Professional teeth cleaning air flow. Teeth cleaning "Air Flow": description of the procedure, pros and cons, reviews. How to behave after the procedure

Greetings, dear readers. Many of you were interested by professional means cleaning and whitening enamel. Some even have experience with various home and office systems. Today, the topic of the article will be Air Flow teeth cleaning. A lot is said and written about this technique, but most often it is just advertising and offers from clinics, devoid of the necessary specifics.

What are we dealing with?

The aesthetics of our smile is often the key to success. I don't remember who said it, but it sounds nice. And most importantly, it's completely true. Achieve perfectly clean and beautiful teeth at home has become problematic. We consume everything more products containing persistent chemical dyes, drink liters of tea, coffee, smoke. All these substances leave a mark on the enamel, which is not always removed with a paste and brush.

Solid particles are spherical in shape. Thanks to this, cleaning has a polishing effect, not an abrasive one. Air flow

In order to save us from such problems, Air Flow teeth cleaning was invented. What it is? People involved in construction, metal processing, know what waterjet technology is. Let me explain for the rest. Imagine that tooth enamel is a wall. She gets dirty, she is outlined by graffiti lovers. In general, she does not look in the best way. Then, using a special apparatus, it is cleaned and leveled with water mixed with abrasive particles and air. Pressurized particles remove plaque from the surface of your teeth.

The procedure is performed using a device created by EMS. Contrary to popular belief, this technique was not invented by the Americans with their cult " Hollywood smiles”, and lovers of perfection and order are Swiss.

Air Flow - photo

As a hydroabrasive mixture, the device uses purified water, air and microparticles of sodium bicarbonate (soda). Flavoring is added to this explosive mixture, which makes the taste more pleasant. It can be cherry, mint, etc. In fact, it helps a lot if the taste of soda solution is not to your liking.

The main advantage of this procedure is the possibility of cleaning even in those places where it is difficult to reach with a brush and paste. Plaque is cleaned not only from the surface of the enamel, but also from the interdental spaces. Fissures are also cleaned. If all of your teeth are brushed, the procedure can take approximately 30-40 minutes. During this time, all surfaces will be treated.

Air Flow teeth cleaning - main indications

In what cases is the use of the Air Flow system effective:

  • noticeable deposits on the teeth that are not removed at home;
  • with difficult cleaning (the patient has braces);
  • for prevention inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues;
  • before performing fluorotherapy procedures;
  • when cleaning ceramic (metal-free) crowns or metal heads of implants.

Often, Air Flow teeth cleaning is used in combination with other popular methods.

And it's not harmful?

Any person who cares about their health is interested in whether the technique has any contraindications, side effects. After all, science has not yet come up with anything ideal. Of course, there are several cases in which the specialist is forced to suggest that you use other methods.

  1. If at the time of admission the patient passes acute form diseases oral cavity.
  2. During a cold, runny nose, various diseases causing nasal breathing problems.
  3. Also, such procedures are not carried out for epileptics, persons suffering from diabetes in severe forms.
  4. Infectious diseases are a direct contraindication for most of these dental procedures.
  5. Asthma (severe). Similar contraindications may be strong manifestations allergies.
  6. It can also be denied to people suffering from mental illness, various developmental disabilities.

When contacting doctors, they usually list full list contraindications for the chosen method. If among them there is a disease / condition that you have encountered on this stage your life, you will have to wait or find out if there are any alternative methods.

After the procedure, you can not eat for two hours. If it goes up, no big deal. The fact is that together with the plaque is removed thinnest layer enamel. If everything is in order in the body, it will recover naturally. You can also check with your dentist which one to choose. toothpaste for remineralization.

What do people write?

Reading the reviews, sometimes you wonder how many of them are advertising and anti-advertising. Dentists arrange an information war. Someone actively praises the technique, making references to their clinic, while others stigmatize it, arguing that this method of brushing is even harmful to teeth. The truth is traditionally somewhere in the middle.

Beautiful smile

If you do not understand custom articles and reviews, then you may not distinguish them from ordinary, written ordinary people. They are written like plain language in the spirit of "my wife went, tried ...". I shoveled through many blogs, comments, photos before and after brushing my Air Flow teeth. Unfortunately, most of such shots are the result of work in photo editors, which has nothing to do with the effectiveness of Air Flow.

