Shrot from a thistle spotted crushed. Milk thistle meal: benefits and harms, how to take, reviews. Official and traditional medicine

Milk thistle seed extract is an ingredient in most liver health supplements. Herbalists also advise using parts of this plant for headaches, constipation, and joint pain. It is believed that milk thistle also helps with skin problems. Reviews about the use of this plant are quite common, many milk thistle has helped to cope with serious diseases.

Protects the liver on "5+"

Most often, positive opinions can be heard when used. Reviews indicate that this plant is actually good at helping to get rid of liver problems. Moreover, milk thistle helps maintain health even in case of serious diseases of this organ.


“I have been taking milk thistle for over 3 years now. I live only thanks to milk thistle. I have hepatitis C."

It helps, judging by the reviews, milk thistle and intoxication, including alcohol.


“I somehow poisoned myself with burnt alcohol, and my liver took over. On the 3rd day of taking milk thistle, it was released.

Helps with many diseases

Share on the Internet positive experience and those people who had problems not with the liver, but with other organs - milk thistle (meal) also helped them. Application, reviews indicate - in most cases, this plant improves the general condition of the skin, joints, migraines pass.


“I drank for 2 months, pigmentation decreased by 40 percent. This is very noticeable.”


“I had headaches due to the weather, they advised me to eat. I drink before meals, I drank it for a month, my head stopped hurting.


“I had very painful joints in the pelvis, knees, elbows and neck. I drank the meal for only 4 days, and the acute pain was gone. Now I can walk 1.5–2 km. And before that, 150–200 m, and we had to look for a place to sit.”

Improves metabolism

Often write about how milk thistle can be used for weight loss. Reviews for the most part boil down to the fact that this is a good aid in weight loss, able to cleanse the body and remove toxins. But not everyone notes the obvious effect of losing extra pounds.


“I took milk thistle meal in order to lose weight. After taking milk thistle, it became much better and easier to feel, the heaviness in the side disappeared and the stomach began to work better, but it didn’t work out straight.

Some claim that, in addition to cleansing, milk thistle reduces appetite.

lemon chick:

“It really reduces appetite, I lost 6 kg in a month, I only used powder: I ground the seeds in a spice mill.”

But there are stories about the impressive success of taking milk thistle for weight loss.


“I began to use milk thistle meal during the evening meal, at six o'clock. The result immediately became noticeable, I easily and without problems cleansed the intestines and gradually lost weight. I drink the decoction for twenty-five days, and rest for the next five. Then I repeat the course again. In four months I managed to lose eighteen and a half kilograms!

Not everyone likes

Not everyone is completely satisfied with milk thistle. Reviews of a negative and neutral nature are rare, but still occur. Basically, those who took milk thistle and preparations based on it note side effects in the form of pain and other discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea.


“I ate a couple of spoons of tea meal in a day, and now I feel so bad for 2 days. I feel sick, my stomach is swollen, such a heaviness in my stomach, as if I had been fed for a week, without ceasing, with all fatty foods.

It is often possible to meet complaints of stool disorder after the use of milk thistle.

“This herb had a bad effect on me (tied me to the toilet).”

Those who have endured unpleasant sensations write about the beneficial effects of milk thistle. So, for many, after a period of pain and swelling, a significant improvement occurs.


“I had a constant pain in my liver for two weeks when I just started taking meal. It’s good that I didn’t quit, although there were doubts. ”

There are reviews in which people describe severe consequences in the form of severe allergic reactions:


“I have developed laryngeal edema from this milk thistle of yours (I ate one teaspoon). The husband barely had time to call an ambulance. They diagnosed it with Quincke's edema, individual intolerance to milk thistle.


“Drank a teaspoon of milk thistle powder. A few minutes later my tongue swelled up, covered with some kind of ulcers.

Therefore, despite the fact that many miracle herbs bring relief, it is better to consult a doctor before using milk thistle.

Wild and persistent milk thistle or Maryin tatarnik is used in medicine in a processed form: oil is obtained from it, tinctures and extracts are prepared, dry grass is ground into flour. After pressing the oil, “waste” or meal remains. Milk thistle meal, although it is a “secondary raw material”, has medicinal properties.

