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Scientific director of "Materia Medica Holding" Oleg Epshtein explained the principle of action of release-active drugs

Scientific director of "Materia Medica Holding" Oleg Epshtein explained the principle of action of release-active drugs

Oleg Epshtein, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of NPF Materia Medica Holding LLC, answers the questions of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta correspondent.

Please tell us about your discovery, which is called a release activity. How did you come to him?

After graduating from medical school, I worked as a psychiatrist for several years. I would like to note that I loved my work, I was especially interested in new trends in psychopharmacology for that time. Like most of my colleagues, I knew little about alternative medicine, including homeopathy, so I had a negative attitude towards it. However, after perestroika, there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of this unusual direction, to take the first official courses in homeopathy that appeared for the first time. I did not become a professional homeopath, but the very method of treatment using low doses interested me from a scientific point of view.

Homeopathy, despite more than two hundred years of experience in this method, is too complicated to use - for successful treatment, a homeopath must have a very high qualification. Classical homeopathy is an individual therapy and therefore cannot be part of modern evidence-based medicine. But most importantly, I began to understand that the principle of similarity, on which classical homeopathy is based, cannot explain all the effects that drugs cause in high dilutions.

For example, in the 70-80s of the last century, without any connection with homeopathy, famous scientists - chemists and biologists in many countries, including Russia (academician I.P. Ashmarin, professor E.B. Burlakova and many others), in the process of conducting biological experiments, they noticed that various preparations, diluted to such an extent that they no longer theoretically contain molecules of the original substance, are able to act in the body at the molecular level.

A fairly large array of experimental results on the biological effects of drugs in high dilutions (small doses) was accumulated, but these works did not lead to the creation of new drugs. First, I believe scientists have been held back by a critical attitude towards homeopathy. Secondly, there was no breakthrough, unambiguous understanding of the mechanism of the new phenomenon.

Gradually, I came to the conclusion that the answer lies in the very process of preparing high dilutions, which outwardly represents a simple sequential, repeatedly repeated decrease in the concentration of the starting substance. I suggested that in fact, this is an extremely complex technological process, during which the appearance (release) in the resulting product of a combination of new physico-chemical and biological properties, called release activity, occurs.

The first step towards unraveling the mystery of high dilutions was taken in 1995, when we, together with well-known Russian research institutes, organized a series of experiments: animals were injected with toxic or subtoxic doses of conventional pharmacological drugs (prednisolone, diclofenac, phenazepam, haloperidol, cyclophosphamide, aspirin and etc.) and at the same time a high dilution (small dose) of the same drug. It turned out that in all cases, a "small" dose had a modifying (simply speaking, catalytic) effect, which manifested itself as an increase in the action of a pharmacological preparation and a decrease in its toxicity. Subsequently, we ourselves, and a number of scientists from fundamental physical institutes, established that high dilutions are capable of exerting a modifying effect on the original substance outside the body as well.

For the first time, the modifying properties of a technologically processed carrier discovered by us are an extremely useful practical discovery that can be used both in medicine and in various fields of technology, including nanotechnology. While studying high dilutions, we cooperate with physicists, including theorists. The well-known theoretical physicist S. Odintsov believes that the nature of high dilutions remains unexplored, but relevant, since the description of such liquids can lead to new fundamental discoveries.

For pharmacology, of course, first of all, the molecular mechanisms of action of small doses, which have already been studied in sufficient detail, are important.

Are there other scientific groups developing the same ideas, in Russia or abroad?

The conducted studies have shown that the new possibilities of the technology for obtaining high dilutions discovered by us open up the prospect of creating fundamentally new effective and safe medicines. I was well aware that new drugs needed to be developed by ourselves, since no one in Russia or abroad dealt with similar topics. As a result, we created on our own a full-fledged scientific and production enterprise "NPF "MATERIA MEDICA HOLDING" LLC of a full cycle: from an idea to finished dosage forms. Naturally, in order to organize such a production, I had to do a lot of self-education, immerse myself in various fields of knowledge : pharmacology, biology, immunology, pathophysiology Over time, I defended my Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations under the guidance of my teachers - famous scientists, academicians - pharmacologist E.D. Goldberg and neurobiologist M.B. Shtark, became a professor, and then was elected a member Correspondents of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Like many other small firms, we work on a contract basis with specialized laboratories. At first, the necessary experimental work was carried out only in Russia, but gradually the geography expanded: at the moment we are collaborating with research organizations, universities and institutes in twenty countries, publishing the results in Russian and Western journals. Our own clinical research department with a powerful statistical data processing unit independently conducts a large number of clinical trials, including international ones - in accordance with the requirements of GCP; all of them are registered on a specialized electronic resource -

The production of drugs at the plant in Chelyabinsk is carried out in full compliance with national and international requirements for good manufacturing practice (GMP).