Luckily, a few testimonials on a specialized site helped clarify the picture:

  • coffee lovers and smokers will definitely be satisfied;
  • if you have no problems with plaque, and the doctor frankly imposes the procedure, it is better to politely refuse;
  • experience is required when working with Air Flow. Otherwise, there is a risk of gum damage.

Got extremely negative feedback young woman. Judging by the details - quite real. She was unlucky enough to run into a dentist who simply decided to make money. As a result, money was given for the cleaning procedure and coating with fluorine varnish, after which increased sensitivity appeared, bleeding gums, and the teeth began to turn yellow much faster.

If you do not have an explicit yellow plaque, then it is not necessary to carry out similar procedure. It is enough to go once every six months to. Many people like the laser, but it is more expensive.


If you are interested in the price, then it may vary depending on the chosen clinic. The city also has an impact. If this is a metropolitan institution, then the prices will always be higher. Additional services, such as the use of fluorine varnish, can increase the amount.

Air Flow teeth cleaning - price

Moscow doctors took 2-3 thousand rubles a couple of years ago. Now the prices are about the same. Some clinics hold promotions for air flow teeth cleaning. Kazakh doctors charge approximately 300 tenge (60 rubles/90 cents/23 Ukrainian hryvnias).

After combing through ads from Ukrainian clinics, I found an offer from Kharkov - from 200 to 380 hryvnia for both jaws (8-15.5 dollars). In general, the cost may also depend on how many deposits need to be removed, that is, on the duration of the procedure.

In general, prices in Ukraine look like this:

  • a small amount of deposits (plaque I degree) - from 100 UAH. ($4);
  • a large number of deposits (degree II plaque) - from 280 UAH. (749 rubles / 11.2 dollars).

What do the experts say?

After talking to several dentists, I got the answer I was missing on the internet. Air Flow teeth brushing is not a scam. However, this procedure has a hygienic purpose. For aesthetic purposes, it is used in combination with other methods aimed specifically at whitening.

Many people confuse the purpose various techniques. If you need to whiten teeth that have yellowed over time by several tones, there are completely different technologies for this. If your enamel is yellowish or other tones “other than white”, brushing your teeth with Air Flow will not change the situation in any way.

Professional cleaning with the help of the Air Flow device is possible not only for adults, but also for children over 8 years old. Optimally - from 12 years. By this age, the enamel becomes stronger, appears enough permanent teeth.

Perhaps this is all that is important for you to know about the mentioned system. professional cleaning teeth. If there are people among the readers who have undergone this popular procedure, share your impressions. I look forward to your comments!

Video - Air Flow Teeth Cleaning and Whitening

By using modern dentistry can be carried out not only effective treatment teeth, but also their whitening. Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow- that innovative procedure that allows you to solve the problem of darkening of the enamel.

What is Air Flow Teeth Cleaning?

Air Flow procedure in dentistry (Air Flow) - relatively new way teeth whitening from yellow and gray plaque, dark spots and other contaminants that not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but can also cause serious dental diseases.

Airflow teeth cleaning is based on the application of the Swedish device of the system " air flow» . The hygienic procedure is carried out using a jet stream with a water-abrasive solution.

It cannot be said that the technology refers to the chemical method of influence or mechanical. Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow - sooner additional technique aimed at removing soft and hard plaque, which cannot be eliminated with an irrigator or a toothbrush.

AirFlow teeth cleaning allows you to get rid of the darkening of the enamel, removing pigment not only from the surface, but also from the pores. During dental manipulation, three substances are used - finely dispersed cleaning powder, water, air.

Soda is usually used as an abrasive. Its grains are finely dispersed, so they do not harm the enamel, but have a gentle whitening effect. Flavorings are added to the mixture, giving it a lemony taste.

There are also special anesthetic powders. Such funds are intended for the treatment of patients with excessive tooth sensitivity, diseased gums. However, it should be borne in mind that lidocaine, which can cause allergies, is one of the components of such powders, and therefore is not suitable for all patients.

Don't brush your own teeth baking soda. It differs from a specialty powder as it has larger particles that can seriously damage the enamel.

