Krasnika is a berry of mountain taiga forests. Krasnika - useful properties of bedbug berries, as well as their photos

Bedbug garbage

Klopovnik, this is an annual, or in some cases a biennial plant, common almost throughout the globe, which is small and inconspicuous. appearance. It prefers to grow in dry and sunny places, hence it is most often found in fields and wastelands where there are no shadows, and the soil remains dry most of the time.

The most widespread bedbug received in the territory of Western and of Eastern Europe, as well as the European part of the Russian Federation. It is found in the northern regions of the Russian Federation, but in much smaller quantities. In general, the grass has more than 150 species, and most of of these grows in Europe, but some species have taken root well in Australia and America, due to their warm, and often dry climate.


On the territory of the CIS countries, the following varieties of bedbugs are most widely used, such as:

Bedbug garbage

A small-sized plant, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. The stem has a straight shape, and is also covered with an abundance of cylindrical hairs. Sometimes there are branched stems, which is especially true for warm climatic conditions where plants have a longer growing season. The leaves of the plant differ from each other, depending on the location on the stem (lower, upper). So, the lower leaves have long petioles, and are distinguished by a bipinnate shape. The upper leaves have a linear structure, with solid edges. The bug of this species has compactly growing flowers, often collected in brushes. Notable is the fact that the flowers do not have petals, which makes the appearance of the flowers look like small balls of green, or yellowish color. It blooms from May until September, and the fruits themselves ripen from mid-June. The plant lives in wastelands, near country roads, near buildings and railways. The plant has bad smell;

Field bug

Field bug

A medium-sized plant that can reach a height of 45 cm. The stem of the plant can also be either straight or branched. The structure of the stem itself is faceted-furrowed, with an abundance of leaves, especially in its upper part. The grass of this species also has flowers collected in clusters, but this time they are decorated with white petals, 2.5 mm long. The leaves at the bottom of the stem are oblong in shape. Leaves located in the middle and at the top of the stem have round shape. Bed bug blooms from May to July, and bears fruit in June and August. It grows mainly in regions with chernozem soils, preferring to settle along fields, rarely found near buildings;

Broad-leaved bug

One of the largest bedbugs, reaching a height of 100 cm. It has a paniculate stem, most often branched. It has oblong-lanceolate leaves, which are distinguished by a white border on the upper parts of the stem. The flowers are collected in small groups in several brushes, shaped like a broom. Flowers have round petals. white color, up to 2.3 mm in size. It should be noted that this bug is perennial plant which makes it stand out from its peers. The plant begins to bloom in June-July, and bear fruit in July-August. The plant is distributed throughout Europe and the European part of the Russian Federation, although in recent times plant can be found in Western Siberia.

Beneficial features

In general, each type of bedbug has its own characteristics, and is used in various fields traditional medicine. For obvious reasons, we will consider beneficial features 3 of the above varieties of this plant, which are most often found in the expanses of the CIS countries. Enumeration of the useful properties of each of the 150 varieties of bed bugs will require writing a weighty book.

  1. The bedbug is garbage. This plant has been used since ancient times in the treatment of purulent rash on the body, as well as to combat warts. In addition, the plant was used as an anti-febrile agent, as well as a pad on wounds, which healed much faster in this case. There is evidence that the unpleasant smell of bedbugs was used to disinfect premises from harmful insects and rodents. In addition, the extract of this plant is used in official medicine, when preparing natural medicines aimed at fighting impotence.
  2. Field bug. The composition of this plant is practically not studied, and it is not used in official medicine. Despite this, in folk medicine, preparations aimed at combating rheumatism were made from this plant. In addition, the plant can be used as additional source vitamins, adding its leaves to salads, and use the seeds as spices for meat and vegetable dishes. Despite the fact that the composition of the field bedbug has not been fully studied, the plant is 100% safe for humans (of course, if you do not eat it in kilograms).
  3. Broad-leaved bug. The plant is used in folk medicine for the preparation of medicines against scurvy, beriberi, skin rashes and suppuration, with pain in the joints and ascites. Also, the herb of this species is often used as a dressing for a wound, accelerating its healing, and also as an analgesic dental remedy. The plant stimulates the appetite and is often used as a seasoning for main dishes. In official medicine, it has found distribution only in dietary supplements.

