Marmas - "erogenous" zones of Ayurveda

Marma massage is an ancient Indian method of healing the body, one of the types of Ayurvedic acupressure using individually tailored essential oils and herbal infusions. The word “marma” in literal translation means “secret”, “invisible”. According to the philosophy of Ayurveda, Marmas are the energy centers of the body, the junction points between physical body and subtle energy flows. Most of these points are associated with certain muscles, organs or tissues, similar to the points in acupuncture.

By influencing Marma points, the specialist normalizes energy flows, removes energy blockages, directs positive energy to specific organs and systems, and harmonizes general state body, gives strength or helps to relax.

For Marma massage apply medicinal oils, selected in accordance with the individual constitution, type of dosha and the state of health of the patient. Warm oils under the energetic action of the massage penetrate deep into the tissues and provide additional stimulation, freeing the intercellular space from accumulated toxins and toxins, helping to eliminate energy stagnation. The oil is applied to the body of the client or the hands of the massage therapist (during head massage).

Traditional Marma massage consists of two stages. The first stage begins with a smooth rubbing of oil, stroking and kneading the body, soft stretching of the joints and tendons. This leads to the normalization of flows vital energy Prana, lymph and blood circulation.

The second stage is the activation of Marma points, which leads to the opening of energy channels and the removal of energy blocks. Massage is carried out with smooth circular movements of a small radius, clockwise.

Each next circle becomes a little wider than the previous one. After performing expanding circular movements, begin to narrow the circles, slowly building up pressure. This cycle is repeated several times. Blocked or out of balance Marma points can cause pain or hypersensitivity. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to take a warm bath or shower.

There are several options for Marma massage. General - performed on the entire body, local - performed on separate parts of the body (head, back, feet, hands, abdomen). The duration of the procedure depends on the option chosen, which can range from 30 minutes to two hours. Marma massage can be carried out both separately and in combination with other Ayurvedic methods and procedures for the face and body. Massage is carried out in an environment conducive to maximum relaxation, using incense, meditative music, subdued light.

Marma massage stabilizes the energy balance, helps to eliminate the erratic outflow of internal energy, restores the disturbed balance between the doshas, ​​helps to cleanse the body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, optimizes blood and lymph circulation, treats cellulite and obesity, sexual disorders, has a rejuvenating effect, strengthens immune system relieves stress and fatigue, improves sleep, increases efficiency and vitality brings a sense of peace and tranquility.

SPA centers use Marma massage in programs of relaxation, health improvement, rejuvenation and detoxification of the body, body shaping and many others.

The harmony of body and spirit opens the way to inner beauty.

Contraindications: allergic reactions on the oils used, benign and malignant neoplasms, sharp inflammatory processes, serious illnesses internal organs, infectious diseases, damage to the skin, pregnancy, critical days.

Marma therapy is one of the ancient methods ayurvedic treatment, a technique of deep recovery and energy reboot of the body. It is based on a soft and at the same time deep effect on marmas (translated from Sanskrit - “zones of life”, “especially sensitive points”) - the bioenergy centers of the human body.

For thousands of years, marma massage has remained a great secret knowledge. In India, it was available only to the elite - kings and warriors who owned the art of traditional Indian combat Kalaripayattu. Knowing the location of the "points of life" and "points of death" on the human body, as well as understanding how to activate them, they could heal, restore their strength and hit the enemy with just a touch on the marmas. To this day, marma therapy is considered the oldest known technique for replenishing vital energy (prana) and restoring metabolism.

In India, marma therapy has long been used the best doctors in everyday practice, this knowledge is carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation.

According to Ayurveda, there are 107 marma points on our body: 22 on the legs, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and abdomen, 14 on the back, 37 on the head and neck. One hundred and eighth marma is the mind.

Marmas are found in muscles, veins, ligaments, tendons, bones and joints. Impact on them in the process of massage or self-massage restores the functions of certain organs, restores strength and energy, and helps to relax. From the point of view of marma therapy main reason most diseases is a violation of the distribution of vital energy, prana, in the body and consciousness. Acupressure on marmas removes power units and restores normal course prana.

