How to strengthen hair at home: "resuscitation kit" for colored, weak and thinning strands. Gymnastics for back muscles. Massage for back muscles

I will explain how to remain calm and composure in any life situation without help sedative pills, alcohol and more. I will talk not only about how to suppress states of nervousness and calm down, but also explain how you can stop being nervous at all, bring the body into a state in which this feeling simply cannot arise, in general, about how to calm your mind and how strengthen nervous system.

The article will be built in the form of consecutive lessons and it is better to read them in order.

Nervousness and jitters is that feeling of discomfort that you experience on the eve of important, responsible events and events, during psychological stress and stress, in problematic life situations, and you just worry about every little thing. It is important to understand that nervousness has both psychological and physiological causes and manifests itself accordingly. Physiologically, this is connected with the properties of our nervous system, and psychologically, with the characteristics of our personality: a tendency to experience, overestimation of the significance of certain events, a feeling of insecurity in oneself and what is happening, shyness, excitement for the result.

We begin to get nervous in situations that we consider either dangerous, threatening our lives, or, for one reason or another, significant, responsible. I think that the threat to life, not so often looms before us, the townsfolk. Therefore, I consider situations of the second kind to be the main reason for nervousness in everyday life. The fear of failing, of looking inappropriate in front of people, all of these make us nervous. In relation to these fears, there is a certain psychological setting, it has little to do with our physiology. Therefore, in order to stop being nervous, it is necessary not only to put the nervous system in order, but to understand and realize certain things, let's start with understanding the nature of nervousness.

Lesson 1. The nature of nervousness. A necessary defense mechanism or a hindrance?

Our palms begin to sweat, there may be tremors, increased heart rate, increased pressure in thoughts, confusion, it is difficult to get together, concentrate, it is difficult to sit still, I want to take something with my hands, smoke. These are the symptoms of nervousness. Now ask yourself, how much do they help you out? Do they help you deal with stressful situations? Are you better at negotiating, taking an exam, or talking on a first date when you're on edge? The answer is - of course not, and moreover, it can screw up the whole result.

Therefore, it is necessary to firmly understand to yourself that the tendency to be nervous is not a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation or some ineradicable feature of your personality. Rather, it is simply some kind of mental mechanism fixed in the system of habits and / or a consequence of problems with the nervous system. Stress is only your reaction to what is happening, and no matter what happens, you can always react to it in different ways! I assure you that the impact of stress can be minimized and nervousness eliminated. But why remove it? Because when you're nervous:

  • Your thinking ability is reduced and you find it harder to concentrate, which can exacerbate a situation that requires the utmost mental resources
  • You have less control over your intonation, facial expressions, gestures, which can have a bad effect on responsible negotiations or a date
  • Nervousness contributes to a faster accumulation of fatigue and tension, which is bad for your health and well-being.
  • If you are often nervous, this can lead to various diseases (meanwhile, a very significant part of the diseases stem from problems of the nervous system)
  • You worry about the little things and therefore do not pay attention to the most important and valuable in your life

Remember all those situations when you were very nervous and this negatively affected the results of your actions. Surely everyone has many examples of how you broke down, unable to withstand psychological pressure, lost control and lost concentration. So we will work with you on this.

Here is the first lesson, during which we learned that:

  • Nervousness does not bring any benefit, but only hinders
  • You can get rid of it by working on yourself
  • AT Everyday life there are few real reasons to be nervous, since we or our loved ones are rarely threatened, mostly we worry about trifles

I will return to the last point in next lesson and, in more detail, at the end of the article and I will tell you why this is so.

You must set yourself up like this:

I have nothing to be nervous, it bothers me and I intend to get rid of it and it's real!

Don't think that I'm just arguing about something I have no idea myself. All my childhood, and then my youth, until the age of 24 I experienced big problems with the nervous system. I could not pull myself together in stressful situations, worried about every little thing, even almost fainted because of my sensitivity! This negatively affected health: pressure surges began to be observed, “ panic attacks”, dizziness, etc. Now all this is in the past.

Of course, it’s impossible to say now that I have the best self-control in the world, but anyway, I stopped being nervous in those situations that plunge most people into nervousness, I became much calmer, compared to my previous state, I reached a fundamentally different level of self-control. Of course, I still have a lot to work on, but I'm on the right way and there is dynamics and progress, I know what to do. In general, everything I am talking about here is based solely on my experience of self-development, I do not invent anything and only tell about what helped me. So if I had not been such a painful, vulnerable and sensitive young man and, then, as a result of personal problems, I would not have begun to remake myself, all this experience and the site that summarizes and structures it would not exist.

Lesson 2. Are those events that you consider so significant and important?

Think about all those events that plunge you into nervousness: your boss calls, you pass an exam, you expect an unpleasant conversation. Think about all these things, evaluate the degree of their importance to you, but not in isolation, but within the context of your life, your global plans and perspectives. What is the significance of a fight on public transport or on the road in a lifetime, and is it terrible to be late for work and be nervous about it?

Is this something to think about and worry about? At such moments, focus on the purpose of your life, think about the future, distract from the current moment. I am sure that from this perspective, many things that make you nervous will immediately lose their significance in your eyes, turn into real trifles, which they certainly are and, therefore, will not be worth your worries. This mental attitude is very helpful. But no matter how well we set ourselves up, although this will certainly have a positive effect, it will still not be enough, since the body, despite all the arguments of the mind, can react in its own way. Therefore, let's move on and I will explain how to bring the body into a state of calm and relaxation immediately before any event during and after it.

Lesson 3. Preparation. How to calm down before an important event

Now some important event is inexorably approaching us, during which our ingenuity, composure and will will be tested, and if we successfully pass this test, then fate will generously reward us, otherwise we will lose. This event can be a final interview for your dream job, important negotiations, a date, an exam, etc. In general, you have already learned the first two lessons and understand that nervousness can be stopped and this must be done so that this state does not prevent you from focusing on the goal and achieving it.

