Foods high in omega 6. Omega fatty acids in food

Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated. A feature of their structure is double carbon bonds. It is she who determines the basic qualities of acids, so valued by man.

What to expect?

Omega-6 acid has a rather diverse biological action on the human body. This phenomenon is associated with the conversion of the substance into N-6 eicosanoids, which, in turn, react with receptors. Analyzes make it possible to detect the presence of these compounds in a wide variety of tissues and organs.

Arachidonic acid is believed to have the strongest effect on humans. Entering the body, under the influence active substances it breaks down, producing leukotrienes, prostaglandins. They, in turn, are indispensable for inflammation, as they play the role of mediators. The benefits and harms of Omega-3, 6, 9 have been known to science for a long time. In part, these effects are based on the interaction between fatty acids. For example, Omega-6 competes with Omega-3. Mobilization, deposition, conversion of active substances depend on this. And, of course, due to these compounds, a rather strong effect is exerted on N-3, N-6 precursors.

In total, about 10 varieties of fatty acids are classified as Omega-6. The most studied in science are linoleic, arachidonic. The benefits of Omega-6 fatty acids of these species have been proven in medicine for a long time - however, only at a concentration in the body within reasonable limits.

Danger: always there

Conducted relatively recently medical research showed that the benefits of Omega-6 for women and men are observed only when the concentration of components in the body is within the normal range. As soon as the limit value is exceeded, the compounds become much more harmful than beneficial. This is expressed in the increased likelihood of a number of serious diseases.

In recent years, many diets are built in such a way that food is rich in Omega-6, but contains little Omega-3. Thanks to this approach, the problem of an overabundance of Omega-6 in the diet has become quite relevant. It is necessary to eat, maintaining the ratio between these two groups of fatty acids 1:1, but not more than 4:1. In practice, many dietary products in our time, when following their instructions for use, Omega-6 enters the body in an amount that is 20-30 times the volume of Omega-3. This provokes metabolic disorders and initiates various diseases.

Main risks

The use of Omega-6 in so large doses can cause:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • asthmatic diseases;
  • vascular problems;
  • blood clots;
  • inflammation;
  • suppression of immunity;
  • tumor proliferation.

Optimization of the situation can be achieved by balancing the volumes of Omega-3, 6 and 9 that enter the body. This is done by adding special components to the main menu. You can switch to sports nutrition.

Omega-6: where to get it?

Reviews for omega-6 differ in many ways, both due to the fact that people do not properly balance the diet, and because of the sources of this fatty acid. In some cases, compounds enter the body with various food products that provoke negative reactions. Main sources of omega-6 fatty acids:

  • oils extracted from plants;
  • nuts;
  • meat of various birds.

Benefits: when used correctly - obvious

The debate about the dangers and benefits of Omega-6 and 9 will not subside, probably for many more years. But there are few scientists who are willing to risk and deny the positive effects achieved by the correct intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In particular, omega-6 includes gamma-linolenic, for which it is known for certain that the effect on humans is as follows:

  • the skin retains elasticity;
  • the phenomena of PMS pass;
  • nails for a long time strong.

Acid is useful in the fight against diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • sclerosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • arthritis.

So, the benefits and harms of Omega-6 for women are especially noticeable. The first - with proper consumption, the second - with incorrect consumption. But, you see, when so many suffer from monthly manifestations of PMS, choosing a diet with the right ratio of acids is not a big price to pay for keeping both your own and those close to you calm.

The benefits and harms of products

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 directly depend on how acids enter the body. It has already been indicated above that vegetable oils are the main source of compounds. This does not mean that you need to eat more oil in order to saturate the body with omega-6. In reality, in our country, residents already absorb too large volumes of such products, as well as fat, lard.

It will be useful to use sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in moderation. Say, a week - no more than three pieces of fat. And it's not just about acids - in this product there are other compounds that are useful for humans, but almost never found anywhere. But the high quality of the oil is the main criterion for obtaining a sufficient amount of Omega-6 in food. Simply put, even large volumes of a low-quality product will not help, but high-level food will become a source of all the necessary components. Preference should be given to cold-pressed options. Do not cook with unrefined oils.

Many or few?

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 directly depend on the amount of components in food. As soon as the norm is exceeded, it turns out to be strong Negative influence on immunity, pressure and the state of the heart and blood vessels in general. In some cases, an excess of fatty acids provokes oncological processes. This is most obvious if you pay attention to the statistics of American medicine, where the inhabitants of the country abuse fast food, fatty meat dishes and fast food. In all these dishes, the concentration of Omega-6 is high, which leads to an overabundance of substances in the human body.

But a deficiency also leads to bad consequences: hair falls out, nails exfoliate, the liver does not cope with its functions. Additionally, people suffer from eczema, and children are often diagnosed with growth retardation.

Effect of fatty acids

The benefits and harms of Omega-6 are directly related to the characteristics of the impact at the cellular level. When taking polyunsaturated fatty acids in food, the blood becomes thicker, more viscous, and the metabolism slows down. Accordingly, an excess of components in the blood leads to:

  • overweight;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • asthmatic disorders;
  • inflammation.

But if you adjust the diet in such a way that the concentration is in the correct ratio of Omega-3 and 9, and also that there are enough substances in general, then blood clotting is assessed as a positive factor. It also lowers cholesterol levels. Fatty acids are essential elements of cell membranes.

