Hormonal pills after 40. Mini-drank - "micro" dose does not mean "micro" effect. The course and duration of taking hormonal pills

When children grow up and become independent, a woman begins a second youth. Having crossed the 40-year mark, she is still young, and can take up her personal life, but indulging in love pleasures should be done carefully, protecting herself from unwanted pregnancy.

The body undergoes many changes (premenopause). The ovaries are no longer able to produce the same volumes of progesterone and estrogen, which leads to hormonal changes. This circumstance complicates the process of selection of contraceptive pills. In order not to harm the body, before using this or that remedy, you should consult a doctor.

Should women over 40 use protection?

Many are interested in why 40-year-old women need hormonal contraceptives. Experts say that at this age, the extinction of female reproductive function (premenopause) begins. In the body, a serious hormonal failure occurs, leading to a violation of the menstrual cycle. The woman's sweating increases, the psycho-emotional state is unstable. As ovarian function declines, ovulation becomes less frequent and periods become irregular.

Quite often, the condition preceding menopause occurs at the age of 40-50 and lasts for several years. However, the presence of bad habits, chronic pathologies or surgical operations can accelerate the approach of premenopause. The following manifestations testify to the beginning of this period:

  • during menstruation, the volume of secretions increases;
  • failures begin in the cycle;
  • there are flushes in the head;
  • sexual desire drops sharply;
  • discharge with dense clots;
  • increased urination;
  • soreness in the mammary glands;
  • the woman gets tired too quickly;
  • the vagina is dry, which leads to discomfort during intercourse;
  • there are long-term psycho-emotional disorders.

During premenopause, these symptoms appear in every woman. The period is not harmless and leads to the development of the following problems:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • leaching of important trace elements from bone tissue;
  • the formation of excess body weight;
  • hair loss;
  • skin aging;
  • deterioration of the vaginal microflora.

Due to the rapid removal of calcium from the bones, most 40-year-old women develop osteoporosis. Since the bone frame becomes brittle, thinned, any awkward movement leads to a fracture. Due to the increased conductivity of the vessels, the absorption of nutrients does not occur.

A decrease in estrogen levels slows down metabolic processes. The absorption of lipids, on the contrary, is accelerated, which leads to the formation of extra pounds.

During premenopause, birth control is especially important. Their main task is to stabilize the hormonal background. These contraceptives contain an analogue of estrogen - ethinyl estradiol. The body perceives it as a "native" hormone. As a result, the hormonal balance and the cycle are normalized, the symptoms are reduced. In addition, taking birth control pills at the age of 40 helps eliminate some pathological processes and can slow down the growth of a benign neoplasm in the uterus.

As the amount of estrogen decreases, there is less lubrication. Because of the dryness of the vagina, sexual life worsens. In just 3 months, birth control pills normalize hormonal levels, restore vaginal secretion.

Types of contraceptives and their differences

To avoid unwanted conception, women in their 40s use hormonal or non-hormonal contraceptives. Their varieties:

  • Physiological (natural) methods of contraception: coitus interruptus, measurement of basal temperature, determination of the ovulation period, etc. This option is safe for the body, but is not among the effective methods.
  • Barrier - creating a barrier for the passage of spermatozoa. To do this, use: vaginal sponge, condom, cap or diaphragm. Many women who use barrier contraceptives complain of some discomfort.
  • Surgical sterilization is the most radical method of protection. Ligatures are installed on the fallopian tubes, creating their obstruction. This operation is irreversible.
  • The IUD is installed directly into the reproductive organ, inhibits the movement of spermatozoa, and prevents the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall. Suitable for gynecologically healthy women with painless moderate periods.

  • Contraceptive pills not only protect against pregnancy, but also have a therapeutic effect on all kinds of diseases of the genital area, normalize the cycle, and stabilize the hormonal background. However, they have many contraindications. They are divided into 2 groups: mini-pills containing minimal doses of estrogen, and combined oral contraceptives (COCs), which slow down ovulation.
  • For emergency contraception, "SOS contraceptives" are used. Such funds are packaged in 1 tablet, which must be taken immediately after sexual contact. Doctors do not recommend abusing this method of protection, since the risk of complications is extremely high.

Benefits of a mini-drank

A desired pregnancy at the age of 40 is a rare phenomenon, therefore, for this category of women, the issue of contraception is especially relevant. Contraceptive pills are not among the most popular means, because few people know that the competent use of oral contraceptives provides effective and safe protection.

