The next topic is talker. Synopsis of a lesson on literary reading Topic: "Chatty silence is a burden." According to the story of V. Golyavkin “Chatterboxes. And you rrrrrr...


reading lesson in grade 1

Theme: "Chatty silence is a burden." According to the story of V. Golyavkin "Chatterboxes"

Purpose: to form the habit of correct behavior in the lesson through reading V. Golyavkin's story "Chatterboxes"

To acquaint with the work and biography of V. Golyavkin;

Learn to answer questions correctly

Develop memory, speech, thinking;

Cultivate love for others, your comrades.

During the classes.

    Organizational start

D.Z. organize students for the lesson.

1.1 Greetings.

1.2 Emotional mood

Guys, now we will play a game called "Differently". I will name the word, and you call it differently.

Lingonberry, boot, hawk, drum, eggplant, sandwich.

(Words are posted on the board)

Well done guys, you are very smart, quickly completed the task

2. Speech warm-up

D.Z. development of correct and fast reading skills

He sits on the bough of a crow and croaks. And the hare sits on a stump and teases the crow.

crow says


- Toshka - adds a hare


- Tina! - the hare quickly shouts.


- Zina! - long-eared laughs.

-Kar .. an angry crow screamed at the hare and its beak, beak.

-Aul! aul! yelled the hare - Guard! And from the crow to the fullest.

Guys, try to continue this funny game: one starts the word, the other finishes it.

(concert, carnival, cap, corridor, button….)

3. Preparation for the perception of a literary work

D.Z. to compensate for the lack of formation of the type of correct reading activity, the ability to think about the work before, during and after reading

3.1 Teacher's conversation with children.

Tell me guys, do any of you know the works of V. Golyavkin? Now I will tell you something about him.

Born in Baku, in a family of music teachers. For the rest of his life, he kept a good memory of his childhood, his autobiographical works are "My good dad", "City in the sea", "Drawings on asphalt and others. Golyavkin studied fine arts first in Samarkand, then in Tashkent, and graduated from an art school in Dushanbe. Then in Leningrad, Golyavkin graduated from the I.E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Becoming a writer, he subsequently illustrated his books himself. ".

Golyavkin is not a storyteller. He writes about the life that is. Girls rarely appear in Golyavkin's books. The main population of his books are boys. Probably for the simple reason that Viktor Vladimirovich himself is a former boy. It's always better to write about what you know best. Golyavkin's children, that is, mostly boys, are sometimes so mischievous that the reader's breath is taken away. However, note: mischief is mischief, and at the same time, the thinking motor does not subside in the head.

(a portrait of V. Golyavkin is posted)

Today in the lesson, we will get acquainted with one of his stories. Open your books to page 23.

Check out our untitled story. I offer you 3 titles.

1. Liars. 2.Chatterboxes.3.Bouncers.

What name would you give?

We will check your options after reading. And in order not to be mistaken, you need to understand the meaning of each word.


D.Z. development of speech culture, enrichment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

lie - tell a lie

Liar, liar is a man who lies

Lies are intentional misrepresentations of the truth.

Chatter - to talk about something insignificant or about something that should not be talked about.

Chatter-empty condition, meaningless conversation

Chatterbox - a talkative person

Bragging - immoderate praise of something of one's own, one's own merits, often imaginary, exaggerated

A braggart is a boastful person.

Boastful - loving to show off.

(reading words in chorus, in rows)

5. Physical minute.

The class raises its hands, this is the time

The head spun - this is two,

Three - hands three claps,

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

6.Primary perception of the text

DZ Acquaintance with the content of the work.

(Reading by teacher)

7.Verification of primary perception

DZ checking the quality of the perception of the work, the emotional reaction of children, understanding the general meaning.

Did you like this piece?

What did you like about it?

Are you ashamed of the main characters?

So what would you call this story?

Now open the content and check how this story was called by the author.

Guys, look how the text is written?

What is the name of such a record?

8Reading by children.

And now you will read this story and we will check how you can read expressively.

9. Radio theater game.

Guys, now we're going to play radio theatre. He will help us to read the roles correctly and beautifully.

And how many roles in this work?

The words of Senya are marked with the letter C, Yura Yu, and teachers U.

(reading by role)

10.Summing up.

You liked this piece.

What did you like about it?

Can you behave like this in class?

I hope that you will not be like Senya and Yura.

Thank you guys for your work, I hope you got a good lesson in proper behavior.


Often tactlessly and for no apparent reason interrupts the course of the conversation. He does not pay attention to the time that all participants in the conversation spend listening to his lengthy statements.

