When did cigarettes appear in the world. History of cigarettes. Scientific conference of schoolchildren

The history of the origin of smoking, although not in the form in which we know it now, should be considered from the positions of East and West. The information that has come down to us was mainly read by historians from rock paintings, ancient frescoes and descriptions of ancient travelers.


In the temples of India, one can find images showing priests setting fire to fragrant herbs and inhaling their smoke. It is not known for certain whether it was tobacco or other herbs, but nevertheless, this process cannot be described otherwise than smoking. There are also frescoes depicting smoking pipes. Similar items were found during excavations in Egypt. They were placed in the crypts of the rich nobility, according to historians, as early as the 21st-23rd centuries. BC.

Herodotus, describing his observations of the life of the Scythians - the peoples who inhabited the territories of Eastern Europe and the Middle East in the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages - testified that they also inhaled the smoke of burning plants. Apparently, such practices were of a religious nature, they were the key to communicating with spirits and performing magical rituals.

Ancient Chinese literature contains information about the use of various herbs for smoking, including. Manipulations for fumigating the sick were performed mainly by healers or ministers of temples. Cannabis, which has narcotic properties, was used to enter a trance for religious purposes. Also, plants were taken orally, used as an ointment. Tobacco smoking was perceived in antiquity as part of a healing ritual.


The West refers primarily to North and South America, where the tobacco bush originated, fully formed around 6000 BC. It is known that the ancient Indian tribes discovered this plant around 1000 BC. and made attempts to use it - smoked, chewed, rubbed it and even made enemas to communicate with the gods. There is an ancient legend in the Huron tribe about how a mysterious woman, possessed by the Great Spirit, saved the people from starvation. In the place that her right hand touched, potatoes grew, and her left -. And where she lay down to rest, tobacco began to grow. The Indians used tobacco smoke to communicate with the Spirit. It was also believed that smoking helps warriors fight hunger. Later, smoking pipes began to appear in North America. In South America, the Indians learned how to tightly roll tobacco leaves for smoking - this continent became the birthplace of the first.

The history of tobacco smoking began a thousand years before our era. It is this year that the first images of smoking people found in the most ancient temples located on the territory of the American continent date back.

The local natives had a beautiful legend about the birth of tobacco culture. It spoke of a woman sent to the barren land by a great spirit. When she touched the soil with her hands, potatoes and corn were born, and where she sat down to rest, tobacco grew.

The emergence of tobacco culture

When asked who brought tobacco to Europe and from where, any schoolboy will answer that it was Christopher Columbus. But this statement is not entirely true. Of course, it was on the ships of the Columbus expedition that the plant came to Europe. But history claims that the gift of the natives - dried tobacco leaves - Christopher threw into the sea near the island of Tobago. This culture was brought to Spain by his sailors.

Moored to the island of Guanahani (the modern name of the island of San Salvador), located not far from the new continent, Christopher Columbus and his team went ashore. Columbus, as you know, mistook the natives who came out to meet them for the population of India and called the Indians.

One of the customs of the inhabitants of the island - smoking the leaves of an unknown plant, releasing thick white smoke from the mouth - greatly surprised the sailors. And on November 15, 1492, Christopher Columbus made a note in his diary about how the Indians twist dried leaves into a tube and, setting fire to it on one side, inhale smoke from the other. Exactly Columbus first recorded the fact of smoking tobacco in writing.

Of the entire crew, only one sailor ventured to try to smoke with the Indians. His name was Roderigo de Jerez. Arriving home, in his native Spain, Roderigo decided to impress his compatriots with his new hobby and ended up in prison for seven years. The Church regarded smoking as a way to communicate with Satan.

From the next trip of Columbus in 1496, a monk named Roman Panno brings not only the plant itself, but also the seeds of the tobacco crop to his homeland in Portugal.

In 1555, the monk Andre Theve, originally from France, leaves for South America. He went to the Indians to convert them to the Christian faith. Teve studied the life of the natives, including their habit of smoking. He described how the Indians grow, harvest and dry tobacco leaves and for what purposes this plant is used.

According to the description of the monk, the inhabitants of America used tobacco culture as a remedy for hunger. Shamans used this plant to contact spirits and heal sick tribesmen. The most important purpose of tobacco in Indian tribes is peace for reconciliation of warring parties.

They smoked petun grass, which is what the Indians called this plant. At the first experience of smoking, the monk noticed that the herb causes weakness and fainting, but as soon as you get used to this process, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. André Thevet was the first to bring and manage to grow the seeds of a new culture in France. He was very proud of this fact and named this plant Angoumois Grass. Since monk André Theve is considered the first distributor of tobacco in Europe.

In 1560, the Portuguese diplomat Jean Villeman Nico brought snuff to the court of Catherine de Medici..

Niko considered this plant almost a panacea for diseases such as:

  • Dysentery.
  • Nephritis.
  • Toothache.
  • Ulcer.
  • Headache.
  • Nervous breakdown.
  • Runny nose, etc.

The queen appreciated the gift of the diplomat, as she suffered from headaches and, probably, the use of a wonderful plant distracted her from a migraine. And the snuff itself was called Royal Powder.

So, in Paris, tobacco gained popularity and began its march through Europe and Russia. And by the name of Jean Nico, this plant was named - nicotine grass.

Tobacco production

The first tobacco production belonged to the state of Spain. In 1636, the Tabacalera company began producing cigars. Factory workers received a small salary, so they could not afford to buy expensive cigars. But they collected the remnants of the tobacco industry, crushed them and wrapped them in paper. This is how cigarettes appeared in the world. This name was invented by the French poet T. Gauthier in 1833, during his trip to Seville.