Collection and preparation

Everything is extremely simple here. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used, from the roots to the fruits. This means that the collection and harvesting of the plant is best done during the flowering and fruiting period. Moreover, most species of bedbug annual plants, which is another factor in favor of the fact that plants of this species should be harvested during the flowering and fruiting period, since after this period, the bugbear will begin to fade. Some enthusiasts collect young shoots of this herb. in early spring, and seeds only in autumn. The second option is relevant primarily for cooking with the addition of bedbugs, since an adult plant is quite tough.

Traditional medicine recipes

If you wish to cook remedy based on this plant, pay attention to recipes of the following type:

Skin inflammation, toothache and wounds

Use an infusion of broad-leaved bugs. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of dry and crushed roots of this plant, and fill them with 2 cups boiled water. Boil the resulting mixture for a period of 5-6 minutes, then infuse for about 2 hours, and then strain. Moisten gauze in the resulting infusion, and apply it to the wound or skin inflammation. For toothache, rinse your mouth with this infusion. It is worth noting that people with a predisposition to gum inflammation can also rinse their mouth with this remedy, as it reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth;

If you suffer from rheumatism

you on help will come field bug. So, take 1 teaspoon of grated bedbug seeds, and add them to 300 ml of water. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then let it brew for about an hour. Strain the decoction, and drink it 1 teaspoon, 3-4 times a day, but not more than a few months, then take a break;

To prepare a diuretic

A decoction of garbage bugs is suitable for you. Take a tablespoon of grated junk bed bug seeds and soak them in 1 cup of water. Boil the mixture for 6-7 minutes, then strain it and let cool. Take the remedy every day, 1 tablespoon, until the desired result is achieved. The dosage can be increased by short span time, but in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm your kidneys and not dehydrate the body to a critical value;

To combat avitaminosis

Can be used over a rare variety bedbug, namely the bedbug sowing. The plant is also found on the territory of the CIS countries, albeit in slightly smaller quantities. So, you just need to squeeze the juice from a fresh seed bedbug, and then use it 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day. This method very time consuming, because to prepare a week's supply of juice, you need at least 10 kg of grass. Moreover, the juice of this plant can be rubbed on the head, which will greatly strengthen the hair roots and reduce the likelihood of hair loss;

Bed bug in the fight against secondary syphilis

To do this, take 10 grams of dry and ground roots of the sowing bug, pour them with a glass of water, and boil for about 6 minutes. Next, the mixture is infused for 2 hours, after which it is filtered, and taken 1-2 teaspoons, 3 times a day, until the effect is achieved. We do not recommend treatment secondary syphilis in this way in the 21st century, since traditional medicine can handle it ten times better;

Early termination of pregnancy

So, take a few grams of crushed bedbug seeds, add them to milk, and boil for 10 minutes. This method was appropriate in the Middle Ages, but now its use is highly undesirable, especially without consulting a doctor;

To combat warts and purulent acne

Use a compress from a garbage bug. To prepare a compress, you should take 2 tablespoons of crushed bed bugs (any part of it except seeds), pour 500 ml of boiled water over them, and cook for about 20 minutes. Remove the decoction from the stove, let it brew for about 1 hour, then soak a cloth in it and apply it to problem areas of the skin.


The use of bed bugs has no special contraindications, except that it should be stopped immediately after the onset of nausea, vomiting and headache, which indicates both an overdose of this plant and individual intolerance to your body.

Also, the plant should be used with caution for people with problematic kidneys, since the bug has a diuretic property even in small doses (except for seeds).

Now the bug is used mainly in folk medicine. AT traditional medicine on its basis, many preparations are made to combat impotence, as well as various kinds dietary supplements. Some types of bed bugs are used as seasonings for cooking. Before the advent of powerful insecticidal agents, bedbugs were used to repel insects by placing fresh grass next to food supplies, or leaving them in things and under a mattress. Currently, the use of bedbugs as an insect control agent is not effective, due to the moral obsolescence of the method itself.

