Didactic board games on decorative drawing. Didactic games to consolidate knowledge and skills about arts and crafts


Material. Rectangular cards. Divided into two parts. Each of them depicts an element of the pattern; options differ in colors, details.
Game rules. The player lays out cards so that the image of any element exactly matches the same image of another card. The first person to show all their cards wins. You can only play one card per turn.

Game progress. Take part from two or more children. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with pictures down - this is the "bazaar". Each player collects a certain number of cards, which is agreed upon before the start of the game.
"Find a Pair"
didactic task. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the main elements of any painting, to teach to distinguish and compare them with each other, to call them correctly, using the names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting.
Material. Rectangular cards, divided into two parts, one with pattern elements, the other blank. Cards with variants of the elements of the pattern, forming a pair with the drawings on the strip.
Game rules. Players match cards according to the drawings on the large cards. The winner is the one who first picks up all the elements on their cards.
didactic task. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the main elements of any painting, to teach to distinguish and compare them with each other, to call them correctly, using the names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting.
Material. Large maps depicting objects, decorated with some kind of painting. Along the edges of the cards there are up to six cells depicting elements of this painting. Cards with options for pattern elements.
Game rules. Players match cards according to the pattern on the large cards.
"Cut Picture"
didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about the means of expression used in various crafts, to exercise in compiling a whole picture from separate parts, to develop attention, concentration, striving for results, observation, creativity, to arouse interest in decorative art.
Material. Two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces.

Didactic game: "Find the extra"

Didactic task:

1. Learn to find items of a certain craft among those offered

2. Develop attention, observation, speech-evidence.


4-5 items are exhibited. It is necessary to find an extra one and explain why, to which subject it belongs, what is characteristic of it.

Didactic game: "What has changed"

Didactic task:

1. Fix the idea of ​​​​any painting

2. Develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction

3. Learn to analyze, find differences in the patterns of different objects and be able to explain.


The teacher puts five objects in front of the children, (cards with the image) of various paintings. Having carefully examined them, remembering the location, the children turn away. The teacher changes objects (cards) in places or removes any. Children have to guess what has changed.

Didactic game: "Art Salon"

Didactic task:

1. Learn orally, describe the selected subject

2. Develop concentration, speech-description


Items are displayed on shelves. The seller is selected. The rest are buyers. They choose the item to buy and accurately describe it to the seller.

Didactic game: "The Secret of Magic Caps"

Didactic task:

1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of arts and crafts known to them

2. Learn to talk about the subject that is discovered

3. Develop speech, thinking, attention

4. Cultivate love and respect for folk craftsmen


Find out what is under the cap (“reveal the secret”), and get an encouraging badge, which contains an assessment of the correctness of solving problems.

Didactic game: "Make a nesting doll"

Didactic task:

  1. Consolidate children's knowledge of Russian matryoshka
  2. Learn to compare objects with one another
  3. Distinguish the color elements of the painting


Find the corresponding half of the matryoshka

Game progress:

The lower halves of nesting dolls are put on the table, and the children, holding the upper halves, compare in color, size, and connect the necessary ones. Whoever recovered faster, he won.

Didactic game: "Guess the toy"

Didactic task:

1. Consolidate children's knowledge of the three types of toys

2. Learn to group, generalize, analyze

3.Develop thinking, aesthetic perception

4. Raise love and respect for folk craftsmen


1. Invite children to choose pictures depicting (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonovo) toys.

2. Offer to decompose the pictures into three groups by type.

Didactic game: Lotto "Pick a pattern for a toy"


1. Teach children to correctly find the elements of Dymkovo painting and select them for outfits.

2. Eliminate unnecessary things that are not characteristic of this toy.


Arrange the pieces so that they match the side of a certain toy.

Didactic game: "How do we know folk crafts"


To evaluate the knowledge of children about folk crafts.


The child closes his eyes and involuntarily points to the picture with his finger, opening his eyes, names the type of toy, what material it is made of, describes, names the color, shape.

Didactic game: "Make a picture"

(The game involves a subgroup of two to four children)

Didactic task:

1. Be able to compose a whole image from parts.

2. Refine the idea of ​​folk toys, their features.


Envelopes with split pictures.


