Cold treatment. We treat a runny nose quickly at home How to treat a complex runny nose

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? This is the question that people usually ask during the cold season, because that is when this phenomenon is observed. Prolonged runny nose is considered rhinitis, which does not go away within two weeks. This unpleasant ailment can bypass only a person who has strong immunity. But how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult if conventional medications do not help? You can find the answer to this question in this article.

What are the causes of chronic rhinitis?

As a rule, this ailment is a harbinger of a cold. But it also happens that rhinitis does not go away for a certain amount of time. In this situation, people ask themselves: if the ailment does not go away for more than three weeks, how to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? Usually, patients look for an answer on the Internet. Most of them do not want to visit a specialist. Therefore, another of the common questions is the following: how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult with folk remedies?

In order to learn more about this, it is necessary to expose the source of rhinitis. So, there can be several reasons:

  • Environmental influence. Due to the fact that a person is in a room that is rarely ventilated and a large amount of dust accumulates in it, allergic rhinitis may develop.
  • Accommodations. A sick person should pay attention to irritants that may be at home. These include household dust. Also, an allergic reaction can be due to a dust mite.
  • Autoimmune diseases. These include psoriasis.
  • Constant stay in a room where the air is very dry. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed during the heating season.

With the last source of the disease, you need to buy a humidifier. It is he who will help get rid of the dry atmosphere in the room.

In addition to these reasons, otolaryngologists talk about one more thing - about congenital pathologies. They arise due to problems with the regulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. This phenomenon occurs due to the curvature of the nasal septum.

Also, prolonged rhinitis may appear due to Kartagener's syndrome. With this disease, the ciliary channel does not function well. He is responsible for the excretion of mucus. In case of violations, processes of a stagnant nature occur. They lead to the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and nasopharynx. As a result, in addition to rhinitis, there is also a cough. The latter is accompanied by expectoration of yellowish-green mucus.

What is drug rhinitis?

This disease is one of the most common types of diseases. It develops due to improper use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops during colds. Also, a drug runny nose can be a side effect due to the use of antiviral medications. Recognizing drug-induced rhinitis is easy. It appears as a common allergic rhinitis with copious clear discharge. In addition, nasal congestion may be added to them.

The risk group for this disease includes the elderly, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and children.

What are the types of rhinitis?

Before prescribing treatment to the patient, it is necessary to determine what type of rhinitis should be discussed. There are usually two main types of rhinitis: allergic and infectious. The latter occurs with a cold. In both cases, the specialist conducts research. As a result, he reveals the cause of a prolonged runny nose. You should think about what you need to visit a doctor when this ailment does not go away for more than nine days.

Consider some types of the common cold. The most common is allergic. It has been established that about one third of the population suffers from it. This happens because of the ecological situation in the environment. The main provocateurs of this rhinitis are plant pollen, animals and dust mites.

Vasomotor rhinitis is very similar to the previous form. But in this case, tobacco smoke, smells of perfumes and household chemicals are considered irritants. Copious secretion of mucus occurs due to irritant effects on the nasal mucosa. As a therapy, the specialist prescribes nasal sprays.

Medical rhinitis has already been mentioned earlier. Its cause is the disproportionate use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops. The latter, in turn, are addictive.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body. It can manifest itself as rhinitis for a long amount of time. When they do not deliver a woman in a position of discomfort, experts advise not to use vasoconstrictor drugs. In this case, you can use folk remedies. This type of runny nose goes away a couple of weeks after childbirth.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home quickly?

To do this, follow the general requirements for therapy. So, you need to drink plenty of water, bed rest and the use of inhalations. These measures will be effective at the initial stage of rhinitis. They can be used until the disease has become chronic.

And how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult if mucous discharge and nasal congestion appear? In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs will come to the rescue. Also, to all this, the specialist prescribes combined drugs. If the patient does not improve, then antibiotics will be required.

Thus, not everything has been said about how to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home quickly. This method of therapy also involves folk remedies. They will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? This therapy involves several directions.

The lower limbs should be warmed up with mustard baths. Herbal inhalations will also help well. In addition, essential oils can be used instead of a solution.

A number of patients instill aloe or onion juice into the nasal passages. They also help a lot in the fight against this disease.

Another method of treatment is the use of decoctions of an immuno-strengthening nature, the use of physiotherapy and the use of medicines.

It helps well with massage on the sinuses and laser therapy. With caution, it is necessary to treat this ailment for women in position. They should definitely consult a specialist.

What does drug therapy involve?

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult? Medicines prescribed by a doctor will help to get rid of this disease faster.

To begin with, the specialist determines the cause of rhinitis, and then prescribes the appropriate therapy. As a general rule, moisturizers should be used. They cleanse the sinuses and consist of sea water. The last component has a good effect on the mucous membranes.

If the patient has, in addition to all this, also an inflammatory process, then drugs such as Coldrex or Coldakt are prescribed. Basically, with prolonged rhinitis, simply vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed. As a rule, reviews of how to treat a protracted runny nose in adults also apply to such effective drugs as Nazivin and Xymelin. But it is worth remembering that the opinion of people is not always correct, therefore, in any case, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist for treatment, and not do it yourself.

Also, complications can occur with rhinitis. Then how to treat a prolonged runny nose with pus in an adult? Usually we are talking about infection here. The patient is prescribed the same medications that were listed above. But this type of disease can not do without the use of antibiotics. They must be broad spectrum. A prescription for the drug is written by a doctor. In simpler situations, aerosols like Isofra, Polydex are prescribed. If there is a risk of infection entering the hearing aid or respiratory tract, then systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Together with them, you should take probiotics, which will help restore the intestinal microflora.

How should allergic rhinitis be treated?

First you need to accurately determine the cause of a prolonged runny nose. This is followed by a series of surveys. Then find out what is the main allergen.

The main drugs that are used for this type of rhinitis are antihistamines. The most common and effective among them are Loratadin and Cetrin.

In addition to taking medications, you can additionally do inhalations using essential oils and herbal preparations.

What is the treatment with folk remedies?

It should be noted that this method of therapy should be used with the permission of a specialist.

How to cure a protracted runny nose in an adult with folk remedies? The basis of this method of therapy is washing. We present two main methods.

Decoctions of chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus help very well. Alternatively, an iodine solution can be used. To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodinol.

Additionally, herbal inhalations are used. In this case, use oregano, chamomile and linden.

Drops from plant sap also have a beneficial effect. For example, from Kalanchoe or garlic.

How to make drops from aloe?

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home? Natural drops are an excellent remedy to get rid of this ailment. Aloe has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. That is why this plant is perfect for making nasal drops.