Marmas in Ayurveda are described as the crossroads of matter and consciousness. They are located close to the surface of the skin and are extremely sensitive. All these points are interconnected by invisible energy channels, nadis, penetrating the body. Marmas play a key role in maintaining the balance of the doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and in stimulating the three circulatory systems - lymphatic, circulatory and nervous.

Vital marma zones: feet, shins, knees, thighs, abdomen, solar plexus, rib cage, back, hands, forearms, shoulders, neck, nape, jaws, eyes, crown.

Marma therapy is practiced separately, as well as in combination with traditional Indian massage and others therapeutic methods Ayurveda, for example.

How Marma Therapy Works

According to the science of marmas, most of disease is associated with an energy imbalance in the body. Marma massage helps to eliminate energy blocks and establish the natural flow of prana at the level of the body and mind.

Marma therapy turns on following methods:

* Marma massage.

* Application medicinal oils and pastes (based on herbal powders, oils and spices).

* Bandage wraps.

* Special gymnastics.

Types of marma massage

Marma massage can act as a treatment or prevention of any diseases associated with an imbalance of prana in the body. depending on the physical and mental state patient, his age, as well as the nature of the disease, apply various techniques marma massage.

* Sukha thirumma . This type of massage is aimed at general strengthening organism and is used as a disease prevention.

* Raksha thirumma . This massage is performed to treat the most various diseases both somatic and psychic.

* Kacha thirumma . This massage is recommended for dancers, athletes, those involved in any kind of wrestling - to improve flexibility and physical fitness.

Benefits of marma massage

* Balances doshas.

* Improves digestion, strengthens agni - "digestive fire".

* Removes toxins.

* Increases energy.

* Rejuvenates.

* Relieves arthritis pain and joint pain.

* Relieves pinched nerves.

* Promotes deep relaxation.

Marma massage technique

Ayurveda experts assure that with the help of marma massage, asthma, migraine, increased arterial pressure, sciatica, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as other diseases that modern citizens are especially susceptible to. By learning to influence certain points, you can activate the hidden forces of the body. Self-massage is the starting point and the key to self-healing, says Neil Venugopal, bachelor ayurvedic medicine and surgery, practicing doctor of Ayurveda, marma therapist, specialist of the Ayurveda and Yoga Center "Kerala". “Now many people have problems associated with headache, lumbar, stomach pain, and they are all solved with the help of marma massage.”

By acting on marma points, you can correct malfunctions in the most complicated mechanism subtle body human (mind, feelings, thoughts, desires). And in emergency situations knowledge of marma points can bring a person out of an unconscious state, save a life.

Apply on marma a small amount of mixtures and oils (they are chosen depending on the dominant dosha, how exactly - see below). Massage is carried out thumb. Start with soft and smooth circular motions small radius clockwise. Each next circle is made wider than the previous one. After completing five spiraling movements, the circles are narrowed, slowly increasing the pressure. The cycle of five expanding and five narrowing circles is repeated three times. Marmas that are in imbalance are more sensitive, and when exposed to them, pain is possible.

The technique of marma massage is determined by which dosha should be harmonized. To do this, you need to understand your constitution and establish which dosha dominates in you and which is in a state of imbalance - ours will help with this.

Vata imbalance massage

Signs of cotton wool : dryness, coldness, unevenness and roughness.

Basic Vata Marmas : adhipati (crown), sthapani (center of forehead, third eye), nila and manya, (under the ear on the front of the neck and on the side of thyroid gland), nabhi (a point 5 cm below the navel), basti (at the bottom of abdominal cavity, about 10 cm below the navel), guda (end of the coccyx).

