Foods with the highest zinc content. What foods contain zinc

Every person wants to be healthy and vigorous. But this desire is not always feasible. Why is this happening? In order for the forces in the body to be sufficient, it is necessary that in the body of each of us there is a certain number of elements of the chemical periodic table.

Currently, the imbalance of these substances is obtained due to all kinds of stressful situations and the ecological situation of the territory where a person lives. In order to make up for these losses, a balanced diet should be observed. The gastrointestinal tract is considered the main conductor of trace elements, such as zinc. About him and will be discussed in the article.

What contains zinc? What foods need to be consumed in order to keep it in the body was sufficient?

Even in ancient Egypt, a special ointment was made from it. It was used to quickly heal wounds. At present, this element is well appreciated mainly by physicians. But what is the role of zinc, what does this substance contain? In order to get answers to these questions, you should read the article.

What is the role of zinc in the human body?

The impact of the element on the human body occurs at the cellular level. It is directly involved in metabolism. Zinc is an integral part of vitamins and enzymes. It is contained in almost a hundred nucleotides that make up the genetic apparatus human cell.

The main issue of this article is the question of what contains zinc. It turns out that in the human body, its largest amount is found in white blood cells, red blood cells and sperm in men.

There is also zinc in the retina. This element is necessary for the human body to function normally. If there is a sufficient amount of it in the body, then such people feel normal, and life proceeds without complications.

What is the risk of micronutrient deficiency?

A lack of zinc in the human body can lead to a number of serious problems. So patients most often complain of loss of taste and smell, lack of hairline, slowing down the healing process, dermatitis and allergic-type reactions. In addition, such people have reproductive disorders, poor blood circulation and malfunctions of the immune system, there is inhibition of normal growth and anemia. Women in a position with a lack of this element may experience premature birth or give birth to weakened children with low weight. Athletes with these problems get lower results in competitions than before. And adolescents begin to develop a tendency to alcoholism.

Zinc deficiency can occur due to strenuous exercise. The latter, as a rule, are accompanied by profuse sweating and the use of diuretic drugs.

How does zinc interact with other micronutrients?

As soon as substances enter the body, they enter into synthesis with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The latter, in turn, come with food or through air, water. The balance of trace elements is influenced by toxins, medications that a person takes, and the state of the intestinal microflora. Depending on this, the process of digestibility of various trace elements may be different, for example, slowed down or enhanced.

If there is a sufficient amount of proteins in the human body, then zinc will be better distributed. Eating legumes that contain phytic acid will slow down this process. An excess of calcium and cadmium, as well as iron and lead, will disrupt the absorption of zinc in the gastrointestinal tract and its delivery to body tissues and internal organs.

The trace element in question combines very well with vitamin A. When they interact, zinc is more easily transported with blood to all cells. At this time, the action of the vitamin will be enhanced.

What foods contain this micronutrient?

The amount of zinc in the human body can fluctuate. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a menu for every day. What foods are high in zinc? Plant-type food cannot give a person the full amount of this trace element. The main emphasis in compiling the diet menu should be on meat and seafood.

Comparative characteristics of the trace element content in products

What foods have the most zinc? Considering dried fruits and nuts, it should be noted that 6.3 mg of zinc is contained in 100 g pine nuts. In second place is the pecan. It is followed by Brazil nuts and peanuts. The smallest amount of zinc is found in dried apricots and prunes. So, in the latter it is only 0.43 mg. It should be noted that hereinafter all figures are given per 100 grams of each product.

There is much more zinc in meat products. In fried veal liver, it accounts for about 15.5 mg per 100 g, and in stewed beef, the amount of this trace element is 9.4 mg. The least zinc is found in boiled beef tongue and fried ram kidneys. In the latter, the amount of the trace element is 3.5 mg.

In canned salmon, its amount is only 0.8 mg.

This trace element can also be found in fruits and vegetables. So, in kohlrabi, the amount of zinc is 3.4 mg. In other vegetables, it is much less. Boiled carrots and radishes contain about 0.26 mg of this trace element.