So, you need its leaves. They should be washed and dried. After they need to be wrapped in paper and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, juice is squeezed out of aloe. Drops must be instilled three to four times a day. This should be done until all the symptoms of this disease disappear.

How to prepare drops with mumiyo for a prolonged runny nose?

In order to make a medicine, you will need a small amount of mountain oil and about 100 ml of warm water. Mix everything thoroughly. Bury three drops in each nasal passage. You can use peach oil instead of water. In this case, the tool will be more effective. They are prepared in a ratio of 1:5.

How to make a saline solution for washing the sinuses?

To prepare it, you need one glass of water. You will need to add a tablespoon of sea salt to it. Then mix the ingredients together. This must be done until all the salt has dissolved.

Then you can bury the drops in the nose. You can wash your sinuses up to 6-8 times a day. As a rule, this is done before dripping a vasoconstrictor drug into the nose.

How to prepare an herbal solution?

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult with folk remedies? You can make a solution not only from sea salt, but also from chamomile. This herb has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This type of solution is well suited for the treatment of protracted allergic rhinitis. In order to prepare it, you need a spoonful of salt and steamed infusion of chamomile.

Eucalyptus nasal wash

Essential oils are also good at fighting this ailment. So, to prepare such a solution, you need a glass of water. It is necessary to put one teaspoon of eucalyptus oil in it.

Use the last two types of solution only if you do not have an individual intolerance to any component of the product. Before use, consult a specialist.

is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The medical name for the common cold is rhinitis. A runny nose (or rhinitis) is most often awakened by viruses and microbes.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is the primary barrier against infections, the villi on its surface trap dust and pollution entering the nose during breathing. In addition, the air in the nasal cavity is warmed to a comfortable temperature. Runny nose and colds often occur with hypothermia, local immunity weakens, and infectious agents get the opportunity to multiply and spread further along the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Causes of a runny nose

A runny nose can occur for various reasons. The most common cause of the common cold are infectious agents - viruses, bacteria and fungi. The most common cause is viruses from the group of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and adenoviruses. Then the disease is classified as infectious rhinitis.

Another cause of inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is an allergic reaction. Allergens enter the nasal passages during breathing, causing swelling, mucus secretion and nasal congestion. In this case, the disease is classified as allergic rhinitis.

Allergic and infectious rhinitis require different approaches to treatment - to mitigate the negative signs of the disease in both cases, vasoconstrictors are used, which allows for a short time to ease the patient's breathing and moderate mucus secretion. However, infectious rhinitis requires complex therapy with the use of antiseptic drugs, and hormonal agents and histamine receptor blockers are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Possible causes of a runny nose:

Infectious rhinitis. This type of rhinitis is more common than others and is familiar to almost everyone. Infectious rhinitis occurs in an acute form, most often it is caused by bacteria, viruses, less often fungi. If the patient has stable immunity, the infectious rhinitis ends quickly and without complications.

congenital causes. Developmental anomalies in the prenatal period disrupt the normal functioning of the nasal cavity and cause chronic rhinitis. Such causes include violations of the structure of the facial bones, curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy or deformation of the nasal cavities. Most often, a one-sided defect occurs when the deformed nostril does not function, and air freely enters through another cavity.

A rare cause of chronic rhinitis is Kartagener's syndrome. Another name for the pathology is primary ciliary dyskinesia. The disease disrupts the mechanism for removing mucus from the nasal mucosa due to improper functioning of the ciliated epithelium. The result of this is the stagnation of mucus in the nasal cavity and in the bronchi, the development of bronchitis, the transition of rhinitis into a chronic form.

Allergy. One of the most common causes of long-term chronic rhinitis in children and adults is allergic rhinitis. It appears not only at the time of flowering, but also in winter, when, it would seem, there should be no reason for the appearance of an allergy.

    wool of pets;

    Down and feather of parrots;

    Book, household, industrial dust;

    Chemicals in detergents, varnishes and paints.

Medicinal rhinitis. Runny nose, which appeared as a result of taking medications, occurs for two reasons:

    Rhinitis is a side effect of a drug (such as blood pressure medications);

    There is a rebound effect after an overdose of a vasoconstrictor from a cold.

"Ricochet" rhinitis can develop as early as 4-5 days after the start of treatment for ordinary rhinitis with drops with a vasoconstrictive effect. Untimely cancellation of drops from the common cold leads to addiction to them by the nasal mucosa. Cancellation of the drug leads to increased swelling, increasing the dose leads to the resistance of mucosal cells to the active substance. The result of this situation is the persistence of rhinitis symptoms even at maximum doses. That is why it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops for longer than the period specified in the instructions.

Foreign bodies. Most often, this cause of an atypical runny nose occurs in children of early preschool age.

The child can imperceptibly from the parents place in the nose:

    Small toys and their details;


    food particles;


    Vitamins and small sweets;

    Small stationery and household items;

A characteristic symptom of a foreign body in the nose is the discharge of liquid mucus from one nostril. With a long-term runny nose, an experienced otolaryngologist always first of all suspects the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage. A case of chronic rhinitis lasting for 20 years was recorded, the cause of which was a button that got into the nose in childhood. It was discovered in a woman quite by accident during an X-ray examination.

Due to chronic inflammation or allergic effects on the nasal mucosa, benign ones occur. Formations reach a significant size, blocking the nasal cavities and blocking the flow of air.

Most often, polyps form in adults. If they are diagnosed in a child under 10 years old, their possible cause is chronic sinusitis, cystic fibrosis. Often a combination of a polyp with an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid or yellow fruits.

Vasomotor rhinitis. The cause of the pathology is a violation of the regulation of the tone of the vessels of the nose. With this pathology, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the nerve endings of which exhibit a vasodilating effect. The vessels of the nasal mucosa overflow with blood, it, the air does not pass through the nasal passages. Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are sneezing, stuffy nose, secretion of large amounts of mucus. They are aggravated by stress, cold, intense odors, chemicals sprayed into the air, and strong emotions.

atrophic rhinitis. This type of runny nose is rare, its cause is the thinning of the nasal mucosa, its atrophy due to a rare type of inflammatory process. It is provoked by such types of bacteria as Proteus, Klebsiella, as well as hereditary predisposition. Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis - ozena (discharge with a fetid odor), loss of smell, green mucus with the formation of crusts.

Runny nose as a symptom of other diseases. One of the possible causes of a long-term runny nose is latent hypothyroidism - a reduced function of the thyroid gland, insufficient production of hormones by it. For this reason, the connective tissues of the whole body swell, including the nasal mucosa. As a result of edema, air flow decreases, congestion occurs. Clarification of the diagnosis is carried out by passing an analysis for thyroid hormones.