And you realize that an important event awaits you ahead, but no matter how significant it is, anyway, even the worst outcome of such an event will not mean the end of your life for you: there is no need to dramatize and overestimate everything. It is precisely from the very importance of this event that the need to be calm and not to worry arises. This is too much of a responsibility to let nervousness ruin it, so I will be focused and focused and will do my best for this!

Now we bring thoughts to calmness, remove the jitters. First, immediately throw all thoughts of failure out of your head. In general, try to calm the fuss and not think about anything. Free your head from thoughts, relax your body, exhale deeply and inhale. The most ingenuous will help to relax breathing exercises.

The simplest breathing exercises:

It should be done like this:

  • inhale for 4 counts (or 4 beats of the pulse, you must first feel it, it is more convenient to do this on the neck, and not on the wrist)
  • hold your breath 2 counts/beats
  • exhale for 4 counts/beats
  • hold breath for 2 counts/beats and then inhale again for 4 counts/beats - all over again

In short, as the doctor says: breathe - do not breathe. 4 seconds inhale - 2 seconds hold - 4 seconds exhale - 2 seconds hold.

If you feel that breathing allows you to take deeper breaths / exhalations, then do the cycle not 4/2 seconds but 6/3 or 8/4 and so on.

During the exercise, we keep our attention only on the breath! There must be no more thoughts! It is most important. And then after 3 minutes you will feel that you have relaxed and calmed down. The exercise is done no more than 5-7 minutes, according to the sensations. With regular practice breathing practice helps not only to ensure that you relax here and now, but also generally puts the nervous system in order and you are less nervous already without any exercise. So I highly recommend.

Okay, so we are ready. But the time has come for the event itself. Next, I will talk about how to behave during the event, so as not to be nervous and be calm and relaxed.

Lesson 4

Depict calmness: even if neither the emotional mood nor the breathing exercises helped you relieve tension, then at least try with all your might to demonstrate external calmness and equanimity. And this is necessary not only in order to mislead your opponents about your current state. The expression of outer peace helps to achieve inner peace. This works on the principle of feedback, not only your well-being determines your facial expressions, but also facial expressions determine your well-being. This principle is easy to test: when you smile at someone, you feel better and more cheerful, even if you were previously in bad mood. I actively use this principle in my daily practice and this is not my invention, it is really a fact, it is even written about in Wikipedia in the article “emotions”. So the more relaxed you want to seem, the more relaxed you actually become.

Watch your facial expressions, gestures and intonation: the principle of feedback obliges you to constantly look inward and be aware of how you look from the outside. Do you seem too tense? Are your eyes not running? Are the movements smooth and measured or abrupt and impulsive? Does your face express cold impenetrability or can all your excitement be read on it? In accordance with the information about yourself received from the senses, you correct all your body movements, voice, facial expression. The fact that you have to take care of yourself already in itself helps you to gather and concentrate. And it's not just that with the help of internal observation you control yourself. By observing yourself, you focus your thoughts at one point - on yourself, do not let them go astray and take you in the wrong direction. This is how concentration and calmness are achieved.

Eliminate all markers of nervousness: what do you usually do when you are nervous? Do you fiddle with a ballpoint pen? Are you chewing on a pencil? Tie in a knot thumb and the little toe of the left foot? Now forget about it, keep your hands straight, do not often change their position. We do not fidget in a chair, we do not shift from foot to foot. We continue to take care of ourselves.

That's actually all. All of these principles complement each other and can be summed up in the slogan “watch yourself”. The rest is particular and depends on the nature of the meeting itself. I would only advise you to think about each of your phrases, take your time with an answer, carefully weigh and analyze everything. You don't have to try to impress in every possible way, you will impress if you do it right and don't worry, work on the quality of your performance. No need to mumble and get lost if you were taken by surprise: calmly swallowed, forgot and move on.

Lesson 5

Whatever the outcome of the event. You are on edge and still experiencing stress. Better take it off and think about something else. All the same principles that helped you pull yourself together before the meeting work here. Try not to think a lot about the past event, I mean all sorts of fruitless thoughts, but if I spoke like this and not like that, oh, how stupid I looked there, oh, I'm a fool, but if ...! Just get rid of all thoughts from your head, get rid of the subjunctive mood (if only), everything has already passed, put your breath in order and relax your body. That's it for this lesson.

Lesson 6

This is a very important lesson. Usually a significant factor in nervousness is the discrepancy between your preparation for the upcoming event. When you know everything, are confident in yourself, then why should you worry about the result?

I remember when I was studying at the institute, I missed a lot of lectures and seminars, went to the exams completely unprepared, hoping that I would carry it through and somehow pass it. As a result, I passed, but only thanks to the phenomenal luck or kindness of the teachers. Often went to retakes. As a result, during the session, I experienced such unprecedented psychological pressure every day due to the fact that I was trying to prepare in a hurry and somehow pass the exam.

During the sessions, an unrealistic amount was destroyed nerve cells. And I still felt sorry for myself, I thought that’s how much everything had piled up, how hard, eh ... Although it was my own fault, if I had done everything in advance (I didn’t have to go to lectures, but at least the material for preparing for the exam and passing all intermediate control tests I could provide for myself - but then I was lazy and I was not at least somehow organized), then I would not have to be so nervous during exams and worry about the result and that they would take me into the army if I didn’t do something I will hand over, as I would be sure of my knowledge.

This is not a call not to miss lectures and study at institutes, I'm talking about the fact that you should try not to create stress factors for yourself in the future! Think ahead and prepare for business and important meetings do everything on time and do not delay until the last moment! Always have a ready-made plan in your head, and preferably a few! This will save you a significant part of the nerve cells, and in general will contribute to great success in life. This is a very important and useful principle! Use it!

