Scenario of the New Year's party "Year of the Rooster" (preparatory group). The script for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales in the preparatory group for the year of the rooster Children's script for the New Year of the rooster

Irina Kalina

Scenario for the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster for children

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer, slender, green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"

Frost wrapped in snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"

Frost wrapped in snow

"Look, don't freeze!"

Coward Bunny gray

Jumped under the tree.

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, trotted.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest

Creaks under the runner;

The hairy horse is in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying firewood,

And in the woods a peasant,

He cut down our Christmas tree to the very root.

And here she is, dressed up,

Came to us for the holiday

And brought a lot of joy to the kids.

A wonderful day is coming

comes to us New Year!

Feast of laughter and fun

holiday of happiness for children!

And the tree came, guys,

to us for a holiday in kindergarten.

Lights, how many toys,

How beautiful is her dress.

Better than forest Christmas trees

no gift for us

Why are the lights on it

don't sparkle brightly?

This is not an ordinary tree

it's worth saying a word to her,

And magical wondrous light

it will shine on us.

Our Christmas tree

ignite with lights!

Let's all say together guys:

tree, tree light up!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree light up!

The tree lights up.

hello tree,

you are amazing and elegant and beautiful!

All in garlands and balls,

in gilding and in lights!

You came to us fragrant tree,

green, slightly silvery.

Came all sparkling with snowflakes,

transparent, thin icicles.

6 children:

You to us, Christmas tree, shine,

all sparkle with lights!

And we will dance here

have a fun holiday!

1 Ved:

Sparkles with golden fire

Our cozy bright room.

The tree invites us to the circle,

It's time for the holiday.

How nice that today

Our guests have come here

And, without looking at the worries,

Everyone found a free hour!

Everything is different today

Everything spills over

Well, mommy, look

How smiles at me!

Dad came with a camera

Didn't go to work.

Want to see a story.

Who is the hare, who is the bear!

So many spectators in the hall

All our parents!

Let's start the performance

We invite you all to clap!

Children lead a round dance and sing the song "HOW BEAUTIFUL OUR TREE!",

How beautiful is our tree!

How beautiful is our tree!

Green and tall!

And the top with a branch peg.

And the top of a branch peg

Reaches up to the ceiling

There are all the toys on the tree,

There are all the toys on the tree:

Dolls, balls, balls.

And on the very top,

And on the very top

Lollipops for kids.

Our Christmas tree is amazing!

Our Christmas tree is amazing!

The lights are on her.

And winking like

And winking like

Invite to circle of friends.

everyone stays in the circle

Near the Christmas tree elegant

We'll walk slowly

Let's love, let's see -

Is the tree really good?

hello dear tree,

Hello hello, New Year!

Runs under the branches

Our fun round dance!

brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with golden lights!

WITH happy new year

Dear guests!

Song "Put up your fingers girls and boys"

It's good that there is

New Year, New Year.

Good thing there are kids everywhere.

They lead a round dance.


Raise your fingers

Girls and boys,

Everyone who is pleased

meet New Year!

It's good that there is

Lights, lights.

It's good that there is

Colorful flags.

It's good that there is

Santa Claus, Santa Claus.

It's good that again to the children

He brought joy!

Now let's sit down quietly

Let's keep quiet until

Let's take a look at our Christmas tree

We are from afar. (sit down).

I know one secret, tell you or not?

Clap your hands together, repeat the count in unison,

And one of old fairy tales in this hall will come to life!

Let's say together: "One, two, three - a fairy tale come to visit us!"

kikimora: (screaming towards where she left) Better tap on your forehead, with new year he congratulates me. You can’t go to the store normally, everyone around is screaming, laughing, throwing snow. (indignantly) Fiends!

(Goblin enters)

Goblin: Why are you yelling, Kikimora?

kikimora: Look what these kids did to me. (shows the torn dress to the goblin) You see, they wanted to make a snowman, play snowballs. Ugh…

Goblin Q: Why did you go outside? It is not safe there now, everyone is preparing for the New Year.

kikimora: (mysteriously) Yes, I needed an ingredient for one spell, so I went to the store to get it.

Goblin: What are you looking at so mysteriously? Again, do you want to steal gifts or Santa Claus?

kikimora: Yes, yours surrendered to me old man and gifts are not needed. I remember his magic staff from last year!

Goblin: (laughs) Yes, Frost famously taught you a lesson last year. What did you come up with again?

kikimora: (rubs hands) This time, Goblin, I will make sure that New the year never comes. ABOUT! Look how many kids are here! and what, you also all think that New Year will come to you! Well nooo! Listen: you need to deceive Santa Claus and pick up all the gifts, because they didn’t invite us to the holiday, they called you Leshy ?? (shakes head...

Well, what did I say? Soon the gifts will be ours! And now I'll check what these kids know about Santa Claus. I will ask questions, and you answer in chorus!

Father Frost - cheerful old man? (Yes)

Likes jokes and jokes? (Yes)

Knows songs and riddles? (Yes)

Will he eat all your chocolates? (No)

Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids? (Yes)

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No)

He is not in spirit getting old? (No)

Will it keep you warm outside? (No)

Santa Claus brings gifts? (Yes)

Does he drive a foreign car? (No)

Wearing a cane and a hat? (No)

Does he look like a dad sometimes? (Yes)


Oh and smart you all gathered here!

Goblin: And yet, how are you going to do to new year has not come?

kikimora: (takes out grain) that's how! With the help of these wonderful grains.

Goblin: (at a loss) Zeren? Looks like you got hit hard with a staff, your head doesn’t cook at all.

kikimora: Shut up and better listen to the end. Whose year will it be? Rooster! What do you love the most Roosters?

Goblin A: Well, the grain is what?

kikimora: We will come to visit Santa Claus, distract him, Let's throw grain to the rooster and he will follow us.

Goblin Q: And what are we going to do with it? (as if realizing something) Wait, shall we go to Santa Claus?

kikimora: Exactly! Bye old will again consider their Christmas trees, we Let's kidnap the rooster.

Goblin: Oh, I don’t know, I don’t like it all. Maybe we should celebrate new year together? Let's set the table, watch cartoons, huh?

kikimora: (surprised) What cartoons, Leshy, how old are you? And what should we celebrate? What is New Year for?? To receive gifts, and at least once this Santa Claus brought a gift to you and me? No, there will be no New Year, period! Get ready, we're going to visit.

(Kikimora and Leshy leave. On stage Santa Claus appears, approaches one Christmas tree, another, examines them, sings something along. The Snow Maiden comes out by the hand Cockerel)

Snow Maiden: And here we are! Cockerel I really wanted to see a beautiful Christmas tree.

(Cockerel jumping for joy, looks at the decorated Christmas tree)

Cockerel: Oh oh oh! What a beautiful tree! Wow!

Father Frost: Hush, hush, my little one Cockerel we're not alone here, behave yourself.

(Actors turn to children)

Father Frost: Hello guys, do you recognize us? We came to you on a holiday to congratulate you on new year and give gifts. Have you been good this year? (children answer) Then I invite you first to dance a little and please old man's New Year's song.

