How to drink nettle infusion. Nettle. Beneficial features. Application. Nettle decoction properties

Currently, nettle is popular not only as the main ingredient in cooking recipes. traditional medicine but also in the traditional one. This medicinal herb has hemostatic properties due to the presence in its composition of numerous vitamins: K, C and esculin. Nettle deserves special attention uterine bleeding.

Nettle during critical days

There are situations when it is necessary that critical days be less plentiful, in this case great helper will become nettles with bleeding. The collection of this plant must be carried out in dry weather during its flowering period. For the preparation of medicines, only the leaves are used. To stop profuse bleeding during the period critical days it is recommended to take freshly squeezed juice. For preparation, a teaspoon of juice diluted in a quarter glass of water is required. The resulting mixture can be drunk daily three times a day immediately before eating.

In order for the effect of medicinal product was more tangible, excessive physical activity. In addition to reducing the amount of bleeding, recipes can be used and drunk with nettles in order to positive impact on the general state blood vessels and tone smooth muscle uterine area.

If a woman wants to achieve a hemostatic effect and normalize the menstrual cycle, then it is important to take into account that the intake is regular, in addition, anti-inflammatory properties help prevent excessive blood loss and are widely used in the treatment of pathologies such as uterine fibroids.

Another positive quality nettle is considered to be the recovery of the onset of critical days. In this case, the recipe involves the use of one tablespoon of the leaves of a burning plant, infused in one glass of boiling water. Such an infusion favorably affects the bleeding process.

Use in uterine bleeding

A variety of recipes using nettle is used for bleeding associated with various diseases:

  1. Cervical erosion. In this case, numerous home-made medicines are used as an addition to the main therapy. So, for example, you can prepare an infusion or decoction or moisten a swab in freshly squeezed juice in order to normalize the bacterial environment in intimate area, wherein this factor prevents further development diseases. In this case, a tampon with juice is used for several hours, and the duration of treatment can be up to one and a half weeks. During therapy, you should rest more.
  2. Vaginitis and colpitis. The occurrence of these diseases is associated with the formation in the vagina opportunistic bacteria. In this case, the preparation of a solution for the purpose of douching is excellent. To prepare, you will need a cup of boiling water with a volume of 250 ml and the rhizomes of the plant (no more than two tablespoons), previously subjected to thorough grinding and which must be brewed. The broth must be cooled and filtered. How many times can be used? The procedure for douching with a decoction of nettle from bleeding, among other things, can be carried out several times a day, while the syringe itself should be boiled before and after use to avoid infection in the vaginal area. The use of nettle extract for uterine bleeding is not excluded, and ready-made can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  3. Internal bleeding. The recipe implies that the dry crushed leaves of the plant are brewed in a glass of boiling water. Next, the agent is placed in water bath and cook for about 10 minutes. After cooking is complete, the mixture is filtered and cooled. Drink this drug up to 5 times a day for a tablespoon, while if necessary, the number of doses can be reduced. The duration of infusion therapy is about two weeks.

Before proceeding with the preparation of recipes for stopping uterine bleeding of various etymologies, you should consult a specialist, since certain contraindications are not excluded. If there are none, then drink the medicine without fear.

It should be noted that nettle can be used to treat numerous other pathological processes. The most common diseases are associated with skin as well as anemia. In addition, the plant is excellent for carrying out the blood purification process or when diagnosing anemia in a patient. AT this case nettle tea is used as a medicine in combination with other equally effective medicinal plants, for example, fireweed, yarrow, forgotten kopek or buckwheat.

Possible contraindications

There are certain prohibitions regarding the use of nettle-based medicines for uterine bleeding. This is due to the fact that nettle helps to enhance the process of blood clotting. The main contraindications include:

  • patient diagnosis varicose veins veins;
  • the presence of thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys.

It is extremely forbidden to use nettle during the period of bearing a child, since taking the plant can provoke the occurrence of contractions and premature birth. The same applies to preventive measures. In order to prevent possible negative consequences a doctor should be consulted, and not all recipes using nettle can be used in combination with the main therapeutic method.

Thus, the use of traditional medicine recipes with the use of nettle for bleeding takes place, but do not forget about precautions. It is important to consult with a specialist in advance and clarify all possible contraindications.

In contact with

An unpretentious plant with serrated leaves, which are covered with burning hairs, is used for its vascular complications, to lower glucose levels, improve blood composition, hair condition, disorders (obesity), liver diseases and biliary tract, uterine bleeding, eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, as a diuretic. The seeds are especially effective for stomach pains, nephrolithiasis, infusion of flowers - for skin diseases.