Lesson 7

In order to stop being nervous, it is not enough just to follow the lessons that I outlined above. It is also necessary to bring the body and mind into a state of rest. And the next thing I will talk about will be those rules, following which you can strengthen the nervous system and experience less nervousness in general, being calmer and more relaxed. These methods are focused on the long term, they will make you less stressed in general, and not just prepare you for a responsible event.

  • First, in order to correct the physiological factor of nervousness, and bring the nervous system to a state of rest, one must meditate regularly. It is very good for calming the nervous system and calming the mind. I wrote a lot about this, so I won't dwell on it.
  • Secondly, go in for sports and carry out a set of measures that support recovery ( cold and hot shower, healthy food, vitamins, etc.). In a healthy body healthy mind: your moral well-being depends not only on mental factors. Sport strengthens the nervous system.
  • Walk more, spend time outdoors, try to sit less in front of the computer.
  • Do breathing exercises.
  • Quit bad habits! Learn to relieve tension without cigarettes, without alcohol and other things. Look for healthy ways to relax!


The weakness of the hair can manifest itself in different ways, which means that the hair can spoil the whole image. In some cases, they even signal that it is time to see a doctor. Do not know how to improve the health of hair and what to do with them? Top MATRIX stylists give tips on how to make weak hair stronger.

Weak hair: diagnosis

Weak are called lifeless, thin and falling hair. Split ends, excessive dryness or oiliness can also indicate hair weakness. Often such problems are inherited genetically or are the result of hormonal disorders due to menopause or pregnancy, birth control, an unbalanced diet, illness, stress, scalp fungus, or the threat of cancer. The influence of environmental factors such as sunlight, chlorinated or salt water, air conditioning, heat or pollution can also adversely affect the health of the hair. Normally, a person loses about 100-150 hairs per day, but since most people have about 100,000 hairs on their head, such losses are not so significant. When a hair falls out, a new one grows in its place. This process continues at a uniform pace until middle age, when hair growth slows down or stops altogether. Hair loss due to breakage is not normal. dropdown naturally the hair usually comes off the scalp, but the bulb remains in place. In the case of fragility, deeper structures are affected. Some fragility is acceptable, but excessive - evidence of hair weakness. Often, weak hair manifests itself through split ends, which damage the structure more and more and lead to the loss of the entire hair.

1. Use special products to prevent further damage to weak hair
A good hairdresser will help identify hair weakness and give advice on how to necessary funds. This is necessary to restore weak, diseased hairs. In such cases, it is recommended to use shampoo, conditioner and styling products that are enriched with protein, amino acids and have firming properties. Don't use shampoos that dry out your skin, and when using a fortifying conditioner, start at the roots and work your way up to the ends. You can promote deeper conditioning by wrapping your hair in a hot towel or wearing a shower cap so that the product is absorbed into the follicles and hair shaft. A protein mask and deep cleansing will also help restore hair strength. However, keep in mind that with these funds you can go too far. Good things also need a little, and overuse such products for care can harm the hair. Already damaged hair can become lifeless and coarse. Avoid using styling products that contain alcohol and dry out your hair. Limit shampooing to at least once every two days, or less often, especially if your hair is not prone to oiliness.

2. Treat weak hair by limiting use chemical substances
Overuse of chemicals can weaken the hair. Constant coloring, lightening, straightening can damage the structure of the hair and make it weak. At frequent use such products or if they are overdosed, weak hair will become more brittle, and their ends will begin to split. Use your secret chemical weapon- shampoo and conditioner for intensive restoration and moisturizing of hair. Look for products containing stearyl and fatty alcohols - they will help make hair soft and strong. If the entire hair structure is damaged, it is necessary to use deep cleansing products with protein about once a week. Such products should be applied after washing with a moisturizing shampoo and left overnight (wrapped with a towel or curled into a bun). Wash off in the morning. When coloring your hair, ask your hairdresser to use a dye with a conditioning effect and without ammonia.

3. Don't play with fire: weak hair can't stand the heat
The thermal effect of hair dryers, tongs, irons harms hair, especially weak hair - they become brittle. Too hot air from a hair dryer heats up the moisture left in the cuticles, and as a result, pores form, which weakens the hair. Such “singed” hair begins to take moisture from the air and curl. Instead of changing the natural shape of the hair, work with what comes naturally. If your hair is straight, it can be healthier with cleansing and conditioning products for shine and shine. Curly hair needs to be treated with curly hair texturizing products. To restore health to your hair, use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, followed by strengthening treatments. Only after that you can start laying. Styling devices must be installed on the most low temperatures And don't forget to apply heat protectant before using hair dryers and flat irons. As a final touch, use protective oil.

4. Style change will help weak hair
Change your daily hairstyle - constantly loose hair eventually acquires split ends and begins to tangle. Ponytails and tight braids also weaken the hair. Change your style every day - it's not only beautiful, but also good for your hair. If you're going to let your hair down, use a strengthening shampoo, conditioner, and styling products for weak hair. For high hairstyles, it is better to use a strengthening mousse or gel, and also choose elastic bands without metal elements. Wearing tight hats and rubbing when combing also weakens the hair. Don't comb them too often. And never brush wet hair! Better to use brushes natural hair. A good detangling spray will help keep your hair from falling out when brushing. If you still need to comb wet hair, treat it with a spray.

5. Curly weak hair - how to deal with?
When the hair begins to frizz due to weakness, it is necessary to cut the ends to stop the splitting along the entire length of the hair. Use shampoo and conditioner with keratins to compensate for the lack of protein and repair damaged hair, restoring their health. However, keep in mind that the hair will not return to normal immediately - you need to take care of them regularly, and then after a while the result will become noticeable. After shampooing, use a serum or leave-in conditioner to eliminate frizz. If you are going to use oil-based serums, remember that they should not be applied to the scalp, as this will make the roots look dirty and the skin itself will become oily. For styling, you should choose products that give the hair softness and shine.

