Play activities with preschoolers. Independent activity of children in the senior group of kindergarten

"Game is an independent activity of children at an early age"

The main requirements for the management of the game of young children are revealed in the works of N.M. Aksarina, F.A. Fradkina, S.L. Novoselova, E.V. Zvorygina

Frida Iosifovna Fradkina: “The game must be taught, especially in early childhood, - this should be stated quite boldly. But you can learn in different ways. It is impossible to build a standard - a model that should be obtained as a result of its development, and impose it on a child. First of all, it won't work, and if it does, it won't be a game. The game will become an activity."

Independent play along with GCD is one of the most important ways of raising a child. In an independent game, he improves what the adult taught him, the child has a further expansion and deepening of knowledge about the world around him.

Independent play contributes to the formation of interests and the active manifestation of individual characteristics.

For the educator, the organization of independent play activities for children is one of the most difficult sections of work, since, on the one hand, he must skillfully guide his game without suppressing the child’s initiative, and on the other hand, teach the child to play independently. The educator will be able to correctly organize independent play activities only if he knows well not only the features of the mental development of the child of the age with which he works, but also the features of the development of children of the whole group.

For the development of the child, it is important to develop gaming activities, since this will allow to achieve the formation of social and normative age characteristics (clause 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard).

At an early age, the formation of the game is only going on, the first types of independent play activity are observed.

Game actions are connected with the knowledge of surrounding objects in the process of cognitive-orientational activity.

The leading type of activity at an early age is objective activity. It is during this age period that the child actively begins to interact with various objects. (20)

What are the types of independent play activities of children at an early age?

Games related to movements: with a ball, toys - engines (car, trolley, wheelchair), climbing a hill and getting off it.

Cognitive activity is connected, first of all, with orientation activity, observation of the environment, therefore, the group should contain a variety of objects for viewing - paintings, models depicting some actions (a doll is sledding, a doll is feeding a dog, etc.), a book corner.

Experimental Games

With natural objects (with water, sand, pebbles, sticks, tree seeds) under the control of adults;

Communication game (the child hides, then unexpectedly jumps out to a peer or an adult, hugging, or, conversely, growling like a bear). For a child, this is "experimentation" - a game during which the child tests an adult, his reaction

With toys (kaleidoscopes, tubes and devices for blowing soap bubbles, designer toys by V.A. Kaye)

Plot-representative amateur games appear in the second year of life and disappear by the end of the third year of life. These games are considered the initial step in the formation of role-playing and directorial games. A plot-display game is a game with objects and their purpose. The game has a plot character, and the content reflects those actions that determine the content of the plot. The player displays everyday actions, but he himself does not create an imaginary situation. This is done for him by an adult ("you, like a mother, cook soup", "You, like a driver, turn the steering wheel."

Theatrical amateur games are a good preparation for a future role-playing game. Such a game can be both individual and joint. The desire of the child to dress up, imagining himself to be one or another character, is supported with the help of dressing corners.

· Constructive and visual activity in the 2nd year of a child's life acts as an objective one, when he reproduces buildings, imitating an adult, leaves a trace on paper with a pencil. In the future, in connection with the development of hand coordination, ideas about the world around us, mastery of technical methods, specific types of activity are formed - constructive and visual.

· Actions with objects - the leading type of cognitive activity, which can be represented in the form of direct actions with objects (auto-developing didactic toys: pyramids, inserts) and instrumental actions with additional objects - tools (spoon, stick, cup, etc.).

The stages of development of the game of young children are presented in the works of N.M. Aksarina, F.I. Fradkina.

The first stage from 11 months. up to 1 year - reproduction of learned actions, when the child reproduces actions directly or delayed on the basis of imitation of the actions of adults.

From 1 year 3 months up to 1 year 6 months The child's actions are expressed in the fact that he easily imitates the actions of an adult and transfers familiar actions to new objects.

At the third stage, a leap in the development of the game, individual display actions.

In the future, the game begins to have a plot character. There are several interconnected activities. (So, a 2-year-old girl, seeing how her mother puts her to bed, displays these actions in the game: puts the doll on the bed, covers her with a blanket, “shakes”).

And already at the seventh stage, at the 3rd year of life, the plot game prevails, which is of a diverse nature. The first role-playing games arise when the child takes on the role of mom, dad, doctor.

In the studies of E.V. Zvorygina, methods have been developed that provide for such moments as the game preparation phase, the number of game actions, the use of toys or their substitutes.

The level of solving game problems depends on the degree of generalization of the child's real and game experience.

Amateur games arise on the own initiative of a child or a group of children. However, this does not mean the spontaneity or causelessness of the children's play initiative. There are a number of conditions necessary for the game to appear in a child's life and develop successfully.

The most difficult aspect regarding the development of children's play has always been its management. Two extreme positions - from complete non-intervention to hard leadership - have been noted repeatedly since the 1930s. and in our time, and they are unequivocally unacceptable.

A child can be taught to play only by a bearer of gaming experience, a gaming culture, in joint activities with whom the child joins this activity and appropriates it. Therefore, the first principle of organizing a game in DO is joint play with an adult. The educator, engaging in free children's activity and taking the position of a playing partner, creates a zone of proximal development of children's independent play. Accordingly, the tasks should not be didactic, but gaming.

game task (S.L. Novoselova, E.V. Zvorygina) - a system of conditions in which an imaginary goal is set. To achieve the goal, the child must, on the basis of his life and play experience, conditionally use one or another method of action and means of its implementation.

When it comes to the joint play of an adult with children, it involves the adult playing together, and not instead of the child.

For the game to be natural, the teacher needs to develop the ability to be a playing partner. This quality is called the game position of the educator and includes:

A pronounced interest of the teacher in children's games

Reflection as the ability to see the real situation and isolate game opportunities in it

Infantilization as an opportunity to establish trusting relationships with others

Empathy as the ability to feel the game states of other people

Creativity as the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve the goal.

Joint play with peers.

Accompanying interaction helps the child to actualize the game experience as a result of playing together with the teacher, to apply it in various situations that arise outside the game activity specially organized by the teacher.

What methodological approaches contribute to this?

· a method of creating game problem situations (a game task is programmed by an adult, conditions are created for its solution, but a ready-made sample is not given: “the doll has a dirty nose”, “the dog wants to drink”, “the car broke down”)

The method of problem situations contributes to the development of children's initiative in the process of amateur children's games.

· kinesthetic method (the teacher directs the child’s hand: “Open, close the matryoshka”)

· display accompanied by a word

· verbal instruction ("Put the doll to sleep on the crib")

The development of play activity, associated with its transition into the form of children's amateur performance, is realized through the launch of the mechanisms of its self-development. This principle was the basis for the operation of a complex method that includes 4 components:

Enriching the experience and knowledge of children, expanding their understanding of the environment. Without a certain level of knowledge, ideas about the environment, the child will still not play, no matter how rich in terms of content the subject environment is offered to him for activity and no matter how skillful the adult is. (The child will not play what he does not know);

Enriching the gaming experience. Occurs in the course of joint games with the bearer of gaming culture. Every organized play should gradually transition and end with the free play of the children, where they can apply the experience gained. (Formation of game actions, ways of playing the game);

Creation and timely change of the developing object-spatial environment;

Activating communication between adults and children, aimed at the independent use by children of new ways of solving game problems, at reflecting new aspects of life in the game. Usually the help of a teacher is needed in three cases: activation of the beginning of the game; assistance in case of "hitches", pauses during the game; the need to translate the game to more complex forms.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (clause 3.2.5), among the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, the following is emphasized:

· creation of conditions for the free choice of activities by children, participants in joint activities

· support for children's initiative and independence in various activities

· support for spontaneous play of children, its enrichment, providing play time and space

A developing object-spatial environment is an environment that not only allows children to play in an interesting and varied way, but also contributes to the development of a child’s play activity, its transition to more complex forms. The developing environment in the preschool educational institution, from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical requirements, should meet the concern for the emotional well-being of the child. RPPS should be transformable, accessible, variable, multifunctional, and comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Includes toys such as:

· Toys of a complex nature (autodidactic, tools for household activities)

· Plot-shaped toys (animal figurines, dolls, household items, furniture, theatrical, festive carnival, technical)

· Didactic, board-printed games (“Hide the mouse in the house”, split pictures)

· Musical toys (tambourines, drums, bells, bells)

· Substitute items, waste and ornamental material

· Fun toys

· Multifunctional material (details of large floor building kits, voluminous items (boxes, stuffed and inflatable modules, etc.)

