Methods of personal oral hygiene. Oral hygiene guide: professional tips, facts and rules for caring for teeth and gums. How to brush your teeth properly

Among the many reasons dental diseases doctors call not only bad heredity. Most often they talk about poor hygiene chewing organs. What does anyone need to know about it? What is the difference between professional hygiene and personal hygiene? Let's figure it out in detail.

About proper personal hygiene

Hygiene is called providing the teeth with conditions for normal life, maintaining them in healthy condition, ensuring security and creating protection against negative impact from the outside. Fresh breath and healthy look oral cavity impossible without hygiene care. The oral cavity in normal condition- these are chewing organs free from tartar and caries; pink, not bleeding during gum cleaning. If one of these signs is absent, perhaps the person simply does not own complete information about proper hygiene.

Healthy teeth are more than just a part of Hollywood smile, attractive appearance, but also provide a person with speech intelligibility, good chewing of incoming food. And this, in turn, is one of the components of healthy digestion.

Proper and regular brushing and flossing can prevent the development of oral ailments. In addition, such procedures are accessible to everyone and are less painful and expensive than the treatment of dental lesions.

Every man must follow daily simple advice, which significantly reduce the risk of developing periodontitis, caries, and other diseases of the oral cavity. Here they are:

  • Brushing your teeth in the evening and in the morning with a medium-hard brush and a toothpaste recommended by your dentist.
  • Cleaning interdental spaces with dental floss.
  • Balanced diet, limiting sweets on the menu.
  • Use of toothpastes good quality containing calcium, fluorine.
  • Regular rinsing of the oral cavity with special means.
  • If the water in your area is not fluoridated, then the paste must be fluorine-containing or you should use special nutritional supplements with fluorine.

Everyone should be able to properly brush their teeth. This is also an element of hygiene. So, the brush must be placed at an angle of 45 ° to the gums, to make sweeping movements from them to the teeth. It is recommended to clean first outer surface chewing organs, then internal. In the end, it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue. This finishing touch will freshen your breath. It is important to brush your teeth thoroughly, slowly, devoting at least two minutes to each procedure.

You should also learn how to use dental floss correctly. Its length must be at least 40 centimeters. Each time you should use a clean area, 4-5 cm long. It is necessary to clean the interdental zones carefully, with unhurried movements, repeating the contours of the gums. Must be avoided sudden movements thread.

Professional oral hygiene

In order for the chewing organs to really look their best and be protected from diseases, the dentist must be visited twice a year. This will allow you to identify problems at an early stage and use the services professional hygiene. Oral hygiene includes:

  1. Removal of pathological deposits, that is, tartar.
  2. Removal of pigments, soft plaque.
  3. Coating of tooth enamel with varnish containing fluorine.
  4. Tooth polishing.

The dentist removes hard deposits from the chewing organs with special tools. Many today resort to ultrasonic cleaning, as this is the most high-quality and progressive way of professional hygiene. The procedure allows you to painlessly and gently separate the plaque from the enamel. If patients have increased tooth sensitivity, then they may be offered local anesthesia before such manipulation.

If a we are talking about pigmented contaminants, they are removed with an aerosol jet. A special air-water mixture with an abrasive substance in the composition is sent to the teeth. Ultradispersed cleansing is used to treat the teeth of heavy smokers and coffee lovers.

To strengthen the enamel, the dentist may suggest polishing with fluoride pastes or fluoride gel application, which ends with the coating of the dentition with fluoride varnish.

Usually professional oral hygiene takes 30-60 minutes.

Proper oral hygiene can reduce the risk of problems with teeth and gums. The importance of regular oral care cannot be overestimated. In this article, you will learn how to do it right, what care procedures exist, and the most commonly used oral hygiene products.

In the process of human evolution, teeth "learned" to withstand heavy loads. But even that is not enough today.

Poor ecology, poor quality of drinking water and other problems adversely affect the condition of tooth enamel. Namely, she is the main protector of teeth from disease and destruction.

Good dental care includes daily brushing and regular visits to the dentist.

Proper oral hygiene is:
Dental care with brush and toothpaste. Twice a day;
Cleaning teeth from food debris and plaque immediately after eating it;
Regular oral examination and professional care in the dentist's office.

An important component of proper oral hygiene is brushing your teeth. But, it is necessary not only to brush your teeth regularly, but also to do it correctly.