Composition of milk thistle meal

Milk thistle meal in terms of physical composition is a dry film or husk that remains after seed processing. Unlike cake, which remains after the extraction of oil by pressing, the meal is obtained by extraction. The method of seed processing affects the amount of fat in the residual products: up to 7% in oil cake, no more than 3% in meal.

The meal looks like a dry crumbly yellow-brown substance. Milk thistle meal and milk thistle flour are two different products: flour contains twice as much fat, but it is inferior to meal in terms of fiber content.

The abundance of dietary fiber is not the only advantage for which medicine drew attention to milk thistle meal. The composition of the husk is unique due to silymarin, which is rarely found in nature. Silymarin is a biologically active substance formed by three chemical compounds:

  • silibinin;
  • silydianin;
  • silicristin.

Together, the substances are also called flavonolignans. In science, they refer to hepatoprotective substances that improve liver function.

The substance accelerates the metabolic processes in the cells and therefore the processes of restoration of damaged "bricks" of the liver occur faster. In addition to rare silibinin, milk thistle meal contains mucus, oils, trace elements and tannins.

Useful properties of milk thistle meal

The properties of the drug have been studied by official medicine and confirmed by research in the 70s of the last century by scientists from the University of Munich. The study consisted in conducting an experiment on rats: individuals were given substances that destroyed the liver. So for 4 months 100% of rats died. Then other experimental animals were given milk thistle meal along with the destroying components: as a result, only 30% died.

In 2002, the World Health Organization included milk thistle meal in the list of official drugs recommended for use in liver diseases.

Indications for the use of milk thistle meal

The drug is indicated for use in:

  • cirrhosis at any stage;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • diseases of the pancreas,
  • poisoning;
  • taking a large amount of medication.

Dietary supplement without harm to health can be used for preventive purposes. Milk thistle meal will help to remove toxins, assimilate an abundant amount of food at the festive table, eliminate the risk of poisoning when taking a large number of drugs and protect the body from toxins and allergens.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindications for dietary supplements relate to asthmatics suffering from respiratory diseases. The reason is cases of swelling of the larynx and attacks of shortness of breath. Children, pregnant and lactating women should take meal with caution.

The drug may harm those with large gallstones. The moving bile can move the stones to the site of the ducts and block them.

Milk thistle (thistle) meal Represents cake or a secondary product of processing of seeds of a plant. In the process of cold pressing, milk thistle fruits are pressed, and the remaining powder is an excellent medicinal raw material for restoring liver functions.

It is a mistake to believe that thistle flour and meal are analogues. The fact is that during processing, the same amount of vegetable oils contained in the plant remains in the flour. Whereas the meal is practically free from these oils, and the main active ingredient present in the preparation is silymarin concentrate. The content of this substance in the meal reaches about 5 - in such an amount it is not contained either in oil or in other preparations based on milk thistle.

Experienced phytotherapists consider milk thistle meal to be the most effective raw material for the treatment of liver diseases. The oil obtained from the plant is best used for healing tissues, mucous membranes, losing weight and normalizing metabolism.


Milk thistle meal: harm

Like the plant itself, milk thistle meal can bring both benefits and harm to the body. Despite the fact that thistle-based preparations are hypoallergenic, it is necessary to take meal with caution.

At the first stages of treatment with the use of powder, indigestion, flatulence, and nausea may occur. With increased sensitivity to the components of the plant, a rash may appear.

The harm of milk thistle meal for a person suffering from chronic digestive diseases is not excluded.

Thistle meal is absolutely contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy (especially in the third trimester)
  • With gallstone disease
  • Children under 3 years old
  • If severe psychiatric disorders are diagnosed
  • With individual intolerance to plant components
  • If the patient has asthma

However, scientists who conducted a number of studies over the years of popularity of milk thistle meal noted the high safety of the drug. An overdose of raw materials manifests itself only in a laxative effect, and allergic rashes are extremely rare.


What is useful milk thistle meal

Thistle meal is a unique source of silymarin and a host of other organic substances.

