Braces for children pros and cons. What are the pros and cons to expect from wearing braces: why are they needed, and what will be the consequences. Incorrect bite is just an aesthetic flaw

For many people, even those who have already firmly decided to start straightening their teeth with braces, doubts and fears are characteristic. All sorts of disturbing thoughts begin to penetrate into the head, a person begins to ask questions: what if he will look ugly with them? Will it be possible to eat well? Will there be problems with diction? Which systems are the most efficient? You can find answers to these and a number of other questions by analyzing the pros and cons of braces, which will be discussed below.

Where to start choosing braces?

Making the right choice of bracket system is not so easy, as the modern market offers a wide variety of options. To make it easier, you should decide in advance on the following aspects:

  • their financial capabilities and the maximum price limit;
  • duration of wearing the system;
  • the degree of importance of aesthetics;
  • number of visits to the orthodontist's office for correction and observation.

For example, if a patient does not have the opportunity to attend corrective measures often, then it is advisable for him to opt for self-ligating systems, however, this option will be quite expensive.

For those for whom the aesthetic component is extremely important, the choice is obvious - this is, but even in this case one has to take into account the factor of their high cost. If the financial situation does not allow spending about 60-70 thousand rubles on braces, then the decision becomes a choice in favor, but if the situation is very tight with money, then you have to stop at.


As already mentioned, the variety of types of bracket systems is large, they can be classified according to several variations. They are placed on the inner surface of the teeth, - on the outer, hence their corresponding typology. Internal structures are preferable from an aesthetic standpoint, but they are significantly more expensive, plus they are difficult to install, and they are made to order.

Depending on the materials used, bracket systems are divided into:

  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • polymeric;

Depending on the timing of wearing the system, there are:

  • small (less than one year);
  • medium (from one year to two);
  • large (from three years and above).

The final choice should be made by the patient only after analyzing the most detailed information, including after consultations with the doctor.

Indications for the installation of braces

On a note: The installation procedure itself is absolutely painless, but it is by no means easy or simple.

Only a qualified specialist should be engaged in this operation, otherwise you will have to forget about the positive result of the treatment. You will learn how to choose a qualified doctor from this.

The main indications for the installation of systems are bite defects, no matter if they were congenital or acquired. In more detail, among such indications should be called:

  • incorrect position of the upper and lower row of the jaw relative to each other;
  • large gaps between teeth;
  • curvature of individual teeth;
  • facial profile defects;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetics of the smile zone;
  • face asymmetry.

The optimal age for the installation of braces is between 10 and 18 years, in rare cases, you can put the system at an earlier age. There are situations when defects in the jaw and teeth occur at a later age, for example, as a result of an injury. In these cases, braces should also be placed to help solve the problems that have arisen. You will learn more about up to what age to install braces.

Pros and cons of ligature and non-ligature braces

Regardless of the material used in the manufacture, all braces are divided into. The latter are based on the use of an arc, which, with the help of ligatures, that is, special rings, is attached to the locks on the teeth, while non-ligature structures are among the self-ligating ones, in which the arc is installed in a clip intended for this.

Each type of braces has its advantages and disadvantages:

Self-ligating systems



  • you can visit the doctor less often in the process of wearing;
  • easier to take care of the oral cavity.
  • high price.

Ligature constructions



  • wearing comfort;
  • lower cost.
  • the need for a monthly visit to the doctor;
  • difficulties in the process of caring for the system and oral cavity.

Pros and cons of metal braces

Braces made of metal are among the most reliable and strong, they can be used to correct almost any bite defect, and they cost quite adequately, but their unimportant aesthetics becomes a serious disadvantage. The last aspect is extremely significant for representatives of public professions, so they choose other materials, but for the majority, metal systems are still the most successful and most sought-after solution.

Ceramic braces

These braces are made of dental ceramics and they are a very good solution in terms of money spent and the result obtained. Among their undoubted advantages, in addition to an acceptable price, should be attributed less visibility in comparison with the metal options, however, in the course of their teeth get a yellowish tint, which does not suit everyone. Plus, they cannot cope with more complex defects, this is the prerogative of metal structures.

Sapphire braces - advantages and disadvantages

These faux sapphire pieces look very attractive and stylish, and their excellent aesthetics can be called a definite and serious advantage. The big disadvantage will be the high cost, decently more expensive than ceramics, however, they can be combined with the same metal options, putting metal on the back teeth, and sapphire on the front ones. The use of sapphire braces makes the smile much more attractive and even more dazzling, but we must not forget that they are rather fragile and do not differ in particular strength.

