What to do after dinner. What not to do after eating. How to lose weight

How to end a delicious lunch?

What do most of us do after a hearty breakfast on a day off, a hearty lunch and dinner that we could give to the enemy, but do not want to at all? As a rule, most tend to take a horizontal position, drink a cup of tea or coffee, or eat their breakfast, lunch or dinner with sweet fruits. However, such a development of events and such a scenario cannot be called correct. Moreover, such habits do not contribute at all to the processes of digestion, and if we abuse them, they threaten to develop into serious ailments.

A world without harm figured out what not to do after eating and why. Rest assured, our publication will change your worldview and perhaps even change your life...

Discomfort after eating and its causes

How often have you encountered discomfort after eating, discomfort in the abdomen, acute pain, bloating and a sharp surge of weakness and fatigue that literally knocked you off your feet? According to the results of independent surveys, as a rule, 8 out of 10 diners or diners complain of similar symptoms. And, almost all 8 people blame the cook who prepared a low-quality dish, the food manufacturer who added something wrong there for such a state of his ... Although, you have to blame yourself. After all, if you did one of the following actions after eating, then it is you and your habits that are responsible for the discomfort after eating.

What not to do after eating

Now we will list for you what is strictly forbidden to do after eating. And, even explain why such a habit should be abandoned. So…

Fruit after dinner - taboo

Don't eat fruits after meals

How often, as a dessert after a hearty meal, do we eat a sweet apple, a handful of berries, or a serving of fruit salad? It would seem that the intentions are the best. You even read somewhere that fruits contribute to the rapid digestion of food. However, stop. Fruits, as an independent dish, are really useful for you and me. But, after eating, they should not be consumed, as they disrupt the digestive processes. Instead of our stomach digesting food, we turn its attention to fruits. As a result, stagnation of food begins, its fermentation, and as a result, we begin to have flatulence. Besides, an interesting feature of our body is that it is able to digest fruits only when they are not mixed with the main food. So, if you want to enjoy both the taste and the benefits of fruits and berries, eat them a few hours before or a few hours after eating. But not after eating.

Fluid intake after meals

Drinking liquids after meals is another taboo on our list. The fact is that such a habit, which is very common, regardless of the type of drink, leads to sensations of heaviness in the abdomen, and resulting problems with digestion. Oh, that's because the liquid we drink dilutes the gastric juice, thereby disrupting the natural processes of digestion. As a result, these processes take longer and their quality decreases. Then, as a glass of water drunk 30-40 minutes before a meal, on the contrary, will prepare our body for eating.

Horizontal position after eating

Those who like to take a horizontal position after eating, or reap heavily before going to bed, risk earning serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, during our sleep, our body ... also sleeps, respectively, the tasks of digesting food remain unfulfilled. The food we eat remains in the stomach as a "dead weight" and gradually begins to rot there. So, it is better to give up such a habit as lying down and sleeping after eating.

Do not exercise after meals

There is another extreme to a passive lifestyle - excessive activity. There are such unique people who, after a hearty lunch, punishing themselves for every extra calorie eaten, go to the gym or on the treadmill to drive off their excess weight. You can't do this. It is better to eat less at dinner than to load yourself with physical exercises and thereby distract your body from the processes of digesting food. By the way, such a load for the body, in the circumstances, is a real stress.

Do not smoke after meals

Many smokers, after a delicious dinner, put the final chord of their meal in the form of a smoked cigarette. In fact, such a cigarette is much more harmful than an ordinary one smoked by us during the day. Thus, physicians were able to prove that 1 cigarette that a person smokes after eating is equal in terms of its harmful effect to 10 cigarettes. So, if, then, smoking after eating is 10 times more dangerous for your health.

Dissolving the belt at the waist is not the best solution

If you have eaten with a belt tightened at the waist, then in no case try to loosen it after eating. Thus, you indirectly interfere with the processes of digestion. And, such a gross intervention leads to the fact that all food immediately falls into your stomach in a lump, and the processes of its digestion will be completely blocked for some time. So - either remove the belt before eating, or eat enough so that you do not have to dissolve it, or ... endure.

Water procedures - another taboo

Running from your lunch break is not the best solution

How often, late from lunch break, we literally rush to work at full steam. It is not surprising that then, having reached the place almost on time, we no longer experience any joy from our lunch meal. But, there is heaviness in the stomach and pain in the side. After all, during your run or even just a quick walk, your body is distracted from the processes of digesting food.

Doctors around the world strongly promote proper nutrition. After all, our well-being largely depends on it. No wonder sometime Hippocrates said, "We are what we eat." The father of medicine believed that human disease is the result of a violation of nutrition, habits and the nature of life. However, our health is affected not only by the food itself, but also by what we do after eating it. Today we will tell you what to do and what not to do after eating to always stay healthy and beautiful.

What not to do immediately after eating


It turns out that doctors do not advise drinking tea after meals. And all because it contains acids that bind iron and prevent it from being absorbed. That is, when you drink tea with food, you do not get the right amount of iron from food. Therefore, the ideal time for tea drinking is an hour after eating.