· Toys for playing with sand, water (floating fish, watering cans, molds, shovels, etc.)

· Pictures, art toys, crayons, colored pencils, gouache

· Toys for activating motor activity (slide with a gentle slope, balls, rubber rings, massage balls, strollers, carts)

· Constructors and sets of building materials

The space of the playroom should be organized in such a way that children can move freely, play simultaneously with several groups of children, or retire for individual play. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the subject-play environment in the early age group can be organized as follows (slide). Presented in the game centers complement each other and the content of the centers is interchangeable, for example, a child can take a book from the corner of the book and transfer it to the “house (living room)” for “reading” to the doll.

Thus, the model for the development of independent game activity in young children looks like this: independent activity-difficulty-joint activity with adults-independent activity with peers-amateur game.

So, the conclusion: for the development of independent gaming activity, it is necessary:

· Carrying out regular diagnostics of the experience of children's play activities and taking into account its results

· Having a playing position

· Gradual change of tactics: from partner to observer

· Selection of game content based on children's interests and preferences

· Orientation to individual creative manifestations, their further stimulation and development

· Creation of modern RPPS

· Do not impose your plot of the game on children, do not ignore the initiative of children

· Do not interfere in the game: console, sympathize, connect to the game of children only in cases of conflict situations.

· Encouragement to interact with peers

· Encouraging interest in peer games

Play is a way for a child to explore and navigate the real world. Involving in the process of play, children comprehend the meaning and values ​​of human life. The game is a way of responding to unpleasant, difficult situations. When children play, they express their own individuality and develop inner personality traits.

Thank you for attention!

Walking activities with kids. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. For work with children aged 2-4 Teplyuk Svetlana Nikolaevna

Independent activity of children

The structural components of the walk (observations, didactic game-tasks, first labor activities, outdoor games) take place against the background of independent play activity, which occupies the bulk of the time children spend in the fresh air and requires constant supervision by an adult.

In the warm season, preparing everything necessary for the deployment of various games, the educator remains the organizer and participant in these games. He directs the plot-role-playing games of children, joins in their implementation, shows game samples, complicates the game with questions, various suggestions.

Sand play is one of the favorite games for children. Only on a walk in the warm season, the kids have the opportunity to fully satisfy their desire to act with this natural material. Children enthusiastically play with sand for a long time, explore its properties.

Of course, even without adult guidance, children gain some experience: they distinguish between wet sand and dry sand by color and touch. Dry is ignored, wet houses are made into mounds, trying to form Easter cakes. But without the directed guidance of an adult, children will not be able to perform their intended play actions. When wielding a scoop, they mostly spill sand past the mold, fill it with sand not to the top, forget to pat the top with a scoop, tamping it, and turning the mold over, they don’t know that they need to knock on the bottom and only then carefully remove it. Not getting the desired result, the children are distracted, start to play pranks: they scatter sand in all directions, rush to it, bury small toys, destroy the buildings of other children.

In order for playing with sand not to acquire a persistent skill of monotonous and destructive activity, an adult must from the very beginning teach children to use it correctly in games, enrich their understanding of the properties and qualities of sand, offer additional material to complicate, continue, unfold games.

At the beginning of the year (autumn), adults are faced with the task of familiarizing children with the properties of sand; teaching the ability to properly use the scoop and mold, the first game techniques in the construction of hillock houses. In the summer, children should be reminded of what they have already been taught, and then follow what and how they build; guide, complicate the game and suggest how natural material can be used. Younger children can be offered to make a bird yard (show a small play set of poultry), older children can make a playground for dolls (flower bed, bench, paths around, etc.).

Purposeful selection of small toys and objects (various cars, airplanes, helicopters, small strollers and dolls, parts of building material), as well as the wide inclusion of natural materials in the game (pebbles, shells, cones, twigs, sticks, leaves, blades of grass, meadow flowers) create conditions for the development of creative play. Children are interested when an adult offers to bring sand to the sandbox.

Organizing, directing and complicating the game, one should take into account the individual capabilities of each child. One needs to be shown, explained, take his hand and pour sand into the mold with a scoop, the other only needs to be prompted: “Will there be a fence around your house?”, And with the third, count how many Easter cakes he has already made.

The task of an adult is also to instill in children the skills of joint games.

Each builds a house for his doll. They built it - and the street turned out. The teacher asks: “How many houses are on it?”, Suggests how they can be decorated with shells, lay out the sidewalk, the road with building material. The children unfold the game: the cars drove left, right, straight, the dolls went to visit each other, etc. Now the teacher can now occasionally approach the sandbox, in a word complicate, direct the game: “Where is the garage for cars?” Everyone is building a common garage together, and there the idea has already arisen to build an airport, a park for puppets to walk. A whole city grows up with streets and bridges. The combination of sand with building and natural materials is new for children (this can only be done on a walk), captivates them, and allows them to build interesting and complex buildings.

Natural material is widely used by children in role-playing games as substitutes: sand with water - porridge; leaves - plates, salad, umbrella material; pebbles, acorns - treats, sweets; sticks, twigs - spoons, forks, knives, fence. From clay (plasticine, dough), children mold animals, dishes for playing, treats, all kinds of decorations.

Children love to play alone. At the table, the baby pours pebbles, shells, cones, acorns out of drawers and baskets, and then sorts them himself again, examines individual shells, twirls a pebble of an unusual configuration in his hands for a long time, tries on their hats for acorns. Other guys carry baskets with natural material to the place of their games. Everyone first draws with a stick on the sand or with chalk on the pavement all kinds of drawings (herringbone, flower, flag), then lays out natural material along the contour. The teacher only has to prompt the child in time for all kinds of actions.

Familiarization with the properties of water takes place during specially organized games-classes under the strict supervision of an adult.

Such games-classes can be organized only in the warm season and carried out at the end of the walk. Water excites the child, so first you need to teach him the correct, careful handling of it: do not splash over the edge, do not make sudden movements, etc. At first, children simply dip their hands into the water, move their fingers. The teacher states: the water is clear, gentle; you can show how it is painted in different colors. Then he demonstrates the properties of water, using a variety of play material, gives everyone the opportunity to feel its temperature, simultaneously deploying games: bathing dolls, washing their clothes, washing toys, activities with colored balls. Lowering toys to the bottom, children notice that some remain at the bottom, while others immediately float to the surface. Why? An explanation can only be given by an adult, organizing a game-lesson "Sinking - swimming."

In the hot season, the teacher invites the children to take part in interesting activities for a walk: fill the pool (bath) with water, moisten the sand, teach them to use a watering can when watering the garden, flower garden. Children willingly join in such activities. They wash their hands with pleasure after playing with sand, do not refuse to wash their feet after a walk.

In winter, interesting games with snow begin. Children, together with an adult, decorate their site with buildings (a city, a meadow with flowers and mushrooms made of ice, a snow flower bed), build them to later use when playing: throw snowballs into the snowman's basket, walk along the "crocodile", exercising balance, etc. They build houses (for the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters), sculpt all kinds of buildings, recalling the fairy tales "Three Bears", "Teremok". In winter, you should stop the children playing catch-up, check if the kids are overheated; whether it is necessary to replace mittens with those who have finished decorating the next building with colored ice.

Unforgettable impressions from targeted walks to the park, to the edge of the forest, to the pond remain with children for a long time. They can walk for 20 minutes up to 300 m without rest. A change of scenery, new experiences that you will not get on the territory of a kindergarten, freedom of movement - all this stimulates the activity of the baby, allows him to more deeply comprehend the phenomena and events of the world around him. Target walks end with free games for children on their site.

Usually the kids are in a joyful mood on a walk. An adult supports the activity of children who, on their own initiative, jump, noticing a grasshopper: “You jump better than the grasshopper itself. Well done! And the grasshopper loves it. He sits, admires, does not want to leave us, ”or:“ Guess, children, who does our Andryusha imitate? The boy diligently shifts from foot to foot, growls. The child is pleased that the adult noticed his actions.