Lingual braces - pros and cons

The best option for those who care about the aesthetic side of the issue, since these braces are attached to the inside of the teeth and therefore invisible to others. Another advantage of them will be strength and reliability comparable to metal systems, but there are also disadvantages, in particular:

  • high price;
  • a serious deterioration in diction at the initial stage of wearing;
  • the need for more complex care.

As you can see, the pros and cons of braces do not allow one design to be called ideal, which, on the one hand, complicates the choice for the patient, but on the other, makes it easier and more diverse.

Pros and cons of braces

Often people believe that the purpose of braces is to form a beautiful smile, but in fact their main function is to correct bite defects. Of course, the second does not exclude the first, so the aesthetic side of the issue matters. It is this factor that often begins to play a crucial role when choosing between installing a structure and abandoning it, meanwhile, it is also necessary to pay attention to other aspects.

So, the positive aspects of bracket systems will be:

  • the ability to correct even the most complex and neglected conditions of curvature of the teeth;
  • fixed fastening eliminates the risk of breakage of the system by children;
  • the enamel becomes stronger and less sensitive, the general condition of the gums and teeth improves.

There are more minuses than pluses, but this does not affect the quality indicators, since bracket systems have proven themselves from the best side in terms of performance. However, some of the disadvantages of braces include:

  • the obligation of proper care and cleaning, otherwise the risk of damage to the structure and the oral cavity will seriously increase. You will learn more about caring for braces;
  • aesthetically, most braces do not look very attractive;
  • at first, the sensitivity of the teeth increases;
  • you will have to limit yourself in the consumption of certain products, especially solid, viscous and sticky ones;
  • bracket systems will have to be worn for quite a long time, but it all depends on the scale of the problem and the degree of its complexity;
  • there are a number of contraindications when it is impossible to put braces, for example, in case of tuberculosis, blood diseases, periodontitis, as well as in the presence of diseases of the heart, immune or endocrine system.

Pros and cons of braces according to doctors

The main advantage of braces, practitioners call the ability to use them to correct bite defects of any scale and complexity. Not all other orthodontic constructions can successfully solve problems of a serious level, braces in this regard look like an ideal solution. But these same experts note that the main disadvantage of bracket systems will not be the best aesthetics of most of them, as well as the need for rather complicated care for them.

Often, patients make their choice in favor of a particular system, based on comparative tables from the Internet, but this is not the best option, and here's why:

  • all designs have the ability to influence the movement of teeth in a row with equal force, since this mechanism is based on their natural ability to change their location;
  • in matters of pricing, care should be taken, often the main criterion is not the quality or reliability of the system, as well as the qualifications of the orthodontist, but the pricing policy of the clinic and its desire to make a trite money.

Therefore, one should rely not on the price of the structure, but on its reliability, appearance, complexity of caring for it and ease of use. Now in medical circles there are rumors about the development of magnetic braces that do not require any structures to be worn on the teeth. The idea is based on the use of two magnetic field generators that will act on the iron contained in the teeth, which will allow them to be moved in the right direction, but for now this is nothing more than a fantasy, a matter of the future.

Myths about the use of braces

Dentistry has long and firmly been associated in the minds of many people with pain and discomfort, there are many rumors and even myths associated with this area, which are completely untrue:

  • Myth number 1 - braces and beauty are incompatible. It used to be so, because the designs were bulky, inconvenient and caused frequent discomfort, but modern systems are radically different from them for the better. Thanks to the use of various materials, wearing braces not only becomes comfortable, but also the very fact of their use can be hidden by putting, for example, lingual bracket systems.
  • Myth number 2 - braces are put only in childhood. This misconception comes from another, which is based on the erroneous opinion that it is possible to correct an overbite only in childhood. In fact, there are no age restrictions, you can put braces after 30 and after 40 years. Yes, it will take more time, but that's all.
  • Myth #3 - Wearing structures is associated with pain. Technically this is true, but only in the first few days after installation, usually everything goes away in two or three days. This is due to the reaction of the body to the intervention from the outside, but subsequent adaptation removes this problem completely.
  • Myth #4 - Wearing braces causes tooth decay. The system does not harm the enamel, but the deterioration of the condition of the teeth really often occurs, only this is due to the actions of the patient himself, for example, ignoring the requirements and rules for oral hygiene care on his part. Enamel, of course, can suffer, but this is due to the initial lack of minerals in the tooth, and not due to wearing the system.
  • Myth number 5 - Allergy can occur on the installed structure. The main part of these problems is of a different nature, namely the presence of gum disease in the patient. If the correct and high-quality sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out before the start of the correction, then the patient will not have any problems with this aspect.

