Why did the tooth darken? Why teeth turn black and how to safely get rid of dark plaque

Darkening of tooth enamel - a phenomenon that is often noted in both children and adults.

How does darkening of tooth enamel appear?

The color of a person's teeth does not always depend on the color of the enamel, but on the color of the inside of the tooth, that is, the dentin. The structure of the tooth is porous, both outside and inside. As a result, those natural dyes that get on the teeth with food and not only stain the tooth from the outside. But a change in color also occurs due to the penetration of pigments from the inside. In dentistry, tooth discoloration is usually divided into several types. These are superficial changes in tooth shade, deep tooth staining, and changes in tooth color that occur with age.

Why does tooth enamel darken?

Darkening of the enamel of the teeth can occur for various reasons. All the causes that provoke the darkening of tooth enamel are usually divided into external and internal. External factors that affect the color of the teeth include smoking, the appearance, frequent use of coffee, black tea, red wine, and certain products. The darkening of the enamel of the teeth in children and adults, which is associated with external causes, can be easily eliminated by carrying out special procedures in the dental clinic.

The tooth may darken due to the appearance of plaque or tartar. Tartar appears as a result of hardening of plaque. Its formation is associated primarily with poor oral hygiene. Tartar affects people who brush their teeth irregularly or incorrectly, as well as those who eat predominantly soft foods. Tartar can appear due to chewing on only one side of the jaw. It is observed in people suffering from impaired salt metabolism.

When the color of the tooth is influenced by internal causes, the inner layers of the tooth are stained. In this case, the development of certain diseases, excess fluorine or its deficiency, taking a number of medicines.

The tooth can quickly darken already at the initial stages of development in it. Darkening of the teeth is noted by people who often take to treat diseases. tetracycline antibiotics . These medicines with prolonged and frequent use contribute to the darkening of the tooth. As a result, it acquires a yellowish or grayish tint.

If in the region where a person lives, there is a high level of fluoridation of water, that is, it contains more than 1 mg of fluoride per liter, then with the constant use of such water, the tooth becomes dark, or dark or bright white blotches appear on it. However, darkening of the enamel is possible with a lack of fluorine.

People who have never smoked may develop a brownish tint to their teeth after having several fillings made of copper amalgam. If a person works at an enterprise where non-ferrous metals are processed, then darkening of the teeth after a while can also appear.

Darkening of the enamel of the teeth is observed in the elderly. These age-related changes are associated with the thinning of tooth enamel and the development of a darker color of dentin in the tooth tissue.

A common occurrence is the darkening of the tooth after the removal of the nerve. This is due to the poor quality of the seal. There may even be darkening of the gums around the tooth. Perhaps the dentist in the process of treating the tooth did not adhere to the correct filling technology, did not sufficiently treat the tooth with disinfectants. To avoid subsequent darkening at the base of the tooth, the disinfectant solution must penetrate the top of the root of the tooth in order for bleaching to occur inside the canal. Therefore, with proper filling, the doctor must process one canal for about thirty minutes. You can eliminate the darkening of the tooth near the gums by carrying out subsequent whitening inside the canals using a special gel.

Darkening of the teeth in children can be associated with various factors affecting their condition. The causes of teeth darkening are often associated with early childhood caries, which begins to develop under the influence of thermal changes (eating hot and cold food), shock, trauma, and bacteria that multiply in the oral cavity. because of caries darkening of milk teeth may also occur.

The condition of a child's teeth is also determined by his diet. In those dishes that a child consumes, there should be a lot of vitamins and minerals. If the balance of consumed carbohydrates, fats and proteins is disturbed, then the composition of saliva may change in the baby, as a result of which darkening between the teeth is noted. Such a plaque appears again, despite the constant brushing of the teeth. In this case, it is important to make sure to change the diet in order to achieve an optimal nutritional balance, in particular, limit the amount of sweets consumed.

How to get rid of darkening of tooth enamel?

