicines for varicose veins

Varicose veins- disease of the leg veins - also treated with drugs that thin the blood. What remedies are most in demand for venous insufficiency? The best drugs for the treatment of varicose veins are those that have a complex effect.

These include:

So that the blood does not become viscous, follow the drinking regimen and diet, including in the diet products that have a good effect on it. This will save you from many diseases and the need to take synthetic drugs to thin it.

Thrombosis is a serious pathology caused by the appearance of blood clots in the vessels, creating obstacles to the movement of blood through the cavity of the vessels. The danger is the complications of the disease, sometimes ending in disability and even death of the patient.

Thrombus formation causes a number of serious diagnoses: ischemia, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, stroke. So that the disease does not activate, it is important to know what thins the blood and removes thrombosis.

Reasons for the development of thrombosis

Medicine ascertained many reasons for the appearance of blood clots. These are the features of the composition of the blood, and pathological changes, and the conditions of human life. The inflammation itself begins in the walls of the vessels, as well as the cavity of the veins. Most often, the formation of bloody plaques in the blood arteries contributes to the formation of blood clots.

Causes of blood clotting:

  • insufficient amount of salt in the body;
  • consumption of food that clogs the intestines;
  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions of human activity;
  • consequences caused by the use of antibiotics;
  • consequences of radioactive exposure;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • long-term use of certain drugs. For example, such harmless, at first glance, as motherwort or valerian extract.

Abundant consumption of alcohol, sugar, french fries, smoked meats, pastries, carbonated drinks can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots.

An increase in blood viscosity increases the risk of varicose veins and the person may develop heart problems. Follow the tips to help improve blood circulation and get rid of blood clots.

To avoid the appearance of blood clots and thickening of the blood, you need to pay attention to the veins and do a detailed blood test. The main reason for the formation of blood clots is a high level of blood clotting. There are a huge number of medications that thin the action that can prevent the growth of blood clots. But there are also many home methods for treating thrombosis and blood thinning.

Treatment of thrombosis with home methods

There are recipes for alcohol tinctures made at home, the action of which thins the blood and relieves venous stasis of the veins of the lower extremities. Consider some of the most effective means:

  1. We place 3 tbsp. l. acacia inflorescences in a jar, pour one and a half glasses of alcohol there. From above we tightly close the jar and remove to infuse in a place protected from light for a month. During this time, the medicine will infuse and be ready for use. To do this, we filter the infusion into a convenient glass vessel, you can use a bottle, and apply it externally as follows: rub the agent into the affected area of ​​​​the veins of the lower extremities, or dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and make a compress. This method not only thins the blood, but also relieves fatigue and swelling of the lower extremities.
  2. We grind the dried roots of the white cinquefoil to a state of dust, put it in a glass container and pour it with vodka. It will be enough 100 g of grass and two bottles of 0.5 liters of vodka. Then we place the vessel in a dark place and forget about it for two weeks. We carefully filter the tincture and, diluting a little with water, take it orally in doses: 1 tsp. three times a day. The tincture thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  3. Grind the pre-dried chestnut fruits in a mortar and mix half a glass of the obtained raw material and 0.5 l. vodka. We store the container with tincture in a dark place for 20 days. Then we filter and take 2 times a day for 10-15 drops. When taken regularly, the medicinal infusion promotes blood thinning.

Therapeutic baths

Blood thinning are baths based on medicinal plants, the recipes of which are given below:

  1. 750 g of tannic root to the top cover 4.5 liters of water and keep for 1.5 hours on low heat in a state of parka. It is necessary to take water procedures for the legs within 30 minutes, but after preliminary cooling.
  2. Baths based on oak and willow bark contribute to blood thinning. To do this, we take equal proportions of dried plants, pour boiling water over it, then hold the boiling point on the stove for forty minutes. Remove mixture from heat, cool and strain. Baths are used after diluting with a small amount of water. Such procedures are quite effective and contribute to blood thinning.