Low-dose pills, that is, mini-pills, are gaining popularity every day. After taking them, the uterine mucus becomes so thick that sperm cannot penetrate the reproductive organ.

The basic principle of contraception is to prevent ovulation by blocking the production of luteinizing hormone LH. Mini-dranks are much better for the body than COCs. The main advantages of such pills:

  • do not affect libido;
  • allowed for women who smoke;
  • relieve discomfort during menstruation;
  • soften the course of PMS;
  • a month after stopping the mini-pill, reproductive function is restored;
  • have a therapeutic effect.

If you combine pills with other medications, vaginal discharge mixed with blood may appear. However, this phenomenon is short-term and does not affect the condition of the woman as a whole. Mini-pills contain a small amount of estrogen, which is safe for women's health and hormonal levels.

Disadvantages of tablets and contraindications to their use after 40 years

Many experts recommend COCs exclusively for 40-year-old women who have given birth. At a younger age, when the ovaries produce a sufficient amount of female hormones, taking drugs containing estrogen can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor, because the cells of the reproductive organ become denser. An increase in the concentration of the male hormone testosterone will provoke:

  • increase in body hair;
  • excessive greasiness of hair;
  • pustular rashes on the skin.

It is important for women who smoke to know that after the age of 40 they should not be protected by hormonal drugs. If this warning is ignored, combined contraceptives will provoke the following reactions:

  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack.

However, mini-pills are suitable for this category of women. Any medication can harm the body if taken in the presence of contraindications. Experts do not recommend the use of COCs in the presence of:

  • oncological neoplasm;
  • varicose veins;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis;
  • suspicion of pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lactation;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hypertension II degree.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, alcohol should be excluded. Some people over 40 are afraid to take these drugs because of possible side effects:

  • appetite increases, which often leads to an increase in body weight;
  • under the influence of estrogen, many women develop migraines, bloating and other unpleasant conditions;
  • under the influence of progestin, which is contained in many hormonal contraceptives, a woman becomes irritable, unbalanced, and rashes appear on her skin.

Popular mini-pills have other contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • hepatitis;
  • cancer of the liver, breast;
  • bleeding of an unknown nature;
  • kidney disease;
  • brain damage;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels.

Recommendations for the use of contraception in women over 40 years of age

Only a doctor can choose contraceptives for women after 40 years. Depending on the results of the tests, age, the presence of diseases, the specialist prescribes an effective remedy. After 40 years, monophasic preparations are suitable, where each tablet contains the same amount of hormones. You need to take them every day at the same time.

The package contains 21 tablets, and with a constant intake of the drug, a 28-day cycle is formed. After drinking the last pill, you need to take a week break and on the 29th day start a new package of the product. During the break, menstruation comes. If menstruation has not begun, it is necessary to continue taking the drug and consult a gynecologist to determine the cause of the deviation.

It is very important to observe the dosage and not skip the intake of contraceptives, because even one pass will nullify all previous efforts. The opinion of experts: the best time to use hormonal contraceptives is from 18 to 20 hours.

If it was not possible to take the remedy at the set time, but the delay is not more than 12 hours, the tablet should be taken as soon as possible. The next appointment must take place on the due date.

If severe diarrhea or vomiting occurs while taking the remedy, the contraceptive effect is reduced. Barrier protection must be used on this and the following day.

The best modern manufacturers of contraceptives for women over 40

Once at the gynecologist's appointment, some 40-year-old women ask what drugs to choose in order to avoid pregnancy and stay healthy. For mature ladies, gynecologists recommend modern products with a minimum amount of estrogens - mini-pills. The most popular pills include:

  • Charosetta;
  • Lactinet;
  • Microlute;
  • Exluton;
  • Micronor.

Ovulation-inhibiting COCs are not as harmless as mini-pills. Before taking these drugs, you should consult with a specialist. List of names of new generation drugs:

  1. Triziston. Prevents fertilization by producing a viscous mucous secretion.
  2. Triquilar. Increases the production of hormones that prevent ovulation.
  3. Marvelon. Protects against conception, improves skin condition.
  4. Jess - in addition to contraceptive properties, it helps to cure fibroids, cysts. If one of the ovaries is missing, this drug is prescribed to stabilize the hormonal background.
  5. Silest. Stops the maturation of the egg.
  6. Jeanine - has an effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organ, does not allow sperm to be in the uterus. It is prescribed for endometriosis.
  7. Regulon - prevents fertilization, normalizes the menstrual cycle, heals a cyst. It inhibits the growth of neoplasms with myoma, alleviates the condition with mastopathy.
  8. Klimonorm. Prolongs youth, maintains a woman's health, sexual desire.