KHOROVOD "Shine Christmas tree!"

On the last day of December

It smells sweet like a tree!

And they don't want toys

More sleep on the shelf!

Once! Two! One two Three!

ka, Christmas tree, burn!

Once! Two! One two Three!

How beautiful, look!

Soon Santa Claus will come

Laugh loudly

And bring gifts

To every child!

Once! Two! One two Three!

Nuka, Christmas tree, burn!

Once! Two! One two Three!

How beautiful, look!

Children lead a round dance

Under the fluffy tree!

The people are surprised

On her needles!

Once! Two! One two Three!

Nuka, Christmas tree, burn!

Once! Two! One two Three!

How beautiful, look!

The Snow Maiden has an outfit

Festive, wonderful!

The Snow Maiden is waiting for the guys,

To shout together:

"Once! Two! One two Three!

Nuka, Christmas tree, burn!

Once! Two! One two Three!

How beautiful, look!

Father Frost: How smart you all are and sing so beautifully. Pleased Santa Claus, but do you want to play a little? We are with Cockerel We know a lot of games, don't we?

Cockerel: Of course we do!

(Cockerel jumping for joy)

Game "Stump"


"I'm not too lazy to have fun,

I would play with you all day!

Here is a candy, here is a stump!

Come to me, my friend!

Need to run around the tree

And take candy first!

If I'm the first

That's my candy!"

(Children begin to play to the music) ___

Cockerel: Grandpa, well - kA, let me see your mitten! …. And now, catch up!


Snow Maiden: (laughs) Oh, this one Cockerel, made us happy. It's time for us, grandfather, to please the kids. Where is your big bag of gifts?

Father Frost: (looking around) I seem to have forgotten it in my hut. Cockerel, bring, please, a big red bag, it is near the door.

Cockerel: Fine!

(The cockerel leaves)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, while we are waiting for gifts, do you want to play with the children?

Snow Maiden: With joy, grandfather!

A GAME "When Winter Comes to Us"

The Snow Maiden says a line and shows the movements, the children repeat the movements after her.

When winter comes to us (hands on waist - oh yeah, oh yeah)

The cold is coming (wrap your arms around your shoulders - Ay, Brrr)

Sweeps a lot of snow (rotational hand movements

in front of you and above your head - wow, wow wow, wow)

And snowdrifts grow (hands over head "house"- Bang! Bang! Bang)

Snowflakes are spinning everywhere (spin - Voila, Voila!

On the houses there are icicles - ice floes (arms extended above the head,

fingers closed - Op-la! Op-la)

Coming New Year's here! (shows the fist of the right hand with the thumb up - Like this)

All the people are having fun! (stomp, clap)- ALWAYS.

Snow Maiden: Well done! Well, do you know how to dance?

Dance of little ducks…___

Snow Maiden: - Well done, I see you are well prepared for the meeting of the long-awaited holiday of the year.

Father Frost: Something long of our Cockerel no Is the bag really that heavy?

Snow Maiden: I'll go and see where he is.

(The Snow Maiden leaves and returns with a feather in her hands)

Snow Maiden: (scared) Trouble! Nowhere Cockerel and no gifts either. Here's what I found. (shows everyone a feather)

Father Frost: (looks at children) Who dared to steal it?

(Children answer that they were Kikimora and Goblin)

Father Frost: It can't be, I taught kikimora a lesson last time. Has she taken up again? old?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, don't be upset, we will find Cockerel and return the gifts!

Father Frost: Where to look for these pranksters?


(A snowman appears. Leads Kikimora and Leshy, their hands are tied)

Snowman: I already found them!

Father Frost: (joyfully) Snowman!

Snow Maiden: And where Cockerel and bag with gifts?

(Appears pleased cockerel, carries a bag on his back)

Father Frost: Where did you find them?

Snowman: I knew that Kikimora would again try to spoil New Year. I hurried to you for a holiday and I see how these two are walking through the forest with Cockerel and big bag. That's where I caught them.

Father Frost: Thank you, snowman, you helped us out. (suitable for Kikimore and Leshem) What should I do with you?

Goblin: Do not ruin, Grandfather Frost, it's not my fault! This Kikimora came up with to spoil New Year and made me help her.

kikimora: Shut up, unfortunate coward.

Father Frost: Well, Kikimora, you won't calm down? Why are you so angry?

kikimora: And why should I be kind? I was not invited to the holiday, no one gave me a gift.

Father Frost: And why would you give a gift? You've been bad for a whole year led: then you throw frogs into the soup, then you arrange a fight. gifts for New Only the kind and obedient get a year, but are you really like that?

kikimora: (offended) And maybe no one taught me to be kind ...

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I think I know why she is so angry. (referring to Kikimore) You know, Kikimora, Santa Claus also has a gift for you, but only you need to earn it?

kikimora: How?

Snow Maiden: Tell him a poem.

kikimora: (surprised) Verse ... what? How is that?

Snow Maiden: Now you know. (referring to children) Well, guys, let's teach her to recite poems?

(Children recite poems and receive gifts)

kikimora: It is so simple! (sad) Too bad I don't know any poems.

Snow Maiden: Then by the next New Year, be sure to learn, but for now, sing a song with us.

(Everyone stands around the Christmas tree and sings « New Year»

The blizzard covered my city,

On the roads spreads a veil.

She likes frosts more like,

And a pink blush on her cheeks.

You can't hide from the winter, you can't run away,

So, we will decorate the Christmas tree,

Oranges, apples, pineapple

Let's hide it quietly in reserve.


New Year, New Year, Christmas tree, balls, crackers.

New Year, New Year, disco, serpentine.

New Year, New Year, all gifts under the pillows,

Let off New we don't want to go anywhere.

Slyly smiling Santa Claus,

What has he prepared for us? - that's the question.

Make a wish, fall asleep

Get your present in the morning!

From a hill on a sled - somersault,

To the best friend in the forehead with a snowball,

But friends do not get angry, do not roar -

Bruises before the wedding will all heal.

kikimora: Oh, what fun! How amazing! Leshy, let's hurry home to set the table, greet the new year.

(the cheerful Goblin and Kikimora run away, and the Snowman, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday)

Father Frost:

And now it's time for me

To you for a holiday in a year

Santa Claus will come again

Goodbye, guys,

Dear preschoolers!

Snow Maiden comes to Grandfather frost:

Cockerel: Santa Claus, have you forgotten about my bag with gifts?

(Presenting gifts for costumes!)

Music - Russian Santa Claus ___



"New Year of the Rooster"

(preparatory group for school)


Baba Yaga







Father Frost

Snow Maiden


Children to the cheerful music enter the hall. They stand around the Christmas tree in a round dance.

1st ved: In the circle of friends we met today

To celebrate the New Year together!

2nd ved: We will open our holiday with a New Year's song

And the miracle will happen again!