It should not be assumed that the darkening of the enamel of the teeth is exclusively cosmetic problem . Dental disease over time can provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the body. In most cases, a dentist will help to restore the color of the teeth qualitatively. In addition, tooth enamel treatment is often required to restore color. Initially, the dentist conducts an examination and establishes a diagnosis, determining whether the patient has developed erosion of tooth enamel or crack in tooth enamel . Sometimes the cause of darkening is thinning of tooth enamel , and the child may have enamel hypoplasia of milk teeth . Depending on the reasons for the darkening of the teeth, further procedures are carried out for treatment or whitening.

Enamel hypoplasia in children is associated with its underdevelopment. Depending on the degree of the disease, the enamel can either become thinner or completely absent. In today's children, this disease is very common. Its main complication is the very rapid development of carious processes in several teeth at once. The reasons for this phenomenon are the influence of adverse factors during the period of bearing the baby, as well as immediately after his birth. Even after the treatment of milk teeth, the consequences of hypoplasia in the form of spots, grooves, darkening still remain. Later, defects in permanent teeth are corrected with the help of microprosthetics.

Erosion of tooth enamel often develops under the influence of increased secretion of saliva . More often, such a defect in tooth enamel is observed in people suffering from impaired thyroid function. Depending on the degree of erosion, phosphorus and calcium preparations, vitamin complexes are prescribed. Erosion of tooth enamel is treated with special preparations containing fluorine, calcium.

If the darkening of the enamel of the teeth was caused by external causes, then it is eliminated with the help of either professional whitening in the clinic, or by carrying out some whitening procedures. With the help of professional whitening, plaque on the teeth is removed, which contributes to the return of the natural tone of the tooth enamel. However, it should be remembered that whitening is a rather radical procedure, and it should not be carried out too often. Modern dentists carry out whitening using ultrasound, laser, chemical and lamp bleaching.

If the patient does not have a darkening of the enamel, but a change in the color of the inner layer of the tooth, then this defect will be overcome veneers or lumires . These overlays, which the dentist fixes on the teeth, allow you to improve not only the color of the tooth, but also the shape of the crown. If the darkening of the tooth is very pronounced, the dentist may advise to carry out its prosthetics.

You can get rid of the darkening of tooth enamel at home with the help of regular use of special toothpastes, as well as by using some folk recipes, which are based on baking soda, hydrogen peroxide solution, ground, etc. However, such procedures cannot be carried out often, since the quality tooth enamel is gradually deteriorating. It is advisable to use them if the darkening of the tooth enamel is associated with the use of coffee, tea and other products that stain the enamel of the teeth in a dark color.

You should be very careful when using such products, as their impact can eventually lead to gum injuries and damage to tooth enamel. More gentle are some natural remedies that allow you to slightly whiten tooth enamel. These properties are possessed by lemon, strawberry, strawberry. Their juice can be regularly lubricated with tooth enamel, but after that, the teeth must be cleaned with a paste that contains fluoride.

By the way, special toothpastes that have a whitening effect contain enzymes and abrasives. Therefore, their effect on the tooth is very similar to the effect of baking soda. Therefore, it is impossible to constantly brush your teeth with such pastes in any case.

To prevent a significant change in the shade of tooth enamel, you should remember the measures prevention . Parents should teach their children about regular oral hygiene at an early age. If the baby's tooth begins to darken, then it is imperative to take the child for an examination to the dentist. Caries at the initial stage is treated very simply, and the tooth can be saved from darkening.

Adults should also not forget about the elementary rules - this is twice a day brushing your teeth, using dental floss, preventive visits to the dentist. You can not take very cold and very hot food, doing it at the same time. Teeth become yellow over time in people who smoke. Therefore, as an effective preventive measure, it is worth getting rid of such an addiction.

Normal plaque may not even be noticed, but serious discoloration of the enamel can be a huge problem. Blackening of teeth in adults is not uncommon. Why is this happening?