Experts note that proper nutrition is a preventive measure against thrombosis. Therefore, you can thin the blood if you just adjust your lifestyle. Experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids. The daily rate of water should be at least 2 liters.


You should avoid eating foods high in cholesterol, a common cause of clogged blood vessels and poor venous return.

A great support in maintaining health is the use of proper and healthy food. There is a list of food groups that can thin the blood:

Vitamin K derivatives are included in the table of prohibited foods that contribute to blood clotting. Bananas, spinach, lettuce, lettuce, alfalfa, broccoli, avocados, kiwi, and some cereals have a reverse effect on the blood, thickening it.

Medical therapy

The main method of treatment of thrombosis remains medicine. Its capabilities have advantages over other methods of treatment. Only in a clinic can a thorough diagnosis and an accurate diagnosis be made, as well as assess the degree of development of the disease. After going through a series of procedures for the study of health, a picture of the characteristics of the body, in particular the composition of the patient's blood, emerges. A general blood test will show the level of its density.

For attacks of myocardial infarction or stroke, thrombolytic therapy is indicated, which resolves already formed blood clots. Thrombolytics streptokinase, alteplase are used. Acute conditions caused by complications are indicated with anticoagulant drugs that help thin the blood and prevent the development of thrombosis.

Anticoagulant drugs prevent blood clots by reducing fibrin levels. This group of drugs is prescribed strictly by a specialist, because in the case of self-administration, the disease may worsen due to complications. The release of anticoagulants is allowed in tablet form and in the form of injections.

Hirudin has been considered a natural anticoagulant since antiquity. This substance is a component of the chemical composition of the saliva of leeches.

Today, hirudotherapy is gaining popularity. The effect is achieved within two hours after the injection of hirudin into the skin of a person as a result of a leech bite.

Pharmacology is rapidly developing and offers a new generation of anticoagulant drugs. The action of these drugs thins the blood, affecting the level of blood clotting, and not the blood clot, like many other drugs. Thus, the production of thrombin, which contributes to the appearance of blood clots, stops.

Surgical intervention

The clinical picture of thrombosis may require surgical intervention. The operation sometimes becomes an indispensable method of treatment in cases of myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism. The surgeon removes a blood clot from the human body.

The surgical method of treating thrombosis has several advantages:

  1. Treatment of thrombosis is less time-consuming (drug cure can take years).
  2. It has the effect of direct destruction of blood clots and prevents their further development.

Particular attention is paid to the methods of blood thinning in diseases of the veins. Prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy. In addition to medication, it includes the use of compression underwear, elastic bandages, phlebotonic products of natural origin, which prevent the development of thrombosis. The most common is chestnut.

Thrombus formation is considered a multifaceted pathological feature. Like many physiological ailments, prevention is better than cure. And in case of symptoms of thrombosis, do not engage in self-diagnosis and use healer's recipes, but contact a medical institution. The considered methods of alternative recipes for thrombosis must be agreed with the attending physician.

Preventive methods of treatment of thrombosis

Preventive measures for blood thinning are promoted by:

  1. Drugs that are derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid: Aspirin, Aspirin-cardio, Cardiomagnyl. Medicines of this pharmacological group are taken in doses as directed. Acetylsalicylic acid is not suitable for every organism and has a number of contraindications. This remedy has a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract, can provoke the appearance of ulcers. Therefore, when prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely take into account the presence of such factors.
  2. "Clopidogrel". This is a drug in the form of a gel that prevents the adhesion of blood cells - platelets. "Clopidogrel" actively thins the blood and prevents the further formation of blood clots.
  3. Lipid-lowering (lipid-lowering) drugs for thrombosis. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the enzyme that causes an increase in cholesterol levels, which creates the process of blockage of blood vessels. Among these funds, the most popular are Simvastatin, Atorvastatin. These are effective drugs that prevent the development of thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Physical exercise as a prevention of thrombosis

Any movement of the arms, legs, torso turns - daily physical manipulations - contribute to the tone of human blood vessels, which means they prevent the formation of blood clots. Therefore, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle naturally fall into the risk category: the outflow of blood through the venous system decreases, which contributes to the formation of blood clots.