Heather family - Ericaceae

There is practically no information in the popular literature about this most interesting Far Eastern endemic, and Web resources are not particularly plentiful.

Krasnika is a short (about 10 cm) creeping deciduous shrub with woody rhizomes. The leaves are large, obovate or rounded, finely serrated along the edge. The flowers are small, with a pinkish bell-shaped corolla. The berries are spherical, bright red, sweetish-sour.

Blossoms in June-July, berries ripen in August-September.

Because of the peculiar taste and aroma of berries, the Russian population of the Far East calls redberry "klopovka".


Sakhalin (mainly in southern and central parts islands, rarely found in the north), Moneron, the mainland coast of the Tatar Strait, some of the Shantar Islands, the extreme south of Kamchatka, the central and southern Kuril Islands. Abroad, it is distributed only in Japan, in Hokkaido and northern Honshu.


Krasnika grows in moss swamps, in spruce-larch forests with a developed moss cover, as well as on slopes.

Krasnika is shade-tolerant and survives even in gloomy spruce-fir forests. But she feels much better in glades, edges, outskirts of moss swamps, clearings and burnt areas. Often it grows on partially waterlogged soils, but not in swamps, and only where the climate is very humid, winters are snowy, and summers are rainy. Easily tolerates winter frosts, but is sensitive to spring frosts.

There is experience of successful cultivation of redberry both in the European part of Russia and abroad.

Chemical composition

Redberries are rich in flavonoids and other P-active substances, ascorbic (80-100 mg%) and benzoic acids, tannins, trace elements. Unripe and overripe berries contain much fewer vitamins and biologically active substances.

Pharmacological action and application

medicinal properties plants scientific medicine little explored. Most often, the inhabitants of Sakhalin do not use the berries themselves, but the juice from them when hypertension how effective remedy reducing pressure. Redberry juice also helps in the treatment of colds, it improves digestion and has a tonic effect.

The taste and aroma of berries is unique. The aroma of redberry is very persistent and is preserved in all types of processing.

Redberries can be eaten in fresh sprinkled with sugar. The local population of Sakhalin makes compotes, jams, preserves from them, which are stored for a long time due to the content of benzoic acid in the berries.

The confectionery industry uses berries to make juices, tonic drinks, and marmalade.

Krasnika is added to jam, compotes, juices, jelly. Krasnika not only gives them a peculiar, very persistent aroma, but also lengthens their shelf life.

Our ancestors many hundreds of years ago learned to recognize the beneficial qualities of certain plants, using them to treat a variety of diseases. pathological conditions. On the territory of Russia there have always been many forests and various medicinal herbs and berries, which only made this task easier. Various components of plants were used - roots, stems, leaves, bark, as well as fruits. knowledge about them useful qualities ah have been passed from mouth to mouth for many years, and some of them have remained famous to this day. However, some fairly common medicinal plants remained not widely known. One of these crops is such a berry as redberry, which also bears the name of a bedbug or a bedbug.

Krasnika is a berry from the heather family, a close relative of cranberries and lingonberries (despite obvious external differences). However, this plant is not so common, due to the fact that it grows exclusively in certain places- mostly in the east of our country. Krasnika can be found in swamps or slopes that are covered with moss. It is also common in the mountains in the Khabarovsk Territory. Berries ripen in late summer-early autumn.

Ripe redberry is a wonderful source of vitamins and biologically active components. It contains a lot of vitamin C, benzoic acid, and tannins. The berries of this crop can be used to prepare a variety of useful and very delicious preparations. On their basis, jam, jams, juice, and jelly are prepared.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is excellent remedy to fight colds. Sakhalin residents also claim that this drink, which contains great amount ascorbic acid, is able to quickly and effectively eliminate a hangover.