The First World War made a great contribution to the development of the tobacco business. Tobacco relied on all soldiers and was included in the soldier's rations. The Second World War further strengthened, which were sent to the front by tons of tobacco companies for free. The result was the universal habit of smoking in the army.

But the biggest gift for the development of cigar production in the world was made by cinema. Since the fifties of the twentieth century, the cigarette has become part of the image of actors, actresses and models and finally conquers the world.

Tobacco in Russia

In Russia, the fact that Peter the Great brought this plant to our country was thoroughly entrenched. But smoking appeared to us much earlier, in 1553. Even during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the British brought tobacco to Russia. The inhabitants of Russia disapproved of this hobby, so smoking was severely punished. In those days, they smoked little and believed that tobacco grew out of the ashes of a rotten devil.

When the Romanovs came to power, smoking began its active march across Russia. If during the reign of Tsar Mikhail it was possible to pay for this with parts of your body, namely with your nose or get under a whip, then under Tsar Fedor they began to smoke even at court.

At the beginning of his reign, Peter the Great did not approve of this bad habit at all and punished smoking with a fine or a whip. But after Peter visited Europe, his attitude towards smoking changed dramatically. In 1697, Peter allowed the tobacco trade, and in 1716, the first tobacco plantation appeared on the territory of Ukraine.

Let's briefly list the most interesting facts about smoking:

  • Tobacco was brought to Europe by the sailors of Christopher Columbus, not by himself.
  • The Indians smoked pipes to make peace, call spirits and get rid of hunger.
  • Nicotine got its name from the Frenchman Jean Nicot.
  • Initially, this plant was considered a cure for many diseases.
  • The first tobacco factory was founded in Spain.
  • The history of smoking in Russia began under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and Peter the Great only contributed to its mass distribution.
  • World wars and cinema made a huge contribution to the development of the tobacco industry.

Cigarettes are by far the most common way to smoke. By the way, the word "cigarette" itself has French roots and is translated as "a small cigar." Each modern tobacco manufacturer, trying to stand out, uses a certain type of paper and raw materials. Therefore, a true smoking lover will easily distinguish his usual cigarette brand from a number of other products of the smoking industry.

And who invented cigarettes and why did the creators introduce other people to this deadly hobby? Before engaging in the study of such an interesting topic, it should be recalled that this article in no way promotes smoking. The purpose of all of the above is to convey to the reader the history of the cigarette. Smoking is a deadly occupation, and in order to defeat it, you should know the whole story about the enemy, and in the case of a cigarette, the history of its origin.

The history of cigarettes is rich in various facts and historical events.

Almost always, some kind of innovation that has managed to successfully take root in human life is born in the mists of time, in the very epicenter of the ancient civilizations. The history of the creation of cigarettes, which is already about 4,000 years old, is no exception to this rule.

Historically, it has been established that the first who took up the cultivation of tobacco plants were the inhabitants of the South American continent.

The legendary peoples of the Aztecs and Mayans were the ones who invented tobacco, at least they made a significant contribution to the cultivation of tobacco plants and their use. By the way, the famous morning coffee with a cigarette also originates from the morning fires of the ancient Indians, who started their everyday life in this way.

Archaeologists have found drawings on the walls of ancient temples in the central regions of America, which indicate that the Indians, at the dawn of the youth of mankind, already used some devices that were very similar to modern cigarettes. Various vegetable raw materials served as the basis for ancient smoking devices:

  • tobacco;
  • cane;
  • dried grass;
  • corn leaves.

By the way, archaeologists and historians involved in the study of the culture of ancient civilizations have found that smoking such first cigarettes was very inconvenient. The old smoking stick was too bulky and constantly crumbled during use.

The first cigarettes arose as a kind of ritual action

Timeline on a planetary scale

Those who created cigarettes did not even imagine how much he pleased all of humanity. The history of the cigarette is full of various historical facts, strict prohibitions and wholesale permission. By the way, residents of different continents (Europe, Asia, Russia) mastered and got used to the smoking novelty in their own way. Cigarette chronology has known both periods of complete love for this occupation, and times of strict prohibition and super-severe punishments for smoking.

To complete the entire historical picture, we should dwell on the most significant events in the life of cigarettes:

  1. 1492. The legendary traveler and navigator Christopher Columbus first described the tobacco plant in his diary, listing its properties and uses.
  2. 1555. French Franciscan monk, traveler and educator Andre Theve brings the first samples of tobacco seeds to European countries
  3. 1560. The world acquires a new term - "nicotine". This word comes from Jean Wilman Nico. He was a diplomatic officer who introduced to aristocratic France the ability to enjoy tobacco flavor through the processes of smelling while inhaling cigarette smoke.
  4. 1735. Swiss botanist Carl Linnaeus for the first time assigns the necessary classification features to the tobacco plant, describing in detail the organoleptic properties of the new culture.
  5. 1847. A completely new type of smoking product is born in the world for the first time, people got acquainted with a cigarette. They began to be produced by the legendary tobacco company Philip Morris, created this year in England. At this time, the production of hand-rolled Turkish cigarettes was launched.
  6. 18954. Philip Morris significantly increased the number of cigarettes produced, now their products have become mass-produced.
  7. 1902. Opening of the Philip Morris office in America (New York). This year was marked by the launch of the advertising campaign of the legendary Marlboro cigarettes into the world.
  8. 1913 Camel cigarettes were introduced to the world of the tobacco industry through the new Tobacco Corporation and R. J. Reynolds.
  9. 1920. The era of worldwide female emancipation and the beginning of the passion for smoking by the fairer sex.
  10. 1934. The first women's cigarettes with a particularly mild taste are introduced.
  11. 1939. Release of a new brand of cigarettes Pall Mall by the American tobacco corporation American Tobacco-Company. At the same time, the first brand of filter cigarettes (Winston) appeared.

