Do people die from pneumonia. Is it possible to die from pneumonia? The main signs of the disease


Anna Sandalova


Though most of sick children leads full image life, without complaining about health, the consequences of pneumonia can be very serious.

This is especially dangerous in cases where parents do not pay due attention to treatment and prevention, letting the disease take its course. In such a situation, complications that can cause a number of associated pathologies are not uncommon.

Statistics: children who died of pneumonia

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most common causes is when a child died of pneumonia. Every year, about 1.8 million guys around the world, which is 18% from total child deaths. There are no recent statistics for Russia. The greatest "losses" occur at the age of up to five years, a significant proportion falls on, that is, children who have not reached the age of one.

Death statistics

Real complications arise if the parents are irresponsible in the treatment of pneumonia, did not complete the course of antibiotics, or additionally "froze" the baby, further weakening his immunity.

Such consequences may be for the child real threat. Some of them are easily treated or recede on their own over time, while others require long-term therapy without a guarantee. complete cure. And You can't fight most of them on your own. requires medical intervention. Is it dangerous or not to allow complications?

Below we will consider the complications that pneumonia can lead to in a child, what is dangerous for each of the forms. You will understand that it is better to take the treatment of pneumonia initially very responsibly.

Respiratory failure

It is expressed in a decrease in the functionality of the alveoli (vesicles in the lungs that are responsible for oxygen saturation of the blood). It appears in the form severe shortness of breath, pallor. Sometimes cyanosis of the lips is added and shallow breathing. The disease progresses in three stages:

  • persistent shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
  • severe shortness of breath without exertion, even during sleep;
  • nausea and vomiting are added to shortness of breath, the stage is protracted and difficult to treat.

The first stages are overcome, the third requires the intervention of a pediatrician.

Exudative pleurisy

Occurs when not enough effective treatment pneumonia.

The pleura (the membrane surrounding the lungs) accumulates a large amount of fluid. Because of this, there high blood pressure on the respiratory organs. The child begins to choke, he does not have enough air.

Ignoring this complication often leads to infection this liquid. Purulent processes begin possible blood poisoning.

If the first stage of pleurisy can be eliminated by removing the fluid with a special needle, then surgery is required when infected. You need to be treated strictly in the hospital!

Heart failure

Occurs when severe forms pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs is always intoxication of the body and severe dehydration. All this gives heavy load on the heart and blood vessels, as a result of which their functioning is disrupted. If the complication is ignored, possible death due to cardiac arrest or pulmonary edema.

Pulmonary edema develops very quickly, the first symptoms appear 2-3 hours after the heart failure: shortness of breath, vomiting, great weakness, foamy discharge from the mouth, swelling of the face. When these signs appear, you should call an ambulance.

Gangrene of the lungs

An abscess (inflammation that precedes gangrene) is rare in children, but the condition must be monitored closely - a complication that can lead to death. In the area of ​​​​the lung, filled with purulent masses, a lesion occurs. Fabrics spread and "melt". Symptoms are typical:

  • bad smell from sputum and breathing;
  • fingers on the hands swell, less often on the legs;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • severe weakness;
  • possible fainting.

The abscess is stopped by injections of antibiotics, but the developed gangrene can be eliminated only by surgery, and the consequences of this complication will persist for life.

Blood poisoning

infectious inflammatory processes in the lungs can spread to other organs. In addition to the fact that sepsis can be fatal, the following diseases may develop:

  • peritonitis;
  • meningitis;
  • septic arthritis;
  • endocarditis.

It is possible that all these pathologies will come at the same time, then the treatment will become long and difficult, and the baby will endure heavy stress which will invariably affect his psyche and health in the future. Symptoms of sepsis include:

  • low pressure;
  • moist and pale skin;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • depressed state.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help, as infection develops very quickly.

Important! Pleurisy, blood poisoning, and gangrene sometimes occur together as the infection spreads throughout the body. If one of these complications is detected, it is worth checking the child for other diseases.

When not to be treated at home?

As mentioned above, pneumonia can cause severe complications, which often lead to the death of babies. Needed for treatment constant control which parents are unable to provide. You can refuse only with mild forms of pneumonia and with the condition of a good sanitary condition of the apartment.

