What pills to drink after 40 years for women. How to choose birth control pills - a list. Substances important for the female body

Is it necessary at all after 40 years? Yes, and even necessary, because at this age life does not end, and the intimate component can be bright and colorful. But it is unlikely to give you a feeling of happiness, because by this time usually the family already has the planned number of children. In addition, childbirth after 35 years of age is dangerous for the health of the mother and child and is undesirable unless there are special circumstances (long-term treatment for infertility).

The body of a woman after forty years

Everyone is familiar with the concept of a woman's reproductive age. This is the most important step in family planning. Today, no one is surprised by late pregnancy, more and more often there are mature women who have become mothers again. However, it cannot be denied that the fertility of women at this age decreases. This is nothing but a sign of ovarian failure. That is, first the ability to bear children is lost, and then ovulation stops altogether. By the age of 45, part of the menstruation already passes without ovulation, so the risk of pregnancy is reduced, but not completely eliminated. After 40 years, they allow you to be sure that unwanted pregnancy will not occur, which means you can be more calm and self-confident.

Some statistics

There is reliable data that suggests that up to 30% of women aged 40 to 54 have regular periods and are fertile. Pregnancy at this age can lead to severe pathologies, the child can be born with a variety of abnormalities. But late abortion is not a panacea. Doctors cite figures that confirm that an abortion performed during such a period entails a severe course of the menopausal syndrome. This, in turn, leads to the development of tumor processes in the uterus and mammary glands.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that birth control pills after 40 years are an excellent alternative to unwanted pregnancies. However, this is not the only possible option. By this age, women have usually formed some preferences in the choice of contraceptives. These can be vaginal preparations or an intrauterine device, special injections or barrier methods (condoms).

How to choose a contraceptive method

Contraceptive pills after 40 years can be very different. To make the right choice, be guided by as well as the doctor's recommendations. First of all, you must consider the effectiveness of the contraceptive, as well as possible risks and side effects. Based on your history, ask your doctor to evaluate your sexual function, personal preferences, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Why do many doctors oppose hormonal contraceptives

Contraceptive pills after 40 are indeed prescribed much less frequently, this is due to the fact that at this age a number of chronic diseases develop, each of which is a contraindication to taking hormonal drugs. Therefore, doctors must look at the patient's card and prescribe an additional examination. COCs should not be used for cardiovascular pathologies, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system.

If the examination did not reveal such diseases, then the use is not prohibited. However, now you need to go back to the low-dose products that your young daughters use. These are drugs such as Logest, Novinet, Lendinet and some others. But three-phase contraceptives at this age are no longer suitable.

Replacement Hormone Therapy

Since it is still necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy for a long time, you can consider the most popular option, which is used by very young girls. These are means such as mini-pills. They are allowed to be used by lactating women. These include drugs such as Exluton, Continuin and some others. Their feature is that they do not contain estrogens. They have one big plus - it is the drugs of this series that can protect against endometrial hyperplasia, a disease that is very common among women of mature age.

So, we have considered how to protect yourself from pregnancy, now we need to decide at what stage you can switch to contraceptives with hormone replacement therapy. These are special preparations that help preserve youth, beauty and health during menopause. However, do not rush to switch on your own, you need to correctly determine the time when you can replace one drug with another. After all, the possibility of pregnancy can still persist even when a woman has decided that menopause has already begun.

If there is no longer a need for contraception (religious motives, the death of a spouse), then you can safely switch to “hormones of youth”. When you reach your mother, you can also make your own decision about changing medications. But more accurately, the onset of this period can only be determined by hormonal analysis.

If there are contraindications

If hormonal contraceptives cannot be taken due to certain medical indications, then one of the alternative methods can be resorted to. Talk to your doctor and he will tell you which method is the most suitable. These can be special injections that are done once every three months. A very convenient method of contraception is the intrauterine device. Any copper coil inserted into a woman over 40 can remain in the uterus until menopause. If intimate relationships are not regular, barrier methods can be used: condoms, spermicides and caps. Remember that natural methods of contraception (calendar method, measurement of basal temperature) are ineffective at this age, as the menstrual cycle loses its regularity.

Finally, if you have definitely decided that the birth of children is a closed topic for you, then you can go through the sterilization procedure. This process is irreversible, but you can not worry at all about the possibility of getting pregnant. It should be noted that this operation is not done for those who have not reached the age of 35 or do not have three children.

How to take birth control

Once again, we will emphasize that the tablets should be recommended by a doctor. Do not self-prescribe - these are far from vitamins. First of all, make an appointment with a gynecologist and take tests. Each drug has its own dosage regimen. Since multiphasic contraceptives are not recommended for mature women, it means that the doctor will select a monophasic drug for you. In the package, all tablets contain the same amount of hormones, so the most important thing is to take one pill daily, preferably at the same time or with a slight deviation. For example, take one tablet daily before breakfast. Delay up to 12 hours does not reduce the effectiveness of the active substance.

The specifics of taking hormonal contraceptives

However, not everything is so simple, so we will cover the question of how to take birth control in a little more detail. First of all, you need to pay attention that the package contains 21 tablets. With their regular intake, a convenient cycle of 28 days is formed. You take all the pills from the package one by one, then take a break for seven days, and on the 29th day you start a new package. During the break, menstruation should pass, but even if they have not come, you need to start a new package, but you should consult a doctor to find the reasons for what is happening. If you forgot to take a pill, but were late by no more than 12 hours, then this does not reduce the protective effect. If the delay was more than 12 hours, then you need to continue taking the tablets, but before the start of the next package, it is better to protect yourself with additional barrier methods.