An adult distributes envelopes with split pictures to a subgroup of children and instructs them to assemble the whole image. The guys who failed to complete the task lose. When winning, the child is offered (at his request) another envelope with new split pictures.

Didactic game: "Recognize by silhouette"

"Pick the item to the toy"

Didactic task:

1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the folk toy, about its three types (Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol).

2. Learn to recognize toys by silhouette.

3. Develop attention, cultivate love for folk toys.


Find out the toy by its silhouette, and pick up chips with the corresponding elements.

Didactic game: "Find the other half"


Exercise in the ability to notice and name different things in color, pattern, shape.

Develop color perception of form, pattern, color.


1. Learn correctly, make a pattern

2. Select halves of the pattern so that the image is solid.

Didactic game: "Collect a service from Gzhel"


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about Gzhel painting.

2. Be able to compose a whole image from parts.

3. Develop attention, observation, speech. Cultivate love for folk crafts.


To assemble a whole image from the parts of the mosaic - the Gzhel service. Express your attitude to the received picture.

Didactic game: "Magic arrows"


The game has a control character.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of arts and crafts. To evaluate the knowledge of children about folk crafts.


The driver puts the clock hands on a picture with a certain type of folk art, and the rest of the playing children must name the craft, what material they are made of, describe, name the main colors, pattern elements and images characteristic of this type.

Didactic games for the formation of interest and value-activity attitude of a child of senior preschool age to the arts and crafts of the Urals based on familiarization with the Ural-Siberian painting.

Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", a structural unit of the Northern Pedagogical College, Serov
Material Description: Didactic games to familiarize preschoolers with the Ural-Siberian painting. (practical material for the teaching aid). Designed for the development of children of preschool age. This material will be useful to educators, teachers, parents of preschoolers. In my next developments, other didactic games and a workbook on this topic will be offered.

The manual was compiled taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children for the joint activities of the teacher with the children.
The structural components of the model of the educational process are: the content of education, implemented in a joint cultural and communicative interaction, in specially organized integrated activities, in the spatial and objective environment of the child's development.
The Ural folk painting has existed for more than two hundred years. A bright, unfading Ural bouquet blooms on lacquer trays, caskets, spinning wheels, beetroot, ceilings, walls, doors of wooden huts, giving people joy and good mood.
The experience of joy from meeting with the beautiful helps to comprehend the science of goodness, brings up the ability to understand and appreciate what is created by the labor of people, to try to make the beautiful with your own hands. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the active involvement of preschoolers in the artistic craft of the Urals.
I bring to your attention a series of didactic games for the formation of a holistic view of the Ural-Siberian painting in children, based on traditional games, but filled with new content.

fairy tale

(compiled by S.K. Strazova)
A long time ago, in ancient times, two sisters Alenka and Marya, on a cold, cold winter evening, sat in a hut and looked out the window. Frost painted strange patterns on the glass: amazing overseas birds, unknown flowers, fabulous animals. At home, the girls were surprised at the beauty of the pattern and, suddenly, Alenka brought a candle flame to the window. She brought it up, and both of them recoiled. A miracle happened. The magic pattern came to life, sparkled with all the colors, overseas birds came to life, their feathers shone, and fabulous plants beckoned to a magical land.
The bewitched girls sat for a long time, not moving, and then the hand itself reached for the brush. So I wanted to leave at least a piece of the beauty I saw on the empty walls of the hut, on the dining table, on the shutters.
The girls were carried away by work and did not notice how the evening passed and night fell. It remains quite a bit, to paint with paints everything that was painted by them, but there is no strength left.
And in the morning, when Alenka and Marya woke up, they were overwhelmed with delight and surprise. In a residential hut, a garden bloomed, fabulous lions and firebirds walked. The branches were filled with fruits. As if at night, an invisible wizard descended from heaven to bestow gifts on the sisters for their efforts and desire to keep beauty.
Since then, this has been the custom in the Ural huts: the paintings on the walls, tables and doors did not let you get bored in winter, allowed you to maintain comfort in the house and gave room for imagination and talent.

Domino game

Purpose of the game: develop interest in the Ural-Siberian painting, highlight the details of the pattern; develop attention, endurance.
Preparing for the game: sheets must be cut along the black lines into cards consisting of 2 pictures.