As far as you can understand, the drugs that you are developing are not homeopathy?

Homeopathy - individual therapy. From a modern standpoint, the goal of homeopathic prescribing is to try to induce an organism's response to a drug in a small dose through the immunological mechanisms of individual sensitivity. Our scientific work made it possible, in essence, to create a new class of biological preparations. According to the technology of preparation, it is similar to homeopathy, but according to modern principles of application, based on the use of molecular approaches, if possible, a directed effect on biological targets in the body, in terms of efficiency, and most importantly, in terms of the possibility of integration into evidence-based medicine, it is similar to "conventional" pharmacological drugs. The leading drug regulatory agencies in the US, England, Europe (FDA, MHRA, EMA) that we have consulted also consider our low-dose antibody formulations to be biological, not homeopathic.

At some point, the company had new drugs that were already invented within the company. Please tell us when and how it happened and what kind of drugs it is.

In collaboration with Academician M. B. Shtark, and then with specialists from other well-known domestic scientific institutes, we developed a group of unparalleled drugs based on high dilutions of antibodies - proteins produced by the immune system. The main feature of these agents, which we call release-active antibodies, is their ability to specifically affect target molecules in the body, modifying their physicochemical properties, which leads to a positive change in the nature of the biological processes in which they are involved. This effect is physiological in nature and determines the therapeutic effect of release-active drugs.

To date, release-active drugs are used in various therapeutic areas.

The development of innovative biological preparations based on high dilutions of antibodies, in which well-known Russian pharmacologists, physiologists, pharmacists and clinicians participated, was awarded the RF Government Prize twice - in 2005 and 2006.

We really hope that our discovery will continue to be supported at the state level, and that the legal and regulatory issues that inevitably arise during the implementation of any major undertaking will be resolved - for the sake of patients who need safe and highly effective drugs.

> Materia Medica Holding NPF, LLC (Moscow)

This information cannot be used for self-treatment!
Be sure to consult with a specialist!

The private pharmaceutical company Materia Medica Holding, founded in 1992, produces more than 20 traditional and innovative homeopathic medicines. The created drugs are the fruit of many years of research work of the company's team, as well as cooperation with national and foreign research institutions.

The production complex, located in Chelyabinsk, is designed and built in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. It is equipped with modern equipment from the best suppliers and has two control laboratories - analytical and microbiological, equipped in accordance with the requirements of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).

The products of Materia Medica Holding, already well known in Russia and the CIS countries, continue to gain popularity, entering the European market and the markets of Asian countries.

Materia Medica Holding manufactures:

  • non-hormonal homeopathic remedy Climaxan in granules and tablets, softening the manifestations of menopause in women;

  • sedative drug Calm down in granules and tablets, eliminating the phenomena of irritability and nervousness;

  • symptomatic homeopathic remedy Agri for adults and children, eliminating fever and inflammation during colds;

  • tableted homeopathic medicine Air-Sea, which eliminates the symptoms of motion sickness in transport by increasing the resistance of the vestibular apparatus;

  • Vernison- means in granules for the correction of sleep disorders;

  • drug with cardiotonic and sedative action CardioICA in granules for the treatment of disorders in the work of the heart of a functional nature;

  • Mlecoin in granules - a means for correcting reduced production of breast milk in lactating women;

  • homeopathic pills Feminalgin eliminating or weakening the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;

  • analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat Faringomed

  • agents that stimulate the immune defense against respiratory viruses, Anaferon® and Anaferon® for children in tablets;

  • homeopathic remedy with analgesic effect Arthrofon® in tablets, inhibiting the production of active mediators of inflammatory processes in the joints;

  • drug with anti-edematous properties Afalu® in the form of tablets for the symptomatic treatment of prostate diseases;

  • drug with a multifactorial mechanism of action Brizantin® in tablets, eliminating the symptoms of the state of withdrawal when quitting smoking;

  • weight loss remedies Dietressu® and Diet-Comfort in tablets, dulling the feeling of hunger and reducing appetite;

  • innovative nootropic Divazu® in tablets for the treatment of circulatory disorders of the brain;

  • erectile function regulator Impazu® in tablets, which enhances potency, regardless of the cause of its occurrence;

  • drug with anti-inflammatory and hypokinetic (slowing motility) action Colofort® in tablets - the drug of choice in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome;

  • homeopathic remedies Proproten-100® in drops and tablets and Anti-e in drops for the treatment of alcohol dependence;

  • sedative drugs Tenoten® and Tenoten® for children in tablets to relieve anxiety, irritability, nervousness;

  • agent with antiviral and antihistamine properties Ergoferon® in tablets for the accelerated treatment of respiratory viral infections;

  • lozenges Nicomel®, weakening dependence on nicotine;

  • homeopathic remedy For Poets® in tablets, stimulating the formation of red blood cells in anemia;

  • antiallergic agent Progistam® in lozenges;

  • homeopathic antihypertensive Cardosten® in lozenges, effective in the treatment of arterial hypertension;

  • antiulcer Epigam® tablets, which suppresses the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and helps to accelerate the healing process;

  • excipient sugar grains for the production of homeopathic remedies in the form of granules.