Interesting on the web!

Its composition is rich in such substances:

  • Tannins
  • Polyunsaturated oils
  • Flavonolignans (quercetin, taxifolin, silybin)
  • Iodine, manganese, boron, zinc, selenium, iron
  • beta carotene
  • Alkaloids, saponins
  • Cellulose
  • Resins, chlorophyll

The nutritional value of raw materials is about 340 kcal.

What is useful milk thistle meal for a person? This inconspicuous powder is used to heal the body, since the active ingredient of the drug, silymarin, has such an effect on the body:

  • Stops inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.
  • It is a reliable "shield" for the liver, restores it and contributes to its normal functioning.
  • Promotes increased secretion of bile, normalizes the work of the bile ducts.
  • Protects the body from the penetration of toxic substances, heavy metals, poisons.

The World Health Organization fully supported the conclusions about the benefits of milk thistle meal. Milk thistle powder is a popular drug in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, cholecystitis, varicose veins, and hepatitis.

How useful is milk thistle meal for the body? The use of powder produces a beneficial effect on other organs and systems of human life:

  • The internal organs are healed.
  • The work of the thyroid, reproductive, genitourinary, excretory and digestive systems is normalized.
  • Vision improves.
  • The body comes to a harmonious balance: the iron content in the blood increases, and the level of glucose and cholesterol decreases markedly.
  • Reduces the likelihood of pathologies of the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys.
  • Puffiness decreases, excess fluid is removed from the tissues.
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, their permeability and elasticity increase.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Thistle meal is an excellent remedy for colds and inflammation of the respiratory system.

The harm of milk thistle meal is minimal, and the benefits for the body are enormous. The drug has bactericidal, diuretic, choleretic, radioprotective, analgesic properties. It is recommended to use it for people living in polluted, unfavorable areas. Proper use of the powder can overcome stress, depression and even eliminate sleep problems.

You can get plant meal at home, but the oil content in it will be much higher than with industrial processing.

To obtain raw materials, it is necessary to pour thistle seeds with fresh olive oil and insist for exactly 3 weeks. After that, the fruits of the plant are squeezed.

The oil is an excellent remedy for the treatment of burns, wounds, ingestion. The remaining cake is crushed, brought to a dry state by intensive pressing and dried in air.

Milk thistle meal for the liver

For the treatment of the liver and biliary tract, milk thistle seeds ground in a coffee grinder are taken in 1 tsp. half an hour before meals 3 times a day with water for 2 months. It is recommended to conduct such a course 2 times a year.

This remedy is successfully used as a hepatoprotector to reduce the harm from fatty foods and alcoholic beverages that adversely affect the liver. Thistle meal is taken for alcohol, drug intoxication, liver pathologies and diabetes mellitus

The drug is indicated for alcohol, drug intoxication, for the treatment and prevention of hepatic pathologies. Milk thistle meal is recommended for fatty degeneration of tissues, hepatitis.

Meal is taken in courses, the minimum duration of which is 30 days. For maximum manifestation of the effect of the drug, it is necessary to repeat courses during the year. As a prophylactic, thistle meal is taken in courses twice a year.

In the treatment of liver damage, hepatitis, powder should be taken in a proportion of 1 gram per 1 kg of human body weight. It is necessary to drink raw materials during the day, in 5 doses.

As a preventative measure, milk thistle powder is taken 1 teaspoon (2 g) with meals. You need to drink the drug with warm water without gas.

Even at high doses of milk thistle meal, it does not have any negative effects on the body. From the very first days of using the powder, the work of the intestines is fully adjusted, and all body systems begin to work like clockwork.

Hello everyone!

Milk thistle appeared on the shelves of our pharmacies relatively recently, but its medicinal properties no longer raise any doubts.

This medicinal herb seems to have been specially created for the treatment of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Let's talk in more detail and thoroughly about how to take milk thistle for the liver and what beneficial properties it has.