6. Split ends: containment methods
Split ends cannot be cured, but as stated above, they can be controlled by trimming your hair every 6-7 weeks. As temporary measures, you can use a mild shampoo or conditioner and apply oils only to the ends of your hair. When styling, it is better to use strengthening agents - they will help to fasten split ends together.

7. Return to the roots: care for the scalp
In hair restoration, the first line of defense is the scalp. If the skin is healthy, then the hair will recover over time. Common scalp problems include dryness, oiliness, and dandruff, but each has its own weapon against it. Dry and flaky skin can be treated with moisturizing oil. It must be rubbed in for 5 minutes before washing your hair. A hair mask or deep cleansing shampoo will also help restore water balance. If the head itches, and if it is covered with snow on the shoulders, it means that dandruff has appeared. Nothing spoils appearance, like flakes of skin on the shoulders, so in this case you need to find shampoos, conditioners and other anti-dandruff products. It is better to consult a hairdresser or dermatologist beforehand.

8. healthy eating- healthy hair
Of course, the cause of hair weakness may also lie in external influence on them, however, no less important is what happens inside the body itself. Unhealthy food or debilitating diets lead to hair loss and hormonal disorders.
Nutrition affects the health of the hair and scalp. Nutrients supply energy for hair growth. A diet rich in proteins nourishes the skin and hair, because in this case they receive enough keratin and protein - the texture of the hair improves, growth is stimulated. Eat lean meats, fish, low-fat cheeses, egg whites, spinach and soybeans - contained in them useful material heal the scalp. As a snack, fruits, vegetables and cereals are suitable.
Vitamins are the key to healthy hair. Vitamin C, or collagen, helps keep blood vessels in order and maintains hair follicles. Vitamin C also absorbs iron from plant proteins. Biotin, an important B vitamin, strengthens the hair, improving its texture and shape. It is found in salmon, carrots, egg yolks and sardines. Vitamin supplements- another ally in the fight for hair health. Silicon is found in rice, oats, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage and sunflower seeds. It stimulates hair and nail growth, as does calcium, found in dairy products, fish, and leafy greens.
Equally important for the health of the body and hair, in particular, water is important. Water balance is the key to the smooth functioning of the body, water strengthens the hair. It is recommended to drink plenty of pure water per day.

If the above tips turned out to be ineffective, you need to consult a doctor (first of all, a dermatologist) so that he prescribes the necessary treatment.

Cardiovascular complications have firmly taken a leading position, in terms of the number deaths. Stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysms are sudden and dangerous phenomena. main reason the formation of these pathologies increased fragility of the vascular system. You will learn how to strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of irreversible consequences from this article.


Arteries, veins, capillaries deliver nutrients and oxygen to all human organs. Increased vascular fragility different departments of the whole organism, causes pathological modifications in this area. Fragile vessels of the brain lead to a stroke, fragility of the nasal arteries - to frequent bleeding from the nose, weak vessels on the legs, the main sign of varicose veins, fragile facial vessels indicate rosacea, diabetics are characterized by diabetic angiopathy of the eye capillaries.

With fragility of blood vessels, the following factors are attributed to the causes:

  • high blood pressure. Aggressive effect of pressure on the vessels, also applies to unfavorable factor contributing to their fragility. The damaged artery cannot cope with the loads, as a result of which it ruptures. Strengthen the vascular system will help control blood pressure;
  • stressful situations and excess weight. AT stressful condition vessels are compressed, and extra pounds create an additional load on them, muscle stretches, the risk of developing an aneurysm increases, relaxation and a properly selected diet will help strengthen the vascular system;
  • sedentary lifestyle. With age, a person decreases vigorous activity spending more and more time in a sitting position. Lack of physical activity leads to stagnation of blood and increased fragility of the vascular wall. How to strengthen the walls of blood vessels? Start moving, as a result, the blood flow will be restored, and the vascular wall will return to normal;
  • atherosclerosis is the first cause of vascular fragility. High level bad cholesterol contributes to the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques, the vascular wall subject to their attacks loses elasticity, under the weight of the build-up, microcracks appear in which potassium salts fall. The wall thickens, which leads to fragility;
  • diabetes, with this pathology, the blood circulates poorly through the veins, and this provokes a loss of elasticity and, as a result, fragility of the veins;

Auxiliary factors of arterial fragility include:

  • failures in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • pathology of the vascular system;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • unstable hormonal background;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • deficiency of vitamins C and P;
  • taking blood-thinning drugs and contraceptives.


Vessels in the human body play the role of a kind of indicator. Unreasonably appearing bruises, and the face, all this indicates the presence of pathological modifications of the vascular system.

At the initial stages of vascular fragility, hemorrhages are of a small focal nature, and if the vessels are not strengthened, they are transformed into larger bruises.

Bad blood vessels appear the following symptoms: epistaxis, dizziness, sudden onset of headache, unstable readings blood pressure, decreased performance, drowsiness, meteo sensitivity, numbness of the lower and upper limbs, at sudden movements darkens before the eyes. With fragility of blood vessels, the symptoms serve serious reason apply for medical care and undergo a full examination.

Vitamins to help blood vessels

Multivitamin preparations are the main assistants in the fragility of the vascular wall, vitamins C, P, E and group B reduce the fragility of the vascular system. Silicon, potassium, selenium and sulfur are also indispensable assistants in restoring the elasticity of the vascular system.

Vitamin complexes focused on strengthening the vascular wall:

  • Vitrum-cardio;
  • Veoton complex;
  • Antiox;
  • Taurine Ergo.

These drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels are commercially available, take vitamin complex follows according to the instructions. Multivitamins have no contraindications, and are safe to take in fragile vascular systems in seriously ill patients. However, greatest effect to strengthen blood vessels and veins, they give microelements digestible with food.