People tend to ignore many dental problems, but blackening of the teeth is not something to be overlooked. In addition to the fact that dark plaque on the outside or inside of the tooth significantly spoils the appearance of a smile, it is also a signal of serious diseases that may not be associated with dentistry. What to do if the teeth turn black or the front tooth darkens?

In children, black plaque may appear within one night, even if the child has not complained about anything before. Children older than a year are more likely to suffer from such phenomena. The most intense staining remains on the inside of the teeth. Many mistakenly believe that if a tooth has turned black, then caries has begun. This is far from always the case.

What to do if the tooth is blackened from the inside or outside? It is impossible to remove plaque just like that, even with the help of thorough and intensive cleaning. Help from professional procedures is not guaranteed: over time, it can be replaced that the tooth turns black again from the inside.

What can cause enamel discoloration? There are several factors why a tooth suddenly turned black:

Problems of intrauterine development can also play a certain role. So, darkening is possible if the mother did not eat well (there was little calcium in the food and too much iron or fluorine); suffered from infectious diseases or used potentially dangerous drugs.

What to do? The only way out is to see a doctor and remove the black plaque, this dentist will consider it possible. It is highly likely that after a while the dark spots will return again.

Why does this happen to adults?

Why do adult teeth usually turn black? Ordinary plaque in adulthood is not a pathology, and its main cause is poor oral hygiene. The danger to enamel color is the following:

If the tooth has darkened and now it hurts, ordinary caries cannot be ruled out. A severe carious lesion can be anything from yellowish to dark brown or black. There is only one thing to do here - immediately contact the dentist, until the microbes that multiply in the carious cavity have led to inflammation of the soft tissues or the root.

With partial destruction of the crown part (which often happens with eights - wisdom teeth), patients often notice that the inside of the tooth is now black. This indicates the rapid destruction of tissues; it will not work to remove the darkening on your own.

How to get rid of black plaque

What to do if the tooth is blackened and hurts? The only option is to see a doctor. Any painkillers to which the body does not have a negative reaction will help to temporarily cope with the pain.

You can simply get rid of plaque with the help of professional toothbrushing Air Flow. A one-time procedure will not work: it is recommended to repeat it at least once a year. During cleaning, all soft deposits and superficial pigmentation will be removed from the enamel, the teeth will become a couple of shades lighter. The benefit is not only aesthetic, but also practical: plaque is a source of bacteria.

It is imperative to monitor the quality and regularity of ordinary home hygiene procedures. Smokers, for example, can purchase special pastes that dissolve plaque within a few minutes. But it is often impossible to use such products: their composition is quite aggressive, and eventually the enamel may suffer.

You should also be careful with conventional whitening pastes: most of them contain fine hard abrasive particles, which, although they remove pigmentation from the surface of the teeth, again, negatively affect the enamel and can leave micro-scratches on it.

The best option is to stop smoking and reduce your consumption of colored drinks.

As a preventive measure, it is useful to use special mouthwashes. It is recommended to use them immediately after eating, smoking or drinking drinks that are harmful to enamel. A mouthwash is not a complete replacement for brushing, but it will help clean your mouth when a toothbrush is not available.

You can also use folk methods to lighten enamel. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and make sure that there will be no allergic reaction to the components. It is advisable to consult a dentist before such self-treatment - perhaps he will suggest more effective and useful methods.

What actions to take if you encounter a similar problem? First of all, it is necessary to understandwhy did the tooth turn black. Of course, a competent specialist at the clinic will definitely ask you about the possible causes of blackness in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, the dentist can cure black teeth only by cosmetic restoration their appearance or the elimination of caries, but he cannot eliminate the problems with the body that provoke blackening. That's why it's so important to know why you personally have the tooth is black.