From this article you will learn:

Milk thistle for the liver - properties and uses

Milk thistle (lat. Sílybum marianum) is a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Milk Thistle of the Asteraceae family. Gardeners in Russia often call this type of milk thistle hot-variegated. wiki

What does milk thistle look like - a brief botanical note

Milk thistle is a herbaceous plant in the Asteraceae family. In the genus are annual and biennial herbs, up to 1.5 m high, with large alternate leaves in white spots or stripes.

Milk thistle flowers are bisexual, tubular, purple or other shades of this color, bloom in July - September.

The fruits are compressed crested achene.

There are two types of milk thistle - Silver Milk Thistle (Silybum eburneum) and Spotted Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum).

The latter is also popularly called Milk thistle, St. Mary's thistle, Mary's Tatar, Virgin Mary's herb, Spicy-variegated.

The first species is rare, and the second - around the world. It is the second type that has an exceptionally pronounced therapeutic effect on the liver.

The chemical composition of milk thistle

The chemical composition of seeds and other parts of milk thistle includes about 400 valuable components, here are the main ones:

  • macronutrients (in mg per 1 g of raw materials): magnesium - 4.2; calcium - 16.6; potassium - 9.2; iron - 0.08;
  • trace elements (in micrograms per 1 g of raw materials): selenium - 22.9, boron - 22.4, manganese - 0.1, zinc - 0.71, copper - 1.16 iodine - 0.09, chromium - 0.15 ;
  • vitamins - vitamins A, E, K, F, D, group B;
  • oils - fatty oils (up to 32%), essential oils (up to 0.1%);
  • biogenic amines - tyramine, histamine;
  • platelet stimulator factor T;
  • flavonoids;
  • lipid complex - tocopherols, phospholipids, acylglycerols;

Main active ingredients

The main active components of the plant are flavolignans: silybin, silicristin, silidianin - they form compounds of silymarins.

It is the presence of silymarins, of which up to 12 varieties were counted in milk thistle, that determines its amazing therapeutic effect on the liver - hepatoprotective, detoxifying, regenerating.

Milk thistle herb and its beneficial properties for the liver

Let's look at the main beneficial and medicinal properties of milk thistle herb and all the ways it can be used to treat liver diseases.

Milk thistle is used for:

  • chronic hepatitis disease
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • uraturia
  • cholecystitis
  • nephrolithiasis
  • in recovery after treatment with nephrotoxic drugs
  • other toxic lesions (alcoholic, vegetable poisons, heavy metal compounds, etc.).

Why is milk thistle good for the liver?

The healing effect of milk thistle on the liver is due to the function of the plant as a hepatoprotector.

Silymarin is responsible for this property of milk thistle, which has a membrane-stabilizing, antifibrotic (against the formation of connective tissue and extracellular matrix), antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

The mechanism of action of silymarin

  1. Silymarin inhibits lipid peroxidation, thus preventing the destruction of hepatocyte membranes; neutralizes free radicals in liver cells;
  2. Activates RNA polymerase, which leads to increased tissue regeneration; stimulates the synthesis of phospholipids and proteins in damaged cells and stabilizes membranes, preserving cell components.
  3. Silymarin does not allow a number of hepatotoxic substances to enter the cell, for example, the poison of the pale toadstool. Synthesizing prostaglandins, silymarin has an anti-inflammatory effect on the liver.

How to use milk thistle for the liver correctly?

Silymarin is an extremely unstable compound and is destroyed under the influence of oxygen, light from any source, temperatures above + 60 ºС.

Therefore, treatment with tea, milk thistle decoction, oil is simply impossible - Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Samara State Medical University Braslavsky Valery Borisovich, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

How to prepare an effective medicine from milk thistle at home

On your own, with a guarantee of preserving the active substance, you can prepare a powder from the seeds and an alcohol tincture.

Seed Powder and Germinated Seeds

Grind the seed (you can use a coffee grinder) and immediately consume it for 1 s. l. per day (before meals).

For the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the liver, it is good to take 1 s. l. germinated seeds - also before meals.

Alcoholic tincture of milk thistle seeds (one of the options)

Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, quickly place in a dark glass vessel, pour alcohol or good quality vodka in a ratio of 1:5, seal tightly and place in a cool, dark place, where to infuse for 2 to 7 days.