Another reason for the development of chronic rhinitis is autoimmune diseases:

  • Wenger's granulomatosis

    systemic scleroderma,

    Rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of a runny nose differ depending on the stage of the disease:

    The first stage lasts from several hours to two days. The patient at this time feels dryness of the mucous membrane, burning in the nose and continuous itching. Already at this time, breathing through the nose is difficult, the perception of tastes and smells is disturbed. The temperature is usually normal, occasionally (more often in children) slight hyperthermia can be observed.

    At the second stage the virus actively multiplies, abundant discharge begins from the nose, it is impossible to breathe through the nose. Often, the patient's ears are blocked, the temperature rises, lacrimation and frequent sneezing begin. The disease is accompanied by headache, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

    The third stage occurs 4-5 days after infection. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, damaged by viruses, is colonized by various bacteria, as a result of which mucopurulent discharge from the nose appears.

If a person's immune system is in good shape, the body is activated to fight infection. Puffiness gradually subsides, the sense of smell improves and nasal breathing is restored. After a few days, the person recovers. If a person’s body is weakened, without adequate treatment he may not be able to cope with the disease, in this case the worst thing is that various, including severe, complications may develop.

Runny nose without fever - what does it mean?

A runny nose that is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature may be a sign of a viral infection, in particular, this is typical for rhinoviruses. Nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge and difficulty breathing are the main symptoms of this disease. Headaches, sore throat, stuffy ears and hearing loss may be added to them. Most often, this type of runny nose appears in adults and is a sign of good immunity, because in the process of fighting the infection, the hypothalamus, where the thermoregulatory centers are located, is not affected.

The cause of a runny nose without fever is hypothermia of the body, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to infection.

Another reason for the occurrence of a runny nose without fever is the individual characteristics of the patient's condition. So, rhinitis can appear in women in the first trimester of pregnancy and in young children when their teeth erupt. Treatment in this case is purely symptomatic, since a runny nose is not a sign of a serious pathology, but develops due to weakened immunity.

Factors provoking the development of a runny nose without fever:

    Air pollution with dust, toxic and irritating mucous substances. So, allergic rhinitis often develops as a result of constant contact with animals, passive or active smoking, being in a dusty room;

    Spicy spices, if they enter the nasal cavity, can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and in the future cause the development of a runny nose;

    Sharp changes in air temperature and humidity - for example, in the cold season, there is often a difference between low air temperature outside and high indoor temperature;

    Adenoid growths of the tonsils are a common cause of a runny nose in children;

    When foreign bodies enter the nasal cavity, a runny nose acts as a symptom, this cause is also more common among children;

    Polyps and other neoplasms in the nose, as well as an abnormal structure of the nasal septum, can provoke chronic rhinitis.

How to treat a runny nose?

There are certain rules, following which, you can quickly and effectively cure a runny nose.

    It is important to learn how to blow your nose correctly so that blowing your nose does not lead to complications. An increase in pressure in the nasal cavity can cause bacteria to enter the Eustachian tube. Pathogenic microorganisms can easily cause otitis (inflammation of the middle ear). If you blow your nose incorrectly, you can damage the already irritated shell of the middle ear. The correct technique is to blow your nose gently through each nostril separately, while opening your mouth so as not to increase pressure in the nasal cavity.

    For effective treatment of a runny nose, it is not necessary to irritate the mucous membrane with exposure to cold, tobacco smoke, strong odors, dust, or intense sneezing. Physical activity increases the strength of breathing, so even in the warm season, you can increase the runny nose with fast walking and exercise.

    It is impossible to increase the period of use of drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect without a doctor's prescription. Following the instructions, you can significantly reduce the risk of a "rebound" runny nose from using drops for more than 4-6 days.

    Drops on a natural basis such as Pinosol effectively eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. Its components (essential oils of eucalyptus, mint and pine) act as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Rinsing the nose with salt water removes dust, allergens, excess mucus, pathogens, and dried crusts from the nasal mucosa. This procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day, the optimal amount is 150-200 ml for each nasal cavity.

    It is important to maintain the optimum temperature (+20+22°C) and humidity in the room where the children are. Too dry air in a home with central heating irritates the nasal mucosa, so it is imperative to use humidifiers. Be sure to ventilate the room, taking children out of it.

    Children of younger preschool age do not have the opportunity to blow their nose, so the accumulated mucus makes it difficult to breathe with a runny nose. They remove the mucus from their nose with special devices. Rinse the nose in the same way as adults, children are allowed no earlier than 3 years.

    Proper treatment effectively relieves the symptoms of rhinitis. Since the nasal mucosa in children quickly absorbs the active substance of the drugs, it is better to use natural-based products. Ointment and drops are used to treat children from 2 years old, spray - from 3 years of age. The drug is not addictive, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, its natural ingredients and oil base perfectly moisturize the nasal mucosa.

    So that adenoids in children do not become a source of complications in the form of relapses of rhinitis and the appearance of complications, they are removed in a timely manner. The spread of pathogenic bacteria slows down the normal physical development of children.

How to treat allergic rhinitis?

    The main rule is not to provoke allergic rhinitis by contact with the allergen. Prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa is complicated by sinusitis, the appearance of polyps, and mucosal hypertrophy. If the allergen gets on the skin and clothes, they are immediately removed.

    To remove allergens from the nasal mucosa, it is washed with 1% saline solution, it is important to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

    To prevent complications, modern antihistamines (Zodak) should be taken to help stop the process and prevent it from becoming severe.

    It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, consult an otolaryngologist.

    It is not necessary to provoke an increase in the symptoms of any kind of rhinitis by exposure to smoke, dust, spraying chemicals.

    If it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of a runny nose, the patient's condition will improve markedly by washing the nasal cavity with salted water.

    If a runny nose occurs, as a reaction to drugs (pressure drugs, contraceptives), you need to find analogues without side effects;

    Somatic diseases, the manifestations of which may be a runny nose, should be carefully treated.

    The negative effect of vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of rhinitis is eliminated with natural-based drops that do not cause addiction, acting as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent at the same time.

In the absence of treatment, a runny nose can lead to serious complications - inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinus, pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa, acute or chronic otitis media, ethmoiditis.

But how to treat a runny nose? In the early stages of a runny nose, it is recommended to leave the house less often and contact with others. Although a runny nose in itself is not dangerous, but with improper treatment or its absence, it can disable a person for several days or even weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the spread of infection and create all conditions for a speedy recovery.