It is thanks to the presence of vitamin C that redberry has most of its useful qualities, because this element is considered extremely useful. It has a persistent general strengthening effect on the entire body, activates and stimulates activity. immune system. In addition, this component has antioxidant properties, respectively, such a berry will benefit those people who are trying to cleanse their body of various toxins and achieve a rejuvenating effect. Thus, we can conclude that bedbug is a particularly useful culture.

In addition to all of the above, redberry also has a tonic effect, it optimizes activity. digestive tract, has a positive effect on the processes of intestinal motility, and also reduces the increased arterial pressure.

When preparing jam or juice from this berry, it is worth taking into account its similarity with cranberries and lingonberries. If you like sweeter foods, add to the composition when cooking. more sugar or some other sweetener. If we draw an analogy with lingonberries, then the bedbug is also great for soaking and then rolling it up in a jar. The taste of redberry is considered quite peculiar, at first the berry seems sweet, sweet and astringent, but long chewing makes it sour.

Fans of this culture say that its medicinal properties are simply unique. Those substances that it contains effectively increase the amount of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and this has a positive effect on activity. of cardio-vascular system. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine say that for problems with the heart and blood vessels, you need to eat a couple of glasses of berries a day or drink the same amount of juice.

The consumption of redberry and products based on it is a wonderful way to prevent or cure hypovitaminosis. Also, the same remedies will help eliminate gastritis with low acidity digestive juice.

Infusions and decoctions of berries also have a good antiseptic and astringent effect. In addition, krasnika is also a mild diuretic.

It is believed that the harvesting of the fruits of this plant should begin in October-November. Experts say that they can normally be preserved in ordinary water, such unique property due to the fact that they contain a natural preservative. However, so that the water does not turn sour, you need to pour it out from time to time, replacing it with fresh water.

Experts say that maximum amount useful substances contained in the redberry, which was collected in dry areas.

You can easily grow this crop in your backyard. It has decorative properties and is able to decorate your front garden. The advantages of such a plant include the fact that it is quite rarely attacked by weeds and various ailments, which often attack other crops. Also, krasnika is not afraid of severe winter frosts, because it is accustomed to quite difficult weather conditions. severe cold can lead to freezing of several shoots, but will not cause the death of the entire plant.


No matter how good the redberry is, the beneficial properties of the berry in some cases will not help, but on the contrary, they can cause allergies. It is worth considering this and consuming it in a dosed manner, and it is also worth knowing that the consumption of redberry can be harmful if you have gastritis with hyperacidity digestive juice.

Krasnika is not a very popular berry, but it has a lot of useful properties and can benefit the body.

Description of an unusual red bush. Taste and aromatic properties plant fruits. Chemical composition, the benefits and harms of berries. Contraindications for their inclusion in the diet. How do they eat bedbugs? Interesting recipes.

The content of the article:

Krasnika (lat. Vaccinium praestans) is a shrub plant of the Heather family, genus Vaccinium. Other names are excellent vaccinium or bedbug. It grows wild in Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. It lives mainly in mountain taiga regions, in mixed forests next to spruce, fir and deciduous trees, or next to moss swamps. The shrub blooms in early June, and the fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn. It got its name because of the red, not very large berries with a sweet and sour taste and a specific smell. Their diameter is about 8-10 mm, the surface is smooth, the flesh is juicy and edible, just like the skin. Raw berries are practically not consumed, mainly various jams and jams, syrups, compotes and pastries are prepared from them.

The composition and calorie content of redberries

The main percentage (about 80%) here falls on ascorbic acid, which is essential for the body to normal functioning immune system. With its deficiency, it weakens, the likelihood of developing anemia increases, since vitamin C is needed for the absorption of iron, work also worsens. nervous system, a person is increasingly worried about stress and apathy.

The calorie content of redberry per 100 g is 28 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.7 g.
The composition of the redberry contains a certain amount flavonoids, also known as "tannins" or "food antioxidants". Thanks to them, cells are reliably protected from negative impact free radicals, salts heavy metals and a number of others toxic substances. They slow down the aging process and general form person improves.