Many people among all methods of brushing their teeth choose the use of ultrasound. Dentists instead ultrasonic method influences recommend resorting to modern technology– cleaning with an abrasive mixture under pressure.

It is recommended for people whose teeth are constantly exposed to dyes. This occurs with the regular use of coffee, tea, soda, certain medications, as a result of smoking. Coloring components tend to penetrate the structure of the enamel, causing it to darken.

Airflow whitening is carried out due to the thorough removal of plaque and pigment formations. Lightening occurs to the natural color of the teeth. It should be understood that if the patient's teeth are naturally greyish, they will remain so.

You should not count on teeth whitening in cases where the darkening of the enamel is not associated with external factors, and with internal processes. So, spots with fluorosis, tetracycline teeth can not be removed with a water-abrasive mixture.


Teeth whitening Air Flow is more prestigious and more effective than others dental methods plaque removal. Dentists highlight the following advantages of this technology:

  • It has a gentle effect, without thinning and without violating the structure of the enamel. Exposure to fine powder, water, air does not harm the surface of the tooth, but gently and gently removes plaque.
  • Possibility of use even in the presence of veneers, fillings and artificial crowns in the mouth.
  • Except effective cleansing, antibacterial treatment of the oral cavity is carried out.
  • Teeth cleaning with Air Flow – good prevention caries and periodontitis.
  • Removing plaque with a jet of cleaning powder, the specialist does not damage the integrity of the tooth tissues and does not increase their sensitivity.
  • Simultaneously with the removal of plaque, gentle grinding is carried out, as a result, the coating is leveled.
  • At whitening Air Flow eliminates gum damage. The hygienic procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause even the slightest discomfort, therefore, does not require the use of painkillers and local anesthesia.
  • The procedure does not take much time - it lasts 30-60 minutes. During this time, the specialist can process all the patient's teeth, while other whitening methods require several sessions.

Air Flow technology is not easy to remove various deposits, but also whitening teeth by several tones: to their natural shade. Substances that are used in dental procedure are completely hypoallergenic.


Before applying for a service to a dentist, you should familiarize yourself with its shortcomings. After Teeth Whitening Air Flow in rare cases increased enamel sensitivity. This technology has other disadvantages:

  • does not give positive effect when exposed to fairly hard and outdated formations;
  • it is possible to whiten the enamel only by a few tones, unnatural white color cannot be achieved;
  • the Air Flow system does not allow the removal of deposits from under the gums;
  • along with the flight carious formations the protective film is also peeled off, the restoration of which will take time, so the sensitivity of the enamel may increase.
If the procedure is carried out by a dentist without experience in using the Air Flow device, there is a high risk of damage to the gums.

Indications and contraindications

Air Flow cleaning is indicated for use in the following situations:

  • enamel darkening;
  • the formation of separate dark spots on the tooth surface;
  • the need to remove plaque in the interdental spaces;
  • the course of orthodontic pathologies in the body;
  • inflammation of the periodontal tissue chronic form: periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis;
  • preparation for the procedure of professional enamel whitening;
  • installation of braces, implants, prostheses;
  • misaligned teeth.
The Air Flow device is recommended to be used for the treatment of the dentition as hygiene care before removing braces. Air Flow is also used to clean structures made of braces and implants; this procedure is often prescribed before fluoridation and prosthetics.

The use of technology is unacceptable for such patients:

  • People with respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. In dentistry, there are cases when patients have their teeth cleaned using the Air Flow procedure, and they have difficulty breathing.
  • Individuals with periodontal disease.
  • Patients who are allergic to soda and citrus fruits.
  • People with excessively thin, sensitive enamel.
  • Patients with kidney disease during an exacerbation.
  • Children under 15 years old.
  • The presence of extensive carious cavities.

Removal of tartar in pregnant and lactating women using this technology should be carried out with caution.

Preparation for cleaning and bleaching

Before holding comprehensive care behind the human oral cavity, it must be prepared for dental procedures. To do this, follow these steps:

  • put on the patient a medical cap and glasses;
  • place a saliva ejector under the tongue to prevent excessive accumulation of fluid in the mouth;
  • lubricate the lips with petroleum jelly, as they can dry out during cleaning of the tooth surface.
Glasses are needed to protect the eyes from splashes of an abrasive mixture with plaque, tartar, which are washed out of the oral cavity. Cap - to keep the hair clean from small particles of abrasive and bacteria.