Pneumonia cannot be treated at home if:

  • the child has not reached the age of three;
  • the baby often suffers colds(this speaks of weak immunity, the risk of complications is increased);
  • developed severe course inflammation of the lungs;
  • there are signs of complications;
  • poor sanitary conditions;
  • the child has heart or kidney problems;
  • the baby is premature or has a birth injury.

In all these cases, constant medical supervision is required; refusal to hospitalize can lead to tragedy.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a report on infant mortality and complications of pneumonia:


Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) always becomes a difficult test for the child and his parents. Even worse - if the first signs of complications were missed. Do not take pneumonia lightly, it is insidious and dangerous disease. The health of the child, first of all, is in the hands of the parents. It depends on their attitude to treatment whether the child will be happy or whether the smile will appear on his lips less and less!

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lower respiratory tract and respiratory sections of the lungs. This is one of the most common ailments that affects people of all ages.

People call it "pneumonia". Not everyone knows whether it is possible to die from pneumonia. Meanwhile, many underestimate the seriousness of this dangerous disease.

Ways of contracting pneumonia

No one is immune from contracting pneumonia.

You can catch an infection in different ways:

  • Airborneharmful bacteria are released into the air when coughing and sneezing;
  • With a decrease in immunity- human bacteria begin to multiply due to a weakened body, and the infection descends into the bronchi and lungs. The disease can also be a consequence of bronchitis.

Croupous pneumonia, the fatal outcome of which is observed in some cases, can be a consequence of the ingestion of this bacterium.

Possible and non-infectious causes diseases: poisoning with toxic substances, radiation sickness and injury.

Varieties of the disease

According to the affected area, one-sided and are distinguished. In the first case, only one lung is affected, in the second, both organs are affected.

Also distinguish:

  • (affects part of the lung);
  • Segmental (when the infection covers an entire segment);
  • Lobar pneumonia (with damage to the lobe of the organ);
  • Total (with the defeat of the entire organ).

Either way, death is possible. Lobar inflammation, which is fatal in some cases, is referred to as lobar pneumonia.

It is important to know!

Out of 10,000 cases of pneumonia, 4% are fatal. Mortality from this disease ranks fourth in the world after injuries, oncological and cardiovascular diseases.

The main signs of the disease

Inflammation of the lungs is easily confused with another disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Its danger lies in the fact that in terms of symptoms it is similar to a regular flu. It all starts with a dry cough and fever.

With time sputum appears and body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Patient difficulty breathing, pain when coughing and when inhaling. Sometimes saved subfebrile temperature- up to 37.3 degrees. In this case, very often patients let the disease take its course.

Especially dangerous symptom- lack of effectiveness of antipyretics.

If the temperature does not drop when taking medicines, you should consult a doctor immediately. In any case, pneumonia can only be diagnosed in the clinic.

Why do people die of pneumonia

most important reason Why people die from pneumonia is untimely diagnosis. The sick self-medicate, experience all sorts of folk remedies.

Many people carry the disease on their feet. As a result, there is a complication of the disease, often with a fatal outcome.

Types of complications from pneumonia:

  1. pathogenic infections with such a complication, they enter the blood, and may occur septic shock and then death.
  2. - a condition characterized by the appearance of purulent areas in the lung. The most common cause of infection is Staphylococcus aureus. In this case, the sputum acquires an unpleasant odor, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply. Pneumonia purulent in adults and children is fatal if you do not resort to surgical intervention in time.
  3. Distress Syndrome - occurs most often with pulmonary edema. The patient suffers from a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, which causes respiratory arrest. The only means of salvation is an oxygen bag.
  4. and dry pleurisy - inflammation serous membranes lung.

Why is pneumonia dangerous in children?

Pneumonia is especially dangerous for children younger age. Big risk children under one year old are affected. Their respiratory organs are not yet strong enough, and therefore even a common cold can lead to lung disease.

The infection descends very quickly and spreads throughout the body. The short form of the disease is very dangerous.