Massage features : warming, smooth, nourishing, with plenty of warm oil. The touch should be soft but firm. jerky movements representatives of this dosha are unbalanced. Excess oil can be left on the skin so that it is saturated with them. It is especially important to generously anoint the stomach with oil. After the massage, cotton should be covered with a sheet or blanket, and when local massage Apply a heating pad to keep warm.

massage oils : any basic, but best of all sesame or hazelnuts with the addition of essential oils of calamus, basil, vetiver, jatamamsi (Indian aralia), ginger, camphor, cardamom, coriander, lavender, lemongrass, chamomile, sandalwood, sage or eucalyptus. Mix the oils according to the formula: 40 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil.

Pitta Imbalance Massage

Signs of pita : oiliness, heat, tension and fluidity.

Basic Pitta Marmas : sthapani (centre of the forehead, third eye), nila and manya (under the ear on the front of the neck and on the side of the thyroid gland), hridaya (just below the heart at the bottom of the sternum), basti (in the lower abdomen, about 10 see below the navel).

Massage features : soothing, relaxing, with a moderate amount of cooling oil. The touches are deep, consistent and slow. Pitta-type skin is prone to inflammation and irritation - care should be taken when massaging especially sensitive areas.

massage oils : cooling vegetal oils like coconut or olive, mixed with essential oils of mint, lemon balm, vetiver, jasmine, coriander, cumin, lavender, rose, sandalwood, yarrow or fennel. For 40 drops of essential oil, there should be 100 ml of base oil.

Massage for kapha imbalance

Signs of Kapha : coldness, humidity, density, fat content.

Basic kapha marmas : adhipati (crown), urvi (middle of the shoulder and middle of the thigh), basti (in the lower abdomen, about 10 cm below the navel), talahridaya (point in the center of the back of the hand), kshipra (base thumb hands, as well as the base of the little finger of the hand), ani (outer upper layer patella, as well as inner surface shoulder above the elbow joint).

Massage features : invigorating, stimulating, with the minimum amount warm oil. The movements are energetic, fast, sometimes even abrupt. Kapha needs less oils than other doshas. Therefore, massage is often done with alcohol or powder, sometimes with silk gloves.

massage oils : warming botanicals such as almond, mustard or rapeseed combined with essential oils of yarrow, sage, eucalyptus, orange, basil, ginger, camphor, cardamom, cinnamon, myrrh. Since the oils in this case it takes less than other massages dosha types, the concentration of essential oils can be increased: 60-80 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil.

Marma massage is one of the most effective methods rejuvenation facial skin, treatment and care that helps to cope with stress and fatigue, harmonizes the senses, improves sleep, gives clarity to the mind, gives beauty and health skin and even relieves headaches!

Most marma points are located in the face, head and neck. Through a special delicate and precise effect on marmas and heads, fine tuning of the central nervous system is performed, endocrine glands, immunity, all energy centers of the brain, psycho-emotional sphere, memory and intellect are regulated.

Body, mind and emotions are back on high energy level. The result of marmatherapy is always the same - joy, peace, restoration of health, restful sleep, lack of anxiety and depression.

What is marma therapy?

Marma therapy is a concept not familiar to everyone. However, in the beauty industry, this phenomenon is quite well-known. Editors PhotoElf recommends mastering this procedure to all women seeking to preserve beauty for many years.

Marma massage - a bit of history ...

The task of marma is to work with biologically active zones that are responsible for the most important areas of our body. Such points are a kind of connection between the physical body and the flows of inexhaustible energy. At the same time, marmas can be associated not only with internal organs or tissues. They actively affect the muscles.

The history of technology itself goes back many years. It was especially valuable in military affairs, when, by striking at a certain point, the soldiers undermined the forces of their enemy. On the part of the doctors, marma had a retroactive effect and, on the contrary, brought the crippled soldiers back to life.

Marma is considered especially effective in yoga therapy. Improvement of internal organs, harmonization of energy flows, rejuvenation of the skin of the face, removal of fatigue and tension - all this is subject to this technique, which can rightfully be called miraculous.

About marma massage

According to legend, the science of marmas originates in the texts of the great Indian sage Agastya, who lived thousands of years ago in southern India. However, it is certainly known that the masters of the Kalari school were the first to develop and begin to practice marma therapy in South India.