What contraceptives can be taken without interruption for a long time? There is a persistent myth that after a year or two after the start of using the drug, it is necessary to take a break so that the body can “rest”. In fact, such a break can only bring down the hormonal background and bring more trouble than good, especially if you plan to start taking birth control again later. Gynecologists refute this myth. You can stop taking the drug only in case of a strong deterioration in well-being, as well as when planning a pregnancy.

If vomiting or severe indigestion occurs while taking the pills, the contraceptive effect can be greatly reduced. Condoms must be used that day and the next. It is also recommended that you consult your doctor if you are prescribed antibiotics. For the most part, they greatly reduce the effect of contraception.

Benefit or harm

Only a doctor can prescribe birth control for you, the price is not a determining factor here. Cheap drugs may work just as well for you as the most expensive ones. Hormonal pills can be considered the most reliable means to protect against unwanted pregnancy. A huge number of women use them every day. The mechanism of exposure is very simple: they are able to stop and, therefore, ovulation. However, despite the convenience and effectiveness, women after forty do not always risk using them, as the following undesirable side effects occur.

In order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, it is not necessary to take hormonal drugs. Now we will consider another large group of contraceptives, the potential harm from which is practically reduced to zero. These are precisely those contraceptives that do not make you fat. They have their drawbacks, but it's everyone's choice. Let's take a look at what they are.

Non-hormonal birth control

There is a big difference between them and hormonal drugs, but none of them gives 100% protection against pregnancy. The first and most significant difference is that hormonal ones are taken every day, and non-hormonal ones immediately before sexual intercourse. These drugs are especially well suited for those who do not live a regular sexual life. It is enough to take a pill immediately before sexual intercourse, and you will be protected for several hours. Non-hormonal contraceptives are not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of vaginal suppositories, ointments or creams. Their active components are able to destroy spermicide, preventing it from reaching the uterus.

Advantages of non-hormonal contraception

Almost all of them have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. This is very important if a woman does not have a permanent partner. You will not only be able to protect yourself from irritation, but also from a number of infections that are sexually transmitted. Since after 40 years there is already a wealth of life experience behind you, you can easily choose the most suitable contraceptive for yourself. The reviews of most women say that well-chosen hormonal preparations, despite the obvious disadvantages, are the most reliable.

Summing up

As you can see, there are a variety of contraceptives on the market today. Which is better to choose, your gynecologist should tell you. Don't forget, what suits your friend can seriously undermine your own health. Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription. Even non-hormonal contraceptives have some contraindications, as they can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. Therefore, in any case, before the appointment of personal protective equipment against unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

It includes a consultation with a gynecologist and a mammologist, and in addition, it is necessary to pass a biochemical blood test, the doctor must note your lipid profile, AST, ALT, glucose. And finally, the least likely to be prescribed, but nevertheless, an ultrasound of the small pelvis must be completed, and this must be done on the 5-7th day of the cycle. The specialist should report height and weight, the presence of chronic diseases, abortions, the duration and abundance of menstrual flow. Also, the doctor should note the tendency to be overweight, the presence of skin rashes. Only on the basis of all this can we conclude which contraceptives for women can be used. Take care of yourself and be healthy!


At the age of 40-50, women begin premenopause - the time when reproductive function begins to fade. The likelihood of conceiving a child during this period is reduced, but the risk still exists. Late pregnancy is not always desirable. In addition, at this age, she carries some danger for a woman, like abortion. For this reason, after 40 years, the issue of contraception is especially relevant. One of the methods of protection is birth control pills. With their proper selection and use, drugs are effective and safe.

What are birth control pills

This is a group of medicines that prevent unwanted pregnancy. Such drugs are one of the most effective modern means of protection. To conceive a child, the egg must mature, which then meets with the sperm, after which it penetrates the uterine cavity and is fixed there. This whole process is under the control of estrogen and progesterone, sex hormones produced by the ovaries. Contraceptives prevent a woman from getting pregnant due to the following effects:

  • prevent the maturation of the egg;
  • prevent sperm from entering the fallopian tubes;
  • do not allow the egg to gain a foothold on the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

Menstrual bleeding while taking birth control pills occurs only during the period when they are not taken. For this, a week break is made between courses of 21 days. So it is possible to stabilize the menstrual cycle. The specific action depends on the type of funds used. The most common group is hormonal. Their effect is due to the presence of two hormones in the composition:

  • Estrogens. They do not allow the egg to mature, disrupt the structure of the endometrium, increase the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and inhibit the synthesis of their own sex hormones by the ovaries. All this prevents conception.
  • progesterone. It increases the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal, which inhibits the movement of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina. In addition, the hormone disrupts the production of statins, inhibiting the process of ovulation (the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle).

There are also non-hormonal agents. They are also available in the form of tablets, but are used for insertion into the vagina, their action is not associated with a change in hormonal balance. They increase the thickness of the cervical mucus, which blocks the passage of sperm. Separately, it is worth noting contraceptives used after intercourse. They belong to the means of emergency protection, so they are taken in case of unprotected sex or a violation of the integrity of the condom.