Game progress: The game can be played by 2 to 4 people. It is necessary to distribute 3-4 cards to each player, and put the rest together face down. The first to start the game is the one with both halves empty. The next player lays out his card so that the picture on his card matches the previous one. If there is no such card, the player takes (occupies) it from the general pile.
Summarizing: The game ends when all the cards have been dealt. The first person to have no cards left wins.

Game "Loto"

Purpose of the game: Continue acquaintance with the Ural-Siberian painting, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards the products of folk craftsmen. To cultivate respect for the work of craftsmen, the desire to create such patterns themselves. Exercise in the classification of objects.
Preparing for the game: cards must be cut into separate pictures.

Large maps to print:
1. Household items

2. Flowers

3. Fruits

4. Berries

5. Outfits

6. Animals and birds

Game options.
"Who is bigger?"
Only small pictures are needed for the game. The leader shuffles them and, showing the players one at a time, asks: “What is this?” The one who first correctly names what is shown in the picture gets it for himself. The game continues until the pictures run out. The one who collects the most pictures wins.
"Who is faster?"
The host distributes one large card to the players, and shuffles the small pictures and lays them out face down. Then he opens one picture and names what is shown on it, for example: “Flower”, “Fruit”, etc. The player, who has the same object drawn on a large card, says: “I need a flower (fruit)”. The host gives him this picture and the player closes the same picture on his card with it. The winner is the one who fills his big card with pictures the fastest.
"Who is quicker?"
The leader keeps the large cards, and distributes the small ones equally to all participants in the game. Then he takes one of the cards, for example, the one with flowers, shows it to the players and says: “All flowers to me!”. The players must quickly find among their pictures those on which flowers are drawn and put them on the table. If the pictures are chosen correctly, the presenter puts a large card and small pictures to it aside and shows the players the next card, for example, fruits. If the player made a mistake and put the wrong picture, the host returns it. The one who has more pictures by the end of the game is considered the loser.
A continuation of this article can be viewed here.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of combined type No. 190"

Pedagogical piggy bank educator

"Card file of games to familiarize older preschoolers with folk arts and crafts"

Teacher of additional education:

Naldeeva Elena Nikolaevna



1. Lay out a pattern of geometric shapes.

2. The third extra.

3. Colored droplets.

4. Finish the pattern on the rug.

5. Circle the element.

6. Circle and color.

7. Paired pictures.

8. Find a couple.

9. Decorative domino.

10. Collect the whole.

The game "Lay out a pattern of geometric shapes"

Target: teach children to make a pattern in a rectangular shape, consisting only of geometric shapes.

Material: a set of plant and geometric shapes, a paper rectangular shape (silhouettes of towels, paths, bookmarks).

Game progress.

The child is offered a set of plant and geometric shapes. You need to select geometric elements and lay out a pattern on a rectangular shape (silhouettes of a towel, paths, bookmarks).

The game "Third extra"

Target: to teach children to distinguish from three clay toys, one extra, belonging to another craft.

Material: two Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol toys.

Game progress.

Children are offered in turn several options for combining toys: two Dymkovo toys and one Filimonov one; two Filimonov toys and one Kargopol one; two Kargopol toys and one Dymkovo. The child must say which two toys belong to the same craft, and which toy is superfluous. Ask your child to comment on their answer. Ask what these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher names folk toys - Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol.

The game "Colored droplets"

Target: to teach children to identify and name the colors included in the color scheme of folk painting (Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma).

Material: Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma products.

Game progress.

Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma products are exhibited in front of the children, then the teacher calls the crafts and asks the children to carefully consider the products. The teacher calls the different colors one by one. Children must determine which colors are included in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma painting. The one who gets the most chips wins (a chip is given for the correct answer).

The game "Finish the pattern on the rug"

Target: to teach when constructing a pattern to take into account the spatial elements between the elements, to observe symmetry and rhythm; develop creative abilities (self-compilation of patterns by children).


1. Colored cardboard cards of a square or rectangular shape, on which half of the pattern of plant forms is depicted in an applique way.

2. Cards for the first exercise: free colored cards, divided in half by a dotted line.

3. Cards for the 2nd exercise: colored cardboard cards, divided by a dotted line into 4 parts, one of which outlines ¼ of the pattern.