Birth control pills after 40 years can be an ideal contraceptive. They are the prevention of cancer, according to some studies - strengthen women's health. The main thing is to use after consulting a doctor and exactly observing the required dosages.

On the other hand, many post-use reviews and some medical research cast doubt. Cases of depression are often noted in the reviews. And according to medical research, those side effects that were noted in the instructions as extremely rare, in reality turn out to be frequent.

Now many women began to give birth not only after thirty, but also after forty years. Obliges to do this is the rhythm of current life, ambitions in a career, and so on. Regardless of whether you still want to have a baby or not, you need to pay attention to methods of contraception.

By the age of 40-45, the danger of a difficult pregnancy and difficult childbirth also increases.

The likelihood of conception and bearing a completely healthy baby is reduced. Therefore, there is often an urgent need to protect yourself. There is no desire to use condoms, and the woman thinks about oral contraceptives.

The benefits of birth control pills

In Europe, women have long preferred this type of contraception to prevent conception after the age of forty. In the CIS, this practice is much less common. Public opinion spreads rumors that such drugs have many negative effects. Therefore, candles and pills are less popular among post-Soviet women.

Yes, tablets have contraindications. But if you don’t have any, the pills will play the role of not only a contraceptive, but also a general tonic:

  • The menstrual cycle is stabilized;
  • The risk of cancer will be reduced;
  • It will turn out to avoid unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • The general emotional background will increase;
  • Sexual desire will reappear;
  • The necessary hormones will protect the female organs from diseases.

What are the alternatives

Contraceptives can be found in large quantities at any pharmacy. A wide offer sometimes makes a woman wonder what to choose.

Before you choose the right method of contraception, we advise you to talk to a gynecologist. Better yet, go through a general examination before this. This will increase the likelihood that you will choose the best remedy.

It is worth noting that pills are the best alternative possible in the case of a woman after 40:

  1. reduces sensitivity. This is especially true for male peers at this age. Which can negatively affect not only the stability of the partner's erection, but also the very possibility of having sexual intercourse.
  2. Not everyone likes it for purely psychological reasons. There is a fear of a foreign body. In addition, the spiral has many contraindications. And in many cases, it can actually cause inflammation.
  3. Ointments and suppositories that kill sperm are not 100% effective. In addition, for their application it is required to escape from intimate foreplay. As a result, women who use such remedies often forget about them.

When choosing the most suitable option, you need to take into account your health, the state of female organs. And also how undesirable conception is during this period - the level of reliability of the required remedy depends on this. Oral female contraceptives just have great reliability and a minimum of contraindications.

Side effects

Side effects of such drugs are usually written in the instructions, but not all of the fair sex pay attention to them. Therefore, then unpleasant symptoms and even diseases are taken by surprise.

Different brands of drugs have fairly similar side effects. So, among them:

  • Pressure drop;
  • Anemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Changes and a decrease in the general emotional background;
  • swelling and discomfort of the breast;
  • Diarrhea or vice versa, constipation;
  • Increased risk of developing diabetes;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

The most famous and dangerous side effect of hormonal pills is thrombosis. Its danger reaches its peak for women after 40 years, so you need to be especially careful. In the instructions, thromboembolism is usually noted as a very rare side effect.

Medical statistics say otherwise. Carefully use hormonal contraceptives, but rather refuse them if you:

  • Smoke;
  • Have a high level;
  • Suffer from excessive blood clotting;
  • Experienced traumatic injuries;
  • Experienced serious operations.


After forty years, you need to constantly be observed in the antenatal clinic. Indeed, at this age, the genitals often become inflamed, and the risk of cancer increases. Only a gynecologist can choose the right pills. The choice is made taking into account the frequency of sexual intercourse, health, age, bad habits. So, cigarettes reduce the effectiveness of hormonal pills.