If necessary, the tincture can be taken after a few hours.

Alcohol tincture is a potent drug, therefore it is taken with caution, after consulting a doctor, 1-2 or 15-20 drops at a time.

Preparations with milk thistle for the liver

Consider the main preparations based on milk thistle and the important features of their use for the treatment of the liver.

Milk thistle tablets

Milk thistle in tablets is most effective in the form of preparations "Karsil Forte" and "Karsil"; Sibektan, Salimar, Legalen. It must be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the drug.

Milk thistle powder for the liver

Milk thistle powder for the liver can be purchased as part of the Gepabene preparation, where it, together with the fume extract, is enclosed in hard gelatin capsules, which retains the active silymarin; in capsules "Phosfonciale" (plant extract); in capsules "Legalon".

NOTE!!! Milk thistle (silymarin) in seeds and capsules - organic quality from the best world producers. Very wide range, see Here

Milk thistle meal and why it may not be effective?

Milk thistle meal is a powder, flour from its seeds. Never buy ready-made milk thistle meal!

So that the meal does not lose its healing properties, it must be prepared immediately before use, not allowing it to stay in the light for a long time and in contact with air.

Otherwise, silymarin - the active ingredient - is destroyed.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle herb

Taking drugs based on or from an alcohol-based gut extract is not allowed when:

  • cirrhotic (alcoholic) liver disease
  • pancreatitis
  • acute cholecystitis
  • liver failure
  • allergic reactions
  • as well as asthma, epilepsy, acute and chronic mental disorders.

With caution and only after consulting a doctor, milk thistle preparations should be taken by people with diseases of the cardiovascular group, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Video about the use of milk thistle for the liver

In conclusion, be sure to watch this video about the use of milk thistle and its effects on the liver. I recommend.

Use milk thistle herb for the liver correctly and be healthy!

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Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon!!!

Photo in the article @ joannawuk and @ chasbrutlag

Milk thistle or milk thistle meal: indications and contraindications for use. Learn about the beneficial properties, indications and contraindications for the use of milk thistle meal, its benefits for cleansing the liver, as well as folk recipes.

Milk thistle, Maryin tatarnik, frog plant - these are the names of one plant - milk thistle, known for its healing properties since ancient times. Even in the treatises of Avicenna, weed grass was mentioned as an effective antidote. It has become widespread in India. In the late 1970s, scientists discovered silymarin, an active ingredient known as a liver repair agent. Since then, on the basis of the thistle, the pharmaceutical industry around the world has been producing medicines and supplements.

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To cleanse the liver, pharmacies sell milk thistle meal (powder), made from oil seeds left after pressing the oil. The cake is dried, ground into dust, then packed into capsules or sealed packages. Along with soybean meal, rapeseed, mustard, seeds, milk thistle supplements are considered a valuable product with a high content of protein and vegetable fibers.

Flour and meal are not the same thing. After processing, oils remain in the flour. The fat content reaches 4-5%. There are almost none in the powder, so it is indicated for treatment. Butter and flour are more suitable for external use. However, healing potion is not forbidden to cook at home.

Chemical composition of milk thistle

Almost 400 components useful for humans have been found in seeds and flowers. The main ones are silybin, silicristin, silidianin, which form compounds under the general name silymarin. Thanks to these flavolignans, the hepatoproductive, regenerative effect on the liver is explained.

Among other useful substances:

  • Calcium, boron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, chromium, iodine.
  • Alkaloids, saponins, chlorophyll.
  • Vitamins of groups B, A, K, F, T, D.
  • Fatty and essential oils.
  • Tyramine, histamine.
  • Phospholipids, acylglycerols, flavonoids.

Indications for use

Schroth effectively treats colds, bronchitis, and other diseases of the respiratory system. It is recommended to use it for people living in non-ecological regions.

  • If the dosage is observed, it is permissible to correct depressive conditions, improve sleep.
  • Processed shells of thistle grains contain fiber that stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  • Potassium removes fluid, supports the work of the heart muscle.
  • In type 2 diabetes, the meal corrects the level of sugar, reduces the amount of protein in the blood.
  • The seeds contain vitamin E and phenolic compounds. Antioxidants actively fight free radicals, slow down cell aging.