If you usually eat fruit for lunch, then in vain. It turns out that when fruits come into contact with other food, they begin to ferment and turn sour. And this disrupts the normal digestive process. It is best to consume them an hour before meals or at least two hours after.


You must have heard that after eating it is good to take a walk. However, this is not quite true. Walking after a meal can cause acid reflux and indigestion, but it will still help you burn a few calories. However, doctors recommend walking no earlier than 15-20 minutes after eating.


Sleeping immediately after eating is a very, very bad habit, and we'll tell you why. When you lie down, a small amount of digestive juices flow from the stomach back into the esophagus, resulting in heartburn. Therefore, go to bed at least two hours after eating.


But smoking after eating causes irritable bowel syndrome, and also affects the muscles of the colon in a bad way. As, however, and on the whole organism as a whole.


Did you know that a hot bath increases blood flow to the limbs and to the entire surface of the body. Accordingly, the blood flow in the stomach area decreases. So take a bath only half an hour or an hour after eating.

What can you do immediately after eating

warm water

In order for everything you eat to be well digested, you should drink a couple of sips of warm water in the first hour after eating. Your stomach will thank you!

Loose clothes and belt

Everyone has a hundred habits that are ingrained in our brains. But, unfortunately, many of them are or can become the cause of our poor health. It turns out that a person's health is affected not only by what he eats, but also by what he does after eating. Our digestive system is very sensitive and should be taken seriously. The correct process of digestion of food is very important. Take care of your health!

What not to do immediately after eating

1.NO: Walking

Many of us think that after a heavy meal it is good to go for a walk, but this is not entirely true. Walking after meals can cause acid reflux and indigestion. Walking is a great way to burn calories. But doctors recommend doing it no earlier than 15-20 minutes after eating.

2. NO: Fruit

There is an opinion that fruits should be eaten as a dessert immediately after a meal. But actually it is not. Fruits eaten after the main meal come into contact with it and begin to ferment and turn sour. This disrupts the normal digestive process. It is better to eat them an hour before meals or at least 2 hours after.

3. NO: Tea

Doctors advise against drinking tea after meals, as it contains acids that bind iron, preventing it from being absorbed. When we drink this drink with food, we do not get the right amount of iron from the dishes. That's why the ideal time to drink tea is at least an hour after a meal.

4. NO: Sleep

Most of us like to go to bed right after eating, but this habit is harmful. In the supine position, a small amount of digestive juices flow back from the stomach into the esophagus. This is why some people experience heartburn when they go to bed right after eating. To avoid this problem, go to bed at least two hours after eating.

5. NO: Taking a bath

Bathing in warm water increases blood flow to the limbs and to the entire surface of the body. Accordingly, the blood flow in the stomach area is reduced. Do water procedures at least half an hour to an hour after eating.

6. NO: Smoking

Smoking after meals causes symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It also negatively affects the muscles of the large intestine, which is responsible for the final stage of the digestion process.

What to do immediately after eating

1.YES: Warm water

For proper digestion of food in the first hour after eating, the body needs energy and heat. Therefore, it is advisable not to eat cold dishes immediately after the main meal, for example ice cream. It is best to drink a couple of sips of warm water.

2. YES: Conversation with loved ones

For proper blood flow and digestion, avoid physical and mental strenuous activities. It is best to spend time after eating on pleasant communication with loved ones without any disputes and quarrels.

3. YES: Loose clothing and belt

To prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease, avoid wearing tight clothing and tight belts that put pressure on your stomach.

The digestive system is a complex thing, and you need to treat it carefully and seriously. Some of us have heard a thousand times that you need to eat slowly and after eating, be sure to give up violent activity for a while. And others, on the contrary, are accustomed to hastily eating their lunch, immediately go on business. How to do the right thing and what things to do after eating is better to wait - read in the new review.

tea drinking

Those who like to end their lunch or dinner with tea should remember that just as it is not recommended to drink directly during a meal, you should abandon the habit of drinking food immediately after a meal.

The fact is that any liquid drunk with food reduces the efficiency of gastric secretion, lowers acidity, interferes with normal digestion and causes a feeling of fullness in the stomach. A cup of tea after a meal also actively prevents the absorption of iron.

The best time to drink is 20-30 minutes before a meal. You will prepare the stomach for eating and start the metabolism. It is better to give preference to a glass of water with lemon, but a cup of coffee or tea in this case does not hurt either. And for those who cannot imagine their life without afternoon tea, it is recommended to wait an hour or two after eating.

If you lie down to take a nap immediately after eating, there is a high chance that you will wake up with heartburn and stomach discomfort. In the supine position, digestive juices pass from the stomach into the esophagus and cause these unpleasant sensations.

To solve the problem is simple: go to bed no earlier than 2 hours after eating. And always remember that the evening meal should be the easiest - so the next day you will wake up with a good mood and excellent health.


Everything is simple here: firstly, you yourself are unlikely to decide to engage in physical activity on a full stomach, and secondly, even amateur athletes are well aware that the last meal before training should not be too burdensome and not subsequently cause nausea, hiccups and other vagaries of the digestive system.

If you have a serious workout, long run or exhausting physical activity ahead of you, “charge” no later than 2 hours before class. Give priority to healthy slow carbohydrates or protein foods.