Chronic pathologies accumulated by the age of 40 are also taken into account when choosing a brand of tablets. It is worth considering alternative contraceptive methods if:

  • Diabetes;
  • throat inflammation;
  • Hypertensive attacks;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Obesity;
  • Frequent headaches and migraines.

In this section, it is worth mentioning the "rapid birth control pills." They contain a progestogen or antiprogestin in a large volume. Such funds have a sharp and largely negative effect on the female body. The condition of tissues worsens, the menstrual cycle gets off. There is a blow to the state of gynecological organs, and it is generally undesirable to use such drugs. Even after a single dose, it is worth undergoing a preventive examination.

How to use

Contraceptive pills for women can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. You can't choose your own brand. Dosage and time of admission are also agreed with the attending gynecologist. Otherwise, serious side effects are possible. Oral contraceptives work effectively only if they are taken on time and as needed. By the age of 40, it is especially important to monitor the hormonal background.

One box usually contains 21 tablets. Each of them has its own number, so as not to get confused. During menstruation, tablets are not taken. If blood starts to stand out at the wrong time or your head hurts, you need to stop taking it and talk about it with your gynecologist.

If contraceptives are combined with certain medications (especially antibiotics), the contraceptive effect may disappear. It is worth remembering when starting sexual contact.

Popular brands of tablets

List of new generation drugs:

  • Jess and Jess + have few contraindications, often help with diseases of the female organs. Helps maintain the balance of water in the body and avoid edema, which often occurs by the age of 40;

  • Depo Provera. Modern Russian contraceptive drug. Effective, but injected, which should be discussed separately with the attending gynecologist;
  • Silest change hormones so that the uterine tissues become soft. Because of this, the egg cannot function normally;
  • Marvelon is suitable not only as a contraceptive, but also as a dermatological medication. Improves the condition of the skin, eliminates the appearance of hair in unnecessary places, is the prevention of wrinkles;
  • Regulon is not only a contraceptive, but also a stabilizer of the menstrual period. Serves as a prophylaxis against uterine fibroids.

Means are potent, affecting all body systems. Therefore, the decision on admission should be made only together with the doctor. The instructions must be read carefully and take the tablets only in accordance with it. Particular attention should be paid to the dosage and time of administration.

If there are no contraindications, you need to choose a remedy based on age. By the age of 40, it is better not to take products containing female hormones in their pure form. Girls at a young age are assigned just such funds - after all, they have the mildest effect on all systems of the female body.

The topic of proper contraception remains relevant for the beautiful half of humanity at almost any age, but today we will single out only 1 category - women after 40 years. After 40 years, a woman's body is going through serious changes, including hormonal ones. The process of a natural decline in the reproductive function and the ability of a woman to bear children begins. The ovaries produce fewer hormones, the number of ovulations and menstruation, respectively, is reduced. But still, almost 80% of women retain the ability to bear and give birth to children.

Contraceptive pills for women after 40 years of age - an opportunity to avoid unwanted pregnancy, related complications, the occurrence of health problems in the unborn child, as well as thoughts about abortion. It is for these reasons that this category of women is interested in the question: which birth control pills are better to choose in order to prevent themselves from unwanted pregnancy?

There are many modern drugs in which you can simply get confused. This article will help you sort out this issue. Also, the article will provide tips, classifications and types of contraception, the following questions will be considered: what kind of contraceptives after 40 years should be used, which of them are the most effective and safe.

Contraceptives after 40 years: the benefits

At 40, any woman looks young, fresh and attractive, but hormonal changes in the body, unfortunately, are irreversible and clearly follow the biological clock. For this reason, the reproductive function is reduced. Hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are still produced in the body, but their number is noticeably reduced.

The period of the so-called hormonal adjustment weakens the immune system, which entails the risk of diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, childbirth for women after 40 can result in health complications for both the mother and the child. Abortions are even more dangerous, as they can cause irreversible damage to a woman's health. That is why contraceptives for women after 40 years of age have been developed to maintain women's health and prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Contraceptives after 40 have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • high protection against the possibility of fertilization;
  • regular menstrual cycles;
  • reducing the possibility of manifestation of malignant tumors;
  • disease prevention (osteoporosis, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy);
  • absence of any side effects;
  • replenishment of hormonal deficiency during menopause;
  • stabilization of intimate relationships, increased libido;
  • positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin in general.