Hormonal pills for women over 40

Contraceptives with a hormonal composition are divided into 2 groups: combined (contain both hormones), mini-pills (include minimal dosages of only progestin, an analogue of progesterone). After 40 years in the body of a woman, the processes of extinction of the reproductive function are already running, as a result of which progesterone and estrogen are produced in much smaller quantities. Due to hormonal changes, immunity decreases, and the risk of diseases of the genital organs increases.

To support the body during the premenopausal period, the doctor prescribes contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives for women over 40 are necessary not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent endometriosis and fibroids. For this purpose, the following are assigned:

  • Monophasic oral contraceptives. These products contain the same amount of estrogen and progestogen. These include Marvelon, Ovidon, Minulet, Rigevidon and Femoden.
  • Mini-drank. This is the optimal hormonal remedy after 40 years, which contains minimal doses of synthetic analogues of progesterone - desogestrel and linestrenol. Advantage - such drugs practically do not affect the metabolism in the body. The mini-pill group includes Orgametril, Primolut-Nor, Exluton, Charozetta, Levonorgestrel.


By itself, age cannot be an indication for the abolition of contraceptives. They are used until menopause. Contraceptives before menopause inhibit the work of the ovaries in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The need for this disappears when menopause has already begun (1 year has passed since the last independent menstruation). In this case, it makes no sense to take a dose of estrogen, which is 5-7 times more than necessary. Sometimes it is even harmful, because it can provoke the development of uterine cancer.


The effect of birth control pills after 40 years is not only to prevent pregnancy. They are often prescribed to women to normalize the functioning of the hormonal system, which is especially important during the premenopausal period. At this time, there is a lack of sex hormones, causing such unpleasant symptoms as hot flashes, hair loss, skin fading, weight gain, dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Contraceptives help to normalize the hormonal background and eliminate the symptoms of menopause. The advantages of oral contraceptives are also:

  • reducing the risk of uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps and ectopic pregnancy;
  • positive effect on hair, skin, nails;
  • elimination of cysts in the ovaries;
  • ensuring the regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • reducing the risk of malignant neoplasms;
  • increased libido;
  • prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, osteoporosis.

What birth control pills are suitable for women over 40

There are different contraceptives for women over 40. The body at this age is no longer so young, so the choice of a specific medication should be carried out together with the doctor. The gynecologist selects the drug taking into account the history and after a thorough examination of the woman. So, protection from pregnancy after 40 years is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Mini-drank. These are purely progestogenic contraceptives (PPC), since they contain only minimal dosages of progestin (no more than 30 micrograms) - a synthetic analogue of the hormone produced by the ovaries.
  2. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs), or estrogen-progestin drugs. They contain two hormones - estrogen and progestin. COCs are further divided into several types:
  • depending on the dose of hormones - microdosed, low-dosed, high-dosed;
  • taking into account the composition of the tablets - monophasic, two-phase, three-phase.


Inexpensive drugs are present in every group of oral contraceptives. When buying a product, you should not focus solely on the price, since each drug has its own characteristics and side effects. You should definitely consult with your doctor about the chosen medication. He can advise which of the cheaper means is better to use. The inexpensive ones include:

  • Novinet. It is a microdosed COC containing 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 150 micrograms of desogestrel. Their main action is an obstacle to the process of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary). Side effects: acyclic vaginal discharge, candidiasis, nausea, vomiting. Mood swings, migraine, depression are possible.
  • Lidinet-20. Includes 75 micrograms of gestodene and 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol. These hormones interfere with ovulatory processes and inhibit the maturation of follicles in the ovaries. Possible adverse reactions: acyclic vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea, candidiasis, galactorrhea, depression, migraines, increased alopecia, incomprehensible rash.
  • Rigevidon. Contains a combination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. These substances inhibit the maturation and release of the egg, ready for fertilization. Of the negative reactions - headaches, nausea, vomiting, acyclic spotting, conjunctivitis, decreased libido may occur.

Low dose

Drugs from the group of low-dose COCs are often prescribed to women of mature age. The indication for their use is the ineffectiveness of microdosed contraceptives, as indicated by the appearance of spotting spotting. In addition to preventing pregnancy, low-dose COCs exhibit an antiandrogenic effect - they reduce the growth of unwanted hair and the appearance of acne. Examples of such contraceptives:

  • Marvelon. Contains desogestrel and ethinylestradiol. These substances suppress the process of ovulation, increase the amount of cervical mucus produced. Judging by the reviews, headaches, mood lability, bouts of nausea and vomiting are often noted as side effects. Perhaps the appearance of amenorrhea, impaired cervical secretion, erythema nodosum.
  • Silhouette. The active substance is ethinylestradiol and dienogest, which block ovulation, increase the viscosity of the cervical secret. Common adverse reactions include nausea, vomiting, headache, increased appetite, weight gain, and decreased mood.
  • Regulon. The active ingredients in the composition are desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol. Their main action is to block the synthesis of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland, which makes it difficult to ovulate and increases the density of cervical mucus. The drug for myoma helps to stop the growth of the tumor if its diameter does not exceed 2 cm. uremic syndrome, rheumatic chorea.