If not taken on time necessary measures, death comes. The situation is aggravated when adverse conditions keeping the baby and poor nutrition. At the slightest sign newborn colds should be shown to a specialist to exclude pneumonia and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is important to know!

The incidence of pneumonia in children is the most common cause lethal outcome. Moreover, in 18% of cases these are babies under 5 years old.

At-risk groups

There are a number of individuals who are most susceptible to developing dangerous disease and complications:

  • Children under 5 years old;
  • Elderly people;
  • Patients suffering from renal and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Persons who abuse smoking and alcohol;
  • People with diabetes.

Unfavorable housing conditions increase the risk of disease and complications. If a person has Chronical bronchitis or other diseases respiratory system require special treatment.


What to do at the first sign of pneumonia

At persistent cough, elevated temperature body and chest pain should immediately go to the clinic. The specialist will send for an x-ray, and then take sputum for analysis. This will identify the pathogen and prescribe medications.

For treatment different forms pneumonia, antibiotics are usually used. Even in severe cases death from pneumonia can be avoided. modern medicine makes it possible to cure the disease at any stage.

It is important to know!

Folk methods are not suitable for the treatment of pneumonia! They can only serve as adjuvant therapy and after consultation with a doctor!

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an acute infectious disease characterized by damage to the lower respiratory tract and respiratory sections of the lungs, accompanied by the accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the alveoli.

Epidemiology and mortality from pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common infectious diseases. Approximately 4-5 million people in Russia annually fall ill with this pathology.

The incidence of the adult population aged 16 to 50 years is 5-10%, over 50 years - approximately 20-40%.

The death rate from pneumonia in Russia is approximately 1.2 per 10,000 population.

The lethal outcome among young people without aggravating diseases is about 1-3%. As for people of senile age with a number of concomitant diseases, then mortality increases to 40-50%.

What increases the risk of death

  1. Pathology of cardio-vascular system (ischemic disease heart disease, cardiomyopathy, vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension in the pulmonary circulation, congenital and acquired heart defects, myocardial infarction).
  2. Respiratory tract diseases (chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema, primary pulmonary hypertension, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis).
  3. Bad habits (long smoking experience, alcoholism, drug addiction).
  4. Diabetes mellitus and its complications diabetic angiopathy, diabetic nephropathy).
  5. Diseases genitourinary system (chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure).

Death from pneumonia can be accelerated by unfavorable living conditions, old age(over 60 years old), infancy and neonatal period.

  1. Community-acquired (outpatient, home, non-nosocomial) - develops outside medical institution or after 48-72 hours of being in it. The most common pathogens are pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. It proceeds relatively favorably, the probability of death in this type is minimal.
  2. Nosocomial (hospital, nosocomial) - occurs during the stay in the hospital (2-3 days after admission). The course of such pneumonia is quite severe, mortality is very high due to the developed resistance of microorganisms. The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Enterobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Aspiration - the main cause of occurrence is the ingress of gastric contents and foreign bodies into the respiratory tract. Caused predominantly by gram-negative aerobic microflora ( coli, Proteus, Klebsiella). The severity of the condition is also due chemical burn mucous membrane of the airways caused by ingestion gastric juice. Mortality is quite common, especially with chronic aspiration.

  1. Pneumonia in individuals with a compromised immune system - primary (thymus aplasia) and secondary (HIV infection) immunodeficiencies, malignant neoplasms(leukemia, aplastic anemia), iatrogenic immunosuppression (eg after organ transplantation). It is poorly treated for treatment due to the lack of its own immune forces. This category of patients most often dies of pneumonia.

Clinical picture

At the forefront after the onset of the disease is a massive intoxication syndrome. The patient feels weakness, malaise, aches all over the body, pain in the bones and muscles. Then fever joins (up to febrile and hectic numbers), sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, nausea and even vomiting.

specific pulmonary symptoms are cough with sputum production, shortness of breatha with development respiratory failure, chest pain when breathing.

With untimely diagnosis and incorrectly chosen treatment tactics, there are serious complications, up to death.

The main complications of pneumonia are:

  • pleurisy (exudative and adhesive);
  • pleural empyema;
  • sepsis with the development of multiple organ failure;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • respiratory distress syndrome;
  • abscess formation lung tissue;
  • myocarditis.