When selecting contraceptives and their use, it is extremely important to consider the state of health. So for nulliparous women and those who already have children, the selection of pills should be based on the following factors:

  • the state of the body's defense system;
  • contraindications to the use of such drugs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • frequent stress, chronic fatigue, depression;
  • excess body weight.

Some of the above factors should be considered in more detail.

  • Smoking. It is extremely dangerous for women who smoke to use contraceptives, especially after 40 years. The simultaneous combination of estrogen and tobacco smoke several times increases the risk of blood clots. Oral contraceptives can cause serious diseases of the circulatory system. It is recommended to use other methods of contraception (condoms, intrauterine devices and similar non-hormonal means).
  • Alcohol. Its frequent use in parallel with taking contraceptive drugs is not recommended and may cause a decrease in their effectiveness. It is better to take the drug in the morning if you have an event with alcohol in the evening. This will allow the tablet to digest and perform its intended function. Or avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Excess weight. The dependence of gaining excess body weight on oral contraceptives is just a myth. Modern drugs for women after 40 contain a minimum of hormones, so weight gain is caused by other factors. The same opinion exists about cellulite. "Orange peel" on the body is absolutely not related to taking drugs.

The course and duration of taking hormonal pills

The choice of oral contraceptives directly depends on the sexual activity of a woman. Often, a gynecologist prescribes to a woman after 40 years of age drugs in which the content of the hormone estrogen is much lower than usual, and progesterone, on the contrary, is more pronounced.

It is necessary to choose drugs with a small content of estrogen or its complete absence in the composition. This method of using hormonal drugs is the most loyal and gentle for the female body.

Oral contraceptives must be started on any of the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. The course is 21 or 28 days, 1 tablet every day and preferably at the same time of day. After - a pause of 7 days with the onset of menstruation.

Missed a dose or forgot to take it on time? Here are some tips for this:

  • If less than 12 hours have passed, it is enough to take a pill, and then continue using the drug according to the already developed scheme, there will be no failures in the action.
  • If more than 12 hours have passed - if the drug was missed on the 1st week of use, then additional protection must be connected throughout the next week;
  • If you missed taking the medicine more than 2 times - throughout the week, drink 2 tablets of the drug daily and add other methods of contraception.

Important! The desired effect of drugs occurs only after 2 weeks of their regular use. A full guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy comes only after 1 month of use!

You can continue the course of admission as long as there is a need for it. Experts recommend taking hormonal drugs before menopause. It does not make sense to continue taking after the onset of menopause, since the childbearing function is no longer active. In addition, further use of such drugs can harm the health of a woman.

Let's highlight the most popular and safe hormonal drugs for women after 40 years:

  • "Jess" (an effective drug that also helps in the treatment of many gynecological diseases);
  • "Marvelon" (suitable for women leading an active intimate life; almost completely eliminates the possibility of unwanted pregnancy due to the high content of hormones);
  • "Jess Plus" (suitable for women who have not yet experienced menopause);
  • This also includes "Regulon", "Yarina", "Lindinet 20", "Midian", "Silhouette".

Preparations with a minimum content of estrogen in the composition are called mini-pills or mini-pills: "Charozetta", "Lactinet", "Microlut", "Exoluton", "Micronor". Their effectiveness is slightly lower than that of other drugs, but there are also significant advantages:

  • Fewer side effects and contraindications;
  • Mitigation of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • Therapeutic effect on gynecological problems (myoma, endometriosis);
  • The chance of getting pregnant appears within a month after the drug is discontinued (when planning a pregnancy).

In addition to these pills, there is another equally effective type of drug for unwanted pregnancy - combined oral contraceptives or, as they are also called, COCs.

Their action is aimed at slowing down the process of ovulation in the body. Compared to mini-pills, these drugs have significantly more side effects. However, in the absence of contraindications, doctors still recommend that women use some drugs from the COC group, namely: Trisiston, Triquilar, Silest, Marvelon, Jess, Janine, Regulon.

Non-hormonal birth control pills for women over 40

Non-hormonal contraceptives are suitable for women who have an irregular sex life. The convenience and feature of such drugs is that they are not intended for daily use. The need for their use occurs immediately before sexual intercourse.

The action of the substances that are part of the drug is as follows: they have a destructive effect on spermatozoa, thereby preventing them from penetrating into the uterine cavity.