After such preparation, you can start using the equipment to perform a set of actions: removing plaque, brushing your teeth from dark spots, and brightening the surface.

How is the procedure of cleaning and whitening

For purification by the Air Flow method, sodium bicarbonate is used - a fine soda powder. The specialist pours it into a spherical container placed on the handle of the device. The device itself has two containers, each equipped with a pump.

Photograph of a toothbrush

One of these tanks is designed to supply water, the second - air. Both components are fed into the tube, and from there - into a spherical container, where they are mixed with soda. Then the substances under the action of compressed air enter the place of cleaning through the rotating tip of the handle.

The intensity of pressure can be adjusted, if necessary, the specialist can weaken it or increase it. In a circular motion, the dentist sends a jet to the dentition, carefully treating each tooth both from the inside and from the outside.

The photo shows the final stage of the Air Flow procedure.

Plaque removal technology as an independent procedure is rarely used. It is usually used in tandem with professional care behind the teeth.

After cleaning the dentition with the Air Flow method the result is immediately obvious. According to patients, immediately after the manipulation they noticed such positive changes:

  • removal of tartar on the first day of cleaning;
  • the surface of the teeth brightens by several tones due to the removal of pigments;
  • flattens out upper layer teeth, as the apparatus grinds the enamel;
  • the dentition acquires an attractive shine due to polishing.

Photos before and after brushing your teeth Air Flow

In order to avoid having to go back to the clinic with the same problem after the dental procedure, experts strongly recommend that patients follow these recommendations:

  • Within three hours after the Air Flow procedure, you should not eat products that stain the enamel. These are beets, blueberries, coffee, black tea, juices, cherries. If possible, it is better to completely exclude them from the diet on this day.
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking for several hours: nicotine will spoil the clarified enamel.
  • If one procedure is not enough or other manipulations are planned, for example, such as ultrasonic cleaning, they cannot be carried out earlier than after 3 weeks.
To maintain the whiteness of the teeth obtained in the dentist's office, it is recommended to use at home not an ordinary toothbrush, but an electric, ultrasonic or irrigator. Especially such care is necessary for smokers and coffee lovers.

Cost of the procedure

Prices for water-abrasive teeth cleaning for most patients are affordable. If we compare it with ultrasonic cleaning, it is worth and not expensive at all. In Moscow average cost AirFlow services is 2.5–3.5 thousand rubles. for the treatment of one jaw.

Professional cleaning with the Air Flow system is painless, harmless and effective. After half an hour spent in the dentist's office, people get a snow-white smile for a long time.

AT recent times Increasingly, people began to visit dental offices not only with oral health problems, but also simply wishing to restore lost whiteness to their teeth.

It's no secret that snow-white smile is an additional factor that attracts a person, and the availability of professional whitening procedures offered today makes dreams of a smile without hesitation come true. In particular, we are talking about a novelty in this area - a professional oral hygiene procedure using the Air Flow method.

What is the methodology?

In fact, this procedure cannot be called whitening, in the sense that it will not be able to give your teeth a whiteness that you could not even dream of before. It's just very high-quality cleaning, during which plaque, darkening and stone are removed.

As a result, the teeth will still turn white, but only to your own natural shade. Highly good effect will be noticeable in a person who has some bad habits(for example, constantly eating coffee).

The main feature of the service is that the enamel remains intact as a result. For this work it is used special device, which "can" simultaneously spray water, air and abrasive powder.

The latter is sodium bicarbonate, or more simply, ordinary soda. When used in pure form the surface of the enamel will inevitably be damaged, and in such close coexistence it becomes completely safe and perfectly copes with any darkening on the teeth.

The cleaning composition penetrates into all the far corners of the oral cavity, and does an excellent job of removing contaminants in the interdental space.

Indications for the procedure

The main indication for this procedure is severe pigmentation of the teeth. An ugly and persistent plaque may appear due to the use of tea, coffee, red wine, and to a greater extent, due to smoking.