Sepsis is a state of the body caused by the ingress of pathogenic microbes into the blood and the formation of foci of dropouts in all organs and tissues. This can lead to the development of multiple organ failure and septic shock.

Life support with vasopressors and massive antibiotic therapy can prolong the patient's life for some time. A certain effect is revealed from carrying out efferent treatment(plasmapheresis, apheresis, efferent administration of antibiotics).

Infectious-toxic shock is caused by a massive release of waste products and toxins into the blood, as a result, the development of acute heart failure, a fall blood pressure, cessation of renal filtration.

Deterioration of kidney function leads to the development of acute kidney failure, oliguria and anuria.

At the same time, arterial hypotension progresses, peripheral vasospasm occurs. Normal blood supply only vital important organs: heart and brain. In children, this can lead to the development of a life-threatening complication: Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome.

Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome is an insufficiency of the adrenal cortex that occurs in children due to infectious-toxic shock. This pathology means practically complete cessation secretion of glucocorticoids and adrenaline.

This is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure to zero, respiratory arrest and clinical death. Even if the condition is diagnosed in time, the child may die. Mortality reaches almost 100%.

Serious purulent complication is an abscess lung tissue(formation of bullae and abscesses). The etiopathological agent in this condition is Staphylococcus aureus. This microorganism causes necrosis and destruction of the lung with the formation of cavities filled with pus.

Clinically, this condition can be manifested by a sharp deterioration in the condition, high fever, cachexia, drop in blood pressure, then cough with fetid sputum.

On chest x-ray, a limited opacification with a dense capsule is revealed in the respiratory organs, and when an abscess is emptied, it shows a horizontal level of fluid.

Treatment of this condition is only surgical (lobectomy, up to pulmonectomy). After pulmonectomy, the patient's quality of life is sharply reduced, any exercise stress may be accompanied by shortness of breath. The death of the patient occurs within a few years.

The development of pyopneumothorax is characterized by rupture of the bulla or abscess and entry into pleural cavity necrotic masses and a large number pus. This state, as indicated earlier, leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition, the appearance of shortness of breath and a drop in blood pressure. If urgent drainage of the pleural cavity is not performed, the patient may die.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults is determined by a massive release of cytokines into the blood, activation of the kallikrein-kinin system. As a result, there may be interstitial edema lung tissue, impaired microcirculation and the development of the syndrome of intravascular disseminated blood coagulation.

Such patients require immediate artificial ventilation lungs, the only way to save them.
Despite serious complications after pneumonia, timely appeal to the doctor and following all his recommendations contributes to a complete recovery.

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an acute infectious disease characterized by damage to the lower respiratory tract and respiratory sections of the lungs, accompanied by the accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the alveoli.

Epidemiology and mortality from pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common infectious diseases. Approximately 4-5 million people in Russia annually fall ill with this pathology.

The incidence of the adult population aged 16 to 50 years is 5-10%, over 50 years - approximately 20-40%.

The death rate from pneumonia in Russia is approximately 1.2 per 10,000 population.

The lethal outcome among young people without aggravating diseases is about 1-3%. As for people of senile age with a number of concomitant diseases, the mortality rate rises to 40-50%.

What increases the risk of death

  1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension in the pulmonary circulation, congenital and acquired heart defects, myocardial infarction).
  2. Respiratory tract diseases (chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema, primary pulmonary hypertension, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis).
  3. Bad habits (long smoking experience, alcoholism, drug addiction).
  4. Diabetes mellitus and its complications (diabetic angiopathy, diabetic nephropathy).
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system (chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure).

Death from pneumonia can be accelerated by unfavorable housing and living conditions, old age (over 60), infancy and newborns.