Song "White Snowflakes", G. Gladkova

The sound of a motorcycle is heard, a whistle, a scream. Baba Yaga appears on a broom, slows down, making a sharp circle. On her head is a bandana, torn, in patches, a skirt, a leather jacket, biker gloves on her hands, and a lot of metal decorations around her neck. She examines a painted Christmas tree.

B.I: So, we are getting ready for the New Year, a cool party is planned!(rubs hands in anticipation)Tek, tek .... you need to make a call(pulls out cell phone and starts dialing).

Fast music is playing. Kikimora runs in in rags, but very stylish and modern. Collides with a motorcycle (broom), falls - gets up, rubs bruised places.

B.I: ABOUT! Here she is! And I was going to call you ... where are you, plague, wandering?

Kikimora: I'm shocked! Just in shock! I needed one ingredient for one spell. I wanted to buy it in the store, but they told me: “We don’t serve forest evil spirits.” Can you imagine?! I just… words!!!

B.I: What are you looking at so mysteriously? Again, do you want to steal gifts or Santa Claus?

Kikimora: Yes, your old man surrendered to me and gifts are not needed. I haven't had all the bruises since last time.

B.Ya (laughs): Yes, Frost famously taught you a lesson last year. What did you come up with again?

Kikimora (rubbing his hands):This time, Yegulichka, I will make sure that the New Year does not come at all.

B.I: And how are you going to do it?

Kikimora (takes out grain):With the help of these wonderful grains.

B.Ya (at a loss):Zeren? Looks like you got hit hard with a staff, your head doesn’t cook at all.

Kikimora: Shut up and listen to the end. This year, whose will it be? Rooster! What do roosters love the most?

B.Ya: Well, grain, so what?

Kikimora: We will come to visit Santa Claus, distract him, throw grains on the Rooster, and he will follow us.

B.I: And what are we going to do with it?(as if realizing something)Wait, we'll go to Santa Claus!

Kikimora: Exactly! While the old one will again look at his Christmas trees, we will kidnap Cockerel.

B.I: Oh, I don't know, I don't like this. Maybe we should celebrate the New Year together? Let's set the table, watch cartoons, huh?

Kikimora (surprised):What cartoons, Yagushechka, how old are you? And what should we celebrate? What is the New Year for? To receive gifts, and at least once this Santa Claus brought a gift to you and me? No, there will be no New Year, period! Get ready, we're going to visit.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga leave.

Dance "Snow dance"

Rhythmic music sounds, modern Winter enters.

Winter: Hello dear guys!

Glad to see you today

On this New Year's holiday!

And now you say hello to me! Sharing good vibes with each other!

The game "When winter comes to us" is held. (Winter says a line and shows movements, children repeat movements after her).

When winter comes to us, (hands on the belt - Oh yes! Oh yes!)

The cold is coming (wrap your arms around your shoulders - Oh yeah! Oh yeah!)

Sweeps a lot of snow (rotational hand movements

in front of you and above your head - Oh yes! Oh yeah!)

And the snowdrifts grow (hands over the head "house" - Oh yes! Oh yes!)

Snowflakes are spinning everywhere (spinning lanterns

both sides - oh yes! Oh yeah!)

On the houses there are icicles - ice floes (arms extended above the head,

fingers closed - Oh yes! Oh yeah!)

New Year's Eve is here! (shows a fist of the right hand with a raised

thumbs up - oh yes! Oh yeah!)

All the people are having fun! (stomp, clap, shout) - always, oh yes! Oh yeah!)!

Winter: Well done, I see you are well prepared for the meeting of the long-awaited holiday of the year!

- I'm happy, that's it

It just blossomed

And with me to you on a holiday

I brought a rooster!

Where are you, Petya? Respond!

Appear in front of the tree!

Enters to the music of the Cockerel.


Aty-baty, aty-baty,

I'm walking towards you guys

Boldly I go forward

To rule the world for a year!

I'm always looking for victories

"Symbol of the year" I'm called!


Cockerel, reveal the secret

Will it be a bright year, or not?


I'll scream out loud

I will shine brightly throughout the year,

Let it be very light

From the bottom of my heart I want it!

(shouts): - Crow!

Song "Cockerel", Russian folk

After the song, a fox runs in to the music.

Fox: The news spread across the land

What do you have a symbol here,

Don't keep it a secret

Where is he? Come on, show me!

Winter: Spurs, beak and comb,

Here it is, the symbol - Cockerel,

Prejudices bypass everyone

He will rule all year!

Fox (turning to Cockerel and opening an empty bag that she brought with her):

That's the symbol! That's it!

Jump in my bag here!

I love Rooster

To have giblets in the soup!

Winter (referring to the Fox):

You're in trouble!

Why did you come here?

We will protect the cock

And we won't give you up!

If the Cockerel is not,

Who will rule the year?

We are without a symbol, friends,

Well, no way in the year!

Fox: Well, I'll tell you all:

Anyway, I'll eat Petya!

Where are you, wolves, boars?

All to me, I need you!

The Wolf and the Boar run up to the Fox.

The cockerel stands in the middle, pretending to be pulled towards him with varying success on one side - the Fox and the Wolf with the Boar, on the other side - Winter and the children. The fox and the company begin to gradually pull the Cockerel to their side.

Winter: We have a holiday, and you want to pick up a cockerel! Pranksters, better play with us!

The game "New Year's Rhyme" with the Fox, the Wolf and the Boar.


The life of the Cockerel is a threat,

You need to call Santa Claus,

Let's shout for the trouble to go away:

Santa Claus, come here!

Children (all shouting together):

Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus enters with a magic staff and a Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:

I hear - my name is

And I'm already here!

So what's wrong here

Why was I in a hurry?


Help us soon, Grandpa,

So that the Rooster does not become dinner!

So that his fox and wolves

Don't eat on the sly!

Santa Claus (knocks with a magic staff):

Ah, the scoundrel! Ah, Lisa!

Run away to the woods

You don't joke with me

And bring all your friends!

I won't forgive you evil now,

I will turn everyone into icicles!

The Fox and the Wolf with the Boar release the Cockerel, run away, shaking with fear. P the little cock is jumping for joy.

Father Frost:

Hello kids!

Both girls and boys!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all guests.

I was with you a year ago

I'm glad to see everyone again.

Grow up, get big!

Snow Maiden: We hurried to you guys,

Rushed through the forest without looking back,

So we wanted to see you!

Father Frost : Eh, don't yawn people - sing a New Year's song!

The song "Santa Claus", Y. Feskina

During the song, Santa Claus loses his mitten. Winter picks her up.

Winter: Santa Claus, look carefully, you lost your mitten. Play with us! Guys, pass the mitten in a circle, and you, grandfather, catch up!

Father Frost : Ay, mischievous, well, let's play.

Game "Mitten". (Funny music sounds, the guys pass each other a mitten in a circle. Santa Claus is trying to catch up with her).

After unsuccessful attempts to pick up the mitten, grandfather sits down on a chair. Children return lost.

Snow Maiden: It's time for us, grandfather, to please the kids. Where is your big bag of gifts?

Santa Claus (looking back): I seem to have forgotten it in my hut. Cockerel, please bring a big red bag, it is standing near the door.