From that moment (1939) began a triumphant cigarette procession around the globe. This time was the best, "golden" for the tobacco industry. Until 1950, cigarette sales reached enormous proportions.. Tobacco corporations with a global level are engaged in the distribution of cigarettes to soldiers (cigarette products were included in the free soldier's ration).

Historical facts of smoking in Russia

This paid off, and after the end of hostilities, the army of smokers grew to an incredible size. From the 1940s to the 1950s, there was a Golden Age for tobacco companies. It was at that time that cigarettes firmly entered the consciousness of billions of people and became an integral part of their lives.

Tobacco companies got their regular customers and thanks to the mass advertising of smoking. At that time it was fashionable - with the help of cigarettes to create a certain mysterious image of a luxurious image. But all those who had a hand in the creation and distribution of cigarette products around the world did not even suspect what Pandora's box they had opened. And what will turn out a new hobby for people.

False values ​​and imaginary benefits

Thanks to theatrical performances of the beginning of the last century, numerous television programs, the film industry presented cigarettes to the public as an accessory of luxury and prosperity. Not a single film of that time showed the main characters without smoking cigarettes, the languid beauties of the ladies also smoked, enticingly releasing smoke rings from their lips.

And not a single self-respecting theatrical or cinematic scene could do without the obligatory entourage - a crystal ashtray chock-full of smoking cigarette butts. This greatly influenced the perception of smoking by ordinary people and significantly replenished the already massive army of cigarette admirers. Considering that the number of smoking fans was already huge, because during the most bloody and large-scale wars, cigarettes were part of the ration.

Smoking and inhalation of tart and bitter smoke at different times and historical epochs was an integral part of various religious rites, cigarettes were part of sacred mysterious knowledge and became the golden cover of all style icons.

Therefore, smoking was also passed on to the younger generation, who were brought up on the scenes from the movies, got acquainted with the first advertisements praising smoking and calling for the purchase of certain brands of cigarettes. In the minds of young people, the image of a smoker was confidently formed, as an integral part of a solid, prosperous life.

As part of socialization, smokers began to be perceived as a kind of higher caste, living in permissiveness and high financial opportunities. Following the fashion habit, humanity did not immediately recognize all the insidiousness of cigarettes and the consequences of smoking, which has already become an outlet and an important accessory for everyday life for most of the world's population.

People began to think about the dangers of cigarettes only in the middle of the last century.

Great minds and their contribution to the history of smoking

The use of cigarettes over the centuries of their triumphant movement around the world has become a solid milestone in the cultural life of various nationalities and countries. Smoking is associated with a huge number of different:

  • fairy tales;
  • legends;
  • rituals;
  • legends;
  • rituals;
  • habits.

And many interesting, and sometimes funny situations. For example:

  1. The poor in Russia were the first to introduce the habit of smoking breaks. In the absence of tobacco, they made cigarette rolls from nettle leaves or straw.
  2. During the reign of Peter I, the boyars constantly confused two curiosities: tobacco and potatoes. Sometimes, trying to smoke potato tops, Russian boyars could not understand why smoking caused such delight.
  3. The famous dish "chicken tobacco" also has its own history. Roosters fed on a tobacco plant showed remarkable interest in local hens. And their offspring were called “tobacco chickens” (it was they who were first sent to fry).
  4. The legendary creator of the periodic table of elements was a fan of smoking and high-end tobacco. The great chemist dreamed of finding a place for his favorite tobacco in his ingenious table.
  5. But the world owes Michurin the creation of flavored cigarettes. His experiments on the symbiosis of tobacco and various fruit and berry crops were not forgotten. Many years later, his inventions found successful use in the tobacco industry.

Those cigarettes that are on the shelves of modern stores are the result of a huge amount of experimentation, research and technology improvements. Innovative filters, a unique level of crushing tobacco, options for electronic smoking devices. Cigarette production developed and flourished

The world owes the spread of smoking in Europe to French Ambassador Jean Nicot

And only in the middle of the last century, students of medical faculties for the first time began to think about the true consequences of smoking. In those days, experiments and research on the topic of tobacco harm began to be carried out for the first time. And it was then that priority was given to a cigarette, as a less dangerous device for smoking in comparison with a smoking pipe.

Using a filter - a new life for a cigarette

Many inquisitive fans of smoking are interested in the question of when filtered cigarettes appeared in the world. The Hungarian Boris Aivaz became the ancestor of the cigarette filter. In 1935, he acquired a patent for the manufacture of cigarette filters.

The first cigarette filters were ordinary thin paper tightly folded into many layers.

But such filtration did not at all save the lungs from poisonous tobacco evaporation. With its help, the smoker managed only not to chew the bitter crumbs of tobacco that got into his mouth. Those filtered parts of cigarettes that are more familiar to the modern smoker were not born until 1935, when the English tobacco company commissioned the first filter-rolling machines.

The first filters were made from cellulose acetate, and higher-end cigarettes were additionally supplied with a charcoal filter part. But such ingenious innovations did not save smokers from oncology and other deadly diseases at all. In any case, the cigarette addict received his shock dose of a carcinogen.

Cigarettes modern

In 2004, the European Union established a single regulation, according to which the concentration of nicotine in a cigarette should not exceed 1 mg.

At the same time, it was forbidden to designate on cigarette packages: “light”, “full taste”, “super light”. According to the unanimous statement of medical representatives, such inscriptions gave the consumer false confidence in the safety of using cigarettes. Now the era of widespread smoking is coming to a gradual decline. Smoking is no longer fashionable and deadly.