The most common cause of darkening of tooth enamel is caries. Moreover, sometimes it develops not on top of the tooth, but under the enamel, so you may not see an obvious lesion, but the growing black spot will be quite noticeable. It is not worth delaying treatment, because with each new day the risk of pulp damage increases. By the way, if your wisdom tooth has turned black due to caries, most dentists will offer you to remove it without wasting time on treatment, because, firstly, a black wisdom tooth is a direct threat of infection of adjacent teeth, and secondly, treat it often technically very difficult or even impossible.

There are also cases when previous treatment affects the color of the teeth. And if you notice that a tooth has turned black under a crown or a filling, there are three possible options.

  1. During the treatment, metal-based preparations were used (for example, silver and tin always lead to blackening).
  2. Depulpation or necrosis of the tooth led to a change in the color of the enamel.
  3. Caries continues to destroy your tooth despite treatment.

In the first case, only the aesthetic moment is key, but if the tooth is black under a crown or filling due to ongoing destruction, it will be in your best interest to contact dentistry as soon as possible. The same applies to blackening injured teeth.

Meanwhile, not only treatment with local preparations can cause darkening of the enamel. Many parents of young children often ask dentists the question “blackened teeth, what should I do?”. It seems that they don’t feed the child with sweets, they diligently look after their teeth, but one day, by no means perfect, they notice that, for some unknown reason, their teeth begin to turn black and crumble. And only after lengthy inquiries, the dentist manages to find out that in the first months after birth, the pediatrician prescribed antibiotics to the baby to treat, for example, conjunctivitis or other nosocomial infections picked up in the hospital.

Unfortunately, at the time of the formation of tooth enamel in children of the first months of life, any medicinal effect on the body leads to delayed consequences, and even after antibiotics, in particular, tetracycline and its derivatives, the child's teeth begin to collapse immediately after eruption. A good pediatric dentist will be able to recognize and stop such destruction in time. The main thing is not to delay visiting a doctor, because children's teeth are destroyed at lightning speed. In addition, their decay can subsequently affect the molars.

Another reason why a healthy-looking person may find something black between their teeth is insufficient oral hygiene during the chronic use of foods flavored with dyes. And here we are talking not only about coffee with tea, but also about a variety of carbonated drinks, sweets and much more. And if you also smoke, then do not be surprised if sooner or later your teeth turn black on the inside, since the resins contained in cigarettes are constantly deposited on the inside of the teeth, mainly in the cervical region. So if you find such a plaque, do not be too lazy to visit the dentist and carry out a professional cleaning of the enamel.

If all of the above reasons have nothing to do with you, ask your next of kin. It doesn’t matter if the front or chewing tooth is blackened, or maybe several at once, there is always the possibility of inheriting genetic diseases. In addition, a variety of candidiasis, metabolic disorders, acid-base balance, calcium absorption, diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, blood diseases, the chronic presence of staphylococcus bacteria in the body (especially when it comes to tonsillitis) leave their mark on the color of the teeth. ) etc. If you find any of the above diseases, it is better to start treating it, and not restore the whiteness of your smile. After all, if the cause is not eliminated, the blackening of the enamel will continue.

There are also acquired diseases, from which the teeth can turn black from the inside. These include, in particular, fluorosis - a disease associated with impaired fluorine metabolism in the body. Usually this happens in people living in areas with supersaturated fluoride water. By the way, water can contain not only a huge amount of fluorine, but also iron, which also affects the darkening of the enamel. So if you have blackened teeth due to iron, the best thing you can do for your body is to move to another area or at least get a good filter. And, of course, see a dentist. for cleaning enamel from black plaque to how it starts to corrode the tooth.

After reading all of the above, if you still could not find the reason why your tooth turned black, the only thing we can advise is to look around. Perhaps the environment is to blame, perhaps you work in a hazardous industry or there is a warehouse of chemicals near your house, or maybe you even take any potent and untested drugs with unidentified side effects. Be that as it may, you should still seek medical help. If he does not help you find the root cause of the blackening of your teeth, then at least he can bring them back to their natural appearance. And, of course, do not forget to observe daily oral hygiene, because after toothpaste, no one's teeth have turned black.