The rooster is leaving.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, while we are waiting for gifts, isn't it time to light the lights on the Christmas tree?

Father Frost : With joy!!! One-two-three, Christmas tree burn!!!

The lights on the tree do not light up.

Winter: Guys, help Grandpa pronounce the magic words!

Children: One-two-three, Christmas tree burn!!!

One-two-three, Christmas tree burn!!!

One-two-three, Christmas tree burn!!!

To magical musicThe lights on the tree are lit.

Father Frost: Our Cockerel has been gone for a long time, is the bag really so heavy?

Snow Maiden: I'll go and see where he is.

The Snow Maiden leaves.

Father Frost: In the meantime, we are waiting for our granddaughter, isn't it time to dance!?

Dance "Ice Palms"

The Snow Maiden returns with a feather in her hands.

Snow Maiden (frightened): Trouble! There is no Cockerel anywhere and there are no gifts either. Here's what I found.(shows everyone a feather)

Santa Claus (looks at children):Who dared to steal them?

The children answer that they were Kikimora and Baba Yaga.

Father Frost: It can't be, I taught Kikimora a lesson last time. Has she gone back to her old ways?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, do not worry, we will find the Cockerel and return the gifts!

Father Frost: Where to look for these pranksters? Who will help us?

Winter: Grandfather Frost, you have a magic staff!

Snow Maiden: And really, Grandfather, we need to conjure them, call the Snowman to help us!

Father Frost: Snowman call out! Snowman appears!

A snowman appears. Leads Kikimora and Baba Yaga, their hands are tied.

Santa Claus (joyfully): Snowman!

Snow Maiden: And where is the Cockerel and the bag with gifts?

A satisfied cockerel appears, carrying a bag on its back.

Santa Claus: Where did you find them?

Snowman: I knew that Kikimora would again try to ruin the New Year. I was in a hurry to visit you on a holiday and I see how these two are walking through the forest with Cockerel and a large bag. That's where I caught them.

Father Frost: Thank you, snowman, you rescued us. (suitable for Baba Yaga and Kikimore)What should I do with you?

Kikimora: Do not ruin, Santa Claus, I'm not guilty! It was Baba Yaga who came up with the idea of ​​spoiling the New Year, and she forced me to help her.

B.I: Shut up, it's not my fault!

Father Frost: Well, Kikimora, you won’t calm down in any way? Why are you so angry?

Kikimora: Why should I be kind? I was not invited to the holiday, no one gave me a gift.

Father Frost: Why give you a present? You behaved badly for a whole year: either you throw frogs into the soup, or you arrange a fight. Only the kind and obedient receive gifts for the New Year, but are you really like that?

B.I (offended): And maybe no one taught us to be kind ...

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I think I know why they are so mean.(referring to evil spirits)You know, Santa Claus also has a gift for you, but only you need to earn it?

B.Ya, Kikimora: How?

Snow Maiden: And you sing with us!

Kikimora (surprised): Speet ... what?

B. I: And how is it?

Snow Maiden: Now hear.(referring to children)Well, guys, let's teach the evil spirits of the forest to sing? And you, too, sing along with us!

The song "Herringbone-Prickly Needle", T.I. Starostenko

B.Ya: It's so easy! (sad)

Kikimora: Too bad I didn't know how to do this before.

Snow Maiden: Then by the next New Year, be sure to learn!

B. I: Oh how fun! How amazing!

Kikimora: Yagulichka, we ran home as soon as possible to set the table, to celebrate the New Year.

Cheerful Baba Yaga and Kikimora run away.

Snowman, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday.

Father Frost: Until we meet again, friends!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

All heroes: With new happiness!

"is pleased to bring to your attention an interesting New Year's script for the Year of the Rooster for kindergarten children with the participation of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters. This script is designed for children of senior preschool age. The original script offered to you is written in such a way that 1st and 2 Stage 1 is held either simultaneously at different venues, or sequentially - first stage 1, and then stage 2. Stage 3 - general.The scenario uses a lot of fun games and funny contests, the materials of which are taken by the author from open sources. We hope that the script brought to your attention will please you as much as "New Year's teremok" liked it. This original New Year's script was written by Eldar Akhadov. Thanks to the wonderful author!

Holiday script for the New Year for preschoolers for the year of the COCK (in 3 scenes)

Christmas tree in the lobby(scene 1st) - Hen, Ryaba, Snow Maiden, Turtle Tortilla

central tree(2nd scene) - Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Piglet

Hall(scene 3) - Santa Claus and all other characters


Chicken Ryaba: Hello children! How beautiful and elegant you are today! It's just nice to see you! I am Ryaba Hen, Petya-Cockerel - Golden Scallop invited me here today, to the New Year tree. I was very happy and went to the chicken coop: I dressed up there, preening myself in order to come to you. Only while I was dressing up, my Cockerel disappeared somewhere! Guys! Have you seen him? He must have run somewhere, and now he will appear. In the meantime, we'll look at the Christmas tree .. What an elegant one we have today! There are so many bright New Year decorations on her, how slender she is, and yet in the forest different Christmas trees grow: wide, spreading, and short, and plump, and thin, and tall, and short. Let's remember together what Christmas trees are. If I say "high" - you raise your hands up, as I raise my wings. And if I say "low" - put your hands down. When I say "wide" - spread your hands at shoulder level, and if "narrow" - put them together with your palms in front of you. Like this (shows).

(Kids are playing.)

Chicken Ryaba: Oh, how good, how great we are doing! I just feel sad again. Well, my Petya is nowhere to be found! Petenka, wow! Let's call him together! Well, who can call louder? Cockerel! Cockerel! Golden comb! (Children chant)

…Does not respond. Who can help us? Who else is sure to come to the New Year? Of course, Snow Maiden! Let's sing a New Year's song about the Christmas tree and call the Snow Maiden. She must help us. Snow Maiden!

(Children call the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! I came to you from the New Year's forest, it's so beautiful there now. Santa Claus and I have prepared many, many gifts for you: a whole bag. It is very large and heavy. We heard your voices and I asked to go ahead, because my grandfather is old, he cannot walk so fast, he met a hut on chicken legs in the forest, and he decided to take a break from the road in it. And the road we had was long, with adventures. A wolf with a fox, Barmaley and Koschei the Deathless tried to stop us, but we defeated them all. Do you know how to win? Well, let's check. I will throw a ball to one of you and at the same time I will say a word. If it means something edible, then the ball must be caught, and if it is inedible, then the ball cannot be taken in hand. I have gifts for all the winners today. (Children play; examples of words: “cucumber”, “chair”, “pie”, “candy”, “ball”, etc. The winners are awarded).

Hen: Here are the good guys! It's a pity that Petit-Petushka of the Golden Scallop is not with us. Where did he disappear to? Snow Maiden, have you seen Cockerel?

Snow Maiden: No, Chicken, I didn't see it. I just heard that this New Year has been called the Year of the Rooster by many nations since time immemorial, and everyone calls it and respects it.