Now attention will be turned to grains and legumes, as well as seeds. The largest amount of zinc was found in the composition of wheat bran - about 15 mg of this trace element. Do not forget that the ratio of substances is considered per 100 g of the product. The second and third places are occupied by poppy seeds and sesame seeds, respectively. Least of all zinc in boiled white rice and corn.

And finally, let's pay attention to the amount of the microelement in question in products of plant, animal and fungal origin. In terms of zinc content, dry yeast is in first place, and egg yolk is in second place. The smallest amount of the trace element is found in milk and green onions.

As noted above, this product contains the most trace elements. As a rule, it is customary to eat oysters alive. The composition of the product is very rich in zinc content. Currently, they are mostly sold frozen. They are eaten not only raw, but also fried, baked and boiled.

In order to start a meal, you must have a knife in front of you. With the help of it, the shell is cut from the sharp edge and the pulp is pulled out. It is sprinkled with lemon juice and eaten.

What is the daily intake of zinc for a person?

Children need to consume this trace element with food every day. So, the daily intake of zinc for a child depends on how old he is.

At the age of 6 months to 3 years, 2.8 mg of the trace element is needed. But the diet of a child from 4 to 8 years old should include 4.5 mg of zinc. From 9 to 13 years old, you will need 7.9 mg of a trace element per day.

Also, the amount of zinc-containing foods consumed depends on gender differences. In the first six months of life, girls need 1.9 mg of a trace element, and boys need one milligram more. Women aged 18 to 49 should consume about 14 mg of zinc, and men - 3 mg more.

After 50 years, these figures decrease to 9 and 12 mg, respectively.

Women in position should eat foods with this trace element, the content of which should be about 14.5 mg. The norm for nursing mothers will be much more - 18.5 mg.

What factors need to be considered?

There are several situations in which the intake of zinc-containing foods can be slowed down or toxic.

Contraceptive pills help reduce the content of this trace element in the body, and also undermine health.

A dose of zinc greater than 140 mg per day is toxic to humans. With the use of diuretics, with violations of bowel function, more zinc intake is necessary.

Alcoholic beverages, as well as alcohol, sugar and salt contribute to the removal of the microelement from the body. Eating nuts will help you better absorb zinc-containing foods.

What are the main symptoms of a trace element deficiency in the body?

The main signs of zinc deficiency are brittle nails, distraction and pallor of the skin, lethargy and impaired attention. In addition, signs of a microelement deficiency also include whitish spots on the surface of the nail, hair loss, frequent colds, long healing of abrasions, stunted growth and development of the body.

If a person has any of the above symptoms, you should consult a specialist. He will be able to prescribe the right complex of vitamins and minerals, and of course, the right course of therapy.

You also need to correctly select your daily diet. Thanks to him, you can strengthen your physical and mental state.

What are the benefits of a micronutrient?

Having understood the question, what is contained zinc, consider its advantages.

So, the microelement stimulates the brain and mental activity. In addition, it has a good effect on the action of the genetic apparatus.

A normal amount of zinc stimulates growth hormones and wound healing. Daily use of products containing this microelement contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, strengthens nails and hair, and rejuvenates the skin.

It is also useful for visual acuity and enhancing regeneration, reducing the manifestation of allergic reactions, removing cholesterol from the human body.

For men, the advantage of this trace element is that it stimulates sexual activity and enhances potency. And also zinc is an assistant in the production of testosterone.

Thus, this microelement has a large number of advantages. Do not forget to eat zinc-rich foods every day, and then the body will thank you.