In addition, it is worth trying this novelty on your own teeth in the following cases:

  • In the case of orthodontic treatment, to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in hard-to-reach places.
  • As a prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease, as well as chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  • As a preparatory operation before professional whitening.
  • When using prostheses, implants, braces, veneers and other restorative elements. High-quality hygiene of foreign materials in the maxillofacial system is a guarantee of the absence of infectious diseases in the future.

Let's watch a short video about the procedure for brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method:


Despite such a successful use of this method of cleaning the oral cavity, some categories of citizens will still have to abandon it for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, asthma). The procedure may cause an attack of shortness of breath.
  • The need for a salt-free diet, as the cleaning composition contains some salt.
  • The use of drugs that affect processes salt metabolism in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • Very widespread caries;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Too thin enamel.
  • Negative reaction of the body to the citrus flavor.

How is the procedure carried out?

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour and does not deliver any pain
. There is only a pleasant lemon flavor. Before work, the doctor lubricates the patient's lips with petroleum jelly to prevent them from drying out.

The client's eyes are closed with special goggles, a cap is put on the head. Preparatory stage completed, and the doctor proceeds to the main stage.

A dental vacuum cleaner is inserted into the patient's mouth under the tongue, which will suck excess liquid and cleaning results. Otherwise, the client would have to swallow the waste material or constantly spit. This work is done by an assistant.

The doctor at the same time treats smooth in a circular motion each tooth with a special apparatus, holding its tip in a certain position (at an angle of 300). When brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, gum tissue is not allowed to be affected.

After the work is completed, a fluoride gel is applied to the patient's teeth from above, which is designed to strengthen the enamel and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.

At the time of impact on tooth enamel the cleaning composition according to this method removes the natural protective film (cuticle). It self-recovers from saliva within a few hours.

Therefore, immediately after the procedure and some time later (or rather, wait a day), patients are not recommended to eat foods that have pigmenting elements (the same tea and coffee), as well as solid food.

You should also refrain from smoking. And the feeling hypersensitivity for a few days after the procedure should be considered normal.

Listen carefully to your dentist's advice on further oral care activities. Have to change brush(the old one will definitely contain the bacteria that you tried so hard to get rid of), and buy mouthwash.

Experts advise repeating such cleaning at least once a year in order to maintain the natural color and health of the entire oral cavity.


To date this technique is one of the most effective preventive procedures oral diseases. With its help, the nutrient medium in which they reproduce is completely destroyed. harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and even the color of the teeth changes by 1-2 tones.

You can count on such a result only if the procedure is carried out by a professional and experienced specialist. The price of the service may vary depending on the level of qualification of the clinic and the doctor, but in general, the amount 1000-1500 rubles per session is quite acceptable.

However, the Air Flow procedure itself is not carried out separately. As a rule, it is part of a complex for cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque. Stone (hardened deposits) cannot be removed with it, therefore, in such cases, the Air Flow service is supplemented by ultrasonic cleaning.

In addition, the tooth surface after treatment with a water-air-soda composition needs to be polished. it separate view services for which you will also have to pay.

Well, an additional amount will need to be prepared in order to apply a strengthening composition with fluoride on top of the enamel after all the manipulations. Average, full complex services, depending on the level of service of the polyclinic, can cost up to 4000 rub.

Many clinics offer free consultation for this service. professional doctor will assess the condition of your oral cavity at a glance, and will announce whether it is possible to this moment to carry out such a procedure, and what it needs to be supplemented with.

Dental clinics often hold various promotions and provide discounts, including for brushing teeth at Air technology flow.

In the central part of Russia, a full range of teeth cleaning services costs an average of 2,500 - 3,000 rubles. In the cities of the Urals, this procedure can be carried out for 1500 - 2000 rubles. From 1000 rubles you will have to pay for the service in Siberia and the Far East.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a professional teeth cleaning method, you should pay attention to Air Flow, if only because of the price. Other methods may give the best whitening effect, but you will have to pay several times more for them (up to 15,000 rubles).

In addition, from clear benefits this procedure can be distinguished:

  • Soft effect on tissues, enamel is not damaged during operation;
  • Complete safety of the service - neither the seal will be damaged during cleaning;
  • Thorough oral hygiene (even in the most secluded corners there will be no bacteria left);
  • Excellent prevention of carious formations;
  • Minor effect on the tooth surface with a leveling effect (teeth become smooth and absolutely even to the touch).