Children love to perform movements without objects: run from place to place, run up and down a hillock, climb ladders, swing on a swing. Such activities should be encouraged as they contribute to the development of the main types of movements. Freely moving around the site, children exercise in more confident and accurate execution.

But the teacher notices how stubbornly one kid climbs the ice turtle, and the other tries to keep his balance on the back of the "crocodile". The teacher should be there: to stop the one who is overexcited; to insure someone who is just mastering a new movement for himself; make sure that the children do not push, do not interfere with each other. An adult does not disregard a kid who stubbornly achieves his goal: “Well done, how brave!”

The teacher should note how long the child is busy, whether he is tired, and switch to another type of activity in time; after games with a high degree of activity, indulge in calm games - suggest drawing, sculpting, playing with dolls in a doll corner.

For painting with paints, children can take brushes, paints, large sheets of drawing paper and sit right on the floor of the veranda. And you can draw on the pavement, on the sand.

When inviting individual children to modeling classes, the teacher discusses with them what they are going to sculpt, from what material. They are offered a choice of plasticine, clay, dough (for 1 cup of flour 1/3 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil; a felt-tip pen or gouache is used to color the dough).

Some guys are making carrots. The teacher offers them: “Make your nose sharp, like a chicken’s beak. Let him stick his nose straight into the sky from the ground. At first, the children look at the adult in bewilderment, and by his appearance they guess: he is joking! They begin to laugh, and the teacher continues, turning to those who sculpt the cucumber: “If all the carrots are hiding in the ground, and even with their nose down, then the cucumber has nothing to do with a sharp nose, let it lie down with it in the damp earth!” The children are laughing. The adult is surprised: “I didn’t say that again? Then the bright burgundy beets, tanned in the sun, will need to be hung on a bush, and the zucchini is nearby ... "

Children from pink and blue clay sculpt bunnies themselves, at the same time count them, then carry them and put them next to the model on the site: “Look, mother hare, your hare babies have come running to you!”; sculpt a treat for the bear: mushrooms, berries.

In the shade of the trees at the table, two kids are examining a book of fairy tales by V. Suteev. The teacher offers the child (with well-developed speech): “Read together, you will be a duck, and Sasha will be a chicken. Get started! And the “chicken” is waiting with pleasure when it will be possible to say its own: “Me too!”

Often, during a walk, children suddenly show aggression towards a living object that is visible at first glance, which, in fact, is one of the types of research actions: they try to slap an ant with their foot, crush a bug with a toy. This should be stopped immediately: stop the kids in time, explain what this can lead to. And it is even better to have time to prevent their actions: “What a hard worker this ant is! He drags, tries, is knocked out of his strength, and does not let go of such a long straw. What a fine fellow!" To the point, the said quatrain, sayings or verse of the song sharpen the perception of the baby, contribute to the creation of vivid images.

The task of an adult is to support the initiative of each child, to develop his curiosity. Seeing that the kid is curiously following the insect running along the path, the teacher says: “I wonder where the little insect is in a hurry? How will such a baby get over a log? Will he turn to you or to me? These words contribute to a longer observation, support the purposeful perception of a living object by children.

The child watches the work of the ants, two more babies join him. The teacher says: “Patience and work will grind everything!” Children understand the meaning of the saying, since at this time the ants dragged their prey further, successfully overcoming a tiny groove.

Sometimes, during organized observations, the teacher notices that one of the children is being wary, trying to be closer to the adult, refusing to stroke the puppy. The teacher does not insist. In his free time, he can approach the puppy with this baby again, watch together, and then pet him. Close emotional contact with an adult will help the child overcome his own shyness.

Children may have conflicts over a place at a table with sand, over a sled for dolls. The teacher will certainly understand in such a situation. One of the tasks of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of goodwill and sympathy for peers during the walk: not to miss the moment, to draw the attention of the children who are nearby to a friend helping the baby to pull the sled with a doll up the hill, to the child who helps friends to complete the construction of a large tower. Such a microclimate is sensitively perceived by children, firmly supported by them. The guys try to help the teacher and their comrades: they themselves take out the toys, take the kids out by the hand, hold the door when they go out or enter the room.

Work on the formation of a caring attitude towards animals and plants does not stop. Seeing rare raspberries in late autumn, children, following the adults, say: “And raspberries only for birds!”, As they already know: birds have less and less food. The teacher will definitely notice and will not fail to praise those who, on their own initiative, brought fresh grass to the rabbit. The education of a kind and careful attitude to the world around is an important task of the teacher.

Children should learn to be the first to greet everyone. The younger ones say: “Hello!”, the older ones say: “Good morning! Good afternoon!" They went for a walk and say in chorus: “Hello, blue sky! Hello golden sun! The crow flew in, croaked - the children shouted to her in response: “Hello, hello, aunt crow! How are you doing?" Saying goodbye to the observed objects, children train in the pronunciation of various farewell phrases, remember them.

A bug runs and suddenly stops. Children cheer her up: “Be braver, run! Don't be afraid of us, we won't hurt you!" The dog barked, the children were indignant: “What are you barking at us for? We are good people!” The kid fell, the older comrade helps to get up, shakes off his fur coat from the snow and cheerfully says: “It doesn’t matter!” There are many good deeds: you need to bathe "daughters", wash their clothes, treat friends, build buildings from snow, decorate them with ice floes, water plants, feed birds. And so every day. Goodwill becomes the norm of behavior for everyone. An adult is always there, will help with a word, advice, deed.

It is at the early preschool age, when the child is already fluent in speech, that it is necessary to awaken his thought, to support and strengthen his curiosity. To this end, it is necessary to constantly put various questions before him: what do crows build nests of; why does a cat lick its kitten; where is the sun when it rains heavily? The adult asks questions - and the child begins to ask his own. There are a lot of unresolved issues along the way. There will always be time to chat with everyone or with a small group of guys. So the kids develop a strong desire to know everything, to understand everything. Close and trusting relationships with the teacher help the child to stay at ease with peers and adults, feeling calm and confident.

The teacher will always find time for timid, shy children who should not be left unattended. The child will be happy if an adult starts a game with him like “Buy onions, green onions”, “I will tie a goat”, “Excellent-wheat” or notes that he, on his own initiative, put things in order in the doll corner on the veranda: “Small, yes remote!" or “The work of the master is afraid!”. On a gloomy winter day, the child’s mood rises noticeably when an adult, about to straighten his clothes, reads N. Sakonskaya’s poem “Where is my finger”, and then, straightening the mitten, repeats once again:

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How is it going?

Helping a shy kid to get a handkerchief, an adult says with a smile: “Take care of your nose in a big frost!” The baby smiles, and the children around smile. This is how warm relationships are born.

Particular attention should be paid to passive and inactive children. It is necessary to help them join the common game: take the hand, cheer them up, offer to perform game actions together. Such attention, a sensitive attitude of an adult, timely support instill confidence in the child, help to quickly become an active participant in common affairs, discover the beauty of free movements, the joy of communicating with peers.

The teacher not only monitors, directs, complicates the game, but also teaches. When organizing individual games with children, everyone should be trained in precisely those movements that are difficult for him. For example, show the baby how to catch the ball with the palms of the hands, without pressing them to the chest. When teaching jumps, you need to make sure that the child, when performing them, gently falls on his legs, half-bent at the knees. When playing catch-up, offer to run in one direction at first. When the baby gets comfortable, learns to run fast, you can change directions. After such individual exercises, children are easily included in common games.

The communication of the educator with the baby in the first days of his stay among peers is especially valuable. The teacher should pay as much attention and affection as possible to such a child, encourage him with a word, help him quickly get used to the environment, and get to know other children. In order for the newcomers to quickly get used to the team, remember the names of their peers, you can, by combining two or three children in a ball game, offer: “Throw the ball to Olya!”, “Irochka, roll the ball to Tanyusha!” So quietly the baby enters the children's team.