Balanced nutrition on guard of blood vessels

Junk food is also negative factor, which contributes to the fragility of blood vessels. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition can completely get rid of the problem and strengthen the vascular system. Experts recommend the following rules on how to strengthen weak blood vessels, simply by balancing the diet:

  1. Animal fats. Many have heard about the harmful effects of cholesterol on the human body, and so animal fats are its main source. Therefore, they should be excluded from the diet, and replaced with healthy olive oil.
  2. We replace fatty lamb and pork with chicken, seafood and fish.
  3. Completely exclude sausages, canned food and smoked meats.
  4. Sugar, sweets, and bakery products are replaced with dried fruits, cereals and honey.
  5. Cereals that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels - rice, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  6. Unlimited fruits, raw vegetables and freshly squeezed juices from them.
  7. AT preventive purposes from brittleness, it is useful to eat fresh garlic, onions, eggplant dishes, cucumbers.
  8. Beans and peas have proven themselves as food products that help strengthen the vascular system.
  9. Of the berries, currants and chokeberries should be preferred.
  10. Reduce consumption of black tea and coffee. Regarding green tea, the opinion of experts is ambiguous. But most of them recognize the beneficial properties of the drink.
  11. Rosehip decoction with the addition of honey should take a leading position in the diet.

Strengthen the capillaries of the eyes

Long stay at the computer, long reading in dim light, bad habits, lack of sleep and diabetes contribute to the rupture of thin capillaries. How to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries eyeball without harming them even more, experts know. Folk remedies will help get rid of the manifestations of red eyes (pain, hemorrhage, tingling) and strengthen the capillaries.

Contrasting baths and a special exercise for the eyes will make fragile vessels more elastic, restoring their tone.

For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, it is necessary to take a 20-minute break every two hours. Also Special attention should be given to the illumination of the room, the lack of light when reading, negatively affects the condition eye vessels. The distance between the book and the eyes should be at least 45 cm.

The medicine Emoksipin, strengthens the thin capillaries of the eyeball. Drops quickly spread bruises, and help strengthen the walls blood vessels. Scheme of administration - 2 drops, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

We strengthen the vessels of the legs

The main ways to strengthen the veins and blood vessels in the legs include sports, foot massage and water procedures. To achieve a positive result and prevent the development varicose veins veins, give physical activity, as much free time as possible. Race walking, jogging, outdoor games with the ball, will help strengthen blood vessels and veins lower extremities.

If you spend a lot of time on your feet on duty, you need to properly distribute the load on both limbs. If possible, give your feet a five-minute rest every half hour, wear comfortable, non-compressive shoes, preferably made from natural materials.

A Russian bath with a birch broom, swimming, and turpentine foot baths help to maintain the vascular system in excellent condition and strengthen them.

Water treatments provide vasodilating action, which improves blood flow, allowing you to strengthen the vascular system.

How to strengthen the vessels on the legs, with the help of medicines? It is possible to prevent varicose veins and strengthen the veins of the legs with the help of angioprotectors (Troxevasin, Venoplant), thrombolytics (Streptokinase, Heparin) and adrenergic blockers (Pirroxan). Tablets are prescribed by the attending physician after he makes the necessary diagnosis. For external use, you can use ointments such as: Venarus, Trombless, Lyoton gel, Kenoruton.

It is possible to strengthen the vascular system of the lower extremities using methods alternative medicine. Approximately 25 g of immortelle sandy, pour a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Then wrap the broth and infuse for an hour, then strain, divide into three parts and drink during the day.

Get rid of the fragility of the vascular system of the heart

Weak heart vessels increase the risk of developing serious pathologies which in some cases lead to irreversible consequences. How to strengthen the blood vessels of the heart? To begin with, bring body weight indicators back to normal. Since excess weight adversely affects the vessels of the heart.

As drug therapy accept the following drugs strengthening the vessels of the heart:

  • Asparkam;
  • vitamin complex for the heart Directs;
  • Riboxin tablets.
  • from atherosclerosis - Lovastatin, Rezuvastatin.

You can also strengthen blood vessels folk remedies, these include - daily you should drink 2 glasses of milk, once a week 1 glass of red grape juice, eating foods rich in vitamin E (tomato juice, cottage cheese, vegetables, beans), 5 pieces walnut in a day.

Getting rid of the vascular network on the face

The fragility of the vessels of the face leads to the formation of rosacea. The disease is not dangerous, but spoiling the external data of a person. Hormonal disruptions, most often found in women, are responsible for the formation of pathology.

Eliminate the problem and strengthen the vascular walls, will help:

  • laser removal of capillary stars;
  • Vikasol;
  • Solgar;
  • troxevasin ointment.

Folk ways to strengthen and reduce the fragility of facial vessels include:

  • applying aloe juice (to get juice at home, 1 leaf of the plant is put in the refrigerator for 7 days, after this time the juice is squeezed out and used as a tonic against capillary fragility);
  • reducing the fragility of the vascular system with parsley. 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, wait 30 minutes. Next, strain the infusion, and add a glass of milk to it. The resulting solution is applied to the face, and left for half an hour. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

To strengthen the vessels will take a lot of time and strict adherence to the instructions of a specialist. At the first sign of fragility of the blood vessels, you should seek medical help, because the sooner you start strengthening measures, the higher the chance of completely getting rid of the problem. To avoid the fragility of the vascular system, and strengthen it, eat right, spend more time in the fresh air and do gymnastics 30 minutes a day.

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The real danger to human health is weak muscles back. Why? A body with weak muscles is like a house built without the use of mortar. After a good shake, such a house will completely crumble. Without proper exercise, muscles will atrophy. It happens imperceptibly, but with a constancy that frightens. How to strengthen back muscles?

