Antiviral suppositories viferon genferon kipferon which is better. Which is better: Kipferon or Genferon? "Viferon" and "Genferon" - which is better

The page contains instructions for use Genferon. It is available in various dosage forms of the drug (candles 125,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 and Light spray), and also has a number of analogues. This annotation has been verified by experts. Leave your feedback about the use of Genferon, which will help other visitors to the site. The drug is used for various diseases(herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis). The tool has a number side effects and features of interaction with other substances. Doses of the drug differ for adults and children. There are restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Treatment with Genferon can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. The duration of therapy may vary and depends on the specific disease.

Instructions for use and dosing regimen

In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women, the drug is prescribed intravaginally for 1 suppository (250 thousand or 500 thousand IU, depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days. At chronic diseases the drug is prescribed 3 times a week (every other day) 1 suppository for 1-3 months.

In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men, the drug is prescribed rectally for 1 suppository (500 thousand-1 million IU, depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.

At the first signs of the disease, Genferon Light spray is administered intranasally for 5 days, one dose (one click on the dispenser) into each nasal passage 3 times a day (one dose is approximately 50,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b, the daily dose should not exceed 500,000 IU).

Upon contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infections and / or with hypothermia, the drug is administered according to the indicated scheme 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated.

Instructions for using the spray

1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Before using for the first time, press the dispenser several times until a fine stream appears.

3. When using, keep the vial in an upright position.

4. Inject the drug by pressing the dispenser once into each nasal passage in turn.

5. After use, close the dispenser with a protective cap.

Release forms

Candles for vaginal or rectal use ME 250,000, ME 500,000, ME 1,000,000.

Candles Genferon Light vaginal or rectal 125 000 ME.

Spray for nasal use Genferon Light dosed 50 thousand IU + 1 mg / dose.

Genferon - combination drug, the action of which is due to the components that make up its composition. It has a local and systemic immunomodulatory effect.

Interferon alpha-2 has antiviral, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. Under the influence of interferon alpha-2, the activity of natural killers, T-helpers, phagocytes, as well as the intensity of differentiation of B-lymphocytes, increases. The activation of leukocytes contained in all layers of the mucous membrane ensures their active participation in the elimination of primary pathological foci and the restoration of the production of secretory immunoglobulin A.

Taurine has membrane and hepatoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, enhances tissue regeneration.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic. Reduces the permeability of cell membranes for sodium ions, displaces calcium ions from receptors located on inner surface membranes, blocking conduction nerve impulses. Prevents the occurrence of pain impulses in the endings of sensory nerves and their conduction along the nerve fibers.


For vaginal or rectal application interferon alfa-2 is absorbed through the mucous membrane, enters the surrounding tissues, lymphatic system, providing systemic action. Also, due to partial fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, it has a local effect.

A decrease in the level of serum interferon 12 hours after the administration of the drug necessitates its repeated administration.


As part of complex therapy with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract:

  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • recurrent vaginal candidiasis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • papilloma viral infections;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • balanitis;
  • balanoposthitis.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

The drug should be used with caution in patients with allergic and autoimmune diseases in the acute stage.

Side effect

  • skin rash, itching (these phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after dose reduction or drug withdrawal);
  • headache;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • myalgia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • arthralgia (pain in the joints).

drug interaction

At joint application with antibiotics and others antimicrobials used to treat urogenital infections, the effectiveness of Genferon increases.

With simultaneous use with vitamins E and C, the effect of interferon is enhanced.

When used together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticholinesterase drugs, the action of benzocaine is potentiated.

When used together, the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides decreases (due to the action of benzocaine).

Analogues of the drug Genferon

The drug Genferon has no structural analogues for the active substance. However, there is a whole class of similar drugs that have a different chemical structure its composition:

  • Altevir;
  • Alfaron;
  • Alfaferon;
  • Wellferon;
  • Grippferon;
  • Interferal;
  • Interferon alpha-2 human recombinant;
  • Intron A;
  • Inferon;
  • Lifeferon;
  • Lokferon;
  • Oftalmoferon;
  • Realdiron;
  • Reaferon-ES.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

If it is necessary to use the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the expected benefit to the mother and potential risk for the fetus.

Viferon Light is a medicinal suppository that performs a large number of positive impacts per person. More commonly used in childhood. About the facility give positive reviews pediatricians and parents, it enhances immunity and at the same time carries out treatment viral diseases. Candles have an antiviral composition that is actively used in modern medical practice.