Therapeutic measures in the early stages include warming up procedures for the legs, inhalations with therapeutic solutions with salt or essential oils, taking a large amount of liquid - tea, lemon drink with ginger, infusion of medicinal herbs, rosehip broth.

You should follow all the rules of hygiene of the nasal cavity and constantly clean it from excess mucus using disposable nosepieces. It is necessary to clean the nasal passages under running water carefully, since increased pressure in the nasal cavity can contribute to the spread of infection, causing otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It is necessary to clean the nostrils one by one, since with their simultaneous cleansing there is a risk of damage to blood vessels, the formation of couperose stars.

At the second stage of the disease, if all the preliminary procedures were ineffective, you can start using medications prescribed by your doctor. Vasoconstrictors for emergency treatment of nasal congestion are used for no longer than five days to avoid addiction.

To thin the mucus, it is important to constantly ensure the flow of fluid into the body, and taking drugs with mucolytics also helps in this. Too viscous and thick mucus does not separate well from the nasal cavity, makes breathing difficult and prolongs the time to recovery.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold. The largest group of drugs are vasoconstrictors, after the use of which the mucosal edema decreases almost instantly and the subjective state of the patient is facilitated. However, vasoconstrictor drugs have their own contraindications and features of use, therefore, in the fight against the disease, one should not rely only on this group of drugs.

Vasoconstrictors are usually released in the form of drops or spray, getting on the nasal mucosa, these drugs constrict the blood vessels, due to which the edema disappears, nasal congestion disappears and the person can breathe normally.

Another useful property of vasoconstrictors is the ability to influence the amount of mucus and the rate of its production, which removes the symptoms of the common cold. The main active components of vasoconstrictors are naphazoline, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline.

Depending on the main active substance, three groups of vasoconstrictors are distinguished:

    Xymelin, Dlyanos, Rinonorm - drops based on xylometazoline, Galazolin in the form of drops, spray or gel - a drug based on xylometazoline, the duration of exposure is up to 4 hours;

    Fervex, Nazol, Nazivin - contain oxymetazoline in different concentrations, which allows them to be used to treat the common cold in both adults and children. The validity period is longer - up to 12 hours. There are contraindications for patients with renal insufficiency, women during pregnancy and diabetics.

    Naphthyzin, Sanorin - medicines based on naphazoline. The validity period after a single application is 6 hours. The drugs in this group are affordable and do not damage the nasal mucosa. Sanorin is considered one of the safest vasoconstrictors, as it contains natural ingredients (aromatic eucalyptus oil) as excipients, which enhances the therapeutic effect and prevents complications.

It's important to know! Most drugs for the treatment of the common cold contain vasoconstrictors, which can quickly achieve an effect - relieve nasal congestion, make breathing easier and reduce the amount of discharge. However, with constant use, they can be unsafe - addiction develops to vasoconstrictor drugs, as a result of this relief does not occur even at higher dosages.

Regular use of vasoconstrictors can lead to complications such as loss of nasal sensation, taste and smell disorders.

    Nasal drops and sprays are not used every time you feel a stuffy nose, but in critical situations when other remedies do not help;

    It is impossible to use vasoconstrictors regularly for self-treatment of the common cold - complex preparations that do not lead to complications and side effects are better able to cope with this task.

    If during the use of vasoconstrictors you feel a deterioration in well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Preparations for the common cold are selected and prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease - this is how the treatment is more effective, and side effects are minimized.

Remedies for viral infections. With a runny nose caused by viruses, it is not recommended to take medicines in the early stages - the body must activate the immune forces, and discharge from the nose is a sign of its fight against pathogens. When the snot becomes transparent yellowish or green, treatment can begin.

Complex preparations for the common cold. Complex preparations are designed not only to remove the symptoms of the common cold, as vasoconstrictors, but, first of all, to remove the cause of its occurrence. So, for example, with an allergic rhinitis, which is provoked by the entry of a certain allergen into the nasal passages, the effect on mucus production will not have the desired result - as soon as the remedy expires, the runny nose will resume. In this case, it is better to use a specialized tool or a complex of drugs.

Vibrocil - a drug based on two active ingredients, a decongestant and a blocker of H-1 histamine receptors, not only constricts blood vessels and removes swelling, but also affects the cause of the common cold. The antihistamines in its composition relieve an allergic reaction, and the decongestant has vasoconstrictive properties.

Another popular combination of active ingredients - a mucolytic and a decongestant - provides the removal of puffiness and the outflow of mucus due to its thinning effect, as a result of which the common cold is cured faster.

Complex preparations give high efficiency in the treatment of the common cold and minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

Essential oils for colds. Essential oils are a common component of preparations for the treatment of the common cold, and can also be used as an independent remedy. Their effect is based on antiseptic properties; when applied topically, essential oils restore the barrier properties of the nasal mucosa without injuring it. For medicinal purposes, mint, pine and eucalyptus oils are most often used.

Salt solutions for the common cold. Salt flushing is one of the most effective ways to treat a runny nose. Salt solutions are used for both infectious and allergic rhinitis, as they cleanse the nasal passages of infectious agents, allergens and excess mucus, preventing drying and damage to the mucosa.

Salt solutions have no restrictions in use even for young children, they have no side effects characteristic of vasoconstrictors, they do not form addiction. Common drugs in this group are Aqualor, Salin, Humer, Aquamaris, Marimer.

Drugs for allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is treated with specialized drugs - in addition to vasoconstrictor drugs, histamine receptor blockers and hormonal agents can be used. Among hormonal drugs, Flixonase, Baconase, Nasobek, Nasonex are most often prescribed. The effect of Nasonex appears after 12 hours, the patient's well-being improves significantly. The drugs are available in the form for topical use, so they do not affect the state of the body as a whole.

Homeopathic medicines for the common cold. Homeopathic remedies with antiviral action that promote lymph flow, relieve swelling and strengthen the immune system can be quite effective in treating the common cold. Among them, there are such drugs as Edas-131, Cinnasbin, Euphorbium Composite, Sinupret, which contain natural ingredients that help the body fight viruses.

Pencil asterisk from the common cold. The Vietnamese remedy Asterisk is available in the form of a balm, ointment, patch, nasal spray and inhalation pencil, it successfully fights colds thanks to a complex of natural ingredients - it contains cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and mint essential oils. Thanks to these components, the product has a characteristic aroma, and when applied it gives a cooling effect.

The star pencil is much more convenient to use than the classic Golden Star balm in a tin - it goes directly into the nasal cavity, does not leave a characteristic aroma, and does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes.