A person who does not play sports or other types of physical activity, as a rule, avoids situations where muscle tension is required. However, the load on the spine can not be avoided by anyone and never. When a person stands upright, the lumbar spine takes on a load equal to at least 30 kg. It is worth leaning forward a little, as this load doubles. If the body is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the load on the lumbar region can increase to as much as 210 kg.

As you know, there are internal and external muscles in the back. External ones look spectacular if they are pumped up with the help of sports activities. However, they do not support the spine. This work is done internally. muscular system, which is attached to the vertebrae and maintains them in a fixed position.

By itself comes the conclusion that daily or at least regular workout spinal muscles is not a luxury at all, but simply a necessity for every person.

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to?

It would seem that the so-called "sedentary" lifestyle is a natural result of the development of human civilization. Now all the necessary information can be found on the Internet, all the work can often be done on a laptop. You can also relax there, plunging into the world of virtual reality. The development of the transport network has become so global that a person practically does not even need ordinary walking. And everything would be fine, only the human body, created for movement, simply atrophies from such a lifestyle. The spine is the first to suffer.

If you constantly sit at a computer, then the very first consequences will be deterioration in posture and chronic. Over time, all this can result in osteochondrosis. Internal back muscles that create a muscular frame around the spine, relax and strip back necessary support and eventually atrophy altogether.

What are the dangers of bad posture and muscle imbalance for the spine

Few people know that slouching not only leads to back pain and greatly spoils the appearance and figure, but can also cause the most various diseases, among which there are high blood pressure, flatulence and even depression. The thing is that with incorrect posture, the internal organs are displaced. They begin to occupy a position that is not characteristic of them by nature.

It is known that when the body works properly, the brain also works properly. Mental capacity at healthy people With correct posture improve, and with them the mood improves.

Muscle imbalance manifests itself mainly in the fact that some back muscles are constantly tense, while others are excessively relaxed and underdeveloped.

Muscle clamps occur, as a rule, as a result of stress. A person who has a lot of muscle clamps, over time, begins to behave stiffly, stiffly, even speech becomes suffocated. Such a person is often insecure, as if placed in some kind of framework. Many people who go in for sports, dancing, yoga, note that after training their self-confidence has increased, their gait has become more beautiful, their movements more graceful. Thus, many psychological problems can be overcome only by regularly exercising your body.

As a rule, one arm and its muscles are more developed than the other. In appearance, the spine looks straight, but the load in thoracic region distributed unevenly. Therefore, work on the spine should be a normal element of life for every person.

Muscle imbalance is harmful to the spine, a violation of its normal position and normal natural position internal organs, which is fraught with failures in their work and a variety of ailments. The spine has long been called the pillar of life, which indicates its priority in maintaining health.

Strong abdominal muscles are an important support for the spine

Often, with problems with the spine, doctors recommend strengthening the abdominal muscles even more than the muscles of the back itself. Behind our body vertical position support dorsal muscles, and in front they are balanced by the abdominal muscles. The back muscles help you lean back, and the abdominal muscles help you forward. At the same time, they pull the chest to the pelvis. The oblique abdominal muscles help to lean to the sides.

As is known, The abdominal muscles help stabilize the position of the spine. If the abdominal muscles are weakened as a result of overweight, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and other reasons, then this is fraught with stiffness lumbar spine. He simply cannot withstand the loads that put pressure on the spine from above. People who are characterized by problems of this kind often have a sagging stomach and an unnaturally strong deflection in the lumbar region.

Being engaged in abdominal muscles, you will not only get a beautiful slim stomach, but also become the owner of a beautiful posture, a more beautiful and confident gait and a good mood.

How to strengthen back muscles?

Charging to strengthen the muscles of the back

So, how can you strengthen your back muscles? If you haven’t played sports for a long time, then you can start with a simple set of exercises for the back muscles, which are known to each of us since school. The main thing here is not to go too far. Loads should be strictly dosed and gradual. Otherwise, you will simply pull something for yourself, damage your muscles and ligaments, and instead of benefit, worsen your health even more.

Strength physical activity not in a one-time many-hour lesson, but in regularity. It is better to practice for half an hour, but every day for a long period of time.

For the first time, ordinary rotations and swings of the arms, turns of the body and head, tilts forward and backward, rotation of the body, walking in place with high raising of the legs, back bends in lying position, raising and lowering the shoulders. In the future, you can include exercises on simulators that strengthen the muscles of the back.

Yoga - gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back

Yoga is popular among those who are engaged in their spiritual development, and those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Yoga asanas perfectly heal others chronic problems with the spine. Asanas will perfectly strengthen the muscular frame of the spine and its ligamentous apparatus. Yoga is a priority because there are no sharp and too large loads.

An experienced instructor will always tell you that an asana should be, above all, comfortable. That is, the degree of its implementation should correspond to your current level. The level rises gradually over months or even years of constant training.

Yoga will improve the blood supply to the muscles of the spine, restore the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons, relieve tension between the vertebrae, strengthen the muscles.

Yoga is also good because it does not have side effects, how drug treatment, helps to activate metabolic processes and restores the functioning of the body as a whole. Yoga relieves stress effectively chronic fatigue relieves depression. Classes are available to people of all ages. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the fitness center, then you can safely work out at home. Today you can find many video lessons with complexes for beginners.


As you know, stretching is stretching. Additional lessons stretching is practiced by dancers, gymnasts, those involved in martial arts and various types sports. There are many exercises for stretching the muscles of the back.

Stretching will help develop the muscular frame of the spine, make the ligaments more elastic, make the spine more mobile and resilient, relieve muscle clamps, relieve back muscle tension, restore the natural position of the spinal column, achieve a beautiful posture. Often with regular stretching, an increase in growth is observed. This increase can be from 1 cm to 10 cm. Yes, it is precisely 10 cm of "extra" growth that is often hidden in our spoiled in a sedentary manner life posture.