Viferon is offered in pharmacy trade in the form of soft suppositories. The tool is intended for rectal administration. The candle is externally white with a slight yellow tint. Suppositories repeat the shape of ordinary decorative candles of small volume (10 mm). The composition of the agent may be heterogeneous. The color of the surface gives off mother-of-pearl, a calm sheen of the top layer. On the cut there is a longitudinal groove in the form of a shallow funnel.

Main active substance Viferon - interferon alpha-2b. Type - human recombinant. The content of this element is a development genetic engineering. Interferon alpha-2b is a synthetic protein. It is similar to a protein that produces human body when germs and viruses try to get inside. An artificial protein interacts with a natural one, and immunity is strengthened.

Its amount in ME (international units) changes the content, leaving the same appearance:

  • 150 000;
  • 500 000;
  • 1 million;
  • 3 million

Additional substances acting as concomitants enhance the effect of interferon. Special meaning have combinations of vitamin E and ascorbic acid. Suppositories are laid out in flat plastic cells placed in paper boxes.

To the drug Viferon Light (candles), the instruction introduces pharmacological action funds. Young children are prone to colds due to poorly formed immune system. A child cannot protect himself from the polluted air of a modern city. Car exhaust, industrial waste and other air pollution adversely affect the baby's body. Viferon Light will help strengthen the defense system and prevent colds.

Indications for the use of suppositories for the purpose and recommendations of doctors:

The indication for admission is viral defeat fetus inside the womb (during pregnancy).

To the drug Viferon Light (candles for children), the instruction allows medicinal product for newborns. The nursing infant is not endangered when treated with the drug, but only the prescribed dosage should be adhered to. Suppositories have been studied by scientists, tested by physicians and actively used by pediatricians. Children's specialists prescribe the drug in the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Benefits of Light:

  • the possibility of interaction with other drugs;
  • compatibility with antibiotics;
  • acceptable price.

The cost of suppositories depends on the volume. The price of Light suppositories with the active ingredient in the amount of 150 thousand IU is about 250 rubles, in the amount of 500 thousand IU - 350 rubles.

Viferon Light suppositories for children are distributed according to the allowed dose:

  • babies - minimal;
  • kids visiting Kindergarten, - 500 thousand. ME.

Treatment regimens for infectious diseases:

  1. Full-term newborns - 5 days. 1 pc. 2 times a day.
  2. Premature (34 weeks) babies - within 5 days. 1 pc. 3 times a day.

Therapy regimen different kind hepatitis:

  • from birth to 6 months - 1 soup. 2 times a day, the dose per day is 500 thousand.
  • up to 12 months - 500 thousand per day.
  • from 1 to 7 years - up to 3 million.
  • up to 12 years - 5 million per day.

Hepatitis therapy lasts up to 8-10 days. The appointment is given by a pediatrician, he will also control the entire course medical measures.

Prevention of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection):

  1. You can improve the activity of the baby's immune system, help fight germs and bacteria with the help of Viferon.
  2. For prophylaxis, the remedy is used for 5 days, 1 piece each.

signs backlash body - itching and skin rash. If a unpleasant symptoms notice in time and stop taking it, then the symptoms will disappear in three days. Such a time period is needed to completely cleanse the body of the components of the candles.

The drug should be discontinued at the first manifestations of an allergy.

A lot of general characteristics at Grippferon Light and Viferon Light candles. Active substance- interferon, which creates an obstacle for most viruses. The purpose of the drug is based on the instructions for Grippferon Light (candles for children).

What diseases are listed in the annotation:

The tool is considered excellent prophylactic. Grippferon Light candles for children will help if the baby long time is in children's team. The likelihood of getting the virus during the activation of outbreaks catarrhal pathologies, quarantines are very high. Grippferon will support the body, and prevention will become effective.

The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, based on the characteristics of the child's body.

Grippferon is produced not only in the form of candles.

It can also be purchased in other consistencies:

  • nasal drops;
  • sprays;
  • ointments;
  • suppositories.

Suppositories are used less often than all other forms, but doctors recognize their excellent results for the treatment of infectious pathologies.

The pharmaceutical product has several analogues.

For parents who do not trust candle forms, have not found Viferon Light, the pharmacist offers several similar means:

  1. Interal-P. The components are almost identical, but the release is different: a dry mix for injection. The injections are given intramuscularly. It costs less, but is not used for allergies in severe forms leaks.
  2. Genferon Light. The composition is close to Viferon. It strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, reduces inflammation. The course of therapy is longer - up to 10 days with infectious pathologies. The dosage is different: 125 thousand. ME. The price is in one position: from 200-220 rubles.