More and more people are thinking about parting with their habit, more and more new drugs are being released by the pharmaceutical industry to help quit smoking. New restrictive measures are being introduced, excises are being raised. Rallies and large-scale educational work are held. The modern nation tends to improve.

MBOU Lyceum №8

Scientific conference of schoolchildren


Section: Man and nature

"First and last breath "

Place of work: city - k. Kislovodsk

MBOU Lyceum No. 8, 5 G class.

scientific adviser: Savrina Tatyana Viktorovna

city-to. Kislovodsk, 2012

Introduction …………………………………………….………………….…...3

Chapter 1. Cigarettes………….…………………………………………………..4

Chapter 2. Hookah……………………………………………………………………8

Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Conclusions and proposals………………………………………… 15

Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 16

Literature …………………………………………………………........... 17

Appendix ……………………………………………………………….. 18


We were granted the first clean breath,
We felt the sweet air in our lungs.
I got bored with air without seasonings and now:
We inhale tobacco smoke, it is just as light.

He gave time to think, to experience,
Solve problems, and enhance the feeling
That it is good to live in the world,
But his promise is as empty as the air.

And calm and forgive the nerves,
Crush the pain and maybe even feelings.
But in this smoke a dangerous beast sleeps.
Not waking him up is a useful art.

Birth is the most amazing moment. The life of a tiny creature begins with the first clean breath of air. With each breath he grows, gains strength and learns a new world for him. Everything seems to be fine, but the time comes, and this little man begins to learn such things as: cigarettes, hookah, cigarettes, pipes, tobacco ... He shows interest in this, as in everything new. The first puff - did not taste it. Second, I liked it. Third, I want more. And so he becomes addicted. But he does not realize that smoking is a huge harm to his health.

Many people in our country are addicted to nicotine. This problem has already become global. Various organizations began to hold protests against smoking. The government has declared the third Thursday of November - International No Smoking Day, May 31 - Anti-Smoking Day (No Tobacco Day). Some cities have established themselves as "Smoking Free".

My goal: attract the attention of students and residents of our beautiful city. After all, smoking they harm not only their health, but also the health of their children and others. Since active smoking does less harm than passive smoking.

Passive smoking causes: cancer, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, increased risk of heart disease, asthma, premature births, sudden infant death syndrome, etc.

With my work, I want to inform the public that smoking has become enemy No. 1 for all people. According to the Rospotrebnadzor - over the past 20 years, the number of smokers in the country has increased by 440 thousand people. I would really like people to pay attention to this and take care of both their health and the health of their loved ones. I was interested in a new hobby of young people - a hookah, and I decided to deal with this problem in more detail. What is more harmful: smoking cigarettes or hookah?

Chapter 1. Cigarettes.

History of cigarettes.

If 50 years ago smoking was considered an innocent fun, then in recent years, scientists around the world, based on scientific data, have proved the enormous harm of this habit both for the smoker himself and for those around him.

The American Indians were the first to roll tobacco into corn leaves and reeds. When this discovery reached Europe, naive Europeans enjoyed tobacco exclusively through pipes and cigars for about 250 years.

Until the 15th century, no one knew about this plant, except for the indigenous inhabitants of the American mainland. Archaeologists have proved that even 4000 years ago, North American Indians were "friends" with tobacco. Ancient peoples attributed magical and healing properties to tobacco, and inhalation of tobacco smoke was equated with communication with deities. The word "tobacco", according to many sources, comes from the name of the island of the same name Tobago.

Later, the Portuguese and Spaniards brought tobacco leaves and seeds to Europe, and, ignoring the prohibitions of the Inquisition, tobacco cultivation also began in Europe. The first "tabachers" were sailors, politicians, merchants and monks. In 1560, French ambassador Jean Nicot "gave" a handful of tobacco to Queen Catherine de Medici in 1560, assuring her that it was just a remedy for migraines. After the queen herself became addicted to tobacco, all of France began to use it. In honor of Ambassador Nico, the tobacco plant began to be called the Latin word Nicotiana, and the alkaloid, which scientists later discovered in it, nicotine. Since the middle of the 16th century, tobacco growing, and in particular, smoking, has become very popular. It was often used for medicinal purposes, the Europeans shared the opinion of the Indians and were sure that tobacco is a panacea.

Tobacco was sniffed, smoked through pipes, chewed, mixed with food, drinks, plants, they were used to treat colds, toothaches and headaches, and various skin diseases. In 1580, Sir Walter Reilly, a sailor and poet, an English aristocrat who was famous for his passion for smoking, established his own tobacco plantation in Ireland and several American colonies. He gave the name "Virginia" to one of them, which subsequently served as the name of the most popular tobacco variety. (L.-3)

Harm from cigarettes.

Smokers develop cravings quickly and are difficult to control. The Indians considered tobacco a calming substance and used it as a remedy. But now it has been proven that tobacco contains 400 chemicals, many of them are poisons, more than 40 substances cause cancer. Nicotine is a mind-altering substance and is the most powerful drug. (App. 1)

Nicotine addiction goes through three stages:

Stage 1 - non-systematic smoking: 5 cigarettes per day, no more;

Stage 2 - habitual smoking: up to 15 cigarettes per day, the presence of physical dependence, minor damage to internal organs;

Stage 3 - addicted smoking: 30 cigarettes or more per day. There are significant irreversible damage to internal organs and the nervous system.

In smokers, carbon monoxide blocks hemoglobin, a protein substance that delivers oxygen to cells, which leads to the development of oxygen deficiency in the brain and other internal organs.

Smoking is the same drug addiction, it is a disorder of all body functions, it is frequent illnesses and premature death. The pleasure that a smoker allegedly experiences is pathological, caused by a perversion of the psyche, like any drug addict.