  1. Community-acquired (outpatient, home, non-nosocomial) - develops outside a medical institution or after 48-72 hours of being in it. The most common pathogens are pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. It proceeds relatively favorably, the probability of death in this type is minimal.
  2. Nosocomial (hospital, nosocomial) - occurs during the stay in the hospital (2-3 days after admission). The course of such pneumonia is quite severe, mortality is very high due to the developed resistance of microorganisms. The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Enterobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Aspiration - the main cause of occurrence is the ingress of gastric contents and foreign bodies into the respiratory tract. It is caused mainly by gram-negative aerobic microflora (E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella). The severity of the condition is also due to a chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the airways caused by the ingress of gastric juice. Mortality is quite common, especially with chronic aspiration.

  1. Pneumonia in individuals with a compromised immune system - primary (thymus aplasia) and secondary (HIV infection) immunodeficiencies, malignant neoplasms (leukemia, aplastic anemia), iatrogenic immunosuppression (for example, after organ transplantation). It is poorly treated for treatment due to the lack of its own immune forces. This category of patients most often dies of pneumonia.

Clinical picture

A massive intoxication syndrome comes to the fore after the onset of the disease. The patient feels weakness, malaise, aches all over the body, pain in the bones and muscles. Then fever joins (up to febrile and hectic numbers), sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, nausea and even vomiting.

Specific pulmonary symptoms are cough with sputum production, dyspnoea with respiratory failure, and chest pain on breathing.

With untimely diagnosis and incorrectly chosen treatment tactics, serious complications arise, even death.

The main complications of pneumonia are:

  • pleurisy (exudative and adhesive);
  • pleural empyema;
  • sepsis with the development of multiple organ failure;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • respiratory distress syndrome;
  • abscess formation of lung tissue;
  • myocarditis.

Sepsis is a state of the body caused by the ingress of pathogenic microbes into the blood and the formation of foci of dropouts in all organs and tissues. This can lead to the development of multiple organ failure and septic shock.

Life support with vasopressors and massive antibiotic therapy can prolong the life of the patient for some time. A certain effect is revealed from the efferent treatment (plasmapheresis, apheresis, efferent administration of antibiotics).

Infectious-toxic shock is caused by a massive release of waste products and toxins into the blood, as a result, the development of acute heart failure, a drop in blood pressure, and the cessation of renal filtration are possible.

The deterioration of kidney function leads to the development of acute renal failure, oliguria and anuria.

At the same time, arterial hypotension progresses, peripheral vasospasm occurs. Only vital organs are normally supplied with blood: the heart and brain. In children, this can lead to the development of a life-threatening complication: Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome.

Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome is an insufficiency of the adrenal cortex that occurs in children due to infectious-toxic shock. This pathology implies an almost complete cessation of the secretion of glucocorticoids and adrenaline.

This is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure to zero, respiratory arrest and clinical death. Even if the condition is diagnosed in time, the child may die. Mortality reaches almost 100%.

A serious purulent complication is abscess formation of lung tissue (formation of bullae and abscesses). The etiopathological agent in this condition is Staphylococcus aureus. This microorganism causes necrosis and destruction of the lung with the formation of cavities filled with pus.

Clinically, this condition can be manifested by a sharp deterioration in the condition, high fever, cachexia, a drop in blood pressure, then a cough with fetid sputum.

On chest x-ray, a limited opacification with a dense capsule is revealed in the respiratory organs, and when an abscess is emptied, it shows a horizontal level of fluid.

Treatment of this condition is only surgical (lobectomy, up to pulmonectomy). After pulmonectomy, the patient's quality of life is sharply reduced, any physical activity may be accompanied by shortness of breath. The death of the patient occurs within a few years.

The development of pyopneumothorax is characterized by the rupture of a bulla or abscess and the entry of necrotic masses and a large amount of pus into the pleural cavity. This condition, as mentioned earlier, leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition, the appearance of shortness of breath and a drop in blood pressure. If urgent drainage of the pleural cavity is not performed, the patient may die.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults is determined by a massive release of cytokines into the blood, activation of the kallikrein-kinin system. As a result, interstitial edema of the lung tissue, impaired microcirculation and the development of the syndrome of intravascular disseminated blood coagulation may occur.

Such patients require immediate mechanical ventilation, the only way they can be saved.
Despite serious complications after pneumonia, a timely visit to a doctor and compliance with all his recommendations contributes to a complete recovery.