It is also important to remember that a person's attitude towards treatment plays a significant role in the overall success of the undertaking. Self-interest in success can be a strong motive for treatment, contributing to the desired positive outcome.

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Why did I decide to get braces? I am 28 years old and I have always had average teeth (I could never boast of snow-white straight teeth, I smiled without showing my teeth, I was a little shy about them), but when I was 10 years old, they removed 6 on the left, and at 23 - on the right. One can imagine how the teeth shifted after such losses - the upper teeth had no support from below, the lower ones began to move in, the upper fangs began to protrude - the bite was broken. Plus, I have a deep bite, my chin did not protrude much forward, which I also wanted to fix. If I had left everything as it was, the situation would have worsened, my teeth would have crooked even more.

Start. After a visit to the dentist and a long conversation about the installation of braces (the dentist dissuaded me, did not consider my bite a problem), I visited the orthodontist. The verdict was announced immediately - external braces on the upper and lower teeth, no options. Then I took a panoramic picture, it turned out that I did not have wisdom teeth from above, and from below they had already come out and there was no need to remove them. Ideally, if you have wisdom teeth and you are going to put braces, wisdom teeth are removed, since they can grow at any time and for a long time, which will shift, deform the dentition, all treatment may be in vain. At the next appointment, I got braces on my upper jaw.

Installation of braces. To make the process of getting used to it a little easier, the braces are installed alternately - top, then bottom. Someone immediately put, but it's not humane. Installation is painless. After installation, of course, very unusual. Something appears in the mouth, interferes, rubs. At first there is no pain and it seems that it is -tu! what nonsense! But, teeth start to hurt after braces are installed after 3-4 hours ! The pain is terrible, I want to scratch my gums, somehow touch my teeth, take it all off ... You can drink painkillers. Braces can hurt your head, ears, neck. After every visit to the dentist (braces need to be tightened every month), my ear hurts. It is unrealistic to bite anything, only liquid food.

Installation of braces on the lower jaw. A month later, I had a second jaw installed. Installation also does not cause any discomfort. But after installation, so that the braces do not press on each other in some places (since my bite is deep, the lower jaw seems to be pulled back), they made me biting fillings! and this was the third test after the pain, the inability to eat normally. Now my jaw did not close, there was a large amount of filling material on the chewing teeth. It looked like this:

The photo shows very clearly how high and how far the teeth are from each other. Immediately for clarity, the photo after six months of wearing braces:

It's practically ideal! My teeth change position very quickly, even the most uncomfortable ones.

I will immediately show the photo of the jaws before and after

That's wonderful. I believe that all my efforts and suffering are not in vain.

What else will you have to face? In the process of treatment, various unforeseen situations may appear. For me, this was - bite fillings. In addition, most likely, you will be asked elastics - rubber bands, which, by putting pressure on the jaws, pull them in or pull the lower jaw forward. Due to the constant pressure, the teeth get used to a different bite. I had 2 stages with elastics - 2 schemes. I left the first one when the lower jaw was pushed out - I really wanted the result, when they began to tighten my teeth - I started to hack. There was a terrible feeling, as if the enamel on the tooth was pinching ... as if they had dripped lemon, terribly unpleasant. Elastics stopped wearing, but this did not hurt the process. If you need to push your teeth apart, I can see this in the photo on the left, then in this place there will be a piece of a metal arc and it will probably be closed with a spring to push the teeth apart.

When a hard piece of food fell on this spring, it could bend, which means fly out of the back bracket (lock). But this is fixable, you can insert it yourself.

If a piece of metal arc is not covered by anything, then because of it sores will form on the cheeks(he seems to be overgrown with a cheek and it's creepy (who wore it will understand)). I had such an open area of ​​​​a large size, I could not get to the dentist and saved myself with a rod from a cotton swab - I cut it off, cut it and put it on this part of the arc. If braces rub - yes orthodontic wax. Do not hook him on the arc.

What happened to speech? Many have heard a person with braces talking, I would call such a speech - slobbery-lisping. Salivation will indeed be increased. I was carried away, the diction is clear, outwardly the braces are not visible at all !!!