AT medical purposes apply stinging nettle (U.dioica L.) and stinging nettle (U.urens L.).

Description of stinging nettle

Stem up to 60cm high, branching profusely. The leaves are small, elliptical or egg-shaped with a saw-like edge.

  • Stir in 2s.l. fresh roots and, pour five parts of vodka, insist two weeks in a dark, cool place.

Take 1 tsp. three times per day.

The healing properties of nettle tincture are useful in old age, as well as for the prevention of sclerosis.

  1. young sprouts that appeared a few centimeters, wash, chop;
  2. fill a glass with them, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, place in a glass container, tie the neck with several layers of gauze;
  3. insist the first day on the window, then a week in a dark, cool place;
  4. strain, squeeze out vegetable raw materials.

Take 1 tsp. half an hour before breakfast and at bedtime.

For men

Nettle leaves, harvested during the flowering period, restore tissue prostate, increase sex drive, they are used for the production of spermatozoa, the prevention of impotence.

Take 1s.l. emulsions three times a day.

Infusion to improve kidney function:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. leaves, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Take a third of a glass half an hour before meals.

Heart diseases

  • Brew 0.5 l of boiling water 500 g of fresh chopped leaves, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes, let cool, strain.

In a warm form, rub into the roots, rinse the hair after shampooing. The decoction is especially effective for dandruff, gray hair, high fat content hair.

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1s.l. dried leaves in a thermos, leave for an hour, strain.

Rub into the skin once a week for 2-3 months.

Strengthening hair, preventing baldness:

  • Grind fresh leaves, put in a clean half-liter glass jar, pour vodka, insist three weeks in a dark, cool place, strain.

Rub nettle tincture into balding areas.

  • brew 1s.l. dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist, strain.

Rub after washing, do not wipe hair, treat long time with week breaks.


You should not be treated with nettle during pregnancy because of the threat of miscarriage, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, the threat of a heart attack.

Nettle treatment can cause indigestion, diarrhea, skin irritation, sweating, and skin rashes.

The plant can affect the action of diuretics, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, as well as drugs prescribed for diabetes. Nettle enhances the effect medicines from high pressure.

Modified: 02/12/2019

nettle like medicinal plant, has long been used in traditional medicine. But it is especially popular in folk medicine and this is no accident.

About the properties of nettle

The healing properties of nettles were written in his treatises by Dioscorides, a Greek physician who uses nettles to cure urolithiasis. Ulcers and various skin injuries were treated using nettles by Russian doctors. Folk healers know more than a dozen healing recipes with the use of nettle gynecological diseases.

Thanks to the burning hairs covering the surface of the leaves and stems, this herb received the Latin designation - uro, which means "burn" in translation. But not only in medicine, people have found use for this plant, nettle is actively used in food when cooking:

  • sauces;
  • salads;
  • soups.

Nettle can also be a filling for flour products. But still, due to its healing properties, nettle is deservedly considered indispensable assistant in the treatment of many diseases in folk gynecology before which traditional medicine folds.

More than 60 species have nettle grass in its genus. Plant species predominate in the area former USSR in two types: Urtica dioica - stinging nettle and Urtica urens - stinging nettle.

Women's diseases: prevention and treatment

So, why is this herb so valuable in the treatment of women's diseases?

Possessing a hemostatic property, nettle is widely used during uterine blood loss, while nettle dioica is used, since its healing properties are more suitable for the treatment of women's diseases.

Able to help with female diseases nettle leaves, from which they are made:

  • extracts;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • powders.

For example, the use of leaf extract normalizes menstrual cycle and has a positive effect on inflammatory processes, and can also help increase hemoglobin and increase the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood.

In the period of heavy menstruation, with menopause, uterine bleeding, a decoction of nettles will come in handy. Nettle juice narrows the channels circulatory system, which has a beneficial effect on the uterine muscles. Widely used in gynecology healing properties nettle and the appearance of medicines based on it are proof of this.

Before taking various drugs, think about your body before taking powerful hormonal drugs, antibiotics that have a detrimental effect on the work of the body as a whole. Choose a more gentle course of treatment based on medicinal herbs, there will be no harm from this, and the result will be great well-being. Often, doctors themselves offer their patients a sparing treatment based on nettle, this is especially important for young expectant mothers.

Nettle as a hemostatic

Vitamin K contained in nettle has hemostatic (the ability to stop blood) property, due to which it is used in gynecology for copious secretions blood during menstruation.