Scientists have found that Omega-3 is present in a fairly large concentration in living beings leading an active lifestyle. These are birds, some mammals. But if the animal moves relatively little, then Omega-6 prevails. So, its highest concentration is found in elephants, seals and bears.

Omega-6: benefits and harms in combination with other factors

It was pointed out that the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids primarily depends on the volume of components ingested into the body. Last years humanity lives with habits that contribute to a glut of Omega-6. The obvious proof is the disease map inherent in our culture. Most often, doctors are faced with heart attacks, strokes, overweight and arthritis.

At the same time, it cannot be argued that Omega-6 is the only source of these problems. it additional factor, showing the result in combination with a number of others. So, our food is a source of large amounts of saturated fats, whose harm to humans has long been scientifically proven. Milk, meat are rich in such components. In addition, people consume huge amounts of salt. An excess of "white death" has an extremely depressing effect on blood vessels, the heart - a load, pressure increases. In addition, salt retains water in the body, provokes the accumulation extra pounds. Together, all these factors only increase negative impact excess Omega-6.

But the benefits are undeniable!

Of course, the above information can be intimidating. But it should be understood that negative reactions are possible only if the balance is disturbed. If you managed to choose the right diet and provide the body with the correct amount of fatty acids without an overabundance and violation in favor of Omega-3, 6 or 9, then there is no doubt: health will be normal for a long time.

Clinical studies have shown that in chronic sclerosis, omega-6 has a strong positive impact on the patient. This is true both for the onset of the disease and for the progressive stage. No less reliably known is the positive effect in diabetes mellitus. This disease is associated with impaired communication nerve fibers, which are restored by means of gamma-linolenic acid.

Omega-6: mental and mental development under control

If you manage to make a diet rich in omega-6 to the right extent, this has a positive effect on the state of the brain. The organ functions more actively, more efficiently, and the neurons are protected from harmful effects. No wonder Omega-6 is considered an effective method of therapy for hypertension, depression and inflammatory processes in the most different systems organism.

By the way, the benefits of fatty acids in sexual impotence, inability to have children and endometriosis have been proven. In addition, they have a positive effect on patients with prostatitis.

With regard to depression, this situation deserves special attention. If the human body does not receive the right amount Omega-6, it affects performance quite quickly, people get tired, face chronic fatigue depression develops rapidly. This is especially difficult to tolerate against the background of memory impairment and other health problems. But the normalization of the diet leads to the fact that the mood returns to normal. As for women who tend to suffer from PMS, here the effect of Omega-6 on mood is noticeable from month to month - hormonal changes do not affect the psyche so much, nervousness and irritability disappear. This makes life easier and more enjoyable not only for the woman herself, but also for her relatives, friends and colleagues.

Hair and skin: the benefits are noticeable immediately

Visually, the effect on the human body of Omega-6 is noticeable most of all in the condition of hair, nails and skin. Moreover, it equally reflects both the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their excess. The components are necessary for the skin to regenerate, and the hair to grow, the nail plate to be strong and healthy. Omega-6 is useful in the regeneration of a wide variety of tissues.

If a person suffers from eczema, eating regularly normal amount Omega-6 helps eliminate most of the symptoms of the disease. Inflammation disappears, skin irritation is relieved.

Hair acquires a healthy, beautiful shine. Fragility goes away, the ends stop splitting. Along the entire length of the hair, the scales fit snugly against the trunk. This has a positive effect on the hair as a whole: hair loss is normal, density persists with age.

Healthy ratio - what is it?

In order for a person to feel good, a diet is needed that would supply the body with Omega-3, 6 and 9 in the correct ratio. It must be remembered that the absolute amount of fatty acids entering the blood is much less important than the relative one.

As for Omega-3 and Omega-6, doctors say that these components should enter the human body in approximately equal doses. With normal nutrition, this ratio is maintained in the human brain. Within the normal range, there will be an excess of the concentration of Omega-6 over Omega-3 up to four times, but no more.

The reason is that, in fact, Omega-3 and 6 do not affect the body separately, but these two types of fatty acids together. They interact with each other, and it is precisely such reactions that benefit all human systems and organs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 individually affect the body in almost the opposite way. As soon as both are inside, a balancing interaction begins. Already from this explanation it is clear why the optimal balance is one to one.

One of the classes of polyunsaturated fatty acids is Omega-6. They have special meaning for the body due to its biological properties. This class has more than 10 various acids. However, among them, linoleic and arachidonic are considered the most important. They are most effective in combination with omega-3 acids. Both classes are largely similar in structure, although they have significant differences. First of all, this is expressed in the structure of molecules, as well as in biological properties.

Omega-6s, like Omega-3s, are ingested through food. Their synthesis is impossible, therefore, with a lack of fatty acids, the likelihood of developing various diseases, there is deterioration general condition health. Omega-6s are necessary for a person for several reasons. First of all, they support normal level cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Fatty acids of this class improve appearance skin and hair. After all, omega-6s are involved in tissue regeneration. In addition, they have a positive effect on the functioning of many internal organs. In women, acids ease PMS and menstruation itself. Often these processes are accompanied by a deterioration in mood, depression, and abdominal pain. Omega-6 helps to avoid such unpleasant phenomena.

Affecting the skin, polyunsaturated fatty acid relieve inflammation in eczema. Irritation heals faster, symptoms of the disease become less noticeable. The presence of Omega-6 in sufficient quantities is especially important for people suffering from arthritis and obesity. These substances help to get rid of excess weight. They also reduce cravings for hard alcoholic beverages.