Everyone knows that it is much easier and cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it later. In order to always feel vigorous and healthy, it is necessary first of all to ensure that all the necessary chemical elements enter the body in sufficient quantities. And one of these important components is zinc (Zn). It is found in many foods that most people consume on a daily basis. But for its normal absorption, it is also necessary to ensure a normal level of calcium in the body. In addition, you can not use zinc and selenium together, since in the interaction these two components come into conflict. It seems that providing a sufficient amount of all the nutrients is quite difficult. However, in reality, the recipe for health is quite simple. You just need to eat a variety of foods, do not forget to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and during periods of immune decline, reinforce your strength with complex vitamin preparations that you can buy at a pharmacy. Zinc, which is so important in a variety of organs, is found in sufficient quantities in many common foods.

The importance of zinc for the body

Zinc is quite common in food. And if possible, you should include at least some of them in your daily menu. This is important for all people - from toddlers to pensioners.

Zinc is required by the human body since the time when the fetus is just developing in the womb. In the third month, he begins to absorb this substance abundantly. It is necessary for the overall growth and development of the unborn baby, the normal formation of the skeleton, and in boys, zinc is also involved in the development of the reproductive system.

A growing child's body needs this element as much as an adult. However, adolescents in puberty especially need it.

Adults must consume zinc in their diet in order to ensure the normal functioning of various body systems. These include: pancreas, bone tissue, reproductive system. Among other things, immune function also largely depends on the level of zinc in the body.

For people of retirement age, this element is necessary to enhance memory, improve overall health and prevent many senile diseases.

If you have symptoms such as drowsiness and distraction, white spots on the nails and their brittleness, irritation and peeling of the skin, hair loss, loss of appetite and changes in taste, frequent diarrhea and susceptibility to infectious diseases, impotence or delayed puberty , then you should immediately replenish the deficiency of zinc in the body. It must be remembered that the daily intake of its consumption averages from 10 to 15 mg. The maximum amount is 25 mg, it is acceptable in cases where there is excessive sweating or increased physical activity.

Zinc in food:ensures the normal functioning of the body

Foods rich in zinc

If you have the symptoms listed above, it is best to immediately start taking a vitamin complex bought at a pharmacy. And as a supplement, you need to consume zinc in food daily. It should be noted that for this you do not have to switch to a meager and unusual diet. Zinc is rich in seafood, meat, legumes and grains, seeds and fruits. Below is a list indicating the quantitative content of this substance in 100 g of product. Focusing on it, you can easily make up for the deficiency of zinc. In this case, you can not be afraid of an overdose, since such a possibility is unlikely - this element is not deposited in the body, and all its residues are immediately excreted naturally.

List of products containing zinc (the amount is indicated in 100 g):

  • mussels - 21 mg;
  • crab - 4.5 mg;
  • shrimp - 1.5 mg;
  • acne - 12 mg;
  • pork liver - 4 mg;
  • beef liver - 5 mg;
  • chicken liver - 6.6 mg;
  • beef - 8 mg;
  • lamb - 3 mg;
  • beans - 3.3 mg;
  • corn - 2 mg;
  • pine nuts - 6.5 mg;
  • peanuts - 4 mg;
  • almonds - 2.2 mg;
  • coconut - 2 mg;
  • beans - 2.6 mg;
  • wheat germ - 13 mg;
  • wheat bran - 16 mg;
  • buckwheat - 2.3 mg;
  • sesame - 7.8 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds - 7.5 mg;
  • sunflower seeds - 5.6 mg;
  • white mushrooms - 1.5 mg;
  • cocoa powder - 6.4 mg.

This list is not exhaustive. In addition to all the products listed above, there are also some fruits and vegetables that you need to consume daily, regardless of whether you need to replenish a zinc deficiency.

By consuming all these products, you can not only enrich the cells with the necessary substances, but also add variety to your usual menu. In addition, it should be borne in mind that excess proteins and carbohydrates can interfere with the absorption of zinc. That is why you need to enrich your meals with foods rich in unsaturated fats. They contribute to the formation of good cholesterol and are not deposited in the tissues.