If the effect of the balm is reflexogenic in nature - it is applied to the heels, chest, wings of the nose at the points that are used in the Eastern practice of acupuncture, then the Asterisk pencil falls directly on the mucous membrane, softening it, reducing swelling and the amount of secreted mucus. You can use it from 7 to 12 times a day, for this you need to breathe through each nostril in turn over a filter soaked in aromatic oils.

There are contraindications for use for people prone to allergic reactions and for young children.

What can and cannot be done with a cold?

    Is it possible to do inhalation with a cold? Inhalations are considered the most effective method of treating a common cold, so in the process of inhaling vapors, the beneficial components of therapeutic solutions instantly fall on the mucous membrane and have an effect. Compared with other topical agents for the treatment of the common cold, inhalation has several advantages. So, unlike preparations for instillation, during inhalation, the medicinal solution does not flow into the oral cavity and does not enter the stomach, but is evenly distributed over the mucosa, and remains there for exposure.

Nasal congestion and rhinitis are clear signs of inflammation of the nasopharynx of an infectious or allergic nature. Rhinorrhea, i.e. profuse secretion of nasal mucus, occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is damaged. Unpleasant symptoms most often occur with colds, sinusitis, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases.

You can literally cope with rhinorrhea within 1-2 days with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. But in order to permanently get rid of annoying rhinitis, you need to eliminate the cause of its appearance - inflammation. Inflammatory reactions in the nasopharynx can be caused by infection or allergies.

Treatment of snot of infectious origin involves the use of antiviral or antibacterial agents, and allergic - corticosteroid and antihistamine drugs.

We treat rhinitis correctly

What to do if there is a runny nose? First of all, you need to understand that rhinitis is just a symptom that can be stopped, not cured. It will be possible to defeat a runny nose only if you can establish and eliminate the true cause of its occurrence. Most often, pathogenic or allergic agents act as provocateurs of inflammation in the nasal cavity. Therefore, rhinorrhea in 96% of cases accompanies SARS, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, allergies, etc.

If a runny nose appeared in spring or summer, most likely the reason for this was a banal allergic reaction to plant pollen. In this case, it will be possible to cope with rhinorrhea with the help of antihistamine nasal drops and corticosteroids. To avoid recurrence of allergies, it is desirable to identify and immediately eliminate the causative allergen.

How to heal within a day? The appearance of rhinorrhea due to hypothermia indicates the development of the so-called catarrhal rhinitis. Provocateurs of inflammation in the nose are most often adenoviruses. In this case, vasoconstrictor drops or sprays will remove nasal congestion and mucous discharge from the nose, and antiviral drugs will remove the infection itself.

Now a little about how to stop chronic rhinitis. Prolonged runny nose, as a rule, occurs as a result of the development of bacterial flora in the nasal cavity. Therefore, the treatment of snot is often carried out with the help of antibacterial agents and physiotherapy procedures. Antimicrobial drugs will help destroy the pathogenic flora, and physiotherapy will restore the integrity of the nasal mucosa.

Methods of treatment

How to quickly cure a runny nose? There are many pharmaceutical preparations and alternative medicines that can be used to cure rhinorrhea. They are conditionally divided into three categories:

  1. conservative - treatment of the common cold with medicines, inhalations, sanitizing and thermal procedures (foot baths, compresses);
  2. surgical - excision of neoplasms in the nose with a scalpel, cauterization of fibrous growths with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy);
  3. folk - irrigation of the nasal cavity with decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs, instillation of aloe juice, onions, beets, etc. into the nose.

It should be understood that the sooner rhinitis treatment is started, the less likely it will be to develop complications. In the case of chronic inflammation in the nose, the mucous membranes can grow, and the nasal septum can collapse. In this regard, polyps and other benign tumors often form in the nasal cavity. It will be possible to quickly remove a runny nose with complications only after undergoing surgical treatment, which is sometimes fraught with the development of side diseases.

Delayed treatment of rhinitis increases the risk of developing benign tumors in the nasopharynx by 3 times.

Antivirus tools

How to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult? Eliminate rhinorrhea in just 1 day will help antiviral agents. You should only take medication if you are sure that the symptom is due to the flu or a cold. The classic manifestations of SARS are:

  • elevated temperature;
  • copious discharge from the nose;
  • body aches;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache.

How to quickly stop the development of SARS? The most effective treatment for the common cold involves the use of antiviral agents of systemic action. Their active components are quickly absorbed into the blood and destroy viruses not only in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body.

The following pharmacy remedies will help stop a runny nose in just two days:

  • "Relenza";
  • "Peramivir";
  • "Engistol";
  • "Tiloron";
  • "Arbidol".

In order to surely stop the inflammation in the respiratory organs, it is necessary to use etiotropic drugs that directly destroy the pathogens. How to get rid of a runny nose and is it necessary to use homeopathic remedies in the treatment of ARVI? Not all advertised pharmaceutical products are effective. The antiviral activity of homeopathic remedies remains unproven to this day. Therefore, it is advisable to use them only as an addition to medicines that really help get rid of the common cold.

Nasal drops

How to quickly cure snot? Nasal drops and aerosols - first aid for a cold. To eliminate inflammation in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, various intranasal agents are used according to the principle of action. In most cases, treatment is accompanied by the use of the following types of drops:

  • decongestants ("Tizin", "Galazolin") - contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels in the nasopharynx, as a result of which the swelling of the mucosa and the secretion of nasal mucus decrease;
  • emollients ("Mentoklar", "Evkasept") - moisturize the mucous membrane and accelerate its recovery;
  • anti-inflammatory ("Nazarel", "Nasonex") - relieve swelling and stop inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • antiviral ("Viferon", "Grippferon") - destroy rhinoviruses and promote healing of tissues in the affected areas.

Oil drops ("Pinosol", "Evkasept") cannot be used in the treatment of infants, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

How to cure snot without consequences? Rhinorrhea can be treated with vasoconstrictor drops for no more than 5 days in a row. An overdose of drugs negatively affects the structure of the mucosa - it causes irritation and hypertrophy. By removing the symptoms of the disease, you can alleviate your well-being, but only temporarily. In order to get rid of the manifestations of ARVI for sure, it is necessary to use drugs of both symptomatic and etiotropic action, i.e. antiviral agents.

Solutions for flushing

In this section, we will talk about how to quickly get rid of a runny nose with nasal lavages. Sanitation of the nasopharynx is an effective way to combat inflammation in the nasal cavity. If with the help of medicinal solutions regularly, it will be possible to get rid of rhinorrhea in 2 days. At the same time, the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment largely depends on the choice of the drug.