This berry also serves as a source benzoic acid, which inhibits the activity of various viruses and infections, blocks the spread of yeast-like fungi in the body. It is a powerful antimicrobial agent and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Vitamins are complemented by a number of micro and macro elements, in particular, copper, which is one of the most important for the body. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins and many enzymes, provides normal formation bones and tissues, affects hematopoiesis and immunity. Without it, it is simply impossible to transport iron from the liver, which can seriously threaten health.

Huge benefits of redness and due to the content manganese which supports normal level glucose and cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis and a number of other cardiovascular diseases.

Note! Most a large number of nutrients are concentrated in ripe fruits collected in due time - from August to September. The harvest obtained earlier is simply deprived of most of this and, accordingly, is less effective for health.

Useful properties of excellent vaccinium

Berry juice is especially useful in winter time when people most often suffer from colds. It has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, lowers body temperature and promotes the release of sweat, which is very important for ARVI. The pulp and peel itself have found their fans among those who want to have a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Here's how the bug works:

  1. Improves digestion. This is necessary for the prevention of gastritis and colitis, which can progress rapidly if it is violated. Klopovka is needed for normal digestion of food, its rapid absorption in the intestines and the entry of nutrients into the blood as fully as possible.
  2. Lowers pressure level. Krasnika will be appreciated by people suffering from hypertension. Of course, it is not able to cure this disease, but it can significantly improve the patient's condition with 1 or 2 degrees. arterial hypertension. The explanation for this is very simple - an increase in the amount of useful and a decrease in bad cholesterol, vasodilatation, strengthening of their walls.
  3. Normalizes metabolism. It is carried out much faster and more efficiently, as a result of which the likelihood of progression of gastrointestinal diseases is minimized. At the same time, a person protects himself from weight gain and even obesity.
  4. Reduces appetite. Despite its low calorie content, bedbug quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger and saturates the body. the right energy. At the same time, a person does not gain weight, and the redberry does not cause any harm to health. Moreover, it promotes weight loss and tissue tightening.
  5. Improves mood. This effect is associated with large quantity contains ascorbic acid, which not only suppresses apathy, but also increases the charge vitality. Under its influence, stress disappears and depression is excluded.
  6. Normalizes sleep. Krasnovka has a positive effect on the level of melatonin in the blood, which is a regulator of circadian rhythms, thereby eliminating insomnia. Regularly using it, you can forget about shallow sleep, constant awakenings and headaches in the morning on this basis.
  7. Cleanses the body. Klopovka neutralizes toxins in the body, and thereby improves general well-being. First of all, it consists in eliminating headaches, increasing mood and level vital energy, normalization of sleep, weight loss and restoration of stool to normal state. As a result of cleaning, everything is getting better metabolic processes in the body and the risk of developing oncopathologies is significantly reduced.
  8. Refreshes the skin. Vaccinium is incredibly useful for dermatological diseases- urticaria, dermatitis, allergies, eczema, psoriasis. It speeds up recovery by helping to repair damaged tissues. That is why it is actively used by those who have fresh burns, frostbite, wounds, cuts, acne and other violations of integrity. skin.
  9. Strengthens the immune system. And again, this is the merit of vitamin C, which is present in the redberry. Thanks to him, the berry effectively fights infections and viruses in the body, preventing various ENT diseases, especially sore throats, tonsillitis and flu. For this reason, it is recommended to add it to suitable dishes or eat it in pure form to all those who wish to spend the winter not in bed with chills and colds.

Important! In combination with sugar, the berry becomes less effective, the same applies to long-term heat treatment.

Contraindications and harm to bedbugs

Like any berry, and especially red, it is not recommended to give bedbugs to young children, pregnant women and people over 70-75 years old due to high risk occurrence of allergies. If this is done, then a severe rash on the body, itching and burning of the skin will become possible, in some cases the body temperature also rises slightly.

Despite his useful composition and low calorie content, bedbugs still remain heavy enough for the stomach to be consumed raw and even more so pure. If you eat it on an empty stomach, especially in large quantities, you may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and colic in the navel. In this case, you will need to empty the intestines, drink at least 300 ml warm water and for a few minutes take the position of the embryo.