And tell me, guys, in which fairy tales is the Cockerel mentioned? Who can name? ("Teremok", "The Bremen Town Musicians", Pushkin's fairy tale "The Golden Comb", "The Cat and the Rooster", "The Cat's House", "The Ugly Duckling"). Let's say the most magical words that will help us light the lights on the Christmas tree! Maybe the Christmas tree will help us find the Cockerel? Come on guys! All together, together! Repeat after me! One-two-three: Christmas tree, burn!

Hen: Hooray! Ko-ko-ko! Happened! Happened!

Appears Turtle Tortilla: Stole! Stole!!! Oh oh oh!

Chicken Ryaba: What was stolen?

Snow Maiden: Who was stolen?

Turtle: Our pinocchio was stolen!

All in unison: Who?

Turtle: Baba Yaga!

All: For what?

Turtle: It’s wooden, and Baba Yaga ran out of firewood, and without firewood you can’t cook rooster soup.

Hen: Like a Rooster! Oh, woe to me! Does Baba Yaga want to eat my Petya?

Turtle: So she went to the forest for brushwood, for firewood. And then Pinocchio and I went to the Christmas tree to meet her, the old me immediately hid in my strong shell, and poor Pinocchio ... She chased him with a cry: “Firewood! Firewood walks by itself! After all, Pinocchio was made of logs, you know this story ...

Hen: Poor Cockerel? Has she already eaten it?

Turtle: I think so, if Pinocchio has already burned down.

Snow Maiden: Pinocchio burned down? Did you eat the cockerel? Horrible! Guys, is this really true, and nothing can be fixed?

Hen: Stop! Stop! I think I hear a very familiar voice! This is ... Pinocchio's voice! Yes, that's his voice!

Snow Maiden: So he's alive! And, therefore, there is hope that the Cockerel is also alive! Guys, no, all is not lost yet! Let's go to the hall soon, we will find out from the living real Pinocchio what happened! Quicker! Quicker!


Piglet: Hello guys! How beautiful and elegant you all are today! Piglet, my best friend Winnie the Pooh invited me here to the Christmas tree. I was so happy that I immediately ran after my favorite balloon. And I was in such a hurry, so running, that I completely forgot to inflate it. Guys, which of you will help me, Piglet, inflate the balloon? Who is faster? Who is better? Let's split into two teams! (inflates balloons) Well, thank you! Here are the good guys! But where is my best friend Winnie the Pooh?

Buratino runs: Save! Help!

Piglet: Pinocchio! What's happened? Why are you so pale?

Pinocchio: Oh Piglet! I was completely paralyzed with fear! Baba Yaga was chasing us!

Piglet: For whom?

Pinocchio: Follow me and Tortilla Tortilla! Poor turtle! Baba Yaga immediately caught up with her, and then she saw me and screamed: “Firewood! Living firewood! I have never run so fast. I don't remember anything. The wind still whistles in my ears. Here she is! Here she is!

Appears Baba Yaga: Aha! Firewood! Firewood on legs ran away from granny! Oh! I'll catch up! I'll catch up!

(The chase begins.)

Piglet: Guys! Let's help poor Pinocchio! Let's shout, whistle, we won't let Baba Yaga pass! (Baba Yaga tries to grab Pinocchio, everyone interferes with her) Pinocchio hides behind Piglet.

Piglet: Well guys! Well, well done! We did not give offense to our friend Pinocchio! Listen, Bura! Until Baba Yaga catches her breath, let's quickly say the most magical words that will help us light the lights on the Christmas tree! Come on guys! All together, together!

Pinocchio: Guys! Repeat after me! One-two-three: Christmas tree, burn!

Piglet: Hooray! Happened! Happened!

Pinocchio: And now, let's sing our very, very New Year's song. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree!

(Children sing a New Year's song)

Baba Yaga: And no one calls me, an old grandmother, to the Christmas tree. Nobody loves me, ah-ah-ah! So the firewood ran away from me! How can I be now? ...

Piglet: Confess, you bastard! Why do you urgently need firewood? Didn’t you want to cook dinner out of whom?

Baba Yaga: Wanted! Festive New Year's table: for the first - chicken broth, for the second - cutlets from a young bear.

Piglet: So you want to eat Winnie the Pooh? Evil Baba Yaga, shameless! Well, what kind of Winnie the Pooh cutlets can there be? He's a plush toy!

Baba Yaga: Inedible? Oh oh oh! It's like I'm so screwed up ... blundered something ?!

Pinocchio (having taken courage, because of Piglet's shoulder): Where is the turtle Tortilla? Speak now!

Baba Yaga: What turtle? Dear talking log, I tried to pick out her eyes from the shell, but I didn’t get it, well, I rushed after you, killer whale. My hut on chicken legs froze through and through. In it at the time only Santa Claus settle. Firewood would be for me ...

Pinocchio: Well, we'll warm you up now, Baba Yaga! We will make you laugh! Come on, guys, tease Baba Yaga! Repeat after me different funny poses and faces! And - started!

Game "Funny Monkeys"

We are funny monkeys! We play loud too! We all clap our hands! (Children clap their hands) We all stomp our feet! (Children stomp their feet) We puff up cheeks! (Children perform) Let's jump on toes! (Children jump) And we will even show each other languages! (Children perform) Let's pop our ears! (Children bulge) Let's get to the top! Let's raise a finger to the temple! Together let's jump to the ceiling! (Children repeat the movements) Let's open our mouths! And we'll make grimaces! As I say the word "three" - All freeze with grimaces! Once! Two! Three!!! (Children freeze)

Baba Yaga: Oh, they killed the old me! Oh, laugh!

Piglet: Baba Yaga! Don't talk to us! Quickly say: where is Winnie the Pooh and the Cockerel!

Baba Yaga:"Where, where" - at home with me! They sit on chicken legs in a hut, waiting for their fate. Well, I’ll let your Winnie the Pooh go, if he’s plush, not real, and the Cockerel is delicious - for nothing!

Pinocchio: Ah well! Well, then we'll free them ourselves!

Baba Yaga: And I have a walking hut. Where she is now, you won't find it without me, but I won't tell you. I will run away from you. I'll fly away in a mortar with a broom. I have it - jet, better than an airplane! (runs off laughing)

Pinocchio: Piglet! We won't let Baba Yaga escape. Let's save Rooster and Winnie the Pooh as soon as possible! Where did Baba Yaga go? (referring to children) There or here? Aha! I guessed! There are three magic doors, they lead to the hall where fairy tales are born. Come, guys, into the hall, Baba Yaga, probably somewhere there! Pinocchio and Piglet run after Baba Yaga. Children go to the auditorium.


(In the auditorium. Ryaba Hen, Snegurochka and Tortilla Turtle seat the children.)

Appears Pinocchio: Tortilla! Hello! It's good that you're all right!

Turtle: And I, Pinocchio, thought that Baba Yaga grabbed you! And you are alive! Oh how great!

Pinocchio: Chicken Ryaba! Take heart! I have terrible news to tell you. Baba Yaga grabbed and locked your Cockerel in a hut on chicken legs!