Marma massage is a healing acupressure Indian massage. This massage is the forerunner of acupuncture. It is based on a soft but deep effect on vitality. important points"marmas" (translated from Sanskrit as "secret", "life") and "nadi" channels.

According to Ayurveda, there are 107 marma points on our body, and the mind is the 108th. Marmas can be found in vessels, bones, tendons, ligaments and joints. From the point of view of marma therapy, the fundamental cause of most diseases is a violation of the distribution of vital energy in the human body.

A point impact on marmas allows you to eliminate energy blocks and restore the normal flow of prana in the body and consciousness.

Classification of "magic" points

In different resources, information about the number of points is different. For example, the Sushruta school claims that out of 107 points, only 64 are considered the most important. These points, in turn, are divided into:

  • kula marmas - those that, if damaged, can lead to loss of life or serious injury
  • kola marmas - those whose violation is dangerously strong pain sensations.

The effectiveness of marma massage really speaks for itself and does not need to be confirmed. For women, this technique is interesting and gives health to the whole body as a whole.

Marma massage. More about usage

Counterclockwise massage allows you to get rid of negative energy. On the contrary, clockwise massage will help to fill the body with new energy. It happens that it is difficult to determine the right direction. Then on help will come a mirror, special aids, such as video tutorials, and, of course, practice.

Self massage

The first thing to start with self-massage is to perform circular movements from the right eyebrow. You need to move down to the opposite eyebrow, then up again and complete the circle again at the right (something similar to, right?).

When moving back, it’s worth going up in a circle, to the left eyebrow and then down, then back to the right again.

A distinctive feature of such a massage is that the hands will always work in parallel, while in most other massages their work occurs in oncoming traffic, with the same face fitness, for example.

Marma massage for facial skin is, first of all, work with energy

The greater efficiency of the procedure depends precisely on the distribution of energy flows. The main thing here is not to confuse directions and move exactly according to the scheme. Cream ghee is able to increase the effectiveness of the entire procedure. It is better to give preference to the usual, and not to what they insist on triphala.

Marma facial massage is just one of many rejuvenating self-massage techniques. Developed in antiquity, the technique has successfully survived to this day, gaining distribution and respect.

Its advantage is efficiency and no additional costs. All that may be required is a desire and a little attention to master the skills offered.

And now, after you were convinced of the emergency benefits of marma massage for facial skin, we suggest you master the skills of it independent application. See how ayurvedic massage do in the salon and use this method at home:

Marma therapy is a method of Ayurvedic treatment, deep recovery and energy reboot of the body, which is based on a deep impact on marmas, "points of life", bioenergy centers of the human body.

Marma massage originated as part of the ancient Indian martial art of Kalaripayattu. Knowing the location of the "points of life" and "points of death" on the human body and how to activate them, the warriors could not only kill the enemy by just touching the marmas, but also heal any disease, relieve pain and restore their strength. Marma massage is considered the most ancient reflexology technique known today and the only one that has come down to our time unchanged, in its original form. All later acupuncture techniques originate from it, including Chinese acupuncture.

Marmas are found in muscles, veins, ligaments, tendons, bones and joints. Impact on them during the massage process restores the functions of organs, restores strength and energy, helps to achieve deep relaxation, removes energy blocks and restores the normal flow of prana. During the procedure, the massage therapist simultaneously presses the marmas with his thumbs, acting on nerve endings which balances the nervous system. Therefore, during the session, the patient can plunge into a state of mind close to meditative - at this time, the brain produces endorphins and antidepressant hormones. It is also the oldest and safe way relief from pain in any part of the body.


  • Elimination of local clamps and pain
  • The appearance of cheerfulness and energy reserve
  • Restoring the balance of the three doshas
  • Improvements in the work of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system
  • Help in the treatment of cellulite and obesity
  • Recovery sexual function and treatment sexual disorders
  • Relieve stress and fatigue, normalize sleep
  • Increased performance and vitality


  • Hypersensitivity to ingredients
  • Oncological diseases
Duration— 0.5 - 1.5 hours

You can also order a VIP zone, where a separate toilet room is provided in the relaxation room. The cost of the service is 1,000 rubles.