Birth control pills after intercourse

This group of contraceptives is used as an emergency measure of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is often not recommended to resort to this method. The reason is that such drugs contain dosages of hormones that are several times higher than the doses in the package of combined oral contraceptives. Even once taking such a drug, a woman exposes her body to severe stress.

Contraceptives used after intercourse cause a sharp drop in hormones, which leads to premature menstruation. As a result, the menstrual cycle can be disrupted seriously and for a long time. For this reason, emergency contraception can be used no more than once every six months. In addition, such drugs will work no later than 72 hours after an unprotected act. You can use the following contraceptives:

  • Postinor. Contains levonorgestrel - a substance that prevents ovulation and fertilization of the egg during unprotected sexual intercourse (IPC). The drug will be effective if you take the first tablet within 3 days after NPC. The second dose is drunk after 12 hours. Hormonal means for regular contraception at the same time it is not necessary to cancel. Possible adverse reactions: headache, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, nausea.
  • Silest. The active ingredients in the composition are ethinylestradiol, norgestimate. They suppress the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which reduces the implantation ability of the endometrium and the transport function of the fallopian tubes. For emergency contraception, you need to drink from 2 to 4-5 tablets at the first dose (no later than 72 hours after NPC). The same amount is taken 12 hours later. After using the remedy, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, reduced libido, headaches, and depression may appear.

Combined contraceptives

Combination drugs are thought to be more effective in protecting women from unwanted pregnancies. They prevent the release and development of the egg, affect the structure of the endometrial mucosa, and reduce the motor activity of spermatozoa. Compared to mini-pills, COCs have more serious side effects.

For this reason, before their appointment, a woman takes blood and urine tests, gynecological smears, and undergoes an ultrasound scan of the mammary glands and uterus. These studies are used as a precautionary measure against the development of adverse reactions. Examples of such drugs:

  • Triziston. The active ingredients are ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. Substances inhibit the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, which are produced by the pituitary gland. As a result, the process of maturation and release of the egg slows down. Of the frequently encountered adverse reactions of Triziston, there is a decrease in libido, a coarsening of the voice, nausea, vomiting, and engorgement of the mammary glands. You need to take 1 tablet per day for 3 weeks: red-brown color - the first 6 days, white - from 7 to 12 days, beige - from 13 to 21 days. Then there is a week break, after which they start a new package.
  • Triquilar. Contains levonorgestrel in combination with ethinyl estradiol. They inhibit ovulation at the level of regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary systems and increase the density of cervical mucus. Common side effects: skin rash, migraine, changes in vaginal secretions, weight changes, nausea, mood disorders. They begin to use Triquilar from the sector with the "Start" sign. Then go in the direction of the arrows, taking 1 piece every day. After 3 weeks, they take a 7-day break, after which they start a new package.
  • Mercilon. Based on desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Prevents the maturation of the egg, blocking the process of ovulation. Additionally increases the viscosity of the mucus that envelops the cervix. After Mercilon, some women experience pain in the abdomen and head, vaginal discharge, erythema nodosum, increased pressure, urticaria, decreased or increased libido.

Progestin contraceptives

Another name for such contraceptives is mini-pills, since they contain minimal dosages of a synthetic analogue of progestin (linestrenol or desogestrel). Minimal pills, unlike COCs, can be used for conditions such as:

  • smoking;
  • breast cancer;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding in the postpartum period;
  • thrombosis.

Progestin agents are indicated when it is impossible to use COCs. Mini-pills do not suppress ovulation. They only change the density of the uterine mucus, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa. In addition, they prevent the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus. Examples of progestogen contraceptives:

  • Microlute. Contains 30 micrograms of levonorgestrel. The substance increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus, inhibits the proliferation of the endometrium, which prevents the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Unlike COCs, Microlute is taken without interruption by 1 tablet, which is taken from the cell corresponding to the day of the week. After taking it, you may experience: allergic responses, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, depression, menstrual disorders (amenorrhea, frequent and irregular bleeding).
  • Exluton. The active substance is linestrenol. The contraceptive effect is due to an increase in the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which disrupts the progress of spermatozoa. One package of Exluton is enough for 28 days. You need to take 1 tablet daily, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle (if bleeding occurs). Breaks between doses should not be more than 27 hours. Possible side effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, headache, mood swings.
  • Charosetta. Contains only desogestrel. This substance thickens the cervical mucus, thereby preventing unwanted pregnancy. Take 1 tablet for 28 days at the same time of day, after which they immediately (without interruption) start taking from a new package. Side effects include: headaches, spotting, mood changes, acne, nausea, breast tenderness, weight changes.

Reception scheme

All combined contraceptives have one regimen, but it is not suitable for progestogens and contraceptives used after intercourse. Instructions for use for the above drugs are as follows:

  1. Take any of the selected drugs begin no later than the 5th day of the menstrual cycle (after the onset of menstruation) and continue for 3 weeks.
  2. If the reception fell on 2-5 days after the onset of menstruation, then the first week you need to additionally use barrier methods of contraception. The tablet is taken at the same time of day.
  3. Then they take a break of 7 days (from 22 to 28 days), after which they begin a new cycle in the same way (on day 29). During this period, withdrawal bleeding will be observed, which corresponds to normal menstruation. If there is no menstruation while taking birth control, then the cause may be:
  • pregnancy;
  • non-compliance with the instructions for use;
  • taking antibiotics that reduce the effectiveness of oral contraception;
  • poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea, which interfere with the absorption of the active substances of the contraceptive;
  • strict diet;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • inflammation of the ovaries or uterus;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stress.