Hen: Oh oh oh! Where-where? In a hut? Let's go save him!

Pinocchio: Piglet and I are already looking for her and it seems that Piglet has hit the trail! Guys! If you see Baba Yaga: immediately let us know about it! Stomp your feet like elephants, grunt and squeal like piglets, bark and meow! In general, do not let Baba Yaga escape!

Hen: And now we’ll go look for her everywhere, and we’ll get Petushka out, right, guys?

Snow Maiden: While they are looking for Baba Yaga, I will ask you, children, magical New Year's questions, and you will immediately tell me whether I am speaking correctly or not, listen carefully:

Brought a lot of joy

To all the children, Santa Claus.

(Children scream "yes"!)

To us the Snow Maiden with Grandfather,

Every year they come in the summer..

(Children scream "no"!)

The tree is lit up with lights

Have fun with us.

(Children scream "yes"!)

We brought her home

Young crocodile.

(Children scream "no"!)

Near the Christmas tree Santa Claus:

He has a long nose.

(Children scream "no"!)

New Year is coming

All the people are having fun.

(Children scream "yes"!)

(Baba Yaga appears. Children scream, make noise, stamp their feet. Piglet is chasing Baba Yaga. Pinocchio, Chicken Ryaba and Turtle appear next.)

Baba Yaga: Ay! Oh! Well, piggy! Completely drove the old galosh! I give up! I give up! I give up! Take your Cockerel, just leave me alone. I didn’t know before that there are such formidable pigs as Piglet!

Piglet: Oink-oink! You will now know how to offend our friends! Yes, we, if you want to know, always stand behind our friends! Really, kids? (Children scream "yes"!)

(Santa Claus appears.)

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello, my dear fairy-tale heroes! Hello, my granddaughter, Snow Maiden! Happy New Year to all of you! I see, I see: you yourself managed the trouble today, you stood up for your friends, you overpowered Baba Yaga! What are you good fellows! I have good news for you, my friends!

Hen Ryaba, Pinocchio, and all the others vying with each other ask Santa Claus: What? What news? Speak soon, Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Hush, calm down! Well, here, I just praised, and you made such a hubbub! Calm down guys! Your friends are safe. I went with the Snow Maiden here for the holiday, but I got tired along the way, I sent the Snow Maiden ahead of me, and I myself went into the hut on chicken legs to rest. I go and there... (the heroes are again clamoring: “Who? What is there?”) And there is the Cockerel - the Golden Scallop and Winnie the Pooh. Baba Yaga grabbed them, tied them up, and they helped each other to untie themselves and gathered to escape. But they saw me and were so happy! Winnie the Pooh went for firewood, the Cockerel brought water from the well, melted the stove, brewed tea, baked pies, cleaned up at Baba Yaga. That's how good they are! Yes, they prepared so many delicious things, arranged such a festive table that they decided to ask me to call all of you too. Therefore, they remained there now, in a hut on chicken legs. After all, our New Year also seems to be standing on chicken legs, the year of the magic Cockerel is called.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, what to do with Baba Yaga now?

Piglet: She should be punished for her leprosy!

Baba Yaga (whining): No need to punish me, it’s better to give me a pension, otherwise in the city they pay a big, big pension to the elderly, and I, a forest dweller, have to take care of my own food, so I grab anything, various teddy bears stuffed with cotton, ugh, please forgive me! I'm dying of hunger! Have pity on my gray hair, good people!

Father Frost: Hmmm, there is something to think about here... Elderly people need help. Maybe that’s why Baba Yaga is so nervous that no one helps her with the housework, and she herself can’t manage it anymore?

Baba Yaga: Yes! Exactly, Santa Claus! This is true!

Pinocchio: I have an idea! We will all help Grandmother Yaga! Tortilla, do you agree?

Turtle: Of course, I'm old too. Yaga and I will have more fun. Where am I to her, where will she help me ...

Chicken Ryaba: Come on, we're already waiting!

Father Frost: Speak words of wisdom, my friends! Go, go quickly! You are already waiting! Celebrate the New Year!

Piglet: Dear Snow Maiden! Dear Santa Claus! We will be waiting for you there too! Come quickly to the hut on chicken legs. Goodbye guys! Happy New Year! Take care of your friends! Help the elderly! Fairy tale characters leave.

Father Frost:(referring to the audience) Oh, how many kids are in the hall today! Yes, they are all beautiful, elegant! Did you like our tree, my dears? (Children scream "yes"!)

Do you help grandparents at home? (Children scream "yes"!) Don't hate them?

(Children scream "no"!) Do you stand up for your friends? (Children scream "yes"!) I believe, I believe you guys! I see that many of you were preparing for our meeting, sewing masquerade costumes and festive dresses at home to show off yourselves and please me. Whoever prepared the best today will receive a special commemorative gift from me. Snow Maiden, granddaughter, my assistant: invite the guys to the stage. (The Snow Maiden helps Santa Claus to choose and reward children for the best fancy dress costumes). Happy New Year to you, my dear children! Today, my granddaughter Snegurochka and I still have a lot to do, children and adults are waiting for us everywhere. And you, my friends, are waiting for my main magical gift today: a smart and kind fairy tale!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Parents and educators can act as characters.

Host, Host, Rooster, Monkey, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fox Alice, Snowman, Vasily the Cat, children.

Gifts for participating in competitions, 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and unbreakable toys, paper snowballs.

Children, educators, presenters enter the hall to the music.

Joy, happiness, mood,
The holiday is in a hurry to visit us,
Cock spur polishes,
And it's already flying, flying!

There will be songs and fun
There will be a Christmas tree, a round dance,
I hasten to send to everyone today,
Your hearty congratulations!

Children, are you ready?
Start celebrating the New Year?
All worries behind
You can celebrate!

(Alice Fox enters the hall)

fox alice:
What kind of noise are you making here?
And they didn't let poor me sleep,
They wanted a holiday
They want to celebrate the New Year!

Yes, we have gathered. Look, the kids are all in smart costumes, we have a script, and you are bothering us here.

fox alice:
And there will be no holiday! There will be no holiday! You can all go home! New Year will not come!

Excuse me, how can I contact you?

fox alice:
Alice i.

And why are you scaring the children, dear Alice? Children taught poetry, tried, and you spoil the mood. Not good, you know.

fox alice:
Listen, I love the holidays myself! Gifts, clothes and food... but that's the thing. Monkey lives next door to me, well, the hostess of this year. So, she liked it here so much that she decided to stay. He says they love her, appreciate her, admire her. I myself want a holiday, I’m out, Cat Vasily promised to give a new fur coat and a book with fairy tales, and because of her I’ll be left without gifts and mood.

And now what i can do?

What to do, what to do, negotiate with the Monkey!

(Rooster enters the hall)

Rooster :
crow, crow,
I want to congratulate you all
Soon the New Year will come
Bring happiness to your house!
I promise you an easy year
I will give all my friends
He will be bright, good,
The Year of the Rooster will be!

fox alice:
Oh, what a pretty one! What a bright, interesting, fashionable! I definitely like him better! And yes, she sings beautifully. I agree, it suits me!