Pros) For me, plump lips became a bonus) Braces are not visible, but the lips have grown, plus the chin protruded a little forward, or rather, it fell into place, the chin line is clearer, the asymmetry of the lips and face disappears.

The braces are peeling off. A couple of times my braces came off on my lower front teeth. Once I sneezed and clenched my teeth hard. Sneeze carefully.

What about food. I can’t say that carbonated, hot or cold somehow strongly influenced the braces, I ate everything, but in moderation. Only soft food in small pieces - this is for the safety of braces, and for the safety of the psyche - carry a toothpick at least with you, everything gets stuck mercilessly, especially rice, especially everything ...

Psychological problems. Over time, you get used to everything. Problems with tough food are gone, I sometimes gnaw nuts, but this is NOT possible! Always try to eat food softer and in small pieces, take care of the installation! The pain passes, there is no external discomfort. What I didn’t expect - psychological problems ... At first everything piles up - pain, you can’t eat a lot, you lose weight, you are constantly hungry, but I was knocked out by the feeling that I had something foreign in my mouth that I can’t get rid of, it bothers me , I don't want! I cried from the accumulated circumstances. In short - psychologically difficult, be prepared.

Ceramics. I chose aesthetic braces with only one goal - less noticeable. The arc can also be white, but the paint on it quickly chipped off. They say that with metal braces, teeth move better. Each bracket was fixed with a metal ligature (the wire wraps around the bracket and archwire and twists - this another circle of hell) and they can also fix the arch and braces with rubber - cons - it will be yellow by the next appointment if you drink black tea or coffee. The braces themselves are never stained.

Outcome. I have been wearing braces for almost a year now. The upper jaw is ready! We are still working on the lower one, as we plan to put implants in place of the missing teeth.

Dear girls! If you need to put braces, put them on. Don't wait and don't delay. The result will be positive. Just decide for yourself whether you can live with such teeth or your life will change after the bite is corrected. Good luck!

If a person does not have a very beautiful smile, he may think about purchasing braces. Most people immediately abandon these thoughts due to many prejudices and myths. Some of them are based on the fact that the original bite correction systems had an extremely ugly appearance and very large dimensions.

And the fact that you need to use this design not for months, but for several years, forced the rest to change their minds. The pros and cons of braces will be discussed in detail below. Even now, in the age of information, you can often hear on the street or see messages on forums that braces are harmful to dental health.

To improve the level of your own education, you need to immediately deal with these myths and evaluate all the pros and cons of installing orthodontic appliances.

  • pros

    In order not to harm your own health in an attempt to fix a smile, you need good motivation and knowledge. The affirmative arguments include:

    Correction and correction of any pathologies of your teeth

    The current level of development of dental medicine makes it possible to achieve the correction of absolutely any aesthetic problems and bite problems at any stage of their development. If the applicant does not have a single contraindication from their extremely small list, then there are no difficulties other than budgetary ones.

    You will have a healthy and attractive smile

    Getting rid of defects that negatively affect the attractiveness of teeth is the most common reason for visiting an orthodontist. After a few weeks have passed since the installation, the positive results will already be noticeable, so this fact can hardly be overestimated. This will also have a positive effect on the general health of the human body.

    No contraindications for age

    Braces do not have any age restrictions, so they can be placed not only for people who have their own teeth, but also for those who are going to install implants. In this case, only a person can limit himself due to insufficient motivation.

    Teeth are amenable to correction at any age, so now it is increasingly possible to meet representatives of the older generation with corrective structures on their teeth.

    Cons of installing orthodontic systems

    Despite all the pros and myths debunked, braces still have a number of disadvantages. They do not directly affect health in a negative way, but they can scare off insufficiently motivated people.

    To achieve an effective result in correcting the bite, you must follow strict rules of oral hygiene, otherwise, instead of a corrected smile, you can get serious illnesses. It is enough to clean the braces with special brushes, use mouth rinses. You need to take care of the system after each meal.

    The main problems are classified as follows:

    Long procces

    A long time for correcting a dental bite also negatively affects the popularity of this solution. The duration of treatment is from one to three years.

    It seems that this is a very long time, and a person begins to gradually lose interest in this, but positive results are noticeable after the first weeks, so motivation will not lose its strength. In addition, every month during which you wear this system, additionally confirms the correctness of the decision.