See price list in "Price List" section.

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Center specialists

Anastasia Atkinson

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I was vacationing in Goa. And she accidentally fell, so much so that the support fell on 4 points - the knees and where the leg passes into the foot. In a hot climate Guzel Garayeva, HR expert

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  • It was the first time at yoga (teacher Sachin, translator Ekaterina Volkova). I express my deep gratitude for this experience, everything was very comfortable. ...

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  • Marma therapy is one of the oldest methods of Ayurvedic treatment, a technique for deep recovery and energy reboot of the body. It is based on a soft and at the same time deep effect on marmas (translated from Sanskrit - “zones of life”, “especially sensitive points”) - the bioenergy centers of the human body.

    For thousands of years, marma massage has remained a great secret knowledge. In India, it was available only to the elite - kings and warriors who owned the art of traditional Indian combat Kalaripayattu. Knowing the location of the "points of life" and "points of death" on the human body, as well as understanding how to activate them, they could heal, restore their strength and hit the enemy with just a touch on the marmas. To this day, marma therapy is considered the oldest known technique for replenishing vital energy (prana) and restoring metabolism.

    In India, marma therapy has long been used by the best doctors in daily practice, this knowledge is carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

    According to Ayurveda, there are 107 marma points on our body: 22 on the legs, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and abdomen, 14 on the back, 37 on the head and neck. One hundred and eighth marma is the mind.

    Marmas are found in muscles, veins, ligaments, tendons, bones and joints. Impact on them in the process of massage or self-massage restores the functions of certain organs, restores strength and energy, and helps to relax. From the point of view of marma therapy, the main cause of most diseases is a violation of the distribution of vital energy, prana, in the body and consciousness. Acupressure on marmas removes energy blocks and restores the normal flow of prana.

    Marmas in Ayurveda are described as the crossroads of matter and consciousness. They are located close to the surface of the skin and are extremely sensitive. All these points are interconnected by invisible energy channels, nadis, penetrating the body. Marmas play a key role in maintaining the balance of the doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and in stimulating the three circulatory systems - lymphatic, circulatory and nervous.

    Vital marma zones: feet, shins, knees, hips, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, back, hands, forearms, shoulders, neck, back of the head, jaws, eyes, crown.

    Marma therapy is practiced separately, as well as in combination with traditional Indian massage and other Ayurvedic therapeutic methods, for example.

    How Marma Therapy Works

    According to the science of marmas, most of the diseases are associated with an energy imbalance in the body. Marma massage helps to eliminate energy blocks and establish the natural flow of prana at the level of the body and mind.

    Marma therapy includes the following methods:

    * Marma massage.

    * Application of medicinal oils and pastes (based on herbal powders, oils and spices).

    * Bandage wraps.

    * Special gymnastics.

    Types of marma massage

    Marma massage can act as a treatment or prevention of any diseases associated with an imbalance of prana in the body. Depending on the physical and mental state of the patient, his age, as well as the nature of the disease, various marma massage techniques are used.

    * Sukha thirumma . This type of massage is aimed at general strengthening of the body and is used as a disease prevention.

    * Raksha thirumma . This massage is performed to treat a variety of diseases, both somatic and mental in nature.

    * Kacha thirumma . This massage is recommended for dancers, athletes, those involved in any kind of wrestling - to improve flexibility and physical fitness.

    Benefits of marma massage

    * Balances doshas.

    * Improves digestion, strengthens agni - "digestive fire".

    * Removes toxins.

    * Increases energy.

    * Rejuvenates.

    * Relieves arthritis pain and joint pain.

    * Relieves pinched nerves.

    * Promotes deep relaxation.

    Marma massage technique

    Ayurveda experts assure that asthma, migraine, high blood pressure, sciatica, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as other diseases that modern citizens are especially susceptible to, can be treated with marma massage. By learning to influence certain points, you can activate the hidden forces of the body. “Self-massage is the starting point and the key to self-healing,” says Neil Venugopal, bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and surgery, practicing doctor of Ayurveda, marma therapist, specialist of the Ayurveda and Yoga Center “Kerala”. “Now many people have problems associated with headache, lumbar, stomach pain, and they are all solved with the help of marma massage.”