Physical therapy to prevent thrombosis can be done at any time of the day. You just need to find 15 minutes of free time and warm up. The movements are quite simple and will not make it difficult for a person of any weight category and age to perform:

  1. We take off our shoes, stand on the floor and perform alternate rolls from socks to heels.
  2. We sit on a chair, stretch our legs forward parallel to the floor. We begin to strain the socks in motion away from ourselves, then pull them towards us along the trajectory “from ourselves to ourselves”.
  3. We stand up straight. At the expense of "one" - we rise a little on our toes, at the expense of "two" - we drop sharply.
  4. Walking in place. It is important to raise the leg as much as possible in the step, bending the knees. Then we perform the same exercise, only with throwing legs over ourselves.

These fairly simple and easy exercises at home will help you prevent the development of thrombosis.

Massage treatments

Massage sessions activate the tone of blood vessels and veins, relieve the heaviness of the lower extremities and contribute to blood thinning. Massage is not indicated for all types of thrombosis. When diagnosing the expansion of venous nodes or dense inflammatory areas, it is forbidden to touch such areas.

The masseur begins the procedure by rubbing the pits on the sole. Such a manipulation is performed by rotational movements of the fist.

The next step is massaging the calf of the lower leg. The action spreads over the entire territory of the gastrocnemius muscle with guiding movements from the bottom up. This method effectively kneads the vessels, veins and normalizes blood flow, preventing the development of thrombosis.

Then, from the base of the foot to the upper thigh, massaging actions are carried out with both hands. The execution technique is identical to the previous scheme.

Erythrocytosis is a condition characterized by an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. A change in these indicators causes its thickening, which is bad for health. When the pathology is confirmed, blood-thinning drugs are prescribed for admission.

There are many drugs in this group. Before starting treatment, a comprehensive examination of the patient is required.

What is dangerous thick blood

An increase in viscosity in relation to the physiological norm causes a slowdown in the rate of blood passage, which leads to an increase in the load on the myocardium. The heart is contracting in an enhanced mode.

In addition, there is a violation of microcirculation in organs and tissues. The slow movement of blood through the vessels creates ideal conditions for the formation of blood clots and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

As the pathology progresses, cholesterol deposits cause narrowing of the lumen of the blood channels and subsequent damage to the intima of the vessels (the inner layer of an artery or vein). A decrease in elasticity and a violation of their ability to stretch also increases the load on the heart.

The circle closes: thick blood causes atherosclerosis, which, in turn, raises the viscosity.

An increase in the strength of myocardial contractions leads to its depletion and the formation of heart failure. In the future, microcirculation worsens, ischemia (oxygen starvation) of all organs and tissues develops. As a result of pathological changes, the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes increases.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

There are no specific signs of the disease. Indirect conditions indicating an increase in hematocrit are:

  • Constant thirst.
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • Muscle weakness, severe fatigue.
  • Unexplained increased heart rate.
  • Stinging behind the sternum.
  • Cold extremities.

Children at increase in blood density indicators become whiny and always want to sleep.

For the diagnosis of pathology, studies are prescribed:

  • KLA, biochemical analysis.
  • Determination of hematocrit.
  • Coagulogram.
  • lipid profile.

To confirm the condition, a re-examination will be required. This will allow you to track the change in indicators in dynamics.

Additional studies for suspected development of erythrocytosis are:

  • Determination of the quality of saturation of arterial blood with oxygen.
  • amount of erythropoietin.

If necessary - according to indications - are appointed:

  • Bone marrow biopsy sampling.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis.
  • ECHO-KG.
  • Study of the hormonal profile.