To increase the emotional mood of such a baby, you just need to hug him, smile, play fun games with him such as "Forty-white-sided", "Okay", "Finger-boy", walk along the path to the beat of the nursery rhyme:

Big feet

Walked along the road...

You can turn to the girl with a nursery rhyme: "Katya, Katya (Sonya, Anya, etc.) is small ...".

For fun:

Legs, legs,

Where are you running?

You can insert the name of any child. The main thing is that the child understands that the nursery rhyme is addressed to him, and rejoice.

At the beginning of the school year, it is not uncommon for older children to be wary at first, refusing to contact their peers. On a walk, this barrier disappears faster. Standing aside from the players, new children involuntarily get carried away with the game and express their attitude to what is happening with their direct positive emotions. The teacher does not insist that they must take part in common games. It will take a little time, the child will get used to it, and the adult will help to get involved in a joint exciting game in time.

Toddlers like it when a joint game is organized between older and younger children during a walk. Here, the kids have both role models, and the help of an older comrade, and the consolidation of friendly relations with him. For the elders, this is a situation where you can show your skills, knowledge and get an enthusiastic reaction from the kids in response. This is a demonstration of goodwill, attention, desire to help. Everyone enjoys sledding (the older ones are being driven, the younger ones are riding).

Children also like outdoor exercise games, for example, the game “We!” Seniors and juniors stand randomly, forming a large circle so as not to interfere with each other and at the same time see everyone.

The teacher slowly reads (or sings) the text. Older children act according to the words of the text, the younger ones imitate the movements of the older ones:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads. Yes Yes Yes!

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

The children put their hands together. The teacher does not rush anyone, waits for everyone to join hands, stands in a circle:

And we run around

And we run around!

The teacher must ensure that older children do not run fast, coordinate their own movements with the movements of the little ones.

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The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines support for children's initiative in various types of children's activities as one of the principles of preschool education. If we analyze the requirements of the standard for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, we will see that supporting the independence of the child is one of the most important conditions.

In the scientific pedagogical literature, there are different points of view on the definition of the concept of "independence":

1. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and beliefs.

2. This is a general characteristic of the regulation (management) of the personality of its activities, relationships and behavior.

3. This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by the desire to solve the problems of activity without the help of other people.

Currently, independent activity is one of the components of the educational process in kindergarten.

The independent activity of children is considered as an activity that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal. The task of the teacher is to make the child want to engage in a particular activity.

Moreover, the child should be able to satisfy his interests and needs in independent activity, and on the other hand, the teacher also organizes independent activity to solve the educational problems of the program. And here, it is important to come up with a developing object-spatial environment that will activate, arouse the child's interest in activities. Find such didactic materials that, on the one hand, motivate children to work, and on the other hand, would allow them to solve the problems of the educational process.

Independent activity of children- one of the main models of organizing the educational process of preschool children:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of the subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, ensuring the choice of each child's activities according to interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) the activities of pupils organized by the educator, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

The scheme for the development of any type of activity in accordance with the concept of L. S. Vygodsky is as follows: first, it is carried out in joint activities with adults, then in joint activities with peers, and, finally, it becomes an independent activity of the child. In this case, a special role is assigned to the educator.

To form children's independence, the teacher must build the educational environment in such a way that children can:

  • learn from experience, experiment with various objects, including plants;
  • stay during the day, both in the same age and in different age groups;
  • change or design the playing space in accordance with emerging playing situations;
  • be autonomous in their actions and making decisions available to them.

The main types of children's activities of the preschool period are playful and productive.

There are two types of independent activities of children in kindergarten:
1. Game activities: director's game, role-playing game, games with rules.
2.Productive activity: design, fine arts, manual labor.

The main criterion for evaluating the independent play activity of pupils should be play behavior, ways of spreading the game, the ability of the child, depending on his own plan, to include conditional actions with objects, role-playing dialogues, and combine various events in the game.

The game is one of the most valuable neoplasms of preschool age. While playing, the child freely and with pleasure masters the world in its entirety - from the side of meanings and norms, learning to understand the rules and creatively transform them.

It is the game that should be mainly used by teachers. L.S. Vygotsky defined play as the leading activity in preschool age. L.I. Bozovic considers it necessary that leading activity should be the main content of the life of the children themselves. Thus, the game is a kind of center around which the main interests and experiences of children are concentrated. Theatrical activity is a kind of game.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten organizationally can permeate all security moments: be included in all classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in their free time, and be carried out in the independent activities of children. Theatrical activity can be organically included in the work of various studios and circles; products of theatrical activity (staging, dramatization, performances, concerts, etc.) can be included in the content of holidays, entertainment and leisure.

Theatrical play in the independent activities of children: characters and plots that excited children are reflected in independent children's games. So, children often play Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, creating a new world of the New Year holiday in the playroom. Vivid plots, games, round dances, learned in the joint free activities of children and adults, in games, activities, also contribute to the emergence of an independent theatrical game of children.

Theatrical activities contribute to making the life of children in a group more exciting and diverse.

The development of free play activities requires support from an adult. At the same time, the role of the teacher in the game can be different depending on the age of the children, the level of development of playing activity, the nature of the situation, etc. The teacher can act in the game both as an active participant and as an attentive observer.

In order to develop gaming activities, it is necessary:

Create conditions for the free play of children during the day;

Identify play situations in which children need indirect help;

Watch the children playing and understand what events of the day are reflected in the game;

Distinguish children with developed play activity from those whose play is poorly developed;

Indirectly manage the game if the game is stereotyped (for example, suggest new ideas or ways to implement children's ideas);

Know the children's subculture: the most typical roles and games of children, understand their significance;

Establish a relationship between the game and other activities.

Productive activity in preschool education is the activity of children under the guidance of an adult, as a result of which a certain product appears.

It is this activity that contributes to the development of graphic skills in children of older preschool age, fosters perseverance, creates pedagogical conditions for the process of socialization of older preschoolers, and, along with the game, is of the greatest importance for the development of the psyche during this period.

Employment in productive activities develops the creative imagination of the child, contributes to the development of the muscles of the hand, coordination of movements, develops the properties of thinking (analysis, synthesis, the ability to compare).

When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, curiosity and independence.

Productive activity has an impact on the comprehensive education of a preschooler. It is closely related to sensory education. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.

Independent productive activity arises at the initiative of the child to meet his individual needs (make a gift to his mother, make a toy, etc.).

Signs of the manifestation of independence are the attention and interest of the child in a certain activity and the ability to transfer what he has learned into his own new activity.

Independent activity has great potential in the development of a child's personality:

  • development of initiative, activity,
  • consolidation of existing skills, methods of activity,
  • bright impressions are found, tension is reduced, making the inner world of the child comfortable,
  • raises self-esteem, self-confidence, in their abilities.

Productive activity is largely related to the story game and carries elements of practical experimentation with materials. Just as often, actions arise on the principle of what happens if .... At the same time, in the arsenal of children of older preschool age there are various types of productive activities: work on ready-made samples and graphic diagrams and work with unfinished products and verbal descriptions.

The developing object-spatial environment in the group should contribute to the creative movement in working with the selected material. Therefore, the educator provides preschoolers with materials, samples of possible work, and makes sure that the children have a supply of appropriate materials for everyone who wants to continue working.

You should always have at hand waste and natural materials, combining which, of your own choice, a child can make various things - these are pieces of cardboard, polystyrene, cardboard boxes of different sizes, wire, pieces of fabric and rope, old cases from felt-tip pens, cones, acorns, small dry twigs, etc., placed in different containers. Of all the variety of materials available in kindergarten for free design, the LEGO plastic constructor is the most successful among preschoolers.

It is necessary to have a set of large building material in the group, although its details are more often used not for construction as such, but in a story game to designate a conditional playing space. Among the materials that stimulate the independent productive activity of children, we also include a variety of mosaics - geometric and traditional.

Mosaic is an excellent object for cognitive research activity (experimentation). Working with it contributes to the development of the child's manual motor skills, the analysis of the ratio of parts and the whole, the formation of spatial representations. They are necessarily provided to children for free activities.

Pictures - puzzles - puzzles, consisting of many details, have become an integral attribute of a child's life. The assembly of such puzzles can also be attributed to productive activities. Construction kits and various puzzles, mosaics, etc. should be at the disposal of the children.