  • Huge harm omega 6

Huge harm omega 6

The tiny bird hummingbird flies at a speed of more than 80 km / h, and in order to collect nectar, she has to hover over a flower, making up to 100 wing beats per second. What distinguishes this amazing creature, for example, from a bear that has fallen into hibernation? Not only size and level physical activity. Both animals need a supply of body fat to sustain life. It is noteworthy that in the body of a hummingbird we will find omega-3 fatty acids, and in a bear - omega-6. Both substances belong to the class of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but their properties are very different. But what about man? What fatty acids do we have and what role do they play in the body? Let's figure it out.

Omega 3 vs Omega 6: What's the difference?

Scientists have found that omega-3 fatty acids predominate in the body of not very large animals and birds leading a "nimble" lifestyle. But bears, seals, walruses and elephants prefer to accumulate omega-6 deposits under the skin. Why is this happening, and what is the fundamental difference between these two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Omega-3 molecules are very plastic and flexible. They perform perfect food for the fastest organs: the brain and heart, above all. Omega-3 fatty acids make the blood thinner, make the heart beat quickly and rhythmically, the brain work clearly, the eyes see sharply and get used to the dark. Of course, a person really needs such acids. They speed up metabolism and make the organs of our body work smoothly.

Omega-6 molecules perform the opposite function: they make the blood thicker, slow down metabolic processes, and in case of excess provoke the development of inflammation and tumors. Omega-6 fatty acids can serve a hibernating bear good service, but for a person in everyday life they are useless. It has been proven that people with an excess of omega-6 are more likely to develop heart and vascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, asthma and migraines. Women with high levels of omega-6 complain about menstrual pain polyps and endometriosis.

What does science say?

Released in 2006 treatise titled "Queen of Fats", written by Dr. Susanna Allport. She has devoted many years to researching the role of omega-6 fatty acids in development. dangerous diseases in a person. Every year, the world community faces an increasingly acute problem early mortality from oncological diseases. Dr. Allport was able to prove a direct link between the level of omega-6 in the body and increased risk tumor development. The "bad" fatty acid has been linked to breast, prostate, and colon cancers, to name but a few of the documented cases.

A high level of omega-6 is directly related to obesity, and a large excess of weight with age inevitably leads to diabetes. Omega-6 fatty acids have also been found to be detrimental to performance. nervous system: they lead to postpartum depression and bipolar mental disorders. The obvious conclusion suggests itself: you need to reduce the content of omega-6 fatty acids in the body to a minimum. But how can this be done, and why is this question so frighteningly relevant in our time?

Where does the dangerous omega-6 fatty acid come from?

In the last twenty or thirty years there have been global changes in the global food industry. This super-profitable business is run by monopoly companies. They set standards for raising livestock, and these standards are extremely simple: you need to feed the cattle with the cheapest feed in order to reap the maximum benefit. It is extremely unprofitable to drive herds to natural pastures so that animals graze on fresh green grass. It is much more reasonable to feed the cattle with corn and other cheap grains. Raised on such a diet, animals become a source of a dangerous omega-6 fatty acid that accumulates in their bodies throughout their lives.

The same can be said about fish. When fish is caught from its natural environment - ocean, sea, river - its meat contains only useful omega-3 fatty acids. And when fish are artificially grown in special ponds and fed with grain, it turns out dangerous product With high content omega 6. This is not to mention the problem of antibiotics, which are present in meat, fish, milk, and eggs of industrial production.

What conclusion can we draw? Those who monitor their health can be advised to choose farm meat and dairy products on store shelves. Unfortunately, it costs much more than the factory one. There are more radical ways problem solving. If you are overweight, diseased heart, high level cholesterol and omega-6 fatty acids, it makes sense to switch to a vegetarian diet.

Is an excess of omega-6 fatty acids dangerous?

If there is a shortage of polyunsaturated fatty acids, this can have various negative consequences for the human body. But isn't too much of them harmful?

So, in 2009, R. Brown's book "Omega-6 - Devil's Fat?" was released. In it, the author raises the issue negative influence on the body of these substances. According to Brown, such acids lead to serious illnesses: stroke, cancer, heart attack. However, it is noted that it is worth using more products high in omega-3s.

Indeed, fatty acids are not only beneficial. Their excess can be harmful to human health and lead to the following consequences:

    increased viscosity and blood clotting;

    deterioration in the functioning of the immune system;

    the occurrence of malignant tumors.

The development of cancer is one of the most serious consequences that an excess of Omega-6 leads to. It is still completely unclear what causes tumors, but excess necessary for the body the amount of fatty acids can contribute to their appearance.

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The ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in foods

Omega-6s are most beneficial when combined with Omega-3s. In Sweden, the ratio of omega-6 to omega 3 (5:1) is recommended, and in Japan (4:1). Need to rebalance to avoid negative consequences excess or deficiency of these substances in the body. When there is too little omega-3 acids, the body completely switches to omega-6, resulting in a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy.

There are several points of view on what should be the number of these elements. Most scientists believe that the ideal ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 is 2:1 or 4:1, respectively (for reference, Eskimos consume omega-3 in a ratio of 1 to 1, and have the most low rate mortality from cardiovascular disease on the planet). You can achieve it by changing your diet. In this case, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in various products should be taken into account.