AT postpartum periods in women, disorders associated with the muscle layer are sometimes observed, uterine contractions are either completely absent (atony), or they are very weak (hypotension). The result of these violations can be quite heavy discharge blood.

It will not do without the help of a surgeon, but after the operation, the healing properties of the nettle decoction will help restore the tone of the uterus, since the chlorophyll contained in the nettle has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine environment.

Vaginitis: how will nettle help?

An important role is assigned to nettle in a disease such as vaginitis caused by fungal formations and bacteria.

The causes of this disease are:

  • Non-compliance with sexual and personal hygiene;
  • Failure of metabolism in the body;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.

The underlying symptoms are: burning sensations and itching inside the vagina, bleeding, roughness and swelling of the mucosa. In the treatment, you can use medications, as well as douching the vagina and external labia.

  • Infusion for douching: 0.5 liters of hot boiling water pour the composition from the 1st tbsp. spoons of nettle and 1st tbsp. spoons of chamomile Let it brew for 30 minutes and after cooling strain.
    Be sure to sterilize the tip of the syringe before and after the douching process, in order to avoid infection from the outside.
    Dial 40-80 ml into the syringe. infusion and pour into the vagina, while not forgetting the outer labia. Do such infusions per day no more than 3 times.
  • Cooking a decoction: 1 tbsp. nettle spoon and 1 tbsp. St. John's wort pour 250 ml. boiling water and boil for 14 minutes, let it brew and cool, filter and consume in the amount of 1 teaspoon, 3 doses per day.

Erosion - causes and treatment

Main reasons:

  • weakened immune system (largely associated with the use of hormonal-based contraceptives);
  • violations at work hormonal system and, as a result, the irregularity of menstruation;
  • infections, as well as inflammatory processes (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea).

Using the means of traditional medicine, you can supplement the basic treatment, and thereby speed up the process of treating erosion.

Tampons soaked in freshly squeezed nettle juice and inserted inside the vagina will help get rid of the infectious environment. The time the tampon is inside should not exceed 1 hour. However, it should be noted that during these procedures, doctors recommend bed rest from 1 to 4 days.

Do not forget about douching, without them, the recovery process can be delayed.

  1. Preparing a decoction for douching:
    250 ml. steep boiling water pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped rhizome and boil for 25 minutes, 5-7 minutes before the end, pour 1 tbsp. nettle spoon. We filter the broth hot and let it cool, douching is carried out 3 times a day.
    As a rule, before the onset of menstruation, each representative of the weaker sex begins an increase in breast volume, accompanied by pain in this area. Nettle decoction will help block and completely eliminate pain in the chest. Since nettle herb is a natural antispasmodic and has a calming and analgesic effect on the whole body as a whole, its use during periods of menstruation should not be underestimated. You should start taking the decoction immediately a couple of days before the onset of menstruation.
  2. Decoction for oral administration:
    Pour 2 teaspoons of dried nettle into a 200 gram glass and pour in boiling water, filling the glass halfway, cover with a lid, let it steam, and cool, you should use the decoction during the day.
    You can also dilute nettle juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 and drink 15 minutes before meals.
  3. No less useful is this recipe:
    Pre-chopping nettle leaves, take 1st. spoon and brew 200g. steep boiling water, cook for no more than 15 minutes, then strain. Visually divide the glass into 3 parts and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Menopause and women's health

Climax is characterized by such symptoms as:

  • frequent headaches;
  • mental disturbances;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness, etc.

Herbal medicine based on nettle decoctions, which have a sedative property, will help alleviate and cure these ailments.

The recipes of our ancestors are relevant in our time, so:

  1. Decoction 1st: In a 200 gr. glass, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried nettle leaves, pour boiling water, cover thick cloth and let it brew for 6-8 hours. Then strain and take 25-35 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  2. Decoction 2nd: You need to mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried nettle leaves. The resulting mixture pour 200 gr. boiling water. Keep on low heat for 12-17 minutes. Let cool and strain. Take in small sips throughout the day.


Despite the apparent uniqueness of nettle, it also has a number of some contraindications; nettle should not be used for diseases such as:

  • tumor of the uterine appendages, as well as tumors of the uterus itself;
  • with bleeding caused by polyps;
  • as well as those women who have increased blood clotting.

In general, although nettle is not a panacea for all diseases, it still makes an invaluable contribution to the treatment female diseases and how much she helps this or that woman depends on the woman herself, on her faith in healing.