Replenishing the deficiency of zinc, you will immediately feel positive changes in your body. You will have strength and increase your ability to learn, your hair and nails will become noticeably stronger, and a healthy appetite will appear. All these moments will naturally improve mood and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

Sometimes a person does not realize why he wants to eat this or that product. It turns out that the body, experiencing a deficiency of any trace element, wants to make up for it at the expense of this product.

With a low content of trace elements, their importance for the normal functioning of all body systems is very high. The article will talk about zinc, an important element in importance for normal human life.

Products containing zinc in large quantities - table

This element enters the human body through food. They are rich in seafood, meat, fish. Meat-eaters should include natural steaks, veal tongue, and beef liver in their diet. Vegetarians can get it through pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts.

A lot of zinc contains egg yolk, bran, hard cheeses. Oysters are the leader. In an easily digestible form, the element contains cereals. If you eat bread made from whole grain flour, then it can cover most of the body's need for zinc.

Here is a table of products richest in this element:

Product Maximum content in milligrams per 100 grams of product
oysters 40
Acne 12
Pumpkin seeds 10
Yeast 9,9
Beef 8
cocoa powder 6,8
Crab 6
Mutton 6
Sunflower seeds 5,3
beef tongue 4,8
Beef liver 4
oats 4
Hard cheese 4
Wheat 3,5
Pork 3,5
Chicken 3,5
Lobster 3,2
Almonds, walnuts 3
Soya 3
wheat germ 3
Peanut 2,7
Chocolate 2,3
Shrimps 2,1
Squid, octopus 1,8
Anchovies 1,7
Carp 1,5
sardines 1,4
Green pea 2,2
pistachios 2,2
Coconut 2,1
Bread 1,5
bamboo sprouts 1,1
Chicken egg 1,1
Caviar 1
Salmon 0,9
Tuna 0,9
Mushrooms 0,9
Spinach 0,8
Wheat flour 0,8
Ice cream, yogurt 0,8

Zinc also contains green tea, mineral water.

Note! In order to properly organize nutrition, eliminate microelement deficiency, you need to replenish your daily diet, consisting of the products listed above.

What role does zinc play in the human body?

Its main purpose is to protect the human immune system. High immunity is a barrier to the penetration of viral infections, prevents the development of cancer cells.

I would especially like to note the importance of metal for pregnant women. It is responsible for mood swings, protects against stress, participates in hematopoiesis, maintains the beauty, cleanliness of the skin, increases contractile activity. Participates in the formation of all body systems of the unborn child.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets gently affect the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the efficiency will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

What processes are needed?

The presence of a trace element has a positive effect on the following points:

  • normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • prevention of certain eye diseases (cataract, retinal detachment);
  • maintaining lymphatic activity:
  • participation in the formation of articular and connective tissue;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increase in reproductive capacity in men;
  • promotes hair and nail growth;
  • maintaining dental health;
  • protection against skin diseases;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • removal of intoxication;
  • maintaining prostate health.

Zinc is involved in the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, maintains the acid-base balance of the body. The trace element affects important indicators of heart rate, blood pressure.

Note! In some cells it helps the process of death, in others it stimulates growth. It is very important for the child's body, is responsible for the proper development of bone tissue, puberty.

Interaction with other trace elements

The body contains a wide variety of vitamins, micro and macro elements. But they do not always coexist peacefully.

Consider some examples of their positive and negative coexistence:

  • trace element availability increases vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B6 reduces the output of zinc;
  • the presence of zinc reduces the availability and absorption of copper;
  • vitamin A in the presence of zinc becomes active;
  • interfere with the absorption of the trace element calcium, iron, copper;
  • zinc and vitamin B9 form insoluble complexes.

Note! Relatively recently, during clinical studies, a negative interaction of the metal and folic acid was revealed. With the use of vitamin B9, the amount of zinc excreted from the body increases. In turn, it negatively affects the transport of folic acid.

daily intake of zinc

Zinc should be included in the daily diet, as almost 90 percent of it is excreted naturally. There is a consumption rate, which depends on the age of the person, his physiological characteristics, physical activity.