    The first results of teeth correction can be seen already after 5-6 months after the installation of the structure.


    Yes, an orthodontic system, like any dental device, is expensive. On average, the total amount for the correction of teeth is from fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. The price is greatly influenced by the chosen clinic, the duration of the course of treatment and the device itself.

    Already now you might think that this is a very large amount, but it will easily pay off over time, due to the fact that many of the reasons for the development of various diseases will be corrected long before the appearance of pathologies.

    Destroying myths about braces

    The process of straightening teeth, according to people, is constantly accompanied by inconvenience and pain, but this is not so. Before moving on to braces - pluses and minuses - I propose to dispel the most popular myths about braces. Let's take the five most famous.

    Myth 1: “It's ugly!”

    Once upon a time, this statement was true, but in comparison with those times, our technologies for dental treatment have stepped much further. Such orthodontic systems can only to a small extent change the image of a person. In their production, those materials that are distinguished by aesthetic appeal are taken as raw materials.

    Now not only conservative metal varieties are available, but also many others - ceramic, plastic. If there is a need for discreet wearing of braces, it does not matter. There are lingual invisible braces that are installed from the inside.

    Such structures are installed on the inside of the teeth, which provides an aesthetic appearance to the smile.

    It is not worth getting upset because you will be haunted by constant discomfort. Within a week and a half, a person will completely get used to this idea. And the feeling that the smile will be more attractive every day will definitely support the doubter.

    Myth 2: “This is for kids!”

    This misconception about the relevance of such a device only in childhood is no longer so frequent, but there are still people who adhere to it. In fact, there are no age contraindications to the installation of braces. The only difference for people of different ages is a long bite correction. In older people, the duration of the period during which the bite is finally fixed is longer.

    Naturally, the speed of its correction, respectively, and the speed of movement are also a purely individual characteristic. The duration of wearing the orthodontic system can be determined accurately only after an examination of the entire dentoalveolar apparatus.

    Myth 3: “It hurts!”

    In fact, any inconvenience can really be noticed, but only in the first few days. Due to the fact that this pressure will be unusual for the teeth, aching sensations can be noticed, in some cases the gums will begin to itch.

    Since each human body is unique, the length of the period of inconvenience will also vary. This symptomatology does not require any medical intervention, because it creates a stressful situation for the body.

    Statistical studies show that after seven days, braces no longer cause any discomfort.

    Myth 4: “It's harmful!”

    There are no direct statements confirming this, but there are still people who consider the expression to be true. The effect of braces is completely safe, because they have a very mild effect. Some problems with braces can only arise for someone who does not follow any recommendations of a medical specialist.

    If you do not follow the hygiene of your own oral cavity, then an unpleasant plaque will gradually accumulate around the device, which may cause stomatitis, caries and other dental pathologies to develop. Damage to tooth enamel can only be caused due to a preliminary lack of the required amount of minerals. A preliminary examination will always show this, and the attending physician will definitely recommend the necessary measures to avoid dental erosion.

    Myth 5: “It will cause allergies!”

    These devices have a number of contraindications, but most of them relate to a variety of gum pathologies.

    To install the device, you must first recover from all the observed violations and prepare for a long period of treatment. Lack of interest also reduces device insertion rates, because how many of us loved going to the dentist as children?

    Varieties of systems


    Metal staples are the most common option due to their low cost. In addition to the low price, they have great endurance, a faster course of treatment compared to the rest, and a variety of raw materials, which removes the possibility of allergies.

    The disadvantages include their low aesthetic appeal. Cheap and cheerful, so to speak.


    Compared to metal ones, they are much more invisible, but their use alone imposes a large number of prohibitions on a person. Most of them relate to food that can stain teeth.

    Of the most aesthetically pleasing braces, plastic braces are the least expensive. But after a while they lose their attractiveness due to the loss of their original color. Another disadvantage can be called a small strength.


    Ceramic braces are considered the most versatile type. Due to the exact repetition of the color of the teeth, they are hardly noticeable, they cannot be painted in any way, they are more resistant to damage than plastic ones, and they have a high aesthetic appeal.

    The disadvantages include a really high cost, a longer course of treatment (can be solved by glazing the grooves) and the complicated process of their removal.

    Such structures are attached only on the outer side of the teeth, but due to the ligatures of light or transparent shades, they are almost invisible.