The consequences of smoking are especially reflected in expectant mothers, their children are born prematurely, and subsequently lag behind in mental and physical development, get sick more often. (App. 2)

Tobacco smoke contains several thousand deadly for all living chemicals (solid, liquid and gaseous). Many of these substances are toxic industrial wastes and pesticides. The smoke that we see is formed only by solid particles, which make up 5-8% of the output of the most dangerous chemical reactor - a smoked cigarette. Tobacco poisons cause not only coughing, sneezing, dizziness, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, nausea and vomiting, but also damage to the genetic material of living cells, cancer of various organs, heart attack, stroke, peptic ulcer, respiratory diseases, asthma, allergies and many others. diseases. The action of nicotine is extremely versatile. In particular, on the digestive organs. Having dissolved in saliva, it first causes inflammation, and then ulcers of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, and intestines.

Smoking causes cataracts, gum disease, tooth loss, premature aging in women and impotence in men, miscarriages, premature births, mental and physical retardation of children. 2/3 of the poisons formed during smoking does not enter the smoker's body, but into the air that people, animals and plants around the smoker are forced to breathe ("passive smoking"). Tobacco smoke from passive smoking is more aggressive, because. enzyme systems in the body of a non-smoker are not adapted to poisons. (Appendix 3)

Tobacco poisons from the air settle on clothes, food, furniture and other surfaces. Children who live with people who smoke suffer more than adults because children breathe more often, consume more air per unit of body weight, are more vulnerable and spend most of their lives (up to 90%) behind closed doors at home. (L.-2)

Statistical data.

  • Smoking 1 pack of cigarettes, a smoker clogs his lungs with 1 liter of nicotine resin per year.
  • Each cigarette shortens life by 8 minutes.
  • Over the past 5 years, 30 million people have quit smoking.
  • Now in America it is considered "unfashionable" to smoke.
  • Every year in Russia, about a million people die from diseases caused by smoking. Today, 75 million people smoke in Russia.
  • Smoking not only shortens life, but also reduces its quality.
  • Nicotine causes a large number of diseases, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, diseases of the blood and arteries of the legs, affects the senses, digestion and respiration, affects the nervous system.
  • Smoking is one of the main causes of death in people around the world.
  • Among high school students, up to 59% of boys and up to 36% of girls smoke.
  • Smoking is one of the most serious risk factors for many diseases.
  • Tobacco smoke contains radioactive lead, radioactive polonium, radioactive bismuth, benzpyrene and many other carcinogens. This is why smokers are 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.
  • For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops. It is this dose that enters the blood daily after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains approximately 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg enters the bloodstream). The smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go.
  • WHO estimates that about one third of the world's adult population, or more than 1.1 billion people, of which 200 million are women, are smokers. (App. 4) (L.-5)

Chapter 2. Hookah

The history of the hookah

The history of the hookah has several versions of its appearance:

Ø Indian theory tells us that this smoking device appeared in India, and later travelers and merchants, becoming interested in a hookah, very quickly transported it through Persia to the countries of the Middle East and other territories. In all countries where he appeared hookah, and this is East Asia, and Egypt, and Africa, etc., it became extremely popular and spread throughout the world. In each country, he was given his own name, and this explains the existence of more than 40 names in hookah a. In India hookah was used as a powerful pain reliever, while hashish was used instead of tobacco, adding various spices and admixtures of medicinal herbs, the Indians used the resin obtained as a result of burning this mixture of herbs and spices. Then hookah did not have the form familiar to us now, but looked like the nut of the Narcil palm tree growing in India. It was the first form hookah a. At the same time, two holes were made, the pulp was removed from the nut, a mixture of herbs was placed inside the peeled nut, a hollow straw was inserted into one of the holes. Name hookah(nargile) is associated with this Indian palm tree. But spreading across the world, appearance hookah but has undergone changes. As soon as this instrument reached Egypt, the flask was changed, which, as previously mentioned, was made of walnut. She began to be made from a hollow pumpkin. Arrived in Persia hookah has undergone the most changes and additions. The people of Persia fell in love with this unique device very much, it was the Persians who made the flask not from a pumpkin or walnut, but from porcelain, replaced the hollow straw with a flexible hose made of snake skin. The veins of a snake were also used as a hose, now the hose has become very practical, the Persians brought the most important thing to the history of the hookah - durability hookah a. It was at this time of experimentation that the Persians began to study, improve and modernize hookah and all its constituent parts. The Persians came up with a tray that was fixed over the flask, designed for tobacco. And again, everything was aimed at extending the work of this wonderful smoking tool - hookah, the tray was made of bronze.

Ø American version. As a result of research at the beginning of the 20th century by the American scientist L. Wiener, he found that the American Indians used pumpkin as a method of smoking. The Indians passed the smoke of smoldering tobacco through this gourd. Wiener found out and stated that it was from America that tobacco smoking was transferred to Africa, and this was before the arrival of traders and discoverers of Europeans on the American continent for several centuries. Another American researcher, Sertima, tried to supplement this theory, arguing and believing that African people who lived in America, even before its official discovery, transferred the method of smoking tobacco through a pipe filled with water.

Ø Persian version. The researcher Du Toita actively participated in the development of this theory. He was especially supportive of Persian origins hookah, published many articles. He was engaged in research on the origin of hashish and how to smoke it. In his studies, he repeatedly noted that when smoking hashish, a Dakka water pipe was used. The scientist found that most of the names hookah ov have roots and Persian origin.