Pneumonia is an inflammation that is characterized by damage to the lung tissue, in particular its lower divisions affecting the alveoli and adjacent tissues.

Inflammation of the lungs has been the leading cause of death from diseases of the respiratory system for centuries. Unlike lung cancer, which is sluggish and asymptomatic, but also takes the palm, pneumonia begins abruptly, with lightning speed; the course of the disease and general intoxication is the cause of such a high mortality rate. The risk group includes children under 12 years of age due to the unformedness of both cellular and humoral immunity, as well as older people over 60 years of age, whose the immune system undergoes age-related changes. Every hundredth inhabitant of the planet falls ill with this pathology. Lethality in childhood ranges from 15 to 17%, in the elderly from 40 to 44%.

Despite the active informing the population in the media about the dangers of this type of inflammation, not everyone considers pneumonia to be much more dangerous than the common cold, in this regard, it is the late application for qualified help and is responsible for the high mortality rate.

Death statistics

The mortality statistics in Russia is 1.2 per ten thousand of the population, the incidence is from 3 to 5 million per year. The death toll in children under five years of age is staggering, around a million annually.

That is why you should not ignore the timely vaccination of your baby against measles, whooping cough, rubella, mumps, and so on. To increase cellular and humoral immunity, pulmonologists recommend breast-feeding at least up to a year with the introduction of complementary foods for a period not earlier than six months. Pneumonia accounts for 14-15% of all cases of childhood mortality.

In the world, 4.2 million people die every year from pneumonia, which is an epidemic in our time of advanced medical technologies.

Causes of death

  • Blood poisoning: sepsis occurs as a result general intoxication organism, provoked by the release of decay products pathogenic bacteria, their components of vital activity and the microorganisms themselves. There is multiple organ failure and septic shock.
  • lung abscess: capsule-insulated cavity inside with big amount pus, the presence of several cavities is not excluded. Accompanied by cough, fever, sometimes rupture of an abscess into the pleural cavity, in connection with which purulent pleurisy develops.
  • Infectious-toxic shock: caused by a sudden release of toxins into the blood terminal stage diseases. It entails a sharp decrease in blood pressure and the development of acute heart failure.
  • Distress Syndrome: conditioned sharp decline oxygen, namely, its level in the blood, a violation of the respiratory function of the body.
  • Purulent complication: Staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of development purulent inflammation, in connection with it, necrosis of a part of the lung occurs, pus accumulates in it, blood pressure drops sharply, and cough with sputum increases.
  • Progressive arterial hypotension: occurs against the background of general intoxication and the growing multiple organ insufficiency, disorders of the adrenal cortex.
  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome: occurs exclusively in children and is caused by insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, cessation of the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenaline), a drop in blood pressure to zero and reflex respiratory arrest at the level of the respiratory and cough center.

At-risk groups

There are risk groups, as well as a number of diseases in which mortality from pneumonia increases significantly. Availability diabetes, congenital and acquired heart defects, atherosclerosis, renal failure, pathological conditions lung tissue itself (emphysema, silicosis or any other pneumoconiosis, etc.) increases the risk of mortality from pneumonia.

There are also nosological risk groups this pathology:

  1. In children, gradation into three groups: the first - children under 1 year of age with a history of beriberi or hypovitaminosis, heart defects; second - children school age who are smokers and suffer from smoker's bronchitis, the third are older children and adults who smoke, drink, use drugs, suffer endocrine diseases transferred operations to chest predisposed to bronchitis, etc.
  2. Children's age up to 12 years.
  3. Elderly people over 60 years old.

Risk factors for death (described above):

  • sepsis;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • lung abscess;
  • distress syndrome.

If there is at least one of these factors or if you belong to a risk group, in case of a respiratory disease, a specialist consultation is mandatory.


Often, most of the population of our country and not only ignore going to the doctor when sharp deterioration any disease of the respiratory system. Pneumonia is one of these diseases. The probability of dying from this disease is extremely high and ranges from 12 to 43% of the total number of patients with pneumonia. On late stages Seeing a doctor increases the risk of mortality, especially for children under one year old and the elderly over 60 years of age.

Timely access to a specialist is the key to successful treatment.

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