There are not so many disadvantages of this method, and it is quite possible to “put up with them”:

  • The impossibility of removing hard deposits of tartar (if there is such a need, then the doctor performs ultrasonic cleaning together with Air Flow).
  • The inability to make your own teeth whiter than they really are (why - already described above);
  • The bleaching process is only available for the visible part bone tissue(and another question - how important is this for the patient);
  • When using the device, there is a possibility of damage to the gums (therefore, you should contact only a qualified specialist).

Perhaps these are the most important points that can cause backlash at clients. For the rest, those who have already tried this new methodology, do not see significant shortcomings, and are ready to periodically repeat the procedure.


The Air Flow procedure has recently been included in the list of services dental clinics, but very quickly found its fans. Painless clean soft plaque, while restoring their natural shade to the teeth for such a modest payment - the ultimate dream of many.

And judging by the reviews, those who want to apply for repeated procedure not a little. If you have a similar experience, please share it in the comments. Perhaps your story will help a still doubting person decide to transform his appearance.

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  • Svetlana

    February 8, 2015 at 18:50

    I experienced the whitening procedure using this technology on myself and even more than once. After it, the teeth are really completely cleaned, and even in those places where you can’t get it with a brush, no matter how hard you try. They become a little lighter, apparently due to the removal of plaque, but are more sensitive, although this quickly passes. There are undoubtedly pluses, because thanks to such a thorough cleansing, the spread of caries, the main destroyer of our teeth, stops.

  • Ludmila

    February 17, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Apparently this good procedure, which does not cause any pain, which is very important to me. Only now, to my regret, I can’t do it yet, because I feed the child, and this is in contraindications. Although, I really want for little money, it is indicated that something about 4 thousand rubles per course, with repetitions 1 time per year, to restore oral hygiene.

  • Anastasia

    April 21, 2016 at 0:15 am

    I did this procedure last year. I'll start with the fact that it was a little painful at the very beginning, when they brushed their teeth with a skyler (if I remember correctly), but when a jet with a sweetish aftertaste was given to the mouth, there were no unpleasant sensations. After the procedure, the teeth became very white, but, unfortunately, the sensitivity of the teeth increased. After 2 weeks everything was back to normal.

  • Sabina

    July 1, 2016 at 13:00

    Personally, I am more than satisfied with Air Flow cleaning, I do it about once every six months. Significantly removes soft plaque on my "slightly crooked" lower teeth. It cannot be brushed off with a brush. Yes, and the teeth themselves turn white by tone, I can’t say anything about sensitivity, it doesn’t bother me.

    True, then for 2 days I strictly do not drink coffee and black tea and other coloring products, maybe prejudices and overkill, but I do just that!

  • Maria

    January 14, 2017 at 1:41 am

    Air flow cleaning is a wonderful procedure. Both I and my teeth are delighted with it. I do it constantly on average once every half a year or a year. It is also good to pass it just before visiting the dentist, so that defects and holes for sealing can be better seen, since it is easier to treat caries when it is minimal. After the procedure, there are very unusual sensations in the mouth: the teeth are all smooth, clean and every crack is visible. Somewhere within a week after the procedure, I find any reason to look in the mirror at my teeth. Well, after a while, of course, everything returns to normal, as smoking and cigarettes do their job.

A snow-white smile emphasizes the external attractiveness of its owner. But professional whitening teeth are not only affordable for everyone, but also has a number of contraindications, negative consequences for good health. The alternative is air cleaning-Flow. Today, such a procedure is offered by both private clinics and public ones. medical institutions. What is such a manipulation, how effective and safe it is, we will tell in this material.

What is Airflow?

Despite the innovative name, the procedure itself is quite simple, requiring no special professional equipment and materials. In fact air-flow cleaning is a method of elimination with the help of directed under high pressure jets of air and water with soda. Sometimes calcium crystals are used as an abrasive. Such a solution filler gently cleans the enamel, but it is more expensive, so it is rarely used. A special Air-Flow apparatus sprays the specified mixture onto the dentition, destroying deposits even in places inaccessible to other cleaning methods (between the teeth, on the gums). In addition, there is a gentle polishing of the enamel, "soft" whitening by 1-2 tones due to the elimination of plaque and deposits.