Swimming is incredibly effective for curvature of the spine, posture defects, allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosis, and other diseases.

As is known from the law of Archimedes, in water the human body loses as many kg as the weight of the liquid it displaces. As a result, a person weighing 70 kg in water will only weigh about 3 kg. Therefore, water is almost a state of weightlessness. In the water, the spine is unloaded, and intervertebral discs straighten out.

Water is a wonderful opportunity to give the spine a real rest. At the same time, the muscles are perfectly trained, and the joints work with high amplitude.

If you also use technique when swimming correct breathing, that is, breathe deeply and exhale quickly, the ventilation of the lungs will increase, their vital capacity as a result of constant training will increase. As a result, you can get rid of many respiratory and other diseases. In addition to health benefits, in the pool you will also feel peace and relaxation, and this will help restore the nervous system and get rid of stress.

How to strengthen your back muscles with simple exercises at home, see the video:

A person is arranged in such a way that he almost daily worries about his loved ones and worries about things that are important to him, because modern life constantly throws him stressful situations. All this has a negative impact on the central as well as the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, such an impact does not go unnoticed. negative emotions lead to the development of physical and mental pathologies. After all, we know that "all diseases are from the nerves."

The nervous system and its strength

Which people are the most stressed? Of course, those who have a weak type of nervous system. Moreover, according to experts, with each new generation the number of such people is constantly increasing.

This or that margin of safety, which distinguishes the nervous system, is given to each person from birth. This indicator indicates the performance and endurance of all nerve cells in our body. If the National Assembly has sufficient strength, then it is able to withstand any, sometimes even the most strong excitations. Cell inhibition does not occur in this case. Thus, the difference between people with a strong and weak nervous system is that the first of them are able to withstand superstrong stimuli. And if the National Assembly is weak? Then its owners cannot boast of patience. They are unable to withstand exposure to strong stimuli. It is difficult for them to retain the information that has come to them. That is why people with weak nerves share it with everyone, sometimes even with the first people they meet. After all, in such situations, the National Assembly starts to slow down or stops working altogether.

However, a weak nervous system also has its advantages. For example, it has an increased sensitivity and is able to easily distinguish between super-weak signals.

Signs of weak NS in adults

What is the difference between a person whom nature could not endow with a strong nervous system? First of all, he shows indifference in most issues. Such a reaction suggests that the individual perceives any blows of fate without expressing his protest. A weak type of nervous system makes a person lazy. Moreover, this can be observed not only in relation to his psychological, but also physical characteristics. This is confirmed by people who live in poverty and do not make any attempts to correct the situation and change their position in society.

Another sign of a weak nervous system is indecision. The person who is characterized hypersensitivity ready to obey everyone. Sometimes such people are possessed to such an extent that they turn into living robots.

Considering the characteristics of a weak nervous system, it is worth noting the constant doubts of its owners. Such a person often makes excuses, thereby trying to disguise his failures. And he doubts not only himself. The distrust of people with a weak nervous system is also caused by the one who tries to help him in this or that matter. This is sometimes expressed in envy of someone who is more successful and better in this life.

What else applies to the characteristics of a weak nervous system? By excitement, expressed in anxiety, such people stand out from all the rest. Such manifestations clearly indicate a significantly reduced rate nerve force. Constant anxiety often leads a person to mental disorders and even breakdowns. After all, such people live in constant fear. Fear is taken away from them vitality and age prematurely. It should be understood that certain worries, and sometimes great difficulties, are possible for each person. However, people who have a strong nervous system meet them quite calmly on their life path, trying to find a way out of this situation. Excessive anxiety will not help solve the problem. It only takes away health and brings old age closer.

It is also possible to identify a person with a weak nervous system by the extreme caution shown by him. In order to realize their own plans and ideas, such people always need the right moment, which they constantly wait for. This sometimes becomes a habit. As a result, overly cautious people become pessimists, as they constantly think about the possible failure that could ruin their life's work. All this translates into indigestion, nervousness, inactive blood circulation and many other diseases and negative factors.

Signs of weak NS at an early age

What is characteristic of impressionable children? From an early age, they are extremely sensitive and receptive. At the same time, the child’s weak nervous system allows him to easily notice even the most insignificant changes that occur in the mood of the people around him. In addition, such children hear even the faintest sounds, rustles, and see slight shades. Such a child can even notice what is inaccessible to many of his environment. This, for example, light shadow annoyance or a spark of joy on the face of the interlocutor, as well as minor changes in the gait of a person, in his suit, movements made by him invisible to many.

With a weak nervous system in a child, he has a very emotional process of reading books and watching movies. The plot captures these children so much that tears can often be seen in their eyes. And even after reading and watching, despite the fact that the events that made you worry are already in the past, memories of them cause inexplicable pain in the soul of a child with a weak nervous system.

Such children have increased nervousness and sensitivity in those cases when they find themselves in an unusual and unfamiliar environment and have to do something or decide on their own. And let it be even some trifle, but the tension of the child can be seen even in his face.

Children with a weak nervous system stand out from all others in physical work and in learning activities. It is much easier for a teacher to work with such students. He easily teaches them to carefully perform everyday activities, unlike children with a strong type of nervous system, especially choleric and sanguine. Impressive students perform better in a monotonous environment. It is not difficult for such children to get used to the daily routine. The fact is that monotonous activity does not cause great excitement, which in a child with a weak nervous system is a kind of protection against overexpenditure of strength and fatigue. All this should be taken into account by teachers and parents of impressionable children, without loading them, among other things, with intense and prolonged mental or physical work. After all, such tasks will be too tiring for a small person.

It should also be borne in mind that children with a weak nervous system get tired very quickly when new conditions are created. That is, their education in the first and fifth grade becomes especially difficult. They can work best at home, where no one can disturb them, or sitting at a separate table in a quiet library. In the case of creating a tense and noisy environment, students with a weak nervous system do not cope well with the task. After all, easy tasks for them immediately become difficult. When passing examinations, as well as during other exciting events, such children are usually lethargic or passive, noisy or irritable. They look sick or weak.