Causes of thickening

Factors contributing to the development of erythrocytosis:

  • Enzyme deficiency - a condition characterized by a lack of digestive enzymes, which disrupts the breakdown of food. Decay products enter the bloodstream. It gets acidified. The result is gluing of red blood cells, oxygen starvation of body tissues.
  • Poor quality of drinking water.
  • Violation of the liver - lack of vitamins and minerals reduces the filtration function of the body. This leads to a change in the chemical composition of plasma and an increase in hematocrit.
  • Dehydration - the condition develops against the background of increased physical exertion, insufficient fluid intake, severe diarrhea or vomiting, and taking diuretics.
  • Increased work of the spleen.

Deviation is increasingly diagnosed in young people. This is explained by the poor environmental situation and the high content of chemical components in the composition of the products.

Indications for the use of blood thinners

You can start treatment with medications that reduce viscosity only as directed by your doctor. You must first undergo laboratory tests, since the appearance of certain symptoms is not a reason to take anticoagulants.

When diagnosing hematocrit values ​​over 0.55, treatment is mandatory.

List of blood thinners

The following drugs with a blood-thinning effect are most often prescribed for admission:

  • Heparin. The active active ingredient of the drug is an analogue of the substance injected into the wound by a leech when bitten.
  • Warfarin. Indirect anticoagulant. Used for vascular embolism, thrombosis. In the therapeutic regimen, it can be combined with aspirin. It has many contraindications.
  • Dabigatran (substitute for warfarin).
  • Trental. Available in the form of tablets and solutions for infusion. The main indication is the elimination of circulatory problems that accompany diabetes mellitus, gangrene, varicose pathologies.
  • Aspecard. The active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid. Not to be used during pregnancy, diagnosed hemophilia, kidney or liver problems.
  • Rivaroxaban. Produced in tablet form. Contraindicated in drug allergies, during gestation and breastfeeding.
  • Aescusan. Normalizes the process of venous circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Fenilin. Refers to drugs that have an instant effect. Rarely used. Only in case of emergency. It has many contraindications.
  • Cardiomagnyl. Allows you to control the level of blood viscosity.

Medicines are suitable for patients of all age categories. But independent admission - without passing a preliminary examination - unacceptable. Self-medication causes the development of serious side effects.

People who have crossed the line of 40-50 years deserve attention. At this age, taking drugs that provide blood thinning is more often a necessity. After 55 years, the formation of thrombosis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, is not excluded.

If earlier Aspirin was prescribed for these purposes, today the list of medicines has expanded significantly. In older patients, use:

  • Warfarin.
  • Heparin.
  • Exantha.
  • Aspirin Cardio.
  • Clopidogrel.
  • Cardiomagnyl.
  • Aggregal.

Modern blood thinners are taken as a course. Due to the cumulative effect, hematocrit values ​​remain normal for a long time. Sometimes up to 1 year.

One of the complications of pregnancy is the development of varicose veins. In the absence of therapy, the formation of thrombophlebitis, a condition in which deep veins are affected, is not excluded. The use of drugs with a blood-thinning effect is possible only as directed by a doctor. Most often, treatment is carried out with the help of the drug Curantil. Its action is aimed at strengthening the vascular wall, improving overall blood flow. In addition, the drug prevents the development of thrombus formation processes.

If a woman is hospitalized, then another medication is used in the hospital - Heparin. It does not enter the bloodstream of the fetus, but significantly increases the likelihood of preterm labor. That is why the remedy should be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

In the group of inexpensive drugs, they have proven themselves well:

  • Acecardol.
  • Thrombo ASS.
  • Aspirin Cardio.
  • Cardiomagnyl.

When choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account existing diseases.

When diagnosing varicose veins, in some cases, anticoagulants are prescribed in the form of injections, for example, Clexane or Fraxiparine. The desired effect will be provided by Kuranil or Dipyridamole tablets.

When atrial fibrillation is detected, Warfarin is used. With ischemia of the heart and a persistent increase in blood pressure, Cardiomagnyl is used.