The recommended dose is 10-15 mg. An increase in the dose is required for stress, high mental stress, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and the use of diuretics. In pregnant and lactating women, the dose should be 20–25 mg.

In athletes during competitions, the consumption of a trace element can reach a dose of 35 mg, in children under 3 years old - 3-5 mg, from 3 to 8 years old - 5-8 mg, from 8 to 14 years old - 8-11 mg, in boys from 14 years old - 11-15 mg, in girls - 9-12 mg.

Note! Most accurately and objectively, the presence of a microelement will be shown by a hair analysis. If you stick to the recommended doses, then the likelihood of avoiding health problems will increase significantly.

Do you want to lose weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and a markedly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps to reduce weight in cardiovascular disease

Consequences of zinc deficiency in the body

The lack of this trace element leads to sad consequences. This is especially true for pregnant women and children.

They may experience consequences such as:

  • underdevelopment of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • improper formation of the skeletal system;
  • delayed sexual development.

In adults and children, regardless of age, such unpleasant consequences are possible as:

  • decreased hearing, taste, vision;
  • tooth decay;
  • baldness (especially in men);
  • deterioration in blood counts;
  • decreased libido;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • slow recovery after surgery.

To restore the work of all body systems, you need to monitor nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle, and not self-medicate.

With an increase in physical and mental stress, consult a doctor about additional intake of a microelement.


The role of zinc in the human body:

Products containing zinc must be included in the diet of a person who cares about his health. Zinc is called (and, I must say, quite deservedly) “the trace element of youth”. Its effect on the human body occurs as a whole at the cellular level. This follows from the fact that this chemical element is directly involved in metabolic processes, since it is present in all hormones, enzymes and vitamins.

  • Zinc is extremely important for our immune system. In particular, it stimulates the production of thymalin hormone. Thymalin is needed for the activity of T-lymphocytes. Therefore, zinc deficiency in the body leads to a lack of T-lymphocytes and a decrease in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils.
  • At the cellular level, zinc is also very important - without it, normal DNA synthesis does not occur. Another zinc-dependent enzyme, superoxide dismutase, regulates lipid peroxidation. Therefore, a number of scientists call zinc a natural antioxidant.
  • Zinc takes part in metabolic processes, breakdown and synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is needed for the functioning of the immune system, for the normal activity of antibodies, leukocytes and hormones.
  • Zinc is involved in the processes taking place in the adrenal glands, in the thyroid gland, in the pituitary gland, ovaries and testes. Zinc is needed for the production of hormones, for the production and excretion of insulin from the body.
  • Over three hundred enzymes in our body include zinc. This element affects the absorption of vitamins E and A. The liver must release vitamin A, which is also facilitated by zinc. The health of teeth and bones significantly depends on zinc, which is part of their structure.
  • Some scientists believe that a violation of zinc metabolism in the body can be the cause of Alzheimer's disease, since this element is needed for the formation of mediator transmitters. In the structure of the eye, zinc is the predominant mineral.

In a word, without it it is impossible to be healthy.

Zinc deficiency in the body:

There are a lot of reasons why a deficiency of this microelement may occur in the body. Zinc deficiency can be triggered by diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, digestive tract, cancer, as well as a lack of this trace element in food and water. The assimilation of zinc is significantly worsened when taking calcium preparations, and with the abuse of alcohol and coffee, its excretion from the body increases.

The level of zinc in the body decreases when taking contraceptives and certain drugs that contain corticosteroids. With age, the amount of zinc in the body also decreases, so it is believed that all older people are deficient to varying degrees.