Linseed oil (1 tablespoon)

Sunflower oil (1 tablespoon)

Sesame oil (1 tablespoon)

Corn oil (1 tablespoon)

Canola oil (1 tablespoon)

Olive oil (1 tablespoon)

Chia seeds (30 g)

Flax seeds (30 g)

Sunflower seeds (1 cup)

Sesame seeds (1 cup)

Pumpkin seeds (1 cup)

Walnuts(1 cup)

Nuts almonds (1 cup)

Pecans (1 cup)

Wheat (1 cup)

Rye (1 cup)

Oats (1 cup)

Lentils (1 cup)

Beans, raw (1 cup)

Chickpeas, raw (1 cup)

Green peas, raw (1 cup)

String beans, raw (1 cup)

Lettuce, fresh (1 bunch, 360 g)

Spinach, fresh (1 bunch, 340 g)

Dandelion greens, fresh (100 g)

Arugula, fresh (100 g)

Apple, raw (1 pc.)

Banana, raw (1 pc.)

Strawberries, fresh (100 g)

Carrots, raw (100 g)

What foods contain Omega-6?

Against the backdrop of allegations of incredible benefits omega-3 fatty acids and the need for their significant predominance over their "brothers" from the omega-6 group, it may seem that the latter are the enemies of health, or at least not the most useful substances for it. However, this is a misconception: our body also needs omega 6. Why is it useful to use them and where can we get them from?

Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids include, in particular (there are more than 10 in total):

  • linoleic (the main representative of the family);
  • gamma linolenic;
  • arachidonic - in cell membranes she is present in largest quantities and makes up about 5-15% of all fatty acids.

What do omega 6s do in the body?

Representatives of this omega group:

  • affect the development of the central nervous system during prenatal development and also prevent intellectual underdevelopment. And in adults, these substances cause the correct distribution of impulses in the nervous system;
  • are the building material for cells, take part in the production of many hormones, including neurotransmitters (compounds that provide communication between nerve cells brain);
  • lower the level total cholesterol and "bad", but, unfortunately, can also lower the level of "good" a little;
  • control blood pressure, kidney, heart, gastrointestinal tract;
  • contribute to the treatment of hormonal disorders, type 2 diabetes, skin diseases;
  • arachidonic acid in the body is converted into lipoxin, which has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. In addition, it counteracts the development and reduces the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis;
  • make more powerful immune defense by giving strength to cellular barriers;
  • these substances are useful for reducing the discomfort of PMS and during menopause.

To better understand why it is useful to consume omega 6, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the problems that the body reacts to when they are deficient in the diet:

  • increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections;
  • reduced immunity;
  • malfunction blood vessels leading to hypertension;
  • reduced functionality of the heart, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands;
  • decreased synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • infertility (in some cases);
  • platelet deficiency;
  • various skin changes.

What foods can you find omega 6 in?


The best sources of omega-6 fatty acids are cold-pressed oils: soybean, coconut, sunflower, corn (and margarines made from them) and a few others. You can take yourself as assistants and more rare oils. Thus, a high content of linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids is inherent in evening primrose oil (71% LA and 10% GLA). Supplements with this product are recommended for people with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, because omega-6 deficiency contributes to their development, including atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. The acids contained in evening primrose oil reduce the degree of platelet aggregation, thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. Deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, which develops during aging, will make up for borage oil and blackcurrant seed oil. Evening primrose oil, among other things, will contribute to the treatment of skin diseases - atopic dermatitis, erythema, etc.

Important! Vegetable oils rich in these acids should be consumed raw and not used for frying. In addition, in order to preserve the benefits, you can not keep them in the light.

Other sources

  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
  • most nuts;
  • avocado.

Please note: a medium-sized avocado is as much as 432 kcal.

When does benefit become harm?

Speaking about the properties of omega 6, it is impossible to ignore the relationship with omega 3, because their benefits and harms depend on whether the balance of these acids is maintained in the body. In domestic and foreign sources, different numbers of the recommended ratio are called - 4:5, 1:5, 4:5, 1:2, etc. In any case, there should not be a significant advantage in the direction of omega-6, because they conquer » omega-3s, which are already few in the average diet. Here is what their excess is fraught with:

  • impaired immunity;
  • increased risk of developing cancer;
  • problems with blood cholesterol levels;
  • the risk of diseases and disorders of the heart and of cardio-vascular system;
  • tendency to allergies, skin changes;
  • problems of an emotional and mental nature, such as depression;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disruptions in digestion;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • "spurring" inflammatory processes.

A person who takes care of balancing the omega acids in their diet has a rather difficult task, especially given the "dominance" of omega-6 in modern industrial food products. Help in solving it are called upon pharmacological preparations, which contain omega, including 6, in the "right" proportions, so that each of the acids brings the body the maximum benefit.

Omega fatty acids- fashion phrase. But most people still do not understand how much and which omega fatty acids should be consumed. We'll cover the benefits, risks, and ways to get essential fats.

There is a lot of confusion about which oils, fish, and nuts are good sources of healthy fats and which are not. Most of us have heard of omega-3 fatty acids and maybe even omega-6 fatty acids at least once, but what do we know about omega-9 fatty acids and their benefits? Omega 3 and omega 6 are considered essential because the human body is unable to reproduce them. On the other hand, we are able to produce omega-9s, so the need for them is minimal.

They are considered the main source of fatty acids. With the help of our table, you can choose for yourself the most healthy option with a high content of useful elements.