    Non-ligating or self-ligating orthodontic systems

    This is an improved version of the basic braces model. Due to the fact that ligatures need to be changed much less often, you do not need to visit your orthodontist often. On some human teeth, the components of this system are smaller, for example, on the upper incisors. The period of correction of the bite will be significantly less, due to the small amount of friction.

    Non-ligature constructions are distinguished by the fact that in their mechanism there is no metal wire (ligature) that runs along the entire arch of the teeth

    These braces do not require as thorough oral care as others. But the cost of the system is much higher than that of a conventional metal one.

    Corrective systems are of two types: vestibular (attached to the front of the teeth) and lingual (located on the back of the teeth)

    Lingual system

    It can be considered the ideal among all options, because of its complete invisibility. This is achieved by fixing the device on the inside of the teeth.

    In addition to invisibility, they have significant drawbacks. For example, the amount of their installation can seriously affect the decision to correct your smile, oral hygiene is more complicated than other types, and noticeable problems with diction at the very beginning of the treatment procedure can scare even ardent fans of bite correction.

    This system is the best option if a person wants to correct the defects of his smile, while in no way showing that he has braces. Having considered the pros and cons of braces, their existing types, we can confidently conclude that they need to be installed for any person with sufficient capabilities.

Many patients who are faced with problems such as malocclusion or crooked teeth think about whether to put braces or prefer temporary constructions. Like any other product, braces have their pros and cons, which you should be familiar with before starting orthodontic treatment. Bracket systems are called modern metal, ceramic, plastic products for constant wear, which allow you to correct the bite and (or) cope with the curvature of the teeth in patients of any age.

General pros and cons of designs

The benefits of braces include:

  • the ability to install both a child and an adult patient;
  • a wide list of indications for use (orthodontic defects);
  • painlessness and relative ease of fixation;
  • high efficiency of treatment;
  • a wide range of designs (materials, design, cost);
  • wearing such products does not affect the condition of healthy teeth.

Disadvantages of orthodontic appliances:

  • inability to use with a large number of carious foci and active inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • the need for more thorough hygienic care not only for the braces themselves, but also for the teeth and gums;
  • duration of treatment - for example, bite correction in adults and children can take from several months to 1-2 years (depending on the severity of the problem);
  • high cost (the total amount is determined by the material from which the structures are made, the price of orthodontist services).

Sapphire designs look as aesthetically pleasing as possible, but at the same time they are expensive and extremely whimsical in hygienic care.

Important: the reviews of a number of experts indicate that the harm of braces may lie in the constant mechanical effect on tooth enamel - that, in turn, is injured, thinner, the risk of caries increases. Despite the obvious benefits of orthodontic treatment, many patients experience soreness and discomfort while wearing braces, so they often refuse them and prefer temporary (removable) products.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of braces

Allocate non-ligature (corrective bite arch is inserted into a special clip) and ligature (equipped with fastening locks) designs. The main advantage of the former is simplified oral care, the disadvantage is the high price.

Ligature braces are elastic, comfortable to wear, inexpensive, but the ligatures themselves require periodic replacement. In addition, this kind of products need constant careful hygienic care.

To correct the bite and shape of the teeth, metal, ceramic or sapphire constructions can be placed. Each of them have their pros and cons. So, metal products are reliable and inexpensive, but at the same time, according to the majority of patients, they “strike the eye” of others and look extremely unaesthetic. Ceramic designs look better, cost more, give the teeth a yellowish tint.

Sapphire braces are almost invisible (transparent), but they are not as reliable and durable as the products described above. Based on which side the braces are fixed on, they are vestibular (external) and lingual (internal). The latter are invisible when smiling and during communication, durable, but at the same time expensive. Vestibular braces are difficult to care for, they are “striking”, affect diction, but are cheaper than lingual counterparts.

Important! Modern orthodontics has a wide range of braces with different designs.

So, if a child with one or another bite defect refuses to wear orthodontic structures, you can choose models with curly locks and other decorative elements. This allows you to turn ordinary braces into a real decoration.

Thus, lingual constructions have the best aesthetic properties, and if we are talking about the material of manufacture - sapphire products (they are, however, the most expensive). Nevertheless, due to their availability and low cost, metal vestibular systems are the most popular among patients.

Bracket systems with ligatures look bulky, but are more reliable and resistant to mechanical damage.