Ø African version. This version was proposed and supported by scientists A. Dunhill and J. Philips. Dunhill also studied the Dhaka water pipe. It was it that the tribes living in southern Africa used for smoking, considered this pipe as the forerunner of the modern hookah a. Philips examined materials from excavations in Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and other parts of Africa. The finds made make it possible to assume that it was on the African continent that the first founders of hookahs. But there are archaeological finds in southern and eastern Africa that testify to the use of waterpipes for smoking on that continent long before 1600.

Ø Ethiopian version. But the case when clay balls for a water pipe and hashish ashes dating back to the 14th century were found in an Ethiopian cave, based on chemical research, says that we still do not know everything about the origin of the hookah ...

Therefore, the exact place of origin of the hookah is still a mystery. It is only known that hookah was smoked long before we began to lead our conscious history. (L.-4)

2.2. What is a hookah?

A hookah is a smoking device consisting of a vessel with water, a pipe lowered into the water, a container for smoldering tobacco and a long flexible hose with a mouthpiece at the end. (App. 5)

Hookah is most popular in the East. Hookah spread very quickly throughout the Muslim world from Indo-China to Morocco. In Europe, the hookah gained popularity at the end of the 19th century, when all oriental exoticism was in fashion. And now the hookah is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. A rare tourist, returning from Asian countries, does not take a hookah with him as a souvenir. The growing popularity of hookahs cannot be explained only by the desire of a person for everything unknown, ancient, mysterious ...

In India, the hookah was used as an apparatus for obtaining pain medication. A mixture of hashish, spices and medicinal herbs was placed in the vessel; after smoking, resin remained in the coconut-vessel, which was used like modern analgin.

With the passage of time and a change of residence, the hookah, of course, has noticeably changed. It is believed that it acquired its current luxurious appearance in the 14th century on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. It was there that hookahs were properly "glamoured": the flask was made of crystal, glass or precious metals, and the hoses were twisted with silk and gold threads.

The widespread fashion for hookahs came to Europe along with a romantic passion for the East, in the 19th century. Relatively quickly, the hookah became an indispensable attribute of dinner parties, the ladies flaunted their ability to inhale and exhale the smoke picturesquely and willingly took pictures, embracing the vessel.

Moreover, hookah smoking was considered a matter of national importance: the joint sipping of fragrant smoke by the diplomatic representatives of the two countries meant trust and willingness to cooperate. In 1841, even a loud international scandal erupted when the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire did not offer the French ambassador a pleasant rest over tobacco.

Although back in the seventies the Great Soviet Encyclopedia claimed that the hookah was going out of use, in the UAE it is still allowed to smoke even women and underage toddlers. In modern Arab families, this smoking device is served at the table for tea after fruit dishes “for sweet”. Moreover, they serve both old and small, which causes serious concern among doctors. (L.-6)

Harm from hookah

In our time, hookah is considered an innocent pastime for a good time with close friends. So what is this fun and is it as safe as advertising assures us?

And in America, Europe and Russia, hookah is very popular among young people - both as a way to smoke "weed" and as an opportunity to get more pleasure from tobacco that is bored in cigarette form. In hookah bars, serious business negotiations often end with a joint sipping of chilled smoke.

Egyptian scientists have proven that smoking one hookah is comparable to three packs of cigarettes. It was previously believed that tobacco smoke in a hookah is less harmful than cigarette smoke, as it has time to cool in water, all harmful impurities are filtered out by water, hookah tobacco smolders and does not burn, respectively, nicotine and all harmful substances do not get into the smoke.

Smoking hookah causes the same health problems as smoking cigarettes. And even the fact that supposedly the content of tar and nicotine in hookah tobacco is much lower does not make it less harmful.

Various diseases are transmitted through a hookah: hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, inflammation of the liver and even HIV.

Hookah is more addictive to nicotine than cigarettes, and there is a need to smoke a hookah once every two days. (L.-6)

2.4. To the barrier!

Let's try to weigh and evaluate what avid hookahophiles gain and what they lose?

1. Hookah lovers:Smoking hookah perfectly soothes and relaxes the soul and body. This is a wonderful attribute of a peaceful holiday.

Medics: Such a statement cannot be considered a decent argument, because at first both drugs and alcohol relax. Moreover, it is not difficult to find a truly healthy alternative in the form of physical activity or a sauna.

2. Hookah lovers: Hookah is not addictive.

Medics: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it still causes. And since the hookah is still not a regular event and you can’t indulge in it at the office at lunchtime, then a person who is addicted to a cunning smoking device can reach for a cigarette by themselves. So even the one who did not smoke anything at all before the hookah, suddenly turns out to be the happy owner of Belomor in his jacket pocket.

3. hookah lovers: Special tobacco mixes for hookah contain less harmful substances than regular tobacco.

Medics: Not at all. On the contrary, sometimes special tobacco mixtures leave cigarettes far behind in terms of the content of harmful substances. Moreover, the corresponding markings are not always available on hookah tobacco packages.

4. hookah lovers: Tobacco for hookah is moist and sticky, so it does not burn through, but only dries out, without even turning into ashes. Most of the harmful substances settle on the filter and in the water, and inhaled smoke consists of 95% water vapor. Sometimes specific figures are given - how much the hookah device"renders harmless"dangerous compounds. On one Internet site, for example, it says that the nicotine content is reduced by 90%, while other dangerous substances allegedly do not reach the smoker's mouth at all. This argument is the heavy artillery of hookah fans.

Medics: According to the results of a recent Canadian researcher led by Linda Werverley, the dose of nicotine received by a smoker in a 45-minute "hookah session" is three times more than in a regular cigarette, and carbon monoxide - twice.