The attending physician will help you choose the drug. It will establish sensitivity to the active and auxiliary components, take into account the type of disease, the stage of spread. The similarity of the compositions for a simple buyer should not be a problem if you listen and follow the doctor's recommendations.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, special preparations have been developed aimed at enhancing the response of the immune system and improving the body's resistance. They are available in a variety of dosage forms. However, it can be difficult for small patients to swallow a tablet, in addition, for its processing in the gastrointestinal tract, certain time. Rectal suppositories help faster and are suitable even for babies. Consider how Viferon candles work with ARVI, and also compare them with another popular analogue.

Viferon rectal suppositories help children fight SARS

Viferon rectal suppositories are a development of a Russian manufacturer. The drug has undergone numerous clinical trials, which confirmed its effectiveness and good tolerability. It is based on recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, which has an immunomodulatory and antiviral action and also demonstrates activity against pathogenic bacteria. Candles Viferon with SARS are popular and received a lot of positive feedback.

Note: the drug does not affect the patient's own immunity, does not cause withdrawal and addiction syndrome.

Candles contain such excipients as vitamin C and α-tocopherol acetate, which quickly eliminate inflammatory process, accelerate tissue regeneration, and also reduce the permeability of cell membranes. The role of an emulsifier that combines all the ingredients is natural product- cacao butter. It contains flavonoids and unsaturated fatty acid ensure rapid and safe absorption of the drug.

Viferon has an antiviral effect, eliminating inflammatory processes

The advantage of Viferon suppositories for ARVI is as follows:

  • elimination of side effects associated with negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of production of antibodies that interfere with the antiviral activity of interferon alfa-2b;
  • reduction in the dosage of drugs with parallel hormonal and antibiotic therapy as well as reducing their side effects.

Candles from SARS are combined with other drugs that are used in the treatment of this disease, and enhance their therapeutic effect.

The absence of side effects in children is one of the main advantages of Viferon suppositories.


Rectal suppositories are available in blister packs and packaged in 5 or 10 pcs. The content of interferon alpha-2b in the preparation varies from 150,000 IU to 3,000,000 IU, which allows the use of the drug in different age groups.

The use of Viferon suppositories for ARVI in children is possible from birth, which confirms their safety and good tolerability. The drug can be safely used from the 14th week of pregnancy, as well as during lactation. He is even appointed premature babies. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. Accurate dosage medicines and duration of treatment will be determined by the pediatrician.

These rectal suppositories apply not only to SARS various etiologies, including influenza, but also demonstrate effectiveness in case of accession bacterial infection. They are also prescribed in the complex therapy of pneumonia. They can be used for prevention colds in autumn-winter period. For this purpose, one suppository is injected into the rectum 1 time per day for 10-30 days. To prevent infection with SARS, an agent produced in the form of a gel will additionally help.

Candles Viferon with ARVI can cause an allergic reaction in children, which manifests itself in the form skin itching and rashes. However, such phenomena are rarely diagnosed and completely disappear after three days.

With rare exceptions, candles can cause an allergic reaction.

Genferon and Genferon Light

The main active ingredient of Genferon suppositories is also interferon alfa-2b. They are intended for both rectal and vaginal administration. It is an immunomodulator Russian production used for diseases of the urogenital area in adults, as well as in the complex therapy of relapses chronic bronchitis. It additionally contains the anesthetic benzocaine, which reduces pain at the injection site.

Taurine, which is one of the components of the drug, accelerates the repair of damaged tissues, strengthens cell membranes and enhances the therapeutic effect. It has an antioxidant effect, thereby preventing the occurrence of various pathological processes.

Suppositories Genferon for the treatment of influenza and colds are not intended.

The manufacturer also produces Genferon Light - candles that are used for ARVI in children and adults. They must be injected into the rectum or intravaginally. They contain interferon alfa-2b at a lower dosage and taurine. You can draw a parallel by comparing this tool with the analogue described above. Genferon Light has the following characteristics:

  • applied from the 14th week of pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components;
  • can be used in the treatment of newborns;
  • combined with other prescribed drugs and enhances their effect.

During therapy, there were rare cases reversible allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use the drug during exacerbation autoimmune diseases. Genferon Light with ARVI demonstrates high efficiency, is well tolerated and is no less popular than its counterpart.

Candles Genferon for the treatment of flu and colds are not intended

What's better?

The difference between the two drugs lies in the excipients. Candles Viferon contain vitamins C and E, and Genferon Light - taurine. Otherwise, both immunomodulating agents have similar action and comparable price. They are prescribed in complex treatment a wide range viral diseases and bacterial nature. These suppositories can be used for SARS for children of any age, including infants. Viferon is produced additionally in the form of a gel and ointment, and Genferon Light - in the form of a spray.