Unfortunately, not every person can boast of a snow-white smile and flawless teeth. The reason for this can be both dental diseases, in particular caries, and the appearance of unwanted pigmentation on the units of the dentition. Although age spots do not cause physical discomfort, in most cases they are the cause of the development of complexes, especially in adolescent children. What to do if the tooth is blackened, how to get rid of unwanted plaque? These questions are quite relevant among patients who have identified a rather unaesthetic defect on their teeth. Is it possible to get rid of blackness at home without resorting to the use of traditional medical methods and procedures?

The article provides detailed information about the causes of darkening of the teeth. You can find out, not only why teeth turn black in adults and children, but also how to get rid of this problem.

It is worth noting that the methods presented below allow you to remove black plaque both using traditional medicine procedures and folk remedies. The advice and recommendations of specialists contained in the material will help prevent the development of dental diseases and maintain healthy teeth.

Causes of tooth pigmentation

The appearance of an unaesthetic defect occurs for objective and subjective reasons. There are a number of factors that contribute to the blackening of teeth and the appearance of dark plaque on the enamel. Let's try to figure out why this happens and what provokes the development of pathology. The reasons include the following factors listed below.

Harmful effects of food coloring

The leader in this list is nicotine, since its resins negatively affect the color of the enamel and the condition of the teeth in general. Heavy smokers who smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day, lovers of hookah and pipes automatically fall into the risk group. The second place is rightfully occupied by strong tea and coffee. Excessive consumption of these drinks is fraught with darkening of the teeth and the appearance of unwanted stains on them. Red wine, beets and similar food colorings can also spoil a snow-white smile. The organs of patients who abuse the above foods and drinks look perfect only after professional cleaning. In case of its absence or neglect of the rules, temporary plaque hardens, gradually turning into tartar.

Neglect of oral care rules

Dentists have developed special rules for brushing your teeth, this should be done by performing circular movements for at least 2-3 minutes. The result of poor oral hygiene is the deposition of plaque on the teeth, which leads to their darkening. To avoid pigmentation, doctors recommend hygiene procedures after meals. Moreover, simple rinsing without the use of a brush and paste is not enough, it only helps to get rid of food debris, while soft plaque remains on the units of the dentition.

Patient exposure to chronic disease

There are a number of pathologies that contribute to the darkening of the enamel. These include diseases of the spleen, liver. In addition, a darkened tooth indicates a violation of the acid-base balance, and sometimes the presence of such dangerous viral ailments as AIDS, HIV and others. Darkening is characteristic of patients suffering from some congenital diseases, such as Hutchinson's, Fournier's, Pfluger's disease.

The use of antibacterial drugs

As practice shows, the most dangerous antibiotic, the use of which leads to irreversible consequences in the form of blackness on the enamel, is Tetracycline. The danger of this medication is that it is almost impossible to get rid of dark spots, in this case. Even professional whitening is sometimes powerless.

Exposure to harmful substances

This is how employees of metallurgical enterprises run the risk of getting darkened organs, since heavy metal compounds deposited on the enamel surface contribute to the formation of plaque, which eventually turns into tartar.

Non-compliance with the rules of healthy eating

It has been scientifically proven that people who prefer a quick snack to a full meal face the problem of teeth blackening many times more often.

The development of carious disease

After the defeat of the inner part of the teeth, especially those located in hard-to-reach places, blackness begins to appear on the outside, staining the enamel. Damage to the organ in this case, as a rule, begins with the appearance of black dots on the tooth enamel.

Note! The risk group includes patients prone to drug addiction, as well as those suffering from endemic fluorosis, a disease that affects bone tissue due to the increased content of fluoride in the body.