To prepare a child for school means to teach him to act actively, creatively, consciously. This is largely facilitated by properly organized work in kindergarten on the development of independent artistic activity: theatrical and gaming, visual, artistic and speech and music.

In independent musical activity, children, on their own initiative, sing, lead round dances, pick up light melodies on the metallophone, and perform simple dances. They themselves can organize games in "concerts", "theater", "performance" (with toys, with planar figures, dolls).

Among the games, the main place is occupied by "musical lessons" and "concerts", based on the experience gained by children, mainly in the classroom. Children compose songs, songs, using familiar movements, come up with dances, constructions.

In independent activities, children often include musical didactic games that develop children's ability to perceive, distinguish between the main properties of musical sound: "Musical Lotto", "Guess who sings", "Two drums", "Hush - louder in a tambourine beat" , “Name the song from the picture”, etc.

In independent activities, children often use playing children's musical instruments. Children show a desire for independent musical activity, on their own initiative apply their musical experience in a wide variety of musical practices.

The independent musical activity of preschoolers is of an initiative, creative nature, is based on the acquired experience, is distinguished by a variety of forms and is the initial manifestation of self-learning.

The main indicators of independent activity are the child's interest in it and the manifestation of initiative and independence in setting goals and choosing a way to implement the plan.

The organization of independent activities of children in preschool educational institutions, the teacher must allocate a large amount of time during the day. And if in joint activities with children the teacher is an equal partner, then in independent activities the teacher is only an observer.

Thanks to the transition to a new form of scheduling, the organization of independent activities is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work during the day (walk, regime moments, group - subgroup, joint activities).

Thus, the independent work of children in a preschool educational institution is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously seeks to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.


1. Gubanova N.F. Game activity in kindergarten. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006

2. Dybina O.V. Educational environment and organization of independent activity of senior preschool age: methodological recommendations. - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008

3. Zvorygina E.V. I play!: conditions for the development of the first amateur plot games for kids: a guide for educators and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007

4. Kononova I., Ezhkova N. Preparing children for independent activity. // Preschool education, 1991, No. 6.

5. Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creations. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005

Educator GB preschool educational institution No. 6 Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Smirnova M.N.

"The game is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called to change" .

A.M. Bitter

Support for the initiative of children, as well as the individualization of preschool education - one of the leading principles according to the Federal State Educational Standard, help the integrated development of the personality of children. Therefore, children's initiative is considered as the basis for the development of knowledge, activity, communication. All this is reflected in children's play activities.

A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities, in the game his need to influence the world is realized.

An adult - a teacher, a parent-intermediary between children and culture - must and is able to support the child's self-determination in the game, as well as in other activities.

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, on the precise organization and conduct of all kinds of games. An important aspect in this case is the development of the creative potential of children, which is especially evident when teaching children role-playing games, creative games.

All this contributes to the development of children's creative imagination, works to create a game plan, form a culture of their relationships, the influence of the surrounding life, literary works, fine arts, figurative toys, and various observations. To a large extent, the above points determine the choice and preference for the theme of games, roles.

Creative play most fully forms the personality of the child, because. in these games, children reproduce in roles what they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Therefore, creative play is an important means of education.

The management of creative games is one of the most difficult sections of the methodology of preschool education. The teacher cannot foresee in advance what the children will come up with, because the game is always improvisation, and how they will behave in the game. The peculiarity of children's activities requires unique methods of management.

The most important condition for the successful management of creative games is the ability to win the trust of children, to establish contact with them.

The main way of education in the game is to influence its content, i.e. on the choice of topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. It is important that the teacher be able, without violating the intentions of the children, to successfully intervene in the course of the game in order to make the game exciting and useful.

Creating a game image, the child not only expresses his attitude towards the chosen hero, but also shows his personal qualities. Therefore, the roles may be the same, but the game characters are always individual.

For example, playing with dolls as daughters-mothers has existed at all times, of course, because the family gives the child the first impressions of the life around them, children imitate their parents in the first place. Watching a child in the game, one can judge the relationship of adults in his family, their treatment of children. In the game of the child, the life of the kindergarten is also reflected, various joyful events - performances, holidays.

Through the game, children's interest in various professions is shown. At the same time, the teacher of the younger group directly organizes games, because children must learn to combine their ideas in order to express their thoughts and feelings. The teacher takes part in the game in order to influence the children by example, instill in them the skills of playing together, communicating with toys. To offer ready-made game plans is to suppress the creative imagination of children, their imagination, independence, spontaneity. and K.D. Ushinsky, and A.S. Makarenko considered the game as an independent creative activity of children.

The only correct way for adults to influence the game is to create interest in this or that event of life through the imagination and feelings of children.

Experience shows that already in the fourth year of life, preschoolers are able to choose the theme of the game and set a specific goal. The teacher can guide them with questions: "What will you play? What will you build? Where will you go by train? Who will you be? What toys do you need? These questions force children to think and outline the main plot, which may change in the future.

If the teacher understands the ideas of the children, their experiences, then in order to offer a new interesting episode, to give the game a new direction, he must enter the game in some role and address the children as characters.

However, a lot of difficulties can arise for a teacher with timid, indecisive children - it is important to help children find "my" role, to help unleash their creative potential. It is also important to be able to warn children against imitating the bad, accidentally seen. It is equally difficult for a teacher with overly active, excitable pupils. Often he has to resolve controversial issues in the game, bring role-playing parties to mutual agreement, offering options acceptable to all solutions: role variance, for example. Involving children in group games should not exclude giving children the opportunity to play alone. After all, excitable children, for example, often get tired of the society of their peers.

For the development of an independent creative initiative, it is very important to involve children in joint activities to create a subject-developing environment. In our group, for this purpose, a project was implemented "Creating a toy from waste material" .

The aim of the project was: first of all, the development of artistic and aesthetic activities, the enrichment of the subject-play environment of the group, the involvement of parents in supporting children's creative initiative in the form of doing homework with children to create toys from waste material. As a preliminary work, there was a reading of Russian folk tales "Cat, Rooster and Fox" , "Mitten" , the subsequent description of the characters of the characters of fairy tales with elements of theatricalization, discussion of the plot points of the fairy tale.

Children enjoyed making their bunnies (individual work) and foxes and other animals (on their own initiative in their free time together with the tutor) on the basis of the proposed blanks in the application technique, then they painted on the details of the muzzles - eyes, mouth and mustache. They wanted, among other things, to emphasize the gender of the toy. So, the boys glued butterfly bows on their toys, and the girls glued bow-tails on theirs.

The little animals that were missing from the fairy tales of the heroes were made by the children with their parents at home.

In principle, there was no restriction on the initiative of parents in this project. Therefore, the exhibition of final works included both toys knitted from threads and toys based on toilet paper rolls. The main condition was the creation of characters for theatrical activities, for role-playing games - in this case, primarily for playing "Toy shop" .

We must not forget that joint creativity with parents certainly gave the children great pleasure, and the parents were given a sense of belonging to the creative activity of the child, with the transfer of experience to the kids, their emotional support and psychological stability in the family.

Unconditional encouragement of all works and participants is a mandatory completion of the project process. Now one could be sure that the children would take care of the newly made toys, because this is the result, first of all, of their work and efforts. Such toys will be desired and in demand. And besides, they will be useful - they will be indispensable in the game.

The final and long-awaited role-playing game in "Toy shop" also added variety to the free play activities of children. Children tried to buy their own toys, made personally. At the same time, everyone tried to be a seller, to stand behind the cash register window.

In addition, with your personal toy, you can now safely be in a group, bringing it to any game or making it your companion during the entire game time. And it also had a positive psychological effect on children.

For each lexical topic in our work, we try to offer children a creative task, including homework, more actively involving parents in the learning process. So adults themselves will personally learn in practice the capabilities of their child, paying attention to his strengths, relying on which, you can more successfully implement the educational process, both in independent and in collective activities in a group. Moreover, you can use the creative component of the character of children in any kind of activity. Parents can also be helped in this regard by suggesting and offering games at home and on a walk, while traveling in transport, when, for example, children are forced to be static in order to make any pastime entertaining and useful. In this regard, I found the tips for parents of the publishing house very interesting. "Karapuz" series "Man" ("Games on the Walk" , "I love Montessori" and etc.).