Such drugs have a different form of release: ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets. Their correct use will avoid unwanted pregnancy without risks to women's health.

Contraindications to the use of contraceptive drugs

Not every woman after 40 years of age can easily tolerate taking COCs, so it is worth considering the contraindications in which a woman is prohibited from using such drugs:

  • Predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • The presence of oncology;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Second degree hypertension.

There is a possibility of the presence after 40 and other pathologies, in which some restrictions are also observed, therefore, preference should be given to a specific drug that is suitable for the woman's health status.

  • Absence of an ovary. With such a disease, the woman's body receives an insufficient amount of hormones. To normalize the hormonal background and protect against unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take drugs that contain estrogen (Jess, Novinet, Diane-35).
  • Endometriosis. Tablets are used, which, in addition to protecting against pregnancy, have a therapeutic effect - "Regulon", "Zhanin".
  • Myoma. COCs are recommended. The drugs will slow down the growth of fibroids, stabilize the menstrual cycle.
  • Climax. The use in most cases is undesirable, however, some drugs can be used to maintain the health of the female reproductive system, preserve sexual desire - Klimonorm, Klimen.
  • Mastopathy. COCs are recommended. They will reduce pain in the mammary glands, reduce the incidence of mastopathy.
  • Cyst. Medicines with medicinal properties.
  • Varicose veins. Taking hormonal pills is undesirable, as it can adversely affect blood clotting. If you still take drugs, then a visit to the phlebologist becomes a prerequisite.
  • Diabetes. Intrauterine devices, contraceptive suppositories, low-dose pills are recommended for use.

Reviews of women about taking birth control pills

Based on the surveys conducted and the study of women's reviews, the following conclusion can be drawn: an impressive percentage of women prefer birth control pills. This is due to the fact that the tablets are more convenient to use, have a higher efficiency, and also contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Some women, despite the obvious advantages of pills, prefer the spiral. The choice is due to convenience, since it is enough to install the intrauterine device 1 time. Replacement will be required only after 2-5 years.

Emergency contraception

Birth control pills should be taken daily, strictly following the indicated recommendations and not skipping doses. But there are situations when an emergency “addition” to such drugs is required, the so-called SOS contraceptives. Typically, such drugs contain only 1 tablet per pack, which should be taken within the next few hours after intimacy.

In what situations it is necessary to use the method of urgent contraception:

  • displacement of the vaginal cap;
  • condom break;
  • skipping the time of taking contraceptive drugs or a long break;
  • lack of injection of long-acting contraceptives.

Other types of contraception

In women over 40, pregnancy is rarely a planned event. These are always complications for a woman, the possibility of developing pathologies and other undesirable consequences. You can save yourself not only with birth control pills, which were described above. There are other effective methods of contraception:

  • condoms (both male and female);
  • barrier means (caps, sponges - are introduced immediately before sexual contact);
  • intrauterine device;
  • spermicides;
  • hormonal agents (rings, patches, implants);
  • surgery (sterilization).

condoms- the most popular contraceptive that suits almost everyone, so it can be used by women aged 40+.

The most important advantage of this type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the complete absence of contraindications and the elimination of negative effects on the body. This distinguishes condoms from other methods of contraception, which have a number of contraindications and even tend to cause various side effects. In addition, condoms reliably protect against unwanted infections that can be transmitted sexually.

No matter how reliable this method of contraception is, it also has several disadvantages:

  • feeling of discomfort during intimacy;
  • decrease in general sensitivity;
  • low level of satisfaction from sexual intercourse in both partners;
  • allergies to fragrances, latex.

The degree of protection that condoms provide is much lower than that of intrauterine devices and oral contraceptives. With improper use or the wrong size, minor cracks may appear in the latex. Through them, spermatozoa can easily enter the vagina, which is no longer safe for a woman. Moreover, the condom may slip or break. This will cause some inconvenience and, more importantly, increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Intrauterine devices- the first in the list of the most effective contraceptives after birth control pills. They are divided into:

  • ordinary spirals (copper / silver);
  • hormonal coils.

They are installed only by an obstetrician-gynecologist for a period of 2 to 5 years or more, depending on the type of spiral chosen. The first six months may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as menstrual irregularities.

Spermicides- protection against unwanted pregnancy, the action of which is based on the destruction of spermatozoa that enter the vagina. The base substance in the composition creates a protective film around the uterine cervix, preventing it from contacting spermatozoa. The chemical in the composition is responsible for their destruction.