We won't go into lengthy explanations of why you should quit smoking once and for all. Bad news for smokers: This addiction interferes with the absorption of even the healthiest foods if you smoke immediately after eating. Nicotine harms the intestinal muscles and disrupts the digestive process.

If you are not yet able to give up cigarettes (but we believe that you will definitely succeed soon), remember that smoking after dinner will harm you doubly, in which case you should try not to smoke for at least half an hour.

hot tub

Fans of soaking in a hot bubble bath immediately after a meal will have to give up this habit in favor of healthy digestion.

Taking a bath, we increase the temperature of our body, and the body, in turn, increases the blood flow to the surfaces of the entire body, reducing it in the stomach area. Thus, you simply prevent yourself from digesting food.

fruit plate

Fruits are usually eaten before dinner, but if you like to eat an apple or a banana immediately after a meal, you should know that this way you interfere with the normal digestion of food.

Fruit acids will certainly provoke fermentation processes in your stomach, food will be digested longer, and you will experience discomfort. Before you eat your favorite fruit, wait a few hours after the main meal.

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Many of us are preoccupied with nutrition and try to plan our diet in order to be slim and healthy. But eating habits are not only food, but also actions before and after eating, which we do not think about.

website collected the opinions of experts about what things after eating will not add health, and what you can accustom yourself to in order to feel strength and lightness. Only 21 days, and an uncomfortable habit can be replaced with a useful one. Shall we try?

No: fruit after meals
Yes: a glass of water 30 minutes before meals

Fruit is such a healthy and enjoyable dessert! But, it turns out, eaten after the main meal, they will do the body more harm than good.

They take a little time to digest, so if you eat them half an hour before a meal, they will be perfectly absorbed by the body. Once in the stomach after eating, the fruits are in the "queue" for digestion, the fermentation process begins, and the digestion process is disturbed.

Even if you do not experience stomach problems, discomfort can be felt. What can we say about people prone to exacerbations of gastritis or reflux.

To keep your stomach in order, eat a fruit half an hour before a meal, or even better, drink a glass of water at room temperature. This will help maintain the water balance in the body, help not to eat too much and start the metabolism.

No: loosening the belt after eating
Yes: clothing that does not restrict movement

Gastroenterologists advise to sit at the table in relatively loose clothing in the waist area. Belts, tight clothing can provoke heartburn, reflux.

If you want to loosen the belt, do it before meals or an hour after. "Releasing the stomach to freedom" immediately after dinner, you will do yourself a disservice. Imagine: the stomach was constricted, the food remained in its upper part. With a sharp relaxation, it falls down in a lump, the digestion process is blocked.

No: brisk walk immediately after eating
Yes: relaxed conversation or sitting

How many times have we heard that a walk after lunch is great for burning calories and is very healthy. This is so if you take such a walk no earlier than 20 minutes after eating. Then the digestive processes have time to start, useful elements are absorbed. And food with such a delayed walk begins to move faster in the intestines. Burn calories for health!

Hurrying somewhere right after eating, we force the body to be distracted from the process, the blood drains from the stomach - and hello, problems! Such a walk is equivalent to eating on the go.

It’s great if time allows you to sit in a relaxed position after dinner, chat with loved ones, avoiding disputes and showdown. A relaxed state contributes to the correct speed of blood flow and, as a result, ideal digestion.

No: sweets after meals
Yes: sweets before 12 days or a separate meal

First, second ... And compote? What about dessert?

Nutritionists warn: the habit of snacking on sweets is one of the causes of excess weight. Especially after 35 years, when the metabolism starts to slow down. The body does not have time to understand whether he has eaten or not, and he is helpfully thrown a cake. And then it becomes hard to breathe because you overeat.

If you unbearably want to gobble up dessert, it means that the diet lacks the necessary substances, the food was too salty, the body is dehydrated. Try to follow the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates - and sweets will no longer be so enticing. Well, if you really want to, then dessert will not bring harm to the figure if you eat it before 12 noon.

No: cold meals and drinks after meals
Yes: some warm water after meals

In order to properly digest food, the body needs a certain temperature. Cold foods or drinks after a meal can change the texture of foods and greatly complicate digestion. For example, fats harden when they come into contact with cold water.

If you eat, for example, ice cream by itself, it will take a long time to digest, but without problems. If you eat it after a meal, then it will slow down and complicate the whole process, and this is already fraught with pain in the stomach and heartburn.

Interestingly, a sharp drop in external temperatures can also affect the digestion process. To alleviate the condition or simply “help the stomach,” experts recommend drinking some warm water after eating. It will maintain the desired temperature and speed up the metabolism.

No: Brushing your teeth after meals
Yes: rinse after eating

It would seem, what could be more natural than to freshen your breath after eating? But dentists say brushing your teeth right after eating can really hurt them. Acids that are present in the oral cavity for some time after eating are quite aggressive. By brushing off the enamel layer, we weaken the teeth, allowing the acid to erode them.

About half an hour after eating, saliva washes away a large amount of acids and you can brush your teeth. And the best solution is to rinse your mouth after eating.

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