The effect of oral contraception is achieved only with regular use of drugs according to the described scheme. If you had to skip the pill, then you must follow a few rules. When the delay in taking the medicine is no more than 12 hours, you need to take the drug as soon as possible. The next tablet can be taken at the usual time. If the delay was more than 12 hours, then there is a risk of pregnancy. The more passes, the higher the likelihood of conception. The receive mode in this case is:

When was the pass



First 7 days

Take the missed pill as soon as possible, even if you have to take 2 tablets. Further according to the usual scheme.

One week after the pass, use barrier methods of contraception.

8-14 days of admission

Additional contraception is not required if the tablets have been taken regularly for the last 7 days.

15-21 days of admission

Take the missed pill as soon as possible, even if you have to take 2 tablets. The next dose is as usual, but the second pack should be started without a 7-day break.

Another option is to stop taking the missed pill, wait 7 days, and then start a new pack.

Modern contraceptives for women after 40

The pharmaceutical industry today offers many other contraceptives. The most modern of them show fewer side effects and have a simpler scheme of application. Among these contraceptives stand out:

  • Evra transdermal patch. The composition includes ethinylestradiol and norelgestromin. These substances inhibit the development of the follicle, prevent ovulation. On the first day of menstruation, the patch is glued to the skin of the buttocks, the outer side of the upper shoulder or abdomen. After 21 days, it is removed. Then there is a 7-day break, after which a new patch is glued. From negative reactions, dizziness, migraine, increased pressure, edematous syndrome, shortness of breath can occur.
  • Subcutaneous implants Norplant. These are silicone capsules with levonorgestrel in the composition. The tool increases the viscosity of the uterine cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. Capsules are injected under the skin of the inner surface of the forearm in the amount of 2-6 pieces. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia for 2-3 minutes. Ampoules provide a contraceptive effect for 5 years. Of these, small doses of the hormone are released into the blood every day.
  • Vaginal hormonal ring Nova Ring. Contains ethinylestradiol and etonogestrel. These substances cause a contraceptive effect, prevent the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer, mastopathy. The ring is inserted into the vagina once every 4 weeks. After 21 days, it is removed, after which there is a break of 7 days. Next, a new ring is introduced. Side effects rarely develop.

Pregnancy and birth control pills

Even the most modern drugs do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The share of conceptions with oral contraception accounts for 1%, i.e. such cases are very rare. If pregnancy does occur, then you should know:

  • handicapped children in these situations are born no more often than according to statistics on average;
  • complications will be associated with the woman's age, since after 40 years there is a high risk of exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

At this age, most patients already have children, and there are no plans to have another child. For this reason, the doctor may offer them surgical contraception. The essence of the method is the ligation of the fallopian tubes, which makes conception impossible. This method is unpopular, but is the only option for women for whom pregnancy is dangerous for health reasons. Surgical sterilization is irreversible, i.e. Before agreeing to such an operation, you need to think carefully.


With the right selection of contraceptives, they do not cause negative consequences. Complications can arise when ignoring contraindications. In this case, the risk of the following pathologies is high:

  • dermatological rashes in the form of urticaria, ringworm;
  • significant weight gain
  • systematic migraine;
  • swelling of the extremities;
  • thrombosis and subsequent heart attacks, strokes;
  • hypertensive attacks;
  • frequent aching pain in the chest.


After 40 years, not all women can take birth control, because they have many contraindications. COCs should not be used by smokers. The reason is that nicotine reacts with the active components of contraceptives, which contributes to thrombosis. Instead of COCs, women who smoke are prescribed mini-pills. Contraindications to the use of combined contraceptives are as follows:

  • oncological disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • pregnancy or its suspicion;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lactation;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension grade 2.

Such diseases are often present in patients older than 40 years. They are advised to choose other methods of contraception. Mini-pills have other contraindications. Such drugs are prohibited under the following conditions:

  • epilepsy;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver cancer;
  • breast cancer;
  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • brain damage;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cancellation of birth control pills

If contraceptives need to be canceled, then it is necessary to finish drinking all the tablets remaining in the package. It is impossible to stop taking the drug in the middle of the pack, as this negatively affects the hormonal background. In addition, in the first half of the cycle, with a sharp rejection of the contraceptive, there is a risk of pregnancy. During the withdrawal period, weight may begin to increase. To keep body weight under control, you need to follow a diet that excludes fatty, fried, salty and sweet.

The menstrual cycle after discontinuation of the drug is restored within 3 months. The first 8-12 weeks, menstruation can be scanty and come with a delay. This is a normal condition - there is no reason to worry. At 3 months after discontinuation of the contraceptive, signs of premenstrual syndrome return:

  • irritability;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • mood changes;
  • headache.

If oral contraception was used to normalize the cycle or treat diseases of the genital organs, then against the background of a sudden discontinuation of the drug, a withdrawal syndrome occurs. It is indicated by the signs that are the reason for going to the doctor:

  • breakthrough uterine bleeding;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • rashes and acne;
  • decreased libido;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • acyclic spotting outside of menstruation;
  • acne
  • excessive hairiness.