It is desirable to treat it as follows:

like the "Know-it-all", put him closer to the speaker or other authoritative person;

when he starts to deviate from the topic of conversation, he must be stopped by using summary statements for this;

ask the names of the participants in the conversation, what is their opinion;

in advance (or after a break) to limit the time of individual speeches and the entire conversation, to establish a time limit. Stolyarenko LD Psychology of business communication and management. Textbook / L. D. Stolyarenko. -- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.


This type of interlocutor is characterized by a lack of self-confidence in public speaking. He will rather remain silent than say something that, in his opinion, may seem stupid or even funny to others.

With such an interlocutor, you need to be especially delicate:

ask him clear, specific questions;

demonstrate goodwill, interest, so that he develops his remark;

if he nevertheless decided to speak, apply non-reflexive listening and encourage other participants in the conversation to do so;

help him formulate thoughts using the clarification technique;

resolutely suppress any attempts to ridicule, sarcastic statements addressed to him;

use approving wording like: “It would be interesting (useful) for everyone to hear your opinion”;

specifically emphasize all the positive aspects of his statements, but do not do this condescendingly.

Cold-blooded, impregnable interlocutor

Such a person is closed. He often feels and keeps aloof, does not get involved in the situation of a business conversation, as it seems to him unworthy of his attention and efforts.

In this case, by any means necessary:

to interest him in participating in the discussion of the problem;

apply the technique of reflecting feelings, for example, address him with the following words: “It seems that you are not completely satisfied with what was said. Surely we would all be interested to know why?” During the break, try to find out the reasons for this behavior. Stolyarenko LD Psychology of business communication and management. Textbook / L. D. Stolyarenko. -- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.

Disinterested interlocutor

The topic of conversation does not interest him at all. He would rather "slept through" the whole conversation.

Therefore, you need:

ask him questions of an informative nature, involving him in a conversation;

clarifying his point of view, avoid questions, answering which can be limited to the words “yes” and “no”;

ask him questions on the topic of conversation from the area in which he considers himself the most competent;

try to find out what interests him personally.

important bird

Such an interlocutor cannot stand criticism - neither direct nor indirect. He feels and behaves like a person who stands above the rest.

The essential elements of the position in relation to it are the following:

he should not be allowed to play the role of a guest;

from time to time to ask to speak on any issue of all interlocutors in turn;

not allow any criticism of persons both present and absent;

not get annoyed because of his manner at all. Remember that your goal is to have a constructive conversation "here and now";

agree with him up to a certain point, which will reduce his desire to contradict and prepare him for the counterargument: “You are absolutely right. Have you taken into account that ...? Stolyarenko LD Psychology of business communication and management. Textbook / L. D. Stolyarenko. -- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.


It seems that this interlocutor was created only to compose and ask questions, regardless of whether they have a real basis or are far-fetched. He just burns with the desire to ask. How to behave with such an interlocutor?

The following may help here:

answer questions of an informational nature immediately;

in a group conversation, involve all participants in answering his questions related to the topic of conversation;

during an individual conversation, if possible, redirect questions to him: “An interesting question. I would like to know what you yourself think about it?

immediately recognize his innocence if you can not give the right answer.

The purpose of this classification is to show the variety of types of interlocutors. Everyone, if desired, can continue and refine the classification, based on their own experience in organizing and conducting business conversations.

It is very important to pay attention to the fact that the same person can change depending on the importance of the topic, the course of the conversation, the type of other participants in it, etc.

When negotiating, it is important to understand what type of interlocutor you are dealing with. The outcome of the negotiations will largely depend on how correctly we have identified type of interlocutor and picked up the tactics of working with one or another type.

Can be distinguished 9 main types of interlocutors frequently encountered in negotiations. It is worth remembering that “pure” types of interlocutors are rare in life, as a rule, each person combines several features. However, if we know the main types of interlocutors, we can find the right "key" for everyone.

So, the main types of interlocutors in negotiations:

Type 1. Positive person

The most pleasant type of interlocutor, good-natured and hardworking. You can easily have a conversation with him and sum it up. In relation to him, you need to take the following position:

  • together to clarify and complete the consideration of individual issues
  • make sure that all other interlocutors agree with his positive approach
  • in controversial and difficult cases, seek support from interlocutors of this type.

Type 2. Nonsensical person

This interlocutor is impatient, excited and not restrained. In relation to him, you should behave as follows:

  • always stay cool
  • when possible, let others refute his claims and then dismiss them
  • bring him to your side.

Type 3. Know-It-All

This interlocutor thinks he knows everything and best of all. He always demands a word and constantly expresses himself. With or without.

When communicating with this type of interlocutor, you should follow the rules:

  • sit him next to a positive interlocutor or with you
  • remind him from time to time that others also want to speak
  • sometimes ask him difficult special questions that only you can answer.