And according to the May conclusion of the WHO, at hookah parties, which traditionally differ in duration, a smoker inhales as much smoke as if he had smoked a hundred cigarettes. At the same time, there is not a single clear evidence that a special hookah device reduces the content of hazardous substances in the inhaled smoke. Moreover, it turned out that connoisseurs of an exotic device are prone to the same diseases as ordinary smokers - cardiovascular, respiratory and cancerous diseases, and to the same extent.

5. hookah lovers: Chilled smoke does not burn the throat and lungs.

Medics: Doctors are more or less ready to agree with this point. But after all, no one has canceled the entry of harmful substances into the lungs, and is there any difference in what form - hot or chilled.

Precautionary measures

In short, "smoking is harmful to health" remains true not only for cigarettes, but also for hookah. Indulging in a hookah once or twice is unlikely to be more harmful than a festive corporate booze. But in this case, doctors ask you to take the necessary precautions. Tips for those who abuse hookah:

  • Use only special tobacco and mixtures for hookah. You can make complex "bouquets" yourself, but only after consulting with experts.
  • Flush tubes, hose and flask in time. If several people enjoy the pleasant smoke from your hookah at once, do not be lazy to change mouthpieces.
  • Do not pour any alcoholic beverages into the flask, except for wine, so as not to increase the already harmful effect of the hookah and not to get drunk to the very swine state. To enhance the smell, you can drop rose oil.
  • Do not wash down the hookah with strong drinks, it is better to give preference to various types of tea, infusions and lemonades.
  • And finally, if you have already decided to smoke a hookah, stop worrying that it is harmful: you will not get pleasure and do not reduce harm. After all: dying is the same with music!

Chapter 3

3.1. What is a bong?

Bong (from Thai "baung" - "water pipe") - a device for smoking (usually - cannabis, also tobacco, etc.) (App. 6)

According to the principle of action, a bong is similar to a hookah, but it is adapted specifically for the specifics of cannabis smoking (smaller doses, the need to retain smoke in the lungs so that as much drug as possible is absorbed into the bloodstream). There are many different designs of bongs, in which smoke is passed through water to filter it, additionally cooled with ice, accumulated in some kind of container, etc. A home-made (disposable) bong is called a "bulbulator".

The device of the bong as a whole is very similar to the device of the hookah, but there are differences:

§ The hookah has a hose, and the bong is smoked straight from its throat;

§ The hookah usually consists of two parts, while the bong is monolithic (not counting the thin section-tube through which the smoke passes);

§ A bong, unlike a hookah, has a hole that is necessary to change the pressure in the bong after the smoker has taken a full bong of smoke, which the opening of the hole allows you to inhale.

Bongs usually differ in the material of manufacture: glass, acrylic, metal, bamboo, etc. Currently, glass bongs are the most popular.

Types of bong

V Classic bong

In the original version, it is a bamboo pipe about 30 cm long and 5-7 cm in diameter; the lower part of the pipe is closed by a partition, the upper one is open. In the lower part, at a height of 3-5 cm from the bottom, a hole is made into which a funnel-shaped cup for marijuana is inserted. Smoke is inhaled through the top. Before smoking, a small amount of water is poured into the bong to cool the smoke. (App. 7)

The device and principle of operation of a bong resemble an ordinary hookah, but bongs are usually smaller in size, in addition, smoking with a bong does not require long manipulations with coal and its ignition, unlike a hookah. The main difference between using a bong and smoking cigarettes and pipes is that the smoke cools down before entering the lungs of the smoker, passing through the water. Both the industrial production of bongs and the manufacture of devices similar in principle to the structure at home are common. Bottle plastic and cigarette foil, often used to make bongs, release toxic substances when heated, which are very harmful to health.

Most bongs have a small hole, which is a valve that the user closes with their finger, and, by inhaling, allows the receptacle to fill with smoke. Opening the hole causes fresh air to mix with smoke and be inhaled into the lungs much faster than through a pipe and water.

V Gravity bong

A gravity bong is designed like a bucket in a bucket. It is also called - "water bulbulator", or "wet bulbulator". It does not filter smoke through the water, but uses it to create a vacuum in the upper bucket, which is filled with smoke. Smoking high-THC marijuana this way is likely to lead to an overdose. High concentrations of smoke can cause severe coughing. Sometimes the smoke is filtered if it is passed through water (using a filter - a pipe that goes from the "bowl" to the base of the bucket; image on the right, blue squares indicate ice cubes). Two identical containers are used for the top of the device to hold the ice there. The marijuana smoke produced by a gravity tube is much hotter and denser than the smoke from a conventional "bulbulator". (App. 8)

bong harm

Passive smoking remains a problem, despite the contrary assurances of smoking bong fans - tobacco or hemp burns in an open cup, and the smoke from them also enters the respiratory tract of others.

In order to get the usual dose of tobacco through bongs for smoking, the smoker is forced to either smoke more often or increase the duration of smoking - which does not allow us to seriously talk about any practical "usefulness" of this smoking option.

Further aggravating this fact is that many smokers and bong makers recommend adding some kind of drink, not water, ostensibly in order to obtain taste pleasure or soften the effect of smoke and the active substance (nicotine or hashish). In fact, the use of various additives can only aggravate the harm of smoking, such as smoking through a bong filled with cognac or liquor, when not only nicotine, but also alcohol vapors are absorbed through the lungs.

Authentic bongs for smoking were made from plants - most often bamboo - or other herbs with a hollow stem, or from copper. Modern gods are made from a variety of materials, the use of which can be harmful. This applies to polymeric materials, and to gods for smoking from the wood of exotic plants, and even more dangerous are homemade bongs, which are recommended to be made from plastic bottles, cocktail tubes, and used cans. (App. 9)

Bongs for smoking are not a way to protect yourself from the toxic effects of nicotine and not at all an option for "healthy" smoking. It's just a way to diversify your experience of using tobacco, perhaps - a way to save money or become "one's own" in a certain environment. But all the harm from the ingestion of nicotine, combustion products, smoke remains without changing its negative essence.