How to choose

A certain contraceptive should only be selected by a doctor. It takes into account age, experience of childbearing, the regularity of intimate life. One of the selection criteria is the constitutional type of a woman:

  • Progesterone. Women with this type are tall and masculine in appearance. They have small mammary glands, oily skin, androgenic manifestations are sometimes noted, and menstruation is scanty and short. The cycle is less than 28 days. Before menstruation, such women experience depression and abdominal pain. Such patients are prescribed antiandrogenic drugs: Jess, Yarina, Giane-35, Silhouette, Janine.
  • Estrogen. These are women of short stature with well-developed mammary glands, dry skin and hair. They are characterized by prolonged heavy menstruation. Such patients are better suited for high- or medium-dose COCs: Lindinet, Milvane, Triquilar, Triziston, Rigevidon.
  • Balanced. Women of this type combine the characteristics of the previous two. Their appearance is feminine, height is average, chest is small, skin and hair condition is normal. Signs of PMS are not typical for them. Menstruation lasts 5 days. Silest, Lindinet-30, Femoden, Triquilar, Rigevidon, Persilon, Novinet, Regulon are suitable for this type of women.


The cost depends on the type of contraceptive and on how long it is taken. Most drugs are available in packs of 21, 63 and 84 tablets. For 1 month of admission, 21 pcs are required. – 3 weeks of contraceptive use and 7 days off. After that, another package is started, so the product has to be bought again. You can immediately purchase a pack of 63 or 84 tablets, but their cost will be much higher. Price examples:

Name of the drug

Number of tablets, pcs.

Price, rubles










Nova Ring

1 vaginal ring

Evra transdermal patch

Subcutaneous implants Norplant

Installation of a subcutaneous hormonal system


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Contraceptive pills after 40 for women

The issue of contraception after 40 years is as acute as at a younger age, because menopause does not occur immediately, but gradually, menstruation, although intermittently, goes on, which means a woman can still become pregnant. Contraceptives for women after 40 years of age are striking in their diversity, in addition, ladies of Balzac age can use those that are contraindicated for women who have not yet given birth.

Oral contraceptives after 40 years

They are represented by tablets that you need to drink for 21 days, and then take a break for 7 days. They not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of developing cancer and ovarian diseases, normalize the menstrual cycle, ease the course of PMS and reduce pain. Modern contraceptives for women over 40 are represented by progestin contraceptives and mini-pills.

Of these, the most popular are:

  • microlute;
  • logest;
  • ovret;
  • charosetta;
  • exoluton.
  • jess;
  • regulon;
  • depo-provera;
  • silest;
  • janine;
  • femoden.

However, these hormonal contraceptives for women over 40 can only be prescribed by a doctor based on indications and contraindications, existing diseases, etc. If a woman smokes, suffers from cardiovascular pathologies, then she may be offered to use other methods of contraception. In addition, there are also hormonal contraceptives that can be taken after unprotected intercourse, for example, postinor, but it is not recommended to use them regularly.

Contraceptives for women after 40

At this age, a woman can trust her partner and use a standard condom as protection against unwanted pregnancy, and there are also purely female condoms that are also easy to use, and they can be inserted into the vagina long before intercourse. Recently, spermicidal agents have become very popular, which include all kinds of candles, foams, gels and jellies, soluble tablets and films, sponges.

Some of them recommend using it in conjunction with a diaphragm or cervical cap to increase the level of protection. The latter are classified as barrier contraceptives, as is the intrauterine device. They prevent the entry of spermatozoa to the woman's ovaries, thereby preventing the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. The material for their manufacture can be plastic, silicone, latex, etc. In particular, the diaphragm or cap is inserted into the vagina shortly before sexual contact, and the spiral is placed for several months or even years. Of course, each of these contraceptives has both its advantages and disadvantages, and after 40 years, a woman should make a choice only after carefully studying them, and also based on the characteristics of her intimate life.

Much depends on whether a woman has a permanent sexual partner, because if she does not have one, then putting an intrauterine device or taking pills regularly simply does not make sense. In this case, it is better to use a barrier protection such as a cap or some kind of spermicide. Some of the latter can also have an additional effect, for example, improve natural lubrication, which is especially important for women of Balzac age, often faced with dryness even when aroused. Already having children, you can consider the option of sterilization, and this is one of the few options that is recommended specifically for women who have crossed the forty-year milestone.

In youth, few people think about age. It seems to many that the 40-year milestone will not come soon. Therefore, not everyone thinks about their future health. After 40, all women have a special period in the body, in which production is sharply reduced.

It is this hormone that is responsible for the state of women's health, affects sexual function, skin condition.

Estrogen deficiency in the female body leads to various consequences. Among them may be:

  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • illness;
  • causeless change of mood;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • fading of the skin.

To maintain a stable level of hormones in a woman's body, a whole set of hormones is used. Hormone therapy allows women at the age to return a sense of youth, as well as normalize their health and avoid serious diseases.

Necessary conditions to start taking hormones

Hormone therapy for women over forty should not be self-administered. Specialist consultation required. To prescribe hormones, the following conditions are required:

  • obligatory visit to the gynecologist in order to identify failures in the hormonal system;
  • a complete blood count;
  • examination of the genital organs for the presence of tumors;
  • examination of the cervix for the presence of tumor markers and in order to study its microflora;
  • testing for malfunctions in the thyroid gland;
  • performing liver tests;
  • visiting a mammologist in order to study the condition of the mammary glands;
  • a blood test specifically for hormones.