The toothbrush should be held at a 45 degree angle to the tooth surface. In addition, it is necessary to correctly move toothbrush over the surface of the tooth. The bottom row is cleaned from the bottom up, and the top one is vice versa. That is, the movement of the toothbrush should be from the gum to the surface of the tooth.

Teeth are brushed in the following sequence: First you need to brush them with outside, then go to the inside, and finish brushing on chewing surface tooth.

IMPORTANT: Each tooth must be brushed for at least ten strokes.

Filled teeth are the weakest, so their cleaning should be given more attention.

When brushing your teeth, you need to pay attention to the tongue. In addition, you need to massage the gums. Use whitening toothpaste in the morning and herbal toothpaste in the evening.

After each meal, especially one that includes sweet dishes, it is necessary to clear the mouth of sugar residues. For this purpose, you can use chewing gum. But, do not keep it in your mouth for a long time. Ten minutes will be enough.

To clean the teeth from stuck pieces of food, a special dental floss. It can also be used for oral care after meals.

Oral hygiene products

Oral hygiene products

The basis of oral hygiene is the cleaning of teeth from food debris. For this purpose are used:
dental floss;

In order to take good care of your teeth, you need to choose the right means for such care. Special attention should be given to the choice of toothbrush and paste. The brush is selected according to the degree of hardness. If you are afraid of injuring your teeth by choosing the wrong toothbrush, then it is better to consult a dentist. The specialist will select this hygiene item based on the examination of your teeth. The same goes for toothpaste.

IMPORTANT: The selection of such hygiene products is best done together with your dentist.

Recently, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth has become very popular. With this hygienic procedure, you can clean your teeth from dark plaque. Such plaque can be caused by drinking coffee, tea and smoking. But, even for those people who do not abuse it, teeth can darken over time.

Unfortunately, dark patina this is not only the cause of the deterioration of the appearance of the teeth, but also a harbinger of the formation of tartar.

You can protect yourself from this problem with the help of ultrasonic teeth cleaning. Removal of plaque and tartar with the help of ultrasound today is the most effective procedure brushing your teeth. In any modern dental office there is an ultrasonic scaler, with the help of which such a procedure is carried out.

Removal of plaque and tartar with the help of such a device is painless procedure. With the help of ultrasonic vibration acting on the teeth, it is possible to achieve the removal of not only visible to the eye deposits, but also those that cannot be detected even with the help of special tools.

IMPORTANT: Ultrasound fights not only with deposits and tartar, but also destroys bacteria harmful to the body.

With ultrasonic cleaning, tooth enamel is not damaged at all. Moreover, having been cleansed of deposits, tooth enamel absorbs better nutrients from toothpaste and food.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve oral health through care and prevention alone. Sometimes you have to resort to treatment. Problems with teeth and gums can appear due to heredity, the use of various medications, spicy food, alcohol and the development of various infectious diseases.
Oral diseases are classified into:
infectious and inflammatory;
Infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity include: pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity). If you are experiencing symptoms of these problems, you should get qualified assistance from specialists.
To viral diseases the oral cavity is herpes and papillomas. It is impossible to get rid of these problems completely. By using therapeutic methods the manifestation of these diseases can be eliminated.

IMPORTANT: fungal diseases oral cavity can lead to candidiasis.

oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi- saprophytes. As a result, on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and tongue appear white coating. Such a raid usually does not cause pain. But, if it is not detected in time, and treatment is not started, candidiasis can “grow” to other organs.

Oral candidiasis can be caused malnutrition, decrease immune system, work in harmful conditions labor, etc. Treatment of oral candidiasis occurs with the help of various medical preparations. The most popular of these are antifungal drugs like nystatin or levorin.

Prevention of caries

Prevention of caries

Caries is a slowly progressive pathological process of destruction of hard tissues of teeth. Translated from Latin caries means "rotting". Many experts consider caries this disease of the teeth as a scourge. modern society. It is believed that the development of this disease was influenced by the modern diet and low ecology.

Today it is considered that the worst factors affecting the development of caries are:
Not properly balanced diet;
The presence of harmful compounds in drinking water;
social and climatic conditions.

In order to reduce the development of caries, you need to eat right, use for drinking clean water and perform regular oral care.

IMPORTANT: Often tooth decay can be caused by excessive consumption of sweets between meals.

Residues of sugar on the teeth lead to the destruction of their enamel.

To prevent tooth decay, brush your teeth after meals, eat hard fruits and vegetables (they have a tooth-cleansing effect), and increase your intake of fluoride-containing foods. Fluorine is a mineral that is an effective weapon against cavities.