The safest blood thinners for the stomach (without aspirin):

  • Curantil - reduces hematocrit and is approved for use as a prophylactic drug that prevents the development of varicose veins and atherosclerosis.
  • Ginkgo biloba.
  • Warfarin.
  • Heparin.

There is also a group of injectables (Urokinase, Streptokinase). Used in hospitals or ambulance teams. For independent use, they are prohibited.


It is prescribed in emergency cases, for example, with the development of a heart attack and stroke (acute periods). Recommended for the relief of heart pain, with an attack of angina pectoris. Contraindication:

  • Pregnancy.
  • individual reaction.
  • Bleeding.
  • Biopsy sampling.
  • Puncture.
  • Surgery in a recent anamnesis.
  • postpartum period.
  • Oncology.
  • Ulcerative diseases.
  • Traumatic brain injury.


Produced in the form of a lyophilizate intended for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. It is used during acute myocardial infarction, stroke. Contraindications:

  • Aneurysms.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pregnancy.
  • abortion.
  • Birth of a child.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Oncology.
  • Sepsis.
  • Tuberculosis.

Folk remedies

Medicinal herbs are considered as an alternative to medicines from the group of coagulants. Decoctions and infusions improve the biochemistry of blood plasma, reduce its viscosity.

Some herbs contain special substances - coumarin, escin saponites and salicylates - have an antithrombotic effect. The required result allows you to get a course intake of decoctions and infusions of the following herbs and plants:

  • White willow.
  • Melilot medicinal.
  • Root of Dioscorea Caucasian.
  • Hazel.
  • Horse chestnut.
  • Lungwort.
  • Ginkgo biloba.

To stabilize the indicators of blood density, it is worth reconsidering the usual diet. The menu is recommended to include products that prevent blood clots, lower cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This is sea fish, kelp. They contain a large percentage of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, taurine - substances that are powerful antioxidants and improve overall blood flow. In addition, the diet should consist of the following products:

  • Tomatoes (fresh).
  • Turmeric.
  • Cabbage.
  • Onion.
  • Cayenne pepper.
  • Carrot.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Sunflower seeds.

The blood will become more fluid if a person receives 14 microns of vitamin E daily. Fruits contain a lot of tocopherol:

  • Peach, orange, tangerine.
  • Watermelon, avocado, kiwi.
  • Plum, cherry, apricot.
  • Gooseberry, raspberry.

A good result is the use of honey. This is explained by the similarity of the composition of the product with the mineral structure of plasma, which allows its components to be absorbed by the body by 95%. Take honey according to the following scheme (in grams):

  • Morning and evening - 30.
  • During the day - 40.

Sweetness helps to increase the level of hemoglobin while reducing the amount of bad cholesterol.

Doctor's conclusion

Erythrocytosis is a serious pathology that threatens human life. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the state of health and, if uncharacteristic symptoms appear, seek medical help.

Blood nourishes and oxygenates all human organs. If it is too thick, it hardly enters the small capillaries. In especially problematic places, it can become a source of a blood clot - a blood clot that blocks the path of oxygen. This is the risk of developing angina pectoris, heart attack, varicose veins, hypertension. People who have experienced problems with blood vessels should know how to thin the blood.

Among the drugs that doctors prescribe for people with thick blood, there are drugs in pills and injections. Injections are designed for emergency situations when a blood clot has formed inside the vessel. If the heart vessel is damaged, then there is a strong pressing pain in the chest, myocardial infarction develops. This situation can occur in any vessels of the body. It leads to the death of those tissues that do not receive oxygen through a vessel with a clot. It is worth remembering that too thin blood can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, in no case should you use medicines to thin yourself, without the supervision of a doctor.

Medications in injections

Heparin is a blood thinner. It is similar to what leeches secrete after a bite - hirudin. Heparin prevents blood from clotting, making it more fluid. Heparin can dissolve small clots. Injections of this medicine often cause bruising and bleeding.