    By acting on marma points, it is possible to correct malfunctions in the most complex mechanism of the human subtle body (mind, feelings, thoughts, desires). And in emergency situations, knowledge of marma points can bring a person out of an unconscious state, save a life.

    A small amount of the mixture and oils are applied to marma (they are chosen depending on the dominant dosha, how exactly - see below). Massage is carried out with the thumb. Start with soft and smooth circular movements of small radius in a clockwise direction. Each next circle is made wider than the previous one. After completing five spiraling movements, the circles are narrowed, slowly increasing the pressure. The cycle of five expanding and five narrowing circles is repeated three times. Marmas that are in imbalance are more sensitive, and when exposed to them, pain is possible.

    The technique of marma massage is determined by which dosha should be harmonized. To do this, you need to understand your constitution and establish which dosha dominates in you and which is in a state of imbalance - ours will help with this.

    Vata imbalance massage

    Signs of cotton wool : dryness, coldness, unevenness and roughness.

    Basic Vata Marmas : adhipati (crown), sthapani (center of forehead, third eye), nila and manya, (under the ear on the front side of the neck and on the side of the thyroid gland), nabhi (a point 5 cm below the navel), basti (in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, about 10 cm below the navel), guda (end of the coccyx).

    Massage features : warming, smooth, nourishing, with plenty of warm oil. The touch should be soft but firm. Sharp movements of the representatives of this dosha are unbalanced. Excess oil can be left on the skin so that it is saturated with them. It is especially important to generously anoint the stomach with oil. After the massage, cotton wool should be covered with a sheet or blanket, and with a local massage, apply a heating pad to keep warm.

    massage oils : any basic, but best of all sesame or hazelnuts with the addition of essential oils of calamus, basil, vetiver, jatamamsi (Indian aralia), ginger, camphor, cardamom, coriander, lavender, lemongrass, chamomile, sandalwood, sage or eucalyptus. Mix the oils according to the formula: 40 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil.

    Pitta Imbalance Massage

    Signs of pita : oiliness, heat, tension and fluidity.

    Basic Pitta Marmas : sthapani (centre of the forehead, third eye), nila and manya (under the ear on the front of the neck and on the side of the thyroid gland), hridaya (just below the heart at the bottom of the sternum), basti (in the lower abdomen, about 10 see below the navel).

    Massage features : soothing, relaxing, with a moderate amount of cooling oil. The touches are deep, consistent and slow. Pitta-type skin is prone to inflammation and irritation - care should be taken when massaging especially sensitive areas.

    massage oils : cooling vegetal oils like coconut or olive, mixed with essential oils of mint, lemon balm, vetiver, jasmine, coriander, cumin, lavender, rose, sandalwood, yarrow or fennel. For 40 drops of essential oil, there should be 100 ml of base oil.

    Massage for kapha imbalance

    Signs of Kapha : coldness, humidity, density, fat content.

    Basic kapha marmas : adhipati (crown), urvi (middle of the shoulder and middle of the thigh), basti (in the lower abdomen, about 10 cm below the navel), talahridaya (point in the center of the back of the hand), kshipra (base of the thumb, and also base of the little finger of the hand), ani (the outer upper layer of the patella, as well as the inner surface of the shoulder above the elbow joint).

    Massage features : invigorating, stimulating, with a minimum amount of warm oil. The movements are energetic, fast, sometimes even abrupt. Kapha needs less oils than other doshas. Therefore, massage is often done with alcohol or powder, sometimes with silk gloves.

    massage oils : warming botanicals such as almond, mustard or rapeseed combined with essential oils of yarrow, sage, eucalyptus, orange, basil, ginger, camphor, cardamom, cinnamon, myrrh. Since in this case less oil is required than for massage of other types of doshas, ​​the concentration of essential oils can be increased: 60-80 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil.

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