Professional oral hygiene

Professional oral hygiene is a set of measures aimed at caring for teeth and gums, carried out in specialized institutions. This procedure is performed by periodontists or dental hygienists.

When you first contact specialists for professional oral hygiene, they will examine and determine the presence of problems associated with teeth and gums. Then, the dentist will develop a set of measures related to solving the identified problems.

Professional oral hygiene includes:
Education proper care behind the teeth;
Selection of hygiene products;
Cleaning teeth from deposits.
And other activities.

In order to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you need to visit regularly dental office. A professional oral exam will help identify most problems in the mouth. early stage. This will greatly simplify their decision.
Be healthy!

Video: Professional oral hygiene

Needless to say, how important oral hygiene is. After eating, acids are always formed in the mouth, which negatively affect the enamel of the teeth - they corrode it. If acids are not cleaned in time, they form raids and accumulations, as a result, one can expect the formation of stones and holes. And against the background of weakened and bleeding gums, the situation is even aggravated. To avoid this, you must follow the rules of hygiene.

General rules for oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth is not everything. Hygiene starts with proper nutrition and only then you can think about the means of prevention. Here are a few important rules, non-observance of which can put you at risk:
  • Minimize the use of lemons and acidic foods in pure form. You can drink tea with lemon, but do not eat fruit slices.
  • Avoid sticky sweets like toffee. Such sweets are difficult to clean from teeth. And they often hurt their teeth:.
  • Spend light cleaning teeth and rinsing after each snack. It is not necessary to use toothpaste every time - just rub your teeth with a soft brush.

It is equally important to know that you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: the first time after the first meal, and the second time at night.

After you have had a snack, use the following modern remedies as a preventive measure:
  • Chewing gum without sugar (it can be used to additionally clean your teeth);
  • Tooth rinse (cleanses plaque and food debris);
  • Plain water (for rinsing in the absence of other means).

Choice of toothpaste and brush

So that a visit to the dentist does not turn into a gum treatment or tooth extraction for you, choose a good toothpaste. They are usually divided into two types:

  • Hygienic . They serve only to clean the teeth from plaque. Some of them additionally freshen the breath. But that's where their benefits end.
  • Preventive . More extensive in their action - save from caries, protect enamel, strengthen gums. There are a number of herbal anti-inflammatory toothpastes available. There are a series of pastes with a whitening effect, it is better to use them rarely so as not to damage the enamel. You can also read an article about .

Powder can also be used instead of toothpaste. Its effect is not worse, and often better, because it contains natural ingredients. By the way, the cost of the powder is an order of magnitude less.

Choosing a quality toothbrush is another way to keep your teeth perfectly clean. All brushes differ in the degree of hardness:

  • the most rigid (for removable dentures);
  • medium hard;
  • soft (for weakened gums and for children).
The toothbrush is changed every 2 months and is used by only one person. If you want a more serious approach, you can also purchase an electric toothbrush, but even in this case, it is not so much the brush that matters as the brushing technique.

Proper brushing of teeth

How to brush your teeth properly? This has been written about in detail. In short, the training is simple: for this, the brush must move from the gum to the edge of the tooth with a sweeping movement.

If food is stuck in your teeth, use dental floss. it the best remedy to get rid of food particles in the interdental spaces. Sometimes only after the floss does it feel like the teeth are brushed, so well does it cope with the remnants of food.

In the absence of dental floss, try using a toothpick. With its help, you can remove point accumulations of food debris. Its only negative is that it can damage the gums, so proceed with extreme caution.

Hold the toothpick at a 45-degree angle to your tooth to remove food debris.

If there are problems with the gums, dentists advise using irrigators - devices for removing food debris using jets of water. The irrigator removes plaque and massages the gums.

Once every six months, it is recommended to visit a dentist to consult about the condition of your teeth and detect problems in time. Don't wait for pain to set in - see your doctor if you have a stone, plaque, cavities, or not nice smell. Diseases are best dealt with early stages. Especially if it is.

Oral hygiene in a child

There is no fundamental difference between brushing the teeth of children and adults, but there are still subtleties and some nuances.

In the very first months of a baby's life, parents should monitor the gums. After feeding, the gums are wiped with napkins soaked soda solution or fingertips with the same composition.

When the baby teeth appear, it's time for learning. Buy a baby toothpaste and brush for your child. The first samples should be short - 20 seconds each. Subsequent cleanings should be increased in duration.