Rooster :
Thanks, thanks, you're good too! What a coat, what boots and beads!

(Monkey flies into the hall)

Monkey :
I don't understand what is going on here? I am the hostess of the year, no one calls me, invites me, but I can be offended, but you still live with me, I'm not going to leave yet!

Rooster :
Dear, pack your things, make room, the New Year is coming, the year of the Rooster, that is, me!

Monkey :
It used to be that on December 31, one animal replaced another, but I decided that it was time to change something, and now from now on and forever it will be the Year of the Monkey, and I will cancel the New Year altogether so as not to waste time!

Monkey, honey, you can't do that! We have a matinee, children ... maybe we will try to appease you? So tell me, what do you love?

Monkey :
I love bananas, beautiful outfits, music, poetry, dancing, sparkles and fun!

Yes, we are organizing it now! We have prepared such poems!

Rooster :
And what are you all for her? In fact, I will be the owner of next year, you need to please me!

Monkey :
I actually don’t think about leaving yet, so chick feathered!

Please don't quarrel! We will negotiate.

You sit down for now, and we will think about how to solve the situation.

(Cat Vasily appears in the hall)

Basil cat:
I came to you today
And I will give you wise advice,
Need more sleep in my life
Eat porridge, rest.

fox alice:
And you think about food! We have New Year's Eve here!

Basil cat:
How is it under threat? But what about the sour cream you promised me under the Christmas tree?

fox alice:
Negotiations are underway. Don't interfere!

Monkey :
I thought, what if we decorate a Christmas tree?

So, we have a Christmas tree dressed up, look what a beauty is standing!

Monkey :
And I'm not enough! I want one more! Better than two!

There will be trees for you!

announces contest "Dressers".
There are 2 teams, each with 10 people. Each team is given a box with Christmas tree tinsel, unbreakable toys. At a short distance, 2 small artificial Christmas trees are placed. The first players take one toy each, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang the toy and come back, and so on until the last team member. The team that decorates the Christmas tree first wins.
Props: 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and unbreakable toys.
(Winners will receive candy)

Monkey :
Oh, how beautiful! Oh how happy I am!

Rooster :
And what about me? Who will make me happy? I, I love to sing!

And we just have a New Year's song!

(Children sing a New Year's song)

Basil cat:
And tell me, please, why do we have to do something for you, and you do nothing for us? Children try, sing, decorate Christmas trees, and what will they get for this?

Monkey :
When I stay to rule
I will give bananas to everyone,
I will give fun, happiness,
Dances, songs, beauty!

Rooster :
I will give everyone luck
And I will help in the lessons,
I will give sweets, joy,
I'll tell you a lot of stories!

Monkey :
I'm so beautiful
And you got used to me
I help everyone for free
Fulfilling all dreams!

Rooster :
I am bright, stylish, fashionable,
I will bring good to the house,
I'm funny and I'm perky
Sadness will be discarded for later!

(A knock is heard. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear)

Father Frost :
Through storms, snowstorms and blizzards,
I finally got to you
I brought a bag of gifts
Are there obedient children here?

Snow Maiden :
New Year's is near, near
Are you ready to meet him?
Ready to dance are you spinning?
And celebrate a bright holiday?

You see, it’s such a thing, our Monkey doesn’t want to leave, so we persuade. And all our children are obedient, beautiful.

Father Frost :
What kind of disorder is this? You two (referring to Rooster and Monkey) quickly around the corners! I'll deal with you later, otherwise they arranged it here! My granddaughter and I will quickly put things in order!

Snow Maiden :
Shame on you, the kids have a holiday, and you arranged it here! Well, where did you look (referring to the Fox and the Cat).

Father Frost :
Oh, I'm tired from the road,
Who would tell me a poem
Who would please a little?
Oh, grandfather is tired!

Snow Maiden :
Oh, what good fellows you all are, what rhymes you have prepared for grandfather!

Father Frost :
Oh, how you made me happy, how you made the old man happy! I would play with you, but I'm so tired, I'm so tired ...

Snow Maiden :
You sit grandfather, relax, and we will play with the children!

fox alice:
You know girls, you know boys
Vasily and I love to dance very much!

Basil cat:
And we are bumps, with a red fox,
We love to collect very, very much together!

fox alice (while she is talking, the cat imperceptibly scatters snowballs of their paper balls around the hall):
What is the new year without snow?
Do you agree with me friends?
My clumsy cat Vasily,
Snowballs accidentally lost!

Competition "Collect snowballs".
Children are given 1 minute to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most will receive a prize.
Props: paper snowballs.

Snow Maiden :
They say snowflakes in this school
So ditties sing loudly,
Here, to listen to these snowflakes,
Tell the kids, are they here?

(Three snowflakes come out and ditties sing)

An example of ditties:
1. Everywhere snow and ice,
Do not be sad people
Soon the New Year will come
All problems will be taken away!

2. I ordered a doll for dad,
And I'm looking under the tree
If he doesn't buy me a doll,
I'll go to Santa Claus!

3. I will sculpt a snowman,
I'll be friends with him now
And in the spring in the freezer,
He will live with me!

(Variants of ditties may be different and in larger quantities)

Snow Maiden :
Oh what good fellows
Well, straight, the kids surprised
Slept very well
You gave me joy!
And let's now
Let's dance together with you
It's time for us to move
Then we'll be bored!

(The New Year's song is turned on, the Snow Maiden, the Fox, the Cat are dancing, and the children are repeating)

Father Frost :
So you sang and danced
And they read poetry to us
Are riddles good for you?
What about my good ones?

(Santa Claus makes riddles. Whoever guesses the most will receive a prize)

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa, can we forgive our naughty ones? I think they have already understood that it is not nice to quarrel.

Monkey :
And what are you immediately in the corner? I may have behaved this way out of harm, but in fact, I will gladly give up my place to the Rooster. I'm tired of being the hostess!

Rooster :
And I will no longer carry myself like that! I will be good, and I will give a cheerful year to people!

Father Frost (referring to children):
Excuse me?

(Children respond in unison)

Snow Maiden :
Well, now, we will stand together,
Let's get up with you in a round dance,
And we will circle around the tree,
Hello holiday, New Year!

(Whirling in a round dance)

Father Frost :
You read congratulations to us,
But, it's time for us kids,
We will only give you gifts,
From a huge bag!

(Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden present gifts)

Our holiday has come to an end
Now I want to wish everyone
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that sadness and trouble do not know!

So that the New Year is the newest,
To make your dreams come true
So that in any bad weather,
You were all in the family circle!

Play all images. You can add several if you wish.

For the holiday. Schoolchildren of elementary grades will not be left aside, who will have a traditional New Year's party shortly before December 31st. We offer a scenario for a solemn event in the lower grades.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children in grades 1-4

If you add a little imagination, a children's party will turn into an unforgettable holiday.

"Journey to a fairy tale"

Characters: Host, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga.