4. Cards for the 3rd exercise: "free" cards.

5. plant elements from colored cardboard for making patterns: flowers of two sizes with different shapes of petals, leaves of different colors and shapes, laid out in low boxes with cells.

Game progress:

1. Each player receives a colored card with half a pattern and lays out the right or left side of the pattern of floral elements, exactly repeating their location, color and shape.

2. Two children receive one card without a pattern, divided in half by a dotted line. One child comes up with a pattern and applies half of it, the second exactly repeats this pattern on his half. Then they switch roles. The teacher evaluates the performance of the task. Notes the symmetry of the pattern, a beautiful combination of colors.

3. Each player receives a card with a contour image of ¼ of the pattern, puts colored elements on it and repeats the pattern in the remaining parts of the rug.

4. Each child receives a free square or rectangular card (optional) and invents a pattern of plant shapes in which its parts are rhythmically and symmetrically arranged. Children examine patterns from each other, the teacher notes their diversity.

Game "Circle the Element"

Target: to teach children the elements of Dymkovo painting, the technique of performing Dymkovo elements.

Material: sheets of paper with elements of the Dymkovo painting painted on them, a brush.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to circle the elements with a dry brush, teaches the children to hold the brush correctly: with three fingers vertically with respect to a sheet of paper, if you need to draw a thin line or put a dot-pea.

Game: Trace and Color


- to continue to acquaint children with folk paintings of decorative and applied arts (“haze”);

- choose a form and paint it;

- develop fine motor skills of fingers, aesthetic taste.

Material: various contour silhouettes of Dymkovo toys.

Game progress: invite the children to choose any silhouette and paint it.

Game: "Paired pictures"


- introduce children to the Dymkovo toy;

- develop attention, thinking, visual memory, the ability to analyze.

Material: pictures depicting Dymkovo toys.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to choose the same for each picture, name the type of painting.

Game: "Find a Pair"

Target: to teach children to navigate in various types of painting, to develop thinking, attention.

Material: tea pairs (cup and saucer), painted under Dymka, Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel.

Game progress: the teacher offers to choose a cup for each saucer (or vice versa) and name the type of painting.

Game: "Decorative dominoes"


To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk paintings, knowledge of their elements;

- develop attention, visual memory, the ability to analyze.

Material: 28 cards depicting elements of various murals.

Game progress: invite children to consider cards with elements of various paintings and collect them according to the domino principle.

Game: "Collect the whole"


- to teach children to navigate in various types of painting;

Develop thinking, attention, fine motor skills of the fingers;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the history of some types of folk craft.

Material: planar silhouettes of products, painted under a haze, Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel, cut into several parts.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to assemble the products option: who is faster), name the type of painting.

Hello dear readers! Today I propose to get acquainted with the developing loto "Folk crafts"

The game "Folk crafts". Educational game for individual and group lessons with children from 4 years old.

Manufacturer: LLC "Developing games"

Purpose of the game. Acquaintance with the outside world - the study of folk crafts.

Game package : 12 sheets containing 7 bingo cards and 56 small handicraft cards.

Preparing for the game . Before starting the game, cut the sheets along the dotted lines.

How to play

The greatest developmental and educational effect of a didactic game is achieved with the participation of an adult - he explains the rules of the game, talks about possible options, monitors the progress of the game, directs the game if several children participate in it, or participates in the process as a player.

For classes to be successful, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • choose a game in accordance with the age capabilities of the child - tasks that are too simple or too complex are equally uninteresting for him;
  • find the right time to play when the child is full, happy and not busy with an important task for him;
  • it is better not to give game material free access, get it only for classes, otherwise the child may lose interest in it;
  • finish the game before she gets bored.

And don't forget to create incentives in the game. The simplest of them is praise or a small prize. Remember that the motivation of children largely depends on your imagination and creativity. Do not be afraid to come up with your own, new versions of games, every time in an already familiar game you can come up with something new. Also, give the children the opportunity to invent their own card games, which will be especially interesting to play!

Game 1. Lotto "Folk crafts"

Purpose of the game. 3 acquaintance with various folk crafts; attention development.

The game can be played both at home in a pair of "child - adult", and in a group of children (2-7 people). Each player gets one large card. The corresponding small picture cards are turned face down on the table and shuffled, or laid out in a pile. The host takes out one card at a time and invites the children to guess who has such a card.