In dentistry, this method is not classified as chemical methods tooth cleaning (since chemical components are not applied), nor to mechanical ones (since there is no direct contact with hardware). Air-Flow cleaning refers to helper methods oral care.

The series is completed with special pastes using a soft rotating brush. Thus, the remnants of dental deposits, plaque are removed. Some clinics offer patients to cover the tooth enamel with dental varnish to secure the result of a professional cleaning.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 40 minutes (depending on the initial state of the dentition).

Is the Air-Flow procedure painful?

The procedure is absolutely painless. Although some discomfort during cleaning is still noted. Despite the use of a special suction, the patient swallows some of the liquid sprayed by the device. Although the solution is flavored with lemon flavor, it is still unsuitable for internal use. In addition, soda irritates the mucous membrane of the oral cavity - some patients experience a burning sensation in the mouth directly during cleaning, and after the procedure, dryness and soda deposits are observed in the mouth and on the lips. If swallowed, the solution can cause heartburn, indigestion.

Indications for the procedure

Air-Flow professional cleaning is carried out as an independent procedure for caring for the dentition, namely, it is used to prevent the formation of tartar and persistent plaque, and as a preparatory work before dental implantation, prosthetics or whitening.

The indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • The appearance of plaque and minor dental deposits (prevention of diseases such as caries and periodontal disease is necessary).
  • Tooth pigmentation.
  • Problem (too close to each other). With such a problem, other methods of cleaning the interdental space will be ineffective.
  • Scheduled removal of braces.
  • Upcoming chemical bleaching, dental implantation or prosthetics.


Air-Flow professional teeth cleaning has a number of advantages over other types of hygiene procedures, including ultrasonic enamel treatment:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • lack of mechanical contact with the apparatus, which often leads to tooth damage (therefore, Air-Flow is recommended for patients with dental implants);
  • the possibility of processing hard-to-reach areas;
  • efficiency (the result is noticeable after the first procedure);
  • non-toxic solution;
  • enrichment with fluoride of tooth enamel.


Despite the safety of such a cleaning of the teeth, there are contraindications to its implementation. It is impossible to carry out the Air-Flow procedure under such conditions as:

  • Parodontosis (cleaning can provoke bleeding gums, their inflammation, swelling).
  • The presence of a large volume (Air-Flow cleaning will not cope with multiple deep deposits). The photo before the procedure, presented below, demonstrates in what initial state of the dentition the procedure will be effective.
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma, other diseases respiratory system are a direct contraindication to brushing your teeth in this way.
  • People who are assigned a salt-free diet should also not carry out such a hygiene procedure.
  • Air-Flow is not recommended for patients allergic to citrus fruits.
  • With caution, the procedure is carried out by pregnant and lactating women.

Cleaning result

Result hygienic cleaning of the dentition using the Air-Flow method is noticeable immediately after the procedure:

  • deposits of tartar and plaque are eliminated;
  • teeth become brighter due to the removal of contaminants;
  • the dentition acquires shine as a result of grinding.

In the photo below you can see how effective the Air Flow cleaning is. Before and after the procedure, the teeth look completely different.

  1. Within 3 hours after the procedure, you should not eat food that can stain the enamel (beets, juices, coffee, etc.).
  2. It is also necessary to refrain from smoking for several hours.
  3. If further chemical teeth whitening is planned, then such a procedure can be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after Air-Flow.


The price of one procedure for professional cleaning of the Air-Flow dentition is on average 1500-2000 rubles. But often clinics provide various promotions for such a hygiene service: a pre-holiday price reduction or cleaning as an incentive bonus, subject to other dental procedures, such as fillings.

Air-Flow (cleaning): patient reviews

Despite the simplicity of the procedure for brushing your teeth with the Air-Flow method, there are mixed reviews about this dental procedure. Most often, negative opinions arise as a result of insufficient awareness of patients about the essence of such a procedure. Namely: people expect instant visible whitening of the enamel. In fact, as we found out above, Air-Flow only removes plaque, dirt, stones, returning the patient to the natural original color of the teeth.