In order for a child to have an interest in brushing their teeth, they use special games, calendars and fairy tales.

What kind of dentifrices to choose for a child, the manufacturer will tell you. Typically, a baby brush has a short handle and soft bristles, and toothpaste has a pleasant taste.

Teach your child to take toothpaste no more than a fingernail of his little finger. So he will learn to dose the paste correctly.

As additional care for babies, you can use special napkins. They contain xylitol, which kills bacteria that multiply on the gums and tooth enamel. Such napkins should be kept in the refrigerator so that their cold relieves possible pain.

Over time, the child is accustomed to flossing, having learned to use it between meals.

How to monitor the oral cavity with a removable denture?

When the patient is fitted with a prosthesis, the rules for caring for the oral cavity change slightly. You can not neglect the recommendations of doctors, otherwise the prosthesis will not last as long as it can, and will very quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

The main problem with removable dentures is that you still need to get used to them. At first, while getting used to, you can get protection from irritation in the oral cavity. Special preparations help to clean the oral cavity additionally. Once discomfort go away with habituation aids can be cancelled.

The use of removable structures has its drawbacks. Because of the prosthesis:

  • the natural cleansing of the oral cavity is disturbed;
  • the circulation of the mucosa in the mouth changes;
  • heat exchange is disturbed, even diction and taste properties products.
The gums are the first to suffer from improper oral hygiene with dentures. Due to bacterial plaque, the gums become inflamed, hence the unpleasant odor. You can read about the causes of bad breath. To prevent this from happening, on your shelf in the bathroom should always be:
  • Fixing creams and pads ( special means for artificial teeth)
  • Powders with a cleansing effect (can also be purchased in the form of tablets);
  • Cleansing brush for cleaning the prosthesis;
  • Additional tools for cleaning artificial teeth.
You must also purchase:
  • A special paste that cleans the interdental spaces;
  • Brush for cleaning interdental spaces;
  • A toothbrush with the softest bristles;
  • dental floss;
  • Rinse aid to strengthen the gums;
  • Tablets to determine plaque.

Good care of the prosthesis is the absence of plaque on it, as well as particles of food. To achieve this, do the following:
  • Clean your denture 2 times a day;
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal, and rinse the denture under running water;
  • Clean removable teeth in a disinfectant solution;
  • Remove your dentures at night.
Be especially careful with inner surface prosthesis - in the place where it is in contact with the gums.

When the prosthesis needs to be transported, use a special container for this.

What are Oral Hygiene Indexes?

Why do you need to know the index of oral hygiene? This information is important for the dentist to reflect the picture of the patient's treatment. There are a lot of such indices, each is needed to determine a narrower direction in the treatment, for example, periodontal disease.

The most common index reflects the defeat of teeth by caries. It takes into account:

  • carious teeth;
  • Filled teeth;
  • Extracted or to be removed teeth.
The assessments of the teeth are summed up, and then the indicator gives an idea of ​​the intensity of the development of caries in a particular patient.

The level of intensity of development of caries is expressed as a percentage, where from 80% the intensity is high, and up to 30% is the lowest.

To evaluate the effectiveness of oral hygiene, a special test is carried out - staining the teeth. The index is calculated for each tooth in a special code, and then the data is displayed in the total. In the same way, bite, gum condition, aesthetic index, etc. are evaluated.

How can you use the hygiene index at home and why is it needed? You will be able to evaluate for yourself how well you take care of your teeth. For the test and objective evaluation, you need to purchase a special dye. It stains deposits on the teeth. The more intense the staining, the lower the assessment of the hygienic condition of the teeth.

What causes poor oral hygiene?

Even if you think that you take good care of your teeth and brush them thoroughly every day, reconsider your rules. An indicator of the quality of hygiene is always the absence of problems with the teeth, healthy gums and a pleasant smell from the mouth. If at least one of the conditions is absent, then care is carried out poorly or incorrectly.

Most dental diseases are solely due to poor hygiene.

Caries and calculus are the result of the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. It is located even in non-obvious places:

  • In the pits of the incisors;
  • between teeth;
  • Under the gum in the neck of the tooth;
  • On the gums
If you do not monitor the plaque and do not clean it off in time, the accumulations form a microbial environment that has a destructive effect on the upper tissues of the tooth. Hence the caries.

Even if you regularly visit a dentist who treats caries for you, prolonged untimely oral care threatens repeated relapse development of dental disease. Filled teeth will have to be retreated, and with them thoroughly deal with gum disease - periodontitis and gingivitis.