Omega 3 fatty acids

They have many health benefits, mostly related to their anti-inflammatory properties. Fats in this category divided into three types

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), whose main function is to produce chemical substances called eicosanoids, which help reduce inflammation. EPA also helps reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) makes up about 8% of the mass of the brain and is extremely important for its normal development and functioning.
  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) used by the body to generate energy.

Most high percent the content of these fatty acids in linseed, rapeseed and soybean oils. In addition, EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, and ALA in some nuts, seeds, and animal products ( beef and dairy).

EPA and DHA are the most common types of omega in supplements. They have been proven to effectively treat and prevent hundreds of medical conditions and diseases.

Pros and cons of using

Became commonplace in many industrialized countries due to increased consumption of omega-6 fats found in processed foods and vegetable oils. An adult consumes omega-6 and omega-3 in a ratio of 20:1. And ideally- 2:1.

This imbalance can lead to chronic inflammatory process in the body. Some of the most common diseases caused by imbalance include

  • high cholesterol
  • depression
  • Anxiety
  • Inflammatory disease intestines
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Infertility
  • Alzheimer's disease

Taking supplements rich in high quality DHA and EPA will help restore right balance omega-3 / omega-6, which will lead to better overall health. In addition to minimizing inflammation and preventing chronic diseases, omega-3s have also been linked to...

  • Improved heart health
  • Mental health support (reducing symptoms of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder)
  • Reduced weight and waist size
  • Decreased fat deposits in the liver
  • Prevention of dementia
  • Strengthening bone health
  • Asthma Prevention
  • Strengthening hair and nails

Omega 6 fatty acids

They are also essential fatty acids, but they are not as popular. However, our body needs omega-6s, as it is not able to produce them on its own. These fatty acids enter the body with food and play important role in brain activity and development of the body. This polyunsaturated fatty acid helps stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, reproductive system and regulate metabolism.

There are several different types of omega-6 fatty acids. And the most common forms come from vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, cottonseed and soybean).

Pros and cons of using

Over the past twenty years, omega-6 fatty acids have earned a not-so-good reputation. This is largely due to the fact that certain omega-6 fatty acids tend to stimulate cellular inflammation. Studies of the function of these acids have shown that increased amount omega-6 may play a role in the development of certain diseases.

In fact, omega-6s play an important role in the health and development of the body if they are balanced with omega-3s. Over the past few decades, the diet of Europeans and Americans has changed a lot. The typical American diet now contains 15 to 25 times more omega-6s than omega-3s. This imbalance has led to the fact that omega-6s are now acting as a “dietary enemy”.

Studies have shown that taking omega-6 fatty acid supplements

  • Significantly reduced the number of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • In addition to the drug for the treatment of breast cancer was more effective than treatment with the drug alone
  • Effectively reduces body weight

Omega 9 fatty acids

Omega-9 fatty acids are part of the classification unsaturated fat found in vegetable and animal fats. They are also known as oleic acid or monounsaturated fats , and are often found in foods such as safflower, olive, and canola oils, as well as some nuts. Omega-9 is regularly replenished. Then why worry about the level of this fatty acid?

Pros and cons of using

It is important to understand that body-reproducible fats offer a wide range of benefits to our bodies. First of all, they help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and are also associated with increased energy levels, reduced irritability, and improved mood.

Some recent studies have even found that they help people with neurological diseases (Alzheimer's disease and adrenoleukodystrophy- serious genetic disease affecting the adrenal glands spinal cord and nervous system).

Balanced intake of omega fatty acids

To balance the levels of these fatty acids, many have switched to the Mediterranean diet includes limited quantity meat and a sufficient amount of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for example, whole grains, fish, olive oil, garlic, and moderate wine consumption.

Research into this trend shows that people who follow these dietary guidelines are significantly less likely to develop heart disease and a host of other diseases. By eating a well-balanced diet and taking high-quality daily supplements that help regulate your omega-3/omega-6 ratio, you will greatly reduce your chances of developing a number of diseases.

What Omega 6 Fatty Acids, which are promoted as one of the most useful components in vegetable oils. How can they be main reason development of many chronic diseases. And why you should stop using vegetable oils.

Those who constantly read my blog often come across phrases that are probably not very clear to many: “the balance of Omega-3 and 6 Fatty acids”, “Omega-6 fatty acids provoke inflammation in our body”, “one of the reasons why vegetable oils are harmful to our body - these are Omega-6 Fatty acids ”and all in the same vein!

Many confuse these very Omega acids. And what frustrates me the most is that most people find them equally useful. And therefore, in fact, they agitate themselves and other people to use vegetable oils - “how different - they also contain a large amount of Omega-6″!

So I decided to dispel another myth not only about the usefulness of vegetable oils, but also to shed light on what these Omega-6s actually mean for our body and what role they play.

What is Omega-6?

it essential acids that belong to the class Polyunsaturated fats having in their chemical structure several double bonds.

Our body does not have the enzymes needed to synthesize them, so we must get them from food. And we need them for many important reactions in our body.

And no, don't worry, Omega-6s are very easy to get from food, there is hardly a person who is deficient in them (which cannot be said about Omega-3s).

It is also very important for our body Omega 6 and 3 balance. In our ancestors, this balance was approximately 1:1. And most people are now 30:1!!!

The fact is that over the past 120 years, our diet has changed. But you can probably already guess what we're talking about now.

Yes, I'm talking about vegetable oils, which people can say are addicted to; they contain a killer amount of omega-6.