Zinc deficiency negatively affects a wide variety of tissues and organs in our body. Its symptoms may be:

  • skin changes (various rashes near natural openings and on the extremities, deterioration in the healing of scratches, abrasions and other skin defects, dry skin);
  • hair changes (their focal loss, the appearance of a reddish tint or a decrease in pigmentation) and striated nails (transverse white stripes);
  • eye damage (corneal edema, sometimes leading to its clouding, inflammation of the conjunctiva, cataracts);
  • changes in the perception of tastes and smells; loss of appetite;
  • neurological disorders (trembling of the limbs, changes in gait and speech, dementia, decreased attention and learning);
  • behavioral disorders (unreasonable irritability, low mood, drowsiness);
  • prolonged or premature birth, atonic bleeding during childbirth; cessation or delay in the growth and puberty of children;
  • long-term healing ulcers on mucous membranes; tendency to frequent infectious diseases;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.

The lack of zinc in the human body makes it impossible for the normal functioning of the reproductive and immune systems. Without zinc, the processes of blood formation and healing cannot be carried out. For children, a lack of zinc can have a negative impact on the process of normal growth, puberty, taste and smell.

Diarrhea, apathy, signs of neuropsychic disorders (confusion of thoughts, irritability, depression, finger trembling, movement coordination disorder) may indicate a lack of zinc in the body. With a more serious deficiency of zinc (the content in the blood plasma is less than 3 μmol / l), inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa develop, changes on the skin of the face (especially in the mouth) and extremities.

Zinc is an important contributor to gene expression, immune function, cell growth, and reproductive function. Zinc is necessary for optimal resistance to infections, which is especially important for the elderly, whose immunity and resistance to disease decline with age. While there is plenty of zinc in whole plant foods, it is not as easily absorbed from plant foods as compared to animals. The fact is that plant foods rich in zinc contain substances such as phytic acid salt, which reduces the absorption of zinc. Zinc deficiency is most common in people who follow a low-calorie vegan diet and the like. This means that the need for zinc in people who follow a completely vegan diet is about 50% higher than in those who eat protein foods and meat.

Zinc is especially important for men. Long-term zinc supplementation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Vitamin supplements containing small doses of zinc, 10-15 mg, are quite reasonable and acceptable.

That is why it is so important to know which foods contain zinc.

What foods rich in zinc can we recommend to our readers?

Food sources of zinc are mainly animal products. However, they are also found among plant products, however, they have a significant disadvantage - zinc from their composition is absorbed worse. From this we can conclude that a diet that includes only plant foods will not be rich in this chemical element.

What foods contain zinc, tables:

Zinc in cereals

Zinc in seafood and dairy products

Zinc in meat products

Product The content of zinc in mg, per 100 grams
mutton 2,8
rabbit 2,3
beef 3,2
veal 3,1
beef liver 5,0
pork liver 4,0
beef kidneys 2,3
beef heart 2,12
beef tongue 4,3
amateur sausage 3,2
dairy sausages 3,2

Zinc in nuts, seeds and legumes

Wheat germ and bran also contain a large amount of zinc. Of the meat products containing zinc, lamb and beef are usually noted.

We could start this article with the boring story that zinc is an element that is in the second group, the fourth period, the chemical table of Dmitri Mendeleev, etc., etc. Thus, by the time we get to the point, you would be bored and fall asleep, buried in the monitor. We do not set such a goal, our task is not to tire you, but to convey important and useful information.
Zinc is involved in all vital processes of the body, you need to monitor its amount, and replenish the deficiency in a timely manner.

Zinc is one of the top 10 trace elements essential for human life. It is extremely important for the full functioning of any cell in the body. The body of a healthy person should normally contain about 3 g of zinc. Scientists believe that if humanity continues to deplete the soil, leading to a decrease in zinc, and raw food and vegetarianism continue to gain momentum, we are facing a full-blown public health crisis. People will be forced to buy zinc-enriched foods and various dietary supplements containing zinc in order to maintain the viability of the body.