How to treat a runny nose of an infectious origin? Salt solutions effectively fight viral and bacterial pathogens of respiratory diseases. They flush out most pathogens from the paranasal sinuses and nasal canals, which allows you to quickly get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion.

How to quickly defeat rhinorrhea? According to practical observations, physiotherapeutic methods can be used in the treatment of rhinitis of almost any etiology.

They are considered one of the most effective in the treatment of viral, bacterial and allergic inflammation of the upper airways.

A quick cure for a runny nose is with the following nasal rinses:

  • "Furacilin";
  • "Miramistin";
  • "Rotokan";
  • Aqualor.

It is possible to treat a runny nose and nasal congestion with lavages only for adults and children from 4 years old.

When and how to treat a runny nose? As soon as you feel that there is swelling in the nasal cavity, which is evidenced by difficult nasal breathing, rinse at least 4-5 times a day. The saline solution quickly thins the mucus and removes it from the nasal passages, so that the snot stops flowing almost immediately.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

How to quickly cure a runny nose of an allergic nature? Since the cause of rhinorrhea is hypersensitivity to a particular allergen, first of all, it must be identified and eliminated. Until you protect yourself from the action of irritating agents, the treatment of the common cold will be ineffective.

How to get rid of snot? You can quickly recover from a runny nose with the help of anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs of local and systemic action. Regardless of which allergen caused inflammation, it will be possible to quickly and effectively eliminate pathological reactions in the mucosa with the help of such drugs:

  • antihistamine systemic drugs - "Suprastin", "Claritin";
  • labrocyte membrane stabilizers (cromones) - "Ifiral", "Kromoheksal"
  • antiallergic nasal drops - "Reaktin", "Allergodil";
  • intranasal corticosteroids - Baconase, Fluticasone.

Irrational treatment of the common cold in adults with the help of hormonal agents is fraught with a decrease in local immunity and the subsequent development of mycoses.

How to effectively treat allergies? Taking antihistamines is a quick way to get rid of allergic diseases. But before you fight a runny nose with antiallergic pills, you need to make sure they are safe.

To prevent the development of adverse reactions, it is desirable to treat a runny nose in adults with 3rd generation antihistamines. They practically do not contain toxic substances, so getting rid of the common cold will not result in the development of a number of side diseases for the patient.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is a consequence of irrational treatment of colds and rhinorrhea. How to cure rhinitis that has been going on for more than one week? The fight against the common cold involves the use of antibacterial agents, since in most cases the sluggish is caused by pathogenic microbes. How can you quickly cure a prolonged runny nose?

Effectively cure a runny nose will help:

  • "Octenisept";
  • "Framycetin";
  • Bioparox.

How to get rid of a cold in the shortest possible time? To quickly stop the inflammation in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use drugs of combined action.

Taking corticosteroids is the best way to cure within a week. The most effective drugs in this group include "Hycomycin-teva" and "Polydex". But before treating rhinitis with their help, it is advisable to consult an ENT, since hormonal drugs sometimes cause side reactions - nausea, itching and urticaria.

The severity of the common cold as a disease can be approached in different ways, but in any case, it will not lose its essence from this, nor will it lose possible complications, if such an approach turns out to be negligent. You can learn about the main methods of treatment from our article.

The runny nose itself is associated with a number of accompanying inconveniences, which include loss of smell, difficulties with eating, sleep disturbance against its background, and, ultimately, with breathing itself. In 80% of cases, the same runny nose becomes a significant hindrance to personal life. Agree, after all, how can one tune in to a romantic mood and feel attractive (especially women feel such a “hit”) when it is difficult to breathe, the nose is reddened, lack of sleep and general exhaustion affects both well-being, and mood, and self-awareness.

So, let's try to figure out what a runny nose is, and what treatment can help get rid of it.

Causes and features of the common cold

A runny nose, as you may know, has its own medical definition - rhinitis. It can manifest itself in acute or chronic form. Most often, acute rhinitis is provoked by viruses, against which an acute respiratory infection (abbr. SARS) develops. After exposure to viruses, bacteria, affecting the nasal mucosa, provoke the development of complications. Ordinary hypothermia can also provoke rhinitis. As somewhat rarer options, against which a runny nose may develop, injuries are considered that are directly transferred to the nose area and the mechanical impact exerted on it (in particular, this may relate to surgical intervention), the impact of negative factors provoked by the conditions of professional activity (certain chemicals , smells, smoke, dust, etc.).

A runny nose can also act as a manifestation of allergies and other types of diseases, therefore the definition of treatment is based primarily on determining its nature. If we consider in particular allergies as a factor provoking the disease, then a runny nose with allergies has its own characteristics. So, it appears as a reaction to certain stimuli, such as animal hair, certain foods, pollen, dust, and even cold. At the same time, these factors are far from the limit in the enumeration, therefore allergies should by no means be discounted when considering the causes of a runny nose. A runny nose with allergies can manifest itself both throughout the year and periodically (during the flowering of the plant that acts as an allergen, etc.). With a similar nature of the manifestation, it is necessary to visit an allergist.

As for the traditional version of the common cold, it manifests itself in accordance with the three variants of successive stages that characterize it. Each of the stages individually can manifest itself differently in each specific case, being more or less pronounced, and sometimes it can be completely excluded from the overall picture of the disease due to the irrelevance of bacterial or viral infection.

First stage is reflex. It develops quickly and lasts for several hours. Within this period, the vessels first narrow, then expand, swelling of the turbinates develops. Dryness and burning appear in the nasal cavity, sneezing is noted, breathing becomes difficult.

Second stage is defined as catarrhal, it lasts for two to three days, manifests itself against the background of influencing viruses. Nasal breathing is difficult, copious discharge appears from the nose, the sense of smell decreases, the voice becomes nasal, and the ears are blocked.

third stage associated with bacterial inflammation. In general, the condition of patients improves, the sense of smell and nasal breathing are gradually restored. Nasal discharge becomes greenish or yellow and thicker.

In general, the duration of the disease is about 7-10 days. The normal state of immunity in combination with urgent treatment determines the possibility of recovery in a period of 2-3 days. But if the body's defenses are in a weakened state, and the treatment applied to the disease is insufficient, then it can last for several weeks. In the latter case, as can be assumed, the transition to a complicated one (for example, the spread of inflammation to the maxillary sinuses with the subsequent development of sinusitis) or to a chronic form of the course is relevant.

As is already clear from the features that determine the duration of the runny nose, the main role is given to its treatment. So, how to treat a runny nose?