It must also be remembered that the importance of creative games is also invaluable for preparing children for school, for laying the foundation of personal qualities necessary for every successful member of society.


  1. GEF DO Raising children in the game: A guide for kindergarten teachers Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Enlightenment, 1983.
  2. Children's initiative is the basis for the development of knowledge, activity, and communication. – Art. T. Aliyeva, G. Uradovskikh - f-l "Preschool Education" , No. 9. - M .: Ed. House "Educating a Preschooler" , 2015.
  3. Games that heal - A. Galanov - M .: TC "Sphere" , 2001.
  4. Development of creative thinking of children. A popular guide for parents and educators. – A.E. Simanovsky. - Yaroslavl: Gringo, 1996.
  5. Sensorimotor development of preschool children. From work experience. Comp. N. V. Nishcheva. - St. Petersburg. OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2011.
  6. 400 ways to entertain a child from 2 to 8 years old. - Feldcher Sh., Lieberman S. - St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1996.
  7. I go, I walk. Walking with children on the day off. Help for parents. – M.: Karapuz, 2011.
  8. I love Montessori. Help for parents. - M.: Karapuz, 2011.

The independent activity of older preschoolers is manifested in a variety of game forms, in conducting observations and experimenting. At the age of 5–6 years, the sphere of interests of children significantly expands, their curiosity goes beyond the study of objects in the immediate environment. In children's conversations, activities and games, reflections and fantasies about space flights, pirate adventures, the era of dinosaurs, and travels to distant lands appear.

Organization of independent activities of older preschoolers

By the age of 5-6 years, there are important changes in the behavior and quality of mental and physical actions of children. This is due to the formation of the basic processes of the nervous system, the development of various types of memory and mental abilities. When preparing conditions for independent activity and thinking over methods for organizing children's activity, the teacher of the senior group takes into account the age characteristics of the wards:

  • In children aged 5–6, attention is more stable than in younger preschoolers. At this age, the basic processes of the nervous system are improved, self-regulation of behavior occurs, children are less likely to overwork. Children are able to observe any object or process for a long time, create large-scale buildings from the designer, assemble a mosaic from a significant number of details.
  • Children are capable of intentional memorization. Listening to the explanations and instructions of the teacher, the pupils fix the stages and methods of action in their memory and reproduce them later in independent studies: for example, they conduct experiments in the research corner or create crafts in the center of creativity.
  • The intellectual abilities of children are improved. At the age of 5–6 years, the child vividly makes assumptions, predicts the results of actions. He independently establishes causal relationships, orients himself in the temporal and spatial relations of objects. Conscious experimentation, self-planned and executed, becomes possible. If a child wants to experiment with substances, he must first speak to the teacher about the safety rules. The teacher observes from the outside the independent experimentation of children in a mini-laboratory.
  • Cognitive interests are expanding, children are studying distant objects: planets, spaceships, sea depths, dinosaurs; based on new information, children create drawings. Game activity becomes more complicated: role-playing games are built according to the rules discussed in advance, roles are distributed among the participants.
  • Fine motor skills are developed, children work and play with small objects: they assemble a designer from small parts, make jewelry from beads and beads.
  • Children willingly cooperate within the group. They like to independently choose partners for experiments, games and conversations, to discuss topics of interest to them.

Older preschoolers are able to cooperate with each other during research and play activities

The development of independence is one of the conditions for the educational process in a preschool educational institution, aimed at educating a comprehensively developed personality. The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) does not name the independent activity of children as a separate area of ​​study and pays more attention to the joint work of the teacher and pupils. However, the target for each developing area (cognitive, physical, socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic) is to encourage initiative in children's activities (mental or practical), to stimulate independence in choosing methods of activity and their implementation. The formation of an exploratory type of thinking and the creation of positive motivation for creative problem solving creates a solid foundation for successful schooling. The purpose of organizing independent activities in kindergarten is the development of an independent creator and researcher in the child.

The development of the skill of independent information search is one of the target foundations of education in preschool educational institutions

Tasks of organizing independent activity in the senior group

  • Formation of volitional qualities: psychological resistance to the influence of external factors (street noise, voices of other children) and other people's opinions, the desire to bring the plan to the final result. In older preschoolers, the ability to introspection and evaluation of the actions performed begins to form.
  • Improvement of self-regulation processes: the ability to calculate the energy consumption for the implementation of planned actions, to feel the need to change the type of activity or rest. At the age of 5–6 years, the processes of the nervous system are actively developing: the child has perseverance, responds positively to advice and constructive comments.
  • Development of the ability to independently build a game plan, observation, research, employment; the desire to fulfill ideas without the help of adults.
  • Strengthening self-care skills. The performance of actions for dressing and undressing, observing the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the room should be brought to automatism.
  • Development of independence through the implementation of labor assignments: duty in the dining room, play area, bedroom, etc.

When planning classes for the development of independent activity, the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests and passions, consistency with thematic planning for GCD and creative activities, the material base for playing and children's experimentation are taken into account. The subject-spatial environment in the room of the group should be developing. The children receive positive emotions from independent activities and acquire new knowledge about the properties of objects and the relationships between them. This environment is organized by the teacher, and the children are free to choose ways of acting in its conditions. The principles of operation of centers for children's activity: accessibility, safety, enrichment with temporary materials (for example, in the center of cognitive activity, you can organize an exhibition for Cosmonautics Day, put boxes with hyacinth or tulip bulbs in a corner of nature in the spring, supplement the play area with a set of road signs while studying traffic rules on GCD classes and walks).

Drawing up a duty schedule - a technique for developing self-service skills through work assignments

Forms of organization of the subject-spatial environment

  • Center for cognitive research activity: a center of science, a corner of knowledge, an experimental workshop, a laboratory, an experimentarium. It is equipped with a selection of encyclopedias and albums with informative illustrations, diagrams, cards, models and figures of objects for study, materials (including natural ones) and tools for conducting experiments. Before conducting any experiment on their own in the laboratory, pupils must apply for permission from the teacher and pronounce the safety rules in advance. For public holidays and events in the kindergarten, temporary exhibitions are arranged in the corner of research activities: “Save the Planet”, “Secrets of the Solar System”, “Structure of a Volcano”, “How Primitive People Lived”.

    In the center of cognitive research activities, pupils participate in the search for new knowledge

  • Game center: zones with sets of toys and costumes for role-playing games (“Controller and drivers”, “Hospital”, “Grocery store”, “Kitchen”), an educational games center (racks with board and didactic games, puzzles). To consolidate and improve self-service skills, play corners are supplemented with materials on relevant topics: clothes for toys with various types of fasteners, items for playing problem situations (“Who made a mess in the kitchen”, “Katya doll, put things in order in the closet”, “Teddy bear is going to kindergarten").

    In a playful way, children reproduce what they have learned during classes.

  • Sports section. The center of physical activity can be equipped with special equipment: hoops, balls of different sizes, jump ropes, rubber bands for jumping, sets for playing towns, skittles.

    The physical activity center provides children with equipment for outdoor games and exercises

  • Center for environmental activities: a corner of nature, a living corner, a winter garden, a mini-garden (boxes with soil on the windowsill for growing greens and vegetables). Pupils of the senior group independently conduct long-term observations of plant growth, are engaged in labor activities with knowledge of the characteristics of representatives of the plant world: they water, moisten the leaves, loosen the soil, monitor the light and temperature conditions in a corner of nature.

    Senior preschoolers independently care for plants in a group

  • Center for art/artistic and aesthetic activity: corner of art or folk crafts (reproductions of paintings, reduced copies of architectural and sculptural objects; toys, utensils and interior items in folk style), theater corner (decorations for staging fairy tales, puppet and finger theater, masks and character costumes for children, face painting), a zone of productive creativity (materials for modeling, drawing, paper construction, including for origami), a musical island (a collection of audio recordings - children's and holiday songs, sounds and voices of nature with instrumental accompaniment, musical instruments - xylophone, tambourine, children's synthesizer, castanets, balalaika, etc.).