The main contraindication to the use of krasnika is individual intolerance to berries, which is quite common. You should not include it in your diet and in case of any malfunctions in the digestive tract, in the stage of exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

How do they eat redberries?

We repeat that it is used fresh very rarely and carefully due to high probability allergic reactions. But since this is what it is most beneficial for health, the berries can be ground with sugar and added to various pastries, or you can cook compotes and spread on bread. To do this, for 1 kg of bugs, which must be washed and dried in advance on a towel, you need to take 500 g of sugar. After their connection, the mass should be allowed to stand for about an hour, and then rub it thoroughly with a spoon.

Krasnika tolerates freezing well, so it can be harvested in advance for the winter. To do this, the berries should be washed well, dried, put in small plastic containers, covered with cling film and sent to freezer. It is allowed to store them here for up to a year, since if this period is exceeded, the taste is gradually lost, and the benefit becomes less.

Various syrups, compotes, jams, jams are also prepared from raw redberries. It can be either not diluted with any other ingredients except sugar, or combined with various fruits and berries. It goes very well with apples, oranges, gooseberries, pears, peaches, raspberries.

redberry recipes

With klopovka especially appetizing desserts turn out. It can be added to various yogurts, kefir, curd mass, cheesecakes, puddings, casseroles, it emphasizes their taste and gives them original notes. It is allowed to put both raw berries here, and pre-ground with sugar, if desired, or ready-made jam. It is also an excellent filling for wind pies.

Here are some redberry recipes you might be interested in:

  • Syrup. Pour well-washed berries (1 kg) into a deep saucepan with a volume of at least 3 liters. Then add sugar (2 kg) here and stir the mixture with a spoon. Cover it with a lid and store in the basement or refrigerator for 5 days. Shake the mass every evening so that it is evenly distributed over the container. As a result, you will get a mixture that you will need to ceiling, strain through a sieve to exclude lumps from undissolved sugar and consume 2-3 tbsp. l. every day or add to your favorite dishes, for example, in oatmeal or cottage cheese.
  • Jam. To prepare it, pour over the berries (1 kg) with boiling water, sprinkle with sugar (1.5 kg) and leave for 2 hours. Then, in an enameled pan, put them to cook on the stove for an average of 1.5 hours. All this time, the mass should be stirred to prevent burning. After the specified time has elapsed, remove it from the fire, cool it, put it in sterilized jars, roll it up and send it to the basement or refrigerator after 2-3 days of being warm. It can be both spread on bread and added to various dishes, primarily dairy products and pastries.
  • Jam with apples. First, grind redberries (1.5 kg) with sugar (2 kg) with a spoon. Then peel red sweet apples (500 g), chop them and grate them. Combine both ingredients and let them stand for about two hours. After that, stir the mass well and put on a strong fire, and when it boils, reduce it. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave the mixture on the fire for an average of 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally to avoid burning.
  • Berry fruit puree. Peel 2 apples, 1 banana and 1 pear. Grind them and beat with a blender into gruel. Add raw whole berries there, stir the mass, sprinkle almond nuts and crumbs of some dry biscuits, pour it all over with yogurt without additives.

Note! To minimise sour taste berries, before use they can be doused with boiling water.

Interesting facts about vaccinium superb

Outwardly, many confuse bedbugs with cranberries, since they are similar in size, color, and shape. Some even claim that they taste almost the same.

We present a table with the characteristics of the plant:

ColorGreensRedWith a pinkish bell-shaped corolla
The formOvate or almost round, with a gradual tapering towards the endRoundRhomboid, length 5-6 mm
TasteSweet and sourSweet and sourNot used for food

Because of his a wide range the actions of the berry are actively used not only in cooking, but also in the medical industry, as well as in homeopathy. The syrup is used to lower body temperature, and jam is used to treat cough.

Berry bushes are very low, they barely reach a height of 1.5 m. At the same time, they have a large root system, which can capture an area of ​​​​more than 1 m 2. That is why not everyone is ready to plant them on their site, since then it will be very difficult to get rid of the plant if necessary. True, it takes many years for the rhizome to spread in the ground, so it definitely does not threaten other crops to be crowded out.