This tool has several convenient forms of release:

  • vaginal suppositories;
  • foam;
  • gel;
  • tablets that foam;
  • special films (soluble).

Of the minuses of this tool, only excessive formation of foam can be called, which causes some discomfort and stains the laundry.

Hormonal remedies allowed for women over 40:

  • Vaginal hormonal ring (after the introduction does not cause discomfort, is not felt in the body, retains its effect for 1 menstrual cycle).
  • Patch (glued to the skin in the thighs, abdomen, outer upper side of the shoulder / torso; used from the 1st day of menstruation for 3 weeks in a row; after - 7 days break, after which the procedure is repeated).
  • Implants (silicone capsules are injected under the skin into the area of ​​the inner side of the forearm - 6 pcs. The capsules contain a hormone that, after implantation, is released and evenly absorbed into the blood in small doses. The effect lasts for 5 years.)

Sterilization- a surgical intervention based on the following principle of operation: the fallopian tubes are subjected to ligation, excision or laser coagulation. This completely eliminates the possibility of getting pregnant. It is extremely difficult to decide on such a step, since it is impossible to restore the childbearing function in the future.

Women should be extremely careful about their health, especially when they cross the line of 40 years. This also applies to the choice of contraception. Proper selection and strict adherence to the recommendations for a particular drug is all that is necessary in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Most drugs have medicinal properties that will help restore women's health, hormonal balance, normalize menstrual cycles and even increase libido.

It is important to understand that you should not self-medicate and for any problems you need to contact an experienced gynecologist who, based on the results of tests and a study of the state of health, will be able to prescribe the right drug and keep the woman healthy.

The issue of contraception after 40 years is as acute as at a younger age, because menopause does not occur immediately, but gradually, menstruation, although intermittently, goes on, which means a woman can still become pregnant. Contraceptives for women after 40 years of age are striking in their diversity, in addition, ladies of Balzac age can use those that are contraindicated for women who have not yet given birth.

Oral contraceptives after 40 years

They are represented by tablets that you need to drink for 21 days, and then take a break for 7 days. They not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of developing cancer and ovarian diseases, normalize the menstrual cycle, ease the course of PMS and reduce pain. Modern contraceptives for women over 40 are represented by progestin contraceptives and mini-pills.

Of these, the most popular are:

  • microlute;
  • logest;
  • ovret;
  • charosetta;
  • exoluton.
  • jess;
  • regulon;
  • depo-provera;
  • silest;
  • janine;
  • femoden.

However, these hormonal contraceptives for women over 40 can only be prescribed by a doctor based on indications and contraindications, existing diseases, etc. If a woman smokes, suffers from cardiovascular pathologies, then she may be offered to use other methods of contraception. In addition, there are also hormonal contraceptives that can be taken after unprotected intercourse, for example, postinor, but it is not recommended to use them regularly.

Contraceptives for women after 40

At this age, a woman can trust her partner and use a standard condom as protection against unwanted pregnancy, and there are also purely female condoms that are also easy to use, and they can be inserted into the vagina long before intercourse. Recently, spermicidal agents have become very popular, which include all kinds of candles, foams, gels and jellies, soluble tablets and films, sponges.

Some of them recommend using it in conjunction with a diaphragm or cervical cap to increase the level of protection. The latter are classified as barrier contraceptives, as is the intrauterine device. They prevent the entry of spermatozoa to the woman's ovaries, thereby preventing the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. The material for their manufacture can be plastic, silicone, latex, etc. In particular, the diaphragm or cap is inserted into the vagina shortly before sexual contact, and the spiral is placed for several months or even years. Of course, each of these contraceptives has both its advantages and disadvantages, and after 40 years, a woman should make a choice only after carefully studying them, and also based on the characteristics of her intimate life.

Much depends on whether a woman has a permanent sexual partner, because if she does not have one, then putting an intrauterine device or taking pills regularly simply does not make sense. In this case, it is better to use a barrier protection such as a cap or some kind of spermicide. Some of the latter can also have an additional effect, for example, improve natural lubrication, which is especially important for women of Balzac age, often faced with dryness even when aroused. Already having children, you can consider the option of sterilization, and this is one of the few options that is recommended specifically for women who have crossed the forty-year milestone.

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