Therefore, there are often reviews in which patients note the ineffectiveness of such cleaning. Also visitors dental office point to discomfort during the process of brushing teeth, burning in the mouth. According to patients, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, bleeding of the gums appears after the Air-Flow (cleaning) has been performed.

The other day I visited for the first time in my life a complex procedure called professional hygiene teeth with ultrasound and Air-flow system. I know that many people do these procedures separately, but it seems to me that it is in such a complex that the method of bringing teeth and gums in order is more effective.

3 days have passed since visiting the doctor and I can already tell you about my feelings during the procedure and after.

So. I need to start with the fact that I have never resorted to any of the procedures before. Sometimes during dental treatment, she simply asked the dentist for a polishing nozzle and special paste remove plaque from my lower front teeth, where it is most noticeable for me. That was where it all ended. But the condition of my teeth for almost 40 years I have lived cannot be called terrible, I have never had any problems.

But recently, problems with the gums began to bother me: there is no bleeding, but they began to become inflamed from time to time. The dentist advised to go complex procedure for cleaning teeth with ultrasound and Air-flow. Just in the clinic close to home whole month there was an action for this particular procedure, I decided to sign up and finally do it.

I must say that I was afraid of these procedures in advance, because, out of my stupidity, I had previously seen enough videos on the network and read reviews, most of which were that it was terribly painful and that an injection should be given (although I even treat my teeth without injections, not love them). I thought that I, sorry, would have a whole mouth of blood, etc. In fact, both procedures turned out to be completely painless for me! For teeth and gums...

Now about each of the procedures separately. Before starting to do all this with me, they put a protective cap on me, protected my eyes from splashes and powder flying in all directions with plastic glasses. A plastic dilator was inserted into the mouth, this, of course, bad moment, but necessary to have access to all the teeth in the mouth.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It doesn't hurt at all for me. I understand that under the pressure of water, the teeth with the help of a metal nozzle get rid of the most noticeable deposits of tartar. Well, yes, the whistling sound is not very pleasant, but it did not cause any irritation and fear in me. The gums felt normal, I also did not feel any unpleasant damage to the tooth enamel and an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth in the treated areas. In general, this part of the procedure turned out to be the most calm and pleasant for me.

Air-flow cleaning

I already relaxed, thinking that since ultrasound and cleaning my teeth with a metal thing are such garbage, then some kind of powder under pressure is generally a ridiculous procedure, imperceptible. But I was wrong))) Perhaps I have some kind of non-standard structure and sensitivity of the teeth and skin of the lips, but my teeth and gums did not hurt at all under the pressure of this blown powder, but my lips ... This is some kind of nightmare! From the taste in my mouth, I realized that the powder used in Air-flow method, contains soda. And soda in such a lethal concentration brought my lips (the lower one suffered more) to a peeled state (((That was very painful! Terrible redness, as if the delicate skin of the lips had just been torn off. But, perhaps, this is mine idiosyncrasy too sensitive and delicate skin of the lips.

Otherwise, everything is OK, the gums almost did not bleed, only in a few places where I had obvious problems with inflammation of the gums.

After such a comprehensive cleaning, they also polished my teeth with a special nozzle with paste, and then they applied fluoride varnish, warning that you can’t drink for an hour, but eat for 2 hours. Well, do not consume enamel-staining drinks and food for 2-3 days after professional cleaning. Which is what I did.

I was satisfied with the result, although I can’t say that my teeth became whiter, although plaque was removed from them with powder. They became a little lighter, but, most importantly, they became cleaner! Because it's still not bleaching, but hygiene procedure designed to remove visible plaque and tartar.

Well, now I'll show you a photo before and after the procedure. It's a shame, of course, that with such teeth I went for a long time... And by the way, I don’t smoke, but plaque forms on the lower teeth very quickly and without smoking, and without drinking a wild amount of coffee and tea ((

Shame - but these are teeth before professional cleaning

After complex hygiene, the result is as follows:

Teeth are not much whiter, but cleaner - definitely! Photo the next morning after cleaning

Moreover, I will show you with which lips I came and how they were damaged in the end. It is a pity that the photo was not taken immediately after the procedure ...

Lips before professional teeth cleaning. No damage...

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