Type 4. Chatterbox

This interlocutor often tactlessly and for no apparent reason interrupts the course of the conversation, not paying attention to wasted time. It should be treated like this:

  • as well as a "know-it-all", put him closer to a positive interlocutor or to an authoritative person
  • when he begins to deviate from the topic, he should be tactfully stopped and asked what he sees as a connection with the subject of the conversation.

Type 5. Coward

Such an interlocutor is afraid of everything. And most importantly, public speaking. It is easier for him to fall through the ground than to express his opinion. Such an interlocutor must be handled very delicately:

  • resolutely suppress any attempts to ridicule him
  • help him articulate his thoughts
  • thank him specifically for any contribution to the conversation, but this should be done tactfully.

Type 6. Cold-blooded unapproachable interlocutor

Such an interlocutor is closed, often feels out of time and space, as well as out of the topic and situation of the conversation.

All this seems unworthy of his attention and effort. What to do in this case? Either way, you need:

  • to interest him in the exchange of experience
  • ask questions, engage in conversation
  • during breaks and pauses in the conversation, find out the reasons for this behavior.

Type 7. Disinterested interlocutor

The topic of conversation does not interest such a partner at all. He would rather "slept through" the whole conversation. Therefore, you need:

  • ask informative questions
  • make the conversation interesting and engaging
  • try to find out what interests him personally.

Type 8. Important bird

This type of interlocutor does not tolerate criticism - either direct or indirect. This is a man with a lot of self-esteem. With such an interlocutor, you should behave as follows:

  • you need to imperceptibly offer him and give him the opportunity to take an equal position with the rest of the participants in the conversation
  • not allow any criticism of the present or absent leaders and others
  • it is very useful in a dialogue with such a person to work out the “yes - but” method.

Type 9. Why

This type of interlocutor likes to ask questions. And it doesn't matter to him whether others are interested in it or not. How to deal with such an interlocutor?

  • all his questions related to the topic of the conversation, ask all the interlocutors, and if he is alone, then redirect the question to him
  • answer questions of an informational nature immediately
  • without delay to recognize his innocence if it is not possible to give the desired answer.

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It is much more pleasant to work with those who speak understand you perfectly, are ready to make all sorts of compromises, and express their thoughts clearly and to the point. However, our desires are not always fulfilled one hundred percent. Surely, each of us at work has to communicate with people with whom it is not so easy to reach an understanding. However, it is quite possible to get along with them. It is enough to choose the desired behavior strategy.

There are several types of unpleasant personalities. Some bore us, others infuriate us with their constant nit-picking, others plunge us into a state of despondency. However, fortunately, each of them has its own approach.

Types of "difficult" interlocutors

1. Chatterbox. Such a person often has nothing against you. However, a conversation with him always turns into a real torture. Even if you come to him with a question that is solved in five minutes, there is no guarantee that the conversation will not drag on for hours. The problem is that the talker always interrupts you, does not allow you to complete the thought, wedged in. The interlocutor of such a person can only wait patiently until he speaks out.

At the same time, the talker often goes astray, and it is impossible to follow the thread of the conversation in any way. As a result, by asking a specific question, you can run into a long story about how a person punctured a tire in the morning, at the age of seven he went with his grandmother to the forest for mushrooms, or went fishing last weekend. The chatterbox does not notice that he is wasting your time.

Communicating with such people is very tiring, so many prefer to solve problems on their own or contact another specialist. But what if a conversation with a talker cannot be avoided?

Advice: if you see that the talker has seized the initiative, and the conversation has gone “in the wrong steppe”, politely but persistently return the person to the original topic. To do this, correctly stop the person and clarify how, after all, what he is talking about is related to your question.

If other people are participating in the conversation, you can ask for their opinion. Also, at the beginning of the conversation, you can immediately outline the time frame. For example, you showed up for a meeting with a client who likes to chat. Your time is precious, so explain right away that you only have half an hour for the meeting. This will force the talker to speak to the point and concentrate only on the most important issues.

2. Excellent student. Like a talker, an excellent student also tries to insert his “five cents” everywhere. Although, unlike the previous type, he always speaks on the merits, this does not make it any easier. An excellent student is so eager to demonstrate his savvy and deepest knowledge in all matters that he does not allow other members of the discussion to insert a word. It is easy to imagine such a person at a school desk, holding his hand high and always ready to answer. Of course, the merits of an excellent student cannot be denied. He, most often, is really quite smart and with his knowledge can help out in a difficult situation.

But when it becomes "too much", it becomes annoying. Often such people acquire the fame of sycophants and upstarts, although the goal of an excellent student is not to benefit or please someone, but simply to show their knowledge. This is almost a physical need for an excellent student.