Here is a small table of omega-6 content in vegetable oils:

  • everyone's favorite sunflower oil — 75%
  • corn - 54%
  • sesame - 42%
  • canola oil 20%
  • peanut - 32%
  • linen -14%

Omega-6 Fatty Acids Cause Chronic Disease?

You can't describe it in 2 words. So get comfortable and get ready for my explanation.

1. Omega 6 have pro-inflammatory action, meaning that they provoke the so-called slow chronic inflammation in our body.

And for those who did not know yet, but almost all chronic diseases begin with this slow inflammation. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, arthritis, asthma, cancerous tumors, allergies, mental disorders, obesity and depression.

Inflammation kills us in silence.

By the way, pharmaceuticals and the doctors themselves know that Omega-6 is being launched chronic process inflammation.

Medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and steroids work by blocking the formation of inflammatory particle substances, derivatives of (surprise) Omega-6! But why should we let ordinary people know about this? How then will all these huge companies make money selling their drugs?

2. An excess of Omega-6 triggers the onset of a pathological condition.

3. Omega-6s are unstable fats, they enter into chemical reaction with oxygen and start a chain reaction of formation free radicals, which damage our cells, provoke the acceleration of the aging process and the development of cancer cells.

4. Omega-6s are deposited in the fat and membranes of our cells, gradually accumulating, killing our health from the inside.

5. Our body is not genetically predisposed to deal with large quantity Omega-6 in our diet. Balance in everything is important for our body!

Omega-3 and Omega-6 balance

Our ancestors did not use this huge amount vegetable oils and, therefore, their balance of Omega acids was normal, that is, 1 to 1. They also did not suffer from diseases caused by chronic inflammation, or as they are also called - diseases of the 21st century.

In order to keep this important balance normal, you need to consume omega-3 fatty acids, the richest source of which is oily fish. And what happens when a person almost does not eat fish, does not take fish oil, but constantly cooks in sunflower oil and seasons salads with it?

The fact is that Omega acids are interconnected with themselves, they compete for the same enzymes, that is, it turns out than more people eats fish (Omega-3), the less Omega-6 is deposited in his body and vice versa, if a person eats fish once a week, but constantly uses vegetable oils, Omega-6 accumulates, preventing Omega-3 from passing through. And hello chronic inflammation and disease!

How to achieve the perfect balance of Omega acids?

It is foolish to say that omega-6s are bad. They also carry out important functions in our body. It's just the quantity that matters. Too much and we're in big trouble.

  1. Stop using. Switch to oils that contain almost no omega-6s: butter, coconut, olive, palm, ghee, lard, and any animal fat.
  2. Don't forget that nuts and seeds are also high in omega-6s. Don't indulge in too many of them.
  3. Eat fish (wild, not farmed) and eggs.
  4. Take omega-3 supplements. I take these and recommend them to everyone.

Also be aware that since we store Omega-6 in our fat cells, restoring the Omega-3:Omega-6 balance can take years!

But isn't it worth it? Don't we want to at least some amount reduce the risk of developing and improve the course of such serious diseases?

Remember that what we eat is how we feel! All in our hands. And health, including! Give your health a chance and give up vegetable oil!

Did you know that Omega-6 fatty acids are harmful in excessive amounts? How do you control the important Omega balance?

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Essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 play an important role in muscle gain and fat loss. Learn more about the benefits of these fats and their sources.

Building muscle in gym You've probably heard that a high-protein, low-fat diet helps a lot. Indeed, most people believe that the limitation fatty foods in the diet will keep the body in excellent physical shape. However, not all fats are bad. Some of them are necessary for your body, and not only to maintain health and build muscle, but also ... to burn fat itself! These substances are called essential fatty acids (essential fatty acids, or EFA).

EFAs are considered so essential because they are not produced by the body and can only be obtained externally.

The body uses these fats during various biological processes, many of which can greatly improve the result of your workouts. In this article, we will talk aboutbenefits and sources of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids.

What are omega 3 and omega 6?

There are two varieties of EFA. These are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are considered essential (not synthesized by the body). There are also omega-9 fatty acids, which, although necessary, are quite “replaceable”, since the body is able to produce them in a small amount— subject to obtaining a sufficient amount of EFA.

It is important to maintain a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Ideally, it should be between 4:1 and 3:1 (omega-6 to omega-3), but in the diet of the average person, everything is not so rosy - from 10:1 to 25:1.

And even in the diet of serious athletes, omega-6 is much more. This not only significantly slows down muscle growth, recovery and fat burning, but also leads to health problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids are as follows:

  • alpha-linolenic (ALA),
  • eicosapentaenoic (EPA),
  • docosahexaenoic (DHA).

While each of these acids is important in its own right, ALA can be converted to EPA and DHA. This means that consuming a sufficient amount of ALA can satisfy the body's need for the other two omega acids.

There are four omega-6 fatty acids:

  • linoleic,
  • gamma linoleic,
  • dihomogamma linoleic,
  • arachidonic.

Of these, linoleic, as with ALA, can be converted to other omega-6s.

The importance of omega-3 and omega-6 for muscle gain and fat loss

How exactly do omega-6s and omega-3s help build muscle? In particular, they (namely alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids) are required for the formation of eicosanoids, which in turn exist in several types: leukotrienes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes. All of them are important for the functioning of the body, but prostaglandins are of particular importance. Why? The fact is that these physiologically active substances

  • increase secretion growth hormone,
  • increase muscle protein synthesis,
  • increase insulin sensitivity,
  • help maintain testosterone levels.