Holding"Materia Medica"- Russian private manufacturing pharmaceutical company, founded in 1992, produces and sells more than 20 brands on the OTC market in Russia and the CIS, has its own research facilities.


Materia Medica is one of the TOP-10 Russian and foreign pharmaceutical companies in the Russian OTC market.

Research activities

Materia Medica is engaged in fundamental research in the field of ultra-low dose pharmacology

The divisions of Materia Medica for Science and Clinical Research cooperate with leading Russian and foreign research institutes and institutions in order to conduct joint research and obtain new experimental and clinical data. Among them:

  • Center for Interferon and Cytokines State Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamalei RAMS (Moscow)
  • Research Institute of Influenza SZO RAMS (St. Petersburg)
  • Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow)
  • First MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov (Moscow)
  • Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow)
  • Institute for Antiviral Research (USA)
  • L. Pasteur Institute (France).


The Materia Medica plant has its own infrastructure to ensure production, is equipped with the latest high-tech equipment (L.B.Bohle, HÜTTLIN, Korsch, CAM).

Product quality is guaranteed by GMP certificates.

Suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients in Materia Medica are specialized, including immuno-biological, enterprises in Scotland, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The production complex of Materia Medica is located in Chelyabinsk. The company is one of the largest employers in this region.

Open data from the Internet: LLC NPF "Materia-Medica Holding", authorized capital of 100 thousand rubles (1500 dollars, a "huge" amount for a pharmaceutical company).

The guys have been pumping money out of thin air for over 20 years. Well done, what else to say, I sincerely envy.

However, you are under no obligation to pay them.

The author of the site is a strict supporter of evidence-based medicine (all sorts of levels of evidence I, II, III, IV, find it on the Internet for those who are interested) and when studying drugs, he stubbornly searches for these numbers in information about drugs so as not to recommend frank bullshit to readers.

So, let's get to know the company by browsing the official website (quotes copied November 23, 2016).

History page:

"Founded in 1992, Materia Medica Holding launched the first mass production in Russia HOMEOPATHIC drugs and made them available to a wide range of consumers.

"By the end of the 90s, the company's portfolio already had 10 HOMEOPATHIC drugs from different (Oh, how!) pharmacological groups. Thanks to the high safety profile combined with efficiency, HOMEOPATIC drugs quickly won the trust of doctors and patients.

I quote to make it clear where the legs grow from and why the production was created. Keyword HOMEOPATHY(i.e. dilution of supposedly active substances by billions of times, so that not a single molecule of "drug" remains in the tablet).

Page "About the company":

"Research in accordance with the requirements of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice - Good Laboratory Practice) and GCP (Good Clinical Practice - Good Clinical Practice) guarantee a high profile SECURITY drugs. In 2015-2016, Materia Medica conducted preclinical studies at 29 bases and clinical studies at 182 bases."

Pro SAFETY written, but about EFFICIENCY not a word, and about all sorts of studies with classes of proof, nothing either. That is, according to the official website of the company, it is clear that the homeopathic office EFFICIENCY its preparations is not puzzled fundamentally. Draw your own conclusions.

And the safety, for example, of tap water is also not bad, only the price is cheaper.

Materia Medica preparations on Vidal's international pharmaceutical website

Go to Please note that until 2010 the drugs were labeled as "homeopathic", and after 2010 the word "homeopathy" in the descriptions disappears.

Apparently, then the company's marketers realized that homeopathy would not go very far, and began to rub the illiterate population that they produce unthinkably effective AFINALLY PURIFIED ANTIBODIES to any regulatory substances. There are a lot of obscure words in the new rewritten instructions, fiction "inspires", advertising on TV broadcasts, sales go on.

However. ANTIBODIES ARE PROTEINS, all of the company's "antibodies" come in tablets and are taken orally. But here's the problem, everyone PROTEINS in the gastrointestinal tract BREAKDOWN INTO COMMON FOOD AMINO ACIDS and there can be no talk of any therapeutic effect of the protein (

Besides, NO ONE the company's drug is not positioned in the ATC international drug classification, NO ONE the drug does not have an international non-proprietary name (INN). That is, this is such a small-town Russian desk for buyers with big ears, on which it is convenient to hang noodles.

By the way, since 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has obliged manufacturers of homeopathy to indicate the truth on the label ( I believe that in our country this will not happen soon.

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