Benefits for the liver

Milk thistle acts as a hepatoprotector that protects cells from the penetration of viruses and radiation. Active biological components - flavonolignans activate protein synthesis, which leads to the formation of a large number of enzymes (structural proteins). They are responsible for the regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells), restore the metabolism of phospholipids in defective cells, and reduce membrane permeability.

Schroth is prescribed in a complex scheme for the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis, bile production. Herbal medicine helps with pathologies of the spleen, biliary tract, cholecystopathy. At the same time, the ducts are freed from bilirubin plugs, stagnant bile.

For cleansing

Silymarin breaks down poisons, binds and removes free radicals and toxic products from the blood. In case of mushroom poisoning, first of all, injections are administered with an active substance that prevents the penetration of hepatotoxic components into the cells. With alcohol intoxication, after chemotherapy, irradiation, meal is taken repeatedly in a spoon, washed down with a glass of water.

Schroth is effective for the treatment of a number of diseases

Flavonolignans and beneficial components of thistle are effective for:

  • Treatment of erosions, vaginitis, appendages.
  • Recovery of metabolic processes and weight loss.
  • Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  • Creation of a protective barrier for viral and infectious agents.

For cosmetic purposes

Pressed seeds are added to masks or ready-made oil is used. They:

  • cleanse the pores and mouths of the sebaceous glands;
  • remove toxins from the cells of the epidermis;
  • saturate tissues with oxygen;
  • remove the local inflammatory reaction.


Despite the harmlessness of spotted grass, it is not recommended to take meal uncontrollably. High levels of calcium and phosphorus can cause kidney and heart problems. At first, there are digestive disorders, dyspeptic symptoms, which disappear on the 3rd day. The drug is not taken:

  • if you are allergic to one of the components;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

How to take thistle meal

For the treatment of the liver, the drug is used according to the scheme - 3 times a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals with plenty of fluids. The course of admission is approximately 40 days. At the discretion of the doctor, the field of a 2-week break is continued. With progressive liver pathologies, the course is repeated 4 times.

For prophylactic purposes, to protect hepotocytes, a monthly intake of milk thistle in spring and autumn is indicated. For this purpose, on an empty stomach, drink a spoonful of meal with a glass of water. At a temperature of +60 ° C, silymarin is destroyed, so adding the powder to tea and preparing decoctions does not make sense. A simple way is to add a spoonful of honey and powder to a glass of water, stir and leave for 2 hours. The mixture is drunk in 2 approaches on an empty stomach.

To produce bile before a festive feast, it is recommended to take it in the same proportion. In this case, milk thistle seed powder will improve the breakdown and absorption of food, normalize the acidity of the stomach, and prevent an attack of acute pancreatitis.

For timely cleansing of the intestines, the product is taken in large quantities - a spoonful before meals with juice, water, kefir. This method of use is suitable for weight loss, healing of liver cells, gallbladder.

homemade recipe

It is not forbidden to cook meal at home, but the oil content in it will be many times higher than after industrial seed treatment. For this:

  • pharmaceutical raw materials are poured with olive oil;
  • withstand 3 weeks;
  • filtered, the grains are squeezed.

The oil is left for external use, the cake is ground in a coffee grinder, dried in air.

Some do it easier. They buy raw materials, grind them and immediately take or eat germinated seeds - a spoonful once a day before meals.

How to choose thistle meal

Pharmacies sell milk thistle in tablets - Karsil, Legalen, Salimar. Based on the powder, Gepabene is made. Together with the extract of dumyanka, the processed cake was sealed in gelatin capsules that do not transmit light. In this form, the activity of silymarin, which is destroyed under light, is retained longer. Phosfonciale and Legalon are made from milk thistle extract. Dosages and conditions of admission are described in the instructions.

Dietary supplements, grains, powder are sold in sealed packages. When choosing, pay attention to the color. A meal with a yellow tint is not worth buying. Most of the nutrients in supplements are pale brown. The low cost of about 100 rubles per package) allows you to conduct several courses without compromising the budget.

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