The accumulation of microbes in the oral cavity is not only aesthetic problem. bad teeth affect the work of the whole organism, causing diseases of the stomach and allergic reactions.

What is required to properly brush your teeth? (video)

look educational video about what good oral hygiene is.

Proper oral hygiene will prevent the development of caries, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and help maintain healthy teeth for a long time. In the case of insufficiently effective or irregular care, plaque forms, food crumbs remain in the interdental spaces, which eventually decompose. This leads to the development of inflammation and deterioration of the appearance of the teeth.

What is included in the rules of oral hygiene

There is a stereotype that the choice is expensive and is the main condition for compliance. This is not entirely true.

There is no doubt that the selection is very important, however, the desired result can only be achieved by an integrated approach to.

Oral hygiene is usually divided into two components - individual and.

Each of them is important for preventing the threat of dental diseases.

To individual events include:

  • Cleansing the mouth after every meal.
  • Interdental care.

It is recommended by specialists to carry out the most the right time to implement this process, is morning and evening . After the teeth, it is also necessary to carry out using a scraper brush or rinse aid and deodorant for the oral cavity.

You can also carry out hygiene after dinner, but not everyone has time for this due to being busy, so it will be enough to rinse the mouth with water or a special one.

How to take good care of your teeth and gums at home

The classic method of oral care is carried out using toothpaste and a brush, but high-quality cleaning of the interdental space is not possible, so you should add to the set.

The choice of dental equipment is undoubtedly important, however, without good brushing technique, the result will be negligible. Not everyone knows how to carry out this procedure correctly. Exist various methods brushing teeth and many argue about the correct position of the brush and other details. Among the basic rules, dentists recommend adhering to the following:

  • Hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the gums and teeth.
  • The first dentition for cleaning should be the lower one, and then proceed to cleaning the upper one.
  • To prevent injury to the gums or enamel, it is recommended not to strong pressure on the brush.
  • Proper cleaning begins with the front teeth, gradually moving towards the back.
  • The chewing surface should be cleaned in a circular motion.
  • The duration of brushing should be at least 3 minutes.
  • After the procedure, make light massage gums with soft circular movements with a brush.

Professional hygiene procedures in dentistry

Professional hygiene procedures include an assessment of existing problems and further and stones. If necessary, local anesthesia may be used.

First of all, the specialist uses to remove soft and hard deposits from the surfaces of the teeth and in the space between them. During the procedure will not be damaged. The next step, the doctor will process the subgingival spaces using hand instruments.

In the case of pigmented plaque, which was obtained as a result of drinking coffee, some medicines, tea or is the cause of smoking, an additional ultrasound procedure is used using the apparatus.

After the next step is to polish the enamel. This procedure necessary to protect teeth from bacteria and plaque. To perform, polishing pastes are used, which are applied using nozzles in the form of brushes and rubber bands. Strips will be used where the teeth meet.

The next step, the specialist applies to the enamel. This tool necessary for removal due to saturation of the enamel with fluoride ions.

After completing all the procedures, the specialist will give recommendations on maintaining the cleanliness of the teeth.

30-40% of plaque remains on the surface of the teeth even after careful self-care. Experts recommend that you complete the procedure twice a year.

Teaching proper oral hygiene to children

Usually children are not favorable to brushing their teeth, as they perceive the mouth as intimate area and do not allow adults to interfere with it using a brush.

Parents need to monitor and clean after each meal. It is important to ensure that the baby develops a habit in the future.

It is recommended from the age of two, while making sure that the child does not swallow the paste. A paste with a pleasant smell and taste should be used. Its content should contain calcium, and after the execution of 3 years - fluorine. Ideally, it should contain sorbitol and xylitol, these components protect against caries and add flavor.

In the process of moving the brush, all movements should be sweeping, starting from the gums and to the edges of the teeth, and then out. Attention should be paid to the entire oral cavity, for this it is necessary to clean the rows from the right top edge and end with the bottom one.

Even at the age of 10, it will be difficult for a child to take care of oral hygiene on their own, for this reason, parents will have to bear responsibility for dental health.