Similar information.

Our story is by no means a propaganda of smoking or an argument that bad habits do not add health. The purpose of our story is to conduct our own investigation of who and how taught humanity to while away the time in the company of a smoking man-made creature and even get some pleasure from it.

First, the world's population got acquainted with tobacco

Often this or that innovation on the planet takes its origins in the mists of time, at the epicenter of the existence of wise ancient civilizations. More than 3,000 years of history of smoking in the world is no exception to the rule. It is known for certain that the tobacco growing palm belongs to the South American continent.

The legendary tribes of the Maya and Aztecs made their significant contribution both to the process of cultivating tobacco leaves and to the ritual of their use. Not all heavy smokers know who came up with an intoxicating activity - to start your day with a cup of strong coffee and a cigarette, and this "delicious" custom was born in Peru and has come down to us from the morning fires of the ancient Indians.

Indisputable evidence that the first cigarettes appeared precisely thanks to the efforts of the red-skinned natives was the finds of archaeologists.

On the walls of the oldest temples located in the center of America, drawings of prototypes of tobacco products were found, reminiscent of cigarettes familiar to us now. The raw materials for primitive smoking devices were tobacco, dry grass, corn or cane leaves. Smoking such a cigarette was not very convenient, the ancient smoking "stick" was bulky and strove to crumble into its constituent parts.

Chronology of the victorious march of tobacco products around the planet

In the annals of events preceding the modern abundance of cigarettes of different brands and brands, there were many interesting facts and interesting incidents. In Russia, Europe and Asia, they got used to the new product in different ways. The history of cigarettes has known periods of love and reverence and moments of the strictest prohibitions and harsh punishments. For a complete picture of what is happening, it is worth dwelling on the most significant dates:

  • November 15, 1942, in the diary of the great traveler Christopher Columbus, the word "tobacco" appears with a description of the properties of a unique plant;
  • 1555, the world-traveling clergyman Andre Theve transports samples of tobacco seeds to Europe;
  • 1560, the term "nicotine" appears in honor of the diplomatic official Jean Wilman Nico, who instilled in the aristocratic world of France the newfangled habit of enjoying the aroma of tobacco through smell;
  • 1735, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus assigns classification features to tobacco according to its organoleptic properties;
  • 1636, the world learns a new type of tobacco products - cigarettes;
  • 1847, the legendary company "Philip Morris" opens its first brainchild in England - a tobacco shop;
  • 1854 Philip Morris begins mass production of cigarettes
  • 1934, the appearance of the Marlboro brand, the so-called "gentle" cigarettes for the fair sex.

The one who invented, created and took an active part in the popularization of cigarettes could not even suspect that he had opened Pandora's box for all mankind.

Externalities and Imaginary Values

Cinema, theatrical productions, television programs and films of the mid-twentieth century could not imagine the image of their heroes without a cigarette, beautiful rings of gray smoke and entourage in the form of ashtrays stuffed with a mountain of cigarette butts. At the time of the 2 largest and bloodiest tragedies of the twentieth century, which were the First and Second World Wars, tobacco products were part of the soldier's and officer's rations.

In different eras, attractive communication with tart smoke became part of religious rites, gaining sacred knowledge or creating icons of style.

When the first commercials appeared, praising the wonderful properties of certain well-known brands of cigarettes, the image of a smoking person was formed in the minds of the younger generation, which was associated with solidity, adulthood and permissiveness.

According to statistics, the largest number of cigarette smokers live in Lebanon, and the small state of Bhutan ranks last in the list of smoking countries. As part of assessing the social level of a person, smoking expensive brands of cigarettes signals high material opportunities and belonging to the elite caste. Paying tribute to a fashionable habit, the population of the planet did not immediately begin to think about the consequences of a harmful occupation, which for many has become an outlet, a way to support a conversation in a company, and a means to pass free minutes.

Curiosities and participation of the greats of this world in the history of cigarettes

The use of tobacco in one form or another has become part of the culture of all countries and peoples for several centuries. On the diverse continents of our planet, rituals, legends, rituals, fairy tales, habits and other types of local creations are associated with smoking. Do you know, for example, that:

  • the habit of smoking breaks appeared in Russia in the middle of the centuries, taking breaks in work, the poor tried to “puff up” with tea or nettles;
  • planting "tobacco madness" by Peter Ι sometimes turned into a real nightmare for Russian boyars, they confused 2 curiosities: potatoes and tobacco, cigarettes from dry potato tops did not cause them either understanding or Peter's delight;
  • the roosters, which the peasants fed with tobacco, showed too active attention to the “ladies of the heart” in the chicken coop, the babies born after the dates got the well-known name “tobacco chickens”;
  • the world famous author of the table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, a big fan of cigarettes and good tobacco, dreamed of finding a place for a smoking idol in one of the cells of his brilliant invention;
  • we owe the appearance of flavored cigarettes to the biologist-breeder I.V. Michurin, experiments on the symbiosis of tobacco and fruits and berries were not in vain; decades later they found their application in the tobacco industry.

Modern cigarettes are the pinnacle of scientific experiments and the perfection of tobacco industry technologies. Special filters, high quality tobacco cut, electronic options and saving packaging. Back in the mid-1950s, medical scientists began their first research into the benefits and harms of smoking, the advantages of cigarettes over cigarettes and smoking pipes. Monitoring data from these studies is not within our purview.

The use of cigarettes is a conscious choice of every adult responsible for their health. But one thing is for sure: the history of cigarette smoking has been long, colorful and eventful. And new pages will appear in it.

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