Adult. Look carefully, your pictures show elements of painting of various folk crafts. Let's play loto - everyone must collect on a large map all the small pictures depicting the products of this craft. The first person to collect all their pictures wins. Be careful, take your time and try not to make mistakes! We start the game. Who needs a picture like this? What does this picture look like? Etc.

At the end of the game, the adult sums up, naming the types of crafts. It is also useful to ask children what types of crafts they collected - this way the names of folk crafts are better differentiated and remembered.

In the future, you can offer children to collect pictures for two large cards, which is more difficult.

Game 2. "Paired pictures"

Purpose of the game. Consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory. Pick up two pictures that depict the products of each of the handicrafts presented in the game - a total of 14 cards. Shuffle the pictures on the table, then invite the child to match pairs of similar pictures. When the pairs are matched, ask them to remember and name the folk crafts whose products are shown in the pictures. In such a game, you can play with several children - in this case, several sets of pairs of pictures are prepared and the one who first sorts his pictures into pairs wins.

Game 3. "Memory"

Purpose of the game. Consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory.

Prepare small cards for the game: how many players - as many sets of cards, mix the cards and lay them on the table “shirts” up to hide the image (you can also play on the floor, sitting around the cards in a circle). An adult explains to the children the essence of the game and gives out one sample card each (you can give the name of the craft as a task, but this is more difficult).

Adult. Each of you must collect your own pictures - 4 (or 5, 6, 7, 8) in total, all of which belong to one of the folk crafts.

To collect the cards, you can make attempts in turn - turn over one of the cards and look at the image on it: if the card fits, the player takes it for himself, and if not, he puts it back in place with the image down. All players try to remember where which cards are. Then the next participant chooses one of the cards, and so on. The first player to collect all their cards wins the game. This is the most attentive player, he does not just try to turn over and look at the pictures, but remembers the location of the pictures that have already been turned over and looked at. The difficulty level of this game can be easily varied by changing the number of cards in the game. For example, at first you can offer players to collect 4 cards, then 5-7.

Game 4

Purpose of the game. Consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

Put in front of the child 7 small cards depicting products of various folk crafts. Offer to choose the appropriate picture by the word - name.

Adult. I will name folk craft, and you find and show the desired picture. Gzhel. Correctly chose - well done. Khokhloma. Gorodets painting. That's right - here she is. Kargopol toy. No, this is a Filimonovo toy, but here is a Kargopol one. Etc.

Game 5. "Who is the first"

Purpose of the game. 3strengthening knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and speed of reaction, all cards are used in the game - the number of crafts studied by the number of players.

In this competition game, the one who finds and collects all his cards the fastest wins, for this all the cards are shuffled and laid out on the table or on the floor with the images up. The start of the game is given at the signal of an adult. At the end of the game, the host asks the players to show their pictures in order to check the correctness of the game task and name the type of folk craft.

Game 6

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

The game is played with one child. On the table or on the floor, cards are laid out with images up, the child is offered to sort the pictures by craft - lay out in rows or heaps. When all the pictures are sorted, ask the child to name the types of folk crafts.

The level of difficulty of this game can be flexibly varied by increasing or decreasing the number of cards in the game, you can invite the child to sort the pictures by decomposing them into large lotto cards. Such a game can be played at speed - use an hourglass or set an alarm clock for 2-5 minutes.

Additional games

With game cards, you can come up with many other useful and interesting games. Let's give some examples to awaken your creative imagination.

Game "Pictures and Names"(Develops attention and thinking, ability to read). Give two players a set of pictures (one small picture from each fishery) and fishery nameplates. Ask to choose a name for each picture - put a card to the picture. The one who completes the task first wins.

The game "The Fourth Extra"(develops attention and thinking). Lay out four cards in front of the child: three pictures with images of one folk craft, one picture with the image of another craft. Please remove the extra image. Continue playing with other cards.

Game "Lay out a row"(develops attention, consolidates ideas about folk crafts and their names). Using small cards, invite the child to lay out a series of pictures under dictation: name the types of folk crafts one by one, and the child selects the appropriate pictures and puts them in a row. In this game, you can use a different number of pictures: one from each fishery, or several from each fishery.

Card scans

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