Irina, 29 years old, Moscow:
The orthodontist gave a recommendation for the installation of braces to my 9-year-old son. We opted for metal vestibular products - they are reliable, effective and inexpensive. Correction of malocclusion lasted for a year, the child did not experience any particular discomfort during treatment. The only difficulty is the need for constant cleaning of the structures themselves and more thorough care of the teeth and gums.

Igor, 40 years old, St. Petersburg, dentist:
Bracket systems can harm the patient in several cases: they were incorrectly installed (fitted to size), made of low-quality materials, and also when a child or an adult does not follow the recommendations for hygiene and care of structures given by an orthodontist after fixing them on the teeth. Otherwise, the choice of braces is carried out according to indications for the installation of orthodontic products, taking into account aesthetic preferences, financial capabilities of each patient.

Stanislav, 36 years old, Ufa:
I thought for a long time whether it was worth putting braces at such a late age, whether they would be harmful to enamel. Nevertheless, the protruding one spoiled the impression of my smile so much that I decided to visit the orthodontist. No contraindications against braces were found, so I chose, although not cheap, but almost imperceptible (transparent) sapphire constructions. I wore them for almost half a year, I am satisfied with the result - my tooth “fell into place”, and the enamel remained safe and sound.

Maria, 42 years old, dentist, Perm:
Braces are perhaps the best of the currently existing methods for correcting malocclusion and improving the shape of teeth. Such structures (regardless of what they are made of) are reliable, effective and allow you to correct any orthodontic defects in the period from 2-3 months to several years. Personally, I always recommend that my patients put braces as early as possible - in this case, the maximum therapeutic effect can be achieved in the shortest possible time.

Konstantin, 26 years old, Yekaterinburg:
He wore braces for a long time, almost 3 years - the upper front teeth were almost perpendicular to the skull. My parents didn't take me to the doctor in time; at a conscious age, I had to treat myself. I chose sapphire constructions - transparent ones are almost invisible on the teeth. The installation was painless, but when worn, the jaw ached from time to time, it was unpleasant. Fortunately, the result of the treatment was worth it - now I am the happy owner of a beautiful and healthy smile.

So, modern braces allow you to correct any, even the most serious orthodontic defects. The choice of certain structures depends on the nature of the problem, the presence (absence) of concomitant dental diseases and the patient's personal preferences. A wide selection of manufacturing materials, shapes, design allows you to select products for bite correction for every taste and budget.

Depends on their variety. Braces can be of different designs, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

Common to all braces is the fact that any of them, even the most beautiful and comfortable, do not want to put.

Braces affect habits, spoil the appearance and make it difficult to care for the oral cavity. But these inconveniences are minor compared to the benefits they bring.

Bracket systems are used to form the correct bite, and not at all to make a beautiful smile.

But one does not exclude the other, and when choosing braces, the orthodontist will definitely take into account the aesthetic aspects.

The bite can deteriorate even at a very tender age due to the fact that the child sucks on the nipple for too long.

Because of the nipple, milk teeth that have already erupted or have just begun to appear change their slope.

A very common defect is a deep bite, which subsequently leads to many complications associated with tooth decay.

With a deep bite, the enamel is prematurely erased, after which the teeth become painful and vulnerable to various infections.

Therefore, if the orthodontist advises to correct the bite, then you must definitely agree. This will help keep your teeth well into old age.

Moreover, now there are a huge number of varieties of orthodontic appliances, there are even invisible designs.

But even among the visible ones, there are braces that can satisfy the wishes of the most demanding patients.

Aesthetic sapphire and ceramic systems do not look as repulsive as traditional metal fixtures. Many consider them even beautiful.

It is possible that the time will come when braces will become a fashion accessory and will be worn even with a perfect bite.

A few decades ago, only metal braces existed. They are still installed most often, so first of all it is worth considering the pros and cons of traditional designs.

Their main advantage is their low price. Thanks to this plus, metal braces still top the popularity rating, although a large number of designs have already been invented that do not have the disadvantages of metal systems.

The advantages of classic metal systems are high strength and almost complete absence of friction against tooth enamel.

There is only one minus of metal braces - they are ugly. But for those who want to save money and are ready to put up with rough metal brackets on their teeth, metal braces will be an ideal option.

For patients who are not ready to sacrifice the beauty of their smile, aesthetic and invisible bracket systems have been developed that have their pros and cons.

Aesthetic braces

There are two ways to improve the aesthetic qualities of braces: or, conversely, -.

The first type includes plastic braces. They are practically invisible on the teeth, as they are made of transparent material.