Each of these beneficial effects contributes to a set of muscle mass.

But EFAs don't just help build muscle. They significantly affect the metabolism and the formation of body fat.

Studies have shown that ALA, EPA and DHA increase lipolysis (fat breakdown) and decrease lipogenesis (fat formation). Accordingly, it favorably affects the composition of the body. Moreover, these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg, and the whole range of beneficial effects that EFA has on health and athletic performance is extremely wide. So, essential fatty acids

  • reduce inflammation,
  • strengthen immune system,
  • increase endurance,
  • allow you to train more and prevent overtraining,
  • speed up recovery
  • reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels,
  • accelerate wound healing,
  • improve sleep,
  • increase concentration,
  • prevent or treat arthritis
  • improve the condition skin,
  • facilitate the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream,
  • increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins,
  • favorably affect the cardiovascular system.

Such a long list indicates thatbenefit of omega-3 and omega-6should never be underestimated or ignored. Conversely, a deficiency of essential fatty acids not only leads to a range of health problems, but also negatively affects muscle growth and muscle development. healthy weight loss(fat burning).

Read also:

Norms of use omega 3 and omega 6

The generally accepted recommendation for omega-3s is 1.6 grams per day for men and 1.1 grams for women. However, experiments have revealed the fact that increasing the intake of these acids can bring additional benefits. Therefore, we recommend you the following dosages for optimal growth muscles, burning muscles and maintaining health.

Omega 3

Omega 6

  1. Men - 9-14 grams per day from all sources.
  2. Women - 7.5-12 grams per day from all sources.

Best Sources omega 3 and omega 6

EFA can be obtained from both food and sports nutrition. Either option will bring the same result, but you need to remember that most food products already contain omega-6 in the absence of omega-3. For this reason, many people prefer special additives.

the best natural sources essential fatty acids we consider the following.

Omega 3:

  • fish fat;
  • linseed oil;
  • walnuts;
  • sesame seeds;
  • avocado;
  • some dark green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, mustard leaves, etc.);
  • canola oil (cold-pressed and unrefined);
  • salmon;
  • mackerel;
  • eggs.

Omega 6:

  • linseed oil;
  • grape seed oil;
  • pistachios;
  • sunflower seeds (not roasted);
  • olive oil, olives;
  • evening primrose oil (evening primrose).

Sports nutrition with EFA

Sports EFA-containing supplements will not only help meet the daily requirements of the body for these substances, but also allow you to maintain healthy proportions.

For this reason, it's best to choose a supplement at a ratio of 3 omega-3 to 1 omega-6 or even higher.

The sports nutrition market includes fish oil, flaxseed oil, and EFA blends. They are available in both capsules and liquid form. Both forms of products have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, capsules are much more convenient than oils and do not have a taste that many do not like. On the other hand, liquid forms EFAs are cheaper and can be mixed with protein shakes or oatmeal, for example. Therefore, the choice here depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences.

There are 7 main proven benefits of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

1. Help Reduce Pain from Nerve Injuries

Research shows that taking gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) - a type of omega-6 fatty acid - for six months or more can reduce nerve pain in people with diabetic neuropathy. People who have good blood sugar control may experience more healing action omega-6 fats, unlike those who do not control blood sugar well enough. Two studies examining the effects of GLA on people with diabetic neuropathy found that supplementation with omega-6 fatty acids reduced pain from nerve damage after one year of treatment.

2. Fight inflammation

We know that inflammation negatively affects our health and can exacerbate and even cause disease. In fact, most chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease are highly inflammatory. For this reason, eliminating chronic inflammation is of decisive importance.

Eating healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) generally has a positive effect on health. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may play an important role in reducing inflammation and preventing various diseases. GLA is produced in the body from linoleic acid, the main omega-6 fatty acid. GLA is metabolized to dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA), making it an anti-inflammatory nutrient.

3. Treat rheumatoid arthritis

Evening primrose oil, made from the seeds of Indian wild flowers, contains 7 to 10% GLA. Preliminary evidence suggests that evening primrose may reduce pain, swelling, and morning stiffness joints. Although it will probably take you one to six months to notice the effect. However, this remedy is not able to stop the progression of the disease, which means that joint damage will still occur.

However, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis foundation recommends taking 540 milligrams of evening primrose oil at a time daily, up to a maximum of 2.8 grams per day. Please consult with your doctor first before taking.

4. May Help Reduce ADHD Symptoms

A Swedish study evaluated the effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on the bodies of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The scientists tested 75 children and adolescents (8-18 years old) for 6 months. While most do not respond to treatment with omega-3 and omega-6 fats, a subgroup of 26% of subjects experienced a 25% reduction in ADHD symptoms. After six months, 47% of the subjects in this subgroup experienced symptom relief.

5. Reduce high blood pressure

GLA alone or combined with omega-3s fish oil may help reduce symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension). One study in men with borderline high blood pressure suggests that GLA may help lower high blood pressure. blood pressure when taking 6 grams of blackcurrant oil. Subjects experienced a reduction in diastolic blood pressure compared to those who took placebo.

Another study involved people with intermittent claudication, which is pain in the legs when walking, caused by blockage of blood vessels. lower extremities. The researchers found that subjects who took evening primrose oil experienced a decrease in systolic blood pressure.

6. Reduce the risk of heart disease

American Heart Association suggests that linoleic acid may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Replacing your intake of saturated fats with PUFA-rich vegetable oils will help you prevent heart and blood vessel disease.