Thrombolytics - urokinase, streptokinase. They can be administered by an ambulance team or a resuscitator. These are the strongest drugs that can dissolve even a large blood clot in the heart or brain. There are many contraindications for these drugs, they often provoke complications. But in a favorable situation, thrombolytics save a person's life with a heart attack or stroke.

Liquefaction tablets

The main drugs for blood thinning after 50 years are pills:

Aspirin is the most commonly used blood thinner. Doctors prescribe it to people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels to prevent clots. Aspirin is contained in Thrombo ACC, Cardiomagnyl tablets.

Clopidogrel is very similar to aspirin. It is used if a person is allergic to aspirin or has contraindications. Doctors recommend using both drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel, for a year after a myocardial infarction.

Warfarin is a dangerous drug with very limited indications. It is used if the blood is very thick or there are diseases in which clots are constantly formed - atrial fibrillation. Warfarin is prescribed only by a doctor, while the analysis for clotting is constantly monitored.

Pradaxa and Eliquis are analogues of Warfarin. They are much safer, do not provoke bleeding, do not require constant monitoring of tests. Their major drawback is their high cost.

Trental - tablets prescribed for many pathologies. The peculiarity of trental is that it stimulates blood supply in small vessels - capillaries. Due to this, the condition of the most distant parts of the organs improves.

Curantil - tablets that make the blood more fluid. Curantil does not allow platelets to stick together in clots, dilates the vessels a little. Due to this, the blood becomes less dense, the blood supply to all organs improves.

Top 10 most effective non-drug blood thinners

In addition to medicinal treatment, there are herbal decoctions and infusions, as well as foods that make the blood liquid. Sometimes, medicines are contraindicated for a person - then non-drug methods of blood thinning can be used. .


Very often, the cause of thickening is banal - low fluid intake. The situation is corrected by the use of a large amount of liquid during the day - clean water, decoctions and fruit drinks. Drink should be in small sips, every 15-20 minutes. That water thins the blood can be seen by improving the condition of the skin and hair, which are supplied with blood by small vessels.

horse chestnut

The peel of chestnut fruits contains substances that reduce the formation of clots and improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. 100 g of pure chestnut peel should be poured with a liter of vodka. The container is hermetically sealed. After two weeks of infusion in a dark place, an effective tincture for thinning the blood is obtained. This strong remedy is taken in a teaspoon three times a day.

wheat germ

The content of a large amount of vitamins and substances that improve the properties of blood cells makes germinated wheat grains extremely useful for people with problematic vessels. For germination, only those seeds that have sunk in water are selected - if the seed floats on the surface, then it is dead and will not bring any benefit. Next, the grains are filled with clean water and left. Sprouts can be eaten in a tablespoon every day. It is ideal to season them with oil - olive, linseed, unrefined sunflower. These oils are a source of polyunsaturated acids, which have a great effect on blood vessels.


Everyone knows the use of raspberry tea for colds. The effect is in the natural aspirin contained in fragrant berries. It is best to eat raspberries fresh or frozen in the evenings. Natural aspirin of berries somewhat thins the blood, preventing cells from sticking together into clots of blood clots. Of course, the effect is somewhat lower than that of Cardiomagnyl. But for aspirin tablets there are a lot of contraindications, but raspberries are not only for allergy sufferers.

sweet clover

It was from this plant that the substance dicoumarin, capable of dissolving blood clots, was isolated. Infusions based on sweet clover do not allow blood cells to stick together, strengthen blood vessels, additionally calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on women's health. To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour two tablespoons of dry raw sweet clover with boiling water. The cooled infusion should be drunk in a glass a day, preferably in two or three approaches.

This plant contains flavonoids, which have a host of effects. The composition of the blood improves - it is more liquid, carries more oxygen. Ginkgo dilates blood vessels, especially the smallest ones, due to which more oxygen and nutrition is supplied to the brain. The wall of blood vessels with regular use of ginkgo biloba extract becomes stronger and more elastic, as in young people. It is most convenient to take ginkgo in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, in courses of 1 month.