Krasnika is excellent not only fruit, but also ornamental plant. It serves as a beautiful decoration. land plots when it transforms after the winter "hibernation" and acquires numerous red flowers. Berries on a bush form a kind of small clusters, like grapes, however, their number usually does not exceed 3-5 pieces.

You can eat not only the fruits of the plant, but also its leaves, which are especially tasty in May, when they are filled with juice and seem to melt in your mouth, somewhat reminiscent of sorrel. At the same time, at any time before the establishment of stable warm weather, frosts can lie in wait for it, which can be detrimental to krasnika. The plant is unstable to low temperatures(above -6°C) and when it gets cold it declares this by freezing berries, leaves, flowers.

Krasnika, although it usually grows wild in the forests of Primorsky or Khabarovsk Territory, can be easily grown in a different climatic zone. For example, this culture has taken root quite well in summer cottages in the Moscow region.

In order for her to survive, for the winter she is covered with a double layer of polyethylene film or spunbond, and this protection is removed only closer to May. This gives it even more beauty, since after such storage the leaves acquire a purple rim around the edges.

It is also interesting that the leaves of the plant contain more ascorbic acid than the fruits themselves. The latter appear in early June, and fully ripen towards the end of July.

It is noteworthy that the Korsakov factory of beer and drinks " North Star» produces carbonated sweet water called "Klopovka", the basis of which is precisely this berry.

Mass cultivation of krasnika occurred only in the late 90s of the twentieth century. But the first attempts to grow it Russian Academy agricultural sciences had been successfully undertaken as early as 7 years before.

As a result of the experiments, it turned out that the shrub grows well and bears fruit in a mixture of sand and peat. It also became known that he needs regular weed removal and loosening of the earth. He will not survive without the introduction of a number of fertilizers, especially potassium sulfate and double superphosphate.

Watch the video about redness:

The author of the book "Actinidia, Lemongrass", a Russian scientist E. I. Kolbasina, prominent in the field of breeding, designated redberry culture XXI century. So why not try this unusual berry for us, and maybe even if you really like it, plant it on your site ?! You already know how redberries are eaten and how useful they are!

People call it bedbugs for the smell of berries, similar to the smell of a bedbug, but its healing properties make such a drawback quite insignificant. AT scientific world Crop production, it is called Krasnika or Vaccinium superb. And it is not for nothing that its name is consonant with the word vaccine. Reception a small amount berries are like a health inoculation for the body.

What is useful bug berry?

The properties that are useful for us, which the redberry or klopovka berry has, are present in it due to great content ascorbic acid and alkaloids. needed for our body's resistance to colds, so people do not neglect blanks from bedding for the winter. Unfortunately, this berry has not yet been domesticated and is harvested in swampy forest areas. It grows in the Khabarovsk Territory, in Kamchatka and in some areas of Sakhalin. Difficult conditions in habitats make it even more inaccessible to us. People living on Sakhalin collect not only bedbug berries, but also leaves, which are no less rich in medicinal properties.

most great benefit redberry brings people with hypertension or hypotension. Berry juice normalizes blood pressure better than some medicines without putting side effects. She also treats gastritis with low acidity. Hence it is worth noting that people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, this product strictly contraindicated.

Application in the people

Krasnika fruits have a sweet and sour taste, so the juice made from them has its own unique and unlike anything taste. They say that its properties help to alleviate the condition of the body after poisoning.

Klopovka berries (krasniki) are added to pastries or salad along with the leaves. At home, most often it is simply prepared in jars along with sugar - an unusual and healthy dessert. These berries can be added to various jams and jams, mixing them with others.

The usefulness of the berry is invaluable. Her breeding and breeding different types are engaged in scientific institutes. It is very interesting to observe the change in color of its leaves from the beginning to the end of flowering. At the same time, its flowers are white or pale pink, small and so reminiscent of lilies of the valley in spring. Soon redberries will appear in our gardens, just as raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other berries that bring no less benefit once appeared.

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