Factors that cause darkening of teeth in children include:

  • the presence of plaque, which is due to insufficient oral hygiene;
  • caries of milk units;
  • susceptibility to fluorosis;
  • if the mother of the baby took antibiotics during pregnancy;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • genetic factor;
  • chronic diseases;
  • intake of harmful products (chocolate, foods and drinks with a high sugar content).

Important! When the first signs of pathology appear in the baby, parents should immediately contact the dentist. This will help preserve milk teeth and prevent permanent teeth from becoming black in the future.

How to get rid of blackness on teeth

Removal of plaque on tooth enamel is carried out using the following methods:

  1. ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure is quite effective and painless;
  2. removal of blackening by pressure of soda solution. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least once every six months. The technique gives a positive effect only in relation to plaque; unfortunately, it cannot cope with the appearance of caries and tartar;
  3. laser whitening. Removes stone and gently cleans enamel without damaging soft tissues. The disadvantage of the method is its high cost.

Remove plaque at home

Folk recipes:

  1. a solution of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda;
  2. infusion based on burdock root and bean skin;
  3. sage and sea salt powder (prepared in the oven);
  4. Activated carbon.

Dentists recommend using all of the above remedies no more than 1 time per week.

According to experts, the best preventive measure is good oral hygiene. In addition, a daily diet is of great importance for oral health. Eating healthy foods that do not have a harmful effect on enamel and do not stain it black helps not only keep your teeth healthy, but also strengthen your immune system. It is recommended to visit the dentist for a routine examination at least 2 times a year, and not only if a defect is detected or if the tooth has darkened.

Useful video: causes of darkening of teeth

Darkening of the enamel is hard not to notice - ugly dark spots stand out strongly on a white surface, and it is not so easy to remove them with ordinary paste. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for the appearance of black spots and zones, and it is not so easy to determine what became the source of the pathology.

The leaders in staining teeth black are nicotine and its resins.

In the article, we will consider why the tooth turns black inside and out, how to deal with the disease medically and at home.

As a rule, plaque on the teeth is formed due to the fault of the patient himself. This may depend on lifestyle, diet, hereditary diseases, thoroughness of regular hygiene and a number of bad habits.

Let's take a closer look at all these reasons.

  1. Darkening was caused by food coloring and natural pigments. The very first in the list of coloring components is nicotine and its resins. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, respect a pipe or a hookah, can rarely boast of a snow-white smile, except perhaps immediately after professional whitening. In second place is coffee and strong black tea, the pigments of which complement the natural microbial coating, giving it a dark shade. The third place is surely shared by red wine, beets and various food colorings. The soft plaque painted by them gradually hardens, after which we are talking about tartar.
  2. Irregular or poor oral hygiene. Many people wonder why adults get dark teeth for no apparent reason. But the reason is that people do not pay attention to long-term and high-quality brushing of their teeth, they ignore the interdental spaces and the inner surface. Rinsing your teeth after eating can wash out some of the food residue, but will not remove the soft yellowish plaque, which eventually transforms into a dark stone or caries.
  3. Systemic or chronic diseases. There are a number of diseases that result in blackening of the teeth. Most often, this symptom indicates a violation of the functioning of the liver or spleen, acid-base level. Also, darkening of the teeth can be caused by viral diseases, HIV, AIDS, etc.

    Systemic or chronic diseases can cause tooth discoloration

    Congenital pathologies also lead to non-carious changes in enamel: Pfluger, Getchinson and Fournier disease.