If there are no contraindications to start therapy, then the doctor can advise which hormones should be taken.

Cases when hormone therapy is unacceptable

It is important to point out cases when it is better for women over 40 to refrain from taking hormones. These are the following cases:

  • the presence of problems with the liver, oncological diseases, a high risk of internal bleeding, thrombosis in the vessels;
  • age over 60 years, when hormone treatment can lead to complications;
  • intolerance to drugs based on hormones;
  • More than 10 years have passed since the onset of menopause.

In these cases, hormone therapy can be harmful to women's health. It is necessary to consult with your doctor in advance regarding the use of hormonal drugs.

Varieties of drugs for hormone therapy in the form of tablets

Hormone therapy preparations can be produced in the form of suppositories, ointments, patches, subcutaneous implants and tablets. Special attention should be focused on the last and most common form of hormonal drugs - tablets.

There are two main female hormones in pills for taking at 40:

  • estrogen;
  • progesterone.

Estrogen is multifunctional. This is the main female hormone that improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels, blood, brain, bones. He is responsible for sexual desire and skin condition. Participates in the activity of all major organs of the female body.

Progesterone acts on the uterus, preventing it from growing too much. He is also responsible for the production of breast milk and is involved in the process of pregnancy.

Overview of popular hormonal drugs

There are 7 most popular and effective medicines in the form of tablets recommended for women who have crossed the 40-year age limit: These include:

  • "Livial";
  • "Estrofem";
  • "Klimonorm";
  • "Kliogest";
  • "Femoston";
  • "Trisequens";

"Livial" is recommended for women suffering from high blood pressure. It is also recommended by doctors for the prevention of osteoporosis. The drug has its own interval of reception - 5 years. After that, it is important to take a six-month break. Prohibited for use during pregnancy.

"Estrofem" has a good effect on the heart and is a reliable prophylactic hormonal remedy for cardiovascular diseases. Contains plant-derived estrogen. The tool should not be used by women who have problems with the stomach and kidneys.

"Klimonorm" is more often prescribed to those women who have undergone surgery to remove the uterus or ovaries. It has its own contraindications for women with stomach ulcers, jaundice or diabetes. Women taking this hormone should remember that it is not a contraceptive.

"Kliogest", like "Livial", is recommended to drink as a prevention of osteoporosis and high blood pressure. But this medicine has many side effects. They are expressed in the form of colic in the liver, headaches and bleeding in the internal organs.

Femoston is a universal hormone in tablets. The drug can be used by both women and men for the treatment of prostate. In women, the remedy strengthens bone tissue and blood vessels well, but has a negative effect on the stomach and intestines. This medicine should only be taken under constant medical supervision.

"Trisequens" contains two hormones at once. In addition to estrogen, it contains the hormone progesterone. The drug well relieves pain during menopause. May cause vaginal itching and swelling of the legs. It is highly recommended for women with malignant tumors. It is unacceptable to take with internal bleeding.

"Proginova" is prescribed as a drug that replenishes the blood of women. From the appearance of itching on the skin can be distinguished. The tool is often prescribed to women with removed appendages.

Taking phytoestrogens as part of hormone therapy

It is known that hormones are able to produce some types of plants. Among such plants is cimicifuga. It contains phytoestrogens, which are useful for women who have crossed the line of 45 years. On the basis of cimicifuga, the hormonal preparation "Chi-Klim" was created. It is available in both tablet and ointment form.

Phytoestrogens, which are part of this drug, have the following effect:

  • smooth out the manifestation of menopause;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • relieve pain during menopause;
  • improve skin condition;
  • increase sexual desire;
  • reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots on the skin.

Phytoestrogens act as a substitute for estrogen. In this case, hormone therapy will be safer than taking strong drugs. Qi-Klim is a relatively safe remedy. Side effects can include allergies and digestive problems. Most often, the tool acts as an additive. Not recommended for women with malignant tumors.

Taking birth control pills containing hormones

After 40, a woman's sex life does not stop. But there are factors that affect its quality. Menopause and hormonal changes can cause disturbances in sexual desire, which can result in various diseases.

Do not forget that even in adulthood, a woman can become pregnant. Childbirth at this age is fraught with numerous complications, so not every representative of the weaker sex will decide on pregnancy. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, women are advised to take birth control pills that contain hormones.

Any contraceptive hormonal therapy has its own contraindications:

  • migraine;
  • high pressure;
  • problems with the circulatory system (for example, varicose veins);
  • angina in a chronic form;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases.

The most effective drugs are in the form of tablets. They have a high percentage of efficiency. Most often on sale there are such drugs:

  • "Silest";
  • "Regulon";

"Silest" affects the egg and reduces its work, and also makes the walls of the uterus soft.

"Regulon" acts as a good prevention of the appearance of uterine fibroids in women. This hormonal contraceptive normalizes menstrual cycles.

"Jess" has a small number of side effects and is even used to treat gynecological diseases. Well removes water from the female body, removing puffiness. There is an additional drug called Jess Plus.

Marvelon operates multifunctionally. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it also improves skin condition. Additionally, it reduces the growth of hair on the body.