Zinc is needed for:

  • Development of bone tissue;
  • Stimulation of cell growth and division;
  • Normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • DNA synthesis;
  • Thymulin hormone production;
  • Development ;
  • Skin renewal;
  • Updates of the nail plate;

Deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency at any age leads to sad consequences.
In adults:

  • Enlarged liver, cirrhosis;
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Indigestion;
  • Various blood diseases;
  • Thyroid problems (more common in women)
  • The formation of myopia or the so-called "night blindness";
  • Predisposition to oncology of various etiologies;
  • Mental disorders (crazy ideas, hysteria, schizophrenia);
  • Memory disorders;
  • Infantilism, impotence;
  • Poor wound healing.

In children:

  • growth retardation;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Perversion of taste, smell;
  • Tendency to various dermatitis;
  • Frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Irritability;
  • Attention Deficit Disorder;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Delayed sexual development;
  • Anemia;
  • Leukemia;
  • Rachiocampsis;
  • Umbilical hernias.

In pregnant women:
Zinc deficiency for women in position is fraught with:

  • miscarriages in the early stages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of a small child;
  • weak labor activity.

In elderly people
Everything is exactly the same as in adults before retirement age, but all processes develop faster. For example, the macular degeneration occurs very quickly, the retina is destroyed and complete blindness occurs.

Deficiency symptoms

Because zinc is involved in almost all life processes, the symptoms of deficiency are extremely blurred. Still, it is worth taking an analysis to determine blood trace elements if you feel increased fatigue, more hair than usual remains on the comb, you have a sleep disorder, poor blood clotting. A striking evidence of zinc deficiency is: striated nails with white stripes, tremor of the extremities, cataracts, conjunctivitis, dry skin, the appearance of pigmentation, a tendency to frequent infectious diseases, taste distortion.

The risk factors are: vegetarians, raw foodists, pregnant women, athletes, the elderly.

Prevention and correction of zinc levels in the body

With a serious lack of zinc, medical and dietary adjustments are carried out. Not in acute situations, it is enough to balance the balance with diet. To do this, you need to remember which foods contain the most zinc. Below is a table of the content of mg of zinc per 100 g.

Meat productsDried fruits, nuts
Veal - 16
Stewed beef - 9.2
Boiled chicken hearts - 7.3
Fried lamb liver - 5.8
Boiled beef tongue - 4.9
Pine nuts - 6.4
Peanuts - 2.9
Walnut - 2.7
Almonds - 2.6
Cashew - 2.1
Legumesvegetable, fungal
and animal origin
Wheat bran - 16
Poppy - 8.2
Sesame - 7.9
Pumpkin seeds - 7.7
Sunflower seeds - 5.8
Flax seeds - 5.4
Lentil - 3.8
Dried peas - 3.3
Yeast - 8
Dried basil - 7.1
Dried thyme - 6.8
Yolk - 3.8
White mushroom - 1.5
Horseradish - 1.4
Royal champignons - 1.1
SeafoodVegetables fruits
Oysters - 60
Eel - 12.1
Oil anchovies - 3.5
kohlrabi - 3.5

Naturally, the daily intake of zinc depends on age:

  • from 6 months up to 3 years - 3 mg / day
  • from 3 to 8 years - 5.5 mg / day
  • from 8 to 14 years old - 9 mg / day
  • girls and women - up to 12 mg / day
  • boys and men - up to 16 mg / day
  • lactating women - up to 17 mg / day

To keep the body functioning normally, you just need to remember where a lot of zinc is found and eat these foods.

Important! The use of hormonal contraceptives significantly reduces the percentage of zinc in the body. All dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, salt and sugar, remove zinc in large quantities.

Excess zinc

150 mg of zinc is a lethal dose!

Zinc readily reacts to form compounds. The most toxic are sulfate and chloride. These compounds are formed as a result of the use of galvanized dishes and long-term storage of food in it. As a result of zinc compound poisoning, the pancreas gradually degenerates into a fibrous state.

An excess of zinc in the body leads to a slowdown in the growth of bone tissue, a violation of reflexes is observed, and leads to liver necrosis. Pressing pain in the chest area, dry cough, tinnitus may appear.

If you suspect you have poisoning with zinc sulfate or zinc chloride, call an ambulance immediately!

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