Nettle decoction is an ancient multivitamin remedy that has found application in a wide variety of branches of medicine and cosmetology. The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides used it to treat urolithiasis, Russian healers - for healing dangerous wounds and ulcers. In general, folk healers know more than one hundred recipes for using nettle decoction to combat a whole range of pathologies. About the most popular and effective of them, as well as the order of preparation and contraindications for use this tool we will talk in this article.

The chemical composition of nettle decoction

Nettle decoction contains many compounds and substances that can bring invaluable benefits. human body. In particular, this tool includes:

  • vitamin C providing normal functioning bone and connective tissues, activating metabolic processes, increasing the body's resistance to infections, being a natural antioxidant;
  • carotene, which has a beneficial effect on work visual apparatus, which is a natural immunostimulant;
  • vitamins B and PP, activating metabolic processes and capable of exerting a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • vitamin K, which regulates blood clotting processes, normalizes kidney function, and activates metabolism.

In addition, nettle decoction contains:

  • iron, nickel, manganese, copper, titanium, boron;
  • Sahara;
  • tannin compounds;
  • porphyrins;
  • organic and phenolic acids;
  • phytoncides.

Pharmaceutical properties of nettle decoction

Rich chemical composition allows you to actively use nettle decoction to combat a wide range pathologies. Most often it is used for the following purposes:

  • strengthening of immune forces (helps to increase the body's resistance to infections, has a general strengthening effect);
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency, deficiency of essential macro- and microelements (saturates the body with useful substances);
  • stop bleeding, both external and internal (improves blood clotting);
  • treatment of anemia (significantly increases the level of hemoglobin and increases the concentration of red blood cells in the blood);
  • treatment of long-healing, festering wounds, ulcer formations on the surface of the skin (has a bactericidal and restorative effect);
  • fight with frequent colds, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis (blocks the spread of the inflammatory process);
  • elimination acne, acne (cleanses pores, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect);
  • strengthening hair and giving them a beautiful shine, improving their structure, preventing their pathological loss, fighting dandruff;
  • treatment diabetes(quickly and effectively reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood);
  • increased elasticity of the skin;
  • treatment cardiac diseases(significantly strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, helps to lower blood pressure);
  • fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (has a bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and regenerating effect);
  • treatment of osteochondrosis and rheumatism (improves metabolic processes in tissues);
  • weight loss, preventing the formation of stretch marks on the body (activates metabolic and metabolic processes);
  • treatment of hemorrhoids (has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect).

How to prepare a decoction of nettle?

The degree of effectiveness of the impact of nettle decoction on the body directly depends on the correct approach to the preparation of the drug. The main secret is that nettle, unlike other medicinal plants, cannot be boiled for a long time. Crushed vegetable raw materials are poured into heat-resistant ceramic or enameled dishes, poured with water, brought to a boil and immediately turned off. After that, the mixture is allowed to brew a little and carefully filtered through a cloth folded in several layers.

The use of nettle decoction: folk recipes

The concentration of the drug and the time during which it is infused may vary depending on the final goals of using the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the description of specific methods of its preparation for treatment. various groups pathologies.

Anemia, weakened immune system

To prepare a cure for anemia and immunodeficiency states, 4 fresh nettle leaves (or 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials) are brewed in a glass of water and infused for 25 minutes. The resulting remedy is drunk 50 ml shortly before meals.

Blood clotting disorder

To increase the number of red blood cells and the subsequent increase in the rate of blood clotting, drink a decoction prepared at the rate of 5 fresh leaves nettle (or 1.5 tablespoons of dried vegetable raw materials) per 250 g of boiling water. Drink 200 g of the drink per day, dividing the total dose into four equal doses.

Acne, pimples

For the treatment of acne and pimples, 50 g of dried medicinal raw materials are brewed with a liter of water and infused for 30 minutes. The medicine is taken orally in a glass a day or used to wipe the affected areas.


To prepare a drug that allows you to reduce blood sugar, use not only nettle leaves, but also cranberries or blueberries (20 grams of dry leaves and a tablespoon of berries per 300 g of water). The decoction is infused for half an hour. The remedy is drunk in a glass a day, dividing the daily portion into several small doses. Treatment is continued for a month, after which a fifteen-day pause is made and the monthly course of therapy is repeated. It is also useful for people suffering from diabetes from time to time to eat soups prepared on the basis of a decoction of nettle leaves.

External and internal bleeding

For hemorrhoidal and internal bleeding, as well as with heavy, prolonged menstruation, take a decoction of nettle, prepared at the rate of 60 g of leaves per 750 g of water. The remedy is insisted for 40 minutes and drunk 4 glasses a day. With external hemorrhoids, lotions soaked in it are applied to the fallen nodes.