The choice of drug is up to the buyer. Although both drugs are available over the counter, you should consult your doctor before using them.

on medical use drug

Registration number:


International non-proprietary name:

interferon alpha-2b + taurine.

Dosage form:

suppositories vaginal and rectal.

1 suppository for dosages of 125,000 IU + 5 mg, 250,000 IU + 5 mg, respectively, contains:
active substances: interferon alpha-2b - 125,000 IU, 250,000 IU; taurine - 0.005 g;
Excipients:"hard fat", dextran 60000, macrogol 1500, polysorbate 80, emulsifier T2, sodium hydrocitrate, lemon acid, purified water - enough to obtain a suppository weighing 0.8 g.

White or white with a yellowish tint, cylindrical suppositories with a pointed end, homogeneous in a longitudinal section. An air rod or a funnel-shaped recess is allowed on the cut.

Pharmacological group: immunomodulating agents, interferons.

ATX code: L03AB05

At rectal administration the drug has a high bioavailability (more than 80%) of interferon, in connection with which both local and pronounced systemic immunomodulatory effects are achieved; with intravaginal application due to high concentration in the focus of infection and fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, a pronounced local antiviral, antiproliferative and antibacterial effect is achieved, while the systemic effect due to the low absorption capacity of the vaginal mucosa is insignificant. The maximum concentration of interferon in the blood serum is reached 5 hours after the administration of the drug. The main route of excretion of α-interferon is renal catabolism. The half-life is 12 hours, which necessitates the use of the drug 2 times a day.

Indications for use

  • As a component of complex therapy - for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases bacterial and viral etiology in children.
  • For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children and women, including pregnant women. Apply as directed by a doctor Dosage and administration
    The drug can be used both vaginally and rectally. The route of administration, dose and duration of the course depend on the age, specific clinical situation and are determined by the attending physician. In adults and children over 7 years of age, Genferon ® Light is used at a dose of 250,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b per suppository. In children under 7 years of age, it is safe to use the drug at a dose of 125,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b per suppository. In women who are 13-40 weeks pregnant, the drug is used at a dose of 250,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b per suppository.
    Recommended doses and treatment regimens:
  • Acute respiratory viral infections and others acute diseases viral nature in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval in parallel with the main therapy for 5 days. If symptoms persist, the course of treatment is repeated after a 5-day interval.
  • Chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of viral etiology in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval in parallel with standard therapy for 10 days. Then within 1-3 months - 1 suppository rectally at night every other day.
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in pregnant women: 1 suppository vaginally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women: 1 suppository (250,000 IU) vaginally or rectally (depending on the nature of the disease) 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days. With protracted forms 3 times a week every other day, 1 suppository for 1-3 months. Side effect
    The drug is well tolerated by patients. Possible local allergic reactions(sensation of itching and burning in the vagina). These phenomena are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after cessation of administration. Continuation of treatment is possible after consultation with a doctor.
    So far, no severe or life-threatening side effects. There may be phenomena that occur with the use of all types of interferon alfa-2b, such as chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and headaches, joint pain, sweating, as well as leuko- and thrombocytopenia, but they are more common when they are exceeded. daily dose over 10,000,000 IU. In these cases, it is recommended to consult the attending physician to decide whether to discontinue the drug or reduce the dose.
    As with any other interferon alfa preparation, in the event of an increase in temperature after its administration, a single dose of paracetamol at a dose of 500-1000 mg for adults and 250 mg for children is possible. Contraindications
    Individual intolerance to interferon and other substances that make up the drug.
    I trimester of pregnancy. Carefully
    Exacerbation of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Use during pregnancy and lactation
    Clinical studies have proven the efficacy and safety of Genferon ® Light in women who are 13-40 weeks pregnant. Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.
    It has no restrictions for use during lactation. Interaction with other drugs
    Genferon ® Light is most effective as a component of complex therapy. When combined with antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral drugs there is a mutual potentiation of action, which allows to achieve a high total therapeutic effect. Overdose
    Cases of overdose of Genferon ® Light are not registered. In case of accidental single administration more suppositories than prescribed by the doctor, further administration should be suspended for 24 hours, after which treatment can be resumed according to the prescribed scheme. special instructions
    Genferon ® Light does not affect the performance of potentially dangerous species activities requiring special attention and fast reactions (control vehicles, machinery, etc.). Storage and transportation conditions
    At temperatures from 2 to 8 0C.
    Keep out of the reach of children. Release form
    Vaginal and rectal suppositories 125,000 IU + 5 mg and 250,000 IU + 5 mg.
    5 suppositories in a blister pack made of aluminum foil or polyvinyl chloride film. 1 or 2 blister packs together with instructions for use in a cardboard pack. Best before date
    2 years.
    Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
    By prescription. Manufacturer
    CJSC "BIOKAD", Russia, 198515, St. Petersburg, Petrodvortsovy district, settlement Strelna, st. Communications, d. 34, Lit. BUT. Produced:
    CJSC "BIOKAD" Russia, 143422, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, With. Petrovo-Far, PO box 26.
  • Which immunostimulant to choose - Genferon or Viferon or Genferon light, which is better for children? Indications for use, contraindications, features of use, similarities and differences, so that everything becomes clear, we will consider.