Common treatments: pros and cons

Treatment of acute rhinitis should begin as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear (nasal congestion, headache, burning in the nose, sore throat, sneezing). For starters, it is best to use the traditional way: steam your legs. This is done for about 10 minutes, with the amount of water up to the knees and at its temperature of about 40-45 ° C. It is better if mustard powder is added to the water.

Then tea is drunk (linden, with raspberries or just with lemon). You can replace tea with a decoction of blackcurrant or rosehip. After that, the patient should be provided with bed rest, putting on warm socks with mustard powder previously poured into them. Such an effect on the feet with the help of mustard is explained by the fact that the soles of the feet themselves are a significant reflexogenic zone, irritating and temperature effects on which contribute to the achievement of the required efficiency. Separately, we recall the benefits of vitamin C (tablets or powder), due to which there is an anti-cold effect in combination with the stimulation of immunity necessary in this case.

In the treatment of the common cold, significant efficiency is achieved through inhalation with the addition of aromatic oils (tea tree, mint, lemon, eucalyptus, etc.). However, this method, despite its own effectiveness, is quite controversial, in particular for allergy sufferers. Accordingly, it is not recommended to use essential oils for allergies, especially if you are not sure if you are allergic to them, otherwise you can only aggravate your own condition.

A similar approach is taken to such advice as warming up the nose (for example, using heated salt in a bag). Despite the fact that this method is quite common in treatment, and many insist on the advisability of its use, we note that the thermal effect produced in the nose (including, respectively, the specified salt) during an inflammatory process that is relevant for rhinitis can lead to to the accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinuses or in the frontal sinuses. This, in turn, causes a complication of its course (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). Therefore, it is better to exclude such an impact.

If the condition worsens and the temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C degrees, then in this case it is necessary to use antipyretics.

Types of drugs used in the treatment of the common cold

In general, the treatment of the common cold involves the use of drugs from the following groups, in particular, vasoconstrictor and moisturizing drugs, herbal and antiviral drugs, drugs in the form of bacterial vaccines and antibacterial drugs.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are often used in treatment. They help to achieve a reduction in nasal congestion, and in combination with other methods also used in the treatment, they provide the possibility of constriction of the vessels located in the nasal cavity while reducing the swelling of the mucosa. The effect exerted eventually leads to the expansion of the nasal passages, due to which, accordingly, nasal breathing is normalized.

When using such drugs, meanwhile, it is important to consider that there is a limitation on the duration of their exposure, which should not exceed 5, maximum 7 days. Otherwise, such drops cause the development of changes at the level of the structure of the cells of the nasal mucosa, as well as a violation of the overall functions inherent in it.

A separate role is given to the form of release of such drugs (a significant part of the drops flows down the throat, and this increases the risk of an overdose of the drug used), which determines the greatest effectiveness in this matter of using aerosols. However, vasoconstrictor aerosols, despite their effectiveness, can cause complications (change in taste, loss of smell, drying of the mucous membrane), which is determined on the basis of their long-term use. As a result of these drugs, we note that when taking them, it is extremely important to know the measure so as not to become a hostage to negative consequences.

Moisturizers drugs, in general, they are not, however, through their use, auxiliary therapy is provided, aimed at improving the characteristics of the mucous discharge and facilitating its discharge. This type of drugs help well in combination with other remedies for the common cold (regardless of its form). Their composition usually includes sea water or water from mineral springs, due to the saturation of its composition with microelements and salt, the motor activity of the mucosal hairs improves, and the function of local glands is normalized.

Usage antiviral drugs (drops, suppositories, capsules, etc.) is advisable as part of the early manifestation of SARS (in particular, the common cold in it), and also as a preventive measure. Such drugs have a suppressive effect on viruses, thereby eliminating the cause of the disease.

Herbal preparations (including homeopathic and complex preparations) can be presented, again, in the form of essential oils, drops, sprays. Homeopathic preparations, in particular, are quite common in the treatment of acute rhinitis against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, and the effect they have is complex (anti-edema, immunostimulating and antiviral effects), which determines additional benefits in terms of effectiveness.

Antibacterial drugs are produced in the form of an aerosol, they are used for an actual bacterial infection that provokes a runny nose, as well as for the relevance of the development of complications (eg sinusitis). The drugs in this group are also anti-inflammatory. Achieving a therapeutic effect is determined by the local route of administration, as well as the small size of the particles in the aerosol, due to which they penetrate into the relevant areas (nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses).

Concerning bacterial vaccines , then they are available as a dosage form of an aerosol. It is advisable to use them as a preventive measure, that is, before the onset of the disease - this will ensure the timely formation of antibodies (protective substances of the body), and will also help to reduce the duration of the disease. Bacterial vaccines are usually prescribed for frequent occurrence of rhinitis and for a long run of the common cold.

Regarding chronic rhinitis, only the attending physician (ENT) can give appropriate recommendations in treatment, starting from a number of factors and causes that provoked such a course. In some cases, treatment may require surgery.

The first symptom of a cold is usually a runny nose. As soon as a person feels that the nose begins to stuff up, you need to take quick measures for treatment. Then it will turn out not to start the process and get back on your feet in a matter of days. We offer options proven by experience and people on how to treat a runny nose at home.

What is important as part of the home treatment of the common cold:

  • In pharmacies, you can buy many drugs for home treatment. You should carefully read the instructions before using, paying special attention to contraindications;
  • There is no one proven remedy that will help everyone with a cold. You need to try and see what is suitable for a particular situation;
  • you should also remember about the dosages and frequency of taking pharmacy or folk remedies.

Warming up the sinuses

It is very important to do regular warming of the nose when treating a runny nose at home. Warming up is done several times a day and it is best to use ordinary salt for this purpose. Salt should be poured into a dry frying pan, warm it up, pour into a cloth bag.

Next, on the sides of the nose, you need to put ordinary paper napkins, and on them, on both sides, bags of hot salt. In principle, someone uses boiled eggs instead of salt (convenient, less worries with preparation).

Important! With the purulent nature of the common cold, you need to use a saline solution for treatment (or buy special drops at the pharmacy). Only when the discharge from the nose becomes transparent can the described methods of treatment be practiced.

What traditional medicine offers

There are many traditional medicines for home treatment of the common cold. Most drugs for the common cold are dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

What you can buy at the pharmacy for home treatment:

  1. Means for washing the nasopharynx. Most often, drugs are made on the basis of a common saline solution. They help well with allergic or infectious rhinitis, eliminate dust, and kill pathogens.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs. It must be remembered that such drugs can not be used for more than five days in a row, otherwise they will become addictive and the runny nose will become severe.
  3. Nasal drops. Usually, drops also contain vasoconstrictor substances. So you should carefully read the composition and, if such substances are available, then the selected drops should also not be used for more than five days in a row.