To speed up the exchange and metabolic processes a tablespoon of nettle leaves is brewed with 200 g of water and infused for 35 minutes. Finished product drink during the day, dividing it into 4 doses.

Hair diseases

To combat dandruff and pathological hair loss, use a decoction prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle liters of water. The agent is insisted for 20 minutes and rinsed with cleanly washed hair. It should be noted that regular use nettle decoction allows you to strengthen the structure of the hair, make them shiny and beautiful.

Malfunctions of the nervous system

For cooking sedative drug a tablespoon of dry nettle is brewed in a glass of water and insisted for 9 hours. The remedy is drunk on an empty stomach shortly before meals three times a day.

There is another recipe that allows you to cope with disruptions in work. nervous system. For cooking sedative dried oregano grass (1 tablespoon) and nettle leaves (1 tablespoon) are brewed in a glass of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour and infused for 40 minutes. The resulting broth is drunk during the day, divided into many small portions.

Gynecological diseases

With vaginitis, dysbacteriosis and other gynecological diseases, nettle decoction can be taken orally or used for douching. The remedy for internal use is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 teaspoons of the leaves are brewed with boiling water (200 g), boiled for no more than 2 minutes and cooled. The resulting drink is drunk during the day.

When preparing a decoction for douching 2 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle leaves pour 350 ml of water and boil for 7 minutes. The product is thoroughly filtered and only then allowed to cool. Douching is carried out 1-2 times a day.

open wounds

For washing long-healing, festering wounds, use a decoction prepared from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable raw materials and 300 g of water. Before use, the product is filtered through a dense canvas.

Inflammatory dental diseases

To prepare an anti-inflammatory decoction for rinsing oral cavity 15 g of dry nettle is brewed in 150 g of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The mouth is rinsed every 4 hours, while a fresh remedy is prepared for each new procedure.

Rheumatism, osteochondrosis

For the preparation of therapeutic baths, which allow to weaken the manifestations of rheumatism and osteochondrosis, fresh nettle (300 g) is poured with 3 liters of water and boiled for no more than two minutes. The broth is filtered, poured into a bath filled with hot water, and allow the mixture in it to cool to a temperature of 42 degrees. Therapeutic bath take within 15 minutes.

Nettle decoction: contraindications for use

There is misconception that a decoction prepared on the basis of nettle leaves is harmless and does not bring sick people anything but good. Meanwhile, internal reception This remedy is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women, breastfeeding women and persons suffering from the following pathologies:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased blood clotting.

If you have any doubts about the safety of using nettle decoction, you should get detailed advice from your doctor.

Why drink nettle: useful properties, recipes

Why drink nettle: useful properties of the plant

Nettle is amazing plant, which contains the mass useful substances, vitamins and even protein. This herb is used both in cosmetology and in medicine. And for the treatment of many diseases.

Nettle is used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and stimulant. It improves the functioning of the intestines, promotes blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, and lowers sugar levels. Nettle regulates the menstrual cycle and also promotes weight loss.

Nettle is believed to be able to cure oncological diseases. She activates protective processes organism. After taking medicinal herb the person becomes less exposed to radiation and viruses. And also is great way fight avitaminosis.

How to drink nettle: recipes

You can drink nettle in several ways:

in the form of tea;


Fresh juice.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Tea has a diuretic effect. It is useful for problems with genitourinary system, kidneys and liver. It also makes menstruation less painful and promotes weight loss. To prepare it, it is enough to pour boiling water over a bag of nettle tea or 1 tbsp. l. dry grass. And let the tea brew for 10 minutes. Drink a drink in 15-20 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

The decoction helps cleanse the blood, relieves inflammation. Pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. dry or fresh nettles, boil for 5 minutes. and insist 3-4 hours. Take 2 times a day before meals.

Tincture strengthens the body, promotes weight loss, helps with beriberi. Pour 200 g of nettle with 500 ml of vodka. Tie the neck of the bottle or jar with gauze. Infuse the mixture for 24 hours in the light, then put the drink in a dark place for 7 days. Drink 1 tsp. in 50-60 min. before meals.

Each type of drink based on nettle has a positive effect on the body.

Nettle juice can be obtained using a juicer. This drink is the most useful, suitable for the treatment of any disease. In glass clean water dilute 1 tbsp. l. juice and drink before meals. You can drink 0.5 cup of undiluted drink after breakfast.

Nettle is effective way get rid of many diseases. And the best part: the cost of such a medicine is low and you can cook it at home.

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