    Dramatization of episodes of favorite stories and improvisation in playing out various plots is one of the forms of independent activity of preschoolers

  • Psychological comfort center: relaxation area, silence zone, magic room (tent, marquee, hammock, sofas where children can relax and talk quietly). Children independently choose ways to relax: looking at a book, playing quietly with a doll, calmly talking to each other.
  • In the group, it is necessary to organize a place where the child can be a little quiet, relax

    Game activity remains one of the leading types of activity in senior preschool age.

    Motivating start to class

    The independent activity of children is manifested in various regime moments during the day: during arrival in the garden in the morning, during a walk, during leisure in the afternoon. In order for the children to succeed with the help of imagination and a set of skills to occupy themselves in their free time in employment centers, the teacher must achieve the effectiveness of children's activity during educational classes. Interacting with the pupils, the teacher, using the method of direct display of verbal instructions, forms and develops in the wards the ability to highlight the main thing - a question or a problem. That activity will be the most interesting and productive, which was aimed at achieving a specific result (making crafts, experimenting, compiling a complete story from pictures, completing a labor assignment, holding a sports game). Having mastered the algorithm of actions and methods of implementation, children transfer the forms of activity worked out with the teacher into individual activity.

    It is important not to take up the time allotted for children's games with other activities. Game for older preschoolers is still a way to consolidate practical skills, relieve mental stress, and interact with peers.

    A game for preschoolers is not only entertainment, but also a form of communication

    The structure of independent activity of preschoolers consists of three stages:

    • motive;
    • action;
    • result.

    The role of the teacher is to create motivation for further actions of pupils in the conditions of the object-spatial environment organized by the educator. The emergence of a desire to work independently can be of a different nature: playful, cognitive, strong-willed, social and emotional. Creating a friendly and trusting atmosphere is an indispensable condition for the successful activities of the guys. The teacher makes sure that each child is in a good mood before and during the lesson. The social orientation of motives for work is expressed in a positive attitude towards collective activity, the desire to discuss what is being studied or created, the ability to listen to the opinion and desires of classmates. Volitional motivation means the direction of the child's actions to achieve a specific goal, interest in the manifestation of their abilities. Game and cognitive motives often arise spontaneously, however, the teacher can initiate these types of motivation, predicting the independent activity of pupils in the framework of thematic planning.

    The teacher predicts, with the help of the motivational beginning of the lesson, the independent activity of children in games

    Motivating start to class Predicted independent activity of pupils
    The study of visual material.
    The teacher examines with the children a model of the earth in prehistoric times: dinosaurs reign on earth, in water and in the sky. The guys name the differences between the ancient pangolins, determine the structural features (plates, spikes, partial plumage, powerful claws).
    Search for information, expansion of ideas about dinosaurs in the cognitive center: reviewing an illustrated encyclopedia.
    Game with dinosaur figurines.
    Conducting a conversation.
    - Guys, what do we do before we sit down at the dinner table?
    - I wash my hands.
    - Why are we doing this?
    - To wash off dirt, protect yourself from getting germs from unwashed hands into the body during meals.
    When else during the day should you wash your hands and wash your face?
    - In the morning after waking up, after returning from the street, after working with dirty materials or playing with pets, before going to bed.
    Playing with dolls and a washbasin stylized as Moidodyr from a poem by K. I. Chukovsky.
    Conducting an experiment.
    The teacher demonstrates the ability of salt to dissolve in water.
    Research activities in the experimental laboratory to expand the understanding of the ability of substances to dissolve in water (sugar, food coloring, sand, clay).
    Surprise moment.
    The group receives a parcel from a fairy-tale character, in which the pupils find a set for creating a puppet theater.
    Staging in a playful way of fairy tales known by the pupil (“Teremok”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Hare and Fox”, “Fox and Wolf”).
    Reading poems, riddles.
    The teacher makes riddles about toys for children and for each correct answer he reads out the corresponding poem by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle.
    Activity in the play area with artistic and speech activities.
    attraction to the game.
    The teacher shows the children a rubber band and asks what they know about the ways of jumping through it and the game options (“Olympics, mother’s lipstick”, “Confusion”, etc.).
    Instead of rubber bands, you can offer jump ropes for playing.
    Mobile games with rubber bands.

    If you invite the guys to show how you can play with a familiar object, they are drawn into the game.

    Examples of independent activities in the senior group of kindergarten

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for independent activities of older preschoolers in various regime moments.

    Role-playing game "Polyclinic": video

    Senior game - free activity (outdoor game): video Video can't be loaded: Senior group. Free activity. (

    Game activity on the subject of traffic rules: video

    Conditions for organizing independent activities on a walk: video Video can’t be loaded: Self-guided walking activity.avi (

    Theatrical activity: video Video can’t be loaded: Theatrical activities in kindergarten (

    Independent activity (didactic games): video Video can’t be loaded: Children’s independent activities (

    Privacy corner in the senior group: video Video can’t be loaded: Senior group retreat (

    Self-service lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

    Children 5-6 years old have well-developed fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements. They have the skill of dressing and undressing, remember the sequence of actions. Children are familiar with the rules of personal hygiene. During meals, older preschoolers skillfully handle cutlery. At this age, more attention should be paid to the rules of behavior at the table, consolidating the ability to monitor one's appearance, the condition of the workplace and bed.

    At older preschool age, children understand the instructions of the teacher and follow verbal instructions. Self-service is recognized by methodological studies as the simplest and at the same time one of the main elements of the child's labor activity. Examples of self-service work assignments: “Clean up the dishes and put the table in order”, “Please turn your turtleneck inside out and hang it to dry”, “Vova, your lace is untied, sit down on a bench and tie a bow”, “Katya, before for a dance lesson, you need to collect your hair with an elastic band / braid a pigtail. The first self-service instructions should be presented visually, for example, in the form of mnemonic cards - a sequence of pictures on a specific topic.

    In the older group, you can draw up a duty schedule in order to develop the children's ability to set the table, monitor the observance of order and cleanliness in the dining and play areas, the bedroom, and the locker room. Positive emotions are delivered by duty in a corner of wildlife, where the children are instructed to monitor the condition of animals and plants, to take care of them.

    The children are happy to follow plants and animals, carry out instructions for caring for them.

    Card file of topics on the formation of self-service skills: table

    Self Service Theme Educational and training tasks Methods of independent activity of children
    "Eating" Strengthening the skills of cultural eating, handling cutlery.
    Cultivating a sense of neatness: take garbage to a specially designated place, check the cleanliness of the table after eating.
    Conscientiously fulfill the duties of those on duty in the dining room.
    Games with doll utensils and toys, didactic games for learning the rules of cultural eating, performing labor assignments while on duty.
    "Dressing and undressing" Generalization and consolidation of the skills of sequential dressing and undressing, neat hanging and folding of the removed things.
    Improving the ability to cope with various types of fasteners and laces.
    Games for fine motor skills with fasteners, didactic games for memorizing the algorithm for the correct sequence of actions when dressing / undressing, games with doll clothes.
    "Rules of personal hygiene" Consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills: use of the bathroom and toilet rooms, washbasin, handkerchief.
    Consolidation of dental care skills (algorithm for brushing teeth, using dental floss).
    Conducting conversations about the importance of observing the rules of hygiene, the need to monitor your body, conducting training games like "Teach your baby how to ...".
    “Maintaining in order shoes and clothes, a bed, working tools, etc.” Improving the skill to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in one's appearance (correct hair, clothes, clean shoes in a timely manner).
    Strengthening the skill of making the bed, keeping the bed clean and tidy.
    Raising a caring attitude to things: clothing and footwear, accessories, work tools (pencils, brushes, outdoor equipment), toys, books.
    Involvement in the general cleaning of the premises.
    Conducting game trainings “Hairstyles”, “Describe how a friend is dressed”, didactic games “Name what is wrong in the appearance of a character”, “What is out of place”, competitions for the neatest workplace / locker.