We treat a runny nose in a child

In cases with children, it is still not recommended to self-medicate, but it is necessary to seek help from a specialist in order to prevent complications and correctly diagnose the disease. Common vasoconstrictor drops that are allowed for use in children under one year old:

  • Brizolin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin.

From homeopathic remedies, Okarisalia or Euphorbium Compositum are used. You can also use traditional medicine:

  1. 1 tsp mix honey thoroughly with three teaspoons of beet juice (grate the vegetable and squeeze through gauze).
  2. Drip the nose with the finished mixture, 2 drops up to 4 times a day.

The recipe is used in the absence of an allergic reaction to honey.

Recipe for turunda in the nose with Vishnevsky ointment

It is necessary to rinse the nose with saline (pharmacy) or prepare a solution of salt and iodine. Then you can start preparing the mixture:

  1. Mix in equal proportions Vishnevsky's ointment, aloe juice, Kalanchoe and cyclamen root.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the prepared mass and insert it into the inflamed nostril for 30 minutes.
  3. This procedure is recommended for sinusitis for 3 weeks.

Treatment with Asterisk

The most effective method of treatment is acupressure with an ointment. To do this, apply the Asterisk on the chin, whiskey, on the gap between the lip and nose, earlobes, above the bridge of the nose and between the thumb and forefinger of the right and left hands.

Inhalations are also often used: dilute 1 g of Asterisks in 1 liter of boiling water and add 1 tbsp. l. salt, bend over the container with the infusion, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 20 minutes. It is not uncommon for this drug to be allergic, so it is first necessary to test the sensitivity to Asterisk.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

A modern way to treat a cold at home. This method is safe and many doctors treat it with more confidence than various folk methods. It does not use hot steam, which can damage the mucous membrane.

Reasons to choose inhalation with a nebulizer:

  1. Easy to control the dosage of the drug;
  2. The device of the inhaler is light, even children can handle it;
  3. Rapid action of the drug, prompt removal of symptoms.

Important! Only certain drugs will be compatible with a certain model of inhaler. So before starting home treatment, it is important to study the instructions. Only pharmaceutical preparations are suitable: no homemade tinctures and decoctions.

How to treat a runny nose at home folk remedies

Salty water

Salt water has already been discussed a lot in this article. In fact, regular salt water is ideal for treating the problem described. You can start using the remedy immediately after the first symptoms appear. Dissolve a small spoonful of salt in 100 ml of cool water. Drip the solution into each nostril.

Aloe juice

There is a miracle cure that helps to easily cope with rhinitis. Many have heard about it, but few people use it - this is aloe juice. To prepare the drops, you need to cut off the “fleshy” leaf of the plant up to 20 cm long at the base, squeeze the juice out of it. For the best effect, rinse the nostrils with saline before the instillation procedure.


  • children 3-7 years old (1-2 drops 5 times a day);
  • from 8 to 14 years (2-4 drops 5-6 times a day);
  • over 14 years old (5 drops up to 6 times a day).

carrot juice

It is necessary to squeeze the juice of fresh carrots (if there is no device for squeezing juice, carrots can be grated, and then squeezed juice through cheesecloth). Add olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice in equal proportions. Drip nose three times a day, two drops in each nasal passage.

onion juice

Peel the onion and chop finely. To four large spoons add 100 ml of water, a small spoonful of honey. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then bury the resulting mixture in the nose during the day.

beetroot juice

In this situation, a folk recipe for instillation of the nose is prepared by mixing two large spoons of fresh beet juice and the same amount of honey. Bury three drops in each pass up to three times during the day.

What will strengthen the immune system

Since a runny nose most often manifests itself against a background of weakened immunity, many folk remedies are aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body itself. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions, decoctions of berries and medicinal flowers.

Important! If you do not want to collect the herbal collection yourself, then you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. It remains only to brew the collection, like tea, and take it inside.

Folk recipes for inhalation with a cold:

  • decoction based on calendula. It will be possible to kill all the pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation. It also promotes tissue healing;
  • decoction of eucalyptus. The remedy is ancient and suitable for relieving pain. Perfectly eliminates mucus, effectively fights infection;
  • lavender oil (dilute in a liter of boiling water). Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Great for severe runny nose due to effective disposal of mucus;
  • any vegetable essential oils. Therapy with aromas helps to relieve the symptoms of a runny nose and its unpleasant manifestations. You can use cypress essential oil (relieves inflammation of the mucosa), pine oils (improve mucus secretion), rosemary oil (an excellent antibacterial agent), cedar oil (for disinfection).

How to treat different types of rhinitis


The complex for the treatment of chronic rhinitis includes:

  • drops and sprays (Galazolin, Otrivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Rinostop);
  • oils (Pinosol, peach, menthol);
  • agents with astringent and cauterizing properties (Collargol, Protargol, Silver nitrate).

You can prepare drops at home: 20 pcs. bay leaf pour 200 ml of boiling water, add 1 tsp. honey with 1/3 tsp. salt, mix thoroughly, let it brew until it cools to room temperature, drip three times a day.


To cure an old runny nose, you need to take several courses:

  1. Drop into a dark glass container 20 drops of propolis tincture 10%, camphor oil, unrefined sunflower oil, shake everything well.
  2. The first week - 5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day, then a three-day interval and repeat the course.


For the treatment of severe rhinitis, complex therapy is required:

  • antiviral drugs and immunostimulants (Interferon, Genferon, Viferon, Cycloferon);
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid);
  • antihistamines (Cetrin, Loratadin, Diazolin);
  • antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins);
  • vasoconstrictor drops (Nafthyzin, Nazivin, Xilin);
  • homeopathy (Aflubin, Sinupret);
  • folk remedies (aloe juice drops, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C).

How to treat a runny nose for pregnant women

Pregnant women are prescribed drugs that will not harm the health of the mother and child, most often they are based on herbal ingredients. It is very important to choose the right scheme, since even the slightest runny nose can adversely affect the development of the fetus and lead to premature birth or failure. Recommended products for expectant mothers:

  • drops (Rinazolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Pinosol);
  • sprays (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Delufen);
  • ointments (Oxolin, Doctor Mom, Evamenol);
  • Asterisk (exception - individual intolerance);
  • antibacterial drug (Bioparox);
  • inhalations (chamomile, linden, Borjomi water, tea tree oil, menthol oil).

To cure a runny nose at home, it is recommended to follow an integrated approach. Using several methods at once helps to achieve results faster, and the condition will improve in a matter of days. The main thing is to start treatment on time so as not to start the disease.

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