Advice: if you see that an excellent student begins to overwhelm you or the other members of the discussion with his knowledge, politely remind him that it would be nice to hear other opinions. This is especially true for controversial issues where there can be no single point of view. If the initiative of an excellent student cannot be extinguished anyway, there is another way out. You can start asking questions from the area in which the excellent student is incompetent. Then he will have no choice but to let the experts speak on this issue.

3. Debater. Sometimes it seems that such a person has little direct interest in the essence of what you are saying. For him, the most important thing is to cling to your words and start asking clarifying questions, correcting, clarifying or challenging your position. Moreover, these questions and remarks are generated not by the desire to learn something and clarify for oneself. The arguing wedges in for the sake of arguing.

When more or less reasonable objections and questions end, the debater begins to invent them and continues to piss you off with his nit-picking. Tip: The disputant very rarely has the goal of actually getting any information from you through his questions and objections. He is much more interested in your reaction. Confusing the interlocutor, he, as it were, tries him “by the tooth”. If you become embarrassed or lose your temper, the debater will feel weak in you.

If you come across such an instance, you have two choices. The first is to answer a question with a question, even if it is impolite. It is quite possible that the debater will retreat if you use his own weapon against him. The second option is to turn the disputant's objection or question into a joke, and then continue the original thought.

4. Rebel. Such a person very emotionally and negatively rejects all your suggestions and ideas. Whatever you say, he will strongly protest. This person deliberately goes to confrontation, with all his actions and words he opposes himself to you. There will be no calm and constructive conversation with such a person, as he refuses to listen to you.

Advice: most often, rebels are “not born, but made.” That is, sharply aggressive behavior is caused by something. Perhaps you "annoyed" this person with something? Or is he in captivity of his own stereotypes? Do not under any circumstances go out of your way. Keep your cool and professional, don't let yourself be drawn into conflict. And best of all, alone with the rebel, find out what are the reasons for his negative attitude towards you. In many cases, the cause can be completely minor omissions or misunderstandings. If you manage to overcome them, the problem will be solved.

If a confidential conversation, in your opinion, does not help, try to think over what objections you will encounter before starting the conversation. Mentally work them out and immediately, without waiting for the interlocutor's remarks, speak the controversial points. If you feel that the situation is heating up, invite the interlocutor to pause and return to the issue that caused such heated debate a little later.

5. Silent. He answers in monosyllables and very carefully. You don't have to wait for detailed answers from him. He always tries to answer in monosyllables, so as not to blurt out too much or seem incompetent in any matter. In the course of a collective discussion, such a person prefers to remain silent.

In personal conversation, he is shy and very tense. The answer to any question, he, as a rule, begins with the phrase “I don’t know what to say” or “you must have turned to the wrong person.”

Advice: the reason for the secrecy of the silent man is his lack of confidence in his abilities. Such an interlocutor needs to be encouraged. To prevent this person from withdrawing into himself, do not pretend to be a severe critic. On the contrary, show interest with all your appearance. A timid interlocutor needs approval. So between the phrases of the silent person, insert remarks like “a very interesting position”, “I absolutely agree with you”, “yes, I also thought about it.” When a silent person feels that his opinion is interesting, and he "says everything right," this stimulates his eloquence.

6. An indifferent observer. It seems that this person wants to take a nap more than listen to you. He demonstrates complete indifference to the subject of conversation and almost yawns.

Advice: if you are sitting that your interlocutor does not listen to you and does not try to understand the meaning of your words, interrupt your prepared speech and address the person directly. Ask if everything is clear to him from your words. Ask for an opinion on the subject of your conversation. Also ask around and try to find out what worries and interests the person. Once such a topic is found, the indifferent observer will throw off his mask.

7. Crybaby. Any conversation with such a person will certainly end with the fact that he tells you about all his troubles and misfortunes. And his wife saws around the clock, and the car was scratched in the morning, and at work everyone always offends him and puts sticks in the wheels. In general, a crybaby can enthusiastically tell you for hours about how life is unfair to him. Such people charge with negativity and confuse. Because of their endless complaints, sometimes you can forget how the conversation started. Thus, the problem is not solved, and you spoiled your mood.

Advice: don't let the crybaby take the initiative. You must radiate positivity. State your question right away. Listening to the answer, constantly clarifying questions bring the person to the topic with which the conversation began, do not let us delve into thoughts about life. Try to get the information you need as quickly as possible.

Communication even with the most boring or intolerable interlocutor is sometimes necessary. Therefore, you need to know how to properly communicate with such people. The right tactics will quickly achieve the desired result and make the conversation more constructive.

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