As additional contraceptive drugs, there are:

  • "Trisiston", holding back sperm by secreting mucus into the vagina;
  • "Janine", changing the composition of the uterine mucosa during ovulation;
  • "Trikvilar", which makes ovulation difficult;
  • "Novinet", which maintains a stable background of hormones in a woman;
  • "Femoden", which regulates menstruation and fights anemia.

The gynecologist must decide which hormonal contraceptive pills should be taken by a particular woman. Self-administration of hormonal agents is unacceptable due to the risk of complications. Any at the age of 40 are prescribed taking into account the personal characteristics of the patients.

Features of taking hormones

Any need to drink dosed and in a timely manner. For most hormones, the approximate period is 3 weeks. Then a pause is made for the period of menstruation (about 7 days). At this time, you need to monitor your health. If you experience pain in the head or discharge, it is recommended to immediately stop taking hormonal pills.

It is important for women who have frequent sexual activity to remember that the simultaneous use of hormonal contraceptives and antibiotics significantly reduces the effectiveness of the former. In such cases, a protected act is needed with the use of condoms and various lubricants and vaginal gels.

Hormonal drugs that fight menopause and cancer

In addition to the above means of hormone therapy, it is permissible to take such drugs in tablets that fight not only with the manifestations of menopause, but also serve as the prevention of cancer in women. These funds include:

  • "Chlortrianisen", taken in the treatment of breast cancer;
  • "Microfollin", correcting the cycle of menstruation;
  • "Vagifem", which relieves pain during menopause;
  • "Estrofeminal", acting analgesic in menopause.

It is important that women drink these drugs with strict adherence to the dosage and pauses between doses during menopause.

40 years is a great age for a woman. The body is young, the children have grown up and no longer require close attention, so it's time to take care of your personal life. But the joy of freedom can be overshadowed.

Contraceptive pills for women over 40 are difficult to find, but necessary. Abortion after 40 has particularly negative consequences and can be dangerous to life and health. But giving birth is also undesirable, since the growth of fetal pathologies is great. That is why contraception after 40 is necessary.

Types of contraception after 40 years

There are many methods of protection, but today the most common are the following types of contraception, prescribed after 40:

  • pills;
  • female condoms;
  • antispermicidal agents;
  • other innovative ways.

Contraceptives after 40 years of age work in the following ways:

  1. suppress the production of the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland and prevent ovulation;
  2. soften the walls of the uterus so that the egg cannot catch on;
  3. make vaginal lubrication harmful to spermatozoa.

The term for taking contraceptives for women after 40 years is 21 days. Then follows a break of 7 days. The remaining days are monthly, if menopause has not yet come.

In general, none of the means can give a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy, however, oral contraceptives are closest to this result. If you take them on time and do not miss the days, then the protection will be maximum.

Benefits of birth control oral contraceptives for women

Contraceptives for women over 40 protect against unwanted pregnancy, however, this is not their main advantage. The benefits and main effects of contraceptives for women after 40 years include the following:

  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • reduce the risk of ovarian diseases;
  • contraception after 40 is more reliable and effective;
  • normalize the cycle, reduce pain and relieve premenstrual syndrome.

Contraceptives are especially necessary for women in the premenopausal period, since menstruation may already stop, but the ability to become pregnant still remains. Taking birth control pills for women over 40 will not only get rid of unwanted pregnancy at this time, but will also smooth out the vegetative manifestations of menopause.

What contraceptives are better to take after 40 years

For women today, contraceptive pills are offered that are prescribed after 40 years and have a second name - OK:

  • containing estrogen and progesterone;
  • containing synthetic analogues of progesterone.

The purpose of certain drugs depends on the following factors:

  • whether the woman smokes;
  • has contraindications for taking estrogen-containing drugs;
  • suffers from cardiovascular diseases;
  • has a weak immune system.

In the presence of these reasons, synthetic drugs that do not contain estrogen are prescribed.

Contraceptives for women over 40 may not have the desired effect in the following cases:

  • if the woman smokes. Pills enhance the effect of smoking, causing lung and heart disease. Hormones are not absorbed and the effectiveness of OK drops;
  • circulatory diseases are noted;
  • have tumors.

In these cases, incomplete assimilation of hormones occurs and, accordingly, the contraceptive effect of contraception after 40 years is significantly reduced.

Sterilization: pros and cons

An alternative to pills is surgical sterilization, a method based on tubal ligation. It is especially suitable for women who have already given birth to a child. The main contraindications are:

  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • tumors;
  • obesity.

This list can be expanded by a specialist who works with a particular woman. It is worth saying that tubal ligation is the most effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it should only be carried out in institutions licensed for this type of activity.

Currently, sterilization is carried out without surgical incision, using laparoscopy. Sterilization can also be carried out during a surgical operation, for example, with a caesarean section. The patient must sign a consent for this type of operation.

Sterilization is practically irreversible. However, there are two types:

  • ligation of the fallopian tubes;
  • cutting of the fallopian tubes.

Both methods are effective, but if the tubal ligation is performed, a second operation with tubal repair is possible. Although in any case, there is no 100% guarantee for the full restoration of reproductive functions.

Thus, the main rule for taking contraceptives for women after 40 years is to observe the time of taking the drugs and the high-quality selection of a contraceptive, which depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's reproductive system. Birth control after 40, regardless of the name, is the best method of protection.

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