There are braces in which not only the braces themselves are not visible, but also the bracket and locks, since they are also made to match the color of the teeth.

Pros of plastic braces:

  • practically invisible;
  • the cheapest of all aesthetic braces.
  • over time, they will darken and lose their attractiveness;
  • low strength.

Ceramic braces can be matched to any shade of enamel. Some ceramic systems are made without metal inserts at all and merge with the color of the enamel.

Advantages of ceramics:

  • Matte, non-transmitting structure, due to which the ceramic merges with the enamel and does not glare;
  • does not oxidize;
  • does not stain;
  • stronger than plastic.
  • ceramics tend to crumble;
  • harder to shoot
  • insufficiently transparent and elegant;
  • high price;
  • long term treatment.

Sapphire braces are not only a dental tool, but also a real piece of jewelry.

Braces are made from artificially grown medical sapphires, using the same technology used to obtain jewelry stones.

However, for braces, sapphires are made not blue, but transparent. After contact with saliva, artificial sapphires become invisible.

But as soon as the light falls on the teeth, the pebbles begin to shimmer. Sapphires do not spoil the smile at all, on the contrary, they decorate it, creating the effect of snow-white teeth.

Advantages of sapphire designs:

  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • special strength;
  • can withstand the most severe loads;
  • have no restrictions, correct the most complex curvatures;
  • absolutely transparent;
  • invisible when smiling.
  • a dark coating accumulates on the surface (sapphire braces of the latest generation are deprived of this drawback);
  • high price.

Invisible or lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth. Lingual braces are made of metal only. Consider the pros and cons of lingual braces.

  • completely invisible;
  • caries-resistant - on the back of the teeth, the enamel is thicker than on the front, which reduces the likelihood of damage to the enamel and the appearance of caries under the braces;
  • minimal risk and inflammation of the gums;
  • can only be installed on individual teeth.
  • some bulkiness;
  • affect diction;
  • complex installation;
  • high price;
  • long adaptation;
  • special care with an electric brush or brush will be required;
  • it is more difficult to clean the back surfaces of food debris than the front ones.

Reviews for lingual systems are very good. These devices are made to order.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce lingual braces of a very small size, which do not irritate the tongue and do not affect the bite.

Where to start choosing braces?

The modern dental market offers such a wide variety of orthodontic systems that the choice of design becomes a difficult task.

To choose an orthodontic system, you need to have a clear idea:

  • the amount you are willing to spend on treatment;
  • How important is aesthetics to you?
  • What is the time frame for treatment?
  • how often you can visit the orthodontist's office - each design needs periodic correction.

Only by answering these questions, you will be able to choose the best option together with your doctor.

If you do not live in the city and cannot often visit a doctor to correct the system, then you should stop at non-ligature braces. This is a self-adjusting design.

Outwardly, it looks like traditional metal braces. The absence of ligatures allows for better oral care, and low friction reduces treatment time.

Non-ligature systems have only one drawback - they are more expensive than classic metal structures.

People who do not expect to spend such a significant amount on treatment will be able to choose the optimal beauty and cost option made of plastic or ceramics.

Among the manufacturers of orthodontic systems, the best can be identified. Key manufacturers are located in the USA and Germany, it is not for nothing that the "American smile" has become a brand.

For residents of the United States, the beauty of the teeth is so important that braces have become the most common thing in this country. Even in children's cartoons produced in the USA, you can often see characters with braces on their teeth.

If the patient does not even allow the thought that foreign elements will be visible in the mouth during treatment, then only lingual constructions can become his choice.

Lingual or invisible systems (also called "incognito braces") are the most expensive option. They are made only on an individual basis.

Table of pros and cons of braces:

TraditionalSapphires/ceramics/plasticInvisible (lingual)
Frequency of visits to the doctorOnce every 2 monthsOnce every 2 monthsOf necessity
Patient comfortGoodGoodBadly
PriceModerateHighVery high

The table shows that the best option would be vestibular, that is, braces fixed from the outside made of transparent and translucent material.

These designs have many advantages. They are optimal in price, reliable, hardly noticeable and correct the bite in a short time.

Their main disadvantage is that a metal arc passes through the transparent strips, which cannot be hidden.

There are systems in which the metal is clad on the outside with a white composite.

Such devices look much more aesthetically pleasing, but they have their drawback - over time, the composite chipped off in certain areas, and the bow became noticeable.

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