Hello guys!
Is everyone gathered? Nobody was late? Have you put on New Year's clothes? Did you learn holiday poems?
Do you like New Year? Well, of course! This holiday is special, the most beloved for everyone: beautiful, fabulous, magical.
Today is an unusual day, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have prepared many surprises for you: a prize for the best, awards for performances, gifts. But the most important thing will be, of course, a journey into a fairy tale: wonderful, exciting and full of adventures.
Are you ready for your holiday trip? Then, let's go!

Music insert, lighting effects, etc.


The light of the Christmas tree burn,
Give us all a fairy tale!
colorful lights
Light up! One two Three!

(The Christmas tree glows and immediately goes out).


What's happened? It went out ... Maybe we will all ask? Come on, together:
One - two - three: Christmas tree, burn!

(The Christmas tree lights up and goes out).


We are doing something wrong… We need to do something else. Who knows what to do?

(After the answer: call Santa Claus, general chorus: Santa Claus).

Appearance of Baba Yaga

The exit of Baba Yaga in the outfit of the Snow Maiden.
(Robe or coat on top in rags).

Baba Yaga:

Hello kids! Your Snow Maiden has arrived! The old man is late, stuck in a snowdrift. And here I am: beautiful, cheerful, kind! Here, they say, gifts in bulk! Well, I came for them.
Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la!
The whole earth is frozen!
Let everything freeze in the world:
All roads, trees, children!
Tra-la-la, bam-bam-bam!
And there will be no fairy tale for you!

(Performs a wild dance, trying to get the kids involved)


Yes, what is it? Who is this? Yes, this is not a Snow Maiden! This person will ruin our whole holiday! I need to freeze it a bit. Come on, everyone whose outfits are suitable for winter and frost, take her in a circle so that she calms down. Those whose costumes are related to magic can also come in handy.

(Snowflakes, Snow Maidens, Fairies, Wizards, Gypsies, etc. surround Baba Yaga. She scares them, tries to break out of the circle, but gradually freezes).


Yes, well done! Nice costumes you have! Citizen, who are you? Where did you come from?

Baba Yaga:


And we will figure it out. Who is it guys?
Yeah, are you Baba Yaga? Where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:

There is no your Santa Claus and never will be! I surrounded him with a dense forest, showered him with melted mud, coiled him with cobwebs! Your Christmas tree helped, that's how things are!


Clear. We need to somehow help out our Grandfather ... And what does the Christmas tree have to do with it, by the way? The tree helped! All clear! The Christmas tree today is magical and there is something on it. Guys, let's all together look for items on the Christmas tree that don't look like holiday decorations! What for Santa Claus can become thicket, dirt and fetters.

Exit Santa Claus

(Children find an old comb, a dirty spoon and a ball of thread on the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree lights up when they are removed. Santa Claus comes).

Father Frost:

Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
I hurried to the holiday to you
With all magical powers.
I brought you a miracle - a fairy tale
And he took gifts.
And gifts for those
Who laughs the best
Who dances and sings!
Have fun in the New Year!

(He sees Baba Yaga)

And you're here, old bastard! What a disgusting old woman you are! What are you missing? Why are you doing all the dirty tricks?

Baba Yaga:

Why are they gathered here? Elegant, joyful, smiling, waiting for a fairy tale! Look disgusting! I don't like this!

Father Frost:

What do you love in general? You don't know what you like yourself, you wicked forest!

Baba Yaga:

Lots of things I love! Hooligans, lazy people, rude people, losers. All sorts of scares. I also love it when an excellent student comes, so pretty, clean, correct. Slipped and into a puddle - bang! Great! Or some Snow Maiden got lost in the forest: that’s also great!

Father Frost:

Oh, you are shameless! That's why I can't find my granddaughter! These are your tricks!
Freeze! (swings) No, you can't: today is a holiday! Children do not want to spoil the mood. Get out of here, we'll figure it out without you.

Baba Yaga:

I'm leaving. You will ask yourself to help, change anger to mercy.

(leaves singing)

Little two
Nice in the diary.
We tear out a leaf
Let's tear it in hand.
Report card with grades
Let's hide under the chest of drawers.
fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost:

The Snow Maiden needs to be rescued, guys! You helped me, now we will rescue my Snow Maiden from trouble. And I think I know how. We need a magic scroll that will tell us how to be.

(Children are looking for a magic scroll around the hall. Santa Claus opens it and reads it).

Father Frost:

All clear! We have to do some magical things. Everyone is doing their job. But first, we need to remember at least three fairy-tale heroes who were looking for someone.

(Gerda was looking for Kai, Brother Ivanushka was looking for Alyonushka, the Prince was looking for Cinderella, etc. Musical signal when three examples are named)

Father Frost:

Children will feel more involved in the holiday if you dilute the performance with simple tasks.

Task for preschoolers: Solve riddles.

1. What a holiday we are gifts,
Games, dances will bring,
Snow and Christmas tree? Did you guess?
This holiday ... (New Year).

2. We have been waiting for this meeting for a year!
Brought a lot of joy
Us in a magical blue evening
Our beloved ... (Santa Claus).

3. Bold bunny in a round dance
Invite the wolf!
It's a miracle in the New Year
Done ... (Christmas tree).

4. Forest, roads and houses
On a color picture
Paints white winter
And her ... (snowflakes).

5. Blue look, on the cheeks - roses
Slim figurine.
Granddaughter of Santa Claus
Everyone calls ... (Snegurka).

Task for students in grades 3-4: paint the posters with a felt-tip pen, making them New Year's: dress the people of the pictures in a carnival costume, etc.

Task for students in grades 1-2: Freeze the newly appeared Baba Yaga with snowballs from a newspaper or cotton wool, at a distance. Baba Yaga evades, makes the children laugh with comments and grimaces.

Exit of the Snow Maiden

After the third musical signal, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

Hello everyone! I'm so glad I made it to our party! You should have seen that wicked old woman!

Father Frost:

Seen! There she stands, frozen! It was the children who saved you, and me too. Wonderful guys we got this year, granddaughter! They create their own fairy tale, they know how to do everything, they keep up everywhere.

Snow Maiden:

Here are the good guys! We can start our holiday.

(applies to Baba Yaga)

Something I feel sorry for her ... She's all alone in the forest, so she went wild, embittered. Can we forgive her? It stands alone, like a monument, but it's so good here.

Grandma, back off! We will forgive you, and even invite you to a holiday if you promise that you will behave well.

Baba Yaga:

Who needs me here, on holiday! And I don't need you either!

Snow Maiden:

We need it, grandma! We have fun and interesting! Soon we will dance and play. You can have some fun too!

Baba Yaga:

The old me is already having fun! The bones hurt: he breaks his legs, twists his arms. I will still, like a little one, jump and jump! It's hard for me to walk.

Snow Maiden:

And you sit! Look at us, rejoice. We will put you on a chair, under the Christmas tree. Do you want the children to invite you?

Baba Yaga:

I need your children! So that they would make fun of me, an old woman?

Snow Maiden:

What are you! Nobody will laugh at you! Guys! Who can seriously, affectionately and politely suggest to grandmother: Granny Yozhechka-knife, sit down, please!

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