Impressive students, unlike their peers who have a strong nervous system, are often constrained in cases that require them to act according to the prevailing situation. If the teacher asks such children an unexpected question, then it is difficult for them to answer it immediately. As a rule, at such moments the student has a confused look and a tense face, not knowing where to put himself.

When passing exams, such children show excessive excitement. This leads to loss of appetite, to the occurrence of insomnia, or is fraught with nightmares. In such situations, any feasible task seems overwhelming, and an already solved task that has the wrong answer. After passing exams, sensitive children calm down and are perplexed about their past worries. But in the event of similar circumstances, this will certainly happen again.

Impressive kids sometimes get offended because of a trifle. They may even cry if the conversation ended before they arrived, or if a joke (not on them) was passed on that made everyone laugh.

The connection between body and mind

Every change that occurs in the human body will certainly affect its health. That is why in medicine there is such a direction as psychosomatics, which establishes a connection between mental processes occurring in the human body, and its physiological state.

Any stress factor causes a protective reaction of the body, which is expressed in muscle tension. This allows a person to maintain health. After all, when the body is tense, the soul is relaxed. When such situations occur infrequently, no negative consequences for the body they do not carry. However, when accidental psychotraumas degenerate into protracted stresses, a person becomes ill. His pathology belongs to the psychosomatic type, which causes difficulties in staging accurate diagnosis. While doctors are looking for the origins of the disease, a person loses vigor and sleep, efficiency and energy. His ability to enjoy life disappears, and minor inconveniences gradually develop into significant problems.

Crashes in physiological processes organisms lead to pathologies mental sphere. A person has to live, experiencing chronic fatigue, irritation, anxiety and vague anxiety. Within a short time, this state develops into neurotic disorder significantly degrading the quality of life.

What to do with a weak nervous system? How to maintain health and prevent the development of many diseases? To achieve a significant effect, simple methods will help, which will be described below.


How to strengthen a weak nervous system? by the most effective method that gives excellent results in this direction is winter swimming. It allows you not only to put your nerves in order and improve your health, but also to engage in the development of willpower.

With regular procedures, the body will gradually get used to cold water. Such persistence is very beneficial for health, but to obtain a positive result, you will need to follow certain rules, namely:

  • produce a gradual increase in the degree of cooling;
  • perform procedures regularly.

Physical activity

All living things must move, and do it as actively as possible. This will allow the body to constantly expend the accumulated stress hormones in it.

With regular physical activity, a person's performance increases. His brain is saturated with oxygen, and the body increases its resistance to stress. Besides, physical activity is an excellent prevention of many diseases. The most useful during its implementation is the removal of mental and nervous tension.

The best option for such activities are walks in the fresh air. After all, they are simple physical exercises with hardening and psychological rest. Such walks quickly strengthen the nervous system. And if you walk along fresh air every day for at least 30 minutes positive result won't keep you waiting long. It will show up in a couple of weeks.

Tourism produces no less effect on the increase in the strength of the nervous system. Of course, it will take more time, but in this case it is possible to get a positive result in just a few days.

Sports will also help to strengthen the nerves. It is especially effective to engage in such types of it as:

  • aerobics;
  • rock climbing;
  • yoga;
  • fitness;
  • Pilates;
  • martial arts.

The most important condition for this is the regularity and quality of the classes.

Bad habits

Restoring nerves, while receiving a positive result, is possible only if you refuse alcohol, cigarettes or psychoactive substances. The absence of bad habits in a person is the main condition for the health of the body.

For example, many people believe that alcohol is practically harmless. However, even with a rare use of small amounts of alcoholic beverages, there is an increased excitation of the nervous system and malfunctions in its work. Regular drinking leads to the development various diseases. These ailments also negatively affect the nervous system.

As for smoking, it reduces a person's attentiveness, memory, and even the level of intelligence. A similar effect is due to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain, provoking oxygen starvation, as well as in connection with the ingestion of toxic substances that are present in cigarettes.

Even a cup of coffee negatively affects the nervous system. At first, it increases the activity of NS, and then sharply reduces it. Gradually, the nervous system is depleted. This also happens when using energy drinks.

Proper nutrition

There are a number of products that can strengthen the human psyche and nervous system. That is why, to obtain the desired result, you will need to include in the menu:

  1. Nuts, cottage cheese, soy, fish and chicken meat. They contain proteins responsible for the work of reflexes and the entire central nervous system.
  2. Fats. Their use allows you to increase efficiency, strengthen emotional health and tone the CNS.
  3. Carbohydrates. Their main source is cereals, which provide energy to the brain and help strengthen the nerves.
  4. Vitamins of group B (1,6 and 12), as well as A, C, D and E. Fish and nuts, vegetables and fruits, bran, eggs and oatmeal can saturate the body with them.
  5. Minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc). Their presence in the body contributes to the production of substances that contribute to the functioning and strengthening of the central nervous system. The largest number minerals contain chicory and chocolate, milk and cereals, nuts, vegetables and fish.

Daily regime

To give the nervous system more strength can be healthy and deep dream. During rest, the body is restored and cells are renewed.

But early waking up, frequent awakenings, superficial sleep and lack of sleep loosen the nerves. In the absence of normal rest, a person becomes apathetic and lethargic, he hardly concentrates and thinks poorly. Often, lack of sleep manifests itself in communication in the form of outbreaks of aggression and irritation.


There is another perfect helper which allows you to form a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. It is nature that heals itself. A person will only need to leave the city, sit on the river bank and start admiring the sun, which is reflected in the water. Communication with nature makes a person inspired and peaceful. It normalizes the nervous system and sometimes even cures physical ailments.

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