    Pharmacological group

    All three drugs are strong immunostimulants. The antiviral effect is mediated and due to the activation of internal defense mechanisms. This activity of drugs is due to the presence of interferon alfa-2b as an active ingredient.

    As part of the preparations Genferon and Genferon light, in addition to the immunostimulant, there is taurine - a regeneration stimulator. The first of them also contains the anesthetic benzocaine. The second drug contains low dosages of the immunostimulating component.

    In the drug Viferon, the active substance is represented by interferon alfa-2b. In addition, the drug contains a number of biologically active excipients: ascorbic acid and tocopherol acetate, which increases and expands the spectrum of activity of the pharmaceutical agent.

    All drugs are sold by prescription. Release form - rectal suppositories, which are a white dense mass, which is given a specific bullet-like shape.

    pharmachologic effect

    The presence of interferon alfa-2b in all medicines x endows them with pronounced immunostimulating properties. The active substance is produced using genetic engineering techniques, by introducing a special gene into the body of Escherichia coli bacteria.

    Interferon alfa-2b has immunostimulating properties. Indirectly through the activation of many parts of the immune system, drugs have the following pharmacological effects: antiviral, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory and some others.
    Activation of the immune system is quite multifaceted. Under the influence of any of the three drugs, there is an increase in the reactions of synthesizing specific antibodies. The activity of the so-called killer cells, capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria. The differentiation of B-lymphocytes and the activation of phagocytosis increase.

    The antiviral effect also occurs due to the suppression of the activity of the reactions of synthesizing cellular enzymes that wean the processes of synthesizing and assembling viral nucleic acids.

    In addition, the immune system begins to recognize the affected cells faster and produce substances that can quickly localize the threat to the body, bacterial or viral.

    Taurine, which is part of the drug Genferon, has the ability to accelerate tissue repair reactions, which reduces the duration of the period of convalescence (recovery). This component also has antioxidant abilities.

    The anesthetic benzocaine, found in suppositories Genferon and Genferon light, is designed to reduce the intensity pain, in particular in diseases of the urogenital tract.

    The Viferon preparation contains vitamins C and E. The first is a stimulant of the immune system and an activator of cellular respiration reactions. The second has antioxidant properties.

    Indications for use

    Due to the presence of the same immunostimulating component, all three drugs can be used in the same cases:

    As part of complex treatment infectious diseases, regardless of the causes of the pathology (flu, pneumonia, chlamydia, candidiasis, and so on);
    Treatment viral hepatitis in adults and children;
    Treatment of urogenital infections.

    In most cases, all the drugs under consideration are part of the complex treatment of a particular pathology. For this reason, they should be taken only after consulting a specialized doctor.

    Contraindications for use

    Contraindications to the use of drugs are also the same:

    First trimester of pregnancy;
    Increased sensitivity.

    There are no age restrictions on the use of drugs. True, it is better for children under the age of one to use Genferon Light, since it does not contain benzocaine, and the immunostimulating component is in low dosages.

    Application and dosage

    The dosage regimen is determined by such factors as the patient's age, diagnosis, presence of concomitant diseases and so on. Check with your doctor for recommended dosage.

    Similarities and differences

    If the patient is in childhood, it is better to prefer the appointment of drugs Genferon light or Viferon, since they do not contain local anesthetic benzocaine, which is designed to suppress pain in urogenital diseases.

    When choosing between the drugs Genferon light and Viferon, it is better to give preference to the first one, if we are talking about a child. The second drug contains fairly high dosages of interferon alfa-2b.

    All three medicines are produced by pharmaceutical companies in Russia. Besides, price category their one and the same. Preparations with low dosages cost about 400 rubles per pack, with high ones - about 1000.


    Since the drugs are produced in the same country, contain the same active substance, and are sold by prescription, they should be chosen by the attending physician, who has detailed information about the state of health of patients.

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