    Older preschoolers need to be taught to conscientiously treat the duties of a duty officer

    Abstract of a self-service lesson in the senior group on the topic “We have a good friend of water”: table

    Goals 1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of personal hygiene (hand care).
    2. Consolidate knowledge of hand skin care items.
    3. Consolidate knowledge about the hand washing algorithm.
    4. Introduce children to the three "golden" rules for hand care: wash hands after using the toilet, after a walk, before eating.
    5. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children through the use of nursery rhymes, poems, words: transparent, clean, calm.
    6. Strengthen the skills of differentiating oral and nasal breathing (the game "It's time to get up").
    7. Develop communication skills.
    preliminary work 1. Acquaintance with hand care items.
    2. Introduction and review of the "Handwashing" and "Three Golden Rules" algorithms.
    3. Observations in nature for rain, snow.
    4. Carrying out experiments with snow, experiments confirming the need for plants in moisture.
    5. Work on onomatopoeia: water song - ssss; rain - drip-drip-drip.
    6. Carrying out breathing exercises.
    7. Learning nursery rhymes about water.
    8. Speech games: “What kind of water?”, “What is water for?”.
    9. Sensory games for the development of thermal sensations: "What kind of water?".
    10. Games with water: "Get a toy with a spoon, strainer"; "Find out what it is?" (with closed eyes).
    11. Reading fiction: V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?"; A. Barto. "Girl grimy"; K. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr".
    Material Items for washing hands; strainer, spatula, watering can, bucket of water; doll, bunny and other toys; algorithms: "Handwashing" and "Three "golden" rules".
    Event progress Organizing time.
    The teacher enters the group with the children. Children sit on chairs (“sleep”).
    Game "Time to get up"
    Educator (speaking in a whisper).
    - My children, my children,
    My kids are fast asleep.
    My children, my children
    Slowly snoring. Like this!
    The teacher takes a noisy breath in through the nose, then exhales through the mouth with the sound of ho-o-o-o. Children imitate.
    Educator (loudly).
    - Sun is up!
    Stop sleeping!
    Stop sleeping!
    It's time to get up!
    Children “wake up” and, standing on their toes with their hands up, take a breath. Then, throwing hands along the body and lowering to a full foot, exhale.
    - Ah, wake up!
    Hello! (drawn)
    - Sun is up!
    Stop sleeping!
    Stop sleeping!
    It's time to get up!
    Hello! (drawn)
    The game "Who knows how to cleanly wash?"
    Today we are going to visit our toys. Let's see if they can be friends with water. We do know that...
    Need to wash
    Morning, evening and afternoon
    Before every meal
    After sleep and before sleep.
    Knock, knock, who lives here? (Doll Sim!)
    At the slut Sima
    Living unbearable:
    Sim doll walks
    Forever in a dirty dress
    On little brother Mishka
    Dirty pants
    Here is a stocking, and there is a shoe
    Is it possible so?
    - Children, and which of you knows how to wash? Let's show the toys the right way
    wash your face.
    The game is accompanied by the movements indicated in the text.
    Who knows how to clean?
    Who is not afraid of water?
    Who doesn't want to be dirty
    Do you wash your ears well?
    This is us! This is us! This is us! Children raise their hands up.
    We can wash
    We wash my neck with a washcloth.
    Like this! Like this! And that's it! Children pretend to rub their neck with a washcloth.
    And then we'll wash it smartly
    We are above the basin head.
    Like this! Like this! And that's it! Children pretend to wash their hair.
    To clean your feet
    We will wash them a little.
    Like this! Like this! And that's it! Children pretend to wash their feet.
    We washed like big ones,
    Here we are clean.
    Look! Look! Look! Children clap their hands.
    4. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene.
    - Who lives here? (Bunny.) Yes, how white he is, but how clean he is, look:
    Bunny washes -
    Going to the kids:
    I washed my nose, I washed my tail.
    He washed his ear, wiped it dry.
    - And now we will teach Sim how to wash. Let him take an example from a bunny.
    Sima, my face and neck
    Wash well with soap
    Don't spill water
    Dry your hands.
    - Look, guys, our Sim:
    Combed and washed
    I bowed to all the children,
    She wanted again
    Have fun and dance.
    Well, guys, get out.
    Dance with Sima.
    Children's performance of the dance "Ay-yes, kids ...".
    The game "Find the right items."
    - Guys, find the items you need to wash your hands.
    Children are offered a choice of the following items: a strainer, a spatula, a watering can, a bucket of water, a towel, soap.
    - To always be clean,
    People all need water!
    - What kind of water is in the bucket? (Transparent, clean, calm).
    - Guys, what is it?
    white foam
    Flakes flew -
    Taken by Mila
    Fragrant ... (soap).
    - Children, look what a fragrant soap. Why do we need soap?
    - And what's that?
    soft, fluffy,
    Clean - clean.
    We wipe our hands on it
    And we put it in place. (Towel).
    Why do we need a towel?
    7. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the hand washing algorithm.
    - Guys, I suggest you make friends with some water - wash your hands.
    - Where will we wash our hands? (In the washroom, under the tap).
    Reading "Washing Song".
    silver water
    Flowing from the faucet.
    And the soap is fragrant,
    Like at home in our bathroom.
    - silver water
    How did you get here?
    - Through the dewy meadows
    I ran to kindergarten.
    - silver water
    Why did you run to us?
    - So that you are all clean,
    So that everything sparkles with you!
    A. Abelyan
    - Kids, what kind of water is pouring from the tap? (Clean, transparent, murmuring).
    - How does the water gurgle? What song is she singing? (S-s-s-s-s…)
    Reading nursery rhymes while washing hands:
    Ay, frets, frets, frets,
    We are not afraid of water
    We wash clean
    Smile to all kids!
    Pure water
    Wash Lena's face,
    Lidochka - palms,
    Fingers - Antoshka!
    - We washed our hands with soap.
    Did you forget to wipe them off?
    - How are we going to wipe our hands? (Fluffy, soft towel).
    Reading nursery rhymes while drying hands:
    One, two, three, four, five!
    We will wipe our hands.
    Fingers become dry
    Like this, like this!
    - Well done guys!
    Your hands are clean
    So it's all right!
    8. The game of low mobility "Round dance".
    Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher, together with the children, begins to move in a circle while reading the text.
    Let's take our friends by the hand
    Let's start our round dance.
    We tried, washed,
    Wiped, combed.
    And now we are waiting for lunch:
    Borscht, compote and vinaigrette.
    Now everyone will go to sleep
    To a cozy bed.
    Children stop, put their hands under their cheeks, palm on palm (“fall asleep”).
    9. The result of the lesson.
    - Well done guys! I am very happy for you that you know so much useful things. When you come home in the evening, tell moms and dads about a good friend - water, do not forget to show how you know how to wash and wipe your hands cleanly.

    Self-service workflows should be hung in the washroom, bedroom, dressing room, dining room

    Time plan for self-service class: table

    Educational and training tasks of forming and consolidating self-service skills are implemented in the GCD classes, the duration of which in the older group is no more than 20 minutes. Educational classes have a structure consisting of various forms of work to attract the interest of pupils and prevent overwork.

    Topic of the lesson Organizing time Motivating start Development of thinking abilities Physical activity Independent activity Summarizing
    "Petrushka can't clean" 1 minute Creation of a problem situation.
    The character Petrushka comes to the group and reports that he was suspended from classes in the art circle because he did not follow his workplace. Petrushka asks the guys for help.
    2-3 minutes
    Talk about the importance of keeping clean.
    3 minutes
    Mobile game "Parsley on the bench".
    4 minutes
    Putting things in order in the art workshop.
    10–12 minutes
    2 minutes
    “Everything in a person should be perfect” 2 minutes Surprise moment.
    A package arrives in the mail from the director of the puppet theater. He put the dolls in a box so that the guys would help him put their appearance in order.
    3 minutes
    A conversation about the appearance of a person, when the appearance attracts the eye, and when it repels.
    4 minutes
    Finger gymnastics about dolls.
    3 minutes
    Game activity for dressing up and combing dolls.
    10–12 minutes
    2 minutes

    Independence is manifested by the older preschooler in all areas of the educational process. The task of the teacher is to be extremely attentive to the activities of pupils, to identify difficulties in independent work and timely correction. The presence of positive motivation to do research, play games and create crafts without the help of an adult is an important component of the personality of a future first grader.

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