Dentists' advice on choosing personalized oral care products

Dentists advise choosing personal hygiene products according to the following rules:

  • . It is selected individually, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the convenience of gripping the handle and size. Thus, with bleeding gums, it is recommended to use. The size of the handle should not be small so that you can freely control the device and not harm the gums and teeth. The brush should have rubber elements to prevent slipping. It needs to be changed every 3 months. The best solution will give preference electronic device, but with excessive tooth mobility, and some other pathologies, it cannot be used.
  • . Can be used in medical and. In the first case, it is selected by the doctor individually, and in the second case, it can be purchased independently for effective oral hygiene. Toothpaste should have a pleasant aroma, appearance and taste, a cooling, cleansing and disinfecting effect, have a preventive effect and be harmless.
  • . It is necessary for cleaning the interdental spaces, it has several varieties: round, flat, waxed and without it. The thread is selected depending on the distance between the teeth. When choosing, you should pay attention to the absence of fiber delamination, the presence pleasant aroma, the softness of the thread.
  • . caries prevention, preference should be given to products based on sodium fluoride or aminofluoride, the concentration of fluoride in them should be about 250 ppm. If you have or have other problems, it is worth consulting with your dentist about the best option.

Proper care of the oral cavity allows you to maintain not only the health of your teeth, but also their appearance. No one will decorate the raid and unpleasant odor. Also, following the rules of hygiene will help save money, because in this case, trips to the dentist will be significantly reduced. It will be enough to visit a doctor twice a year for prevention and for selection individual funds for care.

Fresh breath, white teeth and pink gums are the result. complete care behind the oral cavity, which includes personal and professional cleaning. The first is performed at home every day, the second - by dental hygienists every six months (in preventive purposes) or according to indications (dental deposits, bad breath, bleeding gums).

Means for personal hygiene of the oral cavity

Teeth and the spaces between them should be brushed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. After cleaning, it is necessary to use special rinses. For complete care you need to have:

Oral hygiene after tooth extraction

Oral care in such cases has its own characteristics: it is very important to prevent inflammation of the hole extracted tooth. On the first day after the procedure, you can not rinse your mouth intensively - instead, antiseptic baths are recommended.

In order not to injure the hole while brushing your teeth, you need to use a soft brush.

Stages of professional hygiene

  1. Determination of the hygiene index. The dentist treats the teeth with a special preparation that stains plaque, thereby indicating areas where deposits have accumulated.
  2. Removal of tartar and pigmented plaque. To do this, doctors use an ultrasonic scaler and / or apparatus. Air flow.
  3. Polishing teeth. Mandatory procedure necessary to prevent the reappearance of dental plaque.
  4. remineralizing therapy. Teeth are treated with varnishes containing calcium or fluorine. It helps to deal with hypersensitivity, protects against caries and strengthens enamel.

The procedure for removing tartar cannot be called pleasant, but all stages of professional hygiene are painless.

Methods for removing dental deposits: ultrasound and Air Flow

To remove tartar and soft touch Occupational hygienists use two methods:

  • ultrasonic;
  • sandblasting.

Ultrasonic cleaning is excellent for tough deposits. A special apparatus delivers ultrasonic vibrations and a liquid (usually distilled water) to the surface of the tooth, under the action of which hard deposits are chipped off.

To get rid of soft plaque between the teeth and in other hard-to-reach places, Air Flow technology is used. Under pressure, the device transmits a water-air jet with an abrasive mixture. As a result, the plaque softens and gently scrapes off. This method of professional hygiene is a salvation for smokers, coffee lovers, tea lovers.

Professional hygiene during pregnancy

Teeth cleaning is not an invasive procedure, and therefore it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Furthermore, preventive hygiene oral cavity will help prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, so undesirable for expectant mothers.

Children's oral hygiene

Hard plaque in children, as a rule, does not form, but soft plaque can easily provoke caries. Just like adults, they need professional hygiene. The smallest cleaning is carried out in a gentle mode (with soft abrasive brushes), older children - using Air technology flow.

The cost of comprehensive oral hygiene

The average price for professional oral hygiene services is 1500 rubles in Moscow, 1400 rubles in St. Petersburg, 2300 rubles in Nizhny Novgorod.

The final cost depends both on the condition of the patient's teeth and on the methods used to remove deposits. So, in Moscow ultrasonic cleaning charge 126 rubles (for one tooth), for cleaning Air method Flow - 2800 rubles, for fluoridation - 650 rubles. The prices of the same procedures in St. Petersburg are 305 rubles (per tooth), 2420 rubles and 1750 rubles, respectively. In Nizhny Novgorod - 80 (per tooth), 1500 and 200 rubles.

The quality of professional oral hygiene, of course, depends on the qualifications of the dentist and the equipment he uses. On our website you can get information about clinics where such procedures are successfully practiced.

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