Ginger has firmly taken its place in the top ten blood thinners. This plant does not allow clots to form, improves blood supply even to small vessels. There are many recipes with ginger. In one of them, a 3-5 cm ginger root is taken, a little bit of cinnamon, lemon and honey to taste. All half a liter of boiling water is poured. Such a ginger-honey drink, when consumed in a glass daily, will not allow blood to clot, making it more liquid.


Peony root contains a substance very similar to heparin. It prevents blood clots from appearing. You can prepare the infusion yourself - from dry raw materials. Peony roots are poured with vodka and infused for a week. It is much easier to purchase a pharmacy ready-made peony tincture. It is used 30 drops three times a day. Peony tincture will have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the heart, improve the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Garlic and onion

Phytoflavonoids, which contain garlic and onions, can thin the blood if consumed regularly. Garlic can be consumed as a mixture with honey. To do this, mix 300 g of grated garlic and the same amount of honey. This combination, when used in a tablespoon up to three times a day, improves the condition of blood vessels, raises immunity.


This berry is simply filled with vitamins. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is famous for its effect on the vascular wall, it makes it stronger and reduces the risk of blood clots - clots do not stick to a healthy wall. The remaining components of cranberries thin the blood and improve oxygen delivery to the brain and heart.


Often, people with thick blood are interested in how to thin it without using drugs - medicinal or herbal. To do this, exercise in combination with sufficient water intake throughout the day will help. Before you do gymnastics, you should remember simple rules:

  • All intense exercises - running, active fitness - are transferred to the evening.
  • Too violent exercises against the background of thick blood in the morning can provoke blood clots.
  • In the morning, after waking up - simple gymnastics - tilts, stretches, turns.
  • Particular attention during the warm-up is paid to the cervical spine - these vessels supply the brain and quickly become clogged if the blood is thick.
  • During classes, you should drink water - in small sips. Sweat lost during exercise makes the blood thinner.

Absolutely any physical activity contributes to blood thinning. During muscle contraction, the blood in the vessels accelerates - clots do not have time to form. Especially dangerous in terms of blood clots is the forced stay in one position:

  • long flights
  • fractures of the legs, spine,
  • lengthy operations.

All these situations are fraught with the formation of clots due to stagnation of blood. Therefore, before a long operation, doctors recommend elastic stockings - so that the veins of the legs do not become a source of blood clots.

If a multi-hour flight is expected:

  • Drink enough liquids, but not coffee or tea - they increase the formation of urine and thicken the blood.
  • Alcohol, in an amount greater than 150 ml of dry wine, also significantly thickens the blood.
  • During the flight, do not be shy to walk down the aisle once again.
  • While sitting, make movements in the ankle joints - so the blood cannot stagnate in the veins of the legs.


The use of leeches is effective in case of thick blood. When bitten by a leech, hirudin, a substance very similar to heparin, enters the body. Hirudin prevents blood from clotting and forming clots. During suction, the leech takes a certain amount of blood cells. The hirudotherapy procedure improves the condition with thickening.

During one session, it is undesirable to use more than 10 leeches. Hirudotherapy is an unsafe procedure, so a doctor should prescribe it. Previously, you will need to take blood tests in order to make sure that leeches are not contraindicated. Usually 2-3 sessions are done - this is enough to improve the properties of thick blood and get rid of clots.

Thickening of the blood is accompanied by mild symptoms: headache, blurred vision. Sometimes a person may not realize that he is suffering from thick blood until the symptoms of diseases appear - varicose veins, heart attack. If you have any suspicion or symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After testing, he will tell you if there is a problem and how to solve it. All blood thinners are potent and must be prescribed by your doctor. During treatment, side effects are possible: bruising, bleeding from the nose, heavy menstruation. The appearance of such signs should be reported to the attending doctor as soon as possible: most likely, a reduction in the dose of tablets will be required. Thick blood is an unfavorable condition, but self-medication in this situation is much more dangerous.

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