Linoleic acid can be obtained from vegetable oils, as well as nuts and seeds, but should only be consumed natural products and unrefined vegetable oils, and avoid GMO oils such as canola oil. Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, providing approximately 11 grams of linoleic acid. In addition, they contain alpha-linolenic acid, a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid that is also very beneficial for heart health.

7. Maintain Bone Health

Research conducted in Southern California and published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that PUFAs may help prevent skeletal deformities resulting from bone thinning during aging. Both men and women saw improvements in health when taking omega-6 and omega-3 fats. skeletal system especially the bones of the thigh and spine.

The researchers concluded: “Increasing the ratio total omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids are also significantly associated with lower mineral density bone tissue(MPKT) femur in all women, and the spine in women not using hormone therapy. A higher ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is associated with lower hip BMD in both sexes.”

Omega 6 Foods and Supplements

There are several various types omega-6 fatty acids, and most of them (for example, linoleic acid) are found in vegetable oils. Linoleic acid is converted in the body to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), after which arachidonic acid is obtained from it. GLA can be found in several plant oils, including evening primrose oil, borage oil, and blackcurrant seed oil, which can actually reduce inflammation. Most of the GLA taken as a dietary supplement is converted into a substance called dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA), which fights inflammation.

To convert GLA to DGLA, some nutrients, including magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3 and B6. However, DGLA is an extremely rare fatty acid, found only in trace amounts in animal products.

Omega-6 fatty acids can be found in the form of dietary supplements, but always try to get these fats from food as much as possible. So where are omega-6 fatty acids found? The best sources omega-6 fatty acids are:

  • beef
  • chicken
  • nuts
  • vegetable oils

It is important to note that in order to get maximum benefit from omega-6 fatty acids, you should only consume organic dietary fats found in unprocessed whole foods and avoid GMOs entirely.

The problem is that the typical Western diet tends to be significantly higher in omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids, in part because omega-6s are found in a lot of unhealthy foods like salad dressings. , potato chips, pizza, pasta dishes, sausages, any kind of fast food and many other products.

Unhealthy foods such as fast food contain significant amounts of omega-6 fatty acids. Therefore, by eating predominantly such foods, you create an imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the body, which leads to inflammation and the development of related diseases.

Conversely, the Mediterranean diet, for example, has a healthier balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, making it an excellent choice for improving heart health and preventing cardiovascular disease. The Mediterranean diet, unlike the Western diet, does not include as much meat. Most meat products are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, although grass-fed beef contains more omega-3 fats. The Mediterranean diet includes foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables whole grain, fish, olive oil, garlic, and a moderate amount of wine, all of which help balance the fatty acid ratio.

Most omega-6 fatty acids enter our bodies with vegetable oils, but we should not get carried away with them. Excessive consumption of vegetable oils, or linoleic acid, can promote inflammation and lead to heart disease, cancer, asthma, arthritis, and depression, which is one of the reasons why you need to consume these fats in moderation. However, these fatty acids have been found to help cells function properly.

In a study of older people with an average age of 74, omega-6 fatty acid intake reduced mortality, suggesting the health benefits of these important fats.

There must be a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 acids in order for these fats to bring maximum benefit to the body. Scientists are inclined to believe that the estimated ratio should be approximately 2:1 omega-6 to omega-3. Getting omega-6s from food is fairly easy, and supplements are usually not required. However, omega-6 fatty acids are also available in oils taken as food additives, which contain linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), such as in evening primrose oil (primrose biennial) and blackcurrant oil. Spirulina, often referred to as blue-green algae, also contains GLA.

Below is a list of the different types of omega-6 fatty acids, and where they are found:

  • Linoleic acid: soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil, rice bran oil.
  • Arachidonic acid: peanut butter, meat, eggs, dairy products.
  • GLK: hemp seed, spirulina, evening primrose oil (7 - 10% GLA), borage oil (18 - 26% GLA), black currant seed oil (15 - 20% GLA).

The largest amount of omega-6 fatty acids is found in the following foods:

  • safflower
  • grape seeds
  • sunflower oil
  • poppy oil
  • corn oil
  • walnut oil
  • cottonseed oil
  • soybean oil
  • Sesame oil

Risks Associated with Eating Omega-6 Fatty Acids

People with certain diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, diabetes or breast tenderness, a physician should be consulted before taking any omega-6 supplements. Borage oil and evening primrose oil have been reported to reduce seizure threshold; therefore, people requiring anticonvulsants should exercise caution and discuss this with their doctor.

Some omega-6 fatty acids, such as GLA, may increase or decrease the effects of certain medications.

In addition, consumption is too a large number omega 6 and not enough omega 3 can cause an imbalance of fatty acids, which has many negative consequences. This means you need to track your omega-6 intake and improve your diet. Try the Mediterranean diet as a guide and also to control the amount of fat you consume.


  • Omega-6s are one of the most important fatty acids that we need to get from food, since our bodies cannot produce them on their own.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids help relieve pain from nerve damage, fight inflammation, treat arthritis, may help reduce symptoms of ADHD, lower high blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack and support bone health.
  • Some of the best omega-6 fatty acids are found in foods like safflower, grape seed, and sunflower, poppy, corn, walnut, cottonseed, soybean, and sesame oils.
  • Most people in developed countries consume too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3. It is very important to balance the intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in order to maintain their correct balance, which will contribute to good level health.
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