  4. Long-term use of antibiotics and other drugs. Most often, patients come with a problem after the use of tetracycline. Unfortunately, teeth whitening does not always help in this case.
  5. Contact at work and or at home with heavy metal compounds. Employees of metallurgical plants often come with the question: "What to do - a tooth has turned black." The dentist will explain that the condensate that settles on the surface of the body and the oral mucosa, including metal compounds, which lead to a characteristic plaque.
  6. Illiterate diet. Fans of a quick bite to eat often turn to a dentist with dark enamel, because industrial components, preservatives and other chemicals in many products, as well as vegetables and fruits, lead not only to darkening of the enamel, but also to a deterioration in its structure, the appearance of cracks, caries and other pathologies.
  7. carious disease. In the event of a change in the composition of saliva, the presence of a favorable environment for reproduction (food debris, plaque, dentures, etc.), microbes begin to actively affect the crown of the tooth, reaching the thickness of the dentin and even the pulp. The disease begins with small dark specks on the enamel, so they are hard to notice. Often, patients realize when chewing molars have darkened from the inside or, for example, a wisdom tooth has turned black. Mechanical damage to the tooth.

    If, as a result of a blow, bruise, fall or other injury, the neurovascular bundle was affected, the tooth may not receive enough nutrients and the enamel will begin to darken. An example is a pulpless tooth, the dead tissue of which often changes shade.

  8. Fluorosis is endemic. The disease is characterized by damage to the bone due to the increased content of fluoride in the body. The component gets there mainly through drinking water and most often accumulates in the body of children. Fluorosis symptoms are light and dark areas on the enamel.
  9. Addiction. The toxic components of drugs systemically destroy the body, not ignoring the oral cavity. The teeth begin to darken intensively, after which they become mobile and fall out.

Black teeth in children

Poor absorption of calcium is one of the causes of darkening of teeth in children.

Many parents address the problem that the child has a black tooth inside or outside. It would seem that the baby does not have bad habits, parents actively monitor hygiene, do not take antibiotics, etc., and dark spots appear and appear.

In childhood, there are reasons for the darkening of the enamel:

  • dental plaque (occurs due to insufficient hygiene and dietary habits);
  • early caries (especially unprotected milk teeth);
  • fluorosis (as we mentioned above, children are most susceptible to this disease);
  • the use by the mother during pregnancy of antibiotics of the tetracycline group or other drugs;
  • poor absorption of calcium, metabolic disorders;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis (in the smallest);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic and systemic diseases mentioned above;
  • the child's menu consists of a large number of industrial sweets, black tea and sweet soda (especially Coca-Cola).

Remember that caries and other pathologies of the oral cavity in children develop faster, so you should immediately contact your dentist. Do not ignore the darkening of milk teeth, thinking that when they fall out, the pathology will also disappear.

Remember that carious and other infectious foci penetrate to the vascular and nerve endings, causing chronic processes, deformation of the dentition, malocclusion, etc.

Treatment of dark spots with medical remedies

First of all, it is necessary to establish why the tooth has darkened and what is the cause.

If we are talking about systemic and chronic diseases, then they should be treated symptomatically by highly specialized doctors.

Fluoridation of teeth in children

Caries is treated with the help of sanitation and subsequent filling of the tooth cavity. Additionally, preventive measures are taken (fluoridation, silvering, etc.) to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

If age spots appear due to poor hygiene, the dentist will conduct a hygienic cleaning and select the necessary products for regular care: a professional brush and paste, floss, irrigators and rinses.

If the reason why the teeth turn black from the inside are dyes and pigments, then the patient should reconsider his lifestyle. First of all, pay attention to the diet, limit the use of "coloring" foods and drinks mentioned in this article.

You should also put yourself before a choice: a beautiful snow-white smile or bad habits (smoking, drinking wine, drug addiction).

The consequences of contact with heavy metals, the use of antibiotics and poor hygiene, which manifests itself in the form of a hard stone, are eliminated using the following procedures.

Removing pigmentation at home

Sometimes patients do not have the opportunity to order professional whitening, and then proven home methods come to the rescue.

You can lightly whiten the enamel and remove the non-solid dark plaque using the tools listed below.

We examined why adult teeth turn black and what to do in this case. The best advice would be to carry out preventive measures, change the diet and lifestyle, as well as the timely treatment of all systemic diseases.

Also, do not forget that regular and conscientious oral hygiene is the key to a snow-white smile.

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